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The dynamics of a Mobile Inverted Pendulum (MIP)

Saam Ostovari, Nick Morozovsky, Thomas Bewley

UCSD Coordinated Robotics Lab

1 Introduction
In this document, a Mobile Inverted Pendulum (MIP) is a robotic platform that re-
sembles an autonomous segway-like vehicle with two independently-actuated wheels and
enough motor torque to not only balance while driving aggressively in in a segway-like
mode, but also to perform a self-uprighting maneuver from a horizontal configuration.
Several MIP prototype designs are currently being developed at the UCSD Coordinated
Robotics Lab; myMIP is one of the simplest of these designs, and is built from inex-
pensive, commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) parts together with a few custom pieces easily
fabricated on an inexpensive 3D printer. Other prototypes that climb stairs and pick up
and throw balls are also being developed. In this document, the equations of motion of
a MIP, moving in a straight line on a level surface, are developed from first principles.

2 Equations of Motion
2.1 Free Body Diagrams

Figure 1: Wheel Figure 2: Rod

mw = mass of wheel
mr = mass of rod
Iw = Inertia of wheel
Ir = Inertia of rod
τ = torque from motors (input)
R = radius of wheel
L = length from end to center of mass of the rod
LT = length of rod
Px and Py = reaction force between wheel and rod in the x and y direction, respectively
at = tangential force
an = normal force
g = gravity (9.81 m/s)

2.2 Kinematics
Position (r) of rod center of mass (CM):
r = xî − L sin(θ)î + L cos(θ)ĵ (2.2.1)
Velocity (ṙ) of rod CM:
ṙ = ẋî − θ̇L cos(θ)î − θ̇L sin(θ)ĵ (2.2.2)
Acceleration (r̈) of rod CM:
r̈ = (ẍ − θ̈L cos θ + θ̇2 L sin θ)î − (θ̈L sin θ + θ̇2 L cos θ)ĵ (2.2.3a)
= (ẍ cos θ − θ̈L)(cos θî + sin θĵ) − (ẍ sin θ + θ̇2 L)(cos θĵ − sin θî) (2.2.3b)

2.3 Dynamics
Angular acceleration of wheel:
Iw φ̈ = τ − F R (2.3.1)
Linear acceleration of wheel CM in î direction:
mw ẍ = −Px − F (2.3.2)
Linear acceleration of wheel CM in ĵ direction:
0 = N − Py − mw g (2.3.3)
Angular acceleration of rod:
Ir θ̈ = −τ + Py L sin θ + Px L cos θ (2.3.4)
Linear acceleration of rod CM in î direction:
mr (ẍ − θ̈Lcosθ + θ̇2 L sin θ) = Px (2.3.5)
Linear acceleration of rod CM in n̂ = cos θî + sin θĵ direction:
mr (ẍ cos θ − θ̈L) = −mr g sin θ + Py sin θ + Px cos θ (2.3.6)

2.4 Derivation of Equations of Motion
Using the dynamic equations we can derive the equations of motion:

Starting with (??), rearrange to get

Ir θ̈ + τ
Py sin θ + Px cos θ = (2.4.1)
plug the above equation into (??)
Ir θ̈ + τ
mr (ẍ cos θ − θ̈L) = −mr g sin θ + (2.4.2)
multiplying everything by L and distributing mr
mr Lẍ cos θ − mr θ̈L2 = −mr gL sin θ + Ir θ̈ + τ (2.4.3)
and rearrange to get Equation of Motion #1
−(mr L cos θ)ẍ + (Ir + mr L2 )θ̈ = mr gL sin θ − τ (2.4.4)

Now using the (??) and (??)

Px = −mw ẍ − F (2.4.5)

Iw φ̈ − τ
F =− (2.4.6)
Plugging both into (??)
mr (ẍ − θ̈L cos θ + θ̇2 L sin θ) = −mw ẍ − F (2.4.7)

Iw φ̈ − τ
mr (ẍ − θ̈L cos θ + θ̇2 L sin θ) = −mw ẍ + (2.4.8)
multiplying everything by R and distrubuting mr
mr Rẍ − mr Rθ̈L cos θ + mr Rθ̇2 L sin θ = −mw Rẍ + Iw φ̈ − τ (2.4.9)
and rearrange to get to get Equation of Motion #2
Iw φ̈ − (mr R + mw R)ẍ + (mr RL cos θ)θ̈ = mr Rθ̇2 L sin θ + τ (2.4.10)

Now applying no slip condition, ẍ = −Rφ̈, to (??) and (??)

Final Equations of Motion for the MIP are:

(mr RL cos θ)φ̈ + (Ir + mr L2 )θ̈ = mr gL sin θ − τ (2.4.11)

(Iw + (mr + mw )R2 )φ̈ + (mr RL cos θ)θ̈ = mr RLθ̇2 sin θ + τ (2.4.12)

2.5 Re-derivation of Equations of Motion using Lagrangian Dynamics
Kinetic Energy of Wheel:
1 1
Tw = mw ẋ2 + Iw φ̇2 (2.5.1)
2 2
Kinetic Energy of Rod:
1 1 1
Tr = mr (ẋ − Lθ̇ cos θ)2 + mr (Lθ̇ sin θ)2 + Ir θ̇2 (2.5.2)
2 2 2
Potential Energy:
V = mr gL cos θ (2.5.3)
Now using the Euler-Lagrange Equation:
d ∂L ∂L
( )− (2.5.4)
dt ∂ q˙i ∂q
where the lagrangian is written as

L = Tw + Tr − V (2.5.5)

and the generalized coordinate is  

q = φ (2.5.6)

d ∂L ∂L d
dt ( ∂ ẋ ) − ∂x = dt (mw ẋ + mr (ẋ − Lθ̇ cos θ)) + 0 (2.5.7)
= mw ẍ + mr ẍ − mr Lθ̈ cos θ + mr Lθ̇2 sin θ (2.5.8)

d ∂L ∂L d
dt ( ∂ φ̇ ) − ∂φ = dt (Iw φ̇) −0 (2.5.9)
= Iw φ̈ (2.5.10)

d ∂L d
dt ( ∂ θ̇ ) = dt (−mr L(ẋ − Lθ̇ cos θ) cos θ + mr L(Lθ̇ sin θ) sin θ + Ir θ̇) (2.5.11)
= dt (−mr Lẋ cos θ + mr L2 θ̇ + Ir θ̇) (2.5.12)
= −mr L(ẍ cos θ − ẋθ̇ sin θ) + mr L2 θ̈ + Ir θ̈ (2.5.13)

= mr Lθ̇ sin θ(ẋ − Lθ̇ cos θ) + mr Lθ̇ cos θ(Lθ̇ sin θ) + mr gL sin θ (2.5.14)

Putting everything together, you get:

(mw + mr )ẍ − (mr L cos θ)θ̈ + mr Lθ̇2 sin θ = Qx (2.5.15)

Iw φ̈ = Qφ (2.5.16)
(−mr L cos θ)ẍ + (Ir + mr L2 )θ̈ − mr gL sin θ = Qθ (2.5.17)

Now by solving the Euler-Lagrange equations, the equations of motion can be written
in the form:
S T M (q)S ν̇ + S T F (q, q̇) = S T B(q)u (2.5.18)
where u is the torque from the motors.
Now using the equations found above and putting them into the form above, you
get:  
(mw + mr ) 0 −(mr L cos θ)
M (q) =  0 Iw 0  (2.5.19)
(−mr L cos θ) 0 (Ir + mr L )

mr Lθ̇2 sin θ
       
x ẋ   0
q = φ , q̇ = φ̇ ,
 ν̇ = , F (q, q̇) =  0 , B= 1 
θ θ̇ −mr gL sin θ −1

Now defining the no slip equation ẋ + Rφ̇ = 0 and applying it:

A= 1 R 0 (2.5.20)
 
−R 0
S =  1 0 (2.5.21)
0 1
Plugging in everything into equation ??, you get:

(mw + mr )R2 + Iw mr RL cos θ) φ̈ −mr RLθ̇2 sin θ

2 + = (2.5.22)
(mr RL cos θ) (Ir + mr L ) θ̈ −mr gL sin θ −τ

Finally, multiplying through all the matrices you get the below equations of motion
for the MIP which are the same as those computed previously.

(Iw + (mw + mr )R2 )φ̈ + (mr RL cos θ)θ̈ = mr RLθ̇2 sin θ + τ (2.5.23)

(mr RL cos θ)φ̈ + (Ir + mr L2 )θ̈ = mr gL sin θ − τ (2.5.24)

3 Control of MIP
There are a number of ways that we control iFling or a segway as it is a SIMO system.
We will develop both a controller using classical controls and state space control

3.1 Classical Controls
Typically classical controls are used to develop a controller for a SISO system. In the
case of iFling/Segway we have a SIMO system. As this system has two modes of interest
(controlling θ and φ) that have natural frequencies that are significantly different we can
use a method called Successive Loop Closure (SLC). SLC allows us to apply classical
control techniques to control SIMO systems. The basic idea behind SLC is that we can
create a feedback loop within a second feedback loop as depicted in figure ??. The inner
loop contains the control of the fast dynamics (θ) while the outer feedback loop contains
the controls of the slower dynamics (φ).

Figure 3: Successive loop closure of a SIMO plant G(s) designed with “fast” θ dynamics
and “slow” φ dynamics. Note this is the idealization of the system for the purpose of
control design.

Starting with the Equations of motion for iFling found in previous sections:
Linearize ( using small angle approximation) the equations of motion:

(Iw + (mw + mr )R2 )φ̈ + (mr RL)θ̈ = τ (3.1.1)

(mr RL)φ̈ + (Ir + mr L2 )θ̈ = mr gLθ − τ (3.1.2)

Now take the Laplace transform of the linearized equations of motion:

(Iw + (mw + mr )R2 )s2 Φ + (mr RL)s2 Θ = τ (3.1.3)

(mr RL)s2 Φ + (Ir + mr L2 )s2 Θ = mr gLΘ − τ (3.1.4)
Now to get the transfer function of the fast dynamics we want τ. So solve for phi
and then plug it into the next other equation

τ − mr RLs2 Θ
Φ= (3.1.5)
(Iw + (mw + mr )R2 )s2

mr RLτ −m2r R2 L2 s2 Θ+(Iw +(mw +mr )R2 )(Ir +mr L2 )s2 Θ = (mr gLΘ−τ )(Iw +(mw +mr )R2 )
Solving for Θ
τ and simplifying, the transfer function for fast dynamics of iFling is:

Θ mr RL + Iw + (mw + mr )R2
G1 = =
τ (−(Iw + (mw + mr )R2 )(Ir + mr L2 ) + m2r R2 L2 )s2 + mr gL(Iw + (mw + mr )R2 )
Going through the same process of finding the fast dynamics transfer function using
equations(??) we can find also find the slow dynamics transfer function, Θ

Φ −(Ir + mr RL)s2 + mr gL
G2 = = (3.1.8)
Θ (Iw + (mw + mr )R2 + mr RL)s2

Now that we have the transfer functions for the fast (G1) and slow (G2) system
we can design the controllers that stabilize the fast (G1) and slow (G2) dynamics of
the system. Note that though we will be finding the controllers necessary to control
the system that these controllers will only work in simulations. The controllers will
very likely fail to control the MIP in reality. The reason for this is that our current
transfer functions do not not include the motor dynamics. This will be introduced in
the next section. The reader is also encouraged to write a MatLab program to help in
designing a controller as this is an iterative process. The reader is highly discourage from
applying the random control design (RCD) strategies facilitated by root locus graphical
user interfaces such as sisotool in Matlab.

3.1.1 Design of the Fast Controller Without Motor Dynamics

Figure 4: Root Locus, Bode Plot and Step Response for the Fast Inner Loop.

To start the design of the controller plot the root locus for G1. Looking at the
uncontrolled root locus in the above figure it should be apparent that a lead controller
with negative gain is needed to bring the root locus into the stable region (left hand
plane). To determine the amount of lead required we will need to determine our de-
sired crossover frequency (ωc ). To do this will need to first selected an appropriate rise
time (tr ) to stabilize the fast system quickly. A good start for a MIP will be tr = 0.07secs

Now, knowing our desired tr , the desired crossover frequency can be found using the
following rule of thumb:
1.8 1.8
wc = = = 25.714 (3.1.9)
tr 0.07
With a desired crossover frequency (ωcdesired ) we will also want to selected a desired
dampening (ζ) for the system. Let choose ζ = .55. Using this information we get the
following equation:

p/z − 1 p 1 + sin(100ζ)
φmax = sin−1 −→ = = 10 (3.1.10)
p/z + 1 z 1 − sin(100ζ)
Finally, the last equation needed for the design of a lead controller is:

ωcdesired = 2
zp −→ zp = 25.7142 (3.1.11)

Now with the knowledge that pz = 25.7142 and p/z = 10 we can determine the pole
and zero of the lead controller. From here we can look at the bode plot to determine the
amount of gain (K) needed to place our crossover frequency at the desired frequency of
25.714 rad/sec.
Once we have our crossover frequency set we can look at the closed loop step response
to double check that we have a stable system with the desired performance.

The resulting controller (D1) using the provide mass properties of MyMIP and the
method outline above is:
s + 8.1316
D1 = −1.3700 ∗ (3.1.12)
s + 81.3157
Note: Notice the negative gain!

3.1.2 Design of the Slow Controller Without Motor Dynamics

The process for designing the slow controller (D2) is exactly the same as designing the fast
controller (D1), in this case, even though the root locus is different. A lead controller will
need to be used to bring the root locus into the stable region. The difference between the
slow controller and the fast controller as mentioned before is with the desired crossover
frequency, which allows for the use of SLC. Lets use a desired tr = 0.7secs for the outer
loop. Going through exactly the same steps as outlined in the design of the fast controller
section the resulting controller for the slow system will be:

Figure 5: Root Locus, Bode Plot and Step Response for the Slow Outer Loop.

s + 0.8132
D1 = 0.1076 ∗ (3.1.13)
s + 8.1316
Notice: No negative gain this time!

3.1.3 The Final SLC Controlled System Without Motor Dynamics

Figure 6: Root Locus, Bode Plot and Step Response for the Slow Outer Loop.

Note that the provide rise time and dampening values are provided as a good starting
point for designing the controllers for MIPs. These controllers are not meant to be the
best that can be designed. They were used only to show the reader the process involved

in designing a controller for each system. It is strongly encouraged that the read play
around with the rise time and dampening values to see their affect on the controllers
and the control of the overall system. //


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