Choose The Correct Answer (1 10 10) : Section-A
Choose The Correct Answer (1 10 10) : Section-A
Choose The Correct Answer (1 10 10) : Section-A
3. National science day is A) March 15. B) March 20. C) February 28. D) April 17
6. World haemophilia day is. A) July 11. B) August 9. C) April 17 .D) September 8
8. Anti -tabacco day is. A) May 31. B) August 9 .C) October 1 D) December 1
10. Father’s day is A) November 14. B) March 11 .C) third Sunday of June .D) July 3
1. Name the desert animal that never drinks makes water in its body when the
food combines with oxygen.----------------
2. Name the famous flying mammal found in South America that drinks animal blood
for its food------------------------------
3. Name the only snake in the world, found in South India , known to build nests.-----------
4. Name the birds that files backwards--------------------------
5. Name the only animal with a movable upper jaw----------------------
6. -------------- is the largest city of Japan.
7. --------------is the largest city of South Korea.
8. -------------- is the largest city of China.
9. --------------- is the largest city in North America.
10. ---------------- is the largest city in India.
(King cobra, Cuban humming, kangaroo rat, climbing perch, alligator , vampire bat,
Mumbai, Maxico City, Shanghai, Seoul, Tokyo,)
Section- B
Section -c
1 Protein deficiency
2 Iron deficiency
3 Iodine deficiency
4 Potassium deficiency
5 Vitamin A deficiency
2. write any five country capital and currency
3. Write down the position of the layer, thickness, and composition of crust, mantle, core.
Section –E
(10 marks)
1. Fill in the pay slip to deposit the amount is RS-5000. Your account number is