Danger of Using Headset For Health

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Danger of using Headset for Health

Technological developments nowadays, make adults and teenagers have new habits to
do. One of those habits is listening to music, for example, most people prefer listening music
through headset. Listening music by using a headset can be dangerous for the ear. It happens
because we often listen the songs with hard volume when using a headset. Based on research,
bad effects come when using a headset more than five hours a week. The impacts is
permanent damage to ear. Currently the impact is not yet visible, but later the ability to hear
can dissappears as one of the researchers said in the Scientific Committee on Emerging and
Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR). The statement was given nine researchers from
the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR). In
fact, they also state that the risk of hearing loss will be felt by the age of 20 years. Not only
that, there’s some impacts of using hard-volume headsets for the body such as permanent
damage to the ears and brain, unaware of surrounding and hearing threshold.

Permanent damage to the ear, Which is happens when ears are not strong anymore to
bear the burden of loud noise from headsets, directly connected to the ear hole. Usually, it
happens teenagers or adolescents. Overuse of headsets over long periods may cause hearing
loss. In the ear exposed to noise for a long time can damage the hair cells in the hearing nerve
cochlea that aggravate the process of degeneration of the auditory nerve. According to
Muhammad Sazili (2010) “a person who is frequently exposed to noise with more than 30
minutes per day has a chance of 1,538 times for hearing loss. Compared to someone who is at
risk of exposure to no less than or equal to 30 minutes a day”.

The effect of the use of excessive headset which is will not be immediately felt. Damage
caused by the use of this excessive headset will appear slowly, usually the effect will begin to
feel at the age of 20 years. At that age, the sufferer will begin losing her ability.

The dangers of using the headset for too long no matter the circumstances and the
environment. The use of headsets can cause of attention focus on the sound that comes out of
the headset only. This will make us unaware of surrounding and us leads to accident happens
in the road. By using headsets, we tend to stay away from the social environment and do not
want to interact with our environment. When using headset longely, just like the phrase 'close
the ear will the outside world'.
In addition, exposure to music with the headset can affect the threshold of human
hearing, especially when it is done with high volume in long term. Slowly this effect will lead
to permanent hearing loss. In addition there is also a study that shows that listening to music
too hard through the headset in long term can cause changes in the ear and nerves in the
brain. It can lead to decrease ear ability in differentiating sound. If the damage to the central
nervous system or brain, then the impact will extend to all parts of the body. When loud
music is constantly attached to the ear, the concentration is indirectly divided and decreased.
And this will realize that listening to music can make the ability to work decreases.

Therefore as it can be recommended not to over use headset. Regarding the sound
level, the light level sound for adults is between 25 to 40 decibels, while children 20 to 40
decibels. The higher level until the heaviest sound quality of 90 decibels or more can still be
heard. Some researchers recommend all sound devices that use a headset not to exceed the
100 decibel limit. Given the sound outside the headset (the sound of a car engine, a diesel or a
mower) can also affect human hearing. By knowing the dangers of using a headset, hopefully
it can be a warning for us to not use headsets too often.

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