Lec 2
Lec 2
Lec 2
Lecture – 02
We will see today how we can actually prepare specific buffers, what are the
characteristics of buffers, and what commonly used buffers we have for a biological or
biochemical experiments.
First of all, what is a buffer at it is buffering capacity. A buffer as we saw in the previous
class, maintains the pH of a solution by either taking up the protons that are released
during the reactions or releasing protons, when they are consumed during the reactions.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:13)
The buffer capacity therefore, is measured by the ability of the buffer to retain it is pH
when acids or bases are added to the medium.
This means that the buffer capacity corresponds to the amount of H plus or OH minus
ions that actually can be neutralized by the buffer.
When we prepare a buffer solution, there are several methods by which this can be done.
First there is a titration method, where the acid and base are mixed, and the pH is
checked until the desired value is obtained. A second method involves the calculation of
the specific ratio of salt to acid that needs to be added based on the Henderson-
Hasselbach equation.
So, a certain value would have to be determined and this specific proportion mixed in
solution to prepare the desired buffer of the desired pH. Now a days there are published
tables that have a buffered preparation recipes, where the amount of the salt and the acid
and the total volume for which desired pH is required is already provided as a table
available on the internet or in biochemical laboratory books.
We will look at the several methods that are used for buffer preparation. And we will
specifically see the preparation of phosphate buffer, we will then look at other biological
buffers that are commonly used, the advantages and disadvantages of the buffers as well.
In the titration method this method out of the 2 components the acid or the base, one is
gradually added to the other solution until the required pH is maintained or other
obtained. For preparing for example, the phosphate buffer of pH 7.4 the mono basic
sodium phosphate is added to the die basic sodium phosphate, drop wise till the pH that
is required is obtained.
The advantage of this is that is easy to understand and it is usually useful when there is
only one form of the buffer that is available. The disadvantage is that it may require a lot
of salt or the base or the acid, and it is relatively slow and the variations in pH may not
be consider.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:45)
In method 2 where we are calculating the ratio of the salt and the acid using the
Henderson-Hasselbach equation. We learnt in the previous class the Henderson-
Hasselbach equation we get the pH with the knowledge of the pK a plus the log of the
salt by the acid.
The salt in this case is we can call it the conjugate base. So, if we have the acid H A
disassociating into H plus plus A minus, we know that we can get the form of the
Henderson-Hasselbach equation as shown here, where we have the pH is equal to the pK
a plus the log conjugate base by the acid. If we rearrange this equation, we can write this
as the ratio of the base to the acid as 10 to the power of pH minus pK a. This means that
for a particular pH, we choose a buffer having a pK a value close to the desired pK H,
and from a calculation we can determine the ratio of the base to the acid. That should be
mixed in that specific ratio to give you the final pH value.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:55)
For example, if we want to prepare 500 ml of a 0.1 molar acetate buffer, there to prepare
the acetate buffer we saw in the previous class we need acetic acid and we need sodium
acetate the salt a weak acid and the salt of the weak acid.
So, acetic acid and sodium acetate of pH 4. So, this is what has to be prepared 500 ml of
a 0.1 molar acetate buffer of pH 4 if we look at the pK a of acetic acid we find that it is
around 4.8. So, based on the previous expression that we found the ratio of the base to
the acid is 10 to the rate pH minus pK a which gives us a base to acid ratio of 0.158
which means acid to base ratio is about 6.
So, we take 70 ml of a 0.1 molar solt solution and 6 times the amount of acid added and
the final pH can be adjusted by using acid or base. The advantage of this is that the
process is fast and the buffer can be prepared quite easily and accurately. And at the
additional pH adjustment is rarely necessary, because we have already calculated the
ratio of the base to the acid that is actually required to get the specific pH required. But
in this case the pK a of the buffer is has to be known, and equation solving is required
before the preparation.
The other method as I mentioned before is referring to a published table. So, we find a
table of the correct amounts of acid salt or base salt required for the different pH, in the
tables usually you have the molarity of the specific buffer that you require, the pH that
you require, and the specific recipe is given to you to tell you how much has to be
weighed of each component, and how much water has to be added to give you the final
desired buffer of the specific pH required. The advantages is that is it in a very easy
process, and it can be actually done with frequently used buffers.
But the disadvantage is sometimes accurate tables are not available, and mixed buffers
sometimes do not give the desired pH for the specific type of reaction or the specific type
of biochemical process that is under consideration.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:33)
Now, when we report about how a buffer is used or what kind of a buffer is used; it is
important to mention the identity of the buffer the name or the chemicals, the molarity of
the buffer and the pH of the buffer, this is required. So, if the experiment has to be
repeated it can be made reproducible from a knowledge of knowing that for example, 0.2
molar phosphate buffer has been used of a pH 7.4.
If this information is available then this gives us the identity of the buffer, it gives us the
molarity of the buffer and it gives us the pH of the buffer. And with the knowledge of
how to prepare phosphate buffers this specific buffer can be prepared in the laboratory.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:25)
It should be water soluble, chemically stable, biochemically inert and should not form
complexes with metal ions, should have minimal salt effects. And should preferably not
absorb light in the UV or the visible light range and should be able to be easily prepared.
For example, if the experiment releases H plus ions. For example, this means that during
the experiment the pH is going to decrease. So, if the pH decreases during an
experiment, then the buffer with pK a slightly lower than the desired pH value should be
chosen. If the pH increases during an experiment, then the buffer with slightly pK a
higher with than the desired pH value should be used.
To determine the optimum pH for an enzyme, the if an enzyme activity is being acid or
enzyme kinetics is being studied. It is necessary to know the optimum pH range of the
activity of the enzyme; where it shows maximum stability and it is enzymatic or catalytic
Chemically similar buffers covering a wide range of pH values should be tested. And
once an optimum value or an optimum buffer solution is obtained, having the pK a as
desired, then these can be used for the specific biochemical experiment to be conducted.
The buffers in ionized form are found to have less inhibitory activity as compared to the
deionized forms. There are different buffers mentioned here which we will talk about
what we mean by TRIS and zwitterionic buffers and carboxylic buffers.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:05)
The higher buffer concentrations can sometimes increase the ionic strength which can
also have an effect on the enzyme activity.
So, the initial concentrations are of the buffer should be preferably be kept between 10 to
25 mill molar and small amounts of EDTA added to the solution can are a measure to
prevent any interference from metal ions, where EDTA will be able to complex these
metal ions.
Then the pH or the buffer chosen has to also depend on the experiment being conducted,
whether it is an enzyme activity assay, whether it is gel separation ion filtration or any
technique specific biochemical technique that is going to be considered the optimum
buffer selection also depends upon the experiment to be conducted. For example, gel
electrophoresis, chromatographic methods we will be looking at specific experiments as
we conduct this course, and you will realize the importance of having the correct buffer,
the correct pH and what implications this can have on biochemical activity.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:21)
The most commonly used buffer is probably the phosphate buffer. The useful nature of
the phosphate buffer is it is pH range from 6.5 around to 6.5; 6.5 to 7.5, and it is
preferably used because phosphate is naturally present in cells. And hence provides a
more physiologically similar environment than other synthetically used buffers. Here the
acid is mono sodium hydrogen phosphate the base is disodium hydrogen phosphate.
So, 0.387 moles of monosodium phosphate, 0.613 moles of disodium phosphate are
taken in approximately 900 milliliters of distilled water if 1 liter is to be prepared. The
pH has to be checked with a calibrated pH meter we saw in the first lecture how a pH
meter is required to be calibrated. If the pH is greater than 7 it is adjusted by adding
phosphoric acid drop twice to the solution, if the pH is less than 7, it is adjusted by
adding sodium hydroxide drop wise to the solution. It is important to note here that the
ions that are being added to the solution are already present.
So, because we are using a phosphate buffer to decrease the pH we are adding
phosphoric acid to ink. We are using a mono sodium phosphate and a disodium
phosphate to increase the pH of the pH is found to be less than 7 we add sodium
hydroxide thereby not adding any additional ions to the buffer solution under
preparation. Once the desired pH is obtained the total volume can be made up to 1 liter
using deionized water which makes a preparation of 1 molar, 1 liter of pH 7 of the
phosphate buffer which can be used for further biochemical experiments.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:09)
The advantages of using a phosphate buffer is that it has very high buffering capacity it is
highly soluble in water. The disadvantage in case of phosphate buffer is it might inhibit
some enzymatic procedures and enzymatic reactions. It precipitates in ethanol, so the
phosphate buffers cannot be used to precipitate DNA or RNA and there is a possibility of
it is interaction with magnesium and calcium ions and interference with some biological
reactions. In this case the phosphate buffer cannot be used.
These are useful over the pH range of 3 to 6 considering their acidic properties; however,
since these are naturally present in the cell they sometimes interfere with certain
biomolecules. Borate buffers are also used and they are useful pH ranges around 8.5 to
10, but the problem of using borate buffers is that they form complexes with many
biomolecules and sometimes interferes with the experiment being conducted.
Zwitterionic buffers or these are goods buffers, that was determined by Norman e good
that all to overcome these interactions of biomolecules or by processes with the buffer
components. A set of synthetic zwitterionic buffers were developed that were appropriate
to use with biomolecules. For example, we will consider when we study the pH or the
amino acid base amphoteric properties in the next class we will see how amino acid
buffering capacities can also be used. For example, glycine is a common amino acid
buffer and it has 2 ranges where it can work on where we have pH 2 to 3 and pH 9.5 to
Some commonly used zwitterionic buffers are the TRIS buffer, the HEPES buffer, the
MOPS the MES and the CAPS buffer, and the effective pH range is given in this table
We will just go through some of them for showing their uses for example the TRIS
buffer. In this case the lone pair on the nitrogen atom is much less available than in a
typical primary amine due to the presence of the hydroxyl ions present, which are
electron withdrawing in nature.
So, this lowers the pK a of the TRIS buffer to around 8.1. So, it is useful for buffering
near neutral pH.
The advantages of using the TRIS buffer is that it is highly soluble in water inexpensive.
And it is almost physiologically inert in nature. The pK a is around 8.1 so, it has very
low buffer capacity in the physiological range that is 7 to 7.5, it is temperature sensitive,
and may react with the normal pH electrode; so special electrodes are required.
So, there are certain things that we need to remember. The sterilization of our vessels our
reagents and our volumetric flasks and all the apparatus that we use is extremely
essential. The addition of around 0.02 percent of sodium azide is a very commonly used
procedure to prevent the growth of bacteria.
Low temperature storage of buffers, high concentration of stock solutions that can be
used with proper dilution; however, the storage should not be for more than several
(Refer Slide Time: 20:07)
The references that we will be considering are hydrogen ion buffers for biological
research. There are methods in enzymology with that tell us what buffers are to be used
and in as I spoke about the different specific and publication tables that are available the
options that are present that can make us use the specific buffers with a specific desired
So, to conclude the buffer preparations can be accurately carried out by using the
Henderson-Hasselbach equation. In this case we need the knowledge that is required is a
knowledge of the pK a value. A knowledge of the pH of the desired solution, if we want
to determine now what our biochemical reaction is going to undergo or what enzymatic
reaction is going to take place. It is always useful to get an optimum pH idea before prep
the preparation of the buffer. And this can be prepared or this can be accurately
determined by the Henderson-Hasselbach equation using a knowledge of the pK a value
of the acid combination that is desired.
The buffers used should be stable and chemically inert in the reaction medium. The
metal ions present or any components of the specific biochemical reaction being
undergone should not interfere with the components present in the buffer. For example,
as was mentioned a while ago when we are using the phosphate buffer, it is very essential
to adjust the pH by either adding phosphoric acid or sodium hydroxide so, that no
additional ions are present in the solution. When we are considering any enzymes or
proteins or amino acids, they have a very high interaction because of the different
moieties present. They have a high interaction probability with the components present
in solution.
So, it is extremely important that this is taken care of. So, the choice of buffer depends
on the desired pH of the required medium and also the pK a of the components. The
specific buffers that are used for biological systems; like, proteins and cellular systems or
certain biochemical reactions are the common ones that we mentioned. Phosphate
buffered saline is another very commonly used buffer that has to it added sodium
chloride; which mimics the physiological pH, the physiological condition the
physiological solution, so this is another buffer that is very commonly used apart from
the other ones that were mentioned.
Thank you.