Group: Aprianti V.W. (71170191) Chita Agni Freenuswari (71170213)
Group: Aprianti V.W. (71170191) Chita Agni Freenuswari (71170213)
Group: Aprianti V.W. (71170191) Chita Agni Freenuswari (71170213)
Database servers saves important data such financial reports, family data, organizational
assets etc. Because storing lots of information this results in excess privileges and lack of
Just like other assets, database systems also require database security. Modern techniques
need to be implemented to ensure database security that guarantees user privacy. Because the
database is a system that stores a lot of user information, to maintain database security
requires high complexity.
Excessive Rights is the main risks if that the rights cang be used illegally to access classified
data [3]. For instance, an administrator at work whose task needs only read only rights can
take advantage of the excess rights to change the salaries of employees. The solution to the
excessive rights aside from implementing the appropriate policies for employees is access
controlthrough query level . This technique restricts the rights to the least required data as
well as operations.
Access Controls is method after users have gained authentication, the controls can be sued to
decide what each use is allowed and restricted to do.
Authentication data security is done by using passwords, finger print, telephone numbers
(something you have, something you are, something you know)
The applications as well as access and encryption pose risk to the databases especially in the
back end . With this in mind it is important that the security measures that have been
highlighted above be executed correctly to reduce the risk of attacks on databases .
Based on the article , there are some things that are not explained by the author, the author
does not explain the consequences of insecure data security on the data owner as a database
user and as a result if the data is obtained by other parties, the author also does not explain
more specifically that the user which need to be aware of data security of user.
in the article on the security measure the author does not add about authorization, which can
explain the privileges that can be carried out by the owner or database keeper, other than that
the article are great for knowledge of the importance of data security.