1 Principles of Cellular
1 Principles of Cellular
1 Principles of Cellular
Principles of Cellular
Chapter 1
Principles of Cellular Telecommunications i
Principles of Cellular Telecommunications 1-1
Objectives 1-1
Overview 1-2
Advantages of Cellular Communications 1-2
Network Components 1-4
Frequency Spectrum 1-6
Introduction 1-6
Cell Size 1-8
Large Cells 1-8
Small Cells 1-8
The Trade Off - Large vs Small 1-8
Frequency Re-use 1-10
Co-channel Interference 1-10
Adjacent Channel Interference 1-10
Sectorization 1-12
Using Sectored Sites 1-14
4 Site/3 Cell 1-14
Switching and Control 1-16
On completion of this section the student will be able to:
S Name the main components of a cellular network and describe their functionality.
S Understand the options available for site configuration.
A cellular telephone system links mobile station (MS) subscribers into the public
telephone system or to another cellular system’s MS subscriber.
Information sent between the MS subscriber and the cellular network uses radio
communication. This removes the necessity for the fixed wiring used in a traditional
telephone installation.
Due to this, the MS subscriber is able to move around and become fully mobile, perhaps
travelling in a vehicle or on foot.
Advantages of
Cellular networks have many advantages over the existing “land” telephone networks.
There are advantages for the network provider as well as the mobile subscriber.
S Mobility
S Flexibility
S Convenience
Revenue/profit margins
S Efficiency
S Easier reĆconfiguration
Network Components
GSM networks are made up of Mobile services Switching Centres (MSC), Base Station
Systems (BSS)and Mobile Stations (MS). These three entities can be broken down
further into smaller entities; such as, within the BSS we have Base Station Controllers,
Base Transceiver Stations and Transcoders. These smaller network elements, as they
are referred to, will be discussed later in the course. For now we will use the three major
With the MSC, BSS and MS we can make calls, receive calls, perform billing etc, as any
normal PSTN network would be able to do. The only problem for the MS is that all the calls
made or received are from other MSs. Therefore, it is also necessary to connect the GSM
network to the PSTN.
Mobile Stations within the cellular network are located in “cells”, these cells are provided
by the BSSs. Each BSS can provide one or more cells, dependent on the manufacturers
The cells are normally drawn as hexagonal, but in practice they are irregularly shaped,
this is as a result of the influence of the surrounding terrain, or of design by the network
Network Components
MS (Mobile Station)
Frequency Spectrum
The frequency spectrum is very congested, with only narrow slots of bandwidth allocated
for cellular communications. The list opposite shows the number of frequencies and
spectrum allocated for GSM, Extended GSM 900 (EGSM), GSM 1800 (DCS1800) and
A single Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (ARFCN) or RF carrier is actually a
pair of frequencies, one used in each direction (transmit and receive). This allows
information to be passed in both directions. For GSM900 and EGSM900 the paired
frequencies are separated by 45 MHz, for DCS1800 the separation is 95 MHz and for
PCS1900 separation is 80 MHz.
For each cell in a GSM network at least one ARFCN must be allocated, and more may be
allocated to provide greater capacity.
The RF carrier in GSM can support up to eight Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)
timeslots. That is, in theory, each RF carrier is capable of supporting up to eight
simultaneous telephone calls, but as we will see later in this course although this is
possible, network signalling and messaging may reduce the overall number from eight
timeslots per RF carrier to six or seven timeslots per RF carrier, therefore reducing the
number of mobiles that can be supported.
Unlike a PSTN network, where every telephone is linked to the land network by a pair of
fixed wires, each MS only connects to the network over the radio interface when
required. Therefore, it is possible for a single RF carrier to support many more mobile
stations than its eight TDMA timeslots would lead us to believe. Using statistics, it has
been found that a typical RF carrier can support up to 15, 20 or even 25 MSs. Obviously,
not all of these MS subscribers could make a call at the same time, but it is also unlikely
that all the MS subscribers would want to make a call at the same time. Therefore,
without knowing it, MSs share the same physical resources, but at different times.
Frequency Range
GSM 900
S Receive (uplink) 890-915 MHz
S Transmit (downlink) 935-960 MHz
S 124 Absolute Radio Frequency Channels (ARFCN)
EGSM 900
S Receive (uplink) 880-915 MHz
S Transmit (downlink) 925-960 MHz
S 174 Absolute Radio Frequency Channels (ARFCN)
PCS 1900
S Receive (uplink) 1850-1910 MHz
S Transmit (downlink) 1930-1990 MHz
S 299 Absolute Radio Frequency Channels (ARFCN)
S Bandwidth = 200 KHz S
8 TDMA timeslots
Cell Size
The number of cells in any geographic area is determined by the number of MS
subscribers who will be operating in that area, and the geographic layout of the area
(hills, lakes, buildings etc).
Large Cells
The maximum cell size for GSM is approximately 70 km in diameter, but this is
dependent on the terrain the cell is covering and the power class of the MS. In GSM, the
MS can be transmitting anything up to 8 Watts; obviously, the higher the power output of
the MS the larger the cell size. If the cell site is on top of a hill, with no obstructions for
miles, then the radio waves will travel much further than if the cell site was in the middle
of a city, with many high-rise buildings blocking the path of the radio waves.
Generally large cells are employed in:
S Remote areas.
S Coastal regions.
S Areas with few subscribers.
S Large areas which need to be covered with the minimum number of cell sites.
Small Cells
Small cells are used where there is a requirement to support a large number of MSs, in a
small geographic region, or where a low transmission power may be required to reduce the
effects of interference. Small cells currently cover 200 m and upwards.
Typical uses of small cells:
S Urban areas.
S Low transmission power required.
S High number of MSs.
Cell Size
Max 60-70 km
Large cells
200 m+
Small cells
Frequency Re-use
Standard GSM has a total of 124 frequencies available for use in a network. Most
network providers are unlikely to be able to use all of these frequencies and are generally
allocated a small subset of the 124.
A network provider has been allocated 48 frequencies to provide coverage over a large
area, let us take for example Great Britain.
As we have already seen, the maximum cell size is approximately 70 km in diameter,
thus our 48 frequencies would not be able to cover the whole of Britain.
To overcome this limitation the network provider must re-use the same frequencies over
and over again, in what is termed a “frequency re-use pattern”.
When planning the frequency re-use pattern the network planner must take into account
how often to use the same frequencies and determine how close together the cells are,
otherwise co-channel and/or adjacent channel interference may occur. The network
provider will also take into account the nature of the area to be covered. This may range
from a densely populated city (high frequency re-use, small cells, high capacity) to a
sparsely populated rural expanse (large omni cells, low re-use, low capacity).
This occurs when RF carriers of the same frequency are transmitting in close proximity to
each other, the transmission from one RF carrier interferes with the other RF carrier.
This occurs when an RF source of a nearby frequency interferes with the RF carrier.
Frequency Re-use
Frequency 1
Frequency 2
Frequency 1
The cells we have looked at up to now are called omni-directional cells. That is each site
has a single cell and that cell has a single transmit antenna which radiates the radio
waves to 360 degrees.
The problem with employing omni-directional cells is that as the number of MSs
increases in the same geographical region, we have to increase the number of cells to meet
the demand. To do this, as we have seen, we have to decrease the size of the cell and fit
more cells into this geographical area. Using omni-directional cells we can only go so far
before we start introducing co-channel and adjacent channel interference, both of which
degrade the cellular network’s performance.
To gain a further increase in capacity within the geographic area we can employ a
technique called “sectorization”. Sectorization splits a single site into a number of cells,
each cell has transmit and receive antennas and behaves as an independent cell.
Each cell uses special directional antennas to ensure that the radio propagation from one
cell is concentrated in a particular direction. This has a number of advantages: firstly, as we
are now concentrating all the energy from the cell in a smaller area 60, 120, 180
degrees instead of 360 degrees, we get a much stronger signal, which is beneficial in
locations such as “in-building coverage”. Secondly, we can now use the same
frequencies in a much closer re-use pattern, thus allowing more cells in our geographic
region which allows us to support more MSs.
Site Sectorization
3 cell site
Site 3 Transmit/receive
60 Degree sectors/cells
Cell Cell
6 cell site
Site 6 Transmit/receive
Cell Cell
4 Site/3 Cell
A typical re-use pattern used in GSM planning is the 4 site/3 cell.
For example, the network provider has 36 frequencies available, and wishes to use the 4
site/3 cell re-use pattern he may split the frequencies up as follows:
ell ell ell ell ell ell ell ell ell ell ell ell
A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 1 2 3 D1 D2 D3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
In this configuration each cell has a total of 3 carriers and each site has a total of 9
carriers. If the provider wished to reconfigure to a 3 site/3 cell then the result would be:
As can be seen from the table, each cell now has 4 carriers and each site has 12
carriers. This has the benefit of supporting more subscribers in the same geographic
region, but problems could arise with co-channel and adjacent channel interference.
4 site/3 cell
A1 A
A3 D2
D1 D
B2 D3 A2
B1 B A1 A
B3 C2 A3 D2
C1 C D1 D
A2 C3 B2 D3
A1 A B1 B
A3 D2 B3 C2
D1 D C1 C
B2 D3 C3
B1 B
B3 C2
C1 C
MS #2
#3 #5