Choose The Correct Answer (1 10 10) : Section-A

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Choose the correct answer (1*10=10)

1. World laughter day is.

A) January 30. B) first Sunday of May C) December 1. D) July 11

2. Martyrs day is A) January 30. B) March 8 C) March 10 D) July 11

3. National science day is A) March 15. B) March 20. C) February 28. D) April 17

4. International women’s day is A) March 15. B) March 8. C) March 20. D) March 10

5. World consumer day is A) March 15. B) March 8. C) March 20. D) March 26

6. World haemophilia day is. A) July 11. B) August 9. C) April 17 .D) September 8

7. Mount Everest day is A) May 24 .B ) May 29. C) May 11 .D) May 24

8. Anti -tabacco day is. A) May 31. B) August 9 .C) October 1 D) December 1

9. World environment day is A) January 30 B) April 17 C) June 5 D) September 11

10. Father’s day is A) November 14. B) March 11 .C) third Sunday of June .D) July 3

Write true or false ( 10*1=10)

1. Bharat Mata is the famous work of M. K Hussain

2. Birju Maharaj is a renowed Kathakali dancer

3. Sahara is the world’s largest desert

4. The king cobra buildes nest

5. Delhi is the largest city in India

6. Our sun is the member of Milky Way Galaxy

7. Core of the earth is made of iron and some nickel

8. Tulsi leaves can be used for treatment of asthama.

9. Marie curie was American’s best known poetess.

10. Salarjung museum is one man collection museum

Match the following: (10*1=10)

1. The Bhakra Nangal Project – Madhya Pradesh & Rajasthan

2. The Hirakud Project - Gujarat
3. The Kosi Project – Andhra Pradesh
4. The Chambal valley project - Haryana , Punjab ,& Rajasthan
5. The Tungabhadra project - Bihar
6. The Nagarjunasagar project - Haryana , Punjab ,& Rajasthan
7. The Narmada valley project - Karnataka & Andhra Pradesh
8. The Damodar valley project - Madhya Pradesh
9. The Beas project - Orissa
10. The Bargi project - Bihar & West Bengal

Fill in the blanks (10*1=10)

1. Name the desert animal that never drinks makes water in its body when the
food combines with oxygen.----------------
2. Name the famous flying mammal found in South America that drinks animal blood
for its food------------------------------
3. Name the only snake in the world, found in South India , known to build nests.-----------
4. Name the birds that files backwards--------------------------
5. Name the only animal with a movable upper jaw----------------------
6. -------------- is the largest city of Japan.
7. --------------is the largest city of South Korea.
8. -------------- is the largest city of China.
9. --------------- is the largest city in North America.
10. ---------------- is the largest city in India.

(King cobra, Cuban humming, kangaroo rat, climbing perch, alligator , vampire bat,
Mumbai, Maxico City, Shanghai, Seoul, Tokyo,)

Section- B

Answer any TEN of the following questions (10*3=30)

1. Write short notes on “APOLLO”?
2. Write short notes on “MYSORE PALACE”?
3. Write short notes on “PHOBOS” ?
4. Write short notes on “SALARJUNG MUSEUM”?
5. Write short notes on “MADAME TUSSAUDS”?
6. Write short notes on “SOLOMON R .GUGGENHEIM”?
7. Who is “ANIL AMBANI”?
8. Write short notes on “OLM”?
9. Write short notes on “SNAKE CATERPILLAR” ?
10. Write short notes on “SUDOKU”?
11. Write short notes on “SUN TEMPLE”?
12. Write short notes on “ASTEROID”?
13. Write short notes on “SUPERNOVA”?

Section -c

Answer any FOUR of the following questions (4*5=20)

1. write name the diseases caused by the following factors

S.NO Factor causing disease Name of the disease

1 Protein deficiency

2 Iron deficiency

3 Iodine deficiency

4 Potassium deficiency

5 Vitamin A deficiency
2. write any five country capital and currency

3. Write down the position of the layer, thickness, and composition of crust, mantle, core.

4.Write a notes on “OUR CONSTITUTION”

5.Write a notes on Padmasana and Akarna Dhanurasana

Section –E

(10 marks)

1. Fill in the pay slip to deposit the amount is RS-5000. Your account number is

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