Vocabulary Builder 13

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Vocabulary Builder Week:__________________________

Word 1 Word 2 Word 3 Word 4 Word 5

What is the word? Engage Fad Imply Gather Allocate
What is the word verb noun verb verb verb
Can you define it? Occupy, A style, Strongly To bring Designate for a
attract, or activity, or suggest the together into specific
involve interest that truth one group, purpose
is very collection or
popular for a place.
short period
of time.
Can you translate it? contratar moda Implicar Reunir Asignar
Which syllable is En-ga-ge Fad Im-ply Ga-ther A-llo-cate
Does it have other Engage, Fads Implicity, Gathering allocation
word forms? engagement (countable implies,
noun) implying
Can you add prefixes Disengage, faddish Implied Regather, misallocate
or suffixes? reengage foregather

Does it have Hire, Craze, Entail, hint, Accumulate, Allow,

synonyms? contract, fashion, involve amass allot,
take on trend assign

Does it have Dismiss, Calm, Define, state, Dispel, Decline, deny

antonyms? lose boredom, express disperse.
hate dissipate

What words does it Refuse to, for Seems to, Begin to, Something
often collocate fail to intend to, start to Somebody
(appear) with? mean to

Can you write a And this This is the This may or Pull the Those given
personal or morning I latest diet may not be basting responsibilities
memorable managed to fad to play an error, but bobbin to allocate
sentence? engage the on many it does not threads to public
attention of people's necessarily gather the resources
my new insecurity imply a skirt. must adhere
class of about their systemic to the plan.
students. bodies. failing.

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