Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws, 2nd Edition
The use of the Internet has evolved a great deal The book should be read by anyone with in the last two decades. A few year ago, web responsibility for ensuring the security of web By Dafydd Stuttard and sites were mere information repositories with the applications. Because it is technical in nature, the Marcus Pinto primary objective of disseminating information. book would be most beneficial to those who have In today’s world, the Internet and World Wide hands-on experience working on security features Reviewed by Upesh Parekh, Web have become a hub of online commercial of any web application. The book is domain- CISA, a governance and risk transactions. So much so that global e-commerce independent, thus the concepts can be extended professional with more than revenues are expected to reach US $963 billion to any domains that employ web applications for 10 years of experience in the by 2013.1 critical and sensitive functions. fields of IT risk management The importance of web applications cannot This is the second edition of the book and, as and audit. He is based in be underestimated in this growing e-world. Web such, it covers changes in technology and emerging Pune, India, and works for applications are the genre of applications that are vulnerabilities since the first edition. The second Barclays Technology Centre, accessed via a web browser. edition also facilitates trying out certain concepts.3 India. He can be reached at Web applications are very popular for many There are 21 chapters in the book with the bulk of [email protected]. reasons, including the ease of reach and use. it dedicated to explaining the tools and techniques Almost all web users have at least one web browser of breaking any web application. installed on their computer. Users are familiar with The security of web applications will remain navigation using a browser, which means that web important as long as e-commerce is around. application owners are saved from the trouble of With the changing times, new technologies distributing and installing the client interface of introduce new vulnerabilities, but, ironically, the software at the user’s end and also training existing vulnerabilities will be further exploited the user. It is easy to develop a web application by perpetrators to enhance their gains. This book with the availability of a wide range of easy-to-use is a handy weapon in the armory of security development tools. consultants as they secure web applications. However, web applications are not without weaknesses. There is a range of security Endnotes Do you have vulnerabilities associated with the use of web 1 De Lange, Jip; Alessandro Longoni; Adriana something applications. If these security vulnerabilities are not Screpnic; “Online Payments 2012—Moving to say about handled properly, it exposes the back-end servers Beyond the Web,” InnoPay, 2012 this article? and databases, resulting in further losses—financial 2 Verton, Dan; “Airline Web Sites Seen As Visit the Journal and nonfinancial. Gartner has noted that almost Riddled With Security Holes,” Computerworld, pages of the ISACA 75 percent of attacks are tunneling through web 4 February 2002, web site (www.isaca. applications.2 In turn, this means that security of securitytopics/security/story/0,10801, org/journal), find the article, and choose web applications is as important, if not more so, 67973,00.html the Comments tab to as security of other components of a web solution, 3 The online labs are subscription-based. share your thoughts. such as network security. To secure web applications, the developers Editor’s Note Go directly to the article: The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook: would have to visit the enemy’s camp. The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook: Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws, 2nd Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws, Edition is available from the ISACA Bookstore. 2nd Edition, is a repository of tools and techniques For information, see the ISACA Bookstore to hack any web application. It allows the reader Supplement in this Journal, visit www.isaca. to step into the shoes of hackers and see the org/bookstore, email [email protected] or world through their eyes. telephone +1.847.660.5650.
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