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Think about this. In your entire lifetime, how much money has gone through your hands?

Let me
explain to you what I mean by this. Maybe you made $73,000 last year as a 28-year-old. And
you got your first check at the age of 14 for $100.00. Add everything up from that first check
until today. You’ll come up with a number. It could be $493,000 or $1.9 million or $6.3 million,
depending on who is reading this. The question is how much is left in your wallet? Truly. How
much is in your wallet? Not your credit card limit, but how much savings do you have left? If
you’re unhappy with the answer, the reason is very simple. It’s because you don’t know how to
play the money game. It’s as simple as that. So in this video and article, I get into the 20 rules of

These are the rules of money that I’ve followed. They’re based on a lot of mistakes I’ve made
because there was a point in my life where I made money and there was nothing left in my
pocket. So what I’m telling you is based on my experiences.

Here are the Rules of Money

#1: It's a Game
Rule #1 is the most important one, and it's the one you have to buy into immediately. It's very
simple. You may want to fight it, but regardless of what you do, it's a rule. And the rule is that
money is a game. The great thing about any game is that no matter what game you play, you
eventually get good at it. If I've never played chess, and you've played it 100 times, you're
probably going to beat me. If I've played Monopoly 1,000 times and you've played it three times,
I'm probably going to beat you. So the great thing about the money game is that it can be learned.

#2: Don't Be a Hater of Money

Next, don't be a hater of money. If you hate money, you'll never get money. Why? Because
money doesn't like haters. If you constantly say things like, "Money doesn't grow on trees" or
"Rich people are this or that," money responds by saying, "You're right!"

It's almost like if you go on a date with an attractive girl, and you tell her you don't like attractive
girls that don't know a lot about philosophy. You say that all they care about is their looks, doing
makeup, and working out. The girl's response is, "Dude, I put on makeup and I work out every
day to stay in shape. But I also like other things in my life. But you know what? You're right.
You're not attracted to me and I don't like you." She then goes and finds another guy that says, "I
like a girl that takes care of her body and skin, and puts on makeup. I like a girl that works out
five days a week." She's attracted to that guy.

So keep that part in mind, and don't be a hater with money.

#3: It's a Doubles Game

Number three of the rules of money is that money is a doubles game. Listen, you could stop
reading right now, as long as you understand this.

The entire game of money is about doubling your money. What do I mean by double your
money? Let me explain it to you this way.

If you have $1,000 cash in your bank account, you are 10 doubles away from having a million
dollars. You're five doubles away from $32,000, 13 doubles away from having $8.192 million,
and 14 doubles away from $16 million dollars. How soon can you double your money?

That's it. It's a doubles game. Can you take that $1,000 and double it to $2,000 in the next year?
Now that it's $2,000, you're nine steps away from a million dollars. If you already have $100,000
in your account, then you're three to four doubles away from a million dollars. Building wealth is
a piece of cake when you understand the doubles game.

Risk Tolerance and Horizon

Now that you have the basic concept, the question comes down to two things, your risk tolerance
and your horizon. Your risk tolerance depends on your age. If you're 65, your risk tolerance is
lower than if you're 22. Horizon has to do with time. What is your time horizon? The time
horizon could be, "I want to have a million dollars by ten years from now." Great. If you want to
have a million dollars by 10 years from now, first start with what do you have right now. Then
you play the doubles game. For instance, if you have $17,000, you'd ask how many doubles do
you need to get to a million bucks. From there you can determine a time goal for each of the
doubles to meet your goal within 10 years.

It's a simple game, as long as you know the amount you have, the amount you want, and your
risk tolerance, and time horizon.

To get a free "Doubles Game" worksheet, fill out the form below.

#4: Seduction
Let me explain to you about seduction. Money likes to be seduced. Money's attracted to
seducers. Just like a woman doesn't like a desperate man, money doesn't like desperate people.
Money's not attracted to desperate people that want it so bad because they want to show it off to
everybody. No, no, you need to seduce money. When you do, all of a sudden money will say,
"Ooohhhhh, I like this guy, I like this girl. Oh my gosh! I'm turned on by you."

Don't let money seduce you. You seduce money. Once you learn the seduction game with
money, all of a sudden money starts coming from all over the place to you, because money's
turned on by people that know exactly what they're doing. By the way, the more learn to seduce
money, you'll get better at this game as well.

#5: Timing
Listen in here for my thoughts on the important role that timing plays when it comes to money

#6: Boredom
Number six of the rules of money is boredom. Let me explain what boredom means. Money
needs to be moved. Okay? Again, if a girl is bored with you, she leaves you, because you're too
boring. The same is true for men. When people get bored, they leave. And money doesn't like to
be bored.

What do I mean? If money stays in a checking account, the money goes to somebody that knows
how to use it. Money doesn't like to stay somewhere where it's not working. So it goes to
someone else that knows what to do with money. So you have to make sure that money's always
moving for you, working for you, and doing something to create more money for you.

#7: Secret Account

The next of the rules of money is to have a secret account. You always have to have a secret

What's a secret account? It's an account no one else - including your spouse, parents, best friend,
siblings - knows about.

A secret account is a crisis account and could be cash. It's an account that's sitting somewhere
that no one else knows about. I know you may say, "Pat, you talked about boredom." But this is
a completely different story. You have to have a crisis account that's not your emergency fund.

A secret account is what saved my business when we were going through a difficult time. The
company's checking account went down to $13,000, and I had payroll, commissions and
everything to pay out of it. The crisis account that I had is what saved us. No one knew about it.
That money showed up, I put it back into the business, and we lasted through the tough times. So
you always need to have a secret crisis account.

#8: Don't Fly First Class

Next, don't pay to fly first class until you have $10 million in the bank. I see so many people
spending $2,000 on a flight when they can spend $400. Listen, I'm 6'4" and weigh 240 pounds,
and do you know how many times I've paid first class? Zero. I don't pay first class. Other people
pay for my first class, but I don't pay for first class. I've flown first class many times because I
have miles, or people pay for my flight. But I don't pay for first class myself.

Why is that? It's because I did the math. Obviously, I can afford to do it, no problem. But here's
how I did the math. If I pay $2,000 for a first class flight and I can get on the same flight for
$500, that's $1500 more I'm paying for the flight. If I fly nine times a month, that's a $13,500
monthly difference. Do you know what I can do with $13,500? That's four employees or
marketing or expansion. Over a year, it's $162,000. Why would I waste that money? That's an
executive I could bring in, or two incredible employees. So I don't pay first class.

Once you have $10 million in the bank and you want to do it, great. At that point you may want
to buy a private jet, but don't pay for first class until you get to that point.

#9: Comp Plan

The next of the rules of money has to do with your comp plan. Listen in here as I explain what I
mean by comp plan.

#10: End of the World Mentality

The next of the rules of money is end of the world mentality. Listen, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, Suze
Orman, Dave Ramsey and others are all paid to sell crisis. Why? Because you have to be ready
for a crisis. So a lot of times people are fearful, and think it's the end of the world. For example,
in 2008 when the market crisis took place, everybody started pulling their money out. At the
time, the Dow Jones was down to 6,000 something. It's at 21,000 points today. Imagine if you
left the money in. How much compounding money was lost simply because people thought it
was the end of the world?

You have to learn to manage the times when 90% of the world thinks it's the end of the world.
You have to be ready for those times. So how do you do that?

Let me explain. I was part of the community that said it's always the end of the world. Then I
realized how you become wealthy during those times. In the times when people say it's the end
of the world, do you know who wins? The ones that have cash. That's why it's so important to
have cash set aside. And I'm not talking boredom money. I'm talking about having cash said
aside so that when it's the end of the world, you can buy stuff.

Crisis Makes Some People Wealthy

Every time crisis happens, a LOT of people become wealthy. Why? Because everything's on sale
when there's a crisis. People sell exotics because they can no longer afford them. People sell
artwork for 1/5 of the price and homes for 1/2 of the price. All kinds of things are for sale when
there's an end of the world type of mentality.

So it's important to have a strategy for this time. Some say the markets will tank again in the next
two to three years. I don't know if that will happen, but what I do know is that they'll tank in the
next 20 years. And you have to be ready for it because there will be opportunities, if you're

#11: Study Your Politicians

Next, study your politicians, especially your president. Here's why. You have to know the
philosophies of and what the politicians in your nation and local community are going to do. For
example, if their philosophy is to do heavy-duty taxing, you need to adjust accordingly. If their
philosophy is to cut down taxes, you need to adjust accordingly.

People ask me, "Pat, what should I do with Trump?" Start a business! Taxes are being cut. So go
make your millions of dollars in the next four years, and if it's eight years, go make your money.
Adjust. Everything's about adjustment. But you have to know the philosophies of your politicians
and adjust accordingly.

#12: Study Smart Investors

Next, study smart investors. For instance, you should read everything Warren Buffett puts out.
Every single thing. Read all his books, because as you do, he'll teach you his way of thinking, his

People ask, "Why did Warren Buffett spend $35 million to buy silver six years ago? And why
does he stay away from technology?" The thing you have to respect about Warren Buffett is that
he sticks to a philosophy long enough until it works. So study smart investors.

#13: Play Your Game

Number 13 of the 20 rules of money is to play your game. Don't compare or play someone else's
game. Play your game.

Let me explain. Let's say that when you play the doubles game, you're at $8,000. And let's say
your cousin is at $4,096,000. Or let's say your friend is at $128,000. Why are you comparing
yourself to them? You need to play YOUR doubles game. They are four or more doubles ahead
of you, so it's not the same game.

You can't say, "I'm going to play my game at the level with the other guys" because when you do
that, you make reckless decisions and you may lose a double. You don't want to lose doubles.

It's important not to go backwards, and any time you focus on the people ahead of you, you may
go backwards. So focus on your game, your strategies, and your time horizon. Focus on your risk
tolerance, and play according to that game.

Your vision may not be to be a billionaire. Your vision may not be to do something very big.
Perhaps your vision is not be a deca-millionaire, but instead to someday have $2 million. That's
all good. Play to that game. And put a plan to it. But don't constantly compare yourself to other

And by the way, if you didn't fill out the form under point three to get your doubles game
worksheet, put your name and email address in the form below. And when you fill out the
doubles game worksheet, be sure to have your game, instead of someone else's in mind.
#14: Index
The next money rule is index. Listen in here to see what I mean by index.

#15: Befriend Money Makers

The next of the 20 rules of money is to befriend money makers that you trust. Here's why. If
you're around other people that know how to make money, you're going to make money. If
you're around people that don't make money and don't know how to make money, you won't
make a lot of money. That's just how things work.

It's also important to know who you're going into business with. Sometimes things seem too
sweet or sexy, but you don't know the person. It's important for me to know who I'm going to do
business with. I hire very, very slowly and fire very fast. The moment I'm done with somebody,
boom, they're gone. It's no problem for me to fire four people in a day. If things aren't in the right
place, we need to move on.

Especially for higher up positions, I hire very slowly. I travel with the person so I get to know
them. So whoever you're going to do business with, befriend them. Travel with them. If
somebody's extremely wealthy, go to dinner with them. Get to know their spouse, and how they
are around their kids. See their standard of living, behavior, and discipline and if you like what
you see, determine to do business with them.

#16: Diversification is for Sissies

The next money rule is that diversification is for sissies. So if you're a sissy and your risk
tolerance is very low, it's okay. It's okay to be a sissy. A lot of people are sissies. But if you truly
want to create wealth, and you wonder why you don't have a single penny after working for 17
years, you have a problem.

What's the problem? Diversification is a great concept for financial advisers to sell to people that
want to play things safe. If you're watching this and you're 73 years old, diversification may be
good for you. Or if you're 62 years old and you've already hit your numbers, your risk tolerance
is lower because your time horizon is lower. In that case, you're playing a different game.

I'm mainly talking to the people that are in the offensive mode of their lives. I'm talking to people
that are trying to get their doubles to go faster. If you rely on diversification, it takes 20 to 40
years, and that's if everything goes the way it's supposed to. So don't rely on diversification to
take you where you want to go.

#17: Leverage
The next of the rules of money is about leverage. Everything is leverage.
Let me explain what leverage means. When I say leverage, I'm not talking about going into debt.
I'm talking about leverage, period. Here are some ways to use leverage in your business:

 Gain more support

 Expansion
 Market yourself more
 Get to the customer faster
 Increase the speed of growth of your business

You need to ask how you can leverage every aspect of your business because leverage is a
growth game. And the more you study the concept of leverage, the better it is for your wealth.

#18: Positioning
Listen in here for why positioning is an important money rule.

#19: Strategic Partnerships

Number 19 of the 20 rules of money is to develop strategic partnerships. This is similar to
befriending money makers but it's slightly different because it's intentional. For instance, in our
company we have strategic partnerships where a lot of people make money. And the more that
people make money, the more they'll continue to do business with you.

I have strategic partnerships with $400 billion companies, $200 billion companies, and $60
billion companies. I have strategic partnerships with a lot of different companies that benefits
them. Strategic partnerships increases the value of making money because a lot more people
make money when they go into business with you.

#20: Big Check Syndrome

Last but not least of the rules of money is big check syndrome. Oh my gosh, I've seen so many
people screw this whole thing up.

Let me tell you what I mean by big check syndrome. Let's hypothetically say you sell real estate.
And all of a sudden a client wants you to sell their $3 million home. You sell it and get a
$100,000 commission check. You say to yourself, "Oh my gosh! I made $100,000!" And for two
months you live as if you made $100,000 in a month.

What you don't realize is that you need to look at that $100,000 as $8300 a month income for a
year. Don't look at it as $100,000. Look at it as $8300. I see so many people that see it as
$100,000 and get arrogant and cocky. They don't realize it's just a big payday. And their double
goes lower and lower and lower.

Here's a question for you. Would you rather take a half a million dollars up front, or take a
guaranteed income stream of $100,000 over 20 years? Which one would you take? Most people
would take the half a million dollars. Let me tell you why $100,000 is more. $100,000 adds up to
two million bucks. And a half a million dollars is just a half a million dollars. The $100,000
gives you the opportunity to have a stronger backing to make bigger decisions to get bigger

Now you may say, "But Pat, a half a million dollars? That already moves me a long way in the
doubles game." But that's irrelevant if you don't know how to play the money game. I want high
income as well. I want income coming in that feeds my game so I can increase my net worth.
Income is a very, very important game, so don't get too crazy about big check syndrome and all
of a sudden fall for it and lose everything.

Your Turn to Play the Money Game

As I said in point three, one of the most important ways to win the money game is to play the
doubles game. So if you haven't already done so, be sure to fill out the form below to get your
doubles game worksheet.

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