Ued496 Vanzyl Joanne Resume 1

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Joanne Van Zyl 

Chesapeake, Virginia 
[email protected]  
(757) 338-6414
To provide a safe and creative learning environment for students to express themselves and 
reach their full cognitive, social, and emotional development by cooperating with peers, 
advocating for themselves, and having the determination to reach their goals.  
Areas of Expertise 
● Differentiates instruction to accommodate individual learning styles 
● Applies PBIS to student behavior management 
● Establishes strong questioning strategies to promote student engagement. 
● Consistently reflects on professional feedback to improve performance 
● Develops interdisciplinary lesson plans that actively involve students 
Regent University August 2016 - May 2019 
● Bachelor of Science - Interdisciplinary Studies, pre K-6  
(Anticipated May 2019) 
● GPA 3.67 
● Member of Kappa Delta Pi September 2018 - present 
Virginia Teacher Certification Anticipated May 2019 
Practicum Experience 
Centerville Elementary - Grade 3  September 2017 - June 2018 
● Observed and communicated with 3rd grade 
teacher and special resources teacher 
● Held small group discussions 
● Differentiated instruction between students  
with differing learning levels 
Centerville Elementary - Grade 4 October 2018 - December 2018 
● Led small group guided reading and math 
● Taught mini Language Arts lesson to students 
● Assisted in Mathematics Instruction 
Student Teaching Experience 
Centerville Elementary School - Grade 3 January 2019 - March 8, 2019 
● Taught Language Arts, Mathematics,  
Science, and Social Studies content areas to students 
● Held small math and reading groups 
● Behavior management by  
implementing PBIS in classroom 
● Participated in teacher collaboration sessions 
● Attended PBIS training 
● Adjusted and differentiated instruction by collecting data 
Thurgood Marshall Elementary School March 11, 2019 - May 3, 2019 
● Held small math and reading groups 
● Helped with behavior management by implementing PBIS in classroom 
● Participated in teacher collaboration sessions 
e-portfolio link: h
​ ttps://joannevanzylstudentteachingportfolio.weebly.com/  

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