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LJ~AN : ,8 2000 'I


EXECUTIVE ORDER No.2 o.s- V 1.515

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WHEREAS, the 1987Constitutionprovides that the Stateshall promote and protectthe

generalwell-being of the citizenry;

WHEREAS, R.A. 7160, otherwise known as the 1991 Local Government Code
mandatedfor the devolutionof the delivery of the healthservicesand facilities asone of the basic
functions andresponsibilitiesof all the local governmentunits or LGUs at all levels;

WHEREAS, Sec. 33 ofR.A. 7160, further provides that LGUs may "group themselves,
consolidate their efforts and services and resources for purposes commonly beneficial to them
where they may, upon approval of the sanggunian concerned,... xxx ...under such terms and
conditions as may be agreed upon by the participating LGUs through a Memorandum of

WHEREAS, through the initiative of the League of Provinces of the Philippines (LPP),
in coordination with the Department of Health (DOH) and the Department of the Interior and
Local Government (DILG), a "Health Covenant '99" was forged among the above-mention~d
stakeholders and participants of the "Governors' Workshop on Health: Partnership for
Devolution", held last March 9-10, 1999 at Pasay City, with the main objective of achieving an
integrated health care delivery system at the national and local levels by the year 2000, and

WHEREAS, based on the Health Covenant, and as agreed upon by the participants of the
said Workshop, foremost of the major recommendations specified therein to meet the objectives
set forth were as follows: (1) the creation of a National Health Planning Committee (NHPC) to
oversee and ensure adherence by all LGUs and concerned stakeholders to appropriate guiding
principles and coordinated planning and implementation of a comprehensive and integrated
National and Local Health Plans as well as priority programs and projects by all LGUs through
their local health boards (LHBs); (2) the establishment of "Inter-Local Health Zones" throughout
the country, through Inter-Local Government Cooperation defining their mechanisms, govenling
structures, powers and functions, and funds and resources, and (3) the reactivation and
strengthening by the LGUs of their respective Local Health Boards (LHBs).


of the Philippines,by virtue vestedin me by the Constitutionandthe laws, do herebyorder:
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Section 1. Declaration of Policy. It is the policy of the State that full and integrated
delivery and development of health care services throughout the country must be promoted,
encouraged, and ensured, especially for the poor and marginalized sectors of society. Towards
this end, the State shall provide for the participation and active involvement and collaboration of
all local government units (LGUs) together with the major stakeholders, particularly with the
Department of Health (DOH) and the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) withthe
main objective of achieving an integrated health care delivery system at the national and local
levels by the year 2000 and thereafter.

Section2. Organization of the National Health Planning Committee (NHPC). The

National Health Planning Committee,hereinreferredto as NHPC, is herebyconstitutedto serve
as the overall coordinating body to overseeand ensureadherenceby all LGUs and concerned
stakeholdersto appropriateguiding principles and coordinatedplanningand implementationof a
comprehensiveand integrated National and Local Health Plans and priority programs and
projects by all LGUs throughtheir local healthboards(LHBs).

Section 3. NHPC Composition. Within one (1) month after the approval of this
ExecutiveOrder,the NHPC shall be convenedandcomposedof the following:

1. Secretaryof the DOH Chairnlan

2. SecretaryofDILG Co-Chairnlan
3.4.'5. National Presidentof the Leagueof Provinces Vice-Chairman
Executive Secretary Ex-Officio Member
Chainnanof SenateCommitteeon Health Ex-Officio Member
6. Chainnanof HouseCommitteeon Health Ex-Officio Member
7. Secretaryof the DBM Member
8. Two (2) representativesfrom the private sector Members

A Secretariatshall be organizedto provide supportto the NHPC. The DOH Secretary

shall designatehis Undersecretaryto act as head of the NHPC Secretariat.The membersof the
Secretariatshall be composedof the following: Official representativesfrom the DOH, DILG,
Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP), League of Cities, League of
Municipalities and Liga ng mga Barangay.

Section 4. NHPC Functions. Aside from the main responsibilities of the NHPC
mentioned under Sec. 2 hereof, it is likewise expectedto perform the following specificfunctio

Ensure and sustain the agreementsreached during the "Governors' Workshop for Health"
held last March 9-10, 1999, especially the recommendations specified under the "Health
Covenant '99", as well as in the workshop outputs, which are both made an integral part
of this Executive Order;

Promote policies, programs and projects on health to enhancelocal autonomy in planning

and implementing an integrated health care delivery system and an integrated health plan
at the national and local levels; !i!I;~ilfi

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# 14971

3. Fonnulate a partnership mechanism among all the LGUs, concerned National
GovernmentAgencies (NGAs), through the DOH and DILG, and the private sector,
NGOs and civic groupsto supportthe local healthservicedelivery systems;

4. Ensure that all LGUs shall prioritize the reactivation and strengthening of the LHBs as an
initial move in making decentralized health serviceswork;

5. Recommend specific and adequateresources both in cash and in kind to be allotted to the
LGUs by the concerned NGAs (i.e., DOH and DILG) to enhance local government
capability, responsibility and accountability relative to the delivery of basic health
services prior to the commencement of the annual planning calendar and budget cycle at
the national, provincial and city levels, subject to the guidelines and criteria to be
formulated by the NHPC in consultation with the LGUs, through the LPP and ULAP, and
to ensure its inclusion in the preparation of the Annual General Appropriations Act
(GAA) budget of DOH and DILG beginning CY 2000 and every succeeding fiscal year
for proper implementation of the consolidated National and Local Health Plans;

Act as the over-all coordinating body for all local health boards (LHB) and ensure the
organization and/or reactivation of all LHBs at every local government level as well astheir
active involvement in the policy formulation and program planning and
implementation of health services;

Formulate the annual planning guides, standardsand format that shall serve as the
integrating principles for ensuring that there will be fimctional merger of the annual
priority health programsand projects of the nationaland local governmentsthat shall be
carried out at the provinces with their componentcities and municipalities and highly
urbanizedcities (HUCs). TheseProvinciaI/HUCHealth Plans shall be submittedto the
NHPC, copy furnishedthe Office of the Presidentnot later than forty-five (45) days after
the signing of this Order;

8. to the Presidentan initiative schemepackagefor outstandingLGUs with the

bestlocal healthplan implementedat their respectiveLGUs, including a healthinsurance
schemeparticularly to the 100 poorestfamilies in everyprovince ~d city;

9. Submita semi-annualand year-endreportto the Office of the President;and

Perfonn other functions that may be designatedby the Presidentor as may be deemed
necessaryby the NHPC Chainnan.

Section5. Establishment of the Inter-Local Health Zones. For the effective delivery
of integrated health care and ensure smooth coordination between and among cities,
mlUlicipalities and barangays,and pursuantto Section 33 of R.A. 7160, there are, hereby,
establishedInter-Local Health Zones(ILHZs) throughoutthe COlUltry
whose organizationis to be
assistedby the DOH and DILG. These Inter-Local Health Zones comprise a well-defmed
population (by level of governance) jfa~~ area, and all institutions and :

# 14972

whose activities contribute to improved health care delivery in that zone. The composition,
functions and required resources of these ILHZs shall be approved by the NHPC upon
endorsement by the Provincial Governor or City Mayor.

Section 6. Integrated Provincial/City Health Plan. In accordancewith the guidelines

promulgated by the NHPC, every municipality, componentcity and highly urbanized city
through their respectivelocal health boardsmust developtheir own healthplan which shall be
integratedinto an Inter-Zonal Health Plan incorporatingtwo (2) levels of health care,namely:
referral (district) hospital and identified setof main health centers/barangay
health stationswith
catchmentpopulations. TheseInter-ZonalHealthPlansshall be aggregatedinto a Provincial/City
HealthPlan taking into accountthe actualneedsand availableresourcesof their LGUs in relation
to the national health objectives. All Provincial/City Health Plans shall be submittedto the
NHPC on the dateprescribedby the committee.

Section7. Funding. All Governors,City andMunicipal Mayors,throughtheir respective

Sanggunians,shall provide specific budgetary appropriations under their approved local
developmentplan for the proper implementation of their respective health plans. As a
counterpartsupportfrom the National Government,the DOH and other concernedNGAs shall
likewise allocateand devolvefundsto augmentlocal fundsintendedfor this purpose,asprovided
for underArticle 31 of the IRR of R.A. 7160, subjectto the guidelinesand criteria to be set by
the NHPC. The DOH shall set aside a separatefund for the technical and administrative
operationsof the NHPC SecretariatbeginningCY 1999andthereafter.

Section 8. Inter-Agency Coordination. All concerned Departments and other attached

agencies, LGUs, GOCCs, and other instrumentalities of the government are hereby directed to
cooperate and give their full support to the NHPC, ll.,HZS and LHBs to ensure the effective
performance of their functions.

Section 9. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately.

DONE in the city of Manila, this!21tJ: day of January2000.

By the President:
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Secretary ~~..3.~~~:i~~


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