User's Manual of Construction: Power Grid Corporation of India Limited

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user’s manual
(part one)

Transmission Lines
Line Survey

Construction Management
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
(A Government of India Enterprise)



Four “M’s” viz. men, material, machine & money are vital to run an organization.
However the key to success of the organization lies the way our employees structure
and manage the construction, operation and maintenance activities of transmission
system. Construction activitiy in transmission system is an important aspect and time,
quality and cost are it’s critical parameters.

Experience, no doubt, is a great teacher and a valuable asset. However, the knowledge
of underlined principles of sound working is also equally important. Preparation of these
user’s manuals is the work of our experienced senior field staff and I find these to be
very useful to our site personnel.

These manuals for transmission lines (Vol. 1 2 & 4) alongwith SFQP (Vol. 1) will be of
immense help to our line staff to manage their resources in a more efficient and
systematic way to achieve high quality and reduced time.

I find sincere efforts have gone into preparation of these manuals for which I
congratulate Construction Management team and I am sure the authors will continue
their efforts to bring out more and more such manuals.



1.2 BEE LINE 2
1.14 ACCURACY 14





3.8 GENERAL 58









7.7 CEA RULES 118



8.7 WIND SPAN 136
8.14 EARTHWIRE 137
8.16 HANGER 138
8.21 TESTS 139







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1.0 General

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Electric power is today playing an increasingly

important role in the life of the community and

development of various sectors of economy. Developing

countries like India are therefore giving a high

priority to power development programs. In fact, the

economy is becoming increasingly dependent on

electricity as a basic input.

Transmission facilities provide the means of

connecting the generating capacities to the load

centres. Interconnections of adequate capacities

between individual systems enable interconnected

operation of these systems which provide the key to

various benefits such as use of large, low-cost

generating units, capacity savings due to load

diversity, minimization of reserves, emergency

assistance to individual systems, and efficient

utilisation of the generation and transmission

facilities available in the area as a whole. The grid

development in the country has followed the logical

sequence of unification of power systems within a

state, interconnection of neighbouring state systems,

and linking of systems between the regions.

1.1 Line survey

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An EHV Transmission line generally links a Generating

station and a sub-station or two sub-stations or two

Generating stations as may be necessary. The basic

requirement of a transmission line is to carry the

desired bulk power at maximum efficiency and to

achieve this, the line should be of shortest length

feasible, since the line losses are proportional to

the length of the line. Therefore the aim of the

preliminary survey is to explore in the field the

most economical and feasible route of constructing a

particular transmission line. Hence, while selecting

the route one should be fully aware of the

requirements of transmission lines, statutory

provisions, information required to be collected,

prevailing cost of various elements of Transmission

lines etc.

1.2 Bee-line

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Bee-line is the shortest distance between the two points of origin of the

transmission line proposed. It is straight line drawn connecting

the two points. Routing the transmission line along

this line may not always be possible due to site

conditions. However, survey should be carried out as

closed to the bee-line as possible keeping in mind of

the other required statutory conditions.

1.3 Plotting of route on topo map :

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The latest available topographical maps covering the

area between the two end points of the transmission

line drawn to the scale of 1:50000 (1 cm = 0.5km)

should be procured from Survey of India. A master

mosaic has to be prepared by fixing all the

topographical maps in their respective position and

obtaining a belt width of minimum 10 km (20 cms) on

either side of centre line between the two terminal

points. In the master mosaic, the Bee-line which is

the straight line joining the two terminal points

should be neatly marked with pencil. The Bee-line

joining the two end points will have the shortest

length. It may not be feasible to construct the power

line along the Bee-line due to various technical as

well as site conditions.

1.4 Choice of Route

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a) The proposed route of line should be the

shortest practicable distance. The following

factors shall be considered in the choice of the

route :-

i) The route should be short and as straight

as possible.

ii) It is advantageous to lay the line near to

or along roadway. The line should be

approachable. Difficult and unsafe

approaches should be avoided.

iii) The number of angle towers should be minimum

and within these, the number of heavier

angle tower shall be as small as possible.

iv) Cost of securing and clearing right of way

(ROW), making access roads and time required

for these works should be minimum.

v) Corridor through which line is taken should

have sufficient space to take care of future

load developments without major


vi) Crossing with permanent objects, such as

railway lines and roads should be minimum

and preferably at right angles. (Reference

shall be made to the appropriate railway

regulations and railway electrification

rules and to civil authorities for

protection to be provided for railway and

road crossings, respectively. Guarding may

not be necessary for fast acting protective

devices are provided.)

vii) In case of hilly terrain having sharp rises

and falls in the ground profiles, it is

necessary to conduct detailed survey and

locate the tower positions. The proposition

should be most economical and safe.

b) The following areas should be avoided as far as

possible while selecting route.

i) Marshy areas, low lying levels, river

beds, earth slip zones, etc. involving

risk to stability of foundation.

ii) Areas subject to floods, gushing nallas

during rainy seasons, ponds, lakes, snow

blizzards, hurricanes or similar extreme

climatic conditions and natural hazards.

iii) Good farming areas, uneven terrain, damage

to public and private properties,

religious places, civil and defence

installations, industries, take off

funnels, habitation of important crops,

quarry sites or underground mines, gardens

and plantations etc.

iv) Areas which will creates of right of way

and way leave problems.

v) Route involving abrupt changes in levels,

too many long spans, river or power line

crossings or near parallelism to

telecommunication lines.

vi) Thick forest or areas involving heavy

compensatory payments for acquisition of

land etc.
vii) Building containing explosives, bulk

storage oil tanks, or gas pipelines etc.

viii) Aerodromes, helipads and their approaches.

1.5 Recce Survey

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The Recce survey is also essential for collecting the

first hand account of various important field data

required for transmission line works which are as


i) Major power line crossing details (66 KV and


ii) Railway crossing details.

iii) Major river crossing details.

iv) Sources of construction materials, viz. metal,

sand, water etc. along the line.

v) Important rail heads for the purpose of

receipt of materials.

vi) Important villages or stations coming enroute

for the purpose selection of labour camps.

vi) Nature of soil strata along the route and terrain.

vii) Availability of labour, their present rate on

daily basis or on contract basis.

viii) Names of the major towns for the purpose

of selection of site offices.

For fixing the final alignment and angle points on

the ground as per the reconnaissance survey, route

alignment survey shall be carried out with a

theodolite, survey chains/measuring tapes/electronic

distance measuring instruments.

1.6 Transport limitations :

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Information about transport limitation particularly

for the line materials should be obtained from rail,

road or navigation authorities where required. This

may involve procurement of special trailers or

alternatively restricts the size and weight of the

package in uneven terrain where head loading is more

often resorted to :

1.7 Local laws :

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The information about the local laws should be

obtained in advance in order that there is no

infringement of prevailing local laws and to ensure

smooth installation, operation and maintenance work.

1.8 Type of towers

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i) Suspension/Tangent towers: `A' type (0-2°

angle of deviation). The supports along the

straight run of the line are called tangent

towers on which no angle of deviation is

generally allowed. In special cases subject to

corresponding restriction of the sum of the

adjacent spans, an angle of deviation upto a

maximum of 2o is allowed.

ii) Angle towers : The angle towers are those used

at locations where the line takes an angle of

deviation and these towers are also called

tension towers, since the conductors &

earthwires are tensioned and attached to them

insulating the conductors by suitable tension

insulating strings and hardwares. There are 3

types of Angle towers

a) `B' type tower for deviation of more

than 2o upto 15 o.

b) `C' type tower for deviation of more than

15 o up to 30 o.

c) `D' type tower for deviation of more than

30 o up to 60 o.

1.9 Tower Geometry, conductor configuration & clearances:

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The tower geometry and conductor configuration depend

upon whether the tower is for single circuit and

Double circuit. Whereas, the electrical clearances

depend upon the line voltage, size of conductors and

their number in the bundle per phase. Typical out line

drawings in the salient dimensions of 400 kv single

circuit and double circuit towers may be seen at

Figure 1.1 & 1.2.

It can be seen that the single circuit towers are of

waspwaist type in the horizontal configuration of

conductors whereas the double circuit type are with

vertical configuration of conductors of each circuit.

In some lines triangular configuration is also

adopted for each circuit. The normal span of 400 kv

line is 400 metres.

1.9.1 Clearances

1. Phases to phase
400 KV 220 KV 132 KV
11.0 M (Minimum) 5.1M (Minimum 3.96M (Minimum
for single Circuit for double for double
tower with horizontal circuit tower) circuit tower)
8.0 M (Minimum for
Double circuit tower)

2. Clearance from live part to nearest part of the tower.

With the suspension insulators with

400 KV 220 KV 132 KV

i) 0o Swing - 3050 m/m 2130 1530

ii) 15o Swing - 3050 m/m 1980 1980

iii) 300 Swing - 1860m/m 1830 1370

iv) 450 Swing – 1860 m/m 1675 1220

1.9.2 While locating the towers on survey charts, the

following shall be borne in mind :

a) Maximum length of a `section' shall not exceed 5

km. The length of the transmission line between

two Angle towers (without any angle) is known as

section. The total length of the transmission

line is divided into sections to restrict the

cascading failure of the transmission line

between two angle towers.

b) The intermediate spans shall be as near as

possible the normal design span. In case an

individual span becomes too short on account of

undulations in ground profile, one or more line

supports of the section may be extended by

inserting standard body extension designed for

the purpose according to technical

specifications to bring the intermediate span

as near as possible to the design span.

c) There shall not be any upward force on suspension

tower under normal working condition, and the

suspension towers shall support the minimum

weight span as provided in the designs. In case

uplift is unavoidable, it will be examined if the

same may be overcome by adding standard body

extensions to the towers, failing which tension

towers designed for the purpose shall be employed

at such positions.

d) Tower spotting shall be further checked by means

of tower capacity charts approved by the


1.10 Minimum ground clearance

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In order to ensure minimum ground clearance after

erection and stringing of the line, the sag-template

is used while checking the profiles of the line and

spotting the tower locations. At crossings with

Railway tracks, the requisite clearances as stipulated

in the "Regulations for electrical Crossings", are


The designed weight span & wind span limitations

applicable to various type of towers are given in

tower spotting data. Wherever a tower is subjected to

the effect of negative weight span, it is said to be

under "uplift" condition. The definition of the terms

viz., sag-template, weight span, wind span and tower

spotting data are given at appropriate places in the

later chapters detailing the application of sag

template and tower spotting data while approving the

line profiles and tower schedules.

The values of minimum permissible ground clearance for

the various voltages 66 kV to 400 kV are :

66 KV - 5.49 m

132 KV - 6.10 m

220 KV - 7.01 m

400 KV - 8.84 M

1.11 Compliance with Indian electricity rules & other

authorities regulations.

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All overhead lines shall comply with the requirements

of the Indian Electricity Act & Rules made there under

and the regulations or specifications as laid down by

Railway Authorities, local governing bodies, defence

authorities, Power & Telecommunications Coordinating

Committee, Forest Authorities and Oil & Gas

authorities, where applicable. Relevant matters

requiring attention of such authorities should be

referred to them before planning the layout,

installation and during construction work. Such

references, however be made by the owner of the

installations & within appropriate time so as to

ensure smooth progress. The transmission line

installation shall be carried out by trained and

experienced personnel & supervised by technically

qualified persons competent to undertake such work.

1.12 Environment

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In recent, year the consciousness of the environment

has increased amongst the people and the government.

Therefore, the need to introduce the environmental

aspect into the planning and development activities

is now well recognised in India, questionnaires for

environmental impact assessment of power projects,

among others, have been prepared and certain

guidelines are set out by the National Committee on

Environmental Planning (NCEP) and the Department of

Environment (DOE), and on this basis, environmental

clearances are now sought. Thus the country has

already a national environmental policy implicit in

its existing development policy. However, for

successful handling, the environmental management will

have to be seen in its full political, economic,

social and technological context and not merely a

matter of pure technocratic solutions.

So far as transmission networks associated with power

projects are concerned, there is the land use

consideration which gets translated into economic

grounds in many areas and there is also the question

of impact on the environment. The latter falls into

two categories - aesthetics of overhead lines and

effects on health and safety.

1.13 Aesthetics

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The second consideration is aesthetics and that is,

the line constructions should be merged with the

surrounding landscape, so that both natural and man-

made features are blended to achieve an overall

impression of harmony.

Ground occupancy and overhead clearance are basic

considerations for any right-of-way, but tower height

and appearance now play a strong role. The tower

becomes a feature of the landscape, and where

possible, this is considered as right-of-way

selection. In hilly or mountaninous country, the

previous practice was to skyline the towers to take

advantage of crests and valleys. Now the effort is

more towards unobtrusiveness.

1.14 Accuracy

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The accuracy of survey work depends upon, the

accuracy of surveying instruments, the prevailing

temperatures, the accuracy of placing instruments and

their reading. It shall be ensured, however, that no

measurements should be missed during surveys and

check surveys carried out where any doubt arises.



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2.1 Scope of work

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The survey of high voltage lines must be carried out

accurately and expeditiously. A mistake in the field

or subsequent office work may pass undetected to an

advanced stage in construction, thus causing

unnecessary expenditure and inconvenience. It is,

therefore, essential that every care should be taken

in setting out, levelling, and plotting the profile of

the route.

A Transmission line survey is carried out in three

stages : reconnaissance (including walkover) survey,

preliminary survey and detailed survey.

2.2 Reconnaissance

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A thorough knowledge of the topography of the region

to be traversed by the line is required. Topographical

maps covering the area to the scale of 1:50,000 (1 cm

= 0.5 km) should be procured from the office of the

Survey of India or other authorized source and a

master mosaic prepared. The beeline, which is a

straight line joining the two terminal points, is

marked and a belt of width 10km (20 cm on the map), on

either side of the centre line, is shown. In the

master mosaic the Bee-line which is the straight line

joining two terminal points should be neatly marked

with pencil. The beeline represents the shortest

length although, for various reasons, it may not be

feasible to construct the line along the beeline.

Keeping the beeline constantly in mind, alternative

routes, with minimum unavoidable deviations from the

bee-line, are marked carefully. In doing so, the

following guidelines should be kept in mind.

i) Allow for the minimum number of crossings of

major rivers, railway lines, national/state

highways, overhead EHV Power and

telecommunication lines.

ii) Avoid certain natural features like high

mountainous terrain, steep slopes with cliff

and huge boulders, large lakes and marshy

places, etc.

iii) Avoid populated areas, narrow gaps between two

villages, large cash crop plantations and

places of worship, etc.

iv) Avoid close vicinity of aerodromes, radio

stations, radar centres, rifle ranges, etc. and

also industrial installations where pollution,

due to chemical effluents emanating therefrom

will affect the operation and maintenance of

the power line.

v) In view of the statutory requirements of the

Forest (Conservation) Act 1980, avoid, as far

as possible, the reserved and protected forests

and wild life sanctuaries. Where unavoidable,

align the route so that the cutting of trees is

kept to the minimum.

vi) Keep sufficiently away from continuous

parallelism with Telecommunication and Railway

Telephone lines. If there is continuous

parallelism with existing HV or EHV line, it is

preferable to maintain a minimum separation of

300 metres.
vii) Run the routes close to possible future load

centres to facilitate tapping when required.

viii) Run the route parallel/close to the existing

road if possible to facilitate the maintenance.

2.3 Walkover survey

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After making the various feasible routes on the map,

a comparative study should be made on the basis of

the following data.

i) Route length.

ii) Number and type of angle points in each

proposal indicating the sharpness of each

deviation as measured on the map.

iii) Nature and number of major crossings.

iv) Deviation in the line due to civil or military

aerodromes and other industrial installations.

v) Approach to the line for construction.

vi) Reaches through protected or reserved forests.

vii) Long stretches in cultivated fields.

viii) Close parallelism with telecommunication and

railway telephone circuits. With these details

in hand, a walkover survey has to be carried

out on all the alternative routes to arrive at

the most economical route and to update the

topographical maps available, with the latest

features observed during the survey.

2.4. Selection of the best possible route

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Walkover survey means going over the area associated

with the alternative routes proposed and collecting

features observed other than those existing on the

map. In addition the indication on following features

should also be checked without fail.

i) Communication lines.

ii) Power lines.

iii) Expanding villages and towns.

iv) Rich gardens and plantations etc.

v) Aerodromes, radar centre, rifle ranges.

vi) Undulating reaches unfit for erection and


vii) Roads constructed and roads improved recently.

viii) Steep sloping terrain or steep slopes of hills.

ix) Large tanks, lakes, water-logged areas etc.

x) Reserved Forests and wooded areas with high


xi) High hillocks and stretches with large


xii) Irrigation wells likely to be made, tube-well

pump houses.

xiii) Forests where menace of wild elephants persist.

xiv) Private property limits where right of way

cannot be obtained.

xv) Availability of saddles in hill section for

better crossing of valleys.

xvi) Ghat roads in hills.

xvii) Gardens with grafted fruit trees.

xviii) Prohibited areas declared under statutory


xix) Rocky areas.

On Completion of the walkover survey the proposal of

the most suited route is further studied and approval

obtained from the head of department of transmission

before taking up preliminary survey.

2.5. Preliminary survey

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Field Work

The main object of carrying out a preliminary survey

is to transfer the route selected on the map onto the

ground with such deviations as may be necessary due

to field constraints. In aligning the route, the

following points should be kept in mind :

i) Ensure that there are sufficient corridors for

future lines in the approach sections near the

terminal end of the line so as to avoid

intercrossings later on.

ii) Keep the number of angle points to the minimum


iii) Select the location of angle points judiciously

near roads and on firm ground.

iv) Keep in view all obligatory points such as

railway power line, major road, tele-

communication line and river crossings.

v) At angle position, keep the angle of deviation

proposed slightly less than the maximum

designed angle for the particular type of tower

to allow for any error in surveying.

vi) Along the approach spans near the proposed

substations only when the layout of the

substation has been finalised. Otherwise, leave

2-3 km length near substations so that

alignment may commence at a convenient point in

the direction of take-off.

2.6 Various instruments used in survey and their


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i) Electronic distant measuring 1 : 10,000

to Instruments using infra-red 1 : 50,000

light and Radio waves

ii) One second theodolite and surface 1 : 1000 to

chaining with calibrated steel 1 : 5000

tapes/invar tapes

iii) One second theodolite and stadia 1 : 500 to

method with calibrated 1 : 1000

levelling staves.

iv) Vernier/one second theodolite 1 : 300 to

with surface taping with Engineer's 1 : 500

v) Least count of Theodolite 20”

Of these the instruments at Sl. No. (ii) and (iii)

are commonly used.

vi) Ranging rods 2 meter and fitted with ferrules so

that they can be joined to make a long rod.

vii) Dumpy level with stand

viii) Engineers' chain of 30 mtrs length with 10 mtr

marking at intervals.

ix) 20 mtrs or 30 mtrs steel tape.

x) 1.35 kg.hammer, 1o arrows.

xi) Hedge cutter, spades, knives, axes etc.

xii) Optical square (not entirely necessary but very


xiii)Tents, Buckets, Waterdrums, Camping coats,

table, chairs and petromax etc. (as per


2.6. Measurement and accuracies

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i) The theodolite to be used for the survey

work should be an accurate one.

ii) The vertical and horizontal axis of the

theodolite should exactly be perpendicular to

each other. This will avoid the line route being

curved instead of a straight one.

iii) The theodolite should be able to read upto

1 second in its horizontal and vertical


iv) The distances are to be measured by surface

taping or tachometry or triangulation method as

the situation warrants.

v) The accuracy of the line length should not be

less than 1:500.

2.7. Adjustment of Survey Instruments

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It is essential that survey instruments should be

kept in proper adjustment. The following are the

adjustments which can be carried out in the field, any

other adjustments should be carried out by the

manufacturer of the instruments.

I. Testing and adjusting of theodolite

a) Testing and adjusting of plate spirit levels.

b) Testing and adjusting the line of collimation.

c) Testing and adjusting the horizontal or trunnion

a) Testing and adjusting plate spirit levels.

i) Clamp vertical axis of theodolite.

ii) Unclamp the vernier plate so that the instrument

is free to rotate.

iii) Turn telescope until it lies over a pair of

screws in the case of a four-screw instrument,

or parallel to a pair of screws in a three-screw


iv) Bring the air bubble of each level to the centre

of its run by means of the foot levelling


v) Turn the instrument through half a revolution to

see if the air bubbles remain central. If not,

the instrument is out of adjustment.

vi) Correct half the error by means of turning the

capstan screws on the levels.

vii) Correct the other half of the error by the

levelling foot screws. Turn the instrument

through 180 and check if the bubble remains

correct; if not, repeat the adjustment.

Most modern instruments are provided with locking

devices for the capstan screws and it is essential

that the screw should be locked after adjustment.

b) Testing and adjusting line of collimation.

This is to ensure that the line of collimation is at

right angles to the horizontal axis and parallel to

the telescope.

i) Level theodolite on fairly level and firm


ii) Place a piece of white paper with a steel arrow

X pushed twice through it at approximately 400

ft. from the theodolite, as shown in Figure 2.1


iii) Clamp upper or vernier plate with vernier A

reading 360 and vernier B reading 180.

iv) Direct the telescope to arrow X until the

vertical hair on the diaphragm bisects arrow X

(Figure 2.1 a) and clamp the vertical axis of

the instrument in this position.

v) Unclamp vernier or upper plate and turn the

instrument through exactly 180 and clamp the


vi) Transit telescope and see if vertical hair on

diaphragm still cuts arrow at X. If it does

not, then line of collimation is not at right

angles to the horizontal axis and adjustment is


vii) The point where the line of collimation cuts

the paper should be marked with another arrow Y

(Figure 2.1 a).

viii) Adjust half the error by the screws controlling

the lateral movement of the diaphragm.

ix) Adjust the other half of the error by means of

the tangent screw of the vertical axis.

Adjustment should be tested and repeated if


It should be noted that the difference between

the first reading on arrow X and the second on

arrow Y represents twice the collimation error,

as illustrated in( Figure 2.1 a).

c) Testing and adjusting horizontal or trunnion


This is to determine if the horizontal axis is

at right angles to the vertical axis.

i) Carefully level instrument on firm ground.

ii) Direct telescope to the top of a well-defined

object such as a lightning conductor on a

chimney, church steeple, etc.

iii) Clamp vertical and upper plate axis and use

the tangent screw of the vertical axis to get

the intersection of the cross-hair exactly on

the defined point.

iv) Depress the telescope to a point as far below

the top of the defined object as possible and

mark on a sheet of white paper fixed on a

board the point X (Figure 2.1 b).

v) Turn instrument through 180 o and again direct

telescope to the well-defined object.

vi) Depress telescope and see if the intersection

of the cross-hairs coincides with point X

already on the paper. If not, the horizontal

axis, the new point Y (Figure 2.1 b), where the

intersection of the cross-hairs cuts the paper,

should be marked.

vii) Correct half the error by means of capstan

screws controlling the horizontal axis. Check

and repeat if necessary. Here again (Figure 2.1

b) illustrates that the difference between

points X and Y represents twice the actual


II. Testing and adjusting of level

a) Test if axis of spirit level is perpendicular

to axis of rotation.

b) Test if spirit level and telescope are parallel

to line of collimation.

a) Testing and adjusting spirit level

perpendicular to axis of rotation.

i) Set up instrument and turn telescope over one

pair of screws and bring bubble to centre of

its run by the levelling foot screws.

ii) Turn telescope through 180 o and observe if the

bubble remains central, if not, the instrument

requires adjustment.

iii) Correct half error by means of the capstan

screws which fix the tube to the telescope.

iv) Correct other half by the levelling foot

screws. Repeat for the telescope over the other

pair of screws and check.

b) Testing and adjusting spirit level and

telescope to be parallel to line of


i) Drive in two pegs A and B 300 ft. apart.

ii) Set up level exactly central between the pegs

and level it

iii) Take a staff reading on peg A.

iv) Direct telescope to peg B and take a staff

reading. Adjust peg B by raising or lowering

until the reading is the same as that got on

peg A. The tops of the pegs must then be in a

level plane.

v) Set up level in line with the pegs, but say 40

ft. behind one of them.

vi) Take a staff reading on the nearest peg and

then a staff reading on the distant peg. If

these are not the same then the instrument is

out of adjustment and the line of collimation

is not parallel to the spirit level and

telescope. The diaphragm must be adjusted until

the staff readings on both pegs are alike. This

is done by means of the capstan screws holding

the diaphragm in position.

2.8. Chaining and levelling of line of route

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It is good practice to chain and level the route at

the same time. As already stated, single support

positions can usually be selected on the preliminary

survey, and as soon as the line is through, the

positions of intermediate supports can be accurately

located and lined in.

In chaining a route it must be remembered that all

distances are measured horizontally and not on the

slope. Flags are erected at each of the line

positions which were instrument stations, since these

are visible on the whole section and assist in keeping

the chaining in the correct line of route. The

chaining party consists of a leader and follower and

it is the duty of the follower to direct the leader in

the correct direction. At the end of each measured

length an arrow is inserted. The follower enters in

his survey book details of all distances with the

positions of hedges, streams, or other features which

he thinks necessary. Before commencing the levelling

of the route a bench mark is located and a level is

run from this to the starting peg. In levelling,

accuracy must be observed and it is essential that the

carrier of the staff holds it vertical when readings

are being taken. The leveller should balance the

length of the sights as much as possible and set up

his instrument as near the line of route as

practicable. The distance between level readings

depends upon the contour of the ground and

incorporates all the positions at which arrows have

been left recording chainage distances. The procedure

of chaining and levelling is continued until the

section is complete.

It is important where there is a considerable side

slope on the ground that levels should be taken on

the high side as well as the centre line of route.

Side levels should be taken at a horizontal distance

equal to the distance of the outer conductor from the

centre of the structure. It is therefore imperative

that the surveyor should be familiar with the type of

construction of the line he is surveying.

The procedure is the same for broad base steel towers

except that inter-tower positions between angle

supports are not fixed until the profile has been

drawn. The whole economics of a tower line may depend

upon the selection of positions relative to the


2.9. Reducing of level figures

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The levelling figures are reduced so that every point

on the profile will be correlated to ordnance datum or

to an assumed datum. Two common methods adopted for

reducing levels are: "Rise and Fall Method" and

"Height of Collimation Method". The latter method is

the one generally favoured by overhead line engineers

as it is quicker and gives the necessary checks.

Table-I gives specimen level notes showing the method

of reducing the levels by the height of collimation


B.S. I.S. F.S. H.C. R.L. Remarks
0.29 4.73 174.11 173.82 Pole 1
1.59 172.52 27.44 Hedge
2.93 171.18 54.88 Field
2.79 4.73 172.16 169.38 971.56 Field
4.44 4.44

(All dim. are in metres)

R.L = Reduced Level; H. C. = Height of Collimation:

F.S.= Fore Sight; I.S = Intermediate Sight ;

B.S. = Back Sight.

R.L. + B.S. = H.C. e.g. 173.82 + 0.29 = 174.11m

H.C. - I.S. = R.L. e.g. 174.11 - 1.59 = 172.52

Check : first R.L. - last R.L. = F.S. - B.S

173.82 - 169.38 = 4.73 - 0.29

4.44 = 4.44

Quantity of the entire line material required shall be estimated

on the basis of following design particulars:-

2.11 Tachometry

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Tachometry is the indirect measurement of distances

by optical methods instead of using tape or chain.

The most important advantage of this method is that

the field work can be carried out much faster than

with the theodolite, level, levelling staff and

chain. The chaining of the route is eliminated and the

levelling speed greatly increased. This is due to the

fact that the theodolite has a range of site of the

order of 700 ft. and readings can be taken with the

telescope at any vertical angle necessary. In the

previous method the level had to be truly horizontal,

so that its range on sloping ground was very limited,

while with the tachometer a range of 700 ft. both

directions in the line of route is available. This

means that in favourable conditions a maximum of four

settings of the instrument per mile is required. The

damage in arable fields is reduced to a minimum, since

the staff holder can usually walk down the furrows

between the crops to the required spot in the line of

route where a reading has to be taken. The dragging of

the chain along the line of route is eliminated.

A very important point is that the true line of route

is always maintained, hence greater accuracy. If the

tachometry is set over one peg it will always have

the next line peg in view. This was necessary for the

original alignment, so that having set up the

instrument over peg the staff will be in perfect

alignment until the next peg is reached.

2.12. Principle of Stadia

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A tachometer is really a theodolite fitted with a

stadia diaphragm, the stadia diaphragm having two

horizontal stadia lines, on each side of the centre

line. A section through the objective lens and

diaphragm of a telescope is shown in (Figure 2.2).

Horizontal Distance can be obtained by this formula :

Horizontal distance = staff intercept (h) X

instrument constant (k) X cos 

= h k Cos 

Where `' is the vertical angle observed to the middle

stadia intercept

i) To reduce an inclined sight to its horizontal

value it is only necessary to multiply the

instrument co-efficient K by cos2T given in table

and then by the staff intercept reading and add

to the product the value of C Cos T given in

ii) To reduce any inclined sight to its vertical

value the instrument co-efficient K is multiplied

by cos  sin  from the tables and by the staff

intercept and to the product is added the value

of C sin  from the tables.

2.13. Triangulation

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This method is useful in places where large

obstructions like major perennial rivers are to be

crossed where surface taping or tachometry is not

possible. Under this method first measure a reasonable

distance accurately on the bank of the river. Having

this as the base, measure the angle at both the end

points of the baseline by sighting the other bank.

Shift the instrument (EDM) to the other bank point

and observe the angle subtended between the end points

of the base line originally marked. Sum up all the

three angles and find out whether the sum is 180

degrees. Find out the distance of horizontal crossing

by using the sine formula;

------- = ------- = -------
Sin A Sin B Sin C
2.14. Marking of Trees for Felling and Lopping

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It is part of the surveyor's work to mark the trees

which will interfere with the proposed route. The

instrument survey gives an accurate location of the

trees which are affected. There are various opinions

as to the width which should be left through trees for

an overhead line. Each case should be treated on its

merits, but for an important transmission line,

felling distance of the trees on each side of the line

should be observed.

A good method of marking trees is to put a ring round

the trees to be felled at the level where felling is

reduced. If lopping only is required, a cross should

be put on the side to be lopped. This method prevents

trees being felled where lopping only is required and

also prevents a tree being felled at ground level

when consent has actually been obtained for felling at

hedge level so that a gap in the hedge is not left.

A list of the trees requiring attention should be

prepared by the surveyor and this should, in

particular, detail the location. It should also

indicate clearly whether the trees are to be felled or

lopped, given the variety and size. Sizes are

generally recorded as the diameter adjacent to the

butt and the height of the main trunk.

This is deatail in detail in user's manual part-I

Volume - 2 of "Environment Management."

2.15 Soil resistivity data

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Soil resistivity data are required for submission to

the Power and Telecommunication Coordination

Committee (PTCC) for obtaining their clearance from

the point of parallelism of the Power and

telecommunication circuits and also for determining

the tower-footing resistance.

Measurements of soil resistance should be taken every

2-3 km of the route or at angle points, which ever

near from which the soil resistivity is calculated.

The Megger can be used in two ways to measure the

resistivity of the soil, namely, the three point

method and the four- point method. The four point

method is simpler and more accurate and is briefly

described below.

Four similar electrodes are burried in the earth to a

depth B at equal distances A from one another in a

straight line. The megger connections are shown in

(Figure 2.3). If the crank of the instrument is then

rotated at the stipulated speed (usually 100 rpm),

the resistance R, as read on the scale, is the

resistance of the earth between the two equipotential

surfaces in which P1 and P2 are in contact.

If the depth of the electrode in soil B (in cm) is

small in comparison with A, the resistivity of the

soil is given by the following expression:



P= earth resistivity in ohms/cm3

A= spacing between the electrodes in cm and

R=resistance in ohms as read on the megger.

For all practical purposes, A should be at least

twenty times that of B.

2.16 Sub soil data

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Subsoil data for the underground water table should

be taken from the wells adjoining the route on either

side. This should preferably be taken during the dry

months after inquiring the depth of the water table

during the peak monsoon period. The subsoil data are

required to assess and design and type of foundations

suitable for such locations.

2.17 Identification Marks

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i) Concrete or stone block with 20 cm POWERGRID

logo shall be left in the ground. The block sizes

shall be 1000x150x150 mm and located at all angle

tower locations buried to a depth of atleast 750


ii) Theodolite point should punched or chiselled on

the concrete or stone block.

iii) Directional burgies at a distance at 30 to 50m

from angle point shall have to be provided at a

distance of every 1.5 KM to facilities easy

identification of line alignment during detailed


iv) The burgies shall have to be painted with white

colour for easy identification.

v) The entire route should be aligned only with the

theodolite and the angles should be read to the

nearest one minute.

vi) Wherever the line alignment crosses the EHT

line, or P & T line, burgies shall be provided

on the point of crossing. In case of Rly. and

road crossings, burgies shall have to be provided

on either side of the crossing.

vii) Wherever route alignment passes over permanent

land marks such as sheet rock, boulders,

culverts, elevated places etc., suitable white

paint directional marking with the indication of

"POWERGRID" should be made.


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The check surveys and tower stacking shall be

performed by qualified and experienced personnel and

supervised by qualified surveyor.

Average output per month per survey gang consisting

of about 10 person will be -

i) Alignment Survey - 15 KM or

ii) Detailed Survey - 20 KM or

iii) Check Survey - 20 KM

Wherever topographical survey is to be carried out the

output will be less and will depend on the quantum of


Transport required for Survey Gang

Jeep with Trailor - 1 NO.



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3.0 Major crossing and civil and military establishments.

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The following crossings and civil and military

establishments (some of which may not be marked on the

maps for national security reasons) should be

carefully surveyed :

1. Major river crossings

2. Railway crossings

3. National highway crossings and other road


4. Power line crossings

5. Telecommunication line crossings

6. Aerodromes, Radar centres, Microwave stations,

Rifle ranges and Helipads. Once such major

crossings and obligatory points are finalised the

line route in intermediate sections can be

realigned if required, without disturbing the

crossing proposal. While aligning the route, the

concerned authorities should be contacted to

obtain the necessary information.

7. Forest crossing

3.1 River crossing

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i) Walk along the banks of the river at least

1.5 to 2 kms on both sides of the approximate

crossing points (guided by the route of the

line) and fix up best locations for crossing.

Crossing locations should preferably be on

permanent high banks. Sand dunes or areas

likely to be eroded during floods should not be


The flow of river and its scouring of one of

the banks due to direction change at the bends

should be carefully studied for ascertaining

the extent of scouring.

ii) River should be crossed as far as possible at

right angles and at places where the river

width is minimum to ensure minimum possible

crossing span.
iii) If facilities such as road, rail bridges etc.

are available in the vicinity of proposed route

of the line, the advantage from such facilities

should be taken. Crossing should, therefore, be

effected as nearer to such facilities as


iv) It is observed that in the case of certain

bridges, additional protective works such as

retaining walls, embankments are constructed to

train the river flow. These should be carefully

studdied while locating crossing towers.

v) Certain rivers, even major ones, change the

course quite frequently. These changes should

be investigated properly before deciding the

crossing locations.

vi) Information such as maximum flood level (MFL),

ordinary flood level, maximum discharge through

bridge, course of river, composition of sub-

soil strata in river bed, GTS bench mark etc.

should be collected only from appropriate

agencies. No assumption for these details

should normally be made.

vii) Safe foundation depth can be checked by means

of Lacey's formula as follows :-

Lacey's scour depth `d' = 0.473 --------

(Where Q = maximum discharge in cu.secs.

f = silt factor).

and depth of safe foundation below G.L.

= 1. 5d (approx.)

viii) Observe the span of rail and/or road bridges

and the elevation of top of bridge with

reference to ground level in neighbourhood to

have correct idea about extent of discharge

through such bridges and effect of scouring on


ix) Ascertain the maximum flood level (MFL) from

the authorities concerned and make a note of

this in the field book.

x) Reduce the MFL mark on nearby bridge by

connecting it to GTS mark in the neighbourhood.

MFL at the point of crossing should then be


xi) Information regarding the navigability of the

river should also be ascertained. In case of

navigable rivers, vertical clearance is

required to be fixed in consultation with

navigation authorities. The clearance between

the Top of Ship to the bottom most conductor

point is the guiding factor.

xii) It is always desirable that standard towers be

adopted for river crossings to avoid delays in

supply and erection of special structures. All

the possibilities of utilising the standard

towers with normal or super extensions, special

conductor/Earthwire, special foundation etc.,

should be studied in detail before finalising

the nomenclature of crossing towers.

xiii) As per normal practice, the anchor/Dead End

towers are placed on either side of river

crossing towers square to river. Any islands

inside the river can be made use of for

providing normal towers or islands can be

formed with sand in the mid-stream of rivers

for construction purposes. Providing towers on

either side of the river prove cost

prohibitive for major rivers like the Godavari

and the Ganges.

xiv) In case crossing towers are to be located in

flood prone areas due to unavoidable

circumstances, details of revetments to be

constructed including the height to which its

top is to be taken above ground level should

be worked out.

xv) Double suspension strings may be provided for

towers located in the mid-stream of the river.

xvi) Earthwire drums of length more than 4 to 5 kms

may be ordered to avoid joints in the crossing


3.2 Railway crossing

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I. The following information may be ascertained

from the railway authorities :-

a) Station limits.

b) Railway boundary limits

c) Section of railway track in which the

crossing is located, the name of two

stations on either side and the distance

from the nearest station are to be


d) Proposal for expansion of tracks and

introduction of siding etc.

e) Details regarding M.S.L. height.

f) Divisional Headquarters for the particular

section of railway track.

g) Statutory rules and regulations including

latest revisions for placing transmission

line across railway tracks (Minimum

clearance for railway crossing being 17.8 M)

h) Proposals for electrifying the track.

II. Effect the crossing preferably.

a) Outside station limit.

b) Outside railway boundaries.

c) Where the track is in cutting.

d) Restricting the crossing angle close to 90

degrees and the crossing span to 70% of

design span.

e) Keeping the minimum distance from the

nearest rail to the tower location at 1.5

times the tower height, to have sufficient

tower falling distance.

f) Avoiding structures, posts, masts, stays

etc. within 10 Mtr from the outer conductor

of transmission line.

III. Railways insist higher factor of safety. This

can be achieved by i) reduction of span and ii)

employing angle tower (such as above 30 degrees

i.e. D type towers) with or without angle. In

case angle towers are used, try to take advantage

of such angle points for required change in

direction of line also.

IV. At certain stations, signal posts are installed

near level crossing. These should not be taken as

outer signal for fixing station limits.

V. Ensure that all the requirements of Railways are

fully complied with and statutory clearance on

tracks as per latest rules and regulations are


VI. In curved tracks, measure angle of crossing

w.r.t. tangent at the point of crossing of the


VII. Note down the following carefully.

a) Kilometer stones/telephone pole nos.

between which crossing is effected and

distance from them on both sides.

b) Stations between which crossed.

c) Railway boundaries.

d) Distance of track from locations on either

side of the crossing.

e) Angles imposed at the crossing points, if


f) Telephone/Telegraph pole nos. between which

the track is crossed, no. of wires and

height of poles, the distance from

transmission line, etc.

g) In case, LT or power line is crossed,

similar information as above should be


h) Levels of top of both rails.

i) Chainages of metal edges on both sides of

the track.

j) Embankment details.

k) Type of track gauge, electrified/non-

electrified, main or tie line, if narrow

gauge whether 2'-0" or 2' -6" track.

VIII.As obtaining clearance from the Railways take

considerable time, the proposal should be

submitted to the concerned Divisional

Superintendent of the Railway well in advance

preferably after Preliminary survey is approved

so that clearance is available at the time of

erection /stringing of the transmission line.

IX. One extra tension insulator per string may be

provided as per the statutory requirement of


X. Two earths per tower on diagonally opposite legs

on both the towers are to be provided with 2"

dia GI pipes and in accordance with Railway

regulations. Pits are to be constructed around

the GI pipe with coke surrounding it.

3.3 National highway/road crossing

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i) Roads should be crossed preferably at right

angle. Crossing tower should be located outside

the road boundaries.

ii) Avoid frequent crossing of the same road. In

such cases try to keep the route on the same

side of the road.

iii) Recent practice in certain areas is to effect

crossing of National Highways and important

state Highways over angle towers. The idea is

to treat road crossing span as a single section

to facilitate stringing and maintenance. In

such instances, advantage of angle tower should

be fully utilised for changing direction of

line and also for effecting the crossing at a

suitable place.

iv) The width of road limits is small when compared

to normal span of transmission line. It is

always preferable to locate one of the crossing

towers as close to the road boundary as

possible to make the best use of extra

clearance near the tower. But care is to be

taken to fix the location sufficiently away

from the borrowed pits if any, along the road


v) If should be ensured that minimum distance

from centre of nearest tower to road edge

should be 1.5 times the tower height to have

sufficient tower falling distance.

vi) Crossing span should be such that vertical

clearance over road is available equal to the

minimum statutory clearance plus 2-3 mtrs. In

certain areas, maximum crossing span is also

indicated in the specification itself. The

extra clearance can be applied only to roads

having heavy traffic. In the case of minor

road, extra clearance can be allowed wherever


vii) Install pegs at both edges of the road

indicating the line alignment and also make

out the rough sketch indicating mile/furlong

stones, telephone poles, trees, culverts, and

other permanent features on both sides and

take offsets from line for easy identification

later. Also, marking can be made on the road

with white paint for easy identification and

direction of line.

viii) In case tangent towers are used at crossing

location, it should be ensured that with

snapping of conductor in any span in the

section, required clearance over the road is

still available by placing the tower at the

minimum required position near the road

(1.5times height of tower).

ix) In certain areas double insulator strings are

used only at important road crossings. This

may be got checked before making any proposal.

3.4 Powerline crossing

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i) Crossings should be effected preferably at

right angles.

ii) Avoid crossing the same power line frequently.

The proposed transmission line should be taken

sufficiently away from such power line, to

avoid frequent crossings.

iii) Where proposed transmission line is to be

taken parallel and in close proximity of

existing power lines, adequate lateral

clearance of minimum 300 mtrs may be provided

to minimise induction effect to facilitate

construction and maintenance.

iv) While locating terminal towers of proposed

line near terminal tower of existing power

line, it should be ensured that adequate

electrical clearance between cross arms are

available (minimum phase to phase clearance

should be kept).

v) Identify the power line to be crossed and

prepare a rough sketch showing the following

features :-

a. No. of wires

b. Size (approximately) of wires

c. Height of poles/towers

d. type of insulators

e. No. of insulator discs

f. Presence of earthwire, if any

g. Voltage of the line crossed

h. Agency to which it belongs

i. Substation from where it emanates

j. Load centre or receiving end (S/S of the


k. No. of the poles/towers, height, no. of

wires, the offset of the poles from the

proposed transmission line.

l. Angle of crossing

m. The minimum clearance between 400 KV

conductor to the conductor/earthwire of

any power line should be as mentioned in

Electricity Rules (i.e.6.10 mtrs.


Generally, it is observed that super

extensions are required to cross the 110 KV

and above. In such cases, it may be explored

with SEB officials to reroute their earthwires

through our towers so as to avoid super

extensions to minimum the cost of transmission


3.5 Communication line crossing

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i) It is to be checked up in the tentative

route map available with you that all the

existing communication lines are duly marked.

In case any line is not indicated in the map,

mark the route of the line in the map after

consulting the appropriate authorities.

ii) Check up also with the authorities about

proposals for new communication lines so that

adequate precautions may be taken at the

initial stage of survey itself.

iii) In certain areas existing overhead

communication lines are being replaced by

underground co-axial cables. The transmission

lines can be taken at such places close to

roads and communication lines. Check up the

proposals for such conversions when finalising

the tentative route of transmission line.

iv) In the case of electrified railway tracks,

communication lines are taken by underground

cables to avoid interference. In such cases,

the route of transmission line if required can

be taken closer and parallel to railway track

provided there are no other restrictions.

v) Cross the communication lines, preferably at

90 degrees but in no case less than 60 degrees.

vi) Avoid parallelism and close proximity with

communication lines. If this is unavoidable, do

so only over small sections. The safe lateral

clearances for restricting the induced voltage

on communication lines, depends on soil

resistivity of the terrain. However as a rough

estimation minimum separation of about 8 kms

may be maintained.

vii) Note down the details such as type of

communication line (telephone/telegraph), name

of agency maintaining it, places connected by

it, heights of poles, pole nos., no. of wires,

the offset of poles on both sides of the

transmission lines, shortest distance from

tower centre to communication line etc., and

prepare a rough sketch showing all the details

for future reference.

viii) In case adequate lateral clearance is not

available, prepare proposals after working out

the extra cost for rerouting the transmission

line to enable comparison of such extra length

with the quantum of compensation to be paid to

telecom authorities.

ix) Minimum vertical clearance shall be as per

Indian Electricity Rules (6.10 mtrs. minimum).

3.6 Aerodromes, Radar stations, Rifle ranges and Helipads

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Normally the installations such as aerodromes,

helipads etc., are not marked in the maps for

National safety point of view. So before carrying

out survey, the appropriate civil/military authorities

will have to be approached and any existing such

installations in he vicinity of the line are to be


a) Aerodromes :

i) Civil and IFA aerodromes in addition to

emergency landing strips are maintained all

over the Country.

ii) In case of Civil aerodromes, the radial

clearances required from the periphery of

aerodrome shall as per the circular of

Directorate of air routes and aerodromes, as

detailed in Sl. No.(v) below.

iii) The details such as flying funnel limits, areas

of aerodromes, landing strips etc. should be

collected from appropriate agencies only and

not assumed.

iv) In case of IAF aerodromes and similar landing

strips, the lateral clearance from periphery

should be such that the tower subtends an angle

(vertical) not more than 1o-30'-o" at the point

of periphery under consideration.

v) In the case of certain installations,

transmission towers of height more than 30

mtrs. are not allowed to be erected within

3.05 kms. Such specific limitations should be

ascertained from the concerned agencies before

commencing the work. Directorate of Air Routes

and Aerodromes have issued circular No. 6 of

1973 regarding principles for construction of

building and other structures in the vicinity

of aerodromes, which is reproduced below.

Overhead HT/LT lines shall not be permitted

with-in 3.05 kms. (10,000 ft.) of an airport.

Beyond the radius of 3.05 kms (10,000 ft.) and

upto 15.24kms (50,000 ft.) from an airport

(having the longest runway of 5000 ft. or more)

construction/erection of structure is permitted

subject to that all objects with a height of

35m or more above ground level should be

painted by day marking and lighted at night.

Beyond the radius of 15.24kms (50,000 ft.) from

an airport for objects/obstructions having

height of less than 120 Mtrs., no aviation

signal is required.

vi) After completion of routing near civil or IFA

aerodromes or emergency landing strips a map

should be prepared showing the location of

aerodrome, its periphery the route of proposed

transmission line, lateral clearances at

salient points (such as angle points) of the

line duly marked. This map should be got

approved by the aerodrome authorities before

finalising the route.

vii) Care should be taken to avoid routing of line

in the vicinity of airport (15.24 kms) to avoid

aviation painting and providing aviation


viii) As aviation painting is proved to be a costly

item, every effort must be made to obtain

waival from National Airport Authority, New

Delhi, duly citing the already available tall

structures and indicating zone of flight.

However, this is dealt in detail separately

under heading "Clearances".

b) Radar centres :

i) Radar centres, very high frequency direction

finding stations, satellite tracking stations,

sector operation centres, wireless receiving

stations, ground controlled interception

stations etc. require certain minimum lateral

clearances. It is to be checked up from the

concerned authorities regarding the above

requirements before taking up the work.

ii) While aligning the route near the above

installations, it must be ensured that there is

sufficient lateral clearance to the existing

communication lines from induced voltage point

of view.

iii) Prepare a detailed map as indicated under item

A.v above for approval by the concerned

authorities before finalising the route.

c) Rifle ranges (military target area)

i) Never route the line through firing field or

rifle. ranges Ensure adequate lateral

clearance to rifle ranges to avoid damage to

conductor, tower etc.

ii) Location of rifle ranges and their boundary

limits should be got ascertained.

iii) Prepare a detailed sketch showing rifle range,

route of transmission line, lateral clearance

etc. for submission to appropriate authorities

for approval.

d) Helipads :

With the industrialisation of the Country, many

helipads are being constructed close to major

Govt. Undertakings/Defence Installations/

Private Sector Factory etc. The alignment of

the transmission line should be fairly away

from the existing helipads/proposed site for

helipads. The facts can be ascertained from

the concerned authorities while aligning the

line route near the helipads.

3.7 Forest crossing

Back to contents Page

This has been dealt in user's manual Part-I Volume-II

of `Environment'.

3.8 General

Back to contents Page

i) The names of villages, ponds, temples

etc. existing on the left and right side upto

50 mtrs and within the proximity of the line

should be mentioned alongwith the distance from

such land marks. The reference of permanent

objects may be taken.

ii) The distance between AP to AP should be

measured with a steel chain 30 mtrs long and

mentioned in the report upto 3 decimal places.

iii) The centre line of the route of the line is

plotted on a 1:50,000 scale topo sheet traced

on a transparent sheet facilitating

reproducables. The angle points are marked and

straight lines drawn connecting these points.

The AP nos. are given in ascending order from

the origin of the line. The distance between 2

APs are marked in kms near the straight line

upto 3 decimal places. The angle of deviation

and whether the line is taking Right Turn (RT)

or Left Turn (LT) should be mentioned upto

seconds. The AP locations should be marked by a

dot surrounded by a small circle.

iv) After completion of route alignment for a

convenient stretch, it should be submitted for

approval. After the approval of the route

alignment, levels should be taken along the

approved route.


Back to contents Page

4.0 Contents of preliminary survey report

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On completion of route alignment in the field the

following schedules/information should be prepared for

submission of the preliminary survey report.

1. Schedule of angle points

2. Route alignment maps

3. Schedule of various types of towers

4. Infrastructure facilities available.

5. Sketch of Angle points

6. Details of railway crossings with profiles

7. River crossings with profiles

8. Power line crossings with profiles

9. Tree cutting schedule

10. Soil Resistivity results

11. Sub soil data for under ground water table

12. Estimate of all line materials required for the

entire line.
4.1 Schedule of Angle Points (AP)

Back to contents Page

i) A schedule of angle points in the following

proforma is required to be made.

S. No. Type Angle of Chainage Loc. Details

of AP Deviation between Of AP of soil
a b c d e F

Details Type No. of Approx. Nearby Soil

of of trees ht./girth Village resistivity
crossing trees
G h i j k L

ii) A brief description of the terrain between the

angle points should also be given.

4.2 Route alignement maps

Back to contents Page

i) The preliminary route alignment should be plotted

to a scale of 1 cm = 0.5 km (1 : 50,000) on the

survey of India maps.

ii) The drawing should indicate north, longitude and


iii) It should be ensured that the route has been

aligned, keeping in view the minimum distances to

be kept from the civil, defence & vital

installations, rifle ranges, and tele-

communication lines.

4.3 Schedule of various types of towers

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A schedule of various tupes of towers proposed,

together with extensions or reductions, should be

prepared. Section-wise quantities of tower for the

entire route for single circuit A,B,C and D type and

D/C DA, DC and DD type towers shall be worked out frm

the route survey and shall be tabulated as given below:

TABLE – I (For Towers)

Description of Single Circuit Double Circuit


TABLE – II (For Tower Extensions)

Description of Single Circuit/ Double Circuit

Single 25M Extn. For A 18 M ext. for A9 M extn. For A6 M extn. For A
For A9
For B6
For B3
For B9
For C6
For C
ion of
3 M extn. 9 M extn. 3 M extn. For D 6 M Extn. For D
For C For D

TABLE – III (For Tower Foundations)

Description of Tower Normal Wet Partially
Sections type dry submerged
a b c d e

Fully Black Dry Submerged Hard Rock

submerged cotton Fissured Fissured
soil Rock Rock
f g h i j

Special towers such as river crossing towers etc. shall

be indicated separately giving all relevant details

and quantity of such towers required. The

classification of the foundation during preliminary

survey is very tentative since it is done without

trial pit and therefore classifications to be reviewed

again after soil investigations.

4.4 Infrastructural facilities available

Back to contents Page
i) Sources of water en route
ii) Approach roads and their suitability
iii) Rail heads for receiving materials and facilities
for their storages
iv) Communication facilities
v) Availability of local labour, season of
availability, rates, etc.
vi) Working season
vii) Sources of materials like sand, metal, etc. and
their costs, including transportation
viii)Availability of transport and transport
ix) Identification of convenient field subheadquarters
x) Addresses of State government electricity,
forest, telecommunication, railway and State and
Central Public works department officials who
have jurisdiction over the areas connected with
the route of the transmission line.

xi) Nearest post office, telegraph office, bank,

police station, hospital etc.

4.5 Sketch of angle points

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The sketches of angle points should be drawn as given

below :

i) The location of angle towers should be properly

defined with respect to permanent reference

points in their vicinity.

ii) Each angle location should be shown with detailed

sketch indicating the direction of preceeding and

succeeding angle points, existing close by

permanent land marks such as specific trees,

cattle shed, houses, tubewells, temples, electric

tower or pole, telephone pole, canals, roads and

railway lines. The relative distance of the land

marks from the angle point and their bearings

shall be indicated in the sketch.

4.6 to 4.11 are already discussed in Chapter-3

4.12 Estimate of line materials

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Quantity of the entire line material required shall be

estimated on the basis of following design particulars:

I. Conductor and earthwire configuration :

For single circuit towers the three, phases shall be

in horizontal formation with phase to phase spacing of

not less than 11.0 meters. Two number of ACSR ‘Moose’

Conductor shall be used for each phase (This is known

as bundle conductor). Two sub-conductors of each phase

shall be in horizontal formation with a spacing of 450

mm. Two number of galvanized steel wires shall be used

as earthwire. Two earthwires shall be continuous and

shall be provided above the conductors at a suitable

elevation to offer effective shielding and safe

clearances. The double circuit towers shall be in

vertical configuration with phase to phase clearance

of 8.0m.

II.A Particulars of conductor and Earthwire for 400 KV Line

S. No. Particulars Conductor Earthwire
1. Type Moose ACSR 7/9 SWG
(Aluminium Galvanised
Conductor steel steel
2. Nominal area 520 mm2 -
3. Stranding and wire
a) Aluminium, mm 54/3.53 -
b) Steel, mm 7/3.53 7/3.66
4. Total sectional 597.0 73.60
area, mm
5. Overall diameter, 31.77 10.98
6. Approximate mass 2004 583
7. Breaking load, KN 161.16 68.4
II.B Particulars of Conductors and Earthwire for 220 KV Line

S. Particulars Conductor Earthwire

1. Type ZEBRA Galvanised
AAAC (All Steel
2. Stranding and -
wire diameter
a) Aluminium alloy Mm 61/3.19 -
b) Steel mm - 7/3.15
3. Total sectional 487.5 54.55
4. Approximate Mm 28.71 9.45
overall diameter
5. Approximate mass Kg/km 1045 428
6. Calculated DC ohm/km 0.06815 3.375
resistance at 20
deg. C (max.)
7. Approximate 129 56
breaking load KN
8. Modulus of GN/sqm 54 186
9. Co-efficient of Per de 0.000023 0.00115
linear expansion Centigrade
10. Mass of zinc Gm/sqm - 275
11. Configuration of Single Triangular
conductor for S/C conductor per
line phase
12. Location of - One
earthwire continuous
to run
ly above

II.C Particulars of Conductors and Earthwire for 132 KV Line

S. Particulars Conductor Earthwire

1. Type Panther AAAC Galvanised
Conductor Steel
2. Stranding and
wire diameter
a) Aluminium alloy Mm 37/2.88 -
b) Steel Mm - 7/3.15
3. Total sectional 241.0 54.55
4. Approximate Mm 20.16 9.45
overall diameter
5. Approximate mass Kg/km 663.8 428
6. Calculated DC Ohm/km 0.1375 3.375
resistance at 20
deg. C (max.)
7. Approximate KN 67.49 56
breaking load
8. Modulus of GN/sqm 57 186
9. Co-efficient of Per deg 0.000023 0.00115
linear expansion Centigrade
10. Mass of zinc Gm/sqm - 275
11. Configuration of
conductor (Single
conductors per
For S/C Line - Triangular
For D/C Line - Vertical
12. Location of - One
earthwire continuous
to run
ly above

III.a) The power is transmitted at 400 KV through the

conductors, which are hung from the supporting

structures, by insulators and other hardware fittings.

Insulators are required to prevent short-circuiting of

the conductor at a high potential from the supporting

structures which are at the ground potential. In 400

KV Transmission Lines, bass and socket type disc

insulators is either glass or electro porcelain.

Antifog type disc insulators are used for polluted


III. b) Use of Long Rod Porcelain Insulators for 400 KV

Transmission Lines.

POWERGRID has been using porcelain/glass disc

insulators for 400 KV lines. It is being

conventionally used worldwide. However, in some

countries, such as Germany, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland

etc., long rod insulators have been used extensively.

In recent times, long rod insulators are being adopted

by more and more countries as an alternative to disc


Long rod insulators have certain advantages over disc

insulators. Some of the advantages are as follows :

- Absolutely puncture proof.

- Better anti-pollution performance.

- Less Radio and Television interference.

- No cascade flashover

- Lower dead weight

- Less inspection required during O&M.

Due to its anti-pollution performance, it is desirable

to use these insulators in pollution prone area. Some

of the countries are replacing disc insulators with

long rod insulators in polluted areas.

The disadvantage of long rod insulator is that it will

be in tensile stress when in use in transmission lines

whereas disc insulators will be in compression stress.

The compression strength of porcelain is higher than

tensile strength. However, long rod insulators are

being made from high-strength alumina porcelain. With

this, the probability of mechanical failure of long

rod insulators is remote. The long rod insulators

consist of a much bigger block of porcelain that the

disc insulators, it is necessary that a proper

homoginity and quality is maintained to ensure uniform

mechanical strength and aging characteristics through

suitable manufacturing and quality control procedures.

It has also to be noted that any defect/failure of

long rod insulators is much more expensive as the

whole unit has to be replaced instead of individual

defective discs of a string insulator.

IV. Vibration dampers

Overhead transmission lines pass through varying wind

conditions and are therefore, prone to vibrations. The

8 vibrations lead to conductor fatigue and hence the

necessity of vibration dampers arises. The dampers

prevent building up of the vibrations to a harmsful


Per suspension tower normally 2 vibration dampers and

for tension towers 4 vibration dampers, 2 on each sub-

conductor on either side are used for each sub-


V. Mid-span compression joint

Because of limitations in manufacturing facilities and

transportation etc., It is not possible to have

conductor/earthwire of very long length. The standard

length of conductor/earthwire is around 1100m to

1500m. While stringing of continous stretch of more

than the standard length of the conductor/Earthwire,

joining of standard conductor earthwire is necessary.

Midspan compression joint is required for joining of

stranded conductor/earthwire.

VI. Repair sleeves

During transportation, handling and erection, a few

strands in the outer layer of conductor may get

damaged or broken.

This leads to reduction in mechanical strength of

conductor and also makes the conductor sussesptable to

corona. Repair sleeves are used for repairing the

aforesaid damages.

VII. Spacers

In 400 KV and above, EHV transmission lines, bundle

conductors are used (use of two or more conductors in

one phase). To keep the sub-conductor spacing uniform,

spacers are used after certain precalculated

distances. Normally, for 400 KV transmission lines, a

sub-conductor spacing of 450 mm is kept and 7 spacers

are used for a nominal span of 400 metres.

On obtaining approval for Preliminary Survey route

from General Manager, the route passing through the

reserved forest, power line crossing, river crossing

etc. should be thoroughly inspected.

Proposal should be initiated immediately for taking

approval from the following authorities :-


ii) Forests

iii) Railways
iv) Clearance from Airport Authorities.



Back to contents Page

On completion of preliminary survey, the detailed

survey of the route is carried out. The detailed

survey can be broadly classified into the following

sub-heads :-

1. Levelling

2. Plan and profile

3. Checking profile drawings

4. Final alignment and pegging of locations

5. Details of trial pit excavations

The detailed survey is carried out based on the

Technical Specification of the transmission line to be


5.1 Levelling

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i) Before the commencement of levelling work,

GTS/PWD Bench marks enroute are to be

identified and the entire levelling network

should be connected to these Bench marks. This

will facilitate to have a uniform basis for

level for the entire line and also a check on

the network of levels taken.

ii) Levels should be taken at every 30 mtrs.

aparts, along the route.

iii) In addition to the levels at a regular interval

of 30m along the alignment levels for any

sudden change of slopes (over 30 cm in height),

cuttings, shallow portions are taken.

iv) All details along the line up to 50m on either

side should be correctly picked up at the time

of levelling by taking offsets from the centre

line and depicted on the plan.

v) Details like name of villages, Temples etc.

should be picked up upto. 200 m on either side

of the line. Their offset distances from the

line can be approximately determined by

estimation and depicted on plan.

vi) All trees, which are likely to be cut for way

leave clearance, should be picked up correctly

by taking offsets from the centre line and

depicted on plan. The girth,height, type of

tree number of trees etc. Should be entered in

tree enumeration register and submitted

alongwith profile during approval.

vii) Atleast 3 permanent points in different

directions with their radial distances and

bearing from the angle points should be shown

for each and every angle point.

This will help in fixing the angle point at a

later stage even if the angle point pillar is


viii) The length obtained during the levlling by

chaining measurement between the angle points,

should be compared with the distances obtained

during preliminary survey. In case of

appreciable variation chaining should be

redone for correct length.

ix) Note down the angle of crossing of roads,

railway tracks, P&T line, power line, etc. The

boundaries of roads, Railway line are to be

clearly marked on the plan.

x) In case the line passes through slopes, i.e.,

side long ground, levels should be taken on

the transverse sides also in addition to the

centre line to enable checking the adequacy of

ground clearance for side conductors. This will

be useful for determining the necessity of

protective works like revetment etc. In this

case side levels at 5m, 10m, 20m as necessary

are to be taken on both sides.

xi) Height of the top most wire of the power line

or telephone line crossed, should be taken at

the point of crossing. Proposal of extensions

for requisite clearance depends upon this

height and hence needs accuracy.

xii) In case of overhead crossing of EHV

Transmission lines with horizontal

configuration of conductor and earthwire, it

will not be sufficient if the height of he

earthwire is measured along the centre line. In

this case height of earthwire along the line of

both the extreme end conductors should be


xiii) Chainages of stretches like marshy areas,

water logged areas compounds, gardens etc.,

should be correctly marked.

xiv) In the case of narrow deep valleys (width of the

valley being smaller than the normal span)

levelling upto the bottom of the valley need not

be taken.

xv) No permanent structures like building, temple

etc., should be situated directly below the

space between the two extreme and conductors.

xvi) All details required for preparing railway,

road, river Crossings should be collected.

xvii) Note down the names of villages on both sides

of the alignment and their approximate distance

from the centre line.

xviii) Destination of roads/Rly. lines/P&T lines/

Power lines being crossed should be marked on

both the sides of crossing.

xix) Sub-soil data, (water table) to be collected

along the route.

5.2 Plan & Profile

Back to contents Page

The profile is customarily plotted at 30m intervals,

and even more frequently if sudden changes in

elevation occur. The plan, of course, should show both

chainage and alignment. In rough terrain, contours

covering the width of the right-of-way are very

helpful in locating structures to the best advantage.

General characteristics of the soil formation should

be included on the plan, noting whether clay, gravel,

rock, muskeg, etc. exists as this information has a

direct influence on the choice of foundation types.

Where railways, highways streams channels, airports,

communication circuits, and other transmission lines

are to be crossed, their location, direction and

controlling elevations should be clearly shown. Angle

and change of direction, together with the reference

marks to the angle points, should be shown on the

plan. A horizontal scale of 1:2,500 and a vertical

scale of 1:250 is generally fouond to be convenient

for drawing the profile. A typical transmission line

plan and profile is given in Figure 5.1

The complete line must be plotted with a view to

producing the most economical result which will meet

the electrical requirements as well as sustain the

anticipated external loads. Once the plan and profile

of the line, the conductor and ground wire data, and

the clearance to be satisfied are available, one is in

a position to make a sag template after deciding upon

the normal span and the maximum cable tension to be

The normal span, by definition, is the maximum span

for which a tower is designed in combination with the

maximum line angle permitted. A reduction in line

angle permits an increased span, which in the limiting

condition of minimum angle is termed the tangent

span. Thus, the variations in span length, which are

unavoidable in hilly country, can usually be

accommodated by standard towers and only extra long

spans will require particular consideration in the

tower designs.

The normal spans generally adopted for the

transmission lines 66 kv through 400 kv are as follows:

Voltage Metres

66 KV 250

132 KV 305 - 335

220 KV 350

400 KV 400

These spans may be considered as representative of

the optimum span for their respective voltage class

unless experience or knowledge of anticipated costs

indicate that some other ruling span should be used.

5.2.1 Tower spotting and Sag template

Back to contents Page

I. The following data are required for taking

up profiling and plotting.

i) Specification of profiling and plotting

including scales to be adopted.

ii) Type of towers, standard extensions & leg


iii) Base widths, excavation areas, depth of

excavation for various type of towers

with/without extensions.

iv) Normal wind and weight span.

v) Minimum weight span for tangent tower.

vi) Sag-template curves

vii) Maximum single spans for all type of towers.

Mimimum single span (Individual span) from

vertical separation consideration can be

calculated by the formula

S = 0.75d+1+V/150

Where, S = Minimum vertical spacing between two


D = Maximum permissible sag for available

vertical separation.

L = Suspension insulator length or vertical

height of ’V’ suspension Insulator

V = Voltage in kgs.

viii) Specifications for statutory clearances.

ix) The height of the towers, insulator strings,

hangers and other attachments. Use of

reinforced cross arm to take of extra weight

span will increase additional load on the tower

leg and other tower members. The towers in all

locations may not be adequate to take care of

this additional load due to extra weight span.

Therefore, the design of the tower to be

reviewed before putting extra weight span by

reinforced cross arm.

x) Details of conductor, earthwire, insulators

including wind loads, maximum and minimum

temperatures and corresponding working


II. On having obtained the above information, the

plotting and profiling can be done as given

below :-

i) Suitable datum should be selected for plotting

levels keeping in view of the terrain and graph

sheet available. Mention clearly whether the

datum selected is arbitrary or based on MSL.

ii) The scale of plan should be that of

longitudinal section. This will facilitate

projection of the plan height below the profile


iii) Each profile roll should contain the name of

the agency, name of the line, scales adopted

for plotting, reaches and locations in the

profile roll and roll number and number the

line on the plan at the beginning and at the

end of each profile roll.

iv) All details as available in the field book should be

shown in the plan separately as prohibited

stretches, gardens, compound walls, sand/earth

heaps so as to avoid tower spotting in these


v) Details like MFL of rivers/navigable rivers/non-

navigable rivers, number of power

line/telephone line, pole, No. of wires, height

of pole, configuration of conductors of trans.

line being crossed are to be clearly marked on

the plan and height of highest point of the

power/telephone line to be indicated on the


vi) Angle and change of direction, together with

nearest village and reference marks to the

angle point should be shown on the plan.

vii) Side levels on sloping grounds wherever taken,

should be shown as dotted line on the profile

and levels written in bracket indication the

side on which the levels are taken.

viii) An additional clearance of 0.50m should be

kept between ground clearance curve and the

ground level as drawn in profile to provide

for tolerance.

ix) Wind and weight spans at each location should

be checked up while spotting towers. Before

finalising the position of locations, it should

be ensured that these values are within limits.

x) Uplift should be avoided as far as possible.

Wherever it is unavoidable, the type of tower

to be used has to be determined based on the

tech. designs of each type of tower.

xi) Diversions/lowering of LT/11 KV lines are to

be marked on the profile wherever necessary.

This can be avoided in most of the cases by

suitable spotting of tower and providing

extensions if necessary.

xii) Tower should not be spotted very close to

existing tower lines to avoid erection hazards.

The tower of the power line to be crossed

should be kept away from the proposed line

atleast 1.5 times of the tower height.

xiii) Advantage of more ground clearance available

near the towers should be judiciously availed

to the best possible extent.

xiv) Avoid spotting towers in marshy, water logged

areas, low lying areas, and rocky locations


xv) Hill side extension should be used wherever

necessary in hilly terrain after checking type

of tower available.

xvi) In case of steep slopes where the difference

between the two tower locations is too much so

that normal sag template can not be used, sag

has to be theoretically calculated and sag

curve traced as per calculations.

xvii) In case of steep terrains where the profile can

not be accommodated on the profile sheet, the

datum has to be changed conveniently by

introducing match line showing the change of


xviii) 3 Nos. transposition tower locations are fixed

at 1/3rd length and at receiving terminal end

of the line.

Transposition towers will generally be of C

type (30 degree) tower used as sectionalising

towers without any angular deviation.

5.3 Checking of profile drawings

Back to contents Page

i) Compare the details in profile drawings with

survey records carefully.

ii) After completing 'spotting' of towers, prepare

a tower schedule in the following form;-

Sl. Description of Angle Type Span Type of Remarks

No. angle Point of in foundation

Tower mtrs. proposed

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Under column 7 indicate conditions such as

a) “LT” line to be lowered or diverted,

b) bund to be trimmed

c) reinforcement if any required, in addition to

mention Road crossing ‘LT’ line crossing,

nallah crossng etc.

d) Aviation requirements (as per technical


iii) Prepare a list of power line, railway, minor

road etc., crossings in the following form :-

Sl. Section Chaineage Crossing Approx. Remarks

No. (m) details angle of

1 2 3 4 5 6

iv) Prepare a list of trees to be cut in the

following form :-
Sl. Section Chaineage Offset Type of No. to be

No. (m) from tree cut


line (M)
1 2 3 4 5 6

v) Check up the following in the profile drawings

for :-

a) The wind and weight spans are within

permissible limits.

b) Statutory clearances from power lines, roads,

telephone lines, river etc. are available. If

diversion of any power lines or communication

lines that are crossed is required, mention

thereof should be made.

c) In case of inadequate vertical clearance to

power and communication lines crossed, mention

is made for lowering or diverting these lines

to be crossed.

d) Inadequate ground clearance that may be

unavoidable due to bund, sloping ground etc.,

and consequent trimming or cutting of slope

that may be necessary are to be mentioned in

profile drawing.
e) Lateral clearance to power, communication line

etc., should be adequate to prevent erection


f) Lateral clearance to river, canal edges,

roads, railway tracks etc., are adequate.

g) The type of foundations are proposed as per

trial pit excavation reports.

h) Extension of coping work or building a platform

to prevent tower legs coming in contact with

water is proposed where water level is likely

to be above normal coping level.

i) The distance between angle points is the sum of

all spans in that section.

j) The type of towers proposed at various angle

points are adequate for the angle proposed.

k) Sectionalising tower is introduced invariably

in sections measuring more than 4 km or

approximately 10 spans.

l) The gantry height and jumper curve from

terminal tower to gantry are shown.

m) At locations where tangent towers are proposed

with angle, as per permissible design limits,

wind and weight spans are restricted

preferably to 60-70 percent of design values.

This precaution is necessary in view of such

locations being weaker within the section.

n) The towers are located outside road, railway,

canal etc. boundaries, cart tracks, cemetery

compounds and such other prohibited places.

o) Levelling of ground before grouting stubs is

proposed for towers on uneven ground.

p) Revetment work is proposed for towers on


q) The conductor curves are drawn in spans of

power line, river, railway crossings and

relative vertical clearances as obtained are


r) Mention is made whether the terminal tower is

to be square to line or gantry.

s) The details in tower schedule such as location

number, span, type of foundation are compared

with those indicated in profile drawings.

t) Statutory obligations are fulfilled wherever

5.4 Check Survey

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This will be conducted to make a check on detailed

survey and to locate and peg marks the tower positions

on ground conforming to the survey charts. In the

process it is necessary to have the pit centres marked

according to the excavation marking charts. The

levels, up or down, of each pit centre with respect to

the centre of the tower location shall be noted and

recorded for determining the amount of benching or

earth-work required to meet design requirements of the


5.4.1 If the levels of the pit centres be in sharp contrast

with the level of the tower centre (say beyond a slope

of 1:4), suitable `leg extensions' may be deployed as


5.4.2 For the sake of reference, the pits of a tower shall

be designated as shown in Fig.5.2

5.5 Final alignment and pegging of locations

Back to contents Page

i) After fixing the alignment and intersection of

angle point, check the angle obtained with that

indicated in the profile drawing. In case of

discrepancy repeat the alignment and obtain the

intersection at the correct point.

ii) Trees which are sighted on the centre line of

transmission line should be cleared first: and

adopting offset method for negotiating such

obstacles during final alignment is totally


iii) Chainage between angle points should tally with

that mentioned in the profile drawing. In case

of variation,repeat the 'chaining' work till

you are confident that your measurement is


iv) Before 'stacking' the tower locations in a

section, go over the section and check the

correctness of features indicated in the

drawing and details regarding new feature

noticed, say new power or communication line,

cart track etc., should be included in the

profile drawing. In case you observe mistakes

in the position of features indicated in the

profile drawing, correct them suitably.

v) After completion of final alignment and

intersection to obtain angle point, tower

locations can be stacked as per approved tower

schedule. Give sufficient pegs indicating the

centre of location and transverse and

longitudinal directions. In fields, direction

pegs may be installed on nearby bunds, where


vi) While stacking the tower you should ensure that

the location is free from roots (roots of big

trees nearby), canal and river edges, nallahas,

cart tracks, cemeteries, LT and power lines


vii) The centre peg installed should have number of

location and type of foundation marked on it.

viii) In case tower is to be located on uneven ground

indicate the levelling work to be done in the

schedule. Similarly if revetments or protective

works are to be built, these also should be

made note of.

ix) In case you come across power and communication

lines not indicated in the profiles, check up

the clearance to such lines and prepare revised

schedule including use of extensions, where


x) Wherever trimming of bund or cutting ground on

slopes is required for ensuring adequate

ground clearance, extent of such clearance

works should be indicated in the profile sheet

and tower schedule.

xi) Check the list of trees to be felled during

final alignment and mark out such trees for

showing to concerned people incharge of cutting

and clearance.

xii) After completion of the stacking of location,

trial pits at every km length of the line

should be excavated well in advance and a

report submitted as given below.

xiii) After conducting check survey, the location on

the ground is to be inspected by the Engineer-

in-Charge and any variation has to be

incorporated in the profile and the clearances

are to be checked again.

5.6 Trial pit excavation report

Back to contents Page

After finalising the route of transmission line,

trial pitshould be opened along the proposed line in

typical stretches and in any case atleast at intervals

of one km. Following report should be made in respect

of each pit :-

i) Date of excavation :

ii) Location of Pit :

iii) Size of Pit : 1 mtr.x1 mtr.x1 mtr.

iv)(a) Depth at which excavation stopped.

(b) Reasons for stopping Excavation:

v) Depth of water table :

(Measured from ground level)

a) Depth at which water, encountered if any:

b) Depth of water in the wells in the

neighbourhood :

vi) a) Soil strata :

b) In case of soft rock :

state whether workable

by pick - axe
vii) Nature and rate of per - :

colation of sub-soil water,

if any :

viii) Performance of pit after being:

allowed to stand open for 24 hours

after excavation :

ix) a) Any special features observe:

b) Type of foundation desirable:


Signature ..............

Name ...................

Designation (E1/E2/E3)

Date ..........


i) The above report should be submitted to the line

incharge/Group Manager for approval.

ii) Based on the above report, proposal may be prepared for

Final Bill of Quantities (BOQ), Project Erection Cost, to

competent authority for approval.

A word on Ruling Span, Sag Template &
Tower Spotting

A word on Ruling Span, Sag Template

& Tower Spotting

Back to contents Page

6.1 Introduction : In overhead line design and practice an

intimate knowledge of the mathematics of sags and

tensions must be regarded as essential. The span

lengths to be practiced, the height of supports to be

used, and the strength of supports required are direct

functions of the conductor sags and tensions. Sag

tension calculations are regarded by many as highly

mathematical, but this is not the case. The solution

of sag tension problems is really the application of a

few empirical formulae requiring only a knowledge of

arithmetic, and culminating in a cubic equation which

can be simply solved on the slide-rule. The

calculations would be still more simple if the wires

could be regarded as being subjected to a fixed

loading. This, however, is not the case since the

conductors may be ice-loaded at one time, subjected to

a gale at another, or even both simultaneously, or may

only be acted upon by their own weight in still air.

As a result of the varying conditions, the overhead

line engineer must be able to erect the wires under

still-air conditions, with the knowledge that the

maximum permissible tension will be exceeded should be

conditions of wind and ice laid down in the

Regulations occur.

6.2 Design span lengths

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In transmission line calculations, the following

terms are commonly used.

i) Basic or normal span

ii) Ruling or equivalent span

iii) Average span

iv) Wind span

v) Weight span

Basic or normal span

The normal span is the most economic span for which

the line is designed over level ground, so that the

requisite ground clearance is obtained at the maximum

specified temperature.
Ruling span

The ruling span is the assumed design span that will

produce, between dead ends, the best average tension

throughout a line of varying span lengths with

changes in temperature and loading. It is the weighted

average of the varying span lengths, calculated by the


¦ 3 3 3
Ruling span = ¦ l 1 + l2 + . . . . l n

¦ l1 + l2 + . . . . l n

Where l1, l2, . . . ln are the first, second and last

span lengths in the section. The erection tension for

any line section is calculated for this hypothetical


Tower spotting on the profile is done by means of a

sag template, which is based on the ruling span.

Therefore, this span must be determined before the

template can be made.

The ruling span is then used to calculate the

horizontal component of tension, which is to be

applied to all the spans between the anchor points.

Average span
The average span is the mean span length between dead

ends. It is assumed that the conductor is freely

suspended such that each individual span reacts to

changes is tension as a single average span. All sag

and tension calculations are carried out for the

average span, on this assumption.

Wind span

The wind span is that on which the wind is assumed to

act transversely on the conductors and is taken as

half the sum of the two spans, adjacent to the

support (Figure 6.1) In order to take full advantage

of towers located on elevated ground, it is usual to

allow a wind span of 10 to 15 per cent in excess of

the normal span. This additional strength can be used

in taking a small angle of deviation on an

intermediate tower, where the actual wind span is less

than the design wind span. The angle of deviation to

be taken in such cases is approximately given by :

 = ---- x 180


w = total wind load per unit run of span length

of all conductors carried by the tower.
1 = difference between the wind span used for
design and the actual wind span, and
T = the total maximum working tension of all
conductors carried by the tower.

For hilly areas it may be advisable to allow wind span

upto 30-35% in excess of normal span, so that

valleys/ravine can be crossed with normal tower.

Weight span

The weight span is the horizontal distance between

the lowest point of the conductors, on the two spans

adjacent to the tower. The lowest point is defined as

the point at which the tangent to the sag curve, or to

the sag curve produced, is horizontal. The weight span

is used in the design of cross-arms.

The analytical method for calculating weight span is

given below :

Distance of ‘Null point’ or ‘Low point’ of conductor

from center of span is given by the formula (see Fig.

And 6.1).

X = ----------



x = distance of low point from center of span in


t = Conductor tension in kgf

h = difference between conductor support levels

in m.

w = unit weight of conductor in kg/m

l = span length in m.
Weight span :

For tower A, right hand side only :

a = ------ - x

For tower B, left hand side only :

b = ------ + x

Similarly, weight span for the other side of the

towers, can be calculated and total weight span

obtained. (Figure 6.1 (a) )

If the sum of a and b calculated for a particular

tower is negative, the tower is under ‘uplift’.

(Figure 6.1 (b) )

It is also evident that maximum weight spans are

obtained by the worst condition of wind loading when T

is maximum, which means the vertical component of

worst load sag should be taken for ‘cold curve’ of sag

template in order to assess uplift on towers.

6.3 Tower configurations

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Depending upon the requirements of the transmission

system, various line configurations have to be

considered- ranging from single circuit horizontal to

double circuit vertical structures and with single or

V strings in all phases, as well as any combination

of these. The configuration of a transmission line

tower depends on :
i) The length of the insulator assembly.

ii) The minimum clearances to be maintained between

conductors, and between conductor and tower.

iii) The location of ground wire or wires with

respect to the outermost conductor.

iv) The mid-span clearance required from

considerations of the dynamic behavior of

conductors and lightning protection of the


v) The minimum clearance of the lowest conductor

above ground level.

The lower outline determined essentially by three

factors; tower height, base width, and top hamper


Determination of tower height

The factors governing the height of a tower are :

i) Minimum permissible ground clearance (h1)

ii) Maximum sag (h2)

iii) Vertical spacing between conductors (h3)

iv) Vertical clearance between ground wire and top

conductor (h4)

Thus the total height of a tower is given by

H = h 1 + h2 + h3 + h 4

In the case of a double circuit tower with vertical

configuration of conductors (Figure 6.2). The

calculation of sag(h2) covered later.

Base width

The base width at the concrete level is the distance

between the centre of gravity at one corner leg and

the centre of gravity of the adjacent corner leg.

There is a particular base width which gives the

minimum total cost of the tower and foundations.

The ratio of base width to total tower height for

most towers is generally about one-fifth to one tenth

from large angle towers to tangent towers.

Top hamper width

The width at top hamper is the width of the tower at

the level of the lower cross-arm in the case of

barrel type of towers (in double circuit towers it may

be at the middle cross-arm level) and waist line in

the case of towers with horizontal configuration of


6.4 Sag Template

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The location of structures on the profile with sag

template is essential for both correct design and


Method of preparation

Sag template may be prepared on transparent paper,

cardboard, hard plastic sheet, on celluloid or

perspex, about 1 mm thickness. A typical template is

shown in Figure 6.3. It consists of the following

curves :
I. `Cold or uplift curve'.

Which correspondence to the vertical component of the

sag at worst load conditions of the wind.

II. Hot Curve or `maximum sag curve'.

This correspondence to the maximum still air final

sag at maximum temperature including sag tolerance if


III. ‘Ground clearance curve'.

This is drawn from and parallel to No.1 curve at a

distance equal to minimum specified ground clearance.

IV. `Support foot curve'.

Drawn at a distance equal to the bottom conductor

height at tower, from and parallel to No.2 curve.

Other features.

i) Curve 1 and 3 are normally drawn through the

routine `0' at the centre line of the template.

The cold and hot templates (curves I & II) are

plotted and cut as a parabola on the minimum

and maximum sag of the ruling span.

ii) The curves are extended such that all slopes

on the profile can be scaled with ease.

iii) The hot curve may be cut away so that the

curve can be used for positioning the towers on

the profile, thus determining the actual spans

and showing the conductor and clearance line

(Figure 6.4).

iv) Template shall be prepared to the same scale

as the survey chart.

v) The parabola is accurate to within about one

half of 1% for sags upto 5% of the span which

is well within the acceptable limits.

Use of template

i) The cold curve or the minimum vertical sag line

at the coldest specified conditions is used to

detect cases of direct uplift on insulators at

low lying positions (Figure 6.4 b). The use of

sag template on a sloping ground is shown in

Figure 6.4.6).
ii) At some locations it may be found that towers
of standard heights are either too short or too

long for the normal span and proper ground

clearance is not available. Standard towers

with extensions or reductions may be used at

such locations instead of correspondingly

reducing or increasing the span.

iii) For an easy check whether a tower is under

uplift or not, the following method may be

adopted. The template is applied horizontally

until the tops of alternate supports coincide

with the cold template (curve.I). If the curve

is above the intermediate support, the support

is under uplift and has to be extended until it

touches the cold template and so eliminates

uplift. If requisite standard body extensions

are not available for extending the tower to

desired height a tower designed for uplift

shall have to be provided.

NOTE : The suspension towers shall be checked for

uplift under normal working condition only that

is, both adjacent spans intact. The

section and angle towers normal and broken wire


iv) Attempt is made to keep these spans as nearly

equal to the normal span as possible.

6.5 Tower spotting

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Tower spotting is the art of locating structures in a

right-of-way and selecting their type and height. The

goal is to select the most economical combination of

structures and spans that will satisfy the electrical

requirements. Starting with a profile of the right-of-

way, towers are spotted by the manual template method.

i) As far as possible, tower spotting in marshy,

water-logged areas, low lying areas, rocky

locations, etc. should be avoided. In the case

of steep slopes, where the difference between

the two tower locations is so large that the

normal sag template cannot be used, the sag has

to be calculated and the sag curve traced


ii) Most locations of angle and anchor towers are

dictated by the plan of the line. intermediate

suspension towers, are located by moving the

sag template (Figure 6.3) along the profile

until the desired position of the span is

found. In hilly country, it is obviously

desirable to use the hills to decrease tower


iii) Wherever possible, uplift under conditions of

minimum sag should be avoided on all towers,

but if impossible, special consideration should

be given to the attachment of the conductor at

the uplift point.

iv) Wind and weight spans at each location should

be checked while spotting towers.

v) The soil conditions noted on the line plan must

be considered in locating towers if they are

likely to present any particular problems in

designing or installing footings. Wet, marshy

or swampy ground should be avoided for obvious

reasons. Areas of badly broken or fissured rock

should also be avoided if the use of grouted

anchor bolts does not appear practical as earth

type footings in such rock can be set only

after very costly excavation.

Knowledge of Rules & Procedures


A good knowledge of rules and procedures governing

the construction of transmission lines at the survey

stage is essential for obtaining the clearances

required from the various authorities, so as to ensure

the smooth progress of work at the construction stage.

These relate to the following :

7.1 Indian Electricity Rules, 1956

Back to contents Page

Factors of safety of supports clearances above

ground of the lowest conductor, clearances from

buildings for extra-high voltage lines,

proximity to aerodromes, lines crossing or

approaching each other.

7.2 Rules & specifications laid down by

Railways/Power & Telecommunication Coordination

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Crossings over railway tracks,

telecommunication lines, etc. Approval of the

Railway and Telecommunication Authorities is

required whenever the tracks and communication

circuits have to be crossed by transmission

line. Considerable time is lost in obtaining

these approvals in the process of furnishing

and receiving the necessary data and

correspondence at various levels. It is never a

good practice to take up line construction work

in anticipation of the approvals being


7.3 Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 & environment


Back to contents Page

7.4 Post & Telegraph Rules

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Procedure for obtaining PTCC clearance in

respect of telecommunication lines in


7.5 Roadways, Navigation or Aviation Authorities


Back to contents Page

7.6 Local governing bodies, Defence Authorities


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7.7 CEA Rules

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Procedure for obtaining clearance from the

Electrical Inspector.

7.1 “Extract of relevant Indian electricity rules –


i) Rule No. 76 :-

Maximum Stresses :

Factors of Safety – The owner of every overhead

line shall ensure that it has minimum factor of

safety of 1.5 for supports based on cripping


Provided that in the case of conductors having

a cross-section of a generally triangular

shape, such as conductors composed of 3 wires,

the final unloaded tension at 320 C shall not

exceed 30 percent of the ultimate tensile

strength of such conductor.

a) Maxm. Wind pressure shall be such as State

Government may specify in each case.

b) For cylindrical bodies the effective area

shall be taken as two-thirds of the

projected area exposed to wind pressure :

c) For latticed steel or other compound

structures the wind pressure on the lee-

side members shall be taken as one-half of

the wind pressure on the windward side

members and the factors of safety shall be

calculated on the cripping load of struts

and upon the elastic limit of tension

members :

d) The maximum and minimum temperatures shall

be such as the State Government may

specify in each case. Not withstanding

anything contained above, in localities

where overhead lines are liable to

accumulations of ice or snow, the State

Government may, by order in writing,

specify the loading conditions for the

purpose of calculating the factor of


ii) Rule No. 77 :

Clearance above ground of the lowest Conductor.

For extra-high voltage lines the clearance

above ground shall not be less than 5.182

metres plus 0.3 metre for every 33,000 volts or

part thereof by which the voltage of the line

exceeds 33,000 volts.

Provided that the minimum clearance along or

across any street shall not be less than 6.0965


iii) Rule No. 78 :

Clearance between conductors and trolley Wires:

No conductor of an over head line crossing a

tramway or trolley-bus route using trolley

wires shall have less than 3.048 M clearance.

iv) Rule No. 80 :

Clearances from buildings for extra-high

Voltage lines.

a) Where a high or extra high voltage

overhead line passes above or adjacent to

any building or part of a building it

shall have on the basis of maximum sag, a

vertical clearance above the highest part

of the building immediately under such

line, of not less than 3.658 metres, plus

0.30 metre for every additional 33,000

volts or part thereof.

b) The horizontal clearance between the

nearest conductor and any part of such

building shall, on the basis of maximum

deflection due to wind pressure, be not

less than 1.829 M plus 0.3 metre for every

additional 33,000 volts or part thereof.

v) Rule No. 83 :-

Clearances (General)

For the purpose of computing the vertical

clearance of an overhead line, the maximum sag

of any conductor shall be calculated on the

basis of the maximum sag in still air and the

maximum temperature as specified by the State

Government under rule 76 (2) (d). Similarly for

the purpose of computing any horizontal

clearance of an overhead line the maximum

deflection of any conductor shall be calculated

on the basis of the wind pressure specified by

the State Government under Rule 76 (2) (a) or

may be taken as 350, whichever is greater.

vi) Rule No. 84 :-

Routes : Approximity of aerodromes :-

Overhead line shall not be erected in the

vicinity of aerodromes until the aerodrome

authorities have approved in writing the route

of the proposed line.

vii) Rule No. 87 :-

Lines Crossing or approaching each other :

a) Where an overhead line crosses or is in

proximity to any telecommunication line,

either the owner of the overhead line or

the telecommunication line, who so even

lays his line later, shall arrange to

provide for protective devices or guarding

arrangements, in a manner laid down in the

code of practice or the guidelines

prepared by the Power and

telecommunication Coordination Committee

and subject to the provisions of the

following sub-rules.

b) When it is intended to erect a

telecommunication line or an overhead line

which will cross or be in proximity to an

overhead line or telecommunication line,

as the case may be, the person proposing

to erect such line shall give one month’s

notice of his intention alongwith the

relevant details or protection and

drawings to the owner of the existing


c) Where an overhead line crosses or is in

proximity to another overhead line,

guarding arrangements shall be provided so

as to guard against the possibility of

their coming into contract with each

d) A person erecting or proposing to erect a

line which may cross or be in proximity

with an existing line, may normally

provide guarding arrangements on his own

line or request the owner of the other

overhead line to provide guarding

arrangements as referred to above.

e) In all cases referred above the expenses

of providing the guarding arrangements or

protective devices shall be borne by the

person whose line was last erected.

f) Where two lines cross, the crossing shall

be made as nearly at right angle as the

nature of the case admits and as near the

support of the line as practicable, and

the support of the line shall not be

erected below the upper line.

g) The guarding arrangements shall ordinarily

be carried out by the Owner of the

supports on which it is made and he shall

be responsible for its efficient


h) All work required to be done by or under

this rule shall be carried out to the

satisfaction of the Inspector.

7.2 Rules & specifications laid down by

Railways/power & Telecommunication coordination


i) Railway crossings

For railway crossings, towers shall be of

tension type and railway crossings construction

shall conform to the regulations laid down by

Railway Authorities.

ii) Telecommunication line crossing

The angle of crossing shall preferably be 900.

However, deviation to the extent of 300 may be

permitted under exceptionally difficult

situations. When the angle of crossing is below

600 the matter shall be referred to the

authority incharge of the telecommunication

system. Also, in the crossing span, power line

supports shall be as near the telecommunication

line as possible, to obtain increased vertical

clearance between the wires and.

7.3 The Forest (conservation) Act, 1980 &

environment Rules. This is dealt in detail in

user’s manual, part two volume-2 of


7.4 Post & Telegraph Rules

PTCC Clearances is required for crossing of any

P&T Line as per their laid down procedures.

7.5 Roadways, Navigation or Aviation Authorities


i) Road crossing

At all important crossings, the towers shall be

fitted with normal suspension or tension

insulator strings depending on the type of

towers but the ground clearance at the roads

under maximum temperature and in still air

shall be such that even with conductor bundle

broken in adjacent span, the ground clearance

of the conductor from the road surface shall

not be less than 8.84 metres. At all national

highways tension towers shall be used. The

crossing span, however, shall not exceed 25

metres in any case.

ii) River crossing

In case of major river crossings in planes,

tower shall be of suspension type using double

suspension strings and the anchor towers on

either side of the main river crossing shall be

dead end type. Clearance required by navigation

authority shall be provided. For non-navigable

rivers clearance shall be reckoned with respect

to highest flood level (HFL). River crossing

tower should always be of double circuit type.

7.6 Local governing bodies, Defence Authorities


While routing the line near defence

installations the necessary clearances are

required to be metwith. Similarly local byelaws

are required to be met.

7.7 CEA Rules

Procedure for getting clearance from Electrical

Inspector :

i) According to the provisions of Rule No. 63

of Indian Electricity Rules-1956 a power

line can be commissioned/energized only

after inspection and approval by the

concerned Electrical Inspector.

ii) In exercise of powers conferred by sub-

section (1) of Indian Electricity Act

1910, Ministry of Energy (Department of

Power) vide notification no. 25/4/81 Desk

(I) dated 20th January 1982 has appointed

Director (Commercial) Central Electricity

Authority to be the central Electricity

Inspector in respect of the transmission

lines and other electrical installations

be longing to and under the control of


iii) Before making an application to the

inspector for permission to commence

supply of energy at HV/EHV power lines or

apparatus belonging to him are placed in

position, properly joined and duly

completed and examined. The supply of

energy shall not be commenced by the

supplier unless and until the inspector is

satisfied that the various statutory

requirements stipulated in Indian

Electricity Rules 1956 have been complied

with and the approval in writing of the

Inspector has been obtained.

iv) The following procedure is required to be

adopted when applying for Inspection &

clearance by Electrical Inspector :

a) Form ‘B’ (for transmission lines)

duly filled in with associated

drawings and enclosures should be

forwarded to the respective regional

inspectorial organization sufficiently

in advance before the scheduled

energisation of the line.

b) Form ‘A’ (for sub-station and other

installations) with associated

drawings and enclosures should be

forwarded to the respective Regional

Inspectorial organization sufficiently

in advance before the energisation of

the sub-station and other


v) Requisite fee as laid down in the schedule

prescribed by the Ministry of Energy

(Deptt. of power) vide order dated

31.1.1981 should be deposited along with

the application forms.

vi) Before forwarding the application to

Regional Inspectorial organization, it

should be ensured that all relevant

provisions of I.E. Rules 1956 as amended

upto date, have been complied with in all


Government of India

Central Electricity Authority







1. Date of application.

2. Probable date of completion.

3. Target date for commissioning.

4. Name of apparatus/installation.

5. Drawing showing the location of the

apparatus/installation to be attached.

6. Type of installations (such as indoor, outdoor,

pole mounted, platform mounted, step-down, step up,

control etc.) with its relevant drawing showing

plan, elevation and sideview.

7. Capacity of the installation, its name plate

details to be attached.

8. Schematic diagram of the installation along with

reference to the installations already energized in

the vicinity to be attached.

9. Details of the control and switchgears provided.

10. Details of the protections provided, such as :-

a) Over-loading

b) Over-heating

c) Explosion

d) Lightning

e) Ground faults

f) Short Circuits

g) Any others.

11. Minimum clearance of the relevant exposed live

conductor from the ground.

12. Whether efficient earthing is provided, the diagram

of earthing of electrodes and earthing system to be

13. a) Copy of results of HV/EHV tests carried out for

each apparatus to be enclosed.

b) An attested copy of the test results and/or

manufacturer’s test certificates to be enclosed

for each apparatus.

14. Whether all relevant provisions of the Indian

Electricity rules, 1956 have been duly complied


15. Whether the installation has been examined duly

joined and properly checked.

16. A copy of test results in respect of the following

to be furnished.

a) Insulation resistance (with megger having test

voltage of not less than 1000 volts).

i) between HV/EHV to earth.

ii) between HV to earth

iii) between LV and HV/EHV

b) Earth resistance

i) Individual electrodes.

ii) Combined resistance.

iii) Insulating oil tests. (Dielectric strength)

17. Any other features.

18. Any other remarks.

Signature of owner of the

Installations _______________________

Encl. : To be clearly Designation __________________________

Specified Address ______________________________


Date ___________________


1. The application scrutinized by Shri _______________

_________________ Designation ___________________

2. Further particulars called under reference No.

________________ Dated ____________

3. Approval granted on ________________ under

reference No. ______________ \Dated ___________

4. Initial inspection carried out on by Shri

__________________ Designation ___________________

5. Recommendation’s issued on _______________________

by Shri _____________ Designation _______________

Under reference No. _____________ Dt. __________

6. Compliance report received under Lr. No.

___________________________ dt. _________________ and

scrutinized by Shri ______________________

Designation _________________________________

Government of India

Central Electricity Authority







1. Date of application.

2. Probable date of completion.

3. Target date for energisation

4. Name of feeder/overhead line.

5. Drawing showing the location tapped from the

existing overhead lines/feeder lines to be


6. Route length of the feeder (KM). A drawing

indicating the route location where tapped and

important features such as Road, telegraph, canal,

railway or power line crossings etc. to be


7. Size and type of supports used.

8. Information about conductors viz. size used.

a) For phases

b) For neutral/earth

c) Ground wires

d) Its configuration

9. Spans

a) Average

b) Minimum

c) Maximum

With drawings of typical spans with supports at

both ends.

10. Minimum Clearance to ground.

11. Minimum Calculated factor of safety for supports

for difference spans :

a) transverse to the line

b) along the line

12. Whether the following have been duly provided :-

a) Anti-climbing device drawing to be furnished :

b) Danger notices : drawing to be furnished.

c) Protection from lightning faults drawing to be


d) Protection from snapped conductors drawing to

be furnished.

13. Test results of the earth resistance of the

earthing system.

a) Individual electrodes.

b) Combined resistance.

14. Sizes, type and armouring of HV/EHV cables used to

be furnished.

15. Drawings showing the run of the cables and methods

of layout of the cables to be furnished.

16. Voltage regulation at the end of the feeder to

which the new line is added.

17. Copies of cable manufacturer’s test certificates in

respect of cables to be furnished.

18. Whether all relevant provisions of I.E. Rules –

1956 have been complied with in every respect.

19. Whether the installation has been examined, duly

joined and properly checked.

Signature of owner of the

Installations ___________________

Encl. : To be clearly Designation _____________________

Specified Address _________________________


Date ____________________________


1. The application scrutinized by Shri

_____________________________________ Designation


2. Further particulars called under reference No.

________________ Dated ____________

3. Approval granted on ________________ under

reference No. ______________ \ Dated _____________

4. Initial inspection carried out on by Shri

________________________ Designation_______________

5. Recommendation’s issued on _____________________by

Shri ______________________ Designation

______________ Under reference No. ________

Dt. ___________________________

6. Compliance report received under Lr. No.

_______________________ dt. _________________ and

scrutinized by Shri ______________________

Designation _________________________________

7. Any other action :

Technical Details of 400 KV Transmission


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The technical information regarding tower and

line material is given below. This information

is required for spotting towers and to know the

restrictions on spans, towers and foundations

and various clearances required to be

maintained etc. This information should be read

and kept in view while finalizing the route.

8.1 General description of the tower :

Back to contents Page

The towers shall be of the following types :-

a) Single circuit (types A B C & D)

b) Double circuit (types DA, DB, DC & DD)

c) Special towers.

Type of Deviation limits Remarks

1. A, DA 00 to 20 Tangent tower
2. B DB 20 to 150 Can also be used as

section tower with 00

3. C, DC 150 to 300 Can also be used as

a) Section tower with

00 deviation.

b) Transposition tower.
4. D, DD 300 to 600 dead Can be used for river X-

end with no angle ing, anchoring with

of deviation on longer wind spans.

line side and

upto 150 on slack

span (gantry


8.2 Special towers :

Back to contents Page

These are required for particular major river

crossings or for very long spans.

8.3 Tower Extensions :

Back to contents Page

Single and double circuit towers are designed

to be suitable for adding extensions which are

required for maintaining adequate ground

clearances without reducing the specified

factor of safety in any manner.

8.4 Leg Extensions

Back to contents Page

Standard leg extensions can be designed to

facilitate spotting towers on hilly slopes

thereby avoiding benching & revetment and

reduces the construction cost. Standard leg

extensions of 1.5, 2.5 & 3.5 mtr. Can be

designed. Foundation can be cast by individual

leg stub setting or by erecting first section

of the tower.

8.5 Electrical clearances :

Back to contents Page

i) The minimum clearances shall meet with

the requirements given in following


ii) Minimum ground clearance from lowest

point of power conductor shall be 8.840


Note : Extra allowance may be made to provide

for creep undulation in terrain etc.

iii) Minimum mid-span vertical clearance

between power conductor and ground wire in

still air at normal design span shall be

9000 mm.

iv) The earth wire sag shall be not more

than 90 percent of the corresponding sag

of power conductor under still air

conditions for the entire specified

temperature range.
v) Minimum clearance from line parts to

tower body and cross-arm members in the

case of 400 kV lines shall be in

accordance with Table-I.

Table-I Swing Angles and Minimum Clearances from line

Parts to Tower Body Cross-Arm Members

Wind Angle of swing

Kg/m2 Insulator Jumper Swing
Normal Maximum Switching Surge Power
Swing Swing over voltage Frequency
Normal Maximum Voltage
Swing Swing Maximum
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

43 210 420 260 (400) (520)

(150) (300) (200)

45 220 440 310 (400) (620)

(150) (300) (200)

52 240 480 340 (400) (680)

(150) (300) (200)

Clearances 3050 1860 3050 1860 3050


NOTE : The values given in the brackets are the revised

values. It is proposed to ultimately retain the revised

values only and deleter the old values.

8.6 Clearance between the Overhead line and the

Railway track.

Back to contents Page

Clearance between the overhead line and railway

track shall be in accordance with the

Regulations for Electrical Crossings of Railway

tracks laid down by the Railway Authorities.

Vertical clearances.

The minimum height above rail level of the

lowest portion of any conductor of a crossing

including grand wire under conditions of

maximum shall be as follows.

Voltages Broad, Metre and

Narrow Gauge

Above 220 kV and 19.30 metres

upto 400 kV

NOTE : While calculating the above clearances,

railways high tension lines running over the

1500 V DC traction structure in some sections

have not been taken into consideration. Where

such high tension lines exist, the height above

the rail level of the highest high tension line

shall be taken into account for calculating the

8.6.1 Important Details of towers:

(400 KV Line)
S. Particu-lars A DA B DB C DC D DD
1. Total Height 30.436 45.243 30.243 44.890 31.095 44.890 32.855 45.490
above GL in M
2. Height of 26.016 26.033 21.850 21.860 21.850 21.860 21.855 21.860
Bottom cross
Arm above GL in
3. Width of bottom 11.000 7.050 11.70 7.60 12.40 8.990 12.70 8.69
cross arm from
GL in M
4. Base width in M 8.500 9.5 9.300 1.50 9.60 13.400 11.00 14.00
5. Wt. Of tower in 6.270 10.246 9.313 19.024 10.804 19.534 15.063 25.376
6. Volume of 2.53 4.91 4.35 11.11 8.13 13.54 16.32 31.59
concrete for
normal dry
foundation in
cubic metres
7. Configuration Horizo Vertic Horizo Vertic Horizo Vertic Horizo Vertic
ntal al ntal al ntal al ntal al
8. Normal span in 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400

8.7 Wind span

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The wind span is the sum of the two half spans

adjacent to the tower under consideration. For

normal horizontal spans, this is equal to the

normal ruling span itself.

8.8 Weight span

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The weight span is the horizontal distance

between the lowest points of the conductors in

the adjacent spans of the tower.

Maximum 1.5 x normal span

Minimum 0.80 x normal span

NOTE : The cross arms for medium and heavy

angle towers shall be suitable for a weight

span of 3 times the normal span.

8.8.1 Weight span limits (In mtrs.)

Tower type Normal Condition Broken wire condition

A & DA 600 320 360 160
B, DB, C 600 0.0 360 0.0

8.9 Heavy Weight span and negative weight spans :

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Wherever heavy weight spans and uplifts beyond

permissible limits are met with, then detailed

design calculations are carried out for

suitable modification to in towers and


8.10 Maximum Temperature of Current 750C

Carrying power Conductor exposed

to sun

8.11 Maximum temperature of 530C

Groundwire Exposed to sun

8.12 Maximum Wind Pressure and As in IS-802

Minimum Temperature conditions

8.13 Conductors

Back to contents Page

i) Number of Subconductors

per phase Two

ii) Spacing between subconductors 450 mm

iii) Bundle Arrangement Horizontal

8.14 Earthwire
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i) Number of earthwires Two

ii) Shielding Angle 200

8.15 Insulator Strings

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i) Maximum Length of suspension

Strings from Shackle Attach-

ment at Hanger to Centre line

of Conductor 3850 mm

ii) Maximum length of tension

string from Tower attachment

to compression Dead-end 5450 mm,

attachment Min. 300 mm

8.16 Hanger

Back to contents Page

8.17 Clearances

Back to contents Page

i) Minimum Ground Clearance

from Lowest point of Power

Conductor 8840


ii) Minimum Clearance from live

Parts to tower body and As in

cross-arm members Table-I

iii) Minimum mid-span vertical

clearance between power

conductor and ground wire

in still air 9000 mm

8.18 Broken Wire Condition

Back to contents Page

i) Suspension Towers Any groundwire


bundle whichever is

more stringent for a

particular member

ii) Tension Towers Any groundwire or


whichever is
more stringent for

a particular member

8.19 Factors of Safety

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a) Towers

i) Normal condition 2.0

ii) Broken wire condition 1.5

b) Foundations

i) Normal condition 2.2

ii) Broken wire condition 1.65

8.20 Conductor and Earthwire

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For maximum of tensions

corresponding to 2/3 maximum

wind pressure at minimum

temperature or maximum wind

pressure to the mean annual

temperature do not exceed

35 percent of their ultimate

tensile strengths and the

final unloaded tensions at

the mean temperature do not

exceed 22 percent of ultimate

strength of the conductor

and 20 percent of the ultimate

strength of groundwire. 2.0

8.21 Tests As per relevant

IS specifications



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Line survey is the first & utmost important activity

for any Transmission line project. It is rather spinal

cord of such projects, Hence.

i) There is a dire need to conduct pre invitation

survey more seriously for an accurate

assessment of tower quantity, requirement of

various line materials etc.

ii) The selection of major crossing should be

decided by a joint meeting after studying all

possible aspects including cost of crossing.

iii) The site has to be studied and surveyed in proper manner and

comparison should be drawn similar line (common terrain, line

length, climate conditions) etc.

iv) The survey of high voltage line must be carried out accurately and

expeditiously. A mistake in the field or subsequent of office work

may pass undetected to an advanced stage in construction, thus

causing unnecessary expenditure & delay, in completion of line. In

view of these parameters the line survey approval shall be carried out

in stages as detailed out below :

I) Selection of route on topomaps.

i) The should be drawn by the field executives (E1/E2/E3) and all

the alternate routes should be well defined stating the merits

and demerits of each route.

ii) The proposed routes should be thoroughly checked and verified

by the Line incharge/Group Manager and recommended for

iii) The approval be accorded by the Divisional head (Not below

E7 level) for carrying out the preliminary survey.

II. Preliminary survey report

i) The report should be prepared in the required format by the

field executives (E1/E2/E3).

ii) It should be checked and verified 100% by the line

incharge/Group Manager and clear cut recommendations be

given for the approval. Visits should be made to all angle

points & major crossings. Number of sections with average

span should be work out. Number of cutpoints/angle points

should be kept minimum.

iii) The approval shall be accorded by the Divisional head (Not

below E7 level). He should also possibly visit 50% angle

towers locations including major crossings.

iv) The approval report shall also be countersigned by GM


III. Detail survey report

i) The detail survey report shall be prepared as per the given

guidelines by the field executives (E1/E2/E3) givining

complete details of type of towers, average span, section length

etc. Report should also include apart from crossings all

vulnerable locations requiring revetment/benching. Contour

maps be drawn and approximate volumes be work out. Attempt

should be made to use leg extensions at such locations to avoid


ii) The report should be thoroughly checked and verified by the

line incharge/Group Manager. Visit should be made to the

angle points, major crossing and all vulnerable locations

requiring benching/revetment. It should be brought out clearly

as to why such locations could not be avoided in tower


iii) The final approval shall be accorded by the Divisional head

(not below E7 level). He should be visit possibly 25% angle

locations, major crossings and locations requiring

iv) The final approval report shall be countersigned by GM




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i) Remember you are entrusted with the most

responsible work on transmission line projects.

Your work will reflect on the economics of the

line costs. Bad workmanship will be perpetuated

in its existence throughout the life of line.

Hence be cautions and conscientious.

ii) Never, draw conclusions quickly. Study all

details, factors and alternatives and take

decisions free of adverse comments.

iii) Keep your instruments, vehicle & tools in proper working condition.

Attend repairing promptly. A stitch in time saves nine. Here it saves

lot of worries and time.

iv) Collect only authentic information from appropriate agencies, say

MFL of rivers from P.W.D. authorities, railway track details from

railway authorities, canal boundaries from canal authorities.

v) Collect all possible relevant information. You will find in the

proceeding chapters the extent of information that can be collected by

an active survey or your survey records should be adequate for

checking any survey aspect at drawing office itself without running

again to site.

vi) Do attempt fast work but not at the expense of accuracy. Rectification

of defective work which is completed fast costs more than saving

supposed to have been obtained by quicker completion.

vii) Do not get tired of natural obstacles. Overcome them by common

sense and intelligent planning. Never waste your time in wild pursuits

without intelligent purpose.

viii) Ensure goodwill of general public whom you come across in order to

get familiarized with your area or work quickly.

ix) Minimise wear and tear of instrument and vehicle. Limited use of

them will ensure reliability and longer length of life.

x) Remember fair weather season for efficient work is very limited.

Maximum use of such seasons alone can give you reasonable


xi) Discuss problems encountered during work with your superiors and

colleagues and staff. It would always be found that what had missed

your attention could be caught up easily by the other with whom you

discuss the problem.

xii) New assignment means experience in new area. Build up your

knowledge there with new experiences. Try to share such experiences

with your colleagues for better dispersion and utility of useful details

collected by you.


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1.0 The basic requirement of a transmission line is

to carry the desire bulk power at maximum

efficiency and to achieve this, the line should

be of shortest length feasible, since the line

losses are proportional to the length of the


2.0 While selecting the route one should be fully

aware of the requirements of transmission

lines, statutory provisions, information

required to be collected, prevailing cost of

various elements of Transmission lines etc.

3.0 Bee-line is the shortest distance between the two points of origin

of the transmission line proposed. Survey should be carried out as

closed to the bee-line as possible keeping in mind of the other

required statutory conditions.

4.0 A master mosaic has to be prepared by fixing all the topographical

maps (scale 1 cm = 0.5 km) in their respective position and obtaining

a belt width of minimum 10 km (20 cms) on either side of center line

between the two terminal points.

5.0 a) The proposed route of line should be the shortest

practicable distance. The following factors shall be considered in

the choice of the route :-

i) It is advantageous to lay the line near to or along roadway. The

line should be approachable.

ii) In the case of rural lines it has become quite common to locate

lines a short distance from the highway in order to miss all

trees. This practice has many advantages; the trees are

preserved, tree trimming expense is eliminated, there are no

outages from trees falling into the line, no long poles are

required to go over trees, side arms are not required, and stub

guyed are not required.

iii) Follow Section Lines. Doing this causes less damage to farmers

property and, therefore, makes it possible to purchase the right-

of-way more economically. Paralleling railroads is desirable for

the same reason, because the farms have already been cut and,

therefore, the additional damage is negligible.

iv) Route in Direction of Possible Future Loads. If there is

possibility of adding power loads, the route selected should be

such as to come as near as possible to such locations, provided

that the additional cost is not excessive.

v) Cost of securing and clearing right of way (ROW), making

access roads and time required for these works should be


vi) Corridor through which line is taken should have sufficient

space to take care of future load developments without major


vii) Crossing with permanent objects, such as railway lines and

roads should be minimum and preferably at right angles.

viii) In case of hilly terrain it is necessary to conduct detailed survey

and locate the tower positions. The proposition should be most

economical and safe.

ix) Preserve the Environment. Line routes should be selected

which are the least visible from scenic locations or lower areas

where people pass or congregate. A simple test of visibility can

be carried out by touring roads and points close to a proposed

b) The following areas should be avoided as far as possible

while selecting route.

i) Marshy areas, low lying levels, river beds, earth slip zones, etc.

involving risk to stability of foundation.

ii) Good farming areas, uneven terrain, damage to public and

private properties, religious places, civil and defence

installations, industries, take off funnels, habitation of

important crops, quarry sites or underground mines, gardens

and plantations etc.

iii) Areas which will creates of right of way and way leave

iv) Thick forest or areas involving heavy compensatory payments

for acquisitions of land etc.

v) Building containing explosives, bulk storage oil tanks, or gas

pipelines etc.

vi) Aerodromes, helipads and their approaches.

6.0 Recce Survey

The Recce survey is also essential for collecting the first hand

account of various important field data required for transmission line

works which are as under :

i) Major power line crossing details (66 KV and above)

ii) Railway crossing details.

iii) Major river crossing details.

iv) Sources of construction materials, viz. metal, sand, water etc.

along the line.

v) Important rail heads for the purpose of receipt of materials.

vi) Important villages or stations coming enroute for the purpose

of selection of labour camps.

vii) Nature of soil strata along the route and terrain.

viii) Availability of labour, their present rate on daily basis or on

contract basis.

ix) Names of the major towns for the purpose of selection of site


For fixing the final alignment and angle points on the ground as per

the reconnaissance survey, route alignment survey shall be carried out

with a theodolite, survey chains/measuring tapes/electronic distance

measuring instruments.

x) Information about transport limitation particularly for the line

materials should be obtained from rail, road or navigation

authorities where required. This may involve procurement of

special trailers or alternatively restricts the size and weight of

the package in uneven terrain where head loading is more often

resorted to ;


Back to contents Page

2.0 Walkover survey means going over the area

associated with the alternative routes proposed

and collecting features observed other than

those existing on the map. In addition the

indication of following features should also be

checked without fail.

i) Communication lines.

ii) Power lines.

iii) Expanding villages and towns.

iv) Rich gardens and plantations etc.

v) Aerodromes, radar center, rifle ranges.

vi) Undulating reaches unfit for erection and maintenance.

vii) Roads constructed and roads improved recently.

viii) Steep sloping terrain or steep slopes of hills.

ix) Large tanks, lakes, water-logged areas etc.

x) Reserved Forests and wooded areas with high trees.

xi) High hillocks and stretches with large boulders.

xii) Irrigation wells likely to be made, tube-well pump houses.

xiii) Forests where menance of wild elephants persist.

xiv) Private property limits where right of way cannot be obtained.

xv) Availability of saddles in hill section for better crossing of


xvi) Ghat roads in hills.

xvii) Gardens with grafted fruit trees.

xviii) Prohibited areas declared under statutory regulations.

xix) Rocky areas.

On Completion of the walkover survey the proposal of the most

suited route is further studied and approval obtained from the

head of department of transmission before taking up preliminary



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2.5 Preliminary survey

On completion of route alignment in the field, the following

schedules/information should be prepared for submission of the

Preliminary Survey Report.

1. Schedule of Angle Points.

2. Approximate schedule of various types of towers, extensions and

abstract of tower requirement.

3. Brief description of terrain between each Angle Point section report

to be submitted.

4. Brief write-up regarding infrastructural facilities railway siding,

availability of aggregates, sand etc.

5. Railway crossing details with diagrams.

6. Major river crossings with profiles.

7. Major power line crossings with profiles.

8. Tree cutting schedule.

9. Sketch of angle points w.r.t. the permanent feature in the


10. Schedule indicating the line material quantities.

11. Soil resistivity results.

12. Route alignment map (s).

13. Route alignment drawings should be prepared as indicated below :-

a. Preliminary route alignment drawings showing the proposed route

should be drawn to a scale of 1 cm = 0.5 km (1:50,000).

b. The alignment should be plotted on survey of India maps to the scale

indicated above.

c. Alignment should be plotted on the map with North being clearly

indicated on each drawing. Longitude and Latitude should also be

indicated on the drawings.

d. Route length when physically measured on the alignment drawing

shall be within the allowable limits (1:500).

14. Names of towns and villages should be indicated separately along

with petrol and diesel filling stations and automobile work shops if

any, falling stations and automobile work shops if any, falling in the

vicinity of the proposed route.

15. Sources of quarry points for stones, and water should also be

indicated separately.

16. The certificate need to be given that the route has been aligned

keeping the minimum distances from the civil/defence/vital

installation, rifle ranges and P&T lines and that efforts have been

made to avoid Reserved/Protected forests etc.

17. Following additional infrastructural information need to be given in

Survey Report.

a. Nature of terrain and reach-wise communication facilities.

b. Soil conditions including sub-soil water table as collected from wells

along the road.

c. Sources of water enroute.

d. Approach roads and their suitability, reachwise.

e. Rail heads for receiving material and facilities for storage.

f. Places suitable for open and closed stores (for cement, costly OSM,


g. Availability of local labour, rate, season of availability etc.

h. List of suppliers of material like metal, sand etc.

i. Source of metal, sand and other material, costs including


j. Working season.

k. Transport contractors available in the area.

l. Availability of transport on hire.

m. Identification of convenient section/reaches w.r.t. the above facilities.

n. Identification of convenient field sub-headquarters.

o. Address of State Govt./Electricity/Forest/P&T/PWD officials, who

have jurisdiction over the areas associated with the route of

transmission line.

p. Nearest post office, telegraph office, bank, police station, hospital etc.

q. List of Petrol and Diesel outlets along the line. Section-wise

quantities of tower for the entire route for single circuit A, B, C and D

type and D/C DA, DB, DC and DD type towers shall be worked out

from the route survey and shall be tabulated and submitted.

18. Quantity of the entire line material required shall be estimated on the

basis of design criteria.



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1.0 Levelling

i) GTS/PWD Bench marks enroute are to be identified and the

entire leveling network should be connected to these Bench


ii) Levels be taken at every 30 mtrs. Apart, along the route.

iii) In addition for any sudden change of slopes (over 30 cm in

height), cuttings, shallow portions are to be taken.

iv) All details along the line up to 50 m on either side should be

correctly picked up at the time of leveling and depicted on the


v) Details like name of villages, Temples etc. should be picked up

upto 200 m on either side of the line.

vi) All trees, which are likely to be cut for way leave clearance,

should be picked up correctly by taking offsets from the center

line and depicted on plan. The girth, height, type of trees,

number of trees etc. should be entered in tree enumeration

register and submitted alongwith profile during approval.

vii) Note down the angle of crossing of roads, railway tracks, P&T

line, power line, etc. The boundaries of roads, Railway line are

to be clearly marked on the plan.

viii) In case the line passes through slopes, i.e., side long ground,

levels should be taken on the transverse sides also in addition

to the center line to enable checking the adequacy of ground

clearance for side conductors. This will be useful for

determining the necessity of protective works like revetment


ix) Height of the top most wire of the power line or telephone line

crossed, should be taken at the point of crossing. Proposal of

extensions for requisite clearance depends upon this height and

hence needs accuracy.

x) Chainages of stretches like marshy areas, water logged areas,

compounds, gardens etc., should be correctly marked.

xi) All details required for preparing railway, road, river crossings

etc. should be collected.

xii) Destination of roads/Rly. Lines/P&T lines/Power lines being

crossed should be marked on both the sides of crossing.

xiii) Sub-soil data, (water table) to be collected along the route.

2.0 Plan & Profile

i) The profile is plotted at 30 m intervals, and even more

frequently if sudden changes in elevation occur. The plan, of

course, should show both chainage and alignment.

ii) General characteristics of the soil formation should be included

on the plan, noting weather clay, gravel, rock etc. exists as this

information has a direct influence on the choice of foundation


iii) Where railways, highways streams channels, airports,

communication circuits, and other transmission lines are to be

crossed, their location, direction and controlling elevations

should be clearly shown.

iv) A horizontal scale of 1:2,500 and a vertical scale of 1:250 is

generally found to be convenient for drawing the profile.

iv) The complete line must be plotted with a view to producing the

most economical result which will meet the electrical

requirements as well as sustain the anticipated external loads.

3.0 Tower spotting and Sag template

I) The following data are required for taking up profiling and


i) Specification of profiling and plotting including scales to be


ii) Type of towers, standard extensions & leg extension.

iii) Base widths, excavation areas, depth of excavation for various

type of towers with/without extensions.

iv) Normal wind and weight span.

v) Minimum weight span for tangent tower.

vi) Sag-template curves.

vii) Maximum single spans for all type of towers.

viii) Specifications for statutory clearances.

ix) The height of the towers, insulator strings, hangers and other

x) Details of conductor, earthwire, insulators including wind

loads, maximum and minimum temperatures and corresponding

working tensions.

II) on having obtained the above information, the plotting and

profiling can be done as given below :

i) Suitable datum should be selected. Mention clearly whether the

datum selected is arbitrary or based on MSL.

ii) The scale of plan should be that of longitudinal section.

iii) Each profile roll should contain the name of the agency, name

of the line, scales adopted for plotting, reaches and locations in

the profile roll and roll number on the plan at the beginning and

at the end of each profile roll.

4.0 Checking of profile drawings :

i) Compare the details in profile drawings with survey records


ii) After completing spotting of towers with conductor and ground

clearance curves drawn, the tower schedule (in the given

proforma is to be prepared).

iii) List of trees to be cut is to be prepared in the given format.

iv) The profiles are to be checked for all the details as given earlier

before submission for approval.

v) The profiles neatly drawn with the above guidelines indicated

will be checked and approved by the Competent Authority and

returned to the Engineer-in-charge of the line.

vi) These points on the profiles are to be transferred on to the

ground and checked with the physical features.

vii) Final alignment and pegging of locations to be carried out as

per the plotting given earlier.

Back to contents Page

1. Line is routed along the valley and the lower slopes of the hills or

mountains and away from lake, thus causing minimum interference

with natural landmarks. The roots also avoids disruption of natural

lines (Fig. I).

2. Line routed across plains but curves between hills or mountains,

causing least disruption of natural lines (Fig. II).

3. Line crosses highway at close to a right angle thereby reducing sight

distance to a minimum. (Fig. III).

4. Line crosses hill or mountains, thereby causing a long visible scar. It

also exposes the right-of-way to soil erosion. (Fig. IV).

5. Line should be located adjacent to rail road right-of-way. (Fig. V).

6. Merging line with natural scenery by providing natural, shrubbery

and low trees. (Fig. VI).

Check Format


Back to contents Page

a) Line is approachable. Difficult and unsafe approaches are avoided. Yes/No
b) Route is short and as straight as possible Yes/No
c) Number of likely angle towers are minimum and within these, the Yes/No
number of heavier angle towers are as small as possible
d) Good farming areas, uneven terrains, religious places, civil and Yes/No
defence installations, industries, aerodromes and their approach and
take-off funnels, public and private premises, ponds, tanks, lakes,
gardens and plantations are avoided as far as practicable.
e) Cost of securing and clearing right-of-way (ROW), making access Yes/No
roads and the time required for these work are minimum
f) Line is as away as possible from telecommunication lines and should Yes/No
not run parallel to these.
g) Crossing with permanent objects, such as railway lines and roads are Yes/No
minimum and at right angles. Reference is made to the appropriate
railways regulations and railways electrification rules as well as civil
authorities for protection to be provided for railway and road
crossings, respectively.
h) A detour in the route is prefer so that it is capable to take of future Yes/No
load developments without major modifications
i) Line is away from the buildings containing explosives, bulk storage Yes/No
oil tanks, oil or gas pipelines.
j) Forest area and other relevant environmental issues are negotiated on Yes/No
principal of avoidance, minimization & mitigation.
a) Schedule of angle points and various type of towers are prepared in Yes/No
given format
b) Route alignment maps on specified scale are prepared Yes/No
c) Infrastructure facilities such as water, approach roads, Rail heads, Yes/No
Communication facilities, working season convenient field subhead
quarters etc. are available.
d) Sketch of Angle points are drawn in a manner described in the User’s Yes/No
Manual Vol. I
e) River crossings with profiles are prepared as per guidelines given. Yes/No
f) Tree cutting schedule and forest proposal prepared in given format Yes/No
g) Estimate of all line materials required for the entire line is prepared as Yes/No
per the detailed guide lines in the User’s Manual Vol. 1
h) Possibility to locate Transposition tower at a point where ‘B’ type Yes/No
tower with 00 has been used as cut point (section tower) is explored.
[This will result in economy as differential cost locating transposition
tower shall be (C-B) instead of (C-A) type of tower]
i) As far as possible, tower spotting in marshy, water-logged areas, low Yes/No
lying areas, rocky locations etc. are avoided.
j) Wherever possible, uplift under conditions of minimum sag is Yes/No
avoided on all towers, but if impossible, special consideration should
be given to the attachment of the conductor at uplift point
k) The soil conditions noted on line plan are considered in locating Yes/No
towers if they are likely to present any particular problems in
designing or installing footings.
i) Wet, marshy or swampy ground are avoided for obvious reasons. Yes/No
Areas of badly broken or fissured rock should also be avoided if the
use of grouted anchor bolts does not appear practical as earth type
footings in such rock can be set only after very costly excavation.
m) Length of section is about 5 to 6 Kms. on average basis for 400 kV Yes/No
transmission lines.
a) The wind spans and the weight spans are within permissible limits Yes/No
b) Statutory clearances from power lines, telecommunications circuits, Yes/No
roads, etc. are available. If diversion of any power lines or
communication lines that are crossed is required, mention thereof is
c) Inadequate ground clearance that may be unavoidable due to bund, Yes/No
sloping ground, etc. and consequent trimming or cutting of slope that
may be necessary are mentioned in the profile drawing.
d) Lateral clearances to rivers, canal edges, roads, railway tracks, etc. are Yes/No
e) The types of foundations required, based on trial pit escavation Yes/No
reports, are to be mentioned
f) Extension of coping work or building a platform to prevent tower Yes/No
legs coming in contact with water is proposed where water level is
likely to be above the normal coping level.
g) The distance between angle points is the sum of all spans in that Yes/No
h) Levelling of ground before grouting the stubs is proposed for towers Yes/No
on uneven ground.
i) Revetment work is proposed for towers on slopes with reasons Yes/No
j) The conductor curves are drawn in spans of power line, river and Yes/No
railway crossings and the relative vertical clearances as obtained are
k) Span of towers for 400 KV transmission lines on average basis is 400 Yes/No


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(1) Sh. V.C. Agarwal, AGM, is B.E. (Civil) and M.E. (Hons.)
in ‘Soil Mech. and Fndns. Engg.’ From Univ. of Roorkee,
He has 27 yrs. of vast experience in Construction,
Planning and Monitoring of large Transmission Projects.
(2) Sh. D.K. Valecha, Sr. Manager, is B.Sc. Engg.
(Electrical) from Reg. Engg. College, Kurukshetra.
He has 17 yrs. of varied experience in Planning &
Monitoring, Construction, Operation & Maintenance of
Transmission Lines and Substations.
(3) Sh. J.K. Parihar, Manager, is B.E. Elect. (Hons.) from
Univ. of Jodhpur, Jodhpur.
He has 13 yrs. of varied experience in Planning &
Monitoring, Construction, Operation & Maintenance of
Transmission Lines and Substations.
(4) Sh. R. Nagpal, Manager, is B.E. Elect. (Hons.) from
Punjab Engg. College Chandigarh and MBA from Indira
Gandhi National Open Univ., New Delhi.
He has 11 yrs. of varied experience in Planning &
Monitoring, Construction, Operation & Maintenance of
Transmission Lines and Substations.
(5) Sh. B.K. Jana, Dy. Manager, is B.E. (Civil) from Regional
Engineering College Durgapur and M.Tech. in Applied
Mechanics from I.I.T. Delhi.
He has 13 yrs. of varied experience in Design, Planning &
Coordination of Sub-station works, TL Fndns., Pile Fndns.
& other special heavy Foundations.

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