IFCIAnnualReport 2014 15 PDF

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DATE : September 21, 2015

DAY : Monday

TIME : 10:30 A.M.

PLACE : Air Force Auditorium

Subroto Park
New Delhi - 110 010

NOTE : 1. Shareholders are requested to bring their copy of the

Annual Report with them to the Annual General Meeting.
2. No gifts or coupons would be given to the shareholders for
attending the Annual General Meeting.

Shareholders are requested to register their email ID with the Company/Registrar
& Transfer Agent at [email protected] or [email protected],
[email protected] in case of the share are held in physical form
and with their depository participants (DPs) in case the shares are held in
Dematerialised form to support the Green Initiative taken by the Ministry of
Corporate Affairs.

Cover 2014-15.pmd 2 8/14/2015, 6:09 PM

Board of Directors & Principal Officers ....................................................................... 2

Financial Highlights ..................................................................................................... 3

Annual Performance Trend .......................................................................................... 4

Notice ............................................................................................................................ 5

Board’s Report............................................................................................................... 10

Report on Corporate Governance ................................................................................. 53

Form AOC-1 .................................................................................................................. 61

Independent Auditors' Report ...................................................................................... 63

Balance Sheet ............................................................................................................... 66

Statement of Profit and Loss ....................................................................................... 67

Cash Flow Statement.................................................................................................... 68

Accounting Policies & Notes to the Financial Statements .......................................... 69

Independent Auditors' Report (Consolidated) ............................................................. 101

Consolidated Balance Sheet ......................................................................................... 105

Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss.................................................................. 106

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement ............................................................................. 107

Accounting Policies & Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements ................... 108

01. Director Report 140815.indd 1 8/14/2015 5:57:13 PM

BOARD OF DIRECTORS (As on 11.08.2015)

Shri S V Ranganath Non-Executive Chairman of the Board

Shri Malay Mukherjee CEO & Managing Director
Shri Achal Kumar Gupta Deputy Managing Director
Shri Alok Tandon
Shri Rajesh Aggarwal
Smt Savita Mahajan
Ms Kiran Sahdev
Shri K S Sreenivasan
Prof. N Balakrishnan
Prof. Arvind Sahay

PRINCIPAL OFFICERS (As on 11.08.2015)


Shri Sudhir Garg Shri Satpal Arora Shri B N Nayak (CFO)


Shri D K Jain Shri V Satyavenkata Rao

Shri S K Vats Shri Biswajit Banerjee Shri Prasoon

Shri Gautam Meour Shri Sanjeev Kumar Jain Shri Shivendra Tomar Shri Sachikanta Mishra
(Deputed to IVCF as MD)

Shri Suneet Shukla Smt Pooja S Mahajan Shri Pawan Kumar Shri Bikash Kanti Roy
Shri Atul Saxena Shri Vijay Pal Smt Rita Kaul Shri V Subramanian
Shri Harjeet Singh Shri Rajeev Ahluwalia Smt Jhummi Mantri Shri Deepak Mishra
Shri M P Sethi Shri Samik Dasgupta Shri V Anish Babu Smt Rupa Sarkar (CS)
(Deputed to IIDL as MD)

Shri Rajesh Kumar Gupta Shri Alok Sabharwal

Shri Gopal Krishna Mishra Shri Vijay Kumar Gupta Shri Rakesh Khanna (CVO)
(On deputation basis)


ASA & Associates LLP ANDROS & Co.

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants


(` crore)
As at As at As at
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014 March 31, 2013


Share Capital 1,925.37 1,924.96 1,924.68
Reserves and Surplus 5,220.28 5,005.64 4,766.28
Non-current Liabilities 22,494.23 17,500.56 14,340.84
Current Liabilities 5,328.08 4,508.15 4,849.61
34,967.96 28,989.31 25,881.41

Fixed Assets 1,121.50 1,147.12 1,172.59
Deferred Tax Assets 567.90 682.04 726.79
Non-current Assets 26,354.89 22,538.57 16,718.87
Current Assets 6,923.87 4,621.58 7,263.16
34,967.96 28,989.31 25,881.41

2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013

Total Income (` crore) 3,347.99 2,953.29 2,759.30
Profit before tax (` crore) 718.02 660.45 664.12
Profit after tax (` crore) 521.60 508.10 450.87

Capital to Risk Assets Ratio 18.8% 21.3% 23.9%
Debt-Equity Ratio 4.3 3.6 3.3

01. Director Report 140815.indd 3 8/14/2015 5:57:15 PM


Standard Loan Assets




01. Director Report 170815.indd 4 8/17/2015 8:28:19 PM


NOTICE is hereby given that the Twenty-Second (22nd) Annual Articles of Association of the Company, consent of the members
General Meeting of the Members of IFCI Limited will be held on of the Company, be and is hereby given to the Board of Directors
Monday, September 21, 2015, at 10:30 A.M. at Air Force Auditorium, (hereinafter referred to as the “Board” which term shall include
Subroto Park, New Delhi-110010 to transact the following business: any Committee thereof for the time being exercising the powers
Ordinary Business conferred on the Board by this Resolution) for making offer(s)
or invitation to subscribe to securities, including but not limited
1. To consider and adopt the Audited Financial Statements and to bonds and non-convertible debentures, by way of private
Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company for the placement in one or more tranches, on such terms and conditions
financial year ended March 31, 2015 and the reports of the Board as it may consider proper, upto an amount not exceeding ` 5,000
of Directors and Auditors’ thereon. crore (Rupees Five Thousand Crore) in the year commencing
2. To confirm the interim dividend already paid on Preference from the date of approval by shareholders.
Shares as Final dividend. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board of Directors of the
3. To confirm the interim dividend already paid on equity shares Company, be and is hereby authorized to do all such acts, deeds
and to declare final dividend on Equity Shares. and things and give such directions as may be deemed necessary
4. To appoint a Director in place of Ms Kiran Sahdev (DIN: 06718968), or expedient, to give effect to this Resolution”.
who retires by rotation at this Annual General Meeting and being IFCI Limited By order of the Board of Directors
eligible, offers herself for re-appointment. Registered Office:
5. To fix remuneration of the Statutory Auditor(s) of the Company IFCI Tower
in terms of the provisions of Sections 139(5) and 142 of the 61 Nehru Place
Companies Act, 2013 and to pass the following resolution, with New Delhi-110019
or without modification(s), as an Ordinary Resolution: CIN: L74899DL1993GOI053677
“RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Section 139(5) and Tel: +91-11-41732000
142 and all other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Fax: +91-11-26230201
Act, 2013 and Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 Website: www.ifciltd.com
(including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof E-mail: [email protected]
for the time being in force), the Board of Directors of the Company Rupa Sarkar
be and is hereby authorized to decide and fix the remuneration Dated: August 11, 2015 Company Secretary
of the Statutory Auditor(s) of the Company appointed by NOTES:
Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) for the Financial
Year 2015-16, as may be deemed fit.” MEETING, IS ENTITLED TO APPOINT A PROXY TO ATTEND
6. To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without NOT BE A MEMBER OF THE COMPANY. THE PROXIES, IN
modifications, the following resolution, as an Ordinary ORDER TO BE VALID AND EFFECTIVE, MUST BE DEPOSITED
“RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Section 149, 150 THAN FORTY- EIGHT HOURS BEFORE THE COMMENCEMENT
and 152 read with Schedule IV to the Companies Act, 2013 (Act) OF THE MEETING, DULY COMPLETED AND SIGNED. A
and all other applicable provisions, if any, of the Act, and the PERSON CAN ACT AS PROXY ON BEHALF OF MEMBERS NOT
Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, EXCEEDING FIFTY (50) AND HOLDING IN AGGREGATE NOT
2014 (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment MORE THAN TEN PERCENT OF THE TOTAL SHARE CAPITAL
thereof for the time being in force), and pursuant to Clause 49 OF THE COMPANY CARRYING VOTING RIGHTS. A MEMBER
of the Listing Agreement, Prof. Arvind Sahay, (DIN: 03218334), HOLDING MORE THAN 10 PERCENT OF THE TOTAL SHARE
who was appointed as an Additional Director pursuant to the CAPITAL CARRYING VOTING RIGHTS MAY APPOINT A
provisions of Section 161(1) of the Act and the Articles of SINGLE PERSON AS PROXY, SUCH PERSON SHALL NOT ACT
Association of the Company, with effect from September 12, AS PROXY FOR ANY OTHER PERSON OR SHAREHOLDER.
2014 and who holds office upto the date of this Annual General 2. During the period beginning 24 hours before the time fixed for the
Meeting and in respect of whom the Company has received a commencement of the Meeting and ending with the conclusion
notice in writing under Section 160 of the Act, proposing his of the Meeting, a Member would be entitled to inspect the proxies
candidature for the office of Director, be and is hereby appointed lodged at any time during the business hours of the Company,
as an Independent Director of the Company, whose term shall provided that not less than 3 days of Notice in writing is given to
not be subject to retirement by rotation and to hold office for a the Company.
term upto three consecutive years commencing from September 3. The Explanatory Statement pursuant to the provisions of Section
12, 2014.” 102 of the Companies Act, 2013, setting out material facts in
7. To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without respect of the Special Business under Item No.(s) 6 and 7 are
modifications, the following resolution, as a Special Resolution: annexed hereto.
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 42, 4. Brief profile of Directors proposed to be appointed is set out
71 and all other applicable provisions of the Companies Act in the “Information about Directors seeking Appointment/
2013 read with the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of re-appointment as mandated under Clause 49 of the Listing
Securities) Rules, 2014 and the Companies (Share Capital and Agreement” annexed with the notice.
Debentures) Rules, 2014 (including any statutory modification(s) 5. All documents referred to in the accompanying Notice and
or re-enactment thereof, for the time being in force) and any the Explanatory Statement as well as the other documents as
other applicable rules, and subject to the provisions of the required under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 are

01. Director Report 140815.indd 5 8/14/2015 5:57:17 PM

open for inspection at the Registered Office of the Company (vii) After entering these details appropriately, click on “SUBMIT”
on all working days except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays tab.
between 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. up to the date of this Annual (viii) Members holding shares in physical form will then directly
General Meeting. The Registers required to be maintained u/s 170 reach the Company selection screen. However, members
of the Companies Act, 2013, will be available for Inspection at
holding shares in demat form will now reach ‘Password
Annual General Meeting.
Creation’ menu wherein they are required to mandatorily enter
6. Register of Members and Share Transfer Books for equity shares their login password in the new password field. Kindly note
will remain closed from Tuesday, September 15, 2015 to Monday,
that this password is to be also used by the demat holders for
September 21, 2015 (both days inclusive).
voting for resolutions of any other company on which they are
7. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 108 of the Companies eligible to vote, provided that company opts for e-voting through
Act, 2013 read with Rule 20 of the Companies (Management CDSL platform. It is strongly recommended not to share your
and Administration) Rules, 2014 (as amended) and Clause 35B
password with any other person and take utmost care to keep
of the Listing Agreement, the Company is providing facility of
your password confidential.
voting through electronic means to its Members in respect of the
business to be transacted at the 22nd Annual General Meeting (ix) Click on the EVSN of IFCI to vote.
(AGM). For this purpose, the Company has entered into an (x) On the voting page, you will see “RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION”
agreement with Central Depository Services (India) Limited and against the same the option “YES/NO” for voting. Select the
(CDSL) for facilitating voting through electronic means, as the option YES or NO as desired. The option YES implies that you
authorized agency. The facility of casting votes by a member assent to the Resolution and option NO implies that you dissent
using an electronic voting system from a place other than the to the Resolution.
venue of the AGM (remote e-voting) will be provided by CDSL.
(xi) Click on the “RESOLUTIONS FILE LINK” if you wish to view the
The instructions for members for voting electronically are as under: entire Resolution details.
In case of members receiving e-mail: (xii) After selecting the resolution you have decided to vote on, click
(i) The shareholders should log on to the e-voting website www. on “SUBMIT”. A confirmation box will be displayed. If you wish
evotingindia.com. to confirm your vote, click on “OK”, else to change your vote,
(ii) Click on Shareholders Tab to cast your votes. click on “CANCEL” and accordingly modify your vote.
(iii) Now Enter your User ID (xiii) Once you “CONFIRM” your vote on the resolution, you will not
(a) For CDSL: 16 digits beneficiary ID; be allowed to modify your vote.
(b) For NSDL: 8 Character DP ID followed by 8 Digits Client ID; (xiv) You can also take out print of the voting done by you by clicking
(c) Members holding shares in Physical Form should enter Folio on “Click here to print” option on the Voting page.
Number registered with the Company. (xv) If Demat account holder has forgotten the changed password
(iv) Next enter the Image Verification Code as displayed and Click on then Enter the User ID and the image verification code and
Login Tab. click on Forgot Password & enter the details as prompted by the
(v) If you are holding shares in demat form and had earlier logged on system.
to www.evotingindia.com and voted on an earlier voting of any (xvi) Note for Non–Individual Shareholders and Custodians:
company, then your existing password is to be used.
(vi) If you are a first time user follow the steps given below: HUF, NRI etc.) and Custodian are required to log on to www.
For Members holding Shares in Demat Form and evotingindia.com and register themselves as Corporates.
PAN Enter your 10 digit alpha-numeric PAN issued by Income and sign of the entity should be emailed to helpdesk.
Tax Department (Applicable for both demat shareholders [email protected].
as well as physical shareholders).
be created using the admin login and password. The
Company/Depository Participant are requested to use
the first two letters of their name and the eight digit Compliance user would be able to link the account(s) for
of the sequence number in the PAN field (Refer Serial which they wish to vote on.
No. printed on the name and address sticker/e-mail). ‡ 7KHOLVWRIDFFRXQWVVKRXOGEHPDLOHGWRKHOSGHVNHYRWLQJ#
‡ ,Q FDVH WKH VHTXHQFH QXPEHU LV OHVV WKDQ HLJKW GLJLW cdslindia.com and on approval of the accounts, they would
then enter the applicable number of Zeros before the be able to cast their vote.
Number, after the first two characters of the name in
CAPITAL Letters. Eg. If your name is Ramesh Kumar
with sequence Number 1, then enter RA00000001 in Attorney (POA) which they have issued in favour of the
the PAN field. Custodian, if any, should be uploaded in PDF format in the
Date of Birth Enter the Date of Birth as recorded in your demat account system for the scrutinizer to verify the same.
(DOB) or in the Company records for the said Demat Account or (xvii) Any person, who acquires shares of the Company and become
Folio (in dd/mm/yyyy format) . Member of the Company after dispatch of the Notice and
Dividend Enter the Dividend Bank Details as recorded in your holding shares as on the cut-off date i.e. Monday, September 14,
Bank Details demat account or in the Company records for the said 2015 may follow the same instructions as mentioned above for
Demat Account or Folio. e-Voting.
in order to Login. If the details are not recorded with
the Depository or the Company, please enter the DP- you may refer the Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQs”) and
Client ID/ Folio Number in the Dividend Bank details e-voting manual available at www.evotingindia.com, under
filled as mentioned in instruction (iii) above. help section.

01. Director Report 140815.indd 6 8/14/2015 5:57:18 PM

‡ Details of the person who can be contacted for any grivences 10. Members holding shares in more than one folio in identical order
connected with facility for voting by electronic means: of names are requested to write to Registrar & Transfer Agent
Shri Wenceslaus Furtado enclosing their share certificates to enable them to consolidate
Deputy Manager the holdings in one folio to facilitate better service.
Central Depository Services (India) Ltd 11. Members seeking any information with regard to accounts or
16th Floor, P J Towers operations are requested to write to the Company at an early date,
Dalal Street, Fort preferably at least seven days prior to the date of Annual General
Mumbai-400 001 Meeting, so as to enable the management to keep the information
Toll-free No. 18002005533 ready.
E-mail: [email protected]
12. Members / Proxies should bring the Attendance Slips duly
filled in for attending the Meeting. Members who hold shares
(A) The voting period begins on Friday, September 18, 2015 in dematerialized form are requested to bring their client ID
at 9:00 A.M. and ends on Sunday, September 20, 2015 and DPID numbers for easy identification of attendance at the
at 5:00 P.M. During this period shareholders’ of the Meeting.
Company, holding shares either in physical form or in
dematerialized form, as on the cut-off date (September 13. In terms of Section 205A and Section 205-C of the Companies
14, 2015), may cast their vote electronically. The Act, 1956, the unclaimed dividend for the financial years 1994-
e-voting module shall be disabled by CDSL for voting 95 to 1998-99 has been transferred to the Investor Education &
thereafter. A Person who is not a member as on the cut- Protection Fund. The Company had not declared any dividend
off date will not be able to vote and should treat this for the financial years 1999-2000 to 2007-08.
Notice for information purpose only. 14. The Dividend for the Financial Years 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11,
(B) The facility for voting through polling paper shall be 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 (interim) that remained
made available at the AGM and the members attending unclaimed after 30 days from the date of declaration of dividend
the meeting who have not cast their vote by remote has been transferred to the Unpaid Dividend Accounts [2008-
e-voting shall be able to exercise their right at the 09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15
meeting through polling paper. (interim) respectively] of IFCI Ltd. The Dividend remaining
(C) The Members who have cast their vote by remote- unclaimed for seven years from the date of transfer to the above
evoting prior to the AGM may also attend the AGM but mentioned accounts, are required to be transferred by the
shall not be entitled to cast their votes again. Company to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF).
(D) The shareholders can opt for only one mode of voting The due date for transfer of unpaid dividend amount to IEPF for
i.e. remote e-voting or physical polling at the meeting. these years are:
In case of voting by both the modes, vote cast through
Year Due Date
remote e-voting will be considered final and voting
through polling paper will not be considered. 2008-09 22.10.2016
(E) The Board of Directors has appointed Shri Sanjay 2009-10 16.10.2017
Grover (Membership No.F4223 & COP-3850), Practising 2010-11 18.10.2018
Company Secretary, New Delhi as Scrutinizer to 2011-12 17.08.2019
scrutinize the remote e-voting, poll process in a fair and
2012-13 12.12.2020
transparent manner and to submit report thereon.
2013-14 29.09.2021
(F) The results declared along with the Scrutinizer’s
Report shall be placed on the Company’s website at 2014-15 (interim) 15.04.2022
www.ifciltd.com, on the website of CDSL at www. 15. Members who have not yet encashed their dividend warrants or
cdslindia.com immediately and on the Notice Board of are not in receipt of the dividend warrants are requested to seek
the Company at its registered office after the result is issuance of demand draft from IFCI. It may be noted that once the
declared. The Company shall simultaneously forward unclaimed dividend is transferred to the IEPF, no claim shall lie
the results to the Stock Exchanges where the shares of in respect thereof.
the Company are listed.
16. Ministry of Corporate Affairs has taken a “Green Initiative in
8. IFCI is not including the financial statements of its subsidiaries
Corporate Governance” by allowing paperless compliance by the
on standalone basis in its Annual Report. However, in terms
Companies. In order to support the said initiative, your Company
of Section 136 of the Companies Act, 2013 the annual audited
sent the copy of the Annual Report along with the notice
accounts of these companies will be available at the website of
the Company at www.ifciltd.com. The Annual Accounts of these convening the AGM through e-mail to those members whose
companies are open for inspection at the Registered Office of e-mail ID has been provided by them through their DP’s /R&TA.
IFCI and at the Registered Offices of the respective companies Also the Annual Report has been uploaded on the website of the
up to the date of this Annual General Meeting on any working Company.
day. The Company will also provide copy of separate audited EXPLANATORY STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 102 OF
financial statements in respect of each of its subsidiary to any THE COMPANIES ACT, 2013
shareholder of the Company who ask for it.
Item No. 6
9. The Members holding equity shares in physical form are requested
to intimate to the Registrar and Transfer Agents (R&TA), MCS In the Meeting of Board of Directors held on September 12, 2014
Share Transfer Agent Ltd, F-65, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase - I, Prof. Arvind Sahay was appointed as an Additional and Independent
New Delhi - 110 020, regarding change of address, if any, at the Director on the Board of the Company and he holds office upto the date
earliest, quoting their registered folio number. Change of address of this Annual General Meeting. Notice has been received proposing
in respect of shares held in dematerialized form is required to be candidature of Prof. Arvind Sahay for appointment as Director of the
intimated to the concerned Depository Participant (DP). Company along with the deposit of `1,00,000/-.

01. Director Report 140815.indd 7 8/14/2015 5:57:19 PM

He has given a declaration to the Board that he meets the criteria of None of the Directors or Key Managerial Personnel of the Company and
independence as provided under Section 149(6) of the Companies their relatives are concerned or interested, financially or otherwise, in
Act, 2013 (Act) and under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement. the resolution.
In the opinion of the Board, he fulfils the conditions specified in the Your Directors recommend the Special Resolution for approval of the
Act and the Rules framed thereunder for appointment as Independent Members.
Director and he is independent of the management. IFCI Limited By order of the Board of Directors
Hence approval of the members is being sought for appointment of Registered Office:
Prof. Arvind Sahay in terms of Sections 149, 150 and 152 of the Act, IFCI Tower
read with Schedule IV of the Act, as Independent Director of the 61 Nehru Place
Company w.e.f. September 12, 2014 for a term of three consecutive New Delhi-110019
years. CIN: L74899DL1993GOI053677
A copy of the Letter of Appointment of Prof. Sahay as Independent Tel: +91-11-41732000
Director, setting out terms and conditions of his appointment, is Fax: +91-11-26230201
available for inspection at the Registered Office of the Company Website: www.ifciltd.com
during business hours on any working day and is also available E-mail: [email protected]
on the website of the Company at www.ifciltd.com. All documents Rupa Sarkar
referred to in the accompaning Notice and the explanatory statement Dated: August 11, 2015 Company Secretary
as well as the other documents as required under the provisions of the INFORMATION ABOUT DIRECTORS SEEKING APPOINTMENT /
Companies Act, 2013 are open for inspection at the Registered Office RE-APPOINTMENT AS MANDATED UNDER CLAUSE 49 OF THE
of the Company on all working days except Saturdays, Sundays and LISTING AGREEMENT IS AS UNDER:
Holidays between 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. upto the date of this Annual
a) Ms Kiran Sahdev, Executive Director LIC, aged 54 years joined
General Meeting.
LIC in the year 1984 as a Direct Recruit Officer of the 13th Batch.
The Board considers that his continued association would be of In a career spanning over three decades, she has handled many
immense benefit to the Company and it is desirable to continue to challenging assignments such as Secretary (Per.Admn/ER) at
avail his services as Independent Director. Accordingly, the Board Central Office, Regional Manager (Personnel & IR) of Central and
recommends the Resolution for approval of the Members. North Zones and Regional Manager (Estates / OS) of Northern
Brief profile of the above Director is set out in the “Information about Zone. The twelve years’ of rich experience in managing personnel
Directors seeking appointment/re-appointment as mandated under and industrial relations has made her almost a specialist in the
Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement” is annexed with the notice. field. As a part of the Team LIC, at corporate LIC, she looks
None of the Directors or Key Managerial Personnel of the Company forward to enhancing professionalism in work culture and
and their relatives, other than Prof. Sahay for his appointment, are establishing robust systems to improve corporate governance.
concerned or interested, financially or otherwise, in this resolution. Ms Sahdev has been extensively trained in executive excellence
Item No. 7 and leadership at renowned Indian and International institutes,
including ISB, Hyderabad, IIM (Ahmedabad) and Asian Institute
As per Section 42 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 14 of
of Management, Manilla, Phillipines.
the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014
and the other applicable rules made thereunder, a company offering A major in English Literature from Jesus and Mary College, Delhi
or making an invitation to subscribe to Non-Convertible Debentures and a Post Graduate in English Literature from Delhi University,
(“NCDs”) on a private placement basis, is required to obtain the prior Ms Kiran Sahdev is a multifaceted personality having interests
approval of the Shareholders by way of a Special Resolution. Such in music, reading and theatre. An art lover, she has a remarkable
an approval by way of special resolution can be obtained once in a aesthetic sense and appreciates works of art related to period
year for all the offers and invitations made for such NCDs during the history and culture.
year. At the last Annual General Meeting held on August 27, 2014, She was appointed in the Board of Director of the Company on
shareholders of the Company had given their consent for issue of October 24, 2013. She does not hold any Directorship/ Committee
securities by private placement for an amount not exceeding `5,000 membership in any other Company. She does not hold any shares
crore in the year commencing from August 27, 2014 i.e. the date of in IFCI Ltd. She attended thirteen out of fifteen Board Meetings
approval by shareholders. During the period elapsed so far, your held during the FY 2014-15.
Company has not issued securities by private placement. b) Prof. Arvind Sahay, aged 50 years is a Professor of Marketing
However, your Company will continue to mobilize funds to further and International Business, Dean (Alumni & External Relations)
its business. It is proposed to issue securities by private placement at IIM Ahmedabad. He is Ph.D. from University of Texas Austin
as may be deemed feasible. The approval of the Members is being and B.Tech. from IIT Kanpur. He did Post Graduation Diploma in
sought by way of a Special Resolution under Sections 42 and 71 of the Business from IIM Ahmedabad.
Act read with the Rules made thereunder, to enable the Company to Prof. Sahay has authored more than 50 cases and published
offer or invite subscriptions for securities, including but not limited to in leading international journals like the Journal of Marketing,
bonds and non-convertible debentures upto `5,000 crore on a private Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of
placement basis, in one or more tranches, during the period of one International Business Studies, Sloan Management Review,
year from the date of passing of the Resolution at Item No. 7, within Vikalpa, the Journal of Academy of Marketing Science and
the overall borrowing limits of the Company, as approved by the Journal of Indian Business Research. His article in the Journal
Members from time to time. of Academy of Marketing Science is one of the most widely
All documents referred to in the accompaning Notice and the cited papers in marketing. He has been a regular columnist for
explanatory statement as well as the other documents as required Outlook Business magazine on marketing strategy and has also
under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 are open for written for the leading Indian business newspaper, Financial
inspection at the Registered Office of the Company on all working Express, on economics and business. He is the author of a case
days except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays between 11:00 A.M. to book on marketing strategy called Cases in Pricing, Marketing
1:00 P.M. upto the date of this Annual General Meeting. Communications and Distribution.

01. Director Report 170815.indd 8 8/17/2015 8:27:14 PM

Prof. Sahay is the recipient of the University Wide Outstanding Organizational Performance and Innovating for Growth. He is a
Dissertation Award from the University of Texas at Austin (for member of the FICCI Sub-Committee on Pharmaceuticals.
his Ph.D thesis), the Innovation in Teaching Award at London Prof. Sahay has been a visiting faculty at the Mason School at
Business School and of the Dewang Mehta Best Teacher Award in the College of William and Mary (USA), University of Texas at
Marketing Management and the UTV Bloomberg Best Marketing Austin (USA), IIM Lucknow, Asian Institute of Technology,
Professor in India. He was also nominated to the Thinkers 50 (Vietnam), Gordon Institute of Business Science, University
of Pretoria (South Africa), SP Jain Institute of Management
India list by the Institute of Competitiveness, Harvard Business
Research (Singapore, Dubai), Retail Alliance (Dubai) and Indian
School. School of Business, Hyderabad. With his immense expertise
Prof. Sahay is also on the Board of Brandscapes Consultancy and experience, he will be an asset to the organization. He
Pvt Ltd and Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilisers & Chemicals has attended three Board Meetings out of seven during the
Ltd (GNFC). He is the Coordinator and Lead Faculty for IIM- FY 2014-15.
A’s management development programs on Pricing, Tracking He does not hold any shares in IFCI Ltd.


The Company’s Equity Shares are listed at following six Stock Exchanges in India. Besides, the bonds issued to the public by the Company were
also listed at Stock Exchanges mentioned at Sl. No. 1, 2 and 3 below. After the redemption of these Bonds on maturity / through exercise of call
option, listing of these bonds have been discontinued. The existing continuing bonds are listed at exchange mentioned at Sl. No.1.
1. BSE Ltd 2. National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Tower, Dalal Street, Fort Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
MUMBAI - 400 001 Plot No.C/1, G Block
Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)
MUMBAI-400 051
3. The Delhi Stock Exchange Association Ltd 4. The Calcutta Stock Exchange Association Ltd
DSE House, 3/1 Asaf Ali Road 7 Lyons Range
DELHI-110 002 KOTKATA-700 001
5. Ahmedabad Stock Exchange Ltd
Kamdhenu Complex, Ist Floor
Opp. Sahajanand College, Panjarapole
Ambawadi, AHMEDABAD - 380 015
The Company has paid the annual listing fees to the Stock Exchanges for the financial year 2015-16, except to the Stock Exchanges at New Delhi,
Kolkata, Ahmedabad and Madras as the Company had applied for delisting of securities pursuant to the resolution passed at the Annual General
Meeting held on September 10, 2001 and September 12, 2003.

Route Map of AGM Venue


01. Director Report 170815.indd 9 8/17/2015 1:53:41 PM


To the Members public issue as also for various business transactions through open
The Board of Directors of your Company has the pleasure of presenting tender process. However, overall the ratio of overhead expenses
the Twenty Second Annual Report of IFCI Ltd together with the (excl. depreciation) to total income stood favourably at 3.2% for
Audited Financial Statement for the year ended March 31, 2015. the year ended March 31, 2015, same as that for the year ended
March 31, 2014.
(` in crore)
No. 2014-15 2013-14
1. Operational Income 3,251 2,886
2. Total Income 3,348 2,953
3. Cost of Borrowings 2,102 1,666
4. Staff Cost/Other Expenditure 104 93
5. Depreciation (10) 13
6. Total Expenditure 2,196 1,772
7. Profit Before Provisions/write-off 1,152 1,181
8. Provision for Bad & Doubtful Assets 434 520
and Others (Net of Write off)
9. Profit before Tax 718 660
10. Tax Expense 196 152
11. Profit After Tax 522 508
12. Surplus Brought forward from 1,845 1,648
Previous Year
Less: WDV of the Assets with no useful life 2 –
13. Appropriations: DIVIDEND
Reserve u/s 451C of RBI Act 104 102 Your Directors declared a Dividend of `1/- per equity share i.e. 10%
Special Reserve u/s 36(1)(viii) of 15 15 of the face value of `10/- each as interim dividend for the financial
the Income Tax Act year 2014-15. Your Directors have also recommended dividend of
Debenture Redemption Reserve 19 0 `0.50 per equity share, i.e. 5% of the face value of `10/- each as final
Expenditure on Corporate Social 8 0 dividend, subject to the approval of the shareholders at the ensuing
Responsibility Activities Annual General Meeting. Your Company also paid dividend of `0.31
Dividend on Equity Shares (incl. tax) 296 194 crore on preference shares.
Dividend on Preference Shares (incl. Tax) 0* 0*
14. Balance carried to Balance Sheet 1,923 1,845
*0.31 crore
Operational income for FY 2015 was higher than that of FY 2014 by THE DATE OF THE REPORT
12.7% due to increase in interest income, the interest income though There has been no change in the business of the Company during the
was impacted by `247 crore due to reversal of income on account of
reporting period. Further, there have been no material changes and
fresh Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) (`55 crore) and interest funding
commitments which affect the financial position between the end of
of restructured assets (`192 crore). The operational income included
financial year and date of Board’s Report.
income of `251 crore from NPAs as against `166 crore in FY 2014.
However, income from other financial services was lower at `355 OWNERSHIP/CAPITAL STRUCTURE/CHANGE IN SECURITIES
crore vis-a-vis `491 crore in FY 2014 mainly due to lower profit on There was no change in the ownership of the Government of India
sale of shares/debentures at `269 crore in FY 2015 as against `365 in your Company during the FY 2014-15 and it continued to hold
crore in FY 2014. Other income at `97 crore was higher by 45% than 55.53% equity stake in IFCI as on March 31, 2015. There has also been
`67 crore in FY 2014, the increase primarily being due to profit of `29 no change in the capital structure of the Company. However, during FY
crore on sale of surplus properties during the current year. 2015-16, Government of India acquired 6,00,00,000 Preference Shares
The finance cost of borrowing continued to increase due to higher of `10/- each of the Company from certain Scheduled Commercial
borrowing required for growth in business at average cost of 10.24% Banks and consequently increased its holding from 47.93% to 51.04%
as against average carrying cost of existing borrowing of 9.55%. The of the Paid-up Share Capital of the Company. Consequently, the
cost of borrowing for FY 2015 at `2,102 crore was higher by 26.17% Company became a Government Company in terms of Section 2(45)
than `1,666 crore for FY 2014. During the year, long term borrowing of the Companies Act, 2013, w.e.f. April 7, 2015.
of `7,947 crore was made while `3,258 crore was repaid as per the The change in the Debt Structure of the Company is as under:
schedule. The carrying cost of borrowings as at March 31, 2015
increased to 9.6% as compared to 9.5% as at March 31, 2014. The Total Number of Issued Redemption Total Number of
increasing trend is expected to continue for some more time till the Securities at the during made during Securities at
cost of fresh borrowing falls below the carrying cost of borrowing. beginning of the the the year the end of the
The overhead expense towards employee benefits and establishment year year year
cost for FY 2015 at `104 crore was also higher by 11.8% than `93 4,201,749,118 19,722,593 57,366 4,221,414,345
crore for FY 2015. This was mainly due to increase in employee Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos.
benefit expenses and new recruitments and increase in corporate (`10,649.87 (`1,972.26 (`473.71 (`12,148.43
campaigning and advertisement expenses for branding prior to crore) crore) crore) crore)


01. Director Report 140815.indd 10 8/14/2015 5:57:20 PM

DETAILS OF DIRECTORS AND KEY MANAGERIAL PERSONNEL shall be applicable in respect of transactions which are
Since the last Board’s Report the following changes have occurred in the (b) The Audit Committee shall satisfy itself the need for
composition of the Board of Directors and in the KMP of your Company: such omnibus approval and that such approval is in the
Prof Omprakash Mishra (DIN: 03068103) ceased to be Director on the interest of IFCI.
Board of the Company w.e.f. August 27, 2014 (for want of majority (c) Such omnibus approval shall specify:
in the proposal for his appointment as Independent Director at the i. The name(s) of the Related Party, nature of
last Annual General Meeting of the Company held on August 27, transaction, period of transaction, maximum
2014). Prof Arvind Sahay (DIN: 03218334) was inducted on the Board amount of transaction that can be entered into.
as Additional and Independent Director w.e.f. September 12, 2014.
Shri Anurag Jain (DIN: 01779759), Government Nominee Director ii. The indicative base price/current contracted price
ceased to be Director on the Board of the Company w.e.f. February and the formula for variation in the price, if any,
16, 2015, due to withdrawal of nomination from Government of and
India. Shri Rajesh Aggarwal (DIN: 03566931), Joint Secretary, iii. Such other conditions as the Audit Committee
Ministry of Finance, Department of Financial Services, New Delhi, may deem fit.
was appointed as Director w.e.f. February 19, 2015 vice Shri Anurag (d) Audit Committee shall review, on a quarterly basis, the
Jain (DIN: 01779759). Shri P G Muralidharan (DIN: 00960475) details of RPTs entered into by IFCI pursuant to each of
resigned w.e.f. March 30, 2015 in view of his having reached the the omnibus approval given.
maximum age to act as Director of NBFC prescribed by Reserve
(e) Such omnibus approvals shall be valid for a period not
Bank of India as per Revised Regulatory Framework for NBFC.
exceeding one year and shall require fresh approvals
Shri S N Ananthasubramanian (DIN: 00001399) resigned from
after the expiry of one year.
the Board of the Company with effect from June 13, 2015 owing to
professional commitments. Proviso:
Shri B N Nayak, who had been acting as CFO pursuant to the The above clause will not be applicable in the following
provisions of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement was designated cases:
as KMP in the category of CFO, w.e.f. May 26, 2014 pursuant to the i. Transactions entered into between 2 Government
provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. Companies.
DIRECTOR LIABLE TO RETIRE BY ROTATION ii. Transactions entered into between a holding company
Ms Kiran Sahdev (DIN: 06718968) will retire by rotation at the and its wholly owned subsidiary whose accounts are
conclusion of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and being consolidated with such holding company and placed
eligible has offered herself for re-appointment. before the shareholders at the general meeting for
Explanation: All entities falling under the definition of
The details of the Meetings of the Board of Directors forms part of
related parties shall abstain from voting irrespective of
the Corporate Governance Report appearing separately in the Annual
whether the entity is a party to the particular transaction
or not.
II. Approval by Board of Directors
Your Company has in place an Audit Committee of Directors in
compliance with the provisions of the Listing Agreement and Except with the consent of the Board of Directors given by
Companies Act, 2013. The details of Composition forms part of the a resolution at a meeting of the Board, IFCI shall not enter
Corporate Governance Report appearing separately in the Annual into any contract or arrangement with a related party with
Report. respect to:
Your Directors would further like to inform that there has been no ¾ Sale, purchase or supply of any goods or materials;
matter where the Board has not accepted recommendations of the ¾ Selling or otherwise disposing of, or buying, property of any
Committee. kind;
Pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and Listing ¾ Availing or rendering of any services;
Agreement, the Company has put in place a Nomination as well as ¾ Appointment of any agent for purchase or sale of goods,
a Remuneration Policy. The Nomination & Remuneration Policy are materials, services or property;
atteched at Annexure I. The Policies have also been placed on the ¾ Such related party’s appointment to any office or place of
website of your company at www.ifciltd.com.
profit in the company, its subsidiary company or associate
A. Approvals ¾ Underwriting the subscription of any securities or
derivatives thereof, of the company:
I. Approval by Audit Committee
Provided that nothing of the above shall apply to any transactions
1. All Related Party Transactions (including any subsequent
entered into by IFCI in its ordinary course of business other than
modifications thereof) shall require prior approval of
transactions which are not on an arm’s length basis.
the Audit Committee of Directors. However, the Audit
Committee of Directors may grant omnibus approval for the {Ordinary Course of Business shall include those business which
RPTs proposed to be entered into by the Company subject to forms part of the Object Clause of the Memorandum of Association
the following conditions: of the Company}
(a) The Audit Committee shall lay down the criteria for Explanation:
granting the omnibus approval in line with the policy The expression “office or place of profit” means any office or
on Related Party Transactions of IFCI and such approval place:


01. Director Report 170815.indd 11 8/17/2015 1:54:53 PM

Where such office or place is held by a director, if the director 2. All Material RPTs shall require approval of the shareholders
holding it receives from IFCI anything by way of remuneration through Special Resolution and the related parties shall
over and above the remuneration to which he is entitled as abstain from voting on such resolutions.
director, by way of salary, fee, commission, perquisites, any rent- 3. No Member of IFCI shall vote on such Special Resolution, to
free accommodation, or otherwise; approve any contract or arrangement which may be entered
Where such office or place is held by an individual other than a into by the Company, if such member is a related party.
director or by any firm, private company or other body corporate,
if the individual, firm, private company or body corporate holding
it receives from IFCI anything by way of remuneration, salary, The above Clause will not be applicable in the following cases:
fee, commission, perquisites, any rent-free accommodation, or ¾Transactions entered into between 2 Government Companies.
otherwise; ¾ Transactions entered into between a holding company and its
The expression “arm’s length transaction” means a transaction wholly owned subsidiary whose accounts are consolidated with
between two related parties that is conducted as if they were such holding company and placed before the shareholders at the
unrelated, so that there is no conflict of interest. general meeting for approval.
1. Except with the prior approval of the company by a RELATED PARTIES
special resolution, IFCI shall not enter into a transaction Disclosure on Related Party Transactions during FY 2014-15 in the
or transactions, where the transaction or transactions to be prescribed Form AOC-2 is provided in Annexure II.
entered into:
As contracts or arrangements with respect to Clauses (a) to
Pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, the extract
(e) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 188 of the Companies Act
of the Annual Return in the prescribed format of Form MGT - 9 is at
2013, with criteria as mentioned below:
Annexure III.
¾ Sale, purchase or supply of any goods or materials,
directly or through appointment of agent, exceeding CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - DETAILS ABOUT THE
10% of the turnover of the company or rupees one POLICY DEVELOPED AND IMPLEMENTED ON CORPORATE
hundred crore, whichever is lower, as mentioned in SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY INITIATIVES DURING THE YEAR
Clause (a) and Clause (e) respectively of Sub-Section In pursuance of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013, the Board of
(1) of Section 188; IFCI after the recommendation of the Corporate Social Responsibility
¾ Selling or otherwise disposing of or buying property Committee of Directors (CSR Committee) approved CSR policy for
of any kind, directly or through appointment of agent, IFCI. The contents of the policy is on the website of IFCI at www.
exceeding ten per cent of net worth of the company ifciltd.com.
or rupees one hundred crore, whichever is lower, as The CSR Committee recommends to the Board of Directors on
mentioned in Clause (b) and Clause (e) respectively of activities to be undertaken by the company as specified in Schedule
Sub-Section (1) of Section 188; VII of the Companies Act, 2013 and Companies (CSR policy) Rules,
¾ Leasing of property of any kind exceeding ten percent of 2014. The CSR Committee recommends the amount to be incurred on
the net worth of the company or ten per cent of turnover the activities and earmarked funds for the envisaged priority areas, as
of the company or rupees one hundred crore, whichever per vision of the company for a particular financial year.
is lower, as mentioned in Clause (c) of Sub-Section (1) of To associate with the CSR Activities of IFCI and its Subsidiaries and
Section 188; Associates, a Trust, by the name of “IFCI Social Foundation” has
¾ Availing or rendering of any services, directly or also been established. The investment in CSR activities is project
through appointment of agent, exceeding ten per cent based and for every project, time frame and periodic milestones are
of the turnover of the company or rupees fifty crore, set at the outset. Utilisation Certificate with regard to the approved
whichever is lower, as mentioned in Clause (d) and and disbursed amount is obtained from the concerned executing
clause (e) respectively of Sub-Section (1) of section 188. NGO/Trust/Specialised Agency. The progress of activities are
Explanation — It is hereby clarified that the limits specified reviewed and monitored very closely for optimum utilisation of
in Sub-Clauses (i) to (iv) shall apply for transaction or CSR funds.
transactions to be entered into either individually or taken The Disclosure of contents of Corporate Social Responsibility
together with the previous transactions during a financial year. Policy in the Board’s Report pursuant to the provisions of
Is for appointment to any office or place of profit in the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 is at
Company, its subsidiary company or associate company Annexure IV.
at a monthly remuneration exceeding two and half lakh PARTICULARS OF EMPLOYEES AND REMUNERATION –
rupees as mentioned in Clause (f) of Sub-Section (1) of PURSUANT TO RULE V OF COMPANIES (APPOINTMENT AND
Section 188; or
Is for remuneration for underwriting the subscription
The requisite details envisaged under the provisions of Rule V
of any securities or derivatives thereof of the company
of Companies (Appointment and Remuneration) Rules, 2014 are
exceeding one per cent of the net worth as mentioned in
annexed with this report at Annexure V.
Clause (g) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 188.
Explanation: (1) The Turnover or Net Worth referred in EMPLOYEE STOCK OPTION DETAILS
the above Sub-rules shall be computed on the basis of the The requisite details pursuant to the provisions of SEBI (Employee
Audited Financial Statement of the preceding Financial Stock Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme)
Year. (2) In case of a wholly owned subsidiary, the special Guidelines, 1999 and pursuant to the provisions of Rule 12 (9) of
resolution passed by the IFCI shall be sufficient for the the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 are at
purpose of entering into the transactions between the wholly Annexure VI. Though the ESOP Scheme has been discontinued, the
owned subsidiary and IFCI. disclosures are made in term of the above Guidelines.


01. Director Report 140815.indd 12 8/14/2015 5:57:21 PM

ANNUAL EVALUATION ON PERFOMANCE adequate safeguards to them against any sort of victimization on
The performance evaluation of the Board, its Committees and raising an alarm. The Policy also provides for direct access to the
individual Directors was conducted. The same was based on feedback Chairman of the Audit Committee in exceptional cases. During the
from all the Directors on the Board as a whole, Committees and year under review, no instance of the protected disclosure has been
individual evaluation, as per the Nomination Policy. made to the Designated Authority or to the Chairman of the Audit
Based on the feedback, the performance was evaluated in the Meetings Committee. Details of vigil mechanism is also available on Company’s
of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC), Independent website at www.ifciltd.com.
Directors and the Board, in terms of the provisions of Companies Act, PERFORMANCE OF SUBSIDIARIES AND ASSOCIATES PROMOTED
2013 and Listing Agreement. BY IFCI
Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd (SHCIL)
ACT, 2013
Your Company is fully committed to take appropriate measures SHCIL was promoted by the public financial institutions and
against Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace as per incorporated as a limited company on July 28, 1986. SHCIL, one of
the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, the largest Depository Participants, besides being the country’s largest
Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 which came into force in premier Custodian in terms of assets under custody, provides post
April, 2013. Requisite organizational architecture in terms of trading and custodial services to institutional investors, mutual funds,
constitution of Committee, amending the IFCI Staff Regulations banks, insurance companies, etc. It acts as a Central Record Keeping
etc. to comply with the provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Agency (CRA) for collection of stamp duty in 15 States and 3 Union
Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, Territories on pan India basis. It is one of the largest Professional
2013 has been created. IFCI continues to adhere to the framework Clearing Members of the country. It distributes Fixed Deposits,
stipulated under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Bonds and NCDs of reputed Institutes and Corporates, Mutual Fund
as per the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Schemes, Initial Public Offers (IPO’s) and National Pension System
Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. During the year 2014-15, no (NPS) etc. SHCIL has its registered office at Mumbai and a world class
complaint on this ground has been received. main operations office at Navi Mumbai and operates through its 188
retail branches all over India. SHCIL has presence in 18 States/Union
SHCIL has two wholly owned subsidiaries viz. (i) SHCIL Services
As the Company is primarily engaged in the business of financing Ltd (SSL) and (ii) SHCIL Projects Ltd (SPL); SSL, the broking arm of
Corporates in the capacity of being a Non-Banking Financial Company, SHCIL, is providing stock broking services to retail and institutional
therefore the provisions of Section 186 [except for Sub-Section (1)] of clients across the country. SSL offers services in Cash & F & O segment
the Companies Act, 2013 are not applicable to the Company.
of BSE & NSE. SPL is a Microsoft Gold certified partner for all its
DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF RISK MANAGEMENT products and services is ISO 9001:2008 and CMMI Level-3 certified.
POLICY SPL provides End to End Document Management Solutions and
Disclosure indicating development and implementation of Risk acts as an Insurance Repository. SPL has been granted a Certificate
Management Policy is provided in the Management Discussion and of Registration to act as an “Insurance Repository (IR)” by Insurance
Analysis Report forming part of this Report. Regulatory & Development Authority (IRDA).
PUBLIC DEPOSITS IFCI Infrastructure Development Ltd (IIDL)
Your Company did not raise any public deposit during the year. There IIDL was set up by IFCI Ltd in the year 2007 to venture into the real
was no public deposit outstanding as at the beginning or end of the estate and infrastructure sector. Being a wholly owned subsidiary of
year ended on March 31, 2015. IFCI Ltd, a Government of India Undertaking, IIDL has ventured into
DISCLOSURE ON RECEIPT OF COMMISSION BY A DIRECTOR the Infrastructure Sector as an institutional player. IIDL is committed
FROM SUBSIDIARY COMPANY to the principles of transparency, professionalism and integrity
with clients aspirations and interests being the driving force. The
No Director of the Company, including the CEO&MD and DMD was
company since its inception has developed projects all over India
paid any commission during the FY 2014-15 from any subsidiaries of
focusing on construction that is driven by the overall infrastructure
your Company on whose Boards they were Directors as nominees of
development of the country.
the Company.
IIDL has successfully completed its flagship state of the art Serviced
SIGNIFICANT OR MATERIAL ORDERS PASSED BY REGULATORS apartment project known as “Fraser Suites” being managed by Frasers
OR COURT OR TRIBUNALS IMPACTING THE GOING CONCERN Hospitality Pte Ltd, Singapore. IIDL was awarded a prestigious
STATUS OF THE COMPANY AND COMPANY’S OPERATIONS IN project spread over an area of 50 acre for developing a “Financial City”
FUTURE near Bengaluru International Airport by Karnataka Industrial Areas
There has been no such order passed by any Regulator or Court Development Board (KIADB), Government of Karnataka in the Global
impacting the going concern status of the Company and Company’s Investors Meet 2010. The Company has also been allotted 15 Acre
operations. of Land in Bengaluru Hardware Park adjacent to IFCI Financial City,
VIGILANCE Bengaluru for establishing “Supporting Infrastructure for Financial
During the financial year 2014-15, the Company has established a City” by KIADB, which is under planning stage.
Vigil Mechanism under the provisions of Section 177 (9) and (10) IIDL has been appointed as the Project Management Consultants for
of the Companies Act, 2013. In this regard, the Board of Directors developing “Management Development Institute” Murshidabad, West
of the Company has approved a Whistle Blower Policy under which Bengal, a sprawling residential campus spread over 10 Acre of land
its director(s) and employee(s) can report to the management their on Turnkey basis. The Project was inaugurated on August 24, 2014 by
concerns about unethical behaviour, actual or suspected fraud or Hon’ble President of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee along with Finance
violation of the IFCI’s code of conduct or ethics policy and to provide Minister, Shri Arun Jaitley.


01. Director Report 140815.indd 13 8/14/2015 5:57:21 PM

On the residential front, “21st Milestone Residency” at, Ghaziabad, IFCI Factors Ltd (IFL)
Uttar Pradesh offers 4,50,000 sq ft of living space spread over 4.0 Acre During the year under report, IFL continued to be a major provider of
of land. “IIDL Aerie” located at prime residential area of Panampilly factoring services in India. After registering sizeable growth year on
Nagar, Kochi, offers high end living space of around 1,50,000 sq ft year in business following its acquisition by IFCI Ltd, the company
with all modern amenities. has been in a phase of consolidation over FY 2013-14 and FY
IIDL executed various projects as Project Management Consultants 2014-15 in the wake of adverse economic environment. The FY
like “IFCI Bhawan” an office complex at Bengaluru, Ahmedabad for 2014-15 has been a tough year for the Company, amidst the
IFCI and Interior, fit outs and allied works including furnishing, civil challenging macro-economic environment. The RBI has taken notable
and electrical works for the branches of “Bhartiya Mahila Bank” at step to address the economic slowdown and has relaxed the Income
New Delhi, Ahmedabad, Guwahati, Kolkata, Bangalore and Chennai. Asset pattern guideline for Factoring to Non-factoring ratio from
the prevailing 75:25 to 50:50. This provides ample opportunity for
IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd (IFCI Venture)
the Company to offer secured structured products and enables the
IFCI Venture was set-up in 1975 by your Company with the objective Company to operate both in working capital space as well as corporate
to broaden entrepreneurship base in India by providing risk capital loan market.
mainly to first generation entrepreneurs under “Risk Capital
Further, with the enactment and implementation of the Factoring
Scheme”. In 1988, IFCI Venture launched “Technology Finance and
Regulation Act, 2011, initiative for setting up a Credit Guarantee Fund
Development Scheme”, to provide financial assistance for setting up
of `500 crore for factoring business as announced in the Union Budget
projects aimed at commercialization of indigenous technologies. for FY 2013-14, and initiative by the RBI of exploring the possibility of
In the year 2008, IFCI Venture undertook management of 3 new PE/VC setting up of a Trade Credit Exchange for electronic factoring of bills,
funds viz. India Automotive Component Manufacturers Private Equity in the times to come, factoring business in India is poised for growth.
Fund-1-Domestic (IACM-1-D), Green India Venture Fund (GIVF) and
India Enterprise Development Fund (IEDF) with an aggregate corpus
of `508 crore, where investment have been done in 29 companies. MPCON Ltd is a professionally managed Technical Consultancy
All the three funds focused on investments in mid-sized companies Organization promoted by your Company established in 1979.
involved in setting up niche business models in respective industry It is a premier consulting organization having base in Central
sectors with prospects of scalability. These funds were fully invested India, providing quality consulting services. During FY 2014-15, it
by 2011 and are currently under exit mode. consolidated its project consultancy business and also enhanced its
presence in the training and capacity building spheres. It has bagged
In the year 2014-15, IFCI Venture has initiated setting-up of three skilling projects for training close to 4500 candidates in Madhya
funds viz. Pradesh and Chhattisgarh from the Ministry of Rural Development,
(a) Venture Capital Fund for Scheduled Castes (VCF-SC) – a Government Govt. of India. It also participated in the STAR programme run by the
of India initiative to promote entrepreneurship amongst Scheduled National Skills Development Corporation. Apart from Training and
Castes entrepreneurs in India. The corpus of the fund is `250 crore Skill Development, the financial inclusion project has been expanded
with Government of India contribution of `200 crore and IFCI Ltd further to cover more areas in Madhya Pradesh. MPCON has also
has committed `50 crore towards the corpus. It was registered with proved its worth in the other spheres of consultancy services such as
SEBI and launched on January 16, 2015. Solid & Liquid Waste Management, Development of Course curriculum
(b) Green India Venture Fund-II. under National Vocational Education Framework, Impact Assessment
(c) Small and Medium Enterprises Advantage Fund. Studies etc. for various departments of the State Government as well
as the Central Government.
For both the above funds, in-principle approval has been received
and IFCI Ltd has committed `50 crore each in both the Funds. IFCI ASSOCIATES
Venture is expected to start operations under these two new funds Tourism Finance Corporation of India Ltd (TFCI)
during FY 2015-16.
TFCI, a Public Financial Institution was established in 1989, pursuant
IFCI Venture is also registered with RBI as an NBFC and provides to the recommendations of the National Committee on Tourism set
secured Corporate Loans to profit making mid-market companies in up under the aegis of the Planning Commission, Government of
the range of `5-20 crore with security of shares of listed companies India. Your Company along with other All-India Financial/Investment
and/or mortgage of property. The Company has a well-defined credit Institutions and Nationalised Banks promoted TFCI to cater to the
policy for sanction of loans. financial needs of burgeoning tourism industry. Since its inception,
IFCI Financial Services Ltd (IFIN) TFCI has provided high-quality research and consultancy services
IFIN was set up in 1995, by IFCI Ltd, to provide a wide range of to the tourism industry in general and to the investors in tourism
industry in particular. It provides financial assistance to enterprises
financial products and services to institutional and retail clients.
for setting up and/or development of hotels, resorts, amusement parks
IFIN is primarily involved in the business of Stock Broking, Currency
and tourism-related projects, facilities and services. It undertakes
Trading, Depository Participant Services, Merchant and Investment
appraisal of individual projects, project studies, and surveys for
Banking, Insurance (Corporate agent for both life and General
various State Government agencies/individual clients.
Insurance), Mutual Fund Products Distribution and Corporate
Advisory Services. IFIN has three wholly-owned subsidiaries namely HARDICON Ltd
IFIN Securities Finance Ltd, IFIN Commodities Ltd and IFIN Credit HARDICON was set up in 1985, jointly by all India Financial
Ltd. IFIN Securities Finance Ltd, an NBFC is primarily engaged in the Institutions, PSU Banks & State level insttitutions viz. IFCI, SIDBI,
business of margin funding, providing loan against shares & property, SBI. Haryana Financial Corporation, Haryana State Industrial
promoter funding etc. IFIN Commodities Ltd, a registered member and Infrastructure Development Corporation and Delhi Financial
of the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd (MCX), National Corporation of the two State Governments with the twin objectives of
Commodity and Derivatives Exchange Ltd (NCDEX) and National facilitating overall industrial development of the country by catering
Spot Exchange Ltd (NSEL), is primarily engaged in the business of to the technical consultancy needs of the industry and promoting
providing Commodity market related transaction services. IFIN Credit entrepreneurship. In the initial years, the focus of operations was
Ltd is not engaged in any major business activity. confined to the states of Haryana and Delhi. Post liberalization


01. Director Report 140815.indd 14 8/14/2015 5:57:21 PM

HARDICON expanded its service base beyond Haryana and Delhi KITCO Ltd
and now undertakes nationwide assignments. Its broad spectrum KITCO Ltd (formerly Kerala Industrial and Technical Consultancy
of activities include Preparation of Techno-Economic Feasibility Organization Ltd) established in 1972, is one of the premier
Reports, Project Appraisals, Valuation of Assets, Business Valuation, Engineering, Management & Project consultancy firm in India
Skill & Entrepreneurship Development Training, Market Research/ promoted by your Company jointly with IDBI, ICICI and other State
Impact Assessment Studies, Implementation of Corporate Social Level Institutions. Some of the key fields where KITCO is a prominent
Responsibility (CSR) activities of PSUs. Its portfolio of clients includes player are Energy Studies, Skill Certification and Placement services.
PSUs, large scale industrial sector enterprises as well as traditional The company provides professional technical consultancy services to
SME sector clients. Small and Medium Enterprise (SME). KITCO is the only consultancy
Himachal Consultancy Organisation Ltd (HIMCON) organization in the state having EIA accreditation. During the year
under report, KITCO has been instrumental in setting up of TCO
HIMCON was promoted in 1977 with your Company as the lead
consortium having its office in Delhi. While KITCO will be the National
institution, along with other FIs such as IDBI, ICICI in collaboration
Coordinating agency for the consortium, the other TCO members are:
with Nationalised Banks and state level Corporations and Institutions.
NITCON (Punjab), MITCON (Maharashtra), ITCOT (Tamil Nadu),
HIMCON is a multi-functional and multi- disciplinary organization APITCO (Andhra Pradesh), GITCO (Gujarat), HARDICON (Haryana),
offering a wide range of services to the industrial and infrastructure MPCON (Madhya Pradesh), UPICO (Uttar Pradesh), HIMCON
development, and to a wider spectrum of clientele including those (Himachal Pradesh) and RAJCON (Rajasthan).
outside the state of Himachal Pradesh. The major thrust areas
of HIMCON’s service base includes Evaluation Studies, Project JOINT VENTURE
Appraisals, Compilation of Project Reports, Compilation of Pre- IFCI Sycamore Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd
Feasibility/Feasibility Reports, TEVs, Services under SARFA&ESI Act
The Company has 50% interest in one joint venture viz. IFCI
2002, Preparations of comprehensive development plans of the area, Sycamore Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd (ISCAPL) incorporated in India
act as Project Monitoring Consultants and Conducting EDPs & Skill in November 2011 which is under voluntary liquidation and Official
Development Training Programmes and Awareness Programmes. liquidator has been appointed. The investment of IFCI Ltd in ISCAPL
HIMCON has bagged first of its kind of mandate of Transforming as on March 31, 2015 was at `0.01 crore Class A Equity Shares and
Village Taseeng in Alwar District of Rajasthan into “World Class Model `2.64 crore Fully Convertible Debentures against which adequate
Heritage Village” as a part of Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojna. provision has been made considering the probability and quantum
Rajasthan Consultancy Organisation Ltd (RAJCON) of share in distribution upon liquidation of the Company. Therefore,
the same has not been considered for the purpose of consolidation of
RAJCON, jointly promoted by IFCI, SIDBI, ICICI along with State
financial statements.
Finance Corporations viz. Rajasthan State Industrial Development
and Investment Corporation Ltd, Rajasthan Financial Corporation, SOCIETIES
Rajasthan Small Industries Corporation Ltd and Commercial Banks Institute of Leadership Development (ILD)
namely State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur (SBBJ), Central Bank of
ILD – erstwhile Institute of Labour Development was established
India (CBI), Punjab National Bank (PNB), Bank of Baroda (BOB) and
in 1992, by your Company recognizing the fact that, alongside the
United Commercial Bank (UCO), was set-up in March 1978 with
management, the workers have to be provided with opportunities
the twin objectives of facilitating overall industrial development
and external facilities of training and development for meeting the
of the country by way of providing technical consultancy services continuous challenges of change. The name was rechristened as
as well as promoting entrepreneurship. At present, RAJCON is Institute of Leadership Development in the year 2008. ILD is working
carrying out varied nature of services which inter-alia includes Skill towards its mission to build capacities, hone up and infuse leadership
& Entrepreneurs Development Services, Technical Consultancy skills among all levels of human resources in all types of organizations
Services, etc. The Skill & Entrepreneurship based activities are i.e., business and corporate entities, Banks, SMEs, NGOs, social action
undertaken on behalf of All India/State Level Corporations and Social groups, key developmental sectors like education, health, energy
Justice and Empowerment/Department of Government of India, while and environment and the wide sweep of the government sector.
Technical Consultancy based activities are undertaken on behalf of ILD is also engaged in imparting skill development programmes for
Banks/FI’s, Industrial/Business Groups, Individual Entrepreneurs etc. the unemployed youths of the state of Rajasthan and giving them
North India Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd (NITCON) job placements as well with the CSR fund support from different
NITCON set up in 1984, is a joint venture of IFCI, SIDBI, ICICI Bank organizations. ILD is also an empanelled agency with Rajasthan Skill
Ltd, State Level Corporations and Public Sector Commercial Banks and Livelihoods Development Corporation (RSLDC), Jaipur, to carry
to render cost effective professional consultancy services to units out skill development programmes in the areas of Textile technology,
in small/medium/large scale industries/Entrepreneurs/Institutions/ Fashion Technology, Hospitality etc.
Government and Government Agencies. NITCON has been an all time Management Development Institute (MDI)
associate of the SME movement. NITCON has gained considerable MDI is one of India’s premiere Business Schools promoted by IFCI
expertise in undertaking Detailed Techno-Economic Appraisals/ Ltd, the Institute aims to inculcate professionalism in management
TEFRs of investment proposals envisaging green field projects as also education and enhance the effectiveness of organizations through
of expansion, modernization, diversification proposals. NITCON also education, training and research. MDI presently is self-financing
takes up TEVS of existing industrial units for revival/rehabilitation educational society. MDI has the distinction of being the first
involving BIFR/CDR cases, Energy Audits, Advisory Assignments internationally accredited Indian Business School having received
and preparation of inventory and valuation of assets to help the international accreditation by AMBA in 2006. The long-term
institutions/banks in valuation of securities, sale of assets and one programmes of MDI have received global, regional and national
time settlement (OTS). accreditations – accreditation of Association of MBAs (AMBA)
NITCON has over 3 decades of experience in promoting self- London, South Asian Regional Accreditation (SAQS) and National
employment and wage employment, through Entrepreneurship Board of Accreditation (NBA). MDI also has the distinction of being
Development Programmes (EDPs) as well as Skill Development the only Indian B-school that has a community outreach programme,
Programmes (SDPs), having trained over 1 lac beneficiaries. the International Summer University (ISU) wherein MDI has joined


01. Director Report 140815.indd 15 8/14/2015 5:57:22 PM

hands with nine Indian universities and institutions to form a CORPORATE GOVERNANCE
network of learning. During the year under report MDI received A detailed report on Corporate Governance as stipulated under Clause
AICTE approval for conducting PG Level Management Programmes at 49 of the Listing Agreement, is attached to the Annual Report.
its Murshidabad campus. The Hon’ble President of India inaugurated Certificate from Practicing Company Secretary regarding compliance
the new academic session at Murshidabad campus. with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in Clause
Rashtriya Gramin Vikas Nidhi (RGVN) 49 of the Listing Agreement has been obtained and is annexed at the
RGVN having its headquarter in Guwahati, Assam was established end of Corporate Governance Report.
in April 1990, as an autonomous, non-profit organization registered CONSERVATION OF ENERGY, TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION,
under the Society’s Registration Act of 1860. Your Company being FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARNINGS AND OUTGO
a founding promoter of RGVN, provided the initial set-up support Conservation of Energy – The Company’s operations do not involve
and with time the Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), the any manufacturing or processing activities. It is involved in providing
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) financial assistance, therefore the Company requires normal
and the Tata Social Welfare Trust (TSWT) also became its promoters. consumption of electricity. Therefore the provisions of Section 134
RGVN is a national level multi-state development and support (3) (m) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 8 (3) of Companies
organization working in the states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, (Accounts) Rules, 2014 are not applicable on the Company. Further,
Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura, Sikkim, Odisha, the Company is not an industry as listed in Schedule to Rule 2 of
Jharkhand and Bihar. After expanding operations in the Northeast, the Companies (Disclosure of Particulars in the Report of Board of
development activities of RGVN were also extended to the poverty Directors) Rule, 1988.
stricken pockets of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, coastal Andhra Pradesh Technology Absorption – In constant endeavour to drive competitive
and Chhattisgarh. RGVN’s core strength comes from its network of advantage through Operational Excellence, your organization is taking
NGOs and Self Help Groups, which are capable of handling large proactive steps towards Business Continuity planning. With regard to
development projects. Over the years, RGVN has been able to groom the same it is proposed to upgrade DC/DR as well as establish a Near
and support small Community based Organizations involved in a Site. Further your Company is also working towards establishment
variety of livelihood enhancement programmes. of industry standard Network security policies and standards in line
COMPANIES WHICH HAVE BECOME OR CEASED TO BE with the latest technology adoption. Your Company is also working
SUBSIDIARIES, JOINT VENTURES OR ASSOCIATE COMPANIES towards implementing a standard product for Loan accounting,
DURING THE YEAR Treasury Operations, Asset Classification System, General Financial
Accounting System, Loan/Debenture Accounting Systems, Asset
During FY 2014-15, IFCI acquired 980 equity shares of Rajasthan
& Liability Management (ALM), Bonds Monitoring and Processing
Consultancy Organisation Ltd (RAJCON), equivalent to 49% of equity
System, Market Risk Management. Further, in order to integrate the
shareholding, from HARDICON, as a result of which RAJCON has
customer services for our Customers, Shareholders and Bondholders
become an Associate Company of IFCI.
your Company is planning to have an integrated customer service
IFCI’s shareholding in Asset Care and Reconstruction Enterprise Ltd portal.
(ACRE) has declined from 37.91% to 19.55%, due to preferential
allotment by ACRE and acquisition of 80,000 equity shares of ACRE, Foreign Exchange Earnings
by your Company from MPCON. The details in respect of foreign expenditure/earnings are as follows:
Details on performance and financial position of subsidiaries, (` crore)
associates and joint venture(s), as on March 31, 2015 are provided in
Particulars Year ended Year ended
Annexure VII. 31.03.2015 31.03.2014
COMPLIANCE Expenditure in Foreign Currencies:
Submission of various returns and data/information to RBI, SEBI and Interest on borrowings 4.45 4.78
other regulatory bodies and the Government of India was complied Other matters 0.16 0.29
with during FY 2014-15.
TOTAL 4.61 5.07
DOCUMENTS PLACED ON THE WEBSITE Earnings in Foreign Currency:
Pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, Listing Earnings in Foreign Currency – –
Agreement and various other Regulatory Requiremnts, the Company
is required to place various Policies/Documents/Details on the Website QUALIFICATIONS, RESERVATION OR ADVERSE REMARK OR
of the Company. The list of Documents placed on the website at www. DISCLAIMER MADE BY THE STATUTORY AUDITORS
ifciltd.com, inter-alia are as under: There were no qualifications or reservations or adverse remarks made
¾ Corporate Social Responsibility Policy. by the Statutory Auditors for the stand alone Financial Statements
or for the consolidated Financial Statements. However, the auditors
¾ Financial Statements of the Company and Consolidated Financial
had following observations on the consolidated Financial Statements :
Statements along with relevant documents.
“Emphasis of Matters :
¾ Audited Accounts of the Subsidiaries.
The holding company holds investments in eight companies to
¾ Details of unpaid dividend.
the extent of 20% or more of their respective total share capital
¾ Details of Vigil Mechanism for Directors and employees to report and accordingly these companies are the associates of the holding
genuine concerns. company as per the Companies Act 2013, for the reasons stated in the
¾ The terms and conditions of the appointment of Independent para 26.1 of the Financial Statements of the Group. Our report is not
Directors. modified on the matter.”
¾ Policy on Material Subsidiary. EXPLANATIONS OR COMMENTS BY THE BOARD:
¾ Policy on Related Party Transactions and Dealing with Related In the case of the referred companies, the shares to the extent of 20%
Party Transactions. or more were acquired by the holding company as a part of regular


01. Director Report 140815.indd 16 8/14/2015 5:57:22 PM

business activity of financing through equity participation with firm (ii) The directors had selected such accounting policies and applied
commitment of buy-back with the promoters/group companies of them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are
the investee companies at pre-determined Rate of Return (ROR) after reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the
a pre-determined period. Since the shares had been acquired with state of affairs of the Company at the end of the financial year and
an intention to dispose-off at a pre-determined ROR, the shares in of the profit and loss of the Company for that period;
networth of the investee company following “Equity Method” was not (iii) The directors had taken proper and sufficient care for the
considered appropriate indictor of the real economic interest of IFCI maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance
Ltd. and therefore, the investment in these companies have not been with the provisions of this Act for safeguarding the assets of
considered in ‘Consolidated Financial Statements’ following AS-13. the company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other
DISCLAIMER MADE BY THE SECRETARIAL AUDITORS (iv) The directors had prepared the annual accounts on a ‘going
M/s Navneet K Arora & Co., Company Secretaries was appointed as concern basis’;
Secretarial Auditor of the Company for the Financial Year 2014-15. (v) The directors have laid down internal financial controls to be
followed by the Company and that such internal financial
REPORT OF SECRETARIAL AUDITOR controls are adequate and were operating effectively. The
“The Company has, in our opinion, complied with the applicable “internal financial controls” means the policies and procedures
provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Rules made under adopted by the Company for ensuring the orderly and efficient
that Act and the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules conduct of its business, including adherence to company’s
made thereunder as notified by Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the policies, the safeguarding of its assets, the prevention and
Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company. During the detection of frauds and errors, the accuracy and completeness
period under review the Company has complied with the provisions of the accounting records and the timely preparation of reliable
of the Reserve Bank of India Act read with applicable Non-Banking financial information; and
Financial Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions as amended till date (vi) The directors had devised proper systems to ensure compliance
except delay in filing of e-returns in Form No.(s) NBS-7 for the quarter with the provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems
ended 30th September 2014, NBS-ALM-2 & 3 for Half Yearly ended on were adequate and operating effectively.
30th September 2014 and NBS-7 for the quarter ended 31st December
2014 with the Reserve Bank of India.”
M/s ASA & Associates, LLP (DE1187) (Firm Regn. No. 009571N)
and M/s Andros & Co. (DE1122) (Firm Regn. No. 08976N) were
Provisional NBS-ALM 2 & 3 were filed with RBI within the stipulated appointed by the Comptroller & Auditor General of India (C&AG)
time period and subsequently the final returns were filed with RBI as Joint Statutory Auditors of your Company for FY 2014-15. C&AG
after approval of final accounts for the respective period. Similarily, has appointed M\s ASA & Associates, LLP (DE1187) (Firm Regn. No.
the e-return NBS-7 was also filed only after Board’s approval of final 009571N) and M\s KPMR & Associates (DE0637) (Firm Regn. No.
accounts for the period. The Company being listed, the results, which 02504N) as Joint Statutory Auditors of your Company for FY 2015-16.
is part of NBS-7 return can not be disclosed prior to the same being
provided to the stock exchanges. Reserve Bank of India was informed
of the position and has not objected to the request of the Company (A) Credit Appraisal, Monitoring and Industry Research (CAMIR)
considering the facts. The Secretarial Audit Report in the Form MR-3 With a view to pitch in new business for IFCI, carry out quality
is annexed at Annexure VIII. appraisal and timely recovery in standard assets in sectors
STATEMENT ON DECLARATION BY INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS other than infrastructure, a dedicated department viz. Credit
Your Company has requisite number of Independent Directors on Appraisal, Monitoring and Industry Research was created in
the Board. Pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, your Company. The department dealt inter-alia, with business
your Company has obtained Declaration of Independence from the development, credit appraisal of proposals, monitoring of existing
Independent Directors under Section 149 of the Companies Act, 2013. standard cases of Delhi, Mumbai and Ahmedabad Regional
Offices and need-based reliefs/concessions/restructuring of
(B) Project Development Group (PDG)
Your Company has in place an Internal Financial Control driven by
the policies and procedures adopted by the company for ensuring the Project Development Group (PDG) was established in FY 2008-
orderly and efficient conduct of its business, including adherence 09, as a part of IFCI’s strategy to enter into infrastructure projects
to company’s policies, the safeguarding of its assets, the prevention early in their life cycle, so as to ensure a good return on IFCI’s
and detection of frauds and errors, the accuracy and completeness investments. Since then, PDG developed strong relationships
of the accounting records, and the timely preparation of reliable with India’s leading infrastructure companies and had been
financial information. However, as regular review for improvement associated with them throughout the project development life
& upgradation are the need of the hour, it is constant endeavour of cycle from inception to commissioning and thereafter to nurturing
the Company to improve the processes & policies and put in place the projects to realize returns. PDG developed invaluable
improved internal financial controls. insights into the technical, practical and financial aspects of the
infrastructure sector in general and the power generation and
DIRECTORS’ RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT road sectors in particular. The group managed IFCI’s exposure
Pursuant to the requirement under Section 134 of the Companies Act to infrastructure projects by way of vanilla equity investments,
2013, with respect to Directors’ Responsibility Statement, it is hereby mezzanine instruments and term loans to infrastructure projects
confirmed that: and their holding companies. The department also dealt with
(i) In the preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable business development, credit appraisal and post disbursement
accounting standards had been followed along with proper monitoring and review of standard cases of all regional offices
explanation relating to material departures; based out of northern, southern and eastern region of India.


01. Director Report 140815.indd 17 8/14/2015 5:57:22 PM

During FY 2014-15, aligning with various external challenges regard, 222 employees have been sent on trainings organized in
being faced by the infrastructure sector, the department focused house and at training programmes organized by other Training
on consolidation of the investment portfolio from a value Institutes and foreign trainings. Your Company has been
preservation standpoint. Simultaneously, it also achieved exits awarded by Asia Pacific HRM Congress for managing health of
in some of the investments with reasonable returns. its employees at work for the year 2014. The level of satisfaction
(C) CREDIT I & II among employees has improved which resulted into lower
attrition rate as compared to previous year.
In view of opening of new Regional Offices and expansion in
business and with view to leveraging the credit expertise of both (H) Information Technology and Communication
CAMIR and PDG better, it was decided to merge the activities IT has emerged as an important medium for delivery of financial
of both the Groups and create two independent departments products and services. Information Technology (IT) enables
Credit-I and Credit-II with control of nine Regional Offices each. sophisticated product development, better market infrastructure,
The new departments have started functioning from April, 2015. implementation of reliable techniques for control of risks and
For 2015-16, IFCI’s focus is not only to grow loan book but also helps the financial intermediaries to reach geographical distant
to improve the quality of loan portfolio. Steps taken/being taken and diversified markets.
in this direction are: The most noteworthy developments related to IT sector in your
(i) Improvement in Credit Appraisal System. Company during FY 2014-15 are:
(ii) Improving skills in the area of credit appraisals. Formulation of e-Governance Committee of Board of Directors
(iii) Activation of Regional Offices at 6 centres viz. Bhopal, headed by a renowned IT Professor as its Chairman having
Bhubaneswar, Kochi, Lucknow, Patna and Pune for sourcing exhaustive knowledge in the IT field which will be of immense
proposals at these centres. Regional Offices at 2 new centres, value to the Company. E-Governance Committee has been formed
Vijayawada and Raipur are being opened. inter-alia, for revamping the IT structure at IFCI for a secured and
(iv) Thrust on marketing quality business. more effective structure to enable seemless transactions in your
growing Company.
(D) Corporate Advisory Group
IFCI today provides an entire gamut of financial advisory Technology Adoption
services to clients across different sectors of the economy. In the In constant endeavour to drive competitive advantage through
area of providing customized corporate advisory services, your Operational Excellence, your organization is taking proactive
Company, despite stiff competition during the year, has not only steps towards Business Continuity planning. With regard
been able to retain its existing clients but has also been able to to the same, the process is on to upgrade disaster recovery
secure some prestigious new assignments including management infrastructure. Further your Company is also working towards
consultancy assignments with respect to bid advisory, due establishment of industry standard Network security policies
diligence, project appraisal, business re-engineering, valuation, and standards in line with the latest technology adoption.
feasibility study etc. from various private/public sector entities/ Your Company is also working towards implementing a
banks and Central/State Government(s). During the year, your standard product for Loan Accounting, Treasury Operations,
Company has also been empanelled with many prestigious Asset Classification System, General Financial Accounting
clients for various consultancy assignments. System, Loan/Debenture Accounting Systems, Asset & Liability
(E) Sugar Development Fund Management (ALM), Bonds Monitoring and Processing System,
Your Company has been acting as the nodal agency of the Market Risk Management, through a reputed IT Service provider
Government of India since inception of the Sugar Development in substitution of the in-house developed system on oracle 10G
Fund (SDF) for the purpose of disbursement, follow-up and plateform.
recovery of SDF loans sanctioned for modernization of sugar Further, in order to integrate the customer services for our
factories, setting-up of bagasse based cogeneration projects, Customers, Shareholders and Bondholders your Company is
ethanol projects and cane development schemes. Cumulative planning to have an integrated customer service portal.
sanctions and disbursements under SDF up to March 31, 2015
(I) Legal
stood at `5,604 crore and `4,795 crore respectively. The agency
commission booked for the FY 2014-15 is `17.20 crore. In On the legal front, your Company has carried out the legal
addition, IFCI also carries out financial appraisals of projects for activities for facilitation of sanctions and disbursements and has
availing SDF loans by sugar mills. ensured compliance with statutory requirements during the year.
IFCI is in the process of making SDF portal functional and same Further, your Company was also able to defend successfully
will be utilized by SDF, GoI and sugar companies. It will make before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the suits filed
SDF operations efficient and also contributes towards image against it during the year 2014-15.
building of IFCI. (J) Management of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs)
(F) Scheduled Caste Guarantee Enhancement Fund Your Company continued its efforts to exploit aggressively all
Your Company has also been designated by Government of India, channels available to reduce its NPAs. A considerable success
as the Nodal Agency under the Scheme of Credit Enhancement was achieved in past few years and last year also by way of
Guarantee for Scheduled Castes Entrepreneurs to provide guarantee substantial recovery from the NPAs as reflected in the recovery
to banks against loans to young and start-up entrepreneurs as under:
belonging to scheduled caste with an objective to encourage (` crore)
entrepreneurship in marginal strata of the society. The Government Sl. Resolution Strategy Amount
of India has provided `200 crore to your Company during 1. Sale of Assets/Sale of Shares 351.74
FY 2014-15 for this purpose. 2. Sale of NPA Accounts 276.67
(G) Human Resources 3. Settlement 177.01
Your Company has continued to lay focus on enhancement in 4. Other Secoveries 21.92
productivity of employees and their skill upgradation. In this TOTAL 827.34


01. Director Report 140815.indd 18 8/14/2015 5:57:22 PM

To resolve and minimize the NPAs, your company has been During FY 2014-15, yields from long-term bonds declined further
taking all possible legal actions and also adopting all techniques and hovered at lowest levels in many advanced economies to
and filing necessary applications before Debt Recovery Tribunal the extent that this decline reflected in lower real interest rates.
and also by adopting other methods of recovery viz. filing of In an environment of stagnant and uneven growth, raising
criminal complaints u/s 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 actual and potential output continues to be a policy priority of
lodging FIR, attachment of secured and unsecured properties of advanced economies as the main macroeconomic policy issues
the borrower and guarantor, arrest of absconding guarantor and are persistent and sizable.
taking stringent steps under the provisions of SARFAESI Act, The exchange rates across major currencies have changed
2002. Efforts were also made to ensure that the Loan Accounts substantially in recent months, reflecting variations in countries’
are closely monitored so as to avoid slippage of accounts to NPA. growth rates and monetary policies due to lower oil prices
(K) Right to Information globally. The advanced economies have generally benefitted from
IFCI has implemented the Right to Information Act, 2005 from lower oil prices. The emerging and developing Asian countries
2013 onwards following the applicability of the RTI Act to IFCI also showed deceleration in growth as they grew by 6.8% in 2014
and has been providing information to the applicants as per the as compared to 7.0% in 2013.
provisions of the RTI Act. The relevant information as per the It is expected that in 2015, growth will be driven by a rebound
RTI Act has been posted on IFCI’s website at www.ifciltd.com. in advanced economies, supported by the decline in oil prices,
During the year, IFCI received 110 applications and 30 appeals with the United States playing the most important role. In
seeking information under RTI Act, which were replied to as per emerging markets, in contrast, growth is projected to decline in
the provisions of the RTI Act within the stipulated time. 2015, reflecting downward revisions for oil exporters, a slowdown
in China that reflects a move towards more sustainable growth
(L) Promotion of Rajbhasha that is less reliant on investment and a weaker outlook for Latin
During the year, your Company continued its efforts towards America resulting from a softening of other commodity prices.
promoting the use of Hindi in its official work. With a view to
motivating and encouraging the officers to use Hindi in official Domestic Developments and Outlook
work, Hindi competitions were organized at Head Office as well The Indian Economy has seen an uneven growth during FY 2014-
as other offices of the Company. The officers of your Company 15, while the growth outlook remained subdued throughout the
at Corporate Office bagged prizes in various Hindi Competitions year, the sentiments were optimistic as they received a boost
organized by Town Official Language Implementation Committee. from a host of domestic and global factors such as formation
The quarterly meetings of Official Language Committee and of stable government, sharp fall in crude oil prices, passing
Annual Hindi week were duly held in various offices of your of major bills such as insurance and mining, and investment
Company. All the computers available with your Company have oriented union budget. As a result, the Indian economic outlook
been upgraded with Unicode facility and the website of your improved amidst subdued growth prospects of major advanced
Company has also been made bilingual for the benefit of the and emerging economies.
stakeholders and to further promote use of Hindi. An improvement was seen in India’s Gross Domestic Product
(M) NOMINEE DIRECTORS (GDP) in FY 2014-15 at 7.3% as compared to 6.9% in the previous
Your Company appoints Nominee Directors on the Boards year (as per revised calculation method), which was a tad lower
of assisted concerns following the established practice of than China’s 7.4% (for CY 2014). The Indian Economy grew
Institutions and Banks to monitor the performance of the at 7.5% in Q4 of FY 2014-15 and out-performed the Chinese
companies where they have provided financial assistance. The Economy which grew by 7.0% in January-March quarter of 2015.
underlying objective of making such appointment is to help build As per the Economic Survey of India for 2014-15, it is expected
professional management and facilitate effective functioning of that Indian Economy will grow by more than 8% in FY
the Board as well as formulation of proper corporate policies 2015-16. IMF and ADB has made projections that India will
and strategies to improve productive efficiency and promote outpace China, Japan and Germany.
long term growth of the assisted companies, keeping in view the Growth in 2014-15 was largely driven by domestic demand.
overall interest of the shareholders and financial institutions. The However, the outlook for domestic and macro-economic scenario
feedback received from Nominee Directors act as a tool for credit is optimistic for 2015-16 as the Industry and Service sectors are
monitoring. The system of Nominee Directors is functioning projected to grow at a uniform rate. External sector is returning
effectively in your Company. to the path of strength and resilience as India has met its fiscal
With the Companies Act, 2013 coming into force, the Nominee deficit target. This is one of the primary goals of budget for
Directors on assisted concerns need to be more vigilant with FY 2015-16.
regard to functioning of assisted concern as well as reporting Some green shoots of growth were visible during the year. The
and reviewing the performance of the concerned company. Your new investment proposals saw some improvement in 2014-15.
Company has taken steps to update its officers about the new Act In the Union Budget, the Government announced a 25% increase
so that they may contribute effectively as Nominee Directors on in capital spending primarily on highways and railways to
the Boards of assisted concerns. kick-start the investment demand. A slew of initiatives were
MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS taken in the financial year that includes rationalization of
administered pricing policies in petroleum and natural gas and
(A) MACRO ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT to ensure adequate availability of key inputs like coal and power.
Global Developments and Outlook The biggest financial inclusion initiative under the Pradhan
Global economic growth remained weak during the financial year Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), extending financial services
2014-15, with uneven prospects across the globe. Various factors to the large hitherto unserved population to unlock growth
like weak demand, Eurozone crisis etc. were the main reasons for potential was quite successful.
decline in global economic growth. The World Economy grew by With all the above positive indicators, the Indian economy is
3.4% in 2014 and not much change is anticipated as it is expected becoming a favourable destination for investment. The Rupee
to grow at 3.5% in 2015 and at 3.8% in 2016. remained relatively stable and the Current Account Deficit


01. Director Report 140815.indd 19 8/14/2015 5:57:23 PM

(CAD) is continuously shrinking from 2% of GDP in Q4 of Kochi, Lucknow, Patna and Pune. It will increase its Pan-India
2013-14 to 1.6% in Q3 of 2014-15. Make in India programme presence and will provide the requisite fillip to tap new business
launched by the GoI has been envisioned to channelize the from the regions.
urge in the manufacturing sector in India and create numerous The Government of India (GoI) has acquired six crore preference
employment opportunities in order to maximize the demographic shares of `10/- each of your Company from six public sector banks
dividend. To promote the small business units, GoI has come up in April, 2015. With this, the shareholding of GoI in paid up share
with Micro units’ development and re-finance agency (MUDRA) capital of your Company now stands increased to 51.04% and your
as a sole regulator for all micro finance institutions in order to Company has become a Public Sector Undertaking (Government
bring uniformity of regulations in this context. The National Company under Section 2(45) of the Companies Act, 2013)
Skills Development Mission has also been announced in the w.e.f. April 7, 2015. The opportunities as well as responsibilities
Budget 2015. of your Company now stand increased with this development.
(B) INDUSTRY STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT Your Company came out with a Public Issue of Non-Convertible
The resilience of the Indian banking system against Debentures (NCDs) after about two decades and successfully
macroeconomic shocks was tested through a series of macro raised an amount of `1,972.26 crore at competitive cost. This will
stress tests for credit risk at the system, bank group and sectoral surely help your Company to bring down its cost of borrowings
levels. The Indian Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs) in future. During the year rating agencies, CARE Ratings and
continued to face a challenging economic environment during ICRA upgraded the credit rating of long term borrowing of your
FY 2014-15 on account of subdued economic, industrial and Company from “A” to “A+” and of short term borrowing from “A1”
manufacturing growth and relatively high credit costs due to to “A1+”.
increased risk perception in the economy. RBI also came up with During FY 2014-15, your Company was also successful in exiting
implementation of few stringent norms w.e.f. March 31, 2015 some of the long term equity investment which has contributed
which will surely impact the bottom line of NBFCs. Uneven to profitability of your Company. Your Company also reduced
growth in industrial activity contributed to stress on asset quality its stake in one of its Associates namely Tourism Finance
of NBFCs as the payback capacity of companies continued to be Corporation of India Ltd (TFCI) from 42% to 39.10% to unlock
affected during the FY 2014-15 resulting in higher restructuring the long term investment value. IFCI’s shareholding in Asset
of accounts. A number of important changes happened in the Care Reconstruction Enterprises Ltd (ACRE) has declined from
operation of the monetary policy during the year. The share of 37.91% to 19.55%, due to Preferential allotment by ACRE and
NBFC sector has gained systemic importance in the recent years acquisition of 80,000 equity shares of ACRE by your Company,
and has steadily grown from 10.7% of banking assets in 2009 to from MPCON Ltd.
14.3% of banking assets in 2014. The GoI has designated your Company as a Nodal Agency for
NBFCs have witnessed a stress in asset quality during the last two- setting up of a Venture Capital Fund under Social Sector initiatives
three years due to weak operating environment and economic with an aim to promote entrepreneurship among the Scheduled
downturn. Sectors which are directly linked to economic Castes (SC) and to provide concessional finance to them.
activities like commercial vehicle, construction equipment and The fund has been put in place after getting approval of SEBI
infrastructure financing have witnessed sharp deterioration in under AIF Regulation 2012, with contribution of `200 crore from
asset quality. GoI. Your Company has committed a contribution of `50 crore
During the FY 2014-15, RBI issued revised guidelines thereby as Lead Investor and Sponsor of the Fund. IFCI Venture Capital
tightening the provisioning norms for NBFCs. These norms Funds Ltd, a subsidiary of your Company has been designated
would be a challenge to handle in the short term, though in the as an Investment Manager of the Fund. During FY 2014-15,
long term it would be beneficial for the financil health of your the Fund has been operationalized and first disbursement has
Company. The budget for 2015-16 has also proposed to provide been done.
level playing field to all Systemically Important NBFCs by Your Company has also been designated by Government
extending them the privilege of FI and powers under SARFAESI of India, as the Nodal Agency under the Scheme of Credit
Act on account of which, such NBFCs are likely to expand their Enhancement Guarantee for Scheduled Caste Entrepreneurs to
business aggressively posing stiff competition to your Company. provide guarantee to banks against loans to young and start-up
Guidelines issued by RBI during FY 2014-15 for NBFCs and the entrepreneurs belonging to scheduled caste with an objective
impact thereon: to encourage entrepreneurship in marginal strata of the society.
The GoI has provided `200 crore to your Company during FY
RBI has issued various guidelines for gradual synchronisation of 2014-15.
norms for banks to be applicable to NBFCs. Due to above, the
following are expected to take place: Your Company has figured in the listing of top 500/250 companies
of India by Dun & Bradstreet, Economic Times, Dalal Street,
¾ Over the period of next three years there will be economic Business Today and Fortune India.
recovery and credit growth will pick up for NBFC sector
as well. As a result and over the period of three years, (D) PERFORMANCE OF IFCI - FINANCIAL AND OPERATIONAL
outstanding advances book will increase thereby lowering Your Company continued to value its existing clients by
the NPA percentage. providing customized financial products and services and also
¾ With the economic recovery, fresh slippages would reduce added new customers by revamping its 6 regional offices at
thereby helping in reducing the impact. Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Kochi, Lucknow, Patna and Pune in order
¾ Also, over the transition phase NBFCs will fine tune their to enhance its customer base and for providing requisite impetus
systems and processes and try to align their borrowers to to its business. During FY 2014-15, your Company sanctioned
new reporting systems. general corporate loans of various maturities to meet financing
requirements of its clients with good track records and credit
(C) INITIATIVES AND DEVELOPMENTS AT IFCI worthiness, rupee term loans, refinancing of high cost debt
During the FY 2014-15, your Company restored and re- and capital expenditure for ongoing projects against adequate
operationalized its six Regional Offices at Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, tangible security. Besides fund based activity, your Company also


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extended its presence in non-fund based activities like Export on account of reduction of surplus funds available with Treasury
Performance Bank Guarantee, etc. vis-a-vis last year to minimise negative carrying cost.
Financial Performance The Foreign Currency operations were restricted to containing
The Income from Operations and Other Income of your Company the exchange risk arising due to mismatch in the outstanding
amount of FC assets and liabilities. The mismatches were
grew by 13% and 45% in FY 2014-15 to `3,251 crore and
covered through forward contracts and currency future. The
`97 crore in comparison to `2,886 crore and `67 crore
net mismatch position was restricted to much below the limit
respectively in FY 2013-14. The net provisions made against
of USD 3 million approved by RBI by maintaining almost square
bad and doubtful assets was lower at `434 crore in current
FY 2014-15 as against `520 crore in FY 2013-14. Profit before tax of
your Company in FY 2014-15 was higher at `718 crore in comparison During the year, your Company continued with the strategy
to `660 crore in FY 2013-14, the net profit of your Company grew of selective disinvestment of slow moving/illiquid stocks and
marginally by 3% to `522 crore in FY 2014-15 as compared to strengthening the portfolio through investment in blue chip
`508 crore in previous year. Standard loans to Borrowers stocks. During FY 2014-15, your Company earned a profit of
which stood at `16,539 crore as on March 31, 2014 increased `263 crore from sale of long term equity and `7 crore from equity
to `22,849 crore as on March 31, 2015 on account of increase trading.
in disbursements during the year. Gross NPAs of your Company Net investment portfolio of your Company as on March 31,
came down from 17.3% on March 31, 2014 to 10.3% on 2015 stood at `7,590 crore as against `7,514 crore at the end
March 31, 2015 during the year, the net NPAs also declined from of previous financial year. Your Company was successful in its
11.4% to 8.0% to sale of and recovery from NPAs. objective of reducing the Direct Equity exposure as a percentage
of Networth. Direct equity exposure at `2,451 crore was 41% of
Sanctions and Disbursements the Networth on March 31, 2015, brought down from 58% from
During the year under report, your Company sanctioned for the end of the year 2013-14, excluding investment in subsidiaries
various proposals aggregating to `12,230 crore which refelected and other group companies.
a growth 21.11% over `10,098 crore of sanction in the previous
Resource Mobilization
year. Disbursements during the year at `8,687 crore also registered
a marginal growth over disbursments `8,683 crore achieved in During the year under report, your Company mobilized an
the FY 2013-14. amount of `7,947 crore at competitive rates by way of term loan of
`5,975 crore and through Public Issue of Secured Non-convertible
Treasury, Investment and Forex Operations Debentures of `1,972 crore. The Public Issue of bonds/NCDs was
In FY 2014-15, there have been several tectonic shifts in the global made after about 2 decades and received excellent response from
and domestic environment. The most significant factor that was investors. Your company would continue to make all efforts to
driving the markets was the collapse of international commodity mobilize resources through different avenues to minimize the
prices, particularly that of crude. For Indian economy, this cost of borrowing.
translated into sizable softening of prices of both raw materials The total borrowings of your Company were at `25,174 crore
and intermediates. With several emerging market economies as on March 31, 2015 comprising of rupee borrowings of
slowing down along with sluggish advance economies, India `24,710 crore and foreign currency loan of `464 crore. The broad
became a preferred destination for global fund managers and instrument wise break-up of rupee borrowings outstanding as at
investors. High inflow of foreign investment was witnessed in March 31, 2015 is indicated below:
bond as well as equity market.
The CPI inflation increased from 1.2% in November 2013 to 4.4%
in November 2014 and further increased in December 2014 to
5%. The uptick in Inflation in December 2014 was somewhat
lower than expected which contributed to RBI’s decision of
reducing Repo rate each in two inter-meeting decisions in
January 2015 and March 2015. The WPI was at 5.2% in April
2014 and continued to decline in all months of the fiscal year
gone and in the month of March 2015 it came at (-)2.3% as
against 6.0% during the corresponding period of the previous
fiscal year whereas the CPI in March 2015 was 5.17%. In the
above backdrop, your Company has been cautious in investing
the surplus funds with focus on safety while making every effort Your Company has always believed in delivering highest level of
for efficient management of liquidity and return. service to investors. Early resolution of grievances of investors is
assigned top priority. Investor grievances were taken up promptly
In rupee operation, the objective has been to manage the
and resolved in timely manner.
surplus fund effectively with minimum risk and deploying it
to get optimum return with availability of funds for business (E) OPPORTUNITIES, THREATS AND FUTURE OUTLOOK
requirement. With priority on safety, your Company invested in Your Company as a Financial Institution and an NBFC has been
Treasury Bills, Certificates of Deposit, Government Securities, able to manage to hold strongly against the headwinds such as
Short Term Deposit (STD) and Mutual Fund Schemes. Average an uneven inflation, tight liquidity, lower credit demand and
Deployment during the year was `1,920.33 crore and annualized more stringent norms from RBI. Your Company has also been
return on fund deployed was 8.88%. Your Company has able to capitalize its reach, marketing prowess and presence in
consistently generated return higher than the average 91 day niche segments to stay unscathed so far and have been catering
T-bill yield during FY 2014-15 from Treasury operations. During to all segments of industry for more than six and half decades.
the year under report, your Company registered an income of With the strong corporate and institutional relationships
`170 crore from Fixed Income Money Market operations, as and an established brand image in the financial sector, your
against `232 crore during the previous year. The lower income is Company has developed an entire range of financial products


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including debt, equity, mezzanine instruments, equity related In pursuance of RBI guidelines, necessary role centres have been
products, project development, consultancy, etc. of short, created in the organisational structure to facilitate discharge
medium and long term duration. Your Company will continue of risk management functions, which include the Board of
to strive for newer business opportunities in the form of Directors, the Risk Management Committee of Directors (RMCD),
creation of fresh assets, disinvestment including unlocking of the Risk Management Committee of Executives (RMCE) and the
unquoted shares, advisory services, sugar development fund, Credit Risk Management Department (CRMD).
appraisals and syndications for generating higher fund based The systems and controls to mitigate credit risks are in place.
income and so on. The General Lending Policy, Credit Risk Policy, Market Risk
It has been the endeavour of your Company to continuously Policy and Operational Risk Policy of your Company are
analyse its portfolio risks and initiate timely interventions like reviewed periodically keeping in view the changing economic
diversification in order to chart out a balanced growth, despite and business environment. As a part of Credit Risk Management,
the challenging environment. Despite having adverse and internal credit rating and risk assessment are done for all new
subdued economic environment, your Company has been able credit proposals. The rating migration analysis is conducted
to maintain comfortably its capital adequacy. Your Company has periodically to guide the decision taking authorities for taking
also adopted strategies to shift towards secured lending practices decision in future perspective.
thereby increasing its capacity to absorb cyclical stress on assets In line with the industry best practices and to ensure proper credit
quality by bringing down its Gross NPAs and increasing its evaluations and monitoring standards, your company carries out
income from operations and profitability. credit audit of standard exposures at regular intervals. The main
Easing of environmental and mining norms in gas and energy objectives of the audit exercise include detection of weaknesses
sector will boost activity in power sector thereby enabling offtake in outstanding exposures, initiation of timely corrective action,
by many stalled projects. This will also help your Company to compliance with internal sanction and disbursement norms and
contribute to the industrial growth of the country. It is expected follow-up and monitoring of cases, which serves as a tool for top
that an improvement in macro-economic environment will boost management to assess portfolio quality with constant endeavor
growth in industrial as well as other sectors, lower inflation will for asset quality improvement.
create more opportunities for your Company in the next year. The market and liquidity risk is monitored by the Asset Liability
Being an NBFC, IFCI does not enjoy leverage of access to low cost Committee of Executives (ALCO) through analysis of dynamic
funds and deceleration in economic and credit growth and change liquidity position, structural liquidity gaps and interest rate
in operating environment pose challenges to your Company. sensitivity positions. The Treasury and Investment Policy
However, with the enhancement of stake by Government of specifies approved limits and triggers for various types of
India in your Company to 51% recently, it is expected that it will deployment. The market risk policy of your company is reviewed
open up newer avenues for your Company in bolstering not only periodically in the light of the prevalent market scenario. To
its brand image but also provide required impetus to increase manage the operational risks, there are adequate internal controls
business. It shall be the endeavour of your Company to strive and systems in place aided and assisted by internal audit, remote
for ways to lower down its cost of funds and thereby cater to back-up of data, disaster management policy and appropriate
borrowers with the best credit ratings. Your Company can also insurance of insurable assets of your Comapany as well as of the
explore newer opportunities under the Make in India initiative assets mortgaged to your Comapny.
of Government of India as the Government has identified your In the future, risk management is expected to play a more
Company as a possible nodal agency which can play a pivotal prominent role because of liberalization, deregulation and
role in Government’s initiative. global integration of financial markets, which would add
Gradually strengthening regulatory framework for NBFC’s newer dimensions to risks faced by Banks and NBFC’s. Inter-
will lead to more robust governance structures and better relationships and associations amongst various risk categories
performance. Competition within the financial services sector and mushrooming of newer risks, will require more proactive
is expected to toughen, but your Company see these factors as and efficient management of risks which will determine the
opportunities for improvement. Your Company shall continue to strength and resilience of financial institutions. Your Company
pursue creation of fresh assets by diversifying its loan portfolio, would continue to work on various initiatives aimed at
project development activities by way of participating in debt/ strengthening credit risk standards, post sanction monitoring of
equity which shall result in ample opportunities in future and the portfolio to mitigate any adverse impacts on the loan portfolio
resultant growth of your Company. of your Company. Your Company would also strive to develop
a strong culture for risk management and awareness within the
The Company operates in India and hence, it is considered to
operate only in domestic segment. More than 90% of revenue (H) INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM
for the Company comes from a single segment of Financing. Your Company has in place adequate system of internal control
Accordingly, segment reporting as required under Accounting through the process of Risk Based Internal Audit. Internal Audit
Standard-17, issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of of all operating units was carried out during the year under
India, is not applicable. report as per the scope approved by the Audit Committee of
Directors. All the internal audit reports along with corrective
measures taken are regularly reviewed by the Audit Committee
of Directors.
Financial institutions (FI’s) involved in lending operations,
including IFCI, are susceptible to risks arising out of changes in (I) MATERIAL DEVELOPMENTS IN HUMAN RESOURCE
the credit quality of the borrowers or counter parties. To address In view of the prevailing challenging environment, IFCI decided
these risks, your Company has put in place a comprehensive to enlarge its customer base and to increase its presence in
credit risk management framework which is integrated with its various parts of the country. In order to strengthen the human
business model. resources to effectively understand new business, Your Company


01. Director Report 140815.indd 22 8/14/2015 5:57:24 PM

has undertaken Recruitment and Promotion exercise. In this Appreciation
regard, 42 new appointments in junior officer grade have been Your Directors wish to express gratitude for the cooperation, guidance
made in financial year 2014-15. Your Company has developed and support from the Ministry of Finance, various other Ministries
a mechanism for structured meetings with Officers Association and Departments of the Government of India, Securities and
and Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribe Employee Welfare Exchange Board of India, Reserve Bank of India, Stock Exchanges,
Association. Your Company has also put in place online Grievance other regulatory bodies, Comptroller & Auditor General of India and
Redressal System for its employees to provide a fair platform for State Governments. Your Directors also acknowledge the valuable
raising grievance, if any, in an effective and confidential manner assistance and continued cooperation received from all banks,
conferring to matters pertaining to payments, working conditions financial institutions, overseas correspondent banks, other members
etc., which are addressed in a fair and transparent way. of the banking fraternity and investors. Your Directors would also like
(J) CAUTIONARY STATEMENT to express their apprication for the efforts and dedicated service put
in by the employes at all levels of your Company.
Statements in Management Discussion and Analysis describing
the Company’s Objectives, estimates and expectations may be
‘forward looking’ within the meaning of applicable laws and
S V Ranganath
regulations. Actual results might differ materially from those
Non-Executive Chairman of the Board
expressed or implied.
DIN : 00323799
The comments of Comptroller & Auditor General of India (C&AG) are 61 Nehru Place
at Addendum. Dated: August 11, 2015 New Delhi - 110 019

1. Background
1.1 The objective of Nomination and Remuneration Policy is to ensure rationale and objectivity in the remuneration of the Directors, Senior
Management & employees of the Company. The Policy also intends to bring in a pragmatic methodology in screening of candidates who
may be recommended to the position of Directors and to establish an effective evaluation criteria to evaluate the performance of every
Director and the overall Board of the Company.
1.2 The Policy also intends to prevent the Board of Directors degenerating into a closed and narrow entity, in which incumbent members
appoint their own kind.
1.3 The Policy also serves as a guiding principle to ensure good Corporate Governance as well as to provide sustainability to the Board of
Directors of the Company.
2. Framework
2.1 The requirement of formulating a Nomination and Remuneration Policy stems from the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013,
including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment(s) thereof for the time being in force.
2.2 References have also been made to the Guidelines of Reserve Bank of India Corporate Governance Norms for NBFCs and Corporate
Governance Norms as prescribed by SEBI and amended from time to time.
2.3 Any other Law, Statute as may be applicable for the time being in force.
3. Objective
3.1 To identify suitable persons, interview them, if necessary, and recommend them as suitable candidates to fill up vacancies on the Board
and Senior Management.
3.2 To develop a policy to ensure the optimum composition of the Board of Directors ensuring a mix of knowledge, experience and expertise
from diversified fields of knowledge i.e. Policy on Board Diversity. The Policy also intends to add professionalism and objectivity in the
process of deciding Board membership.
3.3 To lay down criteria for the evaluation of the Board.
3.4 To formulate a criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes and independence of a Director and recommend to the Board
a Policy thereon.
3.5 To formulate criteria for evaluation of Directors.
4. Eligibility Criteria for recommending a candidate to be appointed on the Board of Directors
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee may consider the following parameters while considering the credentials of potential
candidates for Directorship in the Company.
4.1 Educational Qualification
x Possess any Graduation/Post Graduation/M. Phil/Doctorate.
x Possess any other Professional Qualification/Degree/Diploma.
4.2 Experience/Expertise
x To possess appropriate skills, experience and knowledge in one or more fields of finance, law, management, sales, marketing,
administration, research, corporate governance, technical operations or other disciplines related to the Company’s business.
x The candidate should preferably have undergone requisite training programme or mid - career Professional Development trainings
which would have enabled him/her to adapt to changing dynamics of business environment.


01. Director Report 140815.indd 23 8/14/2015 5:57:24 PM

4.3 Disqualifications
x The Candidate should not be of unsound mind.
x The Candidate should not be an undischarged insolvent.
x The Candidate must not have applied to be adjudicated as an insolvent and his application must not be pending.
x The Candidate must not have been convicted by a Court of any offence, whether involving moral turpitude or otherwise, and sentenced
in respect thereof to imprisonment for not less than six (6) months.
x There must not be any order passed by Court or Tribunal disqualifying a person to be appointed as a Director.
x There should not be any calls in respect of any shares of the Company held by him, whether alone or jointly with others, and six
months must not have elapsed from the last date fixed for the payment of the call.
x The Candidate must not have been convicted of the offence dealing with related party transactions under Section 188 of the Companies
Act, 2013 at any time during the last preceding five (5) years.
x The Candidate must be in possession of his Director Identification Number (DIN).
x The Candidate is not or has not been a Director of a Company which has not filed Financial Statements or Annual Returns for any
continuous three (3) financial years.
x The Candidate is not or has not been a Director of the Company which has failed to repay the deposits accepted by it or pay interest
thereon or to redeem any debentures on the due date or pay interest due thereon or pay any dividend declared and such failure to pay
or redeem continues for one year or more.
x The Candidate should not have been found guilty of any offence consisting of violation of Rules/Regulations/Legislative requirements
by Customs/Excise/Income Tax Authority/Foreign Exchange/Other Revenue Authorities.
4.4 Other Eligibility Criteria
x Each director must be an individual of high personal and professional integrity and ethical character.
x The candidate should have exhibited behavior that indicates he or she is committed to the highest ethical standards.
x The candidate should not deprive the Company of any opportunity that belongs to the Company.
x He should not be in a position of diverting the corporate opportunity for own benefits or to others, to the detriment of the Company.
x The candidate must not at any time compete with the company in respect of any business transaction.
x Each director must possess the ability to exercise sound business judgment on a broad range of issues.
x The candidate has preferably had business, governmental, non-profit or professional experience at the Chairman, Chief Executive
Officer, Chief Operating Officer or equivalent policy-making and operational level of a large organization that indicates that the
candidate will be able to make a meaningful and immediate contribution to the Board’s discussion and decision-making on the array
of complex issues facing a large financial services business.
x The candidate has achieved prominence in his or her business, governmental or professional activities, and has built a reputation that
demonstrates the ability to make the kind of important and sensitive judgments that the Board is called upon to make.
x The Nomination and Remuneration Committee must be satisfied that the candidate will effectively, consistently and appropriately take
into account and balance the legitimate interests and concerns of all of the company’s stockholders and other stakeholders in reaching
decisions, rather than advancing the interests of a particular constituency.
x The Nomination and Remuneration Committee must satisfy itself that the candidate will be able to devote sufficient time and energy
to the performance of his or her duties as a Director.
4.5 Fit and Proper Criteria
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall undertake a process of Due Diligence based on the criteria of qualifications, technical
expertise, track record, integrity etc. The basic objective of ascertaining the fit and proper criteria shall be to put in place an internal
supervisory process on a continuing basis and to determine the suitability of the person for appointment/continuing to hold appointment as
a Director on the Board of the Company. The Candidate at the time of appointment and at the time of the renewal of Directorship shall fill
in such form as approved by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee to enable the Committee undertake such exercise of ensuring
the ‘Fit and Proper Criteria’.
The Committee shall undertake such Due Diligence exercise at the time of appointment as well as the time of renewal of the Directorships
of the incumbent. The indicative criteria for determining the ‘fit and proper’ criteria forms part of the Policy and is placed at Annexure I.
The directors should submit an annual declaration (as on 31st March) of any change in the information already submitted, if no change then
a no change declaration should be submitted.
The board must ensure that in public interest the nominated/elected directors execute the deed of covenants in the format prescribed.
4.6 Criteria For Independence - For Directors to be appointed as Independent Director on Board of the Company
An independent director in relation to a company, means a director other than a managing director or a whole-time director or a nominee
(a) Who, in the opinion of the Board, is a person of integrity and possesses relevant expertise and experience;
(b) (i) Who is or was not a promoter of the company or its holding, subsidiary or associate company;
(ii) Who is not related to promoters or directors in the company, its holding, subsidiary or associate company;
(c) Who has or had no pecuniary relationship with the company, its holding, subsidiary or associate company, or their promoters, or
directors, during the two immediately preceding financial years or during the current financial year;
(d) None of whose relatives has or had pecuniary relationship or transaction with the company, its holding, subsidiary or associate
company, or their promoters, or directors, amounting to two per cent or more of its gross turnover or total income or fifty lakh rupees


01. Director Report 140815.indd 24 8/14/2015 5:57:24 PM

or such higher amount as may be prescribed, whichever is lower, during the two immediately preceding financial years or during the
current financial year;
(e) Who, neither himself nor any of his relatives:
(i) Holds or has held the position of a key managerial personnel or is or has been employee of the company or its holding, subsidiary
or associate company in any of the three financial years immediately preceding the financial year in which he is proposed to be
(ii) Is or has been an employee or proprietor or a partner, in any of the three financial years immediately preceding the financial year
in which he is proposed to be appointed, of:
(A) A firm of auditors or company secretaries in practice or cost auditors of the company or its holding, subsidiary or associate
company; or
(B) Any legal or a consulting firm that has or had any transaction with the company, its holding, subsidiary or associate company
amounting to ten per cent or more of the gross turnover of such firm;
(iii) Holds together with his relatives two per cent or more of the total voting power of the company; or
(iv) Is a Chief Executive or Director, by whatever name called, of any non-profit organisation that receives twenty-five per cent or more
of its receipts from the company, any of its promoters, directors or its holding, subsidiary or associate company or that holds two
per cent or more of the total voting power of the company; or
(f) Who possesses such other qualifications as may be prescribed.
Explanation: For the purposes of this Section, “Nominee Director” means a director nominated by any financial institution in
pursuance of the provisions of any law for the time being in force, or of any agreement, or appointed by any Government, or any
other person to represent its interests.
5. Remuneration Policy
I. Board Level Remuneration Structure
1. For Executive Directors (CEO & MD and Whole-Time Director): The remuneration will be paid as approved from time to time subject to
the approval of the Board and Shareholders as the case may be and as per the applicable provisions of Companies Act, 2013 and under
any other Act/Rules/Regulations for the time being in force.
2. In case of Non-Executive/Independent Directors
(i) Sitting Fees : The Non-Executive Directors (except Government Servants) shall be paid sitting fees of `20,000/- for attending per
Meeting of the Board and `10,000/- for attending per Meeting of the Committee of Directors. The Sitting Fees may be revised by the
Board of Directors from time to time subject to the overall limits as prescribed under the applicable provisions.
(ii) Remuneration other than Sitting Fees: The Non-Executive/Independent Directors (except Government Servants) may be paid
remuneration not exceeding one percent (1%) of the net profits of the Company subject to having obtained requisite approval of
the shareholders in general meeting of the Company.
No Director, who is a Government Servant shall be entitled to receive any remuneration except as authorized by the Government.
II. In case of Key Managerial Personnel and other Employees
1. The pay structure of all the regular employees shall be as per the Reserve Bank of India pay scale which was made effective w.e.f.
November 1, 2013. In all other cases they will be governed by IFCI Staff Regulations, 1974 as amended from time to time.
2. The pay structure of employees on contracts shall be as per the Reserve Bank of India pay scale (starting of the scales).
The Performance Linked Incentives both for the Board and Senior Management/Other employees shall be as per the Board
Approved Scheme on recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
6. Monitoring and Evaluation
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall consider the following while nominating a candidate for Directorship:-
x The Committee shall assemble all information regarding a candidate’s background and qualifications to determine if the candidate
possesses or satisfies the minimum skills and qualifications that a director must possess.
x The Committee shall evaluate a candidate’s mix of skills and qualifications and determine the contribution the candidate could be
expected to make to the overall functioning of the Board.
x The Committee shall give due consideration to the overall Board balance of diversity of perspectives, backgrounds and experiences.
The Board and its Committees shall be broadly evaluated on the criteria including the following:
For Board
x The Composition of the Board is in compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and other regulatory provisions;
x The Board has established and delegated responsibilities to Committees in terms of their numbers, scope, effective role and their
usefulness in assisting the Board functions;
x Level of Board’s integrity and ability to handle conflict constructively;
x The Board spends adequate time in reviewing Policies, certain key processes, critical issues, long term strategy and sets the
direction for business strategy and governance;
x There was clarity between the Board and Management with respect to their individual roles;
x The Board had access to the Statutory Auditors/Internal Auditors/Senior Management team members of the Company, etc.;
x Level of overall corporate governance standards were adequate;


01. Director Report 140815.indd 25 8/14/2015 5:57:24 PM

x The Board Members receive necessary information regarding the Company, its operating environment, changing laws and
regulations, etc.;
x The frequency of Board Meetings are adequate;
x The duration of Board Meetings are adequate to discuss important issues in details;
x The Board Members regularly attend Meetings and constructively contribute to decision making;
x The Board has right mix of skills and experience to ensure effective functioning;
x The Board has set a strong vigil mechanism in place;
x The Board actively reviews robustness of financial and other controls; and
x The Board devotes time for risk management, legal compliance and various internal controls.
For Committees of the Board
x Composition of the Committees is in compliance with the Companies Act, 2013 and other regulatory provisions;
x The Committees function in accordance with terms of reference prescribed by the Board;
x The Committees are achieving the purpose for which they are constituted and discharging their duties and responsibilities to the
best of its abilities;
x There is effective system to monitor actions taken on the basis of decisions/recommendations of the Committees;
x The Committees spend adequate time in review of certain key processes, critical issues, issues of strategic importance, etc.;
x The Committees have access to the Statutory Auditors/Internal Auditors/Senior Management team members of the Company, etc.;
x The Committees are working satisfactorily in terms of relationship amongst Members and managing differences of opinions, if any,
x The Committees receive necessary information regarding the Company, its operating environment, changing laws and regulation,
x The Committees perform their tasks effectively and report clearly and fully to the Board; and
x The frequency of Committees Meetings are adequate.
Performance of the individual Director shall be evaluated broadly on the basis of below mentioned criteria:
x Whether the Director has acted in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association of the Company.
x With respect to current Directors, past attendance at meetings shall be considered and assessment of the participation in and
contributions to the activities of the Board shall be done.
x Whether the Directors/Board have acted in good faith in order to promote the objects of the Company for the benefit of its members
as a whole, and in the best interests of the Company, its employees, the shareholders, the Community and for the protection of
x Whether the Director has exercised his/her duties with due and reasonable care, skill and diligence and whether the Director has
exercised independent judgement.
x Whether the Director has involved in a situation in which he/she may have a direct or indirect interest that conflicts, or possibly
may conflict, with the interest of the Company.
x Understanding of the roles, duties and responsibilities as Board Member.
x Understanding of the industry in which the Company operates and the core business of the Company.
x Appropriate skills and experience.
x Understanding of the laws & regulations governing the Company.
x Understanding of the Vision, Mission and Values of the Company.
x Ability to listen to the views of others and openness to modify his views.
x Relationship with colleagues in the Board and Members of the Senior Management.
x Performance of the Company during the period under review-whether budgeted targets in terms of turnover, PBT/PAT, Balance
Sheet size, etc. have been achieved.
The Committee shall recommend director to the Board based on its assessment of overall suitability to serve on the Board in accordance
with this Policy.
While evaluating the Chairperson due regard shall be given to the following additional criteria apart from the above said criteria:
x Conduct of proceedings in suitable and fair manner, facilitate decision making;
x Helping managing environment; and
x Providing support to the Management in arriving at decisions or bringing about reconciliation.
7. Board Diversity
x The Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall ensure that the Board comprises of Directors from diversified fields of
x The Board should have Directors who can add professionalism and objectivity in the decision making process.
x The overall Board should reflect representatives from areas like finance, law, accountancy, administration and other disciplines
concerning the operational interests of the Company at large.


01. Director Report 140815.indd 26 8/14/2015 5:57:24 PM

Annexure-I Determination of ‘Fit and Proper Criteria’
Name of Company: IFCI Ltd
Declaration and Undertaking (With Enclosures)
I. Personal details of the Candidate/Director:
a. Full name
b. Date of Birth
c. Educational Qualifications
d. Relevant Background and Experience
e. Permanent Address
f. Present Address
g. E-mail Address/Telephone Number
h. Permanent Account Number under the Income Tax Act and name & address of income tax circle
i. Relevant knowledge and experience
j. Any other information relevant to Directorship of the Company.
k. DIN No.

II. Relevant Relationships of Candidate/Director:

a. List of Relatives if any who are connected with the Company (w.r.t. Section 6 of Schedule IA of the
Companies Act, 1956 and corresponding provisions of the Companies Act, 2013)
b. List of entities, if any, in which he/she is considered as being interested [w.r.t. Section 184 of the
Companies Act, 2013]
c. List of entities in which he/she is considered as holding substantial interest within the meaning of NBFC
Prudential Norms Directions, 2007
d. Names of NBFC in which he/she is or has been a member of the board (giving details of period during
which such office was held)
e. Fund and Non Fund facilities, if any, presently availed of by him/her and/or by entities listed in II (b) and
(c) above from the Company
f. Cases, if any, where the Candidate/Director or entities listed in II (b) and (c) above are in default or have
been in default at any time in the PAST in respect of credit facilities obtained from NBFC or any other

III. Records of Professional Achievements:

a. Relevant Professional Achievements

IV. Proceedings(*), if any, against the Candidate/Director:

a. If the person is a member of a professional association/body, details of disciplinary action, if any, pending or commenced
or resulting in conviction in the past against him/her or whether he/she has been banned from entry of at any profession/
occupation at any time
b. Details of prosecution, if any, pending or commenced or resulting in conviction in the past against the person and/or
against any of the entities listed in II (b) and (c) above for violation of economic laws and regulations
c. Details of criminal prosecution, if any, pending or commenced or resulting in conviction in the last five (5) years against the
d. Whether the person attracts any of the disqualifications envisaged under Section 164 of the Companies Act, 2013 ?
e. Has the person or any of the entities at II (b) and (c) above been subject to any investigation at the instance of Government
Department or Agency?
f. Has the person at any time been found guilty of violation of rules/regulations/legislative requirements by customs/
excise/income tax/foreign exchange/other revenue authorities, if so, give particulars
g. Whether the person/Director at any time come to the adverse notice of a regulator such as SEBI, IRDA, MCA
(*) (Though it shall not be necessary for a candidate to mention in the column about orders and findings made by the regulators which have
been later on reversed/set aside in toto, it would be necessary to make a mention of the same, in case the reversal/setting aside is on technical
reasons like limitation or lack of jurisdiction, etc and not on merit. If the order of the regulator is temporarily stayed and the appellate/court
proceedings are pending, the same also should be mentioned.)
V. Any other explanation/information in regard to Items I to III and other information considered relevant for judging fit and proper.
1. I confirm that the above information to the best of my knowledge and belief is true and complete. I undertake to keep the Company fully
informed, as soon as possible, of all events which takes place subsequent to my appointment which are relevant to the information provided
2. I also undertake to execute the deed of covenant required to be executed by all directors of the Company.

Place : Signature
Date :

VI. Remarks of Chairperson of the Nomination Committee/Board of Directors of the Company.

Place : Signature


01. Director Report 140815.indd 27 8/14/2015 5:57:25 PM

[Pursuant to Clause (h) of Sub-Section (3) of Section 134 of the Act and Rule 8 (2) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014]
1. Details of contracts or arrangements or transaction not at arm’s length basis. - NIL
(a) Name(s) of the related party and nature of relationship
(b) Nature of contracts/arrangements/transactions
(c) Duration of contracts/arrangements/transactions
(d) Salient terms of the contracts or arrangements or transactions including the value, if any
(e) Justification for entering into such contracts or arrangements or transactions
(f) Date(s) of approval by the Board
(g) Amount paid as advances, if any
(h) Date on which the special resolution was passed in the General Meeting as required under first proviso to Section 188
2. Details of material contracts or arrangements or transaction at arm’s length basis:
There were no contracts or arrangements or transactions at arm’s length basis which were material in nature.
(a) Name(s) of the related party and nature of relationship
(b) Nature of contracts/arrangements/transactions
(c) Duration of the contracts/arrangements/transactions
(d) Salient terms of the Contracts or arrangements or transactions including the value, if any
(e) Date(s) of approval by the Board, if any
(f) Amount paid as advances, if any

S V Ranganath
Non-Executive Chairman of the Board
DIN : 00323799
Address: IFCI Tower
61 Nehru Place
Dated: August 11, 2015 New Delhi - 110 019

As on the Financial Year ended on March 31, 2015
[Pursuant to Section 92(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 12(1) of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014]
(i) CIN: - L74899DL1993GOI053677
(ii) Registration Date: May 21, 1993
(iii) Name of the Company: IFCI Ltd
(iv) Category/Sub-Category of the Company: Company Ltd by Shares/Union Government Company
(v) Address of the Registered Office and Contact Details: IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019
Contact: +91-11-41732000, E-mail – [email protected]
(vi) Whether Listed Company: Yes/No: Yes
(vii) Name, Address and Contact details of Registrar and Transfer Agent, if any: MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd, F-65 Okhla Industrial Area,
Phase-I, New Delhi - 110 020, Contact: 011-41406149; E-mail ID: [email protected]; Website: www.mcsregistrars.com
All the business activities contributing 10 % or more of the total turnover of the Company shall be stated:

Sl. No. Name and Description of main Products/Services NIC Code of the Product/Services % to Total Turnover of the Company

1. Other Credit Granting Services 64920 98.52*

* Operational Income has been considered.


01. Director Report 140815.indd 28 8/14/2015 5:57:25 PM


Name and Address of the Company CIN/GLN Holding/Subsidiary/ % of Shares Applicable Section
(as on Board’s Report) Associate held

Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd (SHCIL) U67190MH1986GOI040506 Subsidiary 52.85 2(87) of the Companies Act, 2013

IFCI Infrastructure Development Ltd (IIDL) U45400DL2007GOI169232 Subsidiary 100.00 2(87) of the Companies Act, 2013

IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd (IVCF) U65993DL1988GOI030284 Subsidiary 98.59 2(87) of the Companies Act, 2013

IFCI Factors Ltd (IFL) U74899DL1995GOI074649 Subsidiary 99.74 2(87) of the Companies Act, 2013

IFCI Financial Services Ltd (IFIN) U74899DL1995GOI064034 Subsidiary 94.78 2(87) of the Companies Act, 2013

MPCON Ltd (MPCON) U74140MP1979GOI001502 Subsidiary 79.72 2(87) of the Companies Act, 2013

Tourism Finance Corporation of India Ltd (TFCI) L65910DL1989PLC034812 Associate 39.10 2(6) of the Companies Act, 2013

Himachal Consultancy Organisation Ltd (HIMCON) U74140HP1977PLC003721 Associate 49.00 2(6) of the Companies Act, 2013

Rajasthan Consultancy Organisation Ltd (RAJCON) U74140RJ1978PLC001779 Associate 49.00 2(6) of the Companies Act, 2013

North India Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd (NITCON) U74140CH1984PLC005796 Associate 48.75 2(6) of the Companies Act, 2013

HARDICON Ltd (HARDICON) U74899DL1985PLC204749 Associate 45.50 2(6) of the Companies Act, 2013

KITCO Ltd (KITCO) U74140KL1972PLC002425 Associate 20.26 2(6) of the Companies Act. 2013

IFCI Sycamore Capital Advisors (P) Ltd U74999MH2011PTC223668 Joint Venture 50.0 2(6) of the Companies Act, 2013

IIDL Realtors (P) Ltd (IRPL) U70100DL2005GOI223060 Step-down Subsidiary – 2(87) of the Companies Act, 2013

IFIN Commodities Ltd (ICOM) U93000TN2009GOI070524 Step-down Subsidiary – 2(87) of the Companies Act, 2013

IFIN Credit Ltd (IFIN CREDIT) U67190TN1995GOI032057 Step-down Subsidiary – 2(87) of the Companies Act, 2013

IFIN Securities Finance Ltd (ISFL) U65991TN1989GOI017792 Step-down Subsidiary – 2(87) of the Companies Act, 2013

SHCIL Services Ltd (SSL) U65990MH1995GOI085602 Step-down Subsidiary – 2(87) of the Companies Act, 2013

SHCIL Projects Ltd (SPL) U74140MH2006GOI163728 Step-down Subsidiary – 2(87) of the Companies Act, 2013

IV. SHAREHOLDING PATTERN (Equity Share Capital Break-up as percentage of Total Equity)
(i) Category-wise Shareholding
Category of Shareholders No. of Shares held at the Beginning of the Year No. of Shares held at the End of the Year % Change
(As on 01.04.2014) (As on 31.03.2015) during the year
Demat Physical Total % of Total Demat Physical Total % of Total
Shares Shares
A. Promoters
(1) Indian
(a) Individual/HUF 923000000 – 923000000 55.53 923000000 – 923000000 55.53 0.00
(b) Central Govt – – – – – – – –
(c) State Govt(s) – – – – – – – –
(d) Bodies Corp. – – – – – – – –
(e) Banks/FI – – – – – – – –
(f) Any Other.... – – – – – – –
Sub-total (A)(1): 923000000 – 923000000 55.53 923000000 – 923000000 55.53 0.00
(2) Foreign –
(a) NRIs- Individuals – – – – – – – –
(b) Other–Individuals – – – – – – –
(c) Bodies Corp. – – – – – – – –
(d) Banks/FI – – – – – – – –
(e) Any Other…. – – – – – – – –
Sub-total (A) (2): – – – – – – – –
TOTAL shareholding of 00 00 00 0.00 00 00 00 0.00 0.00
(A) = (A)(1)+(A)(2) 923000000 – 923000000 55.53 923000000 – 923000000 55.53 0.00


01. Director Report 140815.indd 29 8/14/2015 5:57:25 PM

Category of Shareholders No. of Shares held at the Beginning of the Year No. of Shares held at the End of the Year % Change
(As on 01.04.2014) (As on 31.03.2015) during the year
Demat Physical Total % of Total Demat Physical Total % of Total
Shares Shares

B. Public Shareholding
1. Institutions
(a) Mutual Funds 5712075 13500 5725575 0.34 10130728 13500 10144228 0.61 0.27
(b) Banks/FI 95554553 3077500 98632053 5.93 95228181 3077500 98305681 5.91 (0.02)
(c) Central Govt – – – – – – – – –
(d) State Govt(s) – – – – – – – – –
(e) Venture Capital Funds – – – – – – – – –
(f) Insurance Companies 88922458 17776300 106698758 6.42 106685458 13300 106698758 6.42 –
(g) FIIs 90265727 21800 90287527 5.43 173985877 21800 174007677 10.47 5.04
(h) Foreign Venture Capital – – – – – – – – –
Funds – – – – – – – – –
(i) Others (specify)
Sub-total (B) (1): 280454813 20889100 301343913 18.13 386030244 3126100 389156344 23.41 5.28
2. Non Institutions
(a) Bodies Corporate
i. Indian 101501421 235902 101737323 6.12 68638689 236342 68875031 4.14 (1.98)
ii. Overseas 3000 – 3000 0.00 3000 – 3000 0.00 0.00
(b) Individuals
i. Individual 230688325 20978628 251666953 15.14 193842018 20351058 214193076 12.89 (2.25)
Shareholders holding
nominal share capital
upto `1 lakh
ii. Individual 73577921 173000 73750921 4.44 58405988 173000 58578988 3.52 (0.92)
shareholders holding
nominal share capital
in excess of `1 lakh
(c) Others (specify)
i. Trust & Foundations 1105572 900 1106472 0.07 788561 900 789461 0.05 (0.02)
ii. Non-Resident 9078053 350600 9428653 0.57 7060735 380600 7441335 0.45 (0.12)
Sub-total (B)(2): 415954292 21739030 437693322 26.33 328738991 21141900 349880891 21.05 (5.28)
Total Public Shareholding
(B)=(B)(1)+ (B)(2) 696409105 42628130 739037235 44.47 714769235 24268000 739037235 44.47 –

C. Shares held by Custodian for – – – – – – – – –


GRAND TOTAL (A+B+C) 1619409105 42628130 1662037235 100 1637769235 24268000 1662037235 100 0.00

(ii) Shareholding of Promoters

Sl. Shareholder’s Shareholding at the Beginning of the Year Shareholding at the End of the Year % change in
No. Name (As on 01.04.2014) (As on 31.03.2015) Shareholding
during the Year

No. of Shares % of total %of Shares No. of Shares % of Total %of Shares
Shares of the Pledged/ Shares of the Pledged/
Company Encumbered to Company Encumbered to
Total Shares Total Shares

1. President of India 923000000 55.53 Nil 923000000 55.53 Nil Nil

(iii) Change in Promoters’ Shareholding (please specify, if there is no change) : NO CHANGE


01. Director Report 170815.indd 30 8/17/2015 1:56:34 PM

(iv) Shareholding Pattern of Top Ten Shareholders (other than Directors, Promoters and Holders of GDRs and ADRs) as on March 31, 2015:
NOTE: (i) (P) denotes Purchase of Shares and (S) denotes Sale of Shares
(ii) All the Increase/Decrease in Shareholding is due to Transfer only
Sl. No. Shareholding at the Beginning of the Year Cumulative Shareholding during the Year
No. of Shares % of Total Shares No. of % of Total Shares of the
of the Company Shares Company
1. Life Insurance Corporation of India

At the Beginning of the Year 61944644 3.73 – –

Date wise Increase/Decrease in Shareholding during the year – – 61944644 3.73

specifying the reasons for increase/decrease
(e.g. allotment/transfer/bonus/sweat equity etc.)

At the End of the Year (or on the date of separation, if separated 61944644 3.73 61944644 3.73
during the year)

2. Government Pension Fund Global

At the Beginning of the Year 26472119 1.59 – –

Date wise Increase/Decrease in Shareholding during the year 11.04.2014 – 357594(P) 0.02 26829713 1.61
specifying the reasons for increase/decrease (e.g. allotment/
transfer/bonus/sweat equity etc.) 18.04.2014 – 1030352(P) 0.06 27860065 1.68

25.04.2014 – 1452709(P) 0.09 29312774 1.77

02.05.2014 – 1547209(P) 0.09 30859983 1.86

09.05.2014 – 1961332(P) 0.12 32821315 1.97

16.05.2014 – 802685(P) 0.04 33624000 2.02

30.05.2014 – 482744(S) 0.03 33141256 1.99

06.06.2014 – 2065025(S) 0.12 31076231 1.87

13.06.2014 – 1778411(S) 0.11 29297820 1.76

20.06.2014 – 1940119(S) 0.12 27357701 1.65

30.06.2014 – 1920247(S) 0.12 25437454 1.53

21.11.2014 – 25437454(S) 1.53 0 0.00

21.11.2014 – 25437454(P) 1.53 25437454 1.53

At the End of the year (or on the date of separation, if separated – – 25437454 1.53
during the year)

3. Nippon Investment and Finance Company Pvt Ltd

At the beginning of the year 22583071 1.36 – –

Date wise Increase/Decrease in Shareholding during the year 23.05.2014 – 2050000(S) 0.12 20533071 1.24
specifying the reasons for increase/decrease (e.g. allotment/
transfer/bonus/sweat equity etc.) 30.05.2014 – 1110000(S) 0.07 19423071 1.17

29.08.2014 – 100000(P) 0.006 19523071 1.17

05.09.2014 – 103071(S) 0.006 19420000 1.17

19.09.2014 – 100000(P) 0.006 19520000 1.17

10.10.2014 – 539002(S) 0.03 18980998 1.14

17.10.2014 – 287735(S) 0.02 18693263 1.12

24.10.2014–173263(S) 0.01 18520000 1.11

At the End of the Year (or on the date of separation, if separated – – 18520000 1.11
during the year)

4. General Insurance Corporation of India

At the Beginning of the Year 16502700 0.99 – –

Date wise Increase/Decrease in Shareholding during the year – – – –

specifying the reasons for increase/decrease (e.g. allotment/
transfer/bonus/sweat equity etc.)

At the End of the Year (or on the date of separation, if separated – – 16502700 0.99
during the year)


01. Director Report 140815.indd 31 8/14/2015 5:57:26 PM

Sl. No. Shareholding at the Beginning of the Year Cumulative Shareholding during the Year
No. of Shares % of Total Shares No. of % of Total Shares of the
of the Company Shares Company
5. Swiss Finance Corporation (Mauritius) Ltd
At the Beginning of the Year 1222946 0.07 – –
Date wise Increase/Decrease in Shareholding during the year 30.05.2015 – 187197(P) 0.01 1410143 0.08
specifying the reasons for increase/decrease (e.g. allotment/
06.06.2014 – 421637(P) 0.03 1831780 0.11
transfer/bonus/sweat equity etc.)
11.07.2014 – 171000(S) 0.01 1660780 0.10
18.07.2014 –195810(P) 0.01 1856590 0.11
25.07.2014 – 104016(P) 0.006 1960606 0.12
01.08.2014 – 1808751(P) 0.11 3769357 0.23
08.08.2014 – 54249(P) 0.003 3823606 0.23
16.08.2014 – 387000(S) 0.02 3436606 0.21
29.08.2014 –316731(P) 0.02 3753337 0.23
05.09.2014–54512(P) 0.003 3807849 0.23
19.09.2014 – 283908(S) 0.02 3523941 0.21
30.09.2014 – 2685707(P) 0.16 6209648 0.37
10.10.2014 –204597(P) 0.01 6414245 0.38
17.10.2014 – 342000(P) 0.02 6756245 0.40
24.10.2014 – 516281(P) 0.03 7272526 0.44
31.10.2014 – 1271693(P) 0.08 8544219 0.51
07.11.2014 – 2475000(P) 0.15 11019219 0.66
14.11.2014 – 468000(P) 0.03 11487219 0.69
21.11.2014 – 603000(P) 0.04 12090219 0.73
05.12.2014 – 82678(P) 0.005 12172897 0.73
12.12.2014 –102125(P) 0.006 12275022 0.74
19.12.2014 – 64921(S) 0.004 12210101 0.73
31.12.2014 – 1584156(P) 0.10 13794257 0.83
09.01.2015 –120000(S) 0.007 13674257 0.82
16.01.2015 – 789375(P) 0.05 14463632 0.87
23.01.2015 – 1180290(S) 0.07 13283342 0.80
30.01.2015 –464000(P) 0.03 13747342 0.83
06.02.2015 – 82099(S) 0.005 13665243 0.82
13.02.2015 –169211(P) 0.01 13834454 0.83
20.02.2014 – 8000(S) 0.0005 13826454 0.83
03.03.2015 – 645701(S) 0.04 13180753 0.79
13.3.2015 – 97880(P) 0.006 13278633 0.80
20.3.2015 – 33912(P) 0.002 13312545 0.80
27.03.2015 – 8000(S) – 13304545 0.80
At the End of the year (or on the date of separation, if separated during the – – 13304545 0.80
6. Canara Bank
At the beginning of the year 14786946 0.89 – –
Date wise Increase/Decrease in Shareholding during the year 25.04.2014 – 30000 (S) 0.002 14756946 0.89
specifying the reasons for increase/decrease (e.g. allotment/
05.09.2014 – 100 (S) – 14756846 0.89
transfer/bonus/sweat equity etc.)
12.09.2014 – 100 (P) – 14756946 0.89
17.10.2014 – 600 (P) – 14757546 0.89
09.01.2015 – 50000 (P) 0.003 14807546 0.89
13.03.2015 – 600 (S) – 14806946 0.89
27.03.2015 – 30000 (S) 0.002 14776946 0.89
At the End of the year (or on the date of separation, if separated – – 14776946 0.89
during the year)


01. Director Report 140815.indd 32 8/14/2015 5:57:27 PM

Sl. No. Shareholding at the Beginning of the Year Cumulative Shareholding during the Year
No. of Shares % of Total Shares No. of % of Total Shares of the
of the Company Shares Company
7. Goldman Sachs Investments (Mauritius) I Ltd
At the Beginning of the Year 1378636 0.08 – –
Date wise Increase/Decrease in Shareholding during the year 04.04.2014 – 23516(S) 0.001 1355120 0.08
specifying the reasons for increase/decrease (e.g. allotment/
02.05.2014 – 64977(P) 0.004 1420097 0.09
transfer/bonus/sweat equity etc.)
09.05.2014 – 37848(P) 0.002 1457945 0.09
06.06.2014 – 229208(P) 0.01 1687153 0.10
13.06.2014 –1263877(P) 0.08 2951030 0.18
20.06.2014 – 284621(P) 0.02 3235651 0.20
30.06.2014 – 2734449(P) 0.16 5970100 0.36
04.07.2014 – 2964372(P) 0.18 8934472 0.54
11.07.2014 – 294221(P) 0.02 9228693 0.56
18.07.2014 – 326405(P) 0.02 9555098 0.57
08.08.2014 – 405257(P) 0.02 9960355 0.60
16.08.2014 –220218(P) 0.01 10180573 0.61
29.08.2014 – 153516(P) 0.01 10334089 0.62
05.09.2014 – 394325(P) 0.02 10728414 0.65
12.09.2014 – 919023(P) 0.06 11647437 0.70
30.09.2014 – 71558(P) 0.004 11718995 0.71
17.10.2014 – 115446(P) 0.007 11834441 0.71
14.11.2014 – 375472(P) 0.02 12209913 0.73
21.11.2014 – 924989(P) 0.06 13134902 0.79
28.11 .2014 –3593817(P) 0.22 16728719 1.01
05.12.2014 – 1064694(P) 0.06 17793413 1.07
31.12.2014 – 5356447(S) 0.32 12436966 0.75
09.01.2015 –86215(P) 0.005 12523181 0.75
23.01.2015 – 210742(P) 0.01 12733923 0.77
06.02.2015 – 1565292(S) 0.09 11168631 0.67
13.02.2015 –236663(P) 0.01 11405294 0.68
03.03.2015 – 65767(S) 0.004 11339527 0.68
13.03.2015 – 172021(P) 0.01 11511548 0.69
20.03.2015 –85686(P) 0.006 11597234 0.70
27.03.2015 – 174090(P) 0.01 11771324 0.71
31.03.2015 – 24901(P) 0.001 11796225 0.71
At the End of the Year (or on the date of separation, if separated – – 11796225 0.71
during the year)
8. Credit Suisse (Singapore) Ltd
At the Beginning of the Year 3443149 0.21 – –
Date wise Increase/Decrease in Shareholding during the year 20.06.2014 – 463149(S) 0.03 2980000 0.18
specifying the reasons for increase/decrease (e.g. allotment/ 30.06.2014 – 1059518(P) 0.06 4039518 0.24
transfer/bonus/sweat equity etc.)
04.07.2014 – 967867(S) 0.06 3071651 0.18
11.07.2014 – 122695(P) 0.007 3194346 0.19
18.07.2014 –208136(P) 0.01 3402482 0.20
25.07.2014 – 97634(P) 0.006 3500116 0.21
16.08.2014 – 201385(P) 0.01 3701501 0.22
29.08.2014 – 655366(P) 0.04 4356867 0.26
05.09.2014 – 199275(P) 0.01 4556142 0.27
19.09.2014 – 87864(P) 0.005 4644006 0.28
30.09.2014 – 391573(P) 0.02 5035579 0.30
31.10.2014 –367722(P) 0.02 5403301 0.33
7.11.2014 – 171660(P) 0.01 5574961 0.34
14.11.2014 – 24878(P) 0.001 5599839 0.34
21.11.14 – 1067990(P) 0.06 6667829 0.40
05.12.2014 – 98108(P) 0.006 6765937 0.41
31.12.2014 – 1503397(P) 0.09 8269334 0.50
09.01.2015 –914702(P) 0.06 9184036 0.55
16.01.2015 – 82244(S) 0.005 9101792 0.55


01. Director Report 140815.indd 33 8/14/2015 5:57:27 PM

Sl. No. Shareholding at the Beginning of the Year Cumulative Shareholding during the Year
No. of Shares % of Total Shares No. of % of Total Shares of the
of the Company Shares Company
23.01.2015 – 16000(P) 0.001 9117792 0.55
30.01.2015 – 224000(P) 0.01 9341792 0.56
06.02.2015 – 699361(S) 0.04 8642431 0.52
13.02.2015 –1254844(P) 0.08 9897275 0.60
20.02.2015 – 157434(P) 0.01 10054709 0.60
03.03.2015 – 890220(P) 0.05 10944929 0.66
27.03.2015 – 279155(S) 0.02 10665774 0.64
31.03.2015 – 499748(P) 0.03 11165522 0.67
At the End of the year (or on the date of separation, if separated 11165522 0.67
during the year)
9. Central Bank of India
At the beginning of the year 11149526 0.67 – –
Date wise Increase/Decrease in Shareholding during the year – – – –
specifying the reasons for increase/ decrease (e.g. allotment/
transfer/ bonus/ sweat equity etc.)
At the End of the Year (or on the date of separation, if separated – – 11149526 0.67
during the year)
10. The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd
At the beginning of the year 10245438 0.62 – –
Date wise Increase/Decrease in Shareholding during the year – – – –
specifying the reasons for increase/ decrease (e.g. allotment/
transfer/ bonus/ sweat equity etc.)
At the End of the year (or on the date of separation, if separated – – 10245438 0.62
during the year)

(v) Shareholding of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel: None of the Directors hold any shares in the Company. Shareholding of the
Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary is as under:
Sl. No. Shareholding at the beginning of the year Cumulative Shareholding during the year
No. of Shares % of Total Shares No. of Shares % of Total Shares of the
of the Company Company
11. Shri B N Nayak, CFO
At the Beginning of the Year – – – –
Date wise Increase/Decrease in Shareholding during 16.06.2015 – 14,716 – 14,716 –
the year specifying the reasons for increase/decrease (Exercise of ESOP)
(e.g. allotment/transfer/bonus/sweat equity etc.)
At the End of the year – 14,716 –
12. Smt. Rupa Sarkar, Company Secretary
At the Beginning of the Year 6,204 – – –
Date wise Increase/Decrease in Shareholding during – – – –
the year specifying the reasons for increase/decrease
(e.g. allotment/transfer/bonus/sweat equity etc.)
At the End of the Year – 6,204 –

Indebtedness of the Company including interest Outstanding/Accrued but not due for payment (` crore)
Secured Loans Unsecured Loans Deposits Total
excluding Deposits Indebtedness
Indebtedness at the Beginning of the financial year:
i) Principal Amount 310 19,611.03 – 19,921.03
ii) Interest due but not paid – – – –
iii) Interest accrued but not due 0.25 406.18 – 406.43
TOTAL (i+ii+iii) 310.25 20,017.21 – 20,327.46
Change in Indebtedness during the financial year:
x Addition 1,972.26 6,074.94 – 8,047.20
x Reduction – 3,257.77 – 3,257.77
Net Change 1,972.26 2,817.17 – 4,789.43
Indebtedness at the end of the financial year:
i) Principal Amount 2,282.26 2,2428.20 – 24,710.46
ii) Interest due but not paid – – – –
iii) Interest accrued but not due 47.44 381.13 – 428.57
TOTAL (i+ii+iii) 2,329.70 22,809.33 – 25,139.03


01. Director Report 140815.indd 34 8/14/2015 5:57:27 PM

A. Remuneration to Managing Director, Whole-time Directors and/or Manager:
Sl. No. Particulars of Remuneration Name of MD/WTD/Manager Total Amount
Shri Malay Mukherjee Shri Achal Kumar Gupta
(CEO & Managing Director) (Whole-Time Director)
1. Gross salary
(a) Salary as per provisions contained in Section 17(1) of the Income- 23,82,260 21,71,719 45,53,979
Tax Act, 1961
(b) Value of perquisites u/s 17(2) of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 1,24,248 62,579 1,86,827
(c) Profits in lieu of salary under Section 17(3) of the Income-Tax Act, 1,95,440 1,84,132 3,79,572
2. Stock Option – – –
3. Sweat Equity – – –
4. Commission – – –
– As % of profit
– Others, specify
5. Others, please specify
(A) Tax Borne by IFCI 51,772 41,503 93,275
(B) PF Contribution 96,000 93,600 1,89,600
TOTAL (A) 28,49,720 25,53,533 54,03,253
Ceiling as per the Act 10% of net profit of the Company as computed under Section 198 of the
Companies Act, 2013 for the FY 2014-15
B. Remuneration to Other Directors:
Particulars of Remuneration Name of Directors Total Amount
1. Independent Directors Shri S V Ranganath Shri K S Sreenivasan Prof Arvind Sahay Smt Savita Mahajan
Fee for attending Board/ 5,90,000 6,30,000 1,20,000 5,00,000 18,40,000
Committee Meetings
Commission – – – –
Others, Please specify – – – –
TOTAL (1) 5,90,000 6,30,000 1,20,000 5,00,000 18,40,000
2. Other Non-Executive Directors Prof N Balakrishnan Shri S N Shri Alok Tandon Shri Rajesh Ms Kiran
Ananthasubramanian Aggarwal Sahdev
Fee for attending Board/
Committee Meetings 2,90,000 3,10,000 N.A N.A N.A 6,00,000
Commission – – –
Others, please specify – – –
Total (2) 2,90,000 3,10,000 N.A N.A N.A 6,00,000
Total (B)=(1+2) – – – – – 24,30,000
Total Managerial Remuneration – – – – – –
Overall Ceiling as per the Act 1% of net profit of the Company, if there is a Managing or Whole-Time Director. The aforesaid one percent does not
include Sitting Fee paid to Directors. The amount of sitting fee shall not exceed `1,00,000/- per Board or Committee

Note: Sitting Fee for Board Meeting is `20,000/- and for Committee Meeting is `10,000/-. The sitting fee of only those Directors has been
considered who were Directors as on March 31, 2015.
C. Remuneration to Key Managerial Personnel other than MD/Manager/WTD
SI. No. Particulars of Remuneration Key Managerial Personnel
Company Secretary CFO Total
1. Gross salary
(a) Salary as per provisions contained in Section 17(1) of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 21,30,131 33,05,341 54,35,472
(b) Value of perquisites u/s 17(2) of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 5,36,471 8,47,444 13,83,915
(c) Profits in lieu of salary under Section 17(3) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 23,816 1,97,468 2,21,284
2. Stock Option – 3,48,662 3,48,662
3. Sweat Equity – – –
4. Commission – – –
– as % of profit
– others, specify
5. Others, Please specify
(A) Tax Borne by IFCI 5,209 51,598 56,807
(B) PF Contribution 65,830 94,800 1,60,630
TOTAL 27,61,457 48,45,313 76,06,770



01. Director Report 140815.indd 35 8/14/2015 5:57:28 PM

1. A brief outline of the Company’s CSR policy, including overview of projects or programs proposed to be undertaken and reference to the
web-link to the CSR policy and projects or programs:
(i) IFCI Ltd. (IFCI) since its inception in 1948 had a vision to empower the community through socio-economic development of the
underprivileged and weaker sections. In its continued efforts to make a difference to the society at large, in the Financial Year (FY)
2014-15, IFCI has undertaken Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, with a vision to promote development of human capital
and rural areas as a key contributor to the growth of India and to support sustainable developmental activities aimed at creating a
cleaner, greener and healthier environment. The Board of Directors approved the CSR Policy for FY 2014-15 (available at: www.ifciltd.
com) in its meeting held on May 26, 2014 with the following objectives:
of the people.
a socially responsible entity.
(ii) During FY 2014-15, CSR activities, in accordance with Schedule VII of Section 135 of Companies Act, 2013 and Companies (Corporate
Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014, were undertaken by IFCI and IFCI Social Foundation, a trust formed to undertake CSR
initiatives of IFCI and its Subsidiary & Associates. The prescribed CSR expenditure for FY 2014-15 was `9.16 crore. Out of this, IFCI
has sanctioned `8.87 crore towards various CSR projects, `0.18 crore has been spent towards admin and other expenses of the IFCI
Social Foundation and `0.11 crore has been IFCI’s contribution to the corpus of the IFCI Social Foundation. Out of the prescribed CSR
expenditure, IFCI has spent an amount of `7.48 crore on CSR activities during FY 2014-15 as per provisions of the Companies Act,
2013. The balance amount of `1.68 crore will be spent keeping in view the physical progress of the sanctioned CSR projects that have
been supported since payments have been linked to progress on a milestone achievement basis.
(iii) CSR activities undertaken by IFCI directly and through IFCI Social Foundation during FY 2014-15 are as under:
IFCI has committed `3.26 crore for various CSR initiatives as under:
  ‡ `0.04 crore to Sewayan Trust, for plantation of 200 trees at Parikarma Marg, Shri Giriraj Talahti, Governdhan, District Mathura,UP.
‡ `0.09 crore to Rajeev Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre (RGCI & RC) for purchase of an ambulance for providing palliative
and preventive care to cancer patients. Website: www.rgcirc.org.
  ‡ `0.10 crore towards Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund for the rehabilitation of people in Jammu & Kashmir in view of
unprecedented flood in the year 2014.
  ‡ `0.0085 crore to the Institute of Leadership Development (ILD) for construction of toilets in a school “Amal Aagosh” Bridge School
being run by ILD at village Kharwalon Ki Dhani, Jamdoli, Jaipur. Website : www.ildindia.org.
  ‡ `0.93 crore to Sulabh International Social Service Organisation (SISSO) for construction of 14 Girls Toilet Blocks in District
Murshidabad, West Bengal, under the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s “Swachchh Vidyalaya Campaign”, out of which `0.74 crore has
been disbursed and balance `0.19 crore shall be disbursed on completion of the project.
  ‡ `1.30 crore to ILD for Residential Skill Development Programme for 150 unemployed youth in the Textile Industry in District
Bhilwara, Rajasthan. `0.40 crore has been disbursed on commencement of training, balance disbursement is linked to progress
on a milestone achievement basis. Website: www.ildindia.org.
  ‡ `0.10 crore to Global India Foundation for funding its research project titled “Recognising Opportunities in Neighbourhood
Challenges: A Roadmap for Human Development. Website: www.globalindiafoundation.org.
  ‡ `0.69 crore to Arogya Sandhan Charitable Trust for construction of half floor of a residential care home to offer life-long shelter
to 100 mentally challenged persons along with vocational training facilities. `0.10 crore has been disbursed and balance
`0.59 crore being linked with construction of the project, will be disbursed on the basis of physical progress. Website: www.
IFCI has entrusted `5.61 crore to the IFCI Social Foundation for various CSR initiatives. Details of CSR projects sanctioned by it
are as under:
  ‡ `0.18 crore to Udayan Care as financial support to form a Corpus Fund so as to cover yearly up-keep and education expenses of
2 erstwhile orphaned and abandoned girls now being nurtured at Udayan Ghar, Jaipur. Website:www.udayancare.org.
  ‡ `1.10 crore to Shradha Cancer Care Trust, for construction of one floor of the Ganga Prem Hospice, Rishikesh, District Dehradun,
Uttarakhand. Website: www.gangapremhospice.org.
  ‡ `0.32 crore to PRAYAS Social Welfare Society, for funding of education/vocational training by providing sewing machines, school
uniform and books for underprivileged women and children. Website: www.prayassws.org.
  ‡ `0.50 crore to the Akshaya Patra Foundation for sponsoring of mid-day meal for 6700 children in government schools in Ahmedabad
for one year. Website: www.akshayapatra.org.
  ‡ `0.40 crore to Ramakrishna Mission, for purchase of Medical Eye Equipment installed at Ramakrishna Mission Free T.B. Clinic and
Medical Centre at Karol Bagh, New Delhi. Website:www.rkmdelhi.org.
  ‡ `0.37 crore to Rashtriya Gramin Vikas Nidhi (RGVN), for Enhancement of Productivity and Establishment of People’s Institution
in Assam. Financial assistance sanctioned for 500 farmers in district Goalpara, Assam @ `7500/- per farmer for one year. Website:
  ‡ `1.60 crore to RGVN to undertake a project on healthy living for under privileged rural communities in Assam, by providing
comprehensive solutions for safe drinking-water, sanitation and solar lighting needs by adopting 4 villages Website: www.
  ‡ `1.00 crore to ASSHRAY- Promotion of Social Enterprises Foundation, to promote social innovation & venture ecosystem. Website:


01. Director Report 140815.indd 36 8/14/2015 5:57:28 PM

  ‡ `0.08 crore to Arya Kanya Sadan, a girls’ orphanage by Sarswati Vadic Sanstha (Regd.) to sponsor higher education to 8 college
going young women at various institutions across Faridabad for 1 year. Website: www.aryakanya.org.
  ‡ `0.06 crore to Clean Ganga Fund to meet the objective of contributing to the national efforts of cleaning of River Ganga. Website:
CSR Activities undertaken by IFCI Social Foundation on behalf of Subsidiaries & Associates of IFCI is as under:
During FY 2014-15, the Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited (SHCIL) contributed `0.27 crore, being 25% of its total CSR fund,
by way of a donation to IFCI Social Foundation so as to associate with IFCI to carry out the CSR activities through this trust. IFCI Social
Foundation contributed the entire amount to Clean Ganga Fund. Website : www.nmcg.nic.in.
2. The composition of the CSR Committee:
In pursuance of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013, IFCI has constituted a CSR Committee of the Board of Directors, as under:
i) Smt Savita Mahajan, Chairperson of the Committee (Independent Director)
ii) Shri Malay Mukherjee, CEO & MD
iii) Prof N Balakrishnan, Director
iv) Shri K S Sreenivasan (Independent Director)
v) Shri Achal Kumar Gupta, DMD
vi) Shri Rajesh Aggarwal, Director
3. Average Net Profit of the Company for last 3 financial years:
The calculation of the “average net profit” of IFCI Ltd, in accordance with the provisions of Section 198 of the Companies Act, 2013 and also
the rules mentioned in the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014, is provided below:
Year Eligible Net Profit (` crore) Average Net Profit for last three financial years (` crore)
2011-12 574.62
2012-13 329.70 458.10
2013-14 469.99
4. Prescribed CSR Expenditure (two percent of the amount as in Item 3 above): `9.16 crore
5. Details of CSR Activities/Projects undertaken during the year:
a. Total amount to be spent for the financial year: `9.16 crore
b. Amount unspent, if any: `1.68 crore*
* Projects already sanctioned, to be disbursed based on physical progress.
c. Manner in which the amount has been spent during the financial year is detailed below:
Sl. CSR Project or Activity Sector in which the Projects/Programs Amount Amount spent on the Cumulative Amount
No. Identified Project is covered 1. Local Area/Others* Outlay Project/Program Expenditure Spent:
2. Specify the State (Budget) Sub-heads: upto to the Direct/
and District where Project or 1. Direct expenditure on Reporting through
Project/Program was Program-wise Project or Program Period Implementing
undertaken (` crore) 2. Overheads (` crore) (` crore) Agency
1. Sewayan Trust, for To Promote Sustainable 1. Local Area Direct Overheads
plantation of trees at Development Activities: 2. Parikarma Marg, 0.04 0.04 0 0.04 Through
Mathura Activity is covered under Shri Giriraj Talhati, Implementing
Clause (iv) of Schedule Goverdhan District, Agency
VII u/s 135 of The Mathura
Companies Act, 2013
2. Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute Other Welfare elements: 1. Local area 0.09 0.09 0 0.09 Direct
& Research Center, for Activity is covered 2. Sector 5, Rohini,
purchase of an ambulance under Clause (i) of New Delhi-110085
for preventive health care for Schedule VII
cancer patients u/s 135 of The
Companies Act, 2013
3. Prime Minister’s National Other Welfare elements: 1. Others 0.10 0.10 0 0.10 Direct
Relief Fund for flood Activity is covered under 2. Jammu & Kashmir
affected people of Jammu Clause (viii) of Schedule
and Kashmir VII u/s 135 of The
Companies Act, 2013
4. Institute of Leadership Other Welfare elements: 1. Local Area 0.0085 0.0085 0 0.0085 Through
Development (ILD) for Activity is covered 2. Amal Agosh Bridge Implementing
construction of toilets in a under Clause (i) of School, Village Agency
school being run by it. Schedule VII u/s 135 of Kharwalon Ki Dhani,
The Companies Act, 2013 Jamdoli, Jaipur
5. Sulabh International Social Other Welfare elements: 1. Local Area 0.93 0.65 0.09 0.74 Through
Service Organization, Activity is covered under 2. In 14 schools in Jangipur Implementing
Kolkata for construction of Clause (i) of Schedule VII sub-division and Agency
14 Girls Toilet Blocks for u/s 135 of The Companies Lalbag Sub-Division of
girls under health care and Act, 2013 Murshidabad District,
sanitation West Bengal


01. Director Report 140815.indd 37 8/14/2015 5:57:28 PM

Sl. CSR Project or Activity Sector in which the Projects/Programs Amount Amount spent on the Cumulative Amount
No. Identified Project is covered 1. Local Area/Others* Outlay Project/Program Expenditure Spent:
2. Specify the State (Budget) Sub-heads: upto to the Direct/
and District where Project or 1. Direct expenditure on Reporting through
Project/Program was Program-wise Project or Program Period Implementing
undertaken (` crore) 2. Overheads (` crore) (` crore) Agency
6. ILD for Residential Skill Promote Development of 1. Local Area 1.30 0.36 0.04 0.40 Through
Development Programme Human Capital: 2. District Bhilwara, Implementing
for 150 unemployed youth Activity is covered under Rajasthan Agency
in Textile Industry in Clause (ii) of Schedule
Bhilwara District, Rajasthan VII, u/s 135 of The
Companies Act, 2013
7. Global India Foundation Promote Development of 1. Local Area 0.10 0.09 0.01 0.10 Through
for funding it’s research Human Capital: 2. Regd Office: 1/424, Implementing
project titled “Recognising Activity is covered Gariahat Road(S), Agency
India’s Opportunities in under Clause (ii) of Kolkata-700068
Neighbourhood Challenges- Schedule VII u/s 135 of
A roadmap for Human The Companies
Development”. Act, 2013
8. Arogya Sandhan Charitable Promote Development of 1. Local area 0.69 0.09 0.01 0.10 Through
Trust for construction of Human Capital: Activity 2. Village: Arapanch, Implementing
half floor of Residential is covered under Clause P.O. Sonarpur., District Agency
Care home to offer life-long (ii) of Schedule VII 24 Paraganas (South),
shelter to 100 mentally u/s 135 of The West Bengal
challenged persons with Companies Act, 2013
vocational training facilities
TOTAL (A) 3.2585 1.4285 0.15 1.5785
9. Udayan Care, New Delhi for Any Other Activities: 1. Local Area 0.18 0.18 0 0.18 Through
financial support to form a Activity is covered 2. Jaipur Udayan Ghar, Implementing
Corpus Fund to cover yearly under Clause (iii) of 32, Shyam Vatika, Near Agency
up-keep and education Schedule VII Ramnagar Extension,
expenses of 2 erstwhile u/s 135 of The Sodala, Jaipur,
orphaned and abandoned Companies Act, 2013 Rajasthan-302019
girls now being nurtured at
Udayan Ghar, Jaipur
10. Shradha Cancer Care Trust, Rural Development: 1. Others 1.10 0.11 0 0.11 Through
New Delhi for construction Activity is covered 2. Ganga Prem Implementing
of one floor Ganga Prem under Clause (x) of Hospice, Village Agency
Hospice, Rishikesh Schedule VII Gohri Maphi, Near
u/s 135 of The Raiwala, Rishikesh,
Companies Act, 2013 Distt. Dehradun
11. PRAYAS Social Welfare Promote Development of 1. Local area 0.32 0.32 0 0.32 Through
Society, for funding of Human Capital: 2. PRAYAS Social Welfare Implementing
education/vocational Activity is covered Society (Regd.) Agency
training by providing under Clause (ii) of DC Model school,
sewing machines, school Schedule VII Sector 9, Faridabad.
uniform and books for u/s 135 of The
underprivileged women and Companies Act, 2013
12. The Akshaya Patra Other Welfare elements: 1. Local Area 0.50 0.50 0 0.50 Through
Foundation for sponsoring Activity is covered 2. C-708, Titanium Implementing
of mid-day meal for 6700 under Clause (i) of square, Thaltej Cross Agency
children in government Schedule VII Roads, S G Highway,
schools in Ahmedabad u/s 135 of The Ahmedabad-380 054
Companies Act, 2013
13. Ramakrishna Mission Other Welfare elements: 1. Local Area 0.40 0.40 0 0.40 Through
for purchase of Medical Activity is covered 2. Ramakrishana Mission, Implementing
Eye Equipment for under Clause (i) of Ramakrishnan Ashram Agency
Ramakrishana Mission Schedule VII Marg,
Medical Centre at u/s 135 of The New Delhi- 110055
New Delhi Companies Act, 2013
14. Rashtriya Gramin Promote Sustainable 1. Local Area 0.37 0.31 0.06 0.37 Through
Vikas Nidhi (RGVN), Development Activities: 2. Goalpara District of Implementing
for Enhancement Activity is covered under Assam Agency
of Productivity and Clause (iv) of Schedule
Establishment of People’s VII, u/s 135 of The
Institution in Assam Companies Act, 2013
15. RGVN for Project on Other Welfare elements: 1. Local area 1.60 0 0 0.00 Through
“Healthy Living for Activity is covered 2. In 2 villages in district Implementing
under-privileged rural under Clause (i) of Morigaon, 2 villages in Agency
communities in Assam” Schedule VII Kamrup-Rural District
u/s 135 of The of Assam
Companies Act, 2013
16. ASSHRAY- Promotion Promote Development of 1. Local area 1.00 1.00 0 1.00 Through
of Social Enterprises Human Capital: 2. Incube Ventures Pvt. Implementing
Foundation, to promote Activity is covered under Ltd., 201, Agency
social innovation & venture Clause (ix) of Schedule Sarthik Square,
ecosystem VII, u/s 135 of The SG Highway,
Companies Act, 2013 Ahmedabad-380054


01. Director Report 140815.indd 38 8/14/2015 5:57:29 PM

Sl. CSR Project or Activity Sector in which the Projects/Programs Amount Amount spent on the Cumulative Amount
No. Identified Project is covered 1. Local Area/Others* Outlay Project/Program Expenditure Spent:
2. Specify the State (Budget) Sub-heads: upto to the Direct/
and District where Project or 1. Direct expenditure on Reporting through
Project/Program was Program-wise Project or Program Period Implementing
undertaken (` crore) 2. Overheads (` crore) (` crore) Agency
17. Arya Kanya Sadan, a Girls’ Other Welfare elements 1. Local Area 0.08 0.08 0 0.08 Through
Orphanage by Sarswati : Activity is covered 2. Arya Kanya Sadan, Implementing
Vadic Sanstha(Regd) under Clause (i) of 461A, Sector 15, Agency
to sponsor higher Schedule VII u/s 135 Faridabad-121007
education to 8 college of The Companies Act,
going young women at 2013
various institutions across
Faridabad for 1 year
18. Clean Ganga Fund to meet Promote Sustainable 1. Local Area 0.06 0.06 0 0.06 Through
the objective of contributing Development Activities: 2. National Mission for Implementing
to the national efforts of Activity is covered Clean Ganga, Ministry Agency
cleaning of River Ganga under Clause (iv) of of Water Resources,
Schedule VII u/s 135 River Development and
of The Companies Act, Ganga Rejuvenation
2013 (GoI)
TOTAL (B) 5.61 2.96 0.06 3.02
* States where IFCI has offices has been considered as Local Area, rest is others.
19. Clean Ganga Fund to meet Promote Sustainable 1. Local Area 0.27 0.27 0 0.27 Through
the objective of contributing Development Activities: 2. National Mission for (Donation Implementing
to the national efforts of Activity is covered Clean Ganga, Ministry received from Agency
cleaning of River Ganga under Clause (iv) of of Water Resources, Stock Holding
Schedule VII u/s 135 River Development Corporation of
of The Companies Act, and Ganga India Ltd)
2013 Rejuvenation(GoI)
TOTAL (C) 0.27 0.27 0 0.27
6. In case the Company has failed to spend the 2% of the Average Net Profit (INR) of the last 3 financial years or any part thereof, the
Company shall provide the reasons for not spending the amount:
In accordance with the provisions of the Company’s Act 2013, IFCI’s prescribed expenditure for undertaking CSR activities in FY 2014-15
was `9.16 crore including expenses incured in setting up of IFCI Social Foundation to the tune of `0.11 crore and administrative expenses
of IFCI Social Foundation for an amount `0.18 crore. Various CSR projects for an aggregate amount of `8.87 crore have been sanctioned.
IFCI has spent `7.48 crore and balance of `1.68 crore will be spent on on-going projects, based on progress of projects and achievement of
milestones set-out under the sanctioned projects, details of which are as under:
(i) `0.93 crore was committed to Sulabh International Social Service Organization, Kolkata for construction of Girls Toilet Block
in 14 schools of Murshidabad District of West Bengal. Out of this, `0.74 crore has been spent and balance `0.19 crore has to be
disbursed. Funds will be released upon completion of the project, which has been slightly delayed and is expected to be completed by
September 30, 2015. The balance disbursement of 20% of the amount committed was linked to completion of the project and will be
disbursed in accordance with the milestone set.
(ii) `1.30 crore was committed to the Institute of Leadership Development, for Residential Skill Development Programme for 150
unemployed youth in Textile Industry in District Bhilwara, Rajasthan. Out of this, `0.40 crore was disbursed on commencement
of training of first batch and balance disbursement of `0.90 crore was linked to achievement of milestones set out with respect to
undertaking preliminary work, completion of mobilization process and holding awareness camps, etc., subsequent to which training
had to be imparted in five batches. It is proposed to be completed by end of July, 2015. Further, disbursement of `0.79 crore out of
`0.90 crore has been made upto July 15, 2015.
(iii) `0.69 crore was committed to Arogya Sandhan Charitable Trust for construction of half floor of a residential care home to offer life-
long shelter to 100 mentally challenged persons along with vocational training facilities. Out of this, `0.10 crore has been disbursed on
signing of the Memorandum of Understanding. Balance disbursement of `0.59 crore was linked with construction of the project and
physical progress, on a milestone basis, proposed to be completed within one year. Further, disbursement of `0.30 crore out of `0.59
crore has been made upto July 31, 2015.
7. A Responsibility Statement of the CSR Committee, that the implementation and monitoring of CSR Policy, is in compliance with CSR
Objectives and Policy of the Company:
The Company, during FY 2014-15, has taken due care to sanction the CSR projects and activities in accordance with the provisions of
Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014. IFCI’s CSR Policy for
FY 2014-15 was approved by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the CSR Committee of Directors in its meeting held on
26th May, 2014. It is hereby stated that the implementation and monitoring of the said policy, is in compliance with the CSR objectives and
policy of the Company.

Shri Malay Mukhejee Smt Savita Mahajan

CEO & Managing Director Chairperson- Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
DIN: 02272425 DIN: 06492679
Address: IFCI Tower Address: IFCI Tower
61 Nehru Place 61 Nehru Place
New Delhi-110019 New Delhi-110019
Dated: August 11, 2015


01. Director Report 140815.indd 39 8/14/2015 5:57:29 PM

(i) The Ratio of the remuneration of each Director to the median remuneration of the employees of the Company for the Financial Year:
The ratio of the remuneration of CEO & MD to the median remuneration of the employees of the Company for the FY 2014-15 is 1.39.
The ratio of the remuneration of DMD to the median remuneration of the employees of the Company for the FY 2014-15 is 1.31.
(ii) The percentage increase in remuneration of each Director, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Executive Officer, Company Secretary or
Manager, if any, in the financial year:
The percentage increase in the remuneration of the CEO & MD cannot be computed as he was appointed w.e.f. December 12, 2013 and was
paid remuneration only for part of FY 2013-14. Hence percentage increase cannot be calculated.
The percentage increase in the remuneration of the DMD cannot be computed as he was appointed w.e.f. December 12, 2013 and was paid
remuneration only for part of FY 2013-14. Hence percentage increase cannot be calculated.
The percentage increase in the remuneration of the Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary was 41.57% and 44.94% respectively.
(iii) The percentage increase in the median remuneration of employees in the financial year:
The percentage increase in the median remuneration of employees in the financial year is 23.55%.
(iv) Number of permanent employees on the rolls of the Company as on March 31, 2015 (excluding contract employees):
The Number of permanent employees on the rolls of the company as on March 31, 2015 (excluding contract employees) is 265.
(v) The explanation on the relationship between average increase in remuneration and Company Performance:
There is no relationship between average increase in remuneration and Company performance as the pay scales and allowances of the key
managerial personnel (except CEO & MD and DMD) and other employees are as per the defined structure as approved by the Board of IFCI,
which are largely based on the pay structure prevailing in Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The pay structure of the employees was rationalized
in the year 2013-14 w.e.f. November 2013 to bring it in line with the prevailing pay structure of RBI.
(vi) Comparison of the remuneration of the Key Managerial Personnel against the performance of the Company:
For Financial Year ended March 31, 2015, the Key Managerial Personnel were paid around 0.17% of the Profit Before Tax and 0.04% of the
Total Income of the Company.
(vii) Variations in the market capitalization of the Company, price earnings ratio as at the closing date of the current financial year and
previous financial year and percentage increase over decrease in the market quotations of the shares of the Company in comparison to
the rate at which the Company came out with the last public offer in case of listed companies, as at the close of the current financial year
and previous financial year:
(` crore)
Particulars March 31, 2014 March 31, 2015 Variation
Variation in Market Capitalization* 4,412.71 5,542.89 25.61%

Price Earnings Ratio 8.70 10.62 22.07%

Percentage increase over decrease in the market quotations of the shares of the Offer Price in Rights Issue (Year 2000) - `10/- per Share
Company in comparison to the rate at which the Company came out with the Closing Market Price on March 31, 2015 (*) - `33.35/- per Share
Public Offer (Percentage Increase of 233.35%)
Closing Market Price on March 31, 2014 (*) - `26.55
(Percentage Increase of 165.55%)
* The Closing Prices have been taken from the National Stock Exchange based on the higher Turnover.
(viii) Average percentile increase already made in the salaries of the employees other than the managerial personnel in the last financial year
and its comparison with the percentile increase in the managerial remuneration and justification thereof and point out if there are any
exceptional circumstances for increase in the managerial remuneration:
The percentage increase in the remuneration of the managerial personnel is not computable as the CEO & MD and DMD were appointed w.e.f.
December 12, 2013 and worked only for part of the Financial Year 2013-14. The percentage increase in the remuneration of the employees
other than the managerial personnel is 23.55%. Justification as to any exceptional circumstances does not arise for reasons mentioned in
point v supra.
(ix) Comparison of Remuneration of each of the Key Managerial Personnel against the performance of the Company:
The ratio of the remuneration of each of the Key Managerial Personnel to the Profit before Tax (PBT) of the Company is as under:

Shri Malay Mukherjee, CEO & MD 0.04

Shri Achal Kumar Gupta, DMD 0.03
Shri B N Nayak, Chief Financial Officer 0.06
Smt. Rupa Sarkar, Company Secretary 0.04


01. Director Report 140815.indd 40 8/14/2015 5:57:29 PM

(x) The key parameters for any variable component of remuneration availed by the Directors:
Variable component is the Performance Linked Incentives. Key parameters for determination of Performance Linked Incentives paid in
Financial Year 2014-15, were achievement of targets in percentage terms in respect of top line growth, total income, Balance Sheet size, net
profit and gross NPAs as percentage of loans.
(xi) The ratio of the remuneration of the highest paid Director to that of the employees who are not directors but receive remuneration in
excess of the highest paid director during the year:
The ratio of the remuneration of the employees to that of the highest paid Director varies between 0.57 to 0.99.
(xii) Affirmation that the remuneration is as per the remuneration policy of the Company:
It is hereby affirmed that the remuneration is as per the remuneration policy of the Company.
(xiii) Name of every employee of the company, who:
(i) If employed throughout the financial year, was in receipt of remuneration for that year which, in the aggregate, was not less than sixty
lakh rupees;
(ii) If employed for a part of the financial year, was in receipt of remuneration for any part of that year, at a rate which, in the aggregate,
was not less than five lakh rupees per month including;
(i) Designation of the employee;
(ii) Remuneration received;
(iii) Nature of employment, whether contractual or otherwise;
(iv) Qualifications and experience of the employee;
(v) Date of commencement of employment;
(vi) The age of such employee;
(vii) The last employment held by such employee before joining the company;
(viii) The percentage of equity shares held by the employee in the company; and
(ix) Whether any such employee is a relative of any director or manager of the Company and if so, name of such director or manager.
Not Applicable.

A. Summary of Status of ESOPs Granted
The position of the existing schemes is summarized as under:
Sl. No. Particulars Details
1. Details of the Meeting Authorised by Shareholders of the Company on September 13, 2011
2. Approved Upto 3% of the paid up Equity Share Capital
3. The Pricing Formula Exercise Price is up to 25% discount from the Market Price of the
Equity Shares in the Company as on date of grant. Accordingly,
exercise prices are `17.55 and `23.40 for ESOP-A and ESOP-B Stock
Options respectively.
4. Options Granted 7,196,993
5. Options Vested and Exercisable 426,719
6. Options Exercised 685,528
7. Options Cancelled/Lapsed/Surrendered 6,084,746
8. Total Number of Options in force 426,719
9. Variation in terms of ESOP Not Applicable
10. Total Number of Shares arising as a result of exercise of 685,528
11. Money realised by exercise of options (`In lakhs) 74.53
B. Employee-wise details of options granted during the financial year 2014-15 to:
(i) Key Managerial personnel The Company has not granted options during the current financial year.
(ii) Employees who were granted, during any one year, options The Company has not granted options during the current financial
amounting to 5% or more of the options granted during the year year.
(iii) Identified employees who were granted option, during any The Company has not granted options during the current financial
one year equal to or exceeding 1% of the issued capital year.
(excluding outstanding warrants and conversions) of the
Company at the time of grant.


01. Director Report 140815.indd 41 8/14/2015 5:57:29 PM

C. Weighted Average Fair Value of Options granted during the year whose:

(a) Exercise price equals market price

The Company has not granted options during the current financial
(b) Exercise price is greater than market price
(c) Exercise price is less than market price
Weighted average Exercise price of options granted during the year whose:
(a) Exercise price equals market price
The Company has not granted options during the current financial
(b) Exercise price is greater than market price
(c) Exercise price is less than market price
D. The stock-based compensation cost calculated as per the intrinsic value method for the financial year 2014-15 is `(12,643,057). If the stock-
based compensation cost was calculated as per the fair value method, the total cost to be recognised in the financial statements for the
year 2014-15 would be `(40,185,848). The effect of adopting the fair value method on the net income and earnings per share is presented
The effect of adopting the fair value method earnings per share is presented below:
Pro Forma Adjusted Net Income and Earning Per Share

Particulars `
Net Income as reported 5,216,000,000
Add: Intrinsic Value Compensation Cost (12,643,057)
Less: Fair Value Compensation Cost (40,185,848)
Adjusted Pro Forma Net Income 5,243,542,791
Earning Per Share: Basic
As Reported 3.15
Adjusted Pro Forma 3.15
Earning Per Share: Diluted
As Reported 3.15
Adjusted Pro Forma 3.15
E. Method and Assumptions used to estimate the fair value of options granted during the year:
The Company has not granted options during the current financial year.

Table 1: Performance & Financial Position of Subsidiaries:
(` crore)
31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2015
Total Income 340.43 78.53 105.65 78.66 34.34 23.41 661.02
Total Expenses 229.44 36.90 81.47 66.64 31.02 22.57 468.04
Profit Before Provisions 110.99 41.63 24.18 12.02 3.32 0.84 192.98
Provisions/Write off (4.90) (6.06) (112.33) – (2.14) – (125.43)
Exceptional Items/ Prior – – – 0.42 0.32 – 0.74
Profit/(Loss) Before Tax 106.09 35.57 (88.15) 12.44 1.50 0.84 68.29
Profit/(Loss) After tax 78.49 24.93 (59.56) 2.78 0.67 0.58 47.89
Equity Capital 21.05 60.37 79.36 477.10 41.53 1.00 680.41
Reserves & Surplus 583.09 131.61 (16.13) 68.31 32.43 4.58 803.89
Net-worth 604.14 191.98 138.26# 545.41 73.96 5.58 1,559.33
# Including compulsory convertible preference shares of `75.03 crore.


01. Director Report 140815.indd 42 8/14/2015 5:57:29 PM

Table 2: Performance & Financial Position of Step-down Subsidiaries
(` lakh)
31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2015
Total Income 2,898.98 4,727.00 17.92 203.76 988.72 70.67 8,907.05
Total Expenses 2,666.98 3,352.00 15.45 201.55 599.11 (27.25) 6,807.84
Profit Before Provisions 232.00 1,375.00 2.47 2.21 389.61 97.92 2,099.21
Provisions/Write off 82.00 17.00 – – 201.33 – 300.33
Exceptional Items/Prior Period 17.55 (2.00) – – – – 15.55
Profit/(Loss) Before Tax 167.55 1,356.00 2.47 2.21 188.28 97.92 1,814.43
Profit/(Loss) After tax 101.62 901.00 1.81 1.31 86.24 79.18 1,171.16
Equity Capital 3,700.00 766.00 250.00 500.00 3,001.00 8.37 8,225.37
Reserves & Surplus 527.86 3,264.00 (40.90) 28.60 415.64 1,624.72 5,819.92
Net-worth 4,227.86 4,030.00 209.10 528.60 3,416.64 1,633.09 14,045.29
Table 3: Performance & Financial Position of Associates
(` lakh)
31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2015
Total Income 147.57 881.67 821.95 18,804.86 4,405.80 726.44 25,788.29
Total Expenses 128.95 730.77 723.70 10,218.95 3,163.98 648.15 15,614.50
Profit Before Provisions 18.62 150.90 98.25 8,585.91 1,241.82 78.29 10,173.79
Provisions/Write off – – – 400.00 – – 400.00
Exceptional Items/Prior
1.00 – – – – – 1.00
Profit/(Loss) Before Tax 19.62 150.90 98.25 8,185.91 1,241.82 78.29 9,774.79
Profit/(Loss) After tax 13.32 100.73 68.25 6,017.92 804.22 54.58 7,059.02
Equity Capital 20.00 15.00 20.00 8,071.67 984.50 10.00 9,121.17
Reserves & Surplus (1.90) 284.90 270.00 39,838.44 3,118.78 348.91 43,859.13
Net-worth 18.10 299.90 290.00 47,910.11 4,103.28 358.91 52,980.30

[For the Financial Year ended on March 31, 2015]
[Pursuant to Section 204(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule No. 9 of the Companies
(Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014]

The Members
Regd. Office: IFCI Tower
61 Nehru Place, New Delhi

We have conducted the secretarial audit of the compliance of applicable statutory provisions and the adherence to good corporate practices by
IFCI LIMITED (hereinafter called the Company). Secretarial Audit was conducted in a manner that provided us a reasonable basis for evaluating
the corporate conducts / statutory compliances and expressing our opinion thereon.
Based on our verification of the books, papers, minute books, forms and returns filed and other records maintained by the Company and also
the information provided by the Company, its officers, agents and authorized representatives during the conduct of secretarial audit, we hereby
report that in our opinion, the Company has, during the audit period covering the financial year ended on 31st March 2015 complied with the
statutory provisions listed hereunder and also that the Company has proper Board-Processes and Compliance-Mechanism in place to the extent,
in the manner and subject to the reporting made hereinafter:
We have examined the books, papers, minute books, forms and returns filed and other records maintained by the Company for the period ended
on 31st March, 2015 according to the provisions of:


01. Director Report 170815.indd 43 8/17/2015 8:30:24 PM

(i) The Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) and the Rules made thereunder;
(ii) The Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (‘SCRA’) and the rules made thereunder;
(iii)The Depositories Act, 1996 and the Regulations and Bye-laws framed thereunder;
(iv) The Regulations and Guidelines prescribed under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (‘SEBI Act’) viz,:
(a) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011;
(b) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2009;
(c) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009;
(d) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employee Stock Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999;
(e) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue and Listing of Debt Securities) Regulations, 2008;
(f) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Registrars to an Issue and Shares Transfer Agents) Regulations, 1993 regarding the
Companies Act and dealing with client;
(g) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buyback of Securities) Regulations, 1998;
(v) The Memorandum and Articles of Association.
(vi) Labour, Environment & Other Applicable Acts / Laws for which Secretarial Audit was conducted as an overview audit and was generally
based / relied upon on the documents provided to us, management confirmation certificate & other audit report / certificate given by other
(a) Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 read with applicable Non Banking Financial Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions as amended till
(b) The Employees Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952.
(c) The Contract Labour (Regulations and Abolition) Act, 1970.
(d) Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.
(e) Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 read with The Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 & Hazardous Waste (Management Handling &
Transboundry Movement) Rules, 2008 and other Environment Laws.
(f) Income Tax Act, 1961.
(g) Wealth Tax Act, 1957.
(h) Service Tax (Finance Act, 1994)
(i) Indian Stamp Act, 1899.
(j) Information Technology Act, 2000.
(k) The Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 read with The Sexual Harassment
of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Rules, 2013.
(l) Right to Information Act, 2005.
(m) Minimum Wages Act, 1948
We have also examined compliance with the applicable clauses of the Listing Agreements (Both Equity and Debts) entered into by the
Company with BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited. The shares of Company were also listed with The Delhi Stock
Exchange Association Limited, The Calcutta Stock Exchange Association Limited, The Madras Stock Exchange Limited and Ahmedabad
Stock Exchange Limited wherein the Company has applied for delisting of securities pursuant to resolution passed at the Annual General
Meeting held on 10th September, 2001 and 12th September, 2003 and the matter is still pending for delisting with the respective Stock
We report that:
(1) The Company has, in our opinion, complied with the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Rules made under that Act
and the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 and the rules made thereunder as notified by Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the Memorandum
and Articles of Association of the Company.
(2) During the period under review, the Company has complied with the provisions of the Reserve Bank of India Act read with applicable
Non-Banking Financial Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions as amended till date except delay in filing of e-returns in Form No.(s) NBS-7
for the quarter ended 30th September 2014, NBS-ALM-2 & 3 for Half Yearly ended on 30th September, 2014 and NBS-7 for the quarter ended
31st December, 2014 with the Reserve Bank of India. As per information and explanation made available to us, the provisional NBS-ALM 2
& 3 returns were filed by the Company within stipulated period, while final returns were filed subsequently after Board approval of final
accounts for the respective period. Similarly, the e-return NBS-7 return was also filed only after Board approval of final accounts for the
period. As per information and documents made available to us, Reserve Bank of India was informed of the same, who had not objected to
the request of the company considering the facts. It was also explained to us that the company being a listed entity, the results, which is part
of NBS-7 return, cannot be disclosed prior to the same is provided to Stock Exchanges, where the shares of the company are listed.
(3) The Board of Directors of the Company is duly constituted with proper balance of Executive Directors, Non-Executive Directors and
Independent Directors. The changes in the composition of the Board of Directors that took place during the period under review were
carried out in compliance with the provisions of the Act.
(4) Adequate notice is given to all directors to schedule the Board Meetings atleast seven days in advance and agenda and detailed notes on
agenda were also sent in advance to all the directors subsequently, and a system exists for seeking and obtaining further information and
clarifications on the agenda items before the meeting and for meaningful participation at the meeting.
(5) Majority decision is carried through while the dissenting members’ views are captured and recorded as part of the minutes.


01. Director Report 140815.indd 44 8/14/2015 5:57:30 PM

(6) The Company has obtained requisite approval, permission, confirmation from Registrar of Companies, NCT of Delhi & Haryana, Securities &
Exchange Board of India, BSE Limited, National Stock Exchange of India Limited, Debenture Trustee and other Regulated bodies in respect
of Public Issue of Secured, Redeemable, Non-Convertible, Taxable Bonds in the nature of Debentures in one or more tranche(s) aggregating
up to `2,000 (Two Thousand) crores under a Shelf Prospectus out of which the Company has allotted for `1,209.1870 crores divided into
1,20,91,870 Debentures of `1,000 each on 1st December, 2014 and for `763.0723 crores divided into 76,30,723 Debentures of `1,000 each
on 13th February, 2015 respectively and duly complied with the applicable provisions of the laws, rules and guidelines.
(7) There was no prosecution initiated and no fines or penalties were imposed during the year under review under the Companies Act, 2013,
Depositories Act and Rules, Regulations and Guidelines framed under these Acts against / on the Company, its Directors and Officers.
(8) The Directors have complied with the disclosure requirements in respect of their eligibility of appointment, their being independent and
compliance with the Code of Business Conduct & Ethics for Directors and Management Personnel.
(9) The Company has not entered into any transaction during the financial year, hence the provisions of the FEMA, 1999 and the Rules and
Regulations made under that Act are not applicable.
We further report that based on the information received and records maintained there are adequate systems and processes in the Company
commensurate with the size and operations of the Company to monitor and ensure compliance with other applicable laws, rules, regulations
and guidelines.
We further report that during the audit period, there were no instances of:
(a) Public / Rights / Preferential Issue of Shares / Sweat Equity.
(b) Redemption / Buy-back of Securities.
(c) Merger / Amalgamation / Reconstruction etc. and
(d) Foreign Technical Collaborations.
For Navneet K Arora & Co.
Company Secretaries

CS Navneet Arora
Place: New Delhi Prop.
Date: May 26, 2015 FCS: 3214, COP: 3005

[Note: This report is to be read with our letter of even date which is annexed as “Annexure-A” and forms an integral part of this report].

The Members,
Regd Office: IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place, New Delhi

Our report of even date is to be read along with this letter as under:
(1) Maintenance of secretarial record is the responsibility of the management of the Company. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on
these secretarial records on our audit.
(2) We have followed the audit practices and processes as were appropriate to obtain reasonable assurance about the correctness of the contents
of the Secretarial Records. The verification was done on test basis to ensure that correct facts are reflected in secretarial records. We believe
that the processes and practices, we followed, provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
(3) We have not verified the correctness and appropriateness of financial records and books of accounts of the Company.
(4) Whereever required, we have obtained the Management representation about the compliance of laws, rules and regulations and happening
of events etc.
(5) The Compliance of the provisions of Corporate and other applicable laws, rules, regulations, standards is the responsibility of Management.
Our examination was limited to the verification of procedures on test basis.
(6) The Secretarial Audit Report is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the company nor of the efficacy or effectiveness with which
the management has conducted the affairs of the company.

For Navneet K Arora & Co.

Company Secretaries

CS Navneet Arora
Place: New Delhi Prop.
Date: May 26, 2015 FCS: 3214, COP: 3005


01. Director Report 140815.indd 45 8/14/2015 5:57:30 PM




The preparation of financial statements of IFCI Limited for the year ended 31 March, 2015 in accordance with the financial reporting framework
prescribed under the Companies Act, 2013 is the responsibility of the management of the Company. The statutory auditors appointed by the
Comptroller and Auditor General of India under Section 139(5) of the Act are responsible for expressing opinion on the financial statements
under Section 143 of the Act based on independent audit in accordance with the standards on auditing prescribed under Section 143(10) of the
Act. This is stated to have been done by them vide their Audit Report dated 26 May, 2015.
I, on the behalf of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, have conducted a supplementary audit under Section 143(6)(a) of the Act of the
financial statements of IFCI Limited for the year ended 31 March, 2015. This supplementary audit has been carried out independently without
access to working papers of the statutory auditors and is limited to primarily to inquiries of the statutory auditors and company personnel
and a selective examination of some of the accounting records. Based on my supplementary audit, I would like to highlight the following
significant matters under Section 143(6)(b) of the Act, which have come to my attention and which in my view are necessary for enabling a better
understanding of the financial statements and the related audit report:
A. Comments on Profitability
A.1 Assets
Long term Loans & Advances
Loans (Note No.13) `21,184.72 crore
Allowance for Bad & Doubtful Assets – `974.55 crore
Allowance for bad and doubtful assets is understated by `302.31 crore due to-
(i) Incorrect classification of loans given to Sew Green Energy Limited and Optionally Convertible Loan extended to Global Rural Netco
Limited as sub-standard and standard respectively instead of loss assets in terms of Para 2 (1) (xv) & 9 (1) (i) and (ii) of RBI guidelines
dated 27.03.2015, in view of inadequate/no security available and defaults in by back commitments which led to short provision of
`150.35 crore.
(ii) Non-provision of `151.96 crore towards bad & doubtful assets in respect of loan of `202.22 crore given to Pipavav Marine and Offshore
Limited despite erosion in security cover in accordance with RBI guidelines (March, 2015) applicable to NBFCs and despite being
pointed out by audit vide C&AG’s Comment No. A on the accounts o the Company for the year 2013-14.
(iii) Consequently, this has resulted in overstatement of profit by `302.31 crore.
A.2 Equity & Liabilities
Long Term Provisions (Note No.5) – `381.48 crore
Provision for Standard and Securitized Assets – `178.87 crore
Provision for Standard and Securitized Assets is understated by `16.68 crore due to provision of 5 per cent only on the following restructured
loans in terms of special regulatory treatment for asset classification under para 7.1 (Annexure-III) of RBI guidelines dated 27 March, 2015
instead of treating these loans as sub-standard and creation of provision at the rate of 10 percent in terms of para 4 of said RBI guidelines
as detailed below:
(i) Loan of `50 crore given to Hi-Tech Housing Projects Private Limited (HHPPL) was restructured bilaterally for which special regulatory
treatment for asset classification would not be available under para 7.1 (Annexure-III) of RBI guideline dated 27 March, 2015. This has
resulted in short provision of `2.77 crore.
(ii) Infrastructure loans given to Monnet Power Company Limited (`120 crore) and IVRCL Chengapalli Tollways Limited (`125 crore)
were neither fully secured nor the Company have first legal claim on cash flows. Accordingly, these should have been treated as sub-
standard asset and provision made as per para 4 of RBI guidelines. This has resulted in short provision of `11.60 crore.
(iii) Loan of `50 crore given to Jangipur Bengal Mega Food Park Limited should have been treated as sub-standard asset as the actual reasons
stated for delay in commissioning of project were within the control of the promoters and the benefit of treating the restructured loan
as standard asset were not available. This resulted in short provision of `2.31 crore.
Incorrect classification of restructured loans as standard assets instead of sub-standard assets led to understatement of provision for Standard
and Securitized Assets and overstatement of profit by `16.68 crore.
A.3 Assets
Non-current Investments (Note-11) Unquoted
Assistance under Financing `1,990.07 crore
Provision for Diminution in value `653.43 crore
(i) A reference is invited to C&AG’s Comment No.B on the Accounts of the Company for the year ended 2013-14 wherein it was pointed out
that no assessment was made by Company of the adequacy of provision for diminution in value of unquoted equity shares in respect
of four companies in violation of AS-13.


01. Director Report 140815.indd 46 8/14/2015 5:57:30 PM

During the year 2014-15, Company has made a policy for provision against diminution in value of equity shares as per which no
diminution is required to be provided till there is no default in buyback arrangement and the declined in book value of unquoted
equity is more than 75 per cent. This is in violation of AS-13 as per which a decline, other than temporary, has to be charged to profit
and loss account.
As a result of this policy, Company has made no provision/inadequate provision against long term investments of `734.31 crore in
respect of 61 companies (including 3 companies on which comment was made in previous year also despite erosion of net worth,
continuous cash losses, negative earnings per share, accumulated losses and having no buy back commitments/defaults in buy back
commitments by investee companies.
(ii) Unquoted equity shares of Essar Steel Limited, Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited and Polygenta Technologies Limited acquired by
conversion of debts into equity, as a part of restructuring of loans, were treated as fresh investments under non-current investment
instead of current investment as per para 5.3 (Annexure-III) of RBI guidelines dated 27 March, 2015. Theses investments were to be
valued at break up value in terms of above guidelines. Hence, depicting these investments under non-current investment resulted in
short-provision of `2.96 crore and overstatement of profit by same amount.
A.4 Profit & Loss A/c
Revenue from Operation (Note-19)
Other Financial Services `354.78 crore
Above includes `3.37 crore being the net upfront fee (including tax) at the rate of 1.5 per cent of `200 crore for initial setting up of a corpus
under the Credit Enhancement Giarantee Scheme for Scheduled Castes (CEGSSC) which has not accrued in the current year because the
scheme was launched on 6 May, 2015 and is payable only when the scheme becomes operational.
Recognition of income, which is not accrued, resulted in overstatement of Revenue from operation and profit to the extent of `3.37 crore.
B Comments on Balance Sheet
B.1 Balance Sheet
Reserves and Surplus – `5,220.28 crore
General Reserve – `333.86 crore
Above includes `184.48 crore being the Grants received from the Govt. of India (GoI) which was transferred to General Reserve from
Grant received from GoI under KfW Loan despite it being of capital nature to be utilized for specified purposes for promotional activities
of Industrial Development. Further, as per requirements of Para 23(ii) of AS-12, the nature and extent of Government Grants recognized in
financial statement have also not been disclosed.
This has resulted in overstatement of General Reserves and understatement of Grant received from GoI under KfW Loan by `184.48 crore.

For and on the behalf of the

Comptroller & Auditor General of India

(Suparna Deb)
Principal Director of Commercial Audit
Place: New Delhi & Ex-officio Member, Audit Board-II
Date: 31.07.2015 New Delhi

ABG Cement Limited, Gayatri Hi-Tech Hotels Limited, HPCL Mittal Energy, Gujarat State Energy Generation Limited, MCX Stock Exchange and Chennai Network
Infrastructure Limited


01. Director Report 170815.indd 47 8/17/2015 1:58:06 PM

The preparation of consolidated financial statements of IFCI Limited for the year ended 31 March, 2015 in accordance with the financial reporting
framework prescribed under the Companies Act, 2013 is the responsibility of the management of the Company. The statutory auditors appointed by the
Comptroller and Auditor General of India under Section 139(5) read with Section 129(4) of the Act are responsible for expressing opinion on the financial
statements under Section 143 read with Section 129(4) of the Act based on independent audit in accordance with the standards on auditing prescribed
under Section 143(10) of the Act. This is stated to have been done by them vide their Audit Report dated 26 May, 2015.
I, on the behalf of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, have conducted a supplementary audit under Section 143(6)(a) read with Section
129(4) of the Act of the consolidated financial statements of IFCI Limited for the year ended 31 March, 2015. We conducted a supplementary audit of the
financial statements of IFCI Limited, IFCI Venture Capital Funds Limited, IFIN Commodities Limited and IFIN Securities Finance Limited, but did not
conduct supplementary audit of the financial statements of subsidiaries and associate companies as detailed in Annexure-I for the year ended on that date.
This supplementary audit has been carried out independently without access to the working papers of the statutory auditors and is limited primarily to
inquiries of the statutory auditors and company personnel and a selective examination of some of the accounting records.
Based on my supplementary audit, I would like to highlight the following significant matters under Section 143(6)(b) read with Section 129(4) of the Act
which have come to my attention and which in my view are necessary for enabling a better understanding of the consolidated financial statements and
the related audit report:
A. Comments on Consolidated Profitability
A.1 Assets
Long term Loans & Advances
Loans (Note No.13) `21,504.18 crore
Allowance for Bad and Doubtful assets – `988.34 crore
Allowance for bad and doubtful assets (Non-current Loan) is understated by `309.66 crore due to-
(i) Incorrect classification of loans given to Sew Green Energy Limited and Optionally Convertible Loan extended to Global Rural Netco Limited as
sub-standard and standard respectively instead of loss assets in terms of Para 2(1)(xv) & 9 (1)(i) and (ii) of RBI guidelines dated 27.03.2015, in
view of inadequate/no security available and defaults in buy back commitments which led to short provision of `150.35 crore.
(ii) Non-provision of `151.96 crore towards bad & doubtful assets in respect of loan of `202.22 crore give to Pipavav Marine and Offshore Limited
despite erosion in security cover in accordance with RBI guidelines (March 2015) applicable to NBFCs and despite being pointed out by audit
vide C&AG’s Comment No. A on the accounts of the Company for the year 2013-14.
(iii) The above is understated by `6.73 crore due to short provision made against the advance of `11.37 crore provided to Zylog Group which became
loss asset as the gift deeds mortgaged for securing loan were found forged. As per the Prudential Norms issued by RBI for NBFCs in July, 2014
and reiterated in June, 2015, entire amount of loss asset should be provided for. However, the Company made provision of `4.64 crore only
against `11.37 crore.
(iv) As per RBI prudential norms on provisioning, 10 per cent provision is required to be made on sub-standard assets. Outstanding loan to M/s
Nakoda Limited (`6.21 crore) as on 31 March, 2015 was classified by the Company as standard asset instead of sub-standard asset as per above
norms. Accordingly, provision for bad and doubtful debts was understated and profit for the year overstated by `0.62 crore.
Consequently, this has resulted in overstatement of profit by `309.66 crore.
A.2 Equity & Liabilities
Long Term Provisions (Note No. 5) – `430.17 crore
Provision for Standard and Securitized Assets – `186.35 crore
Provision for Standard and Securitized Assets is understated by `17.55 crore due to provision of 5 per cent only on the following restructured loans in
terms of special regulatory treatment for asset classification under para 7.1 (Annexure-III) of RBI guidelines dated 27 March, 2015 instead of treating
these loans as sub-standard and creation of provision at the rate of 10 percent in terms of para 4 of said RBI guidelines as detailed below:
(i) Loan of `50 crore given to Hi-Tech Housing Projects Private Limited (HHPPL) was restructured bilaterally for which special regulatory treatment
for asset classification would not be available under para 7.1 (Annexure-III) of RBI guidelines dated 27 March, 2015. This has resulted in short
provision of `2.77 crore.
(ii) Infrastructure loans given to Monnet Power Company Limited (`120 crore) and IVRCL Chengapalli Tollways Limited (`125 crore) were neither
fully secured nor the Company have first legal claim on cash flows. Accordingly, these should have been treated as sub-standard asset and
provision made as per para 4 of RBI guidelines. This has resulted in short provision of `11.60 crore.
(iii) Loan of ` 50 crore given to Jangipur Bengal Mega Food Park Limited should have been treated as sub-standard asset as the actual reasons stated
for delay in commissioning of project were within the control of promoters and the benefit of treating the restructured loan as standard asset
were not available. This resulted in short provision of `2.31 crore.
(iv) Above does not include `0.87 crore being short provision in respect of short term loan of M/s Marg Ltd. which has been wrongly classified
as restructured standard asset instead of restructured sub-standard assets. This has resulted in understatement of provision for restrcutured
sub-standered and overstatement of profit for the year by `0.87 crore. Incorrect classification of restructured loans as standard assets instead of
sub-standard assets led to understatement of provision for Standard and Securitized Assets and overstatement of profit by `17.55 crore.
A.3 Assets
Non-Current Investments (Note-11) Unquoted
Assistance under Financing `1,994.77 crore
Provision for Diminution in value `653.44 crore
(i) A reference is invited to C&AG’s Comment No.B on the Accounts of the Company for the year ended 2013-14 wherein it was pointed out that no
assessment was made by Company of the adequacy of provision for diminution in value of unquoted equity shares in respect of four companies
in violation of AS-13.
During the year 2014-15, Company has made a policy for provision against diminution in value of equity shares as per which no diminution is
required to be provided till there is no default in buyback arrangement and the decline in book value of unquoted equity is more than 75 per
cent. This is in violation of AS-13 as per which a decline, other than temporary, has to be charged to profit and loss account.


01. Director Report 140815.indd 48 8/14/2015 5:57:30 PM

As a result of this policy, Company has made no provision/inadequate provision against long term investments of `734.31 crore in respect
of 61 companies (including 3 companies on which comment was made in previous year also) despite erosion of net worth, continuous cash
losses, negative earnings per share, accumulated losses and having no buy back commitments/defaults in buy back commitments by investee
(ii) Unquoted equity shares of Essar Steel Limited, Neelachal Inspat Nigam Limited and Polygenta Technologies Limited acquired by conversion
of debt into equity, as a part of restructuring of loans, were treated as fresh investments under non-current investment instead of current
investment as per para 5.3 (Annexure-III) of RBI guidelines dated 27 March, 2015. These investments were to be valued at break up value in
terms of above guidelines. Hence, depicting these investments under non-current investment resulted in short-provision of `2.96 crore and
overstatement of profit by same amount.
A.4 Statement of Profit & Loss
Revenue from Operation (Note-19): `3,857.82 crore
Revenue from Operation is overstated by `5.54 crore due to-
(i) Above includes `3.37 crore being the net upfront fee (including tax) at the rate of 1.5 per cent of `200 crore for initial setting up of a corpus under
the Credit Enhancement Guarantee Scheme for Scheduled Castes (CEGSSC) which has not accrued in the current year because the scheme was
launched on 6 May, 2015 and is payable only when the scheme becomes operational. Recognition of income, which is not accrued, resulted in
overstatement of Revenue from operation and profit to the extent of `3.37 crore.
(ii) Above includes an amount of `2.17 crore being accrued interest on substandard short term loan of M/s Marg Ltd. (`1.55 crore) and M/s Nakoda
Ltd. (`0.62 crore) which should have been recognized only on actual realization in accordance with RBI prudential norms on income recognition.
This has resulted in overstatement of revenue from operation as well as profit for the year by `2.17 crore.
Consequently, this has resulted in overstatement of profit by `5.54 crore.
B. Comments on Consolidated Financial Position
B.1 Consolidated Balance Sheet
Reserves and Surplus (Note-2)
General Reserve – `479.03 crore
Above includes `184.48 crore being the Grants received from the Govt. of India (GoI) which was transferred to General Reserve from Grant received
from GoI under KfW Loan despite it being of capital nature to be utilized for specified purposes for promotional activities of Industrial Development.
Further, as per requirements of Para 23(ii) of AS-12, the nature and extent of Government Grants recognized in financial statement have also not been
This has resulted in overstatement of General Reserves and understatement of Grant received from GoI under KfW Loan by `184.48 crore.
C. Comments on Disclosure
C.1 Statement of Profit and Loss (Consolidated Financial Statements)
The Company failed to depict the share of profit attributable to minority interest amount to `37.35 crore (being 6.69% share of total profit of `558.26
crore) on the face of Profit and Loss Statement in violation of Para 1 (i) of Schedule-III of the Companies Act, 2013.
For and on the behalf of the
Comptroller & Auditor General of India

(Suparna Deb)
Principal Director of Commercial Audit
Place: New Delhi & Ex-officio Member, Audit Board-II
Date: 31.07.2015 New Delhi

Name of the Subsidiaries, Step down Subsidiaries and Associates whose audit has not been conducted-
1. IFCI Infrastructure Development Limited (IIDL)
2. IFCI Financial Services Limited
3. MPCON Limited
4. IFCI Factors Limited (IFL)
5. Stockholding Corporation of India Limited (SHCIL)
Step down subsidiaries
1. IFIN Credit Limited (Subsidiary of IFCI Financial Services Limited)
2. IIDL Realtors Pvt. Limited (Subsidiary of IFCI Infrastructure Development Limited)
3. SHCIL Services Limited (Subsidiary of Stockholding Corporation of India Limited)
4. SHCIL Projects Limited (Subsidiary of Stockholding Corporation of India Limited)
Name of Associates
1. Tourism Finance Corporation of India
2. HARDICON Limited
3. Himachal Consultancy Organization Limited
4. North India Technical Consultancy Organization Limited
5. KITCO Limited*
6. Rajasthan Consultancy Organization Limited
*Accounts yet to be received

ABG Cement Limited, Gayatri Hi-Tech Hotels Limited, HPCL Mittal Energy, Gujarat State Energy Generation Limited, MCX Stock Exchange and Chennai Network Infrastructure Limited


01. Director Report 170815.indd 49 8/17/2015 1:58:57 PM

C&AG Comments Management Comments
A. Comments on Consolidated Profitability
A.1 Assets
Long term Loans & Advances
Loans (Note No. 13) `21,504.18 crore
Allowance for Bad and Doubtful Assets : `988.34 crore
(I) Incorrect classification of loans given to Sew Green Energy Limited and The prudential norms issued by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) guide the
Optionally Convertible Loan extended to Global Rural Netco Limited as classification of loan assets into different categories which is largely based
sub-standard and standard respectively instead of loss assets in terms of on period of default by the borrower. However, in certain circumstances, an
Para 2 (1) (xv) & 9 (1) (i) and (ii) of RBI guidelines dated 27.03.2015, in view asset may require to be classified as loss asset if there is potential threat of
of inadequate/no security available and defaults in buy back commitments non-recoverability due to erosion in security, non-availability of security or
which led to short provision of `150.35 crore. fraudulent acts & omissions by the borrower. In such case, the asset has to be
written off or fully provided for. Merely the loan being unsecured or partially
secured doesn’t result in classification as loss asset.
(II) Non-provision of `151.96 crore towards bad & doubtful assets in respect (I) In case of Sew Green Energy Limited, the case was classified as sub-
of loan of `202.22 crore given to Pipavav Marine and Offshore Limited standard following the RBI guidelines based on the period of default and
despite erosion in security cover in accordance with RBI guidelines not on the basis of value of securities. Further, the Company has consented
(March 2015) applicable to NBFCs and despite being pointed out by audit to extend the additional security available in another facility to the
vide C&AG’s Comment No. A on the accounts of the Company for the year company to this facility, thereby providing full security cover to both the
2013-14. facilities and hence there is no potential threat of recovery. The necessary
documentation is in process, likely to be completed by end of August, 2015
which on completion shall ensure both the facilities to be fully secured by
way of mortgage of immovable properties.
(III) The above is understated by `6.73 crore due to short provision made In case of Global Rural Netco Ltd (GRNL), there is no potential threat of
against the advance of `11.37 crore provided to Zylog Group which recovery and accordingly loan was retained as standard asset based on the
became loss asset as the gift deeds mortgaged for securing loan were found period of default. The Optionally Convertible Debentures issued were due
forged. As per the Prudential Norms issued by RBI for NBFCs in July, for redemption on 31st March, 2015 which could not be honoured by the
2014 and reiterated in June, 2015, entire amount of loss asset should be company. IFCI Ltd has exercised its right of put option on a group company,
provided for. However the Company made provision of `4.64 crore only GTL Ltd (GTL) on April 27, 2015. GTL is in the process of divesting some
against `11.37 crore. (Observation on accounts of IFIN Securities Finance of its assets to reduce its debt burden including honouring the put option
Ltd, a step down subsidiary of IFCI Ltd.) exercised by IFCI Ltd.
(IV) As per RBI prudential norms on provisioning, 10 per cent provision is (II) Pipavav Marine and Offshore Limited (PMOL) is servicing the loan, albit
required to be made on sub-standard assets. Outstanding loan to M/s with delay, and the account has remained standard based on the period
Nakoda Limited (`6.21 crore) as on 31 March, 2015 was classified by the of default as per RBI guidelines. IFCI’s loan to PMOL is secured by way
Company as standard asset instead of sub¬standard asset as per above of pledge of listed shares of Pipavav Defense & Offshore Engineering
norms. Accordingly, provision for bad and doubtful debts was understated Company Limited (PDOECL), SKIL Infrastructure Limited (SKIL) and
and profit for the year overstated by `0.62 crore. (Observation on accounts Everonn Education Limited. Further, the security of a land (` 93.66 crore)
of IFCI Venture Capital Ltd, a subsidiary of IFCI Ltd) and additional shares of skill infrastructure Ltd which are at present
mortgaged/pledged against another loan facility to Pipavav Defence &
Consequently, this has resulted in overstatement of profit by `309.66 crore. Offshore Engineering Co. Ltd (the flagship group company) are in the
process of being mortgaged/pledged for loan to PMOL after formalities for
creation of pari-passu charge on the assets of PDOECL are complete, as per
decision under CDR mechanism.
Moreover, Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. is in the process of taking over
PDOCEL, the group’s flagship company, which is expected to improve both
operational and liquidity position of this company.
(III) In the case of Zylog group, the loan was classified as Loss Asset in view
of the fraud by the promoter. However, taking into consideration the RBI
guidelines to banks on April 1, 2015, advising the banks to make 100%
provision against loss asset in four quarterly instalments, 25% of the net
outstanding was provided in March 2015 quarter. Subsequently, 100%
provision of net outstanding of `6.73 crore has been made in the quarter
ended June 30, 2015.
(IV) In case of Nakoda Ltd, as at March 31, 2015 the period of default being less
than 180 days, the case was classified as standard asset and no provision
was made as per RBI guidelines.
As explained above, loans have been correctly classified following RBI guidelines
and there is no understatement of allowance for bad and doubtful debts and no
overstatement of profits.
A.2 Equity & Liabilities
Long Term Provisions (Note No. 5) - `430.17 crore
Provision for Standard and Securitized Assets - `186.35 crore
Provision for Standard and Securitized Assets is understated by `16.68 RBI had issued guidelines on restructuring vide circular dated January 23, 2014
crore due to provision of 5 per cent only on the following restructured (subsequently merged with guidelines dated March 27, 2015) outlining detailed
loans in terms of special regulatory treatment for asset classification under guidelines on restructuring on advances including norms for post restructuring
para 7.1 (Annexure-III) of RBI guidelines dated 27 March, 2015 instead of classification and provisions. As a matter of special forbearance, during FY
treating these loans as sub-standard and creation of provision at the rate 2014-15 RBI had allowed onetime restructuring while keeping the assets in the
of 10 percent in terms of para 4 of said RBI guidelines as detailed below: same category without further downgrade, if the restructuring was carried out
in adherence to certain prescribed parameters and within allowed time frame.


01. Director Report 170815.indd 50 8/17/2015 10:29:18 PM

C&AG Comments Management Comments
(I) Loan of `50 crore given to Hi-Tech Housing Projects Private Limited (I) The loan to Hi-tech Housing Projects Pvt Limited was restructured
(HHPPL) was restructured bilaterally for which special regulatory adhering to the prescribed parameters while the loan was in the standard
treatment for asset classification would not be available under para 7.1 assets category. Para 7.2.1(ii) of the referred RBI guidelines refers to the
(Annexure-III) of RBI guidelines dated 27 March, 2015. This has resulted restructuring other than through CDR mechanism and doesn’t specify any
in short provision of `2.77 crore. particular restructuring mechanism nor excludes bilateral restructuring for
special forbearance. Therefore, the loan was kept in the standard assets
category and 5% provision was made as per RBI guidelines.
(II) Infrastructure loans given to Monnet Power Company Limited (`120 crore) (II) The loan to Monnet Power Company is fully secured by way of second
and IVRCL Chengapalli Tollways Limited (`125 crore) were neither fully charge on the project assets, since the project assets provide more than one
secured nor the Company have first legal claim on cash flows. Accordingly, time cover on the loan by IFCI Ltd after satisfaction of first charge holders.
these should have been treated as sub-standard asset and provision made In case of IVRCL Chengapalli Tollways Limited, the loan is secured by way
as per para 4 of RBI guidelines. This has resulted in short provision of of exclusive mortgage of land, pledge of shares, and corporate guarantee
`11.60 crore. apart from the charge on cash flow of the Company to be routed through
IFCI Ltd after meeting escrow requirement of other lenders. Since the loans
are fully secured, the condition of having first claim on cash flow is not
(III) Loan of `50 crore given to Jangipur Bengal Mega Food Park Limited should (III) At the time of sanction of the facility to Jangipur Bengal Mega Food Park
have been treated as sub-standard asset as the actual reasons stated for limited (JBMFPL), the project was envisaged to be completed by June, 2012.
delay in commissioning of project were within the control of the promoters However, delay in registration of the land parcels on account of permission
and the benefit of treating the restructured loan as standard asset were not required from the Government of West Bengal for holding land in excess
available. This resulted in short provision of `2.31 crore. of ceiling under the Land Reform Act and extended monsoon in 2012
etc. led to delay in the project completion. Therefore, the project could
not be commissioned in time and DCCO was shifted within norms of RBI
guidelines. Since the loan was standard at the time of restructuring, as per
the period of default, and the delay being beyond the control of promoters,
the loan was retained as standard asset.
(IV) Above does not include `0.87 crore being short provision in respect of (IV) The case was restructured when the status of the loan was standard and
short term loan of M/s Marg Ltd which has been wrongly classified as accordingly, classified as restructured standard asset as per extant RBI
restructured standard asset instead of restructured substandard asset. This guidelines. Provision for standard restructured assets was made at 5% as
has resulted in understatement of provision for restructured sub-standard required.
assets and overstatement of profit for the year by `0.87 crore. (Observation
on accounts of IFCI Venture Capital Ltd, a subsidiary of IFCI Ltd)
As explained above, loans have been correctly classified as standard restructured
Incorrect classification of restructured loans as standard assets instead of sub- assets following RBI guidelines and there is no understatement of allowance for
standard assets led to understatement of provision for Standard and Securitized standard and securitized assets and no overstatement of profits.
Assets and overstatement of profit by `17.55 crore.
A.3 Assets
Non-Current Investments (Note-11)
Unquoted Assistance under financing `1,994.77 crore
Provision for Diminution in value `653.44 crore
(I) A reference is invited to C&AG’s comments on B on the Accounts of the (I) As per AS-13, in case of long term investments, provision is required
Company for the year ended 2013-14 wherein it was pointed out that to be made for diminution in value of investments which is ‘other than
no assessment was made by Company of the adequacy of provision for temporary’. However, accounting standard doesn’t provide any objective
diminution in value of unquoted equity shares in respect of four companies guidance as to the parameters of diminution and quantification thereof
in violation of AS-13. to make a provision. Therefore, an internal policy was formulated and
approved by the Board of Directors during FY 2014-15 to assess the
During the year 2014-15, Company has made a policy for provision diminution, if any, in the value of shares and to quantify the requisite
against diminution in value of equity shares as per which no diminution provision based on the book value of shares or valuation of the investment
is required to be provided till there is no default in buyback arrangement by external expert. The factors such as erosion of net worth, continuous
and the decline in book value of unquoted equity is more than 75 per cent. cash losses, negative earnings per share, accumulated losses etc. have a
This is in violation of AS-13 as per which a decline, other than temporary, direct bearing on the book value of shares and is accordingly captured for
has to be charged to profit and loss account. making the provision.
As a result of this policy, Company has made no provision/inadequate In case of equity investments with firm buy-back arrangement at a pre-
provision against long term investments of `734.31 crore in respect of determined rate of return after agreed upon time, investment is not
6* companies (including 3 companies on which comment was made in assessed for diminution unless there is a default in buy-back commitment,
previous year also) despite erosion of net worth, continuous cash losses, as the equity risk is hedged through the buy-back commitment from third
negative earnings per share, accumulated losses and having no buy back parties. This is being applied on a consistent basis and disclosed as a part of
commitments/defaults in buy back commitments by investee companies. accounting policies. In case there is default in the buyback commitment or
where no buyback commitment is available, provision is made on decline
in book value is more than 75% of the cost, as per provision policy.
*ABG Cement Limited , Gayatri Hi-Tech Hotels Limited, HPCL Mittal In case of ABG Cement Ltd, HPCL Mittal Energy, Chennai Network
Energy, Gujarat State Energy Generation Limited, MCX Stock Exchange Infrastructure Limited, no provision was deemed necessary considering
and Chennai Network Infrastructure Limited the book-value of the shares, status of the companies and future prospects.
In case of Gayatri Hi-Tech Hotels Limited, there is a firm buyback
commitment and IFCI Ltd is having security of listed shares against the
buyback commitment having approx. three times cover of the cost of
investment as on date and therefore, no provision was considered necessary
in view of buy back commitment with adequate security.


01. Director Report 170815.indd 51 8/17/2015 10:33:32 PM

C&AG Comments Management Comments
(II) Unquoted equity shares of Essar Steel Limited, Neelachal Ispat Nigam In case of Gujarat State Energy Generation Limited and MCX Stock
Limited and Polygenta Technologies Limited acquired by conversion of Exchange Ltd, provision has been made as assessed for the shortfall in book
debt into equity, as a part of restructuring of loans, were treated as fresh value of investment.
investments under non-current investment instead of current investment (II) The investments in the reported three companies were acquired by way of
as per para 5.3 (Annexure-III) of RBI guidelines dated 27 March, 2015. conversion of loan as a part of restructuring or otherwise during the period
These investments were to be valued at break-up value in terms of from 1994-95 to 2011-12 and valued as per prevailing RBI guidelines. The
above guidelines. Hence, depicting these investments under non-current guidelines dated March 27, 2015 doesn’t mandate any re-classification of
investment resulted in short-provision of `2.96 crore and overstatement of the existing investment but requires prospective application. Provision has
profit by same amount. been made against these investments as per ‘provision policy’ approved by
Board of Directors.
In view of the above, there is no short/under provisioning for diminution in value
of investment and there is no overstatement of profit.
A.4 Statement of Profit & Loss A/c
Revenue from Operation (Note-19) `3,857.82 crore
Above includes `3.37 crore being the net upfront fee (including tax) at the The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, vide letter dated February 19,
rate of 1.5 per cent of `200 crore for initial setting up of a corpus under the 2015, issued the operational guidelines of the Credit Enhancement Guarantee
Credit Enhancement Guarantee Scheme for Scheduled Castes (CEGSSC) Scheme for Scheduled Castes (CEGSSC) duly approved by the Minister (SJ & E),
which has not accrued in the current year because the scheme was for information/further necessary action. As per the guidelines of the Scheme,
launched on 6 May, 2015 and is payable only when the scheme becomes the upfront fee @ 1.50% of each corpus for putting the system and processes
operational. in place for implementing the Scheme, was required to be debited to a No Lien
Account, as soon as the Scheme became operational.
Recognition of income, which is not accrued, resulted in overstatement of As the fund amount of `200 crore was released to IFCI Ltd, and further tasks
Revenue from operation and profit to the extent of `3.37 crore. such as opening of bank account, deployment of fund, legal documentation, and
publicity material were executed by IFCI Ltd during FY 2014-15, the fee had
become due during FY 2014-15 and accordingly, accounted for as income.
B. Comments on Consolidated Financial Position
B.1 Reserves and Surplus - (Note No.2)
General reserve - `479.03 crore
Above includes `184.48 crore being the Grants received from the Govt. IFCI Ltd received grant under KfW agreement upto FY 2001-02 which stands
of India (GoI) which was transferred to General Reserve from Grant utilized by FY 2002-03 for the purposes specified in the scheme. Since, the grant
received from GoI under KfW Loan despite it being of capital nature to had been utilized and no further conditions were remaining to be fulfilled, it
be utilized for specified purposes for promotional activities of Industrial was transferred to ‘General Reserve’ with appropriate disclosure in the financial
Development. Further, as per requirements of Para 23(ii) of AS-12, the statements at foot Note No. 6 to the Note No. 2.
nature and extent of Government Grants recognized in financial statement
have also not been disclosed.
This has resulted in overstatement of General Reserves and understatement During the year, no grant has been received, utilized, remained unutilized, or any
of Grant received from GoI under KfW Loan by `184.48 crore. interest earned on grant amount and therefore, there was no transaction/ event
to disclose under AS-12.
C. Comments on Disclosure
C.1 Statement of Profit and Loss (Consolidated Financial Statements)
The Company failed to depict the share of profit attributable to minority The requisite disclosure on minority interest in the profit & loss for the year, has
interest amounting to `37.35 crore (being 6.69% share of total profit of been disclosed in Note No. 26.3 of the consolidated financial statements.
`558.26 crore) on the face of Profit and Loss Statement in violation of Para
1 (i) of Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013.


Chief Executive Officer & Deputy Managing Director Executive Director & Company Secretary
Managing Director DIN: 02192183 Chief Financial Officer
DIN: 02272425

Date : August 17, 2015


01. Director Report 170815.indd 52 8/17/2015 10:34:38 PM

1. COMPANY’S PHILOSOPHY ON CODE OF GOVERNANCE: of 11 (Eleven) Directors, out of whom 9 (Nine) Directors
Corporate Governance is based on the principle of fairness, were Non-Executive while 1 (one) Managing Director and
equity, transparency, accountability and dissemination of Chief Executive Officer and 1 (one) Whole Time Director
information. IFCI believes in maintaining highest standards designated as Deputy Managing Director.
of Corporate Governance as essential to its existence. IFCI is The composition of the Board is in conformity with the
fully committed to practicing best corporate governance and listing agreement. The composition of the Board, Number
upholding the highest ethical standards in conducting business. of Board Meetings held, Attendance of the Directors at the
2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Board Meetings and last Annual General Meeting and the
Number of Directorship and Chairmanship/Membership
(A) Composition, Category and Attendance of the Board of Directors: of Committees across all Companies in which he/she is a
As on March 31, 2015, the Board of the Company consisted Director as on March 31, 2015 is given here-in below:
Sl. Name of Director Category Attendance Category No. of Directorships/Committee Memberships/
No. Chairmanships across all Companies
No. of Board Meetings At AGM held on Other Committee Committee
during the year 2014-15 August 27, 2014 Directorships Memberships Chairmanships
Held Attended
1. Shri S V Ranganath Non Executive 15 15 Yes 4 – –
Chairman of the Board -
Independent Director
2. Shri Malay Mukherjee Chief Executive Officer & 15 15 Yes 6 – –
Managing Director
3. Shri Achal Kumar Gupta Whole Time Director – 15 13 Yes 9 2 –
Deputy Managing Director
4. Shri Alok Tandon(*) Nominee Director – 12 2 No 3 – 1
Government of India
5. Shri Rajesh Aggarwal(*) Nominee Director – 2 – NA 2 1 –
Government of India
6. Smt Savita Mahajan Independent Director 15 11 No 1 – –
7. Shri K S Sreenivasan Independent Director 15 14 Yes 1 – –
8. Prof N Balakrishnan(*) Non Executive Director 10 8 No 3 1 –
9. Prof Arvind Sahay(*) Independent Director 7 3 NA 2 – –
10. Ms Kiran Sahdev Non Executive Director 15 13 Yes – – –
11. Shri S N Ananthasubramanian(*) Non Executive Director 9 8 Yes 1 – –
1. Shri Arvind Kumar (#) Nominee Director – 3 2 NA 2 – –
Government of India
2. Prof Omprakash Mishra (#) Non Executive Director 7 6 Yes – – –
3. Shri Anurag Jain (#) Nominee Director – 13 4 No 2 2 –
Government of India
4. Shri P G Muralidharan (#) Non Executive Director 15 13 Yes 1 1 –
(*) Shri Alok Tandon, Government Director was appointed w.e.f. June 10, 2014. (#) Shri Arvind Kumar, Government Director ceased to be on Board from 09.06.2014.
Prof N Balakrishnan was appointed w.e.f. June 26, 2014. Prof Omprakash Mishra, ceased to be on Board from 27.08.2014.
Shri S N Ananthasubramanian was appointed w.e.f. July 04, 2014.
Shri Anurag Jain, Government Director ceased to be on Board from 16.02.2015.
Prof Arvind Sahay was appointed w.e.f. September 12, 2014.
Shri Rajesh Aggarwal, Government Director was appointed w.e.f. February 19, 2015. Shri P G Muralidharan, ceased to be on Board from 30.03.2015.

NOTES: Further, for the purpose of reckoning the limit for Committee(s)
1. Number of Meetings represents the Meetings held during the Chairmanship/Membership, only Audit Committee and
period in which the Director was Member of the Board. Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee have been considered.
2. Number of other Committee Memberships/Chairmanship 6. The independence of a Director is determined by the criteria
indicated above is exclusive of the Directorships on the Board stipulated under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement.
of Private Ltd Companies, Foreign Companies and Companies (B) Number of Board Meetings held and dates:
under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013. During the financial year 2014-15, the Board of Directors met
3. In case of Directors Retired/Resigned, the status of other 15 (fifteen) times. The dates of the Meetings were April 7, April
Directorship and Committee Membership is on the basis of the 29, May 26, June 12, June 26, July 04, August 12, September 12,
last disclosure made by the Director. September 29, October 13, November 11, December 09, in 2014
4. None of the Directors are related to each other or to any Key and January 30, February 25, March 25, in 2015.
Managerial Personnel of the Company. Familiarization Programme for Independent Director
5. None of the Directors on the Board are Members of more than 10 Familiarization programme is an ongoing process. The Company
(ten) committees or Chairman of more than 5 (five) committees endeavors to undertake Familiarization Programmes for the
across all the companies in which they are Directors. Necessary Directors of the Company, their roles, rights, responsibilities
disclosures regarding the positions in other public companies in the Company, nature of the Industry in which the Company
as on March 31, 2015 have been made by the Directors. operates, Business model of the Company and so on. The detail


01. Director Report 170815.indd 53 8/17/2015 2:00:37 PM

of such familiarization programme has been disclosed on the Management and employees of the Company. The Policy also
website of the Company. The same may be visited at www.ifciltd. intends to bring in a pragmatic methodology in screening
com. of candidates who may be recommended to the position of
3. AUDIT COMMITTEE: Directors and to establish effective evaluation criteria to evaluate
the performance of every Director and the overall Board of the
(A) Terms of Reference: The terms of reference of the Audit Committee
Company. The Policy also serves as a guiding principle to ensure
is to see the effectiveness of operations of the audit function of the
good Corporate Governance as well as to provide sustainability to
Company, review the systems and procedures of internal control,
the Board of Directors of the Company.
oversee the Company’s financial reporting process, review the
periodical and annual financial statements before submission Performance Evaluation: The Nomination and Remuneration
to the Board with the management and ensure compliance with Policy of IFCI Ltd has laid down the criteria for conducting
the regulatory guidelines. The Committee is also responsible for performance evaluation of Board of Directors including
objectively reviewing the reports of the internal auditors and Independent Directors. The criteria for performance evaluation
statutory auditors and ensuring adequate follow up action by the cover their role, functions and various other attributes.
management. The Committee also proposes the fixation of their (C) Composition, Meetings and Attendance of the Committee: As
fees. on March 31, 2015, the Committee consisted of four Directors
The Committee further carries out the scrutiny of inter- corporate out of whom three Directors were Non-Executive Independent
loans and investments, valuation of undertakings or assets of Directors. During the year, 6 (six) Meetings of the Committee
the Company, evaluation of internal financial control and risk were held on May 26, June 12, July 4, September 12, and on
management, monitoring the end use of funds raised through October 13, in 2014 and on January 29, in 2015. The composition
public offers, overseeing of the vigil mechanism and approval of the Committee and attendance of Directors at the Meetings (As
or any subsequent modification of transactions of the Company on March 31, 2015) is shown below:
with related parties.
Sl. Name of Director Category Date of No. of Meetings
(B) Composition, Meetings and Attendance of the Committee: As on No. Appointment (A)/ during the FY
March 31, 2015, the Audit Committee of IFCI consisted of three Cessation (C) 2014-15
Directors. The Chairman of the Committee is an Independent Held Attended
Director. The composition of the Audit Committee and attendance MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE
of Directors at the Meetings (As on March 31, 2015) is shown 1. Shri K S Sreenivasan Chairman 12.09.2014 (A) 3 3
below: 2. Shri S V Ranganath Member 12.06.2014 (A) 5 5
Sl. Name of Director Category Date of No. of Meetings 3. Prof Arvind Sahay Member 13.10.2014 (A) 2 1
No. Appointment during the FY 4. Shri Alok Tandon Member 04.07.2014 (A) 4 -
Held Attended 1. Shri Arvind Kumar Member 12.06.2014 (C) 1 -
MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE 2. Prof Omprakash Mishra Member 12.09.2014 (C) 3 3
1. Shri K S Sreenivasan Chairman 29.04.2014 (A) 11 11 3. Shri P G Muralidharan Member 25.02.2015 (C) 6 3
2. Prof Arvind Sahay Member 13.10.2014 (A) 5 4 4. Smt Savita Mahajan Member 12.09.2014 (C) 3 2
3. Shri Alok Tandon Member 26.06.2014 (A) 8 1 (D) The following are the details of the remuneration paid to the
DIRECTORS WHO CEASED TO BE ON THE COMMITTEE DURING 2014-15 managerial personnel during the financial year 2014-15:
1. Shri Arvind Kumar Member 12.06.2014 (C) 2 - 1. Shri Malay Mukherjee, Chief Executive Officer and
2. Prof Omprakash Mishra Member 12.09.2014 (C) 5 5 Managing Director, from 01.04.2014 to 31.03.2015
3. Shri P G Muralidharan Member 12.09.2014 (C) 5 4 Particulars (` lakh)
4. Shri S V Ranganath Member 26.02.2015 (C) 4 4
Salary & Allowances (excluding Perquisites) 23.82
Note: Number of Meetings represents the Meetings held during the Contribution to PF & Other Funds 0.96
period in which the Director was Member of the Committee. Perquisites as per IT Act 3.19
The Statutory Auditors and other senior executives are invited Others 0.52
to participate in the Meetings of the Audit Committee wherever
necessary, as decided by the Committee. The Company TOTAL 28.49
Secretary acts as the Secretary to the Audit Committee. 2. Shri Achal Kumar Gupta, Deputy Managing Director, from
During the financial year 2014-15, the Audit Committee of 01.04.2014 to 31.03.2015
Directors of IFCI met 11 (Eleven) times. The Meetings were held Particulars (` lakh)
on April 29, May 26, June 12, June 26, August 11, September
12, October 13, and November 10, in 2014 and January 29, Salary & Allowances (excluding Perquisites) 21.72
February 26 and March 24, in 2015. Contribution to PF & Other Funds 0.93
(A) Terms of Reference: The Company has constituted a Nomination Others 0.41
and Remuneration Committee of Directors. The powers, role TOTAL 25.53
and terms of reference of the Nomination and Remuneration (E) The Company pays sitting fees of `20,000/- per Meeting for the
Committee are as per the requirement of Clause 49 of the Listing Board and `10,000/- per Meeting of Committee thereof, to the
Agreement and as per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. Non-executive and Independent Directors excluding Government
(B) Nomination and Remuneration Policy: The objective of Nominee/Institutional representatives. The Non-Executive and
Nomination and Remuneration Policy is to ensure rationale Independent Directors do not receive any remuneration besides
and objectivity in the remuneration of the Directors, Senior the sitting fees.


01. Director Report 170815.indd 54 8/17/2015 2:01:51 PM

(F) As per the disclosure made by the Directors of the Company, none connected persons from trading in the securities of IFCI at the
of them hold any share or any other convertible instruments of time when there is unpublished price sensitive information.
IFCI Ltd as on March 31, 2015. (F) The Board of Directors has laid down a Code of Conduct for all
(G) There are no Stock options being held by the Directors of the Board Members and senior management of the Company, which
Company. has been posted on the website of the Company.
5. STAKEHOLDERS’ RELATIONSHIP COMMITTEE: 6. Details of Other Committees: The Company also has in place
(A) Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee of Directors of IFCI other Board level Committees in place.
consisted of four Directors as on March 31, 2015. During the The number and dates of Meetings of such other Committees
financial year 2014-15, the Committee met two times on April held during the financial year and attended by the Members is
29, 2014, and November 11, 2014. The composition of the as under:
Committee and Attendance of Directors at the Meetings (as on Corporate Social Responsibility Committee - The Meetings of the
March 31, 2015) is shown below: Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of Directors during the
Sl. Name of Director Category Date of No. of Meetings Financial Year were held on May 26, June 12, August 12, October 13,
No. Appointment during the FY December 8 in 2014 and January 30, February 13, March 25 in 2015.
(A)/Cessation (C) 2014-15 Sl. Name of Director Category No. of Meetings during
Held Attended No. the FY 2014-15
1. Shri S V Ranganath Chairman 29.04.2014 (A) 2 2
1. Smt Savita Mahajan Chairperson 8 7
2. Shri Achal Kumar Gupta Member 29.04.2014 (A) 2 2
3. Shri Rajesh Aggarwal Member 25.02.2015 (A) - - 2. Shri Malay Mukherjee Member 8 8
4. Shri K S Sreenivasan Member 11.11.2014 (A) 1 1 3. Shri Achal Kumar Gupta Member 8 7
1. Prof Omprakash Mishra Member 11.11.2014 (C) 1 1
5. Prof. N Balakrishnan Member 5 4
2. Smt Savita Mahajan Member 11.11.2014 (C) 1 -
6. Shri Rajesh Aggarwal Member 1 1
3. Shri Anurag Jain Member 25.02.2015 (C) 1 -
4. Shri S N Ananthasubramanian Member 25.02.2015 (C) 1 1 DIRECTORS WHO CEASED TO BE ON THE COMMITTEE DURING 2014-15
1. Shri Anurag Jain Member 3 -
Note: Number of Meetings represents, Meetings held during the
period in which the Director was Member of the Committee. Executive Committee of Directors – The Meetings of the
Executive Committee of Directors during the Financial Year 2014-
(B) Name & Designation of Compliance Officer 15 were held on April 7, April 28, May 26, June 12, June 26, July
Smt Rupa Sarkar, General Manager & Company Secretary 18, August 1, August 11, August 28, September 11, September 29,
Email: [email protected] October 13, November 10, November 27, December 8, December
(C) The number of complaints received from the shareholders and 24 in 2014, January 13, January 29, February 13, February 25,
bondholders during financial year 2014-15 and the number of March 9 and March 25 in 2015.
pending complaints are shown below: Sl. Name of Director Category No. of Meetings during
Equity Shares & Bonds No. the FY 2014-15
No. of Complaints received during 3922* Held Attended
the financial year 2014-15 1. Shri Malay Mukherjee Chairperson 22 22
Pending as on March 31, 2015 0 2. Shri Achal Kumar Gupta Member 22 20
(*) Excluding complaints/issues in respect of which cases are pending 3. Smt Savita Mahajan Member 22 17
in courts/CDRF. 4. Ms Kiran Sahdev Member 22 17
The Company has redeemed IFCI Family Bonds, issued under 5. Prof. N Balakrishnan Member 4 4
Public Issue in 1996 on completion of the tenure/exercise of call
option. Payment of redemption amount has been made to the
bondholders. The redemption cheques lying under stale cheques 1. Prof. Omprakash Mishra Member 8 7
are being revalidated on receipt of request from bondholders. 2. Shri S N Ananthasubramanian Member 10 10
(D) The Company has constituted a Committee of its executives for Risk Management Committee - The Meetings of the Risk Management
approval of the share transfers, transmissions and transpositions, Committee of Directors during the Financial Year 2014-15 were held
etc. Generally, the Committee meets four times a month. All the on April 28, August 11, September 11, December 24 in 2014 and
requests for share transfers etc. were processed and the related January 29 in 2015:
share certificates were dispatched within 15 days from the date Sl. Name of Director Category No. of Meetings during
of receipt. Except for certain cases under litigation, there is no No. the FY 2014-15
share transfer pending for more than 15 days. Held Attended
(E) The Company has obtained the relevant disclosures as on 1. Shri Malay Mukherjee Chairperson 5 4
March 31, 2015 under the Securities and Exchange Board of 2. Shri Achal Kumar Gupta Member 5 5
India ([Prohibition of] Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992.
Further, in accordance with the Securities & Exchange Board of 3. Ms Kiran Sahdev Member 5 1
India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 which 4. Shri Alok Tandon Member 4 1
is effective from May 15, 2015, the Board of Directors of the 5. Prof. Arvind Sahay Member - -
Company has adopted Code of Practices and Procedures for Fair DIRECTORS WHO CEASED TO BE ON THE COMMITTEE DURING 2014-15
Disclosure of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information and Code
1. Shri Arvind Kumar Member 1 -
of Conduct to Regulate, Monitor and Report Trading by Insiders.
The Company also adopts the concept of Trading Window 2. Prof. Omprakash Mishra Member 1 1
Closure, to prevent its Directors, officers, employees and other 3. Shri S N Ananthasubramanian Member 2 2


01. Director Report 170815.indd 55 8/17/2015 2:05:22 PM

Recovery & NPA Management Committee - The Meetings of the Sl. Name of Director Category No. of Meetings during
Recovery & NPA Committee of Directors during the Financial Year No. the FY 2014-15
2014-15 were held on April 29, June 12, August 11, September 12, Held Attended
September 24, October 13, December 9 in 2014 and February 25,
1. Shri Malay Mukherjee Chairperson 8 8
March 25 in 2015.
2. Shri Achal Kumar Gupta Member 8 7
Sl. Name of Director Category No. of Meetings during 3. Shri Alok Tandon Member 4 1
No. the FY 2014-15
Held Attended
1. Shri Anurag Jain Member 3 -
1. Shri S V Ranganath Chairperson 9 9
2. Shri Malay Mukherjee Member 9 9
Location and time, where last three Annual General Meetings
3. Shri Achal Kumar Gupta Member 9 8 held:
4. Shri Alok Tandon Member 7 1
Sl. No. AGM Date Location Time
5. Shri K S Sreenivasan Member 8 7 1. 27.08.2014 FICCI Auditorium, 1 Tansen Marg 10:30 A.M.
6. Shri Rajesh Aggarwal Member 1 - New Delhi - 110001
DIRECTORS WHO CEASED TO BE ON THE COMMITTEE DURING 2014-15 2. 13.11.2013 Air Force Auditorium, Subroto Park 10:30 A.M.
New Delhi - 110 010
1. Shri Anurag Jain Member 7 1
3. 18.07.2012 Air Force Auditorium, Subroto Park 10:30 A.M.
2. Shri Arvind Kumar Member 1 1
New Delhi - 110 010
3. Shri S N Ananthasubramanian Member 2 2
No special resolution for the equity shareholders was put through
E-Governance Committee - The Meetings of the E-Governance Postal Ballot in the last year, as there were no such items, which
Committee of Directors during the Financial Year 2014-15 were held required passing through Postal Ballot.
on July 4, August 12, September 12, November 11 in 2014 and January Details of special resolutions passed in the previous three Annual
30 in 2015. General Meetings :-
Sl. Name of Director Category No. of Meetings during AGM Date As per Companies Act Particulars of Special Resolutions
No the FY 2014-15 27.08.2014 u/s 180(1)(c) of Approve borrowing limits for the
Held Attended The Companies Act, 2013 Company
u/s 180(1)(a) of Approve creation of security
1. Prof. N Balakrishnan Chairperson 5 5
The Companies Act, 2013 against borrowings of the Company
2. Shri Achal Kumar Gupta Member 5 5 u/s 42 & 71 of Approve Private Placement of Bonds/
3. Shri K S Sreenivasan Member 5 5 The Companies Act, 2013 Debentures/Commercial Paper

4. Shri Rajesh Aggarwal Member - - 13.11.2013 u/s 31 of Companies Alteration of Articles of Association
Act, 1956
18.07.2012 u/s 224 A of Companies Appointment of Statutory Auditors
1 Shri Anurag Jain Member 3 1 Act, 1956
2. Smt Savita Mahajan Member 2 1 8. DISCLOSURES:
HR Committee - The Meetings of the HR Committee of Directors (A) Related party transactions
during the Financial Year 2014-15 were held on April 29, August 12, Related party transactions during the year have been disclosed
August 27, October 13, November 11 and December 8 in 2014 and in the Notes to Accounts in the Annual Report as required under
January 30 and March 25 in 2015. Accounting Standard 18 issued by the Institute of Chartered
Sl. Name of Director Category No. of Meetings during
Accountants of India. The related party transactions were in the
No. the FY 2014-15 normal course of business and done at arms’s length. There were
no materially significant related party transactions during the FY
Held Attended 2014-15. The Company also has in place a Policy on Materiality
1. Shri S V Ranganath Chairperson 8 8 of Related Party Transactions (RPTs) and Dealing with RPTs and
2. Shri Malay Mukherjee Member 8 8
the same is placed on the website of the Company and may be
visited at www.ifciltd.com. The relevant disclosures as required
3 Shri Achal Kumar Gupta Member 1 1 under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 have also been
4. Ms Kiran Sahdev Member 8 6 disclosed as annexure to the Board’s Report.
5. Shri Alok Tandon Member 7 3 (B) Disclosure of Accounting Treatment
DIRECTORS WHO CEASED TO BE ON THE COMMITTEE DURING 2014-15 In preparation of the Financial Statements, the Company has
followed the accounting standards issued by the Institute of
1 Shri Anurag Jain Member 1 1
Chartered Accountants of India. The significant accounting
2. Shri Arvind Kumar Member 1 1 policies have been set out in the notes to accounts.
Review Committee on Wilful Defaulters – No Meeting was held (C) Risk Management
during the Financial Year 2014-15. Business Risk Evaluation and Management is an ongoing process
Committee of Directors on Public Issue of Bonds – The Meetings of the within the Company and there is a Risk Management Committee
Committee of Directors for Public Issue of Bonds during the Financial of Directors, and a Risk Management Committee of Executives,
Year 2014-15 were held on August 13, September 12, September 19, for overseeing the process. The Company has laid down Policies
September 25, December 01, December 18, December 23 in 2014 and on Operational, Market and Credit risks for assessment and
on February 13 in 2015. minimization of risks associated with the Company.


01. Director Report 170815.indd 56 8/17/2015 2:06:34 PM

(D) Management Discussion and Analysis Report the leading Hindi and English papers. During FY 2014-15,
Management Discussion and Analysis forms part of the Board’s IFCI’s quarterly/half-yearly financial results were published
Report and is given separately in the Annual Report. in Financial Express, Business Standard (Hindi) Delhi edition,
Business Standard (All editions), Jansatta (All editions), Hindu
(E) Details of Non-compliance with regard to Capital Market Business Line (All editions) etc. Official press releases are also
There were no penalties, strictures imposed on the Company by displayed on Company’s website (www.ifciltd.com). All price
stock exchanges or SEBI or any statutory authority on any matter sensitive information is made public at the earliest through
related to capital markets during the last three years. intimation to stock exchanges.
(F) Details of Compliance with Mandatory Requirements 10. GENERAL SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION
The Company has duly complied with all the mandatory (i) Annual General Meeting : Date : September 21, 2015
requirements as stipulated in Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement.
Time : 10:30 A.M.
Shri Samir Bhatnagar, Practicing Company Secretary has
Venue : Air Force Auditorium
certified the Corporate Governance Report for the Financial Year
Subroto Park
2014-15 as stipulated in Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement. The
New Delhi-110010
said certificate is appended to this report.
(ii) Financial Calendar (Tentative):
(G) Subsidiary Companies Results for quarter ending : Second Week of August, 2015
The Company as on March 31, 2015 has 6 (six) subsidiaries viz. June 30, 2015
IFCI Financial Services Ltd, IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd, Results for quarter ending : Third week of October. 2015
IFCI Infrastructure Development Ltd, IFCI Factors Ltd, MPCON September 30, 2015
Ltd and Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd. The Company
also has 6 (six) step down subsidiaries viz. IFIN Commodities Results for quarter ending : Third week of January, 2016
Ltd, IFIN Credit Ltd, IFIN Securities Finance Ltd, IIDL Realtors December 31, 2015
Pvt Ltd, SHCIL Services Ltd and SHCIL Projects Ltd. The Results for quarter ending : Third week of May, 2016
requirements under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement in respect March 31, 2016
of the above Companies, as and when required, have been duly (iii) Dates of Book Closure : September 15-21, 2015
complied with. The Company has also formulated a Policy for
determining “material” subsidiary and the same has been placed (iv) Dividend Payment Date : An Interim dividend of `1 per
on the website of the Company. The same may be visited at equity share was declared by
www.ifciltd.com. the Board during the financial
year 2014-15 and was paid to the
(H) CEO/CFO Certificate shareholders by March 27, 2015.
The certification under Clause 49 (IX) of Listing Agreement by
A final dividend of `0.50 per
CEO and CFO to the Board forms part of this report.
equity share will be paid for the
(I) Whistle Blower Policy financial year 2014-15 on/after
During the financial year 2014-15, the Company has established September 27, 2015, subject to
a Vigil Mechanism under the provisions of Section 177 (9) and approval by the shareholders at
(10) of the Companies Act, 2013. In this regard, the Board of the Annual General Meeting.
Directors of the Company has approved a Whistle Blower Policy (v) Listing on Stock Exchange:
under which its director(s) and employee(s) can report to the
– Equity Shares Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd
management their concerns about unethical behavior, actual
National Stock Exchange of
or suspected fraud or violation of the IFCI’s code of conduct or
India Ltd
ethics policy and to provide adequate safeguards to them against
any sort of victimization on raising an alarm. The Policy also Delhi, Calcutta, Madras and
provides for direct access to the Chairman of the Audit Committee Ahmedabad Stock Exchanges
in exceptional cases. Note: i) During the Financial year 2003-04, IFCI had redeemed
During the year under review, no instance of the protected all the Family Bonds and advised the Stock Exchanges
disclosure has been made to the Designated Authority or to the to discontinue the listing of the bonds. Bonds issued
Chairman of the Audit Committee. under Private Placement Basis under Series 47 to Series
60, Infrastructure Bonds (5 Series), Subordinated Bonds
(J) Details of Adoption of Non-mandatory Requirements (5 Series), Tax Free Bonds and earstwhile SLR Bonds, are
The Company has complied with and adopted the following non- listed on Bombay Stock Exchange. Secured NCDs issued
mandatory Requirements of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement: through public issue are listed both on Bombay Stock
i) The Board: The Non-Executive Chairman has been Exchange and National Stock Exchange.
provided limited need-based facilities only to dispose of his ii) Company had made request to Stock Exchanges at
responsibilities effectively. Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Ahmedabad for de-listing of
securities, approval from Stock Exchanges are awaited.
ii) Shareholder Rights: The half-yearly declaration of financial
performance is not sent individually to each household of (vi) Stock Code : 500106 (BSE)
shareholders but published in the newspapers and also IFCI (NSE)
disseminated to the Stock Exchanges where shares of the 00563 (ASE)
Company are listed. 9099 (DSE)
67 (CSE)
IFCI’s quarterly/half-yearly financial results are published in – Equity Shares : INE039A01010


01. Director Report 140815.indd 57 8/14/2015 5:57:33 PM

(vii) Market Price data: For Infrastructure Bonds Beetal Financial & Computer
(Price in `) (Series I & II) Services (P) Ltd
Beetal House, 3rd Floor, 99 Madangir
Month & Year National Stock Exchange Bombay Stock Exchange
Behind LSC, Near Dada Harsukhdas
High Low High Low
April, 2014 28.15 24.50 28.15 24.55
Mandir, New Delhi-110062
May, 2014 43.25 25.00 43.20 25.05 Website: www.beetalfinancial.com
June, 2014 44.70 36.20 44.90 36.25 Email: [email protected]
July, 2014 42.65 34.00 42.60 33.95 Contact No.: 011-29961281/2/3
August, 2014 38.95 33.30 38.95 33.35 For Infrastructure Bonds Karvy Computershare Pvt Ltd
September, 2014 37.45 31.95 37.50 32.00 (Series III, IV & V) Karvy Selenium Tower B
October, 2014 37.15 31.70 37.10 31.80 Plot No. 31 & 32, Gachibowli
November, 2014 41.40 36.70 41.40 36.70 Financial District, Nanakramguda
December, 2014 41.40 33.05 43.30 33.05 Serilingampally, Hyderabad - 500032
January, 2015 39.65 35.45 39.60 35.45
Website: www.karvycomputershare.com
February, 2015 41.75 34.30 41.55 34.25
Email: [email protected]
March, 2015 39.90 31.15 39.85 31.20
Contact No.: 040-67161595
Source: NSE/BSE
For Subordinate Bonds Link Intime India Pvt Ltd
(viii) Performance in comparison to broad based indices: (Series I & III) C-13, Pannalal Silk Mills Compound
IFCI share price as compared to NSE NIFTY during the year: L.B.S. Marg, Bhandup (W)
Website: www.linkintime.co.in
Email: [email protected]
Contact No.: 022-25963838
For Secured Non- Karvy Computershare Private Ltd
Convertible Debentures Karvy Selenium Tower B,
Plot Number 31 & 32, Gachibowli
Financial District, Nanakramguda,
Serilingampally, Hyderabad - 500032
Website: www.karvycomputershare.com
Email: [email protected]
Contact No.: 040-67161595
For Tax Free Bonds IFCI Ltd
and Any Other Query IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place
New Delhi – 110 019
IFCI Share Price as compared to BSE SENSEX during the year: CIN: L74899DL1993GOI053677
Website: www.ifciltd.com
Email: [email protected]
Contact No.: 011 - 41732000
(x) Share Transfer System :
At present, shares for transfer, which are received in physical
form, are processed and the share certificates are returned within
a period of 15 days from the date of receipt, subject to documents
being valid and complete in all respects.
(xi) Distribution of Shareholding (as on March 31, 2015):
The Equity Shareholding in IFCI by major categories of
Shareholders as on March 31, 2015 is as under:

(ix) Registrar and Transfer Agent

Both for Equity Shares MCS Shares Transfer Agent Ltd
and Family Bonds F-65, Okhla Industrial Area
Phase -I, New Delhi-110020
Website: www.mcsregistrars.com
Email: [email protected]
Contact No.: 011-41406149


01. Director Report 170815.indd 58 8/17/2015 2:07:36 PM

(A) Shareholding Pattern: Bhopal, Chennai, Chandigarh, Delhi, Hyderabad, Patna, Jaipur,
Shareholding Pattern of Equity Shares of IFCI as on March 31, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Guwahati, Kochi and Pune.
2015 and March 31, 2014 is given as under: (xv) Address for Correspondence:
As on 31.03.2015 As on 31.03.2014 Investor Correspondence MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd
(Equity & Family Bonds) F-65, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase -I
No. of % No. of %
Equity Shares Equity Shares
New Delhi -110020
Website: www.mcsregistrars.com
Government of India 92,30,00,000 55.53 92,30,00,000 55.53 Email: [email protected]
Banks & Financial Institutions 9,83,05,681 5.91 9,86,32,053 5.93 Contact No.: 011-41406149
Insurance Companies 10,66,98,758 6.42 10,66,98,758 6.42 For Infrastructure Bonds Beetal Financial & Computer
Mutual Funds 1,01,44,228 0.61 57,25,575 0.34
(Series I & II) Services (P) Ltd
Beetal House, 3rd Floor, 99 Madangir
Other Bodies Corporate 6,88,75,031 4.14 10,17,37,323 6.12 Behind LSC, Near Dada Harsukhdas
FIIs & NRIs 18,14,52,012 10.92 9,97,19,180 6.00 Mandir, New Delhi-110062
Public 27,35,61,525 16.46 32,65,24,346 19.65 Website: www.beetalfinancial.com
Email: [email protected]
TOTAL 1,66,20,37,235 100.00 1,66,20,37,235 100.00 Contact No.: 011-29961281/2/3
(B) Distribution Schedule Range Analysis as on March 31, 2015: For Infrastructure Bonds Karvy Computershare Private Ltd
(Series III, IV & V) Karvy Selenium Tower B,
Sl.No. Category No. of % of total No. of %
Plot No. 31 & 32, Gachibowli,
Share Share Equity Shares
From To Financial District, Nanakramguda,
holders holders Shares
Serilingampally, Hyderabad - 500032
1. 1 500 5,70,398 86.93 8,48,33,498 5.11
Website: www.karvycomputershare.com
2. 501 1000 45,449 6.93 3,72,85,386 2.24 Email: [email protected]
3. 1001 2000 21,336 3.25 3,27,20,786 1.97 Contact No.: 040-67161595
4. 2001 3000 6,832 1.04 1,76,53,251 1.06 Subordinate Bonds Link Intime India Pvt Ltd
(Series I & III) C-13, Pannalal Silk Mills Compound
5. 3001 4000 3,072 0.47 1,11,51,552 0.67
L.B.S Marg, Bhandup (W)
6. 4001 5000 2,590 0.40 1,23,56,990 0.74 Mumbai – 400 078
7. 5001 10000 3,684 0.56 2,72,35,288 1.64 Website: www.linkintime.co.in
Email: [email protected]
8. 10001 50000 2,310 0.35 4,67,49,620 2.81
Contact No.: 022-25963838
9. 50001 100000 222 0.03 1,59,73,892 0.96
Secured Non convertible Karvy Computershare Private Ltd
10. 100001 and above 261 0.04 1,37,60,76,972 82.80 Debentures Karvy Selenium Tower B,
TOTAL 6,56,154 100 1,66,20,37,235 100 Plot No. 31 & 32,
Gachibowli, Financial District
(xii) Dematerialization of Shares and Liquidity: Nanakramguda, Serilingampally
About 98.54% of the Equity Shares of the Company have already Hyderabad - 500032
been dematerialized up to March 31, 2015. IFCI’s Shares are Website: www.karvycomputershare.com
listed at major Stock Exchanges of the Country and being traded Email: [email protected]
actively. Contact No.: 040-67161595
For Tax Free Bonds IFCI Ltd
and Any Other Query IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place
New Delhi – 110 019
CIN: L74899DL1993GOI053677
Website: www.ifciltd.com
Email: [email protected]
Contact No.: 011 - 41732000
Dclaration of Compliance with the Code of Conduct as provided in
Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchanges
This is to confirm that the Company has adopted a Code of Conduct
for its employees including the Managing Director. The Code of
Conduct as adopted is available on the Company’s website. It is
further confirmed that the Company has in respect of the Financial
Year ended March 31, 2015, received from the Senior Management
(xiii) Outstanding GDRs/ADRs/Warrants or any Convertible Instruments:
team of the Company and the Members of the Board, a declaration of
There is no GDR/ADR or Warrants or any other Convertible Compliance with the Code of Conduct as applicable to them.
Instrument, which are pending for conversion into equity shares.
(xiv) Registered Office: IFCI is a Public Financial Institution
having its Registered Office at IFCI tower, 61 Nehru Place, Malay Mukherjee
New Delhi – 110 019. Chief Executive Officer &
Regional Offices at: Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhubaneshwar, Managing Director


01. Director Report 140815.indd 59 8/14/2015 5:57:34 PM


In terms of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, it is certified as under that:

(a) The financial statements and the cash flow statement for the year have been reviewed and that to the best of our knowledge and belief:
(i) These statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any material fact or contain statements that might be
(ii) These statements together present a true and fair view of the Company’s affairs and are in compliance with existing accounting
standards, applicable laws and regulations.
(b) There are, to the best of our knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the Company during the year which are fraudulent, illegal
or violative of the Company’s code of conduct.
(c) We accept responsibility for establishing and maintaining internal controls for financial reporting and that we have evaluated the
effectiveness of internal control systems of the Company pertaining to financial reporting and have disclosed to the auditors and the Audit
Committee, deficiencies in the design or operation of such internal controls, if any, of which we are aware and the steps we have taken or
propose to take to rectify these deficiencies.
(d) We have indicated to the Auditors and the Audit Committee:
(i) Significant changes in internal control over financial reporting during the year;
(ii) Significant changes in accounting policies during the year and that the same have been disclosed in the notes to the financial statements; and
(iii) Instances of significant fraud of which we have become aware and the involvement therein, if any, of the management or an employee
having a significant role in the company’s internal control system over financial reporting.

B N Nayak Malay Mukherjee

Chief Financial Officer Chief Executive Officer &
Managing Director

Place : New Delhi

Date : May 26, 2015



We have examined the compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance by IFCI Ltd, (“Company”) for the year ended on March 31, 2015, as
stipulated in Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement of the said Company with the Stock Exchanges.
The compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance is the responsibility of the Management. Our examination was limited to procedures
and implementation thereof, adopted by the Company for ensuring the compliances of the conditions of Corporate Governance. It is neither an
audit nor an expression of opinion on the financial statements of the Company.
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanation given to us, we certify that the Company has complied with
the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the above mentioned Listing Agreement.
We further state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor the efficiency or effectiveness with
which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company.

Samir Bhatnagar
Practiciting Company Secretary
Place : New Delhi M. No. 30997
Dated : 26.05.2015 COP No. 13115


01. Director Report 140815.indd 60 8/14/2015 5:57:34 PM

(Pursuant to first Proviso to Sub-Section (3) of Section 129 read with Rule 5 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014
Statement containing salient features of the financial statement of Subsidiaries/Associate Companies/Joint Ventures
As at March 31, 2015 (` crore)
Direct Subsidiaries Step subsidiaries
No. Venture Infrastucture Factors Financial Holding Ltd Realtors Commodities Credit Securities Projects Services
Capital Development Ltd Services Corporation Pvt Ltd Ltd Ltd Finance Ltd Ltd
Funds Ltd Ltd Ltd of India Ltd Ltd
1. Share Capital 60.37 477.10 154.40 41.53 21.05 1.00 0.08 5.00 2.50 30.01 37.00 7.66
2. Reserves & Surplus 131.61 60.35 (16.13) 29.65 552.88 4.58 16.25 0.29 (0.41) 4.16 5.28 32.64
3. Total Assets 589.61 685.07 898.23 87.81 1.004.30 16.53 18.91 10.75 2.21 70.87 64.84 110.11
4. Total Liabilities 397.62 147.62 759.96 16.63 430.37 10.95 2.58 5.47 0.12 36.71 22.56 69.82
5. Investments 86.24 136.84 4.44 40.29 202.37 – – – – 0.03 – 11.24
6. Turnover 78.53 60.13 105.65 22.24 303.94 23.41 0.71 2.04 0.18 9.89 28.99 47.27
7. Pfofit before Taxation 35.56 0.47 (88.15) (0.46) 88.68 0.84 0.98 0.02 0.02 1.88 1.68 13.57
8. Provison for Taxation 10.63 (0.93) (28.59) (0.20) 22.38 0.26 0.19 0.01 0.01 1.02 0.66 4.55
9. Profit after Taxation 24.93 1.40 (59.56) (0.26) 66.30 0.58 0.79 0.01 0.02 0.86 1.02 9.01
10. Proposed Dividend – – – – 7.37 – – – – – – –
11. % of Shareholding* 98.59% 100% 99.74% 94.78% 52.86% 79.72% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
*% of shareholding indicated for step-down subsidiaries represents the shareholding of their respective immediate holding company.
Note : All subsidiary companies have been incorporated in India and are following the same reporting period as of Holding Company i.e. 12 months ending on March 31st each


Statement pursuant to Section 129 (3) of the Companies Act, 2013 related to Associate Companies and Joint Ventures
(` crore)
Sl. Name of Associates/Joint Ventures Tourism Finance HARDICON HIMCON Ltd KITCO Ltd # NITCON Ltd RAJCON Ltd
No. Corporation of India Ltd
1. Latest Audited Balance Sheet Date 31-03-2015 31-03-2015 31-03-2015 31-03-2014 31-03-2015 31-03-2015
2. Shares of Associate/Joint Ventures held by the 3,15,58,613 4,550 735 19,950 9,750 980
Company on the year end - No. of Equity Shares
3. Amount of Investment in Associates/Joint Venture - 79.31 0.28 0.07 0.04 0.13 0.01
Equity Shares
4. Extent of Holding (%) 39.10% 45.50% 49.00% 20.26% 48.75% 49.00%
5. Description of how there is significant influence IFCI Ltd holds more than 20% share capital in these investee companies and is able to exercise
significant influence by virtue of its shareholding and representation on the Board of Directors.
6. Networth of the Company * 486.85 3.59 3.07 43.58 2.99 0.18
7. Networth attributable to Shareholding as per latest 190.35 1.63 1.50 8.83 1.46 0.09
Audited Balance Sheet (Equity Only)
8. Profit / Loss for the year 50.49 0.55 1.01 8.64 0.62 0.13
i. Considered in Consolidation 6.38 0.25 0.49 1.75 0.30 0.06
ii. Not Considered in Consolidation
* Net Worth has been considered as Equity + Reseves & Surplus - Revaluation Reserve.
# Consolidation of KITCO has been made on the basis of management certified Financials for the year ended March 31, 2015.
The Company has 50% interest in one joint venture viz. IFCI Sycamore Capital Advisors (P) Ltd (ISCAPL) incorporated in India in November 2011 which is under
voluntary liquidation and Official Liquidator has been appointed. The investment of IFCI Ltd in IFCI Sycamore Capital Advisors (P) Ltd as on March 31, 2015 was
at `0.01 crore Class A Equity Shares and `2.64 crore Fully Convertible Debentures against whcih adequate provision has been made considering the probability and
quantum of share in distribution upon liquidation of the Company. In view of the this joint venture has not been considered for consolidation.


01. Director Report 170815.indd 61 8/17/2015 2:08:47 PM

Statement pursuant to Section 129(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 related to Associate Companies and Joint Ventures
(` crore)
Sl. Name of Associates/Joint Ventures ABG Energy GATI Infrastructure Gayatri Nagai Raichur Power Rajahmundry Shiga Energy Sravanthi
No. (Gujarat) Bhasmey Powr Pvt HI-Tech Power Corporation Ltd Godavari Pvt Ltd $ Energy Pvt
Ltd Ltd $ Hotels Ltd Private Ltd $ (RPCL) Bridge Ltd $ Ltd &
1. Latest Audited Balance Sheet Date 31.03.2014 31.03.2014 31.03.2014 31.03.2014 31.03.2014 30.09.2014 31.03.2014 31.03.2014
2. Shares of Associate/Joint Ventures held
by the company on the year end
No. of Equity Shares 3,60,00,000 3,00,20,000 5,61,00,000 56,40,000 23,27,15,200 4,99,80,000 4,71,63,000 9,44,60,000
Amount of Investment in Associates/ 35.44 30.02 56.10 5.17 232.72 49.55 46.60 93.33
Joint Venture - Equity Shares
Extent of Holding 26.30% 48.96% 23.87% 26.46% 25.61% 28.32 26.86% 26.00%
3. Reason why the associate/joint venture IFCI Ltd has acquired shares in these companies as a part of regular business activity of financing through equity participation with
is not consolidated firm buy-back commitment for such shares with the promoters/group companies of the investee companies at pre-determined rate of
return after a pre-determined period. Since, the shares have been acquired with the intention to dispose-off at a pre-determined rate of
return, share in net-worth of the investee company following ‘equity method’ s not appropriate indicator of the real economic interest
of IFCI Ltd. In certain Companies, buy-back due within 12 months reducing the shareholding of IFCI Ltd below 20%. Therefore, the
investment in these companies has been considered in ‘Consolidated Financial Statments’ following AS-13.
4. Networth of Company* 129.48 61.36 29.44 21.31 908.61 359.54 72.37 335.21
5. Notworth atributable to Shareholding 34.05 30.04 7.03 5.64 232.72 101.81 19.44 87.16
as per latest audited Balance Sheet
(Equity Only)
6. Profit/Loss for the year (5.38) – (106.00) – – 0.10 0.07 (20.79)
1. Considered in Consolidation – – – – – – – –
ii. Not Considered in Consolidation (1.41) – (25.30) – – 0.03 0.02 (5.41)
the projects are under construction and the company is yet to commence the operations.
*Net Worth has been considred as Equtiy + Reseves & Surplus - Revaluation Reserve.


Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director Deputy Managing Director
DIN 00323799 DIN 02272425 DIN 02192183
Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director & Company Secretary
Chief Financial Officer

Place : New Delhi

Date : May 26, 2015


01. Director Report 170815.indd 62 8/17/2015 2:09:58 PM


TO THE MEMBERS OF IFCI LIMITED and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting
Report on the Standalone Financial Statements principles generally accepted in India, of the state of affairs of the
Company as at March 31, 2015, its profit and its cash flow for the year
We have audited the accompanying standalone financial statements
ended on that date.
of IFCI Limited (“the Company”), which comprises the Balance Sheet
as at March 31, 2015, the Statement of Profit and Loss, the Cash Flow Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements
Statement for the year then ended, and a summary of significant 1. As required by the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2015
accounting policies and other explanatory information. (‘the Order’) issued by the Central Government of India in terms
Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements of Sub-Section (11) of Section 143 of the Act, we give in the
Annexure I a statement on the matters specified in paragraphs 3
The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the matters stated
and 4 of the Order.
in Section 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) with respect
to the preparation of these standalone financial statements that give 2. As required under Section 143(5) of the Companies Act, 2013, we
a true and fair view of the financial position, financial performance enclose herewith, as per Annexure II, our report for the Company
and cash flows of the Company in accordance with the accounting on the directions issued by the Comptroller & Auditor General of
principles generally accepted in India, including the Accounting India.
Standards specified under Section 133 of the Act, read with Rule 7 3. As required by Section 143(3) of the Act, we report that:
of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014. This responsibility also (a) We have sought and obtained all the information and
includes maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief
with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding of the assets of were necessary for the purposes of our audit.
the Company and for preventing and detecting frauds and other
(b) In our opinion, proper books of Accounts as required by law
irregularities; selection and application of appropriate accounting
have been kept by the Company so far as it appears from
policies; making judgments and estimates that are reasonable and
our examination of those books.
prudent; and design, implementation and maintenance of adequate
internal financial controls, that were operating effectively for ensuring (c) The Balance Sheet and the Statement of Profit and Loss
the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, relevant to dealt with by this report are in agreement with the books
the preparation and presentation of the financial statements that give of accounts.
a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether (d) In our opinion, the aforesaid standalone financial statements
due to fraud or error. comply with the Accounting Standards specified under
Auditor’s Responsibility Section 133 of the Act, read with Rule 7 of the Companies
(Accounts) Rules, 2014.
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these standalone
financial statements based on our audit. We have taken into account (e) On the basis of the written representations received from
the provisions of the Act, the accounting and auditing standards and the directors as on March 31, 2015 taken on record by the
matters which are required to be included in the audit report under Board of Directors, none of the directors is disqualified as
the provisions of the Act and the Rules made thereunder. on March 31, 2015 from being appointed as a director in
We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing terms of Section 164 (2) of the Act.
specified under Section 143(10) of the Act. Those Standards require (f) With respect to the other matters to be included in the
that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the Auditor’s Report in accordance with Rule 11 of the
audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, in our opinion
statements are free from material misstatement. and to the best of our information and according to the
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence explanations given to us:
about the amounts and the disclosures in the financial statements. i. The Company has disclosed the impact of pending
The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, litigations on its financial position in its financial
including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the statements – Refer Note No. 25.1 to the financial
financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those statements;
risk assessments, the auditor considers internal financial control ii. The Company has made provision, as required
relevant to the Company’s preparation of the financial statements under the applicable law or accounting standards,
that give a true and fair view in order to design audit procedures for material foreseeable losses, if any, on long-term
that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose contracts including derivative contracts – Refer Note
of expressing an opinion on whether the Company has in place an No. 25.3 to the financial statements;
adequate internal financial control system over financial reporting iii. There has been no delay in transferring amounts,
and the operating effectiveness of such controls. An audit also required to be transferred, to the Investor Education
includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies and Protection Fund by the Company.
used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by the
Company’s Directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of For ASA & Associates LLP For ANDROS & CO.
the financial statements. Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and FRN: 009571N/N500006 FRN: 008976N
appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on the standalone
financial statements. Parveen Kumar Puneet Gupta
Partner Partner
M. No. 088810 M. No. 093714
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the
explanations given to us, the aforesaid standalone financial statements Place : New Delhi
give the information required by the Act in the manner so required Date : May 26, 2015


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 63 8/14/2015 2:47:14 PM

Annexure I referred to in paragraph 1 of Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements of our report of
even date
(i) (a) The Company has maintained proper records Name of the Nature of Amount Year to which Forum, where
showing full particulars including quantitative details Statute disputed dues (`)* demand dispute is
and situation of fixed assets,except for leased plant relates pending
and machinery having gross block of ` 70.92 crore Finance Act, Service Tax 70,233,120 FY 2005-06 to CESTAT, Delhi
(PY – ` 70.92 crore) which have been fully depreciated. 1994 (Service and Penalty FY 2007-08
Tax)# demanded
(b) The fixed assets are being physically verified by the
Finance Act, Service Tax 3,048,230 FY 2008-09 to CESTAT, Delhi
management at all its offices in a phased manner at 1994 (Service and Penalty FY 2009-10
reasonable intervals. According to the information and Tax) demanded
explanation given to us, no material discrepancies were Finance Act, Service Tax 4,534,112 FY 2005-06 to CESTAT,
noticed on such verification. However, the policy with regard 1994 (Service and Penalty FY 2007-08 Bangalore
to the verification of physical assets and the periodicity Tax) demanded
thereof needs to be reviewed and approved by the Board. Finance Act, Service Tax 5,957,624 FY 2006-07 to Commissioner
1994 (Service and Penalty FY 2008-09 of Service Tax,
(ii) The Company is a Systemically Important Non-Banking Financial
Tax) demanded Chennai
Company, accordingly it does not hold any inventory. Thus, MP Sales Tax 60,000 Borad of
paragraph 3(ii) of the Order is not applicable. Commercial on Lease Revenue
(iii) According to the information provided and explanations given Tax Act, 1994 Transactions (Commercial
to us, the Company has not granted any loans, secured or Transactions
unsecured to companies, firms or other parties covered in Tax Tribunal)
the register mentioned under Section 189 of the Companies Gwalior, M.P.
Act, 2013. * net of amount deposited under protest
(iv) The present ERP of the company requires up-gradation and
Stay order has been received against the amount disputed and not deposited
Information Systems audit to test the designing and effectiveness (c) According to the information provided and explanations
of the automated controls. Except as above, in our opinion given to us, the amount required to be transferred to Investor
and according to the information and explanations given to Education and Protection Fund in accordance with the
us, generally there is an adequate internal control system relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956)
and rules made there under has been transferred to such
commensurate with the size of the company and nature of its
fund within time.
business, for the purchase of fixed assets and for the sale of
services. In our opinion and according to the information and (viii) There are no accumulated losses at the end of the financial
year and the Company has not incurred cash losses during the
explanations given to us, there is no continuing failure to correct
financial year covered by our audit report and in the immediately
major weaknesses in internal control system.
preceding financial year.
(v) According to the information provided and explanations given to (ix) According to the information provided and explanations given
us, the Company has not accepted any deposits from the public to us, the Company has not defaulted in repayment of dues to a
during the year within the meaning of Section 73 to 76 of the financial institution or bank or debenture holders.
Companies Act, 2013. (x) According to the information provided and explanations given to
(vi) According to the information provided and explanation given to us, the Company has given guarantees for loans taken by others,
us, maintenance of cost records by the Company has not been Performance Guarantees and Letters of Comforts for subsidiaries
prescribed by the Central Government under Section 148(1) of and others. The terms and conditions of these guarantees and
the Companies Act, 2013. Thus, paragraph 4(vi) of the Order is Letters of Comfort are not prima facie prejudicial to the interests
not applicable. of the Company.
(vii) (a) According to the information provided and explanations (xi) In our opinion and according to the information provided and
explanations given to us, the term loans availed by the Company
given to us, the company is generally regular in depositing
were applied for the purpose for which they were obtained.
undisputed statutory dues including provident fund,
employee’s state, income tax, sales tax, wealth tax, service (xii) During the year, the company has reported fraud by one of its
borrower company where the borrower has induced the company
tax, duty of customs, duty of excise, value added tax, cess
to reschedule its outstanding loan facilities on false assurances and
and other material statutory dues applicable to it with the
forged documents by inflating the value of security by ` 81 crore.
appropriate authorities. There are no outstanding statutory
dues existing as at the last day of the financial year for a
period of more than six months from the day they became For ASA & Associates LLP For ANDROS & CO.
payable. Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
FRN: 009571N/N500006 FRN: 008976N
(b) According to the information and explanations given to
us, there were no amounts due as on March 31, 2015 in Parveen Kumar Puneet Gupta
respect of income tax or sales tax or wealth tax or service Partner Partner
tax or duty of customs or duty of excise or value added tax Membership No. 088810 Membership No. 093714
or cess which have not been deposited on account of any Place : New Delhi
dispute other than those indicated below: Date : May 26, 2015


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 64 8/14/2015 2:47:14 PM

Annexure II referred to in paragraph 2 of Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements of our report of
even date:
Part A - Directions
Sl. No. Directions Reply
1. If the Company has been selected for disinvestment, a According to the information provided and explanations given to us by the
complete status report in terms of valuation of Assets Company, it has not been selected for disinvestment during the year 2014-15.
(including intangible assets and land) and Liabilities
(including Committed & General Reserves) may be
examined including the mode and present stage of
disinvestment process.
2. Please report whether there are any cases of waiver/ According to the information provided and explanations given to us by
write off of debts/loans/interest etc., if yes, the reasons the Company, case(s) of waiver/ write-off of debts/loan/interest are as under:
thereof and the amount involved. Sl. No. Nature of Dues No. of Amount
Cases (in crore)
A. Technical write-off of Loans 50 674.48
B. Other waiver/write-offs 3 59.58
C. Sundry Debtor 2 0.58
It was informed that the waiver/write-off is decided on case to case basis
with due assessment of the possibility of recovery in each case considering
the available security, status of the borrower and pending litigation. The
outstanding in technical write-offs/wavier cases was fully provided for in the
books of accounts to the extent of the amount of write-off/waiver.
3. Whether proper records are maintained for inventories According to the information provided and explanations given to us by the
lying with third parties & assets received as gift from Company and our verification thereof, we observed that:
Govt. or other authorities. (a) There is no inventory lying with third party as on March 31, 2015.
(b) The Company has not received any gift from government or any other
4. A report on age-wise analysis of pending legal/ On the basis of the information provided and explanations given to us by
arbitration cases including the reasons of pendency the Company, following is the report on age-wise analysis of pending legal/
and existence/effectiveness of a monitoring arbitration cases:
mechanism for expenditure on all legal cases (foreign
Age-wise summary of pending Legal/Arbitration as on 31.03.2015
and local) may be given.
Sl. No. Type Upto 1 1 - 3 More than Total
Year Years 3 Years
1. With Borrowers 49 146 590 785
2. With Ex- – – 34 34
3. With Investors 4 9 11 24
4. Tax Matters 7 12 32 51
TOTAL 60 167 667 894
According to the information provided and explanations given to us by the
(a) Company has deployed a dedicated team of qualified professionals for
handling, effective monitoring and persuasion of pending legal cases.
The cases pending in the legal proceeding, are in the ordinary course of
judicial process.
(b) The legal expenses are regularly monitored by NPA ‘Monitoring
Committee of Executives’ and ‘Recovery and NPA Management
Committee of Directors’. There is an approved policy and defined fee
structure and ‘delegation of powers’ for payment of fees to advocates.

For ASA & Associates LLP For ANDROS & CO.

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
FRN: 009571N/N500006 FRN: 008976N
Parveen Kumar Puneet Gupta
Partner Partner
Membership No. 088810 Membership No. 093714
Place : New Delhi
Date : May 26, 2015


02. IFCI Standalone 170815.indd 65 8/17/2015 5:36:40 PM

(` crore)
Note As at As at
No. March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
(1) Shareholders’ Funds
(a) Share Capital 1 1,925.37 1,924.96
(b) Reserves and Surplus 2 5,220.28 5,055.64
(2) Non-current Liabilities
(a) Long-term Borrowings 3 21,820.23 17,342.11
(b) Long-term Liabilities 4 292.52 86.86
(c) Long-term Provisions 5 381.48 71.59
(3) Current Liabilities
(a) Short-term Borrowings 6 659.22 247.95
(b) Trade Payables 7 36.14 95.84
(c) Other Current Liabilities 8 4,507.09 3,955.97
(d) Short-term Provisions 5 125.63 208.39
TOTAL 34,967.96 28,989.31
(1) Non-current Assets
(a) Fixed Assets
(i) Tangible Assets 9 1,121.04 1,141.30
(ii) Intangible Assets 10 0.29 0.20
(iii) Capital work-in-progress 0.17 5.62
(b) Non-current Investments 11 4,961.16 5,751.86
(c) Deferred Tax Asset (Net) 12 567.90 682.04
(d) Long-term Loans & Advances
(i) Loans 13 21,184.72 16,598.59
(ii) Others 14 204.15 183.57
(e) Other Non-current assets 15 4.86 4.55
(2) Current Assets
(a) Current Investments 16 2,629.19 1,761.67
(b) Trade Receivables 17 54.10 33.82
(c) Cash and Cash Equivalent 18 692.70 535.83
(d) Short-term Loans and Advances
(i) Loans (Current Maturity of Long-term Loans) 13 3,307.01 2,036.52
(ii) Others 14 9.67 34.31
(e) Other Current Assets 15 231.00 219.43
TOTAL 34,967.96 28,989.31

Accounting Policies and Notes (1 to 51) form an integral part of financial statements
For and on behalf of Board


Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director Deputy Managing Director
DIN 00323799 DIN 02272425 DIN 02192183


Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director & Company Secretary
Chief Financial Officer

In terms of our report of even date


Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
ICAI FRN 009571N/ N500006 ICAI FRN 08976N


M. No. 088810 M. No. 093714

Place : New Delhi

Date : May 26, 2015


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 66 8/14/2015 2:47:14 PM

(` crore)
Note For the year ended For the year ended
No. March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
I. Revenue from Operations 19 3,251.21 2,886.54

II. Other Income 20 96.78 66.75

III. Total Revenue 3,347.99 2,953.29

IV. Expenses
Finance Cost 21 2,102.29 1,665.99
Employee Benefits Expenses 22 65.92 58.89
Depreciation and Amortization (9.71) 13.04
(Net of transfer from Revaluation Reserve)
Other Expenses 23 37.78 34.53

Total Expenses 2,196.28 1,772.45

V. Profit before NPA Recovery, Provisions/Write-off 1,151.71 1,180.84

VI. Less: Provision for Bad & Doubtful Assets and others 24 433.69 520.39
(Net of Write-off)
VII. Profit before Tax 718.02 660.45

VIII. Tax Expense

– Current Tax 81.54 107.60

– Deferred Tax (Net) 114.88 44.75

IX. Profit for the period 521.60 508.10

X. Basic Earnings per share of `10.00 each (`) 3.14 3.05

Diluted Earnings per share of `10.00 each (`) 3.14 3.05

Accounting Policies and Notes (1 to 51) form an integral part of financial statements
For and on behalf of Board


Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director Deputy Managing Director
DIN 00323799 DIN 02272425 DIN 02192183


Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director & Company Secretary
Chief Financial Officer

In terms of our report of even date


Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
ICAI FRN 009571N/ N500006 ICAI FRN 08976N


M. No. 088810 M. No. 093714

Place : New Delhi

Date : May 26, 2015


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 67 8/14/2015 2:47:14 PM

(` crore)
For the year ended For the year ended
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
Net Profit before Tax 718.02 660.45
Adjustments for:
Depreciation (9.71) 13.04
Provision/write offs 433.69 520.39
Bond Issue Expenses charged to Share Premium Account (16.56) (5.58)
(Profit)/Loss on Sale of Assets (29.00) (0.03)
Employee Stock Option Compensation Cost (1.23) 377.19 0.44 528.26
Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes & Operating Activities 1,095.21 1,188.71
Adjustments for Operating Activities:
(Increase)/decrease in Investments (incl. Current Investments) (25.95) 1,014.44
(Increase)/decrease in Loans & Advances (6,341.18) (4,760.53)
(incl. current maturities of long-term loans & advances)
Increase/(decrease) in Borrowings 5,270.52 2,867.98
(incl. current maturities of long-term liabilities)
Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes (1.40) 310.60
Adjustments for:
(Increase)/decrease in Current Assets (7.83) (52.07)
Increase/(decrease) in Current Liabilities 638.31 (49.72)
Cash Flow before taxation 629.08 208.81
Income Tax (paid)/refund - Net (101.81) (77.74)
Net cash flow from Operating Activities 527.27 131.07
Purchase of/Advance for Fixed Assets (including Leased Assets) (4.15) (7.49)
Sale proceed of Fixed Assets 32.52 0.86
Net cash flow from Investing Activities 28.37 (6.63)
Issue of Equity Shares on exercise of Employee Stock Options 0.41 0.28
Share Premium (net of expenses) 0.34 0.23
CSR Expenses (7.48) 0.02
Dividend Paid (392.04) (194.76)
Net cash flow from Financing Activities (398.77) (194.23)
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalent Flow (A+B+C) 156.87 (69.79)
Opening Cash and Cash Equivalent * 535.83 605.62
Closing Cash and Cash Equivalent * 692.70 535.83
*Includes ` 18.10 crore (Previous Year - ` 10.36 crore) in Unclaimed Dividend Account
Note: 1. Figures for previous year have been regrouped/re-classified, wherever considered necessary.
2. For composition of cash & cash equivalents please refer Note No. 18 of the Balance Sheet.

Accounting Policies and Notes (1 to 51) form an integral part of financial statements
For and on behalf of Board


Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer & Deputy Managing Director
DIN 00323799 Managing Director DIN 02192183
DIN 02272425


Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director & Company Secretary
Chief Financial Officer

In terms of our report of even date


Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
ICAI FRN 009571N/ N500006 ICAI FRN 08976N


M. No. 088810 M. No. 093714

Place : New Delhi

Date : May 26, 2015


02. IFCI Standalone 170815.indd 68 8/17/2015 5:48:59 PM



1. Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on accural basis under historical cost convention, and conform in all material
aspects to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in India which encompasses applicable accounting standards relevant provisions
of the Companies Act, 2013, the applicable guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for Non-Banking Financial Companies,
other statutory provisions and regulatory framework.
2. Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements requires the Management to make estimates and assumptions considered in the reported amounts
of assets and liabilities (including contingent liabilities) as of the date of the financial statements and the reported income and expenses
during the reporting period. The Management believes that the estimates used in preparation of the financial statements are prudent and
reasonable. Future results could differ from these estimates.
3. Revenue Recognition
(a) Interest and other dues are recognized on accrual basis except in the case of income on Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) which is
recognized, as and when received, as per the prudential norms prescribed by the RBI for Non-Banking Financial Companies.
(b) Front-end fees, Premium on pre-payment of loans/reduction in interest rates and LC Commission are accounted for on cash basis.
(c) Dividends declared by the respective Companies till the close of the accounting period are accounted for as income.
(d) Rental on leased assets is accounted for from the commencement date, as prescribed in the lease agreement entered with the lessees.
(e) The front-end fees/underwriting commission/commitment fee received in respect of devolvement of underwriting and direct
subscription is reduced from the cost of related investments.
(f) Interim returns by promoter/promoter group companies at a pre-agreed rate of return, as per buy-back agreements, on certain equity
investments are taken to income on receipt basis.
(g) Surplus/gains on sale of investments is net of losses thereon.
4. Investments
(a) Investments are classified under two categories i.e. current and long term and are valued in accordance with the RBI Guidelines as
applicable to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs).
(i) ‘Long term Investments’ are carried at acquisition cost. The RBI Guidelines prescribe Accounting Standard 13 on ‘Accounting for
Investments’ for valuation of long-term investments. Accordingly, provision is made for diminution other than temporary on an
individual basis. However, long term investment in equity shares with firm buy- back commitment are assessed for diminution
other than temporary only when there is a default in buy-back commitment by the promoter/promoter group and provision is
made accordingly on individual basis.
(ii) ‘Current Investments’ are carried at the lower of cost or fair value on an individual basis. However, appreciation if any, within
the category, is available for set off.
(b) Security Receipts issued by an Asset Reconstruction Company (ARC)/Securitization Company (SC) are valued in accordance with
RBI guidelines. Accordingly, the net asset value (NAV is considered net of management fee & other expenses) obtained from the ARC
is reckoned for valuation of such investments. Appreciation in the value, if any, is ignored and depreciation is provided for.
(c) Bonds in the nature of current investment are valued in accordance with the calculators provided on the FIMMDA platform for the
5. Derivatives
(a) Equity Index/Stock Futures and Currency Futures are marked to market on daily basis. Debit or Credit Balances disclosed under
Current Assets or Current liabilities respectively represent the net amount paid or received on the basis of movement of prices in the
Index/Stock Futures and Currency Futures till the Balance Sheet date. Equity Index/Stock Options are recognized in the books to the
extent of premium paid.
(b) As at the Balance Sheet date, the profit or loss on open positions are accounted for as follows:
The unrealized profit determined Scrip wise/Index wise, being anticipated profit, is ignored and no credit is taken in the statement
of profit and loss.
The unrealized loss determined Scrip wise/Index wise, being anticipated loss, is recognized in the statement of profit and loss.
Equity Index/Stock Options are carried at cost where they are used as an instrument for hedging.
(c) On final settlement or squaring-up of contracts for Equity Index/Stock Futures, the profit or loss is calculated as difference between
settlement/squaring-up price and contract price. Accordingly, debit or credit balance pertaining to the settled/squared-up contract is
recognized as profit or loss upon expiry/squaring-up of the contracts. When more than one contract in respect of the relevant series
of Equity Index/Stock Futures contract to which the squared-up contract pertains is outstanding at the time of the squaring-up of the
contract, the contract price of the contract so squared-up is determined using weighted average method for calculating profit/loss on
squaring up.
(d) Initial and additional margin paid over and above initial margin, for entering into contracts for Equity Index/Stock Futures, which are
released on final settlement/squaring-up of underlying contracts, are disclosed under Current Assets.


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 69 8/14/2015 2:47:14 PM

6. Foreign Exchange Transactions
(a) The expenses and income in foreign exchange transactions are accounted for at the rates prevailing on the date of transactions/at the
forward rate, if booked, for such transaction.
(b) Assets and liabilities held in foreign currencies and accrued income and expenditure in foreign currencies are translated into Indian
Rupees at the rates advised by Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India (FEDAI) prevailing towards the close of the accounting
period. Gains/losses, if any, on valuation of various assets and liabilities are taken to Statement of Profit & Loss.
7. Tangible Fixed Assets and Depreciation
(a) Fixed Assets are carried at cost (including capitalized interest) less accumulated depreciation and impairment loss, if any. Residual
value in respect of Buildings and Vehicles is considered as 5% of the cost and in case of other assets ` ‘Nil’.
(b) Depreciation is provided on the Straight Line Method (SLM) over the useful life of the assets as prescribed under Schedule II to the
Companies Act, 2013. The ‘Written Down Value’ (WDV) of the fixed assets having remaining useful life as on March 31, 2015 is being
depreciated over such remaining useful life on SLM basis.
(c) Depreciation on revalued amount of Leasehold Land & Buildings is provided on SLM basis over the remaining useful life of asset as
on March 31, 2015. An amount equivalent to the ‘depreciation on revalued amount’ provided during the period is withdrawn from
the revaluation reserve and adjusted against the depreciation cost in Profit & Loss A/c.
(d) Leasehold land is amortized over the lease period on SLM basis.
8. Intangible Assets and Amortization
Intangible assets are recognized at cost of acquisition. Cost of acquisition includes all expenditure that can be directly attributed or
allocated on a reasonable and consistent basis, to create, produce or making the asset ready for its intended use.
Intangible assets include computer software having perpetual license and are amortized on Straight Line Method over the period of six year
from the date of capitalization.
9. Impairment of Assets
An asset is treated as impaired when the carrying cost of assets exceeds its recoverable value and impairment loss is charged to the P&L
statement in the year in which an asset is identified as impaired. The impairment loss recognised in earlier accounting period is reversed
if there has been a change in the estimates of recoverable amount.
10. Provisions/Write off against Loans and Other Credit Facilities
(a) All credit exposures are classified into performing and non-performing assets (NPAs) as per the RBI Guidelines as applicable to Non-
Banking Financial Companies. Further, NPAs are classified into sub-standard, doubtful and loss assets based on the criteria stipulated
by RBI. Provisions are made on standard, sub-standard and doubtful assets at rates prescribed by RBI. Loss assets and unsecured
portion of doubtful assets are fully provided/written off as per the extant RBI guidelines. Additional provisions are made against
specific non-performing assets over and above what is stated above, if in the opinion of the management, increased provisions are
(b) For restructured/rescheduled assets, provision is made in accordance with the amended guidelines issued by RBI.
(c) Recovery against debts written off/provided for is credited to revenue. Income is recognized where amounts are either recovered and/
or adjusted against securities/properties or advances there-against or are considered recoverable in terms of RBI Guidelines.
(d) Provision in respect of purchase and sale of NPAs is accounted as per guidelines prescribed by RBI.
11. Borrowing Cost
Borrowing costs that are attributable to the acquisition or construction of qualifying assets are capitalized as part of the cost of such assets.
A qualifying asset is one that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use.
All other borrowing costs are charged to revenue.
12. Leases
Lease arrangements where the risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of an asset vest substantially with the lessor are recognized as
operating leases. Lease rent under operating leases are recognized in the Profit & Loss Statement with reference to the lease terms.
13. Miscellaneous Expenditure
Expenses on issue of Shares and Debentures/Bonds are charged to Securities Premium Reserve in accordance with Section 52 of Companies
Act, 2013.
14. Employee Benefits
(a) Monthly contributions to the Provident Fund being in the nature of defined contribution is charged against revenue. The Provident
Fund is administered through duly constituted and approved administrators.
(b) Prior to 01.04.2008, the employees were governed by the provisions of the pension scheme in operation at the time of their retirement
and are accordingly entitled to DA relief and family pension as and when due. The contribution made on account of same is charged
to revenue as and when due. The Company switched to defined contribution scheme for employees existing on 01.04.2008 and
opting for the same. The administration of Pension Fund in respect of the employees has been entrusted by Trustees to Life Insurance
Corporation of India (LIC) by entering into a Group Superannuation Cash Accumulation Scheme.
(c) The Company has a defined benefit employee scheme in the form of Gratuity. The Trustees of the scheme have entrusted the
administration of related fund to LIC. Expense for the year is determined on the basis of actuarial valuation of the Company’s year-
end obligation in this regard and the value of year end assets of the scheme. Contribution is deposited with LIC based on intimation
received by the Company.


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 70 8/14/2015 2:47:15 PM

(d) Provision for leave encashment is being made on actuarial valuation basis.
(e) The Company has a post-retirement medical benefit scheme for employees and their dependants subject to certain limits for
hospitalization and normal medical treatment. The amount is charged to the Staff Welfare Fund as and when incurred.
15. Employee Stock Option Plan
The Company had formulated Employee Stock Option Schemes (ESOS) in 2011-12 in accordance with the SEBI (Employee Stock Option
Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999. The Schemes provided for grant of options to employees (including
employees deputed in subsidiaries/associates/joint ventures) to acquire equity shares of the Company that vest in a graded manner and
that are to be exercised within a specified period. In accordance with the SEBI Guidelines, the excess, if any, of the closing market price on
the day prior to the grant of the options under ESOS over the exercise price was amortized on a straight-line basis over the vesting period.
16. Income Taxation
Tax Expense comprises of current & deferred tax. Current tax is measured at the amount expected to be paid to the tax authorities in
accordance with the Income Tax Act. Deferred Tax is recognized, subject to consideration of prudence, on timing differences, being
difference between taxable income and accounting income/expenditure that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in one or
more subsequent year(s). Deferred taxes are reviewed for their carrying values at each balance sheet date.
17. Provisions and Contingencies
Provisions are recognized when the Company has a legal and constructive obligation as a result of a past event, for which it is probable
that cash outflow will be required and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. Contingent liabilities are disclosed
when the Company has a possible or present obligation where the probability of occurrence of outflow of resources cannot be ascertained
to settle the same. Contingent assets are neither recognized nor disclosed.
18. Cash and Cash equivalent
Cash and cash equivalents include balance with banks in current accounts and term deposits, cash & cheques in hand and money lent on
collateralized lending & borrowing obligations transactions.
1.1 Share Capital Authorised, Issued, Subscribed and Paid up:
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
Particulars Number of Amount Number of Amount
Shares (` crore) Shares (` crore)
Equity Shares of `10/- each 2,00,00,00,000 2,000.00 2,00,00,00,000 2,000.00
Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of `10/- each 1,00,00,00,000 1,000.00 1,00,00,00,000 1,000.00
3,00,00,00,000 3,000.00 3,00,00,00,000 3,000.00
Equity Shares of `10/- each 1,72,92,84,689 1,729.28 1,72,92,84,689 1,729.28
Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of `10/- each 26,38,43,100 263.84 26,38,43,100 263.84
1,99,31,27,789 1,993.12 1,99,31,27,789 1,993.12
Equity Shares of `10/- each 1,66,33,53,935 1,663.35 1,66,33,53,935 1,663.35
Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of `10/- each 26,38,43,100 263.84 26,38,43,100 263.84
1,92,71,97,035 1,927.19 1,92,71,97,035 1,927.19
Equity Shares of `10/- each 1,66,20,37,235 1,662.04 1,66,20,37,235 1,662.04
Less : Loan given to ESOP Trust recoverable (outstanding) (5,14,376) (0.51) (9,21,622) (0.92)
(Shares alloted to Trust)
TOTAL - EQUITY 1,66,15,22,859 1,661.53 1,66,11,15,613 1,661.12
0.10% Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of `10/- each
Redeemable at par on 31.03.2021 20,00,000 2.00 20,00,000 2.00
Redeemable at par on 03.03.2021 80,00,000 8.00 80,00,000 8.00
Redeemable at par on 02.03.2021 3,00,00,000 30.00 3,00,00,000 30.00
Redeemable at par on 01.03.2021 1,00,00,000 10.00 1,00,00,000 10.00
Redeemable at par on 31.10.2020 20,00,000 2.00 20,00,000 2.00
Redeemable at par on 31.03.2019 3,00,00,000 30.00 3,00,00,000 30.00
Redeemable at par on 17.09.2018 5,00,00,000 50.00 5,00,00,000 50.00
Redeemable at par on 15.09.2018 9,30,00,000 93.00 9,30,00,000 93.00
Redeemable at par on 02.08.2017 3,88,43,100 38.84 3,88,43,100 38.84
TOTAL - PREFERENCE 26,38,43,100 263.84 26,38,43,100 263.84
TOTAL SHARE CAPITAL 1,925.37 1,924.96


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 71 8/14/2015 2:47:15 PM

1.2 Reconciliation of the number of Equity Shares and Share Capital:
There has been no changes in the Authorised, Issued and Subscribed Share Capital during the year.
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
Particulars Number of Amount Number of Amount
Shares (` crore) Shares (` crore)
Paid up Capital
Outstanding at beginning of the period 1,66,11,15,613 1,661.12 1,66,08,37,331 1,660.84
Add: Shares issued to employees on exercise of Employee 4,07,246 0.41 2,78,282 0.28
Stock Options
Outstanding at the end of the period 1,66,15,22,859 1,661.53 1,66,11,15,613 1,661.12
1.3 Terms/rights attached to equity shares:
The Company has only one class of equity share, i.e. equity shares having face value of `10/- per share entitled to one vote per share.
1.4 Shareholders holding more than 5% of Equity Shares as at the end of the year:
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
Name of the Shareholder Number of Share- Number of Share-
Shares holding % Shares holding %
President of India 92,30,00,000 55.53 92,30,00,000 55.53
1.5 Reconciliation of the number of Preference Shares and Share Capital:
There has been no change in the Authorised, Issued and Subscribed Share Capital during the year.
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
Particulars Number of Amount Number of Amount
Shares (` crore) Shares (` crore)
Paid up Capital
Outstanding at beginning of the period 26,38,43,100 263.84 26,38,43,100 263.84
Outstanding at the end of the period 26,38,43,100 263.84 26,38,43,100 263.84

1.6 Terms/rights attached to Preference shares:

The Preference Shares are cumulative redeemable at par on the dates as mentioned in Note 1.1 above.
1.7 Shareholders holding more than 5% of Preference Shares as at the end of the year:
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
Name of the Shareholder Number of Share- Number of Share-
Shares holding % Shares holding %
State Bank of India 80,00,00,000 30.32 80,00,00,000 30.32
Punjab National Bank 77,00,00,000 29.18 77,00,00,000 29.18
Oriental Bank of Commerce 30,66,12,000 11.62 30,66,12,000 11.62
Canara Bank 28,26,46,000 10.71 28,26,46,000 10.71
Union Bank of India 14,13,22,000 5.36 14,13,22,000 5.36
1.8 Employee Stock Option Scheme
The Company had, during the financial year 2011-12, granted options for 71,96,993 shares under Employees Stock Option Scheme 2011,
subject to the vesting conditions mentioned in the Scheme. The Board in its meeting dated November 12, 2013 has withdrawn the scheme,
subject to all the regulatory compliances required in this regard and no further vesting under the scheme shall be held. All applicable
compliance have since been ensured and the granted options that have not vested under the scheme, have been cancelled.
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
ESOP A Number of Weighted Number of Weighted
Options Average Options Average
Exercise Exercise
Price (`) Price (`)
Outstanding at the beginning of the period 34,26,919 17.55 38,01,999 17.55
Add: Granted during the period – – – –
Less: Cancelled during the period 27,40,455 17.55 1,41,558 17.55
Less: Exercised during the period 3,54,958 17.55 2,33,522 17.55
Less: Expired during the period – – – –
Outstanding at the end of the period * 3,31,506 17.55 34,26,919 17.55
* shares allotted to Employee Stock Option Trust 3,93,852 17.55 7,48,810 17.55
There is a reversal of ` 1.23 crore (Charge during Previous Year ended March 31, 2014 - ` 0.44 crore) towards ‘ESOP Compensation’ charged
in earlier years included under Salaries.
Outstanding at the beginning of the period 18,31,175 23.40 20,24,776 23.40
Add: Granted during the period – – – –
Less: Cancelled during the period 16,83,674 23.40 1,48,841 23.40
Less: Exercised during the period 52,288 23.40 44,760 23.40
Less: Expired during the period – – – –
Outstanding at the end of the period * 95,213 23.40 18,31,175 23.40
* shares allotted to Employee Stock Option Trust 1,20,524 23.40 1,72,812 23.40


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 72 8/14/2015 2:47:15 PM

(` crore)
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
(A) Capital Reserve (Foot-note 1) 0.85 0.85
(B) Capital Redemption Reserve (Foot-note 2) 193.08 1,93.08
(C) Securities Premium Reserve
Opening Balance 924.60 930.18
Additions – –
Deductions/Transfers (16.56) (5.58)
Closing Balance 908.04 924.60
Less: Loan given to ESOP Trust recoverable (outstanding) (0.46) (0.80)
(Shares alloted to Trust) 907.58 – 923.80
(D) Debenture Redemption Reserve (refer Foot-notes of note 3)
Opening Balance – –
Additions 18.84 –
Deductions/Transfers – –
Closing Balance 18.84 –
(E) Revaluation Reserve
Opening Balance 920.16 939.25
Additions on account of reversal 4.18 –
Deduction on account of Depreciation on assets (22.58) (19.03)
Deduction on account of sale/disposal of assets (15.32) (0.06)
Closing Balance 886.44 920.16
(F) Share Options Outstanding A/c (refer Foot-notes of note 4)
Employee Stock Options Outstanding 1.23 1.57
Less: Deferred Employee Compensation Outstanding (1.23) (0.34)
– 1.23
(G) Corporate Social Responsibility
Opening Balance 10.02 10.00
Additions – 0.82
Deductions/Transfers (Foot-note 5) (10.02) (0.80)
Closing Balance – 10.02
(H) Grant received from GoI under KfW Loans
Opening Balance 184.48 184.48
Additions – –
Deductions/Transfers (Foot-note 6) 184.48 –
Closing Balance 184.48
(I) Special Reserve under Section 36(1)(viii) of the Income Tax Act, 1961
(Foot-note 7)
Opening Balance 66.69 51.69
Additions 15.00 15.00
Closing Balance 81.69 66.69
(J) Reserve u/s 45IC of RBI Act (Foot-note 8)
Opening Balance 770.72 669.10
Additions 104.32 101.62
Closing Balance 875.04 770.72
(K) General Reserve
Opening Balance 139.36 139.36
Additions (Corporate Social Responsibility Fund transferred) 10.02 –
Additions (Grant received from GoI under KfW loan transferred) 184.48 –
Deductions/Transfers – –
Closing Balance 333.86 139.36
(L) Surplus
Opening Balance 1,845.25 1,648.53
Less: WDV of the assets with no useful life (1.50) –
Add: Profit for the year 521.60 508.10
Less: Appropriations
Expenditure on Corporate Social Responsibility activities (7.48) –
Debenture Redemption Reserve (18.84) –
Reserve u/s 45IC of RBI Act (104.32) (101.62)
Special Reserve u/s 36(1)(viii) (15.00) (15.00)
Interim Dividend
Dividend - Equity @ ` 1.00 per share (166.21) –
Dividend - Preference @ ` 0.01 per share (0.26) (0.26)
Proposed Dividend
Equity @ ` 0.50 per share (83.11) (166.20)
Tax on Distributed Profits (28.25)
Equity (47.18)
Preference (0.05) (0.05)
Closing Balance 1,922.90 1,845.25


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Note 2 (contd..)

Foot-notes to Note No. 2:

1. Capital Reserve represents proceeds of forfeited shares.
2 Capital Redemption Reserve represents amount transferred from surplus in profit and loss statement towards redemption of preference shares without fresh
issue of capital, as was required under Section 80 of the Companies Act, 1956.
3. Debenture Redemption Reserve has been created in terms of Rule 18(7) of the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 for Non Convertible
Debentures issued by IFCI Ltd through public offer.
4. The Board has withdrawn the ESOP scheme with no further vesting of options under the scheme. Therefore balance in amortised discount in respect of stock
options granted but not vested on the options under the head ‘employee stock option plan’ has been reversed and taken to ‘profit & loss account’.
5. Corporate Social Responsibility Fund was established by the Board of Directors of IFCI Ltd in FY 2010-11 to undertake corporate social responsibility initiative
by IFCI Ltd. With the enactment of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013, the corporate contribution towards social actiivties are guided by the specific
provisions and therefore, the balance in the Corporate Social Responsibility Fund has been transferred to General Reserve.
6. Grant received from Government of India under KfW Loans was of capital nature and to be utilized for specified purposes for promotional activities of
Industrial Development and stands so utilised in earlier years. Therefore, the balance in grant account has been transferred to general reserve.
7. Section 36(1)(viii) of the Income Tax Act allowes financial institutions to transfer 20% of profit from eligible business i.e. net income from
long-term industrial financing, to this Reserve and the same is allowed as a deduction while computing taxable income. The Income Tax Act, by an amendment
in Finance Act, 1998, has put a condition on maintaining the Reserve created w.e.f. FY 1997-98. Any withdrawal would attract tax liability. Upto FY 1996-97,
utilisation of the said Reserve created in the earlier year did not attract tax liability and accordingly Deferred Tax Liability (DTL) has been created on the reserve
transferred after FY 1997-98.
8. In terms of Section 45IC of RBI Act, 1934, every non-banking financial company shall create a reserve fund and transfer therein a sum not less than twenty per
cent of its net profit every year as disclosed in the statement of profit and loss and before any dividend is declared.
(` crore)
3. LONG-TERM BORROWINGS As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
3.1. RUPEE - UNSECURED Non- Current Non- Current
Current Current
(A) Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs)
(i) 6% LIC - Redeemable on 28.12.2021 200.00 – 200.00 –
(ii) 6% SBI - Redeemable on 25.01.2022 200.00 – 200.00 –
(iii) 9.37% LIC - Redeemable on 01.04.2022 418.19 – 418.19 –
Sub - Total ‘A’ 818.19 – 818.19 –
(B) Bonds
(i) Privately Placed Bonds (refer Foot-note 1) 5,700.35 599.50 6,300.30 573.21
(ii) Privately Placed Bonds issued to Subsidiaries 75.00 – 75.00 –
(iii) Privately Placed Zero Coupon Bonds. Unamortised Discount - `881.24 crore 155.51 – 141.70 –
(Previous Year - `895.05 crore)
(iv) Infrastructure Bonds [incl. cumulative interest `229.44 crore 1,172.09 – 1,097.79 –
(Previous Year - `155.20 crore)]
(v) Subordinate - Tier II Bonds [incl. cumulative interest `32.30 crore 1,345.53 – 1,333.68 –
(Previous Year - `20.38 crore)]
Sub-Total ‘B’ (refer Foot-note 2) 8,448.48 599.50 8,948.47 573.21
(C) Other Long Term Borrowings
(i) Banks (refer Foot-note 3) 9,728.75 2,710.20 6,591.87 2,548.47
(ii) Financial Institutions (refer Foot-note 3) 100.00 – 100.00 –
(iii) Government of India under KfW Loans 2.70 20.43 3.07 20.06
(iv) Others – – – 7.72
Sub-Total ‘C’ 9,831.45 2,730.63 6,694.94 2,576.25
TOTAL (RUPEE - UNSECURED) 19,098.12 3,330.13 16,461.60 3,149.46


(A) Privately Placed Bonds
Tax-free Bonds (Secured by floating charge on receivables of IFCI Ltd)
(refer Foot-note 4)
– Subscribed by Subsidiary and Associate Companies 95.00 – 95.00 –
– Subscribed by others 215.00 – 215.00 –
(B) Public issue of NCDs
Secured Redeemable Non Convertible Debentures [(Secured by
floating charge on receivables of IFCI Ltd)](refer Foot-note 4)
– Subscribed by subsidiary and associate companies 60.00 – – –
– Subscribed by Others 1,912.26 – – –
TOTAL (RUPEE - SECURED) 2,282.26 – 310.00 –


(A) KfW Line - Guaranteed by Government of India (refer Foot-note 5) 439.85 23.74 570.51 29.21
TOTAL (FOREIGN CURRENCIES) 439.85 23.74 570.51 29.21
TOTAL LONG-TERM BORROWINGS 21,820.23 3,353.87 17,342.11 3,178.67
Foot-notes to Note No. 3 :
1. Privately placed Bonds of ` 6,299.85 crore shown at 3.1(B)(i) above includes ` 1,643.27 crore of bonds which were guaranteed by the Govt. of India at the time
of issue. These bonds were, subsequently, rolled over for 10 years from dates of maturity in terms of the decision at meetings of stakeholders in November
24 and December 2, 2002 under the aegis of the Govt. of India, but the guarantee did not continue. However, on the behalf of investors, Govt. of India was


02. IFCI Standalone 170815.indd 74 8/17/2015 5:42:22 PM

Foot-note to note No. 3 (contd..)
requested to guarantee these bonds during the rolled over period. Since all such bonds have been rolled over by March, 2012 and Govt. of India has not
provided guarantee during the rolled over period, such rolled over erstwhile government guaranteed bonds are clubbed under Privately Placed Bonds.
2. (a) Out of the bonds of ` 8,448.48 crore disclosed as Non-current at 3.1(B) above, Put/Call Option applicable on ` 2,321.31 crore (Previous Year March 31,
2014 - ` 2,237.78 crore).
(b) Terms of repayment of total bonds of ` 9,047.98 crore is annexed below.
3. (a) Out of the bank borrowings disclosed at 3.1(C)(a) above, Put/Call Option is applicable on ` 2,120 crore (Previous Year - ` 1,180 crore).
(b) Bank borrowings include loan of ` 300 crore (Previous Year - ` 300 crore), against escrow of cash flow/lien against certain identified loan assets.
(c) Terms of repayment of total bank & FI borrowings of ` 12,538.95 crore is annexed.
4. Terms of repayment of Tax-free Bonds and Secured Redeemable NCDs issued through public issue annexed.
5. Terms of repayment of foreign currency liabilities annexed.

Foot note 2(b) Terms of Repayment of Other Bonds {note 3.1(B)}

Series Intt Rate Date of Maturity (` crore) Series Intt Rate Date of Maturity (` crore)
Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 7-Jul-40 9.87 Other Bonds 10.60 30-Nov-21 0.30
Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 7-Jul-39 10.83 Tier II Bonds 10.50 31-Oct-21 74.51
Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 7-Jul-38 11.89 Tier II Bonds 10.60 31-Oct-21 9.49
Other Bonds 9.90 5-Nov-37 106.88 Other Bonds 10.50 31-Aug-21 6.38
Tier II Bonds 9.98 5-Oct-37 20.00 Tier II Bonds 10.55 25-Aug-21 200.00
Tier II Bonds 9.98 18-Sep-37 50.00 Other Bonds 8.26 19-Aug-21 147.37
Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 7-Jul-37 13.05 Tier II Bonds 10.50 1-Aug-21 198.89
Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 7-Jul-36 14.33 Other Bonds 10.20 31-May-21 0.30
Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 7-Jul-35 15.73 Other Bonds 10.00 30-Apr-21 1.30
Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 7-Jul-34 17.26 Other Bonds 10.00 30-Apr-21 24.90
Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 7-Jul-33 18.95 Other Bonds 10.00 31-Mar-21 5.81
Other Bonds 9.90 5-Nov-32 106.88 Other Bonds 6.00 15-Feb-21 25.00
Tier II Bonds 9.98 15-Oct-32 10.00 Infra Bonds 8.00 31-Jan-21 364.95
Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 7-Jul-32 20.79 Infra Bonds 8.25 31-Jan-21 34.76
Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 7-Jul-31 22.80 Other Bonds 9.50 31-Jan-21 7.91
Other Bonds 9.98 29-Oct-30 250.00 Other Bonds 9.90 11-Jan-21 151.20
Other Bonds 9.75 16-Jul-30 500.00 Other Bonds 7.90 26-Dec-20 56.85
Other Bonds 9.75 13-Jul-30 250.00 Other Bonds 9.25 30-Nov-20 6.85
Other Bonds 9.70 18-May-30 250.00 Other Bonds 9.25 31-Oct-20 6.50
Other Bonds 9.70 4-May-30 250.00 Other Bonds 9.25 30-Sep-20 7.70
Other Bonds 9.75 26-Apr-28 350.00 Other Bonds 7.87 24-Sep-20 110.70
Other Bonds 9.90 5-Nov-27 106.88 Other Bonds 6.00 20-Sep-20 12.50
Other Bonds 10.12 8-Oct-27 19.59 Infra Bonds 7.85 15-Sep-20 62.96
Other Bonds 10.10 8-Oct-27 5.15 Infra Bonds 7.95 15-Sep-20 5.61
Infra Bonds 8.72 31-Mar-27 31.33 Other Bonds 9.25 31-Aug-20 1.06
Infra Bonds 9.16 15-Feb-27 58.42 Other Bonds 9.25 31-Jul-20 11.16
Infra Bonds 8.75 12-Dec-26 15.65 Other Bonds 7.65 26-Jun-20 163.82
Tier II Bonds 10.75 31-Oct-26 102.49 Other Bonds 9.25 31-May-20 0.72
Tier II Bonds 10.75 1-Aug-26 491.83 Other Bonds 6.00 18-May-20 5.00
Other Bonds 9.55 13-Apr-25 225.00 Other Bonds 9.15 30-Apr-20 0.45
Other Bonds 9.55 5-Mar-25 200.00 Other Bonds 9.15 31-Mar-20 11.55
Other Bonds 9.75 25-Jan-25 200.00 Other Bonds 6.00 28-Feb-20 5.00
Infra Bonds 8.50 31-Mar-24 121.45 Other Bonds 6.00 24-Feb-20 5.00
Other Bonds 6.00 10-Dec-22 50.00 Other Bonds 8.75 31-Jan-20 26.67
Other Bonds 6.00 18-Nov-22 25.00 Other Bonds 7.69 26-Dec-19 58.39
Other Bonds 9.90 5-Nov-22 106.88 Other Bonds 9.40 30-Nov-19 31.86
Other Bonds 6.00 22-Oct-22 50.00 Other Bonds 7.07 19-Sep-19 99.42
Other Bonds 9.95 8-Oct-22 5.42 Other Bonds 9.75 31-Jul-19 77.50
Other Bonds 10.05 28-Sep-22 8.20 Other Bonds 10.20 30-Jun-19 50.40
Other Bonds 6.00 27-Sep-22 45.00 Other Bonds 10.20 20-Jun-19 75.00
Other Bonds 10.15 26-Jun-22 2.80 Other Bonds 6.00 7-Jun-19 0.50
Other Bonds 10.25 26-Jun-22 124.07 Other Bonds 6.70 30-May-19 153.40
Other Bonds 10.25 31-Mar-22 0.89 Other Bonds 9.00 28-Feb-19 1.00
Other Bonds 8.22 3-Mar-22 46.22 Other Bonds 6.02 28-Feb-19 26.12
Other Bonds 10.25 28-Feb-22 0.40 Other Bonds 10.40 31-Jan-19 3.21
Tier II Bonds 10.50 28-Feb-22 64.70 Other Bonds 6.07 13-Dec-18 146.20
Tier II Bonds 10.70 28-Feb-22 123.63 Other Bonds 10.40 31-Aug-18 1.64
Infra Bonds 9.09 15-Feb-22 360.75 Other Bonds 10.40 31-Jul-18 4.00
Other Bonds 8.19 13-Jan-22 138.25 Other Bonds 8.41 14-Jun-18 133.85
Other Bonds 10.60 31-Dec-21 1.75 Other Bonds 10.40 31-May-18 20.11
Infra Bonds 8.50 12-Dec-21 116.21 Other Bonds 6.00 20-May-18 3.00


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Foot note 2(b) Terms of Repayment of Other Bonds {note 3.1(B)} (contd..)

Series Intt Rate Date of Maturity (` crore) Series Intt Rate Date of Maturity (` crore)
Other Bonds 9.25 31-Jan-18 0.64 Other Bonds 10.30 31-May-16 13.12
Other Bonds 7.50 28-Jan-18 9.40 Other Bonds 6.00 20-May-16 5.00
Other Bonds 6.00 25-Jan-18 1.60 Other Bonds 8.50 20-May-16 4.63
Other Bonds 9.15 30-Nov-17 0.80 Other Bonds 9.00 20-May-16 15.57
Other Bonds 9.15 31-Oct-17 1.00 Other Bonds 9.75 30-Apr-16 2.90
Other Bonds 9.70 15-Oct-17 22.50 Other Bonds 6.00 31-Mar-16 60.04
Other Bonds 7.96 8-Oct-17 176.43 Other Bonds 9.75 31-Mar-16 4.60
Other Bonds 9.15 30-Sep-17 0.54 Other Bonds 9.00 20-Mar-16 25.57
Other Bonds 9.95 30-Sep-17 10.00 Other Bonds 9.00 20-Mar-16 6.00
Other Bonds 7.89 14-Sep-17 176.86 Other Bonds 6.00 3-Mar-16 3.50
Other Bonds 9.15 31-Aug-17 2.70 Other Bonds 6.00 1-Mar-16 52.50
Other Bonds 10.25 17-Aug-17 33.34 Other Bonds 6.00 1-Mar-16 1.50
Other Bonds 9.15 31-Jul-17 4.11 Other Bonds 6.00 24-Feb-16 7.50
Other Bonds 9.00 31-Jul-17 0.36 Other Bonds 6.00 20-Jan-16 107.50
Other Bonds 9.15 31-May-17 1.92 Other Bonds 6.00 20-Dec-15 15.00
Other Bonds 9.00 30-Apr-17 0.10 Other Bonds 9.00 20-Dec-15 36.26
Other Bonds 10.20 30-Apr-17 6.05 Other Bonds 6.00 4-Dec-15 7.50
Other Bonds 6.00 20-Apr-17 21.50 Other Bonds 6.00 30-Nov-15 12.50
Other Bonds 9.00 20-Apr-17 1.81 Other Bonds 8.90 30-Nov-15 0.10
Other Bonds 9.00 31-Mar-17 4.03 Other Bonds 6.00 28-Nov-15 25.00
Other Bonds 10.20 31-Mar-17 5.36 Other Bonds 9.00 20-Nov-15 23.48
Other Bonds 6.00 20-Mar-17 10.00 Other Bonds 6.00 11-Nov-15 8.00
Other Bonds 10.20 28-Feb-17 2.11 Other Bonds 6.00 16-Oct-15 5.00
Other Bonds 10.30 31-Jan-17 0.10 Other Bonds 6.00 9-Oct-15 5.00
Other Bonds 6.00 31-Jan-17 5.00 Other Bonds 6.00 6-Oct-15 10.00
Other Bonds 6.00 31-Jan-17 5.00 Other Bonds 6.00 30-Sep-15 10.00
Other Bonds 10.50 31-Dec-16 1.45 Other Bonds 8.90 30-Sep-15 1.49
Other Bonds 6.00 31-Dec-16 5.00 Other Bonds 9.00 20-Sep-15 20.44
Other Bonds 9.25 30-Nov-16 0.20 Other Bonds 8.90 31-Aug-15 0.32
Other Bonds 10.50 30-Nov-16 5.72 Other Bonds 9.00 8-Aug-15 44.67
Other Bonds 6.00 30-Nov-16 1.07 Other Bonds 6.00 31-Jul-15 10.00
Other Bonds 9.00 30-Sep-16 0.20 Other Bonds 8.90 31-Jul-15 14.86
Other Bonds 10.30 31-Aug-16 1.28 Other Bonds 6.00 20-Jul-15 45.88
Other Bonds 10.30 31-Jul-16 3.00 Other Bonds 9.00 30-Jun-15 1.68
Other Bonds 6.00 31-Jul-16 37.50 Other Bonds 9.00 10-Jun-15 1.00
Other Bonds 9.00 20-Jul-16 9.85 Other Bonds 9.00 9-Jun-15 2.00
Other Bonds 6.00 30-Jun-16 25.00 Other Bonds 8.90 31-May-15 1.56
Other Bonds 6.00 19-Jun-16 12.50 Other Bonds 9.00 31-May-15 1.00
Other Bonds 6.00 8-Jun-16 12.00 Other Bonds 9.00 18-May-15 19.99
Other Bonds 9.00 8-Jun-16 0.73 Other Bonds 9.00 20-Apr-15 8.06
Other Bonds 6.00 7-Jun-16 2.52 TOTAL 9,047.98

Foot-note 3(b) Terms of Repayment of Term Loans from Banks/FIs (note 3.1(C)(i))
Rate of Interest (% p.a.) Amount (` crore) Date of Maturity Repayment Mode Date of First Instalment Number of Instalments
5.85 200.00 23-Jul-2022 Bullet
5.85 100.00 2-May-2022 Bullet
6.00 100.00 1-Apr-2022 Bullet
10.25 300.00 31-Mar-2020 Quarterly 30-Jun-2016 Sixteen
10.25 300.00 27-Mar-2020 Quarterly 27-Jun-2016 Sixteen
10.25 100.00 27-Mar-2020 Quarterly 27-Jun-2016 Sixteen
10.25 300.00 24-Mar-2020 Quarterly 24-Jun-2016 Sixteen
10.50 100.00 24-Mar-2020 Quarterly 24-Jun-2015 Sixteen
10.40 50.00 23-Mar-2020 Quarterly 23-Jun-2016 Sixteen
10.25 100.00 20-Mar-2020 Quarterly 20-Jun-2016 Sixteen
10.40 300.00 13-Mar-2020 Quarterly 13-Jun-2017 Twelve
10.45 200.00 6-Feb-2020 Quarterly 6-May-2016 Sixteen
10.25 50.00 24-Jan-2020 Quarterly 24-Apr-2016 Sixteen
10.25 100.00 19-Jan-2020 Quarterly 19-Apr-2016 Sixteen
10.45 50.00 10-Jan-2020 Quarterly 10-Apr-2016 Sixteen
10.45 250.00 31-Dec-2019 Quarterly 30-Mar-2016 Sixteen
10.25 250.00 23-Dec-2019 Quarterly 23-Mar-2016 Sixteen
10.50 250.00 13-Dec-2019 Quarterly 13-Mar-2016 Sixteen
10.25 100.00 31-Oct-2019 Quarterly 31-Jan-2016 Sixteen
10.50 300.00 30-Sep-2019 Quarterly 30-Dec-2015 Sixteen


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Foot-note 3(b) Terms of Repayment of Term Loans from Banks/FIs (note 3.1(C)(i)) (contd..)

Rate of Interest (% p.a.) Amount (` crore) Date of Maturity Repayment Mode Date of First Instalment Number of Instalments
10.50 250.00 30-Sep-2019 Quarterly 30-Dec-2017 Sixteen
10.50 100.00 23-Sep-2019 Quarterly 23-Dec-2015 Sixteen
10.50 200.00 5-Sep-2019 Quarterly 30-Dec-2015 Sixteen
10.25 200.00 29-Mar-2019 Quarterly 29-Jun-2016 Twelve
10.50 100.00 29-Mar-2019 Quarterly 29-Jun-2015 Sixteen
10.25 300.00 29-Mar-2019 Quarterly 29-Jun-2016 Twelve
10.50 100.00 12-Mar-2019 Quarterly 12-Jun-2015 Sixteen
10.50 100.00 28-Feb-2019 Quarterly 6-Apr-2015 Sixteen
10.50 200.00 14-Feb-2019 Quarterly 14-May-2016 Twelve
10.50 250.00 12-Feb-2019 Quarterly 12-May-2016 Twelve
10.50 100.00 6-Feb-2019 Quarterly 6-May-2016 Twelve
10.50 250.00 30-Dec-2018 Quarterly 30-Mar-2016 Twelve
10.50 200.00 30-Dec-2018 Quarterly 30-Mar-2016 Twelve
10.50 300.00 28-Dec-2018 Quarterly 30-Nov-2015 Ten
10.50 50.00 26-Dec-2018 Quarterly 26-Mar-2016 Twelve
10.25 234.36 13-Dec-2018 Quarterly 13-Jun-2015 Fifteen
10.50 93.75 24-Nov-2018 Quarterly 6-Apr-2015 Fourteen
10.50 350.00 24-Nov-2018 Quarterly 6-Apr-2015 Fourteen
10.50 875.00 30-Sep-2018 Quarterly 30-Jun-2015 Fourteen
10.25 656.25 12-Aug-2018 Quarterly 6-Apr-2015 Fourteen
10.50 700.00 28-Feb-2018 Quarterly 30-Nov-2015 Ten
10.50 100.00 30-Sep-2017 Half yrly 30-Sep-2016 Three
10.35 112.50 30-Jun-2017 Quarterly 30-Jun-2015 Nine
10.25 500.00 30-Jun-2017 Quarterly 30-Sep-2016 Four
10.50 270.00 20-Jun-2017 Quarterly 20-Jun-2015 Nine
10.50 800.00 27-Mar-2017 Quarterly 27-Jun-2015 Eight
10.25 200.00 31-Dec-2016 Quarterly 31-Mar-2015 Eight
10.25 169.17 19-Dec-2016 Quarterly 19-Jun-2015 Seven
10.25 437.50 1-Dec-2016 Quarterly 6-Apr-2015 Seven
10.55 393.75 11-Nov-2016 Quarterly 6-Apr-2015 Seven
10.55 187.50 30-Sep-2016 Quarterly 30-Jun-2015 Six
10.25 83.33 29-Jun-2016 Quarterly 29-Jun-2015 Five
10.30 50.00 17-Aug-2015 Quarterly 6-Apr-2015 Two
10.25 37.50 29-Jun-2015 Quarterly 29-Jun-2015 One
10.25 75.00 15-Jun-2015 Half yrly 15-Jun-2015 One
10.25 13.34 28-Apr-2015 Quarterly 6-Apr-2015 One
TOTAL 12,538.95

Foot-note 4 Terms of Repayment of Secured Bonds (Note 3.2)

Bonds Particulars Rate of Interest (% p.a.) Date of Maturity (` crore)
Tax Free Bonds 8.76 31-Mar-29 145.00
Public Issue of Bonds* 9.40 13-Feb-25 325.37
Tax Free Bonds 8.39 31-Mar-24 165.00
Public Issue of Bonds* 9.90 1-Dec-24 647.99
Public Issue of Bonds* 9.90 1-Dec-21 188.01
Public Issue of Bonds* 9.35 13-Feb-20 437.71
Public Issue of Bonds* 9.40 1-Dec-19 57.19
Public Issue of Bonds* 9.80 1-Dec-19 316.00
TOTAL 2,282.26
* additional interest @ 0.10% p.a. payable to individual investor

Foot-note 5 Terms of Repayment of KfW lines of Credit (Note 3.2)

Name of Lender Rate of Interest Amount Amount Date of Maturity Repayment Date of First Number of
(% p.a.) (Euros) (` crore) Instalment Instalments
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 2,37,42,349.72 159.52 30.06.2038 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 47
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 69,51,524.42 46.71 31.12.2036 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 44
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 64,01,374.27 43.01 31.12.2034 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 40
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 49,85,095.85 33.49 30.06.2034 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 39
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 36,02,051.25 24.20 31.12.2033 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 38
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 76,75,513.79 51.57 31.12.2032 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 36
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 33,64,300.63 22.60 30.06.2032 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 35
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 31,29,106.26 21.02 30.06.2031 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 33
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 20,28,806.23 13.63 31.12.2030 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 32
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 19,65,406.04 13.21 30.06.2030 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 31
KfW, Frankfurt 1.25% 28,45,339.27 19.12 31.12.2029 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 30
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 23,06,949.04 15.49 31.12.2026 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 24
TOTAL 6,89,97,816.77 463.59


02. IFCI Standalone 170815.indd 77 8/17/2015 5:51:12 PM

(` crore)
4. LONG-TERM LIABILITIES As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
Non- Current Non- Current
Current Current
(A) Funds placed with the Corporation
(a) Scheduled Cast Credit Guarantee Enhancement Scheme 196.86 – – –
(placed by Govt. of India)
(b) Jute Development Fund (placed by Govt. of India) 4.70 – 4.58 –
(c) Employees' Provident Fund 53.97 1.28 46.70 –
(d) Staff Welfare Fund 2.57 – 2.90 –
(B) Interest Accrued but not due on Bonds & Borrowings 21.31 482.09 19.48 433.49
(C) Other Liabilities (Security Deposits) 13.11 – 13.20 1.01
TOTAL 292.52 483.37 86.86 434.50

(` crore)
5. PROVISION As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
Long Term Short Term Long Term Short Term
(A) Provision for Standard and Securitised Assets 178.87 19.78 62.38 10.17
(B) Sundry Liabilities (Interest Capitalisation) 191.93 – – –
(C) Employee Benefits 10.68 6.12 9.21 3.26
(D) Proposed Dividend – 83.11 – 166.20
(E) Corporate Dividend Tax – 16.62 – 28.76
TOTAL 381.48 125.63 71.59 208.39

(` crore)
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
(A) Collaterised Borrowings Lending Operations (CBLOs) – 48.05
[Secured against Treasury Bills having book value of ` Nil (PY - ` 47.92 crore)]
(B) Corporate Bond Repo 659.22 199.90
[Secured against Corporate Bonds having book value of ` 858.80 crore
(PY Corporate Bonds having book value ` 271.20 crore)]
TOTAL 659.22 247.95

(A) Sundry Creditors
(i) Total outstanding dues to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises – –
(ii) Total outstanding dues of creditors other than Micro, Small and Medium 36.14 95.84
TOTAL 36.14 95.84


(A) Current Maturities of Long-term Debt
(i) Rupee (refer Notes 3.1 and 4(c)) 3,331.41 3,150.47
(ii) Foreign Currencies (refer Note 3.3) 23.74 29.21
Sub - Total ‘A’ 3,355.15 3,179.68
(B) Others
(i) Interest accrued but not due on Bonds and Borrowings [refer Note 4(b)] 482.09 433.49
(ii) Income received in Advance 0.10 0.09
(iii) Unclaimed Dividend 18.10 10.36
(iv) Unpaid Matured Debentures & Interest 0.69 1.24
(v) Other Liabilities (trade deposits and other payables) 650.96 331.11
Sub - Total ‘B’ 1,151.94 776.29
TOTAL 4,507.09 3,955.97


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 78 8/14/2015 2:47:17 PM

(` crore)
PARTICULARS As at Additions Disposals* As at Revalued As at For the Disposals As at As at As at Revalued
01.04.2014 31.03.2015 Amount 01.04.2014 Year 31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2014 Amount
Owned Assets
Freehold Land 70.40 0.38 3.29 67.49 66.90 – – – – 67.49 70.40 66.89
Leasehold Land 328.81 – 18.93 309.88 258.83 39.27 11.23 22.21 28.29 281.59 289.54 238.87
Buildings 892.79 6.70 61.94 837.55 631.22 139.45 19.92 40.37 119.00 718.55 753.34 561.26
Leasehold Improvements 3.29 – 3.29 – – 1.98 – 1.98 – – 1.31 –
Plant & Machinery 8.05 0.05 – 8.10 – 4.30 1.33 – 5.63 2.47 3.75 –
Furniture & Fixtures 18.46 0.06 0.94 17.58 – 11.42 1.66 4.86 8.22 9.36 7.04 –
Vehicles 1.81 – 0.33 1.48 – 1.29 0.26 0.74 0.81 0.67 0.52 –
Office Equipments 11.46 0.54 0.19 11.81 – 9.63 1.79 0.75 10.67 1.14 1.83 –
Electrical Installations 26.37 1.81 0.12 28.06 – 12.80 3.36 5.76 10.40 17.66 13.57 –
and Equipments
Leased Assets
Plant & Machinery 197.92 – – 197.92 – 197.92 – 197.92 – – –
TOTAL 1,559.36 9.54 89.03 1,479.87 956.95 418.06 39.55 76.67 380.94 1,098.93 1,141.30 867.02
Previous Year 1,540.26 21.16 2.06 1,559.36 387.30 31.93 1.17 418.06 1,141.30
Assets held for Sale
Freehold Land – 0.02 – 0.02 0.01 – – – – 0.02 – 0.01
Leasehold Land – 6.52 – 6.52 6.26 – 0.74 – 0.74 5.78 – 5.67
Buildings – 19.70 – 19.70 15.45 – 3.39 – 3.39 16.31 – 13.74
TOTAL – 26.24 – 26.24 21.72 – 4.13 – 4.13 22.11 – 19.42
Previous Year – – – – – – – – – – – –
TOTAL 1,559.36 35.78 89.03 1,506.11 978.67 418.06 43.68 76.67 385.07 1,121.04 1,141.30 886.44
* Disposal includes amounts transferred to ‘assets held for sale’ and shown as addition under the head ‘assets held for sale’.
Foot-notes to Note No. 9 :
The additional charge of depreciation of ` 22.58 crore for the year ended March 31, 2015 (FY March 31, 2014 - ` 19.03 crore) on account of revaluation of Land & Buildings carried out
in Financial Year 2009-10 has been charged to Statement of Profit & Loss and an equivalent amount withdrawn from Revaluation Reserve and credited to Statement of Profit and Loss.
Leasehold land at New Delhi was being amortised over the period of 90 years from the date of capitalisation, however the lease was in the nature of prepetual lease. Therefore, accumulated
depreciation of ` 8.30 crore on account of amortisation of lease premium has been reversed and ` 4.12 credited to the ‘profit & loss account’ and ` 4.18 crore credited to revaluation reserve.
Land held at Chandigarh Office has been converted into ‘freehold land’ and accordingly gross block of ` 0.38 crore (including revaluation reserve of ` 0.23 crore) has been
transferred from ‘lease-hold land’ to ‘free-hold land’ and accumulated depreciation of ` 0.05 crore has been reversed and credited to P&L A/c.
The Company has revised the useful life of the fixed assets in alignment with Schedule–II to the Companies Act, 2013 with effect from 1st April, 2014 and ‘Written Down Value
(WDV)’ of all the assets as on 31st March, 2015 has been depreciated over the remaining useful life of the fixed assets. The ‘written down value’ in respect of fixed assets with no
remaining useful life was ` 2.24 crore out of which ` 1.50 crore (net of deferred tax liability of ` 0.74 crore) has been adjusted in the retained earnings. Residual value in respect
of assets other than Buildings and Vehicles are considered ’Nil ’.
In respect of certain assets which were being depreciated in the previous years following written down value (WDV) method, the Company has revised the method of calculation
of depreciation to straight line method (SLM) retrospectively resulting into reversal of ‘accumulated depreciation’ of `19.36 crore which has been credited to the profit & loss
account. Consequentially, the charge for depreciation in the statement of profit & loss account is lower by ` 19.36 crore.


PARTICULARS As at Additions Disposals As at As at For the Disposals As at As at As at
01.04.2014 31.03.2015 01.04.2014 Year 31.03.2015 31.03.2015 01.04.2014
Computer Software 1.74 0.06 – 1.80 1.54 0.19 0.22 1.51 0.29 0.20
TOTAL 1.74 0.06 – 1.80 1.54 0.19 0.22 1.51 0.29 0.20
Previous Year 1.74 – – 1.74 1.40 0.14 – 1.54 0.20 –
(` crore)
As at As at
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
Fully Paid-up, Non-trade Investment
1. Equity Shares
(a) Associates 79.31 86.21
(b) Assistance under Financing 194.94 388.97
(c) Others (refer Foot note No. 2) 464.89 929.15
739.14 1,404.33
2. Bonds – 120.24
Fully paid-up, Non-trade Investment
1. Equity Shares
(a) Subsidiaries 1,396.41 1,395.56
(b) Associates 0.54 7.73
(c) Joint Venture 0.01 0.01
(d) Assistance under financing 1,990.07 2,271.41
(e) Others (refer Foot note No. 3) 80.05 72.63
3,467.08 3,747.34


02. IFCI Standalone 170815.indd 79 8/17/2015 5:53:18 PM

Note 11 (contd..)

(` crore)
As at As at
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
2. Preference Shares 460.91 365.40
3. Debentures/Bonds
(a) Subsidiaries 100.00 100.00
(b) Joint Venture 2.64 2.64
102.64 102.64
4. Security Receipts 215.25 51.96
5. Government Securities 400.00 400.00
6. Units of Venture Capital Funds 229.57 246.56
TOTAL 5,614.59 6,438.47
Less: provision for diminution in value 653.43 686.61
TOTAL 4,961.16 5,751.86
(1) Total Book Value 739.14 1,524.57
– Equity Shares 739.14 1,404.33
– Others – 120.24
(2) Total Market Value 683.72 1,055.08
– Equity Shares 683.72 936.24
– Others – 118.84
(1) Total Book Value 4,875.45 4,913.90
– Equity Shares 3,467.08 3,747.34
– Preference Shares 460.91 365.40
– Others 947.46 801.16
1. In respect of Investments in shares in certain cases, scrips are yet to be received.
2. The above balances include:
– Equity Shares of ` 24.25 crore (Previous Year - ` 8.98 crore) lent under Securities Lending & Borrowing Scheme within SEBI guidelines as indicated below:

As on March 31, 2015

Name No. of Shares Lent Cost (` crore)
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd 4,38,680 13.65
Steel Authority of India Ltd 10,00,000 10.60
As on March 31, 2014
Name No. of Shares Lent Cost (` crore)
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd 1, 99,919 7.79
Steel Authority of India Ltd 75,450 1.19
3. Includes Equity Shares of ` Nil (Previous Year - ` 0.03 crore) which are subject to a lock-in period.

(` crore)
NON-CURRENT INVESTMENTS-DETAILS As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
No. of Amount No. of Amount
Shares/Units Shares/Units
Equity Shares (Associates)
1. Tourism Finance Corporation of India Ltd 3,15,58,613 79.31 3,43,04,266 86.21
TOTAL 79.31 86.21
Equity Shares (Assistance under financing)
1. Alok Industries Ltd 1,87,60,723 42.88 1,87,60,723 42.88
2. Bartronics India Ltd – – 3,76,472 7.34
3. Cimmco Ltd – – 1,30,995 0.65
4. Dhunseri Petrochem & Tea Ltd – – 94,577 1.50
5. Electrosteel Steels Ltd 10,00,00,000 99.50 10,00,00,000 99.50
6. Escorts Finance Ltd – – 8,37,166 0.84
7. Gajra Bevel Gears Ltd – – 2,44,824 0.24
8. Ganesh Benzoplast Ltd – – 38,88,889 7.00
9. Gayatri Sugars Ltd 14,42,276 3.61 17,49,904 4.37
10. Givo Ltd 19,25,184 1.93 26,04,186 2.60
11. H S India Ltd – – 2,50,849 0.25
12. Hindalco Industries Ltd – – 20,97,318 19.81
13. Indian Acrylics Ltd 92,31,099 9.23 92,41,583 9.24
14. Indo Rama Synthetics (India) Ltd 21,50,342 9.62 21,50,342 9.62


02. IFCI Standalone 170815.indd 80 8/17/2015 5:55:07 PM

Non-current Investments-details (contd..) (` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
No. of Amount No. of Amount
Shares/Units Shares/Units
15. Jai Mata Rolled Glass Ltd – – 78 –
16. Jayaswal Neco Industries Ltd – – 2,72,452 0.27
17. JCT Ltd – – 74,79,699 1.87
18. JSW Steel Ltd – – 3,59,797 38.18
19. Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Ltd – – 12,00,000 5.20
20. Kiri Industries Ltd – – 8,36,750 46.00
21. Malwa Cotton Spinning Mills Ltd 5,58,353 3.52 6,34,920 4.00
22. Megasoft Ltd – – 75 –
23. Mitcon Consultancy and Engineering Services Ltd – – 10,00,000 0.03
24. Monnet Project Developers Ltd 2,70,706 1.08 2,76,515 1.11
25. Mysore Paper Mills Ltd 23,38,159 2.34 29,00,110 2.90
26. National Steel and Agro Industries Ltd 6,44,098 1.91 6,44,098 1.91
27. Nicco Corporation Ltd – – 3,27,753 1.00
28. Oswal Spinning & Weaving Mills Ltd 32,96,742 0.07 42,00,000 0.09
29. Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd 320 0.01
30. Regency Hospitals Ltd 11,123 – 5,20,000 –
31. Reliance Capital Ltd 6 –
32. Reliance Communications Ltd 136 –
33. Reliance Industries Ltd 32,604 0.02
34. Reliance Infrastructure Ltd 10 –
35. Reliance Power Ltd – – 34 –
36. Saurashtra Cements Ltd – – 4,55,257 3.32
37. Spentex Industries Ltd – – 3,68,784 1.67
38. Sree Rayalaseema Alkalies & Allied Chemicals Ltd 1,21,03,922 12.10
39. Star Paper Mills Ltd – – 7,01,600 3.95
40. Sujana Universal Industries Ltd – – 69,61,112 8.92
41. Surat Textiles Mills Ltd – – 20,00,000 6.00
42. Titagarh Wagons Ltd – – 31,901 1.04
43. Udaipur Cement Works Ltd – – 74,740 0.08
44. Uttam Value Steels Ltd 45,22,498 12.35 46,32,114 12.65
45. Welspun Syntex Ltd 17,40,810 6.92 77,41,599 30.78
TOTAL 194.94 388.97
Equity Shares (Others)
1. ABB Ltd – – 46,811 3.88
2. Adani Power Ltd 4,43,985 4.90 4,43,985 4.90
3. Bajaj Auto Ltd 21,900 4.99 – –
4. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd 4,40,000 13.69 2,65,000 9.37
5. Bharti Airtel Ltd 1,32,700 4.88 2,80,000 10.19
6. Cairn India Ltd 5,00,000 16.61 5,00,000 16.61
7. Canara Bank – – 5,00,000 23.31
8. Educomp Solutions Ltd – – 1,00,000 6.81
9. Escorts Ltd 20,000 0.46 20,000 0.46
10. Gmr Infrastructure Ltd 3,00,000 1.95 3,00,000 1.95
11. Hero Honda Motors Ltd 36,042 9.97 – –
12. Hindalco Industries Ltd 80,000 0.97 23,95,000 33.63
13. IDFC Ltd – – 18,26,857 22.65
14. Indian Bank 6,68,380 13.55 6,70,000 13.58
15. ITC Ltd 2,92,200 9.93 – –
16. Larsen & Toubro Ltd – – 1,69,441 17.49
17. Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd 74,727 9.94 – –
18. Moil Ltd 3,76,253 13.83 3,76,253 13.83
19. Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd 12,10,299 116.19 24,42,212 234.45
20. NMDC Ltd 4,78,150 7.69 7,20,000 11.58
21. NTPC Ltd 2,25,000 3.53 – –
22. Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Ltd – – 1,91,950 5.98
23. Power Finance Corporation Ltd – – 3,13,679 6.04
24. Punj Lloyd Ltd – – 2,47,875 7.91
25. Punjab & Sind Bank 2,76,438 3.32 2,76,438 3.32
26. Ramky Infrastructure Ltd 2,00,000 7.62 2,00,000 7.62
27. Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd – – 90,000 4.31
28. Reliance Capital Ltd – – 65,006 3.68
29. Reliance Communications Ltd 5,55,000 18.01 5,55,000 18.01
30. Reliance Industries Ltd 2,00,636 20.13 4,59,332 45.59
31. Reliance Infrastructure Ltd – – 2,95,010 19.74
32. Sesa Sterlite Ltd – – 9,00,000 17.28


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 81 8/14/2015 2:47:19 PM

Non-current Investments-details (contd..)
(` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
No. of Amount No. of Amount
Shares/Units Shares/Units
33. Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd 6,32,368 14.96 13,98,531 33.08
34. State Bank of India 5,43,000 13.97 3,46,750 73.22
35. Steel Authority of India Ltd 16,95,293 17.96 16,95,293 17.96
36. Tata Power Company Ltd 1,50,000 1.62 – –
37. Tata Steel Ltd 1,52,600 7.96 5,30,379 21.57
38. Tech Mahindra 40,300 2.52 – –
39. The South Indian Bank Ltd 2,35,16,113 52.04 6,66,42,320 147.48
40. Videocon Industries Ltd 31,86,068 71.69 31,86,068 71.69
TOTAL 464.89 929.15
1. Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd
– – 900 90.00
(Series (E-031)) [9.2] 07-Feb-18
2. LIC Housing Finance Company Ltd [9.8] 22-Oct-17 – – 300 30.24
TOTAL – 120.24
Equity Shares (Subsidiaries)
1. IFCI Factors Ltd 7,91,54,700 90.19 7,91,54,700 90.19
2. IFCI Financial Services Ltd 3,93,63,809 83.15 3,93,63,809 83.15
3. IFCI Infrastructure Development Ltd 47,70,99,243 477.10 47,70,99,243 477.10
4. IFCI Venture Capital Fund 5,95,21,008 107.55 5,95,21,008 107.55
5. MPCON Ltd 7,972 0.80 7,972 0.80
6. Stock Holding Corporation Ltd 1,11,30,000 637.62 1,11,30,000 636.77
TOTAL 1,396.41 1,395.56
Equity Shares (Associates)
1. ACRE Ltd – – 72,48,334 7.25
2. Haryana-Delhi Industrial Consultants Organization Ltd 4,550 0.28 4,550 0.27
3. Himachal Consultancy Organization Ltd 735 0.07 735 0.07
4. North India Tech.Consultancy Organization 9,750 0.13 9,750 0.13
5. Rajasthan Consultancy Organization Ltd 980 0.01 – –
6. KITCO Ltd 19,950 0.04 – –
TOTAL 0.54 7.73
Equity Shares (Joint Venture)
1. IFCI Sycamore Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd 10,000 0.01 10,000 0.01
TOTAL 0.01 0.01
Equity Shares (Assistance under Financing)
1. ABG Cement Ltd 6,39,16,797 63.92 6,39,16,797 63.92
2. ABG Energy (Gujarat) Ltd 3,60,00,000 35.44 3,60,00,000 35.44
3. Accumeasures Punjab Ltd 74,823 – 74,823 –
4. AEC Enterpirses Ltd 5,00,000 0.01 5,00,000 0.01
5. AEC India Ltd 2,50,000 – 2,50,000 –
6. Akrosha Profiles Ltd 2,10,000 – 2,10,000 –
7. Alliance Boards Ltd 3,60,000 – 3,60,000 –
8. Amar Dye Chem Ltd 5,912 – 5,912 –
9. Andhra Pradesh Bagasse Products Ltd 1,35,000 – 1,35,000 –
10. Andhra Pradesh Carbides Ltd 2,45,034 – 2,45,034 –
11. Andhra Pradesh Industrial Technical Consultancy Ltd 1,08,000 0.02 1,08,000 0.02
12. Andhra Pradesh Refractories Ltd 1,19,013 – 1,19,013 –
13. Andhra Pradesh Steels Ltd 5,300 – 5,300 –
14. Anjani Solvents India Pvt Ltd 1,15,751 – 1,15,751 –
15. Anmol Feeds Ltd 7,50,000 0.01 7,50,000 0.01
16. Anrak Aluminium Ltd 6,30,76,062 63.08 11,25,00,000 112.50
17. Arihant Agro Products Ltd 1,73,900 – 1,73,900 –
18. Arihant Cotsyn Ltd 26,000 – 26,000 –
19. Arman Electric Ltd 1,00,000 – 1,00,000 –
20. Ashok Paper Mills Ltd 3,00,000 – 3,00,000 –
21. Assam Ispat Ltd 95,900 – 95,900 –
22. Athena Chhattisgarh Power Pvt Ltd 13,85,40,000 137.29 13,85,40,000 137.29
23. Athena Infraprojects Pvt Ltd 2,71,12,991 27.11 2,71,12,991 27.11
24. Attar Filte Ltd 10,00,000 0.01 10,00,000 0.01
25. B R Foods Ltd 3,50,000 – 3,50,000 –
26. Bagrian Shoes Ltd 26,171 – 26,171 –
27. Best Boards Ltd 4,06,300 – 4,06,300 –
28. Bharat Berg Ltd 66,380 – 66,380 –
29. Bharat Margarine Ltd 4,40,000 0.44 4,40,000 0.44


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 82 8/14/2015 2:47:19 PM

Non-current Investments-details (contd..)
(` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
No. of Amount No. of Amount
Shares/Units Shares/Units
30. Bharat Zinc Ltd 15,900 – 15,900 –
31. Bhiwani Cold Rolling Mills Ltd 18,361 – 18,361 –
32. Bihar Finished Leathers Ltd 1,43,670 – 1,43,670 –
33. Bihar Industrial & Technical Consultancy Ltd 233 0.02 233 0.02
34. Binod Mills Ltd 17,000 – 17,000 –
35. Bio Chem Synergy Ltd 4,40,000 – 4,40,000 –
36. Biotech Consortium India Ltd 10,00,000 1.00 10,00,000 1.00
37. Bombay Maleable Iron Castings & Allied Industries Ltd 4,637 – 4,637 –
38. BPL Display Devices Ltd 14,15,390 1.42 14,15,390 1.42
39. Cauvery Papers Ltd 1,12,000 – 1,12,000 –
40. Celeste International Ltd 2,00,000 – 2,00,000 –
41. Century Metals Ltd 34,350 – 34,350 –
42. Chandigarh Packaging Product Ltd 3,00,000 – 3,00,000 –
43. Chemco Steels Ltd 5,00,000 0.01 5,00,000 0.01
44. Chennai Network Infrastructure Ltd 48,19,90,245 433.79 48,19,90,245 433.79
45. Chhatar Chemicals Ltd 6,00,000 – 6,00,000 –
46. Choksi Tubes Ltd 79,129 0.14 79,129 0.14
47. Circar Paper Mills Ltd 2,36,227 0.24 2,36,227 0.24
48. Clarisis Organics Ltd 1,40,000 0.14 1,40,000 0.14
49. Clearing Corporation of India Ltd 20,00,000 2.00 20,00,000 2.00
50. Coastal Chemicals Ltd 8,89,775 – 8,89,775 –
51. Columbia Electronics Ltd – – 2,27,656 –
52. Concast Products Ltd 45,500 – 45,500 –
53. Co-Nick Alloys (I) Ltd 80,000 – 80,000 –
54. Consolidated Fibres and Chemicals Ltd 3,00,000 0.30 3,00,000 0.30
55. Consolidated Radiators Ltd 25,000 – 25,000 –
56. Consolidated Steel & Alloys Ltd 3,00,000 – 3,00,000 –
57. Crystal Steerings Ltd 84,500 – 84,500 –
58. Cyclo Transmission Ltd 5,00,000 – 5,00,000 –
59. Deccan Petroleums Ltd 2,70,000 – 2,70,000 –
60. Deve Annapoorna Foods & Beverages Ltd 2,10,000 – 2,10,000 –
61. Dewan Rubber Industries Ltd 12,00,000 6.60 1,200,000 6.60
62. Dewan Tyres Ltd 25,800 0.03 25,800 0.03
63. DH Wood Head Ltd 2,57,320 – 2,57,320 –
64. Digital Devices Ltd 1,30,000 – 1,30,000 –
65. Disposable Medi Aids Pvt Ltd 1,90,000 – 1,90,000 –
66. DSQ Software Ltd 50 – 50 –
67. Dufa India Samay Ltd 1,75,900 – 1,75,900 –
68. East Coast Fertilisers & Chemicals Ltd 1,06,113 – 1,06,113 –
69. Echon Industries Ltd 14,00,000 0.01 14,00,000 0.01
70. Elcaps Capacitors Ltd 1,60,000 – 1,60,000 –
71. Elconmet Ltd 50,000 – 50,000 –
72. Enkay Texofood Industries Ltd 72,800 0.26 72,800 0.26
73. Essar Steel Ltd 7,20,000 2.88 7,20,000 2.88
74. Essem Coated Steels Ltd 4,93,000 0.49 4,93,000 0.49
75. Firth (I) Steel Company Ltd 46,260 – 46,260 –
76. Forward Televisions Ltd 20,000 – 20,000 –
77. Futuristic Offshore Services & Chemicals Ltd 1,80,000 0.18 1,80,000 0.18
78. G K Steel & Allied Industries Ltd 1,72,200 – 1,72,200 –
79. G R Solvents & Allied Industries Ltd 1,25,000 – 1,25,000 –
80. Ganga Asbestos Cement Ltd 1,94,982 – 1,94,982 –
81. Gangappa Paper Mills Ltd 93,900 – 93,900 –
82. Gangavathi Sugars Ltd 77,515 0.08 77,515 0.08
83. Ganges Fertilisers & Chemicals Ltd 1,20,345 – 1,20,345 –
84. Gas & Power Investment Company Ltd 5,49,725 0.55 5,49,725 0.55
85. Gati Infrastructure Bhasmey Power Pvt Ltd 3,00,20,000 30.01 3,00,20,000 30.02
86. Gayatri Hi-Tech Hotels Ltd 5,61,00,000 56.10 5,61,00,000 56.10
87. Girnar Fibres Ltd 3,92,976 0.57 3,92,976 0.57
88. Globe Synthetics Ltd 2,50,000 0.25 2,50,000 0.25
89. Globsyn Technologies Ltd 30,00,000 2.52 30,00,000 2.52
90. Godavari Ceramics Ltd 1,78,755 – 1,78,755 –
91. GPI Textile Ltd 39,00,000 1.95 39,00,000 1.95
92. Graham Firth Steel Products (I) Ltd 207 – 207 –
93. GSL India Ltd 39,225 0.04 39,225 0.04


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 83 8/14/2015 2:47:19 PM

Non-current Investments-details (contd..)
(` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
No. of Amount No. of Amount
Shares/Units Shares/Units
94. Guardian Papers Ltd 1,44,650 – 1,44,650 –
95. Gujarat Composite Ltd 11,683 – 11,683 –
96. Gujarat Health Care Ltd 4,80,000 – 4,80,000 –
97. Gujarat Himalaya Cements Ltd 6,06,768 – 6,06,768 –
98. Gujarat Industrial & Technical Consultancy Organization Ltd 2,500 0.03 2,500 0.03
99. Gujarat State Energy Generation Ltd 1,75,90,000 28.14 1,75,90,000 28.14
100. Gujrat Hightech Cement Ltd 1,05,000 – 1,05,000 –
101. Gurukar Plastics Ltd 2,00,000 – 2,00,000 –
102. Hada Tools Ltd 9,832 – 9,832 –
103. Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd 1,03,20,951 10.32 1,03,20,951 10.32
104. Haryana Carewell Ltd 4,90,000 – 4,90,000 –
105. Haryana Detergents Ltd 99,848 – 99,848 –
106. Haryana Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd 2,90,000 – 2,90,000 –
107. Herman Milkfoods Ltd 15,00,000 1.50 15,00,000 1.50
108. Hermonite Associates Ltd 1,30,000 – 1,30,000 –
109. Hill Packaging Pvt Ltd 1,20,000 0.08 1,20,000 0.08
110. Him Ispat Ltd 3,36,450 – 3,36,450 –
111. Himachal Advanced Circuits Ltd 2,05,000 – 2,05,000 –
112. Himachal Wool Processors Ltd 68,450 – 68,450 –
113. Himachal Worsted Mills Ltd 99,762 – 99,762 –
114. Himalaya Fertilisers Ltd 44,728 – 44,728 –
115. Himalaya Rubber Products Ltd 47,791 – 47,791 –
116. Hind Protective (P) Ltd 2,40,000 0.05 2,40,000 0.05
117. Hindustan Agro Chemicals Ltd 19,300 – 19,300 –
118. Hi-Rel Components (I) Pvt Ltd 90,000 – 90,000 –
119. Hotel Parag Pvt Ltd 9,20,523 0.47 9,20,523 0.47
120. HPCL Mittal Energy Ltd 7,71,89,796 80.48 7,71,89,796 80.48
121. Hygenic Foods Ltd 1,50,000 – 1,50,000 –
122. India Firebricks & Insulation Company Ltd 18,000 – 18,000 –
123. India Paging Services Ltd 1,52,39,300 15.24 1,52,39,300 15.24
124. Indian Carbide & Chemicals Ltd 2,33,000 – 2,33,000 –
125. Indian Granite Ltd 63,000 – 63,000 –
126. Indian Oxalate Pvt Ltd 1,70,000 – 1,70,000 –
127. Indian Steel Rolling Mills Ltd 63,300 – 63,300 –
128. Industrial & Technical Consultancy Organization of Tamilnadu 2,500 0.03 2,500 0.03
129. Inno-Tech Powders Ltd 8,40,000 0.01 8,40,000 0.01
130. Intra Consolia (I) Ltd 1,20,000 – 1,20,000 –
131. Ipisteel Ltd 6,805 – 6,805 –
132. Ispat Profiles India Ltd 1,31,61,250 13.16 1,31,61,250 13.16
133. J & K Industrial & Technical Consaltancy Organization Ltd 227 0.02 227 0.02
134. Jain Spinners Ltd 18,500 – 18,500 –
135. Jaipur Syntex Ltd 1,00,000 – 1,00,000 –
136. Jam Khandi Sugars Ltd 10,00,000 – 10,00,000 –
137. Janpriya Cement Ltd 41,750 – 41,750 –
138. Jaora-Nayagaon Toll Road Company Pvt Ltd – – 7,46,20,000 74.62
139. Jaswal Granites Ltd 3,00,000 – 3,00,000 –
140. Jay Engineering Works Ltd 6,000 0.01 6,000 0.01
141. Jhagadia Copper Ltd 49,00,000 4.90 49,00,000 4.90
142. Jupiter Cement Industries Pvt Ltd 5,30,550 – 5,30,550 –
143. Kabsons Industries Ltd 1,000 – 1,000 –
144. Kalyanpur Cements Ltd 17,22,838 – 17,22,838 –
145. Kamdar Cement Ltd 1,63,800 – 1,63,800 –
146. Kanoria Haycock Sanderson Ltd 2,595 – 2,595 –
147. Kanoria Wisconsin Centrifugal Ltd 34,050 – 34,050 –
148. Karnav Leather Chemicals Ltd 1,33,300 – 1,33,300 –
149. Katragadda Electrical Company 2,00,000 – 2,00,000 –
150. Keltron Component Complex Ltd 60,000 0.06 60,000 0.06
151. Kenersys India Pvt Ltd 1,69,37,185 112.49 83,73,440 112.49
152. Kera Sinter Ltd 1,76,150 – 1,76,150 –
153. Kerala Acids & Chemicals Ltd 90,923 – 90,923 –
154. Kilburn Office Automation Ltd 400 – 400 –
155. KITCO Ltd – – 19,950 0.04
156. Koutons Retail India Ltd 31,30,000 9.39 31,30,000 9.39
157. KPR Teleproducts Ltd 2,46,500 – 2,46,500 –


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 84 8/14/2015 2:47:20 PM

Non-current Investments-details (contd..)
(` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
No. of Amount No. of Amount
Shares/Units Shares/Units
158. Kumar Bronze Powders Ltd 96,488 – 96,488 –
159. Kusum Ingots Ltd 48,69,350 – 48,69,350 –
160. Lakshmi Porcelains Ltd 71,289 – 71,289 –
161. Life Line Injects Ltd 1,16,050 – 1,16,050 –
162. Lotus Spices Ltd 1,20,000 – 1,20,000 –
163. M M Polytex Ltd 1,00,000 – 1,00,000 –
164. M P Plywood Ltd 1,25,000 – 1,25,000 –
165. Madan Industries Ltd 49,910 – 49,910 –
166. Madhya Bharat Paper Mills Ltd 2,77,436 0.27 2,77,436 0.27
167. Madhya Pradesh Vidyut Yantra Ltd 49,300 – 49,300 –
168. Magnetix (I) Ltd 49,320 – 49,320 –
169. Malvika Steel Products Ltd 31,88,300 12.26 31,88,300 12.26
170. Malwala Oils Ltd 1,26,950 – 1,26,950 –
171. Manipur Vanaspati & Allied Industries Ltd 3,75,000 – 3,75,000 –
172. Mardia Chemicals Ltd 2,92,474 – 2,92,474 –
173. Marnite Polycast Ltd 3,20,000 0.04 3,20,000 0.04
174. Maruthi Gold Star Silks Ltd 2,83,292 – 2,83,292 –
175. Master Plastic Bottles Ltd 5,000 – 5,000 –
176. Mayur Syntex Ltd 1,09,275 – 1,09,275 –
177. Meghalaya Phyto-Chemicals Ltd 39,483 – 39,483 –
178. Meta Copper and Alloys Ltd 2,81,71,578 54.25 2,81,71,578 54.25
179. Mic Cement Ltd 1,09,672 – 1,09,672 –
180. Minerva Holding Ltd 120 – 120 –
181. Mishan Flora India Ltd 15,00,000 0.02 15,00,000 0.02
182. Modern Syntex (I) Ltd 84,22,798 12.97 84,22,798 12.97
183. Modi Carpets Ltd 52,834 0.01 52,834 0.01
184. Moon Rock Hotels Ltd 50,000 – 50,000 –
185. Moradabad Syntex Ltd 49,800 – 49,800 –
186. Mukerian Papers Ltd 8,85,900 – 8,85,900 –
187. Munak Chemicals Ltd 2,13,380 0.03 2,13,380 0.03
188. Munak Galva Sheets Ltd 4,43,400 – 4,43,400 –
189. Mysore Acetate and Chemicals Ltd 4,440 – 4,440 –
190. Nagai Power Private Ltd 56,40,000 5.17 56,40,000 5.17
191. Nagaland Roller Flour Mills (P) Ltd 1,00,000 – 1,00,000 –
192. Nagarjuna Paper Mills Ltd 1,24,200 – 1,24,200 –
193. Nalanda Ceramics and Industries Ltd 45,606 – 45,606 –
194. National Auto Accessories Ltd 1,23,600 0.12 1,23,600 0.12
195. National Stock Exchange Ltd 24,97,750 255.06 24,97,750 255.06
196. Ncl Sec Color Ltd 1,49,950 – 1,49,950 –
197. Neelachal Ispat Nigam Ltd 22,92,501 3.04 22,92,501 3.04
198. Nihon Nirman Ltd 13,84,224 – 13,84,224 –
199. Nira Pulp & Paper Ltd 3,97,950 – 3,97,950 –
200. Nizam Paper & Board Mills Ltd 1,25,913 – 1,25,913 –
201. North Bihar Pulp & Paper Company Ltd 66,579 – 66,579 –
202. North Eastern Develepment Finance Corporation Ltd 1,00,00,001 10.00 1,00,00,001 10.00
203. North Eastern Industrial Consultants Ltd 191 0.02 191 0.02
204. North Eastern Industrial & Technical Consultancy Ltd 303 0.03 303 0.03
205. Nova Corporation Ltd 3,00,000 – 3,00,000 –
206. Nova Dhatu Udyog Ltd 23,41,700 – 23,41,700 –
207. Nsl Tidong Power Generation Pvt Ltd 1,11,95,000 10.94 2,23,90,000 21.88
208. Nuchem Weir Ltd 8,00,000 0.01 8,00,000 0.01
209. Nutech Packaging Ltd 5,25,000 0.01 5,25,000 0.01
210. OCM India Ltd 5,89,743 0.79 5,89,743 0.79
211. Omnitrode Aditya Ltd 75,000 – 75,000 –
212. Orient Plywood & Veneering Industries Ltd 74,083 – 74,083 –
213. Orient Syntex Ltd 9,313 – 9,313 –
214. Orissa Extrusions Ltd 1,73,144 – 1,73,144 –
215. Orissa Industrial & Technical Consultancy Ltd 277 0.03 277 0.03
216. Orissa Vegetable Oil Complex Ltd 50,000 – 50,000 –
217. Orkay Industries Ltd 38,64,000 – 38,64,000 –
218. Oswal Foods Ltd 2,04,000 – 2,04,000 –
219. OTC Exchange Of India Ltd 8,00,000 0.80 8,00,000 0.80
220. P V K Papers Ltd 87,900 – 87,900 –
221. Pacific Telecommunications & Instruments Ltd 2,50,000 – 2,50,000 –


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 85 8/14/2015 2:47:20 PM

Non-current Investments-details (contd..)
(` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
No. of Amount No. of Amount
Shares/Units Shares/Units
222. Pal Peugeot Ltd 4,12,000 0.07 4,12,000 0.07
223. Panchkula Malt Ltd 50,000 – 50,000 –
224. Paras Magnetics Ltd 1,92,400 – 1,92,400 –
225. Parasrampuria Synthetics Ltd 2,38,127 – 2,38,127 –
226. Patil Atlantic Force Sunum Ltd 88,360 0.09 88,360 0.09
227. Pennar Papers Ltd 60,000 – 60,000 –
228. Perfect Drugs Ltd 4,00,000 – 4,00,000 –
229. Pertech Computers Ltd 5,00,000 3.00 5,00,000 3.00
230. Pioneer Alloy Castings Ltd 50,000 0.05 50,000 0.05
231. Polar Industries Ltd 14,11,191 8.65 14,11,191 8.65
232. Polygenta Technologies Ltd 28,45,594 2.99 28,45,594 2.99
233. Pooja Granites and Marbles Pvt Ltd 2,76,000 – 2,76,000 –
234. Pooja Industries Ltd 1,30,000 – 1,30,000 –
235. Porwal Pulp & Paper Mills Ltd 45,525 – 45,525 –
236. Prestige Hm Poly Containers Ltd 5,700 – 5,700 –
237. Punjab United Forge Ltd 50,000 – 50,000 –
238. Punsumi Foils and Components Ltd 2,21,500 – 2,21,500 –
239. Punwire Ltd 40,55,000 – 40,55,000 –
240. Punwire Mobile Communications Ltd 50,00,000 – 50,00,000 –
241. R J Clad Metals (P) Ltd 67,307 – 67,307 –
242. Raichur Power Corporation Ltd 23,27,15,200 232.72 23,27,15,200 232.72
243. Rajahmundry Godavari Bridge Ltd 4,99,80,000 49.60 5,70,86,535 56.65
244. Rajasthan Telephone Industries Ltd 1,43,870 – 1,43,870 –
245. Rathi Alloys & Steel Ltd 2,36,204 – 2,36,204 –
246. Ratnagiri Gas and Power Private Ltd 2,09,54,376 20.95 – –
247. Rayalaseema Jute Mills Ltd 1,80,000 – 1,80,000 –
248. Redsun Latex Ltd 3,00,000 – 3,00,000 –
249. Redsun Roofings Ltd 3,00,000 – 3,00,000 –
250. Refractory Specialities (I) Ltd 80,000 – 80,000 –
251. Regal Polymers Ltd 2,60,000 – 2,60,000 –
252. Remu Pipes Pvt Ltd 1,90,000 – 1,90,000 –
253. Rita Roofings Ltd 2,10,000 – 2,10,000 –
254. RMI Foods Ltd 2,60,000 0.04 2,60,000 0.04
255. Roadmaster Steel Strips Ltd 77,400 0.08 77,400 0.08
256. Roofit Industries Ltd 9,400 – 9,400 –
257. S&P Engineering Products Ltd 24,094 – 24,094 –
258. S N Corporation Ltd 2,24,400 – 2,24,400 –
259. Safepack Polymers Ltd 1,15,800 – 1,15,800 –
260. Sai Foodpacks Ltd 1,20,000 – 1,20,000 –
261. Sai Rayalaseema Paper Mills Ltd 4,44,270 – 4,44,270 –
262. Samcor Glass Ltd 20,00,000 7.60 20,00,000 7.60
263. Samrat Spinners Ltd 3,61,787 0.36 3,61,787 0.36
264. Sangam Aluminium Ltd 4,06,000 0.12 4,06,000 0.12
265. Sanghi Polyesters Ltd 13,19,509 0.36 13,19,509 0.36
266. Saraf Paper Mills Ltd 1,75,243 – 1,75,243 –
267. Saraf Synthetics (Rajasthan) Ltd 1,03,559 – 1,03,559 –
268. Sarare Automoulders Ltd 4,00,000 – 4,00,000 –
269. Sarda Fertilizers Ltd 3,75,000 – 3,75,000 –
270. Sarvodaya Paper Mills Ltd 2,19,309 – 2,19,309 –
271. Sathyakamal Agros Ltd 6,20,000 0.62 6,20,000 0.62
272. SBI DFHI Ltd 46,743 1.10 46,743 1.10
273. Sea Gold Aqua Farms Ltd 2,50,000 – 2,50,000 –
274. Shibi Capsules Ltd 2,00,000 – 2,00,000 –
275. Shiga Energy Private Ltd 4,71,63,000 46.60 2,67,20,000 26.15
276. Shiva Paper Mills Ltd 3,99,130 0.40 3,99,130 0.40
277. Shivalik Auto Parts Ltd 5,00,000 0.01 5,00,000 0.01
278. Shoba Soya Products Ltd 2,80,000 0.28 2,80,000 0.28
279. Shree Acids and Chemicals Ltd 2,89,132 0.03 2,89,132 0.03
280. Shree Manjusha Paper Mills Ltd 64,715 – 64,715 –
281. Shree Quality Cements Ltd 4,49,800 – 4,49,800 –
282. Shree Shakti Resorts & Hotels Ltd 1,06,318 0.08 1,06,318 0.08
283. Shree Synthetics Ltd 13,450 – 13,450 –
284. Shri Ambuja Petro-Chemicals Ltd 88,000 – 88,000 –
285. Shri Bhagwati Bright Bars Ltd 1,50,000 – 1,50,000 –


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 86 8/14/2015 2:47:21 PM

Non-current Investments-details (contd..)
(` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
No. of Amount No. of Amount
Shares/Units Shares/Units
286. Shri Ishar Alloy Steels Ltd 58,636 0.01 58,636 0.01
287. Shri Ramachandra Tools Ltd 5,220 – 5,220 –
288. Sierra Micro Electronics Ltd 3,50,000 – 3,50,000 –
289. Silicon Valley Technology (I) Ltd 2,86,600 – 2,86,600 –
290. Silver Resort Hotel India Pvt Ltd – – 8,50,00,000 84.15
291. SKIL Infrastructure Ltd – – 49,76,285 96.52
292. SM Telesys Ltd 3,00,000 – 3,00,000 –
293. Smelters India Ltd 1,45,600 – 1,45,600 –
294. Snhehadhara Industries Ltd 4,81,800 – 4,81,800 –
295. Southern Wind Farms Pvt Ltd 1,00,000 0.10 100,000 0.10
296. Spun Silk (I) Ltd 1,50,000 – 150,000 –
297. Sravanthi Energy Private Ltd 9,44,60,000 93.33 9,44,60,000 93.33
298. Sri Laxmi Saraswathi Papers Ltd 9,80,670 – 9,80,670 –
299. STCI Finance Ltd 3,37,400 4.58 3,37,400 4.58
300. Suman Metallurgical & Chemical Products Ltd 1,50,000 – 1,50,000 –
301. Sun Granites Ltd 17,48,600 1.75 17,48,600 1.75
302. Super and Stainless Hi Alloys Ltd 7,00,000 0.01 7,00,000 0.01
303. Super Syncotex India Ltd 2,05,836 0.29 2,05,836 0.29
304. Supriya Pharmaceuticals Ltd 1,00,000 – 1,00,000 –
305. Suraj Vanaspathi Ltd 50,000 0.05 50,000 0.05
306. Swan Vacuum Systems Ltd 1,75,000 0.18 1,75,000 0.18
307. Swede (I) Keltronix Ltd 97,300 – 97,300 –
308. Synthetic Foams Ltd 30,000 – 30,000 –
309. Synthetics & Chemicals Ltd 4,40,500 0.11 4,40,500 0.11
310. T K Chemicals Ltd 49,989 – 49,989 –
311. Tamil Nadu Industrial Explosives Ltd 6,66,625 – 6,66,625 –
312. Tata Construction Ltd 54,950 0.05 54,950 0.05
313. Tehnology Media Group Ltd 1,00,000 – 1,00,000 –
314. Telematics Systems Ltd 1,97,900 – 1,97,900 –
315. Telephone Cables Ltd 44,475 0.04 44,475 0.04
316. Thapar Agro Mills Ltd 1,44,000 – 1,44,000 –
317. Thar Cements Pvt Ltd 4,00,000 – 4,00,000 –
318. Tirupatti Woollen Mills Ltd 59,789 – 59,789 –
319. Toto Bubbles Ltd 70,000 – 70,000 –
320. Tri-Star Soya Products Ltd 2,15,111 0.22 2,15,111 0.22
321. Tungabhadra Fibres Ltd 6,23,242 – 6,23,242 –
322. U P Industrial Consultancy Ltd 3,580 0.02 3,580 0.02
323. Umi Special Steel Ltd 10,550 – 10,550 –
324. Unialkem Fertilisers Ltd 1,35,000 – 1,35,000 –
325. United Soya Products Ltd 38,264 – 38,264 –
326. Universal Ceramics Ltd 2,10,000 – 2,10,000 –
327. Vanjinad Leathers Ltd 49,112 – 49,112 –
328. Vantech Industry Ltd 3,18,300 0.20 3,18,300 0.20
329. Varuna Agro Protiens Ltd 3,09,900 – 3,09,900 –
330. Vasudeva Cements Ltd 1,00,000 – 1,00,000 –
331. Vee Kay Fibres Ltd 2,97,400 – 2,97,400 –
332. Veltron Prefab Elements Ltd 30,000 – 30,000 –
333. Vensa Biotech Ltd 1,37,500 0.14 1,37,500 0.14
334. Venus Sugar Mills Ltd 9,80,303 0.98 9,80,303 0.98
335. Vhel Ltd 2,97,820 – 2,97,820 –
336. Victory Glass Ltd 1,17,600 0.44 1,17,600 0.44
337. Vidarbha Phosphates & Fertilisers Ltd 2,30,000 – 2,30,000 –
338. Vidyut Steel Ltd 59,619 – 59,619 –
339. Vinod Paper Mills Ltd 92,718 – 92,718 –
340. Virgo Cements Ltd 3,40,000 – 3,40,000 –
341. Visakha Aqua Farms Ltd 2,50,000 – 2,50,000 –
342. Vishwa Oil Products Ltd 49,070 – 49,070 –
343. W.G.Forge & Allied Industries Ltd 1,00,000 – 1,00,000 –
344. Webel Communications Industries Ltd 2,300 – 2,300 –
345. Webel Toolsind Ltd 27,800 – 27,800 –
346. Webelsen Capacitors Ltd 5,267 – 5,267 –
347. Webfil Ltd 2,95,080 – 2,95,080 –
348. Welworth Electric Company Ltd 1,50,000 – 1,50,000 –
349. West Bengal Consultancy Organization Ltd 12,700 0.01 12,700 0.01


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 87 8/14/2015 2:47:21 PM

Non-current Investments-details (contd..)
(` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
No. of Amount No. of Amount
Shares/Units Shares/Units
350. West India Gas Products Ltd 1,81,100 – 1,81,100 –
351. Western Foods Ltd 12,700 – 12,700 –
352. Weston Electronics Ltd 32,232 – 32,232 –
353. Willard India Ltd 2,41,652 0.60 2,41,652 0.60
354. Wilwayfort India Ltd 2,48,000 – 2,48,000 –
TOTAL 1,990.07 2,271.42
Equity Shares (Others)
1. ACRE Ltd 73,28,334 7.43 – –
2. Mcx Stock Exchange Ltd 7,18,75,000 71.88 7,18,75,000 71.88
3. National Power Exchange Ltd 7,50,300 0.75 7,50,300 0.75
TOTAL 80.05 72.63
Preference Shares
1. ABG Shipyard Ltd 1,67,34,531 16.73 – –
2. Ajanta Textiles Ltd 38,219 – 38,219 –
3. Andhra Cotton Mills Ltd 1,249 – 1,249 –
4. Ashok Paper Mills Ltd 30,000 – 30,000 –
5. Bellary Steel & Alloys Ltd 5,67,260 5.67 5,67,260 5.67
6. Bhiwani Cold Rolling Mills Ltd 2,000 – 2,000 –
7. Bombay Maleable Iron Castings & Allied Industries Ltd 2,000 – 2,000 –
8. BST Mfg Ltd 9,920 – 9,920 –
9. Cachar Sugar Mills Ltd 14,953 – 14,953 –
10. Century Metals Ltd 1,495 – 1,495 –
11. Dhampur Sugar Mills Ltd 7,54,045 2.23 7,54,045 5.31
12. Digvijay Synthetics Ltd 1,70,000 – 1,70,000 –
13. Essar Steel Ltd 2,21,16,599 22.12 2,21,16,599 22.12
14. Ferro Alloys Corporation Ltd 2,26,058 – 2,26,058 –
15. Forward Televisions Ltd 8,000 – 8,000 –
16. Gayatri Sugars Ltd 24,52,245 2.45 24,52,245 2.45
17. GPI Textile Ltd 10,63,86,496 53.19 10,63,86,496 53.19
18. I C Textiles Ltd 9,52,394 9.52 9,52,394 9.52
19. IFCI Factors Ltd 7,50,00,000 75.00 – –
20. India Firebricks & Insulation Co. Ltd 10,625 – 10,625 –
21. Jamna Auto Industries Ltd – – 3,50,000 1.75
22. Jhagadia Copper Ltd 64,48,070 64.48 64,48,070 64.48
23. JSW Steel Ltd 3,53,82,650 40.46 3,53,82,650 40.46
24. Kalyanpur Cements Ltd 5,84,040 5.80 5,84,040 5.80
25. Kanoria Haycock Sanderson Ltd 2,930 – 2,930 –
26. LML Ltd 21,50,912 21.51 21,50,912 21.51
27. Madan Industries Ltd 4,993 – 4,993 –
28. Mafatlal Engineering Industries Ltd 4,961 – 4,961 –
29. Malhotra Steels Ltd 25,000 – 25,000 –
30. Malwa Cotton Spinning Mills Ltd 17,24,610 17.25 17,24,610 17.25
31. Morepen Laboratories Ltd 87,373 0.87 87,373 0.87
32. Nagai Power Pvt. Ltd 2,18,90,000 21.37 2,18,90,000 21.37
33. Nalanda Ceramics and Industries Ltd 4,960 – 4,960 –
34. Neesa Leisure Ltd 2,60,000 26.00 2,60,000 26.00
35. Nimar Textiles Ltd 1,980 – 1,980 –
36. Nirma Ltd – – 60,324 –
37. Oswal Spinnin & Weaving Mills Ltd 9,97,30,160 9.97 9,97,30,160 9.97
38. Parasrampuria Synthetics Ltd 13,89,450 – 13,89,450 –
39. Poddar Udyog Ltd 18,000 0.09 18,000 0.09
40. Prag Bosmi Synthetics Ltd 26,14,577 26.15 26,14,577 26.15
41. Premier Cable Company Ltd 1,945 – 1,945 –
42. Punj Steel Machine Tools Pvt Ltd 1,50,000 – 1,50,000 –
43. Sai Rayalaseema Paper Mills Ltd 24,717 – 24,717 –
44. Seven Seas Transportation Ltd 8,426 – 8,426 –
45. Shiga Energy Pvt. Ltd 2,31,17,000 22.84 1,30,60,000 12.78
46. Shree Satpuda Tapi Parisar Ssk Ltd 9,178 4.59 9,178 4.58
47. Shree Shakti Resorts & Hotels Ltd – – 15,00,000 1.46
48. Southern Brick Works Ltd 2,993 – 2,993 –
49. Spectrum Power Generation Ltd 1,18,20,000 11.82 1,18,20,000 11.82
50. Sri Laxmi Saraswathi Papers Ltd 24,000 – 24,000 –
51. Steel & Allied Products Ltd 5,980 – 5,980 –
52. Triveni Metal Tubes Ltd 449 – 449 –


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 88 8/14/2015 2:47:22 PM

Non-current Investments-details (contd..)
(` crore)
NON-CURRENT INVESTMENTS-DETAILS As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
No. of Amount No. of Amount
Shares/Units Shares/Units
53. Tungabhadra Fibres Ltd 9,901 – 9,901 –
54. Udaipur Cement Works Ltd 64,299 – 64,299 –
55. Umi Special Steel Ltd 24,557 – 24,557 –
56. Vegepro Foods & Feeds Ltd 10,00,000 0.79 10,00,000 0.79
57. Yuil Measure (I) Ltd 39,500 – 39,500 –
TOTAL 460.91 365.40
Debentures/Bonds (Subsidiaries)
1. IFCI Factors Ltd 500 25.00 500 25.00
2. IFCI Infrastructure Development Ltd [9.7] 09-May-15 750 75.00 750 75.00
TOTAL 100.00 100.00
Debentures/Bonds (Joint Venture)
1. IFCI Sycamore Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd 4,50,000 2.64 4,50,000 2.64
TOTAL 2.64 2.64
Security Receipts
1. ACRE-JEG Hospitality & Holdings Ltd 3,740 37.40 – –
2. ACRE-Kiri Industries Ltd 2,380 23.80 – –
3. Alchemist-Sima Hotels & Resorts Ltd 1,44,925 14.49 – –
4. ARCIL-Akar Laminates Ltd 1,958 11.16 1,958 11.16
5. ARCIL-Birla Vxl Scheme- C - BVXL 1,212 2.27 1,212 2.27
6. ARCIL-GSL India Ltd 192 1.82 192 1.82
7. ARCIL-Kalyanpur Cements Ltd 1,814 5.79 1,814 5.79
8. ARCIL-Titagarh Industries Ltd 3,43,292 4.18 3,43,292 4.18
9. ARCIL-Uniworth Textiles Ltd 64,030 6.40 64,030 6.40
10. ARCIL-Vishnu Vijay Packaging Ltd 89,019 8.90 89,019 8.90
11. ARCIL-Consolidated Fibres & Chemicals Ltd 85,500 8.55 85,500 8.55
12. ARCIL-Spectrum Power Generation Ltd-Ix Trust – – 6,42,869 2.89
13. EARC-DB Hospitality Pvt Ltd 9,05,000 90.50 – –
TOTAL 215.26 51.96
Government Securities
1. 9.75% GoI (IFCI Ltd) Special Security, 2021 4,00,00,00,000 400.00 4,00,00,00,000 400.00
TOTAL 400.00 400.00
1. Units of CANBANK Venture Capital Fund 29,14,000 29.14 17,21,000 17.21
2. Units of GIVF-IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd 2,79,82,293 27.98 3,23,04,218 32.30
3. Units of GVFL Ltd - Golden Gujarat Growth Fund-I 2,169 21.69 2,169 21.69
4. Units of IACM-1-D-IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd 10,14,00,350 101.40 12,83,19,472 128.32
5. Units of IEDF-IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd 4,43,58,148 44.36 4,70,32,759 47.03
6. Units of VCF For SCS-IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd 50,00,000 5.00 – –
TOTAL 229.57 246.56

12. DEFERRED TAX ASSET (NET) (` crore)

As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
(A) Provision against Loans/Advances & other Assets 638.21 740.35
(B) Timing difference in Depreciable Assets (52.39) (49.72)
(C) DTL on Special Reserve u/s 36(i)(viii) (27.19) (22.09)
(D) Other Timing Differences 9.27 13.51
TOTAL 567.90 682.04

(` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
13. LOANS Non- Current Non- Current
Current Current
(A) Loans to Assisted Concerns 20,080.35 2,246.99 14,841.27 1,456.05
(B) Debentures 2,052.52 960.02 2,919.62 528.80
(C) Loan to Subsidiaries/Associates 24.00 100.00 190.38 51.67
(D) Lease Rental Receivable 2.40 – 2.40 –
Sub - Total ‘A’ 22,159.27 3,307.01 17,953.67 2,036.52
(i) Considered Good 21,184.72 3,307.01 16,598.59 2,036.52
(ii) Considered Doubtful 974.55 – 1,355.08 –
22,159.27 3,307.01 17,953.67 2,036.52


02. IFCI Standalone 170815.indd 89 8/17/2015 5:56:23 PM

Note 13 (Contd..) (` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
13. LOANS Non- Current Non- Current
Current Current
Less: Allowance for Bad and Doubtful Assets
– Loans 915.95 – 1,265.59
– Debentures 58.60 – 89.49
TOTAL 21,184.72 3,307.01 16,598.59 2,036.52

(` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
Non- Current Non- Current
Current Current
Classification of Loans
(i) Secured 20,737.60 3,094.19 17,456.01 1,928.22
(ii) Unsecured 1,421.67 212.82 497.66 108.30
22,159.27 3,307.01 17,953.67 2,036.52

(` crore)
14. LOANS & ADVANCES - OTHERS As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
Non- Current Non- Current
Current Current
(A) Capital Advances 0.03 – 0.27 –
(B) Security Deposits 0.64 3.00 1.45 –
(C) Advance Tax paid (net of provision) 64.75 – 39.91 –
(D) MAT Credit Entitlement 126.93 – 131.50 –
(E) Other Deposits/Loan
– Considered Doubtful – 12.12 – 12.12
Less: Allowance for Bad and Doubtful Debts – (12.12) – (12.12)
(F) Other Loans and advances
(a) Loans to Staff (Secured - Considered Good) 11.80 0.42 10.44 0.41
(b) Others (Unsecured)
– Considered Good – 6.25 – 33.90
– Considered Doubtful – 4.79 – 1.00
Less: Allowance for bad and doubtful debts – (4.79) – (1.00)
TOTAL 204.15 9.67 183.57 34.31


(A) Accrued Income
(i) Interest and Commitment Charges on Loans – 118.72 – 76.12
(ii) Interest on Debentures – 63.14 – 95.33
(iii) Interest on Investments – 22.74 – 19.04
(iv) Other Income 4.86 18.88 4.55 21.32
(B) Sundry Deposits – 6.41 – 6.22
(C) Pre-paid Expenses – 1.11 – 1.40
TOTAL 4.86 231.00 4.55 219.43

(` crore)
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
Fully Paid-up, Non-trade Investment
1. Equity Shares 18.17 –
2. Government Securities $ 78.35 –
3. Treasury Bills # 24.50 47.92
4. Units of Mutual Funds 75.00 20.00
196.02 67.92
Fully Paid-Up, Non-trade Investment
1. Bonds $ 1,049.47 1,269.06
2. Commercial Paper 121.91 -
3. Certificate of Deposit 1,216.01 443.26
2,387.39 1,712.32


02. IFCI Standalone 170815.indd 90 8/17/2015 5:57:11 PM

Note 16 (Contd..) (` crore)
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
1. Equity Shares
(i) Subsidiaries - IFCI Financial Services Ltd 0.02 0.02
(ii) Others 57.66 11.00
2. Preference Shares 15.57 15.57
73.25 26.59
TOTAL 2,656.66 1,806.83
Less: Provision for Diminution in value 27.47 45.16
TOTAL 2,629.19 1,761.67
(1) Total Book Value 196.02 67.92
– Equity Shares 18.17 -
– Others 177.85 67.92
(2) Total Market Value 197.47 68.71
– Equity Shares 17.40 -
– Others 180.07 68.71
(1) Total Book Value 2,460.64 1,738.91
– Equity Shares – –
– Preference Shares – –
– Others 2,460.64 1,738.91
# Treasury Bills having value of ` 24.50 crore (March 31, 2014- ` 47.92 crore) are palced with CCIL as collateral under Collaterised Borrowings Lending Operations (CBLOs).
$ Includes corporate bonds having value of ` 858.80 crore (March 31, 2014 - ` 271.20 crore) sold under Repo Transactions.

(` crore)
CURRENT INVESTMENTS-DETAILS As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
No. of Amount No. of Amount
Shares/Units Shares/Units
Equity Shares
1. Ambuja Cements Ltd 61,300 1.62 – –
2. Asian Paints Ltd 10,250 0.83 – –
3. Axis Bank Ltdt 50,000 2.87 – –
4. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd 26,000 0.65 – –
5. Cipla Ltd 5,000 0.35 – –
6. HDFC Bank Ltd 2,500 0.25 – –
7. Hero Honda Motors Ltd 5,500 1.65 – –
8. Hindustan Unilever Ltd 7,000 0.63 – –
9. Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd 3,000 0.38 – –
10. ICICI Bank Ltd 34,000 1.12 – –
11. ITC Ltd 40,000 1.38 – –
12. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd 5,019 1.30 – –
13. Tata Motors Ltd 11,000 0.62 – –
14. Tech Mahindra 9,000 0.60 – –
15. Ultratech Cement Ltd 2,750 0.81 – –
16. Yes Bank 5,000 0.41 – –
17. Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd 73,000 2.69 – –
TOTAL 18.17 –
Government Security
1. Government Security [8.4] 28-Jul-24 7,500 78.35 – –
TOTAL 78.35 –
Treasury Bills
1. 364 Days T-Bill 05-Feb-15 – – 10,000 22.96
2. 91 Days T-Bill 10-Apr-14 – – 10,000 24.47
3. 91 Days T-Bill 14-May-15 10,000 24.50 – –
4. 91 Days T-Bill 17-Apr-14 – – 200 0.49
TOTAL 24.50 47.92
Units of Mutual Funds
1. Birla Sun Life Cash Manager - Growth - Direct Plan 7,51,106 25.00 – –
2. Birla Sun Life Savings Fund - Growth - Direct Plan 9,52,045 25.00 – –
3. SBI Premier Liquid Fund - Direct Plan - Growth – – 99,261 20.00
4. Reliance Medium Term Fund - Direct Growth Plan - Growth Option - Growth 88,14,860 25.00 – –
TOTAL 75.00 20.00
1. Air India Ltd (Series 1) [9.84] 27-Sep-26 159 17.38 159 17.38
2. Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd [8.85] 18-Feb-18 10 1.00 10 1.00
3. Damodar Valley Corporation Ltd (Series-15) [8.69] 25-Mar-28 2,000 209.00 2,000 209.00


02. IFCI Standalone 170815.indd 91 8/17/2015 6:00:13 PM

Current Investments-Details (Contd..) (` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
No. of Amount No. of Amount
Shares/Units Shares/Units
4. Food Corporation of India (Series-Vb) [8.8] 22-Mar-28 465 46.50 465 46.50
5. Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (Series 1 Debentures) [9.03] 22-Mar-28 – – 200 20.44
6. Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (Series -2 Debentures) [9.8] 22-Mar-73 1,000 100.04 1,000 100.04
7. Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation [10.45] 28-Sep-72 700 73.69 700 73.69
8. Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd (Series-V-A) [8.44] 10-May-23 1,100 110.00 1,100 110.00
9. Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd (Series-V-B) [8.49] 10-May-28 940 94.00 940 94.00
10. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd [8.57] 28-Mar-23 400 40.00 400 40.00
11. Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (Sr Xxvii Tranche B) [8.54] 15-Mar-23 – – 1,200 120.00
12. Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (Sr Xxvii Tranche C) [8.56] 15-Mar-23 130 13.00 130 13.00
13. Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (Sr Xxvii Tranche A) [8.56] 18-Mar-23 96 9.60 385 38.50
14. Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (Xliii Issue - A) [7.93] 20-May-17 150 15.00 150 15.00
15. Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (Xliii Issue - B) [7.93] 20-May-18 150 15.00 150 15.00
16. Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (Xliii Issue - C) [7.93] 20-May-19 150 15.00 150 15.00
17. Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (Xliii Issue - D) [7.93] 20-May-20 150 15.00 150 15.00
18. Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (Xliii Issue - E) [7.93] 20-May-21 150 15.00 150 15.00
19. Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (Xliii Issue - F) [7.93] 20-May-22 150 15.00 150 15.00
20. Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (Xliii Issue - G) [7.93] 20-May-23 150 15.00 150 15.00
21. Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (Xliii Issue - H) [7.93] 20-May-24 150 15.00 150 15.00
22. Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (Xliii Issue - I) [7.93] 20-May-25 150 15.00 150 15.00
23. Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (Xliii Issue - J) [7.93] 20-May-26 150 15.00 150 15.00
24. Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (Xliii Issue - K) [7.93] 20-May-27 150 15.00 150 15.00
25. Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (Xliii Issue - L) [7.93] 20-May-28 150 15.00 150 15.00
26. Reliance Capital Ltd (F Series B-264) [10] 03-Nov-17 100 10.05 250 25.13
27. Reliance Capital Ltd (F Series B-272) [10] 20-Dec-17 400 40.20 750 75.38
28. Reliance Capital Ltd [10.4] 27-Sep-22 200 20.01 200 20.01
29. Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd (Series 115) [8.06] 31-May-23 850 85.00 850 85.00
TOTAL 1,049.47 1,269.06
Commercial Paper
1. Aditya Birla Finance Ltd 28-Apr-15 1,000 49.30 – –
2. Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd 15-May-15 1,000 48.21 – –
3. Reliance Infrastructure Ltd 20-May-15 500 24.40 – –
TOTAL 121.91 –
Certificate of Deposit
1. Allahabad Bank 07-Apr-14 – – 5,000 49.14
2. Andhra Bank 07-Mar-16 5,000 46.03 – –
3. Axis Bank Ltd 02-Jun-14 – – 5,000 48.81
4. Bank of India 09-Jun-15 5,000 49.19 – –
5. Bank of Maharashtra 11-Mar-16 10,000 92.01 – –
6. Canara Bank 04-Jun-15 5,000 48.88 – –
7. Central Bank of India 02-Apr-14 – – 5,000 49.73
8. Dena Bank 19-Jun-15 10,000 97.91 – –
9. ICICIBank Ltd 17-Apr-14 – – 5,000 49.63
10. Indian Bank 30-Jun-15 10,000 97.90 – –
11. Oriental Bank of Commerce 15-Jun-15 10,000 98.07 – –
12. Punjab & Sind Bank 24-Jun-15 15,000 146.85 – –
13. Punjab National Bank 04-Jun-15 10,000 98.19 – –
14. State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur 26-Jun-15 10,000 97.96 – –
15. State Bank of Mysore 28-Apr-14 – – 5,000 49.58
16. UCO Bank 12-Jun-14 – – 10,000 98.02
17. UCO Bank 18-Jun-15 10,000 97.93 – –
18. Union Bank of India 04-Jun-15 10,000 98.18 – –
19. Vijaya Bank 19-Jun-15 10,000 97.97 – –
20. Vijaya Bank 23-Jun-15 5,000 48.96 – -
21. Vijaya Bank 30-May-14 – – 10,000 98.34
TOTAL 1,216.01 443.25
Application Money (Equity Shares)
1. IFCI Financial Services Ltd – 0.02 – 0.02
TOTAL 0.02 0.02
1. Arihant Industries Ltd 1,00,00,000 10.00 10,000,000 10.00
2. Girnar Fibres Ltd – 1.00 – 1.00
3. Ratnagiri Gas And Power Private Ltd 3,50,69,223 46.66 – -
TOTAL 57.66 11.00
Application Money (Preference Shares)
1. Jhagadia Copper Ltd 1,42,294 1.42 142,294 1.42
2. Siddharth Tubes Ltd 14,15,190 14.15 1,415,190 14.15
TOTAL 15.57 15.57


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 92 8/14/2015 2:47:23 PM

(` crore)
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
(A) Unsecured
– More than 6 months 14.86 5.04
– Others 45.88 34.39
60.74 39.43
Less: Allowance for bad and doubtful debts (6.64) (5.61)
TOTAL 54.10 33.82
Out of the above:
(i) Considered Good 54.10 33.82
(ii) Considered Doubtful 6.64 5.61
60.74 39.43


(A) Balances with Banks
– Bank balance 1.83 312.69
– Bank Deposits $ 647.12 187.30
(B) Unclaimed Dividend Account 18.10 10.36
(C) Balances with Banks held as Margin Money/Security Against Guarantees 25.60 8.90
(D) Cheques on hand & under collection and remittances in transit 0.04 16.57
(E) Cash in hand (including postage stamps) 0.01 0.01
TOTAL 692.70 535.83
Includes bank deposits with more than 12 months remaining maturity – –
$ Includes amount held as custodian for BIFR/DRT, Govt. schemes & other authorities 238.18 –
and placed with banks as fixed deposits

(` crore)
19. REVENUE FROM OPERATIONS Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
(A) Interest Income
(i) Loans 2,311.22 1,545.73
(ii) Debentures 330.79 444.49
(iii) Income from Deployment of Liquid Funds 169.72 232.35
(iv) Interest on Bonds/Government Securities/other contractual obligation 83.18 171.44
(v) Lease Rentals etc. 1.52 1.52
Sub Total (A) 2,896.43 2,395.53
(B) Other Financial Services
(i) Income from Acquired Non-performing Assets 3.60 18.11
(ii) Dividend (Gross)
– Investments - Non-Current 30.67 40.91
– Investments - Current 0.40 –
(iii) Profit on Sale of Shares/Debentures (Net)
– Assistance under Financing - Non-Current 156.67 316.37
– Investments - Non-Current 105.84 49.02
– Investments - Current 6.90 –
(iv) Business Services Fees and Commission (including Guarantee Commission) 48.08 34.18
(v) Provision/Liability no longer required written back 2.62 32.42
Sub Total (B) 354.78 491.01
TOTAL (A+B) 3,251.21 2,886.54
Foot-notes to Note No. 19
1. Interest income under (A) above includes from Subsidiaries & Associates 30.97 27.69
(A) Interest on Staff Advances 0.73 0.70
(B) Profit on Sale of Fixed Assets (Net) 29.00 0.03
(C) Rental Income 45.92 40.03
(D) Dividend from Subsidiaries/Associates 19.41 24.57
(E) Miscellaneous Income 1.72 1.42
TOTAL 96.78 66.75


(A) Interest on Rupee Bonds and Borrowings 2,043.95 1,611.64
(B) Interest on Foreign Currency Borrowings 48.11 42.49
(C) Interest on Bank Overdraft – 0.64
(D) Other Interest (Jute Development Fund, Provident Fund & Corporate Social Resposibility) 4.47 4.75
(E) Commitment Charges, Brokerage, Commission and other costs 5.76 6.47
TOTAL 2,102.29 1,665.99


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 93 8/14/2015 2:47:24 PM

(` crore)
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
(A) Salaries and Allowances 46.47 31.37
(B) Contribution to Retirement Funds 17.63 24.10
(C) Staff Welfare Expenses 3.05 2.98
(D) Employee Compensation Expenses (ESOP) (1.23) 0.44
TOTAL 65.92 58.89


(A) Rent 0.66 2.57
(B) Rates and Taxes 4.06 3.26
(C) Insurance 0.25 0.25
(D) Repairs and Maintenance
– Buildings 7.05 6.96
– IT 0.97 0.86
– Others 0.17 0.19
(E) Electricity & Water Charges 5.17 4.95
(F) Security 1.50 1.37
(G) Payment to Auditors (refer Note 34) 0.48 0.41
(H) Directors' Fee & Expenses 1.34 0.74
(I) Publications, Advertisement 3.04 0.70
(J) Consultation and Law Charges 1.85 1.84
(K) Travelling & Conveyance 2.07 1.54
(L) Training & Development 0.58 0.17
(M) Postage & Telephone 1.42 1.17
(N) Printing & Stationery 0.63 0.78
(O) Listing/Filing/Custody Fee 1.68 1.36
(P) Library/Membership Subscription 1.13 1.80
(Q) Exchange Fluctuation Loss/(Gains) 1.91 2.03
(R) Other Miscellaneous Expenses 1.82 1.58
TOTAL 37.78 34.53

(A) Loans & Advances
– Provision Reversal on recovery from NPAs (75.87) (31.07)
– Write-off 734.06 645.59
Less: transfer from provision held for bad & doubtful debts (734.06) (645.59)
– Provision for assets 555.49 437.48
(B) Investments
– Provision Reversal – (13.58)
– Write-off – 0.03
– Provision made (33.18) 106.72
– Provision - mark to market (18.14) 19.02
(C) Debtors
– Write-off 0.57 0.18
– Provision made 4.82 1.61
TOTAL 433.69 520.39

25. Contingent Liabilities and Commitments (to the extent not provided for): 25.2 Commitments:
25.1 Contingent Liabilities: (` crore)
As at Year ended Year ended
(` crore)
31.03.2015 31.03.2014
As at Year ended Year ended
(i) Estimated amount of contract (including lease 2.65 0.62
31.03.2015 31.03.2014
contract) remaining to be executed on capital
(i) Claims not acknowledged as Debts 5.48 12.99
account (net of advances)
(ii) Bank Guarantees Provided 25.60 8.87 (ii) Undrawn Commitments (in line with RBI 2,105.66 1,044.08
(iii) Guarantee Issued on behalf of third parties 5.71 76.00 Circular dated December 26, 2011)
(iv) Guarantee Issued on behalf of Subsdiaries 115.00 115.00
25.3 Company has made the provision, as required under the applicable law or
accounting standards, for material foreseeable losses, if any, on long-term
Tax Matters: contracts including derivative contracts as on March 31, 2015.
– Income Tax 30.37 29.58
26. IFCI Ltd has given letters of comfort to certain banks on behalf of its subsidiary
– Service tax 13.74 13.44 companies in connection with availing loans from those banks. Outstanding
Considering the current status of the pending litigation cases, no of loans/non fund based facilities availed under such letters of comfort and
material financial impact is expected on the financial statements as on outstanding as on March 31, 2015 was ` 288.62 crore (Previous Year ended
March 31, 2015. March 31, 2014 - ` 575 crore).


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 94 8/14/2015 2:47:24 PM

27. Govt. of India has acquired 6 crore Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares FY - 2014-15 FY - 2013-14
of ` 10/- each from the existing shareholders of the Company on April 07, 2015
Particulars Gratuity Leave Gratuity Leave
and consequentially, Company has become Government Company u/s 2(45) of Encashment Encashment
the Companies Act, 2013 from that date.
(Funded) (Un-Funded) (Funded) (Un-Funded)
28. Since, the securities held by Company represents similar rights and obligations
I. Components of Employer Expense
it was considered more appropriate to follow ‘Weighted Average Cost Method’
to compute carrying cost of such securities and accordingly, the method of 1. Current Service Cost 1.1 0.81 0.25 0.67
computation of carrying cost of securities was revised during the current year 2. Interest Cost 0.81 0.96 0.65 1.14
to ‘Weighted Average Cost Mehtod’ which hitherto was being carried at ‘FIFO 3. Expected Return on Plan Asset 0.89 – 0.82 –
Cost Method’. As a result, the cost of securities held as current and long term 4. Curtailment Cost/(Credit) – – – –
investment as on March 31, 2015 is lower by ` 28.21 crore following ‘Weighted 5. Settlement Cost/(Credit) – – – –
Average Cost Method’ vis-a-vis ‘FIFO Cost Method’ and profit on sale of
6. Past Service Cost – – – –
investment is higher by the same amount.
7. Actuarial (gain)/loss recognized 1.54 1.9 (1.46) (2.54)
29. During the year Company has issued Secured Redeemable ‘Non-Convertible
8. Expense Recognized in 2.56 3.67 1.54 0.73
Debentures’ of ` 1,972.26 crore through public issue in two tranches (Tranche
Statement of Profit/Loss
I - ` 1,209.19 crore and Tranche-II - ` 763.07 crore) which stands utlised for the
purpose as described in the offer document. II. Actual Returns for the Year 0.89 0.82
III. Net (Asset)/Liability recognized in
30. Company has granted a loan to a borrower concern which has been classified
the Balance Sheet
as sub-standard assets in terms of RBI regulation, having gross outstanding
1. Present Value of Defined Benefit 13.3 14.24 10.11 11.98
of ` 31.89 crore and net outstanding of ` 28.70 crore as on March 31, 2015.
Some banks have reported fraudulent act by that borrower in respect of certain
facilities granted by them. However, the facility granted by the Company is 2. Fair Value on Plan Assets 10.74 – 9.85 –
different and secured by way of mortgage of immovable properties. Considering 3. Status (Surplus/Deficit) 2.56 14.24 (0.27) 11.98
the recent developments, the available security is being assessed for element 4. Unrecognised Past Service Cost – – – –
of fraud and potential threat of recovery, if any. Pending the outcome of the 5. Net (Asset)/Liability recognized 2.56 14.24 (0.27) 11.98
assessment the case has been retained in the same category i.e. sub-standard as in the Balance Sheet
on March 31, 2015. IV. Change in Defined Benefit Obligations (DBOs)
31. The Company has revised the useful life of the fixed assets in alignment with 1. Present Value of Obligation at 10.11 11.98 8.10 14.32
Schedule–II to the Companies Act, 2013 with effect from 1st April, 2014 and the Beginning of the Year
‘Written Down Value (WDV)’ of all the assets as on 31st March, 2015 has been 2. Current Service Cost 1.10 0.81 0.25 0.67
depreciated over the remaining useful life of the fixed assets. The ‘written down
3. Interest Cost 0.81 0.96 0.65 1.14
value’ in respect of fixed assets with no remaining useful life was ` 2.24 crore
out of which ` 1.50 crore (net of deferred tax liability of ` 0.74 crore) has been 4. Curtailment cost – – – –
adjusted in the retained earnings. Residual value in respect of assets other than 5. Settlement Cost – – – –
Buildings and Vehicles are considered ’Nil ’. 6. Plan Amendments – – – –
In respect of certain assets which were being depreciated in the previous 7. Acquisitions – – – –
years following written down value (WDV) method, the Company has revised
8. Actuarial (gain)/loss on 1.54 1.9 1.46 (2.54)
the method of calculation of depreciation to straight line method (SLM) Obligations
retrospectively resulting into reversal of ‘accumulated depreciation’ of `19.36
9. Benefits Paid 0.26 (1.41) (0.34) (1.61)
crore which has been credited to the profit & loss account. Consequentially the
charge for depreciation in the statement of profit & loss account is lower by 10. Present Value of Obligation at 13.3 14.24 10.11 11.98
the end of the Year
` 19.36 crore.
V. Change in Fair Value of Assets
32. Expenditure in Foreign Currencies: during the year
(` crore) 1. Fair Value of Plan Asset at the 9.85 – 9.26 –
Particulars Year ended Year ended Beginning of the Year
31.03.2015 31.03.2014 2. Acquisition Adjustment – – – –
Interest on Borrowings 4.45 4.78
3. Expected Return on Plan Asset 0.89 – 0.81 –
Other matters 0.16 0.29
TOTAL 4.61 5.07 4. Actuarial (gain)/loss on Plan – – – –
33. Earnings in Foreign Currency: 5. Contributions 0.26 – 0.11 –
Earnings in Foreign Currency – – 6. Benefits Paid 0.26 – (0.34) –
34. Payment to Auditors 7. Fair Value of Plan Asset at 10.74 – 9.85 –
Audit Fees 0.39 0.38 the end of year
Taxation Matters 0.06 – VI. Actuarial Assumptions
Certification and other services* 0.13 – 1. Mortality Table Indian LIC
Reimbursement of Expenses 0.01 0.03 Assured (1994-96)
TOTAL 0.59 0.41 Lives
* including ` 0.11 crore (Previous Year – ` Nil) paid towards certification charges (2006-08)
towards public issue on non convertible debentures charged to securities
2. Early Retirement & Disablement Age Related Age Related
permium account
3. Discount Rate 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00%
35. Certain balances appearing under trade receivables and payables are subject to
4. Inflation Rate 6.00% 6.00% 5.00% 5.00%
confirmation. Trade receivables which are overdue for more than three years or
otherwise considered as doubtful for recovery has been fully provided for. 5. Return on Asset 9.10% 8.54%
VII. Major Category of Plan Assets
36. There are no Micro and Small Enterprises, to whom the Company owes dues, as a % of the total Plan Assets
which are outstanding for more than 45 days as at March 31, 2015. This
1. Government Securities – –
information as required to be disclosed under the Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises Development Act, 2006 has been determined to the extent the 2. Special Deposit Scheme
status of such parties identified on the basis of information available with the 3. High Quality Corporate Bonds
Company. 4. Insurance Companies 99.97% 99.97%
37. There are no material prior period items, except to the extent disclosed, included 5. Cash & Cash Equivalents 0.03% 0.03%
in Profit & Loss A/c required to be disclosed as per Accounting Standard-5 read 39. The Company operates in India and hence it is considered to operate only in
with RBI guidelines. domestic segment. More than 90% of revenue for the Company comes from a
38. Gratuity and leave encashment liabilities have been determined and accounted single segment of Financing. Accordingly, segment reporting as required under
on the basis of actuarial valuation carried out as at March 31, 2015. Accounting Standard-17, is not required.


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40. Disclosure of details pertaining to related party transactions in terms of (` crore)
Accounting Standard-18, - “Related Party Disclosures” is as under: Nature of Transaction Year ended Year ended
1. Name of the Related Party and Nature of Relationship: 31.03.2015 31.03.2014
IFCI Factors Ltd
Nature of Relationship Name of the Related Party
Rent & Maintenance received 3.18 3.43
IFCI Financial Services Ltd (IFIN) Professional Fee received 0.06 0.06
IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd (IVCF) Salaries/Other Estt. Exp. paid by IFCI for employees 0.34 0.12
IFCI Infrastructure Development Ltd (IIDL) posted by IFCI, recovered/recoverable from them
IFCI Factors Ltd (IFL) Loans given – Outstanding 100.00 175.00
MPCON Ltd Interest received/ receivable on Loan 19.85 20.89
Bonds/Debenture subscribed – Outstanding 25.00 25.00
Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd (w.e.f. March 29, 2014)
Subsidiaries Interest received/receivable on Bonds 0.57 3.12
IFIN Commodities Ltd. (indirect control through IFIN)
IFIN Securities Finance Pvt Ltd
IFIN Credit Ltd (indirect control through IFIN) Loans given - Outstanding 24.00 –
IFIN Securities Finance Limited (indirect control through IFIN) Maximum amount outstanding (receivable) 25.00 –
IIDL Realtors Pvt Ltd (indirect control through IIDL) Interest received/receivable on Loan 3.26 –
SHCIL Services Ltd (indirect control through SHCIL) Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd
SHCIL Projects Ltd (indirect control through SHCIL) Rent & Maintenance received by IFCI 0.08 –
Assets Care & Reconstruction Enterprise Ltd (ACRE) Bonds issued by IFCI – outstanding 60.00 25.00
(upto September 05, 2014) Interest paid/payable by IFCI 3.18 –
Dividend Received 6.12 2.50
Tourism Finance Corporation of India Ltd (TFCI)
Brokerage/Professional Fee paid 0.76 0.20
Himachal Consultancy Organisation Ltd (HIMCON)
Assosciates North India Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd
Rent & Maintenance received by IFCI 0.12 –
Shares acquired - Assets Care & Reconstruction 0.18 –
HARDICON Ltd Enterprise Ltd
Rajasthan Consultancy Organisation Ltd (RAJCON) Professional Fee 0.01 –
KITCO Ltd IIDL Realtors Pvt Ltd
Joint Venture IFCI Sycamore Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd Rent & Maintenance paid 0.03 2.08
Trust incorporated IFCI Social Foundation Security Deposit paid – Outstanding – 0.93
for CSR activity SHCIL Projects Ltd
Shri Malay Mukherjee (CEO & MD) – w.e.f. Other Estt. Exp. paid by IFCI for employees 0.1 –
December 12, 2013 deputed in IFCI, paid/payable to them
Shri Achal Kumar Gupta (WTD designated as Associates
Deputy Managing Director) - w.e.f. December 12, 2013 Assets Care & Reconstruction Enterprise Ltd
Key Managerial Rent & Maintenance received by IFCI 0.57 1.10
Shri Santosh B Nayar (CEO & MD) - from
Personnel Loan given – outstanding – 42.05
July 15, 2013 to December 11, 2013
Shri Anurag Jain (CEO & MD) - from Interest received/receivable on Loan – 6.72
June 01, 2013 to July 14, 2013 Professional Fee received 0.03 0.06
Shri Atul Kumar Rai (CEO & MD) – upto May 31, 2013 Tourism Finance Corporation of India Ltd
Bonds issued by IFCI – Outstanding 65.00 50.00
2. Transaction with the related party during the period: Interest paid/payable by IFCI 4.67 –
Rent & Maintenance received by IFCI 3.87 3.64
(` crore) Dividend Received 7.27 4.12
Nature of Transaction Year ended Year ended Dividend paid on Preference Shares ` 20,000 ` 20,000
31.03.2015 31.03.2014 Salaries/Other Estt. Exp. recovered/recoverable for 0.07 0.19
Subsidiaries employees deputed by IFCI
IFCI Financial Services Ltd Salaries/Other Estt. Exp. paid by IFCI for employees 0.01 0.06
Rent & Maintenance received 1.38 1.27 deputed in IFCI, Paid/payable to them
Brokerage/Professional fee paid 0.97 0.25 Himachal Consultancy Organization Ltd
Depository Services 0.26 – Dividend Received 0.01 0.04
Salaries/Other Estt. Exp. paid by IFCI for employees 0.31 0.22 Salaries/Other Estt. Exp. recovered/recoverable 0.15 0.07
posted by IFCI, recovered/recoverable from them for employees deputed by IFCI
Salaries/Other Estt. Exp. paid by IFCI for employees 0.16 –
deputed in IFCI, Paid/payable to them
Dividend Received 0.01 0.01
IFCI Venture Capital Fund Ltd Salaries/Other Estt. Exp. recovered/recoverable 0.16 0.14
Dividend Received 5.95 5.95 for employees deputed by IFCI
Rent & Maintenance received 0.56 0.51
North India Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd
Professional Fee received 0.01 0.05
Rent & Maintenance received by IFCI 0.13 –
Salaries/Other Estt. Exp. paid by IFCI for employees 0.55 0.26
posted by IFCI, recovered/recoverable from them Dividend Received 0.04 0.03
Loans given - Outstanding – 25.00 Joint Venture
Interest received/receivable on Loan 0.04 0.04 IFCI Sycamore Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd
Bonds issued by IFCI - Outstanding 15 5.00 Rent & Maintenance received by IFCI 0.03 0.07
Interest paid/payable by IFCI 0.61 – Trust
IFCI Social Foundation
IFCI Infrastructure Development Ltd
Contribution for CSR activities 5.90 –
Dividend Received – 11.93
Salaries/Other Estt. Exp. recovered/recoverable 0.17 –
Rent & Maintenance received 1.83 1.79
for employees deputed by IFCI
Rent & Maintenance paid 0.37 0.15
Professional fee paid/payable 0.14 0.22 Key Management Personnel: (` crore)
Salaries/Other Estt. Exp. Paid by IFCI for employees 0.37 0.01 Name and Designation Year ended Year ended
posted by IFCI, recovered/recoverable from them 31.03.2015 31.03.2014
Salaries/Other Estt. Exp. Paid by IFCI for employees 0.07 0.05 Managerial Remuneration
deputed in IFCI, Paid/payable to them Shri Malay Mukherjee - Chief Executive Officer and 0.28 0.07
Interest received/receivable on Loan – 0.03 Managing Director
Bonds/Debenture subscribed – Outstanding 75.00 75.00 Shri Santosh B Nayar - Chief Executive Officer and – 0.10
Interest received/receivable on Bonds 7.27 7.27 Managing Director
Bonds issued by IFCI – Outstanding 90.00 90.00 Shri Atul Kumar Rai - Chief Executive Officer and – 0.32
Interest paid/payable by IFCI 8.53 7.27 Managing Director
Shri Achal Kumar Gupta - WTD designated as Deputy 0.26 0.07
Interest paid/payable by IFCI – 3.40
Managing Director


02. IFCI Standalone 170815.indd 96 8/17/2015 6:08:27 PM

41. The Company has 50% interests in one joint venture viz. IFCI Sycamore Capital (iv) Disclosures relating to Customer Complaints *
Advisors (P) Limited (ISCAPL) incorporated in India in November 2011 which Particulars No.
is under voluntary liquidation and official liquidator has been appointed. The (a) No. of complaints pending at the –
investment of IFCI Ltd in IFCI Sycamore Capital Advisors (P) Limited as on beginning of the year
March 31, 2015 was at ` 0.01 crore Class A Equity Shares and ` 2.64 crore
(b) No. of complaints received during the –
Fully Convertible Debentures against which adequate provision has been made year
considering the probability and quantum of share in distribution upon liquation
(c) No. of complaints redressed during –
of the Company.
the year
(` crore) (d) No. of complaints pending at the end –
42 Earnings per share: Year ended Year ended of the year
31.03.2015 31.03.2014 * as certified by the management
I. (a) Profit Computation for Equity shareholders (v) Capital to Risk Assets Ratio (CRAR)
Net profit as per Statement of Profit & Loss 521.60 508.10
Particulars 31.03.2015 31.03.2014
Less: Preference Dividend (0.31) (0.31) (a) Capital to Risk Assets Ratio (CRAR) 18.75% 21.34%
Net profit for Equity Shareholders 521.29 507.79 (i) Core CRAR 12.69% 13.89%
(b) Weighted Average Number of Equity 1,66,20,37,235 1,66,20,37,235 (ii) Supplementary CRAR 6.06% 7.45%
Shares outstanding (b) Subordinated debt raised, outstanding as 1,177.85 1,258.51
II. (a) Profit Computation for Equity Shareholders Tier II Capital (` crore)
(including potential shareholders) (c) Risk-weighted Assets (` crore):
Net profit as per Statement of Profit & Loss 521.60 508.10 (i) On-Balance Sheet Items 31,645.36 25,772.04
Less: Preference Dividend (0.31) (0.31) (ii) Off-Balance Sheet Items 1,692.37 1,195.48
Net profit for Equity Shareholders 521.29 507.79 (vi) Loans and advances availed, inclusive of interest accrued thereon but
(including potential shareholders) * not paid:
III. (b) Weighted Average Number of Equity 1,66,20,37,235 1,66,27,05,271
(` crore)
Shares outstanding
Particulars As on 31.03.2015 As on 31.03.2014
Earnings Per Share (Weighted Average)
Outstanding Overdue Outstanding Overdue
Basic (`) 3.14 3.05 (a) Debentures:
Diluted (`) 3.14 3.05 (i) Secured 1,972.26 – – –
* There are no potential equity shares outstanding as on March 31, 2015. (ii) Unsecured 818.19 – 818.19 –
43. In terms of Accounting Standard-19 on ‘Leases’: (b) Deferred Credits – – – –
(c) Term Loans 12,538.95 – 9,240.33 –
(a) The Company has entered into lease agreement at eleven centers and lease
(d) Inter Corporate loans & – – 30.85 –
rent is charged to the Statement of Profit & Loss.
(b) The year-wise break up of future minimum lease payments in respect of (e) CBLO/Commercial Paper – – 48.05 –
leased premises are as under: (f) Other Loans (incl. FC Loan) 1,145.94 – 622.85 –
(` crore) (g) Funds placed with IFCI 259.38 – 46.70 –
Particulars Year ended Year ended (h) Bonds 9,357.98 – 9,831.65 –
31.03.2015 31.03.2014 The Company has not defaulted in repayment of dues to any financial
Minimum Lease payments: institution or bank or bond/debenture holders.
(a) Not later than one year ot later than one year 0.33 0.16
As a part of restructuring of liabilities of the Company, during the year
(b) Later than one year but not later than five years 0.19 0.04 2002-03, GoI agreed to service the guaranteed liabilities including KfW
(c) Later than five years – – loan. Accordingly, GoI was requested to convert this outstanding IDF
Rentals charged during the Period 0.66 2.57 loan of ` 23.13 crore into grant which is under consideration with GoI.
44. As on March 31, 2015 there were no events or changes in circumstances which Therefore, no payments are being made to GoI on account of the said loan
indicate any impairment in the assets as defined by Accounting Standard-28 - as no instalments of principal or interest are being considered due and
“Impairment of Assets”. payable by the Company.

45. Expenditure on CSR activities as specified in Schedule VII to the Companies (vii) Investor group-wise classification of all investments (Current & Long
Act, 2013 term) in shares and securities (both Quoted & Unquoted):
Particulars of Activity Year ended (` crore)
31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2014
Development of Human Capital 1.92 Category Market/ Book Market/ Book
Rural Development 1.10 Break- up/ Value Break- up/ Value
Fair Value/ Fair Value/
Environmental Sustainability Projects 0.47
Other Activities 3.70
1. Related Parties
Corpus to the IFCI Social Foundation 0.11
(a) Subsidiaries 1,354.14 1,571.43 1,255.17 1,495.58
Admin & Other Expeneses 0.18
(b) Companies in same 217.52 79.81 83.60 86.69
TOTAL 7.48
46. The following additional information is disclosed in terms of RBI Circulars (c) Joint Venture 2.7 2.65 2.65 2.65
applicable to Non-Banking Financial Companies: 2. Other than Related Parties 6,010.35 6,617.36 5,922.61 6,660.38
(i) The Company is registered with Securities and Exchange Board of India as TOTAL 7,584.71 8,271.25 7,264.03 8,245.30
debenture trustee having Registration Code i.e. “IND000000002”.
(ii) There is no penalties imposed by RBI and other regulator during the year (viii) Details of investment and movement in provision : (` crore)
ended March 2015. Particulars 31.03.2015 31.03.2014
(iii) Ratings assigned by credit rating agencies and migration of ratings during
(A) Value of Investment in India 8,271.25 8,245.31
the year:
Provisions for Depreciation 680.90 731.77
Long Term (Bonds/NCDs/Term Loans)
Net Value of Investments 7,590.35 7,513.54
Ratings by 31.03.2015 31.03.2014
(B) Movement of provisions held towards
ICRA (ICRA) A (ICRA) A depreciation on investments
CARE CARE A+ CARE A (i) Opening balance 731.77 618.46
Brickwork BWR AA- BWR AA- (ii) Add : Provisions made during the year 74.21 168.66
Short Term (Commercial Paper): (iii) Less : Write-off/write-back of excess 125.08 55.35
ICRA (ICRA) A1 (ICRA) A1 provisions during the year
CARE CARE A1+ CARE A1 (iv) Closing balance 680.90 731.77


02. IFCI Standalone 140815.indd 97 8/14/2015 2:47:25 PM

(` crore) (xviii) Sector-wise NPAs
(ix) Particulars As on As on % of NPAs to
31.03.2015 31.03.2014 Total Advances
Leased Assets and stock on hire and other assets – – 31.03.2015 31.03.2014
counting towards loan activities 1. Agriculture and Allied Activities – –
(x) Borrower Group-wise classification of assets financed: 2. MSME – –
Category 3. Corporate Borrowers 10.28% 17.26%
1 Related Parties 4. Services – –
(a) Subsidiaries 124.00 200.00 5. Unsecured Personal Loans – –
(b) Companies in same Group – – 6. Auto Loans – –
(c) Other Related Parties – 42.10 7. Other personal loans – –
2 Other than Related Parties 24,367.73 18,393.02 (xix) Provisions and contingencies (` crore)
TOTAL 24,491.73 18,635.12
For the Year ended
Amount is net of provision against non-performing and standard restructured Break up of Provisions and Contingencies
31.03.2015 31.03.2014
(xi) Details of Borrower Limit - exceeded by (` crore) Provisions for depreciation on Investment (51.32) 112.19
the NBFC on the basis of Gross Exposure Provision towards NPAs (380.54) (279.66)
Particulars 31.03.2015 31.03.2014 Provision for Standard Assets 126.10 40.48
Essar Oil Essar Oil Provision made towards Income tax 81.54 102.60
Concern Name Provision against trade receivables and other 4.82 1.61
Ltd Ltd
(a) Loan Total Outstanding 1,244.56 1,300.80 advances
(b) % of owned funds 23.01% 25.43% (xx) Exposure to Real Estate Sector (` crore)
(c) Investment outstanding – – Category 31.03.2015 31.03.2014
(d) % of owned funds – – (a) Direct Exposure
(e) Total Exposure 1,244.56 1,300.80 (i) Residential Mortgages:
(f) % of owned funds 23.01% 25.43% Lending fully secured by mortgages on – –
(` crore) residential property that is or will be
(xii) Details of Borrower Group Limit - exceeded 31.03.2015 31.03.2014 occupied by the borrower or that is rented
by the NBFC on the basis of Gross Exposure (Individual housing loans up to `15 lakh
Essar Oil Essar Oil may be shown separately)
Group Name
Group Group (ii) Commercial Real Estate:
(a) Loan Total Outstanding 1,818.15 1,867.63 Lending secured by mortgages on 4,388.45 2,457.31
(b) %of owned funds 33.61% 36.52% commercial real estate (office building,
(c) Investment outstanding 25.00 25.00 retail space, multipurpose commercial
(d) % of owned funds 0.46 0.49 premises, multi-family residential
(e) Total Exposure 1,843.15 1,892.63 buildings, multi-tenanted commercial
(f) % of owned funds 34.07% 37.01 premises, industrial or warehouse space,
(xiii) Concentration of Advances (` crore) hotels, land acquisition, development
Particulars 31.03.2015 31.03.2014 and construction, etc.). Exposure would
Total Advances to top twenty 8,627.82 8,450.97 also include non-fund based (NFB) limits
largest borrowers/customers (iii) Investments in Mortgage Backed – –
Percentage of Advances to twenty largest 33.88% 42.28% Securities (MBS) and other securitised
borrowers/customers to Total Exposure of exposures:
the NBFC on borrowers/customers (b) Indirect Exposure
Fund based and non-fund based – –
(xiv) Concentration of Exposures exposures on National Housing Bank
Total Exposure to top twenty largest 9,085.23 8,930.83 (NHB) and Housing Finance Companies
borrowers/customers (HFCs).
Percentage of Exposures to top twenty largest 26.92% 31.54%
(xxi) Exposure to Capital Market (` crore)
borrowers/customers to Total Exposure of the
NBFC on borrowers/customers Particulars 31.03.2015 31.03.2014
(i) Direct investment in equity shares, convertible 4,227.03 5,151.67
(xv) Concentration of NPAs bonds, convertible debentures and units of
Gross NPAs (Excluding Share Cost) 2,617.25 3,451.36 equity-oriented mutual funds the corpus of
Total Exposure to top Four NPA Accounts 1,096.82 1,141.55 which is not exclusively invested in corporate
(4.31%) (5.71%)
(xvi) Status of Non-Performing Assets (` crore) (ii) Advances against shares/bonds/debentures or – –
Particulars As on As on other securities or on clean basis to individuals
for investment in shares (including IPOs/ESOPs),
31.03.2015 31.03.2014
convertible bonds, convertible debentures, and
1. Gross Non-Performing Assets
units of equity-oriented mutual funds;
(a) Related Parties – –
(iii) Advances for any other purposes where shares 3,599.83 3,695.07
(b) Other than Related parties 2,617.25 3,451.36
or convertible bonds or convertible debentures
2. Net Non-Performing Assets
or units of equity oriented mutual funds are
(a) Related Parties – –
taken as primary security;
(b) Other than Related parties 1,757.52 2,122.77
Assets acquired in satisfaction of debt – – (iv) Advances for any other purposes to the extent 365.89 291.88
secured by the collateral security of shares or
(xvii) Movement of NPAs: (` crore) convertible bonds or convertible debentures
Particulars As on As on or units of equity oriented mutual funds i.e.
31.03.2015 31.03.2014 where the primary security other than shares/
(i) Net NPAs to Net Advances (%) 7.18% 11.39% convertible bonds/convertible debentures/
(ii) Movement of NPAs (Gross) units of equity oriented mutual funds does not
(a) Opening balance 3,451.36 3,063.01 fully cover the advances;
(b) Additions during the year 371.08 1,308.78 (v) Secured and unsecured advances to 35 35
(c) Reductions during the year 1,205.19 920.43 stockbrokers and guarantees issued on behalf
(d) Closing balance 2,617.25 3,451.36 of stockbrokers and market makers;
(iii) Movement of Net NPAs (vi) Loans sanctioned to corporates against the – –
(a) Opening balance 2,122.77 1,453.65 security of shares/bonds/debentures or other
(b) Additions during the year 329.73 1,154.17 securities or on clean basis for meeting
(c) Reductions during the year 694.98 485.05 promoter’s contribution to the equity of new
(d) Closing balance 1,757.52 2,122.77 companies in anticipation of raising resources;
(iv) Movement of provisions for NPAs (vii) Bridge loans to companies against expected – –
(excluding provisions on standard assets) equity flows/issues;
(a) Opening balance 1,328.58 1,609.35 (viii) All exposures to Venture Capital Funds (both 286.29 340.2
(b) Provisions made during the year 338.23 373.35 registered and unregistered)
(c) Write-off/write-back of excess provisions 807.09 654.12 Total Exposure to Capital Market 8,514.04 9,513.82
(d) Closing balance 859.72 1,328.58


02. IFCI Standalone 170815.indd 98 8/17/2015 6:12:36 PM

(xxii) Assets sold to Securitization Company/Reconstruction (xxvi) The Company has not undertaken any exchange
Company (SC/RC): (` crore) traded interest rate (IR) derivatives during the year.
Particulars 31.03.2015 31.03.2014 (` crore)
Particulars 31.03.2015 31.03.2014
1. Number of Accounts 4 2 (xxvii) Details of Forward rate agreement/ interest rate swap – –
2. Aggregate outstanding of accounts sold to SC/ RC 285.55 1.45
3. Aggregate consideration 270.05 1.16 (xxviii) Exchange Traded Interest Rate(IR) Derivatives – –

4. Additional consideration realized in respect – – (xxix) Quantitative Disclosures:

of accounts transferred in earlier years
(i) Currency Derivatives – –
5. Aggregate gain/(loss) over net book value – – (ii) Interest Rate Derivatives – –
(xxx) Maturity Pattern of Assets and Liabilities:
(xxiii) Assignment transactions undertaken – – Particulars 1 day 1 Month 2 Months 3 Months 6 Months 1 to 3 3 to 5 Over 5 Total
to 30 to 2 to 3 to 6 to 1 Year Years Years Years
days Months Months Months
(xxiv) Details of Non-performing financial assets purchased:
(` crore) Borrowing 584.16 100.00 – 1,217.55 1,467.71 6,803.75 2,625.00 400.00 13,198.17
Particulars 31.03.2015 31.03.2014 from Banks

(a) Number of accounts purchased during the – 1 Market 8.06 22.55 16.55 147.66 428.42 709.99 1,792.20 9,509.73 12,635.16
TOTAL 592.22 122.55 16.55 1,365.21 1,896.13 7,513.74 4,417.20 9,909.73 25,833.33
(b) Aggregate Outstanding (` crore) – 0.99
(a) Of the above number of accounts restructured – –
Advances 104.01 118.38 235.59 925.50 2,208.11 9,116.10 6,268.63 5,515.41 24,491.73
during the period
Investments 209.47 172.10 1,077.97 – 157.01 116.13 168.24 5,689.45 7,590.37
(b) Aggregate Outstanding (` crore) – –
TOTAL 313.48 290.48 1,313.56 925.50 2,365.12 9,232.23 6,436.87 11,204.86 32,082.10
47. Total value of outstanding Currency Swaps was USD 77.95 million against INR,
(xxv) Details of Non-performing financial assets sold to – – EURO 0.85 million against INR and EURO 66.08 million against USD (Previous
other than SC/RC Year – USD - 87.65 million against INR, EURO Nil million against INR and
EURO 69.39 million against USD respectively) equivalent to ` 936.87 crore
(Previous Year- ` – 1,132.09 crore) whereas total value of outstanding forex deals
other than Currency Swaps was Nil (Previous Year – Nil).

Disclosure of Restructured Accounts

SI. Type of Under CDR Mechanism Under SME Debt Restructuring Others Total
No. Restructuring Mechanism
Asset Standard Sub- Doubtful Loss Total Standard Sub- Doubtful Loss Total Standard Sub- Doubtful Loss Total Standard Sub- Doubtful Loss Total
Classification/ Standard Standard Standard Standard
1. No. of 1 3 – – 4 – – – – – 6 1 1 – 8 7 4 1 – 12
Restructured Borrowers
Accounts as on Amount’ 125 193.74 – – 318.74 – – – – – 978.87 689.97 43.56 – 1,712.40 1,103.87 883.71 43.56 – 2,031.14
April, 1 of the FY Outstanding
(opening figures)* Provision 29.9 45.02 – – 74.92 – – – – – 27.71 69 8.71 – 105.42 57.61 114.02 8.71 – 180.34
2. No. of 5 1 – – 6 – – – – – 14 – 1 – 15 19 1 1 – 21
Fresh restructuring Amount 599.98 91.99 – – 691.97 – – – – – 1,706.87 32.63 38.24 – 1,777.74 2,306.85 124.62 38.24 – 2,469.71
during the year Outstanding
Provision 104.75 28.71 – – 133.46 – – – – – 107.00 3.26 12.03 – 122.29 211.75 31.97 12.03 – 255.75
3. Upgradations No. of – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
to restructured Borrowers
standard category Amount – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
during the FY Outstanding
Provision – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
4. Restructured No. of – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
standard advances Borrowers
which cease to
attract higher
provisioning and
/ or additional risk Amount – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
weight at the end of Outstanding
the FY and hence
need not be shown
as restructured
standard advances Provision – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
at the beginning of thereon
the next FY

5. Downgradations No. of – (2) 2 – – – – – – – (2) 2 – – – (2) – 2 – –

of restructured Borrowers
accounts during Amount – (37.33) 37.45 – 0.12 – – – – – (179.54) 174.60 – – (4.94) (179.54) 137.27 37.45 – (4.82)
the FY Outstanding
Provision – (3.73) 10.49 – 6.76 – – – – – (4.94) 17.46 – – 12.52 (4.94) 13.73 10.49 – 19.28


02. IFCI Standalone 170815.indd 99 8/17/2015 7:26:38 PM

SI. Type of Under CDR Mechanism Under SME Debt Restructuring Others Total
No. Restructuring Mechanism
Asset Standard Sub- Doubtful Loss Total Standard Sub- Doubtful Loss Total Standard Sub- Doubtful Loss Total Standard Sub- Doubtful Loss Total
Classification/ Standard Standard Standard Standard
6. Write-offs of No. of – – 2 2 – – – – – – – 1 1 – – 3 – 3
restructured Borrowers
accounts during Amount – – 37.45 37.45 – – – – – – – 43.76 43.76 – – 81.21 – 81.21
the FY Outstanding
Provision – – 10.49 10.49 – – – – – – – 13.13 13.13 – – 23.62 – 23.62
7. Restructured No. of 6 2 – – 8 – – – – – 18 3 1.00 – 22 24 5 1 – 30
Accounts as on Borrowers
March, 31 of the FY Amount 724.98 248.40 – – 973.38 – – – – – 2,506.20 897.20 38.04 – 3,441.44 3,231.18 1,145.60 38.04 – 4,414.82
(closing figures)* Outstanding
Provision 134.65 70.00 – – 204.65 – – – – – 129.77 89.72 7.61 – 227.10 264.42 159.72 7.61 – 431.75

*Excluding the figures of Standard Restructured Advances which do not attract higher provisioning or risk weight (if applicable), ** Restructuring withdrwan & Original Liabilities restored in

48. Open interest in the Currency Futures as at Balance Sheet Nil at 31.03.2015. 50. Details of Securities sold and purchased under Repos and Reverse Repos
Long Position as on 31.03.2014 is as below: Transactions:
Sl. Particulars Series of Exchange Number of Number of Units Sl. Particulars Maximum O/s Daily Average O/s O/s as on
No. Future Contracts Involved (USD) No. during the Period during the Period March 31, 2015

1. USD/INR June 26, 2014 NSE 1920 1,920,000.00 Securities sold under Repo:
1. Government Securities – – –
2. USD/INR April 28, 2014 MCX-SX 723 723,000.00
2. Corporate Bonds 877.51 553.12 659.22
3. USD/INR May 28, 2014 MCX-SX 2812 2,812,000.00
Securities purchased under Reverse Repo:
4. USD/INR June 26, 2014 MCX-SX 365 365,000.00 1. Government Securities – – –
49. Foreign Currency exposure that is not hedged by derivative instrument or 2. Corporate Bonds – – –
otherwise is USD 0.020 million (Previous Year – USD 0.50 million) and
Minimum, maximum and average outstanding is based on face value of
EUR 0.029 million (Previous Year – EUR 0.38 million), equivalent to ` 0.32 crore
(Previous Year – ` 6.15 crore).
51. Previous year figures have been re-grouped/ re-arranged wherever necessary, to
conform to current period’s presentation.


Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer & Deputy Managing Director
DIN 00323799 Managing Director DIN 02192183
DIN 02272425


Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director & Company Secretary
Chief Financial Officer

In terms of our report of even date


Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
ICAI FRN 009571N/ N500006 ICAI FRN 08976N


M. No. 088810 M. No. 093714

Place : New Delhi

Date : May 26, 2015


02. IFCI Standalone 170815.indd 100 8/17/2015 7:27:18 PM

IFCI Limited (Consolidated Financial Statements)


TO THE MEMBERS OF IFCI LIMITED accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the accounting
estimates made by the Holding Company’s Directors, as well as
Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements
evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial
We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements
of IFCI Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Holding Company”) and
its subsidiaries (the Holding Company and its subsidiaries together We believe that the audit evidence obtained by us and the audit
referred to as “the Group”), its associates and jointly controlled entities, evidence by the other auditors in terms of their reports referred to
comprising of the Consolidated Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2015, in sub-paragraph (b) the Other Matters paragraph below, is sufficient
the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss, the Consolidated Cash and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on the
Flow Statement for the year then ended, and a summary of significant consolidated financial statements.
accounting policies and other explanatory information (hereinafter Opinion
referred to as “the consolidated financial statements”). In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to
Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements the explanations given to us, the aforesaid consolidated financial
The Holding Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the statements give the information required by the Act in the manner
preparation of these consolidated financial statements in terms of so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the
the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) that give a accounting principles generally accepted in India, of the consolidated
true and fair view of the consolidated financial position, consolidated state of affairs of the Group, its associates and jointly controlled
financial performance and consolidated cash flows of the Group entities as at March 31, 2015, and their consolidated profit and their
including its Associates and Jointly controlled entities in accordance consolidated cash flow for the year ended on that date.
with the accounting principles generally accepted in India, including Emphasis of Matters
the Accounting Standards specified under Section 133 of the Act, The holding company holds investment in eight companies to
read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014. The the extent of 20% or more of their respective total share capital
respective Board of Directors of the companies included in the Group and accordingly these companies are the associates of the holding
and of its associates and jointly controlled entities are responsible company as per the Companies Act, 2013, for the reasons stated in
for maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the para 26.1 of the financial statement, these associates have not
the provisions of the Act for safeguarding of the assets of the Group been consolidated in the preparation of the consolidated financial
and for preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities; statements of the Group. Our report is not modified on the matter.
selection and application of appropriate accounting policies; making
Other Matters
judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and design,
implementation and maintenance of adequate internal financial (a) We did not audit the financial statements of six subsidiaries and
controls, that were operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy and six step down subsidiaries, whose financial statements reflect
completeness of the accounting records, relevant to the preparation total assets of ` 3367.78 crore as at March 31, 2015, total revenues
and presentation of the financial statements that give a true and fair of ` 661.07 crore and total profit after tax (net) of ` 48.73 crore
view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud for the year ended on that date, as considered in the consolidated
or error, which have been used for the purpose of preparation of the financial statements. The consolidated financial statements
consolidated financial statements by the Directors of the Holding also include the Group’s share of net profit of ` 7.51 crore for
Company, as aforesaid. the year ended March 31, 2015 in respect of five associates,
whose financial statements have not been audited by us. These
Auditor’s Responsibility financial statements have been audited by other auditors whose
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial reports have been furnished to us by the Management and our
statements based on our audit. While conducting the audit, we have opinion on the consolidated financial statements, in so far as
taken into account the provisions of the Act, the accounting and it relates to the amounts and disclosures included in respect of
auditing standards and matters which are required to be included in these subsidiaries, step down subsidiaries and associates, and
the audit report under the provisions of the Act and the Rules made our report in terms of Sub-Sections (3) and (11) of Section 143 of
thereunder. the Act, in so far as it relates to the aforesaid subsidiaries, step
We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing down subsidiaries and associates, is based solely on the reports
specified under Section 143(10) of the Act. Those Standards require of the other auditors.
that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the (b) The consolidated financial statements include the Group’s
audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated share of net accumulated profit of ` 8.79 crore for the year ended
financial statements are free from material misstatement. March 31, 2015 in respect of one associate, whose financial
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence statements have not been audited by us. These financial
about the amounts and the disclosures in the consolidated financial statements are unaudited and have been furnished to us by the
statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, Management and our opinion on the consolidated financial
including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the statements, in so far as it relates to the amounts and disclosures
consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. included in respect of this associate, and our report in terms
In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal of Sub-Sections (3) and (11) of Section 143 of the Act in so far
financial control relevant to the Holding Company’s preparation of as it relates to the aforesaid associate, is based solely on such
the financial statements that give a true and fair view in order to unaudited financial statements.
design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but Our opinion on the consolidated financial statements, and our report
not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on whether the Holding on Other Legal and Regulatory requirements below, is not modified in
Company has in place an adequate internal financial control system respect of the above matters with respect to our reliance on the work
over financial reporting and the operating effectiveness of such done and the reports of the other auditors and the financial statements
controls. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the certified by the Management.


03. Final IFCI Consol 140815.indd 101 8/14/2015 2:49:14 PM

IFCI Limited (Consolidated Financial Statements)

Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements auditors of its subsidiary companies, step down
1. As required by the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2015 (‘the subsidiaries and associate companies incorporated in
Order’) issued by the Central Government of India in terms of sub- India, none of the directors of the Group companies and its
section (11) of Section 143 of the Act, based on the comments in associate companies incorporated in India is disqualified
the auditor’s report of the Holding company, subsidiary companies, as on March 31, 2015 from being appointed as a director in
associate companies and jointly controlled companies incorporated terms of Section 164 (2) of the Act.
in India, we give in the Annexure I, a statement on the matters (f) With respect to the other matters to be included in the
specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Order. Auditor’s Report in accordance with Rule 11 of the
2. As required under Section 143(5) of the Companies Act, 2013, we Companies (Audit and Auditor’s) Rules, 2014, in our
enclose herewith, as per Annexure II, our report for the Group on opinion and to the best of our information and according
the directions issued by the Comptroller & Auditor General of to the explanations given to us:
India. (i) The consolidated financial statements disclose the
3. As required by Section 143(3) of the Act, we report, to the extent impact of pending litigations on the consolidated
applicable, that: financial position of the Group, its associates and
(a) We have sought, and obtained all the information and jointly controlled entities – Refer Note No. 27.1 to the
explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief consolidated financial statements;
were necessary for the purposes of our audit. (ii) Provision has been made in the consolidated financial
statements, as required under the applicable law or
(b) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by
accounting standards, for material foreseeable losses,
law relating to preparation of the aforesaid consolidated
if any, on long-term contracts including derivative
financial statements have been kept so far as it appears
contracts – Refer Note No. 27.3 to the consolidated
from our examination of those books and the reports of financial statements;
other auditors.
(iii) There has been no delay in transferring amounts,
(c) The Consolidated Balance Sheet and the Consolidated
required to be transferred, to the Investor Education
Statement of Profit and Loss, dealt with by this Report are in
and Protection Fund by the holding Company.
agreement with the relevant books of account maintained
for the purpose of preparation of the consolidated financial
statements. For ASA & Associates LLP For ANDROS & CO.
(d) In our opinion, the aforesaid consolidated financial Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
FRN: 009571N/N500006 FRN: 008976N
statements comply with the Accounting Standards
specified under Section 133 of the Act, read with Rule 7 of
Parveen Kumar Puneet Gupta
the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014.
Partner Partner
(e) On the basis of the written representations received Membership No. 088810 Membership No. 093714
from the directors of the Holding Company as on
March 31, 2015 taken on record by the Board of Directors Place: New Delhi
of the Holding Company and the reports of the statutory Date: May 26, 2015

Annexure-I referred to in paragraph 1 of Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements of our report of
even date:

(i) (a) The Group has maintained proper records showing full particulars including quantitative details and situation of fixed assets, except
for Holding Company’s leased plant and machinery having gross block of ` 70.92 crore (PY ` 70.92 crore) which has fully depreciated.
(b) The fixed assets are being physically verified by the managements at all their offices in a phased manner at reasonable intervals. According
to the information and explanation given to us, no material discrepancies were noticed on such verification. However, the policy with
regard to the verification of physical assets and the periodicity thereof needs to be reviewed and approved by the Holding Company’s Board.
(ii) In our opinion, according to the information provided and explanations given and based on the reports of other auditors of the subsidiaries, the
Group has maintained proper record of physical inventories, wherever applicable. No material discrepancy in inventories has been noticed.
(iii) According to the information provided and explanations given to us, and based on the reports of other auditors of the subsidiaries, the
Group has not granted any loan, secured or unsecured to companies, firms or other parties covered in the register mentioned under Section
189 of the Companies Act, 2013. Therefore, the provisions of Clause 3(ii)(a) and 3(iii)(b) are not applicable to this Group.
(iv) The present ERP of the holding company requires up-gradation and Information Systems audit to test the designing and effectiveness of the
automated controls and internal control procedures have been reported to require improvement in case of one subsidiary company i.e. IFCI
Infrastructure Development Ltd. Except for the above, in our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, and our
examination of the other auditors’ reports of the subsidiaries, there is adequate internal control system commensurate with the size of the
companies in the Group and nature of their business, for the purchase of inventories and fixed assets and for the sale of goods and services.
In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, there is no continuing failure to correct major weaknesses in
internal control system.
(v) According to the information provided and explanations given to us, and based on the reports of other auditors of the subsidiaries, the
Group has not accepted any deposits from public during the year within the meaning of Section 73 to 76 of the Companies Act, 2013 and
the rules thereunder.
(vi) According to the information provided and explanation given to us, and based on the reports of other auditors of the subsidiaries,
maintenance of cost records has not been prescribed by the Central Government under Section 148(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 except
in case of one subsidiary IFCI Infrastructure Development Ltd. The subsidiary has appointed cost auditor to carry out the cost audit.


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IFCI Limited (Consolidated Financial Statements)

(vii) (a) In our opinion and according to the information provided and explanations given to us, and based on the reports of other auditors of the
subsidiaries, the Group is generally regular in depositing undisputed statutory dues including provident fund, employee’s state insurance,
income tax, sales tax, wealth tax, service tax, duty of customs, duty of excise, value added tax, cess and other material statutory dues applicable to it with
the appropriate authorities. There are no outstanding statutory dues existing as at the last day of the financial year for a period of more than six months
from the day they became payable except works contract tax of ` 8.07 lakh and labor cess of ` 7.30 lakh outstanding for more than six months as on
March 31, 2015.
(b) According to the information and explanations given to us, there were no amounts due as on March 31, 2015 in respect of income tax
or sales tax or wealth tax or service tax or duty of customs or duty of excise or value added tax or cess which have not been deposited
on account of any dispute other than those indicated below:
Particulars Name of the Statute Nature of Amount Year to which Forum, where dispute
disputed dues (` lakh) demand relates is pending
Finance Act, 1994 Service Tax and 702.33* FY 2005-06 to CESTAT, Delhi
(Service Tax) # Penalty demanded FY 2007-08
Finance Act, 1994 Service Tax and 30.48* FY 2008-09 to CESTAT, Delhi
(Service Tax) Penalty demanded FY 2009-10
Finance Act, 1994 Service Tax and Penalty 45.34* FY 2008-09 to CESTAT, Bangalore
(Service Tax) demanded FY 2010-11
Finance Act, 1994 Service Tax and 59.58 FY 2006-07 to Commissioner of Service Tax, Chennai
(Service Tax) Penalty demanded FY 2008-09
MP Commercial Tax Sales Tax on Lease 0.60 – Board of Revenue (Commercial
Act, 1994 Transactions Transactions Tax Tribunal) Gwalior, MP
Stock Holding Income Tax Act,1961 Income Tax 1.50 FY 2007-08 & CIT (A)
Corporation of India Ltd FY 2008-09
Income Tax Act,1961 Regular Assessment 0.71 FY 2008-09 ITAT
Income Tax Act,1961 Regular Assessment 36.02* FY 2009-10 ITAT
SHCIL Services Ltd
Income Tax Act,1961 Penalty 745.04 FY 2010-11 CIT (A)
Income Tax Act,1961 Regular Assessment 667.98 FY 2011-12 CIT (A)
SHCIL Projects Ltd Income Tax Act,1961 Income Tax 0.19 FY 2010-11 Assessing Officer
Income Tax Act,1961 Income Tax 13.94 AY 2002-03 CIT (Appeal)
IFCI Factors Ltd Income Tax Act,1961 Income Tax 3.73 AY 2002-03 ITAT
Income Tax Act,1961 Income Tax 11.49 AY 2011-12 AO
MPCON Finance Act Service Tax 180.34 – CESTAT
# The demand of tax has been stayed by the order of CESTAT
* net of amount deposited under protest
(c) According to the information provided and explanations given to us the amount required to be transferred to Investor Education and
Protection Fund in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) and rules made there under has
been transferred to such fund within time.
(viii) There are no accumulated loss at the end of the financial year and the Group has not incurred cash losses during the financial year covered
by our audit report and in the immediately preceding financial year.
(ix) According to the information provided and explanations given to us, the Group has not defaulted in repayment of dues to a financial
institution or bank or debenture holders.
(x) According to the information provided and explanations given to us, and based on the reports of other auditors of the subsidiaries, the
Group has not given any guarantee for loans taken by others from banks and financial institutions.
(xi) In our opinion and according to the information provided and explanations given to us, the term loans availed by the Group were applied
for the purpose for which they were obtained.
(xii) During the year, the holding company has reported fraud by one of its borrower company where the borrower has induced the company to
reschedule its outstanding loan facilities on false assurances and forged documents by inflating the value of security by ` 81 crore. In respect
of a subsidiary company, IFCI Factors Limited, nineteen fraud/suspected fraud case involving amount ` 141.84 crore (excluding interest)
on the subsidiary company has been noticed out of which four cases involving ` 45.68 crore (excluding interest) have been reported to
RBI during the course of audit. In respect of another subsidiary company, Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited, misappropriation of
funds by an employee amounting to ` 0.34 crore has been noticed and reported.

For ASA & Associates LLP For ANDROS & CO.

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
FRN: 009571N/N500006 FRN: 008976N

Parveen Kumar Puneet Gupta

Partner Partner
M. No. 088810 M. No. 093714

Place: New Delhi

Date: May 26, 2015


03. Final IFCI Consol 140815.indd 103 8/14/2015 2:49:14 PM

IFCI Limited (Consolidated Financial Statements)

Annexure-II referred to in paragraph 2 of Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements of our report of
even date:
Part A - Directions
Sl. No. Directions Reply
1. If the Company has been According to the information and explanations provided to us by the management and based
selected for disinvestment, on the other auditors’ report on the subsidiaries, none of group company has been selected for
a complete status report in disinvestment.
terms of valuation of Assets
(including intangible assets and
land) and Liabilities (including
Committed & General Reserves)
may be examined including
the mode and present stage of
disinvestment process.
2. Please report whether there are According to the information provided and explanations given to us and based on the other auditors’
any cases of waiver/write off reports of subsidiaries, cases of waiver/write off of debts/loans/interest are as under:
of debts/loans/interest etc., if Sl. No. Nature of Dues No. of cases Amount (` crore)
yes, the reasons thereof and the
amount involved. A. Technical write-off of loans 54 696.98
B. Other waiver/write-offs 14 68.29
C. Trade Receivables 30,691 3.59
It was informed that the waiver/write-off was decided on case to case basis with due assessment
of the possibility of recovery in each case considering the available security, status of the borrower
and pending litigation. The outstanding of technical write-off/wavier cases was fully provided for in
the books of accounts to the extent of the amount of write-off/waiver. The Trade Receivables, to the
extent assessed to be not recoverable, have been written off.
3. Whether proper records are According to the information/explanations provided to us by the management and based on other
maintained for inventories auditors’ reports of subsidiaries and our verification thereof, we observed that:
lying with third parties & assets a) There are no inventories lying with the third parties.
received as gift from Govt. or
other authorities. b) No assets have been received as gifts from Government of India or other authorities.
4. A report on age-wise analysis According to the information/explanations provided to us by the management and based on other
of pending legal/arbitration auditors’ reports of subsidiaries, age-wise analysis of pending legal/arbitration cases is as under:
cases including the reasons
of pendency and existence/ Legal/Arbitration cases as on March 31, 2015
effectiveness of a monitoring Sl. No. Company Upto 1 Yr 1-3 Yrs More than 3 Yrs Total
mechanism for expenditure on 1. IFCI Ltd 60 167 667 894
all legal cases (foreign and local) 2. IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd 2 3 1 6
may be given. 3. IFCI Factors Ltd 20 88 26 134
4. IFCI Infrastructure
2 3 4 9
Development Ltd
5. IFCI Financial Services Ltd
6 26 1 33
6. Stock Holding Corporation
7 13 36 56
of India Ltd (Consolidated)
TOTAL 97 300 735 1,132
According to the information provided and explanations given to us by the Company and based on
other auditors’ report on the subsidiaries, we report:
(a) The Holding Company and its subsidiaries have deployed dedicated teams of qualified
professionals for handling, effective monitoring and persuasion of pending legal cases. The
cases pending in the legal proceedings are in the ordinary course of judicial process.
(b) The legal expenses are regularly monitored by Committees constituted for NPA monitoring/
legal case monitoring in most of the Group companies and there are approved policies and
defined fee structure and ‘delegation of power’ for payment of fees to advocates.

For ASA & Associates LLP For ANDROS & CO.

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
FRN: 09571N/N500006 FRN: 008976N
Parveen Kumar Puneet Gupta
Partner Partner
M. No. 088810 M. No. 093714
Place : New Delhi
Date : May 26, 2015


03. Final IFCI Consol 170815.indd 104 8/17/2015 4:11:46 PM

IFCI Limited (Consolidated Financial Statements)


(` crore)
Note As at As at
No. March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
(1) Shareholders’ Funds
- Share Capital 1 1,925.37 1,924.96
- Reserves and Surplus 2 5,561.34 5,404.15
(2) Minority Interest
- Share Capital 13.39 13.35
- Reserves and Surplus 283.32 253.51
(3) Non-current Liabilities
(a) Long-term Borrowings 3 22,194.92 17,585.43
(b) Long-term Liabilities 4 320.32 111.05
(c) Long-term Provisions 5 430.17 122.22
(4) Current Liabilities
(a) Short-term Borrowings 6 901.37 620.08
(b) Trade Payables 7 255.41 368.59
(c) Other Current Liabilities 8 4,948.39 4,404.40
(d) Short-term Provisions 5 134.43 205.11
TOTAL 36,968.43 31,012.85
(1) Non-current Assets
(a) Fixed Assets
(i) Tangible Assets 9 1,486.11 1,485.00
(ii) Intangible Assets 10 2.72 3.58
(iii) Capital work-in-progress 3.76 8.61
(b) Goodwill on consolidation 446.64 445.80
(c) Non-current Investments 11 3,686.03 4,583.01
(d) Deferred Tax Assets (Net) 12 623.88 713.56
(e) Long-term Loans & Advances
(i) Loans 13 21,504.18 16,590.47
(ii) Others 14 345.77 284.47
(f) Other Non-current Assets 15 8.23 6.36
(2) Current Assets
(a) Current Investments 16 2,644.15 1,818.47
(b) Inventories 259.45 233.32
(c) Trade Receivables 17 823.54 984.79
(d) Cash and Cash Equivalents 18 1,241.57 1,095.62
(e) Short-term Loans and Advances
(i) Loans (Current Maturity of Long Term Loans) 13 3,508.01 2,394.16
(ii) Others 14 19.44 45.64
(f) Other Current Assets 15 364.95 319.99
TOTAL 36,968.43 31,012.85
Accounting Policies and Notes (1 to 55) form an integral part of financial statements
For and on behalf of Board
Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director Deputy Managing Director
DIN 00323799 DIN 02272425 DIN 02192183


Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director & Company Secretary
Chief Financial Officer
In terms of our report of even date


Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
ICAI FRN 009571N/N500006 ICAI FRN 08976N
M. No. 088810 M. No. 093714

Place : New Delhi

Date : May 26, 2015


03. Final IFCI Consol 140815.indd 105 8/14/2015 2:49:15 PM

IFCI Limited (Consolidated Financial Statements)


(` crore)

Note For the year ended For the year ended

No. March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014

I. Revenue from Operations 19 3,857.82 3,596.62

II. Other Income 20 90.19 45.05

III. Total Revenue 3,948.01 3,641.67

IV. Expenses

Finance Cost 21 2,172.82 1,761.96

Employee Benefits Expenses 22 194.76 173.40

Depreciation and Amortization (11.20) 50.96

(Net of transfer from Revaluation Reserve)

Cost of Stock in trade 52.99 87.12

Other Expenses 23 204.48 184.15

Total Expenses 2,613.85 2,257.59

V. Profit before Provisions/Write-off 1,334.16 1,384.08

VI. Less: Provision for Bad & Doubtful Assets and others (Net of Write-off) 24 559.30 622.48

VII. Profit before Tax 774.86 761.60

VIII. Tax Expense

– Current Tax 126.19 169.55

– Deferred Tax (Net) 90.41 25.95

IX. Profit for the period 558.26 566.10

X. Basic Earnings per share of ` 10.00 each (`) 3.36 3.40

Diluted Earnings per share of ` 10.00 each (`) 3.36 3.40

Accounting Policies and Notes (1 to 55) form an integral part of financial statements
For and on behalf of Board
Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director Deputy Managing Director
DIN 00323799 DIN 02272425 DIN 02192183


Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director & Company Secretary
Chief Financial Officer
In terms of our report of even date


Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
ICAI FRN 009571N/N500006 ICAI FRN 08976N
M. No. 088810 M. No. 093714

Place : New Delhi

Date : May 26, 2015


03. Final IFCI Consol 140815.indd 106 8/14/2015 2:49:15 PM

IFCI Limited (Consolidated Financial Statements)

(` crore)
For the year ended For the year ended
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
Net Profit before Tax 774.86 761.60
Adjustments for:
Depreciation (11.20) 50.96
Provision/write offs 559.30 622.48
Bond Issue Expenses charged to Share Premium Account (17.45) (6.46)
(Profit)/Loss on Sale of Assets (29.46) (0.03)
Employee Stock Option Compensation Cost (1.23) 0.44
Pre-acquisition profits – 499.96 (54.19) 613.20
Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes & Operating Activities 1,274.82 1,374.80
Adjustments for Operating Activities:
(Increase)/decrease in Investments 120.07 1,409.91
(incl. Current Investments)
(Increase)/decrease in Loans & Advances (6,637.92) (4,978.73)
(incl. current maturities of long-term loans & advances)
Increase/(decrease) in Borrowings 5,179.33 2,694.53
(incl. current maturities of long-term liabilities)
Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes (63.70) 500.51
Adjustments for:
(Increase)/decrease in Current Assets 69.06 385.13
Increase/(decrease) in Current Liabilities 684.02 162.76
Cash Flow before taxation 689.38 1,048.40
Income Tax (paid)/refund - Net (142.07) (173.98)
Net cash flow from Operating Activities 547.31 874.42
Purchase of/Advance for Fixed Assets (including Leased Assets) (26.78) (177.22)
Sale proceed of Fixed Assets 34.03 1.60
Net cash flow from Investing Activities 7.24 (175.62)
Issue of Equity Shares by way of allotment to ESOP Trust 0.41 0.28
Share Premium (net of expenses) 0.34 0.23
CSR Expenditure (8.37) –
Dividend paid (400.98) (201.52)
Net cash flow from Financing Activities (408.60) (201.01)
Net Change in Cash and Cash Equivalent (A+B+C) 145.95 497.78
Opening Cash and Cash Equivalent * 1,095.62 597.84
Closing Cash and Cash Equivalent * 1,241.57 1,095.62
* Includes ` 18.11 crore (Previous Year - ` 10.37 crore) in Unclaimed Dividend Account
Note: 1. Figures for previous year have been regrouped/re-classified, wherever considered necessary.
2. For composition of cash & cash equivalents please refer note no. 18 of the balance sheet.

Accounting Policies and Notes (1 to 55) form an integral part of financial statements
For and on behalf of Board


Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director Deputy Managing Director
DIN 00323799 DIN 02272425 DIN 02192183


Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director & Company Secretary
Chief Financial Officer

In terms of our report of even date


Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
ICAI FRN 009571N/N500006 ICAI FRN 08976N


M. No. 088810 M. No. 093714

Place : New Delhi

Date : May 26, 2015


03. Final IFCI Consol 140815.indd 107 8/14/2015 2:49:15 PM

IFCI Limited (Consolidated Financial Statements)

1. Basis of Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements
These consolidated financial statements have been prepared to comply with the generally accepted accounting principles in India (Indian
GAAP), including the accounting standards notified under the relevant provisions of companies Act, 2013. The applicable guidelines
issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for Non-Banking Financial Companies, other statutory provisions and regulatory framework.
1.1 Principles of consolidation
The consolidated financial statements relate to IFCI Ltd. (‘the Company’) and its subsidiary companies (“the Group”) and associates. The
consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the following basis:
(a) The financial statements of the Company and its subsidiary companies are combined on a line by line basis by adding together the
book values of like items of assets, liabilities, income and expenses, after fully eliminating intra group balances and intra-group
transactions in accordance with Accounting Standard (AS)-21 ‘’Consolidated Financial Statements”.
(b) The difference between the cost of investments in the subsidiaries over the net assets at the time of acquisition of shares in the
subsidiaries is recognized in the financial statements as goodwill or capital reserve, as the case may be.
(c) Minority Interest’s share of net profit of consolidated subsidiaries for the year is identified and adjusted against the income of the
group in order to arrive at the net income attributable to shareholders of the company.
(d) Investment in associates companies has been accounted under the equity method as per Accounting Standard (AS) 23 – “Accounting
for Investments in associates in consolidated financial statements”.
(e) The company accounts for its share of post-acquisition changes in net assets of associates, after eliminating the unrealized profit and
losses resulting from transactions between the company and its associates to the extent of its share, through its consolidated statement
of profit and loss, to the extent such change is attributable to the associates profit and loss statements and through its reserve for the
balance based on available information.
(f) The difference between cost of investment in the associates and share of net assets at the time of acquisition of share in the associates
is identified in financial statements as goodwill or capital reserve as the case may be.
(g) The consolidated financial statements are prepared using uniform accounting policy for like transactions and other events in similar
circumstances and are prepared in the same manner as the company’s separate financial statements, except otherwise expressly stated
in the notes to accounts.
2. Use of Estimates
The preparation of consolidated financial statements requires the Management to make estimates and assumptions considered in the
reported amounts of assets and liabilities (including contingent liabilities) as of the date of the financial statements and the reported income
and expenses during the reporting period. The Management believes that the estimates used in preparation of the financial statements are
prudent and reasonable. Future results could differ from these estimates.
3. Revenue Recognition
(a) Interest and other dues and income from factoring services are recognized on accrual basis except in the case of income on Non-
Performing Assets (NPA) and commission income on IPO and FPO where income is accounted on realisation basis as per the prudential
norms prescribed by the RBI.
(b) Processing fee received in respect of loans is accounted for in the year in which the loan is disbursed.
(c) Front-end fees, Premium on pre-payment of loans/reduction in interest rates, LC Commission and Insurance Commission from Agency
business are accounted for on cash basis.
(d) Income from Merchant Banking/Loan Syndication Fees, Depository Services, once the right to receive is established.
(e) Rental on leased assets is accounted for from the commencement date, as prescribed in the lease agreement entered with the lessees.
(f) Interest earned on fixed income bearing securities is accounted on a time proportion basis taking into account the amount outstanding
and the rate applicable.
(g) Dividends are accounted for as income, once the right to receive is established.
(h) The front-end fees/underwriting commission/commitment fee received in respect of devolvement of underwriting and direct
subscription is reduced from the cost of related investments.
(i) Interim returns by promoter/promoter group companies at a pre-agreed rate of return, as per buy-back agreements, on certain equity
investments are taken to income on receipt basis.
(j) Surplus/gains on sale of investments is net of losses thereon.
(k) Broking Income is recognised on the trade date of the transaction upon confirmation of the transactions by the Exchanges.
(l) Custodial fees are accrued monthly on the basis of daily/weekly average holdings in custody or the net asset value of holdings/assets
under management in the electronic segment.
Service charges received are recognised as income on completion of post trading operations. A post trading operation is treated as
complete on settlement under the electronic segment and on lodgement/delivery of securities under the paper segment.
Annual maintenance charges received from beneficiary account holders/clearing members for depository services are amortised on
time proportion basis over the period of contract.


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Charges collected on cheques dishonored/bounced are recognised on actual basis.

Income from digitisation and software services is recognised on percentage completion method. Income from software products is
recognised on either delivery or installation of product.
(m) Commission from selling of Mutual Funds, Fee income from Portfolio Management and advisory services and fees for project advisory
and execution services is accounted for on accrual basis.
(n) Revenue from real estate development of constructed properties is recognised based on the “percentage of completion method”. Sale
consideration as per the legally enforceable Agreements to Sell entered into is recognised as revenue based on the percentage of actual
project costs incurred to total estimated project cost, subject to following:
(i) Actual cost incurred is not less than 25 percent of the total estimated project cost.
(ii) No significant uncertainty exists regarding receipt of consideration from the customers
(iii) In case of overdue, on actual realisation basis.
(iv) All significant risks and rewards are transferred to the customer.
(o) Project cost includes cost of land, estimated cost of construction and development of such properties. The estimates of the saleable
area and costs are reviewed periodically and effect of any changes in such estimates recognised in the period such changes are
(i) Revenue from external project services is recognised based on the Cost plus method. A fixed mark up percentage is added to the
cost incurred towards construction and the total is recognised as revenue. The stage of completion is determined on the basis of
work completion certificate obtained from the engineer/architect.
(ii) Revenue from sale of property held as stock-in-trade is recognised upon transfer of possession or execution of sale deed,
whichever is earlier.
(p) Revenue from hospitality services is recognised on accrual basis.
(i) Selling price is determined on the basis of published rack rate less discount offered to customers.
(ii) Income in foreign exchange: The bills for services rendered are raised in Indian Rupees. The payment received in foreign
currency against these bills, is credited and accounted for at the rate/rates prevalent on the date of receipt of payment. The gains/
losses arising out of the fluctuation in the exchange rates are accounted for on realization.
(q) Income & Expenses on Project Consultancy, Entrepreneurship Development Trainings etc. under the Grants-In Aid (G.I.A.)/similar
other programmes awarded by the Central/State Govt. Department/Other Agencies are accounted for as per approved accounting
policy of the company in accordance with AS-9 “Revenue Recognition” of ICAI.
(r) Units generated from windmills are sold to the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB) at agreed rates and the income is included in the
value of power generated from windmills.
4. Stock - In - Trade
(a) Inventory comprises of lands (with or without removable structure) incl. existing/added boundary walls, Land and Building/
Residential Complex, Built-up floor space acquired/purchased for development and/or sale, other removable/disposable assets existing
thereon. These are valued at lower of Cost or net realizable value. Costs are determined by adding all considerations/costs which are
attributable to purchase/acquisition, and other expenses incurred specifically thereto.
(b) Inventory of hospitality business comprises of closing balance of consumables purchased. FIFO method is followed for ascertaining
the cost price considered for valuation. Closing inventories are valued at cost or replacement value, whichever is less, after providing
for obsolescence and damage.
(c) Securities held for trade and those devolved on SHCIL in the process of settlement are held as stock-in trade and are valued at lower
of cost or net realisable value.
(d) Securities on Deposit receipts received as collateral or directly deposited by clients with stock exchanges are not recorded in the
accompanying financial statements.
5. Investments
(a) Investments are classified under two categories i.e. current and long term and are valued in accordance with the RBI Guidelines as
applicable to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) and as per Accounting Standard (AS)-13 ‘Accounting for Investments’ for
non NBFC.
(i) ‘Long term Investments’ are carried at acquisition cost. The RBI Guidelines prescribe Accounting Standard 13 on ‘Accounting for
Investments’ for valuation of long-term investments. Accordingly, provision is made for diminution other than temporary on an
individual basis. However, long term investment in equity shares with firm buy- back commitment are assessed for diminution
other than temporary only when there is a default in buy-back commitment by the promoter/promoter group and provision is
made accordingly on individual basis.
(ii) ‘Current Investments’ are carried at the lower of cost or fair value on an individual basis. However, appreciation if any, within
the category, is available for set off.
(b) On disposal of an investment, the difference between its carrying amount and net disposal proceeds is charged or credited to the
statement of profit and loss.
(c) Security Receipts issued by an Asset Reconstruction Company (ARC)/Securitization Company (SC) are valued in accordance with RBI
guidelines. Accordingly, the net asset value (NAV is considered net of management fee & other expenses) obtained from the ARC is
reckoned for valuation of such investments. Appreciation in the value, if any, is ignored and depreciation is provided for.


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(d) Bonds in the nature of current investment are valued in accordance with the calculators provided on the FIMMDA platform for the
6. Derivatives
(a) Equity Index/Stock Futures/Commodity/Currency Futures are marked to market on daily basis. Debit or Credit Balances disclosed
under Current Assets or Current liabilities respectively represent the net amount paid or received on the basis of movement of prices
in the Index/Stock Futures and Currency Futures till the Balance Sheet date. Equity Index/Stock Options are recognized in the books
to the extent of premium paid.
(b) As at the Balance Sheet date, the profit or loss on open positions are accounted for as follows:
– The unrealized profit determined Scrip wise/Index wise, being anticipated profit, is ignored and no credit is taken in the
statement of profit and loss.
– The unrealized loss determined Scrip wise/Index wise, being anticipated loss, is recognized in the statement of profit and loss.
– Equity Index/Stock Options are carried at cost where they are used as an instrument for hedging.
(c) On final settlement or squaring-up of contracts for Equity Index/Stock Futures/Commodity/Currency Futures, the profit or loss is
calculated as difference between settlement/squaring-up price and contract price. Accordingly, debit or credit balance pertaining to
the settled/squared-up contract is recognized as profit or loss upon expiry/squaring-up of the contracts. When more than one contract
in respect of the relevant series of Equity Index/Stock Futures/Commodity/Currency Futures contract to which the squared-up contract
pertains is outstanding at the time of the squaring-up of the contract, the contract price of the contract so squared-up is determined
using weighted average method for calculating profit/loss on squaring up.
(d) Initial and additional margin paid over and above initial margin, for entering into contracts for Equity Index/Stock Futures, which are
released on final settlement/squaring-up of underlying contracts, are disclosed under Current Assets.
7. Foreign Exchange Transactions
(a) The expenses and income in foreign exchange transactions are accounted for at the rates prevailing on the date of transactions/at the
forward rate, if booked, for such transaction. Gains/losses arising out of fluctuation in exchange rates on settlement other than those
relating to fixed assets are recognised in the Statement of Profit & Loss.
(b) Assets and liabilities held in foreign currencies and accrued income and expenditure in foreign currencies are translated into Indian
Rupees at the rates advised by Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India (FEDAI) prevailing towards the close of the accounting
period. Gains/losses, if any, on valuation of various assets and liabilities are taken to Statement of Profit & Loss. Premium/discount on
hedging transactions is spread over the period to which it relates.
(c) Foreign currency balances pertaining to Hospitality Business have been converted at the closing TT buying rate at the year end.
8. Tangible Fixed Assets and Depreciation
(a) Fixed Assets are carried at cost (including capitalized interest) less accumulated depreciation and impairment loss, if any. Residual
value in respect of Buildings and Vehicles is considered as 5% of the cost and in case of other assets ` ‘Nil’.
(b) Cost includes purchase price and all other directly attributable costs of bringing the assets to the working condition for intended use.
Costs of self-constructed fixed assets (including work-in-progress) comprise those costs that relate directly to the specific asset and
those, which are attributable to the construction activity in general and can be allocated to the specific asset. Subsequent expenditure
related to an item of fixed asset are added to its book value only if they increase the future benefits from the existing asset beyond
its previously assessed standard of performance. Losses arising from retirement of, and gains or losses arising from disposal of fixed
assets which are carried at cost are recognized in the statement of profit and loss.
(c) Depreciation is provided on the Straight Line Method (SLM) over the useful life of the assets as prescribed under Schedule II to the
Companies Act, 2013. The ‘Written Down Value’ (WDV) of the fixed assets having remaining useful life as on March 31, 2014 is being
depreciated over such remaining useful life on SLM basis except in case of one subsidiary company and its step-down subsidiaries
depreciation is being provided on ‘Written Down Value Method’.
Considering the nature of business and operations of the company, one subsidiary company and its step-down subsidiaries have
considered shorter life for certain assets as detailed below:
Nature of Asset Useful life adopted Useful life as per Companies Act
Computer Servers and Networks 4 Years 6 Years
Mobiles 2 Years 5 Years
Vehicles 3 Years 8 Years
Building WDV 60 Years
(d) Depreciation on revalued amount of Leasehold Land & Buildings is provided on SLM basis over the remaining useful life of asset as
on March 31, 2015. An amount equivalent to the ‘depreciation on revalued amount’ provided during the period is withdrawn from
the revaluation reserve and adjusted against the depreciation cost in Profit & Loss Account.
(e) Leasehold Improvements are amortized over the remaining lease period.
(f) Depreciation is calculated on a pro-rata basis, including the month of addition and excluding the month of sale/disposal.
9. Intangible Assets and Amortization
(a) Intangible assets are recorded at the consideration paid for acquisition. Consideration includes all expenditure that can be directly
attributed or allocated on a reasonable and consistent basis, to create, produce or making the asset ready for its intended use.


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(b) Intangible assets include computer software having perpetual license and are amortized on Straight Line Method over the period of
six year from the date of capitalization except in case of IFIN the computer software is identified as Intangible asset and has been
amortized at the rate of 40% following WDV method.
(c) Intangible assets consisting of computer software with indefinite period utility/user rights and having a useful life lasting with that
of the equipment have been capitalized with the cost of computer. Software carrying an identifiable utility of at least five years is
amortized on a straight line basis over a period of five years from the date put into use. Software with limited edition /period utility
i.e. requiring annual revision is charged to Profit and Loss Account in the year of purchase.
(d) The consideration paid as non-compete fees is identified as an Intangible Asset and has been amortized as per terms of the agreement
on straight line basis.
10. Impairment of Assets
An asset is treated as impaired when the carrying cost of assets exceeds its recoverable value and impairment loss is charged to the P&L
statement in the year in which an asset is identified as impaired. The impairment loss recognized in earlier accounting period is reversed
if there has been a change in the estimates of recoverable amount.
11. Provisions/Write off against Loans and Other Credit Facilities
(a) All credit exposures are classified into performing and non-performing assets (NPAs) as per the RBI Guidelines as applicable to Non-
Banking Financial Companies. Further, NPAs are classified into sub-standard, doubtful and loss assets based on the criteria stipulated
by RBI. Provisions are made on standard, sub-standard and doubtful assets at rates prescribed by RBI. Loss assets and unsecured
portion of doubtful assets are provided/written off as per the extant RBI guidelines. Additional provisions are made against specific
non-performing assets over and above what is stated above, if in the opinion of the management, increased provisions are necessary.
IFCI factors is making provisions for standard assets @ 0.50%.
(b) For restructured/rescheduled assets, provision is made in accordance with the amended guidelines issued by RBI.
(c) Recovery against debts written off/provided for is credited to revenue. Income is recognized where amounts are either recovered and/
or adjusted against securities/properties or advances there-against or are considered recoverable in terms of RBI Guidelines.
(d) Provision in respect of purchase and sale of NPAs is accounted as per guidelines prescribed by RBI.
Additional provision is made against specific assets over and above what is stated above, if in the opinion of the management, increased
provision is necessary.
12. Borrowing Cost
Borrowing costs that are attributable to the acquisition or construction of qualifying assets are capitalized as part of the cost of such assets.
A qualifying asset is one that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use.
All other borrowing costs are charged to revenue.
13. Leases
Lease arrangements where the risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of an asset vest substantially with the lessor are recognized as
operating leases. Lease rent under operating leases are recognized in the Profit & Loss Statement with reference to the lease terms.
In case of SHCIL and IFCI Factors, payments made under operating leases are charged to Statement of Profit & Loss on a straight line basis
over the period of lease.
14. Miscellaneous Expenditure
(a) Expenses on issue of Shares and Debentures/Bonds are charged to Securities Premium Reserve in accordance with Section 52 of
Companies Act, 2013.
(b) In the case of IFCI Infrastructure Development Ltd, pre-operative/preliminary expenditure incurred by the company is written off over
a period of 5 years.
15. Employee Benefits
(a) Monthly contributions to the Provident Fund being in the nature of defined contribution is charged against revenue. The Provident
Fund is administered through duly constituted and approved administrators.
(b) Prior to 01.04.2008, the employees were governed by the provisions of the pension scheme in operation at the time of their retirement
and are accordingly entitled to DA relief and family pension as and when due. The contribution made on account of same is charged
to revenue as and when due. The Company switched to defined contribution scheme for employees existing on 01.04.2008 and
opting for the same. The administration of Pension Fund in respect of the employees has been entrusted by Trustees to Life Insurance
Corporation of India (LIC) by entering into a Group Superannuation Cash Accumulation Scheme.
(c) IFCI, IVCF and IFIN group have a defined benefit employees scheme in the form of Gratuity. The Trustees of the scheme have
entrusted the administration of related fund to LIC. Expense for the year is determined on the basis of actuarial valuation of the
Company’s year-end obligation in this regard and the value of year end assets of the scheme. Contribution is deposited with LIC based
on intimation received by the Company.
In case of IFIN Group, the liability towards Gratuity is determined using the Projected Unit Credit Method which recognises each
period of service as giving rise to additional unit of Employee benefit entitlement. The gratuity Scheme is operated through Group
Gratuity Scheme of LIC. Gratuity liabilities are provided based on Actuarial Valuation certified by LIC. Actuarial gains and losses are
charged to Statement of Profit & Loss.
(d) Provision for leave encashment/long term compensated absences is being made on actuarial valuation basis. However, short term
compensated absences are provided based on estimates.


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In case of IFIN Group employees are entitled to 24 days of earned leave per year and maximum of 15 days leave standing to the credit
of the employee at the end of the calendar year will be paid as leave salary calculated on the basic pay along with January month salary
of immediate next calendar year. The expenses on account thus arising are recognized in the Statement of Profit & Loss.
(e) IFCI has a post retirement medical benefit scheme for employees and their dependants subject to certain limits for hospitalization and
normal medical treatment. The amount is charged to the Staff Welfare Fund as and when incurred.
(f) In the case of IFIN, all short term employee benefits are accounted on undiscounted basis during the accounting period based on
services rendered by employees.
16. Employee Stock Option Plan
IFCI and IFCI Factors Ltd. have formulated Employee Stock Option Schemes (ESOS) in accordance with the SEBI (Employee Stock Option
Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999. The Schemes provide for grant of options to employees (including
employees deputed in subsidiaries/associates/joint ventures) to acquire equity shares of the Company that vest in a graded manner and
that are to be exercised within a specified period. In accordance with the SEBI Guidelines, the excess, if any, of the closing market price
on the day prior to the grant of the options under ESOS over the exercise price is amortised on a straight-line basis over the vesting period.
17. Taxation
Tax Expense comprises of current & deferred tax. Current tax is measured at the amount expected to be paid to the tax authorities in
accordance with the Income Tax Act. Deferred Tax is recognized, subject to consideration of prudence, on timing differences, being
difference between taxable income and accounting income/expenditure that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in one or
more subsequent year(s). Deferred taxes are reviewed for their carrying values at each balance sheet date.
18. Provisions and Contingencies
Provisions are recognized when the Company has a legal and constructive obligation as a result of a past event, for which it is probable
that cash outflow will be required and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. Contingent liabilities are disclosed
when the Company has a possible or present obligation where it is not probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle it.
Contingent assets are neither recognized nor disclosed.
1.1 Share Capital Authorised, Issued, Subscribed and Paid up:
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
Number of Amount Number of Amount
Shares (` crore) Shares (` crore)
Equity Shares of `10/- each 2,00,00,00,000 2,000.00 2,00,00,00,000 2,000.00
Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of `10/- each 1,00,00,00,000 1,000.00 1,00,00,00,000 1,000.00
3,00,00,00,000 3,000.00 3,00,00,00,000 3,000.00
Equity Shares of `10/- each 1,72,92,84,689 1,729.28 1,72,92,84,689 1,729.28
Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of `10/- each 26,38,43,100 263.84 26,38,43,100 263.84
1,99,31,27,789 1,993.12 1,99,31,27,789 1,993.12
Equity Shares of `10/- each 1,66,33,53,935 1,663.36 1,66,33,53,935 1,663.36
Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of `10/- each 26,38,43,100 263.84 26,38,43,100 263.84
1,92,71,97,035 1,927.20 1,92,71,97,035 1,927.20
Equity Shares of `10/- each 1,66,20,37,235 1,662.04 1,66,20,37,235 1,662.04
Less: Loan given to ESOP Trust recoverable (outstanding) (5,14,376) (0.51) (9,21,622) (0.92)
(shares allotted to Trust)
TOTAL - EQUITY 1,66,15,22,859 1,661.53 1,66,11,15,613 1,661.12

0.10% Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of ` 10/- each
Redeemable at par on 31.03.2021 20,00,000 2.00 20,00,000 2.00
Redeemable at par on 03.03.2021 80,00,000 8.00 80,00,000 8.00
Redeemable at par on 02.03.2021 3,00,00,000 30.00 3,00,00,000 30.00
Redeemable at par on 01.03.2021 1,00,00,000 10.00 1,00,00,000 10.00
Redeemable at par on 31.10.2020 20,00,000 2.00 20,00,000 2.00
Redeemable at par on 31.03.2019 3,00,00,000 30.00 3,00,00,000 30.00
Redeemable at par on 17.09.2018 5,00,00,000 50.00 5,00,00,000 50.00
Redeemable at par on 15.09.2018 9,30,00,000 93.00 9,30,00,000 93.00
Redeemable at par on 02.08.2017 3,88,43,100 38.84 3,88,43,100 38.84
TOTAL - PREFERENCE 26,38,43,100.00 263.84 26,38,43,100 263.84
TOTAL SHARE CAPITAL 1,925.37 1,924.96


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Note 1 (Contd..)
1.2 Reconciliation of the number of Equity Shares and Share Capital:
There has been no change in the Authorised, Issued and Subscribed Share Capital during the year.
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
Particulars Number of Amount Number of Amount
Shares (` crore) Shares (` crore)
Paid up Capital
Outstanding at beginning of the period 1,66,11,15,613 1,661.12 1,66,08,37,331 1,660.84
Add: Shares issued to employees on exercise of employee stock options 4,07,246 0.41 2,78,282 0.28
Outstanding at the end of the period 1,66,15,22,859 1,661.53 1,66,11,15,613 1,661.12
1.3 Terms/rights attached to Equity Shares:
The Company has only one class of equity share, i.e. equity shares having face value of `10/- per share entitled to one vote per share.
1.4 Shareholders holding more than 5% of Equity Shares as at the end of the year:
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
Name of the Shareholder Number of Share- Number of Share-
Shares holding % Shares holding %
President of India 92,30,00,000 55.53 92,30,00,000 55.53
1.5 Reconciliation of the number of Preference Shares and Share Capital:
There has been no change in the Authorised, Issued and Subscribed Share Capital during the year.
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
Particulars Number of Amount Number of Amount
Shares (` crore) Shares (` crore)
Paid up Capital
Outstanding at beginning of the period 26,38,43,100 263.84 26,38,43,100 263.84
Outstanding at the end of the period 26,38,43,100 263.84 26,38,43,100 263.84
1.6 Terms/rights attached to Preference Shares:
The Preference Shares are cumulative redeemable at par on the dates as mentioned in Note 1.1 above.
1.7 Shareholders holding more than 5% of Preference Shares as at the end of the year:
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
Number of Share- Number of Share-
Shares holding % Shares holding %
State Bank of India 80,00,00,000 30.32 80,00,00,000 30.32
Punjab National Bank 77,00,00,000 29.18 77,00,00,000 29.18
Oriental Bank of Commerce 30,66,12,000 11.62 30,66,12,000 11.62
Canara Bank 28,26,46,000 10.71 28,26,46,000 10.71
Union Bank of India 14,13,22,000 5.36 14,13,22,000 5.36
1.8 Employee Stock Option Scheme
The Company had, during the financial year 2011-12, granted options for 71,96,993 shares under Employees Stock Option Scheme 2011, subject to the vesting
conditions mentioned in the Scheme. The Board in its meeting dated November 12, 2013 has withdrawn the scheme, subject to all the regulatory compliances
required in this regard and no further vesting under the scheme shall be held. All applicable compliance have since been ensured and the granted options that
have not vested under the scheme, have been cancelled.
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
Number of Weighted Number of Weighted
Options Average Options Average
Exercise Exercise
ESOP A Price (`) Price (`)
Outstanding at the beginning of the period 34,26,919 17.55 38,01,999 17.55
Add: Granted during the period – – – –
Less: Cancelled during the period 27,40,455 17.55 1,41,558 17.55
Less: Exercised during the period 3,54,958 17.55 2,33,522 17.55
Less: Expired during the period – – – –
Outstanding at the end of the period * 3,31,506 17.55 34,26,919 17.55
* shares allotted to Employee Stock Option Trust 3,93,852 17.55 7,48,810 17.55
There is a reversal of ` 1.23 crore (Charge during Previous Year ended March 31, 2014 - ` 0.44 crore) towards ‘ESOP Compensation’ charged in earlier years
included under Salaries.
Outstanding at the beginning of the period 18,31,175 23.40 20,24,776 23.40
Add: Granted during the period – – – –
Less: Cancelled during the period 16,83,674 23.40 1,48,841 23.40
Less: Exercised during the period 52,288 23.40 44,760 23.40
Less: Expired during the period – – – –
Outstanding at the end of the period * 95,213 23.40 18,31,175 23.40
* shares allotted to Employee Stock Option Trust 1,20,524 23.40 1,72,812 23.40
(` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
(A) Capital Reserve (Foot-note 1) 0.89 0.89
(B) Amalgamation Reserve 1.10 1.10
(C) Capital Redemption Reserve (Foot-note 2)
Opening Balance 211.27 211.27
Additions/Deductions – –
Closing Balance 211.27 211.27


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Note 2 (Contd..) (` crore)

As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
(D) Capital Reserve on consolidation
Opening Balance 9.87 9.87
Additions/Deductions (0.77) –
Closing Balance 9.10 9.87
(E) Securities Premium Reserve
Opening Balance 1,041.76 1,042.95
Additions – 5.27
Deductions (17.45) (6.46)
Closing Balance 1,024.31 1,041.76
Less: Amount Recoverable from ESOP Trust (0.46) (0.80)
(Shares alloted to Trust) 1,023.85 1,040.96
(F) Debenture Redemption Reserve (foot-note 3)
Opening Balance – –
Additions 18.84 –
Deductions – –
Closing Balance 18.84 –
(G) Revaluation Reserve
Opening Balance 920.16 939.25
Additions on account of reversal of depreciation 4.18 –
Deduction on account of depreciation (22.58) (19.03)
Deduction on account of transfer/sale/disposal of assets (15.32) (0.06)
Closing Balance 886.44 920.16
(H) Share Options Outstanding A/c (foot-note 4)
Employee Stock Options Outstanding 1.23 1.57
Less: Deferred Employee Compensation Outstanding 1.23 (0.34)
Employee Compensation Charged – 1.23
(I) Corporate Social Responsibility
Opening Balance 10.02 10.00
Additions – 0.82
Deductions (foot note 5) (10.02) (0.80)
Closing Balance – 10.02
(J) Grant received from GoI under KfW Loans
Opening Balance 184.48 –
Additions – 184.48
Deductions (foot-note 6) (184.48) –
Closing Balance – 184.48
(K) Special Reserve under Section 36(1)(viii) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (foot-note 7)
Opening Balance 66.74 51.74
Additions/Transfers during the year 15.00 15.00
Closing Balance 81.74 66.74
(L) Reserve u/s 45IC of RBI Act (foot-note 8)
Opening Balance 806.29 700.59
Additions/Transfers during the year 109.48 105.70
Closing Balance 915.77 806.29
(M) General Reserve
Opening Balance 277.90 140.90
Additions/Transfers during the year 201.13 137.00
Closing Balance 479.03 277.90
(N) Profit & Loss Account
Opening Balance 2,448.70 1,870.28
Less: WDV of the assets with no useful life (3.63) –
Add: Profit for the year 558.26 566.10
Accumulated profits of the subsidiaries acquired during the year – 343.74
Share of the profits in Associates 16.30 13.19
Less: Reduction in accumulated profits of the associates $ (16.97) (17.55)
Less: Appropriations:
Reserve u/s 45IC of RBI Act (109.48) (105.70)
Special Reserve u/s 36(1)(viii) (15.00) (15.00)
Debenture Redemption Reserve (18.84) –
General Reserve (6.63) (4.83)
Expenditure on Corporate Social Responsibility Activities (8.37) –
Interim Dividend
Equity @ ` 1.00 per share (166.21) –
Preference @ ` 0.01 per share (0.26) (0.26)
Dividend to minorities by subsidiaries (5.55) (2.83)
Proposed Dividend
Equity @ ` 0.50 per share (83.11) (166.20)
Dividend to minorities by subsidiaries – –
Tax on Distributed Profits
Equity (47.18) (28.25)
Preference (0.05) (0.05)
Dividend to minorities by subsidiaries (3.39) (3.94)
Closing Balance 2,538.59 2,448.70
TOTAL 6,166.62 5,979.62


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Note 2 (contd..)
(` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
Less: Minority Interest 283.32 253.51
Less: Share of pre-acquisition reserves in Subsidiary Companies 321.96 321.96
605.28 575.47
$ represents ` 8.63 crore in respect of ACRE Ltd upon reduction in shareholding below 20% and ` 8.34 crore in respect of Tourism Finance Corporation of India Ltd upon partial disposal of
investment. (In previous year due to Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd became subsidiary of IFCI Ltd)
Foot-notes to Note No. 2 :
1. Capital Reserve represents proceeds of forfeited shares.
2. Capital Redemption Reserve represents amount transferred from surplus in profit and loss statement towards redemption of preference shares without fresh issue of capital, as was
required under Section 80 of the Companies Act, 1956.
3. Debenture Redemption Reserve has been created in terms of Rule 18(7) of the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 for Non-convertible Debentures issued by IFCI Ltd
through public offer.
4. The Board has withdrawn the ESOP scheme with no further vesting of options under the scheme. Therefore balance in amortised discount in respect of stock options granted but not
vested on the options under the head ‘employee stock option plan’ has been reversed and taken to ‘profit & loss account’.
5. Corporate Social Responsibility Fund was established by the Board of Directors of IFCI Ltd in FY 2010-11 to undertake corporate social responsibility initiative by IFCI Ltd. With the
enactment of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013, the corporate contribution towards social actiivties are guided by the specific provisions and therefore, the balance in the Corporate
Social Responsibility Fund has been transferred to General Reserve.
6. Grant received from Government of India under KfW Loans was of capital nature and to be utilized for specified purposes for promotional activities of Industrial Development and stands
so utilised in earlier years. Therefore, the balance in grant accout has been transferred to general reserve.
7. Section 36(1)(viii) of the Income Tax Act allowes financial institutions to transfer 20% of profit from eligible business i.e. net income from long-term industrial financing, to this Reserve
and the same is allowed as a deduction while computing taxable income. The Income Tax Act, by an amendment in Finance Act, 1998, has put a condition on maintaining the Reserve
created w.e.f. FY 1997-98. Any withdrawal would attract tax liability. Upto FY 1996-97, utilisation of the said Reserve created in the earlier year did not attract tax liability and accordingly
Deferred Tax Liability (DTL) has been created on the reserve transferred after FY 1997-98.
8. In terms of Section 45IC of RBI Act, 1934, every non-banking financial company shall create a reserve fund and transfer therein a sum not less than twenty per cent of its net profit every
year as disclosed in the statement of profit and loss and before any dividend is declared.

(` crore)
3.1 RUPEE LOANS - UNSECURED As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
Non- Current Non- Current
Current Current
(A) Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs)
(i) 6.00% LIC - Redeemable on 28.12.2021 200.00 – 200.00 –
(ii) 6.00% SBI - Redeemable on 25.01.2022 200.00 – 200.00 –
(iii) 9.37% LIC - Redeemable on 01.04.2022 418.19 – 418.19 –
Sub - Total ‘A’ 818.19 – 818.19 –
(B) Bonds
(i) Privately Placed Bonds (refer Foot-note 1) 5,879.65 599.50 6,479.60 648.01
(ii) Privately Placed Zero Coupon Bonds. Unamortised Discount - ` 881.24 crore 155.51 – 141.70 –
(Previous Year - ` 895.05 crore)
(iii) Infrastructure Bonds (incl. cumulative interest ` 229.44 crore (Previous Year - `155.20 crore)) 1,172.09 – 1,097.79 –
(iv) Subordinate - Tier II Bonds (incl. cumulative interest `32.30 crore (Previous Year - `20.38 crore)) 1,345.53 – 1,333.68 –
Sub-Total ‘B’ (refer Foot-note 2) 8,552.78 599.50 9,052.77 648.01
(C) Other Long Term Borrowings
(i) Banks and FIs (refer Foot-note 3) 9,728.75 2,710.20 6,591.87 2,548.47
(ii) Financial Institutions (repayable on 01.04.2022) 100.00 – 100.00 –
(iii) Government of India under KfW Loans 2.70 20.43 3.07 20.06
(iv) Others – – – 7.72
(v) Inter Corporate Deposit to Subsidiaries – – – –
Sub-Total ‘C’ 9,831.45 2,730.63 6,694.94 2,576.25
TOTAL RUPEE LOAN - UNSECURED 19,202.42 3,330.13 16,565.90 3,224.26

Foot-notes to Note No. 3.1:

1. Privately placed Bonds of ` 6,479.15 crore shown at 3.1(B)(i) above includes ` 1,643.27 crore of bonds which were guaranteed by the Govt. of India at the time of
issue. These bonds were, subsequently, rolled over for 10 years from dates of maturity in terms of the decision at meetings of stakeholders in November 24 and
December 2, 2002 under the aegis of the Govt. of India, but the guarantee did not continue. However, on the behalf of investors, Govt. of India was requested to
guarantee these bonds during the rolled over period. Since all such bonds have been rolled over by March, 2012 and Govt. of India has not provided guarantee
during the rolled over period, such rolled over erstwhile government guaranteed bonds are clubbed under Privately Placed Bonds.
2. a) Out of the bonds of ` 8,552.78 crore disclosed as Non-current at 3.1(B) above, Put/Call Option applicable on ` 2,321.31 crore (Previous Year March 31, 2014
- ` 2,237.78 crore).
b) Terms of repayment of total bonds of ` 9,152.28 crore is annexed below.
3. a) Out of the bank borrowings disclosed at 3.1(C)(i) above, Put/Call Option is applicable on ` 2,120.00 crore (Previous Year - ` 1,180.00 crore).
b) Bank borrowings include loan of ` 300 crore (Previous Year - ` 300 crore), against escrow of cash flow/lien against certain identified loan assets.
c) Terms of repayment of total bank & FI borrowings of ` 12,538.95 crore is annexed.


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Note 3 (contd..)
(` crore)
3.2 RUPEE LOANS - SECURED As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
(A) Term Loan Non- Current Non- Current
Current Current
– From Banks (Foot-note 1) 162.09 53.01 58.92 74.40
(B) Privately Placed Bonds
Tax-free Bonds (Foot-note 2)
– Subscribed by Associates Companies 50.00 – 50.00 –
– Subscribed by Others 215.00 – 215.00 –
Other Bonds (Foot-note 3) 198.30 – 125.10 –
(C) Public Issue on NCDs
Secured Reedemable Non Convertible Debentures (Foot-note 4)
– Subscribed by Associates Companies 15.00 – – –
– Subscribed by Others 1,912.26 – – –
TOTAL RUPEE LOAN - SECURED 2,552.65 53.01 449.02 74.40
Foot-Notes to Note No. 3.2 :
1. Term Loan of ` 178.31 crore from Banks are secured by hypothecation of Book Debts of IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd (PY - ` 83.32 crore) on pari pasu basis and
term loan of ` 36.80 crore (PY - ` 50 crore) are secured by way of hypothecation of factored debt of IFCI Factors Ltd on pari pasu basis.
2. Tax free bonds of ` 265 crore (PY ` 265 crore) are secured by way of floating charge on the receivables of IFCI Ltd.
3. Other secured bonds of ` 98.30 crore (PY ` 25.10 crore) are secured by way of pari pasu charge on the receivables of IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd and
` 100 crore (PY - ` 100 crore) secured by way of hypothecation of factored receivables on pari pasu basis.
4. Secured redeemable NCDs of ` 1,927.26 crore (PY - ` Nil) are secured by way of floating charge on the receivables of IFCI Ltd.
5. Terms of repayment annexed for all the secured borrowings above.
TOTAL (RUPEE) 21,755.07 3,383.14 17,014.92 3,298.66

(` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
3.3 FOREIGN CURRENCIES - UNSECURED Non- Current Non- Current
Current Current
(A) KfW Line - Guaranteed by Government of India (refer Foot-note 1) 439.85 23.74 570.51 29.21
(repayment in half-yearly instalments - earliest date of repayment 30.06.2015)
TOTAL (FOREIGN CURRENCIES) 439.85 23.74 570.51 29.21
TOTAL LONG-TERM BORROWINGS 22,194.92 3,406.88 17,585.43 3,327.87
Foot-notes to Note No. 3.3 :
1. Terms of repayment of foreign currency liabilities annexed.

Foot-note 2(b) Terms of Repayment of Bonds (Note 3.1(B))

Series Intt Rate Date of Maturity (` crore) Series Intt Rate Date of Maturity (` crore)
Other Bonds 9.00 20-Apr-15 8.06 Other Bonds 6.00 31-Mar-16 60.04
Other Bonds 9.00 18-May-15 19.99 Other Bonds 9.75 31-Mar-16 4.60
Other Bonds 8.90 31-May-15 1.56 Other Bonds 9.75 30-Apr-16 2.90
Other Bonds 9.00 31-May-15 1.00 Other Bonds 6.00 20-May-16 5.00
Other Bonds 9.00 09-Jun-15 2.00 Other Bonds 8.50 20-May-16 4.63
Other Bonds 9.00 10-Jun-15 1.00 Other Bonds 9.00 20-May-16 15.57
Other Bonds 9.00 30-Jun-15 1.68 Other Bonds 10.30 31-May-16 13.12
Other Bonds 6.00 20-Jul-15 45.88 Other Bonds 6.00 07-Jun-16 2.52
Other Bonds 6.00 08-Jun-16 12.00
Other Bonds 6.00 31-Jul-15 10.00
Other Bonds 9.00 08-Jun-16 0.73
Other Bonds 8.90 31-Jul-15 14.86
Other Bonds 6.00 19-Jun-16 12.50
Other Bonds 9.00 08-Aug-15 44.67
Other Bonds 6.00 30-Jun-16 25.00
Other Bonds 8.90 31-Aug-15 0.32 Other Bonds 9.00 20-Jul-16 9.85
Other Bonds 9.00 20-Sep-15 20.44 Other Bonds 10.30 31-Jul-16 3.00
Other Bonds 6.00 30-Sep-15 10.00 Other Bonds 6.00 31-Jul-16 37.50
Other Bonds 8.90 30-Sep-15 1.49 Other Bonds 10.30 31-Aug-16 1.28
Other Bonds 6.00 06-Oct-15 10.00 Other Bonds 9.00 30-Sep-16 0.20
Other Bonds 6.00 09-Oct-15 5.00 Other Bonds 9.25 30-Nov-16 0.20
Other Bonds 6.00 16-Oct-15 5.00 Other Bonds 10.50 30-Nov-16 5.72
Other Bonds 6.00 11-Nov-15 8.00 Other Bonds 6.00 30-Nov-16 1.07
Other Bonds 9.00 20-Nov-15 23.48 Other Bonds 10.50 31-Dec-16 1.45
Other Bonds 6.00 28-Nov-15 25.00 Other Bonds 6.00 31-Dec-16 5.00
Other Bonds 6.00 30-Nov-15 12.50 Other Bonds 10.30 31-Jan-17 0.10
Other Bonds 8.90 30-Nov-15 0.10 Other Bonds 6.00 31-Jan-17 5.00
Other Bonds 6.00 04-Dec-15 7.50 Other Bonds 6.00 31-Jan-17 5.00
Other Bonds 6.00 20-Dec-15 15.00 Other Bonds 10.20 28-Feb-17 2.11
Other Bonds 9.00 20-Dec-15 36.26 Other Bonds 6.00 20-Mar-17 10.00
Other Bonds 6.00 20-Jan-16 107.50 Other Bonds 9.00 31-Mar-17 4.03
Other Bonds 6.00 24-Feb-16 7.50 Other Bonds 10.20 31-Mar-17 5.36
Other Bonds 6.00 01-Mar-16 52.50 Other Bonds 6.00 20-Apr-17 21.50
Other Bonds 6.00 01-Mar-16 1.50 Other Bonds 9.00 20-Apr-17 1.81
Other Bonds 6.00 03-Mar-16 3.50 Other Bonds 9.00 30-Apr-17 0.10
Other Bonds 9.00 20-Mar-16 25.57 Other Bonds 10.20 30-Apr-17 6.05
Other Bonds 9.00 20-Mar-16 6.00 Other Bonds 9.15 31-May-17 1.92


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Foot-note 2(b) Terms of Repayment of Bonds (Note 3.1(B)) (contd..)

Series Intt Rate Date of Maturity (` crore) Series Intt Rate Date of Maturity (` crore)
Other Bonds 9.15 31-Jul-17 4.11 Tier II Bonds 10.55 25-Aug-21 200.00
Other Bonds 9.00 31-Jul-17 0.36 Other Bonds 10.50 31-Aug-21 6.38
Other Bonds 10.25 17-Aug-17 33.34 Tier II Bonds 10.50 31-Oct-21 74.51
Other Bonds 9.15 31-Aug-17 2.70 Tier II Bonds 10.60 31-Oct-21 9.49
Other Bonds 7.89 14-Sep-17 176.86 Other Bonds 10.60 30-Nov-21 0.30
Other Bonds 9.15 30-Sep-17 0.54 Infra Bonds 8.50 12-Dec-21 116.21
Other Bonds 9.95 30-Sep-17 10.00 Other Bonds 10.60 31-Dec-21 1.75
Other Bonds 7.96 08-Oct-17 176.43 Other Bonds 8.19 13-Jan-22 138.25
Other Bonds 9.70 15-Oct-17 22.50 Infra Bonds 9.09 15-Feb-22 360.75
Bonds - III 10.25 16-Oct-17 58.24 Other Bonds 10.25 28-Feb-22 0.40
Other Bonds 9.15 31-Oct-17 1.00 Tier II Bonds 10.50 28-Feb-22 64.70
Other Bonds 9.15 30-Nov-17 0.80 Tier II Bonds 10.70 28-Feb-22 123.63
Other Bonds 6.00 25-Jan-18 1.60 Other Bonds 8.22 03-Mar-22 46.22
Other Bonds 7.50 28-Jan-18 9.40 Other Bonds 10.25 31-Mar-22 0.89
Other Bonds 9.25 31-Jan-18 0.64 Other Bonds 10.15 26-Jun-22 2.80
Other Bonds 6.00 20-May-18 3.00 Other Bonds 10.25 26-Jun-22 124.07
Other Bonds 10.40 31-May-18 20.11 Other Bonds 6.00 27-Sep-22 45.00
Other Bonds 8.41 14-Jun-18 133.85 Other Bonds 10.05 28-Sep-22 8.20
Other Bonds 10.40 31-Jul-18 4.00 Other Bonds 9.95 08-Oct-22 5.42
Other Bonds 10.40 31-Aug-18 1.64 Bonds - III 10.25 16-Oct-22 5.96
Other Bonds 6.07 13-Dec-18 146.20 Other Bonds 6.00 22-Oct-22 50.00
Other Bonds 10.40 31-Jan-19 3.21 Other Bonds 9.90 05-Nov-22 106.88
Other Bonds 9.00 28-Feb-19 1.00 Other Bonds 6.00 18-Nov-22 25.00
Other Bonds 6.02 28-Feb-19 26.12 Other Bonds 6.00 10-Dec-22 50.00
Other Bonds 6.70 30-May-19 153.40 Bonds - IV 10.15 18-Feb-23 15.10
Other Bonds 6.00 07-Jun-19 0.50 Other Bonds 10.24 16-May-23 100.00
Other Bonds 10.20 30-Jun-19 50.40 Infra Bonds 8.50 31-Mar-24 121.45
Other Bonds 9.75 31-Jul-19 77.50 Other Bonds 9.75 25-Jan-25 200.00
Other Bonds 7.07 19-Sep-19 99.42 Other Bonds 9.55 05-Mar-25 200.00
Other Bonds 9.40 30-Nov-19 31.86 Other Bonds 9.55 13-Apr-25 225.00
Other Bonds 7.69 26-Dec-19 58.39 Tier II Bonds 10.75 01-Aug-26 491.83
Other Bonds 8.75 31-Jan-20 26.67 Tier II Bonds 10.75 31-Oct-26 102.49
Other Bonds 6.00 24-Feb-20 5.00 Infra Bonds 8.75 12-Dec-26 15.65
Other Bonds 6.00 28-Feb-20 5.00 Infra Bonds 9.16 15-Feb-27 58.42
Other Bonds 9.15 31-Mar-20 11.55 Infra Bonds 8.72 31-Mar-27 31.33
Other Bonds 9.15 30-Apr-20 0.45 Other Bonds 10.12 08-Oct-27 19.59
Other Bonds 6.00 18-May-20 5.00 Other Bonds 10.10 08-Oct-27 5.15
Other Bonds 9.25 31-May-20 0.72 Other Bonds 9.90 05-Nov-27 106.88
Other Bonds 7.65 26-Jun-20 163.82 Other Bonds 9.75 26-Apr-28 350.00
Other Bonds 9.25 31-Jul-20 11.16 Other Bonds 9.70 04-May-30 250.00
Other Bonds 9.25 31-Aug-20 1.06 Other Bonds 9.70 18-May-30 250.00
Infra Bonds 7.85 15-Sep-20 62.96 Other Bonds 9.75 13-Jul-30 250.00
Infra Bonds 7.95 15-Sep-20 5.61 Other Bonds 9.75 16-Jul-30 500.00
Other Bonds 6.00 20-Sep-20 12.50 Other Bonds 9.98 29-Oct-30 250.00
Other Bonds 7.87 24-Sep-20 110.70 Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 07-Jul-31 22.80
Other Bonds 9.25 30-Sep-20 7.70 Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 07-Jul-32 20.79
Other Bonds 9.25 31-Oct-20 6.50 Tier II Bonds 9.98 15-Oct-32 10.00
Other Bonds 9.25 30-Nov-20 6.85 Other Bonds 9.90 05-Nov-32 106.88
Other Bonds 7.90 26-Dec-20 56.85 Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 07-Jul-33 18.95
Other Bonds 9.90 11-Jan-21 151.20 Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 07-Jul-34 17.26
Infra Bonds 8.00 31-Jan-21 364.95 Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 07-Jul-35 15.73
Infra Bonds 8.25 31-Jan-21 34.76 Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 07-Jul-36 14.33
Other Bonds 9.50 31-Jan-21 7.91 Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 07-Jul-37 13.05
Other Bonds 6.00 15-Feb-21 25.00 Tier II Bonds 9.98 18-Sep-37 50.00
Other Bonds 10.00 31-Mar-21 5.81 Tier II Bonds 9.98 05-Oct-37 20.00
Other Bonds 10.00 30-Apr-21 1.30 Other Bonds 9.90 05-Nov-37 106.88
Other Bonds 10.00 30-Apr-21 24.90 Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 07-Jul-38 11.89
Other Bonds 10.20 31-May-21 0.30 Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 07-Jul-39 10.83
Tier II Bonds 10.50 01-Aug-21 198.89 Zero Coupon Bonds 9.75 07-Jul-40 9.87
Other Bonds 8.26 19-Aug-21 147.37 TOTAL 9,152.28

Foot-note 3(b) Terms of Repayment of Term Loans from Banks/FIs (Note 3.1(C)(i))
Rate of Interest (% p.a.) Amount (` crore) Date of Maturity Repayment Mode Date of first Instalment Number of
10.25 13.34 28-Apr-2015 Quarterly 6-Apr-2015 One
10.25 75.00 15-Jun-2015 Half yrly 15-Jun-2015 One
10.25 37.50 29-Jun-2015 Quarterly 29-Jun-2015 One
10.30 50.00 17-Aug-2015 Quarterly 6-Apr-2015 Two
10.25 83.33 29-Jun-2016 Quarterly 29-Jun-2015 Five
10.55 187.50 30-Sep-2016 Quarterly 30-Jun-2015 Six
10.55 393.75 11-Nov-2016 Quarterly 6-Apr-2015 Seven
10.25 437.50 1-Dec-2016 Quarterly 6-Apr-2015 Seven
10.25 169.17 19-Dec-2016 Quarterly 19-Jun-2015 Seven
10.25 200.00 31-Dec-2016 Quarterly 31-Mar-2015 Eight
10.50 800.00 27-Mar-2017 Quarterly 27-Jun-2015 Eight
10.50 270.00 20-Jun-2017 Quarterly 20-Jun-2015 Nine
10.35 112.50 30-Jun-2017 Quarterly 30-Jun-2015 Nine
10.25 500.00 30-Jun-2017 Quarterly 30-Sep-2016 Four
10.50 100.00 30-Sep-2017 Half yrly 30-Sep-2016 Three
10.50 700.00 28-Feb-2018 Quarterly 30-Nov-2015 Ten
10.25 656.25 12-Aug-2018 Quarterly 6-Apr-2015 Fourteen


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Foot-note 3(b) Terms of Repayment of Term Loans from Banks/FIs (Note 3.1(C)(i)) (contd..)
Rate of Interest (% p.a.) Amount (` crore) Date of Maturity Repayment Mode Date of first Instalment Number of
10.50 875.00 30-Sep-2018 Quarterly 30-Jun-2015 Fourteen
10.50 93.75 24-Nov-2018 Quarterly 6-Apr-2015 Fourteen
10.50 350.00 24-Nov-2018 Quarterly 6-Apr-2015 Fourteen
10.25 234.36 13-Dec-2018 Quarterly 13-Jun-2015 Fifteen
10.50 50.00 26-Dec-2018 Quarterly 26-Mar-2016 Twelve
10.50 300.00 28-Dec-2018 Quarterly 30-Nov-2015 Ten
10.50 250.00 30-Dec-2018 Quarterly 30-Mar-2016 Twelve
10.50 200.00 30-Dec-2018 Quarterly 30-Mar-2016 Twelve
10.50 100.00 6-Feb-2019 Quarterly 6-May-2016 Twelve
10.50 250.00 12-Feb-2019 Quarterly 12-May-2016 Twelve
10.50 200.00 14-Feb-2019 Quarterly 14-May-2016 Twelve
10.50 100.00 28-Feb-2019 Quarterly 6-Apr-2015 Sixteen
10.50 100.00 12-Mar-2019 Quarterly 12-Jun-2015 Sixteen
10.25 200.00 29-Mar-2019 Quarterly 29-Jun-2016 Twelve
10.50 100.00 29-Mar-2019 Quarterly 29-Jun-2015 Sixteen
10.25 300.00 29-Mar-2019 Quarterly 29-Jun-2016 Twelve
10.50 200.00 5-Sep-2019 Quarterly 30-Dec-2015 Sixteen
10.50 100.00 23-Sep-2019 Quarterly 23-Dec-2015 Sixteen
10.50 300.00 30-Sep-2019 Quarterly 30-Dec-2015 Sixteen
10.50 250.00 30-Sep-2019 Quarterly 30-Dec-2017 Sixteen
10.25 100.00 31-Oct-2019 Quarterly 31-Jan-2016 Sixteen
10.50 250.00 13-Dec-2019 Quarterly 13-Mar-2016 Sixteen
10.25 250.00 23-Dec-2019 Quarterly 23-Mar-2016 Sixteen
10.45 250.00 31-Dec-2019 Quarterly 30-Mar-2016 Sixteen
10.45 50.00 10-Jan-2020 Quarterly 10-Apr-2016 Sixteen
10.25 100.00 19-Jan-2020 Quarterly 19-Apr-2016 Sixteen
10.25 50.00 24-Jan-2020 Quarterly 24-Apr-2016 Sixteen
10.45 200.00 6-Feb-2020 Quarterly 6-May-2016 Sixteen
10.40 300.00 13-Mar-2020 Quarterly 13-Jun-2017 Twelve
10.25 100.00 20-Mar-2020 Quarterly 20-Jun-2016 Sixteen
10.40 50.00 23-Mar-2020 Quarterly 23-Jun-2016 Sixteen
10.25 300.00 24-Mar-2020 Quarterly 24-Jun-2016 Sixteen
10.50 100.00 24-Mar-2020 Quarterly 24-Jun-2015 Sixteen
10.25 300.00 27-Mar-2020 Quarterly 27-Jun-2016 Sixteen
10.25 100.00 27-Mar-2020 Quarterly 27-Jun-2016 Sixteen
10.25 300.00 31-Mar-2020 Quarterly 30-Jun-2016 Sixteen
6.00 100.00 1-Apr-2022 Bullet
5.85 100.00 2-May-2022 Bullet
5.85 200.00 23-Jul-2022 Bullet
TOTAL 12,538.95
Foot-note 5 Terms of Repayment of Secured Borrowings (Note 3.2)
Bonds Particulars Rate of Interest (% p.a.) Date of Maturity (` crore)
Secured Bonds 10.25 28-Mar-13 17.00
Term Loan from Bank 11.50 07-Mar-16 5.00
Term Loan from Bank 12.00 25-Mar-16 9.98
Term Loan from Bank 12.25 01-Dec-16 13.33
Term Loan from Bank 11.88 04-Oct-17 36.80
Secured Bonds 10.15 28-Mar-18 18.70
Secured Bonds 10.25 28-Mar-18 1.80
Secured Bonds 10.15 23-Apr-18 21.40
Term Loan from Bank 11.50 31-Mar-19 25.00
Term Loan from Bank 11.25 15-Jul-19 125.00
Public Issue of Bonds* 9.40 01-Dec-19 57.19
Public Issue of Bonds* 9.80 01-Dec-19 291.00
Public Issue of Bonds* 9.35 13-Feb-20 427.71
Public Issue of Bonds* 9.90 01-Dec-21 188.01
Bonds - I 10.75 24-Jan-22 78.30
Secured Bonds 10.20 23-Apr-23 41.10
Tax Free Bonds 8.39 31-Mar-24 120.00
Bonds - V 10.80 10-Oct-24 20.00
Public Issue of Bonds* 9.90 01-Dec-24 647.99
Public Issue of Bonds* 9.40 13-Feb-25 315.37
Tax Free Bonds 8.76 31-Mar-29 145.00
TOTAL 2,605.67
* additional interest @ 0.10% p.a. payable to individual investor
Foot-note 1 Terms of Repayment of KfW Lines of Credit (Note 3.3)
Name of Lender Rate of Interest Amount (Euros) Amount Date of Maturity Repayment Date of first Number of
(% p.a.) (` crore) Instalment instalments
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 2,37,42,349.72 159.52 30.06.2038 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 47
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 69,51,524.42 46.71 31.12.2036 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 44
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 64,01,374.27 43.01 31.12.2034 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 40
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 49,85,095.85 33.49 30.06.2034 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 39
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 36,02,051.25 24.20 31.12.2033 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 38
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 76,75,513.79 51.57 31.12.2032 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 36
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 33,64,300.63 22.60 30.06.2032 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 35
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 31,29,106.26 21.02 30.06.2031 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 33
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 20,28,806.23 13.63 31.12.2030 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 32
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 19,65,406.04 13.21 30.06.2030 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 31
KfW, Frankfurt 1.25% 28,45,339.27 19.12 31.12.2029 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 30
KfW, Frankfurt 0.75% 23,06,949.04 15.49 31.12.2026 Half Yearly 30.06.2015 24
TOTAL 6,89,97,816.77 463.59


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IFCI Limited (Consolidated Financial Statements)

(` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
4. LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Non- Current Non- Current
Current Current
(A) Funds placed with the Corporation
(a) Scheduled Caste Credit Guarantee Enhancement Scheme (placed by Govt. of India) 196.86 – – –
(b) Jute Development Fund (placed by Government of India) 4.70 – 4.58 –
(c) Employees' Provident Fund 53.97 1.28 46.70 –
(d) Staff Welfare Fund 2.57 – 2.90 –
(B) Interest accrued but not due on bonds & borrowings 21.31 505.39 19.48 458.91
(C) Other Liabilities (security deposits) 40.91 – 37.39 1.01
TOTAL 320.32 506.67 111.05 459.92

(` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
5. PROVISIONS Long-term Short-term Long-term Short-term
(A) Provision for Standard and Securitised Assets 186.35 22.41 78.67 4.97
(B) Sundry Liabilities (Interest Capitalisation) 195.58 0.01 – –
(C) Employee Benefits 22.63 8.47 19.10 3.53
(D) Claims & Expenses 25.61 3.81 24.45 1.65
(E) Proposed Dividend – 83.11 – 166.20
(F) Corporate Dividend Tax – 16.62 – 28.76
TOTAL 430.17 134.43 122.22 205.11

(` crore)
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
(A) Loan from banks repayable on demand (refer Foot-note 1) 100.00 185.00
(B) Loans (refer Foot-note 2)
– from banks 20.00 –
– from others – 10.00
(C) Collaterised Borrowings Lending Operations (CBLOs) (refer Foot-note 3) – 84.76
(D) Cash Credit - From Banks (refer Foot-note 4) 65.25 70.11
(E) Corporate Bond Repo (refer Foot-note 5) 659.22 199.90

(A) Bank Overdraft 49.60 41.33
(B) Loans from others 7.30 28.98
(C) Commercial Paper – –
TOTAL 901.37 620.08
Foot-notes :
1. Loan from banks payable on demand of ` 100 crore (PY - ` 185 crore) are secured by way of hypothecation of pari-passu charge on factored receivables of IFCI
Factors Ltd.
2. Other loan of ` 20 crore (PY - ` Nil) from banks are secured by way of charge on the receivables of IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd and other loan of ` Nil
(PY - ` 10 crore) from others are secured by way of factored receivables of IFCI Factors Ltd.
3. Borrowing under collateralized Borrowings and Lending operations are secured against Treasury Bills book value amounting to ` Nil (PY - ` 90.57 crore).
4. Cash Credit of ` 63.62 crore (PY - ` 30.62 crore) secured by way of hypothecation of pari-passu charge on factored receivables of IFCI Factors Ltd and ` 1.63 crore
(PY - ` 9.79 crore) are secured by way of pari-passu charge on the book debts of IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd and ` Nil (PY - ` 29.70 crore) secured by way of
pledge of fixed deposit by Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd.
5. Borrowing under Corporate Bonds Repo is secured against corporate bonds having book value of ` 858.80 crore (PY corporate bonds having book value ` 271.20 crore).
(` crore)
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
(A) Sundry Creditors
(i) Total outstanding dues to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises – –
(ii ) Total outstanding dues of creditors other than Micro and Small Enterprises 94.58 135.25
(B) Contractual Laibility against Sundry Debtors Collection @ 160.83 233.34
TOTAL 255.41 368.59
@ This represents the margin on debts factored and payable to the clients on collection of total debt. The total factored debts are shown under trade receivables.
As at As at
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
(A) Current Maturities of Long-term Debt
(i) Rupee (refer Notes 3.1 and 4 (c)) 3,384.42 3,299.67
(ii) Foreign Currencies (refer Note 3.3) 23.74 29.21
Sub - Total ‘A’ 3,408.16 3,328.88
(B) Others
(i) Interest accrued but not due on Bonds and Borrowings (refer Note 4(B)) 505.38 458.91
(ii) Income received in Advance 32.54 32.28
(iii) Unclaimed Dividend 18.14 10.41
(iv) Unpaid Matured Debentures & Interest 0.70 1.25
(v) Other Liabilities (Trade deposits and other payables) 983.47 572.67
Sub - Total ‘B’ 1,540.23 1,075.52
TOTAL 4,948.39 4,404.40


03. Final IFCI Consol 140815.indd 119 8/14/2015 2:49:18 PM

IFCI Limited (Consolidated Financial Statements)


PARTICULARS As at Additions Disposals* As at Revalued As at For the Disposals* As at As at As at Revalued
01.04.2014 31.03.2015 Amount 01.04.2014 Year 31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2014 Amount
Owned Assets
Freehold Land 132.39 0.38 3.29 129.48 66.68 – – – – 129.48 132.39 66.89
Leasehold Land 330.49 – 18.93 311.56 258.83 39.65 11.25 22.21 28.69 282.87 290.84 238.87
Buildings 1,119.51 7.68 63.42 1,063.78 631.22 178.77 25.74 51.47 153.04 910.74 940.75 561.26
Leasehold Improvements 5.32 0.08 3.29 2.11 – 4.01 0.01 1.98 2.04 0.07 1.31 –
Plant & Machinery 86.43 9.73 0.30 95.86 – 32.06 (0.97) 4.07 27.02 68.84 54.37 –
Furniture & Fixtures 59.19 0.40 1.29 58.29 – 31.49 1.39 9.16 23.72 34.57 27.70 –
Vehicles 5.69 0.80 0.59 5.90 – 4.02 0.83 1.16 3.69 2.21 1.67 –
Office Equipments 111.35 9.91 11.79 109.47 – 89.75 15.56 12.61 92.71 16.76 21.60 –
Electrical Installations and 26.37 1.81 0.12 28.06 – 12.80 3.36 5.76 10.40 17.66 13.57 –
Leased Assets
Leased Assets - Plant & 197.92 – – 197.92 – 197.92 – – 197.92 – – –
TOTAL 2,074.66 30.79 103.02 2,002.43 956.73 590.47 57.17 108.42 539.22 1,463.20 1,484.20 867.02
Previous Year 1,785.76 294.19 5.29 2,074.66 – 415.24 178.94 3.72 590.46 1,484.20 – –
Assets held for Sale
Freehold Land – 0.02 – 0.02 0.01 – – – – 0.02 – 0.01
Leasehold Land – 6.52 – 6.52 6.26 – 0.74 – 0.74 5.78 – 5.67
Buildings – 19.70 – 19.70 15.45 – 3.39 – 3.39 16.31 – 13.74
TOTAL – 26.24 – 26.24 21.72 – 4.13 – 4.13 22.11 – 19.42
Previous Year – – – – – – – – – – – –
TOTAL 2,074.66 57.03 103.02 2,028.67 978.45 590.47 61.30 108.42 543.35 1,485.31 1,484.20 886.44
* Disposal includes amounts transfered to ‘Assets held for Sale’ category shown as addition under ‘Assets held for Sale’.
Foot-notes to Note No. 9 :
The additional charge of depreciation of ` 22.58 crore for the year ended March 31, 2015 (FY March 31, 2014 - ` 19.03 crore) on account of revaluation of Land & Buildings carried
out in Financial Year 2009-10 has been charged to Statement of Profit & Loss and an equivalent amount withdrawn from Revaluation Reserve and credited to Statement of Profit
and Loss.
Leasehold land at New Delhi was being amortised over the period of 90 years from the date of capitalisation, however the lease was in the nature of prepetual lease. Therefore,
accumulated depreciaion of ` 8.30 crore on account of amortisation of lease permium has been reversed and ` 4.12 credited to the ‘Profit & Loss Account’ and ` 4.18 crore credited
to revaluation reserve.
Land held at Chandigarh office has been converted into ‘freehold land’ and accordingly gross block of ` 0.38 crore (including revaluation reserve of ` 0.23 crore) has been
transferred from ‘lease-hold land’ to ‘free-hold land’ and accumulated depreciation of ` 0.05 crore has been reversed and credited to P&L Account.
The IFCI, IIDL & SHCIL has revised the useful life of the fixed assets in alignment with schedule-II to the Companies Act, 2013 with effect from 1st April, 2014 and ‘Written Down
Value (WDV)’ of all the assets as on 31st March, 2015 has been depreciated over the remaining useful life of the fixed assets. The ‘written down value’ of ` 3.52 crore in respect
of fixed assets with no remaining useful life has been adjusted in the retained earnings. Residual value in respect of assets other than Buildings and Vehicles are considered ‘Nil’.
In respect of certain assets which were being depreciated in the previous year following written down value (WDV) method, the group has revised the method of calculation of
depreciation to straight line method (SLM) retrospectively resulting into reversal of ‘accumlated depreciation’ of ` 54.42 crore which has been credited to the profit & loss account.
Consequentially the charge for depreciation in the statement of profit & loss account is lower by ` 55.32 crore.


PARTICULARS As at Additions Disposals* As at Revalued As at For the Disposals As at As at As at Revalued
1.04.2014 31.03.2015 Amount 1.04.2014 year 31.03.2015 31.03.2015 31.03.2014 Amount
Computer Softwares 36.29 1.23 4.13 33.39 – 32.71 2.31 4.36 30.66 2.72 3.58 1.34
Non-compete Fee 0.99 – – 0.99 – 0.99 – – 0.99 – –
Membership Card 0.32 – – 0.32 – 0.32 – – 0.32 – –
TOTAL 37.60 1.23 4.13 34.70 – 34.02 2.31 4.36 31.97 2.72 3.58 1.34
Previous Year 8.16 33.13 3.69 37.60 – 6.23 31.48 3.69 34.02 3.58
(` crore)
As at As at
A. QUOTED March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
Fully Paid-up Non-Trade Investment
1. Equity Shares
(a) Associates 190.35 199.98
(b) Assistance under financing * 197.47 391.51
(c) Others 466.22 931.63
854.04 1,523.12
2. Bonds 34.42 135.83
3. Government Securities $ 35.10 48.87
4. Units – 0.01
Fully Paid-up Non-Trade Investment
1. Equity Shares
(a) Associates 13.53 19.51
(b) Joint-Venture 0.01 0.01
(c) Assistance under financing 1,994.77 2,280.01
(d) Others 95.49 85.21
2,103.80 2,384.74


03. Final IFCI Consol 170815.indd 120 8/17/2015 4:23:44 PM

IFCI Limited (Consolidated Financial Statements)

Note 11 (contd..)
(` crore)
As at As at
A. QUOTED March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
2. Preference Shares 385.91 365.40
3. Debentures/Bonds
– Joint-Venture 2.64 2.64
4. Security Receipts 215.25 51.96
5. Bonds – 19.62
6. Government Securities 400.00 400.00
7. Units 308.31 337.43
TOTAL 4,339.47 5,269.62
Less: Provision for Diminution in value 653.44 686.61
TOTAL 3,686.03 4,583.01
(1) Total Book Value 923.56 1,707.83
– Equity Shares 854.04 1,523.12
– Others 69.52 184.71
(2) Total Market Value 817.24 1,123.82
– Equity Shares 685.30 938.87
– Others 131.94 184.95
(1) Total Book Value 3,415.91 3,561.79
– Equity Shares 2,103.80 2,384.74
– Preference Shares 385.91 365.40
– Others 926.20 811.65
* includes Equity Shares of ` 1.06 crore (PY - ` 1.22 crore) placed as Margin with SHCIL Services Ltd.
$ includes Securities of ` 34.31 crore (PY - ` 38.81 crore) placed on Margin with CCIL.
1. In respect of Investments in shares in certain cases, scrips are yet to be received.
2. The above balances include:
– Equity Shares of ` 24.25 crore (Previous Year - ` 8.98 crore) lent under Securities Lending & Borrowing Scheme
within SEBI guidelines as indicated below:
As on March 31,2015
Name No. of Shares Lent Cost (` crore)
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd 4,38,680 13.65
Steel Authority of India Ltd 10,00,000 10.60
As on March 31, 2014
Name No. of Shares Lent Cost (` crore)
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd 1,99,919 7.79
Steel Authority of India Ltd 75,450 1.19
3. Includes Equity Shares of ` NIL (Previous Year - ` 0.03 crore) which are subject to a lock-in period. 8.98

(` crore)
NON-CURRENT INVESTMENTS - DETAILS As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
No. of Amount No. of Amount
Shares/Units Shares/Units
Equity Shares (Associates)
(i) Tourism Finance Corporation of India Ltd 3,15,58,613 79.31 3,43,04,266 86.21
Add : Capital Reserve 8.80 9.57
Add : Share of Accumulated Profits/Reserves 115.60 113.77
Add : Other adjustments/distribution of profits (13.36) (9.57)
[including share of current year’s profit ` 19.74 crore (PY - ` 21.48 crore)] 190.35 199.98
Equity Shares (Associates)
(i) Assets Care Reconstruction & Enterprise Ltd – – 72,48,334 7.33
Add : Share of Accumulated Profits/Reserves – 8.63
[including share of current year’s profit ` Nil crore (PY - ` 0.77 crore)]
– 15.96
(ii) HIMCON Ltd 735 0.07 735 0.07
Add : Share of accumulated profits/reserves 1.44 0.95
[including share in current year’s profit ` 0.49 crore (PY - ` 0.26 crore)]
1.51 1.02


03. Final IFCI Consol 170815.indd 121 8/17/2015 4:25:07 PM

IFCI Limited (Consolidated Financial Statements)

Note 11 (contd..)
(` crore)
NON-CURRENT INVESTMENTS - DETAILS As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
No. of Amount No. of Amount
Shares/Units Shares/Units
(iii) HARDICON Ltd 4,550 0.28 4,550 0.28
Add : Capital Reserve 0.10 0.10
Add : Share of accumulated profits/reserves 1.25 0.99
[including share in current year’s profit ` 0.28 crore (PY - ` 0.16 crore)]
1.63 1.37
(iv) NITCON Ltd 9,750 0.13 9,750 0.13
Add : Capital Reserve 0.20 0.20
Add : Share of accumulated profits/reserves 1.13 0.83
[including share in current year’s profit ` 0.30 crore (PY - ` 0.27 crore)]
1.46 1.16
(v) KITCO Ltd 19,950 0.04 – –
Add : Share of accumulated profits/reserves 8.79 –
[including share in current year’s profit ` 1.75 crore (PY - ` Nil)] 8.83 –
(vi) RAJCON Ltd 980 0.01 – –
Add : Share of accumulated profits/reserves 0.08 –
[including share in current year’s profit ` .06 crore (PY - ` Nil)] 0.09 –
Equity Shares (Joint Venture)
(i) IFCI Sycamore Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd 10,000 0.01 10,000 0.01
Bonds (Joint Venture)
(i) IFCI Sycamore Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd 4,50,000 2.64 4,50,000 2.64

(` crore)
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
(A) Provision against Loans/Advances & other Assets 710.30 780.20
(B) Timing difference in Depreciable Assets (72.42) (82.29)
(C) Other Timing Differences (14.00) 15.65
TOTAL 623.88 713.56

(` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
13. LOANS Non- Current Non- Current
Current Current
(A) Loans to Assisted Concerns 20,423.81 2,561.78 15,008.15 1,870.46
(B) Debentures 2,052.52 960.02 2,919.62 528.80
(C) Loan to Associates – – 15.38 26.67
(D) Lease Rental Receivable 2.40 – 2.40 –
22,478.73 3,521.80 17,945.55 2,425.93
Less: Allowance for Bad and Doubtful Assets
– Loans 915.95 13.79 1,265.59 31.77
– Debentures 58.60 – 89.49 –
TOTAL 21,504.18 3,508.01 16,590.47 2,394.16

Classification of Loans
(i) Secured 21,040.28 3,220.41 17,433.21 2,315.94
(ii) Unsecured 1,438.45 301.39 512.34 109.99
(A) Capital Advances 5.83 – 5.92 –
(B) Security Deposits 48.82 3.37 54.10 0.98
(C) Advance Tax paid (net of provision) 89.58 3.46 69.39 3.48
(D) MAT Credit Entitlement 127.60 – 131.89 –
(E) Other Deposits/Loan
– Considered Good 28.25 – 5.00 –
– Considered Doubtful 0.26 12.12 – 12.12
Less: Allowance for Bad and Doubtful Debts (0.26) (12.12) – (12.12)
(E) Other Loans and advances
(a) Loans to Staff (Secured - considered good) 13.92 1.75 12.95 1.57
(b) Others (Unsecured)
– Considered Good 31.77 10.86 5.22 39.61
– Considered Doubtful 0.42 4.79 0.42 1.00
Less: Allowance for Bad and Doubtful Debts (0.42) (4.79) (0.42) (1.00)
TOTAL 345.77 19.44 284.47 45.64


03. Final IFCI Consol 170815.indd 122 8/17/2015 4:26:51 PM

IFCI Limited (Consolidated Financial Statements)

(` crore)
As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014
15. OTHER ASSETS Non- Current Non- Current
Current Current
(A) Accrued Income
(i) Interest and Commitment Charges on Loans – 126.44 – 83.04
(ii) Interest on Debentures – 63.14 – 95.33
(iii) Interest on Investments – 48.63 – 43.34
(iv) Other Income 4.86 22.74 4.55 26.96
(B) Sundry Deposits 0.37 7.27 – 7.57
(C) Pre-paid Expenses 2.06 2.93 – 5.02
(D) Advance receivable in cash or in kind 0.03 93.80 – 58.73
(E) Unamortised Share Issue Expenses/premilinery expenses 0.91 – 1.81 –
TOTAL 8.23 364.95 6.36 319.99

(` crore)
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
Fully Paid up, Non-Trade investment
1. Equity Shares 21.69 7.39
2. Treasury Bills # 24.50 47.92
3. Government Securities 78.35 0.65
4. Units of Mutual Funds 75.00 20.00
Fully Paid up, Non-Trade investment
1. Equity Shares 0.01 –
2. Bonds $ 1,049.47 1,269.06
3. Commercial Paper 121.91 –
4. Certificate of Deposit 1,227.25 492.04
1. Equity Shares
(i) Subsidiaries (IFCI Financial Services Ltd) 0.02 0.02
(ii) Others 59.58 12.92
2. Preference Shares 15.57 15.57
75.17 28.51
TOTAL 2,673.35 1,865.57
Less: Provision for Mark to Market 29.20 47.10
TOTAL 2,644.15 1,818.47
(1) Total Book Value 199.54 75.96
– Equity Shares 21.69 7.39
– Others 177.85 68.57
(2) Total Market Value 197.65 77.32
– Equity Shares 17.58 7.96
– Others 180.07 69.36
(1) Total Book Value 2,473.80 1,761.10
– Equity Shares – –
– Others 2,473.80 1,761.10
# Treasury Bills having value of ` 24.50 (March 31, 2014 - ` 47.92) are placed with CCIL as collateral under Collaterised Borrowings Lending Operations
$ Includes Corporate Bonds having value of ` 880 crore (March 31, 2014 - ` 271.20 crore) sold under Repo Transactions.
(` crore)
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
(A) Secured
– More than 6 months 18.21 3.95
– Others 99.65 84.11
(B) Unsecured
– More than 6 months 269.81 240.95
– Others 628.44 737.69
1,016.11 1,066.70
Less: Allowance for bad and doubtful debts (192.57) (81.91)
823.54 984.79
Out of the above:
(i) Considered Good 823.54 984.79
(ii) Considered Doubtful 192.57 81.91
Less: Allowance for Bad and Doubtful Debts (192.57) (81.91)
823.54 984.79


03. Final IFCI Consol 140815.indd 123 8/14/2015 2:49:20 PM

IFCI Limited (Consolidated Financial Statements)

(` crore)
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
(A) Balances with Banks
– Bank balance 268.48 538.13
– Bank deposits $ 729.14 355.29
– Collaterised Borrowings Lending Operations (CBLOs) (secured against Treasury Bills) 7.39 –
(B) Unclaimed Dividend Account 18.11 10.37
(C) Balances with Banks held as Margin Money/Security against Guarantees * 204.38 165.98
(D) Cheques on hand & under collection & remittances in transit 0.44 17.12
(E) Cash in hand (including postage stamps) 13.63 8.73
TOTAL 1,241.57 1,095.62
* includes Bank deposits with more than 12 months remaining maturity. 157.09 132.13
$ includes amount held as custodian for BIFR/DRT, Govt. Schemes & other 238.18 –
authorities and placed with banks as fixed deposits.

(` crore)
19. REVENUE FROM OPERATIONS For the year ended For the year ended
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
(A) Interest Income
(i) Loans 2,463.30 1,734.40
(ii) Debentures 331.25 441.81
(iii) Income from Deployment of Funds 202.99 267.18
(iv) Interest on Bonds/Government Securities/other contratual obligation 83.81 174.45
(v) Lease Rentals etc. 1.52 1.52
Sub-Total (A) 3,082.87 2,619.36
(B) Other Financial Services
(i) Income from Acquired Non-performing Assets 3.60 18.11
(ii) Dividend (Gross)
– Investments - Non-current 46.99 52.45
– Investments - Current 1.17 1.21
(iii) Profit on sale of Long term Shares/Debentures (Net)
– Assistance under Financing - Non-current 156.67 320.99
– Investments - Non-current 113.54 50.17
– Investments - Current 8.08 0.28
(iv) Business Services Fees and Commission (including Guarantee Commission) 100.05 92.81
(v) Custodial & Depository Participant Services 149.62 129.64
(vi) Brokerage & Commission 127.77 101.73
(vii) Income from Hospitality Business 13.60 11.30
(viii) Provision/Liability no longer required written back 4.38 34.85
Sub-Total (B) 725.47 813.54
(C) Sale proceeds of Stock - in- Trade 49.48 163.72
TOTAL (A)+(B)+(C) 3,857.82 3,596.62


(A) Interest on Staff Advances 0.74 0.71
(B) Profit on sale of Fixed Assets (Net) 29.46 0.03
(C) Rental Income 42.44 33.33
(D) Dividend from Associates 7.33 4.19
(E) Miscellaneous Income 10.22 6.79
TOTAL 90.19 45.05


(A) Interest on Rupee Bonds and Borrowings 2,112.90 1,703.43
(B) Interest on Foreign Currency Borrowings 48.11 43.87
(C) Interest on Bank Overdraft 1.12 2.96
(D) Other Interest (Jute Development Fund, Provident Fund & Corporate Social Resposibility) 4.47 4.75
(E) Commitment Charges, Brokerage, Commission and other costs 6.22 6.95
TOTAL 2,172.82 1,761.96


(A) Salaries and Allowances 159.48 135.11
(B) Contribution to Retirement Funds 26.97 28.08
(C) Staff Welfare Expenses 9.54 9.77
(D) Employee Compensation Expenese (ESOP) (1.23) 0.44
TOTAL 194.76 173.40


03. Final IFCI Consol 140815.indd 124 8/14/2015 2:49:20 PM

IFCI Limited (Consolidated Financial Statements)

(` crore)
23. OTHER EXPENSES For the year ended For the year ended
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
(A) Rent 14.81 11.83
(B) Rates and Taxes 11.06 7.71
(C) Insurance 2.34 2.35
(D) Repairs and Maintenance
– Buildings 10.06 11.21
– IT 15.88 13.95
– Others 3.16 4.08
(E) Electricity & Water Charges 16.10 14.99
(F) Security 2.13 2.02
(G) Payment to Auditors (refer Note 40) 1.20 1.10
(H) Directors' Fee & Expenses 1.53 1.01
(I) Publications, Advertisement & Business Development 5.93 2.24
(J) Consultation and Law Charges 27.24 13.30
(K) Commission 13.05 11.27
(L) Travelling & Conveyance 7.37 6.05
(M) Training & Development 8.74 17.80
(N) Postage & Telephone 12.20 11.64
(O) Printing & Stationery 4.39 4.60
(P) Listing/Filing/Custody Fee 1.68 5.71
(Q) Library/Membership Subscription 1.60 1.80
(R) Exchange Fluctuation Loss/(Gains) 1.91 2.02
(S) Outsourcing Expenses 16.69 18.87
(T) Depository Participant & Custodian Fee 8.28 4.38
(U) Expenses related to Hospitality Business 1.68 1.22
(V) Other Miscellaneous Expenses 15.45 13.00
TOTAL 204.48 184.15

(A) Loans & Advances
– Provision Reversal on recovery from NPAs (74.71) (31.40)
– Write-off 762.61 676.98
Less: Transfer from provision held for Bad & Doubtful debts (767.21) (651.20)
– Provision for assets 684.72 512.85
– Provision u/s 36(1)(viia)(c) of Income Tax Act, 1956 – 1.47
(B) Investments
– Provision Reversal (0.14) (13.87)
– Write-off – 0.03
– Provision made (33.18) 106.81
– Provision - mark to market (18.18) 19.02
(C) Debtors
– Write-off 0.57 0.18
– Provision made 4.82 1.61
(D) Other Loans & Advances – –
TOTAL 559.30 622.48

25.1 The consolidated financial statements comprise the individual financial 25.2 The following associate companies are considered in consolidation based on
statements of IFCI Ltd and its following subsidiaries as on 31.03.2015 and for equity method as provided in AS-23 and the Company’s ownership interest
the year ended on that date: therein are as under:
Name of the Subsidiary Proportion of Ownership Name of the Associate Proportion of Ownership
Interest (%) Interest (%)
Direct Subsidiary Tourism Finance Corporation of India Ltd 39.10
IFCI Financial Services Ltd (IFIN) 94.78 HARDICON Ltd 45.50
IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd (IVCF) 98.59 Himachal Consultancy Organisation Ltd 49.00
IFCI Infrastructure Development Ltd (IIDL) 100.00 North India Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd 48.75
IFCI Factors Ltd (IFL) 99.74 Rajasthan Consultancy Organisation Ltd 49.00
MPCON 79.72 KITCO Ltd 20.26
Stockholding Corporation of India Ltd (SHCIL) 52.86 All the subsidiaries and associates are incorporated in India.
Step- Down Subsidiary*
25.3 Un-audited accounts of KITCO Ltd have been compiled to include all their
Subsidiary of IFIN
components and the management takes complete responsibility for the
IFIN Commodities Ltd - Wholly owned subsidiary of IFIN 100.00
correctness and appropriateness of these accounts.
IFIN Credit Ltd - Wholly owned subsidiary of IFIN 100.00
IFIN Securities Finance Limited - Wholly owned 100.00 26. List of Associates/Joint Venture not Consolidated:
subsidiary of IFIN 26.1 Sl. No. Name of the Associate
Subsidiary of IIDL 1. ABG Energy (GUJARAT) Ltd
IIDL Realtors Pvt Ltd - Wholly owned subsidiary 100.00 2. Gati Infrastructure Bhasmey Power Pvt Ltd
3. Gayatri HI-Tech Hotels Ltd
Subsidiary of SHCIL
SHCIL Services Ltd - Wholly owned subsidiary of 100.00 4. Nagai Power Pvt Ltd
SHCIL 5. Raichur Power Corporation Ltd
SHCIL Projects Ltd - Wholly owned subsidiary of SHCIL 100.00 6. Rajahmundry Godavari Bridge Ltd
* % of ownership represent shareholding of respective immediate holding 7. Shiga Energy Pvt Ltd
company. 8. Sravanthi Energy Pvt Ltd


03. Final IFCI Consol 140815.indd 125 8/14/2015 2:49:20 PM

IFCI Limited (Consolidated Financial Statements)

IFCI Ltd has acquired shares in above companies as a part of regular business 27.3 Company has made the provision, as required under the applicable law or
activity of financing through equity participation with firm buy-back accounting standards, for material foreseeable losses, if any, on long-term
commitment for such shares with the promoters/group companies of the contracts including derivative contracts as on March 31, 2015.
investee companies at pre-determined rate of return after a pre-determined 28. Govt. of India has acquired 6 crore Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares
period. Since, the shares have been acquired with the intention to dispose-off of ` 10/- each from the existing shareholders of the Company on April 07, 2015
at a pre-determined rate of return, share in net-worth of the investee company and consequentially Company has become Government Company u/s 2(45) of
following ‘equity method’ is not appropriate indicator of the real economic the Companies Act, 2013 from that date.
interest of IFCI Ltd. In certain Companies, buy-back due within 12 months 29. Since, the securities held by Company represent similar rights and obligation
reducing the shareholding of IFCI Ltd below 20%. Therefore, the investment it was considered more appropriate to follow ‘Weighted Average Cost Method’
in these companies has been considered in ‘Consolidated Financial Statements’ to compute carrying cost of such securities and accordingly, the method of
following AS -13. computation of carrying cost of securities was revised during the current year
26.2 Sl. No. Name of the Joint Venture to ‘Weighted Average Cost Method’ which hitherto was being carried at ‘FIFO
1. IFCI Sycamore Capital Advisors (P) Ltd (ISCAPL) Cost Method’. As a result, the cost of securities held as current and long term
investment as on March 31, 2015 is lower by ` 28.21 crore following ‘Weighted
The Company has 50% interest in one joint venture viz. IFCI Sycamore Capital Average Cost Method’ vis-a-vis ‘FIFO Cost Method’ and profit on sale of
Advisors (P) Ltd (ISCAPL) incorporated in India in November 2011 which investment is higher by the same amount.
is under voluntary liquidation and official liquidator has been appointed.
30. Company has granted a loan to a borrower concern which has been classified
The investment of IFCI Ltd in IFCI Sycamore Capital Advisors (P) Ltd as on
as sub-standard assets in terms of RBI regulation, having gross outstanding
March 31, 2015 was at ` 0.01 crore Class A Equity Shares and ` 2.64 crore
of ` 31.89 crore and net outstanding of ` 28.70 crore as on March 31, 2015.
Fully Convertible Debentures against which adequate provision has been
Some banks have reported fraudulent act by that borrower in respect of certain
made considering the probability and quantum of share in distribution
facilities granted by them. However, the facility granted by the Company is
upon liquidation of the Company. In view of this, joint venture has not been
different and secured by way of mortgage of immovable properties. Considering
considered for consolidation. the recent developments, the available security is being assessed for element
26.3 Additional Disclosure under Schedule-III of Companies Act, 2013: of fraud and potential threat of recovery, if any. Pending the outcome of the
assessment, the case has been retained in the same category i.e. sub-standard as
Name of the Entity Net Assets Share in Profit or Loss on March 31, 2015.
% of Amount % of Amount
Consolidated (` crore) Consolidated (` crore) 31. During the year, Company has issued Secured Redeemable ‘Non-Convertible
Net Assets profit or loss Debentures’ of ` 1,972.26 crore through public issue in two tranches (Tranche
Indian Parent Company I - ` 1,209.19 crore and Tranche-II - ` 763.07 crore) which stands utilised for the
purpose as described in the offer document.
IFCI Ltd * 91.81% 7,145.65 91.27% 509.53
Indian Subsidiary Company 32. SHCIL had during the year 2000-01 undertaken a transaction of ` 24.45 crore
IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd 2.47% 191.99 4.47% 24.94 with a client through the Calcutta Stock Exchange (CSE) under the ‘Cash on
IFCI Factors Ltd 1.78% 138.26 (10.67)% (59.56) Payout’ scheme for the sale of 7,20,000 equity shares of DSQ Industries Limited.
MPCON Ltd 0.07% 5.58 0.14% 0.80 The said transaction was confirmed by CSE based on which post-dated cheques
IFCI Infrastructure Development Ltd 7.11% 553.78 0.61% 3.42 were issued. The cheques were stopped for payment before their due date by the
(including step down-subsidiary) Company as the underlying trade transaction was contended to be non-bonafide
Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd 7.88% 613.01 14.06% 78.49 and disallowed by CSE. A Bank, which had granted financial assistance against
(including step down-subsidiary) the said cheques, has issued a notice of demand against the Company under
IFCI Financial Services Ltd (including 1.45% 112.72 0.11% 0.63 Section 138 of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881. The Company has disputed
step down-subsidiary) the claim of the Bank. The Bank’s application to the Debt Recovery Tribunal for
Minority Interest 3.81% 296.71 6.69% 37.35 recovery of the amount along with compound interest from August 01, 2001 at
* profit of IFCI Ltd is net of ` 12.07 crore dividend received from subsidiary companies the rate of 19% p.a. with quarterly rests till realization from the Company had
Indian Associate Company been dismissed. The bank and client had filed appeals in the Debt Recovery
(investment as per equity method)
Appellate Tribunal (DRAT) against the dismissal, which were allowed. DRAT
Tourism Finance Corporation of 2.45% 190.35 1.14% 6.38
vide order dated September 23, 2011 held the Corporation and the client jointly
India Ltd
and severally liable. The Corporation filed a Revision Application in High
HARDICON Ltd 0.02% 1.63 0.05% 0.26
Himachal Consultancy Organisation Ltd 0.02% 1.51 0.09% 0.49
Court on November 30, 2011 which has been admitted, however, no stay on
North India Technical Consultancy 0.02% 1.46 0.05% 0.30 DRAT order was granted. Hence, SHCIL had filed a Special Leave Petition in
Organisation Ltd the Supreme Court for stay of the High Court Order, the Order of the DRAT and
Rajasthan Consultancy Organisation Ltd – 0.09 0.01% 0.08 the recovery certificate by Presiding Officer and notice of demand by recovery
KITCO Ltd 0.11% 8.83 1.57% 8.79 officer of DRAT. The Supreme Court vide its Order dated April 23, 2012 has
requested the High Court to dispose off the revision application within a period
27. Contingent Liabilities and Commitments (to the extent not provided for) of four months. In the meanwhile, the Corporation has deposited ` 30.00 crore
27.1 Contingent Liabilities: with the Registry of High Court as per the directions of the Supreme Court.
Hearing in the revision application is concluded and the judgement is reserved.
(` crore)
As at Year ended Year ended 33. Arch Pharmalabs Ltd was sanctioned a Domestic Sales Bill Factoring Facility of
31.03.2015 31.03.2014 `10.00 crore and Domestic Purchase Bill Factoring Facility of ` 6.00 crore within
(i) Bank Guarantees provided 122.66 30.13 the overall prepayment limit of `15.00 crore by the Committee of Directors in
(ii) Guarantee Issued 5.71 76.00 May, 2011. The said facilities have been restructured under the Corporate Debt
Restructuring (“CDR”), the cut-off date being April 01, 2013. The total amount
(iii)Export Obligations under EPCG Licenses 23.06 31.25
outstanding in the books of the Company as on April 01, 2013 was `15.21 crore.
(iv) Claims not acknowledged as Debts 17.30 23.68
As per the terms of the CDR, an amount of ` 13.29 crores has been converted to
(v) Tax Matters – Working Capital Term Loan (WCTL) which is to be secured by first pari passu
Income Tax 44.89 30.13 charge on the current assets and second pari passu charge on the fixed assets of
Service tax 15.54 15.24 the Company.
Considering the current status of the pending litigation cases, no material An amount of ` 1.92 crore has been treated as Debenture Application Money
financial impact is expected on the financial statements as on March 31, 2015. towards Optionally Convertible Debentures (OCDs). The OCDs will be allotted
27.2 Commitments: post creation of security. Security creation and issuance of debentures is pending
due to a court order which restricts the company from further encumbering its
(i) Estimated amount of contract (including lease 9.19 10.99 assets and change in the shareholding structure. The security creation will be
contract) remaining to be executed on capital
complied with once the orders are vacated. During the year, as per prudence,
account (net of advances)
(ii) Estimated amount of contract remaining to be 36.18 85.88*
income has not been recognized on Debenture Application Money.
executed on revenue account (net of advances) 34. In terms of RBI circular No. DNBS.PD.CC. No. 256 /03.10.042/2011-12 dated March
(iii) Undrawn Commitments (in line with RBI 2,106.27 1,044.69 02, 2012, the IFCI Factors Ltd has identified and reported to Reserve Bank of India
Circular dated December 26, 2011) four fraud accounts amounting to ` 45.67 crore during the current year (Previous
* It includes ` 7 crore for compounding plus additional costs & ` 3 crore for purchase Year – ` 23.05 crore). Apart from this, in 15 suspected fraud cases out of which
of additional FAR subject to approval from Ghaziabad Development Authority on in 14 cases criminal complaints have been filed by the company against borrower
21st Milestone Project, Ghaziabad. Pending approval from GDA, no adjustment is companies and other related persons at various police authorities for detection of
made in books of accounts. frauds. These cases shall be reported to RBI on detection of fraud, if any.


03. Final IFCI Consol 140815.indd 126 8/14/2015 2:49:20 PM

IFCI Limited (Consolidated Financial Statements)

35. In the case of IFIN Securities Finance Ltd, loans & advances include Non 44. IIDL is constructing a campus for MDI, Gurgaon at Jangipur, Murshidabad Distt,
Performing Assets (NPAs) amounting to ` 11.37 crore pertaining to a group of West Bengal. The financials relating to the contract are as under:
three parties as of March 31, 2015 for which no interest income was recognized (` crore)
during the period April 2014 to March, 2015. The Company has initiated legal
Contract Amount
action such as filing criminal complaint and winding up petition for recovery of
the dues. As per the recent RBI Circular No.DBR.No.BP.BC.83/21.04.048/2014- Contract revenue recognized during the year 14.31
15 dated 01.04.2015, provision at the rate of 25% per quarter of the outstanding Contract expenses recognized during the year (12.95)
opening balance as on 01.04.2014 commencing from quarter ending 31.03.2015 Recognized Profits 1.36
was made for the frauds deducted during quarter ended 31.03.2015. Estimated Contract Cost 90.91
36. In the case of IFCI Infrastructure Development Ltd. (IIDL): Amount recoverable from MDI 3.82
(a) Inventory includes one property acquired during the financial year Cost-plus contract method has been used to determine the contract revenue
2008-09 for `15.59 crore which has been notified for acquisition. Govt. recognized in the period.
of Haryana has issued a notice for acquisition of land under Land The stage of completion has been determined on the basis of work completion
Acquisition Act for development against which company has filed a writ certificate obtained from the engineer/architect.
petition in the Hon’ble High Court of the Chandigarh. The High court 45. The Company operates in India and hence it is considered to operate only in
has dismissed the writ petition and the company has filed the SLP in the domestic segment. More than 90% of revenue for the Company comes from a
Hon’ble Supreme court. Pending final outcome from the Hon’ble Supreme single segment of Financing. Accordingly, segment reporting as required under
court, no adjustment has been made in the books.
Accounting Standard-17, is not required.
(b) Inventories includes three properties acquired from IFCI Ltd for
46. Disclosure of details pertaining to related party transactions in terms of
consideration other than cash amounting to `10.01 crore where the
Accounting Standard-18,- “Related Party Disclosures” is as under:
process of execution and registration of title deeds as per applicable state
laws is yet to be completed, although the possession of the properties has 1. Name of the related party and nature of relationship:
been taken over. Nature of Relationship Name of the Related Party
37. MPCON has continued to act as Nodal Agency for the implementation of Assets Care & Reconstruction Enterprise Ltd
Counselling, Retraining & Redeployment (CRR) Scheme of Department of Public (upto September 05, 2014)
Enterprises, Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, Govt. of India, Tourism Finance Corporation of India Ltd
New Delhi for the Voluntarily Retired optees of Central Public Sector Enterprises Himachal Consultancy Organisation Ltd
(CPSEs). The Government of India has sanctioned grant amounting to ` 1.80 Assosciates
North India Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd
crore in 2014-15 (Previous Year - ` 1.98 crore). HARDICON Ltd
38. The IFCI, IIDL & SHCIL has revised the useful life of the fixed assets in alignment Rajasthan Consultancy Organisation Ltd
with Schedule-II to the Companies Act, 2013 with effect from 1st April, 2014 KITCO Ltd
and ‘Written Down Value (WDV)’ of all the assets as on March 31, 2015 has been
depreciated over the remaining useful life of the fixed assets. The ‘written down 2. Transaction with the related party during the period:
value’ of ` 3.52 crore in respect of fixed assets with no remaining useful life has (` crore)
been adjusted in the retained earnings. Residual value in respect of assets other Nature of Transaction Year ended Year ended
than Buildings and Vehicles are considered ’Nil ’. 31.03.2015 31.03.2014
In respect of certain assets which were being depreciated in the previous years Associates
following written down value (WDV) method, the group has revised the method Assets Care & Reconstruction Enterprise Ltd
of calculation of depreciation to straight line method (SLM) retrospectively Rent & Maintenance received by IFCI 0.57 1.10
resulting into reversal of ‘accumulated depreciation’ of ` 54.42 crore which
Loan given – outstanding 32.88 42.05
has been credited to the profit & loss account. Consequentially the charge for
Interest received/receivable on Loan 2.20 6.72
depreciation in the statement of profit & loss account is lower by ` 55.32 crore.
Professional fee received 0.03 0.06
39. Expenditure/Earnings in Foreign Currencies
Tourism Finance Corporation of India Ltd
(` crore) Bonds issued by IFCI – outstanding 65.00 50.00
39.1 Expenditure in Foreign Currency: Year ended Year ended Interest paid/ payable by IFCI 4.67 –
31.03.2015 31.03.2014 Rent & Maintenance received by IFCI 3.87 3.64
Interest on Borrowings 4.45 4.78 Dividend Received 7.27 4.12
Import Factor Commission 0.46 0.43 Dividend Paid on Preference Shares ` 20,000 ` 20,000
Other matters 1.08 0.87 Salaries/Other Estt. Exp. recovered/recoverable for 0.07 0.19
TOTAL 5.99 6.08 employees deputed by IFCI
Salaries/Other Estt. Exp. paid by IFCI for 0.01 0.06
39.2 Earnings in Foreign Currency: employees deputed in IFCI, Paid/payable to them
Hospitality Services 8.19 6.82 Himachal Consultancy Organisation Ltd
40. Payment to Auditors: Dividend Received 0.01 0.04
Audit Fees 1.05 0.91 Salaries/Other Estt. Exp. recovered/recoverable for 0.15 0.07
employees deputed by IFCI
Taxation Matters 0.10 0.14
Employees deputed/posted by IFCI (No.) as at end – –
Certification and Other Services * 0.18 0.06
of period
Reimbursement of Expenses 0.05 0.05
TOTAL 1.38 1.16
Dividend Received 0.01 0.01
* including ` 0.11 crore (Previous Year – ` Nil) paid towards certification charges
towards public issue on non convertible debentures of IFCI Ltd. Salaries/Other Estt. Exp. recovered/recoverable for 0.16 0.14
employees deputed by IFCI
41. Certain balances appearing under, trade receivables and payables are subject to Employees deputed/posted by IFCI (No.) as at end 1 1
confirmation. of period
42. There are no Micro and Small Enterprises, to whom the Company owes dues, North India Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd
which are outstanding for more than 45 days as at March 31, 2015. This
Rent & Maintenance received by IFCI 13.42 –
information as required to be disclosed under the Micro, Small and Medium
Dividend Received 0.04 0.03
Enterprises Development Act, 2006 has been determined to the extent the
status of such parties identified on the basis of information available with the Salaries/Other Estt. Exp. recovered/recoverable for 0.02 –
Company. employees deputed by IFCI
43. There are no material prior period items, except to the extent disclosed, included Joint Ventures
in Profit & Loss A/c required to be disclosed as per Accounting Standard-5 read IFCI Sycamore Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd
with RBI guidelines. Rent & Maintenance received by IFCI 0.03 0.07


03. Final IFCI Consol 140815.indd 127 8/14/2015 2:49:21 PM

IFCI Limited (Consolidated Financial Statements)

47. Earnings per share: Year – ` 1,132.09 crore) whereas total value of outstanding Forex Deals other
(` crore) than Currency Swaps was Nil (Previous Year – Nil).
Particulars Year ended Year ended 51. Foreign Currency exposure that is not hedged by derivative instrument or
31.03.2015 31.03.2014 otherwise is USD 0.020 million (Previous Year – USD 0.50 million) and EUR
(a) Profit Computation for Equity Shareholders 0.029 million (Previous Year – EUR 0.38 million), equivalent to ` 0.32 crore
Net profit as per Statement of Profit & Loss 558.26 566.1 (Previous Year – ` 6.15 crore).
Less: Preference Dividend (0.31) (0.31) 52. In case of SHCIL, Foreign Currency Exposure:
Net profit for Equity Shareholders 557.95 565.79 As at Year ended Year ended
(b) Weighted Average Number of Equity Shares 1,66,20,37,235 1,66,20,37,235 31.03.2015 31.03.2014
Particulars of unhedged foreign currency exposures – SGD 25,667
(a) Profit Computation for Equity Shareholders
Trade payables USD 46,371 USD 2,631
(including potential shareholders)
Net profit as per Statement of Profit & Loss 558.26 566.10 53.1 Open interest in the Currency Futures as at Balance Sheet Nil at 31.03.2015.
Less: Preference dividend (0.31) (0.31) Long Position as on 31.03.2014 is as below:
Net profit for equity shareholders (including 557.95 565.79 Sl. Particulars Series of Exchange Number of Number of Units
potential shareholders) * No. Future Contracts Involved (USD)
(b) Weighted Average Number of Equity Shares 1,66,20,37,235 1,66,27,05,271 1. USD/INR June 26, 2014 NSE 1920 19,20,000.00
2. USD/INR April 28, 2014 MCX-SX 723 7,23,000.00
Earnings Per Share
3. USD/INR May 28, 2014 MCX-SX 2812 28,12,000.00
(Weighted Average)
4. USD/INR June 26, 2014 MCX-SX 365 3,65,000.00
Basic (`) 3.36 3.40
Diluted (`) 3.36 3.40 53.2 In case of IFCI Factors Ltd, foreign exchange exposures that are not hedged by
derivative instruments or otherwise are as follows:
* There are no potential equity shares outstanding as on March 31, 2015.
48. In terms of Accounting Standard 19 on ‘Leases’: As at Year ended Year ended
31.03.2015 31.03.2014
(a) The Company has entered into lease agreement at eleven centres and lease
rent is charged to the Statement of Profit & Loss. Cash and Bank Balances
(b) Office premises of IFCI Factors is on operating lease with tenor upto 12 Euro 278.40 50.43
months and renewable on such terms and conditions as may be mutually USD 500.00 500.00
agreed with the company and the Lessor. Sundry Creditor
(c) The year wise break up of future minimum lease payments in respect of Euro 2,474.12 856.52
leased premises are as under: USD 27,085.64 20,422.12
(` Crore) GBP – 198.16
Particulars Year ended Year ended
54. Details of securities sold and purchased under Repos and Reverse Repos
31.03.2015 31.03.2014
Minimum Lease payments:
(a) Not later than one year ot later than one year 0.33 0.16 Particulars Maximum O/s Daily Average O/s O/s as on
(b) Later than one year but not later than five years 0.19 0.04 during the period during the period Mar 31, 2015
(c) Later than five years – – Securities sold under Repo:
Rentals charged during the Period 0.66 2.57 Govt. Securities – – –
49. Fixed Assets possessed by the Company are treated as ‘Corporate Assets’ and not Corporate Bonds 877.51 553.12 659.22
‘Cash Generating Units’ as defined by Accounting Standard-28 - “Impairment of Securities purchased under reverse repo:
Assets” . As on March 31, 2015 there were no events or changes in circumstances Govt. Securities – – –
which indicate any impairment in the assets.
Corporate Bonds – – –
50. Total value of outstanding Currency Swaps was USD 77.95 million against INR,
EURO 0.85 million against INR & EURO 66.08 million against USD (Previous Minimum, maximum & average outstanding is based on face value of securities.
year – USD 87.65 million against INR, EURO Nil million against INR & EURO 55. Previous year figures have been re-grouped/re-arranged wherever necessary, to
69.39 million against USD respectively) equivalent to ` 936.87 crore (Previous conform to current period’s presentation.


Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director Deputy Managing Director
DIN 00323799 DIN 02272425 DIN 02192183


Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director & Company Secretary
Chief Financial Officer

In terms of our report of even date


Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
ICAI FRN 009571N/N500006 ICAI FRN 08976N


M. No. 088810 M. No. 093714

Place : New Delhi

Date : May 26, 2015


03. Final IFCI Consol 170815.indd 128 8/17/2015 4:27:52 PM

To To
The General Manager The Depository Participant Concerned
MCS Share Transfer Agent Limited, Unit: IFCI
F-65, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I
New Delhi-110 020
(In case of Physical Holding) (In case of Electronic Holding)

Dear Sir

For office use only

Master NECS Ref. No.

Folio No.

Name of First Holder

Bank Name

Branch Name

Branch Code

(9 Digits Code Number appearing on the MICR Band of the cheque supplied by the Bank)
Please attach a Xerox copy of a cheque or a blank cheque of your bank duly cancelled for
ensuring accuracy of the bank’s name, branch name and code number.

Account Type Savings Current Cash Credit

Ac. No. (as appearing

in the cheque book)

Effective date of
this mandate

I, hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If any transaction is delayed or not
effected at all for reasons of incompleteness or incorrectness of information supplied as above, IFCI Ltd/MCS Share
Transfer Agent Limited will not be held responsible. I agree to avail the NECS facility provided by RBI, as and when
implemented by RBI.
I further undertake to inform the company any change in my Bank/Branch and account number.

Dated: (Signature of First Holder)

03. Final IFCI Consol 170815.indd 129 8/17/2015 8:34:34 PM


Registered Office: IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110019

Website : www.ifciltd.com
CIN : L74899DL1993GOI053677
E-mail : [email protected]
Tel: +91-11-4173 2000 Fax: +91-11-2623 0201
(Please complete this Attendance Slip and hand it over at the registration counter)
DP. Id. * Folio No. *
Client Id.
I hereby record my presence at the 22nd ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Company being held on
Monday, September 21, 2015 at 10:30 A.M. at Air Force Auditorium, Subroto Park, New Delhi-110010.

NAME OF THE SHAREHOLDER …………………………………………………...………………………………….

NAME OF PROXY # …………………………………………………..………………………………………………….

# To be filled in case proxy attends instead of Shareholder


* Strike out whichever is not applicable



Registered Office: IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110019
Website : www.ifciltd.com
CIN : L74899DL1993GOI053677
E-mail : [email protected]
Tel: +91-11-4173 2000 Fax: +91-11-2623 0201
Name of the Member(s):
Registered Address:
E-mail Id:
Folio No.:
DP-Client ID:

I/We, being the member(s) of ................................ shares of the above named company, hereby appoint:

(1) Name: ................................................................ Address: ................................................................

E-mail Id: ........................................................... Signature: ................................., or failing him/her

(2) Name: ................................................................ Address: ................................................................

E-mail Id: ............................................................. Signature: ................................., or failing him/her

(3) Name: ................................................................. Address: ................................................................

E-mail Id: ............................................................ Signature: ..............................................................

as my/our proxy to attend and vote (on a poll) for me/us and on my/our behalf at the Twenty Second Annual
General Meeting of the Company, to be held on Monday, the 21st day of September, 2015 at 10:30 A.M. at Air
Force Auditorium, Subroto Park, New Delhi-110010 and at any adjournment thereof in respect of such resolu-
tions as are indicated below :

Proxy.pmd 91 8/17/2015, 9:23 PM

Resolution No. Resolutions Matter For Against

1. To consider and adopt the Audited Financial Statements and Consolidated

Financial Statements of the Company for the Financial Year ended March
31, 2015 and the reports of Board of Directors and Auditor’s thereon.

2. To confirm the interim dividend already paid on Preference Shares as Final


3. To confirm the interim dividend already paid on equity shares and to declare
final dividend on Equity Shares

4. To appoint a Director in place of Ms Kiran Sahdev (DIN: 06718968) who

retires by rotation at this Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offers
herself for re-appointment.

5. To fix remuneration of the Statutory Auditor(s) of the Company in terms of

the provisions of Sections 139 (5) and 142 of the Companies Act, 2013.

6. To appoint Prof Arvind Sahay (DIN: 03218334) as an Independent Director

of the Company for a term upto three consecutive year commencing from
September 12, 2014.

7. To authorised Board of Director for making offer(s) or ivitation to subscribe

to securities, including but not limited to bonds and non convertible
debentures by way of private placement up to an amount of not exeeding
`5000 crore.


Signed this ......................................................... day of ..................................... 2015 Stamp

Signature of Shareholder(s)

Signature of proxy holder(s)

1. This form of proxy in order to be effective should be duly completed and deposited at the Registered
Office of the Company, not less than 48 hours before commencement of the Meeting.
2. For the resolutions, Explanatory Statements and Notes, please refer to the notice of the 22nd Annual
General Meeting.
3. It is optional to put a ‘X’ in the appropriate column against the resolutions indicated in the Box. If you
leave the ‘For’ or ‘Against’ column blank against any or all resolutions, your proxy will be entitled to vote
in the manner as he/she thinks appropriate.
4. Please complete all details including details of member(s) in the box before submission.

Proxy.pmd 92 8/17/2015, 9:23 PM

Registered Office
IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019
Tel: +91-11-4179 2800, 4173 2000, 2648 7444, 2648 7622
Fax No.: +91-11-2648 8471, 2623 0201
Website : www.ifciltd.com
CIN: L74899DL1993PLC053677



501, IFCI Bhawan IFCI Tower Regency Plaza
Near Lal Bunglow 61 Nehru Place (4th Floor), 5 Park Road
C G Road, Navrangpura PIN-110 019 PIN-226 001
PIN-380 006 Tel: +91-11-4173 2000 Tel: +91-522-223 9057, 401 5868
Tel: +91-79-2640 5984, 2644 5376 Fax: +91-11-2648 8471
Fax: +91-79-2640 4980
GUWAHATI Earnest House
BHOPAL IFCI Bhawan, Christian Basti (9th Floor), NCPA Marg
Paryawas Bhawan Guwahati Shillong Road Nariman Point
Block 2 (3rd Floor) PIN-781 005 PIN-400 021
Arera Hills Tel: +91-361-234 3757 Tel: +91-22-6129 3400
PIN-462 011 Fax: +91-361-234 0846 Fax: +91-22-6129 3440-41


HIG 4/8, BDA Colony Taramandal Complex Maurya Lok Commercial
Chandrasekharpur (8th Floor), 5-9-13 Saifabad Complex, Block ‘C’ (3rd Floor)
PIN-751 016 PIN-500 004 Dak Bungalow Road
Tel: +91-674-230 2266 Tel: +91-40-6662 3642-44 PIN-800 001
Fax: +91-674-230 2266 Fax: +91-40-2324 1138 Tel: +91-612-223 2027


IFCI Bhawan (4th Floor) Anand Bhawan (1st Floor) 307, (3rd Floor)
Cubbonpet Main Road, N.R. Square Sansar Chandra Road Amar Neptune
(Hudson Circle) PIN-302 001 Near Big Bazaar
PIN-560 002 Tel: +91-141-236 3448 Baner
Tel: +91-80-2221 0882, 2221 1623 Fax: +91-141-237 8287 PIN-411 045
Fax: +91-80-2227 1802 Tel: +91-20-2729 1731
39/5165, Krishna Empire
IFCI Bhawan (Ist Floor), Main Avenue F-6 & 7, Block 1, First Floor
1-C, Sector 27-A, Madhya Marg Panampilly Nagar Pujari Chambers, Commercial Centre
PIN-160 019 PIN-682 036 Pachpedi Naka
Tel: +91-172-265 6096, 265 0878 Tel: +91-484-407 0522 PIN - 492001
Fax: +91-172-265 6734 Fax: +91-484-407 0522 Mob.:+91-990725955
Continental Chambers Chatterjee International Center 54-15-13, BSR Hill View
(2nd Floor), 142 M G Road (3rd Floor) 33-A, Jawaharlal Nehru Road (2nd Floor), Srinivasa Nagar
Nungambakkam, PIN-600 034 PIN-700 071 Bank Colony
Tel: +91-44-2833 4110-12 Tel: +91-33-2226 2672 PIN - 520008
Fax: +91-44-2833 4109 Fax: +91-33-2217 1618 Mob.:+91-7506370351


For Equity Shares & Family Bonds: For Infrastructure Bonds (Series I & II): For Infrastructure Bonds (Series III, IV & V): For Subordinate Bonds (Series I & III) :
MCS Limited Beetal Financial & Computer Services (P) Ltd Karvy Computershare Pvt Ltd Link Intime India Pvt Ltd
F-65, Okhla Industrial Area Beetal House, 3rd Floor, 99 Madangir Karvy Selenium Tower-B C-13, Pannalal Silk Mills Compound
Phase-I, New Delhi-110 020 Behind Local Shopping Centre Plot No. 31 & 32, Gachibowli L B S Marg, Bhandup (W)
Tel: +91-11-4140 6149/51-52 Near Dada Harsukhdas Mandir Financial District Mumbai - 400 078
Fax: +91-11-4170 9881 New Delhi -110 062 Hyderabad -500 032 Tel: +91-22-2594 6970
E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +91-11-2996 1281-83 Tel: +91-40-6716 1700 Fax: +91-22-2594 6969
[email protected] Fax: +91-11-2996 1284 Fax: +91-40-6716 1680 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]


Axis Trustee Services Ltd IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd Centbank Financial Services Ltd
Regd. Office : 2nd Floor - E, Axis House Regd. Office: 3rd Floor, (East Wing) Regd. Office:
Bombay Dyeing Mills Compound Central Bank of India, MMO Building 3rd Floor (East Wing)
Pandurang Budhkar Marg 55, M G Road Central Bank of India, MMO Building
Worli, Mumbai - 400 025 Mumbai-400 001 55 M G Road, Mumbai - 400 001
Tel: +91-22-2425 5215/16 Tel: +91-22-2261 6217 Tel: +91-22-22616217
Fax: +91-22-4325 3000 Fax: +91-22-2261 6208 Fax: +91-22-22616208
Website: Axistrustee.com Website: www.cfsl.in Website: www.cfsl.in
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
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