Bioresource Technology: Leif J. Jönsson, Carlos Martín

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Bioresource Technology 199 (2016) 103–112

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Pretreatment of lignocellulose: Formation of inhibitory by-products

and strategies for minimizing their effects
Leif J. Jönsson ⇑, Carlos Martín
Department of Chemistry, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden

h i g h l i g h t s

 By-products of lignocellulose pretreatment inhibit microbial and enzymic biocatalysts.

 Groups of inhibitors from components of lignocellulose are reviewed.
 The review covers different strategies to alleviate inhibition problems.
 Industrial implementation increases the relevance of inhibitor management.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Biochemical conversion of lignocellulosic feedstocks to advanced biofuels and other commodities through
Received 7 July 2015 a sugar-platform process involves a pretreatment step enhancing the susceptibility of the cellulose to
Received in revised form 5 October 2015 enzymatic hydrolysis. A side effect of pretreatment is formation of lignocellulose-derived by-products that
Accepted 6 October 2015
inhibit microbial and enzymatic biocatalysts. This review provides an overview of the formation of
Available online 13 October 2015
inhibitory by-products from lignocellulosic feedstocks as a consequence of using different pretreatment
methods and feedstocks as well as an overview of different strategies used to alleviate problems
with inhibitors. As technologies for biorefining of lignocellulose become mature and are transferred from
laboratory environments to industrial contexts, the importance of management of inhibition problems is
Pretreatment envisaged to increase as issues that become increasingly relevant will include the possibility to use
Inhibitors recalcitrant feedstocks, obtaining high product yields and high productivity, minimizing the charges of
Detoxification enzymes and microorganisms, and using high solids loadings to obtain high product titers.
Ó 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

1. Introduction Utilization of lignocellulosic materials for biochemical

conversion in biorefineries requires pretreatment for disrupting
Dwindling fossil resources and environment pollution related to the close inter-component association between main constituents
the exploitation of petroleum and coal make it necessary to of the plant cell wall (Yang and Wyman, 2008). Pretreatment
consider a gradual transition towards a bio-based economy. While clears away the physical and chemical barriers that make native
the future supply of energy is likely be based on a wide range of biomass recalcitrant and makes cellulose amenable to enzymatic
alternative platforms, such as wind, water, solar fuels, and biomass, hydrolysis, which is a key step in biochemical processing of
among others, the production of chemicals will increasingly depend lignocellulose based on the sugar platform concept. This effect is
on plant biomass (FitzPatrick et al., 2010). Lignocellulosic biomass achieved by increasing the accessible cellulose surface area
from agriculture and forestry, which includes agro-industrial through solubilization of hemicelluloses and/or lignin, which are
residues, forest-industrial residues, energy crops, municipal solid coating the cellulose of the native biomass.
waste, and other materials, is the most abundant bioresource While the aims of pretreatment are to uncover the cellulose for
to consider as feedstock for biorefineries that complement oil enzymatic saccharification and fractionating the main components
refineries as sources of fuels and platform chemicals. of the feedstock, pretreatment often involves side reactions result-
ing in lignocellulose-derived by-products that are inhibitory to
downstream biochemical processes. Inhibition problems become
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +46 90 7866811. more significant as the by-products accumulate as a result of recir-
E-mail address: [email protected] (L.J. Jönsson). culation of process water, or as their concentration increases when
0960-8524/Ó 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
104 L.J. Jönsson, C. Martín / Bioresource Technology 199 (2016) 103–112

high solids loadings are used to achieve concentrated sugar Table 1

streams and high product titers. Overview of pretreatment methods for lignocellulosic feedstocks prior to enzymatic
hydrolysis of cellulose.
There are several older reviews on inhibitors, for example
Palmqvist and Hahn-Hägerdal (2000) and Klinke et al. (2002), as Pretreatment Main effect Used chemicals By-product
well as more recent ones, such as Pienkos and Zhang (2009), methods formation

Jönsson et al. (2013), and Ko et al. (2015). The aims of this review Acid-based Hydrolysis of Involve catalysts Aliphatic
are to provide, in brief, an updated overview of the origin and char- methods hemicelluloses to such as H2SO4, carboxylic acids,
monosaccharides SO2, HCl, H3PO4 phenylic
acteristics of different groups of inhibitory substances, and, with compounds,
focus on the more recent literature, examine different remedies furans, etc. (see
that can be used to alleviate inhibition problems. We provide a Fig. 1)
new scheme of groups of inhibitory substances, and pay attention Hydrothermal Solubilization of No additives Acetic acid, minor
processing hemicelluloses amounts of furan
to inhibition of both microbial cells and cellulolytic enzymes.
without complete aldehydes
2. Pretreatment Mild alkaline Removal of lignin Involve alkali Acetic acid,
methods and a minor part such as NaOH, hydroxy acids,
of hemicelluloses Ca(OH)2, NH3 dicarboxylic acids,
Most lignocellulose-derived inhibitors form during pretreat-
ment when hemicelluloses and/or lignin are solubilized and compounds
degraded (Fig. 1). Extractives and cellulose that is unintentionally Oxidative Removal of lignin Involve oxidants Aldonic and
affected by the pretreatment are other sources (Fig. 1). Since the methods and part of such as H2O2 and aldaric acids,
hemicelluloses O2 (alkaline furoic acid,
formation of inhibitory substances is much dependent on the pre-
conditions), and phenolic acids,
treatment process, this review includes a brief discussion on the O3 acetic acid
most commonly used pretreatment techniques, as summarized in Chemical Methods that Kraft pulping, Aliphatic acids
Table 1. Only pretreatment methods that are relevant with respect pulping target lignin and sulfite pulping,
to formation of inhibitors and that are of interest for industrial processes to some extent soda pulping,
hemicelluloses organosolv
implementation are covered.
Alternative Dissolution of Ionic liquids Dependent on
2.1. Acid-based methods solvents specific solvent and
lignocellulosic conditions
components or
Acid hydrolysis is one of the most promising pretreatment
the whole
methods with respect to industrial implementation. It is usually biomass
performed with mineral acids, but organic acids and sulfur dioxide
are other options. Dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment has been stud-
ied for a wide range of lignocellulosic biomass (Yang and Wyman, cellulose fraction with enhanced enzymatic convertibility. Acid
2008; Hu and Ragauskas, 2012). It results in high recovery of the pretreatment has also some drawbacks, such as high cost of the
hemicellulosic sugars in the pretreatment liquid, and in a solid materials used for construction of the reactors, gypsum formation

Fig. 1. Degradation products from lignocellulose as a result of pretreatment under acidic conditions. Numbers indicate fractions of constituents of wood of Norway spruce.
Red arrows indicate tentative formation pathways. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
L.J. Jönsson, C. Martín / Bioresource Technology 199 (2016) 103–112 105

during neutralization after treatment with sulfuric acid, and process, which is based on NaOH and Na2S, lignin and parts of the
formation of inhibitory by-products. hemicelluloses are degraded into black liquor, which is typically
Steam explosion is a successful pretreatment option that used for energy purposes. In sulfite pulping, which is based on an
involves heating lignocellulose with superheated steam followed aqueous mixture of bisulfite (HSO3 ) and sulfite (SO23 ), the hemicel-
by a sudden decompression. The high-pressure steam modifies luloses are hydrolyzed and removed to the spent sulfite liquor (SSL),
the cell wall structure, yielding a slurry, which upon filtration ren- while the cellulose is maintained almost intact. SSLs from softwood
ders a filtrate with hemicellulosic sugars and a cellulose-rich filter are rich in hexoses, and can be fermented to ethanol by Saccha-
cake containing also lignin and residual hemicellulose. Steam romyces cerevisiae, whereas those from hardwoods are more diffi-
explosion can be assisted by impregnation with an acid catalyst, cult to ferment because of their high pentose content (Pereira
for instance sulfuric acid or sulfur dioxide. If no impregnating et al., 2013). A recently developed modification of sulfite pulping,
agent is used, the process is catalyzed through autohydrolysis. known as the BALITM-process, can produce easily-convertible cellu-
Acetic acid and uronic acids released from hemicellulose, and for- lose from softwood, hardwood and agricultural residues, and it is
mic and levulinic acids resulting from sugar degradation (Fig. 1) characterized by low generation of fermentation inhibitors
contribute to acidification, and can inhibit downstream biochemi- (Rødsrud et al., 2012). Another sulfite-based process is SPORL
cal processes. (Sulfite Pretreatment to Overcome Recalcitrance of Lignocellulose),
which includes sulfite treatment followed by a mechanical size
2.2. Hydrothermal processing reduction. In the SPORL pretreatment the hemicelluloses are hydro-
lyzed to sugars with limited formation of fermentation inhibitors
Hydrothermal processing is an approach in which water in (Zhu et al., 2009).
liquid phase or in vapor phase is used to pretreat lignocellulosics Soda pulping is typically used for pulping of non-wood plants
biomass (Hu and Ragauskas, 2012). It is a relatively mild pretreat- with higher contents of inorganic material than wood. A difference
ment method that does not require any catalysts and does not compared to Kraft and sulfite pulping is that it does not require
cause significant corrosion problems. Under high pressure water sulfur-containing chemicals.
penetrates into the biomass, hydrates cellulose, and removes most In organosolv pretreatment, which was initially investigated as
of the hemicelluloses and a minor part of lignin. The solubilization an alternative to conventional chemical pulping processes, organic
of hemicelluloses is catalyzed by hydronium ions resulting from solvents are used for solubilizing lignin (Pan et al., 2008). The
water auto-ionization. Controlling the pH around neutral values pretreatment is typically performed at around 200 °C, but if acid
minimizes the formation of fermentation inhibitors. catalysts are used the process can be run at lower temperatures.
The solvents must be removed from the system to avoid inhibition
2.3. Mild alkaline methods of enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation, and should be recycled
to reduce operational costs. The most economic option is to use
Alkaline treatment can be used for removing lignin and thereby low-molecular weight alcohols, but the risk of operations with
increasing the digestibility of cellulose. Compared to acid and volatile and flammable solvents has motivated the interest for
hydrothermal processes, mild alkaline pretreatments lead to less nonvolatile organic compounds (Martín et al., 2013).
solubilization of hemicelluloses and less formation of inhibitory
compounds, and they can be operated at lower temperatures. 2.6. Ionic liquid/alternative solvent pretreatment
Sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide are the most com-
monly used forms of alkali, but their cost is a serious limitation. The use of ionic liquids (ILs), is another alternative for
Other suitable forms of alkali are calcium hydroxide and ammonia, pretreatment of lignocellulosics materials (Karatzos et al., 2012).
which can be used in processes such as lime pretreatment, ammo- ILs disrupt the non-covalent interactions between lignocellulose
nia recycled percolation (ARP) and ammonia fiber expansion components without leading to significant degradation. Cellulose
(AFEX) (Yang and Wyman, 2008). regenerated from IL solutions has increased enzymatic convertibil-
ity. The development of energy-efficient recycling methods, and
2.4. Oxidative methods the implementation of effective strategies for recovery of hemicel-
luloses and lignin from pretreatment liquids is required for the
The use of oxidants for pretreating lignocellulosic biomass industrial application of ILs. Even though the formation of
allows the reduction of cellulose crystallinity and disruption of inhibitors is limited, the minor amounts of ILs remaining in the
association between carbohydrates and lignin. These methods pretreated materials are potentially toxic to enzymes and fermen-
include alkaline peroxide pretreatment, ozonolysis, and wet tative microorganisms (Yang and Wyman, 2008).
oxidation. Wet oxidation is achieved by treating biomass with
water and air or oxygen at high temperatures for relatively short
times. Hemicelluloses are extensively solubilized, and recovered 3. Feedstocks composition and by-product formation
mostly as oligosaccharides. Lignin is fragmentized and oxidized
to aliphatic carboxylic acids and phenolic compounds (Klinke In general it can be assumed that lignocellulosic feedstocks con-
et al., 2002; Martín et al., 2007). The combination of wet oxidation tain about 40% of the carbon bound as cellulose, 30% as lignin and
with alkaline compounds minimizes the formation of furan and 26% as hemicelluloses and other polysaccharides. While cellulose
phenolic aldehydes. is a uniform component of most types of cellulosic biomass, the
proportions and composition of hemicelluloses and lignin differ
2.5. Chemical pulping processes between species (Fengel and Wegener, 1989; Sjöström, 1993).
The chemical differences between feedstocks have a major impact
Although pulping processes are primarily used for on the formation of inhibitors during pretreatment.
manufacturing of paper and cellulose derivatives (Sjöström,
1993), the integration of ethanol production to pulp mills has been 3.1. Glucans
demonstrated at commercial scale (Rødsrud et al., 2012). Chemical
pulping can be applied to both softwoods and hardwoods, and the Cellulose, the structural base of the plant cells, is a linear
major technologies used are Kraft and sulfite pulping. In the Kraft homopolysaccharide composed of anhydroglucose units linked by
106 L.J. Jönsson, C. Martín / Bioresource Technology 199 (2016) 103–112

b-1,4-glycosidic bonds. In native cellulose, the degree of polymer- species (Fengel and Wegener, 1989). Some agricultural residues
ization can be as high as 15,000, and the individual molecules form can have an ash content above 15% (López et al., 2010). The ash
microfibrils stabilized by hydrogen bonds, thus making the macro- content of agricultural residues can partially be affected by
molecule highly crystalline and difficult to hydrolyze. Amorphous contamination from soil.
regions comprise a minor part of native cellulose and alternate
with crystalline regions (Fengel and Wegener, 1989). 3.6. By-product formation
Another glucan of high interest if a whole-crop approach will be
used is starch, which is the main reserve polysaccharide in plants. During biomass pretreatment, in order to achieve a good
In starch the anhydroglucose units are linked by a-1,4-glycosidic enzymatic digestibility of cellulose, the operational conditions
bond, which are easy to split and therefore the hydrolysis can be are tuned to remove hemicelluloses and/or lignin from the
performed under relatively mild conditions. lignocellulosic matrix. However, while aiming at optimization of
a desirable goal other factors are also affected. For example, achiev-
3.2. Hemicelluloses ing high degrees of solubilization of hemicelluloses and/or lignin
unavoidably leads to degradation of the solubilized fragments as
Differently to cellulose, hemicelluloses are heteropolysaccharides, a result of the severe conditions they are exposed to. The amount
they are often branched, have low degree of polymerization, and are and nature of the formed degradation products, many of which
easy to hydrolyze. The main softwood hemicelluloses are O-acetyl- are inhibitory to downstream biocatalytic processes, is directly
galactoglucomannans and arabino-4-O-methylglucurono-D-xylans, related to the pretreatment method and conditions.
while in hardwoods O-acetyl-4-O-methylglucurono-D-xylans are
the most relevant ones (Fengel and Wegener, 1989; Sjöström, 3.6.1. Acidic conditions
1993). In annual plants the most important kind of hemicelluloses Under the acidic conditions typical for processes, such as acid
are arabino-(O-acetyl-4-O-methylglucurono)-D-xylans, which also hydrolysis, acid pretreatment and sulfite pulping, the pentoses
have p-coumaric and ferulic acids attached to the arabinose moieties and uronic acids resulting from hydrolysis of the hemicelluloses
(Xiao et al., 2001) (Fig. 1). Hydrolysis of the backbone of hemicellu- undergo dehydration with formation of 2-furaldehyde, hereafter
loses leads to the formation of pentoses (predominant in hardwoods referred to as furfural, while the hexoses are dehydrated to
and annual plants), hexoses (mainly in softwoods), and uronic acids 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde, hereafter referred to as HMF
(Fig. 1). Acetic acid, resulting from the hydrolysis of acetyl groups, is (Fig. 1). Under severe pretreatment conditions, such as long
another important component of the hydrolysates of hardwoods reaction time and high temperature and acid concentration, HMF
and annual plants (Fig. 1). Additionally, the hemicellulosic hydroly- is further degraded to levulinic and formid acids (Fengel and
sates formed during pretreatment of annual plants generally contain Wegener, 1989). As HMF, furfural is also unstable in the dehydra-
phenolic acids. tive medium, and can be subjected to further degradation to formic
acid and to condensation reactions with formation of resins (Danon
3.3. Lignins and esterified phenols et al., 2013). Acetic acid, which is not a sugar degradation product
but a result of the hydrolysis of the acetyl groups of hemicelluloses,
Lignin is a complex aromatic polymer composed of phenyl- is another acid found in the liquors from acidic treatments of
propanoid units, and representing 25–39% of the dry weight of biomass (Fig. 1).
softwoods, and 17–32% of hardwoods (Fengel and Wegener, The splitting of b-O-4 ether and other acid–labile linkages in
1989). Softwood lignin is comprised predominantly by guaiacyl lignin macromolecules during acidic treatments results in the
units. Hardwood lignin contains mainly syringyl units, but also formation of a high number of phenolic compounds, which differ
important amounts of guaiacyl units. Apart from guaiacyl and syr- depending on the sort of biomass and treatment conditions
ingyl units, lignins of annual plants contain also p-hydroxyphenyl (Jönsson et al., 1998; Larsson et al., 1999a; Martín et al., 2002,
units. Phenylpropanoid units are linked through a complex net- 2007; Du et al., 2010; Mitchell et al., 2014). Some of the most
work of ether and carbon–carbon bonds. Lignin binds the cell wall common phenols formed during acid pretreatment of wood are
components together, giving lignocellulosic biomass its structural 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, vanillin, dihydro-
integrity. coniferyl alcohol, coniferyl aldehyde, syringaldehyde, syringic acid,
Other phenolic compounds that are relevant for lignocellulose and Hibbert’s ketones (Larsson et al., 1999a; Mitchell et al., 2014).
processing are p-coumaric, ferulic and diferulic acids, which are Phenolic acids, such as p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid, are
typical in grasses. They are not lignin components, but contribute common products in pretreatment of annual plants (Martín et al.,
to crosslinking with hemicelluloses. They are esterified to arabi- 2007).
noxylans and ether- or ester-linked to lignin (Bidlack et al., 1992). As a fraction of the extractives are phenolic compounds, some
phenols in lignocellulosic hydrolysates are likely to originate from
3.4. Extractives extractives. Although many fatty extractives would precipitate and
be removed with the filter cake, some soluble phenols would
Wood extractives are a heterogeneous group of compounds that remain in the hydrolysates. Pyrogallol and gallic acid resulting
can be extracted with polar or non-polar solvents. They consist from hydrolysable tannins are present in hardwood SSLs (Pereira
mainly of terpenes, fats, waxes, and phenolics, and their content et al., 2013), and gallic acid has also been found in pretreated lig-
and composition vary among species, location and season. They nocellulose (Du et al., 2010; Kim et al., 2013; Mitchell et al., 2014).
are present in small quantities, but are crucial for some biomass Apart from phenolic compounds, non-phenolic aromatic com-
properties, such as color, odor and protection from parasites pounds such as benzoic acid (Martín et al., 2002; Du et al., 2010;
(Fengel and Wegener, 1989). Mitchell et al., 2014), benzyl alcohol (Mitchell et al., 2014), cin-
namic acid (Persson et al., 2002; Kim et al., 2013), cinnamaldehyde
3.5. Inorganic components (Persson et al., 2002), 3,4-dimethoxy-cinnamic acid (Mitchell et al.,
2014), and para- and ortho-toluic acid (Du et al., 2010) have been
The content of inorganic matter of wood is determined as the found in lignocellulosic hydrolysates. Together with the phenolic
ash remaining after incineration of a sample. Ash comprises compounds, these non-phenolic aromatics are the phenylic con-
around 0.1–1% of wood of temperate zones and up to 5% of tropical stituents of the lignocellulosic hydrolysates (Fig. 1).
L.J. Jönsson, C. Martín / Bioresource Technology 199 (2016) 103–112 107

As both hydroquinone and catechol are found in hydrolysates furan aldehydes furfural and HMF exhibit relatively low toxicity,
(Larsson et al., 1999a; Mitchell et al., 2014), it is a likely but can be present in high concentrations depending on the pre-
assumption that hydrolysates also contain para- and ortho- treatment conditions and the feedstock.
benzoquinones (Fig. 1). Formation of benzoquinones from phenolic Larsson et al. (1999b) studied the concentrations and effects of
compounds is likely to occur during pretreatment (Fig. 1). Toxic acetic acid, formic acid, and levulinic acid in acid hydrolysates of
concentrations of p-benzoquinones in pretreated biomass were Norway spruce and in fermentations with S. cerevisiae. They found
recently discovered (Stagge et al., 2015). that concentrations of around 100 mM were required to observe
Apart from furan aldehydes and phenylic aldehydes, it is likely inhibitory effects. Due to the low acetyl content, softwood hydro-
that small aliphatic aldehydes form during pretreatment (Fig. 1). lysates have relatively low concentrations of acetic acid. Formation
As these are volatile and could potentially evaporate, more of formic acid and levulinic acid occurs at the expense of sugars
research is needed to understand the significance of aliphatic alde- (Fig. 1) and it is therefore desirable to use pretreatment conditions
hydes. Recent findings indicate that small aliphatic aldehydes are in which the formation of these acids is minimized. For these rea-
ubiquitous in biomass after pretreatment under acidic conditions sons the concentrations of aliphatic carboxylic acids in pretreated
(Cavka et al., submitted for publication). softwood may be low enough to stimulate rather than inhibit etha-
Metal ions can also be formed during acidic processing of nol formation. This is the effect of increased demand for ATP and/or
biomass. Acidic conditions can cause corrosion of pretreatment less efficient production of ATP due to uncoupling of the respira-
equipment, resulting in the liberation of heavy metal ions, such tory chain and the oxidative phosphorylation of ADP, which leads
as copper, nickel, chromium and iron, which can be inhibitory to to increased ATP-generating glycolytic activity at the expense of
fermenting microorganisms (Watson et al., 1984). Other cations, biomass formation. The use of hardwood and agricultural residues
such as sodium, calcium and magnesium, can come from pretreat- with high acetyl content as feedstocks as well as the development
ment chemicals or from adjustment of the pH. of high-solid processes (Kristensen et al., 2009) contribute to mak-
Although in lower amounts than in acid pretreatments most of ing inhibition by aliphatic carboxylic acids more important.
the above-mentioned products can also be formed during Aromatic carboxylic acids are found within the group of
hydrothermal pretreatments, which generally start at a pH that phenylic compounds (Fig. 1), which include both phenolic aromatic
is close to neutrality but get acidified as the reaction proceeds carboxylic acids, such as for example ferulic acid and
and acetic acid and uronic acids are released (Garrote et al., 2008). 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, and non-phenolic aromatic carboxylic
acids, such as cinnamic acid (Fig. 1). There are good reasons to
3.6.2. Alkaline conditions group aromatic carboxylic acids with other phenylic compounds
Under alkaline conditions the carbohydrates are better pre- rather than with the aliphatic carboxylic acids. As suggested by
served than at low pH values, but some degradation also occurs the phenylpropanoid structure of some of the aromatic acids, as
leading to the formation of carboxylic acids. The peeling reactions well as of the presence of S (syringyl), G (guaiacyl) and H
occurring during alkaline treatments lead to endwise degradation (4-hydroxyphenyl) moieties, these compounds originate from lig-
of polysaccharides with formation of saccharinic acids, and also nin or from hydrolysis of esterified phenols (Fig. 1). Furthermore,
some amounts of lactic acid, formic acid and different dihydroxy in contrast with the carbohydrate-derived aliphatic carboxylic
and dicarboxylic acids (Fengel and Wegener, 1989). Acetic acid, acids mentioned in Fig. 1, each of the aromatic carboxylic acids
formed by saponification of the acetyl groups, is another typical are present in relatively low concentrations in lignocellulosic
product of alkaline treatments. Phenolic compounds are also hydrolysates, and their inhibitory effect is typically stronger than
formed (Lawther and Sun, 1996), and in processes, such as alkaline that of the aliphatic carboxylic acids. For example, Larsson et al.
wet oxidation they are further oxidized to carboxylic acids (Klinke (2000) found that ferulic acid was inhibitory to S. cerevisiae at
et al., 2002). 0.20 g/L (1.0 mM). As judged by these experiments, the inhibitory
effect of ferulic acid would tend to occur at concentrations that
are two order of magnitudes lower than those of the common
3.6.3. Oxidative conditions
aliphatic carboxylic acids acetic acid, formic acid, and levulinic
The occurrence of oxidation reactions during pulping results in
acid. While pretreated corn stover contained up to 6.6 mg/L
the formation of gluconic and glucaric acids (Fengel and
(0.033 mM) ferulic acid (Du et al., 2010), up to 210 mg/L
Wegener, 1989). In sulfite pulping the demethylation of 4-O-
(1.1 mM) was found in sugarcane bagasse hydrolysates (Martín
methylglucuronic acid results in glucuronic acid formation, which
et al., 2002). Thus, although the concentrations are much lower
can then further result in decarboxylation and oxidation leading to
than those of the common aliphatic carboxylic acids, the much
formation of xylonic acid.
stronger inhibitory effects make it possible that aromatic car-
Under alkaline wet oxidation the phenolic compounds and
boxylic acids contribute to inhibitory effects.
furan aldehydes resulting from lignin and carbohydrate degrada-
As with regard to formic acid and levulinic acid, formation of
tion can be subjected to further reactions. Phenolics are oxidized
furan aldehydes means decreased sugar yields (Fig. 1). It is there-
to different carboxylic acids, and furfural to furoic acid. Further-
fore desirable to minimize their formation during pretreatment.
more, the oxidative cleavage of the side chain of phenylpropane
Analyses of pretreated corn stover, poplar, and pine showed HMF
derivatives leads to phenolic acids, such as 4-hydroxyphenolic,
concentrations up to 0.17 g/L (1.3 mM) and furfural concentrations
vanillic and syringic acids (Klinke et al., 2002; Martín et al., 2007).
up to 0.22 g/L (2.3 mM) (Du et al., 2010). Larsson et al. (1999b)
found up to around 50 mM HMF and up to around 40 mM furfural
4. Inhibitory effects in acid hydrolysates of Norway spruce, and used these concentra-
tions in studies of inhibition. Banerjee et al. (1981) studied inhibi-
4.1. Inhibition of microorganisms tion of S. cerevisiae by furfural in the range 0.5–4 g/L (5–40 mM).
While furan aldehydes may in some cases be present in relatively
By-products of pretreatment of lignocellulose under acidic con- high concentrations (such as tens of mM, several grams per liter),
ditions can be divided into groups on basis of chemical functional- the inhibitory effects are lower than for aromatic aldehydes such
ity, origin, and effects on the fermenting microorganism (Fig. 1). as for instance coniferyl aldehyde (Fig. 1). Larsson et al. (1999a)
Carbohydrate degradation products such as the common aliphatic found 35 mg/L (0.2 mM) coniferyl aldehyde in a hydrolysate of
carboxylic acids acetic acid, formic acid, and levulinic acid, and the Norway spruce. Inhibitory effects on S. cerevisiae were found
108 L.J. Jönsson, C. Martín / Bioresource Technology 199 (2016) 103–112

already at a concentration of 0.02 g/L (0.1 mM) (Larsson et al., Fractionation by washing with hot and cold water furthermore indi-
2000). Apart from coniferyl aldehyde, lignocellulosic hydrolysates cated that phenolic compounds that were more hydrophobic were
typically contain many aromatic aldehydes that could contribute more inhibitory than those that were less hydrophobic (Kim et al.,
to microbial inhibition (Larsson et al., 1999a; Martín et al., 2002; 2013). Thus, although identification of soluble substances that
Du et al., 2010; Mitchell et al., 2014). The inhibitory effects of inhibit cellulolytic enzymes warrants further attention, results
aromatic aldehydes and other aromatic substances vary and can obtained so far point towards contributions by hemicellulose- and
be predicted on basis of their functional groups (Larsson et al., cellulose-derived carbohydrates (such as mono-, di-, and
2000). Inhibition by aldehydes appears to be similar to inhibition oligosaccharides, Fig. 1) as well as aromatic substances (such as
by carboxylic acids in the sense that carbohydrate-derived furan phenylic compounds, Fig. 1).
aldehydes can be present in relatively high concentrations, but
the toxicity is low, while lignin-derived aromatic aldehydes have
relatively high toxicity, although the concentrations found in 5. Strategies to counteract inhibition problems
hydrolysates are generally low.
Other inhibitory compounds that can tentatively form through Table 2 summarizes different strategies employed to avoid or
pretreatment under acidic conditions include quinones and small tackle problems with inhibition of biocatalysts after pretreatment
aliphatic aldehydes (Fig. 1). Although the presence of these groups of lignocellulose under acidic conditions. As the scientific and
of compounds in lignocellulosic hydrolysates warrants further technical literature in the area is prolific while space is limited,
attention, it is clear that compounds such as benzoquinone are examples of different strategies are provided (Table 2).
strongly inhibitory to yeast. Inclusion of 20 mg/L of benzoquinone
in fermentation experiments with S. cerevisiae was sufficient to
5.1. Feedstock selection and engineering
completely inhibit growth and ethanol formation (Larsson et al.,
Efforts to commercialize bioconversion of lignocellulosic feed-
stocks could potentially focus on feedstocks with relatively low
4.2. Inhibition of cellulolytic enzymes
recalcitrance, which makes it possible to perform pretreatment
under mild conditions. Examples include hydrothermal pretreat-
The catalytic action of cellulolytic enzymes can be inhibited by
ment without any addition of acid catalysts for bioconversion of
non-productive binding to constituents of the solid fraction, such
Miscanthus grass (Chiaramonti et al., 2012) and wheat straw
as lignins (Nakagame et al., 2011; Rahikainen et al., 2013; Pareek
(Larsen et al., 2012). These conditions led to low concentrations
et al., 2013) and residual hemicelluloses (Pareek et al., 2013;
of furan aldehydes and phenols, but the concentrations of acetic
Kumar and Wyman, 2014). The positive effect on enzymatic
acid were reported to reach 17 g kg 1 for the Miscanthus and
hydrolysis of cellulose achieved by adding bovine serum albumin
5.1 g kg 1 for the wheat straw. Collections of natural varieties of
could be attributed to prevention of unproductive binding of
feedstocks that are of interest for bioconversion using a sugar
cellulase onto lignin (Brethauer et al., 2011).
platform concept, such as Populus trichocarpa trees (Studer et al.,
Inhibition of cellulases is also caused by soluble carbohydrates
2011), can be screened to identify varieties that exhibit lower
and aromatic substances in the pretreatment liquid. Product inhi-
recalcitrance. Feedstock engineering targeting components such
bition of cellulolytic enzymes by monosaccharides, such as glucose,
as lignin, hemicellulose, and pectin is another approach to decrease
and disaccharides, such as cellobiose, is a well-known problem
recalcitrance and thereby reduce inhibitor release. By selecting or
(Berlin et al., 2007; Teugjas and Väljamäe, 2013). More recently,
engineering plants with low acetyl content, the risk for formation
the inhibitory effects of oligosaccharides derived from xylan and
of inhibitory concentrations of acetic acid can potentially be
mannan have been investigated (Qing et al., 2010; Kumar and
minimized. These strategies are of interest mainly with regard to
Wyman, 2014). The presence of such oligosaccharides is dependent
short-rotation crops dedicated to biorefining through a sugar
on the pretreatment method, and also on the potential inclusion of
platform process.
enzymes that degrade hemicellulose-derived oligosaccharides in
the enzyme preparation.
Solubilized aromatics, such as phenolics, may also affect enzy- 5.2. Detoxification/conditioning
matic saccharification negatively (Ximenes et al., 2011). Another
finding that supports the significance of aromatic substances as Detoxification or conditioning of lignocellulosic hydrolysates
enzyme inhibitors is that inhibition of cellulolytic enzymes can be and slurries is one of the most powerful ways to counteract
alleviated through addition of sulfur oxyanions, such as sulfite and inhibition problems (reviewed by Pienkos and Zhang, 2009;
dithionite, which react with many aromatic compounds but not Jönsson et al., 2013). This strategy includes techniques such as
with sugars (Alriksson et al., 2011; Cavka et al., 2011; Cavka and using chemical additives, e.g. alkali (Alriksson et al., 2006),
Jönsson, 2013). Furthermore, when sodium borohydride was used reducing agents (Alriksson et al., 2011; Cavka and Jönsson, 2013)
for detoxification rather than sulfite or dithionite, inhibition of the (Fig. 2), and polymers (Cannella et al., 2014). Other possibilities
fermenting microorganism was alleviated, but not inhibition of are to use enzymatic treatment, heating and vaporization, liquid–
the cellulolytic enzymes (Cavka and Jönsson, 2013). Treatment with liquid extraction, and liquid–solid extraction (reviewed by
sulfur oxyanions results in sulfonation of aromatic compounds mak- Jönsson et al., 2013). Liquid–solid extraction covers techniques
ing them less reactive, negatively charged and strongly hydrophilic such as ion exchange and treatment with activated carbon (e.g.
(Fig. 2), while treatment with sodium borohydride makes them less Duque et al., 2015).
reactive without changing the hydrophilicity very much (Cavka and A drawback with many detoxification methods is that a
Jönsson, 2013). This indicates that aromatic compounds play an separate process step is required. Addition of reducing agents
important role in inhibition of cellulolytic enzymes and also that (Alriksson et al., 2011; Cavka and Jönsson, 2013) and adsorption
hydrophobic interactions between aromatic substances and cellu- to PEI polymer (Cannella et al., 2014) should, however, be compat-
lolytic enzymes are the cause of the problem. The role played by sol- ible with biocatalytic conversion steps. An additional advantage
uble aromatic compounds in inhibition of enzymes is further with some reducing agents, such as the sulfur oxyanions sulfite
supported by fractionation of cellulase and fermentation inhibitors and dithionite (Fig. 2), is that they improve both fermentability
from steam-pretreated mixed hardwood (Kim et al., 2013). and enzymatic saccharification of cellulose.
L.J. Jönsson, C. Martín / Bioresource Technology 199 (2016) 103–112 109

Fig. 2. Comparison of reactions effected by treatment of inhibitors with sulfur oxyanions (sulfite, dithionite) and sodium borohydride. While treatments of lignocellulosic
hydrolysate with sulfur oxyanions or sodium borohydride were beneficial with regard to alleviating the inhibition of yeast, only the treatment with sulfur oxyanions was
beneficial for alleviating inhibition of cellulolytic enzymes. This indicates that the hydrophilization of aromatic substances caused by sulfonation was essential for the positive
effect on enzymatic hydrolysis.

Table 2
Overview of strategies to circumvent problems with soluble lignocellulose-derived inhibitors formed during pretreatment under acidic conditions.

Strategy Approach (examples) Considerations/potential drawbacks References (examples)

Feedstock selection and Using less recalcitrant feedstocks and Desirable to use broad range of feedstocks; Option Studer et al. (2011), Chiaramonti et al.
engineering feedstocks that generate less for short-rotation crops dedicated to biorefining (2012), Larsen et al. (2012)
inhibitors during pretreatment through sugar platform process
Detoxification/conditioning Chemical additives, e.g., alkaline More chemicals needed; some methods require Alriksson et al. (2006, 2011), Cannella et al.
treatment, reducing agents, polymers additional process step (2014)
Bioabatement Microbial treatment Could be time-consuming and affect sugar content Cao et al. (2013, 2015)
Culturing schemes SSF/CBP decrease feed-back Effects on productivity and product yield; Pienkos and Zhang (2009), Hoyer et al.
inhibition by sugars; use large inoculum adds to cost of an industrial process (2010), Olofsson et al. (2010), Olson et al.
inoculum size (2012), den Haan et al. (2013)
Selection of microorganism Screening of microbial collections Selection ought to be made primarily on basis of Favaro et al. (2013), Wimalasena et al.
from natural or industrial specific productivity and product yields (2014)
Evolutionary engineering Adaptive evolution using specific Cause of inhibition problems varies depending on Koppram et al. (2012), Almario et al.
inhibitors and lignocellulosic feedstock, pretreatment conditions (2013), Smith et al. (2014)
Genetic/metabolic Engineering of resistance to GMM-based process Larsson et al. (2001), Wang et al. (2013),
engineering phenolics, furfural, and carboxylic Sanda et al. (2011)

While there are numerous ways to perform detoxification plant with 10 m3 bioreactors. The evaluation also indicated that
(Jönsson et al., 2013), only few have been the topic of techno- conditioning with sodium sulfite could shorten the SSF time from
economic evaluations considering for example process inputs, 72 h to 24 h using the same yeast and enzyme loads and without
energy requirements, capital equipment, performance, and contri- affecting the overall ethanol yield. Shortening of residence time
bution to the ethanol cost. Techno-economical aspects of inclusion in a full-scale plant producing 60,000 m3 of ethanol per year from
of a sodium sulfite conditioning step in bioconversion of steam- 72 h to 24 h would lead to a reduction of the number of the SSF
pretreated Norway spruce through simultaneous saccharification bioreactors from 7 to 3, which would result in a decrease of the
and fermentation (SSF) with S. cerevisiae have recently been inves- capital investment cost equivalent to 10–11.4 MUSD, which con-
tigated (Cavka et al., 2015). The study indicated that sodium sulfite siderably surpassed the cost of the addition of sodium sulfite
conditioning would be economically justified if the yeast inoculum (Cavka et al., 2015).
or the enzyme dosage could be lowered by about 0.7 g/L (dry Humbird et al. (2011) presented a thorough techno-economic
weight) and 1 FPU/g water-insoluble solids. These thresholds were model with detailed material and energy balances and capital
far below the gains of sodium sulfite conditioning found in the and operating costs for the entire process of ethanol production
study. The approach was validated in a biorefinery demonstration form corn stover by dilute-acid pretreatment, enzymatic
110 L.J. Jönsson, C. Martín / Bioresource Technology 199 (2016) 103–112

saccharification, and co-fermentation with a recombinant Zymo- 5.6. Evolutionary engineering

monas mobilis strain. The model, for an assumed plant size of
2000 tons of ethanol per day, allows quantifying the economic The inhibitor resistance of a selected fermenting microorganism
impact of individual conversion performance targets, and can be improved through adaptive evolution. Recent examples of
addresses the replacement of overliming by ammonium hydroxide evolutionary engineering includes yeast strains exhibiting
conditioning, which eliminates significant sugar losses and gyp- improved resistance to spruce wood hydrolysate (Koppram et al.,
sum disposal, and allows treating the whole slurry without a 2012), corn stover hydrolysate (Almario et al., 2013), and triticale
solid–liquid separation step. This makes ammonia conditioning a straw (Smith et al., 2014).
more economical alternative than overliming in spite of the higher
cost of ammonia compared to that of lime, and despite of the need
5.7. Genetic and metabolic engineering
of redesigning the wastewater treatment section because of the
high levels of ammonium salts remaining in the stillage.
Using genetic engineering, recombinant microorganisms
Duque et al. (2015) recently reported an economic analysis of
exhibiting improved resistance to lignocellulosic hydrolysates
the production of anhydrous ethanol from different agricultural
have been developed. S. cerevisiae yeast expressing laccase from
residues by acid pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis, fermentation
the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor exhibited enhanced resis-
with Pichia stipitis and S. cerevisiae, distillation, and dehydration
tance to spruce wood hydrolysate (Larsson et al., 2001). Engineer-
with molecular sieves. The study, which is based on material and
ing of furfural resistance of Escherichia coli resulted in improved
energy balances generated by simulation for a feed rate of
resistance to a sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate (Wang et al.,
1000 kg/h of raw material, addresses the energy consumption,
2013). Overexpression of transaldolase and alcohol dehydrogenase
equipment characteristics and the utilities requirements of each
in S. cerevisiae resulted in a small increase of the ethanol yield
stage, including detoxification with activated charcoal, and
when the yeast was cultured in a lignocellulosic hydrolysate sup-
resulted in an estimated ethanol production cost of around
plemented with large amounts of yeast extract and peptone
0.65 USD/L.
(Hasunuma et al., 2014). The increase in yield was attributed to
improved performance in the presence of furfural (Hasunuma
5.3. Bioabatement et al., 2014), although the furfural content of the hydrolysate was
merely 7.8 mM. Sanda et al. (2011) engineered S. cerevisiae for
Microbial treatment, also referred to as bioabatement, can be increased resistance to acetic acid and formic acid by enhancing
used to improve both fermentability and enzymatic hydrolysis of the activity of transaldolase and formate dehydrogenase and stud-
cellulose (Cao et al., 2013, 2015). Challenges connected with bioa- ied the performance of the yeast using a rice straw hydrolysate.
batement include the time required to perform the microbial pro- Guadalupe Medina et al. (2010) proposed deletion of S. cerevisiae
cess step, and the tendency of the microbes to consume sugar and genes encoding glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and expres-
thereby decrease the overall process yield. sion of an acetylating acetaldehyde dehydrogenase from E. coli as
a way to achieve conversion of inhibitory acetic acid to ethanol
5.4. Culturing schemes and eliminate glycerol formation in anaerobic cultures of yeast.
Further strain development using evolutionary engineering
The bioconversion process can be designed in a way that makes resulted in production of small amounts of glycerol and improved
it less prone to inhibition problems. Product inhibition of cellu- performance in medium with high sugar concentrations
lolytic enzymes can be avoided by performing enzymatic hydroly- (Guadalupe-Medina et al., 2014). Wei et al. (2013) combined the
sis of cellulose and microbial fermentation simultaneously. Process pathway for conversion of acetic acid to ethanol by expression of
designs that have recently been studied include SSF (simultaneous the acetylating acetaldehyde dehydrogenase with a pathway for
saccharification and fermentation) in fed-batch mode (Hoyer et al., co-utilization of xylose through expression of xylose reductase
2010; Olofsson et al., 2010) and CBP (consolidated bioprocessing), and xylitol dehydrogenase.
in which the fermenting microorganism also contributes to the Although there are many studies on strain selection, evolution-
supply of enzyme (Olson et al., 2012; den Haan et al., 2013). Issues ary engineering and metabolic engineering to enhance microbial
with modifications of the basic process design include the effects resistance, the performance of the resulting microbial strains are
on productivity, yield, and final product titer. seldom benchmarked against other microorganisms or against
A large inoculum size can compensate for inhibitory environ- well-established detoxification methods such as treatment with
ment (reviewed by Pienkos and Zhang, 2009). The cost of the fer- alkali. A comparison of an engineered microorganism and alkali
menting microorganism is, however, a significant part of the detoxification with regard to fermentation of a spruce wood hydro-
total process cost (Wingren et al., 2003). lysate (Jönsson et al., 2013) indicated that even though engineering
of the microorganism greatly enhanced its resistance to inhibitors,
chemical detoxification was a considerably more powerful
5.5. Selection of microorganism
approach to reach a fermentability comparable with that of a med-
ium without inhibitors.
Screening of collections of microorganisms gathered from natu-
ral or industrial environments can be used to identify strains with
high resistance to inhibitors. A study of strains of S. cerevisiae gath- 6. Conclusions
ered from grape marc in a winery revealed strains with relatively
high resistance to aliphatic carboxylic acids, furan aldehydes, and Rapid progress is being made with regard to understanding
a sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate (Favaro et al., 2013). A screening feedstock recalcitrance, and feedstock engineering has emerged
of 90 strains of Saccharomyces spp. included an assessment of tol- as a rapidly developing field. Identification and characterization
erance to acetic acid, formic acid, furfural, HMF, and vanillin of previously unknown inhibitory substances in pretreated bio-
(Wimalasena et al., 2014). An important issue is the specific pro- mass is still a field under development. Novel methods for chemi-
ductivity of the microorganism, as resistance to inhibitors is not cal detoxification without the need for separate process steps have
sufficient to make a microorganism suitable for an industrial pro- recently been developed and are ready for industrial implementa-
duction process. tion. Selection and engineering of biocatalysts with improved
L.J. Jönsson, C. Martín / Bioresource Technology 199 (2016) 103–112 111

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