Sandhya: Birth Date: 10 Mar 1980 Birth Place: Palghat (Kerala)
Sandhya: Birth Date: 10 Mar 1980 Birth Place: Palghat (Kerala)
Sandhya: Birth Date: 10 Mar 1980 Birth Place: Palghat (Kerala)
First Letters No, Yaa, Yee, Yoo Good Lagna Ari, Can, Vir, Sco
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Sun Direct Aquarius Saturn 25:55:46 P.Bhadra-2 Jupiter Father Friendly House
Mars Retro Leo Sun 7:2:50 Magha-3 Ketu Courage Friendly House
Jupiter Retro Leo Sun 9:53:20 Magha-3 Ketu Wealth Friendly House
Saturn Retro Virgo Mercury 0:23:51 Uttara-2 Sun Longevity Friendly House
Lagna Kundali
Mercury Ketu 11 9
Sun 10
Ascendant Moon
12 8
1 7
2 6
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Bhav Table
Bhav Bhav Begins Mid Bhav
1 Capricorn 298:42:53 Aquarius 315:8:22
Ven 2
12 8 1 3
Ven Ura
1 7 Sun
2 6
12 10
11 Asc
Mer Ket
Ven Sun
Plu Ura
1 9
2 Moon 8
3 7
4 Sat Mar Jup
Jup Rah
3 5 Rah 5 Sat Plu
4 6
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Lagna Hora
Mer Ket 11 9 Mar RahPlu Jup 5 3
Sun 10 Ket Ven Nep 4
Ura Moon Sun Mer
Asc Moon Asc
Sat Ura
12 8 6 2
1 Ven 7 7 1
2 6 8 12
Drekkana Chaturthamsha
3 1 1 11
Mer 2 Ven 0
Nep Moon
Plu Sun Ket Mer
Nep Plu
Moon Asc Jup Asc Sat
Jup Ven Ura Mar
12 Rah 10
4 2
5 Mar Ket 11 3 9
6 10 4 8
Sat Ura
Sun 8 6
7 9 5 7
Saptamamsha Navamsha
Moon 7 5 Rah 2 12 Nep
Jup 6 Sun Sun 1 Mer
Mar Rah Mar
Nep Asc Ven Asc Moon
Plu Ven Jup
8 4 3 11
9 Mer 3 4 Ura Sat 10
10 2 5 9
Sat Ura
12 Plu 7 Ket
11 1 6 8
Dashamamsha Dwadashamamsha
11 9 3 1
Plu 10 2
Moon Asc Jup Ven Asc Ket
12 8 4 12
1 Nep Sun 7 5 Plu 11
2 6 6 10
Sat Ven Rah Mer Jup
Ura Moon Ura
4 Mer Mar Nep 8 Sun
3 5 7 9
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Shodhya Pinda
Pinda Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Moon
Graha 41 29 33 36 129 22 53
Rasi 126 82 138 63 142 76 77
Shodhya 167 111 171 99 271 98 130
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Index of words
CNJ: Conjunction TRN: Trine SSQ: Semi-square QNT: Quintile
OPP: Opposition SXT: Sextile QNC: Quincunx BQT: Bi-Quintile
SQU: Square SQQ: Sesquiquadrate SSX: Semi-Sextile
For consideration of aspects, a general orb of influence has been taken as 3º 20' for all planets.
Parashari Aspects
Planet Aspected By Planet Aspected By
Asc Jup
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Shad Bala
Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Moon
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Planetary Avasthas
Ava-3 Ava-5 Ava-6 Ava-9 Ava-10 Ava-12
Sun Swapna Mrita Mudita Dhukhita Harshita Shayan
Planet Karakas
Sthira Karak Sapta Karak Ashta Karak
Sun Father Atma Atma
Saturn Longevity - -
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Graha Maitri
Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Moon Rah Ket
Sun Neutral Enemy Friend Friend Enemy Friend Neutral Neutral
Mer Friend Friend Neutral Neutral Neutral Enemy Friend Neutral
Ven Enemy Friend Neutral Neutral Friend Enemy Enemy Friend
Mar Friend Enemy Neutral Friend Neutral Friend Neutral Enemy
Jup Friend Enemy Enemy Friend Neutral Friend Neutral Neutral
Sat Enemy Friend Friend Enemy Neutral Enemy Friend Neutral
Moon Friend Friend Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Enemy
Rah Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy Neutral Friend Neutral Friend
Ket Neutral Neutral Friend Enemy Neutral Neutral Enemy Friend
Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Moon Rah Ket
Sun Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy
Mer Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy
Ven Friend Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend
Mar Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Friend Enemy Enemy
Jup Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Friend Enemy Enemy
Sat Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Friend Friend Friend Enemy
Moon Friend Friend Enemy Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend
Rah Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Friend Enemy
Ket Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy
Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Moon Rah Ket
Sun Enemy Neutral Neutral Neutral G.Satru G.Mitra Enemy Enemy
Mer Neutral G.Mitra Enemy Enemy Enemy Neutral Neutral Enemy
Ven Neutral G.Mitra Enemy Enemy Neutral G.Satru G.Satru G.Mitra
Mar Neutral G.Satru Enemy Neutral Friend G.Mitra Enemy G.Satru
Jup Neutral G.Satru G.Satru Neutral Friend G.Mitra Enemy Enemy
Sat G.Satru Neutral Neutral Neutral Friend Neutral G.Mitra Enemy
Moon G.Mitra G.Mitra Enemy Friend Friend Friend Friend Neutral
Rah G.Satru Neutral G.Satru G.Satru Enemy G.Mitra Friend Neutral
Ket Enemy Enemy G.Mitra G.Satru Enemy Enemy Neutral Neutral
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19 Mar 2013 - 07 Jul 2013 07 Jul 2013 - 05 Jan 2014 05 Jan 2014 - 13 May 2014
Sun 19 Mar 13 - 25 Mar 13 Moon 07 Jul 13 - 22 Jul 13 Mars 05 Jan 14 - 13 Jan 14
Moon 25 Mar 13 - 03 Apr 13 Mars 22 Jul 13 - 02 Aug 13 Rahu 13 Jan 14 - 01 Feb 14
Mars 03 Apr 13 - 09 Apr 13 Rahu 02 Aug 13 - 29 Aug 13 Jupiter 01 Feb 14 - 18 Feb 14
Rahu 09 Apr 13 - 26 Apr 13 Jupiter 29 Aug 13 - 22 Sep 13 Saturn 18 Feb 14 - 10 Mar 14
Jupiter 26 Apr 13 - 10 May 13 Saturn 22 Sep 13 - 21 Oct 13 Mercury 10 Mar 14 - 28 Mar 14
Saturn 10 May 13 - 28 May 13 Mercury 21 Oct 13 - 16 Nov 13 Ketu 28 Mar 14 - 05 Apr 14
Mercury 28 May 13 - 12 Jun 13 Ketu 16 Nov 13 - 27 Nov 13 Venus 05 Apr 14 - 26 Apr 14
Ketu 12 Jun 13 - 18 Jun 13 Venus 27 Nov 13 - 27 Dec 13 Sun 26 Apr 14 - 03 May 14
Venus 18 Jun 13 - 07 Jul 13 Sun 27 Dec 13 - 05 Jan 14 Moon 03 May 14 - 13 May 14
13 May 2014 - 07 Apr 2015 07 Apr 2015 - 24 Jan 2016 24 Jan 2016 - 05 Jan 2017
Rahu 13 May 14 - 01 Jul 14 Jupiter 07 Apr 15 - 16 May 15 Saturn 24 Jan 16 - 19 Mar 16
Jupiter 01 Jul 14 - 14 Aug 14 Saturn 16 May 15 - 01 Jul 15 Mercury 19 Mar 16 - 07 May 16
Saturn 14 Aug 14 - 05 Oct 14 Mercury 01 Jul 15 - 12 Aug 15 Ketu 07 May 16 - 27 May 16
Mercury 05 Oct 14 - 21 Nov 14 Ketu 12 Aug 15 - 29 Aug 15 Venus 27 May 16 - 24 Jul 16
Ketu 21 Nov 14 - 10 Dec 14 Venus 29 Aug 15 - 16 Oct 15 Sun 24 Jul 16 - 11 Aug 16
Venus 10 Dec 14 - 03 Feb 15 Sun 16 Oct 15 - 31 Oct 15 Moon 11 Aug 16 - 09 Sep 16
Sun 03 Feb 15 - 19 Feb 15 Moon 31 Oct 15 - 24 Nov 15 Mars 09 Sep 16 - 29 Sep 16
Moon 19 Feb 15 - 19 Mar 15 Mars 24 Nov 15 - 11 Dec 15 Rahu 29 Sep 16 - 20 Nov 16
Mars 19 Mar 15 - 07 Apr 15 Rahu 11 Dec 15 - 24 Jan 16 Jupiter 20 Nov 16 - 05 Jan 17
05 Jan 2017 - 12 Nov 2017 12 Nov 2017 - 19 Mar 2018 19 Mar 2018 - 19 Mar 2019
Mercury 05 Jan 17 - 18 Feb 17 Ketu 12 Nov 17 - 19 Nov 17 Venus 19 Mar 18 - 19 May 18
Ketu 18 Feb 17 - 08 Mar 17 Venus 19 Nov 17 - 10 Dec 17 Sun 19 May 18 - 07 Jun 18
Venus 08 Mar 17 - 29 Apr 17 Sun 10 Dec 17 - 17 Dec 17 Moon 07 Jun 18 - 07 Jul 18
Sun 29 Apr 17 - 14 May 17 Moon 17 Dec 17 - 27 Dec 17 Mars 07 Jul 18 - 28 Jul 18
Moon 14 May 17 - 09 Jun 17 Mars 27 Dec 17 - 04 Jan 18 Rahu 28 Jul 18 - 21 Sep 18
Mars 09 Jun 17 - 27 Jun 17 Rahu 04 Jan 18 - 23 Jan 18 Jupiter 21 Sep 18 - 09 Nov 18
Rahu 27 Jun 17 - 13 Aug 17 Jupiter 23 Jan 18 - 09 Feb 18 Saturn 09 Nov 18 - 06 Jan 19
Jupiter 13 Aug 17 - 23 Sep 17 Saturn 09 Feb 18 - 01 Mar 18 Mercury 06 Jan 19 - 26 Feb 19
Saturn 23 Sep 17 - 12 Nov 17 Mercury 01 Mar 18 - 19 Mar 18 Ketu 26 Feb 19 - 20 Mar 19
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The order of the dasha lord planets, their respective individual durations and total time-cycle
(=36 years) are common to both the Yogini and Shat-Trimsha Dasha-systems - except for the
single dfference that the commencing dasha becomes different in the two cases.
Parashara's recommendation is that if birth takes place during day-time in Sun's Hora or in night-
time in Moon's Hora Shat Trimsha Dasha-System should be adopted.
As an extension to this principle, if birth takes place in night time in Sun's Hora or in day-time in
Moon's Hora, Yogini Dasha-System should prefereably be employed.
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Specific Characterstics
Your nature is strong, forceful and energetic, capable of immense feats of prowess and
endurance. In strife, you will be implacable, scorning defeat. You will be highly ambitious with a
strong spirit of conquest. You will have queer and impulsive love-affairs, which may lead you to
tricky situations to face the music. You will have some devoted followers who could accept you
as someone born to command and conquer.
Your spirit is proud and haughty, and you are replete with masterful and governing qualities. You
will find the gates of honours and dignities open for you as you pass through the journey of life.
However, if not checked, you could be tyrannical and extremely cruel. You will be highly reputed,
even famous in your walk of life.
You passions are quick and volatile which, however, needs to be bridled. With your great
passionate devotion you are prone to folly in love-affairs. Possibilities of pre- and post- marital
love-affairs may lead you to dive in hot soup. You may have openly enmic people among male,
and secretly enmic people among female, friends and acquaintances. You should divert your
excess energy in some creative channels which would bear fruits in time.
Mental Qualities
You will be bold, confident, daring and fond of strifes. You will be sarcastic, wilful, impulsive and
determined. Your views will be pre-set and fixed, mind will be subtle. You will be fond of
mysteries, will have an interest in the occult. You may be engaged in the researches. You may
be an expert in the poisonous chemicals and forensic equipments / materials / procedures.
Physical Attributes
According to your Horoscope, you will have a dusky complexion and dark curling hair which is
unusually thicker at the temples. You may have some afflictions in the lower part of the body (
right side in case of male and left side in case of female ). You will have prominent brows, sharp
facial angles and aquiline features.
Your dogmatic approach to work and over-optimistic deadlines lead to tiredness and muscular
tensions which may pave the way for disease setting in.
You should take regular excercises. You should take plenty of pomegranates, spinach and
quince; these will keep you fit and forever young.Since the Ascendant is afflicted by Venus in
your chart, you may suffer from general debility and feeling of tiredness.
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Since the Sun afflicts the Moon in your chart, you are likely to suffer from feverish conditions;
also you may have some problems with your eye-sight.
Since the Moon afflicts the Sun in your chart, you may have problems related to body's fluid
circulation and elimination systems; you may also suffer from colds and dropsical swellings.
Since Neptune afflicts the Sun in your chart, you are vulnerable to sufferings resulting from
canine animal bites and insect stings.
Since Mars and Saturn both afflict the sign Sagittarius in your chart, the part of body prone to
affections will be the thighs.
Since Mars and Saturn both afflict the sign Taurus in your chart, your neck and throat portions
are likely to be affected.
The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you an aptitude for application-oriented
sciences. You will pursue professional courses and learn specialised skills. In addition to a basic
degree you may persue a vocational course; Computers might be of great interest to you.
The planetary combinations in your chart make you a versatile genius. You will be successful in
service and business both. During the early years of your profession you may be in service and
then go for a business of your own; alternately you may be in business initially but later might opt
for service.
In your chart the lord of earnings placed in the un favourable 8th house is not good for arriage-
partner and for legacies. It may give a long-drawn Law- suit in connection with property matters
of a deceased relative. In respect of longevity however this is a happy position. Favourable lines
for you may have connection with other people's money like provident fund, insurance, money-
exchange, value and loss assessing, surveying, testing houses, etc.
In your chart the lord of inheritance being placed in the 2nd aspects the house of inheritance
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-- thereby strengthening the concerned house and boosting it's indications. You will receive
parental property and will be benitted by marriage with a person from a wealthier family. You will
have gains from your younger co-borns also.
The planetary combinations in your chart favours a fairly happy married- life. You will have
considerations for each other and will be a loving pair. Occassionally arising minor differences
you will accept as to be only natural but those will vanish soon as you will adopt a compromising
In your chart most of the planets are situated in 'fixed' signs which indicates that you will seldom
require long-distance travelling. You will not require changing places in connection with your
Lucky Stone
Among auspicious gemstones BLUE SAPPHIRE (Neelam) will be favorable for you.
You may take 4 to 7 Rattis of Blue Sapphire (Neelam) in a ring of Gold which should be worn on
right hand middle finger on a Saturday. Cheaper substitutes of Blue Sapphire are Amethyst or
Laajvart which might be taken instead in a ring of Gold or Pancha Dhatu alloy or Steel.
While wearing the gemstone reciting the following 'Mantra' will be auspicious:
The weights of gemstones recommended above are for adult male people. For adult females the
weights should be reduced to 3/4 to 1/2 part while for the children the weights should be reduced
to 1/2 to 1/3 part.
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A conjunction of Mars with Rahu confers on you a love for the outdoors, which result in your
being interested in developing the physical aspect of your personality. This could lead to an
interest in athletics. You also share a symbiotic relationship with your siblings who play a pivotal
role in your success.
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General Details
You will be highly passionate and emotional. You will be intelligent, thoughtful, and perceptive.
You will be interested in knowing what others think of you. Although your natural inherent
feminine character will not allow you to appear domineering, you will be a good organizer.
Physical Characteristics
You will have a well-proportioned and muscular body with long arms. You will be tall, with broad
face, and short and curly hair.
You will be interested in sports. You will receive medium academic education. You will feel
contended in the comfort and warmth of your home, seeking to enrich your own life through your
husband's success. Hence most of the Jyeshtha born females are not involved in any earning
Family Life
Your married life will bring its share of troubles and complexities. Your in-laws may have some
difficulties adjusting a new member in their family. Consequently, usual friction and disagreement
may surface. You have to be very careful while dealing with neighbors and relatives, who may
appear to be very friendly, but in reality they may try to disturb your harmonious married life.
These neighbors and relatives may give her a hard time. You will make your own rules and
principles and intend to abide by them. You will be caring and affectionate mother to your
You may have a delicate health. It is seen that some of the females born in this Nakshatra may
suffer from disorders connected to the lower part of the body. You may also be prone to
metabolic disorders, and pain in arms and shoulders.
Sun-Purva Bhadrapad-Quarter 2
You will be helped your in-laws. You may be in a business where water will be mainly used for
the preparation of articles. In other words, you may be engaged in the manufacture of drinks of
any types i.e. soft and hard.
Mercury-Satabhisha-Quarter 4
If Sun, Moon and Jupiter also join, you even though born in a rich family will be bereft of money.
From kingly position to the praja (servant) will be the result. However, if Mercury is along or with
Saturn or Venus, will give ample wealth. You must be careful when you will be 23rd and 28th
years of age.
Venus-Ashwini-Quarter 3
You will be highly intelligent and warm hearted. You may become an expert physician by
profession and politics might be of special interest to you; you may become an astute
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politician. If some counteracting good influences are not present in your chart, some limb of
your body might be affected; the region of your knees and below is more prone. Everybody with
whom you will ever come across will praise you.
Mars-Magha-Quarter 3
Mars makes you a high officer in defense or airlines. You may also get involved in the field of
politics. It is advised that for your own success, do not enter politics as success is certain in other
Jupiter-Magha-Quarter 3
Jupiter in this Nakshatra becomes more powerful even though according to the house division
system it is in debilitation sign. With several other malefic association or aspects, Jupiter in this
Nakshatra will nullify all the evil effects. You will attain top position in the government and may
become a minister or a governor or an administrator.
Saturn-Uttara Phalguni-Quarter 2
If ascendant falls in Uttara-Bhadrapada with Saturn in this Nakshatra, you will be extremely
beautiful lady and will have healthy hair. Your appearance may undergo a complete and total
change after your 25th years of age. You may get married around 22 years of age.
Moon-Jyestha-Quarter 3
If Saturn is also placed here; you will enjoy the company of elderly folks, especially women and
may be an expert in sastras. You may have difference of opinion with your parents, but should
not let it disturb your cordial relations.
Rahu-Magha-Quarter 2
Rahu along here may have undesirable results. You must refrain activities that may cause
problems to your loved and dear ones. If aspected or conjoined with Jupiter results get modified
and will have positive results.
Ketu-Dhanishtha-Quarter 4
The position is somewhat better. You will be in a government job ad one of your children will
become famous and wealthy.
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Ascendant Lord
In your chart, the Ascendant-lord is situated in the ninth house, which is called the house of
fortune (Bhagya). Besides, this house has governance over line of descent, father, preceptor,
deity, past destiny, virtuous deeds, prayer, worship, auspiciousness, etc. In case of male
persons, it rules over grandchildren and in case of female persons, it rules over the prospect of
begetting progeny. This is a highly favourable position and you will be exceedingly fortunate.
You will be close to your father, will be religious minded, take part in religious activities and will
remain engaged in performing virtuous and philanthropic deeds. You will be a learned person,
study sacred classics, take part in religious discourses and will treat preceptors and pious people
with great respect. You will live a long life which will be full of peace, happiness and satisfaction;
your children will be worthy and dutiful while your grandchildren will be a source of pride and joy.
As this house also rules over long/ foreign journeys and pilgrimage, you will have many such
journeys on academic, cultural or religious errand and may visit various holy pilgrim centres.
People will treat you with great respect and seek your valuable advice and guidance. If your
Ascendant is Leo or Aquarius, then as your Ascendant-lord will be exalted, you will be highly
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In your chart, the fourth-lord is situated in the eighth house, which is called the house of
longevity (Ayus). You must need to be specially careful when you will be crossing over the
bridges or will remain on or over the surface of large watery bodies like lakes, rivers, etc -- more
so if you are a male person. This position is never good as chances of drowning is feared --
which may even lead to tragic death prematurely -- unless modifying combinations are present in
the chart. Worst becomes the case if the Ascendant is Aries as the 4th-lord Moon, becomes
debilitated in the 8th. However, the condition will be considerably improved if Jupiter or Venus is
situated in or aspects the 8th house while opposite would be the result if the 8th house is
influences by a natural malefic planet. If the Moon is either associated with or aspected by a
natural malefic planet, you may lack peace of mind altogether and the health of your mother
might cause you serious concern. If Mercury is ill-placed, education might be affected; but if
Mercury is well-placed, it will give 'application-oriented' education and you may have interest in
occult subjects. If Mars is associated with or aspected by a natural malefic planet, there could be
quarrels in your family and chances of losing property through impetuous capturing, litigation or
calamitous happening will hang on.
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Since the Sun is situated in your 2nd house, you will receive favours from your superiors,
benefits from government sources and through your association with the people of rank and
status. If a natural benefic planet is also in the 2nd or aspects it, you will have good gains and
lead a happy family life; but if a natural malefic planet is also in the 2nd or aspects it, then the
results will be the opposite. If a "combust" planet is in the 2nd, then you may suffer from some
disease, your speech may become harsh and you may quarrel with your family-members. If your
Ascendant is Pisces, the Sun will be exalted and, as the 5th-lord in the 2nd, it will offer
auspicious 'Dhana Yoga' results; you will earn well from speculative investments and will be
fortunate in respect of your family and children. If your Ascendant is Cancer, then the Sun will be
in own-house and will make you fortunate in respect of family and wealth. If your Ascendant is
any other, then you may have some problems with your eye-sight. If your Ascendant is Virgo, the
Sun will be debilitated and, as the 12th-lord in the 2nd, it will offer inauspicious 'Dainya Yoga'
results; if Venus is not well-placed, then you may have to meet with heavy wasteful expenditures
and may even incur big losses.
Since Mercury is situated in your 2nd house, you will have your gains through educational
institutions, writing/ editing, correspondence/ communications and also through acquired skills or
common industries. With this position, some chance of loss by theft or sharp practices are feared
-- unless your Ascendant is either Taurus or Leo. If Ascendant is either Taurus or Leo, you will
be fortunate in many respects as own house or exalted Mercury will help you to accumulate cash
by proper utilisation of your education and learning. If Mercury is debilitated or is retrograde or if
it is situated in movable or chara signs (Aries or Cancer or Libra or Capricorn), you are likely to
become a clever speaker and may do well as a broker or an agent. If Mercury is associated with
the Sun or Jupiter or Venus or even Saturn, you will be far less likely to lose your discretion; but
if it is associated with or aspected by Mars or the Moon or Rahu, you may become your own
enemy and unnecessarily spoil relationships even with your own people. If Saturn or Ketu is
close to Mercury, you may habitally speak less except when the subject interests you.
If the Sun is with it, you will enjoy the favourable results of 'Budhaditya Yoga' if either of the
planets is well-placed and you will have good academic accomplishments; else, you will enjoy
the results of 'Nipuna Yoga' and gain some expertise in some common arts which can find useful
application in your profession.
Since Venus is situated in your 4th house, you will be fortunate in all your affairs in general. As
Venus gains directional strength (Dik Bala), you might be very fond of home-life and your native
place -- more so if Venus is exalted (which happens if your Ascendant is Sagittarius) or if Venus
is in own house (which can be if your Ascendant is Cancer or Aquarius); in all these cases, you
will enjoy the beneficial results of 'Pancha Maha-purusha Yoga' and you are likely
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to gain proficiency in some field of fine arts. You will be a peace-loving person, fond of personal
adornments and will wish to lead your life in comfort and style. You will enjoy the company of
agreeable people and the memebers of the opposite sex will attract you more. If your Ascendant
is Gemini, then Venus will be debilitated in the 4th; this may offer some undesirable results but if
Mercury is well-placed or if Jupiter or the Moon is associated with it or aspects it, then the
blemish will be mitigated. Even Saturn can remove the blemish if situated with Venus or aspects
Since Mars is situated in your 8th house -- unless Mars is exalted or is situated in own-house or
is associated with or aspected by a natural benefic planet -- you are more apt to live dangerously
-- in quite a literal sense of the term -- and during your active life you may find special pleasure
by playing with fire. It will be more so if you are a male person; you may actively take part in
adventurous explorations and/ or may become adept in martial arts. If a natural malefic planet is
with it or aspect it, then you may take part in physical combat and might even be tempted to take
the law into your own hands. If the 8th-lord is well-placed and the Ascendant-lord is also similarly
disposed, you won't have the risk of facing a premature exit to the other world. If your Ascendant
is Gemini, then exalted Mars in the 8th might give you a hair-breadth escape while if your
Ascendant is either Aries or Virgo, then own-house Mars will save your life -- if there are no
affliction in your chart. If your Ascendant is Sagittarius, then you may face a serious accidental
mishap in a far-away place and if a natural benefic planet is with Mars or aspects it, you will pull
through. In other cases, if another malefic planet or the Moon is close to Mars, you may have to
face a violent end.
Since Jupiter is situated in your 8th house, you will be fortunate in many respects. Your spouse
will hail from a considerably wealthier family and your family-life will be peaceful, happy and
endowed with abundance. You will remain in good health, won't need any major surgical
treatment, won't have to face any accidental mishap, remain free from nagging problems and
won't need to fight any law-suit. You will have good gains through inheritance and receive large
benefits from major financial institutions. If your Ascendant is Sagittarius, then your Ascendant-
lord Jupiter exalted in the 8th will give you all round prosperity and happiness. If your Ascendant
is Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo or Capricorn, then you will enjoy the beneficial results of
'Veepareeta Raja Yoga' as you will become suddenly rich in a spectacular way; however in case
of Cancer Ascendant -- unless Saturn is well-placed -- you may suffer from high blood-pressure.
But if your Ascendant is Gemini -- unless Saturn is well-placed -- you may incur losses in
business and may have to take up jobs in private organisations which may not last long. If
Jupiter is not 'combust', the position is favourable as it offers divine protection although unless
your Ascendant is Taurus, Leo or Sagittarius, you may not be truely religious-minded and may
have distorted views. You will be well-placed in life and will enjoy a lasting reputation.Your
longevity will be high and even your final 'exit' will be in your own place, in a peaceful
environment amidst your family-members and without any suffering.
Since Saturn is situated in your 9th house, you will have a studious and thoughtful nature, a
religious spirit and a taste for philosophy. If your Ascendant is Taurus or Gemini or Aquarius,
then Saturn will be exalted or in own house and you will be exceedingly fortunate. If Mercury is
also well-placed, you will have high education and for continuing higher education or researches,
you may go to a distant place or a foreign country. If the Sun or the 9th-lord is
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also strong or if Saturn is associated with or aspected by Jupiter or Venus, your father might be a
self-made person who would rise to an influential position and leave a raised platform for you for
having an advantageous start. In other cases, if Saturn is neither associated with or aspected by
a natural benefic planet, you may have a tempestuous sailing in your journey through life as you
will have to face wide fluctuations. If Saturn is associated with or aspected by a natural malefic
planet, then you may incur sudden losses through deceit among marriage-relations and/ or
through law-suits. If your Ascendant is Leo and Mars is not well-placed, then you may meet with
some dangers during long journeys and incur losses in distant or foreign places; head-injury also
appears possible.
Since the Moon is situated in your 11th house, you will become very popular and will have good
earnings through public dealings -- although with a cyclic kind of fluctuations. Your earnings will
be more if the Moon is 'waxing', if the 11th-lord is well-placed and/ or if a natural benefic planet is
with it or aspects it. If the Moon is 'waning', if the 11th-lord is not well-placed or if Ketu is situated
with it, then your earnings can only be modest. If Saturn is with it or aspects it, then also the
results will be similar -- unless Saturn is exalted or situated in own house in which case it would
give good earnings from industries, mines or through agriculture. If Mars is situated with it, it
would give rise to 'Chandra-Mangala Yoga' and will give influx of wealth through real estate,
property-rentals, etc. If Rahu is with it, it will give good earnings -- although through convenient-
and at times unscrupulous- means. If your Ascendant is Cancer, then you will have boosted
earnings as the Moon will be exalted and if your Ascendant is Virgo, then also you will get similar
results as the Moon will be in own house. But if your Ascendant is Capricorn, then debilitated
Moon in the 11th will give unreliable friends and if modifying influences are not present in the
chart, then you may not have good earnings through respectable means. This position gives
many friends but a few lasting attachments; assures gains from and patronage of ladies and may
give a number of female children.
Since Rahu is situated in your 8th house, you may face serious problems from unexpected
sources and if the 7th-lord or Venus is also not well-placed in your chart, then your married-life
may not be very happy. The position will however be improved if Jupiter or Venus aspects it. If
the Sun is situated with it, then the physical or mental health and well-being of your father might
cause you some concern and your own state of health may not be very good. If the Moon is
situated with it, you may suffer from wasting diseases during sometime in your life. If Mars or
Saturn is with it or is placed in either the 6th house or the 7th house, then your married-life may
not be happy or your spouse may not be long-lived; alternately, she/ he might opt for leaving you
for ever and you may have to face a law-suit with her/ him. If Mars is situated with it or aspects it,
you may have a dare-devil nature and if the 8th-lord is not well-placed in your chart, then you
might recieve accidental injuries from fire or weapons. If Mercury is situated with it or aspects it,
then you may have much interest and gain some proficiency in mystic subjects like Astrology,
Palmistry, etc. If Venus is situated fairly close to it, then your secret liaisons may soon become
the talk-of-the-town.
Since Ketu is situated in your 2nd house, you may not be very fortunate in respect of your family-
wealth -- unless the 2nd-lord is well-disposed. However, if Jupiter or Venus is with it or aspects it,
then the situation will considerably improve while if a natural malefic planet influences it, then the
situation will become only worse. Good results are expected if Ketu is
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situated in sign Scorpio; the results will be adverse when it is in sign Taurus or is together with
Saturn in any sign other than Libra, Aquarius or Capricorn. If Ketu is with the 2nd-lord or if Mars
is with the 2nd-lord or aspects it, then if you are male, you may be a heavy smoker (if that is not
prohibited in your community); besides, your teeth may start decaying early. If Mars is with it or
aspects it, then you may have some fear from fire or intake of wrong medicine or poison.
Unless the 2nd-lord is well-placed, and if no natural benefic planet is with it or aspects it, this
position is not favourable for having happiness in marriage; if a natural malefic planet is with it or
(except Rahu any) aspects it while the 7th-lord is not well-placed, then the span of your married-
life may come under doubt.
Since Uranus is situated in your 11th house, you may have eccentric and unreliable friends; if
the 11th-lord is associated with or aspected by malefic planet(s) only, then you may become an
incorrigible eccentric yourself. Things will however be improved for the better if Jupiter or
Mercury is situated with it or aspects it; you would then be endowed with some special abilities
for which people will treat you with respect. But if it is associated with or aspected by retrograde
natural malefic planet(s) only, then some serious troubles of unusual sort are obscurely foreseen
which might deflect you from your usual path and may even change your life-pattern abruptly. If
Uranus is associated with or aspected by the Moon, then you may indulge in romantic love-
affairs; but if it is under the influence of natural malefic planet(s) only, then you may have
impulsive attachments which would prematurely end in hatred. If the 3rd-lord is associated with it
or aspects it and the 4th-lord is also under the influence of natural malefic planets, then you will
run the fear of having estrangements from your kindred and friends more than once in your life. If
the 10th-lord is also under the influence of natural malefic planet(s) only, then you may roam
around like a rolling stone.
Since Neptune is situated in your 11th house, you may have some strange and unaccountable
attractions and alliances; your friends may have seductive appearances, your advisors might be
unreliable, your spouse might be liable to moral delinquency and may create havoc in your
friends' circle. Although you may not be directly responsible for the acts of commission or
omission of your associates, these are almost sure to raise eye-brows of the curious onlookers
and 'U-2' may soon become the talk-of-the-town. However, if the 11th-lord is well-placed or a
natural benefic planet is situated with it or aspects it, then the situation will be considerably
modified for the better. But if the 11th-lord is badly placed or more than one natural malefic
planets are situated with it or aspect it, then the situation will considerably worsen and you may
have to badly suffer as a result of treachery or deception caused by your spouse and/ or
supposed friends; if Venus is also under the influence of natural malefic planets only, then your
tragic 'history' might be making rounds in the locality as a spicy 'story' to be remembered, re-told
and listened to many-a-times.
Since Pluto is situated in your 9th house, you may refuse to adhere to tradition and your interest
in un-orthodox forms of religion might be aroused -- more so if Jupiter is not well-placed in your
chart. If a natural malefic planet is situated with it or aspects it, then you may become an
agnostic -- if not an atheist outright. If your 4th-lord is not well-placed, then you may have radical
views and may actively take part in political and kindred affairs; you may even have to embrace
exile at an young age owing to fear from your enemies in consequence of your own thoughtless
actions or misdeeds. But the situation will be improved
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for the better if Jupiter or Venus is situated with it or aspects it. If Saturn and Mercury are well-
placed in your chart, you may be an ardent globe-trotter or you may have connection with air
travel or you may have great interest in meteorology and space explorations. If Mars is
influencing, then you may have connection with radio-active substances or explosives; if Venus
is influencing, then you may have some connection with radiations like X-Rays; if Mercury is
influencing, then you might be known for your inflammatory speeches/ writings; if Rahu or Ketu is
with Pluto, then you may have connection with acids, fumes, etc.
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Ascendent Result
Your Ascendant is Capricorn. Your Ascendant-lord is Saturn, which is the super-benefic planet in
your chart. For being the lord of an angle and a trine both, Venus happens to be the 'yoga-
karaka' planet in your chart and is a benefit-giving planet for you.
By virtue of being born in Capricorn Ascendant, you will be a very strict disciplinarian and will
engage yourself in your work with sincere efforts. You will be endowed with many desirable
qualities : strong and firm mental power, thoughtfulness, reverence towards the accepted
principles, gravity, seriousness, etc. Any work done by you will be found to be perfect in every
respect and your this quality will assist you to win many admirers. Even during tender age-
periods, your thoughts and actions will give the impression of a mature adult personality. For
fulfilling your ambitions, you will reach your goal by working hard steadily and constantly; you are
sure to reach a higher station in life. You will strongly resent criticisms of any sort to the beliefs,
opinions or values for which you have reverence in your mind, even if those come from your near
ones. However, if your Ascendant-lord Saturn is weak or badly afflicted, you may be avaricious
and indolent; you may become corrupt in every way and might be a doer of base, mean or cruel
In your chart, the Sun is placed in sign Aquarius. Unless the sign-lord Saturn is strong and well-
placed in your chart, you are likely to suffer from cardiac disorders during sometime of your life,
in which respect you should adopt preventive and precautionery measures. You will have a
tolerably good disposition, free from malice or deceit; still you may be somewhat proud and vain,
desirous of bearing rule and ostentations. You should try to curb your undesirable tendencies,
otherwise you may end up having endless quarrels with your very own people including your
spouse, progeny and kinsfolk.
In your chart, Mercury is placed in sign Aquarius. Unless the sign-lord Saturn is well disposed,
you may be addicted to vices, acquire debts and your kinsfolk may be subjected to troubles. You
may become very indigent, feel dejected and may opt for migrating to a distant inland place.
However, if Jupiter is in conjunction with Mercury or aspects it, then the situation will
considerably improve for the better. It will make you ingenious and inventive, a talented person
inclined to serious studies; with your humane disposition and obliging nature, you will be
remarkable in many ways and will be duly respected.
In your chart, Venus is placed in sign Aries. Unless the Moon is in sextile or Jupiter is in sextile
or trine aspect, the position is not favourable. It may make your mind unstable and you may feel
agitated; you may wander fruitlessly and might be given to vices. Your home-life may not be
peaceful at all and your happiness might be on the wane. However, if either the Moon or Jupiter
aspects Venus, then the situation will be considerably improved; you will acquire wealth through
trade and lead a comfortable life.
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In your chart, Mars is placed in sign Leo. It is really a favourable position and you will become
fortunate. It will give you a sanguine complexion, stout limbs, a cheerful disposition and optimisic
outlook. You will always remain engaged in brisk activities and will remain ever ready for any
challenging situation. You will be take part robust sports and frequently enjoy excursions; you will
be able to attract the attention of the members of the opposite sex. You will, however, run the
risk of receiving physical hurts. If your Ascendant is Capricorn or Aquarius, then the health of
your spouse might cause you some concern.
In your chart, Jupiter is placed in sign Leo. This is a very fortunate position and it will make you
magnamious and noble, having lofty ambitions. You will be proud, daring and enterprising; you
will also possess the gift of eloquence. You will be desirous to contend for honours and will
always be in a position to make your own headway in a very ingenious manner. You will acquire
wealth and receive honours for your meritorious deeds. You will enjoy happiness from your co-
borns, spouse and children.
In your chart, Saturn is placed in sign Virgo. You are likely to have good gains from land
development and agriculture. If Mercury is also well-placed or if aspected by Venus, you are
likely to be an well-educated and highly respectable person, occupying a position of
responsibility and trust. You will be religiously inclined and will treat pious people with great
respect and honour. You may have more female children, who will be a source of pride and joy
for their accomplishments and decent behaviour.
The Moon is situated in sign Scorpio in your chart; so your 'Janma-Rashi' (or Chandra-Lagna) is
Vrishchika. Your mental qualities and certain other characteristics will be governed by this
feminine, watery, fruitful, stingy-natured and fixed sign and, to some extent, by it's sign-lord
Moon in sign Scorpio is considered to be a somewhat 'tricky' position. If the Moon is involved in
square or opposition aspect with either Saturn or Mars, it might make you irregular, contentious
and impulsive in actions; besides, you may suffer from some diseases affecting your private
parts or you may suffer from some persisting pain. But if the Moon is in conjunction or in aspect
with Jupiter or Venus, you will be very fortunate and will have a jovial or cheerful disposition.
Moon in this position, however, makes one very fortunate in respect of earnings. You will have
lot of dealings with the public and run a brisk business.
In your chart, Rahu is placed in sign Leo. If the Sun is well-placed, it will give you an impressive
appearance and will bring in many benefits from the authorities or govt. sources. If Mercury or
Venus or Mars is in own-house, it will make you fortunate and happy. However, if your
Ascendant is Aquarius, the health of your spouse might cause you some concern. If Rahu is
situated in Magha star (while Ketu is situated in Shatabhisha star), you might remain prone to
suffer resulting from accidental mishaps.
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In your chart, Ketu is placed in sign Aquarius. If Saturn is well-placed, it will give you an
impressive appearance and will bring in many benefits from the authorities. If Mercury or Venus
or Mars is in own-house, it will make you fortunate and happy. However, if your Ascendant is
Aquarius, and the Sun is not associated with or aspected by any benefic planet, then the health
of your spouse might cause you some concern; besides, you may have some distinct differences
with your spouse. If Ketu is situated in Shatabhisha star (while Rahu is situated in Magha star),
you might remain prone to face accidental mishaps.
In your chart, Uranus is placed in sign Scorpio. You may become a kind of rebel in your own way
and may have no sense or appreciation of the orthodox in life; you may have strange
experiences in your love-life and your outlook might be radically changed during sometime of
your life. If Mars is well-placed, then you may tend to be fastidious and try to retain your figure
neat and shapely; but if Venus is afflicted, then you might be very slovenly in dress and remain
careless in respect of cleanliness.
In your chart, Neptune is placed in sign Scorpio. If Neptune is associated with or aspected by
Jupiter or Venus, then your psychic capacity might be more accentuated and you may possess
the ability of divination and foretelling. If Neptune is afflicted by malefic planet(s), then you may
have coarse features with your sensuous side intensified. You may become jealous and may
have a nasty temper.
In your chart, Pluto is placed in sign Virgo. It tends to make the body slim, but keeps it fit and
fine. If Mercury is well-placed or if Jupiter or Venus is associated with or aspects Pluto, then it
will give you an exalted view of self-importance. But if Mars or Saturn is in square or conjunction
with Pluto, then it will give you a bullying tendency of hurting them who disagrees with your views
or attitude.
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