FYBSC - Animation

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*4321103* [4321] – 103


F.Y. B.Sc. (Animation) Examination, 2013

(2011 Course)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Neat diagrams/illustrations must be drawn wherever
4) Each illustration must be sketched on a blank separate

I. Attempt the following :

A) Fill in the blanks (any 5) : 10
1) In layout F.G. stands for ________.
2) The K in CMYK stands for ________.
3) The _______ colour mode allows for certain edits in photos and videos.
4) ________ and _______ are two standard video formats used.
5) Cel animation is also known as _____.
6) FPS stands for ________.
7) Cue sheet is another term for ________.
B) Write the full forms of the following (any 5) : 10
3) TGA
6) CGI
7) PNG.
[4321] – 103 -2- *4321403*

II. Answer the following (any 3) : 15

1) Give a brief account of the evolution in the field of animation from cave
paintings to the current industry.

2) What is the basic procedure for cel animation ?

3) Explain any 3 mediums of animation with examples.

4) Explain pose to pose animation.

5) Explain Antic-Action-Settlement with the help of basic illustrations-one for


III. Write a short note on the following (any 3) : 15

1) Character model sheet for 2D & 3D.

2) Body language and its necessity in animation.

3) What are thumb nails ? What are they used for ?

4) Illustrate 4 different types of camera shots.

5) Write a short note on the different digital colour modes.

IV. Answer the following (any 3) : 15

1) Describe a storyboard panel with an illustrated example(A 3 panel sheet).

2) Explain the character development process.

3) What are the essentials and qualities for a good animated character ?

4) What are the fundamentals of Design ? Explain any 3.

5) Explain the terms B.G., F.G. and M.G in layouts with the help of a diagram.
*4321403* -3- [4321] – 103

V. Answer the following with appropriate illustrations :

A) Attempt any one : 7
1) Construct an appealing character using the following shapes. Each shape
must be used at least once.
(The shapes can be repeated multiple times and their sizes may vary)

2) Explain slow-in and slow-out. Illustrate the movement of a pendulum with

the help of this principle.
B) Attempt any one : 8
1) Write a character bible for a corrupt politician and illustrate the same
using the following guidelines.
–Appearance, personality, habits, likes/dislikes, past, family background
and present lifestyle.
2) What is sequential movement drawing ? Why are they used ? Explain
with the help of illustrating a walk cycle using 10 consecutive sketches.



*4321105* [4321] – 105


F.Y. B.Sc. Animation Examination, 2013

(2011 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Neat diagrams/illustrations must be drawn wherever

1. Answer the following (any 10) : 20

1) What is scope of flash in Animation industry ?
2) Write any four selection tools.
3) What is playhead ?
4) What is free transform tool use for ?
5) Explain kerning.
6) Explain break apart.
7) What is align to stage option ?
8) What is ink bottle tool ?
9) Explain ‘Grid’.
10) Explain ‘Guide’.
11) Explain ‘SWF’ File format.
12) Explain polygon lasso tool.

2. Answer the following (any 3) : 15

1) What does Timeline contain ? Explain in brief.
2) Which file formats support ‘Audio’ in Flash ?
3) What is object drawing ?
4) What is swapping symbol ? Explain in brief.
5) Explain the different types of image formats in export menu.

[4321] – 105 *4321105*

3. Write short note on (any 3) : 15

1) Group and ungroup object
2) Pen tool and Brush tool
3) Dropper
4) Primitive Rectangle and Primitive Oval
5) Alpha in colour swatches.

4. Answer the following (any 3) : 15

1) Explain symbol in brief.
2) Write the process of importing video to stage.
3) How do filter’s work ? Explain in brief.
4) What is motion tween ?
5) Which file format is used to export flash animation into movie ? Explain in

5. Answer the following : 15

1) What is a movie clip ? Explain in brief.
2) Write the process of frame by frame animation.
3) What are the types of text ? Explain in brief.



*4321107* [4321] – 107


F.Y. B.Sc. (Animation) Examination, 2013

(2011 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

Instructions : i) All questions are compulsory.

ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
iii) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.

I. Answer the following (any ten) : (10×2=20)

1) What are the tabs in Command Panel ?
2) Write the function of these “Alt + W” short cut.
3) What is Poly Draw Tools ?
4) What is spin ?
5) What is the use of Flip Button ?
6) What are the buttons in Mirror Options ?
7) What is Helix ?
8) What are the button in Boolean function ?
9) Write any five 2D shape primitives.
10) Write the description of Pin Stack.
11) Write the full form of NURBS.
12) What are the short cut of Hold and Fetch ?

II. Answer the following (any three) : (3×5=15)

1) What is L – Ext ?
2) Explain the use of Pivot Point center.
3) Define 3D Modeling.
4) Explain using the Quick Align Tool.
5) What are the option in clone option dialog box ?

[4321] – 107 *4321107*

III. Write a short note (any three) : (3×5=15)

1) Trim/ Extend modifier.
2) Taper Modifier.
3) Twist Modifier.
4) Weight and Crease.

IV. Answer the following (any three) : (3×5=15)

1) Explain turn.
2) What is the use of Break Button ?
3) Explain the use of Relax Button.
4) Define Cross Section Modifier.
5) Explain the importance of Explode Button.

V. Answer the following : (3×5=15)

1) Write the description of Make Unique.
2) What is the use of Dummy objects ?
3) Explain Ungroup Commond.


*4321101* [4321] – 101


F.Y. B.Sc. (Animation) Examination, 2013

Paper – I : Elements of Information Technology
(2011 Course)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

Note : I) All questions are compulsory.

II) Figures to right indicate full marks.
III) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.

1. Answer any ten of the following : (2×10=20)

a) What is computer ?
b) List four types of computer.
c) What is volatile memory ? Give the example of volatile memory.
d) Define operating system. Give the example of operating system.
e) Explain Taskbar ?
f) What are differences between DIV and SPAN in HTML ?
g) What are the most important new features of HTML5 ?
h) Which strategies used for specifying font size ?
i) Which are the three different values for Positioning a division on the page ?
j) Write down syntax for < video > tag and list attribute of it.
k) What is algorithm ?
l) List the types of programming language.
2. Answer any three of the following : (5×3=15)
a) What are characteristics of computer ?
b) What is ROM ? Describe its various types.
c) Write a short note on LCD.
d) Write an algorithm to find maximum of three number.
e) Explain Batch Operating System.
[4321] – 101 -2- *4321101*

3. Answer any three of the following : (5×3=15)

a) How we change cell padding, spacing and alignment of the HTML table ?

b) Write a note on Pen drive.

c) What are characteristics of Algorithm ?

d) Write a short note on scanners.

e) Explain time sharing operating system.

4. Answer any three of the following : (5×3=15)

1) Draw a flowchart for calculation of compound interest

where P = Principle, N = No. of time Periods

R = Rate of Interest

CI = Compound Interest and

CI = P * (1+ R / 100) N − P

2) Draw a flowchart for printing sum of first N integers.

3) Draw a flowchart for printing maximum of given any 100 number.

4) Write an HTML code to display following output

A. Apple

B. Banana

C. Grapes

D. Orange

5) Write an HTML code to create following Blank Table

*4321101* -3- [4321] – 101

5. Answer any three of the following : (5×3=15)

a) Explain following terms :

1) Partial path
2) Relative path
3) Absolute path

b) Which are the different ways for selecting graphics format ?

c) What is indent ? Explain 3 type of indentation.

d) Explain Control Panal in MS-Windows.

e) Write a note on Cachy Memory.



*4321102* [4321] – 102


F.Y. B.Sc. (Animation) Examination, 2013

(2011 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

Note : I) All questions are compulsory.

II) Figures to right indicate full marks.
III) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.

1. Answer any ten of the following : (2×10=20)

a) What is identifier ? Give two example of valid identifier.
b) What do you mean by keyword ? List any four example of keyword.
c) Explain the use of getchar ( ) function.
d) What is the use of puts( ) function ?
e) What is main difference between variable and constant ?
f) What is syntax error ?
g) Assume that we are executing following Code
a = 10
b = 24.0
For each of the following expression, write the value of the expression and
type of value
1. b/4
2. a/5.0
h) Explain ‘in’ operator used with list in python.
i) What is interpreter ? How it work ?
j) Assume that we execute following assignment statement
E = ‘X’
For each of the following expression, write the value of the expression and
type of the value.
1. E + ‘E’
2. E * 5
[4321] – 102 -2- *4321102*

k) Explain any two logical operators in C.

l) What will be the output of the following program ?
main ( )
int i = 3 ;
printf (“%d\n”, i++) ;
printf (“% d ”, i) ;

2. Answer any three of the following : (5×3=15)

a) Explain syntax and use of Do-while loop in C program.
b) Explain continue and goto statement with example in C programming.
c) Write a note on recursion.
d) Explain syntax and use of printf and scanf function in C programming.
e) Explain bitwise operators with suitable example.

3. Answer any three of the following : (5×3=15)

a) Write a note on program error in python.
b) Write a note on event driven programming in python.
c) What is array ? How to initialize and access elements of array ?
d) What is Header file ? Explain use of stdio.h and string.h.
e) Explain strcmp( ) and strcat( ) function with proper syntax in C programming.

4. Answer any three of the following : (5×3=15)

a) Write a ‘C’ program to display first ‘n’ even numbers.
b) Write a ‘C’ function to calculate xy.
c) Write a ‘C’ program to read a string and find the length of the string.
d) Write a program [Python Script] to accept name of the student, marks obtain
in four subjects, calculate percentage and print percentage and name [Max.
marks in each subject is 100].
e) Write a Python Script to calculate and print simple interest.
*4321102* -3- [4321] – 102

5. Answer any three of the following : (5×3=15)

a) What are the different types of conversion functions ? Explain any three.

b) Explain list operator with an example.

c) Explain any four dictionary method.

d) What is pointer ? Explain pointer arithmetic.

e) Write a note on multi dimensional array.


*4321104* [4321] – 104

F.Y. B.Sc. (Animation) Examination, 2013

(2011 Course)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures on the right indicate full marks.
3) Neat diagrams/illustrations must be drawn wherever necessary.
4) Each illustration must be sketched on a separate blank sheet.

I. Answer the following (any 10) : 20

1) Why is foundation art necessary for animation artists ?

2) What is ‘vanishing point’ ?

3) Name any 4 types of pencils required for shading.

4) What is the line of action ?

5) Why is it important to draw in perspective ?

6) What is gesture drawing ?

7) What is a mannequin used for ?

8) Name the different type of basic shapes (any 4).

9) What is contour drawing ?

10) Explain the importance of stick drawing.

11) What is doodling ?

12) What is grayscale ?

[4321] – 104 *4321104*

II. Answer the following (any 3) : 15

1) Explain the importance of balance in human figure drawing.

2) Explain the importance of keyline along with an example.
3) Explain the process of drawing human heads. Give an illustrated example.
4) Explain 3 point perspective along with an example.
5) What is foreshortening ?

III. Write short notes (any 3) : 15

1) Dynamic Poses.
2) Volume construction.
3) Different age proportions of a child.
4) Rapid drawing.
5) Rotation in arc.

IV. Answer the following (any 3) : 15

1) Explain 5 major muscles on the face.
2) What is drapery ?
3) Explain the basic proportions of an average female palm.
4) Write and illustrate 5 muscles in the male arm.
5) What is a horizon line ? Explain in brief.

V. Answer the following : 15

1) Explain the different eye levels in perspective.
2) Explain one point perspective.
3) Explain the importance of block construction in human sketching.

*4321106* [4321] – 106

F.Y. B.Sc. (Animation) Examination, 2013

(2011 Course)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of non programmable battery calculator is allowed.

1. Attempt any ten of the following : 20

1) Define code word.
2) What is pixel ?
3) Define ‘window’ and view port.
4) Write down name of algorithm for polygon clipping.
5) What is FDDI ?
6) What are 3 types of text ?
7) Write down shearing matrix in 2D.
8) Write any two reasons for the necessity of computer graphics.
9) Explain the term ‘Packet mode’.
10) What is CCIR ?
11) Define region filling.
12) Define Token Rotation Time (TRT).

2. Attempt any three of the following : 15

1) Write a note on analog signal.
2) Explain raster scan display.
3) Write down concatenated matrix for first reflection through X axis followed by
uniform scaling by .
4) Discuss RGB colour model.
5) Write a note on multimedia information representation.
[4321] – 106 -2- *4321106*

3. Attempt any three of the following : 15

1) Discuss Z buffer algorithm for hidden surfaces.

2) Write a note on JPEG.

3) Explain communication modes simplex, half duplex, duplelx.

4) What are colour CRT monitors ?

5) What are advantages of computer graphics ?

4. Attempt any three of the following : 15

1) Explain Huffman tree code construction.

2) Use Cohen Sutherland algorithm to clip two lines AB and CD with A(40, 13),
B(75, 45), C(70, 20), D(100, 10) against a window (50, 10), (80, 10), (80, 40),
(50, 40).

3) Write Bresenham’s algorithm about scan conversion line segment.

4) Write an algorithm for rotation about an arbitrary point in 2D.

5) Explain high speed LAN.

5. Attempt any three of the following : 15

1) Explain text compression and image compression briefly.

2) Write a note on boundary filling.

3) Explain area subdivision algorithm.

4) Obtain the concatenated transformation matrix for the following successive

transformations (a) translate in X, Y, Z direction by 2, 3, 5 units respectively
(b) shearing in X coordinate by a factor of 2 units proportional to Z co-ordinate
(c) reflection in YZ plane.

5) Write a note on Ethernet/IEEE 802.3.



*4321108* [4321] – 108


F.Y. B.Sc. (Animation) Examination, 2013

(2011 Course)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

Note : i) All questions are compulsory.

ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Answer any 10 out of 12 : 20

i) What are e-books ?

ii) Give different tools and methods of mass communications.

iii) Define the following :

a) Communication
b) Culture.
iv) Give an example of commercialized book.

v) Name any two radio channels which are functioning in India.

vi) Enlist two Indian magazines.

vii) Define virtual life.

viii) Write any two advantages of advertising.

ix) Explain graphic layout.

x) What are distinctive features of broadcast media ?

xi) What is documentary film ?

xii) Define Mass audience.

[4321] – 108 *4321108*

2. Answer any four out of six : 20

i) What are the characteristics of web based communication ?
ii) What types of sounds are used on radio ?
iii) “Video games are communicators”. Explain.
iv) “Web is global media”. Explain.
v) Distinguish between advertising and public relations.
vi) What is globalization ?
3. Answer any four out of six : 20
i) Explain does Mass Communication in turn change culture.
ii) What are documentary films ? What purpose do they serve ?
iii) What is the role of television in our everyday lives ?
iv) Is the Internet also misused ? How ?
v) What are the issues of media ethics ?
vi) What skills are developed through media literacy ?
4. Answer any two out of three : 20
i) What are the advantages of advertising ?
ii) Are e.books the future ? Comment.
iii) Write about a recent animation film you have watched in the theatre.



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