The committee of enquiry, which investigated the fatal accident to a light aircraft,
recommended maintaining a standardized Flight report Book on board all
categories of small aircraft. The Government has accepted this
To comply with the above recommendations the format of JLB has been
modified in order to record flight time, various aircraft and engine parameters,
pilot defect report and technical and rectification action taken, the fuel and oil
quantity uplifted, transit inspection etc., for each sector, of flight for all categories
of aircraft. A standard format is attached as Appendix A to this CAR.
This CAR stipulates the contents of Journey Log Book besides maintenance of
other logbooks mentioned above.
This Civil Aviation Requirement is issued under the provision of Rule 133A.
Scheduled Operators may maintain Flight Report Book (FRB) or Tech Log as an
equivalent document to Journey Log Book. The Regional Airworthiness Office
shall approve the contents of each page of FRB or Tech Log. This document
shall be carried on board the aircraft for all flights. The QC Manual shall include
the content and the manner of maintaining this document, its scrutiny by the
Quality Control Department and its preservation depending upon the type of
aircraft operated by them. The FRB/Tech Log besides giving other information
shall have the following information.
i. Aircraft nationality and registration
ii. Date of flight (s)
iii. Names of crewmembers.
iv. Duty assignments of crewmembers.
v. Place of departure.
vi. Place of arrival.
vii. Time of departure.
viii. Time of arrival.
ix. Hours of flight.
x. Incidents, observations, if any.
xi. Signature of pilot in command.
Non-Scheduled, State Government, Private, Aerial work, Flying Clubs and other
Operators are required to carry JLB in the revised format as given in Appendix
A. This can be called as JLB or FRB or Tech log, which is henceforth referred to
as “Document”. Each operator may print his own document.
This document shall contain pages as given in the annex depending upon the
type of aircraft operated by them. The Regional Airworthiness Office shall
approve the contents of each page of the document. This document shall be
carried on board the aircraft for all flights. The QC Manual shall contain the
content and the manner of maintaining this document depending upon the type of
aircraft operated by them, its scrutiny by the Quality Control Department and its
preservation. Any change in the format of the document requires approval of the
Regional Airworthiness Office /Sub Regional Airworthiness Office. The
document besides recording various information SHALL contain the minimum
information given below: -
i) Aircraft nationality and registration
ii) Date of flight (s)
iii) Names of crewmembers.
iv) Duty assignments of crewmembers.
v) Place of departure.
The second section will consist of differently coloured sheets, ruled horizontally.
Each page will bear the caption, namely, "Replacement, Major Repairs & Overhaul".
A detailed report of the Replacement, Major Repairs & Overhaul done under these
headings shall be certified in this section.
Note: Major repair signifies a repair to a damage, which would affect the safety of the
aircraft or the safety of persons on board.
The third section will consist of a set of still differently colored pages also horizontally
ruled, and each page will bear the heading, namely, 'Modification Record'. Details of
the modifications/service bulletins including mandatory modification (s) complied with
and certified should be recorded along with date and time of compliance in this
section. A total DGCA mandatory modifications status of the aircraft, engine and its
components shall be reflected even though they are not applicable.
5.1 All the Pages of a Log Book shall be serially numbered. Also each logbook should be
serially numbered.
5.2 A Log Book shall contain a detailed engineering record of the life of the aircraft,
engine, propeller, radio apparatus including full particulars of all accidents,
overhauls, replacements, repairs and modifications.
5.4 The Quality Control Manager, in the case of approved firms and the operator of the aircraft in the case of private
aircraft, shall be responsible for the proper maintenance of Log Book. Omission to make Log Book entries shall
render the aircraft, engine, propeller, radio apparatus as unairworthy and the authorized officer of the Regional
Airworthiness Office may require such inspection as considered necessary by him to restore the airworthiness.
5.5 Entries in the Log Book shall be made in ink or indelible pencil and signed and dated by appropriately licensed
AME/Approved individual carrying out the work or by a person, specially authorized by DGCA for the same,
quoting, beneath the signature, the Licence/Approval/ Authorization number.
Note: Computerised records of aircraft and components are acceptable. Wherever records are computerized, hard copies
may not be required. The operator should satisfy and demonstrate the accuracy of the system and procedure for creating
backups to the Regional office. The procedure of using computerized records shall be documented in the MOE or equivalent
(i) In respect of an aeroplane, means the total time from the moment the aeroplane first moves for the
purpose o f taking off until the moment it finally comes to rest at the end of the flight
(ii) In respect of a helicopter, means the total time from the moment the helicopter’s rotor blade start turning
until the moment it finally comes to rest at the end of the flight, and the rotor blades are stopped
6.2 Note: Flight time as herein defined is synonymous with the term “block to block” time, or “chock to chock” time in
general usage which is calculated from the time an aeroplane first moves for the purpose of taking off until it finally
stops at the end of the flight.
6.3 Flight time for the aircraft, engine, VP propellers and radio apparatus shall be recorded in the appropriate Log
6.4 Note: Where the manufacturer has defined maintenance periodicity on the basis of actual Flight Time i.e Chocks
OFF to Chocks ON or any other consideration like power etc., operator may follow the same with approval of
Regional Airworthiness Office. The approved Quality Control Manual should detail the procedure followed for
calculating the flight time for the purpose of maintenance of aircraft and components.
7.1 All work involving repair, overhaul, replacement, modification, special inspection performed on the aircraft,
is required to be covered with the issuance of "Certificate of Maintenance" signed by appropriately licensed
AME/Approved or authorised individuals.
Signatures appearing in the appropriate column of Log Book against the relevant e ntry shall be taken as issuance
of certificate, signifying that the work has been performed in accordance with approved procedures, using
approved equipment and material and in accordance with the directives issued by DGCA
7.3 Overhauls :
Details of overhaul work, including any test data, should be entered in the appropriate Log Book. A Certificate of
Maintenance must be appended to the entry for all overhaul work recorded in log books. Test data should be
preserved with cross-reference in the logbooks for trace ability.
7.4 Repairs :
A summary of the repair should be entered in the appropriate log book, together with an indication of the reason for
the repair. Details of repair work should be preserved with cross-reference in the logbooks for trace ability.
When a component having its own log book (i.e. an engine or a variable-pitch propeller) is removed from an aircraft,
the reason for removal should be entered in that log book, e.g. 'metal in oil filter', 'time expired'. In addition, an
entry should be made in the aircraft log book stating the serial number of the component removed, the serial
number of the replacement component and the position the component occupies on the aircraft.
When an engine is changed, the hours fl own and the serial numbers and part numbers, as appropriate, of lifed
parts, which are not changed with the engine, should be entered in the log book of the replacement engine and in
the aircraft log book.
When a component, not having an individual log book, is removed, the reason for removal and its serial
number, and in some cases the part number, of the item should be entered in Aircraft Log Book and also, with the
exception of standard parts such as split pins, nuts and washers, the origin and numbers of release note.
When a serviceable part is removed from one aircraft and fitted on to another, the number of flying hours logged for
the part should be entered in the appropriate log book together with an identification (i.e. registration letters) of the
aircraf/engine from which it was removed.
Where a replacement involves disturbing a flying or engine control system, or any system associated therewith,
a duplicate inspection must be made, in accordance with CAR Section 2 Series ‘F’ Part XI and a certified entry to
that effect included in the log book.
After embodiment of a modification, an entry must be made in the appropriate Log Book quoting the number and
title of the modification and, as applicable.
Whenever a major component is changed, the modification standard, particularly in regard to mandatory
modification of the replacement component should be entered in the appropriate log book.
Journey Log Book/FRB or any other equivalent document acceptable to DGCA shall be carried on board during flight
unless the aircraft is engaged in local flights i.e. making a series of flights over the same airport, on any day Other
Log Books shall not be carried during flight and shall be maintained at the main base. However, if an aircraft is likely
to remain away from its main base, where Log Books are maintained, "working copies” of Log Books giving
necessary information as required for effecting due maintenance shall be carried on board. On return to main
base, entries shall be transferred from the "working copies" to the regular Log Book, within 48 hours of the return to
main base.
i. The aircraft log books shall be preserved until such time as the aircraft is permanently withdrawn from use
and its Certificate of Registration is cancelled by the Director General.
ii. Provided that in the case of an aircraft meeting with an accident resulting in damage beyond economical
repairs the aircraft log book shall be preserved for a period of two years after the date of the accident.
a) The engine and propeller log books shall be preserved for a period of one year after the engine propeller are
permanently withdrawn from use.
b) Other log books shall be preserved for two years from the date of the last entry therein. Where log books in
respect of aircraft, engines or variable pitch propellers or radio apparatus are not kept in the manner and form
prescribed in this rule, the aircraft shall be deemed as not being maintained in an airworthy condition.
Deputy Director General of Civil Aviation
Sector Time Alt IAS RPM Eng oil Eng oil MAP CHT
Pr Temp
Note: Parameters to be recorded, provided, trend monitoring procedure is given by the manufacturer and followed by the operator
Parameters to be recorded under stabilized engine conditions and the sector time is not less than 60 minutes
B Performance log (Piston Engine) Helicopter
Sector Time Alt IAS OAT NR Eng Oil Pr Eng oil Manifold CHT
Record RPM Temp pressure
Note: Parameters to be recorded, provided, trend monitoring procedure is given by the manufacturer and followed by the operator
Parameters to be recorded under stabilized engine conditions and the sector time is not less than 60 minutes
C Performance log (Jet engine) FIXED WING
Sector Time Alt OAT IAS EGT thrust N2 FUEL Eng oil Pr Eng oil Vib
Note: Parameters to be recorded, provided, trend monitoring procedure is given by the manufacturer and followed by the operator
Parameters to be recorded under stabilized engine conditions and the sector time is not less than 60 minutes
Rev 3, 16th October 2002 11
D Performance log for JET ENGINE Helicopters :-
Date Sector Defect Details of defect Deferred To AME ‘s Sign Rectification carried out. Attended AME’s Sign
Time reported and Lic. No. statin. and Lic. No.
by AME/ Time
Pilot date
- END -