U The Effects of Forest Fragmentation On Euglossine Bee
U The Effects of Forest Fragmentation On Euglossine Bee
U The Effects of Forest Fragmentation On Euglossine Bee
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Berry J. Brosi*
Department of Biology, Stanford University, 385 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
Article history: Despite scientific and media attention on pollinator declines, there is still only a rudimen-
Received 22 July 2008 tary understanding of the response of bees—the most important group of pollinators
Received in revised form worldwide—to ongoing land use changes. Euglossine bees are an ecologically important
28 October 2008 Neotropical clade of forest-dependent pollinators. Despite the fact that euglossines are
Accepted 4 November 2008 well studied relative to other groups of tropical bees, only three previous studies, all from
Available online 17 December 2008 Brazil, address the response of euglossines to forest fragmentation. In this study, I tripled
the maximum sample size of previous efforts by sampling male euglossines in 22 forest
Keywords: fragments ranging in area from 0.25 ha to 230 ha in southern Costa Rica, using chemically
Forest fragmentation baited Van Someren traps. Abundance of euglossine bees was significantly positively
Costa Rica related to forest fragment size, negatively related to shape (edge:area ratio), and margin-
Orchid bees ally related to fragment isolation. Euglossine species richness showed similar, but weaker
Pollinators trends: richness was significantly positively related to the quantity of forest edge, margin-
Tropical wet forest ally negatively related to fragment area, and not related to fragment isolation. The positive
Van Someren trapping relationship between euglossine richness and abundance and forest fragment edge is
consistent with other studies that have found high euglossine density in secondary or
disturbed forest. The data suggest that individual euglossines move between forest frag-
ments, as has been shown in other systems. Still, forest fragmentation appears to affect
euglossine bees more strongly than other bee groups in the study region. Their large flight
range and positive relationship with forest edges may help to buffer the negative effects of
fragmentation, allowing euglossines to utilize even the very smallest forest fragments in
the study area.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
‘‘The dwindling and extinction of orchid bees, and their ties and the success of the human agricultural enterprise, it is
plants, is one of the most striking traits of the decay of for- imperative that we better understand their responses to
est fragments melting on the Neotropical agroscape ongoing global changes. This is particularly true in light of
today’’—Daniel Janzen (in Roubik and Hanson, 2004, p. 12) the lack of scientific consensus on putative pollinator declines
(e.g. Cane, 2001; Ghazoul, 2005; Steffan-Dewenter et al., 2005).
Though land-use changes such as deforestation could hypo-
1. Introduction thetically have major impacts on bee communities (Buch-
mann and Nabhan, 1996; Allen-Wardell et al., 1998),
Given the importance of bees—the most important taxon of empirical studies of the effects of habitat fragmentation on
pollinators—to both the persistence of native plant communi- bees are scarce (Cane, 2001). Unfortunately, this paucity of
studies is especially pronounced in the tropics, where nearly sampled male euglossine bees in 22 forest fragments ranging
all tropical-rainforest trees are animal-pollinated (Bawa, 1990) over four orders of magnitude in area in a largely deforested
and where pollen limitation can be particularly severe landscape in southern Costa Rica, thus tripling the sample
(Vamosi et al., 2006). size of any previous study. I hypothesized that euglossines
The euglossine, or orchid, bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: would be more diverse and abundant in forest patches that
Euglossini) are a particularly important group of Neotropical were: (1) larger in area; (2) less isolated from other forest; (3)
pollinators. Euglossines pollinate many tropical plant groups, relatively low in edge:area ratio; and (4) in areas with more
including many economic plants (Dressler, 1968; Dressler, surrounding forest cover.
1982), and are ecologically critical in their role in long-dis-
tance transport of pollen between widely spaced individuals 2. Methods
of low-density tropical plants (Janzen, 1971; Williams and
Dodson, 1972). Most euglossines spend the bulk of their time 2.1. Site selection
in tropical forest habitats (Dressler, 1982), and as such are
thought to be particularly vulnerable to the effects of defores- I sampled male euglossines in the landscape around the Las
tation (Roubik and Hanson, 2004, p. 38). This is especially true Cruces Biological Station (8°47’N, 82°57’W) in the Valle de Coto
relative to other bee groups that extensively nest and forage Brus, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica (Fig. 1). The 22 sampled
in human-altered habitats (Banaszak, 1992; Marlin and La- forest fragments ranged in area from 0.25 ha to 290 ha and
Berge, 2001; Tylianakis et al., 2005; Cane et al., 2006; Brosi in altitude from 900 to 1400 m above sea level (Table 1). All
et al. 2007, 2008). Still, a long-term effort in a region of Pan- study fragments were situated in a matrix of primarily cattle
ama with relatively stable land cover found no declines in pasture (>60% of perimeter boundary). I chose sites separated
euglossine bees over 21 years of regular sampling (Roubik, by at least 500 m (maximum site separation 13.5 km) and with
2001). Euglossines are also well suited for forest fragmenta- a minimum distance of 500 m to the nearest other forest frag-
tion studies, because they are well described taxonomically ment of any size. The study fragments were all isolated by
in relation to many other bee groups (particularly for the tro- deforestation approximately 40 years ago, when a wave of
pics), and because euglossine males are attracted to chemical European settlement in the 1960s reduced forest cover in
baits and thus can be sampled thoroughly and easily (Dress- the region to the approximately 15% that it is today. Locally
ler, 1982; Ackerman, 1983). collected pollen records, however, indicate several thousand
Despite the importance of euglossine bees, only three pub- years of forest clearing, burning, and agriculture by indige-
lished studies have directly examined how they are affected nous people (Clement and Horn, 2001). The predominant land
by forest fragmentation (Powell and Powell, 1987; Becker uses in the region are cattle pastures, coffee fields, and small
et al., 1991; Tonhasca et al., 2002a,b). These studies were well agricultural plots for subsistence crops like corn, beans, and
designed and executed, but wider inference from them is lim- bananas. See Brosi et al. (2008) for more details on the study
ited in several ways. First, all three took place in Brazil, area and sampled fragments.
including two (Powell and Powell, 1987; Becker et al., 1991) Euglossine bees are strongly forest-associated in this study
at the same site, the biological dynamics of forest fragments region. Extensive and taxonomically broader bee community
(BDFF) project near Manaus (Bierregaard, 2001). The work of surveys in the same landscape (Brosi et al., 2007, 2008), sam-
Powell and Powell (1987) took place immediately after experi- pled no euglossines outside of forests in work that tallied
mental deforestation at the BDFF site, and the acute distur- >4000 bee individuals. In thousands of hours of field time in
bance of forest clearing was likely the predominant factor the study region, I have observed (non-baited) euglossine bees
shaping their results (Becker et al., 1991; Cane, 2001). Second, foraging outside of tree-covered areas fewer than five times.
all three studies were based on a small number of sample At least some species of euglossines, however, can be at-
sites (Powell and Powell, four; Becker et al., seven; and Tonha- tracted to chemical baits set out in deforested areas (B. Brosi,
sca et al., nine, three in forest fragments and six in continu- pers. obs.; Milet-Pinheiro and Schlindwein, 2005).
ous forest). Third, while all three studies examined the While an ideal study design would sample each fragment
effects of forest fragment size, none of them assessed other proportionally to its area, limited time and resources dictated
potentially important spatial factors, such as fragment shape, that I maximize the true sample size of the study (number of
isolation, or landscape context. Fourth, results from the stud- forest fragments sampled) by sampling each fragment in one
ies, taken as a whole, are inconclusive. Becker et al. and place. The sole exception was the large (230 ha) forest frag-
Tonhasca et al. found no significant relationships between ment at the Las Cruces Biological Station, which I sampled in
forest fragment area and euglossine diversity or abundance, two sites 1 km apart.
while Powell and Powell (whose results were likely dominated
by disturbance) did find a significant relationship. Finally, all 2.2. Trapping
took place in landscapes dominated by large, contiguous
patches of forest. Since some euglossine bees possess flight I sampled bees with traps, which allowed me to sample in
ranges of tens of kilometers (Janzen, 1971), these studies multiple sites simultaneously. I did not sample by hand-net-
may tell us little about the impacts of fragmentation on ting at chemical baits, since in test trials a large proportion
euglossine bees in much more extensively deforested of bees (commonly 20% or more) eluded either capture or
landscapes. in-flight identification. Instead, I used Van Someren traps,
In order to address these issues to improve understanding which are commonly used to sample butterflies (e.g. Horn-
of the responses of euglossine bees to forest fragmentation, I er-Devine et al., 2003) and which consist of a cylinder of mesh
416 B I O L O G I C A L C O N S E RVAT I O N 1 4 2 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 4 1 4 –4 2 3
atlantic ocean
san josé
costa rica
pacific ocean
las cruces
Table 1 – Study sites. Sites 20 and 21 both represent the forest fragment at the Las Cruces Biological Station; all other
samples occur in unique fragments.
cloth, raised 4 cm over a platform on which bait is placed. traps for sampling bees; Smith-Pardo (1999) used such traps,
Insects are attracted to the bait and fly upward, becoming baited with rotten fish, to sample bee communities (but not
trapped in the mesh cylinder, from when they can be col- specifically euglossines) in Colombian dry forest. I did not
lected alive. This is the second recorded use of Van Someren use McPhail traps (Bennett, 1972) because of their low catch
B I O L O G I C A L C O N S E RVAT I O N 1 4 2 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 4 1 4 –4 2 3 417
rates and the wetted, damaged bee specimens they yield, any size, and calculated isolation distances using the Nearest
which can be difficult to identify (Becker et al., 1991; Roubik, Features 3.8a (Jenness, 2004) extension for ArcView 3.2 (ESRI,
2001). Redlands, CA, USA). I defined landscape context as the pro-
For each sampling event, I set one Van Someren trap portion of forest from landsat data (classification details in
15 m inside the forest fragment between 7:00 and 10:30am Daily et al., 2001) surrounding sample points at radii from
and collected it approximately 3 h later, before daily rains 200 to 2000 m, which I quantified using ArcMap 9.1.
commenced. I rotated the temporal order of site sampling
within days, as well as the choice of essential oil bait, to min- 2.4. Data analysis
imize biases. I divided the sites into four ‘‘routes’’ of five or six
nearby sites and sampled each route on the same day, thus I compared forest characteristics (forest fragment area,
running traps simultaneously in the sites nearest one shape, isolation, and context) with bee relative abundance
another. (raw number of trapped bees) and diversity (measured by
I baited the Van Someren traps with either methyl salicy- both species richness and the Shannon–Weiner diversity in-
late (wintergreen oil, four drops) or cineole (eucalypus oil, dex, hereafter SWDI). I used mixed-effects modeling to ana-
six drops) placed on paper towels in a small tupperware-style lyze data because of the hierarchical nature of the sampling
plastic container on the trap base. I choose these two baits be- (repeated trapping sub-samples within sites). Such models
cause in combination they attract nearly all recorded species allow for the use of all data while correcting for pseudore-
in the nearby (though lower-elevation) Osa Peninsula (Janzen, plication below the site level (e.g. Crawley, 2002, 669). Forest
1981). I purposefully utilized smaller quantities of essential oil fragment area, shape index, and isolation distance were all
baits than have been used in some previous studies. In typical significantly correlated with one another, which would have
euglossine sampling, a drink coaster or paper towel is com- led to poorly-conditioned multivariate models. I therefore
pletely saturated with essential oil, and bees are netted by tested these landscape factors in separate models and Bon-
hand. In many contexts, this technique can lure hundreds ferroni-corrected the resulting P-values. The type of essen-
of bees in a very short time frame (e.g. Janzen, 1981). Because tial oil bait (cineole vs. methyl salicylate) was strongly
destructive sampling was necessary to ensure accurate iden- related to both euglossine diversity and abundance in indi-
tifications, a larger bait quantity combined with the repeated vidual trapping trials, so I included bait type as an explan-
sampling protocol I used could have had significant deleteri- atory variable along with the individual landscape elements
ous impacts on local euglossine populations (Roubik, 1993). in each of the analyses. Since the data are count-based and
Additionally, though the attractive radius of essential oil baits sample variance increased with sample mean, I used gener-
has not been studied, a smaller bait quantity should hypo- alized linear models with Poisson errors in the mixed-effect
thetically have a smaller radius of attraction, thus allowing models (e.g. Olofsson and Shams, 2007), with site as a ran-
for a more precise spatial focus on the targeted forest frag- dom effect.
ments (rather than luring individuals from more distant, To assess the effect of landscape context on the euglossine
non-target areas). community, I calculated the correlation between the propor-
I sampled bees from June to September 2004, during the tion of forest surrounding sample points and euglossine spe-
wet season, the time of year in which Becker et al. (1991) cies richness and abundance, at scales from 200 to 2000 m
found the greatest richness and abundance of orchid bees, surrounding sample points (Ricketts et al., 2001; Steffan-Dew-
and repeated trapping six times in each site. I collected all enter et al., 2002). To assess differences in community compo-
bees within the traps and retained all specimens to maximize sition, I used Mantel and Partial Mantel tests to compare pair-
the quality of identifications and to minimize bias from bees wise, standardized differences in landscape factors with Mor-
returning to traps. I identified bee specimens using Roubik isita–Horn community similarity matrices. I used Moran’s I to
and Hanson (2004); I. Hinojosa, University of Kansas, reviewed test for spatial autocorrelation in bee diversity and abun-
and corrected species determinations and D. Roubik, Smith- dance between sites.
sonian Tropical Research Institute, reviewed the final species To avoid pseudoreplication, I averaged data within sites for
list. Some specimens are deposited at the University of Kan- all analyses except the mixed-effects models, in which I spec-
sas Entomological Museum (SEMC); the remainder are held ified the hierarchical nature of the data without averaging. I
at the Biology Department, Stanford University. analyzed data using the R statistical programming language
(R Development Core Team, 2008), using the lme4 package
2.3. Measurement of forest characteristics (Bates, 2008) for mixed-effects generalized linear models
and the vegan package (Oksanen et al., 2006) for community
I measured area and perimeter by outlining forest fragments ecological analyses.
from georeferenced, orthorectified aerial photographs (cour-
tesy G. Durán, Organization for Tropical Studies) in ArcMap 3. Results
9.1 (ESRI, Redlands, CA, USA). For fragments <1 ha, I com-
pared these measurements to those made on the ground with 3.1. Overview
compass, laser range finder, and clinometer; the two methods
generated measurements within 5% of one another. As a I sampled 412 euglossine bees in the genera Euglossa (18 spe-
measure of forest fragment shape, I used the ratio of perime- cies) and Eulaema (5 species), Table 2. Two species, Euglossa
ter2:area, which is constant for circles of varying area. I de- championi and Eulaema bombiformis, accounted for almost half
fined isolation as distance to the nearest forest fragment of of the sampled bee individuals; Fig. 2 shows the rank abun-
418 B I O L O G I C A L C O N S E RVAT I O N 1 4 2 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 4 1 4 –4 2 3
Table 2 – Species list. Species in alphabetical order, sorted by genus. Proportion is proportion of total captures represented
by that species. See Roubik and Hanson (2004) for nomenclatural authorities.
140 cies in the system. The start time and duration of individual
trapping trials were not related statistically with euglossine
bee diversity or abundance.
Table 3 – Landscape factors and euglossine bee species richness and relative abundance. Because of strong correlations
between landscape factors, each was tested separately in a model including bait type. Thus, the ‘‘bait type’’ columns
report on the significance of bait type in the model for each landscape factor (rows), and the ‘‘interaction’’ column reports
on the bait type*landscape factor interaction. For all models, df = 20 (22 sample sites), and the Bonferroni-corrected
a = 0.017.
Species richness Log area 1.73 0.083 5.86 <0.001*** 1.35 0.177
Shape 2.32 0.021 5.39 <0.001*** 2.48 0.013*
Isolation 1.05 0.295 1.57 0.117 0.99 0.322
Relative abundance Log area 3.13 0.002** 8.79 <0.001*** 1.75 0.080.
Shape 4.49 <0.001*** 9.52 <0.001*** 4.93 <0.001***
Isolation 1.74 0.082. 3.23 0.001** 0.81 0.417
420 B I O L O G I C A L C O N S E RVAT I O N 1 4 2 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 4 1 4 –4 2 3
6 6
30 30
fragment area
4 4
20 20
10 10 2 2
0 0 0 0
6 6
30 30
fragment shape
4 4
20 20
10 2 2
0 0 0 0
6 6
abundance per subsample
30 30
fragment isolation
4 4
20 20
10 10 2 2
0 0 0 0
500 1000 1500 500 1000 1500 500 1000 1500 500 1000 1500
Fig. 4 – Euglossine bee responses to landscape factors and bait type. While all subsamples are shown, these were grouped by
site for statistical analyses. Left column is abundance; right column is species richness. (a, b) Log10 area of forest (in hectares).
(c, d) Fragment shape (edge2: area ratio). (e, f) Fragment isolation (meters to nearest forest).
B I O L O G I C A L C O N S E RVAT I O N 1 4 2 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 4 1 4 –4 2 3 421
p = 0.05 significance line terms of species richness (e.g. Janzen, 1981). Fifth, it is unli-
0.4 kely that up to several hundred euglossines would arrive at
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