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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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IS 10245-2 (1994): Respiratory protactive devices -

breathing apparatus, Part 2: Open circuit breathing
apparatus [CHD 8: Occupational Safety, Health and Chemical

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

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“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS10245( Part2):1994
(Reaffirmed 2005)


( qe?TT g;r+bJT )

Indian Standard

( First Revision )

UDC 614.894

@ BIS 1994


NEW DELHI 110002

June 1994 Price Group 6

Industrial Safety Sectional Committee, CHD 008

This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the
draft finalized by the Industrial Safety Sectional Committee had been approved by the Chemical
Division Council.
This standard was first published in 1982. As breathing apparatus is one of the most important
life saving equipment the need was felt to standardize this equipment to ensure the quality of
production. Accordingly, the standard on breathing apparatus was issued in four parts. Part 1
dealing with closed circuit breathing apparatus, Part 2 dealing with open circuit breathing
apparatus, Part 3 dealing with fresh air hose and compressed air line and Part 4 dealing with
escape breathing apparatus. In view of the recent technological development, the concerned
committee decided to revise Part 2 of this standard and harmonize it with EN 137 : 1986
‘Respiratory protective devices: Self-contained open circuit compressed air breathing apparatus’
published by European Committee for Standardization.
It is recommended that reference should be made to IS 9623 : 1980 ‘Recommendation for the
selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective devices’ for guidance on the type of
respiration protection that should be provided for particular conditions. In addition, care
should be taken in the choice of breathing apparatus itself, where such equipment is to be nsed
in very high ( 60°C f 3°C) or very low ( - 3O”C&3’C ) ambient temperatures and the instructions
provided by the suppliers should be carefully noted.
Certain toxic substances which may occur in some atmospheres can be absorbed by the skin.
Where these do occur, respiratory protection alone is not sufficient and the whole body should
be protected.
In this revision, for requirements for thread connections, mouthpiece and full facepiece, relevant
Indian Standards have been referred to. The requirements for weight, frequency range of
warning device, resistance to breathing, resistance to temperature and method of test for practical
performance test have been modified in order to bring them in line with EN 137 : 1986.
The composition of the committee responsible for formulation of this standard is given at
Annex D.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with,
the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be
rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised)‘.
The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of
the specified value in this standard.
IS 10245( Part 2 ) : 1994

Indian Standard

( First Revision )
1 SCOPE IS No. Title
This standard prescribes requirements of design, 14166 : 1994 Respiratory protective devi-
construction, performance and lahoratory and ces: Full-face masks -
practical tests for open circuit types of Breath- Specification
ing Apparatus. In these apparatus compressed
air carried in cylinder/cylinders is fed either 14170 _: 1994 Respiratory protective devi-,
via pressure reducer and lung governed demand ces: Mouthpiece assemblies -
valve or lung governed demand valve connected Specification
to the facepiece to enable the wearer to breathe
Exhaled air passes through the non-return 3 TERMINOLOGY
valve to the atmosphere.
3.1 For the purpose ofthis standard the follow-
2 REFERENCES ing definitions shall apply apart from those
given in IS 8347 : 1977.
The following Indian Standards are the neces-
sary adjuncts to this standard: 3.1.1 Theoretical Duration/Nominal Working
IS No. Title Duration

3624 : 1987 Pressure and vacuum gauges A period of time in minutes arrived at by divid-
( second revision ) ing the fully charged capacity of the cylinder
3933 : 1966 Colour identification of gas in litre by 40 I/m ( that is, assuming an airflow
cylinders and related equip- of 40 l/m ). The reserve period is also included
ment intended for medical in the above calculation.
NOTE - The air consumption varies depending on
8347 : 1977 Glossary of terms relating to the nature of work, the users physical condition and
respiratory protective devices experience of using a breathing apparatus as well as
actual task to be performed. An internationally
8457 : 1977 Tyre pressure gauge for auto- accepted method of calculating the theoretical dura-
mobile ( pocket type ) tion is assumption of an average~consumption of 40
9623 : 1980 Recommendation for the l/min
selection, use and maintenance
of respiratory protective 3.1.2 Nominal Effective Duration
Theoretical duration plus a reserve period of
10245 Breathing apparatus : Part 3 at least 10 minutes.
( Part 3 ) : 1982 Fresh air hose and compres-
sed air line breathing NOTE - For marine use the storage capacity of the
apparatus cylinder or cylinders attached to the apparatus and
carried by the wearer shall be at least 1 200 litres of
14138 Respiratory protective devi- free air.
( Part 1 ) : 1994 ces: Threads for face-piece:
Part 1 Standard thread con- 3.1.3 Inhaled Air
nection - Specification
The air breathed in by the wearer.
14138 Respiratory protective devi-
( Part 2 ) : 1994 ces: Threads for face-piece; 3.X.4 Exhaled Air
Part 2, Centre thread con-
nection - Specification The air breathed out by the wearer.

IS 10245 ( Part 2 ) : 1994

4 TYPES durability and resistance to deterioration by

Open circuit breathing apparatus are classi- heat Or by contact with sea water or mine
fied according to the effective air volume at a water. Such materials shall be antistatic and
pressure of 1 bar absolute at a temperature of fire resistant as far as practicable.
20°C in the following types:
5.2.2 Exposed parts excluding cylinders, that is,
a) Type 1 - 600 litres Min those which may be subjected to impact during
b) Type 2 - 800 litres Min practical performance tests shall not be made
of magnesium, titanium, aluminium or alloys
c) Type 3 - 1 200 litres Min
containing such proportions of these metals
d) Type 4 - 1 600 litres Min which on impact, give rise to frictional sparks
e) Type 5 - 2 000 litres Min capable of igniting flammable gas mixtures.

5 REQUIREMENTS Any cylinder making use of such materials shall

be protected so that when tested for impact and
5.1 Design scraping, no metal shall be exposed.
51.1 Open-circuit compressed air breathing 5.2.3 Materials that may come into contact
apparatus is designed and constructed to enable with the skin shall be non-staining, soft, pliable
the wearer to breathe air on demand from a and shall not contain known dermatitic
high pressure air cylinder ( or cylinders ) substances.
either via pressure reducer and a lung governed
5.2.4 Connections ( Couplings )
demand valve or a lung governed demand valve
connected to the facepiece. The exhaled air The design and construction of the apparatus
passes without recirculation from the face- shall permit its component parts to be readily
piece via the exhalation valve to the atmosphere. separated for cleaning, examination and testing.
The couplings required to achieve this shall be
5.1.2 The apparatus shall be sufficiently robust readily connected and secured, where possible
to withstand the rough usage it is likely to by hand. Any means for sealing used shall be
receive in service and designed so that it will retained in position when the joints and coupl-
continue to function satisfactorily_ while tem- ings are disconnected during normal
porarily, accidentally submerged m water at a maintenance.
maximum depth of one metre and thereafter
until the air in the cylinder is exhausted. 5.2.5 Adjustable Parts
All parts requiring manipulation by wearer shall
The apparatus is not designed for prolonged be readily accessible and easily distinguishable
use under water. from one another by touch. All adjustable
5.1.3 The apparatus shall be so designed that parts and controls shall be so constructed that
no parts or sharp edges~are likely to be caught their adjustment is not liable to accidental
on prDjections in narrow passages. alteration during use.
5.2.6 Air Line Connection
5.1.4 The apparatus shall be so designed that
the wearer can remove it and while still wear- If an air line is to be used with this type of
ing the facepiece, continue to breathe air from apparatus, the apparatus shall be provided with
the apparatus. a suitable, leak-tight non-return valve and con-
nection and the apparatus shall satisfy the
5.1.5 The apparatus shall be designed to ensure requirements given in IS 10245 ( Part 3 ) : 1982.
its full function in any orientation.
5.2.7 Face Connector
5.1.6 The main valve( s ) of the air cylinder( s )
shall be arranged so, that the wearer canoperate The connection between the facepiece and the
them while wearing the apparatus. apparatus may be achieved by a permanent or
special type of connection or by a screw thread
5.1.7 The apparatus shall be so designed and connection. If a screw thread connection is
constructed as to prevent ingress of the external used then the conn~ection CAT for negative
atmosphere within the limit set out in this pressure apparatus according to IS 14138
standard. ( Part 1 ) : 1994 or IS 14138 ( Part 2 ) : 1994
5.2 Materials/Components shall be used. If any other thread is used, it
shall not be possible to connect it to the
5.2.1 All the materials used in the construction standard thread connection CA~or CAT of the
shall -have adequate mechanical strength, documents mentioned above. The standard
IS 10245 ( Part 2 ) : 1994

thread CA or CAT shall not be used for appara- High pressure tubes and couplipgs shall
tus with positive pressure. be capable of withstanding a test pressure of
5.2.8 Facepiece twice the maximum designed working pressure.
It shall not be possible to fit a low pressure tube
Only a full face mask or a mouthpiece conform- or hose into a higher pressure part of the
ing to IS 14166 : 1994 or IS 14170 : 1994 circuit.
respectively shall be used. Tubes for the demand valve ( connec-
5.2.9 Head Harness tions included ) shall withstand for at least 15 The head harness shall hold the face- min twice the operating pressure of pressure
piece firmly and comfortably in position. It reducer safety valve or at least 30 bar which-
shall be simply fitted and adjusted and shall be ever is higher.
capable of ready cleaning and decontamination.
Any fabric used in the construction of a head For testing the ductility of a corrugated
harness shall be resistant to shrinkage and shall hose it shall be suspended. Its length ( without
not have known effect of any irritation to the couplings ) shall be measured ( a ).
skin of the wearer.
Afterwards a force of 10 N shall be applied to The head harness shall be adjustable the hose for a period of 5 minutes and the
and, if consisting only of straps, these shall be length is measured ( b ). The elongation ( b-a )
adjustable and not less than 19 mm ( nominal ) is calculated in percent.
wide at the points in contact with the head,
and designed so as to ensure that the wearer For testing the permanent axial linear
may readjust the straps before each occasion of deformation of the corrugated hose it is sub-
use. mitted immediately after the ductility test to a
force of 10 N for 48 hours. After a recovery
5.2.10 Body Harness period of 6 hours the length of the hose is
The body harness shall be designed to allow the measured again ( c ). The permanent
user to don the apparatus quickly and easily dsformation ( c - a ) is calculated in percent.
without assistance and shall be adjustable. This test shall be repeated after a further 7
Buckles fitted to waist and shoulder days.
harness shall be so constructed that once
adjusted they will not slip. Any fabric used 5.2J2 Lung Governed Demand Valve
in the construction of a body harness shall be Breathable air supply
resistant to shrinkage. Where the body harness
incorporates means for attachment of a lifeline, The breathable air supply shall be at a flow rate
the harness together with the snap hook shall of at least 300 l/min at all cylinder pressures
be capable of withstanding a drop test of 1 m above 20 bar and of at least 150 l/min at a
when loaded with 75 kg. The harness shall be cylinder pressure of 10 bar.
constructed such that when tested for practical
performance tests in accordance with the Without positive pressure
method prescribed in Annex A the apparatus
shall be worn without avoidable discomfort and The negative pressure of the lung governed
the wearer shall show no undue sign of strain supply demand valve shall be between 0.5 mbar
attributable to wearing the apparatus and the and 3.5 mbar when tested using a continuous
apparatus shall impede the wearer as little as flow of 10 l/min from maximum filling pressure
possible when in crouched position or when down to 10 bar. A self-opening demand valve
at negative pressure of less than 0.5 mbar shall
sitting in a confined space.
not occur. At a flow rate of 300 l/min the
5.2.11 Flexible Hoses and Tubes resistance shall not exceed 10 mbar at all The hose may be extensible and com- pressures down to 20 bar.
pressable. Any flexible hose or tube connected
to the facepiece shall permit free head move- The cylinder pressure and the negative pressures
ment and shall not restrict or close off the air shall be measured by precision gauges. The
supply under chin or arm pressure during practi- air flow shall be measured by flowmeter. Air
cal performance test carried out in accordance flow shall be induced by a suitable device.
with the method prescribed in Annex A. The With positive pressure
hose shall not collapse and temporary elonga-
tion shall be not less than 20 percent and the This apparatus shall maintain a positive pressure
deformation of the hose shall be not more than in the cavity of the mask adjacent to the face
10 percent when tested in accordance with the seal up to a flow of 300 l/min at all cylinder
method prescribed in and 5.2.11. 5. pressure above 20 bar.

1s 10245(Part 2 ):1994

Supplementary supply The maximum diameter of the case shall not
exceed 63 mm. The design of the gauge shall
The apparatus without positive pressure shall allow the recording of the indicated pressure
be provided with a manually operated means of with 10 bar.
providing a supply of air at a flow of between
60 l/min and 300 l/min at all cylinder pressures The pressure gauge ( see IS 3624 : 1966
above 50 bar independently of the normal and IS 8457 : 1977 ) shall withstand pressure
operation of the demand valve. Apparatus with greater than the maximum cylinder pressure so
positive pressure may be provided with such a that it will operate continuously and accurately
device. without overstrain. The pressure gauge for
use with such apparatus shall be shock-
5.2.13 Pressure Gauge resistant.
The apparatus shall be equipped with a reliable 5.2.14 Warning Device
pressure indicator which will record the pres-
sure in the cylinder on opening the valve or The apparatus shall have a suitable warning
valves to ensure that the individual or the equa- device that operates when the cylinder pressure
lised contents are measured respectively. It drops to a predetermined level to warn the
should be so placed as to enable the wearer wearer. The warning device shall respond at
to read gas ~cyliuder pressure conveniently. the latest when only one-fifth of the total
breathing air volume is left ( tolerance + 50 1 ) The pressure gauge should~have a blow- but at least 200 I are still available. After
out release. The blow-out release should be response of the warning device, the wearer
so located that in the event of an explosion shall be able to continue to breathe with difi-
the fracture of the pressure element of the culty. The functioning of the warning device
gauge, the blast will be away from the front. shall be tested using a breathing machine
The gauge window shall be made of a material adjusted to 20 strokes/min and 1.5 l/stroke. If
of non-splintering glass or of clear plastic there is an audible warning device the acoustic
material. The sliding indicator pin shall be pressure level shall be a minimum of 90 dB
secured against accidental blow out. ( A ) as a continuous or intermittent warning
at the wearers ears. The frequency range shall When pressure gauge and connection be between 2 000 Hz and 4 000 Hz.
hose are removed from the apparatus, flow
shall not exceed 25 l/min at full cylinder The air loss that might be caused by the warn-
pressure. ing signal shall not exceed an average of 5 l/min
from response of signal to a pressure of The pressure gauge shall be sufficiently 10 bar or not more than 50 1 for those warning
robust to withstand rough usage. When the devices not operating continuously. The dura-
tube is protected by sheathing the enclosed tion of the warning at 90 dB ( A ) shall be at
space shall be vented to atmosphere. The least 15 set for a continuous signal and 60 set
pressure gauge shall be resistant to dust and for an intermittent signal.
water and shall withstand immersion in water
at a depth of one metre for 24 hours. After Testing of warning device
the test no water shall be visible in the device. The functioning of the warning device shall be
The pressure gauge shall be graduated from the tested using a breathing machine adjusted to
zero mark up to the value of at least 50 bar above 20 strokes/min and 1.5 l/stroke.
the maximum falling pressure of the cylinder.
Table 1 shall apply regarding the accuracy when 5.2.15 Cylinder and Main Valve( s )
reading at decreasing pressure when compared
with control manometer. The air cylinder shall comply with
appropriate national regulations. The cylinder
Table 1 Accuracy of Pressure Gauge Reading shall be approved with respect to the appro-
at Decreasing Pressure priate filling pressure.

Sl No. Pressure Gauge Reading Accuracy The design of the cylinder valve shall
be such as to ensure safe performance. The
(1) (2) (3) valve shall be so designed that the valve spindle
ii 40 bar -+ 0 bar
- 5 bar cannot be completely unscrewed from the
ii) 100 bar f 10 bar
assembly during normal operation of the valve.
... The valve shall be designed so that it cannot
111) 200 bar f 10 bar
be closed inadvertantly by contact with a sur-
iv) 300 bar f 10 bar
face by one of the following methods:

IS 10245 ( Part 2 ) : 1994

a>The valve shall be designed so that a not exceed 18 kg. The cylinder used for com-
minimum two turns of the handwheel are pressed air shall have the approval of Chief
required to open fully the valve. Controller of Explosives, Nagpur. Colour of the
cylinder shall be in accordance with IS 3933 :
b) The valve shall be lockable in open 1966.
fitted with more than 2
may be fitted with individual
5.4 Condition of the Inhaled Air
5.4.1 Carbon Dioxide Content
valve in the cylinder.
When tested in accordance with Annex B the Cylinder valve connection ( valve outlet ) carbon dioxide content of the inhaled air
It shall not be possible to connect apparatus ( including dead space effects ) shall not exceed
with a higher maximum filling pressure ( e.g. 1.5 percent ( by volume ) during the nominal
300 bar ) to an apparatus which is designed effective duration of the apparatus.
only for a-lower maximum filling pressure ( e.g. 5.5 Cleaning and Decontamination
200 bar ).
The design of the apparatus shall be such as to
5.2.16 Pressure Reducer facilitate cleaning. The material shall with-
Any adjustable medium pressure stage shall be stand cleaning and decontamination agents
reliably secured against accidental alteration recommended by manufacturer. The process
and adequate~ly sealed so that any unauthorized shall be approved by testing authority. Testing
adjustment can be detected. A pressure reducer is by visual inspection made by responsible
safety valve shall be provided, if the apparatus testing authority.
cannot take the full cylinder pressure. If a pres-
sure reducer safety valve is incorporated, it shall 5.6 Resistance to Breathing
be designed to operate within the manufacturers Breathing resistance of the apparatus and its
design parameters. At maximum operating pres- connections shall be determined using a breath-
sure of the pressure reducer safety valve the ing machine with a sinusoidal characteristic
apparatus still has to permit breathing. The maxi- adjusted to 25 strokeslmin and 2 l/strokes. A
mum pressure built up at the inlet of the lung precision gauge shall be used.
governed demand valve shall be such that the
wearer can continue breathing. Where demand If necessary, the breathing resistance of the
valves open with medium pressure a pressure tubing and dummy head shall be subtracted
reducer safety valve need not be installed, pro- from the measured value to determine the
vided the previous requirements are met. breathing resistance of the apparatus.

For testing the performance of the pressure During the measurement the apparatus has to
reducer safety valve, the highest leakage which be in normal wearing position,
may occur during simulated malfunction of the 5.6.1 fnhalation Resistance
pressure reducer is used ( broken lever, broken
spring, etc). The test shall be carried out at the Without positive pressure
highest approved filling pressure of the com-
The inhalation resistance of an apparatus with-
pressed air cylinder.
out facepiece shall not exceed 4.5 mbar at all
5.2.17 High Pressure Parts cylinder pressures from full to IO bar. Where
a lung governed demand valve is permanently
Metallic high pressure tubes, valves and coup- attached to a full face mask the negative pres-
ling shall be capable of withstanding a test sure shall not exceed 7 mbar.
pressure twice the maximum filling pressure or
50 percent ofthe maximum filling pressure. Non- With positive pressure
metallic parts shall be capable of withstanding
The apparatus has to be designed in such a way
a test pressure twice the maximum filling
pressure of the cylinder. that at a flow rate of 300 l/min a positive
pressure is maintained in a cavity of the mask
5.2.18 High and Low Pressure Connection adjacent to the face seal. The requirement
It shall not be possible to fit a low pressure tube
shall be valid at all cylinder pressures above 20
or hose directly to a high pressure part of the bar.
circuit. 5.6.2 Exhalation Resistance
5.3 Weight Without positive pressure
The weight of the apparatus as ready for use The exhalation resistance of an apparatus with
with facepiece and fully charged cylinder shall facepiece shall not exceed 3.0 mbar.
Is 10245 ( Part 2 ) : 1994 With positive pressure cannot be determined by any other tests.

Practical performance tests shall be performed
The exhalation valve shall have an opening with at least two apparatus and four subjects.
resistance not exceeding 6 mbar, a resistance
not exceeding 7 mbar at a continuous flow of 6 INSTRUCTIONS
160 l/min and a resistance not exceeding
10 mbar at a continuous flow of 300 l/min. 6.1 Breathing apparatus manufactured in com-
pliance with this standard shall be accompa-
The static pressure in the mask cavity ( inner nied by operating instructions for maintenance
mask if applicable ) under conditions of equi- and use which shall include where appropriate:
librium shall not exceed 5 mbar.
5.7 Comfort a>nominal working duration;

When tested in accordance with Annex A, the b) guidance on fit of facepiece, and adjust-
apparatus shall be such that it is worn with ment of face sea1 where relevant;
avoidable discomfort, that the wearers show no C>a warning that adequate protection may
undue sign of strain attributable to wearing the not be provided by the apparatus in
apparatus, and that it impedes the wearers highly toxic atmospheres and that
as little as possible when in a crouched position guidance should be sought from IS 9623 :
nor when working in a confined space. 1980 for the selection, use and main-
tenance of respiratory protective devices;
5.8 Resistance to Temperature
-5.8.1 Storage d) a warning, that, allowance should be made
for the fact that it is likely that faceseal
Trouble free operation shall be ensured after fit will not be suitable for persons wear-
storage at temperatures varying from - 30°C ing spectacles or having sideburns or
to + 60°C when tested in accordance with beards; and
Annex C. Apparatus specially designed for
temperatures beyond these limits shall be tested e) a warning that at very high work rates,
and marked accordingly. the pressure in the facepiece of positive
pressure breathing apparatus may become
5.8.2 Performnnce negative at peak inhalations.
The apparatus shall operate trouble-free over
the temperature range - 30°C to + 60°C when 7 MARKING
tested in accordance with Annex C. Appara- 7.1 Breathing apparatus manufactured in com-
tus specially designed for temperatures beyond pliance with this standard shall be marked with
these limits shah be tested and marked accord- the following particulars.
ingly . The supplier shall also provide clear
instruction along with the apparatus for such 7.2 Marking on the Facepiece
a) Name, trade-mark or other means of
5.9 Protection Against Particulate Matter identification of the manufacturer;
The component parts of the apparatus supply-
b) Size ( if more than one size is available );
ing compressed air shall be reliably protected
against the penetration of particulate matter
that may be contained in the compressed air. c) Year and month of manufacture.
5.10 Practical Performance Test 7.3 Marking on the Apparatus
In addition to the machine tests described a) Name, trade-mark or mother means of
above, the apparatus shall also undergo practi- identifying the manufacturer;
cal performance tests under realistic conditions.
The general practical performance tests as b) Year and month of manufacture shall be
described in Annex A serves
_ . the _ purpose of marked legibly on breathing tubes,
checking the apparatus for rmperfections that mouth niece. faceniece and diauhraam.

IS 10245( Part 2 ) : 1994

( Clauses 5.2.10,, 5.7 and 5.10 )

A-l TEST SUBJECTS ( walking test ) and the one in which two
different subjects work in -practical conditions
A-l.1 Breathing apparatus is tested by test (, work simulation test ). Each test is conti-
subjects who practise regularly with breathing nuous, without removal of the apparatus, for a
apparatus and whose medical history is known period equal to the working duration of the
to be satisfactory. They shall be medically apparatus or 30 minutes whichever is less.
examined immediately before the tests and
certified fit to undertake the test procedure. NOTE- If the audible warning device has not
Bach subject is suitably clothed. operated during the 30 minute test period, the
cylinder pressure shall be reduced manually to the
A-2 MEDICAL SUPERVISJON audible warning pressure range, to check the effec-
tiveness of the latter, which shall comply with the
requirements o-f 52.11.
The tests shall be carried out under the super-
vision of a registered medical practitioner. A-4.3 Work Simulation Test
A-3 PREPARATION OF APPARATUS TO BE The apparatus is tested under condition which
TESTED can be expected during normal use. During
The high pressure cylinder is purged with air this test the following activities shall be done in
before being fully charged to the prescribed simulation of the practical use of the apparatus.
pressure. The apparatus is assembled, the The test shall Abe completed within a total
resistance to breathing is measured and the working time of 30 min.
apparatus is tested for leak tightness. The The sequence of activities is at the discretion
cylinder pressure at the start of the test should of the test authority. The individual activities
correspond to the prescribed filling pressure. shall be arranged so that sufficient time is left
for the measurements prescribed:
a) 30 pulls on a work machine, each pull
All tests shall be carried out at normal room being vertical from I.8 m towards the
temperature and test pressure and humidity ground on a mass of 25 kg, giving a total
shall be recorded. work load of 13 500 N m.
A-4.1 Test Conditions
b) Walking on the level with full headroom
All tests shall be carried out at room tempera- ( total distance 125 m ).
ture and the test temperature and humidity shall
be recorded. During the test the apparatus C>Walking on the level with headroom of
1.1 m to 1.5 m ( total distance 200 m ).
will be subjectively assessed by the wearer and
the wearers comments on the following points d) Crawling on the level with headroom of
shall be recorded after the test: less than 0.75 m ( total distance 100 m ).
4 Harness comfort; 4 Climbing up and down a ladder, passing
once, in each direction through 460 mm
b) Security of fastenings and couplings; square opening ( total vertical distance
c) Accessibility of controls and pressure 20 m ).
gauge ;
4 Clarity of vision on the visor of the f> Crawling through a narrow section ( 4-m
facemask; long ) which is so low that the test
subject has to doff the apparatus and
e) Supplementary supply ( if fitted ); push it in front of him or pull it behind
f) Speech transmission; him while still breathing from the
g) Audible warning device; and
h) Any other comments reported by the f3) Laying out of a fire hose of at least 15 m
wearer on request. in length and recoiling the same.
A-4.2 Two kinds of tests are made, one in This test shall be continuous, without removal
which two subjects wearing the apparatus walk of the apparatus, for an initial period of
at a regular rate of 6 km/h on a level course approximately 15 min after which the subject

IS 10245 ( Part 2 ) : 1994

shall have a rest period of 5 min during which The second section of the test of the apparatus
he can be medically assessed and allow time shall then continue to give a complete working
for the compressed air cylinder to be charged of 30 min. If the exercises have been completed
if the testing officer considers that there may within a shorter period the remaining time is
be insufficient air to complete the test. taken up with the subject walking at 6 km/h.

( Clause 5.4.1 )

B-l TEST EQUIPMENT is then operated at a minute volume of 50 litres

( 25 strokeslmin and 2 litres/stroke ) until the
B-l.1 A lung simulator machine designed to compressed air supply is exhausted (20 bar ).
provide sinusoidal air flow. The test shall be repeated with the same cooled
apparatus, after having replaced the empty
B-2 TEST PROCEDURE cylinders by fully charged cylinders previously
B-2.1 The facepiece of the apparatus is con- stored at room temperature. During this test,
nected in an an-tight manner to the breathing the inhalation resistance shall not exceed 10 m
machine ‘exhales’ through the facepiece a 5 bar. For breathing apparatus with positive
percent ( by volume ) carbon dioxide/air pressure, a positive pressure has to be main-
mixture at ambient temperature and ‘inhales’ tained in the cavity of the mask adjacent to
through the facepiece of the apparatus. Tests the face seal. The exhalation resistance of all
are conducted at: types of apparatus shall not exceed 10 m bar.
a) a tidal volume of 2.0 litres of air with 20 B-2.3 Test at High Temperature
respirations per minute ( total inhalation
40 l/min ); and The apparatus including air cylinder and face-
piece is stored in a chamber at a temperature
b) a tidal volume of 2.5 litres of air with 32 of 60 & 3°C and at a relatively humidity of 50
respirations per minute ( total inhalation percent for 4 hours. The apparatus is tested
80 l/min ). using a breathing air machine. Subsequently,
the apparatus is tested using a breathing
In a separate test, the sinusoidal air flow is machine at a minute volume of 50 litres ( 25
increased to 100 I/min for a period sufficient strokes/min, 2 litres/stroke ) until the comprea-
for an assessment to be made of the functioning sed air supply is exhausted ( 20 bar ). During
of the apparatus at this flow. this test, the inhalation resistance shall not
B-2.2 Test at Low Temperature exceed 7 mbar. For breathing apparatus with
positive pressure, a positive pressure has to ne
The apparatus, including the compressed air maintained in the cavity of the mask adjacent to
cylinder( s ) and an approved facepiece is cooled the face seal. The exhalation resistance of an
in ambient temperature of ( 30 f 3°C ) apparatus without positive pressure shall not
for 4 hours. Subsequently, the apparatus is exceed 3 mbar. The exhalation resistance ot
connected to a breathing machine placed out- an apparatus with positive pressure shall not
side the cooling system. The breathing machine exceed 7 mbar.
IS 10245 ( Part 2 ) : 1994

( Clause 5.8.1 )
C-I RESISTANCE TO TEMPE-RATURE The exhalation resistance of an apparatus with-
out positive pressure shall not exceed 3 mbar.
C-l.1 Laboratory Tests with a Breathing The exhalation resistance of an apparatus with
Machine positive pressure shall not exceed 7 mbar.
C-l.2 Tests at Low Temperature C-l.4 Practical Performance Tests at Different
The apparatus, including the compressed air
cylinder( s ) and an approved facepiece shall C-1.4.1 Tests at Low Temperature
be according to IS 14170 : 1994 and IS 14166 :
1994, and is cooled in an ambient temperature C-1.4.2 Preparation of Apparatus to be Tested
of ( - 30 & 3 )“C for 4 hours. Two sets of apparatus, as ready for use, are
Subsequently, the apparatus is connected to a pre-cooled at a temperature of ( - 30 f 3)“C
breathing machine placed outside the cooling for a period of 4 hours.
system. The breathing machine is then C-1.4.3 Test Procedure
operated at a minute volume of 50 litres ( 25
strokes/min, 2 litreslstroke ) until the compres- Two warmly clothed subjects don the pre-cooled
sed air supply is exhausted ( 20 bar ). apparatus in a cold chamber and perform work
in an ambient temperature of ( - 15 f 3 )“C.
The test shall be repeated with the same cooled The test is continuous without removal of the
apparatus, after having replaced the empty apparatus over a period of 30 minutes or at
cylinders by fully charged cylinders previously least until the warning device starts to operate.
stored at room tempsrature.
The work shall be equally devided between:
During this test, the inhalation resistance shall
not exceed 10 mbar. a) walking and crawling slowly;
For breathing apparatus with positive pressure,
b) carrying and building with wooden clocks
a positive prmessure has to be maintained in the or similar.
cavity of the mask adjacent to the face seal.
The exhalation resistance of all types of appara- At the end of the test, the resistance to breath-
tus shall not exceed 10 mbar. ing is measured to determine whether there is any
obstruction, and the apparatus is examined for
C-l.3 Tests at High Temperature malfunction due to the low temperature.

compressed air C-1.4.4 Tests with Apparatus at Room

The apparatus including Temperature
cylinder( s ) ( filling pressure: 100 bar ) and an
approved facepiece conforming to IS 14166 : C-1.4.5 Preparation of Apparatus to be Tested
1994, is stored in a chamber at a temperature of
( 60 f 3 )“C and a relative humidity of not Two sets of apparatus are prepared ready for
more than 50 percent for 4 hours. use and stored at room temperature ( 23 f 2)“C
for at least 4 hours.
Subsequently, the apparatus his tested using a
breathing machine at a minute volume of 50 C-1.4.6 Test Procedure
litres ( 25 strokeslmin, 2 litres/stroke ) until
the compressed air supply is exhausted ( 20 bar ). Two warmly clothed subjects don the apparatus
at room temperature ( about 23°C ) and enter
During this test, the inhalation resistance shall a cold chamber of at least ( - 6 f 2 )“C. The
not exceed 7 mbar. For breathing apparatus same test programme to that described in
with positive pressure, a positive pressure has C-1.4.3 is carried out for a period of 30 minutes
to be maintained in the cavity of the mask or at least until the warning device starts to
adjacent to the face seal. operate, whichever is earlier
IS 10245 ( Part 2 ) 1994

( Foreword )
Industrial Safety Sectional Committee, CHD 008
Chairman Respresenting
!&RI K. C. GUPTA National Safety Council, Bombay
SHRI PREM BAWEJA Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Bangalore
SHRI B. VI~AY KUMAR ( Alternate )
SHRI BHAGWATI PRASAD Employees State Insurance Corporation, Calcutta
&RI SATISH CHANDER ( Alternate )
DR S. C. CHAWLA Directorate General of Technical Development, New Delhi
( Akernate )
P. K. CHATTERJPE Defence Institute Fire Research, New Delhi
&RI H. S. KAPHAWAN ( Alternate )
DIRECTOR( MINES SAFETY) Directorate General of Mines Safety, Dhanbad
SHRI A. K. RUDRA ( Ahnate )

SHRI H. S. GAHLAUT Institute of Fire Engineers ( India ), New Delhi

SHRI B. R. MEHTA ( Ahernate )
SHRI V. K. GOEL Central Boiler Board, New Delhi
SHRI M. L. AHUJA ( Alternate )
SHRI S. P. GOENKA Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute of India, Calcutta
SHRI N. DUTTA ( Alterme )
SHRI M. KANT Safety Appliances Manufacturers Association, Calcutta
DR J. MAHAPATRA Standing Committee on Safety for Steel Industries, Ran&i
SHRI M. K. MALHOTRA Directorate General Factory Advice -Services and Labour
Institute, Bombay
&RI H. N. MIRASHI Factory Inspectorate, Government of Maharashtra, Bombay
DR H- MUKHERJEE Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur
&RI C. M. SHARMA(Alternate )
SHRI R. N. MUKHERJEE Central Mining Research Station, Dhanbad
SHRI A. BANARIEE( Alternate )
&RI S. K. MUKHERJI Standing Fire Advisory Council, New Delhi
SHRI A. K. GHOSH ( Alternate )
SHRI P. S. PRUTHI Indian Pesticide Association. New Delhi
SHRI P. RAJENDRAN Directorate General Civil Avition ( National Airport Authority ),
New Delhi
SHRI H. S. RAWAT ( Mernate )
SHRI A. RAMAMURTHY Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay
SHRI K. RAVICHANDRA Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas ( Oil Industries Safety
Directorate J, New Delhi
SHR~ M. SHRIVASTVA( Alternate )
SHRI A. J. REGO National Safety Council, Bombay
SHRI A. K. CHATTERJEE (Alternate )
SHRI M. R. SAMPATH Indian Cotton Mills Federation, Bombay
SHRI 0. N. DAGA ( Alternate )
SHRI SURENDRAKUMAR Indian Chemical Manufacturers Association, Calcutta
REPRESENTATIVE Central Leather Research Tnstitute, Madras
REPRESENTATIW Confederation of Indian Industries, New Delhi
REPRESENTATIVE lndian Space Research Organization, Governement of .lndia
(Department of Space ), Andhra Pradesh
REPRESENTATIVE National Institute of Occupational Health, Ahmedabad
DR R. K. SINGH, Director General, BIS ( Ex-officio Member )
Director ( Chem )
Member Secretary
Joint Director ( C hem ) , BIS
( Continued on page 11 )

IS 10245 ( Part 2 ) : 1994

( Continued from page 10 )

Personal Protective Equipment ( Respiratory ) Subcommittee, CHD 008 : 01

Convener Representing

SHRI R. N. MUKHERJEE Central Mining Research Station, Dhanbad

DR S. CHATTOPADHYAY Ministry of Defence ( DGQA ), New Delhi
SHRI K. K. DUTT ( Alternate )
SHRI S. K. DANGWAL Central Labour Institute, Bombay
SHRI M. H. FULEKAR( Alternate )
SHRI A. N. INDURKAR Mines Safety Appliances, Calcutta
SHRI S. K. MUKHERJEE Institute of Fire Engineers, New Delhi
SHRI B. R. MEHTA ( Alternate )
SHRI C. PERREIRA Joseph Leslie Drager Manufacturing, Bombay
SHRI S. SANYAL Coal India Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI J. N. SHARMA Indian Petrochemicals Limited, Vadodara
REPRESENTATIVE Directorate General of Mines Safety, Dhanbad

Bnrero 01 Indian Standard8
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standard3 Act, 1986 to
promote harmonious development of the activities of stadardization, marking and quality
certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country.

BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced
in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does~not preclude the free use,
in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sixes, type
or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director
( Publications ), BIS.

Esririoo of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards
art also reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review
indicates that no chauges are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken
up for revision. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the
latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards
Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot : No. CHD 008 ( 0081 ).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text AEccted


Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahaduc Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002
Telephones : 331 01 31, 331 13 75 Telegrams : Manaksanstha
( Common to all Officer )

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Printed at Printwell Printers. Aligarh. India

.. .
AMENDMENT NO. 1 DECEMBER 2002 , ----- —
( First Reviswn )

( Page 8, clause B-2.2,&st sentence ) — Substitute the following for the

‘The appara~us, including the compressed air cylinder(s) and an approved
facepiece is cooled in ambient temperature of -30 * 3°C for 4 hours.’

Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, Indh

-. .-..

, -



(First Revision)

(Page 9, clause C-1.2) — Substitute ‘facepiwe shall be according to

IS 14170: 1994 or IS 14166: 1994’ for ‘facepiece shall be according to
IS 14170:1994 and IS 14166:1994’.

(Page 9, clause C-1.4.3, line 9) — Substitute ‘blocks’ for ‘clocks’.

(CHD 8)

Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India


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