B04 WDL 0428 PDF
B04 WDL 0428 PDF
B04 WDL 0428 PDF
Filming to start
Cemetery. Calling hours are on from Penn State University while (Susie) Buckland, West Monroe,
lowing school Wetherwax Monday from 11 am – 1 pm at the on active duty in the United States NY; a sister-in-law, Sandra Elen,
he entered the funeral home. Army. Liverpool, NY, and several nieces
US Air Force and was honorably Mr. Abell is survived by two Bob served his country as a and nephews.
discharged after serving eight sons and their wives David and commissioned officer for over 27 Arrangements have been en-
in Pulaski for
years. Doreen, Yorkville, Kenneth and years, spending 13 years on ac- trusted to the Cleveland Funeral
Don worked for the Roofers Michele, Watertown; 4 grand- tive duty, and finishing his military Home in Watertown. There will be
Union out of Syracuse and for children Joshua (LeToshia) Abell, career in the U.S. Army Reserves. no calling hours at this time but a
Farley Roofing in Gouverneur for Sara (Mark) Abell Gayfield, Jes- He was employed by the Vet- Memorial Mass and burial service
several years.
TV series pilot
sica Abell and Matthew (There- eran’s Administration as a Senior with Military honors will be held at
He enjoyed fixing lawnmow- sa) Abell; 6 great grandchildren; Programmer Analyst for 12 years, a later date.
ers and doing various repairs nieces and nephews. Gene is also retiring in October of 2018. Bob was a lifelong lover of all
around his home and for friends survived by his companion and Bob was an active member of animals, and in lieu of flowers, the
and family. He was an avid NAS- caregiver Marie Mullins. Gene’s the Catholic Community of Cape family requests that donations be
CAR and Bruce Springsteen fan, family sincerely thanks and ap- Vincent, Rosiere and Chaumont made in Bob’s memory to “Caring
enjoyed watching Swamp Log- preciates all she has done for and enjoyed many volunteer ac- for Cats Foundation”, P.O. Box BEGINS JUNE 5: ‘Sticks’ is proposed show
gers and mud bogging on TV. Gene. tivities with his parish family. 72, Three Mile Bay, NY 13693.
He and his wife used to mud bog Eugene was predeceased by Bob was a loving and devoted Online condolences may be
about lives of four women in small town
years ago and had belonged to 2 sisters Joyce Abell, June Over- husband, father and grandfather. made at www.clevelandfhinc.
Team Xtreme Off-road Club. By DEBRA J. GROOM ling. These women end up
ton and a son in infancy, Robert He loved spending time with his com.
Most of all he loved spending [email protected] taking risks they wouldn’t nor-
Charles Abell.
time with his grandchildren. Gene was born in Watertown, Just what is it like to live out mally take, as they struggle to
He married Linda L. Ashley
on March 1, 1975. Linda retired
July 22, 1935, a son to Sydney Janet W. Cornish in the “Sticks?” find their place in life. They’ll
and Frieda Simmons Abell. Fol- It’s not boring, that’s for soon discover that what they
from Fort Drum where she was lowing his education in the Water- Janet Werness Cornish, age even “adopted” Jake the squir- sure. There is intrigue. There were seeking was in their small
a cook for many years. She town school system, he worked 87, formerly of Massena NY, rel, who appeared each morn- are secrets galore. There are town all along, but not before
passed away January 31, 2019. for the New York Air Brake and died Saturday, April 13, 2019 ing outside her kitchen window drug deals. There are friend- they take roads and risks that
Among his survivors are his Chapin’s Watermatics. Gene at the N.C. Little Memorial Hos- ledge, begging for a tasty treat. ships. become harder and harder to
three children, Earl K. Wether- worked for the Borden’s Plant in pice in Edina, Minnesota. She is Janet loved to travel and en- And even some alpacas to cover.
wax and his companion Ava Watertown for over 30 years until survived by her daughter Carrie joyed fine dining at The Village “Those risks include run-
Riley, Black River, Todd P. and his retirement. Gene worked as of Minneapolis, and son Kevin Inn and the 1844 House in Pots- “Sticks” is a television series ning heroin to the Canadian
Jodi Wetherwax, Philadelphia, a groundskeeper at Brookside of Edina. dam. Many years after Harry’s
Bobbi Jo Wetherwax and David proposed and being devel- side, covering up a handful
Cemetery during his retirement Janet was born in Minneapo- death, Janet was fortunate to oped by writer/producer/co- of murders that unfolded on
Prashaw, Antwerp; six grand- years. lis, where she graduated from find a second love in her life,
children, Derek, Brianna, Jef- director Joleene Moody, of Pu- Cherry Island in the Thousand
He married Kay Hammond Southwest High School in 1950. Bob Harrigan. They enjoyed ice laski. The pilot of the series will Islands, and eventually turn-
frey, Kailee, Blake, and Jackie; May 18th, 1957 at St. Johns Epis- She attended Macalester Col- skating and going out to dinner
two great grandchildren, Kate- begin filming in and around ing on each other just to save
copal Church in Rochester. Mrs. lege in St. Paul Minne- together until Bob’s Pulaski June 5, so residents their own butts and get what
lynn and Tanner; two brothers Abell passed away January 27, sota, and in 1953 mar- death in 1997.
and their wives, William and should be on the lookout for a they want,” Moody writes.
2008. ried Harry E. Cornish, Janet had a giving
Carol Wetherwax, Livonia, NY, Hollywood feel to envelop this Filming for the pilot is ex-
Gene was a longtime member Jr. at St. Stephen’s heart, compassion for
Robert and Merle Wetherwax, of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Salmon River village. pected to take a week — from
Episcopal Church in others, and a desire
Rodman, several nieces and until the church closed and later Moody, a long-time writer, June 5 to 9. Moody has gained
Edina, Minnesota. They to expand theater and
nephews. Trinity Episcopal Church. He was actor, motivational speaker access to some of Pulaski’s
Besides his parents and his met while Janet was concert offerings in
a former member of the North working at Glacier Na- Massena via the Mas- and journalist (she worked popular sites for shooting,
beloved wife he is predeceased Side Improvement League and for WWTI in Watertown and including the Barclay Court-
by a brother, Richard Wether- tional Park in Montana. sena Arts Council. She
the Teamsters Union. He enjoyed After marriage, Janet thoroughly enjoyed Spectrum News), came up house, Pulaski Public Library
wax. traveling and supporting his sons
with the idea for the television in the Snow Memorial Build-
Calling hours will be held 5 to and Harry settled in Ida- the fine music perfor-
in Pop Warner football and Little ho where they had two children mances at the Crane School of show after leaving the news ing, Pulaski Junior-Senior
7 p.m. Wednesday, May 1 at the League baseball. High School, two residences i,
(Carrie and Kevin). In 1958 the Music, and the outdoor summer business in 2010.
Bruce Funeral Home, 131 Maple Memorial contributions may be young family moved across the concerts in Norwood and Wad- “I had spent eight years an old holding cell in the for-
St., Black River. The funeral ser- made to the Salvation Army, 723
vice will follow at 7 p.m. at the country to Massena NY, where dington. working as a ghost writer and mer jail in the Barclay Court-
State St., Watertown, NY 13601 Harry (a Penn State Electrical Starting in 2005, Janet’s life in public speaking,” she said. house and even the Seven
funeral home. or charity of ones choice.
Burial for both Don and Linda Engineering Graduate) worked gradually became hampered Wanting to move back to her Acres Alpaca Farm near Phoe-
Condolences may be made at his way up the ranks at the New by a slowly progressing form of creative side, she thought nix.
will be held at 1 p.m. on May 10 www.reedbenoit.com.
at the Evans Mills Cemetery. York Power Authority (NYPA) to vascular dementia. Janet was about a story based on secrets The pilot is actually called
Donations may be made in become Resident Manager of such a strong lady to have lived and what it’s like to live in a a “proof-of-concept” in TV
Don’s memory to the Indian Donald Colvin, Jr. the St. Lawrence - Franklin D. the last several years of her life
Roosevelt Power Project. Harry without the ability to express
small town. lingo. Moody said it will not air
River Ambulance Squad, 6 Sand She took courses on screen- on cable or streaming televi-
St., Philadelphia, NY 13673. Donald L. Colvin, Jr., age 67, died suddenly in December of herself in words. It was amazing writing and how to move a sion, but instead, the idea is to
life resident of Richland, be- 1984. how she found ways to com- project through from concep- submit the finished product
fore moving to London, Ohio in While living in Massena for municate non-verbally! Janet tion to actually placing it on a to festivals to generate studio
John Derrigo 2012, passed away Thursday at 57 years, Janet raised her fam- understood conversations even
ily and pursued her passions: to the very end. She displayed
network on television. She at- level interest and financing.
home in London, Ohio. Donnie tended the Independent Tele- “If a studio buys the con-
The graveside service for was born July 21, 1951 in Wa- music, ice skating, furry pets, a quiet acceptance of her failing vision Festival in Vermont and cept, the pilot would be re-
John Joseph Derrigo, Jr., 84, tertown, the son of Donald L. growing roses, travel and fine health. Son Kevin lived with and learned more about the long shot in its original hour-length
of 262 Bellew and Mabel Johnson Colvin, Sr. dining. She worked as a vol- cared for Janet in her Massena form, and recast with named
process of bringing a project
Avenue, Wa- He graduated from Pulaski High unteer for the Massena Arts home from 2007 until 2015,
to TV. actors and actresses,” she said.
tertown, who School in 1970. Donnie was em- Council and St. John’s Epis- when she and Kevin moved to
“That changed everything “If the idea is purchased, it
passed away ployed by Conrail in East Syra- copal Church. Janet sang in Minnesota to be near Janet’s
the Massena Sweet Adelines daughter Carrie. Carrie wanted for me,” she said. could end up on Amazon, Hu-
March 21, cuse for 20 years, retiring due to
a work-related injury. (barbershop), Community Cho- to help care for Janet along with She wasn’t a novice to writ- lu, Netflix or a cable network.”
2019 will be
held 1 p.m. He enjoyed volunteering, and rus and the church choir at St. Kevin, who continued to live ing scripts, having done so in She also has written a sec-
Friday, May 3 giving and doing for others. He John’s, where she planned the with Janet as her primary care- her 20s and having a play she ond episode along with what
at Glenwood was dedicated to the MCV sum- weekly service music for over 20 giver, with Carrie as a frequent wrote produced by Syracuse is called a “series bible,” which
Cemetery. Ar- mer lunch program, feeding all years. Janet was also active in visitor and “behind the scenes” Playhouse. But the knowledge outlines what would happen
rangements Derrigo kids who showed up Monday Massena’s ecumenical Lenten support person. On April 3rd she had now about investing, in five potential seasons of
are with the through Friday, for eight weeks luncheons, held each year at the of 2019, Janet moved into an getting the correct people as “Sticks.”
Hart & Bruce Funeral Home. in the summer over the last five various churches. 8-bed residential hospice house actors, nailing down loca- The cast of 12 Screen Actors
years. He was a beloved friend In their early years, Janet and located in a quiet neighborhood tions for shoots and moving a Guild union actors and ac-
and neighbor; member of the Harry enjoyed square danc- close to both Carrie and Kevin. project to completion has kept tresses are coming to Pulaski
Spring Burials Madison County Vineyard, ing, and on some nights Janet There she lived out her final “Sticks” in the pipeline. from New York City, Boston,
member of the MCV Men’s played cards with a women’s days under the watchful care “Sticks” takes place in a Utica, Philadelphia and Syra-
GREENE, DOROTHY H. — Family and Group, and he played chair vol- bridge group while Harry was of Carrie, Kevin, and the expe- town called Doverling and has cuse for filming. “I hope to get
friends are invited to a graveside
service at 11:00 A.M. on Saturday, May leyball three times a week. Don- bowling with his team at the rienced nursing staff at the N.C. four main women characters. the community involved as
4, 2019 at Beaches Bridge Cemetery nie was an avid Yankee fan. He Seaway Bowl. Each Christmas Little Memorial Hospice. She Moody said the general prem- extras,” Moody said.
with Dorothy Spears officiating. Mrs. also enjoyed going to yard sales. she reached out with home- died peacefully on Saturday ise of the show is a secrets and There are plans for a show-
Greene died on February 11, 2019 at
Donnie was a former member of made cookies for shut-ins, morning, April 13th, 2019. ing of “Sticks” at the Kallet
the Sunset Nursing & Rehabilitation scandals writer stuck in the
Center, Boonville. www.sundquistfh. the Richland Fire Department. neighbors, friends, Harry’s NY- Janet was predeceased by sticks of a small town turning Theater in Pulaski and the
com. Surviving are one son, Ja- PA colleagues, and those who her husband Harry E. Cornish,
WARD, JAMES LYLE — A graveside son Colvin (companion Sam- to a celebrity drug dealer for Palace Theater in Syracuse in
service with military honors for had served the family through- Jr., her brother John S. Wer- career advice in order to keep early 2020.
James Lyle Ward, 88, of Pine Grove mie Noakes) of Woodstock, GA, out the year. In 1977, Janet took ness, and her parents Dr. Stan-
one daughter, Andrea Colvin her own secrets hidden. Follow and like the jour-
Road, Glenville will be at 11:00 up ice skating at the Massena ley M. and Dorothy Jean Wer- “It is a dramedy, or, a dra- ney of filming “Sticks” and
a.m. on Wednesday, May 1, 2019 at (companion Nathan Saddler) of Arena with the “senior” skat- ness. Funeral Services will be
Beaches Bridge Cemetery, Lowville. Watertown, two sisters, Donna ma with lots of comedy,” she bringing it to life — someday
Arrangements are with Iseneker ers. She hosted skating trips to held at St. Stephen’s Episcopal perhaps on TV — at: https://
Moyer of Oswego and Edie writes. “It follows four women
Funeral Home, Inc. Brockville, Cornwall, Ottawa, Church in Edina, Minnesota on
(Dick) Joyner of Sandy Creek, who struggle to find relevancy www.facebook.com/pg/stick-
Lake Placid and Saranac Lake, Tuesday, April 30, 2019 at 12
two brothers, Steve (Abby) Col- in a small town called Dover- stvpilot/
The Enduring Word vin of Sandy Pond and Mark
and for 20 years Janet orga- noon, with visitation at 11:00
I want to remind you of the nized a festive luncheon at the A.M. Interment will follow at
(Rhonda) Colvin of London, OH,
end of each skating season. Lakewood Cemetery, Minne-
gospel I preached to you... that three grandchildren, Logan,
Janet loved all of God’s crea- apolis.
Christ died for our sins ac- Serena, and Alyssa, and many
tures, but especially cats, dogs In lieu of flowers, memorial
cording to the Scriptures, that nieces and nephews. Donnie
was predeceased by his sister, and birds. The family dog and donations may be made to ei-
he was buried, and that he cat had strong attachments to ther Hospice & Palliative Care of
was raised on the third day ac- Elizabeth.
Funeral services will be held Janet. She fed the birds in the St. Lawrence Valley, or to Mas-
cording Scriptures. winter (yellow grosbeaks) and sena Meals on Wheels.
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 10 a.m. Wednesday, May 1st at
the Foster-Hax Funeral Home,
52 Park Street, Pulaski with buri-
al in Riverside Cemetery in Pu-
For Obits laski. Calling hours will be held Chaumont man charged with DWI
from 3 to 6 p.m. Tuesday at the
or In Memorial Service funeral home. Brady J. Madill, 41, Chau- toxicated.
Phone 315-661-2420 Donations may be made in mont, was charged by state The blood alcohol content
or email [email protected] Donnie’s memory to MCV Sum- police at 10:58 p.m. Friday on was not provided by state po- SUBMITTED PHOTO
mer Lunch Program, 106 Olive State Route 12E in the town of lice. He also was ticketed with Joleene Moody and Director Elena Melener at the Seven Acres
Street, London, OH 43140. Lyme with driving while in- having a bad brake light. Alpaca Farm with alpaca Autumn Rose.