Designer Babies Presentation Rubric
Designer Babies Presentation Rubric
Designer Babies Presentation Rubric
0 1 2-3 4
Presentation informs The presentation The presentation The presentation gives The presentation gives
audience on the correct does not include touches on the science some information about a thorough explanation
science behind designer anything about the of designer babies, but the science of designer of the science behind
babies science of designer nothing is explained babies, but there is not designer babies
babies enough or some of the
Points x2 science is wrong
Presentation has adequate The presentation The presentation The presentation make The presentation makes
evidence to support the does not make a makes a stance but a clear stance and there a clear stance with
groups stance (to pass or not stance on the issue there is not enough is some evidence to adequate evidence to
pass the law) evidence to back up back up their claim, but back up their claim
why the group took a not enough or some
Points x2 stance evidence is incorrect
Presentation includes the The presentation The presentation may The presentation The presentation
other side of the argument does not include the quickly touch on the touches on the other includes the other side
and links it back to their other side of the other side of the side of the argument of the argument and
original stance (rebuttal) argument argument but it is not and there is effort to link successfully links it back
linked back to the it back to their original to their original stance
original stance stance, however it may
not be completely
Presentation looks appealing The presentation is The presentation is The presentation is Presentation looks
to the eye and has enough extremely sloppy sloppy or there not pleasing to the eye and appealing to the eye
information for audience to and there not enough information for there is some and has enough
make an educated decision enough information an audience member information but not quite information for audience
for an audience to make an educated enough for an audience to make an educated
member to make an decision member to make an decision
educated decision educated decision
Presentation was given in a It was impossible to The presentation was Presentation was given Presentation was given
professional manner understand the very unprofessional in a semi-professional in a professional
(appropriate eye connect, presentation with little eye contact, manner with a few minor manner
dialect, volume and equal inappropriate volume problems with eye
participation of group and/or group members contact, dialect, volume
members) did not participate and equal participation
equally of group members
Presentation is free of 12+ grammar errors 9-12 grammar errors 3-9 grammar errors 1-3 grammar errors
grammar errors and all
sources are cited Sources are not Sources are not Most sources are All sources are credible
cited credible and cited credible and all are cited and cited correctly
incorrectly correctly