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Behavioral Advertising: The Offer You Can't

Chris Jay Hoofnagle
Berkeley Law

Ashkan Soltani

Nathaniel Good

Dietrich J. Wambach

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Behavioral Advertising: The Offer You Can't Refuse, 6 Harv. L. & Pol'y Rev. 273 (2012)

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Behavioral Advertising:
The Offer You Cannot Refuse

Chris Jay Hoofnagle,' Ashkan Soltani,2 Nathaniel Good,3

Dietrich J. Wambach,4 and Mika D. Ayenson 6


At UC Berkeley, we are informing political debates surrounding online

privacy through empirical study of website behaviors. In 2009 and 2011, we
surveyed top websites to determine how they were tracking consumers. We
found that advertisers were using persistent tracking technologies that were
relatively unknown to consumers. Two years later, we found that the num-
ber of tracking cookies expanded dramatically and that advertisers had de-
veloped new, previously unobserved tracking mechanisms that users cannot
avoid even with the strongest privacy settings.
These empirical observations are valuable for the political debate sur-
rounding online privacy because they inform the framing and assumptions
surrounding the merits of privacy law.
Our work demonstrates that advertisers use new, relatively unknown
technologies to track people, specifically because consumers have not heard
of these techniques. Furthermore, these technologies obviate choice mecha-
nisms that consumers exercise.
In the political debate, "paternalism" is a frequently invoked objection
to privacy rules. Our work inverts the assumption that privacy interventions
are paternalistic while market approaches promote freedom. We empirically
demonstrate that advertisers are making it impossible to avoid online track-
ing. Advertisers are so invested in the idea of a personalized web that they
do not think consumers are competent to decide to reject it. We argue that
policymakers should fully appreciate the idea that consumer privacy inter-

Lecturer in Residence, University of California, Berkeley, School of Law (Boalt Hall).

2MIMS, University of California, Berkeley, School of Information; independent
researcher and consultant focused on privacy, security, and behavioral economics.
Ph.D., Chief Scientist and Principal of Good Research.
4Dietrich J. Wambach is a senior at the University of Wyoming.
Mika D. Ayenson is a junior at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
6 This work was supported exclusively by Team for Research in Ubiquitous Secure
Technology (TRUST), which receives support from the National Science Foundation (NSF
award number CCF-0424422) and the following organizations: AFOSR (#FA9550-06-1-
0244), BT, Cisco, ESCHER, HP, IBM, iCAST, Intel, Microsoft, ORNL, Pirelli, Qualcomm,
Sun, Symantec, Telecom Italia, and United Technologies. We are grateful for the opportunities
offered by the TRUST Research Experiences for Undergraduates program (REU), and to its
former program leader, Dr. Kristen Gates, who is now the Director of Graduate Programs at
the Buck Institute. The technical version of this report is available here: http:// 1898390; supplemental information is available
Harvard Law & Policy Review [Vol. 6

ventions can enable choice, while the alternative, pure marketplace ap-
proaches can deny consumers opportunities to exercise autonomy.


The rise of telemarketing created tensions between marketers and con-

sumers. Prior to the creation of the National Do Not Call Registry,
telemarketers could call any phone number in the country, and the burden
was upon the consumer to opt out from each caller. Doing so was not easy
because telemarketers adopted a number of choice-invalidating techniques
that prevented consumers from avoiding sales calls. On the political front,
the telemarketing industry opposed the creation of a universal opt out, wish-
ing to preserve a company-by-company opt out approach.' They also
wanted consumers to have to reenroll in the Registry regularly, perhaps
every two years. These policies increased transaction costs for consumers
and allowed every telemarketer in the world to ring consumers' phones at
least once.
On the technical front, consumers who used devices to avoid
telemarketing, such as the Telezapper, soon found the intervention to be inef-
fective, as telemarketers developed countermeasures.8 Telecommunications
companies played both sides of the market, by marketing Caller ID service
to consumers and at the same time, by marketing telephone equipment that
did not send Caller ID to telemarketers. These steps rendered technical in-
terventions to avoid telemarketing ineffective.
By 2003, rules required the transmission of Caller ID and required
telemarketers to respect opt out choices on a universal level." Now, 209
million people have listed their phone numbers on the Registry,' and those
who enroll receive fewer sales calls.'1


TION ON THE REVIEW OF IHE TELEMAIKEIING SALES RULE 10 (2000), available at http://www. ("Additionally, the company specific 'Do-Not-
Call' list is the best way to empower consumers to make the type of informed purchasing
decisions that are necessary for a satisfactory sale. For consumers who do not want to receive
calls, all they have to do is inform the caller at anytime during the call. However, for those
consumers who want to receive calls or who only want to receive certain types of calls, the
existing federal rule allows them the freedom to determine which calls they want to receive
and prohibits those calls they don't.").
" Scott Hovanyetz, Call Center Mailer Touts TeleZapper Immunity, DIRECT MARKETING
NEWS (Feb. 18, 2003),
'See generally Telemarketing Sales Rule, 16 C.F.R. § 310 (2011).
ISTRY FEY EXTENSION ACT Ow 2007, FY 2010 AND 2011 (2011), available at http://www.ftc.
'1 Press Release, Harris Interactive, National Do-Not-Call Registry: Seven in Ten Are
Registered and All of Them Will Renew Their Registration, Large Majority Who Have Regis-
tered Report Receiving Far Fewer Telemarketing Calls 1 (Oct. 31, 2007), available at http://
2012] Behavioral Advertising

The modern direct marketing debate concerns Internet tracking. This

debate possesses some of the features of the telemarketing controversy. An
innumerable array of companies specialize in monitoring individuals' use of
the Internet. They do so for the purposes of testing the performance and
functionality of websites, for measuring how popular sites are, and for tailor-
ing advertising to individual users. This last purpose-tailoring advertis-
ing-has become politically controversial because in order to pitch relevant
advertising to individuals, companies have strong incentives to monitor indi-
viduals' use of the Internet pervasively and to build profiles of users. 12 These
profiles are a kind of file about the consumer; they could include informa-
tion about past Internet use or demographic information, or classify the con-
sumer into different kinds of "types" or "segments," which can be used for
targeting of advertisements.
In 2010, the Wall Street Journal focused a series of articles on this
monitoring, finding that the "nation's 50 top websites on average installed
64 pieces of tracking technology onto the computers of visitors, usually with
no warning."' 3 The Wall Street Journal series What They Know has been
one of the most important expositions of Internet tracking and has piqued the
interests of regulators 4 and the U.S. Congress.
As with the telemarketing debate, online advertisers have strongly re-
sisted universal choice mechanisms for consumers that would allow users to
avoid tracking. Under pressure from the Obama administration, advertisers
recently relented, agreeing in principle to a universal "Do Not Track" mech-
anism. However, advertisers have made key caveats that may render the
mechanism ineffective. 6 For instance, some have argued that social wid-
gets, such as the Facebook "Like" button and the Google "+1" feature
should not be blocked by Do Not Track. 7 This means that even those who

12JOSHUA GoMEz E AL., KNOWPRIVACY 5 (2009), available at http://www.knowprivacy.

" Julia Angwin, The Web's New Gold Mine: Your Secrets, WALL S1. J., July 30, 2010, at
14 See Julia Angwin & Amir Efrati, Google Settles With FTC Over Buzz, WAIL ST. J.
(Mar. 30, 2011),
36490.html ("At a Senate hearing earlier this month, FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz said that
The Wall Street Journal's 'What They Know' series on online privacy prompted the agency to
,step up our enforcement efforts.'").
'" Memorandum to Members of the Subcomm. on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Pro-

tection From Subcomm. on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection Democratic Staff Re-
garding Hearing on "Do Not Track Legislation: Is Now the Right Time?" (Nov. 30, 2010),
available at I/Briefing.
16 See Rainey Reitman, White House, Google, and Other Advertising Companies Commit

to Supporting Do Not Track, EFF DEEPLINKS BLOG (Feb. 23, 2012),
deeplinks/2012/02/white-house-google-and-other-advertising-companies-commit- supporting-
" What Does Tracking Mean?, MOZILLA DEVELOPER NEiWORK (last updated Sept. 8,
2011), Do Not TrackFieldGuide/Introduction/What_
does tracking-mean.
Harvard Law & Policy Review [Vol. 6

enable Do Not Track will be followed online by Google and Facebook. 8

Google, as explained more fully below, already has an unrivaled capacity to
monitor users online.
One way that websites track users is through "cookies," small text files
that typically contain a string of numbers that can be used to identify a com-
puter. For instance, a website might set a tracking cookie on a user's com-
puter with a key (a fancy word for the cookie name) such as "id" and value
(the unique identifier assigned to a user) such as "123456789." Advertisers
can then access the "id" cookie and track how user 123456789 visits differ-
ent websites.'9
A common distinction is drawn between first-party and third-party
cookies (TPCs). The former are issued by the website the user is visiting,
the latter by some other website.2 ° TPCs are commonly used to track users
across different websites 2I by companies that have no relationship with con-
sumers. Thus for privacy sensitive users, blocking TPCs is seen as a conve-
nient and effective way of preventing tracking by advertising and other
companies without disabling the basic functionality of the web.2 2 By 2005,
over twelve percent of users were rejecting TPCs. 23 In addition, with col-
leagues, author Hoofnagle found in 2009 that thirty-nine percent of Ameri-
can Internet users delete all their cookies "often"; only twenty-one percent
never deleted cookies or did not know what they were.
The privacy problem from cookies comes from the aggregation of this
tracking across different websites into profiles and through attempts at link-
ing this profile to the user's identity. By tracking these identifiers across
websites that users visit, advertisers can infer users' interests,25 perhaps sen-
sitive ones, such as medical conditions, political opinions, or even sexual
fetishes.26 While one might dismiss this as not problematic, arguing that the
tracking is performed without using personal information, there are many
popular mechanisms to link identifying information to a formerly pseudony-

isSee Arnold Roosendaal, Facebook Tracks and Traces Everyone: Like This! 3 (Tilburg
Law Sch. Legal Studies Research Paper Series No. 03/2011, 2010), available at http://ssrn.
corn/abstract- 1717563.
19 See What They Know: A Glossary, WAIL ST. J., July 30, 2010, at 13.
20 Understanding Cookies, MICROSOFT.COM,
documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/sec-cook.mspx (last visited Apr. 14, 2012).
22 See Rob Pegoraro, How to Block Tracking Cookies, WASH. Posi, July 17, 2005, at F7
(I've had my browsers set to block third-party cookies for the past few years. I haven't met
the slightest inconvenience as a result.").
2 Mickey Alam Khan, Rising Cookie Rejection Bites Into Metrics, Dmici MARcKETNG
Nrws (July 11, 2005),
21Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Jennifer King, Su Li, & Joseph Turow, How Diffrent ar, Young
Adults From Older Adults When it Comes to InftJrmation Privacy Attitudes and Policies? 5
(Working Paper, 2010), available at 1589864.
2-Angwin, supra note 13.
2 See Adrian Chen, Use Facebook's TargetedAds to Find Out How Many People Are Into
Kinky Sex in Any Workplace, GAWKER (Jan. 13, 2012),
2012] Behavioral Advertising

mous cookie. 27 For instance, by signing up for some "free" offer, advertis-
ers can link the information provided by the user to the existing cookies on
that user's machine.
Users may be able to avoid some tracking by blocking cookies, but that
approach assumes that advertisers will respect individuals' choices, and that
advertisers will not employ alternative methods for tracking. Recall that in
the telemarketing debate, technologies adopted by consumers to avoid sales
calls were circumvented through clever new approaches by telemarketers.
Our research at Berkeley examines those assumptions through investi-
gations into new and existing tracking technologies.
In 2009, we surveyed popular websites to empirically document how
such sites were tracking users. Our study showed that advertisers do adapt
to user cookie blocking through alternative trackers. In that study, we found
widespread use of "Flash cookies."28 Flash cookies, technically called "lo-
cal shared objects," are files used by Adobe Flash developers to store data
on users' computers. Developers can use Flash cookies to store information
about users' preferences, such as volume settings for Internet videos, or they
can be used to store unique identifiers for tracking users.
Our 2009 study elucidated the advantages of Flash cookies from a de-
veloper perspective, and documented that some advertisers adopted Flash
cookies because they were relatively unknown, more difficult for consumers
to delete, and more effective in tracking than standard or "HTTP" cookies.2 9
We noted other tracking advantages of Flash cookies as well-they are more
persistent than standard cookies, they can store 100 KB of information by
default (standard cookies only store 4 KB), and they are stored in such a way
that all browsers on a computer can access them, meaning that even if a user
switches browsers, Flash cookies enable the user to be tracked. 3
Consumers can avoid some online tracking and aggregation by deleting
their cookies. By deleting cookies, the user breaks the link between the

2' Arvind Narayanan, There Is No Such Thing as Anonymous Online Tracking, CENTER
FOR INLERNEI & Soc'y BLOG (July 28, 2011),
2' Ashkan Soltani, Shannon Canty, Quentin Mayo, Lauren Thomas, & Chris Jay Hoof-
nagle, Flash Cookies and Privacy (Working Paper, 2009), available at
29 For a discussion of the benefits of the Flash-cookies-based web tracking utility devel-
oped by United Virtualities, see Press Release, United Virtualities, United Virtualities Devel-
ops ID Backup to Cookies (Mar. 31, 2005), available at
041854/ ("United Virtualities,
the leading innovator of creative marketing and technology solutions for the digital market-
place, today announced it has developed a backup ID system for cookies set by web sites, ad
networks and advertisers, but increasingly deleted by users. UV's 'Persistent Identification
Element' (PIE) is tagged to the user's browser, providing each with a unique ID just like
traditional cookie coding. However, PIEs cannot be deleted by any commercially available
anti-spyware, malware, or adware removal program. They will even function at the default
security setting for Internet Explorer.").
3' For an in-depth discussion of the various advantages of different tracking vectors,
Sonal Mittal, User Privacy and the Evolution of Third-party Tracking Mechanisms on the
World Wide Web (May 10, 2010) (unpublished honors thesis, Stanford University), available
at http://www.
Harvard Law & Policy Review [Vol. 6

identifier assigned to her computer and the tracking mechanisms on advertis-

ers' servers. In the example of the "id"cookie above, if user 123456789
deletes the cookie, the server will assume that a new person has visited the
site, and assign a cookie with another value, let's say 987654321.
Flash has the capacity to circumvent cookie deletion. Flash enables the
"respawning" of cookies-that is, the ability to reinstate standard cookies
that are deleted or otherwise lost by the user.3' Using Flash cookie respawn-
ing, advertisers can continue to track individuals uniquely even if the user
deliberately tries to avoid web tracking. Thus the new user 987654321 can
be matched with the older user 123456789. Flash respawning occurs sub-
tly-the user is not alerted to the rewriting of the cookies and the reenable-
ment of tracking.
These findings occur against a political backdrop where interventions to
balance consumer privacy interests are described as "paternalistic." As one
critic recently commented, do-not-track proposals "implement paternalistic
judgments that subjects of targeted marketing cannot make proper judgments
for themselves. 3 2 This line of criticism suggests that privacy advocates and
regulators think that online tracking is harmful or otherwise inappropriate
for consumers. Merely giving consumers some legal or technical mecha-
nism to block such tracking is paternalistic because it intervenes in the natu-
ral market ecosystem of consumers, websites, and advertisers.
History is repeating itself. In the telemarketing debate, sales callers
used both policy and technology to force marketing upon consumers. Al-
though consumers hated telemarketing, from a pragmatic perspective, sales
calls worked. According to the telemarketing industry, hundreds of billions
of dollars in sales were completed through sales calls annually. 3 The
telemarketing industry wished to keep the sales channel open, even if many
consumers found the practice unpopular. To enable choice, consumers
needed legal rules that protected them against highly motivated and sophisti-
cated actors determined to keep the phones ringing. In that context, govern-
ment rules enabled choice, as opposed to marketplace approaches, which
invalidated choice.
We challenge the notion that government intervention is paternalistic.
Marketplace approaches effectively make it impossible to avoid tracking on-
line. Our current work shows that advertisers are using technologies that
consumers are not familiar with, specifically in order to override consumers'
preferences. Behavioral advertising-and the tracking that goes with it-is
the offer you cannot refuse, not necessarily because you are tempted by it,
but because sophisticated, market-dominant actors control the very platforms
you use to access the web. Advertisers are so invested in the idea of a per-

Flash cookie respawning is sometimes referred to as cookie "backups," or reinstating

12 Thomas R. Julin, Sorrell v. IMS Health May Doom Federal Do Not Track Acts, 10 BNA


" Telemarketing Industry & Stats, DMA,
telemarketingfaq.shtml (last visited Apr. 18, 2012).
2012] Behavioral Advertising

sonalized web that they do not think consumers are competent to decide to
reject it.
This article proceeds in three parts. First, we discuss the landscape of
research on Internet tracking and the findings from our 2011 study. The
landscape's contours show that there has been increasing interest in studying
how companies track consumers online. These studies show that there is
much more tracking now than at the inception of the commercial web,
among a smaller group of tracking companies. Second, we turn to the pri-
vacy problems raised by this tracking. Increased tracking means that a small
number of companies have a window into most of our movements online.
Inferences derived from that tracking can be sold to third parties or used in
ways that users find transgressive. Finally, we conclude by returning to the
theme of consumer choice. Advocates of market approaches vigorously ob-
ject to consumer privacy rules, sometimes labeling them "paternalistic." We
suggest that this objection more aptly applies to market approaches. Policy-
makers can remedy this problem by enabling consumer choice and protect-
ing those choices from technical circumvention.


"Web privacy measurement"-the study of the methods employed by

websites to track users-is a nascent field, with significant contributions de-
veloped by academic computer scientists and others interested in discovering
tracking vectors and quantifying them.1
The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) made the earliest at-
tempts to enumerate privacy practices in a systematic fashion. In June 1997,
it released Surfer Beware: PersonalPrivacy and the Internet, a survey of the
top 100 websites3 5 EPIC found that only seventeen of the top 100 websites
had privacy policies. Twenty-three sites used cookies, although it appears
that EPIC used a "surface crawl" to detect those cookies, meaning that it
only visited the homepage of the site and did not explore the site more
In May 2000, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released a survey of
sites that detected third-party cookies. In its study, the FTC drew from two
groups of websites: those with over 39,000 visits a month and a second
sample of popular sites (ninety-one of the top 100). The FTC found that
57% of the sites in the Random Sample and 78% of the sites in the
Most Popular Group allow the placement of cookies by third par-

3 See, e.g., Jonathan R. Mayer & John C. Mitchell, Third-Party Web Tracking: Policy and
Technology, 33 IEEE SYMP. ON SYCTRITY & PRIVACY (forthcoming May 2012), available at; Berkeley Ctr. for Law &
Tech., May 2012 Web Privacy Measurement, BERKEI.Y L.,
12633.htm (last visited Apr. 18, 2012).
" Surder Beware: PersonalPrivacy and the Internet, Ei.YCTRONIC PRIVACY INFO. CENTYR
(June 1997),
Harvard Law & Policy Review [Vol. 6

ties .... The majority of the third-party cookies in the Random

Sample and in the Most Popular Group are from network advertis-
ing companies that engage in online profiling.
There were few efforts at web privacy measurement until nine years
later, when our 2009 report found cookies on ninety-eight of the top 100
websites. 7 In 2011, we found cookies on all top 100 sites. Thus, the web
has had a dramatic change in web tracking, with a large shift in the preva-
lence of tracking cookies.
Recent research has also focused on other aspects of web tracking, in-
cluding website "leakage," concentration of tracking companies, and new
vectors for tracking. This Section discusses that research.

The Problem of Information Leaking to Third-Part, Websites

In recent years, there has been great interest in online tracking. In their
ongoing investigations of web privacy issues, Bala Krishnamurthy, Konstan-
tin Naryshkin, and Craig Wills studied how personal information flows from
first- to third-party sites. They found that a majority of the popular sites they
analyzed "directly leak sensitive and identifiable information to third-party
aggregators. '"38
Practically, this means that the design of these sites is such that per-
sonal information entered by the consumer is exposed to third-party adver-
tising companies. For instance, users entered their email addresses in order
to sign up for a newsletter; in processing the request, the website would
make the email addresses available to third-party advertisers, probably inad-
vertently. This would occur despite promises in privacy policies to not share
data with such third parties.
In a multiple-year study of 1200 websites, Krishnamurthy and Wills
found greater collection of information about users from an increasingly
concentrated group of tracking companies.3 9
Krishnamurthy and Wills also describe how third-party tracking sites
disguise themselves as first parties. We call it "DNS aliasing," a practice
where "what appeared to be a server in one organization (e.g.
was actually a DNS CNAME alias to a server ( in an-
other organization (Omniture)." 4° Practically, this renders consumers' at-
tempts to block third-party cookies ineffective because first parties (such as


PLACE 21 (2000), available at

17 Soltani et al., supra note 28.
" Balachander Krishnamurthy, Konstantin Naryshkin & Craig E. Wills, Privacy Leakage
vs. Protection Measures: The Growing Disconnect 10 (May 2011) (unpublished manuscript),
available at Il.pdf.
" Balachander Krishnamurthy & Craig E. Wills, Privacy Diffitsion on the Web: A Longi-
40 541 (2009), available at
1d. at 543.
2012] Behavioral Advertising in the above example) have built their servers to allow third parties
(Omniture in the above example) to instate cookies as first parties.
Krishnamurthy and Wills found a doubling in such DNS aliasing:
"[T]he percentage of first-party servers with multiple top third-party do-
mains has risen from 24% in Oct'05 to 52% in Sep'08 .... This increase is
significant because it shows that now for a majority of these first-party serv-
ers, users are being tracked by two and more third-party entities." '
Through decoding aliased domains, Krishnamurthy and Wills found
that third-party trackers were becoming more concentrated. Sampling from
five periods, concentration grew from forty percent in October 2005 to sev-
enty percent in September 2008. Further, they found that "[t]he overall
share of the top-five families-Google, Omniture, Microsoft, Yahoo and
AOL-extends to more than 75% of our core test set with Google alone
having a penetration of nearly 60% ."42 This means that a small number of
companies can track much of what users do online.

The Move From Standard Cookies to New Tracking Vectors

Cookies have been the standard technology for uniquely enumerating

Internet users. But in recent years, advertisers have adopted new methods
that are more difficult for users to detect and block. At the same time, re-
searchers have identified these technologies and explained how they impli-
cate privacy.
These techniques fall into two categories. The first, explained below,
primarily relies upon writing files to the user's computer. These files contain
unique identifiers that advertisers can use to track individuals as they use the
web. These technologies are ETags, Flash cookies, HTML5 local storage,
and Evercookies.
In the second, advertisers rely upon attributes of the user's computer.
For instance, the advertiser may detect that a user is employing a certain
kind of web browser and has certain kinds of fonts installed on the com-
puter. By combining these attributes, advertisers can "fingerprint" the user's
computer, and then rely upon the fingerprint to uniquely track the user
across sites.


Researchers have also focused upon new vectors for tracking. As early
as 2003, Dean Gaudet described unique user tracking through using
"ETags," a feature of the cache in browsers. 43 The cache helps speed up the

41 Id. at 546.
41 Id. at 549.
41 See Dean Gaudet, Tracking Without Cookies, ARCTIC (Feb. 17, 2003), http://www. ("[O]ther than cookies, there's typically only
one other type of data a webserver can cause a browser to store on its local hard-
drive-cacheable web content. [T]his technique attempts to get the browser to store unique id
Harvard Law & Policy Review [Vol. 6

user's web browsing experience by detecting whether the user has previously
visited a webpage. If she has, the browser can show the user a saved version
of the site, rather than requesting another copy from the server. Advertisers
can use this mechanism to store unique identifiers on the user's machine.
Such enumeration is very inconvenient to block, and if users did so, they
would substantially slow their Internet browsing.

Flash Cookies

In particular, recent research has focused upon the privacy implications

of plug-ins such as Flash. As noted above, Flash enables developers to place
small files on users' computers that can store information and identify users
as they use the web. Recall that Flash also enables websites to "respawn" or
back up standard web cookies that the user deletes. Flash cookies are in-
stalled "outside the browser," meaning that even if users switch their web
browser (for instance, from Internet Explorer to Firefox), websites can still
access the same Flash cookies.
As early as 2006, Corey Benninger noted that Flash cookies could be
set without any visible sign to the user that Flash was running. 44 As Sipior,
Ward, and Mendoza recently noted, addressing this risk by simply disabling
Flash is unrealistic from a user perspective because an enormous amount of
web content is delivered in formats requiring a plug-in.4 - This makes plug-
ins such as Flash a very attractive technology for user tracking. Most users
have Flash installed on their computer, and the price of forgoing the technol-
ogy means that the user will not be able to view many web videos. Adver-
tisers then can place Flash programs on websites to write files on users'
computers and track them across websites.
Aleecia McDonald and Lorrie Faith Cranor of Carnegie Mellon Univer-
sity have conducted the most important research relevant to Flash cookies.
Their 2011 investigation of Flash cookies found a dramatic decline in their
use. For instance, McDonald and Cranor found that only twenty of top 100
websites used Flash cookies (down from fifty-four in our 2009 study), and
that only two sites respawned using Flash cookies. 4 McDonald and Cranor
were also careful to determine whether Flash cookie values were unique or

information in its cache in a manner which will be communicated to the server at a later date.
([T]he later communication will be via a GET If-Modified-Since, or If- None- Match.)").
ExPI ORER PERSISTENCE 2 (2006), available at
doi - ("In fact, it would be difficult to reliably detect if an application were
using flash cookies.").
41See Janice C. Sipior et al., Online Privacy Concerns Associated With Cookies, Flash
46 and Web Beacons, 10 J. INIERNET COM. 1, 4 (2011).
See id. at 10- 11.
1001 .pdf.
1d. at 14.
2012] Behavioral Advertising

not-eight of the top 100 sites had Flash cookies

that were not unique and
thus probably not used to track individualst.
The McDonald and Cranor team used different methods from our 2009
study. They visited the landing page of the top 100 sites, plus a selection of
random sites. We thought that this approach did not adequately simulate
typical use of websites. Users typically visit a homepage and then click on
links in order to see other content, such as news stories or social media
profiles. Thus, in our current and 2009 studies, we made ten arbitrary clicks
on the same website, to simulate a user session. Because McDonald and
Cranor only visited the homepage of websites, they acknowledged that their
scan represented a "lower bound" in the enumeration of Flash cookies."'
McDonald and Cranor also emphasized the normative implications of
Flash use for user tracking. The use of Flash cookies for unique user track-
ing is problematic because it is functionally equivalent to respawning, or
backing up and reinstalling standard HTTP cookies. Flash cookies were de-
veloped in 2000, with the release of Adobe Flash version 6. But users are
still not generally aware of them, and until 2011, web browser controls did
not include settings to control Flash cookies. Whether or not a website
respawns HTTP cookies deleted by the user, if it uses Flash cookies, it can
uniquely and persistently track individuals even in situations where the user
has taken reasonable steps to avoid online profiling.
In 2009, we focused on the practice of respawning and, in the process,
failed to adequately articulate this problem elucidated by McDonald and
Cranor. In fact, our rhetorical choice to use the term "Flash cookies" seems
to have backfired. We referred to Flash local shared objects as "Flash cook-
ies" in order to make the issue more accessible to policymakers and others.
But this caused many to speciously argue that Flash cookies are really no
different than HTTP cookies.
Local shared objects are not just like HTTP cookies-they are far more
flexible than HTTP cookies, and the infrastructure that gave rise to them
enabled an obscure and persistent tracking mechanism that largely is still in
place today. Table I below sets forth the basic differences among the cook-
ies analyzed in this paper.

HTML5 Web Storage

Flash cookies may be just an ephemeral approach for web tracking.

Web programming is advancing, and the new standard for writing websites
is "HTML5." HTML5 has many advantages for website design, especially
for mobile devices.
HTML5 enables a new kind of cookie known as "HTML5 local stor-
age." HTML5 storage offers many advantages for website developers over
ordinary cookies. Like Flash cookies, HTML5 local storage is more persis-

1d. at 12.
1 d. at 8.
Harvard Law & Policy Review [Vol. 6

tent than standard web cookies. Standard cookies expire by default when the
user closes her browser. In order to make standard cookies persistent, devel-
opers must use complex programming. HTML5 data are persistent until af-
firmatively deleted by a website or user. Storage size is important too.
While Flash cookies have a default limit of 100 KB, standard cookies store
just 4 KB, compared to 5 Mb for HTML5 storage. 1
HTML5 local storage is a more universal storage mechanism than Flash
cookies because it does not require that users have plug-ins, such as Flash,
installed on their computers. Increasingly, device manufacturers such as
Apple are releasing products without support for Flash. Thus we expect to
see less reliance on Flash as a technology for tracking users.

Table 1: Key Characteristics of HTTP Cookies, Flash Cookies, and

HTML5 Storage

HTTP Cookies Flash cookies HTML5 storage

Storage 4 KB limit 100 KB by default 5 Mb by default
Expiration Deleted by default Permanent by Permanent by
when the browser default default
is closed
Access Only by one By multiple Only by one
browser browsers on same browser
Several commentators have highlighted the privacy risks that HTML5
presents. Others have argued that HTML5 has great potential to enable
more privacy-preserving advertising models.52
However, to our knowledge, no one has performed a survey of HTML5
privacy practices. Thus, as part of our update to our original Flash cookies
investigation, we also captured and analyzed HTML5 data.

The Evercookie

Samy Kamkar has created the "Evercookie," a tracking mechanism

that uses Flash storage, standard cookies, and a variety of other techniques
(including ETags) in order to make it resistant to user attempts to delete
cookies and other unique identifiers5 The Evercookie approach relies upon
redundancy. If one identifier-for instance, the cookie-is deleted, other

51See generally Arvind Narayanan & Jonathan Mayer, Presentation at Workshop on In-
ternet Tracking, Advertising, and Privacy (July 22, 2011) (on file with author); The Do Not
Track Cookbook, Do Noi TRACK,
51 See Samy Kamkar, Evercookie, SAMY KAMKAR (Sept. 20, 2010),
evercookie/; see also Tanzina Vega, New Web Code Draws Concern Over Privacy Risks, N.Y.
Ti Es, Oct. 11, 2010, at Al.
2012] Behavioral Advertising

mechanisms can reinstate the cookie. Because it is redundant, the

Evercookie is difficult to eliminate.


The second category of tracking mechanisms enumerates users by re-

cording attributes of the user's computer. Peter Eckersley has demonstrated
the privacy risks associated with browser fingerprinting, where server-side
programs can query a browser for enough information about its configura-
tion to identify a computer.5 4 For instance, advertisers may observe the type
of browser a person is using, the fonts they have installed, and the plug-ins
they have installed on their computer. These discrete attributes may not be
unique, but in combination they tend to uniquely identify users.
Because the mechanism occurs on servers, fingerprinting may be diffi-
cult for users to detect and block. To avoid fingerprinting, one must disable
key functionality of websites, such as JavaScript and Adobe's Flash. As of
2010, BlueCava, an online tracking company, claimed to have fingerprinted
200 million devices.


We largely followed the methods of our 2009 paper. We crawled the

top 100 U.S. websites based upon's ranking of July 13, 2011.
The data collection occurred on July 21, 2011. Using Firefox version 5, we
visited each site and then made ten arbitrary clicks on each website. We
collected standard cookies, HTML5 local storage, and Flash cookies from
these crawling sessions. We never "signed in" to a website in this process.
Because of the dynamic nature of websites and online advertising, any
given survey may produce different advertisements and correspondingly dif-
ferent standard cookies, HTML5 local storage, and Flash cookies. Thus, our
snapshot may differ from another user's experience. However, we feel that
this provides a reasonable sample for study.
We used several methods to detect and confirm respawning cookies,
including manually deleting standard cookies to see whether they reap-
peared. We also manipulated the identifiers inside cookies to see whether
those same identifiers would later appear in other cookies.

" See Peter Eckersley, How Unique Is Your Web Browser?, 6205 LECTURE NOTES COM-
Sci. 1 (2010).
51Julia Angwin & Jennifer Valentino- DeVries, Race IsOn to 'Fingerprint'Phones, PCs,
WALL Si. J., Nov. 30, 2010, at Al.
Harvard Law & Policy Review [Vol. 6


A Dramatic Increase in the Use of Standard Cookies

We detected standard cookies on all top 100 websites. In total, we de-

tected 5675 standard cookies. This is dramatically higher than the 3602 we
detected in 2009. Twenty sites placed 100 or more cookies, including seven
that placed more than 150 (, 242;, 230;,
185;, 175;, 168;, 151; and, 151).


200 Data 211 Data

The most frequently appearing cookie names were: uid, id, PREF,
utmz, utma, utmb, and UID. Many of these cookie names are com-
monly associated with user tracking. For instance, cookies named " utma"
are used by Google for identifying unique visitors.56 "[U]id" and "id"typi-
cally refer to unique identifier and identifier, respectively.

Most Cookies Were Placed by Third-Party Hosts Typically

Tracking Companies

First-party cookies are placed by the website that the consumer is visit-
ing, for instance, Third-party cookies are placed by advertis-
ers and others who are in partnership with the first party, for instance,
DoubleClick. We found that most cookies-4915 of them-were placed by
a third party. We detected over 600 third parties among the 4915 third-party
cookies. This suggests that there are approximately 600 companies involved
in tracking users online.
Google had cookies on eighty-nine of the top 100 sites; the company's
ad tracking network,, had cookies on seventy-seven. Com-
bined, Google has a presence on ninety-seven of the top 100 websites. This
includes popular government websites such as,, and

6 Cookies & Google Analytics, GooGI. DvroiPERs,

analytics/docs/concepts/gaConceptsCookies.html (last visited Apr. 15, 2012).
2012] Behavioral Advertising

This means that the browsing that one does on for tax informa-
tion and advice, or on for information about health conditions, is
silently being tracked by Google. Google is free to make inferences from
the use of these sites and to combine those observations with data it obtains
from tracking users on other sites.
Only,, and lacked some type of
Google cookie.
Other third-party trackers with a strong presence in the top 100 in-
cluded (sixty-one) and (fifty-six). Among
the top 100 sites,,,,,
and hosted the most cookies from third-party domains.

The Use of Flash Cookies Declined

We found 100 Flash cookies on the top 100 sites, down from the 281
we found in 2009. These Flash cookies appeared on thirty-seven sites, down
from the fifty-four sites we found in 2009.
Recall that Flash cookies can store much more information than a stan-
dard cookie. We found that some sites coded a large amount of information
into their Flash cookies. For instance, had eight Flash cookies,
one of which stored over 140 values. This means that's eight
Flash cookies store about the same amount of information as 140 standard
Two sites had shared values between Flash cookies and HTTP cookies: and In the case of, the value was
shared in HTML5 local storage as well. Shared values are a signal that the
website is using multiple technologies to track users. As explained above,
this means that if a user deletes a single cookie, one of the other technologies
may serve as a backup and reinstate the cookie.

HTML5 Storage Was Present on Some Top Websites

HTML5 local storage is a relatively new technology, and we did not

scan sites for its presence in 2009. We included it in our 2011 study and
found that seventeen of the top 100 sites were using HTML5 local storage.
Like Flash cookies, HTML5 local storage can accommodate more in-
formation than a standard cookie. We found that the seventeen sites with
HTML5 local storage stored the equivalent of sixty standard cookies.
We found shared values among HTML5 local storage and standard
cookies in several cases. This suggests that the sites were using HTML5 to
back up standard cookies.,,, ny-,,, and had such matching values.
In most of these cases, the matching value was with a third-party service,
such as,, and
288 Harvard Law & Policy Review [Vol. 6


-FLASH HTML5(2011 only)



o 200 ......


2009 Data 2011 Data Respawned Cookies With Flash and HTML5, Using

Two Different Methods

In 2009, we reported that a QuantCast cookie was respawned on After our 2009 paper, QuantCast executives contacted authors
Hoofnagle and Soltani almost immediately, and quickly acted to change the
behavior of their service in order to prevent respawning.1
Nevertheless,, QuantCast, and other companies were sued for
the practice.5" Plaintiffs invoked a number of state and federal statutes to
argue that respawning cookies was a form of computer hacking. The case
settled in 201 1.9 In a summary of Flash cookies filed with the court, com-
panies such as Hulu claimed that they did not know that third-party services
provided by QuantCast and Clearspring tracked users through Flash.6 This
assertion effectively shifted the blame from consumer-facing websites to the
third-party tracking companies involved. In the settlement, QuantCast and
Clearspring explicitly promised not to respawn cookies using Flash, or to

17See Ryan Singel, Online Tracking Firm Settles Suit Over Undeletable Cookies, WiuED
EPICENTER (Dec. 5, 2010, 2:02 AM),
51hI re Quantcast Adver. Cookie Litig., No. 2:10-cv-05484-GW-JCG (C.D. Cal. June 13,
5 Singel, supra note 57.
Joint Submission of Supplemental Information Regarding Plaintiffs' Motion for Prelimi-
nary Approval of Class Action Settlement at 13, In re Quantcast Adver., No. 2:10-cv-05484-
GW-JCG ("The Customer Defendants, on their own behalf and on behalf of their corporate
parents and affiliates, have represented to Quantcast and Clearspring that the Customer De-
fendants were unaware that LSOs were being used to store information regarding consumers
who accessed their websites and web content. Quantcast and Clearspring do not dispute that
representation and, to the extent of their knowledge, information, and belief, adopt and incor-
porate it here.").
2012] Behavioral Advertising

use Flash as an alternative to HTTP cookies for tracking purposes. 6' These
obligations did not apply to consumer-facing websites, such as
We found two different methods of cookie respawning on
As explained above, these methods back up standard cookies, thus preserv-
ing the ability of advertisers to track users even if they delete their cookies.
First, used standard Flash respawning to reinstate a standard
cookie with the key "guid," mirroring a Flash cookie with the key "com-
puterguid." There are two important points to raise about this: Unlike the
situation in 2009, where a third party respawned the cookies, this use of
Flash is in-house at And while Adobe points out that local stor-
age enables the delivery of rich content,'s use of Flash appears to
fall into the category of unique user tracking condemned by Adobe. Adobe
argues that such uses of Flash should be subject to express user consent.
Second, we found first-party standard and HTML5 cookies respawned
on through a service hosted at This respawning
employed ETags to back up the cookies. To our knowledge, this is the first
demonstration of this ETag tracking "in the wild."
ETag tracking and respawning is particularly problematic because the
technique generates unique tracking values even where the consumer blocks
standard, Flash, and HTML5 cookies. In order to block this tracking, the
user would have to clear the cache between each website visit. Even in
private browsing mode, ETags can track the user during a browser session.
The script for this function, hosted at,
included other code that indicated its author was aware of tracking and the
risk of data collection about the user. For instance, it included a function to
detect the collection of information that credit card companies require web-
sites to control more carefully.
On June 30, 2011, updated its privacy policy to include dis-
closures surrounding Flash cookies.63 This update appears to have been
driven by obligations in a recent settlement from a lawsuit sparked by our
2009 paper. This settlement required any consumer-facing website to in-
clude, "inits online Privacy Policy, a disclosure of its use of LSOs [Flash
cookies] and a link to at least one website or utility offering users the ability
to manage LSOs, if such website or utility is available."1 4 This policy was in
effect when we scanned popular sites for cookies and other tracking
In the June 30, 2011 policy, included a link to Adobe's Flash
cookie manager and disclosed that it used Flash cookies, but downplayed

61 See Settlement Agreement § 4.19, In re Quantcast Adver., No. 2:10-cv-05484-GW-

62 See A)oBE SYS. INC., COMMVENTS FROM ADOBE SYSTEMS (2010), available at http:II
6 See Privacy Policy, HULL (June 30, 2011), ("We have
updated our Privacy Policy to provide more details about our information practices, including
...our use of 'Local Shared Objects' in connection with Adobe's Flash Player.") (on file with
the Harvard Law School Library).
64 Settlement Agreement, supra note 61, § 4.20.4.
Harvard Law & Policy Review [Vol. 6

their potential for tracking: "Local Shared Objects are similar to browser
cookies, but can store data more complex than simple text. By themselves,
they cannot do anything to or with the data on your computer.
We object to this last sentence in particular. While it is technically true
that by themselves Flash cookies cannot do anything to the data on a user's
computer, in reality, Flash cookies never are used by themselves. It is the
code accompanying Flash cookies that enables them to mirror other data and
can be used to back up that data when deleted by the user.
The June 2011 privacy policy does not mention respawning of
any kind, and even claims: "You can configure your Internet browser to
warn you each time a cookie is being sent or to refuse cookies completely.
However, unless you accept cookies, you will not have access to certain
Hulu Services.."'s June 2011 policy also describes "Web beacons." It is un-
clear whether this section of the policy describes cache
respawning. The description would not lead an average user to understand
that the cache was being used to undo cookie deletion.
We find it surprising that months after settling a suit involving unique
user tracking through third parties, moved Flash tracking and
respawning in-house. Furthermore, the use of KissMetrics cache cookie
respawning is very similar to the respawning we found in
used a third party to engage in tracking that users do not know about, cannot
detect, and effectively cannot block.


Government interventions to protect consumer privacy are often framed

as paternalistic. For instance, as noted above, one critic of Internet privacy
legislation claimed that do-not-track proposals "implement paternalistic
judgments that subjects of targeted marketing cannot make proper judgments
for themselves. ' 67 We argue that this criticism is misplaced. Modern pri-
vacy regulations do not make choices for consumers. Instead, they enable
choices. A key example is the Telemarketing Do Not Call Registry, which
enables consumers to easily opt out of telemarketing. Prior to the creation of
the extremely popular Registry, consumers had few effective tools to address
telemarketing intrusions.
The paternalism label is much more convincingly attached to the indus-
try itself-the individuals pushing personalization even where consumers
express preferences against it. The thrust of our 2009 and 2011 works
strongly points to an industry that does not believe that consumers can make
choices about web tracking on their own. They have restricted the freedoms
of users by incorporating little-known technologies into websites for track-

61 Privacy Policy, supra note 63.

66 Id.
67Julin, supra note 32, at 1262.
2012] Behavioral Advertising

ing, and by making these vectors resistant to choice mechanisms. Here, we

describe how cookie respawning invalidates consumer choice, and more
broadly how the KissMetrics ETag tracking system we discovered on implicates privacy. The industry has used obscure technologies to
circumvent user choices, and they have developed other techniques to under-
mine consumers' key tool for protecting privacy-the ability to withhold in-
formation from sites.

Using Technology to Circumvent User Autonomy

There are three principal privacy problems with the kind of cookie
respawning we observed on that was being performed by Kiss-
Metrics. First, users cannot fairly be said to have notice of these activities.
The entire point of new tracking methods seems to be to ensure that users are
ignorant of them. The websites that used Flash respawning and cache ETag
tracking did not disclose those practices in their privacy policies.
Second, because these vectors are resistant to blocking, they rob con-
sumers of choice. This undermines the advertising industry's representations
about respecting individuals' choices and leaves consumers in a technical
arms race with advertisers.
Marketers think that the benefits of being tracked outweigh consumer
preferences, and thus have developed tools to frustrate cookie deletion and
blocking. This attitude is probably best presented by the CEO of United
Virtualities, a company that was a leader in promoting Flash cookies as a
tracking technology:
All advertisers, websites and networks use cookies for
targeted advertising, but cookies are under attack. According to
current research they are being erased by 40% of users creating
serious problems .... From simple frequency capping to the more
sophisticated behavioral targeting, cookies are an essential part of
any online ad campaign. PIE will give publishers and third-party
providers a persistent backup to cookies effectively rendering
them unassailable.

The erasing of cookies threatens many cookie dependent

server-side applications from registration to targeting to traffic
counting . . . . PIES are a cookie support product that ensures
persistent identification of the users.
Our finding of cookie spawning in 2009 and 2011 is consistent with
other researchers' findings that advertisers are using technology to invalidate
consumer choice. Lorrie Cranor's team at Carnegie Mellon University re-
cently found that thousands of websites were unblocking cookies that con-
sumers ordinarily would not receive because of settings in their browser.

6" Press Release, United Virtualities, supra note 29 (internal quotation marks omitted).
Harvard Law & Policy Review [Vol. 6

Cranor's team exposed an issue in the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser

(MSIE). By default, MSIE blocks third-party cookies from any site that
lacks a machine-readable privacy policy. 69 Website developers discovered
that they could reenable cookie tracking by posting any kind of machine-
readable policy-even an invalid one. Cranor's team found "thousands of
sites using identical invalid CPs that had been recommended as workarounds
for IE cookie blocking." '70 In addition, they found that "98% of invalid CPs
resulted in cookies remaining unblocked by IE under its default cookie set-
tings. It appears that large numbers of websites that use CPs are misrepre-
senting their privacy practices, thus misleading users and rendering privacy
protection tools ineffective."'"
Like MSIE, Apple's Safari browser blocks third-party cookies by de-
fault. Recently, Jonathan Mayer of Stanford University found that Google
and other network advertisers had found a way to circumvent this cookie
blocking. 72 The method used by Google was particularly brazen-it opened
a webpage invisible to the user and used a program to simulate the user
clicking on it. 73 It is as if a Google engineer grabbed the user's mouse and
clicked on a "track me" button while the user was not watching.
Our research and the work done by Cranor and Mayer show that adver-
tisers are willing to use technology to circumvent settings on individuals'
computers, leading to more tracking online.

Circumventing Selective-Revelation as a Check on Collection

The KissMetrics system presents another problem, in addition to a lack

of notice and invalidation of choice. It allows companies to aggregate infor-
mation about users in new ways that consumers are unlikely to understand.
Consumers are aware of the sale of information to third parties. But the
first-party tracking mechanism implemented by KissMetrics inverts the is-
sue: How does tracking enable websites to buy information about their users
from others?
The KissMetrics system uniquely enumerated users, and shared the
same identifier with different first-party sites (for instance, the same identi-
fier beginning with "GuTj890" enumerated our browsing sessions at Hulu,
Spotify, Etsy, Spokeo, and Gigaom). This enabled these subscribers to Kiss-


PRIVACY Poiicirs THROUGH TIH MisusvE o P3P Compact Policy Tokens I (2010), available
70 1d.
71 Id.
72 See Julia Angwin & Jennifer Valentino- DeVries, Google's iPhone Tracking, WAIL ST.
J., Feb. 17, 2012, at Al; Jonathan Mayer, Saj tri Trackers, WEB PoL'Y (Feb. 17, 2012), http:// -trackers/.
71 See Mayer, supra note 72 ("We discovered four advertising companies that surrepti-
tiously submit atbrm in an invisible itrame and place trackable cookies in Safari: Google,
Vibrant Media, Media Innovation Group, and PointRoll.").
2012] Behavioral Advertising

Metrics to share information about users with other sites. Any of the above-
mentioned sites could share registration data about "GuTj890."
This development is important because it breaks the trust model ena-
bled by "selective revelation." A bedrock privacy principle holds that infor-
mation should be collected through fair means and, where possible, with the
informed consent of the data subject. 14 This allows the individual to be di-
rectly involved in data collection practices.
Advocates of market-based approaches to privacy have often echoed
this principle in theory. They argue that consumers selectively reveal infor-
mation to businesses they "trust." For instance, user "GuTj890" may fear
that would send spare, and thus provide a throw-away email ad-
dress when signing up. At the same time, "GuTj890" may trust
more, and provide more personal information and her main email address
there. This selective revelation is the way that consumers choose in the mar-
ketplace. Companies with strong levels of trust and privacy thus prevail
without the need for burdensome regulation, while companies with low trust
values will fail from lack of consumer participation.
When firms buy information from others, they circumvent consumers'
efforts to engage in selective revelation. Consumers who share any informa-
tion at all-even fake information-are at risk, because sites can match up
cookies and discover real information that the user "trusted" to some other
site. This risk is amplified where users are encouraged to authenticate in
order to use a website's services, such as popular music or video services
like Spotify or Hulu.
In the offline world, marketers have tried similar tricks for some time.
Recall the time when retailers asked consumers for their addresses (Radio
Shack) 5 or phone numbers. Consumers complained about those practices,
and California even enacted a law restricting the collection of personal infor-
mation by retailers at the register in credit-card sales.6
Some retailers responded to this law by developing more clever and
obscure ways to elicit information from consumers. Retailers learned that
by collecting the name of the consumer from a credit-card swipe and asking
for a zip code, they could determine the home address of their customers.
This was accomplished through a sophisticated data-matching product of-
fered by data brokers. In fact, Acxiom markets a product to accomplish this
linkage, and it is explicitly marketed as a tool to identify consumers without
them realizing the privacy implications of providing the zip code."

" OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal
Data, ORi. ECON. CooPETAION & DEV. (Sept. 23, 1980),
0,3343,en_2649_34255_1815186 I 1 1 1,00.html.
15 Greg Saitz, Radio Shack Aims to Be Less Annoying, SIAR-LEDGER, Nov. 26, 2002, at 29
(noting that Radio Shack ended the practice in 2002).
6 CAL. CIv. CoDw § 1747.08 (West 2012).
77See ACXIOM, INFOBASE@ DATA FOR SHOPPER RECO(NIIION 1 (2006), availableat http:/
/ I 8/AcxiomShopperRec-3262007115722.pdf (adver-
tising that the product helps retailers avoid "losing customers who feel that you're invading
Harvard Law & Policy Review [Vol. 6


"[W]hen you resent a thing, you seem to recognise it. ' ' 8
When advertisers criticize privacy protection as paternalistic, we should
remember the above-quoted observation of Cremutius Cordus-we resent
the things that we recognize in ourselves. Government interventions in the
direct marketing field have been choice enabling. The Do Not Track propo-
sal itself would simply make it easier for individuals to decide not to be
tracked. Market interventions, on the other hand, often force choices upon
the consumer.
Those who argue that consumers can negotiate the nuances of privacy
and tracking online assume that the online world is similar to the offline
world. In the offline world, consumers can vote with their feet and, in most
circumstances, leave a business they do not wish to frequent without it col-
lecting data about the experience. In the online world, efficiencies in identi-
fication and aggregation alter the balance of power of the relationship
between the consumer and the business. This has greatly benefitted consum-
ers in enabling comparison shopping along factors that are visible, such as
price. Privacy attributes of transactions are not as visible. Collectively,
website owners have organized to track individuals as they traverse the web,
and few popular websites forgo such tracking.
Advocates of market approaches rarely account for the various tech-
niques that have been developed to prevent consumers from making a choice
on privacy. The use of obscure tracking methods, data enhancement, cookie
respawning, and the zip code re-identification schemes discussed above cir-
cumvent user choice. These techniques are often adopted explicitly to make
the consumers think they are not being tracked or identified. This combina-
tion of disguised tracking technologies, choice-invalidating techniques, and
models to trick the consumers into revealing data suggests that advertisers
do not see individuals as autonomous beings. 79 Once conceived of as ob-
jects, preferences no longer matter and can be routed around with tricks and

their privacy" (emphasis added)). In Pineda v. Williams-Sonoma Stores, the plaintiff alleged
that the defendant engaged in very similar conduct:
Defendant ... used customized computer software to perform reverse searches from
databases that contain millions of names, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, and
street addresses, and that are indexed in a manner resembling a reverse telephone
book. The software matched plaintiff's name and ZIP code with plaintiff's previ-
ously undisclosed address, giving defendant the information, which it now maintains
in its own database. Defendant uses its database to market products to customers
and may also sell the information it has compiled to other businesses.
246 P.3d 612, 615 (Cal. 2011).
" TACHrUS, THE ANNALS (109), reprinted in ANNALS AND HISTORIES 1, 151 (Alfred John
Church & William Jackson Brodribb trans., Everyman's Library 2009).
ING YOUR IDENTITY AND YOUR WORTH 7 (2011) (arguing that marketers conceive of individu-
als as "targets" and "waste").
2012] Behavioral Advertising

Our survey of top websites suggests several interventions. First, on a

basic level, consumers' manifestations of choice should not be circumvented.
In this context, a policy that prohibited backing up cookies through respawn-
ing technologies and similar technical circumventions could enable con-
sumer choice. If advertisers wished to condition access to services on
tracking, they could. But to do so, they would have to have some dialogue
with the consumer, rather than resorting to sneaky technical methods to ob-
scure the tracking.
Second, information-forcing interventions could enhance consumer au-
tonomy as well, particularly if focused on data enhancement, the practice of
buying data from third parties about consumers that the consumer herself is
unlikely to provide. For instance, if a user registered on a website and omit-
ted details such as his or her income or geographic location, the site could
inform the user that it would seek that information from some third-party
data broker site. This approach would also suggest that data collection fields
should no longer be marked as "optional" if the site will use enhancement to
fill them.
Data enhancement circumvents consumers' most basic privacy-preserv-
ing strategy: the decision to not reveal certain information. Merely disclos-
ing the presence of data enhancement is inadequate, as many companies
already do so, albeit in vague ways. More effective would be "just in time"
notices that informed the user that the site might buy information not pro-
vided by the user.
Simple, choice-preserving interventions could enhance individuals' de-
cision making and create constructive dialogue among advertisers and con-
sumers. Such approaches could enable more choice in the market.
Harvard Law & Policy Review [Vol. 6

Table 2: Key Results and Comparison With Other Studies

Soltani McDonald Wambach et al.
2009 2011 2011
Number of sites 20
with Flash
(top 100 sites)
Total number 281 Not reported 100
of Flash cookies
(top 100 sites)
Sites with 6 2 2
(top 100 sites)
Number of 98 98 100
websites with
HTTP Cookies
(top 100 sites)
Total HTTP 3602 Not reported 5675
Cookies set
(top 100 sites)
Sites with 31 Not reported 2
shared Flash/
HTTP values
on top 100
Total shared 41 8 2
on top 100
Sample Top 100 Top 100 Top 100
websites and six websites and 500 websites
government sites random sites
Method Visited Visited Visited
homepage and homepage homepage and
then made 10 multiple times then made 10
clicks on the clicks on the
same domain same domain

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