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Why you aren't too busy, you don't have to clear your mind, 
and how to (finally) make it a daily habit

If You Think You're Too Busy to Meditate, Start Here 3

How Stress Makes You Stupid, Slow and Sick 6

Why You Don't Have to Clear Your Mind 9

What is Meditation? 12

What’s The Difference Between Mindfulness and 13


What is The Ziva Technique?  15

What Chronic Stress is Doing to Your Body 17

Chronic Stress in Daily Life 19

How to Know if Meditation is Working 23
How Ziva is a Hardware Upgrade for your Brain 27

About Emily and Ziva 28

Hear from Ziva graduates  29
How to Start a Daily Practice 31
What is zivaONLINE? 32
When people say, “I don’t have time to meditate!” our favorite response is,  “Do you have time to feel like crap?”
The harsh reality is stress makes you stupid, slow and sick. 

We all know we should be meditating. So why aren't we?

1. Being “too busy” is the #1 lie we tell ourselves.

Be real. How many minutes did you waste today scrolling through Instagram?  If you want to get
really honest with yourself, we recommend tracking your phone usage with the app Moment.

2. If Oprah has time to meditate, you have time to meditate.

And Oprah is just one of a fast-growing list of CEOs, professional athletes and celebrities who swear by meditation. Ray
Dalio, one of the most successful hedge fund managers in the world, attributes much of his success to meditation. The
Superbowl-winning Seattle Seahawks meditate. So do Oscar, Grammy, Tony, Emmy and Golden Globe Award-winning Ziva

They’re not meditating because they have tons of free time.... they’re meditating because they know the less stress they
have in their body, the clearer their decisions are and the faster they accomplish their goals. 

3. The time you invest in meditation will come back to you exponentially, in the form of...
- Better, deeper sleep (so you’ll need less of it)
- More energy. Like, way more.
- Increased productivity (no more leaving work feeling like you’ve accomplished nothing)
- Sharper decision-making ability (you’ll stop wasting time making mistakes — like searching for your keys when
they are in your hand)
Investing 2%
 of your day in
will radically
improve the
other 98%

So let go of the idea that you

don't have time to meditate.
 Think of it instead as a reboot for your brain.
The year I learned to meditate, I worked only 20 hours a
week and made more money than I ever have. And I had
a newborn baby. "Busy" is just an excuse.

Before we dive into what meditation is and how it works, it’s important to understand how dangerous (and
counterproductive) it is for us to live with as much stress as we do. Doctors are calling stress The Black Plague of our
century — and we don’t think that’s an over exaggeration.


Stress inhibits our emotional Employees at Aetna who took meditation Harvard researches estimate that
intelligence and creativity. classes gained 62 minutes of productivity 80% of doctor’s visits are stress-
Meditation actually grows the per week — a savings of $3,000 per related. 3  (80-freakin-%!)
gray matter in parts of the brain employee per year. 2  Research clearly
that control those things. 1 shows the destructive link between high
levels of stress and reduced productivity
— especially in the workplace. 

1 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053811909000044
2 https://www.forbes.com/sites/karenhigginbottom/2014/09/11/workplace-stress-leads-to-less-productive-employees/#27e3fb9a31d1
 https://www.stress.org/americas-1-health-problem/ ”
Don’t like hospitals? 
In a recent study,
Stress is linked to the following illnesses: meditators showed decreased
heart attacks, hypertension, diabetes, asthma, chronic pain, hospitalization rates compared
with non-meditators:
insomnia, allergies, headaches, backaches, skins disorders,
87% less for heart disease
cancer, accidents, suicide, depression, suppressed immune 55% less for tumors
function, auto-immune conditions, irritable bowel syndrome 30% less for infectious
50% less for out-patient
doctor visits 1
Have trouble sleeping? Meditators report getting to sleep and staying
asleep more easily. In a meditation study at Stanford Medical, the insomnia
group fell asleep got to sleep twice as quickly as before. At the end of the Want to learn more
study, approximately 60% of the participants no longer qualified as about the science of
meditation? We’ve
insomniacs. In a follow up study 12 months later, they found the majority of
collected some of our
benefits had remained. We have a 90% success rate with insomnia at Ziva.  favorite articles and
research in this post.

Meditation does wonders for productivity, helping you do less and accomplish more.
Research has shown that meditation has been found to increase focus & attention, and
improve multitasking ability. It has also been shown to improve memory, enhance
creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. 2
Companies like Apple, Google, Nike and HBO have all incorporated meditation into the

Orme-Johnson, 1987, Psychosomatic Medicine 
Psychology Today, 9.11.13, “Twenty Scientific Reasons to Start Meditating”
Stress-related ailments cost US business 
$300 billion annually. 
That’s more than 2x the $147 billion in
medical costs of obesity. 


So many people think that in order to meditate, you have to stop your mind from thinking.
Here's the news: The mind thinks involuntarily just like the heart beats involuntarily.
Imagine how silly it would be to sit down and try to give your heart a command to stop beating. It
doesn't work. And yet this is the criteria by which everyone is judging their meditations.
 Thoughts during meditation indicate that stress is leaving the body, which is the whole point.
If you are judging your meditation based on how
good you are at giving your mind a command to shut up,
then your meditation may look a little something like this: 

And that’s usually the beginning and end of many people’s meditation careers.
It makes us sad because people have potentially robbed themselves of a lifetime of bliss
and fulfillment because they are judging themselves based on misinformation.
Good news! The mind thinks involuntarily just
like the heart beats involuntarily.

One more time for a dramatic effect: trying to give your mind a command to stop thinking is as
effective as trying to give your heart a command to stop beating. It doesn’t work.

This is really good news if you have ever felt frustrated with how fast or crazy your brain is when
you try to meditate. But there's an easier way.

At Ziva, we’re all about ease and effortlessness. It is possible to have a thought-filled meditation
and still get the performance-enhancing benefits, it just takes a practice that's designed for you
and some solid training.
Simply put, meditation is a stress-relieving tool. The scientifically proven benefits of daily
meditation (reversal of body age, deeper sleep, improved creativity, increased productivity and
even better sex) are all results of removing a lifetime of old stress from your cellular memory.  

Meditation gives the body deep rest; rest that is 5x deeper than sleep. When you give your body
the rest it needs, it knows how to heal itself. One of the things it heals itself from is stress. 
Many people are using the terms Mindfulness and Meditation as synonyms,
but they're not the same thing.

Mindfulness  Meditation
Mindfulness is a directed focus mental Meditation gives you rest that is 5x deeper
technique and can include:  than sleep and feels like a super-charged
power nap (without the sleep hangover).
Focusing on or counting your breath
Walking "meditation"
Guided visualization At Ziva, you’ll be given a mantra that helps
Focusing on a flame induce that deep rest and access a verifiable
Most of the free meditation apps, drop- 4th state of consciousness, different than
in studios and guided audios out there waking, sleeping or dreaming.
are shades of mindfulness.
Once you learn, you'll be self-sufficient.
Mindfulness is the art of bringing your Meaning you can do it on a bus. a plane, or at
awareness into the present moment. your office. 

Mindfulness is very effective at getting Meditation gets rid of the stress from your
rid of your stress in the right now.  past that has been stored in the body.
My stress level has significantly decreased
and I actually have more time 
every day for me. I can't believe it.
Meditation has been a life-changer.
Truly. I'll never stop.



A powerful trifecta of:

How The Ziva Technique
Changes Your Brain
We incorporate 3 tools to increase your neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to
change itself) & improve neurogenesis (the brain’s ability to generate new brain

Mindfulness Meditation Manifesting

Mindfulness helps deal with stress Meditation gives the body deep, Manifesting helps you create
in the present moment. In it you healing rest to get rid of stress and achieve your goals for the
are directing your focus which from the past. The technique is one future. This practice helps you
lights up a small part of the brain of surrender which lights up the clarify your goals and activates
(the Prefrontal cortex). Over time whole brain, but not as brightly as the creative center of the brain,
this can improve your clarity and mindfulness. Over time, meditation also known as the right brain.
focus. strengthens the corpus callosum,
which can increase creativity.
First, let us take you back in time about 10,000 years...
Say you’re hunting and gathering in the woods and a saber tooth tiger jumps out at you. 

Your body will launch into a series of chemical reactions, also known as “fight or flight”:
Your body will flood with acid to shut down digestion because you need the digestive energy to fight off the tiger.
That same acid will seep onto your skin so that if you get bitten, you won’t taste very good.
Your bladder and bowels will evacuate so you can be light on your feet to fight or flee.  (This is why we all get the
nervous poos before a big event.)
Your cortisol and adrenaline levels will go through the roof to give you superhuman powers to fight the predator.
Your immune system will go to the back burner, because who cares if you’re gonna get cancer if you’re about to be
eaten by a tiger? 

This was all super useful back in the day when stress was brought on by saber tooth tigers.
 But with today’s demands  — kids, bosses, emails, travel — it’s become maladaptive.

Think about it: when you have a tense meeting or get stuck in traffic, your body is reacting in the same way it would have
when you were about to become tiger snacks. Today’s demands on us are constant — so the chemical reactions above
(slow digestion, high levels of acid, suppressed immune function) are constant, as well, and they build up over time.  
"It’s not bad for you to get stressed. It is terrible
for you to stay stressed."
- Emily Fletcher
Founder of Ziva Meditation 

When we stay stressed for long periods of time (like most of us do), the
body ages more quickly, our sleep quality decreases, our brains begin
to atrophy, and we’re more susceptible to sickness and depression.
Chronic stress is like dumping acid into your body all day every day.
It creates inflammation, and keeps you from
reaching your full performance capabilities.
Let’s start with some new vocabulary:

Ad·ap·ta·tion en·er·gy /noun/ — your ability to handle a change of expectation.

De·mands /noun/ — the artist formerly known as stress. A.k.a. anything that burns up adaptation energy.
Work deadlines, traffic, or even your nosy mother-in-law. These are all demands.
Stress /noun/ - an involuntary fight-or-flight body reaction. Stress is not what happens to you. Stress is your
reaction to what happens to you.

When you're low on adaptation energy and you have to handle a big demand, the body will launch
involuntarily into a flight-or-fight stress reaction.  Here's an example of how meditation can change this:
 Please meet Susie Stressbox and Peggy Performer.
Two women who have an identical day.
The same demands — a young daughter, a cranky boss, crazy deadlines.  
The only difference? Peggy meditates.

Susie Stressbox Peggy Performer

Susie Stressbox Peggy Performer

6:00a Exhausted from the day before, Suzie snoozes Peggy wakes up before her alarm, brushes
her alarm til 6:45a. her teeth and settles in for her 15 min
8:00a Frantic because she overslept, Suzie races to
Peggy packs herself a healthy lunch, gets her
drop her child at school. They are late and she
7-year-old dressed, fed and off to school on
doesn’t have time to grab a coffee or breakfast
time, She arrives at work a few minutes early.
— which she desperately needs.

Suzie’s boss changes the due date on a big Peggy’s boss also moves up a due date on a
11:00a project. She remains calm and uses creative
project. Panicked because she’s already
behind, Suzie works through lunch to get it problem-solving to get the job done in 90
done. minutes. She pauses her work to eat her lunch
and enjoys a few moments outside.

3:00p Barely squeaking in before the deadline, Suzie

Peggy uses a spare conference room for her
turns in her project. Not having eaten, and now
afternoon meditation. Having filled up on
behind on the day’s work, Suzie runs to
adaptation energy and feeling refreshed, she
Starbucks for coffee and a slice of banana
dives into work for the rest of the work day.
Headache pounding & hungry, Suzie hits traffic Sitting in traffic on her way home from work,
on the way home and angrily honks at the cars Peggy listens to a favorite podcast and enjoys
in front of her.  her extra alone time.

Suzie and her husband have a difficult Peggy and her husband discuss the health of
8:00p conversation about his aging mother. She his aging mother. She listens compassionately,
breaks down in tears — it feels like too much then they calmly work together to problem-
to handle after a tough day..  solve this difficult situation.

Suzie’s daughter interrupts. With no patience Peggy’s daughter interrupts. Peggy scoops
8:30p left, Suzie snaps and yells and her daughter to her up, grateful for the joy she brings to their
get in bed and go to sleep. They don’t have a life. Peggy reads her daughter a book before
chance to reconcile until the next day. bed and kisses her goodnight.

10:00p Suzie is mentally fried, but stays up late Peggy puts down her Kindle and reflects on
working because she’s frustrated with how how much there is to be grateful for. She feels
little she accomplished today. She hopes proud of how she handled the high demand
tomorrow will be better.  day and looks forward to tomorrow.
What’s the key difference in Peggy and Suzie’s day?

 Peggy invested her valuable time in meditation.

Now, meditation is not magic. It’s not going to take away your demands.
There will still be traffic. Your boss will still ask you for too much. But
meditation lets you handle all of life's demands a lot more elegantly
because you'll be filling up your tank every day, twice a day.

Suzie doesn’t like honking at people on the road, she doesn’t like breaking
down and crying when important decisions have to be made and she
definitely doesn’t like yelling at her daughter.
But her body isn’t giving her a choice.

She is reacting to demands vs. responding to them.

She’s weighed down by a lifetime of stress and by the end of the day,
she’s out of adaptation energy. 
After interviewing 140 people at the top of their fields,
Tim Ferriss discovered that 90% of them share the same
habit… meditation. 

There is one very simple way to know if the meditation is working: unmistakeable improvement in
performance.  We call it up-leveling your life. Maybe your insomnia goes away, you might be kicking
butt at work, perhaps your digestive issues, anxiety or acne are gone.
In the Ziva course, on Day 1 you fill out a quick survey about what your current challenges are. We do
this so that over time you can go back and remember just how far you’ve come. The change in your
answers is how you know it’s working.
Plus, you’ll notice an expansion of consciousness. How? Glad you asked...
It may sound a little hippie-dippie or esoteric,
but we define consciousness as the animating force inside of you.
It is the thing that makes you alive.

This is essentially multitasking. Can you What's a theme? It's a pattern. The trick is, No two things are the same. No two
drive your car, follow your navigation, most of us are good at discovering other potential jobs. No two potential
check on your baby in the backseat, people's themes. We're all an expert when it relationships. No two potential
drink your coffee and adjust the radio at comes to our roommate, or boyfriend, or grapefruits at the grocery store. Life
the same time? Or are you our mom. is giving us a constant stream of
overwhelmed by the combination of decisions to make, and detecting
tasks at hand? But what’s more useful is being able to subtle differences is going to keep
detect your own themes and patterns. It’s you from making mistakes — little
This skill is extremely valuable no like seeing the whole forest instead of just ones like accidentally taking the
matter what your job is. Whether you’re the one stressy tree in front of your wrong train and big ones like
running your own company, a stay-at- face. This frees you up to put your time and marrying the wrong person.
home mom or a NYC taxi driver, you your attention on the creative, constructive
better be able to hold many things in themes in your life, and take it away from
one awareness.  the destructive themes in your life.
You can not solve a problem
at the same level of consciousness
with which it was created.

The Ziva Technique is a stress reducing tool.
Meditation has nothing to do with your beliefs or faith.
It has everything to do with giving you the tools to help you act in
accordance with what you already know to be true .
We’ve had priests and rabbis take the Ziva Meditation course —
and they, like us, think of it as a hardware vs. software upgrade.   
Imagine your brain is a computer —
  the hardware.

When we meditate we de-excite the nervous

system in a way that helps the body to heal
itself from many things, but most of all stress.

We like to think of this as defragging the

computer, or upgrading the hardware.

Religion, self-help books, and life coaches, on

the other hand, are all examples of the
software we can run on our bright and shiny
brain machine.
Emily Fletcher is the founder of Ziva Meditation and the creator of zivaONLINE, a 15-day training in mindfulness, meditation and
manifesting. Ziva’s mission is to make meditation attractive, accessible and easy to adopt into modern life.

Recently featured in The New York Times, named top 100 women in wellness to watch and regarded as one of the leading experts in
meditation for performance, Emily has been invited by companies like Google, Barclays Bank & sweetgreen to help improve company
performance through meditation.

Emily began her ten years of training in Rishikesh, India and was inspired to teach after experiencing the profound physical and mental
benefits meditation provided her during her 10-year career on Broadway, which included roles in Chicago, The Producers & A Chorus

Emily has been invited to speak at Google, Harvard Business School, The Cleveland Clinic, Bulletproof Conference, Wanderlust, and the
Omega Institute. So far, she has taught over 7,000 people to become self-sufficient meditators with the Ziva Technique to take with them
for life.

Ziva is a school for high performance. We are all about giving high performers tools to perform at the top of their personal and
professional game.Over 2,000 students have learned to meditate with us in person and over 5,000 people have learned around the world
from our online courses. All of them have graduated with a powerful meditation practice to take with them for life. The Ziva technique is a
trifecta of meditation, mindfulness and manifesting (aka making your dreams your reality.) We are also partnering with some of the world’s
leading neuroscientists and body tracking technology to make ancient tools easy to adopt into your fast paced life.
Graduates include Oscar, Grammy, Emmy and Tony award winners as well as CEOs, NBA players, and full time moms.

Ziva is based in New York City, where we offer our in person training once a month. We teach in LA several times per year. We also offer
corporate and private courses. We have had the pleasure of sharing meditation with Google, Viacom, Barclays Bank and sweetgreen. If
you are looking for a practice with the potential to revolutionize how you work and how you chill you are in the right place.

“The busier you are, the more you need Ziva Meditation is. And I love seeing myself being less
impulsive, thinking more clearly, being more alert and acting with intent.”
- Stacy London, Fashion Expert, What Not to Wear & The View

“My quality of life has improved and my relationships with family and friends have been better
than ever. In general, I’m less irritated. OH! and my skin is glowing :)”
- Sara Grover,  Marketing Consultant

“I am more efficient in my clinic. Before ZIva I wasn’t able to see 8 patients a day without bringing
work home. Now I’m seeing 14 patients a day with higher speed, address all their issues, and I
come home free of work. That’s a giant step in my career.”
-Shahrokh Poormehr, MD, Family Physician

“When I started meditating, I stopped spinning my wheels and started making 6-figures while
doing way, way, way less. I can’t believe how much better my marriage, career, family
relationships and overall sense of peace and connectedness is.”
- Daniella Rabanni, Actress


“When I'm in high level stress situations, although I still feel the stress, the edge is taken off. It gives
me less panic and allows me to be more thoughtful in making the right decision.”
- Paul Stephens, Lawyer

“Definitely seeing increased energy levels. Plus, my sleep is better — no more tossing and turning. I
have also noticed that my ability to put things into perspective and handle stressful situations has
improved dramatically!”
- Whitney Winfield, Real Estate Agent

“I feel like I have more mental "space" – instead of simply reacting to my life, I feel like I have more of
a choice, and am more in control of how I act, think and even feel. This has led to huge, concrete
changes in my life & career.”
- Olivia Perkins, Stylist

“Before I started meditating I was working 60-70 hours a week selling Real Estate. This year I only
worked 40-50 hour weeks. I sold so much more real estate this year, I had to check my numbers
 -Christie Orros, Real Estate Agent


First of all, don’t assume that you should already know how to meditate.
Meditation is like any other skill.
It takes training, a technique that is designed for you
(and not a monk) and a bit of practice.

The best thing to do is find a style of meditation that makes

sense with your life and a teacher who you trust.

Emily Fletcher, founder of Ziva Meditation and creator of zivaONLINE,

has taught over 8,000 people to meditate.
2,000 in person and over 6,000 from the comfort of their own home!

You are invited to join our brand new

online meditation training, zivaONLINE.


Choose your own start date, then after only 20 min a day for 15 days, you will graduate from zivaONLINE
totally self sufficient in 3 of the most powerful mental techniques available:  
Mindfulness, Meditation and Manifesting. 

What Does zivaONLINE include?

15 days of training in The Ziva Technique: Mindfulness, Meditation and Manifesting
Guided meditation audio downloads you can use for real life situations like jet lag, sleep, performance and stress
3 Q&A Call recordings with Emily
6 months of exclusive access to a private online community where you can interact with Emily and meditators
around the globe
Advanced Bonus Call after graduation
An 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can be sure this program is a great fit
A customer support team of caring, experienced Ziva meditators available to help, so you know you are always
taken care of


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