The Task of Social Engineering in Jurisprudence

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B.A. / B.B.A LL.

B (Integrated Law degree course)

Jurisprudence-II (IV Semester)

“Project Work”

“The task of social engineering in Jurisprudence”

Submission To: Submitted By:

Mr. Dheeraj Jha Rajveer Singh Inda

Faculty of Jurisprudence-II Roll no: 17RU11021

Designation: Assistant Professor Semester-IV


We take this opportunity to express our humble gratitude and personal regards to Mr.
Dheerj Jha for inspiring me and guiding me during the course of this project work and
also for his cooperation and guidance from time to time during the course of this project
work on the topic “The task of social engineering in Jurisprudence”

Date of Submission: 02-05-2019

Name of Student: Rajveer Singh Inda


Man is a social animal and needs a society for his leaving, working and enjoying life. A group of
individual forms a society. Society has become an essential condition for human life to develop
his or her personality. Therefore society and human life always go together. Every human being
has also born with some desires and expectations which are inherent in nature. From childhood
to till old age, every human being expects that his or her desire is to be fulfilled for which their
arise conflict of desires or claims which comes under the term ‘interest’. It is impossible to fulfill
all the desires of a human being. So to fulfill the desires of maximum human being for the
welfare of society the concept of Social Engineering was emerged and which was coined by
Roscoe Pound.

The force which asks for the adoption of Social engineering is nothing but the conflict of
interests of individuals. Interests more particularly the conflicting interest are the subject of
Social Engineering. Social engineering is based on the notion that Laws are used as a means to
shape society and regulate people’s behaviour. It is an attempt to control the human conduct
through the help of Law.

Social engineering is a discipline in social science that refers to efforts to influence

popular attitudes and social behaviors on a large scale, whether by governments or
private groups. In the political arena, the counterpart of social engineering is political

A social engineer is one who tries to influence popular attitudes, social behaviors,
and resource management on a large scale. Social engineering is the application of
the scientific method for social concern. Social engineers use the methods of science to
analyze and understand social systems, so as to arrive at appropriate decisions as
scientists, and not as politicians. In the political arena, the counterpart of social
engineering is political engineering.

Jurisprudence is the study and theory of law. Scholars of jurisprudence, or legal theorists
(including legal philosophers and social theorists of law), hope to obtain a deeper
understanding of the nature of law, of legal reasoning, legal systems and of legal
institutions. Modern jurisprudence began in the 18th century and was focused on the first
principles of the natural law, civil law, and the law of nations. General jurisprudence can
be broken into categories both by the type of question scholars seek to answer and by the
theories of jurisprudence, or schools of thought, regarding how those questions are best
answered. Contemporary philosophy of law, which deals with general jurisprudence,
addresses problems in two rough groups.

 (1.) Problems internal to law and legal systems as such.

 (2.) Problems of law as a particular social institution as it relates to the larger political and
social situation in which it exists.

Answers to these questions come from four primary schools of thought in general

 Natural law is the idea that there are rational objective limits to the power of legislative
rulers. The foundations of law are accessible through human reason and it is from these
laws of nature that human-created laws gain whatever force they have.
 Legal positivism, by contrast to natural law, holds that there is no necessary connection
between law and morality and that the force of law comes from some basic social facts.
Legal positivists differ on what those facts are.
 Legal realism is a third theory of jurisprudence which argues that the real world practice
of law is what determines what law is; the law has the force that it does because of
what legislators, judges, and executives do with it. Similar approaches have been
developed in many different ways in sociology.
 Critical legal studies is a younger theory of jurisprudence that has developed since the
1970s. It is primarily a negative thesis that holds that the law is largely contradictory,
and can be best analyzed as an expression of the policy goals of the dominant social

Law, from time immemorial has been used as a tool for social engineering. It is the
most potent element that regulates the affairs of man. The presence of it brings peace,
orderliness, good brotherhood and neighbourhood, as well as good government and
governance, whereas the absence of it brings anarchy and chaos. Through the principles
that law has bred over the years, it has curbed the excesses of emperors, kings and
tyrants. It is the law that survives and outlives all of them and not they surviving law. Put
in another way, it is law that conducts their interment(s) and not the other way round.
Through its injunctive remedies, which are broken down to mandatory and prohibitory
injunctions, with its sub-heads or branches of perpetual, interlocutory, interim, qua-timet,
mareva and Anton-Piller injunctions, law has saved several people, companies,
institutions, organizations and associations from imminent collapse and extinction.
As the task of law is social engineering, it promotes social justice, decorum, as well as
maintenance of social equilibrium. Law has no alternative or subsidiary as such in its
social engineering role. It is either it does it or leaves the society to suffer and perish. The
developed countries of the world are what they are today because they discovered early
enough that law should be their vessel of social engineering and this approach has led to
the liberation of their countries and various citizens. Africa remains backward among the
list of continents of the world because of its disdain and disrespect for law, as most of the
countries of the continent flagrantly refused and still continue to refuse to use law as the
metaphor for social rehabilitation.


Law and Society is an American movement, which was established after the Second
World War through the initiative mainly of sociologists who had a vested interest in the
study of law. The rationale of the Law and Society movement is subtly summed up in
two short sentences by Lawrence Friedman: "Law is a massive vital presence in the
United States. It is too important to be left to lawyers". Its founders believed that the
"study of law and legal institutions in their social context could be constituted as a
scholarly field distinguished by its commitment to interdisciplinary dialogue and

multidisciplinary research methods". The establishment of the Law and Society
Association in 1964 and of the Law and society Review in 1966 guaranteed continuity in
the scholarly activities of the Law and Society movement and allowed its members to
influence legal education and policy-making in the US.

The main difference between the sociology of law and Law and Society is that the latter
does not limit itself theoretically or methodologically to sociology and tries instead to
accommodate insights from all social science disciplines. "Not only does it provides a
home for sociologists and social anthropologists and political scientists with an interest in
law, it also tries to incorporate psychologists and economists who study law."

During 1970s and 1980s a number of original empirical studies were conducted by Law
and Society scholars on conflict and dispute resolution. In his early work, William
Felstiner, for example, focused on alternative ways to solve conflicts (avoidance,
mediation, litigation etc.). Together with Richard Abel and Austin Sarat, Felstiner
developed the idea of a disputes pyramid and the formula "naming, blaming, claiming",
which refers to different stages of conflict resolution and levels of the pyramid.

The sociology of law is often distinguished from sociological jurisprudence. The latter is
not primarily concerned with debates within mainstream sociology and instead engages
with some of the debates within jurisprudence and legal theory. Sociological
jurisprudence seeks to base legal arguments on sociological insights and, unlike legal
theory, is concerned with the mundane practices that create legal institutions and social
operations which reproduce legal systems over time. It was developed in the United
States by Roscoe Pound and influenced by the work of pioneer legal sociologists, such as
the Austrian jurist Eugen Ehrlich and the Russian-French sociologist Georges Gurvitch.

Although distinguishing between different branches of the social scientific studies of law
allows us to explain and analyse the development of the sociology of law in relation to
mainstream sociology and legal studies, such potentially artificial distinctions are not
necessarily fruitful for the development of the field as whole. For the social scientific

studies of law to transcend the theoretical and empirical limits, which currently define
their scope, they need to go beyond such artificial distinctions.

Nathan Roscoe Pound was a distinguished American legal scholar and educator. He made
a significant contribution to jurisprudence in the tradition of sociological jurisprudence,
which emphasized on the importance of social relationships in the development of law
and vice versa. His best-known theory consists of conceptualizing law as social
engineering. According to Pound, a lawmaker acts as a social engineer by attempting to
solve problems in society using law as a tool. The force which asks for the adoption of
Social engineering is nothing but the conflict of interests of individuals. Interests more
particularly the conflicting interest are the subject of Social Engineering. Social
engineering is based on the notion that Laws are used as a means to shape society and
regulate people‟s behaviour. It is an attempt to control the human conduct through the
help of Law. According to Pound, „Law is social engineering which means a balance
between the competing interests in society‟ , in which applied science are used for
resolving individual and social problems. For this purpose this paper is going to discuss
about the mechanism of Law in bringing Social Engineering.

Pound said that “like an engineer‟s formulae, laws represent experience, scientific
formulations of experience and logical developments of the formulations, also inventive
skill in conceiving new devices and formulating their requirements by means of a
developed technique” . He called this theory as „Theory of Social Engineering‟. Here
Pound has used two words i.e. „Social‟ means group of individual forming a society. The
second word is „Engineering‟ which means applied science carried out by engineers to
produce finished products which are necessary for the society and which fulfill all their
needs. By combining these two words he tries to say about engineers and what they do.
They use the formula which is based on continuous experimentation and experience to
get the finished product by means of an instrument or device. Therefore Pound represents
„experience with law‟, „instrument with organs of government, „engineers with judge and
lawyer‟ and „finished product with the wants of human beings‟ and „society with a

factory‟. He says that like engineers, the lawyer should apply law in a court room so that
the desires of the people are fulfilled. Therefore he calls law as Social Engineering and
says that the aim of Social Engineering is to build as efficient a structure of society as
possible which requires the satisfaction of wants with the minimum of friction and waste.
It means Law should work for balancing of competing interest within the society for the
greatest benefit. In a society everybody is motivated by their own interest and wants that
preference be given to his or her interest over the other. Conflicts between interests arise
because of the competition of the individuals with each other, with the public in order to
satisfy human wants. Therefore it is needed to recognise the interest to which law should
take account . For this purpose a legal system has to i. Recognize certain interest ii.
Define the limits within which such interest are to be legally recognized and given effect
to it. iii. And finally the above interest should be secured. Suppose I want to stand first in
the exam. It is my desire. But this desire cannot be fulfilled because there is no legal
recognition as there is no state‟s interest in standing first position. Therefore law has to
take into account the desires which need recognition. For the purpose of satisfying human
interests, Pound defined interest as „claims or wants or desires which men assert de facto
about which the law must do something if organised societies are to endure‟. Pound
classified various interests which are to be protected by the law as Individual interests,
Public interests and social interests.

According to Pound, balance of competing interest means satisfaction of maximum

interests with less friction and waste. It means to reconcile and adjust the social and
individual interest. But in practice two interests cannot be balanced. It is also found that
Pound has not given much detailed attention to the way one conflicting interest is to be
compared with another. Balance can only be done only when two things are able to be
compared. Here, the „balancing‟ metaphor is misleading. Pounds theory asks for the
maximum gain with least friction and waste i.e. maximum satisfaction of human wants or
expectations with least sacrifice. Here Pound wants to bring social control in the society.
According to him social control means satisfaction of the maximum of wants of the
human being in a society. Pound says that for social control, interest is the only thing

which should be taken into account and Law is a means of social control. Thus law
should work for balancing of interest within the society i.e. satisfying maximum interest
with least waste.

Somehow this theory gives prime importance to interest of public at large over individual
interest and if interpreted strictly then they may result in eliminating individual interest.
Here law is not supposed to deal with individual interest but bunch of interest. The tool is
given in the hands of law to set them at their right position for the maximum outcome. It
is true that law and order plays an important role in a society. Law and order are carried
out by the Judiciary and they keep on harmonising the conflicting interests of the
individual and the public through the process of social engineering. • It has been
witnessed through the action of Supreme Court in Vellore Citizen‟s Welfare Forum Vs.
The Union of India in which Kuldip Singh J. delivered the judgment that “even if the
industries are of vital importance for the countries progress as they provides employment
but having regard to the pollution caused by him, the principle of „sustainable
development‟ has to be adopted as a balancing concept between ecology and
development” . In this case the two principles emerged i.e. „precautionary principle‟ and
the „Polluter Pays‟ principle.

 In a land mark case of Union Carbide Corporation vs. Union of India , the
Supreme Court laid down the rule of Absolute Liability in which it was held that
“where an enterprise is engaged in a hazardous or inherently dangerous activity
and harm results to anyone on account of an accident in the operation of such
hazardous activity, then the enterprise involved is strictly and absolutely liable to
compensate to all those who are affected by the accident” . In this case regarding
the compensation the Court said that the measure of compensation must be
correlated to the magnitude and capacity of the enterprise because such
compensation has a deterrent effect for future accident.

 After this case, Central government passed an Act known as „The Bhopal Gas
Leak Disaster (Registration and Processing of Claims) Act, 1985‟ in which sec.5
of this Act says about the categorization and registration of claims. The various
claims of the each individual relating to their own body, property and the claims
arising from damage to flora and fauna were registered. Under sec11 of this Act,
the quantum of compensation payable to the claimants was decided.
From this judgment it can be said that law gives first priority to social interest over
individual interest of substance i.e. in conserving natural resources and in the
protection of natural environment which is required by the whole public against the
private individual who is the owner of the enterprise. Finally the maximum claims of
the people were satisfied with least sacrifice of individual interest. By this act it can
be seen that how various claims were categorized and compensation were given,
which ultimately says that law is an instrument of social change.

 In Deepa vs. S.I of Police It was held that the interest of society should be
given paramount consideration over the individual interest of those who are
running the show for profit and who are also earning livelihood by performing
the cabaret dance in a hotel . It was a situation where the whole public says
that the dance was obscene in the eyes of onlookers, which is an offence u/s
294 of IPC 1860. Hence it is found that Social Interest prevails over the
Individual Interest. But this is not true in many cases. Social Engineering
deals with as many satisfactions of human wants which means law should
play an important role in bringing social change by fulfilling the interest of the
society as a whole. There are also instances where individual interest has
priority over social interest. • According to Sec122 of Evidence Act 1872,
marital communication between husband and wife which is an individual
interest in domestic relation are privileged. Then Social Interest can be
fulfilled by securing privilege communication (matrimonial communication)
in which individual interest in connection with domestic relation is first
privileged and which in turn secure the social institution of marriages.
 Law has given preference to the interest of backward classes through
reservation in government jobs, educational institutions, which not only

hampers the interest of eligible candidate but also it hampers the interest of
the public at large. By this type of law general people cannot tell that this
reservation policy which comes under constitutional law is a bad law for
them. Sometimes bad law becomes good law. Here Law helps in social
engineering by giving special protection to the minority class having
individual interests over social interests so that there can be ultimate social
progress by bringing the minority class equally to the standard of upper class.

The idea of engineering social life in an objective, rational way evokes increasing
interest. In a world of violent emotions and conflicting values and postulates, science
gradually gains a more important position as an element of order. It appears that many
passionate and antiquated quarrels arise not only from different goals, but also from
different opinions about means to achieve the same goals. Rapid change in the social life
is the result of many factors. The influence of public opinion, the lessons of history all
have played a part. To make social engineering through the use of law, the importance of
other factors like economic development needs to be realized. Law plays an important
role in reconciling and adjusting conflict of interests. Both the Social Interest and
Individual Interest prevail over each other. Priority is given to both the interests. Roscoe
Pound has given the concept of Social Engineering for the American Society but this
concept is followed by other countries in resolving disputes. India has also followed the
same concept in establishing a welfare society. Both Judiciary and Legislators play an
important role in enacting the statutes which fulfill the various desires of human being. In
this techsavvy society desires of human being grows and to fulfill their desires new
policies, strategy has been developed. Law cannot, by itself play a vital role unless
accompanied with many factors like economic development. Public opinion also plays
and important role.


In my opinion the task of law is social engineering which includes the administration of justice
maintenance of social decorum, as well of social equilibrium. Without making proper laws and
regulations which are for the welfare of the people, we cannot maintain law and order in the
society. The changes in law should only be in those directions and to the extent to which the
people in general aspire in the society. Mere super imposition and direct adoption of foreign
models in their entirely original form can create disruption and disorder in the society. We should
retain our own social values and include foreign ideals in such a manner that the latter are fully
assimilated and become a part of our social system.

1. SHANKER RAO, C.N. Sociology Primary Principles. 3rd ed 2000. Published by S.
Chand & Company Ltd New Delhi.


Gogia (Asia Law House)Hyd.


Eastern Book Company. Luknow.

4. POUND ROSCOE. JURISPRUDENCE.VOL- III.2000. The Law Book Exchange Ltd.


THEORY.15th ed 2004. Allahabad Law Agency


JURISPRUDENCE. 8th ed 2008. Reuters legal Ltd

7. PANDEY, J.N. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW OF INDIA. 42nd ed 2005.Central Law

Agency Allahabad.

8. MISHRA, S.N .IPC.16th ed 2008. Central Law Publication.


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