Neonatal Ethics
Neonatal Ethics
Neonatal Ethics
● Subspecialty of pediatrics
○ Specifically newborn infants (premature)
● 14 years of schooling required
○ 4 years of undergraduate school
○ 4 years of medical school
○ Pediatric residency
○ Neonatal fellowship
Neonatology ● Salary: $197,700 (mean)
○ Avg. retirement age: 63
● Pros: $, career satisfaction
● Cons: Years of schooling, schedule
not flexible
● Neonatal- first 28 days of life
Neonatal ● Special section of the hospital
○ Separate from healthy baby nursery
Intensive Care ○ Still close to mothers
Unit (NICU) ● For babies who need round the clock care
due to complications and problems like:
○ Assisted breathing
○ Underdeveloped body systems
(immune system, brain, etc…)
● Admitted from delivery room, newborn
nursery, or other hospital’s NICU
Who Needs Special ● Babies born under 37 weeks or
over 42 weeks
Care? ● Low birth weight (under 5.5 lbs)
● Medical condition
○ Heart problems
○ Infections
○ Birth defects
Beginning and Advancements
Questions ●
before) is it still okay?
Is a baby ever too far gone or too
The Law ● Gray area
○ Physician v. Parents- who
controls future of baby in
complicated situations
● Factors to consider:
○ Choice affects parents
■ They are long-term
○ Child suffering
○ Chances of survival
● Stipulations/who is to blame?
Baby Doe #1 Baby Doe #2
indicated treatment from disabled
infants with life-threatening
● “Does not include failure to
provide treatment…when…such
treatment would prolong dying, not
be effective…be futile in terms of
survival…be virtually futile…and
treatment itself…would be
Moral Code ● Quality of life
○ Lifelong effects
○ Ties to abortion laws
○ Who gets to live and who
does not
Religious ● Most people in religious groups
are pro-life
Statistics ○ Developmental
○ Cognitive
Financial Costs ●
Average stay is 2 weeks
Admission to the NICU = $76,000
of NICU ●
○ What are admissions?
Charges = $280,000
○ What are charges?
● U.S. alone = $26.2 billion
● Look into possible coverage with
Discussion ● What do you think about taking
extreme measures for premature
Questions babies?
○ Do you think that it is worth
the possible consequences?
○ Should laws define the final
decision or should they by
based off of case by case?
○ Why have laws not been
created regarding extremely
preterm births?
Any Questions?