Kasperson Et Al-1988-Risk Analysis
Kasperson Et Al-1988-Risk Analysis
Kasperson Et Al-1988-Risk Analysis
2, 1988
Roger E. Kasperson,' Ortwin Renn,' Paul Slovic,2 Halina S. Brown,' Jacque Emel,'
Robert Goble,' Jeanne X. Kasperson,'~~
and Samuel Ratick'
One of the most perplexing problems in risk analysis is why some relatively minor risks or
risk events, as assessed by technical experts, often elicit strong public concerns and result in
substantial impacts upon society and economy. This article sets forth a conceptual framework
that seeks to link systematically the technical assessment of risk with psychological, sociologi-
cal, and cultural perspectives of risk perception and risk-related behavior. The main thesis is
that hazards interact with psychological, social, institutional, and cultural processes in ways
that may amplify or attenuate public responses to the risk or risk event. A structural
description of the social amplification of risk is now possible. Amplification occurs at two
stages: in the transfer of information about the risk, and in the response mechanisms of
society. Signals about risk are processed by individual and social amplification stations,
including the scientist who communicates the risk assessment, the news media, cultural
groups, interpersonal networks, and others. Key steps of amplifications can be identified at
each stage. The amplified risk leads to behavioral responses, which, in turn, result in
secondary impacts. Models are presented that portray the elements and linkages in the
proposed conceptual framework.
KEY WORDS: Risk; risk perception; social amplification; technological controversies; public participa-
1. RISK IN MODERN SOCIETY Particularly perplexing is that even risk events with
minor physical consequences often elicit strong pub-
The investigation of risks is at once a scientific lic concern and produce extraordinarily severe social
activity and an expression of culture. During the impacts, at levels unanticipated by conventional risk
twentieth century, massive governmental programs analysis.
and bureaucracies aimed at assessing and managing Several difficult issues require attention:
risk have emerged in advanced industrial societies.
Despite the expenditure of billions of dollars and 0 The technical concept of risk focuses nar-
steady improvements in health, safety, and longevity rowly on the probability of events and the
of life, people view themselves as more rather than magnitude of specific consequences. Risk is
less vulnerable to the dangers posed by technology. usually defined by multiplication of the two
terms, assuming that society should be indif-
ferent toward a low-consequence/high-prob-
I CENTED,Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts 01610. ability risk and a high-consequence/low-
ZDecisionResearch, 1201 Oak Street, Eugene, Oregon 97401.
'Alan Shawn Feinstein World Hunger Program, Box 1831 Brown probability risk with identical expected
University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912. values. Studies of risk perception have re-
0272-4332/88/0600-0177506.00/1 D 1988 Society for Risk Analysis
178 Kasperson et al.
vealed clearly, however, that most persons Public perceptions, however, are the product of
have a much more comprehensive conception intuitive biases and economic interests and reflect
of risk. Clearly, other aspects of the risk such cultural values more generally. The overriding di-
as voluntariness, personal ability to influence lemma for society is, therefore, the need to use risk
the risk, familiarity with the hazard, and the analysis to design public policies on the one hand,
catastrophic potential shape public and the inability of the current risk concepts to
response.(’*2)As a result, whereas the techni- anticipate and explain the nature of public response
cal assessment of risk is essential to decisions to risk on the other. After a decade of research on
about competing designs or materials, it often the public experience of risk, no comprehensive the-
fails to inform societal choices regarding ory exists to explain why apparently minor risk or
te~hnology.‘~) risk event^,^ as assessed by technical experts, some-
Cognitive psychologists and decision re- times produce massive public reactions, accompanied
searchers have investigated the underlying by substantial social and economic impacts and
patterns of individual perception of risk and sometimes even by subsequently increased physical
identified a series of heuristics and biases risks. Explaining this phenomenon, and making the
that govern risk per~eption.(~*~) Whereas practice of risk analysis more sensitive to it, is one of
some of these patterns of perception contrast the most challenging tasks confronting the societal
with the results of formal reasoning, others management of risk. This paper takes up that chal-
involve legitimate concern about risk char- lenge.
acteristics that are omitted, neglected, or un- The explanations that have emerged, while af-
derestimated by the technical concept of risk. fording important insights, have been partial and
In addition, equity issues, the circumstances often conflicting. The past decade has witnessed de-
surrounding the process of generating risk, bates between the “objectivist and subjectivist”
and the timeliness of management response schools of thought, between structuralistic and indi-
are considerations, important to people, that vidualistic approaches, between physical/life scien-
are insufficiently addressed by formal prob- tists and social scientists. Even within the social
abilistic risk sciences, psychologists see the roots of explanation in
Risk is a bellwether in social decisions about individual cognitive behavior,(lO)a claim extensively
technologies. Since the resolution of social qualified by anthropologists, who insist that social
conflict requires the use of factual evidence context and culture shape perceptions and
for assessing the validity and fairness of rival cognition,(”*12)and by analysts of technological con-
claims, the quantity and quality of risk are troversies, who see “stakeholder” interaction and
major points of contention among participat- competing values as the keys.(13) The assumption
ing social groups. As risk analysis incorpo- underlying these debates is that the interpretations
rates a variety of methods to identify and are mutually invalidating. In fact, we shall argue, the
evaluate risks, various groups present com- competing perspectives illuminate different facets of
peting evidence based upon their own per- the public experience of risk.
ceptions and social agenda. The scientific A comprehensive theory is needed that is capa-
aura surrounding risk analysis promotes the ble of integrating the technical analysis of risk and
allocation of substantial effort to convincing the cultural, social, and individual response struc-
official decision makers, and the public, that tures that shape the public experience of risk. The
the risk assessment performed by one group main thesis of this article is that risk events interact
is superior in quality and scientific validity to with psychological, social, and cultural processes in
that of others. Controversy and debate ex- ways that can heighten or attenuate public percep-
acerbate divergences between expert and
public assessment and often erode confi-
dence in the risk decision proces~.(~.~) 41n this article, the term “risk event” refers to Occurrences that are
manifestations of the risk and that initiate signals pertaining to
the risk. Risk events thus include routine or unexpected releases,
In short, the technical concept of risk is too narrow accidents (large and small), discoveries of pollution incidents,
and ambiguous to serve as the crucial yardstick for reports of exposures, or adverse consequences. Usually such risk
policy making. events are specific to particular times and locations.
The Social Amplification of Risk 179
tions of risk and related risk behavior. Behavioral ated the plant and imposed enormous costs-in the
patterns, in turn, generate secondary social or eco- form of stricter regulations, reduced operation of
nomic consequences but may act also to increase or reactors worldwide, greater public opposition to
decrease the physical risk itself. Secondary effects nuclear power, and a less viable role for one of the
trigger demands for additional institutional responses major long-term energy sources-on the entire
and protective actions, or, conversely (in the case of nuclear industry and on society as a whole.(”) This
risk attenuation), impede needed protective actions. mishap at a nuclear power plant may even have
The social structures and processes of risk experi- increased public concerns about other complex tech-
ence, the resulting repercussions on individual and nologies, such as chemical manufacturing and genetic
group perceptions, and the effects of these responses engineering.
on community, society, and economy compose a The point is that traditional cost-benefit and
general phenomenon that we term the social amplifi- risk analyses neglect these higher-order impacts and
cation ofrisk. This article sets forth an initial concep- thus greatly underestimate the variety of adverse
tualization of the elements, structure, and processes effects attendant on certain risk events (and thereby
that make up this phenomenon. underestimate the overall risk from the event). In this
sense, social amplification provides a corrective
mechanism by which society acts to bring the techni-
2. BACKGROUND cal assessment of risk more in line with a fuller
determination of risk. At the other end of the spec-
The technical assessment of risk typically mod- trum, the relatively low levels of interest by the
els the impacts of an event or human activity in public in the risks presented by such well-docu-
terms of direct harms, including death, injuries, dis- mented and significant hazards as indoor radon,
ease, and environmental damages. Over time, the smoking, driving without seat belts, or hghly
practice of characterizing risk by probability and carcinogenic aflatoxins in peanut butter serve as ex-
magnitude of harm has drawn fire for neglecting amples of the social attenuation of risk. Whereas
equity issues in relation to time (future generations), attenuation of risk is indispensible in that it allows
space (the so-called LULU or NIMBY issue), or individuals to cope with the multitude of risks and
social groups (the proletariat, the highly vulnerable, risk events encountered daily, it also may lead to
export of hazard to developing countries). It also has potentially serious adverse consequences from under-
become apparent that the consequences of risk events estimation and underresponse. Thus both social
extend far beyond direct harms to include significant amplification and attenuation, through serious dis-
indirect impacts (e.g., liability, insurance costs, loss junctures between expert and public assessments of
of confidence in institutions, or alienation from com- risk and varying responses among different publics,
munity affairs).(14)The situation becomes even more confound conventional risk analysis.
complex when the analysis also addresses the deci- In some cases, the societal context may, through
sion-making and risk-management process. Fre- its effects on the risk assessor, alter the focus and
quently, indirect impacts appear to be dependent scope of risk assessment. A case in point is the series
less on the direct outcomes (i.e., injury or death) of of actions taken in 1984 by the Environmental Pro-
the risk event than on judgments of the adequacy of tection Agency with regard to a soil and grain fumi-
institutional arrangements to control or manage the gant, ethylene dibromide (EDB).(16)An atmosphere
risk, the possibility of assigning blame to one of the charged with intense societal concern about protect-
major participants, and the perceived fairness of the ing the nation’s food and groundwater supplies from
risk-management process. chemical contaminants prompted the Agency to focus
The accident at the Three Mile Island (TMI) primarily on these two pathways of population ex-
nuclear reactor in 1979 demonstrated dramatically posure to EDB, although it was well aware that
that factors besides injury, death, and property emissions of EDB from leaded gasoline were a sig-
damage can impose serious costs and social repercus- nificant source of population exposure. Conse-
sions. No one is likely to die from the release of quently, the first-line receivers of the risk informa-
radioactivity at TMI, but few accidents in U.S. his- tion-the risk managers, the mass media, the
tory have wrought such costly societal impacts. The politicians, and the general public-heard from the
accident devastated the utility that owned and oper- start about cancer risks from tainted water and food,
180 Kasperson et al.
but not from ambient air. This example illustrates The process of transmitting is more complex
how the filtering of information about hazards may than the electronic metaphor implies. Messages have
start as early as in the risk assessment itself and may a meaning for the receiver only within a sociocultural
profoundly alter the form and content of the risk context. Sources and signals are not independent
information produced and conveyed by technical ex- entities but are perceived as a unit by the receiver
perts.(16) who links the signal to the sources or transmitters
Other researchers have noted that risk sources and draws inferences about the relationship between
create a complex network of direct and indirect the two. In spite of the problems of the source-
effects that are susceptible to change through social receiver model, the metaphor is still powerful enough
response^.(^*^^) But because of the complexity and the to serve as a heuristic framework for analyzing com-
transdisciplinary nature of the problem, an adequate munication processes. In a recent literature review of
conceptual framework for a theoretically based and 31 mass-communication textbooks, the source-
empirically operational analysis is still missing. The receiver metaphor was, along with the concept of
lack of an integrative theory that provides guidelines symbolic meaning, the predominant theoretical
on how to model and measure the complex relation- framework.(’’)
ships among risk, risk analysis, social response, and Each message may contain factual, inferential,
socioeconomic effects has resulted in a reaffirmation value-related, and symbolic meanings.‘”) The factual
of technical risk assessment, which at least provides information refers to the content of the message ( e g ,
definite answers (however narrow or misleading) to the emission of an air pollutant is X mg per day) as
urgent risk problems. well as the source of the message (e.g., EPA con-
The concept of social amplification of risk can, ducted the measurement). The inferential message
in principle, provide the needed theoretical base for a refers to the conclusions that can be drawn from the
more comprehensive and powerful analysis of risk presented evidence (e.g., the emission poses a serious
and risk management in modern societies. At this health threat). Then those conclusions may undergo
point, we do not offer a fully developed theory of evaluation according to specific criteria (e.g., the
social amplification of risk, but we do propose a emission exceeds the allowable level). In addition,
fledgling conceptual framework that may serve to cultural symbols may be attached that evoke specific
guide ongoing efforts to develop, test, and apply such images (e.g., “big business,” “ the military-industrial
a theory to a broad array of pressing risk problems. complex,” “high technology,” etc.) that carry strong
Since the metaphor of amplification draws upon value implications.
notions in communications theory, we begin with a Communication studies have demonstrated that
brief examination of its use in that context. the symbols present in messages are key factors in
triggering the attention of potential receivers and in
shaping their decoding processes.(21)If, for example,
3. SIGNAL AMPLIFICATION IN the communication source is described as an inde-
COMMUNICATIONS THEORY pendent scientist, or a group of Nobel laureates, the
content of the message may well command public
In communications theory, amplification de- attention. Messages from such sources may success-
notes the process of intensifying or attenuating sig- fully pass through the selection filters of the trans-
nals during the transmission of information from an mitters or receivers and be viewed as credible. A
information source, to intermediate transmitters, and press release by the nuclear industry, by contrast,
finally to a receiver.(18)An information source sends may command much less credibility unless other
out a cluster of signals (which form a message) to a aspects of the message compensate for doubts about
transmitter, or directly to the receiver. The signals the impartiality of the source.
are decoded by the transmitter or receiver so that the Transmitters of signals may detect amplification
message can be understood. Each transmitter alters arising from each message component.(22)A factual
the original message by intensifying or attenuating statement repeated several times, especially if by
some incoming signals, adding or deleting others, different sources, tends to elicit greater belief in the
and sending a new cluster of signals on to the next accuracy of the information. An elaborate descrip-
transmitter or the final receiver where the next stage tion of the inference process may distract attention
of decoding occurs. from the accuracy of the underlying assumptions.
The Social Amplification of Risk 181
Reference to a highly appreciated social value may By filtering the multitude of signals with
increase the receiver’s tolerance for weak evidence. respect to the attributes of the risk and their
And, of course, a prestigious communication source importance.
can (at least in the short run) compensate for trivial
factual messages. But adding or deleting symbols Signals arise through direct personal experience
may well be the most powerful single means to with a risk object or through the receipt of informa-
amplify or attenuate the original message. tion about the risk object.(’@ These signals are
Amplification of signals occurs during both processed by social, as well as individual, amplifica-
transmission and reception. The transmitter struc- tion “stations,” which include the following:
tures the messages that go to a receiver. The receiver,
in turn, interprets, assimilates, and evaluates the mes- The scientist who conducts and communi-
sages. But a transmitter, it should be noted, is also a cates the technical assessment of risk;
new information source-one that transcribes the
original message from the source into a new message The risk-management institution;
and sends it on to the receiver, according to institu- The news media;
tional rules, role requirements, and anticipated re-
ceiver interests. Signals passing through a transmitter Activist social organizations;
may therefore, be amplified twice-during the recep- Opinion leaders within social groups;
tion of information and in recoding.
Signal amplification in communications, then, Personal networks of peer and reference
occupies a useful niche in the overall structure of the groups;
social amplification of risk. A discussion of the pro- Public agencies.
posed conceptional framework takes up the next
section of this paper. Social amplification stations generate and trans-
mit information via communications channels (media,
letters, telephones, direct conversations). In addition,
each recipient also engages in amplification (and
4. A STRUCTURAL DESCRIPTION OF THE attenuation) processes, thereby acting as an amplifi-
SOCIAL AMPLIFICATION OF RISK cation station for risk-related information. We hypo-
thesize that the key amplification steps consist of the
Social amplification of risk denotes the phenom- following:
enon by which information processes, institutional
structures, social-group behavior, and individual re- Filtering of signals (e.g., only a fraction of all
sponses shape the social experience of risk, thereby incoming information is actually processed);
contributing to risk consequences (Fig. 1).The inter- Decoding of the signal;
action between risk events and social processes makes Processing of risk information (e.g., the use
clear that, as used in this framework, risk has mean- of cognitive heuristics for drawing in-
ing only to the extent that it treats how people think ferences);
about the world and its relationships. Thus there is Attaching social values to the information in
no such thing as “true” (absolute) and “distorted” order to draw implications for management
(socially determined) risk. Rather the information and policy;
system and characteristics of public response that Interacting with one’s cultural and peer
compose social amplification are essential elements groups to interpret and validate signals;
in determining the nature and magnitude of risk. We Formulating behavioral intentions to tolerate
begin with the information system. the risk or to take actions against the risk or
Like a stereo receiver, the information system risk manager;
may amplify risk events in two ways: Engaging in group or individual actions to
accept, ignore, tolerate, or change the risk.
By intensifying or weakening signals that are
part of the information that individuals and A full-fledged theory of the social amplification
social groups receive about the risk; of risk should ultimately explain why specific risks
182 Kasperson et al.
Fig. 1. Highly simplified representation of the social amplification of risk and potential impacts on a corporation.
and risk events undergo more or less amplification or Social disorder (e.g., protesting, rioting,
attenuation. Whether such a theory will carry the sabotage, terrorism);
power to predict the specific kinds of public re- Changes in risk monitoring and regulation;
sponses and the anatomy of social controversy that Increased liability and insurance costs;
will follow the introduction of new risks must await Repercussions on other technologies (e.g.,
the test of time. It may prove possible to identify and lower levels of public acceptance) and on
classify attributes of the risk source and of the social social institutions (e.g., erosion of public
arena that heighten or attenuate the public response trust).
to risk.
Secondary impacts are, in turn, perceived by
Social amplifications of risk will spawn behav-
social groups and individuals so that another stage of
ioral responses, which, in turn, will result in sec-
amplification may occur to produce third-order im-
ondary impacts. Secondary impacts include such ef-
pacts. The impacts thereby may spread, or “ripple,”
fects as the following:
to other parties, distant locations, or future genera-
tions. Each order of impact will not only disseminate
Enduring mental perceptions, images, and social and political impacts but may also trigger (in
attitudes (e.g., antitechnology attitudes, risk amplification) or hinder (in risk attenuation)
alienation from the physical environment, so- positive changes for risk reduction. The concept of
cial apathy, stigmatization of an environment social amplification of risk is hence dynamic, takmg
or risk manager); into account the learning and social interactions re-
Local impacts on business sales, residential sulting from experience with risk.
property values, and economic activity; The analogy of dropping a stone into a pond
Political and social pressure (e.g., political (see Fig. 1) serves to illustrate the spread of the
demands, changes in political climate and higher-order impacts associated with the social
culture); amplification of risk. The ripples spread outward,
Changes in the physical nature of the risk first encompassing the directly affected victims or the
(e.g., feedback mechanisms that enlarge or first group to be notified, then touchng the next
lower the risk); higher institutional level (a company or an agency),
Changes in training, education, or required and, in more extreme cases, reaching other parts of
qualifications of operating and emergency- the industry or other social arenas with similar prob-
response personnel; lems. This rippling of impacts is an important ele-
T 5
184 Kasperson et al.
ment of risk amplification since it suggests that Understanding this interaction for different risks, for
amplification can introduce substantial temporal and different social experiences, and for different cultural
geographical extension of impacts. The same graphic groups is an important research need.
representation demonstrates the possibility that so- But many risks are not experienced directly.
cial amplification may, quantitatively and qualita- When direct personal experience is lacking or
tively, increase the direct impacts. In this case the minimal, individuals learn about risk from other
inner circle changes it shape with each new round of persons and from the media. Information flow be-
ripples. Figure 2 depicts in greater detail the hy- comes a key ingredient in public response and acts as
pothesized stages of social amplification of risk and a major agent of amplification. Attributes of infor-
its associated impacts for a hypothetical corporation. mation that may influence the social amplification
Several examples illustrate the ripple effect of are uolume, the degree to which information is dis-
risk events. Following the Three Mile Island acci- puted, the extent of dramatization, and the symbolic
dent, nuclear plants worldwide were shut down and connotations of the information.
restarted more frequently for safety checks, although Independent of the accuracy and particular con-
these phases of operations (as with aircraft takeoffs tent of information, large volume of information
and landings) are by far the risluest operational flow may serve as a risk amplifier. In an analysis of
stages. In a more recent case of risk amplification, media coverage of Love Canal and Three Mile Is-
Switzerland recalled and ordered the incineration of land, Mazur argued that the massive quantity of
200 tons of its prestigious Vacherin Mont &Or cheese media coverage not only reported the events but
because of bacterial contamination. Rival French defined and shaped the issues.(25)Repeated stories,
cheesemakers at first celebrated their good fortune of course, direct public attention toward particular
until it became apparent that public concern over the risk problems and away from competing sources of
event had caused worldwide consumption of the attention. Moreover, the news media tend to become
cheese, from all producers, to plummet by over 25%. battlegrounds where various participants vie for ad-
An entire industry, in short, suffered economic rever- vantage. However balanced the coverage, it is unclear
sal from a specific risk event.(23) that reassuring claims can effectively counter the
Social amplification of risk, in our current con- effects of fear-arousing messages.(26) In Alvin
ceptualization, involves two major stages (or ampli- Weinberg’s metaphor, it is much harder to “ unscare”
fiers)-the transfer of information about the risk or people than to scare them.(27)High volumes of infor-
risk event, and the response mechanisms of society. mation also mobilize latent fears about a particular
risk and enhance the recollection of previous acci-
dents or management failures or enlarge the extent to
which particular failures, events, or consequences can
5. INFORMATIONAL MECHANISMS OF be imagined. In this way, technologies or activities
SOCIAL AMPLIFICATION may come to be viewed as more
The second attribute of information is the de-
The roots of social amplification lie in the social gree to which individuals or groups dispute factual
experience of risk, both in direct personal experience information or inferences regarded as credible by
and in indirect, or secondary, experience, through interested members of the public. Debates among
information received about the risk, risk events, and experts are apt to heighten public uncertainty about
management systems. Direct experience with risky what the facts really are, increase doubts about
activities or events can be either reassuring (as with whether the hazards are really understood, and de-
automobile driving) or alarming (as with tornadoes crease the credibility of official spokespersons.(29)If
or floods). Generally, experience with dramatic acci- the risks are already feared by the public, then in-
dents or risk events increases the memorability and creased concern is the likely result.
imagmability of the hazard, thereby heightening the Dramatization, a third attribute, is undoubtedly
perception of risk.(24)But direct experience can also a powerful source of risk amplification. The report
provide feedback on the nature, extent, and during the Three Mile Island accident that a hydro-
manageability of the hazard, affording better per- gen bubble inside the reactor could explode within
spective and enhanced capability for avoiding risks. the next two days, blow the head off the reactor, and
Thus, whereas direct personal experience can serve as release radioactive material into the atmosphere cer-
a risk amplifier, it can also act to attenuate risk. tainly increased public fears near the nuclear plant
The Social Amplification of Risk 185
understood (see Table I). Thus an accident significant social and policy consequences.(34)
that takes many lives may produce relatively Research is needed to define the role of risk
little social disturbance (beyond that experi- in creating stigma, the extent of aversion that
enced by the victims’ families and friends) if results, and how durable such stigma be-
it occurs as part of a familiar and well- come.
understood system (such as a train wreck). A
In addition to these four mechanisms, positiue
small accident in an unfamiliar system (or
feedback to the physical risk itself can occur due to
one perceived as poorly understood), such as
social processes. If a transportation accident with
a nuclear reactor or a recombinant-DNA
hazardous materials were to occur close to a waste-
laboratory, however, may elicit great public
disposal site, for example, protests and attempted
concern if it is interpreted to mean that the
blockage of the transportation route could result.
risk is not well understood, not controllable,
Such actions could themselves become initiating or
or not competently managed, thus implying
coaccident events, thereby increasing the probabili-
that further (and possibly worse) mishaps are
ties of future accidents or enlarging the consequences
likely. In sum, signals about a risk event
should an accident occur. Or, alternatively, an acci-
initiate a process whereby the significance of
dent in waste handling at the facility could lead
the event is examined. If found to be
opponents, or a disgruntled worker, to replicate the
ominous, these implications are likely to trig-
event through sabotage. Especially where strong pub-
ger higher-order social and economic im-
lic concern exists over a technology or facility, a wide
variety of mechanisms is present by which health and
Stigmatization. Stigma refers to the negative
safety risks may be enlarged through social
imagery associated with undesirable social processes.(3s)
groups or individuals.(33)But environments
withheavy pollution, waste accumulation, or
hazardous technology may also come to be
associated with negative images. Love Canal, 7. NEXT STEPS
the Valley of the Thousand Drums, Times
Beach, and the Nevada Test Site evoke vivid Only partial models or paradigms exist for char-
images of waste and pollution. Since the acterizing the phenomenon we describe as the social
typical response to stigmatized persons or amplification of risk. Understanding this phenome-
environments is avoidance, it is reasonable to non is a prerequisite essential for assessing the poten-
assume that risk-induced stigma may have tial impacts of projects and technologies, for estab-
The Social Amplification of Risk 187
lishing priorities in risk management, and for setting the Selection of Technological and Environmental Dangers
(University of California Press, Berkeley, 1982).
health and environmental standards. We put forth 12. B. Johnson and V. Covello (eds.), Social and Cultural Con-
this conceptual framework to begin the building of a struction of Risk (Reidel, Boston, 1987).
comprehensive theory that explains why seemingly 13. D. von Winterfeldt and W. Edwards, Understanding Public
Disputes about Risky Technologies, technical report (Social
minor risks or risk events often produce extraor- Science Research Council, New York, 1984).
dinary public concern and social and economic im- 14. M. T. Katzman, Chemical Catastrophes: Reguluting Environ-
pacts, with rippling effects across time, space, and mental Risk Through Pollution Liability Insurance (R. D. Irwin,
Springfield, Illinois, 1985).
social institutions. The conceptualization needs 15. C. D. Heising and V. P. George, “Nuclear Financial Risk:
scrutiny, elaboration, and competing views. Em- Economy Wide Cost of Reactor Accidents,” Energy Policy 14,
pirical studies, now beginning, should provide im- 45-52 (1986).
16. H. I. Sharlin, EDB: A Case Study in the Communication of
portant tests and insights for the next stage of theory Health Risk (Office of Policy Analysis, Environmental Protec-
construction. tion Agency, Washington, D.C., 1985).
17. I. Hoos, “Risk Assessment in Social Perspective,” in Percep-
tions of Risk (National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurement, Washington, 1980), pp. 37-85.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18. M. L. DeFleur, Theories of Mass Communication (D. McKay,
New York, 1966).
19. P. J. Shoemaker, “Mass Communication by the Book; A
This work was supported by the Nevada Nuclear Review of 31 Texts,” Journalof Communication 37(3), 109-131
Waste Project Office and by NSF grant No. SES (1987).
20. H. D. Lasswell, “The Structure and Function of Communica-
8796182 to Decision Research. We wish to thank tion in Society,” in L. Bryson (ed.), The Communicution of
Brian Cook, Christoph Hohenemser, Nancy Kraus, Ideas: A Series of Addresses (Cooper Square Publishers, New
Sarah Lichtenstein, Steve Rayner, and three anony- York, 1948). pp. 32-35.
21. C. J. Hovland, “Social Communication,” in Proceedings of the
mous reviewers for their constructive comments on American Philosophical Sociefy 92, 371-375 (1948).
earlier drafts of the manuscript. 22. J. H. Sorensen and D. S . Mileti, “Decision-Making Uncertain-
ties in Emergency Warning System Organizations,” Interna-
tional Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters (in press).
23. S. Grunhouse, “French and Swiss Fight about Tainted
Cheese,” New York Times (1 January 1988), p. 2.
REFERENCES 24. P. Slovic, “Informing and Educating the Public about Risk,”
Risk Analysis 6,403-415 (1986).
1. P. Slovic, B. Fischhoff, and S. Lichtenstein, “Why Study Risk 25. A. Mazur, “The Journalist and Technology: Reporting about
Perception?’ Risk Analysis 2, 83-94 (1982). Love Canal and Three Mile Island,” Minewa 22, 45-66
2. 0. Renn, “Risk Perception: A Systematic Review of Concepts (1984).
and Research Results,” in Avoiding and Managing Environ- 26. J. Sorensen et al., Impacts of Hazardous Technology: The
mental Damage from Major Industrial Accidents, Proceedings Psycho-Social Effects of Restarting TMI (State University of
of the Air Pollution Control Association International Con- New York Press, Albany, 1987).
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