Evaluation of Cropping Systems

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Evaluation of Cropping Systems

 Evaluation and productivity of multiple CS or of component crops should be

done on quantitative terms
 It is relatively easy to compare the productivity of crops and agrl. systems
that produce similar produces and use similar resources.
 A number of efficiencies in resource use becomes operative when two or more
crops are present in the same field during the same year and these can be
most complex when crops are grown simultaneously
 Information about these biological efficiencies can lead to management
options that differ from those in monoculture
 Several indices have been proposed to compare the efficiencies of multiple
cropping systems in terms of :
- Land use systems
- Biological potentials
- Economic viability and
- Energetic approach
I. Indices Based on Land Use Systems

1. Multiple Cropping Index (MCI) (Dalrymple, 1971)

2. Cropping Intensity Index (CII) (Menegay et. al. 1978)

3. Cropping intensity / Intensity of cropping (CI)

4. Rotational Intensity (RI)

5. Specific Crop Intensity Index (SCII) (Menegay et. al. 1978)

6. Relative Cropping Intensity Index (RCII)

7. Cultivated Land Utilization Index (CLUI) (Chuang 1973)

8. Area time equivalent ratio (AFTER)

9. Staple land equivalent ratio(SLER)

1. Multiple Cropping Index (MCI): Dalrymple (1971)

It measures the sum of areas planted and harvested to different crops in a

single year divided by total cultivated area times 100.

 ai
MCI = -------- x 100

n = Total no. of crops

ai = area occupied by ith crop

A = total land area

2. Cropping intensity / Intensity of cropping (CI)

Total cropped area

(Gross cropped area)
CI = Net cultivated area x 100

Area under kharif + rabi + summer crops

CI = Area under actual cultivation x 100

3. Rotational Intensity (RI)

No. of crops grown in a field

RI = Years of rotation X 100

e.g., 1. Maize – potato – onion : 1 year

RI = 1 X 100 =300%

2. Maize – sugarcane – onion : 2 years

RI = 2 x 100 = 150
4. Cropping Intensity Index (CII): (Menegay et. al. (1978)

It assesses a farmer’s actual land use in area and time relationships for each crop or
group of crops compared to the total available land area and time, including land
temporarily available for production. Efficient cropping zone is judged by CII and LER

 ai ti
CII = ----------------
 Aj Tj

Nc = Total no. of crops grown during time period T

Ai = area occupied by ith crop

ti = duration occupied by ith crop (months that crop occupied ai)

T = time period (usually one year)

Ao = Total cultivated land area available for use during T

M = Total no. of fields temporarily available during T

Aj = land area of jth field

Tj = Time period when Aj is available

5. Specific Crop Intensity Index (SCII): (Menegay et. al. 1978)
It is the derivative of CII and determines the amount of area-time denoted to
each crop or group of crops compared to the total time available


Nk = Total no. of crops during T

ak = area occupied by Kth crop

tk = duration of Kth crop

6. Relative Cropping Intensity Index (RCII)
It is the modification of CII and determines the amount of area-time allotted
to one crop or group of crops relative to the area-time actually used in the
production of all the crops in a farm.


It is used for classifying farmers viz., when relative vegetable Intensity Index is more
than 50% then farmers will be called vegetable grower.
7. Cultivated Land Utilization Index (CLUI): Chuang (1973)

It is calculated by summing the products of land area planted to each crop,

multiplied by the actual duration of that crop and divided by the total cultivated
land area times 365 days.

CLUI = A X 365

i = 1, 2, 3 crops 1…..n.

n = Total no. of crops

a = Area occupied by ith crop.

d = Days that ith crop occupied ai.

A = Total cultivated land area available during 365 days period.

8. Area time equivalent ratio (ATER)

It takes into account the duration of crops and permits an evaluation of crops
on yield per day basis. It is a modification of LER.

(LA x DA) + (LB x DB)

ATER = -----------------------------

Where, LA and LB are relative yield or partial LER of component crops. A

and B, DA and DB are duration of crops. A and B, and T are the total duration of
the intercropping system.
9. Staple land equivalent ratio(SLER)
In situations, where the primary objective is to produce fixed yield of one
component (staple) and some yield of other crop, the concept of SLER is proposed.



Where, MDA is derived yield of A in mixture yield and P the proportion of

land devoted for intercropping. The two crop yields in the intercrop mixture are MA
and MB and the yield of crops grown as sole crop are SA and SB.

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