Ecri General Policy Recommendation No. 7: CRI (2003) 8 REV
Ecri General Policy Recommendation No. 7: CRI (2003) 8 REV
Ecri General Policy Recommendation No. 7: CRI (2003) 8 REV
Recalling also the Declaration and the Convinced that the action of the State
Programme of Action adopted by the legislator against racism and racial
World Conference against Racism, discrimination also plays an educative
Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and function within society, transmitting the
Related Intolerance held in Durban, powerful message that no attempts to
South Africa, from 31 August to legitimise racism and racial
8 September 2001; discrimination will be tolerated in a
society ruled by law;
Aware that laws alone are not sufficient
to eradicate racism and racial Seeking, alongside the other efforts
discrimination, but convinced that laws underway at international and
are essential in combating racism and European level, to assist member
racial discrimination; States in their fight against racism and
racial discrimination, by setting out in a
Stressing the vital importance of succinct and precise manner the key
appropriate legal measures in elements to be included in appropriate
combating racism and racial national legislation;
discrimination effectively and in a way
which both acts as a deterrent and, as
far as possible, is perceived by the
victim as satisfactory;
b. to ensure that the key components set out below are provided in such
Key elements of national legislation
against racism and racial discrimination
I. Definitions
a) “racism” shall mean the belief that a ground such as race1, colour,
language, religion, nationality or national or ethnic origin justifies
contempt for a person or a group of persons, or the notion of
superiority of a person or a group of persons.
1 Since all human beings belong to the same species, ECRI rejects theories based on the existence of
different “races”. However, in this Recommendation ECRI uses this term in order to ensure that those
persons who are generally and erroneously perceived as belonging to “another race” are not excluded
from the protection provided for by the legislation.
3. The constitution should provide that the exercise of freedom of
expression, assembly and association may be restricted with a view to
combating racism. Any such restrictions should be in conformity with the
European Convention on Human Rights.
4. The law should clearly define and prohibit direct and indirect racial
5. The law should provide that the prohibition of racial discrimination does
not prevent the maintenance or adoption of temporary special measures
designed either to prevent or compensate for disadvantages suffered by
persons designated by the grounds enumerated in paragraph 1 b)
(henceforth: enumerated grounds), or to facilitate their full participation in
all fields of life. These measures should not be continued once the
intended objectives have been achieved.
6. The law should provide that the following acts, inter alia, are considered
as forms of discrimination: segregation; discrimination by association;
announced intention to discriminate; instructing another to discriminate;
inciting another to discriminate; aiding another to discriminate.
7. The law should provide that the prohibition of discrimination applies to all
public authorities as well as to all natural or legal persons, both in the
public and in the private sectors, in all areas, notably: employment;
membership of professional organisations; education; training; housing;
health; social protection; goods and services intended for the public and
public places; exercise of economic activity; public services.
8. The law should place public authorities under a duty to promote equality
and to prevent discrimination in carrying out their functions.
9. The law should place public authorities under a duty to ensure that those
parties to whom they award contracts, loans, grants or other benefits
respect and promote a policy of non-discrimination. In particular, the law
should provide that public authorities should subject the awarding of
contracts, loans, grants or other benefits to the condition that a policy of
non-discrimination be respected and promoted by the other party. The
law should provide that the violation of such condition may result in the
termination of the contract, grant or other benefits.
10. The law should ensure that easily accessible judicial and/or
administrative proceedings, including conciliation procedures, are
available to all victims of discrimination. In urgent cases, fast-track
procedures, leading to interim decisions, should be available to victims
of discrimination.
11. The law should provide that, if persons who consider themselves
wronged because of a discriminatory act establish before a court or any
other competent authority facts from which it may be presumed that
there has been direct or indirect discrimination, it shall be for the
respondent to prove that there has been no discrimination.
12. The law should provide for effective, proportionate and dissuasive
sanctions for discrimination cases. Such sanctions should include the
payment of compensation for both material and moral damages to the
13. The law should provide the necessary legal tools to review, on an
ongoing basis, the conformity with the prohibition of discrimination of all
laws, regulations and administrative provisions at the national and local
levels. Laws, regulations and administrative provisions found not to be in
conformity with the prohibition of discrimination should be amended or
14. The law should provide that discriminatory provisions which are included
in individual or collective contracts or agreements, internal regulations of
enterprises, rules governing profit-making or non-profit-making
associations, and rules governing the independent professions and
workers’ and employers’ organisations should be amended or declared
null and void.
15. The law should provide that harassment related to one of the
enumerated grounds is prohibited.
16. The law should provide for an obligation to suppress public financing of
organisations which promote racism. Where a system of public financing
of political parties is in place, such an obligation should include the
suppression of public financing of political parties which promote racism.
17. The law should provide for the possibility of dissolution of organisations
which promote racism.
18. The law should penalise the following acts when committed intentionally:
e) the public denial, trivialisation, justification or condoning, with a
racist aim, of crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity or war
20. The law should provide that intentionally instigating, aiding, abetting or
attempting to commit any of the criminal offences covered by
paragraphs 18 and 19 is punishable.
21. The law should provide that, for all criminal offences not specified in
paragraphs 18 and 19, racist motivation constitutes an aggravating
22. The law should provide that legal persons are held responsible under
criminal law for the offences set out in paragraphs 18, 19, 20 and 21.
23. The law should provide for effective, proportionate and dissuasive
sanctions for the offences set out in paragraphs 18, 19, 20 and 21. The
law should also provide for ancillary or alternative sanctions.
V. Common provisions
24. The law should provide for the establishment of of one or more equality
bodies to combat racism and intolerance as set out in ECRI’s General
Policy Recommendation No. 2. The law should include within the
competence of such a body: assistance to victims; investigation powers;
the right to initiate, and participate in, court proceedings; monitoring
legislation and advice to legislative and executive authorities;
awareness-raising of issues of racism and racial discrimination among
society and promotion of policies and practices to ensure equal
25. The law should provide that organisations such as associations, trade
unions and other legal entities which have, according to the criteria laid
down by the national law, a legitimate interest in combating racism and
racial discrimination, are entitled to bring civil cases, intervene in
administrative cases or make criminal complaints, even if a specific
victim is not referred to. If a specific victim is referred to, it should be
necessary for that victim’s consent to be obtained.
26. The law should guarantee free legal aid and, where necessary, a court-
appointed lawyer, for victims who wish to go before the courts as
applicants or plaintiffs and who do not have the necessary means to do
so. If necessary, an interpreter should be provided free of charge.
27. The law should provide protection against any retaliatory measures for
persons claiming to be victims of racial offences or racial discrimination,
persons reporting such acts or persons providing evidence.
28. The law should provide for one or more independent bodies entrusted
with the investigation of alleged acts of discrimination committed by
members of the police, border control officials, members of the army and
prison personnel.
Explanatory Memorandum
to ECRI general policy recommendation N°7
on national legislation to combat racism
and racial discrimination
may be adapted to the specific conditions of each country. They could
thus be set out in a single special act or laid out in the different areas of
national legislation (civil law, administrative law and penal law). These
key components might also be included in broader legislation
encompassing the fight against racism and racial discrimination. For
example, when adopting legal measures against discrimination, member
States might prohibit, alongside racial discrimination, other forms of
discrimination such as those based on gender, sexual orientation,
disability, political or other opinion, social origin, property, birth or other
status. Finally, in a number of fields, member States might simply apply
general rules, which it is therefore not necessary to set out in this
Recommendation. This is the position, for example, in civil law, for
multiple liability, vicarious liability, and for the establishment of levels of
damages; in criminal law, for the conditions of liability, and the
sentencing structure; and in procedural matters, for the organisation and
jurisdiction of the courts.
I. Definitions
2 ECRI understands the term "nationality” as defined in Article 2 a). of the European Convention on
Nationality: “ ‘nationality’ means the legal bond between a person and a State and does not indicate the
person's ethnic origin”.
establishing an open-ended list of grounds, thereby allowing it to evolve
with society. However, in criminal law, an exhaustive list of grounds
could be established in order to respect the principle of forseeability
which governs this branch of the law.
Paragraph 2 of the Recommendation
13. Discriminatory actions are rarely based solely on one or more of the
enumerated grounds, but are rather based on a combination of these
grounds with other factors. For discrimination to occur, it is therefore
sufficient that one of the enumerated grounds constitutes one of the
factors leading to the differential treatment. The use of restrictive
expressions such as “difference of treatment solely or exclusively based
on grounds such as …” should therefore be avoided.
Paragraph 5 of the Recommendation
Paragraph 7 of the Recommendation
24. As concerns goods and services intended for the public and public
places, discrimination should be prohibited, for instance, when buying
goods in a shop, when applying for a loan from a bank and in access to
discotheques, cafés or restaurants. The prohibition of discrimination
should not only target those who make goods and services available to
others, but also those who receive goods and services from others, as
would be the case of a company which selects the providers of a given
good or service on the basis of one of the enumerated grounds.
26. The field of public services includes the activities of the police and other
law enforcement officials, border control officials, the army and prison
Paragraph 8 of the Recommendation
30. As concerns the power to obtain the necessary evidence and
information, courts should enjoy all adequate powers in this respect.
Such powers should be also given to any equality body competent to
adjudicate on an individual complaint of discrimination (see see
paragraph 21 of General Policy Recommendation No. 2).
31. Paragraph 12 of the Recommendation states that the law should provide
for effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions for discrimination
cases. Apart from the payment of compensation for material and moral
damages, sanctions should include measures such as the restitution of
rights which have been lost. For instance, the law should enable the
court to order re-admittance into a firm or flat, provided that the rights of
third parties are respected. In the case of discriminatory refusal to recruit
a person, the law should provide that, according to the circumstances,
the court could order the employer to offer employment to the
discriminated person.
32. In the case of discrimination by a private school, the law should provide
for the possibility of withdrawing the accreditation awarded to the school
or the non-recognition of the diplomas issued. In the case of
discrimination by an establishment open to the public, the law should
provide for the possibility of withdrawing a licence and of closing the
establishment. For example, in the case of discrimination by a
discotheque, it should be possible to withdraw the licence to sell alcohol.
34. The law should provide for the possibility of imposing a programme of
positive measures on the discriminator. This is an important type of
remedy in promoting long-term change in an organisation. For instance,
the discriminator could be obliged to organise for its staff specific training
programmes aimed at countering racism and racial discrimination. The
national equality body should participate in the development and
supervision of such programmes.
Paragraph 16 of the Recommendation
36. Paragraph 16 of the Recommendation states that the law should provide
for the obligation to suppress public financing of political parties which
promote racism. For example, public financing for electoral campaigns
should be refused to such political parties.
37. Paragraph 17 of the Recommendation states that the law should provide
for the possibility of the dissolution of organisations which promote
racism. In all cases, the dissolution of such organisations may result only
from a Court decision. The issue of the dissolution of these
organisations is also dealt with under Section IV - Criminal law (see
paragraphs 43 and 49 of the present Explanatory Memorandum).
38. The Recommendation limits the scope of certain criminal offences set
out in paragraph 18 to the condition that they are committed in “public”.
Current practice shows that, in certain cases, racist conduct escapes
prosecution because it is not considered as being of a public nature.
Consequently, member States should ensure that it should not be too
difficult to meet the condition of being committed in “public”. Thus, for
instance, this condition should be met in cases of words pronounced
during meetings of neo-Nazi organisations or words exchanged in a
discussion forum on the Internet.
42. Paragraph 18 f) of the Recommendation refers to the dissemination,
distribution, production or storage of written, pictorial or other material
containing racist manifestations. These notions include the
dissemination of this material through the Internet. Such material
includes musical supports such as records, tapes and compact discs,
computer accessories (e.g. floppy discs, software), video tapes, DVDs
and games.
44. In its paragraph 18 h) the Recommendation states that the law should
penalise racial discrimination in the exercise of one’s public office or
occupation. On this point, the definitions contained in paragraphs 1 b)
and c) and 5 of the Recommendation apply mutatis mutandis. Racial
discrimination in the exercise of one’s public office or occupation
includes notably the discriminatory refusal of a service intended for the
public, such as discriminatory refusal by a hospital to care for a person
and the discriminatory refusal to sell a product, to grant a bank loan or to
allow access to a discotheque, café or restaurant.
Paragraph 20 of the Recommendation
V. Common provisions
50. The details of the establishment of equality bodies are laid down in
ECRI’s General Policy Recommendation No. 2.
Paragraph 25 of the Recommendation
The Council of Europe is a political organisation which was founded on 5 May 1949 by ten European
countries in order to promote greater unity between its members. It now numbers 47 European
The main aims of the Organisation are to promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law, and
to develop common responses to political, social, cultural and legal challenges in its member States.
The Council of Europe has its permanent headquarters in Strasbourg (France). By Statute, it has two
constituent organs: the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly. The Congress of
Local and Regional Authorities of Europe represents the entities of local and regional self-
government within the member States.
The European Court of Human Rights is the judicial body competent to adjudicate complaints
brought against a State by individuals, associations or other contracting States on grounds of
violation of the European Convention on Human Rights.
3 Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Republic of Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, San Marino, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, “the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom.