Ss Ebook MigratingToTheCloud PDF
Ss Ebook MigratingToTheCloud PDF
Ss Ebook MigratingToTheCloud PDF
Applications to the
Cloud: How to Pick
the Right Strategy
Migrating Legacy Applications to the Cloud Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Introduction.............................................................................. 3
Lift and Shift: Get Out of the Datacenter......................4
Shift to SaaS: Save Time and Trouble........................... 6
Application Refactoring: App Modernization.............8
Replatforming: Develop Apps in the Cloud..............10
© Shadow-Soft, LLC
Organizations migrate their legacy applications to the cloud for reasons as diverse
as the companies themselves. The cloud has become synonymous with progress
in the business world. It allows companies to get closer to their customers than
ever before, move at the speed of the market, focus their staff on innovation, and
much more. Every migration takes hard work, and finding the right way to move
applications to the cloud makes that work pay off.
We have identified four primary types of cloud migration, based on the way
different companies want to use the cloud to accomplish their goals. The most
important part of any cloud migration is making sure the migration gets your
company where it needs to be
The four types of cloud migration are called lift and shift, shift to Software-as-a-
Service (SaaS,) application refactoring, and replatforming.
© Shadow-Soft, LLC
Lift and shift provides the same software that your organization used in the
data center, but now in the cloud. There isn’t any learning curve for the cloud
applications, since they work exactly the same as before. This is the fastest
method for migrating applications to the cloud, and the one that causes the least
disruption. It only requires the involvement of the infrastructure and security teams,
leaving everyone else free to pursue their work uninterrupted. It’s also the option
with the least upfront cost. Moving the application to the cloud allows it to handle
peak performance, without your company having to pay for it.
Lift and shift comes with its drawbacks, however. This cloud migration can’t take
full advantage of the speed and versatility the cloud can provide. Since the process
doesn’t change the application – it just moves the code to a new location – the
shifted version of the application doesn’t usually have better performance than
the original. It’s also unlikely to lead to long-term savings. This model is best suited
to companies with a regular peak schedule and slow, predictable changes in the
market. Food delivery companies with their regular peaks on Monday, Saturday,
and Sunday are a good example of the former. Tax companies are a good example
of the latter, since tax rules change on a yearly basis and new rules are released a
year in advance, giving the companies plenty of time to prepare.
© Shadow-Soft, LLC
Migrating Legacy Applications To The Cloud Lift and Shift: Get Out of the Datacenter 5
However, tax and food delivery companies aren’t the only good candidates for this
strategy. We worked with a construction company to lift and shift its huge logistics
application to the cloud. The construction company’s goal was to get out of the
data center. The application was a mixture of custom and off-the-shelf code that
the CIO had neither the time nor the money to break up – something that would be
required for other methods of migrating to the cloud. Lift and shift accomplished
the company’s goals with low upfront costs and no need to make changes to the
© Shadow-Soft, LLC
The main drawback of shifting to SaaS, while you can personalize it, is that
customizing it can lead to problems. Interjectory code added to a SaaS tool can
cause you to lose the support model and update model provided by the SaaS
company. This means that if you start shifting applications directly related to your
industry, you can lose the customizations that give your business a competitive
edge. Shifting to SaaS should only be used for routine functions – not for anything
that needs to be unique.
© Shadow-Soft, LLC
Application Refactoring:
App Modernization
With refactoring, organizations can replicate their legacy applications whole and
intact onto a cloud platform. What makes it low risk is that legacy applications can
run in parallel while new applications are constructed, with the immediate benefits
of agility and speed to market. This approach focuses on the applications that
benefit the most from a cloud platform.
Refactoring isn’t just about cutting costs. It also allows you to make changes
to your enterprise very quickly, which means that you can keep up with your
customers. Refactoring lets you respond faster and prioritize updates. One big box
store we worked with started out with its applications so hard coded that it took
months to do simple things like changing the font or background color. Refactoring
got them moving.
© Shadow-Soft, LLC
Migrating Legacy Applications To The Cloud Application Refactoring: App Modernization 8
With refactoring, you move a select group of your applications to the cloud. Picking
the right platform for the applications is extremely important. Look for a tool that
addresses speed to change and can fulfill all of your needs, not just some of them.
It’s also vital that you refactor your applications in the right order.
Refactoring usually requires outside help. We worked with a company that wanted
to refactor its entire application suite into modern technology. The project would
have taken four years for the company working on their own, but we were able to
cut that time down to eighteen months. We provided the company making the
migration with its unique model for retraining.
© Shadow-Soft, LLC
When considering replatforming, think about how fast your organization can
change. Then think about how fast it needs to change to keep up with customers
and the market. By making applications truly cloud native, they can be updated
and those updates pushed out at the speed of the cloud. This boosts the speed to
change across the board for all aspects of the business. Replatformed applications
can also be designed to be more modular and thus easier to maintain. Refactoring
the application can save development time down the road, since modules of code
from your first refactored application can be used to extend the capabilities of new
© Shadow-Soft, LLC
Migrating Legacy Applications To The Cloud Replatforming: Develop Apps in the Cloud 10
Each of the four primary methods we identified comes with its share of
advantages, but also with its disadvantages. Finding the method that matches your
organizations goals and needs is the first step to a successful migration.
© Shadow-Soft, LLC
Migrating Legacy Applications To The Cloud About Shadow-Soft 11
To succeed in business today, it’s not enough to dabble in technology, you must
master it – and that’s where Shadow-Soft comes in. We are mavens in open
software and open standards. It’s how we help our customers “Take the Power
Back” from proprietary vendors and own their technology future.
© Shadow-Soft, LLC