Leave Policy For New Co'S: ST ST
Leave Policy For New Co'S: ST ST
Leave Policy For New Co'S: ST ST
The Corporation recognizes the legal and moral obligation of employees who may require absence from
normal or usual work hours/days.
These circumstances, as identified below, may require management discretion in granting or extending
certain types of leave. Merit, reasonableness, travel issues, seriousness, operational requirements, past
practice, may contribute to the granting of leave and decision. Leave without pay may also be considered
where the Corporation incurs no additional costs or where there is clear benefit to the Corporation.
The holiday year in the company runs from 1 st January to 31st December each year. If you are in the service
of the company you are entitled for 8 days of Casual leave, 8 days of Sick Leave and 8 days of Earned
Availing Leave
<COMPANY NAME> follows the policy of “Earn and Avail”. If your joining date is in the middle of the
year, then you will be eligible for proportionate casual and earned leave.
Where in every month 0.5 days of Earned, Sick, Casual leave will be credited to each employee and the
employees are supposed to accumulate and avail the leave. Last month (March, June, Sep, Dec) of every
quarter 1 day will be credited instead of 0.5 days respectively.
But Employees joining between the quarters will not be eligible to get 1 day of credit for the respective
Trainees are eligible to get only one day of leave every month during their probation.
Employees must submit to their Supervisor, “leave application form” indicating reasons for and
duration of leave. Employees must also submit monthly time sheet for approval.
The Supervisor/Manager must approve all leave prior to the leave taking place.
The employee is required to give prior notice to the Department Heads before taking leaves.
Leave approvals should be based on operational requirements, merit, reasonableness and past practice.
The employee is required to submit the approved ‘Leave Application Form' with the HR Department.
Leave for ‘Department Heads' are to be approved by General Manager and further notified to the HR
Leave applications will only be considered once the employee has 3 months of continuous service (unless
otherwise identified).
The employee must ensure that their leave application (except sick leave) has been approved before
commencing on leave. Failure to do so will result in Loss of Pay.
In case of absence because of sickness leave application to be submitted immediately on the day of
resumption of duty.
Casual Leave
Casual leave can be taken with approval from the respective Department Heads.
Notice of casual leave application must reach HR department 2 days in advance, and the employee
should get it approved before commencing on leave.
Leave that has not be availed will not be carried forward to the next year
Unused Leave Balance will not be carried forward to the next year.
Sick Leave
All employees will be entitled for 8 days of sick leave in a calendar year.
If the employee is unable to attend his/ her duties for two continuous days or longer, he/she will be
required to produce a registered Medical Practitioner's leave & fitness certificates on his/her return to
Unused Sick leave upto 45 days will be carried forward to the next year and be considered as Special Sick
Special Sick Leave can be availed if the sick leave is exhausted and this is recommended for major
Employees availing 2 consecutive days of Special Sick Leave are supposed to submit the Medical
Any non-working day/days(National Holidays/Festival Holidays/ Week Ends) falling during the
period of special sick leave (excluding the prefix and suffix) will be treated as part of your special sick
leave. For example, if you take special sick leave from Thursday to the following Wednesday, this is
regarded as seven days of absence.
Unavailed Sick leave at the end of the service will not be encashed
Earned Leave
All employees will be entitled for 8 days of Earned leave in a calendar year.
Unused Earned leave can be carried forward to the next year or it can be encashed by December
Any non-working day/days (National Holidays/Festival Holidays/ Week Ends) falling during the
period of earned leave (excluding the prefix and suffix) will be treated as part of your earned leave. For
example, if you take special sick leave from Thursday to the following Wednesday, this is regarded as
seven days of absence.
Unavailed earned leave at the end of your service will be paid based on the basic salary last drawn not
exceeding to a total of 60 days of earned leave. This is fully taxable.
List of Holidays
In a year ten to eleven official holidays will be observed in <COMPANY NAME>. A list of holidays will
be circulated at the beginning of the year.
Adding to this employee is entitled to avail 2 days of restricted holidays that can be used during their
relevant festivals.
Without pay leave is granted only in exceptional circumstances approved by the Department Head and
only after all annual leave entitlement has been used up.
Week-ends and national holidays in between the leave are included in the calculation of number of days
of absence as LOP
Compensatory Leave
In case an employee is required to work on Saturday and Sunday, they are eligible for a compensatory
An employee will be eligible for compensatory leave only if he/she had worked 6 hours on the holiday.
Compensatory leave will be provided at the discretion of the respective Department Heads.
Employee is required to get the confirmation from the respective heads and submit it to the HR the day
before working
The compensatory leave must be taken within 8 weeks from the day, failing which they will be deemed
as lapsed.
The compensatory leave must be taken within 8 weeks from the day, failing which they will be deemed
as lapsed.
Unplanned Leave
If employee is taking unplanned leave due to unavoidable circumstances, they are advised to call the
reporting Manager and inform him of his inability.
Employee who is on leave without informing his supervisor for more than 3 days should meet the
respective heads and HR before and give proper reason and apologise before presuming his/her work.
The Corporation believes that the personal obligations of employees who become parents should be
respected. To that end, the Corporation provides financial assistance to employees and adequate time off
to allow them to combine their personal and professional lives.
With these principles in mind <COMPANY NAME> grants leave to eligible employees for the birth and
care of a new-born child.
Maternity Leave
Full time confirmed female employees are eligible for paid maternity leave.
It is granted as a continuous period of 3 months from the date of commencement of the leave.
Half pay will be made for a period of up to 3 months for absence due to maternity
Employee is requested to submit a request for maternity leave atleast one month before taking leave
Employee is requested to submit the medical certificate and the necessary documents upon joining.
Paternity Leave
For the biological father taking Paternity Leave, up to 5 Days of leave is provided for the purpose of
providing care for his newborn child.
This leave is requested to be availed within 3 months of baby’s birth and can be availed in splits.