Waterfall Top 20 Attacks Article d2 Article S508NC
Waterfall Top 20 Attacks Article d2 Article S508NC
Waterfall Top 20 Attacks Article d2 Article S508NC
#1 ICS Insider – A disgruntled insider with access to ICS #14 Compromised Vendor Website – Hacktivists use a
equipment uses social engineering to steal passwords able compromised vendor’s website to insert malware into a
to trigger a partial plant shutdown. software update, malware that targets specific industrial
#2 IT Insider – A disgruntled insider with access to an IT
network uses social engineering to steal passwords able to #15 Compromised Remote Site – A physical breach of
give them remote control of a copy of the HMI system on remote substation or pumping station hides a laptop at the
an engineering workstation. remote site with a WIFI connection that is later used to
attack the central SCADA site.
#3 Common Ransomware – Accidentally downloaded to
an engineering workstation and spreads to rest of ICS. #16 Vendor Back Door – Hacktivist-class attackers
discover a vendor’s back door that provides the poorly-
defended vendor’s website with remote control of ICS a new malware strain however, no signatures exist yet.
components in the name of “remote support.” The anti-virus system, therefore, does not defeat common
malware essentially every time the system is presented
#17 Stuxnet – A Stuxnet-class attack targets a heavily- with a high-volume attack – the unlucky first few thousand
defended site by compromising a services vendor for the victims are not protected.
site and crafting autonomous, zero-day-exploiting
#18 Hardware Supply Chain – An intelligence-agency-
grade attack intercepts new computers destined for an ICS 088
site and inserts wireless, remote-control equipment into
the computers. 0
#19 Nation-State Crypto Compromise – A nation-state-
grade attack compromises the Public Key Infrastructure by
stealing a certificate authority’s private key, or by
breaking a cryptographic algorithm, such as SHA-256,
allowing them to falsify security updates.
#20 Sophisticated, Credentialed ICS Insider – An ICS First-generation ICS protection
The corresponding risk assessment results are illustrated in example, we see how a modest investment in modern ICS
Figure (4). protection with Unidirectional Gateways and removable
media controls produces a dramatic improvement in risk
- - - - - - - - - DBT
The full Waterfall paper, with more detailed attack
descriptions and evaluations of attacks against security
postures, is available at:
08088 https://waterfall-security.com/20-attacks
0008 About Waterfall Security Solutions
008 Waterfall Security Solutions is the global leader in
industrial cybersecurity technology. Waterfall’s products,
00 based on its innovative unidirectional security gateway
technology, represent an evolutionary alternative to
Figure (4) Risk assessment for upgraded system firewalls. The company's growing list of customers
includes national infrastructures, power plants, nuclear
The difference between the two security postures is easily plants, off and on shore oil and gas facilities, refineries,
visible. At this point we may be called upon to explain the manufacturing plants, railway switching systems, utility
residual risk – the attacks our security posture still does companies, and many more. Deployed throughout North
not defeat reliably. This is normal. The process may iterate America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, Waterfall
another once or twice, with diminishing returns. products support the widest range of leading industrial
No security posture is infallible - there will always be remote monitoring platforms, applications, databases and
attacks above the DBT line that we need to explain. Any protocols in the market. For more information,
practitioner who sees no such attacks for their security visit www.waterfall-security.com
posture either needs to define more powerful attacks, or
needs to think hard about whether they have mis- For More Information
represented the effectiveness of their security posture. For additional information on this topic or on any topic
related to Waterfall products, please contact:
Summary Waterfall Security Solutions
A given security program/posture can only be evaluated if 14 Hamelacha St.
we have a clear understanding of the kinds of attacks that Rosh Ha’ayin, 48091 Israel
might target the protected industrial site. The Waterfall +972-3-900-3700
paper: www.waterfall-security.com
• Proposes a representative Top 20 list of ICS
cyber attacks, ###
• Illustrates how to evaluate those attacks against a
given defensive posture, and
• Illustrates how to communicate residual risk to
business decision-maker as a Design Basis Threat
line drawn through example attacks.
Nothing is ever completely secure - any DBT diagram
should illustrate attacks that will breach the defensive
posture under consideration. In any such set of not-
reliably-defeated attacks, there is always a least-
sophisticated or simplest attack or set of attacks with
serious consequences. It is this set that should be the focus
of communication with business decision-makers. Do such
attacks represent acceptable risks?
When the answer is “no” we can evaluate attacks above
the DBT line against proposed new security measures to
see whether the line moves. In the water treatment system