Shaklee 180 Nutrition Guide

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Shaklee 180 ®

nutrition guides
As America’s #1 Natural Nutrition Company,
it’s important to us that you lose weight the
healthy way.

Take a look at these nutritional guides based on

your Shaklee 180 Kit to see a suggested food plan
and calorie-level to meet your goals.

On the Turnaround™ Kit?

A safe rate of weight loss is 1-2 pounds per
week. To lose one pound per week, you need
a daily deficit of 500 calories.

Your weight Daily calories

Up to 150 lbs 1,200 calories

151 - 200 lbs 1,500 calories

201 - 250 lbs 1,800 calories

251 lbs or more 2,100 calories

Shaklee Turnaround™
1,200 calories

Breakfast Lunch Afternoon snack Dinner

Life Shake Life Shake or Snack Bar or Snack Crisps Shaklee 180 healthy meal

Metabolic Boost* Meal-in-a-Bar Energizing tea Metabolic Boost*

Fruit Metabolic Boost* Veggies

Try adding your morning fruit into Guilt-free snack idea Try one of our tasty 180 meals
your Life Shake with one of our tasty designed specifically for the Shaklee
• 1 cup of raw veggies
Life Shake recipes. 180 weight-loss program to help you
keep muscle as you lose weight.
Fruit - choose one Find recipes here:
• 1 small banana 180 Tab
• ½ pink grapefruit
• 1 medium apple
• 1 cup melon
• 1 cup strawberries
• ½ cup blueberries

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Shaklee Turnaround™
1,500 calories

Breakfast Morning snack Lunch Afternoon snack Dinner

Life Shake Healthy snack Life Shake or Snack Bar or Snack Crisps Shaklee 180 healthy meal
Metabolic Boost* Meal-in-a-Bar Energizing Tea Metabolic Boost*
Fruit Metabolic Boost* Veggies

Try adding your morning Snack ideas - choose one Try one of our Shake recipes! Fruit - choose one Try one of our tasty 180
fruit into your Shake meals designed specifically
• Nonfat Greek yogurt (6 oz) • 1 cup of raw veggies
with one of our tasty for the Shaklee 180 weight-
Shake recipes. • 2 scrambled eggs loss program to help you
+ ½ English muffin keep muscle as you lose
Fruit - choose one • Smoked salmon (2 oz) weight. Find recipes here:
• 1 small banana + Lite cream cheese (1 T)
+ cucumber slices 180 Tab
• ½ pink grapefruit
+ 1 brown rice cake
• 1 medium apple
• Peanut butter (1½ T)
• 1 cup melon + whole wheat bagel
• 1 cup strawberries
• ½ cup blueberries

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Shaklee Turnaround™
1,800 calories

Breakfast Morning snack Lunch Afternoon snack Dinner

Life Shake Healthy snack Life Shake or Snack Bar or Snack Crisps Shaklee 180 healthy meal

Metabolic Boost* Meal-in-a-Bar Energizing Tea Metabolic Boost*

Fruit Metabolic Boost* Veggies

Try adding your morning fruit Snack ideas - choose one Try one of our Shake recipes! Fruit - choose one Try one of our tasty 180
into your Shake with one of meals designed specifically
• Nonfat Greek yogurt (6 oz) • 1 cup of raw veggies
our tasty Shake recipes. for the Shaklee 180 weight-
• 2 scrambled eggs loss program to help you
Fruit - choose one + English muffin keep muscle as you lose
• 1 small banana • Smoked salmon (2 oz) weight. Find recipes here:
+ Lite cream cheese (1 T)
• ½ pink grapefruit 180 Tab
+ cucumber slices
• 1 medium apple + 1 brown rice cake
• 1 cup melon • Peanut butter (1½ T)
• 1 cup strawberries + whole wheat bagel
• ½ cup blueberries
+ Fruit - choose one
• 1 banana, 1 pear,
1 large peach, 1 medium
orange, ½ cup blueberries

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Shaklee Turnaround™
2,100 calories

Breakfast Morning snack Lunch Afternoon snack Dinner

Life Shake Healthy snack Life Shake or Snack Bar or Snack Crisps Shaklee 180 healthy meal
Metabolic Boost* Meal-in-a-Bar Energizing Tea Metabolic Boost*
Fruit Metabolic Boost* Veggies

Try adding your morning fruit Snack ideas - choose one Try one of our Shake recipes! Fruit - choose one Try one of our tasty 180
into your Shake with one of meals designed specifically
• Nonfat Greek yogurt (8 oz) • 2 cups of raw veggies
our tasty Shake recipes. for the Shaklee 180 weight-
• 4 scrambled eggs loss program to help you
Fruit - choose one + Canadian bacon (2 oz) keep muscle as you lose
+ English muffin + fruit weight. Find recipes here:
• 1 small banana
• Smoked salmon (2 oz)
• ½ pink grapefruit 180 Tab
+ Lite cream cheese (2 T)
• 1 medium apple + cucumber slices
• 1 cup melon + 1 brown rice cake
• 1 cup strawberries + fruit

• ½ cup blueberries • Peanut butter (2 T)

+ whole wheat bagel
+ Starch - choose one + fruit

• 1 slice wheat toast + Fruit - choose one

• ½ medium bagel
• 1 banana, 1 pear,
• 1 English muffin 1 large peach, 1 medium
• ½ whole wheat pita orange, ½ cup blueberries,
½ cup grapes

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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