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The document discusses Windchill Application Developer's Guide and provides details about developing applications for Windchill. It covers various topics like services, packages, properties files etc.

The main services discussed are Access control, Background queuing, Batch containers, Configuration specification, Content handling, Content replication, Domain administration, Event management, Federation, Foldering, Indexing, Life cycle management, Locking, Managing, Notification, Organization, Ownership, Query, Session management, Version control, Work in progress, Workflow.

The Rational Rose Virtual path map defines the purpose and location of Windchill extensions, standard packages and work directories.

Windchill Application Developer’s Guide®

Windchill® 7.0
December 2003
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About This Guide................................................................................................. vii

The Windchill Development Environment........................................................ 1-1
Directory Structure......................................................................................................................1-2
The codebase Directory....................................................................................................... 1-4
The src Directory ................................................................................................................. 1-5
Artifact Management ..................................................................................................................1-6
Environment Variables ...............................................................................................................1-7
Class path............................................................................................................................ 1-7
Path ..................................................................................................................................... 1-7
SQL path.............................................................................................................................. 1-7
Rational Rose virtual path map............................................................................................ 1-7
Property Files .............................................................................................................................1-8
wt.properties file................................................................................................................... 1-8
service.properties file ........................................................................................................... 1-9
tools.properties file............................................................................................................. 1-10
db.properties file ................................................................................................................ 1-10
Getting Started With Windchill.......................................................................... 2-1
An Overview of the Windchill Development Process..................................................................2-2
Verify The Development Environment ................................................................................. 2-2
Model the Object in Rose .................................................................................................... 2-5
Generate Java Classes From Rose..................................................................................... 2-6
Create DatabaseTables ....................................................................................................... 2-7
Initialize the Object .............................................................................................................. 2-8
Design the GUI Layout ........................................................................................................ 2-8
Code the GUI ....................................................................................................................... 2-9
Run the Applet in Netscape or Internet Explorer ............................................................... 2-10
Modeling Business Objects............................................................................... 3-1
Rational Rose and Windchill.......................................................................................................3-2
Windchill Modeling Heuristics.....................................................................................................3-4
Windchill Foundation Abstractions .............................................................................................3-8
Windchill Foundation Interfaces........................................................................................... 3-8
Windchill Foundation Classes............................................................................................ 3-10
The Command Layer .......................................................................................... 4-1

Command Beans ....................................................................................................................... 4-3
Command Delegates ................................................................................................................. 4-9
Attribute Handlers .................................................................................................................... 4-16
The Enterprise Layer .......................................................................................... 5-1
Enterprise Abstractions.............................................................................................................. 5-2
Simple Business Class........................................................................................................ 5-2
Folder Resident Business Class ......................................................................................... 5-4
Managed Business Class.................................................................................................... 5-5
Revision Controlled Business Class.................................................................................... 5-6
Iterated Folder Resident Business Class ............................................................................ 5-8
Cabinet Managed Business Cclass..................................................................................... 5-9
Document Abstractions............................................................................................................ 5-10
Part Abstractions...................................................................................................................... 5-13
Design Overview ............................................................................................................... 5-13
Change Abstractions................................................................................................................ 5-20
Change Item Classes ........................................................................................................ 5-22
Associations with Product Information .............................................................................. 5-25
Change Item Modeling Approach...................................................................................... 5-28
Change Items Classes ...................................................................................................... 5-29
Windchill Services .............................................................................................. 6-1
Windchill Packages.................................................................................................................... 6-2
access package — Access Control Service .............................................................................. 6-4
Design Overview ................................................................................................................. 6-4
External Interface ................................................................................................................ 6-6
Business Rules.................................................................................................................... 6-6
Event Processing ................................................................................................................ 6-7
admin package — Domain Administration Service .................................................................... 6-7
Design Overview ................................................................................................................. 6-7
External Interface ................................................................................................................ 6-8
Business Rules.................................................................................................................... 6-8
Event Processing ................................................................................................................ 6-8
content package — Content Handling Service .......................................................................... 6-8
Design Overview ................................................................................................................. 6-9
Working with ContentItems ............................................................................................... 6-12
Business Rules.................................................................................................................. 6-14
Event Processing .............................................................................................................. 6-14
content replication — Content Replication Service .................................................................. 6-14
fv.master — Master Service .............................................................................................. 6-14
fv.replica — Replica Service ............................................................................................. 6-14

vi Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

intersvrcom — InterSrvCom Service ................................................................................. 6-15
wrmf.delivery — Shipping Service ..................................................................................... 6-15
wrmf.delivery — Receiver Service ..................................................................................... 6-15
wrmf.transport — Generic Transport Service .................................................................... 6-16
Business Rules — content replication ............................................................................... 6-16
effectivity package — Effectivity Service ..................................................................................6-16
Design Overview................................................................................................................ 6-16
External Interface............................................................................................................... 6-20
Business Rules .................................................................................................................. 6-20
Event Processing ............................................................................................................... 6-20
federation package — Federation Service ...............................................................................6-21
Design Overview................................................................................................................ 6-21
External Interface............................................................................................................... 6-22
Business Rules .................................................................................................................. 6-23
Event Processing ............................................................................................................... 6-23
folder package — Foldering Service ........................................................................................6-24
Design Overview................................................................................................................ 6-25
External Interface............................................................................................................... 6-26
Business Rules .................................................................................................................. 6-27
fv package — File Vault Service...............................................................................................6-27
Design Overview................................................................................................................ 6-28
External Interface............................................................................................................... 6-29
Event Processing ............................................................................................................... 6-29
identity package — Identity Service .........................................................................................6-29
Object Model...................................................................................................................... 6-30
Implementing New Display Identification Delegates .......................................................... 6-33
Import and Export Package ......................................................................................................6-33
index package — Indexing Service ..........................................................................................6-34
Design Overview................................................................................................................ 6-34
External Interface............................................................................................................... 6-36
Business Rules .................................................................................................................. 6-36
Event Processing ............................................................................................................... 6-36
lifecycle package — Life Cycle Management Service..............................................................6-36
Design Overview................................................................................................................ 6-37
External Interface............................................................................................................... 6-38
Business Rules .................................................................................................................. 6-39
Event Processing ............................................................................................................... 6-40
locks package — Locking Service............................................................................................6-41
Design Overview................................................................................................................ 6-41

Content vii
External Interface .............................................................................................................. 6-42
Business Rules.................................................................................................................. 6-42
Event Processing .............................................................................................................. 6-43
notify package — Notification Service ..................................................................................... 6-43
Design Overview ............................................................................................................... 6-43
External Interface .............................................................................................................. 6-45
Event Processing .............................................................................................................. 6-45
org package — Organization Service ...................................................................................... 6-46
ownership package — Ownership service ............................................................................... 6-47
Design Overview ............................................................................................................... 6-47
External Interface .............................................................................................................. 6-48
Business Rules.................................................................................................................. 6-48
Event Processing .............................................................................................................. 6-48
project package — Project Management Service ............................................................. 6-48
Design Overview ............................................................................................................... 6-49
External Interface .............................................................................................................. 6-50
Event Processing .............................................................................................................. 6-50
queue package — Background Queuing Service .................................................................... 6-50
External Interface .............................................................................................................. 6-52
Business Rules.................................................................................................................. 6-52
Event Processing .............................................................................................................. 6-52
router package — Routing Service .......................................................................................... 6-52
Design Overview ............................................................................................................... 6-53
Example ............................................................................................................................ 6-55
scheduler package — Scheduling Service .............................................................................. 6-56
External Interface .............................................................................................................. 6-57
Event Processing .............................................................................................................. 6-57
session package — Session Management Service ................................................................. 6-57
External Interface .............................................................................................................. 6-58
Business Rules.................................................................................................................. 6-58
Event Processing .............................................................................................................. 6-58
Standard Federation Service doAction() and sendFeedback() ................................................ 6-58
Design Overview ............................................................................................................... 6-59
External Interface .............................................................................................................. 6-60
Event Processing .............................................................................................................. 6-60
vc package — Version Control Service ................................................................................... 6-64
Design Overview ............................................................................................................... 6-65
External Interface .............................................................................................................. 6-69
Business Rules.................................................................................................................. 6-70

viii Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Event Processing ............................................................................................................... 6-70
vc package — Baseline Service ...............................................................................................6-70
Design Overview................................................................................................................ 6-70
External Interface............................................................................................................... 6-71
Business Rules .................................................................................................................. 6-71
Event Processing ............................................................................................................... 6-73
vc package — Configuration Specification Service ..................................................................6-73
vc package — Version Structuring Service ..............................................................................6-80
vc package — Version Viewing Service ...................................................................................6-82
vc package — Work in Progress Service .................................................................................6-84
Design Overview................................................................................................................ 6-85
External Interface............................................................................................................... 6-86
Business Rules .................................................................................................................. 6-86
Event Processing ............................................................................................................... 6-87
workflow package — Workflow Service....................................................................................6-87
Design Overview................................................................................................................ 6-87
External Interface............................................................................................................... 6-93
Business Rules .................................................................................................................. 6-93
Engineering Factor Services ....................................................................................................6-93
Handling CAD Models ....................................................................................................... 6-94
Handling Family Instances................................................................................................. 6-96
Handling Model Structure .........................................................................................................6-98
The Relationship Between CAD Models and WTParts.................................................... 6-100
Persistence Management .................................................................................. 7-1
Persistence Manager..................................................................................................................7-2
Store .................................................................................................................................... 7-4
Modify .................................................................................................................................. 7-5
Save..................................................................................................................................... 7-5
Delete .................................................................................................................................. 7-6
Refresh ................................................................................................................................ 7-7
Find...................................................................................................................................... 7-8
Navigate............................................................................................................................... 7-9
Get LOB............................................................................................................................. 7-10
Get Next Sequence ........................................................................................................... 7-11
Prepare for Modification..................................................................................................... 7-11
Prepare for View ................................................................................................................ 7-12
Search ............................................................................................................................... 7-12
QuerySpec ......................................................................................................................... 7-13

Content ix
SearchCondition................................................................................................................ 7-14
QueryResult ...................................................................................................................... 7-15
Multiple Class Queries ...................................................................................................... 7-15
Transaction .............................................................................................................................. 7-16
Paging ............................................................................................................................... 7-17
Developing Server Logic.................................................................................... 8-1
Service Management ................................................................................................................. 8-2
Automatic Service Startup................................................................................................... 8-2
Service Startup and Shutdown............................................................................................ 8-3
Service Event Management....................................................................................................... 8-3
Service Event Registration .................................................................................................. 8-3
Service Event Subscription ................................................................................................. 8-4
Service Event Notification ................................................................................................... 8-6
Service Event Exception Handling ...................................................................................... 8-6
Service Event Conventions ................................................................................................. 8-7
Implementing Business Data Types .......................................................................................... 8-7
Initializing Business Attributes............................................................................................. 8-7
Business Attribute Accessors.............................................................................................. 8-8
Overriding Accessor Methods ............................................................................................. 8-9
Validating Business Attributes............................................................................................. 8-9
Implementing the checkAttribute Method .......................................................................... 8-10
Business Attribute Aggregation ......................................................................................... 8-11
Business Attribute Persistence.......................................................................................... 8-11
Business Attribute Derivation ............................................................................................ 8-12
Implementing Business Services ...................................................................................... 8-12
Initializing Business Services ............................................................................................ 8-13
Business Service Operations ............................................................................................ 8-14
Vetoing Business Service Events...................................................................................... 8-15
Business Service Rules..................................................................................................... 8-15
Business Service Communication..................................................................................... 8-16
Lightweight Services ................................................................................................................ 8-16
The Modeling Implementation ........................................................................................... 8-17
The Inner Class Implementation ....................................................................................... 8-18
Updating a Master Through an Iteration .................................................................................. 8-22
Introduction........................................................................................................................ 8-22
Read-only and Queryable Master Attributes on the Iteration ............................................ 8-22
Updating Master Attributes via the Iteration ...................................................................... 8-23
Updating the Master and Iteration Separately................................................................... 8-23
System Generation ............................................................................................. 9-1

x Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Overview of System Generation................................................................................................9-2
How Rose UML Maps to Java Classes .....................................................................................9-2
Mapping Modeled Classes to Java ...................................................................................... 9-3
Mapping Operations to Java ................................................................................................ 9-8
Mapping Attributes to Java ................................................................................................ 9-10
Mapping Associations to Java ........................................................................................... 9-15
Implicit Persistable Associations Stored with Foreign ID References ......................................9-18
Implementing Interfaces .................................................................................................... 9-24
Implementing the NetFactor Interface ............................................................................... 9-25
Implementing the ObjectMappable interface ..................................................................... 9-27
Implementing the Externalizable interface ......................................................................... 9-28
Extending the EnumeratedType class......................................................................................9-31
Stereotyping an interface as remote .................................................................................. 9-32
How Rose UML Maps to Info Objects ......................................................................................9-33
How Rose UML Maps to Database Schema ............................................................................9-34
How Rose UML Maps to Localizable Resource Info Files........................................................9-38
Resource Entry Format ............................................................................................................9-39
Resource Entry Contents................................................................................................... 9-40
Building Runtime Resources ............................................................................................. 9-40
Using the Windchill System Generation Tool ...........................................................................9-41
Registry Files ..................................................................................................................... 9-41
Generating mData Files ..................................................................................................... 9-42
Generating Java Code ....................................................................................................... 9-42
Generating Info Files ......................................................................................................... 9-42
Generating SQL Files ........................................................................................................ 9-43
Using Windchill System Generation in a Build Environment ....................................................9-44
Management of the mData File ......................................................................................... 9-45
Build Sequence.................................................................................................................. 9-45
Command Line Utilities ...................................................................................................... 9-46
Developing Client Logic................................................................................... 10-1
The Client Programming Model................................................................................................10-2
Presentation Logic....................................................................................................................10-3
Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) .........................................................................10-3
Task Logic ................................................................................................................................10-3
Interacting with Business Objects ...................................................................................... 10-4
Client-Side Validation ........................................................................................................ 10-5
Invoking Server Methods ................................................................................................... 10-5
Windchill Java Beans ...............................................................................................................10-6

Content xi
Importing Windchill Beans to Visual Cafe ......................................................................... 10-6
Package Dependencies .................................................................................................... 10-7
WTContentHolder Bean .................................................................................................... 10-7
WTExplorer Bean ............................................................................................................ 10-11
PartAttributesPanel Bean ................................................................................................ 10-18
WTQuery Bean................................................................................................................ 10-21
WTChooser bean ............................................................................................................ 10-23
EnumeratedChoice Bean ................................................................................................ 10-24
Life Cycle Beans ............................................................................................................. 10-27
Spinner bean ................................................................................................................... 10-28
WTMultiList bean............................................................................................................. 10-28
AssociationsPanel bean .................................................................................................. 10-29
EffectivityPanel Bean ...................................................................................................... 10-33
FolderPanel Bean............................................................................................................ 10-35
AttributesForm Bean ....................................................................................................... 10-37
ViewChoice Bean ............................................................................................................ 10-43
PrincipalSelectionPanel Bean ......................................................................................... 10-46
PrincipalSelectionBrowser Bean ..................................................................................... 10-51
HTTPUploadDownload Panel Bean....................................................................................... 10-57
Overview ......................................................................................................................... 10-57
API................................................................................................................................... 10-58
Sample Ccode................................................................................................................. 10-59
Clipboard Support .................................................................................................................. 10-61
Copying a WTObject to the Windchill Clipboard ............................................................. 10-61
Retrieving a WTObject From the Windchill Clipboard ..................................................... 10-61
Accessing the System Clipboard..................................................................................... 10-62
Programming Outside the Sandbox Using security.jar .......................................................... 10-62
Threading............................................................................................................................... 10-64
Refreshing Client Data .................................................................................................... 10-66
Registering as a Listener for the Event ........................................................................... 10-66
Listening for the Event..................................................................................................... 10-67
Broadcasting the Event ................................................................................................... 10-67
Unregistering as a Listener to Events ............................................................................. 10-68
Online Help ............................................................................................................................ 10-68
Preferences............................................................................................................................ 10-71
The Preference Registry ................................................................................................. 10-72
Using Batch Containers ......................................................................................................... 10-73
Design Overview ............................................................................................................. 10-73
External Interface ............................................................................................................ 10-74

xii Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The URLFactory .............................................................................................................. 10-74
Writing a Mapping File ..................................................................................................... 10-76
URLFactory in the JSP Environment ............................................................................... 10-77
Setting the JSP Reference Point ..................................................................................... 10-78
Generating Links on the Page ......................................................................................... 10-80
Internationalizing JSP Pages in Windchill........................................................................ 10-81
The Rbinfo File Format...........................................................................................................10-85
Internationalization and Localization ............................................................. 11-1
Background ..............................................................................................................................11-2
The Windchill Approach............................................................................................................11-2
Localizing Text Visible to the User ...........................................................................................11-4
Resource Info (.rbInfo) Files .............................................................................................. 11-7
Building Runtime Resource Bundles for Resource Info Files ............................................ 11-9
Import Export Framework................................................................................ 12-1
Windchill User Authentication ..........................................................................A-1
User Authentication Framework ................................................................................................ A-2
wt.method.MethodAuthenticator ......................................................................................... A-2
wt.auth.AuthenticationHandler ............................................................................................ A-3
wt.auth.Authenticator .......................................................................................................... A-4
Reference Implementation (HTTP authentication) .................................................................... A-5
Null Authentication..................................................................................................................... A-7
Windchill Design Patterns .................................................................................B-1
The Object Reference Design Pattern....................................................................................... B-2
The Business Service Design Pattern ....................................................................................... B-2
The Master-iteration Design Pattern.......................................................................................... B-6
Advanced Query Capabilities............................................................................C-1
QuerySpec................................................................................................................................. C-1
Descendant Query Attribute ............................................................................................... C-1
Single Column Expression in SELECT Clause................................................................... C-1
Table Expression in FROM Clause .................................................................................... C-3
Expression in WHERE Clause............................................................................................ C-4
Bind Pparameters ............................................................................................................... C-7
Query Limit ......................................................................................................................... C-7
SearchCondition ........................................................................................................................ C-8
Compound Query ............................................................................................................... C-9
Access Control Consideration .......................................................................................... C-11
Sorting .............................................................................................................................. C-11
Join Support...................................................................................................................... C-13

Content xiii
Evolvable Classes ............................................................................................. D-1
Background Information.............................................................................................................D-2
General Externalization Guidelines............................................................................................D-3
Hand-coded Externalization Guidelines .....................................................................................D-3
Migration Guidelines for Classes with Hand-coded Externalization...........................................D-4
Examples of Generated Externalization Code for Evolvable Classes .......................................D-4
Example of Generated Constants ....................................................................................... D-4
Example of a writeExternal Method..................................................................................... D-4
Example of a readVersion Method ...................................................................................... D-5
Example of a readOldVersion Method ................................................................................ D-6
GUI Design Process .......................................................................................... E-1
Overview of the Design Process ................................................................................................E-2
Gather User Requirements ........................................................................................................E-4
Define User Profiles ............................................................................................................ E-4
Define User Requirements .................................................................................................. E-5
Analyze Tasks............................................................................................................................E-6
Define Use Cases ............................................................................................................... E-7
Model Task Structure and Sequence .................................................................................. E-8
Develop Task Scenarios ................................................................................................... E-10
Develop Storyboards......................................................................................................... E-12
Design the GUI ........................................................................................................................E-13
Model Task Objects........................................................................................................... E-13
Design the GUI.................................................................................................................. E-14
Prototype the GUI.............................................................................................................. E-15
Evaluate the GUI ............................................................................................................... E-17

xiv Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Change Record

This table describes any major content changes or reorganizations since the last
Table 1 Changes for Release 7.0

Change Description

Chapter 10, Developing Client Logic Removed the out of date Client Side
Access Control section. The available
APIs are documented via Javadoc for
the wt.access package

Chapter 12, Import Export Framework This is a new chapter since Release

Chapter 13, Xconfmanager Utility This is a new chapter since Release

6.2. It details the xconfmanager utility
and the Windchill command.

xvi Windchill Application Developer’s Guide
About This Guide

The Windchill Application Developer’s Guide describes how to create

applications using the Windchill product and how to customize existing Windchill
applications. You are assumed to be familiar with the third party components used
with Windchill: Java, Rational Rose, Oracle, and the IDE (integrated development
environment) of your choice. Examples or screen shots use Visual Cafe as an
example of a supported IDE, but Windchill supports any Java IDE customers
choose to use. This manual does not address how to use these products in general,
but how to use them as they relate to Windchill.

Related Documentation
The following documentation may be helpful:
• The Windchill Customizer’s Guide
• The Windchill Installation and Configuration Guide
• The Windchill Client Technology Guide
If books are not installed on your system, see your system administrator.

Technical Support
Contact PTC Technical Support via the PTC Web site, phone, fax, or email if you
encounter problems using Windchill.
For complete details, refer to Contacting Technical Support in the PTC Customer
Service Guide enclosed with your shipment. This guide can also be found under
the Support Bulletins section of the PTC Web site at:
The PTC Web site also provides a search facility that allows you to locate
Technical Support technical documentation of particular interest. To access this
page, use the following link:

You must have a Service Contract Number (SCN) before you can receive
technical support. If you do not have an SCN, contact PTC License Management
using the instructions found in your PTC Customer Service Guide under
Contacting License Management.

Documentation for PTC Products

PTC provides documentation in the following forms:
• Help topics
• PDF books
To view and print PDF books, you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed.
All Windchill documentation is included on the CD for the application. In
addition, books updated after the release (for example, to support a hardware
platform certification) are available from the Reference Documents section of the
PTC Web site at the following URL:

PTC welcomes your suggestions and comments on its documentation—send
comments to the following address:
[email protected]
Please include the name of the application and its release number with your
comments. For online books, provide the book title.

Documentation Conventions
Windchill documentation uses the following conventions:

Convention Item Example

Bold Names of elements in the user Click OK.

interface such as buttons, menu paths,
Select File > Save.
and dialog box titles.
License File dialog box
Required elements and keywords or
characters in syntax formats. create_<tablename>.sql

Italic Variable and user-defined elements in create_<tablename>.sql

syntax formats. Angle brackets (< and
>) enclose individual elements.
Monospace Examples JavaGen "wt.doc.*" F true

Messages Processing completed.

xviii Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Convention Item Example

"Quotation Strings The string "UsrSCM" . . .


The CAUTION symbol indicates When you add a value to an enumerated

potentially unsafe situations which type (for example, by adding a role in the
may result in minor injury, machine RolesRB.java resource file), removing that
damage or downtime, or corruption or value can result in a serious runtime error.
loss of software or data. Do not remove a role unless you are certain
there is no reference to it within the

About This Guide xix

xx Windchill Application Developer’s Guide
The Windchill Development

Topic Page
Directory Structure ..............................................................................................1-2
Artifact Management...........................................................................................1-6
Environment Variables........................................................................................1-7
Property Files ......................................................................................................1-8

Directory Structure
The image below shows the Windchill directory structure after you install all
available components. If Windchill was installed as recommended to follow this
structure, go to the home directory where Windchill is installed and navigate
through this structure as it is described here.

Windchill Directory Structure

Contains various batch scripts, such as ToolsSetup.bat.
Contains the Windchill common gateway interface wrappers.
Contains the runtime environment files.
Contains the database properties file and SQL scripts.
Contains PDF versions of the Windchill manuals.
Contains the wtbeans.jar file, which holds the Java bean components that
have been developed for use with Windchill clients. For more information,
see Chapter 10, Developing Client Logic.
Contains files used to load initial data.
Default location for trace logs when logging is turned on.
Contains the Windchill extensions to Rational Rose (customized menus,
property, and script files).
Contains Windchill extensions to Verity Search 97.
Contains development environment files.

1-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The codebase directory and src directory are described in more detail in the
following subsections.

The codebase Directory

In general, the codebase directory contains executable class files, property files,
and other files that contain information needed by the runtime environment for
Java and Web processing. The codebase directory can be expanded to show the
following directories.1

The codebase Directory

Most of these directories contain third party product class files.

1. To allow presentation in manual format, many subdirectories in the wt

directory are not included in this figure.

The Windchill Development Environment 1-3

The html directory contains templates that are used to generate HTML
The wt directory contains the executable code for the packages supplied by
Windchill (only a subset of which are shown in this illustration) and files required
for localization, such as resource bundles and HTML files.
Within these packages are executable class files compiled from corresponding
Java files of the same name in the src\wt directory. This set of Java source or .java
files is created by the Windchill code generation tool for every business object
modeled in Rose.
Files in the form <object> .ClassInfo.ser are also code-generated and contain
metadata needed by the runtime environment. They are all described in more
detail in chapter 9, System Generation.
Each package also contains resource bundles, that is, files that contain localizable
information and are in the form:
<packageName >Resource.class
<packageName >ModelRB.RB.ser
<EnumeratedTypeClassName >RB.RB.ser
The wtx directory contains EPM-related files and directories.

1-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The src Directory
In general, the src directory contains the source files needed for application
development. It holds the files necessary to create new models in Rose and
generate code. The src directory can be expanded to show the following

The src Directory

The customization directory contains programming examples of customizations,

which are described in more detail in either the Windchill Customizer’s Guide or
the readme file that is in the directory.
The wt directory contains the source files for the packages supplied by Windchill
(only a subset of which are shown in this illustration).
In the wt directory and its package subdirectories, you will see the following kinds
of files:
• Rose model components: model files with the suffix .mdl and package files
with the suffix .cat. (The .cat file is described later in this chapter.)
• Code generation files: files with the suffix mData, which are intermediate
files created by the code generation tool and used to create Java classes, Info
classes, and SQL files (for more information, see chapter 9, System
• Localizable ResourceInfo (.rbInfo) files, which contain customizable display
text for EnumeratedTypes and modeled elements.

The Windchill Development Environment 1-5

Artifact Management
In Rational Rose, you can optionally separate a model into controlled units as a
way of sharing code. Controlled units are source files with a .cat extension that
can be checked in and out of your source code control system.
Control units are created at the package level. In Rational Rose, right-click on a
package in the Browser window, select Units , select Control...; <package> ,
select the filename for the controlled unit. The menu item is only selectable for
packages that are not controlled.
This action produces a file with the extension .cat. You can then check in and
check out these .cat files to whatever source code management system you use.
The directory structure used in the source code management system must match
the package structure used in Rose.
You can change a control unit that is read-only to write by selecting the
WriteEnable<package> item. This is useful if you want to manipulate the model
in some way (for example, temporarily changing its appearance before printing
it). Be aware that this action does write enable the file at the file system level, so if
you don’t want it left writeable, select the Write Protect <package> item. These
are menu items are both available from the same Units menu item mentioned

1-6 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Environment Variables
When you install the Windchill Information Modeler, the settings required for
business modeling and code generation are set automatically. You should have to
do nothing more. But, if you have problems, the following sections give
information about required settings.

Class path
We recommend that you not make any modifications to your CLASSPATH after
installation. In particular, do not add the codebase directory. Doing so can cause
Netscape Navigator to incorrectly assume a security violation. (See the Windchill
Installation Guide for further information.)

Your PATH variable should contain % WT_HOME% \bin and JDK\bin. %
WT_HOME% contains batch scripts, such as ToolsSetup.bat, required to use the
Information Modeler. (See the Windchill Installation and Configuration Guide for
further information.)

SQL path
You must create (or add to) your SQLPATH variable and set it to the location
where the SQL scripts that create the necessary tables will be written. When you
are in a SQL*Plus session, SQL*Plus searches these directories for SQL scripts.
By default, this value is c:\ptc\windchill\db\sql.

Rational Rose virtual path map

Rose provides a virtual path map mechanism to support parallel development by
teams. The virtual path map enables Rose to create model files whose embedded
path names are relative to a user-defined symbol. Thus, Rose can work with
models moved or copied among workspaces and archives by redefining the actual
directory associated with the user-defined symbol.
The virtual path map contains a list of entries, each of which represents a mapping
between a virtual path symbol and an actual path name. To use this capability with
Windchill, include the following virtual path map entries:
• WT_EXTENSIONS, which specifies the directory that contains the Windchill
extensions to Rational Rose.
• WT_STD_PACKAGES, which specifies the directory where the packages for
Java and JGL reside.
• WT_WORK, which specifies the top level directory where .mData files and
.cat files are located. Every wt package modeled in Rose has a corresponding
.cat file in the c:\ptc\windchill\src\wt directory.

The Windchill Development Environment 1-7

• Module specific path maps will also be created automatically, based on
information stored in moduleRegistry.properties and moduleDir.properties.
For example, wnc/CommonCore is the path map for the CommonCore
module of the wnc assembly.

Note: See the Windchill Installation and Configuration Guide for further

Property Files
Windchill uses standard Java property files to determine runtime configuration
properties. The codebase directory contains:
• wt.properties
Contains properties used for general Java system configuration and Windchill
system configuration.
• service.properties
Contains properties used by the Windchill service delegate mechanism.
• debug.properties
Contains properties used by Windchill code to control debug info capturing.
(See Javadoc wt.util package for further information.)
• user.properties
Contains user overrides used by Rational Rose and the Windchill code
generation tools.
• moduleRegistry.properties
Contains list of registered modules.
• moduleDir.properties
Contains home directory for each registered module.

The db directory contains:

• db.properties
Contains properties used by Windchill’s database connection layer to access
the database.
The System Generation jars (SystemGeneration.jar, WindchillUtil.jar &
CommonCore.jar) contain:
• tools.properties
Contains properties used by Rational Rose and the Windchill code generation

1-8 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

• debug.properties
Contains properties used by Windchill code to control debug info capturing.
• service.properties
– Contains properties used by the Windchill service delegate mechanism,
for the System Generation tools.
• wt.properties
This is an abbreviated form of the file that is in codebase.
(Care must be taken when using a manually created classpath that includes
both codebase and System Generation jars, since properties files will be
loaded based on the order of the classpath components.)
The following sections discuss only a subset that you as a developer are most
likely to be interested in. A complete set of properties and descriptions for the
wt.properties, tools.properties, and db.properties files can be found in the
Windchill Administrator’s Guide and the properties.html file in the codebase
To change properties, you can edit the file directly or use the System Configurator
GUI from the Windchill application home page. The System Configurator allows
you to modify property files; start, stop, and restart the server manager and all
method servers; and launch other Windchill applications.

wt.properties file
To use Windchill, the following properties must be set in the wt.properties file
(this is usually done at installation). Note that you must use double back slashes to
specify path names in the wt.properties file. This is necessary because the string is
read by a Java program.
• wt.home, which specifies the top level of the class directory structure where
Windchill is installed. The default value is c:\\windchill.
• wt.server.codebase, which is used by client applications (not applets). It
specifies a URL from which client applications can download server
resources such as property files. Client applets use their own codebase URL
as specified in their APPLET tags. Server applications may use this property
when writing dynamically generated HTML to be returned to a client
browser. It is used to build URLs for static resources such as images or
HTML files that reside under the server’s codebase directory.
• java.rmi.server.hostname, which specifies a host name used to identify the
server host. It is used by the Java RMI runtime for clients to look up the IP
address of the server. It can be specified as a symbolic name, such as a fully-
qualified Internet domain name, or numerically in dot notation (for example, If not specified, the RMI runtime will use the name returned by
InetAddress.getLocalHost() method, which may return a name that is not

The Windchill Development Environment 1-9

known to remote clients. We recommend that this property be set to the fully-
qualified Internet domain name of the server host.
You may also want to set the following properties:
• wt.access.enforce
This property enforces access control. By default, it is true. However, if you
are debugging and want to bypass access control temporarily, you can set it to
• wt.logs.enabled
This property enables and disables logging in applications that support it, such
as the Windchill Server Manager and Method Server applications. By default,
it is false. To write debugging messages to a log file, you must set it to true.
• wt.method.verboseClient and wt.method.verboseServer
These properties cause trace messages to be printed from the client-side and
server-side, respectively, of the method server remote interfaces. By default,
it is false. Turning on these properties causes trace information to be written
to logs for debugging purposes.
Similar properties are available for the server manager:
wt.manager.verboseClient and wt.manager.verboseServer.
In looking through the properties, you will see many service names followed by
the word "verbose" (for example, wt.access.verboseExecution and
wt.access.verbosePolicy). In general, these properties allow you to turn on debug

service.properties file
The service.properties file contains properties used by the Windchill service
delegate mechanism. This mechanism is a general facility for adding delegate
classes to an existing service to implement new, customized behavior. In this
context, service can mean any sort of Java mechanism that provides functionality
to other classes.
For example, assume a copy service exists that can make copies of certain classes
of objects. The service knows how to make copies only for objects of certain
classes: the classes for which copy service delegates have been created. Each
delegate implements an interface, defined as part of the copy service, that contains
the methods needed by the service. Once the delegate is created and put in the
codebase, the copy service is notified of its existence by adding an entry to the
service.properties file.
Generally, each service is accessed using a factory. The factory either returns
instances of delegates to perform services on particular classes of objects, or it
performs the operations on the objects itself by instantiating the necessary
delegates internally.

1-10 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

If a Windchill service supports customization by adding delegates, the description
of how to do the customization is described elsewhere in the documentation.

tools.properties file
The tools.properties file contains properties that are used by the System
Generation tools. The following properties within wt.tools.properties are of
• wt.generation.bin.dir, which specifies where .ClassInfo.ser files (serialized
info objects) will be generated, following the package structure.
• wt.generation.source.dir, which specifies where .mData files are expected to
be found and where .java files will be generated, following the package

Note: Because the source.dir entry informs the code generator of the location of
mData files and, in Rose, the WT_WORK variable informs the model information
export tools of the location of mData files, they must point to the same location.

• wt.generation.sql.dir, which specifies where SQL scripts will be generated.

• wt.generation.sql.xxxTablesSize, which sets default sizes for tables.
• wt.classRegistry.search.path, which specifies the path to search for files
representing classes to be registered.
• wt.classRegistry.search.pattern, which specifies the file pattern to consider as
representing classes to be registered.

Note: Because tools.properties is contained within the SystemGeneration.jar,

user overrides to these properties are placed in codebase\user.properties.

user.properties file
The user.properties file contains user overrides that are used by the System
Generation tools.

Note: Configuration overrides for System Generation should be configured in

user.properties using the xconfmanager utility. See the Windchill
SystemAdministrator's Guide for information on the xconfmanager utility.

The Windchill Development Environment 1-11

db.properties file
The db.properties file contains properties that are used by Windchill’s persistence
layer to access the database. They can be set in the wt.properties file but are
usually kept in a separate file identified by the wt.pom.properties entry. Because a
password is contained in this file, you should maintain it in a secure location. The
values in the separate file override the values in the wt.properties file.
In the db.properties file, you must set the following properties:
• wt.pom.dbUser, which specifies the Oracle user name you or your Oracle
administrator defined for you. This user is the owner of Windchill tables and
stored procedures. There is no default; it must be set.
• wt.pom.dbPassword, which specifies the Oracle password you or your Oracle
administrator defined for you. There is no default; it must be set.
• wt.pom.serviceName, which is the service name you or your Oracle
administrator created using Oracle Net 8. There is no default; it must be set.

1-12 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Getting Started With Windchill

The remainder of this manual describes how to create applications using the
Windchill product and how to customize existing Windchill applications. You are
assumed to be familiar with the third party components used with Windchill: Java,
Rational Rose, Oracle, and the IDE (integrated development environment) of your
choice. Examples or screen shots use Visual Cafe as an example of a supported
IDE, but Windchill supports any Java IDE customers choose to use. This manual
does not address how to use these products in general, but how to use them as they
relate to Windchill.
This chapter gives you a brief overview of the Windchill development process and
shows how to create a simple application using Windchill. By following this
example, you will perform the major steps in developing an application and verify
that the development environment (as described in chapter 1, The Windchill
Development Environment) is set up correctly.

Topic Page
An Overview of the Windchill Development Process ........................................2-2
Verify The Development Environment...............................................................2-2

An Overview of the Windchill Development Process
The process of developing Windchill applications is iterative and model-driven.
You start with Rational Rose, an object-oriented analysis and design tool. Rose
gives you the capability to create a graphic representation — that is, a model — of
an application, its components, their interfaces, and their relationships. Windchill
provides foundation classes that can be loaded into Rose so you can include in the
applications any of the functionality already developed (for example, version
control and the ability to lock objects). In Rose, you can create your own classes
and extend those provided by Windchill.
When you finish the initial modeling phase, you use the Windchill code
generation tool to create Java code from the Rose model. This generated code is
already optimized to take advantage of Windchill’s architecture. You can then
implement in this code the server business logic and the client task logic. A Java
IDE, such as Jbuilder, NetBeans, Eclipse or Visual Café (the IDE we have used),
is useful for building the client-side presentation portions of applications that
include HTML and Java applets. Examples or screen shots use Visual Cafe as an
example of a supported IDE, but Windchill supports any Java IDE customers
chooses to use.
Following testing, you can return to the model, make modifications, and repeat
the process without losing work you have already done. This iterative, model-
driven process allows you to create or customize an application, get portions of it
running as quickly as possible, and continually improve it.

Verify The Development Environment

This section identifies the environment you need to run this example. It discusses
only a subset of the information in chapter 1, The Windchill development
environment. See that chapter for more detailed information on setting up the
development environment.
We assume that Windchill and all required third party products are installed. If
you did not install Windchill yourself, you will need to know where it is installed.
These steps assume installation in the c:\ptc\windchill directory. You will also
need to know your Oracle user name, password, and host name.
1. Verify the following environment variables:
Ensure that the PATH variable includes the Oracle path. An example
% [ ]SystemRoot% [ ]\system32;% [ ]SystemRoot% [ ];

The SQLPATH specifies the directory in which sql scripts are generated.
It must match the value specified in the tools.properties file entry named

2-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

wt.generation.sql.dir. By default, this value is (wt.home)\db\sql. For

2. Verify the contents of the following property files:

– wt.properties
Set the following entry in the windchill\codebase\wt\wt.properties file:
java.rmi.server.hostname =<hostname >
For example,

– db.properties
In the windchill\db\db.properties file, ensure your Oracle user name,
password, and service name are entered in this file.
wt.pom.dbUser =<username >
wt.pom.dbPassword =<password >
3. Start the Windchill servers. Open a new console window.
– Start the server manager and a method server by entering the following
java wt.manager.ServerLauncher

A window will be started for each but they will be minimized.

– Initialize the administrator tables by entering the following command in a
console window:
java wt.load.Demo

This command loads the database with administrative information.

Respond "yes" to all prompts. When prompted for a user name/password,
enter the same user name and password you use to access your computer.
4. Establish your Rose model directory.
In the c:\ptc\windchill\src directory, create the subdirectory helloWorld. This
directory will contain files for the helloWorld package.

Model the Object in Rose

1. Start Rational Rose and check the virtual path map. From the File menu,
select Edit Path Map and ensure the following values are set:
WT_WORK = c:\ptc\windchill\src
WT_EXTENSIONS = c:\ptc\windchill\RoseAddIn

Getting Started With Windchill 2-3

2. Establish the initial Rose model by performing the following steps:
a. From the File menu, select Open, browse to c:\ptc\windchill\src\wt, and
load the model WTDesigner.mdl.
b. When asked whether to load subunits, press the Yes button.
c. Save the model as c:\ptc\windchill\src\helloWorld\HelloWorld.mdl.
d. When asked whether to save subunits, press the No button.
3. Model the person class by performing the following steps:
a. In the Logical View/Main class diagram, drop in a Package icon and label
it helloWorld.
b. Use the dependency tool to draw dependencies from helloWorld to the wt
and java packages.
c. Go to the Main diagram of the helloWorld package.
d. Drop on a class icon and give the class the name Item (the parent for
Person). Attributes and operations for Item automatically appear. Change
the diagram to suppress attributes and operations of Item. Ensure that the
Show Visibility option is on for Item (so you can see in the diagram that it
comes from the fc package).
e. Drop on another class icon and give it the name Person.
f. Make Person a subclass of Item. (Use the generalization icon/tool to draw
a line from Person to Item.)
g. Insert the attributes name, age, title, and id. Name, title, and id should be
strings (String) and age should be an integer (int). Use lowercase or a mix
of upper- and lowercase letters for these attributes; do not use all
uppercase letters.1 Right click to start the specification dialog. Make all
the attributes public and change the Windchill property of each to
constrain=false. Click the Apply button for each change and, when you
are done, click the OK button.
h. Select the menu option Browse > Units. Select the HelloWorld package
and press the Control button. Save the unit to c:\ptc\windchill\src\
helloWorld\helloWorld.cat. With the helloWorld package selected, press
the Save button.

1. For every attribute modeled, a corresponding constant is generated using all

uppercase letters. For example, if you model an attribute of employeeName, a
constant of EMPLOYEE_NAME is generated. Modeling an attribute of
EMPLOYEE_NAME would cause the generated constant to conflict with the
attribute name. Therefore, unless the attribute being modeled is itself a
constant, do not name modeled attributes using all uppercase letters.

2-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

i. Save the Rose model file. When asked whether to save subunits, click the
No button.


From this point on, saving the model is a two-step process:

1. Select the menu option Browse > Units to initiate the Units dialog. In the
Units dialog box, select the package you defined earlier and select Save.
When asked whether to save subunits, click the Yes button. Close the Units
dialog box.
2. Select the menu option File > Save. When asked whether to save subunits,
click the No button.

Generate Java Classes From Rose

1. Go to the parent package of the Person class (by selecting the Logical
View/Main diagram from the class browser, then selecting the helloWorld
2. From the Tools menu, select Windchill > System Generation.
3. From the popup window, select Java Source Code, WT Introspector Support,
and Database Support, then click the OK button. The code generator creates
several files:
– An mData file (helloWorld.mData) and a Java file (Person.java), which
are put in the directory c:\ptc\windchill\src\helloWorld that you created
earlier in this example. (The generated mData file and java file go to the
named package in the source directory based on the value specified in the
tools.properties file entry named wt.generation.source.dir which, in this
case, is c:\ptc\windchill\src.)
– A ClassInfo file (Person.ClassInfo.ser), which is put in the directory c:\
ptc\windchill\codebase\helloWorld (this directory is created by the code
generator). (The location of this file is based on the value specified in the
wt.generation.bin.dir entry which, in this case, is c:\ptc\windchill\
– SQL scripts that create the tables which store the Person class, and a
directory named helloWorld in c:\ptc\windchill\db\sql which contains all
the scripts.
You can verify this step by finding these files in the directories.

Create DatabaseTables
In Oracle SQL*Plus, create the tables by running the following command:

Getting Started With Windchill 2-5

This script creates a Person table and a PersonPk package. You may see a
message the first time you run this script because the Person table does not yet
exist; you can ignore this message.

Note: Establish the project using the IDE of your choice.

Initialize the Object

This step overrides a default initialize() method in order to set the person’s id
1. Edit the Person.java file to add the following code for the initialize() method
at the end of the file in the user.operations block:
protected void initialize() throws WTException
Date today = new Date();

System.out.println("Person - initialize executing!");
String s = String.valueOf(today.toLocaleString());

2. Add the following import statement in the user imports block:

import java.util.Date;

3. From the File menu, select Save All and, from the Project menu, select
Rebuild All.

Design the GUI Layout

1. From the Project menu, select the Object tab and double click on
CreatePerson class.
2. Using the FormDesigner, add labels for Name:, Title:, Age:, and Id:. Use the
Text property of the Label to set the label value.
3. Add TextFields for the three fields you just added, plus a TextField for the
message area. The TextFields for Id and MessageArea should be set to
enabled=false and edittable=false. Name the fields nameField, titleField,
ageField, idField, and messageField. messageField should span the width of
the applet.
4. Add a button between the idField and the messageField. The button name
should be saveButton, and its label text should be Save.
5. Save all your work.

2-6 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Code the GUI
To make the applet function, you must associate an action event with the
saveButton. The method that executes will construct a new Person object, set its
values based on the input fields, and invoke the PersistenceHelper to save it in the
database. After the object is saved, the method will update the id field on the GUI
and put a status message in the messageField.
1. Edit the source of CreatePerson.java.
2. From the form designer, click the right mouse button on the Save button and
select Bind Event. Select the actionPerformed event and press the Edit button.
3. Change the contents of the method to the following:
void saveButton_ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event)
Person p;
int age;
age = Integer.parseInt(ageField.getText());
catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
messageField.setText("Must supply number for age");
p = Person.newPerson();
p = (Person) PersistenceHelper.manager.save(p);
catch (Exception wte)
messageField.setText("Exception: " + wte.toString() );
idField.setText( p.getId());

4. Add the following import statements:

import wt.util.WTException;
import wt.util.WTContext;
import wt.fc.PersistenceHelper;
import java.lang.Integer;
import java.lang.NumberFormatException;

5. Insert the following statement as the first line of the init() method in the
CreatePerson.java file:

Getting Started With Windchill 2-7


Also delete the automatically generated line:


6. Compile the whole applet by selecting Execute from the Project menu. You
can now execute the project in Visual Café using the Applet Viewer or run it
outside of Visual Café in a browser.
7. If you encounter an error that states the CreatePerson.class file cannot be
found, close Visual Café. Copy the contents of c:\ptc\windchill\codebase\
helloWorld to c:\ptc\windchill\src\helloWorld (these are the class files). Start
Visual Café and execute the applet. (Be sure the method server is running.)

Run the Applet in Netscape or Internet Explorer

1. Create an HTML file with the following tags and save it as c:\ptc\windchill\
codebase\helloWorld\CreatePerson.html. Replace <hostname> with the name
of your Windchill system.
<APPLET code="helloWorld/CreatePerson.class"
WIDTH=590 HEIGHT=600 codebase=http://<hostname>/Windchill>

2. Open the CreatePerson.html file in Netscape or Internet Explorer.

3. At this point, confirm your Windchill method server is still running. Refer to
the instructions given earlier under Verifying your development environment
if it is not.
4. Enter the name, title, and age (where age must be a number) and press the
Save button.
5. The method server should be started up automatically, if it is not already
started. You should see in the output your message about the Person
initialize() method.
6. In your applet, you should see the generated ID (that is, the system time) and
the message "HelloWorld" in the messageField.

2-8 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Modeling Business Objects

Topic Page
Rational Rose and Windchill...............................................................................3-2
Windchill Modeling Heuristics ...........................................................................3-4
Windchill Foundation Abstractions.....................................................................3-8

Rational Rose and Windchill
The Windchill development environment uses the Rational Rose design and
analysis tool to model business objects. Rose allows you to create a graphical
representation of an application, its components, their interfaces, and their
relationships. Windchill then uses this model to generate code that is used in
server and client development.
You are assumed to be familiar with Rose or learning to use it. This section does
not describe how to use Rose, but how Windchill interacts with it.
Rose offers several kinds of diagrams (as shown in the following figure) intended
to help you analyze your model.

Rose Analysis Diagrams

On the left side are some of the various analysis diagrams available in Rose. From
top to bottom, they are: a use case diagram, a sequence diagram, and a state
transition diagram. The right side shows two class diagrams.
The class diagram is the only type of diagram used by Windchill for code
generation. Although we recommend that you use analysis diagrams, that choice
is up to you. Windchill requires only the class diagrams plus some system
specifications that you set within Rose to generate code.

3-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The following figure shows a class diagram for sample business information
objects (Customer, Product, and IncidentReport) and the relationships between
them. The annotation in bold points out UML (Unified Modeling Language)
concepts and notation.

Sample Class Diagram

Address is a structured attribute class associated with the Customer class. The
composite aggregation notation indicates that Address is considered a part of the
Customer class. The Address object depends on the existence of the Customer
object. For example, if the Customer class is deleted, the Address class is also
An association class allows you to add attributes, operations, and other features to
associations. Because customers register for products, an attributed association is
modeled between Customer and Product. IncidentReportCustomer and
IncidentReportProduct are also link classes, but they have no attributes. You need
not give them a class box.
If any of these concepts or notations are unfamiliar, you should learn more about
UML and Rose before proceeding. Many of the Windchill concepts are explained
using class diagrams.

Modeling Business Objects 3-3

Windchill Modeling Heuristics
This section is intended to give you some background on the design of the
Windchill class architecture and the approach we have used in modeling. The
Windchill class architecture was designed with the following objectives in mind:
• To promote the development of business objects that reflect the
characteristics of a three-tier architecture; that is, presentation for the client
layer, business logic for the server layer, and persistence for the database
• To ensure a model from which optimized code can be generated. The code
that is generated should provide for managing the state of objects,
transporting objects between the client and the server, and manipulating
objects in the database.
• To provide an environment that enables value-added development. You must
be able to extend the model and put new capabilities in existing objects.
One approach to achieving these objectives is to inherit functionality.

Functionality through Inheritance

As you add subclasses to a parent class, in this case extending class WTObject
with Item and then DomainItem, the attributes and methods of each preceding
class are inherited by the subclasses. This approach works in many circumstances.
But sometimes you need only a small percentage of the functionality that is being
inherited. In that case, either you have much more than you actually need in your
object, or you copy just the code you want and add it to your own object, creating
redundancy and potential maintenance problems.

3-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Another approach, which we have implemented in Windchill, is to partition
functionality, as in the figure below, into objects that are responsible primarily for
maintaining business information (also called knowers) versus objects responsible
primarily for performing business operations (also called doers).

Functionality through Partitioning

Using this approach, business models have two major kinds of classes: business
information classes and business manager classes.
Business information classes represent the business information and associations
you want to manage and maintain in a database. These classes extend the
foundation classes provided in Windchill. They may implement one or more
business manager interfaces. These classes go back and forth between the client
and the server with data.
Business manager classes represent the business rules that are applied to the
business information objects. These classes extend the Windchill
StandardManager class. Business managers implement an interface class that
provides a client-side API to the business manager methods. The code for
business manager classes is located in the server.
Business managers are intended to implement small portions of functionality. The
knower/doer separation approach allows you to choose which business managers,
the doers, to implement for your business information, the knowers.
Windchill provides you with a number of managers (described in more detail in
the chapter on server development) from which you can choose as much

Modeling Business Objects 3-5

functionality as you want, or design your own managers to meet your specific
business needs.
The following is an example of one of the managers Windchill provides, the
LockService. (In naming classes, managers are sometimes also called services.)

LockService Example

In this example, the knower is MyItem, which extends Item (a foundation class
provided by Windchill). Thus, MyItem inherits all the attributes and behavior of
Item. In addition, MyItem implements the Lockable interface.
The notation <<Interface>> is a stereotype. It is a cue to the code generator to add
an Interface modifier to your generated class. This indicates that you must provide
the code for this method in an implementation class. (In Java, an interface is a
collection of operations and final fields without implementation methods which
form an abstract type. A Java class conforms to an abstract type when it
implements an interface. When a Java class implements a Java interface, the class
or one of its subclasses must provide an implementation method for each
operation in the interface.)
Besides the attributes and methods it inherited from Item, MyItem also has the
functionality defined in the Lockable interface.
The left side of the figure shows how to model the interface for a server-side
service on a client. The doer is StandardLockService and it runs on the server. It
inherits from the Windchill StandardManager, which provides standard, basic
operations for a typical manager, such as starting and shutting down. (When you
write your own managers, they also can inherit from StandardManager.)
StandardLockService is the actual implementation of the lock service
functionality and it implements the LockService remote interface.

3-6 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

<<RemoteInterface>> is another stereotype. It is a cue to the code generator to
create a forwarding class (described later in the chapter on code generation). The
remote interface must be available on the client.
The LockService interface describes the lock services that are available on the
client, lock and unlock. These services are invoked remotely from the client to the
server. StandardLockService on the server actually contains all the code to
support the lock and unlock methods.
StandardLockService expects a lockable object. It can accept MyItem because
MyItem implemented the Lockable interface. Likewise, it can accept any other
business information class that implements the Lockable interface. To get access
to the lock service functionality, a class must implement the Lockable interface.

Modeling Business Objects 3-7

Windchill Foundation Abstractions
At an infrastructure layer of Windchill’s architecture are foundational abstractions
to be used by services and applications. These abstractions, shown in the
following figure, represent the fundamental types that are commonly used by
others as a part of a Windchill system.

Foundation Hierarchy

Windchill Foundation Interfaces

At the root of the hierarchy is the NetFactor interface. If an abstraction asserts
itself as being an object of type NetFactor, it is classified as belonging to a
Windchill system. One side effect of being a NetFactor type is that modeled
constructors are generated as factories (for example, newMyItem), along with
supporting initialization methods if none matching the same signature are found in
the classes ancestry.

3-8 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Classes that are asserted as being ObjectMappable can be written into and read
from the database. All remaining abstractions in the foundation hierarchy are a
kind of ObjectMappable abstraction. All subtypes of ObjectMappable are
Serializable, which gives an object the ability to use RMI for travel between the
client and server. Also, every abstract or concrete descendent must implement the
externalizable methods writeExternal and readExternal specified in
ObjectMappable. These methods provide custom serialization code to decompose
and recompose objects to and from a stream.
When ObjectMappable is implemented, the code generator generates a
readExternal and a writeExternal method. The writeExternal method takes the
attributes of an object and writes them into the database. The readExternal method
takes a result set from the database and turns it into attributes in an object. For an
attribute to have a column in the database, it must implement ObjectMappable.
The PersistInfo interface contains information for each object that is stored in the
database. PersistInfo does not implement Persistable; it is a structured attribute. It
does, however, implement ObjectMappable. This means createStamp,
modifyStamp, updateStamp, and updateCount will all be included in readExternal
and writeExternal operations.
Links, object references, and query keys are generalized as interfaces as shown in
the following figure.

Binary Links

The QueryKey interface specifies a qualification for a persistable object in the

database. It can be used as a primary key, secondary key, or a foreign key. The
WTReference interface specifies an indirect addressing mechanism in which it
persists one key that, when used in a query, results in finding an object. If none or
more than one object is found, this results in an exception. The object itself is
transient and thus not persisted.

Modeling Business Objects 3-9

The Link interface specifies the concept of a container of roles and, in particular,
the BinaryLink interface, a kind of Link, is an abstraction of an attributed member
of an association between two persistable objects. The actual containment of the
objects is done by aggregation of references for each role.
The Persistable interface gives an object a primary key (that is, the object
identifier) as shown in the following figure, and a table in the database.

Persistable Objects

First class objects implement the Persistable interface. As a result, a database table
is generated for each class in which their objects will be stored. The structured
attributes are stored in the database table of their associated first class object. All
persistable objects, plus any structured attributes that must be written into or read
from the database, must implement the ObjectMappable interface.

Windchill Foundation Classes

Windchill provides three base classes with some basic functionality for business
information objects: WTObject, Item, and ObjectToObjectLink. Many business
information objects provided by Windchill, and probably many that you create
yourself, extend these foundation classes and, therefore, inherit attributes and
methods from these classes. (We recommend that if you extend Windchill-
supplied classes, you use those described in chapter 5, The Enterprise Layer,
which were designed to be used for customization.)
Represents the base class for all Windchill business information classes. Item
and ObjectToObjectLink are subclasses of WTObject.
Represents a discrete business item.

3-10 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Represents a concrete binary association between two Persistable objects; that
is, you can define a link between two items, between an item and a link, and
between two links. Each link has a roleA side and a roleB side therefore, if
you have a link, you can use it to navigate to all other objects associated with
it. The ObjectToObjectLink class can be extended and therefore can have
additional attributes and methods. As shown in the following figure, the
ObjectToObjectLink aggregates ObjectReference for both role A and B. The
ObjectReference in turn aggregates the primary key ObjectIdentifier as an
overridden key to reference its object for both roles. The ObjectIdentifier
extends QueryKey and adds the id as an additional attribute.

Object to Object Link

WTObject contains a few general-purpose methods that are inherited by every

business object and provide a low level of functionality. For example, the
checkAttributes method is called when the object is saved to perform elementary
validity checking. If you have not supplied information for required attributes, an
exception is thrown and the object is not made persistent.

Modeling Business Objects 3-11

3-12 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide
The Command Layer

Topic Page
Command Beans................................................................................................. 4-3
Command Delegates............................................................................................4-9
Attribute Handlers .............................................................................................4-16
Customizing Command Delegates ....................................................................4-24

This chapter describes the classes and interfaces available in the following
packages, and guidelines on how to develop commands:



Note: The above packages do not contain all of the commands available in the
system. What they represent is a substantial core set of command beans, command
delegates and attribute handlers.

The command layer provides a layer of abstraction and indirection. It

encapsulates and hides from the consumer whether a command is executed
locally, remotely or a combination of both. However, the remote executability of
commands is only temporary based on a federated and type-based architecture,
and thus clients should employ webjects or Info*Engine tasks for server-side
commands to be executed in the server.
The command layer is designed such that it can be regarded as a Windchill design
pattern that can be reused by many development teams. This Windchill command
design pattern allows for commands and supporting classes to be easily reused to
support a variety of consumers (e.g., JSP, Java applet/application, Webject), and
to facilitate rapid development of new commands and execution logic.
The Windchill command design pattern supports the notion of a composite or
macro command where it is a sequence of commands to be executed. The macro
command can be executed, which then will execute each contained command in
the given order from first to last. A macro command supports the ability for
transactional blocks to be specified within the sequence of commands. This infers
that not only would the whole sequence be able to be processed in a transaction,
but also segments of commands within the sequence as well. Additionally, each
command within the sequence can be adapted for instance to feed its output to the
next command’s input. The command adapters are only applicable within macro
commands and can be extended to adapt a command’s execution in other ways.
Commands in the command layer exchange type instances as input and output.
They do not support heavyweight Windchill persistable types of objects.
Windchill persistable objects are neither sent nor received by consumers when
executing commands. Internally the commands’ transform type instances as input
to Windchill persistable objects. On output Windchill persistable objects are
transformed back into type instances.
Commands support the ability to send intermittent and completion feedback to the
client. As a part of this commands also support the logging of feedback as well as
debug information to the server’s file system.

4-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Command Beans

Design Overview
The simplest way to begin an overview of the design is to describe an example.
does this by illustrating a “Create Part” scenario. At the start of this scenario the
consumer makes a new CreatePersistentEntityCommand bean, sets various input
fields, most notably the source TypeInstance, filter1 and feedback specification,
and executes the command.
By design since the CreatePersistentEntityCommand is a kind of command that is
only executable in the server the corresponding command delegate is required to
run in the method server’s JVM. Thus, a special type of command delegate that
forwards to the server is made anew, the target delegate by name is set2, and the
forwarder is executed causing a remote method invocation to the method server
passing itself. Once in the method server the forwarder makes a new command
delegate given the name being the CreatePersistentEntityCommandDelegate and
executes it passing along the command bean.
The CreatePersistentEntityCommandDelegate performs any pre-processing logic
that is required. It then performs the execution logic which translates the given
source TypeInstance into a Persistable, stores the Persistable using the persistence
layer, and translates the returned Persistable from the persistence layer back into
the result TypeInstance. Now the CreatePersistentEntityCommandDelegate
performs any post-processing logic that is required3.
Once the CreatePersistentEntityCommandDelegate has finished with the post-
processing it returns as a result a TypeIsntance to the consumer. The consumer at
this point is then free to do whatever with the result.

1. The filter that is an AttributeContainerSpec contains in part an array of

AttributeTypeIdentifiers indicating what attributes to return, and two boolean flags indicating
whether or not to include constraints and descriptors in the result.
2. The name of the target delegate is used instead of the target delegate itself to ensure that no
unnecessary class loading occurs within the consumer’s JVM, assuming it is a client. Also,
what is not shown in is the lookup mechanism that enables the target delegate’s name to be
found. This mechanism is the TypeBasedWTServiceProvider.
3. This algorithm of pre-processing, execution, post-processing is an enforced logic pattern that
all command delegates will do. The pre-and-post-processing segments represent macro-
customization points where any specialized logic can be plugged in.

The Command Layer 4-3

With the simple “Create Part” scenario described command bean design details
can now be discussed. The Create Part Sequence Diagram shows the key part of
the overall command bean classification hierarchy.
Within this classification hierarchy there are two main types of command beans,
local and server commands. Local commands are executable in any JVM being in
either the client or server. These types of commands are useful when only local
work needs to be accomplished with a uniform and consistent set of APIs. Server
commands are only executed within the server’s JVM. They currently are
remotely executable within a client’s JVM. Again the remote executability of
commands is only temporary based on a federated and type-based architecture,
and thus clients should employ webjects or Info*Engine tasks for server-side
commands to be executed in the server.
The two main types of server commands are entity and repository commands.
Entity commands provide operations against business objects (i.e., a business
object is notionally an entity) like CRUD, check out, check in, revise, etc.
Repository commands provide operations against the container of persistent
business objects like performing a variety of queries on a database. A repository
represents anything that acts as a container of business objects. This container
could, instead of a typical database, alternatively be a file system or some other
mechanism that can keep business objects.

4-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

External Interface
The Command interface provides the main abstraction of a command bean. It
specifies the following key APIs that all local and server types of commands must
1. locale field: the locale to be used should any locale specific strings
need to be created. Accessors are generated for this private field.
2. execute() method: carries out the execution of the command. This
method employs the CommandDelegateFactory to get the appropriate
CommandDelegate, and then executes it passing the instance of the
Command. If for any reason there was erroneous, unrecoverable behav-
ior then a type of CommandException is thrown.

The LocalCommand interface partitions the command bean classification

hierarchy for local types of commands. The abstract class of the LocalCommand
implements the execute() method to enforce that the command is executed within
the present JVM. The LocalCommand does not specify any more APIs.
The ServerCommand interface partitions the command bean classification
hierarchy for server types of commands. The abstract class of the
ServerCommand implements the execute() method to enforce that the command is
executed within only the server’s JVM. The ServerCommand specifies the
following key APIs that all server types of commands must implement:
1. filter field: the specification of what attributes, constraints and descriptors are
to be returned in the command’s result TypeInstance. Accessors are generated
for this private field.
2. getResultList() method: derives a TypeInstance list [an array] from the
underlying command bean's result type. This method is required to be
overridden by subclasses that specify a particular kind of result within a
command bean sub-classification where the result is different than what is
currently supported. For example, entity commands are required to return a
single TypeInstance, but in the case of the CheckoutFromVaultCommand it
returns both the working and reserved entities. Thus, the getResultList()
method is overridden to return an array of both of those business objects.
The AbstractServerTransaction class represents the notion of a special type of
server only command being a transaction. A transaction is not a normal command
in the sense that it is not executable. Instead its sole purpose for existing is to
enable the marking of transaction blocks within a sequence of commands in a
MacroServerCommand. Any consumer of this type of command that attempts to
execute it will get a CommandException that wraps an
The BeginServerTransaction class marks the beginning of where a transaction
block is to start in the sequence of commands within a MacroServerCommand.
This beginning of a transaction block can be placed anywhere within the sequence
provided that an EndServerTransaction follows it.

The Command Layer 4-5

The EndServerTransaction class marks the end of where a transaction block is to
end and thus the transaction committed at that time in the sequence of commands
within a MacroServerCommand. This end of a transaction block can be placed
anywhere within the sequence provided that a BeginServerTransaction precedes
it. And there must be at least one command within the transaction block.
The MacroServerCommand provides an implementation of a Composite design
pattern, and an aspect of the Command design pattern where there's the notion of a
"macro command" that contains a sequence of commands, all of which are
executable in order. It is a type of Command itself and aggregates a list of
commands that can be constructed by the consumer. This list is the sequence of
commands. Transaction blocks can be included into the sequence of commands
by means of the BeginServerTransaction and EndServerTransaction classes.
Instances of them can be inserted into the list of commands to form transaction
blocks. These special transaction types of commands then act as tags that mark the
beginning and ending of a transaction block.
The MacroServerTransaction is a type of MacroServerCommand that for
convenience provides a transaction block around the whole sequence of

Entity Commands
The AbstractEntityCommand class provides an abstract representation of a
command that can act upon an entity in the system. An entity is a business object
that is either transient or persistent. This abstract class specializes the notion of a
general command for an entity with the following key APIs.
1. source field: the input TypeInstance to be acted upon. Accessors are generated
for this private field.
2. result field: the output TypeInstance to be returned. The filter specifies what
attributes, constraints and descriptors to include in the TypeInstance for
return. Accessors are generated for this private field.
The AbstractPersistentEntityCommand class provides an abstract representation
of a command that can act upon a persistent entity in the system. This abstract
class specializes the notion of a general entity command by partitioning the
classification hierarchy such that below it is only commands designed to be used
for persistent entities (e.g., CRUD).
The AbstractIterationEntityCommand class further partitions the classification
hierarchy to define a set of commands that act upon persistent, iterated types of
entities in the system. This is where the notion of being able to do version control
and work-in-progress operations becomes realized. The
AbstractIterationEntityCommand specifies the following key APIs:
• targetId field: the iteration or version identifier that is the to be the next
identifier of the iterated/versioned entity upon completion of the command’s
execution. For example, the CheckinToVaultCommand can have this field
specified to be a different iteration identifier when the check in has completed
where say the checked out iteration identifier is 3, the checked in iteration

4-6 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

identifier by default would be 4, but could be set to that or a number greater
than 4. The same applies for a version identifier with applicable commands.
Accessors are generated for this private field.
The AbstractVaultCommand class defines the notion of work-in-progress for the
operations check out, check in and undo check out on persistent, iterated types of
entities. This abstract class specializes the AbstractIterationEntityCommand with
the following key APIs:
• comment field: the note that is specified by a user when performing either a
check out and/or check in. This note is not applicable for an undo check out.
Accessors are generated for this private field.

Repository Commands
The AbstractRepositoryCommand class provides an abstract representation of a
command that can act upon a repository in the system. A repository is the notion
of a container of objects that can be a database, flat file, file system, etc. This
abstract class specializes the notion of a general command for a repository. From
this abstract class it's expected that all repositories can be acted upon in both
common and specialized commands. For instance, a query could be thought of as
a general inquiry into a repository to "find" objects. The objects themselves could
live in a database or file system. It would be up to the specific command delegate
to realize the implementation. Additionally, as part of doing a general inquiry
there could exist the notion of server-side paging where only a single page, size
specified by the user, is returned to the client. Then the client could iterate through
pages as applicable, and ultimately close the paging session when done. This
abstract class provides the following key APIs:
• repositorySelector field: the repository to use to perform a repository
command against. Accessors are generated for this private field.
• resultContainer field: the container of type instances that are a result of a
command being executed against a repository. Accessors are generated for
this private field.
• resultSession field: the paging session, if one has been established. A paging
session represents the concept of iterating over a collection of items in a
repository. A paging session allows for fetching results from the
resultSession over multiple command executions. Accessors are generated for
this private field.
The AbstractIterationHistoryCommand class specializes the
AbstractRepositoryCommand to enable definition of specific commands that
collect historical iterated/versioned information, like an iteration or version
history. This abstract class provides the following key APIs:
• source field: the TypeInstance representing the point at which to start at in the
iterated/versioned history. Accessors are generated for this private field.
• The AbstractIterationHistoryDeletionCommand class specializes the
AbstractIterationHistoryCommand to define commands that perform

The Command Layer 4-7

iteration/version history deletions (e.g., rollup or rollback of iterations). This
abstract class provides the following key APIs.
• target field: the TypeInstance representing the point at which to end at in the
iterated/versioned history. Accessors are generated for this private field.

Modeling Guidelines
PTC development practices use Rational Rose to model and develop command
beans. Although this is the practice at PTC it is not required.
All types of command beans are modeled in Common subsystems such that their
deployment is accessible to both Client and Server subsystems. This is true for
server commands since they are currently remotely executable. PTC developed
command bean classes not have any compile or run-time dependencies on
Persistable classes.
Command Infrastructure Specification – Common Subsystem shows The
Command Infrastructure Specification - Common subsystem where many of the
command beans exist shown in the Command Bean Overview Class Diagram.
Other command beans more specific to Windchill services and enterprise objects
exist in similarly placed Common subsystems within the Windchill Foundation
Common and Enterprise Common subsystems.

Naming Guidelines
All command beans should be named in a manner to explicitly depict the
operation and on what they are designed for. That is to say the naming formula
verb + noun + “Command” should be applied. For example, if CRUD commands
didn’t already exist and were to be developed, they would apply only to persistent
entities and would be named as follows:
• CreatePersistentEntityCommand
• RetrievePersistentEntityCommand
• UpdatePersistentEntityCommand
• DeletePersistentEntityCommand
And this is exactly how these pre-existing CRUD commands are named.
Declaring command bean names in this manner makes it possible for consumers
to readily know what the command does and on what. Since there is no other API
on command beans that clarify their meaning, the name is required to do so.

Serialization Guidelines
All server types of command beans are modeled and generated as Serializable
types of classes. This is true since server commands are remotely executable.
Once server commands are no longer remotely executable they would no longer
be required to be Serializable. But since they are currently remotely executable

4-8 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

they must be streamed from the client to the server and returned back to the client
via Java RMI.

Implementation Guidelines
All local types of commands should extend from the AbstractLocalCommand
class. All server types of commands should extend from the
AbstractServerCommand class. This will enable inheritance of common
functionality that will ensure correct behavior. Implementing LocalCommand or
ServerCommand without extending the respective abstract class is not
recommended and is not part of PTC development practices.

Javadoc Guidelines
Command beans represent the set of APIs that are to be depended on and used by
consumers. What this means is that the command beans as a whole are the formal,
type-aware APIs of the system. Because of this all of the public and protected
command beans’ APIs should be clearly and thoroughly documented.

Command Delegates

Design Overview
Command delegates are the realization or implementation of command beans.
Command beans are the formal API and command delegates are the
implementation details. Command delegates are a customization point where one-
to-many command delegates can implement [most likely] one [and not very likely
many] command bean(s).
For example, the CreatePersistentEntityCommand bean has an OOTB default
command delegate being the CreatePersistentEntityCommandDelegate. In most
cases this command delegate will function as required. However, in the case of
some change objects they are required to be created in the repository related to
another applicable change object. Thus, based on the
CreatePersistentEntityCommand bean and type of change object a unique
command delegate can be looked up and executed as the correct implementation.
Command Delegate Overview Class Diagram shows the key part of the overall
command delegate classification hierarchy.

The Command Layer 4-9

External Interface
The CommandDelegate interface provides the main abstraction of a command
delegate. All delegates that realize commands as their implementation will either
directly or indirectly assert that they implement this interface. The
CommandDelegate interface mandates that the following three methods be
implemented and executed in that order:
• preprocess()
• execute()
• postprocess()
First, the preprocess() method enables preconditions and validation to be
performed before the actual command's execution. This method is enforced to be
invoked via the execute() method's implementation. Second, the execute() method
is the implementation establisher that enforces pre and post execution processing
based it being implemented to do so. Third, the postprocess() method enables
postconditions and postprocessing to be performed after the actual command's
execution. This method is enforced to be invoked via the execute() method's
The AbstractCommandDelegate class provides the initial implementation for all
command delegates. It sets forth strict adherence to the command execution
algorithm for first preprocessing, second execution and third postprocessing as
shown in the following code snippets.

public final Command execute( Command cmd )

throws CommandException {
cmd = preprocess( cmd );
cmd = doExecution( cmd ); // Template method.
cmd = postprocess( cmd );
return cmd;
public final Command preprocess( Command cmd )
throws CommandException {
initialize( cmd );
cmd = doPreprocessing( cmd ); // Template method.
return cmd;
public final Command postprocess( Command cmd )
throws CommandException {
cmd = doPostprocessing( cmd ); // Template method.
finalize( cmd );
return cmd;

4-10 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

It achieves this by making final the preprocess(), execute() and postprocess()
methods that invoke the doPreprocessing(), doExecution() and doPostprocessing()
template methods. The doExecution() template method is the execution
implementation of the command. The other two template methods are
customization points for special pre-or-post-processing needs.

Note: Note: the initialize() and finalize() methods are overridable. But caution
must be used when doing so. Since these methods implement detailed
infrastructural logic for all commands it’s not recommended to override them.

The CommandDelegateForwarder is the mechanism that enables a command to be

executed on the server from the client. Based on what type of CommandDelegate
is returned from the CommandDelegateFactory, if
AbstractLocalCommandDelegate is not a superclass of the found delegate, then it
is wrapped with this class to enforce server-side execution. Thus, this class acts as
a forwarder that wraps the target CommandDelegate.
The AbstractLocalCommandDelegate class is subclassed from only for command
delegates that can be employed in either a client or server local JVM. This class
should not be extended from command delegates that should only be executed on
the server.
The AbstractRemoteCommandDelegate class is subclassed from only command
delegates that can be employed in the server JVM. This class should not be
extended by command delegates that can be executed on the either the client or
server. This abstract class provides some useful inheritable methods as follows:
• populatePersistable() method: given a TypeInstance, this method refreshes the
corresponding Persistable, compares update counts to make sure the
TypeInstance is not stale, then translates the TypeInstance onto this retrieved
Persistable in order to have a fully populated Persistable which contains any
changes made in the TypeInstance. This is meant as a convenience method.
In the cases where these three steps cannot be done consecutively, see
ServerCommandDelegateUtility for the refresh(...), checkUpdateCount(...)
and translate(...) methods which achieve the same results.
• populateTypeInstance() method: given a Persistable, TypeInstance and filter,
this method returns a TypeInstance representing the Persistable populated
governed by the filter. This is achieved via surface attribute translation, and
potentially calculation of server attributes and a query of all other non-surface
• populateMissingContent() method: given a TypeInstance and filter, this
method will populate any specified attributes that don't already exist in the
TypeInstance by performing a query for those missing attributes and merge
them into the given TypeInstance.
• populateOtherContent() method: given a command and a TypeInstance, this
method will
– Populate server calculated attributes in the TypeInstance.

The Command Layer 4-11

– Populate constraints in the TypeInstance.
– Populate descriptors in the TypeInstance.
This method is used during the finalization of postprocessing.
• populateServerFunction() method: given a command, this method will expand
the filter with server functions. This is used during the initialization of
• dispatchEvent() method: dispatches the given event to be processed by
Windchill services that are listeners to that event.
• dispatchVetoableEvent() method: dispatches the given event that can be
vetoed via an exception to be processed by Windchill services that are
listeners to that event.
• getService() method: finds the cached Windchill service from the given class
instance of the service interface. For example, passing
PersistenceManager.class will return the active persistence manager’s
singleton in the server.
The MacroCommandDelegate class is a unique command delegate entirely
devoted to processing a MacroServerCommand or MacroServerTransaction. This
delegate is not used by any other command.

Event Processing
As documented in the external interface of the
AbstractRemoteCommandDelegate class, it provides APIs to allow the
dispatching of any event defined by all Windchill services. Since this is only
possible for a subclass of the AbstractRemoteCommandDelegate, then these
events will only be dispatched within the server JVM.
For example, in the following code snippet the
RetrievePersistentEntityCommandDelegate dispatches either the
PersistenceManager event depending on what the next operation is in the filter.

OperationIdentifier opid = retrieveCmd.getFilter().getNextOperation();

if (opid instanceof UpdateOperationIdentifier && !(opid instanceof CreateOper-
ationIdentifier)) {
new PersistenceManagerEvent(
(PersistenceManager)getService( PersistenceManager.class ),
PersistenceManagerEvent.PREPARE_FOR_MODIFICATION, pers ));
else if (opid instanceof DisplayOperationIdentifier || opid instanceof SearchOper-
ationIdentifier) {

4-12 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

new PersistenceManagerEvent(
(PersistenceManager)getService( PersistenceManager.class ),
PersistenceManagerEvent.PREPARE_FOR_VIEW, pers ));

Modeling Guidelines
PTC development practices do not strictly establish whether or not command
delegates should be modeled using Rational Rose. Some command delegates have
been modeled while others have not.
Local types of command delegates are developed in Common subsystems such
that their deployment is accessible to both Client and Server subsystems. Server
types of command delegates are developed in Server subsystems to limit
deployment and accessibility for server-only dependencies.
The Command Infrastructure Implementation – Common and Server Subsystems
shows The Command Infrastructure Implementation - Common and Server
subsystems where many of the command delegates exist shown in The Command
Delegate Overview Class Diagram. Other command delegates more specific to
Windchill services and enterprise objects exist in similarly placed Common
subsystems within the Foundation Common and Enterprise Common subsystems.

Naming Guidelines
Command delegate naming conventions follow command bean naming
conventions with an added “Delegate” at the end of the class name. In most cases
where there’s a one-to-one mapping between bean and delegate the command
bean’s name + “Delegate” should be used to name the command delegate.
However, in cases of one-to-many, many-to-one or many-to-many command bean
to command delegate mappings it will be necessary to be either more of less
specific in the command delegate’s name. The following 2 examples illustrate the
many-to-one and one-to-many mappings:
1. For all query command beans there exists only one mapped command
delegate and thus should be name more general. It is named
QueryCommandDelegate where the following command beans are mapped to
– AttributeContainerQueryCommand
– BasicQueryCommand
– FindPersistentEntityCommand
2. For the CreatePersistentEntityCommand it has a general purpose
CreatePersistentEntityCommandDelegate mapped to it. But also there exists
the following more specialized delegates for change objects:
– CreateWTAnalysisActivityCommandDelegate
– CreateWTChangeActivity2CommandDelegate

The Command Layer 4-13

– CreateWTChangeInvestigationCommandDelegate
– CreateWTChangeIssueCommandDelegate
– CreateWTChangeOrder2CommandDelegate
– CreateWTChangeProposalCommandDelegate
– CreateWTChangeRequest2CommandDelegate

Serialization Guidelines
No command delegate should ever be Serializable. They are the implementation
details of commands where the command beans are sent across-the-wire, not the
command delegates.

Implementation Guidelines
In general, a command delegate’s implementation has the 3 main steps within the
doExecution() method, assuming that no customization has been done for pre-or-
1. Given the input TypeInstance populate a new Persistable. This by-in-large is
an act of in-memory translations.
2. Perform the server-side API invocation(s) against the Persistable via
Windchill services.
3. Populate the output TypeInstance with the acted upon Persistable. This has 3
minor steps where there’s an in-memory translation, derivation of server
calculated attributes and a query of all non-surface, missing attributes.
Additionally, the command delegate should be implemented where appropriate
levels of debugging and feedback messages are issued.
This type of implementation is known as a “wrapper” command delegate around
an existing Windchill service’s API matching the command. This isn’t always the
case. Command delegates can also execute other commands as well. This is the
case of the MacroCommandDelegate where it iterates through the sequence of
commands and executes each one in turn.
The UpdatePersistentEntityCommandDelegate Activity Diagram shows an
activity diagram for the UpdatePersistentEntityCommandDelegate. As can be
seen within the doExecution() activity the basic 3 step pattern was applied. The
only caveat is that constraints are refreshed and enforced as well. This pattern or
slight variation of it has been applied to all “wrapper” command delegates.

4-14 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide




do/ populate server functions into TypeInst...




do/ refresh and enforce constraints

do/ refresh Persistable from DB
do/ check Persistable's update count
do/ translate TypeInstance to Persistable


do/ PersistenceManager update of Persistable


do/ translate Persistable to TypeInstance




do/ populate SCAs, constraints and descriptors

do/ populate missing, non-surface content

UpdatePersistentEntityCommandDelegate Activity Diagram

The following textual description summarizes the doExecution() activity of the
Activity diagram.
1. Refresh the constraints that apply to the operation being performed, then
enforce those constraints against the type instance. The constraints are those
that apply for the command (as denoted by an OperationIdentifier) currently
being executed. This represents in-bound processing by Constraint Factories.
2. Refresh the Persistable from the database based on the TypeInstance’s
TypeInstanceIdentifier and ensure the input data is not based upon a stale
object. In other words, check the update count and additionally ensure that an
iterated object didn’t iterate.

The Command Layer 4-15

3. Translate all changes from the input TypeInstance to the Persistable. Only
those attributes from the TypeInstance that are in a NEW, CHANGE or
DELETED state are translated to the Persistable.
4. Use the PersistenceManager to perform an update of the Persistable to the
database. For non CRUD operations, this is where other legacy APIs would
be executed to either update or retrieve Persistable objects.
5. Using the filter supplied with the command, prepare the result TypeInstance.
This processing may consist of only an in-memory translation from Persitable
to TypeInstance. It may also add any server calculated attributes to the
TypeInstance by deriving them via server functions, based on the filter. It can
as well involve an additional data base query to retrieve attributes that are
missing, again based on the filter, from the TypeInstance that were not either
translated or calculated.
But command delegates can be much more involved with their processing logic.
An example of this would be where a “deferred save” of an entire product
structure’s changes from BOM markup was needing to be done within a
transaction. Thus, the product structure represented as a single TypeInstance
could be sent to the server and processed by a special command delegate that
takes apart the TypeInstance and builds a corresponding product structure with all
of the changes. Then within a single transaction part-by-part, link-by-link would
be updated in the repository.

Attribute Handlers

Design Overview
Attribute Handlers are mechanisms for translating one of more attributes from a
Persistable to TypeInstance, or vice versa. They are translating in memory objects
only. Database hits should be avoided if at all possible. The order in which
attributes will be handled is not guaranteed or deterministic. Therefore, if
attributes require a certain order to their handling, a single Attribute Handler
should be written that handles both of them, at the same time, whenever any of the
related attributes are looked up. This handler then handles all of them
immediately, but in the proper order, then marks all of the involved attributes as
handled, so that they will not be handled multiple times.
Attribute Handlers generally do not validate arguments to make sure that business
rules are being followed. Generally, values passed to the get(...)and
set(...)methods are trusted, and if this results in an exception in a service, or a
ClassCastException, etc, then these exceptions will be passed through.
See StandardAttributeHandler for more information on when a specific
AttributeHandler must be written, and when the StandardAttributeHandler will

4-16 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

External Interface
The AbstractAttributeHandler class is the main abstraction to define attribute
handlers. It provides some convenience methods for subclasses to reuse, but most
importantly it defines the following key APIs to be implemented by subclasses:
• get() method: gets an attribute or attributes and their values from a Persistable,
and puts them in a TypeInstance. The source Persistable and target
TypeInstance are available via the translator command argument.
• set() method: sets an attribute or attributes on a Persistable, with the value or
values from a TypeInstance. The source TypeInstance and target Persistable
are available via the translator command argument.
The StandardAttributeHandler class is the standard implementation of
AbstractAttributeHandler. If no specific attribute handler is to be used for a
particular attribute, the StandardAttributeHandler will attempt to read or write that
attribute. In the case of failure, an exception thrown will be wrapped in a
Attribute handlers are called as part of a translation of a Persistable object to or
from a TypeInstance. For each attribute encountered in the translation, the
attribute name is looked up and compared against the entries in attribute handler
properties files. If an entry is found, the handler listed in the entry will be
invoked. Otherwise, the StandardAttributeHandler will be invoked. This means
that unless the StandardAttributeHandler is sufficient to handle an attribute, the
attribute must have its own attribute handler.
The StandardAttributeHandler will handle attributes as described in the following
cases unless otherwise noted:
1. The attribute is a surface attribute of the Persistable being translated.
2. Attributes on cookies, or on an object which itself is a surface attribute are
3. The attribute is a NonpersistedAttribute, NonpersistedAssociation,
InstanceBasedAttribute, InstanceBasedAssociation, or ModeledAttribute but
not ModeledAssociation.
4. NonPersistentAttributes, NonPersistentAssociations,
InstanceBasedAttributes, and InstanceBasedAssociations are handled outside
the attribute handlers, and the StandardAttributeHandler properly ignores
5. ModeledAssociations are not handled by the StandardAttributeHandler.
6. The attribute's type is compatible with the primitive types of content stored in
TypeInstances, or is an EnumeratedType.
7. TypeInstances only store certain "primitive" types of content, such as String,
TypeInstanceIdentifier, Ratio, Boolean, Timestamp, etc.

The Command Layer 4-17

8. Attributes of these types generally must have attribute handlers that convert
the values to and from one of these "primitive" forms for storage in the
9. Attributes whose values are of type EnumeratedType or a subclass of
EnumeratedType are handled by the StandardAttributeHandler, so long as
they meet the other criteria above.
The AttributeStates class wraps two Vectors used to store
AttributeTypeIdentifiers in order to manage which have been handled and which
have not. Several methods are provided to access the state of attributes, and thus
it is important not to access them directly, but to instead use the provided methods
as follows:
1. findUnhandled() method: given an AttributeTypeIdentifier, this method
searches through the unhandled attributes for an AttributeTypeIdentifier
whose external form matches the external form of the supplied
AttributeTypeIdentifier. If a match is found, the AttributeTypeIdentifier
found with the unhandled attributes is returned, otherwise null is returned.
2. findHandled() method: given an AttributeTypeIdentifier, this method
searches through the handled attributes for an AttributeTypeIdentifier whose
external form matches the external form of the supplied
AttributeTypeIdentifier. If a match is found, the AttributeTypeIdentifier
found with the handled attributes is returned, otherwise null is returned.
3. makeHandled() method: given an AttributeTypeIdentifier, this method
searches through the handled attributes for that exact AttributeTypeIdentifier
(same actual object). If a match is found, the AttributeTypeIdentifier is
moved from the unhandled to the handled attributes, and true is returned,
otherwise false is returned.

Modeling Guidelines
PTC development practices do not strictly establish whether or not attribute
handlers should be modeled using Rational Rose. Only the
StandardAttributeHandler has been modeled while all others have not.
Since attribute handlers are purely implementation and no direct invocation is
made to them they should be packaged …server.impl packages.

Naming Guidelines
Attribute handlers should be named to show the attribute being handler +
“AttributeHandler.” Some examples of existing attribute handlers follow:
• ContentItemRoleAttributeHandler
• DataFormatReferenceAttributeHandler
• ContentItemCreatedByAttributeHandler
• PersistInfoCreateStampAttributeHandler

4-18 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

• PersistInfoModifyStampAttributeHandler
• CabinetReferenceAttributeHandler
• FolderReferenceAttributeHandler
• ProjectReferenceAttributeHandler
• IterationInfoCreatorAttributeHandler
• MasterReferenceAttributeHandler
• CheckoutInfoStateAttributeHandler

Serialization Guidelines
No attribute handler should ever be Serializable. They are the implementation
details of in-memory translations initiated by command delegates.

Implementation Guidelines
Attribute handlers can be implemented to handle one to many related attributes. In
the case of an attribute handler only handling one attribute the
CheckoutInfoStateAttributeHandler is shown to illustrate how it can be
implemented in the following code snippet:
public void get(
AttributeTypeIdentifier attr_type_id,
AbstractTranslatorCommand transl_cmd, AttributeStates
attr_states )
throws CommandException {
if (attr_states.findHandled(attr_type_id) != null)
Workable work = (Workable) transl_cmd.getPersistable();
CheckoutInfo ci = work.getCheckoutInfo();
WorkInProgressState state = null;
if (ci != null)
state = ci.getState();
String value = null;
if (state != null)
value = state.toString();
putAttributeContent( attr_type_id, transl_cmd, attr_states,
value );
attr_states.makeHandled( attr_type_id );

public void set(

AttributeTypeIdentifier attr_type_id,
AbstractTranslatorCommand transl_cmd, AttributeStates
attr_states )
throws CommandException {
if (attr_states.findHandled(attr_type_id) != null)
Workable work = (Workable) transl_cmd.getPersistable();
String value = (String) getAttributeContent( attr_type_id,
transl_cmd );
CheckoutInfo ci = work.getCheckoutInfo();

The Command Layer 4-19

WorkInProgressState state =
WorkInProgressState.toWorkInProgressState( value );
try {
if (ci == null) {
ci = CheckoutInfo.newCheckoutInfo();
if (DEBUG) getDebugLog(transl_cmd).report("Setting
checkoutInfo = "+ci);
work.setCheckoutInfo( ci );
ci.setState( state );
catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException( e );
attr_states.makeHandled( attr_type_id );

For attribute handlers that are required to deal with multiple, related attributes at
the same time the VersionInfoAttributeHandler is shown to illustrate how it can
be implemnted in the following code snippet:
public void get(
AttributeTypeIdentifier attr_type_id,
AbstractTranslatorCommand transl_cmd, AttributeStates
attr_states )
throws CommandException {
AttributeTypeIdentifier versionIdATI =
"versionInfo.identifier.versionId", transl_cmd );
AttributeTypeIdentifier versionLevelATI =
"versionInfo.identifier.versionLevel", transl_cmd );
AttributeTypeIdentifier versionQualIdATI =
"versionInfo.lineage.series.value", transl_cmd );
AttributeTypeIdentifier versionQualLevelATI =
"versionInfo.lineage.series.level", transl_cmd );
AttributeTypeIdentifier[] ATIs = {
versionIdATI, versionLevelATI, versionQualIdATI,
versionQualLevelATI };
if (areHandled(ATIs, attr_states))
Versioned version = (Versioned) transl_cmd.getPersistable();
try {
VersionInfo vInfo = version.getVersionInfo();
VersionIdentifier vIdentifier = null;
QualifiedIdentifier qIdentifier = null;
MultilevelSeries mSeries = null;
HarvardSeries hSeries = null;
Integer vLevel = null;
Integer qLevel = null;
String versionId = null;
Long versionLevel = null;
String qualifiedId = null;
Long qualifiedLevel = null;
if (vInfo != null) {

4-20 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

vIdentifier = vInfo.getIdentifier();
if (vIdentifier != null) {
mSeries = vIdentifier.getSeries();
if (mSeries != null) {
versionId = mSeries.getValue();
vLevel = mSeries.getLevel();
if (vLevel != null) {
versionLevel = new Long( vLevel.longValue() );
qIdentifier = vInfo.getLineage();
if (qIdentifier != null) {
hSeries = qIdentifier.getSeries();
if (hSeries != null) {
qualifiedId = hSeries.getValue();
qLevel = hSeries.getLevel();
if (qLevel != null) {
qualifiedLevel = new Long( qLevel.longValue() );
putAttributeContent( versionIdATI, transl_cmd, attr_states,
versionId );
putAttributeContent( versionLevelATI, transl_cmd,
attr_states, versionLevel );
putAttributeContent( versionQualIdATI, transl_cmd,
attr_states, qualifiedId );
putAttributeContent( versionQualLevelATI, transl_cmd,
attr_states, qualifiedLevel );
catch (VersionControlException vce) {
throw new CommandException( vce );
attr_states.makeHandled( ATIs );

public void set(

AttributeTypeIdentifier attr_type_id,
AbstractTranslatorCommand transl_cmd, AttributeStates
attr_states )
throws CommandException {
AttributeTypeIdentifier versionIdATI =
"versionInfo.identifier.versionId", transl_cmd );
AttributeTypeIdentifier versionLevelATI =
"versionInfo.identifier.versionLevel", transl_cmd );
AttributeTypeIdentifier versionQualIdATI =
"versionInfo.lineage.series.value", transl_cmd );
AttributeTypeIdentifier versionQualLevelATI =
"versionInfo.lineage.series.level", transl_cmd );
AttributeTypeIdentifier[] ATIs = {
versionIdATI, versionLevelATI, versionQualIdATI,

The Command Layer 4-21

versionQualLevelATI };
if (areHandled(ATIs, attr_states))
Versioned version = (Versioned) transl_cmd.getPersistable();
String versionId = (String) getAttributeContent( versionIdATI,
transl_cmd );
Long versionLevel = (Long) getAttributeContent( versionLevelATI,
transl_cmd );
try {
MultilevelSeries series =
VersionIdentifier.class.getName(), versionId, new Integer(
versionLevel.intValue() ));
if (version.getVersionInfo() == null) {
version.setVersionInfo( VersionInfo.newVersionInfo() );
VersionControlHelper.setVersionIdentifier( version,
VersionIdentifier.newVersionIdentifier( series ));
catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException( e );
attr_states.makeHandled( ATIs );

For attribute handlers that deal with some form of object reference
and server calculated attributes the ViewReferenceAttributeHandler
is shown to illustrate how it can be implemented in the following
code snippet:

public void get(

AttributeTypeIdentifier attr_type_id,
AbstractTranslatorCommand transl_cmd, AttributeStates
attr_states )
throws CommandException {
AttributeTypeIdentifier viewATI =
getAttributeTypeIdentifier("view.id", transl_cmd);
if (attr_states.findHandled(viewATI) != null)
ViewManageable vm = (ViewManageable)
ViewReference viewRef = vm.getView();
TypeInstanceIdentifier viewTii = null;
if (viewRef != null)
viewTii = TypeIdentifierUtility.getTypeInstanceIdentifier(
viewRef );
putAttributeContent( viewATI, transl_cmd, attr_states, viewTii
attr_states.makeHandled( viewATI );

public void set(

AttributeTypeIdentifier attr_type_id,
AbstractTranslatorCommand transl_cmd, AttributeStates
attr_states )
throws CommandException {
AttributeTypeIdentifier viewATI =
getAttributeTypeIdentifier("view.id", transl_cmd);

4-22 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

AttributeTypeIdentifier viewNameATI =
getAttributeTypeIdentifier("view", transl_cmd);
AttributeTypeIdentifier[] ATIs = { viewATI, viewNameATI };
if (areHandled(ATIs, attr_states))
ViewManageable vm = (ViewManageable)
TypeInstanceIdentifier viewTii =
(TypeInstanceIdentifier) getAttributeContent( viewATI,
transl_cmd );
String viewName =
(String) getAttributeContent( viewNameATI, transl_cmd );
try {
if (viewTii != null) {
ViewReference viewRef = ViewReference.newViewReference(

viewTii ).getKey() );
vm.setView( viewRef );
else if (viewName != null ) {
ViewReference viewRef = ViewReference.newViewReference(


ey() );
vm.setView( viewRef );
else {
vm.setView( null );
catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException( e );
attr_states.makeHandled( ATIs );

The Command Layer 4-23

Customizing Command Delegates
Command delegates are the realization or implementation of command beans.
Because of this the command delegate is a customization point where there exists
a mapping from one-to-many command bean(s) to one-to-many command
delegate(s). This mapping is achieved with, but not limitied to, the property files
shown below:
• com.ptc.core.command.server.delegate.ServerCommandDelegate.properties
• com.ptc.core.foundation.FoundationServerCommandDelegate.properties
• com.ptc.core.foundation.windchill.enterprise.EnterpriseServerCommandDelegat
The most common case is a one-to-one mapping from command bean to
command delegate. But there do exist some one-to-many and many-to-one
mappings as well. These types of mappings are accomplished by specifying the
selector, requestor, priority triad selector in the property entry. The selector is
typically the fully qualified command bean’s class name. The requestor is
typically either “null” or the external form of the type of object being represented
by a TypeInstance (e.g., WCTYPE|wt.part.WTPart). The “null” represents any
type of object.
The selector and requestor are derived during run-time by the methods
getSelectorTypename() and getRequestor(), respectively, as implemented or
inherited in the command bean being executed. The default implementation of
getSelectorTypename() returns this command bean’s fully qualified class name.
The default implementation of getRequestor() returns null. To customize these
default implementations would require either a change to an existing command
bean’s implementation, or a new command bean that overrode the implementation
of these methods.
The example below shows a one-to-one mapping of the
RetrievePersistentEntityCommand that can be found in the
ServerCommandDelegate.properties file where the selector, requestor, priority
triad are underlined:
• wt.services/svc/default/com.ptc.core.command.common.CommandDelegate/co
The examples below show a one-to-many mapping of the
CreatePersistentEntityCommand to many command delegates that can be found in
the ServerCommandDelegate.properties and
EnterpriseServerCommandDelegate.properties files:
• wt.services/svc/default/com.ptc.core.command.common.CommandDelegate/co

4-24 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide


• wt.services/svc/default/com.ptc.core.command.common.CommandDelegate/co
• wt.services/svc/default/com.ptc.core.command.common.CommandDelegate/co
• wt.services/svc/default/com.ptc.core.command.common.CommandDelegate/co
• wt.services/svc/default/com.ptc.core.command.common.CommandDelegate/co
• wt.services/svc/default/com.ptc.core.command.common.CommandDelegate/co

The Command Layer 4-25

The example below shows a many-to-one mapping of the different query
commands that are a type of AbstractQueryCommand to the one
QueryCommandDelegate that can be found in the
ServerCommandDelegate.properties file:
• wt.services/svc/default/com.ptc.core.command.common.CommandDelegate/DE
The interesting aspect of this example are that the selector is nothing specific, in
particular not a command bean’s fully qualified class name, which is what the
requestor is. The reason for this is the algorithm for lookup is a hierarchical class-
based search on the requestor. The selector is merely text. Thus, to map one
command delegate to many command beans the lookup must find a common
ancestor for each command bean that is to be mapped to the command delegate.
Further command delegate customization can be accomplished by overriding the
command delegate’s inherited implementation of the template methods
doPreprocessing() and doPostprocessing(). Overriding doPreprocessing() allows
the command delegate to pre-process the command before it’s actually executed.
Overriding doPostprocessing() allows the command delegate to post-process the
command after it has finished being executed. See also Chapter 4: The Command
Layer in the Windchill Application Developer’s Guide for more information on
An example below illustrates how the MacroCommandDelegate overrides the
pre-processing of a command in order to validate the sequence of commands, and
then parse the segments tagged by BeginServerTransaction and
EndServerTransaction each into a transaction block. If the transactional tagging is
not well formed then an appropriate exception is thrown.
protected Command doPreprocessing( Command cmd )
throws CommandException {
super.doPreprocessing( cmd );
int macroCmdIndex = 0;
MacroServerCommand macroCmd = (MacroServerCommand)cmd;
TransactionalBlock trxBlock = new TransactionalBlock();
setTransactionalBlockList( new Vector() );
while (macroCmdIndex < macroCmd.getSequence().length) {
macroCmdIndex = parseCommandSequence( macroCmd.getSequence(),
macroCmdIndex, trxBlock );
getTransactionalBlockList().add( trxBlock );
return cmd;
private int parseCommandSequence( ServerCommand[] cmdList, int
cmdListIndex, TransactionalBlock trxBlock )
throws CommandException {
ServerCommand cmd = null;
try {
cmd = (ServerCommand)cmdList[cmdListIndex];

4-26 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ob) {
throw new InvalidTransactionTaggingException( ob );
if (cmd instanceof BeginServerTransaction) {
if (trxBlock.getCommandList() == null) {
trxBlock.setGuaranteed( true );
trxBlock.setCommandList( new Vector() );
cmdListIndex = parseCommandSequence( cmdList, cmdListIndex,
trxBlock );
else if (cmd instanceof EndServerTransaction) {
if (trxBlock.getCommandList() == null) {
throw new InvalidTransactionTaggingException();
else if (trxBlock.getCommandList() != null &&
trxBlock.getCommandList().size() == 0) {
throw new EmptyTransactionTaggingException();
else {
return cmdListIndex;
else {
if (trxBlock.getCommandList() == null) {
trxBlock.setGuaranteed( false );
trxBlock.setCommandList( new Vector() );
trxBlock.getCommandList().add( cmd );
if (cmdListIndex < cmdList.length) {
cmdListIndex = parseCommandSequence( cmdList, cmdListIndex,
trxBlock );
return cmdListIndex;

Customizing Attribute Handlers

Attribute handlers are the mechanisms for translating one or more attributes from
a Persistable to TypeInstance, or vice versa. They represent the micro
customization point where command delegates are the macro customization point.
The selector, requestor, priority selector triad is used in a similar manner as with
the command delegates where mapping is achieved with, but not limitied to, the
property files shown below:
• com.ptc.core.foundation.FoundationAttributeHandler.properties
• com.ptc.windchill.enterprise.EnterpriseAttributeHandler.properties
The selector is derived from the attribute’s AttributeTypeIdentifier where only the
name of the attribute is used. The requestor is either “null” or the external form of
the type of object being represented by a TypeInstance (e.g., WCTYPE|

The Command Layer 4-27

Typically attribute handlers are only necessary when dealing with attributes that
are a form of reference to an associated attribute on another object, or when there
are nonexistent public accessors for the attribute. The StandardAttributeHandler
should handle all other cases. However, if special set/get processing is required
for an attribute an existing or new attribute handler could be implemented with
this special logic to handle the attribute. See also Chapter 4: The Command Layer
in the Windchill Application Developer’s Guide for more information on and
examples of attribute handlers.
The examples below show a one-to-one mapping of an attribute to its attribute
handler that can be found in the FoundationAttributeHandler.properties file where
the selector, requestor, priority triad are underlined:
• wt.services/svc/default/com.ptc.core.command.server.delegate.io.AbstractAttrib

• wt.services/svc/default/com.ptc.core.command.server.delegate.io.AbstractAttrib
The examples below show a many-to-one mapping from two attributes to the one
ViewReferenceAttributeHandler that can be found in the
FoundationAttributeHandler.properties file:
• wt.services/svc/default/com.ptc.core.command.server.delegate.io.AbstractAttrib
• wt.services/svc/default/com.ptc.core.command.server.delegate.io.AbstractAttrib

4-28 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The Enterprise Layer

This chapter describes the classes and interfaces available in four packages:
• wt.enterprise
• wt.doc
• wt.part
• wt.change2
The classes provided in these packages were designed and intended for you to
extend as you customize Windchill for your own use.

Topic Page
Enterprise Abstractions .......................................................................................5-2
Document Abstractions .....................................................................................5-10
Part Abstractions ...............................................................................................5-13
Change Abstractions..........................................................................................5-20

Enterprise Abstractions
The wt.enterprise package provides the basic business objects used in the
Windchill system. Most business classes you construct will be extended from the
enterprise classes or their subclasses.

The enterprise Package

Business classes should be extended from one of the abstract classes included in
the wt.enterprise package to take advantage of the capabilities and services they
offer. This diagram shows convenience classes designed to consolidate a basic set
of features that various business classes might require. Most of the business
classes in your model are expected to extend one of these classes and simplify
your implementations.

Simple Business Class

A simple business class is a first class information object that is subject to
business rules, such as access control. These objects have no managed life cycle
and are not organized into folders. Because these objects are not visible via

5-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

folders, they tend to be more administrative in nature (that is, created by
administrators but referenced by end users).

Simple Business Class

The Enterprise Layer 5-3

Folder Resident Business Class
A folder resident business class is a business object that resides in a folder.
Because these objects are accessible in folders, they are visible to users in the
Windchill Explorer. These objects are subject to access control rules.
FolderResident business objects are not subject to life cycle management.
Therefore, they are more administrative in nature. All FolderResident objects
automatically record the principal (user) who created them.

Folder Resident Business Class

5-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Managed Business Class
Managed business class objects are subject to a controlled life cycle. They reside
in folders for organizational purposes. They are non-revisable objects that the
system manages and controls via access control. These objects record the
principal (user) who created them. The creator can be used as a role in certain
processing for life cycle and workflow operations.

Managed Business Class

The Enterprise Layer 5-5

Revision Controlled Business Class
RevisionControlled business objects are identified by a revision identifier. They
are managed and changed via a checkin/checkout mechanism. They are subject to
life cycle management and other forms of management by the enterprise. They
have a creator by virtue of being a Workable object (which is an Iterated object).
Because the class is also Versioned, there can be multiple business versions of the
Master object, such as revision A and revision B of a single document.

Revision Controlled Business Class

Revision controlled business objects are managed as two separate classes:

Represents the version independent idea of a business concept. It contains the
information that identifies the business objects. Typically this is information
such as a name and number that remains constant for all versions (or, more
accurately, is the same for all versions).
Revision controlled
Represents the successive changes to the business objects as it is developed
over time. A RevisionControlled object represents an official version (for
example, revision A or B) but also provides access to previous iterations of

5-6 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

that version. The previous iterations are considered a history of work-in-
progress activity (checkouts and checkins) for the object.

The Enterprise Layer 5-7

Iterated Folder Resident Business Class
IteratedFolderResident business class objects reside in folders where they are
visible to users of the Windchill Explorer. Users create new iterations of these
objects using checkout/checkin operations. They are also subject to access control
and automatically record the principal (user) who created them.
IteratedFolderResident objects are similar to RevisionControlled objects.
However, they are lighter weight objects in that they are neither versioned nor life
cycle-managed, as is the case with RevisionControlled objects.

Iterated Folder Resident Business Class

5-8 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Cabinet Managed Business Cclass
Cabinet managed business class objects are non-iterated, life cycle-managed
objects. Because cabinet managed business objects are not Foldered, they do not
reside in folders and are not visible to users of the Windchill Explorer. They are,
however, associated with cabinets for reasons of access control and local search.

Cabinet managed business class

The Enterprise Layer 5-9

Document Abstractions
The wt.doc package provides a standard implementation of managed documents.
The model for these documents is shown in the following figure:

Doc Package

The document classes are implemented based on the pattern established for
revision controlled objects in the wt.enterprise package. These classes,
WTDocumentMaster and WTDocument, provide concrete classes exhibiting the
management characteristics established in wt.enterprise and add specifics for

5-10 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

documents. The properties of a document are specified on the WTDocument
class. Then, for normalization purposes, the sum of the properties are stored on
the WTDocumentMaster. More specifically, WTDocument implements Format
ContentHolder to give it a primary content item and multiple secondary content
items. WTDocument can create two types of relationships to other documents.
The first, WTDocumentUsageLink, is similar to the WTPartUsageLink in that it
also subclasses IteratedUsageLink. It does not have a quantity.
WTDocumentUsageLink is used to create uses relationships between documents
or document structure. Documents should use this if a document is made up of
sub-documents and the sub-documents can be reused by other documents, or need
to be controlled separately. Similar to the part implementation, the
WTDocumentService has convenience methods for navigating this relationship
and there is a WTDocument ConfigSpec to filter results. The second,
WTDocumentDependencyLink is an iteration to iteration link between two
documents. This relationship is shown in the client as references. A reference
between two documents can be created to show a dependency on another
document. A document may reference some information in another document, so
during a create or update, a reference to that document is added. The references
relationship has a comment attribute that can be used to explain why the reference
exists or what the dependency is. WTDocument Service also has convenience
methods for navigating the WTDocumentDependencyLink.
The doc package is an example of implementing a Revision Controlled Business
subclass. The concrete document business classes inherit from the Revision
Controlled Business model (Master and RevisionControlled) template in the
enterprise model. Document inherits most of its functionality from the enterprise
object RevisionControlled. RevisionControlled pulls together the following plug
and play functionality: Foldered, Indexable, Notifiable, DomainAdministered,
AccessControlled, BusinessInformation, LifeCycleManaged, Version, Workable,
and Changeable. In addition, it includes interfaces from the content package. This
means that a WTDocument is a content holder; that is, it can have files or URLs
included in it.
Attributes are on either WTDocumentMaster or WTDocument. Attributes on
WTDocumentMaster have the same value for all versions and iterations. If an
attribute on the master changes after several versions and iterations have been
created, the change is reflected in all the versions and iterations. Attributes on
WTDocument can generally have different values for each iteration, so changes
impact only one iteration. This is why content holder is implemented on
DocumentIteration. It should be noted, however, that the docType attribute of a
document is held in common for all iterations and versions. It is stored in the
WTDocument merely to allow for database partitioning based on the document
type attribute. Customers wishing to create new document types will add values to
the DocumentType resource bundle.
The DocumentType resource bundle defines all the types of documents. When
users construct documents, they may pick a document type from the enumerated
list. Customers may add new document types to the list by putting additional
values in the resource bundle. A "$$" prefix on a document type means it is a

The Enterprise Layer 5-11

Windchill-provided document type. The "$$" prefix should not be used for
customer types.
Using the DocumentType resource bundle, it is possible to construct new types of
documents that users can pick from. This has the following impacts from an
administrative perspective:
• Administrative rules do not recognize the new document types. Therefore, all
document types are the same from an administrative perspective; they receive
the same access control and indexing rules.
• From a workflow point of view, the docType property can be used as an
activity variable for workflow branching logic.
To add new document types that can have different administrative controls, the
WTDocument class must be extended. Subclassing of WTDocument also is
preferable if there are specific associations in which only some documents can
participate. These kinds of rules are difficult to specify without subclassing
WTDocument. Use the following rules when extending WTDocument:
• For every new child of WTDocument, you must make a corresponding entry
in the DocumentType resource bundle. This ensures that the
WTDocumentMaster object for each WTDocument child knows the type for
its document version.
• When adding new classes of documents, it is not necessary to extend the
WTDocumentMaster class, only the WTDocument class. All children classes
of WTDocument can share the same WTDocumentMaster class.
• Follow the constructor pattern established in WTDocument. Override the
appropriate initialize methods from WTDocument, invoking super.initialize()
and then performing your class specific logic. Specifically, invoke the method
initialize(number, name, type) where type is substituted for a value that has
been added to DocumentTypeRB.java.
Department is implemented as an enumerated type attribute or a valid value list.
The valid values are defined in the wt.doc.DepartmentListRB.java file. The values
in DepartmentListRB.java can be changed, the file compiled, and replaced in the
codebase. For further information, see the section on Extending the
EnumeratedType class in chapter 9, System Generation and the Windchill
Customizer’s Guide appendix, Enumerated Types.

5-12 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Part Abstractions
The wt.part package provides a standard implementation of parts. A part is an
item that can be produced or consumed, such as, an engine, a bolt, or paint. Parts
can be assembled to produce other parts; for example, the drive train of an
automobile can be thought of as a part composed of an engine, transmission, shaft,
differential, and so on.

Design Overview
The following figure illustrates the basic concepts encapsulated by the Windchill
part reference implementation.

Part Reference Implementation

The part classes are implemented based on the pattern established for revision
controlled objects in the wt.enterprise package. These classes, WTPartMaster and
WTPart, provide concrete classes exhibiting the management characteristics
established in wt.enterprise and add specifics for parts. The properties of a part are
specified on the WTpart class. Then, for normalization purposes, the sum of the
properties are stored on the WTPartMaster.
The part package is an example of implementing a Revision Controlled Business
subclass. The concrete part business classes inherit from the Revision Controlled
Business model (Master and RevisionControlled) template in the enterprise
model. Part inherits most of its functionality from the enterprise object
RevisionControlled. RevisionControlled pulls together the following plug and
play functionality: Foldered, Indexable, Notifiable, DomainAdministered,
AccessControlled, BusinessInformation, LifeCycleManaged, Version, Workable,
and Changeable.

The Enterprise Layer 5-13

Attributes are on either WTPartMaster or WTPart. The WTPartMaster, as a
Mastered object, represents the part’s identity. As such, "number" and "name"
have been placed on it. The part’s number is the stamp the enterprise recognizes
and uses for tracking purposes. The name is the human-readable component.
These properties of the part are assigned carefully and rarely changed.
Attributes on WTPartMaster have the same value for all versions and iterations. If
an attribute on the master changes after several versions and iterations have been
created, the change is reflected in all the versions and iterations.
The WTPart, as a Versioned and Workable object, undergoes change that is
recorded in its versions and iterations as a result of a check-out and check-in
process. Attributes on WTPart can generally have different values for each
iteration, so changes impact only one iteration.
An iteration occurs every time a part is checked out and in. It can be viewed as a
working copy of the part. Iterations are assumed to happen many times between
versions. Versions, however, represent a business increment; that is, an approved,
major change to a part. A typical scenario is that version A of a part is approved
and put into production. Then a change is determined to be necessary. The part
goes through many iterations while the change is being investigated and tested.
Finally, version B is approved.
Also, being ViewManageable, WTPart can be assigned to views, allowing it to
progress through stages of development, such as engineering and manufacturing
stages. It resides in folders, is subject to access control, progresses through life
cycles, and is part of the change process as a consequence of being
RevisionControlled. It can also be assigned to baselines to preserve a specific
implementation and its versions can be made effective to indicate to a
manufacturing process what to build.
Although shown in the preceding figure, WTPart is no longer a ContentHolder by
default. The capability to hold files and URLs still exists, but it is no longer
exposed to the user. You can change this default functionality, however, as
described in the chapter on Customizing GUIs in the Windchill Customizer’s
Although not shown in the preceding figure, WTPart is also an IBAHolder. When
users create or update a part, they can add pre-defined instance-based attributes
(IBAs) to the part and set values for them. WTPartMaster is also an IBA holder
but setting values in a WTPart does not affect it. Selecting the Publish option,
available from the Product Information Explorer’s Part menu, causes IBAs to be
copied from the WTPart to the WTPartMaster.

5-14 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The WTPart also contains as aggregated properties a source and a type (as shown
in the following figure).

WTPart Properties

The source can be used to indicate how the part is procured, for example by being
made or bought. The type specifies how it can be decomposed, for example by
being separable (is assembled from components that can be taken apart to be
serviced), inseparable (is assembled, but can not be disassembled), or component
(is not assembled). The values of these properties can be altered by editing their
resource bundles.
Also, note that number and name are modeled as derived and are implemented to
set and get the real values from its WTPartMaster. The DerivedFrom property in
the Windchill tab of the attribute specification has been used to indicate that it has
been derived from the master’s attributes by specifying the database derivation;
also, the getters and setters have been overridden in a manner similar to the
((WTPartMaster) getMaster()).get/set...(...)

WTParts can use other parts to build assemblies using the WTPartUsageLink as
shown in the following figure.

Building Assemblies with the WTPartUsageLink

The WTPartUsageLink is a type of IteratedUsageLink, an association defined to

be used to build structures. The WTPartUsageLink’s aggregated Quantity can be

The Enterprise Layer 5-15

used to indicate the amount of the component that is being consumed. The
QuantityUnit’s values can be altered by editing its resource bundle.
The WTPartUsageLink can be navigated using the PersistenceManager’s navigate
APIs, or even the StructService’s navigateUses and navigateUsedBy APIs. Be
aware that navigating the usedBy role results in the returning of all part iterations;
StructService’s navigateUsedBy API returns only versions. However, the
StructService’s APIs navigate using the IteratedUsageLink as its target; the
WTPartUsageLink might not be the only IteratedUsageLink in a customization.
We recommend using the APIs in the following figure.

Navigating the WTPartUsageLink

getUsesWTParts navigates to the WTPartMaster and resolves WTParts from the

masters using a WTPartConfigSpec, returning a QueryResult of Persistable[]’s in
which the WTPartUsageLink is in the 0th position and the WTPart/WTPartMaster
in the 1st. getUsesWTPartMasters simply navigates the WTPartUsageLink and
returns a QueryResult of WTPartUsageLinks. Finally, getUsedByWTParts returns
a QueryResult of WTParts (the versions, not simply all iterations) representing the
implementations that call out the part.
WTParts can also reference documents (see the following figure).

WTPartReferenceLink and Navigate API

Parts generally reference documents for one of two reasons:

• The part is not the logical owner of a document. An example of such a
document is a standards document. A standards document is independent of a
part, but may be used to verify conformance to the document.
• A document (file) is conceptually owned by the part, but must be separately
life cycle managed, checked in and out independently of the file, and so on.

5-16 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Note that the WTPartReferenceLink may not be appropriate if the document’s
versions are not necessarily interchangeable from the perspective of the
WTPart. If a specific version of a document should be linked to a specific
version of a part, use the DescribedBy link (as described later in this section)
The WTPartReferenceLink can be navigated using the WTPartService’s
getReferencesWTDocumentMasters API.
A WTPart can also be linked to a document that describes it on a version-specific
level using WTPartDescribedByLink. An example of such a document is a CAD
drawing that shows exactly how a specific version of a part is designed and should
be built. If a change is made to the part and a new version created, the revised
version of the CAD drawing, that reflects that change, should be linked to the new
part using the DescribedBy functionality.
To summarize, a reference should be considered supplemental information that is
useful but not required. It is likely to have its own life cycle and change
independently of the part referencing it. A document linked to a part by a
DescribedBy link contains information you may need specifically for that version
of the part. A specific version of the document is linked to a specific version of the
The WTPartConfigSpec was alluded to by the getUsesWTParts API. It is used by
the Product Information Explorer during its navigations. It consists of three
ConfigSpecs: the WTPartStandardConfigSpec, the
WTPartEffectivityConfigSpec, and the WTPartBaselineConfigSpec (as shown in
the following figure).


The Enterprise Layer 5-17

A concept of zones has been added to the WTPartConfigSpec to determine which
ConfigSpec is active at any given time. The WTPartConfigSpec is stored, one per
principal, using the WTPartService’s APIs listed in the following figure.

Finding and Saving the WTPartConfigSpec

The ConfigSpecs aggregated by the WTPartConfigSpec have the following

When active, WTParts are filtered based on their state and their view
membership. workingIncluded can be used to allow users to toggle between
their working copies and their checked-out versions.
When active, allows the user to see structures based on effectivity and view.
Only WTParts designated as effective are shown (see the wt.effectivity
package for additional information).
When active, displays only those WTParts assigned to the specified baseline
(see the wt.vc.baseline package for additional information).

5-18 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Parts can often be replaced by other parts, either globally or in the context of an
assembly. This interchangeability is used to indicate that one part is equivalent to
another in a given situation. The WTPartAlternateLink (shown in the following
figure) is used to indicate global interchangeably, while the
WTPartSubstituteLink indicates interchangeability within the context of an
assembly. Note that the WTPartSubstituteLink is copied whenever the
WTPartUsageLink is copied.

Alternate and Substitute Links

Both of these links can be navigated using the Persistence Manager’s navigate
APIs. In addition, the WTPartService offers getAlternatesWTPartMasters and
getAlternateForWTPartMasters methods for navigation of WTPartAlternateLinks
and getSubstitutesWTPartMasters and getSubstituteForWTPartUsageLinks
methods for navigation of WTPartSubstituteLinks. Both WTPartAlternateLinks
and WTPartSubstituteLinks are access controlled, so permission to perform
operations such as creation and deletion of links is defined using the access
control service.

The Enterprise Layer 5-19

The Part, PartMaster, and PartIteration classes modeled in the wt.part package
(see the following figure) are placeholders for future functionality.


Change Abstractions
The change2 package includes the basic service methods and change item classes
necessary to support change management. The change management module
provides the means by which users can identify, plan, and track changes to the
product information managed by the Windchill product data management system.

Note: The change2 package replaces the change package available in releases
prior to Release 4.0.

The following figure shows the five conceptual steps in the change management

Change management process

5-20 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

To understand the Windchill change management object model, it is important to
understand these conceptual steps, as described below. Although the order of
these steps is not fixed, they are presented here in a logical sequence.
Describe symptoms
The symptoms of a perceived problem are recorded. The person experiencing
the symptoms could be an internal employee, a customer, or any other end
user or person. This person records the symptoms.
Pursue formal change
At some point, the group of symptoms is evaluated. A formal decision is
made to investigate the symptoms.
Identify problem pause
By investigating the symptoms and performing analysis, the root cause of the
problem is determined. As part of this work, the person investigating the
problem may identify relevant parts or documents.
Propose solution
A course of action to fix the problem is proposed. As part of this work, the
person preparing a solution may identify relevant parts or documents.
Implement solution
A solution is chosen and implemented. As part of the implementation work,
the users of the change process identify part or document revisions, both old
revisions (that is, those that require a change) and new revisions (that is, those
that have been changed). This step includes the incorporation of the solution
into production, if appropriate.

The Enterprise Layer 5-21

Change Item Classes
The following figure shows the model for the change classes provided by
Windchill’s change management module.


<<Abstract>> 1 0..n <<Abstract>> 1 0.. n <<Abstrac t>>
ChangeRequest2 ChangeOrder2 ChangeActivity2
Address edBy2 IncludedIn2
1 0..1
<<Abstract>> AcceptedStrategy

<<Abstract>> <<Abstract>>
ChangeInvestigation ChangeProposal 0..1

For the Windchill out of 0..n For the Windchill out of
the box change process, the box change process
there can be only one <<Abstract>> the UI does not expose
ChangeInvestigation per AnalysisActivity this relationship

Change Management Class Model

5-22 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The following figure shows the relationship between the change item classes and
the change management process shown earlier.

Change Management Process and Related Classes

Following are descriptions of the available change objects:

Change issue
A change issue holds information about the problem’s symptoms. A change
issue can be thought of as a suggestion box.
Change request
A change request is the object that organizes the other change objects. It
represents a formal, traceable change. This object can be associated with
product data versions (for example: parts, products, product instances,
documents, or CAD documents).
Change investigation
A change investigation organizes the information pertaining to the root cause
of the problem. It is used when the root cause is not trivial or obvious. If the
research to determine the root cause is very detailed or complicated, analysis
activities are used to organize the effort into logical work breakdowns.
Change proposal
A change proposal organizes the information pertaining to a solution for the
problem. It is used when the problem solution is not trivial or obvious. If the
research to determine the solution is very detailed or complicated, analysis
activities are used to organize the effort into logical work breakdowns.
Analysis activity
An analysis activity is used in conjunction with either a change investigation
or a change proposal. When the cause of the problem is complex, an analysis
activity helps to further organize a change investigation. When the solution to
a problem is complex, an analysis activity helps to further organize a change
proposal. This object can be associated with product data versions that are
relevant to the analysis work.

The Enterprise Layer 5-23

Change order
A change order is created if a change proposal is chosen for implementation.
Change activity
A change activity serves as the work breakdown for a change order. This
object can be associated with product data versions for two distinct reasons:
the product data is defective or otherwise must be changed, or the product
data version is a result of a change. This allows users of the system to track
the reason for change to product data.

5-24 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Associations with Product Information
A changeable is a PDM object whose changes can be tracked by the change
management system. These are referred to as product data versions to the end
user. The term product data version appears on the Change Management user
interface rather than the term "changeable." At this release, Windchill parts,
products, product instances, documents, and EPM documents are the only
changeables, as shown in the following figure.


W TProductInstance2 <<Abstract>>
(from part) RevisionCont rolled
(from enterprise)

WTPart WTDocument EPMDocument

(from part) (from doc) (from epm)

(from part)

Changeable Objects

The Enterprise Layer 5-25

The change management model defines four distinct relationships between
change objects and changeables. Any number of changeables can be associated
with each of the relationships. In the following figure, one part and one document
is associated to the change object in each case. Also shown is a relationship
between a change request and a product master, which is not changeable.



Product Master that is the_subject

of_ the change request

Relationships to Product Information

The following are the four relationships between change objects and changeables
and the relationship between a change request and a product master.
Relevant request data
The relevant request data association identifies changeables that are relevant
the change request for any reason.
Relevant analysis data
The relevant analysis data association identifies changeables that are relevant
to the analysis for a change investigation or change proposal.
Affected activity data
The affected activity data association identifies changeables that must be
changed to satisfy a change activity.
Change record
The change record association identifies changeables that have been changed
as a result of a change activity
Subject product
The subject product association identifies product masters that are the subject
of the change request. Product masters are not changeables and may not be
directly affected by the change request.

5-26 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

To summarize, relevant request data and relevant analysis activity data identify
versions that might change, affected activity data identifies old (or defective)
revisions which have been superseded, and change record identifies new (or
improved) revisions. Also, subject product identifies product masters that are the
subject of a change request, but are not necessarily affected themselves. The
following figure shows a UML class diagram representing these associations:

This relationship identifies Changeable2 This relationship identifies Changeable2

revisions which were relevant for a given revisions which must be changed to
Analysis Activity. satisfy a Change Activity.

Object ToObjectLink
(from fc)

RelevantAnalysisData AffectedActivityData

AnalysisActivity 0..n 0..n 0.. n 0..n
<<Interface>> <<Abstract>>
0..n 0..n Changeable2 0..n 0..n ChangeActivity2
WTProductMaster <<Abstract>>
(from part) ChangeRequest2
0.. n 0..n

RelevantRequestData2 ChangeRecord2

This relationship identifies Changeable2
This relationship identifies
revisions which were created to satisfy a
Changeable2 revsions
Change Activity. These revisions are
which were relevant for a
either entirely new, or new revisions of
given Change Request.
existing objects.

Object ToObjec tLink
(f ro m f c)

Associations Class Diagram

The Enterprise Layer 5-27

Change Item Modeling Approach
Each change management object is modeled using a three-tiered approach:
interface, abstract class, and concrete class, as shown in the following figure:

Change Item Modeling Approach

Interface layer
The interface classes simply implement the Persistable interface to indicate
that the change management classes are objects stored by Windchill.
Abstract classes
The abstract classes implement various Windchill plug and play interfaces
and enterprise package classes to obtain standard Windchill functionality.
Each abstract class implements ContentHolder (see the content package in
chapter 5, Windchill Services), which provides the ability to attach files. In
addition, each abstract class extends either Managed or CabinetManaged (see
the enterprise package, earlier in this chapter for an explanation of these
classes). The abstract classes also contain modeled associations among
change objects, and between change objects and product information objects.
Concrete classes
The concrete classes contain modeled business attributes.

5-28 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Change Items Classes
The following sections show the models for the change item classes. Because
many attributes are common, descriptions of all the attributes defined on these
items are shown at the end of this section under Change Item Attribute

Change issue
The following figure shows the model for change issues:

<<Abstract>> <<Interface>> <<Interface>> <<Interface>> <<Interface>>

Managed ChangeIssueIfc ContentHolder ChangeItem ElectronicallySignable
(from electronicIdentity)
(from enterprise) (f ro m co ntent )

ChangeIss ue
Identificat ionObjec t
(from fc)

<<Int erface>>
Identified number : String WTChangeIs sueIdentity
(from fc) name : String
number : String
description : String
name : String
requester : String
Typed WTChangeIssueIdentity()
(from type) assignToObject()

HIGH : IssuePriorit y = toIssuePriority ("HIGH")
ME DIUM : IssuePriority = t oIssuePriorit y(" MEDIUM" )
LOW : IssuePriority = t oIss uePriorit y(" LOW ")
EMERGENCY : IssuePriority = t oIssuePriorit y(" EMERGENCY" )

SAFETY_ISSUE : Category = toCategory("SAFETY_ISSUE")
COST_REDUCTION : Category = toCategory("COST_REDUCTION")
DESIGN_ISSUE : Category = toCategory("DESIGN_ISSUE")
OTHER : Category = toCategory("OTHER")

Change Issue Model

The Enterprise Layer 5-29

Change Request
The following figure shows the model for change requests:

<<Abstract>> <<Interface>> <<Interface>> <<Interface>> <<Interface>>

Managed ChangeRequestIfc ContentHolder ChangeItem ElectronicallySignable
(f rom e nte rp rise ) (from content) (f ro m el ectroni cI den ti ty)

<<Interface>> <<Abstract>>
Identified ChangeRequest2
(from type)
(from fc)

SAFETY_ISSUE : Category = toCategory("SAFETY_ISSUE")
COST_REDUCTION : Category = toCategory("COST_REDUCTION")
DESIGN_ISSUE : Category = toCategory("DESIGN_ISSUE")
WTChangeRequest2 0..1
OTHER : Category = toCategory("OTHER")
number : String
name : String
description : S tring RequestPriority
needDate : Timestamp HIGH : RequestPriority = toRequestPriority("HIGH")
MEDIUM : RequestPriority = toRequestPriority("MEDIUM")
WTChangeRequest2() 0..1 LOW : RequestPriority = toRequestPriority("LOW")
WTChangeRequest2() EMERGENCY : RequestPriority = toRequestPriority("EMERGENCY")
checkA ttributes()
SIMPLE : Complexity = toComplexity("SIMPLE")
0..1 COMPLEX : Complexity = toComplexity("COMPLEX")

(from fc)

number : String
name : String

setToObject ()
getIdent it y()

Change Request Model

5-30 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Change Investigation
The following figure shows the model for change investigations:

<<Interface>> <<Abstract>> <<Interface>> <<Interface>> <<Interface>>

ChangeAnalysisIfc Cabinet Managed Content Holder ChangeItem ElectronicallySignable
(from enterprise) (from content) (from electron icIdentity)

<<Interface>> <<Abs tract>>

ChangeInvestigationIfc ChangeAnalysis

<<Abstract>> <<Abstract>>
ChangeInvestigation Ident ificat ionObject
(from fc)
Ident ified
(from fc)
number : String
number : String
name : String
name : String
description : String
<<Interface>> needDate : Timestamp
Typed WTChangeInvestigationIdentity()
results : String
(from type) assignToObject()

Change Investigation Model

The Enterprise Layer 5-31

Change Proposal
The following figure shows the model for change proposals:

<<Interface>> <<Abstract>> <<Interface>> <<Interface>> <<Interface>>

ChangeAnalysisIfc CabinetManaged ContentHolder ChangeItem ElectronicallySignable
(f rom en terprise) (f rom c ontent) (f rom el ectroni cI denti ty)

<<Interface>> <<Abstract>>
ChangeProposalIfc ChangeAnalysis

<<Int erface>> <<Abstract>> <<Abstract>>

Ident ified ChangeProposal IdentificationObject
(from fc) (from fc)

WTChangeProposal WTChangeProposalIdentity

<<Interface>> number : String number : String

Ty ped name : String name : String
(from type) description : String
WTChangeProposal() assignToObject ()
WTChangeProposal() setToObject()
checkAttributes() getIdentity()

Change Proposal Model

5-32 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Analysis Activity
The following figure shows the model for analysis activities:

<<Interface>> <<Abstract>> <<Interface>> <<Interface>> <<Interface>>

AnalysisActivityIfc CabinetManaged ContentHolder ChangeItem Elect ronically Signable
(from enterprise) (from content) (f ro m el ectroni cI dent ity )

<<Abstract>> <<Abstract>>
(f rom f c)
Analys isA ct ivit y IdentificationObject
(f rom f c)

number : String
<<Interface>> name : String name : String
Typed des cription : String number : St ring
(f rom t ype) needDate : Timest amp
results : String W TAnaly sisAct ivit yIdentity()
assignToObject ()
W TAnalys isAct ivit y() s etToObject()
W TAnalys isAct ivit y() getIdentit y()
checkAtt ributes ()

Analysis Activity Model

The Enterprise Layer 5-33

Change Order
The following figure shows the model for change orders:

<<Abstract>> <<Interface>> <<Interface>> <<Interface>> <<Interface>>

Managed ChangeOrderIfc ContentHolder ChangeIt em ElectronicallySignable
(f rom enterprise) (from content) (from electronicIdentity)

<<Int erface>> <<Int erface>> <<Abstract>>

Typed Identified IdentificationObjec t
ChangeOrder2 (f ro m f c)
(from type) (from fc)

WTChangeOrder2 WTChangeOrder2Identity
number : String number : String
name : String name : String
description : String
needDate : Timestamp getIdentity()
WTChangeOrder2() setToObject()
WTChangeOrder2() assignToObject()

Change Order Model

5-34 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Change Activity
The following figure shows the model for change activities:

<<Abstract>> <<Interface>> <<Interface>> <<Interface>> <<Interface>>

CabinetManaged ChangeActivityIfc ContentHolder ChangeItem ElectronicallySignable
(f ro m e nterp ri se ) (from con tent) (from electronicIdentity)

<<Interface>> <<Abstrac t>> <<Interfac e>>

Identified ChangeActivity2 Typed
Ident ificationObject
(from fc) (from type)
(f rom f c)

W TChangeAct ivity2 WTChangeActivity2Identity

number : String number : St ring
name : String name : String
description : String
needDate : Timestamp W TChangeAct ivity2Ident it y()
ass ignToObject()
WTChangeActivity2() setToObject()
checkAttributes() getIdentit y()

Change Activity Model

The Enterprise Layer 5-35

Change Item Attribute Descriptions
The following is a list of the attributes on change manager items:
The category to which the change object belongs. The category identifies the
general reason for the suggested change (for example, a cost reduction,
quality improvement, or safety issue).
The complexity of the change object.
A description of the change object.
issuePriority or requestPriority
The priority of the change object.
The summary of the change object. This attribute is displayed on the user
interface as "summary."
The target date by which the change object should be resolved and closed.
The automatically generated number of the change object.
The user who created the change object.
The results of the change investigation or change proposal.

5-36 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Windchill Services

Topic Page
Windchill Packages .............................................................................................6-3
access package — Access Control Service .........................................................6-5
admin package — Domain Administration Service............................................6-9
content package — Content Handling Service..................................................6-11
content replication — Content Replication Service ..........................................6-17
effectivity package — Effectivity Service ........................................................6-19
federation package — Federation Service.........................................................6-24
folder package — Foldering Service.................................................................6-27
fv package — File Vault Service ......................................................................6-30
identity package — Identity Service .................................................................6-32
Import and Export Package ...............................................................................6-36
index package — Indexing Service...................................................................6-37
lifecycle package — Life Cycle Management Service .....................................6-40
locks package — Locking Service ....................................................................6-45
notify package — Notification Service .............................................................6-48
org package — Organization Service................................................................6-51
ownership package — Ownership service ........................................................6-52
project package — Project Management Service..............................................6-53
queue package — Background Queuing Service ..............................................6-55
router package — Routing Service ...................................................................6-57
scheduler package — Scheduling Service.........................................................6-61
session package — Session Management Service ............................................6-62
Standard Federation Service doAction() and sendFeedback() ..........................6-63
vc package — Version Control Service ............................................................6-69
vc package — Baseline Service ........................................................................6-75
vc package — Configuration Specification Service..........................................6-78
vc package — Version Structuring Service ......................................................6-85
vc package — Version Viewing Service...........................................................6-87
vc package — Work in Progress Service ..........................................................6-89

workflow package — Workflow Service ......................................................... 6-92
Engineering Factor Services ............................................................................. 6-98
EPMMemberLink ........................................................................................... 6-105

6-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Windchill Packages
Windchill’s functionality — that is, its services and utilities — is generally
separated into packages. These packages are available in the wt directory within
the Windchill source directory, src. You can use these packages as you build new
applications and customize existing applications. Model files are provided so you
can modify the models and then generate code from them.
This section lists a subset of the packages available and gives an overview of their
functionality. The remainder of this chapter then describes the services provided
by these packages in more detail. If not described in this chapter, the following list
refers to the chapters where they are described.
Functionality for access control; used to define access policies (that is, define
rules for what principals have access to what information).
Functionality to create administrative domains and policies.
Functionality for handling content data (attaching files and URLs to content
holders, such as documents and change objects) and associating business
information metadata (such as the author) with content.
content replication
Functionality for increasing the speed at which users can access data. Data is
stored on more rapidly accessible external vaults known as replica vaults.
Base packages cannot be extended or modified in any way. Additional
information about content replication is discussed in the Windchill
Administrator’s Guide.
Functionality to assert that a PDM object is effective under certain conditions.
The federation service (wt.federation package) provides functionality to
create and manage proxy objects of remote systems and perform utility
functions supporting the federation system.
Functionality to put information into folders and cabinets for navigational
Functionality to define and execute the vaulting algorithm for content items.

Functionality to display the identity of business objects; that is, their type and
identifier (for example, a type of part and an identifier of part number).

Windchill Services 6-3

Import and Export
Windchill Import and Export can assist you in moving complete Windchill
content and metadata to and from Windchill sites and Windchill ProjectLink
portals by placing the data in Jar files.
Functionality to index metadata and content data, controlling how information
is put into search indexes.
Functionality to define and use life cycles.
Functionality to lock and unlock objects.
Functionality to define rules and create subscriptions such that when certain
events occur to certain objects, E-mail notification is sent.
Organization services; functionality to create users and groups (generically
called principals).
Functionality to define ownership of an object.
Functionality to create projects, associate projects to business objects, and
resolve roles to principals.
Functionality to define and manage queues. Queues are used to persistently
record deferred processes. Because queued processes are persistently stored,
they are guaranteed to execute at a later time.
Functionality to distribute execution of tasks to multiple Windchill method
Functionality to schedule execution of resource intensive method invocations
and keep a history of their outcomes.
Functionality to define and manage user sessions.
Standard Federation Service doAction() and sendFeedback()
Executes one or more Info*Engine tasks selected by a specific logical action
name, and the types and physical locations of a specific set of objects passed
as parameters. sendFeedback() sends feedback objects to the client

Version control; functionality to handle versions of objects. Version control
services described in this chapter include baselines, configuration
specifications, version structuring, version viewing, and work in progress.

6-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Functionality to create and manage workflow definitions, initiate and manage
process instances, and distribute work items to users and groups.

access package — Access Control Service

The access control manager is responsible for defining and enforcing the access to
business and system objects. The access control manager resides in the wt.access

Design Overview
An object is subject to access control if its type implements the AccessControlled
interface and implements either the DomainAdministered or the
AdHocControlled interface. The AccessControlled interface is simply a marker
interface, without any methods. Access control is enforced by access control lists
(ACLs), which associate principals to positive or negative sets of access
permissions. Permissions are defined by the AccessPermission class. When a user
attempts to perform an operation on an object, the ACLs are evaluated according
to the model set forth by the java.security.acl.Acl interface, and the access is
granted or denied.
Two types of ACLs can be associated to an object: a policy ACL, generated from
access control policy rules, and an ad hoc ACL, generated from ad hoc access
control rules. A single policy ACL applies to all objects of a specific type while
the ad hoc ACL is specific to a single object. The AccessPolicyRule class defines
policy rules and the AdHocControlled interface defines ad hoc rules. Both the
AccessPolicyRule class and the AdHocControlled interface implement the
AccessControlList interface, which associates a set of entries to a rule, and both
contain an entry set attribute (defined by the AclEntrySet class), which is a cache
of the entries. An access control rule entry is defined by the WTAclEntry class.

Windchill Services 6-5

Access Control Entries
To be associated to a policy ACL, the object must belong to a domain; that is, its
type must implement the DomainAdministered interface (see the Domain
administration section later in this chapter). Each domain has its own access
control policy that may contain many policy ACLs and rules.

Access Control Policy

Both the policy ACL and the rule contain a selector object that contains
information about which domain, type and state they are associated with. They
also contain a cached set of entries, each entry representing a specific mapping
between a principal (that is, a user, a group, or an organization; see the
Organization service section later in this chapter) and a set of permissions. The
difference between the policy ACL and the rule is that an ACL is derived from all
of the rules that apply to a domain, type and state. Applicable rules include those
inherited from ancestor domains and types. See the Windchill Business
Administrator's Guide for additional information. Policy ACLs are created on
demand and, for performance reasons, stored persistently in the database and in a
server cache.

6-6 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Every object that implements AdHocControlled holds an ACL that is specific to
the object, as shown in the figure below.

Ad Hoc ACLs
If an object is both DomainAdministered and AdHocControlled, then both the
policy and the ad hoc ACLs determine its access, in an additive manner. In the
same way as the policy ACL, the ad hoc ACL also contains a cached set of entries.
Although ACLs can map only principals to permissions, an ad hoc ACL
specification (represented by the AdHocAclSpec class) may also map roles to
permissions. Ad hoc access control rules can be generated from the ad hoc
specification by resolving the roles into principals. Depending on the role to
principal mapping used to resolve the roles, the same specification may generate
many different ad hoc ACLs.

Windchill Services 6-7

Access Control Manager

External Interface
The functionality of this service is represented by the AccessControlManager
(accessible through the AccessControlHelper), and the AccessControlManagerSvr
(accessible through the AccessControlServerHelper).
StandardAccessControlManager defines the access control enforcement, access
control policy, and ad hoc access functionality. For enforcement, the most
important method is checkAccess, which takes a permission and either an object
or a domain and an object type as parameters and throws a
NotAuthorizedException if access is not granted to the current principal.

Business Rules
The rule for access control enforcement returns true (permission granted) if the
object is not access controlled, or if it is not ad hoc controlled and doesn't belong
to a domain. If the object belongs to a domain, the policy ACL is generated (or
retrieved if it already exists) and the ACL is evaluated. In case the object does not
belong to a domain or access is not granted by the ACL, the object is checked to
see if it is ad hoc controlled and has an ad hoc ACL. If it does, the ACL is
evaluated and access is granted accordingly. Otherwise, access is denied.
When applying access control enforcement to a DomainAdministered object, the
policy ACLs used are those associated with the domain to which the object
belongs and those associated with all ancestor domains. This allows objects to
have very different access control behavior even if they are of the same type.

6-8 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Event Processing
No event is generated. The access control manager listens to domain change
events and reevaluates policy ACLs affected by any changes to the domain
hierarchy. Control is passed to the manager through explicit method calls.
The access control service now listens for the following events:
• AdministrativeDomainManagerEvent.POST_CHANGE_DOMAIN
• OrganizationServicesEvent.POST_DISABLE
• PersistenceManagerEvent.CLEANUP_LINK
• PersistenceManagerEvent.INSERT
• PersistenceManagerEvent.REMOVE

admin package — Domain Administration Service

The administrative domain manager (wt.admin package) is responsible for
defining domains and assigning domains to business and system objects. Policies
supported include access control (see Access control earlier in this chapter), file
vaulting (see File vault service later in this chapter), indexing (see Indexing
service later in this chapter), and notification (see Notification service later in this

Windchill Services 6-9

Design Overview
An administrative domain can be regarded as the set of all objects that have the
same administrative behavior. Administrative policies are defined for objects that
belong to a domain. For an object to belong to a domain, its class must implement
the DomainAdministered interface. A DomainAdministered object contains a
reference to the domain to which it belongs.

Administrative Domain Model

The AdministrativeDomain class extends Item (from the wt.fc package) that is
also DomainAdministered. That is, domains are themselves subject to
administrative rules and belong to another domain. All domains are descendants
of the root domain. . The AdministrativeDomain class implements the
AdHocControlled interface (from the wt.access package) and the WTContained
interface (from the wt.inf.container package).

External Interface
Access and manipulation of the domain of an object is accomplished by the
DomainAdministeredHelper, which both defines and implements the API. The
methods in this class are static. The methods for setting domains can be used only
with objects that have not yet been stored in the database (persisted). The
functionality defined in the AdministrativeDomainManager and
AdministrativeDomainManagerSvr can be accessed through the helper classes
AdministrativeDomainHelper and AdministrativeDomainServerHelper,
respectively. Changing the domain of a persistent object causes the posting of
PRE and POST events (see Event processing later in this section).

Business Rules
Four special domains are defined in the Site container during the installation
process: the Root, the System, the Default and the User domains. These

6-10 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

predefined domains cannot be deleted or modified (names however can be set in
the wt.properties file). For more information about these domains and about
administering domains, refer to the Windchill Business Administrator's Guide.
Changing the domain of an object is a valid operation and can be used to alter the
administrative behavior of the object (for example, moving an object to the User
domain gives the owner of the object unrestricted rights over the object).
All domain administered objects must belong to a domain. The domain should be
assigned during object initialization (by the initialize method). Objects that extend
the Item class are placed in the Default domain in the Item’s initialization. This
can be overridden (or not) by the extending class. Failure to assign a domain to a
domain administered object may cause runtime errors.

Event Processing
This service posts two events in case a change of domain is performed on a
domain administered object that is persistent. These events are:
service listens for the following events:
PersistenceManagerEvent.PRE_DELETE - Listen to attempts to delete
AdministrativeDomain objects, to veto deleting the pre-defined and referenced
PersistenceManagerEvent.PRE_MODIFY - Listen to attempts to modify
AdministrativeDomain objects, to veto renaming the pre-defined ones.
PersistenceManagerEvent.INSERT - Listen to attempts to create
AdministrativeDomain objects, to veto attempts to create domains in the
Windchill PDM container with the same name and parent as one of the four pre-
defined domains in the Site container.

content package — Content Handling Service

The content package allows content — files, URL links, and aggregates (multiple
pieces of content that behave as a single file — to be associated with business
classes. These business classes are referred to as ContentHolders. It appears to
users that content is contained in the business classes. The content itself is treated
like any other attribute of a class and requires read and/or write access on the

Windchill Services 6-11

Design Overview
The figure below is a conceptual representation of ContentHolders and how they
are represented to client developers.


Each ContentHolder can be thought of as containing an undetermined number of

ContentItems. Each ContentItem can be a URLData (a link) instance, an
ApplicationData (a file) instance, or an Aggregate (a group of content treated like
a single file) instance. A ContentItem references a format (basically the file’s
MIME type; see the DataFormat class that follows) and a WTPrincipalReference.
This contains the user who created the ContentItem.
Two primary interfaces can be used when creating your own ContentHolder
classes: the ContentHolder interface and the FormatContentHolder interface.
The ContentHolder interface is used for classes like change request (see
wt.change2.WTChangeRequest2), where content is used more as an attachment.

6-12 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The FormatContentHolder interface is used for classes like document (see
wt.doc.WTDocument), where you want to associate a primary format with the
document. This format is set automatically when using the ContentService. For
example, a document containing one Microsoft Word file will get a format of
Microsoft Word.
The ContentRoleType is an enumerated type that exists primarily for
customization. It is not used by the ContentService to perform any particular
action or behavior except in the case of FormatContentHolders. It is used when
one piece of content is to be stored as the main piece of content for the document,
as opposed to a related attachment. Primary content is, for example, downloaded
on a checkout of a document. Its role should be set as PRIMARY before it is
stored. The code to set the primary content is as follows:
ContentItem item = . . .
item.setRole( ContentRoleType.PRIMARY );

The ContentRoleType can also be used to specify specific ContentItems as

renditions, an attached drawing, and so forth. The default enumeration can be
updated in wt/content/ContentRoleTypeRB.java. However, for proper execution
of the system, do not remove the existing values from this resource bundle.
Note that the aggregate pieces of content are not currently supported for

Windchill Services 6-13

The following figure is a conceptual representation of the DataFormat class.

DataFormat Class

The DataFormat class is an Administrative class that is used to associate a primary

format with FormatContentHolders and ContentItems. These should be unique on

6-14 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

formatName, can be created only by an administrator, and can never be deleted.
Note that formats on files are set based on file extension and/or mime type.

Content Services

The ContentService is available on the client and server side. The

ContentServiceSvr is available only on the server side. The service methods are to
be referenced through the corresponding helper class. For further information, see
the javadoc for ContentService.

Working with ContentItems

The method call to get the secondary content associated with a ContentHolder is
as follows:

Windchill Services 6-15

ContentHolder holder;
holder = ContentHelper.service.getContents( holder );
Vector contents = ContentHelper.getContentList( holder );

This vector contains all the secondary ContentItems associated with the passed
The method call to get the primary content associated with a
FormatContentHolder is as follows:
ContentHolder holder;
holder = ContentHelper.service.getContents( holder );
ContentItem item = ContentHelper.getPrimary( holder );

Creating, Updating, and Removing

PTC recommends that you set up a signed applet and post to the content service
via HTTP. The method call to set up the URL to post to the content service is as
ContentHolder holder = . . .
URL postURL = ContentHelper.getUploadURL( holder );

To receive a stream from the ContentService, use the following:

ContentHolder holder = . . .
URL postURL = ContentHelper.getDownloadURL( holder );

When posting to the ContentService, the data must be posted in a particular

format. An outline of the format as is follows:
attribute name 1 attribute value 1
attribute name 2 attribute value 2
attribute name x attribute value x
content_description value <file path here>
attribute name 1 attribute value 1
attribute name 2 attribute value 2
attribute name x attribute value x
content_description value <file path here>
. . . <as many ContentItems as desired>
EndContent null <You must mark the end with this>
The content_description line should appear as follows for a new file:
newFile c\:path\uploaded_file.xxx file stream . . .
The content_description line should appear as follows for an ApplicationData that
already exists in the ContentHolder (that is, replace):
fileoid c:\path\uploaded_file.xxx file stream . . .
The value for fileoid can be generated using the following method call:

6-16 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

ApplicationData applicationDataObj = . . .
String oidstr = PersistenceHelper.getObjectIdentifier(
applicationDataObj ).getStringValue( );
The content_description line should appear as follows for a new URL:
newURLLink http://xxx.yyy.zzz
The content_description line should appear as follows for an existing URL,
generating the urloid, like the one for the preceding files:
urloid http://xxx.yyy.zzz
The ContentService currently handles the following attributes:
roleName (see wt.content.ContentRoleType)
The attributes can be passed in any order, as long as the preceding
content_description line is passed last for each object being worked on.

Business Rules
The read and modification of content is based on the access rules of the

Event Processing
At this time, the ContentService does not broadcast any events.

content replication — Content Replication Service

There are six content replication packages. Do not attempt to extend or modify
these base packages. Windchill content replication increases the productivity of
users by reducing the time it takes to access data.

fv.master — Master Service

The Master service is responsible for replicating to replica sites.

External Interface
The Master service has no API for developers to use.

Event processing
At this time, the Master service does not emit any events for developers to use.

Windchill Services 6-17

fv.replica — Replica Service
The Replica service is responsible for storing replicas.

External Interface
The Replica service has no API for developers to use.

Event processing
At this time, the Replica service does not emit any events for developers to use.

intersvrcom — InterSrvCom Service

The InterSvrCom service manages the replica sites known to a particular master
site. security. It generates and remembers public and private keys. It provides
verification services on the replica site.

External Interface
The InterSvrCom service has no API for developers to use.

Event processing
The InterSvrCom service does not emit any events for developers to use.

wrmf.delivery — Shipping Service

The Shipping service is one of the three services in the delivery and transport
system. It is responsible for packaging and sending messages and the content files
to the replica sites. It can operate without access to an Oracle Instance.

External Interface
The Shipping service has no API for developers to use.

Event processing
The Shipping service does not emit any events for developers to use.

wrmf.delivery — Receiver Service

The Receiver service is like a mailbox that the replica site accesses to find
requests to process. It is one of the three services in the delivery and transport
system. It can operate without access to an Oracle Instance.

External Interface
The Receiver service has no API for developers to use.

6-18 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Event processing
The Receiver service does not emit any events for developers to use.

wrmf.transport — Generic Transport Service

The Generic Transport service transports content to replica sites. It is one of the
three services in the delivery and transport system. It can operate without access
to an Oracle Instance.

External Interface
The Generic Transport service has no API for developers to use.

Event processing
The Generic Transport service does not emit any events for developers to use

Business Rules — content replication

Leveraging Content Replication in Java Applications and Applets — The business
reason for taking advantage of Content Replication is that it can dramatically
improve download times in a collaborative product commerce scenario. If you are
developing in an applet, use the standard Windchill download bean:
wt.clients.util.http.Download. The recommended paths for extending the HTML
Client are the following:
• If the page is to solely present information, use the TemplateProcessor
subclass wt.templateutil.processor.DefaultTemplateProcessor.
• If the page requires user input, for example, it will have an HTML form in it,
use the TemplateProcessor subclass
For detailed information about developing HTML clients, see the chapter on
customizing the HTML client in the Windchill Customizer’s Guide.

effectivity package — Effectivity Service

The effectivity package provides a mechanism to assert that a PDM object is
effective under certain conditions. This package is based in part on the
PdmEffectivity section (2.8) of the PDM Enablers specification.

Design Overview
This section describes the effectivity interface, effectivity types, and configuration

Windchill Services 6-19

The following figure illustrates the effectivity interface.

Effectivity Interface

EffectivityHolder serves as a plug-and-play interface to store effectivity

information for non-versioned objects. A class that implements EffectivityHolder
can reference one or more Effectivity objects. The purpose of this class is to
support the storage of effectivities for non-versioned objects, although this is used
in the current Windchill release. Note that this release does not include any direct
use of EffectivityHolder.
The EffectivityManagable interface provides a plug-and-play interface to store
effectivity information for versioned objects. An EffectivityManagable object
manages any number of effectivities, although the current Windchill user
interface supports only a single effectivity per EffectivityManageable version. All
EffectivityManagable objects are Versioned; however, the converse is not
necessarily true. If an EffectivityManageable object is deleted, all Effectivity
objects that reference the EffectivityManageable will be deleted automatically.
wt.part.WTPart will be the only class that asserts EffectivityManageable in this
release. That is, only parts will be subject to effectivity functionality.

6-20 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Effectivity Types
The following figure illustrates effectivity types.

Effectivity Types

Effectivity is an abstract class that supports the concept that a PDM object is
effective under certain conditions. Abstract subclasses of Effectivity include
DatedEffectivity and UnitEffectivity. Effectivity contains a reference to a
ConfigurationItem (configItemRef). This ConfigurationItem reference is
necessary for UnitEffectivity subclasses, and is optional for DatedEffectivity
Effectivity has two mechanisms for referencing its associated
EffectivityManageable object.
• versionedTarget is a reference to a versioned object and is used for classes
that implement EffectivityManageable.
• standardTargetReference is a reference to a non-versioned object and is used
for classes that implement EffectivityHolder.
The implementer simply calls EffectivityHelper.setEffectivityTarget, which
automatically initializes the proper reference.

Windchill Services 6-21

WTDatedEffectivity, WTLotEffectivity, and WTSerialNumberedEffectivity are
concrete classes for storing date, lot number, and serial number effectivity. Each
are represented by a separate database table.
No persistent link classes are used to associate the concrete effectivity types to
EffectivityManageable. This association is achieved through the versionedTarget,
and standardTargetReference attributes, described above. In this way, an
EffectivityManageable object is associated to its concrete effectivity object
through a foreign key reference.
A DatedEffectivity is used to indicate that an EffectivityManageable object is
effective while a configuration item is being produced during a date range.
WTDatedEffectivity is a concrete subclass of DatedEffectivity.
A UnitEffectivity is used to indicate that an EffectivityManageable item is
effective as a configuration item is being produced in a range of numbered units.
WTSerialNumberedEffectivity and WTLotEffectivity are concrete subclasses of
UnitEffectivity, for serial number and lot number effectivity, respectively.

The following figure illustrates the ConfigurationItem.


PDM Enablers defines ConfigurationItem as follows: "A ConfigurationItem is

referenced by Effectivity objects ... to specify the product for which the
effectivity is being expressed." ConfigurationItem is used to provide a context for
unit effectivity (serial number or lot number). The Effectivity class (described
above) stores a reference to a single ConfigurationItem. ConfigurationItem is a
Managed object. Each ConfigurationItem object aggregates a single

6-22 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

EffectivityType object. The deletion of ConfigurationItem is allowed only if the
ConfigurationItem is not being referenced by any Effectivity object.
EffectivityType is a subclass of EnumeratedType, which provides a mechanism
for using a Java resource bundle to enumerate the valid Effectivity types.

External Interface
The EffectivityHelper class provides methods for setting the configuration item
and target Effectivity Manageable object (WTPart) for an Effectivity object.
When creating WTLotEffectivity and WTSerialNumbered objects, both of these
methods should be called. When creating WTDatedEffectivity objects, setting a
Configuration Item is optional.
The EffectivityManager provides methods for retrieving Effectivity objects from
the database, for retrieving configuration item objects from the database, and for
storing, modifying, or deleting Effectivity objects. These methods are accessed
through EffectivityHelper.service.

Business Rules
The following business rules apply to effectivity:
• Any user who has access to modify a change order or change activity also has
permission to change the effectivity for all parts that are referenced by the
change order or change activity.
• The data model supports multiple effectivities per part version.
• Effectivity objects are never shared. Each part has unique effectivity
• The user may not delete a configuration item if it is referenced by any
effectivity object.
• If the user deletes a part with effectivity, its effectivity information will be
deleted automatically from the database.

Event Processing
No events are posted by this service. This service listens for and acts upon the
following two standard Windchill events:
• When a POST_DELETE event for an EffectivityManageable object is
emitted, the EffectivityService will delete all of the Effectivity objects that
reference the deleted EffectivityManageable.
• When a PRE_DELETE event for a ConfigurationItem object is emitted, the
EffectivityService checks to make sure that no Effectivity objects reference
the ConfigurationItem. If any do, the EffectivityService will veto the delete,
and the ConfigurationItem may not be deleted.

Windchill Services 6-23

federation package — Federation Service
The federation service (wt.federation package) provides functionality to create
and manage proxy objects of remote systems and perform utility functions
supporting the federation system.

Design Overview
The federation service is designed to be a plug and play component in the
Windchill system. The federation service is intended to be used for both client and
server development. Business objects, asserted as being federated in the object
model, are assigned a remote system information (serviceID) at creation and can
be promoted throughout the defined phases of an associated federation. The proxy
source information is held in the serviceID cookie, but instead operate on it
through the federation service’s external interface.

6-24 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The following figure contains a representation of the object model for federation

Federation Service Model

External Interface
The Federated interface provides an abstraction of a plug-and-play component.
The intent is that, in an object model, a business object would assert that is
Federated by implementing the Federated interface. With this assertion, the
business object can then be created as a proxy of remote object.
The FederationHelper provides an abstraction as the API to the
FederationService. The API’s method can be categorized as either local or remote
invocations. The local methods are getters of information, typically from cookies
that are held in the business object. The remote methods serve as wrappers to a
service that promotes server-side functionality.

Windchill Services 6-25

The FederationService provides an abstraction that specifies and promotes server-
side functionality as a service that is remotely available for use by a client. The
intent is that this interface defines all the necessary server-side functionality for
The FederationServerHelper provides an abstraction of server-side API to the
federation services. These methods can be invoked only from server-side
The FederationServicesException provides an abstraction of an abnormal
occurrence or error in usage or processing of the federation service. This
exception can be localized through a given resource bundle, and other exception
can be nested with in it.

Business Rules
As defined by the standard federation service access control rules, no constraints
are placed on the access of proxy objects.

Event Processing
The federation service is an event listener. The service listener listens for and acts
upon the following standard Windchill events.
When a PRE_STORE or a PRE_MODIFY event is emitted for a proxy object,
the federation service provides the opportunity to store or update associated
objects prior to storing or updating the proxy object itself by doing:
if ( obj instanceof Federated )
((Federated)obj).prepareForStore ();

Revising a proxy object is not allowed. Proxy objects are created against
source objects from remote system. The revision is prevented to ensure that
the proxy objects are consistent with the source objects.
When a POST_STORE or a POST_MODIFY event is emitted for a proxy
object, the federation service provides the opportunity to store or update
associated objects after storing or updating the proxy object itself by doing:
if ( obj instanceof Federated )
((Federated)obj).postStore ();

When a PREPARE_FOR_MODIFICATION is emitted for a proxy object, the

federation service will throw an exception with a message indication that
updating federated objects is not allowed.
When a PRE_CHECKOUT event is emitted for a proxy object, The checkout
of a proxy object is not allowed for R5.0.

6-26 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

folder package — Foldering Service
The folder service resides in the package wt.folder. It provides the means to
organize information into a cabinet and folder hierarchy, much the same way that
this is done in operating systems available today. (Note that these are not
operating system folders, merely objects that act much like operating system
folders.) The cabinets provide not only a means to group information, but also a
means to associate information with administrative policies for access control,
indexing, and notifications. Folders provide a further breakdown of the
information in a cabinet. Because it is common to view information with more
than one organization, it is possible to construct alternative folder organizing
structures that contain shortcuts (like operating system shortcuts, symbolic links,
and aliases) to information residing in other folders.

Windchill Services 6-27

Design Overview
The following figure shows the essential associations and interfaces involved with
managing folder organized information.

Key Concepts of Information Foldering

6-28 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The following figure contains a representation of the object model for foldered

Folder Model

Typically, new objects that are to be foldered should extend the interfaces
provided in the wt.enterprise package. For simple foldered objects, use the
FolderResident class shown above. If additional characteristics (such as life cycle
management or versioning) are required, use the Managed or RevisionControlled

External Interface
The CabinetBased interface defines characteristics of information organized by
the foldering service. It has a name and a location that indicates the path to the
object in the cabinet and folder hierarchy.
The Foldered interface is asserted by objects that are to be organized into a folder.
An object can reside in (that is, be a member of) one and only one Folder.
The Folder interface is asserted for an object that organizes information. Both a
Cabinet and a SubFolder perform this organizing mechanism. There are two types

Windchill Services 6-29

of Cabinets: personal and shared. A personal cabinet is intended to hold
information belonging to (owned by) a specific user. A shared cabinet contains
information that is intended for general access by other users/groups in the system
(depending on administrative policies).
The FolderHelper is a class that provides access to the functions of the foldering
package. Using these methods, an object is associated with a Folder for its initial
creation, and can determine its full folder path, its cabinet, and so on. The
FolderHelper also provides a member service variable which gives access to the
server functionality of the FolderService.
The FolderService interface defines the client-server API of the folder service.
These operations are used to determine the contents of folders and move an object
from one folder to another, as well as perform operations to assist in
programmatically constructing a cabinet and folder hierarchy.
The FolderServiceEvent is an event emitted when an object moves from one
folder to another. The intent of the event is to allow other services and managers
the opportunity to validate, veto, or perform additional work when an object is
moved from one folder to another.

Business Rules
The business rules for foldering are based on the access control that it enforces.
The most basic rule is that to put an object into a folder, or remove it from the
folder, you must have modify permission on that folder. This is in addition to
whatever permission you must directly have to create or delete the object. To
move an object from one folder to another, you must have modify permission on
the source and destination folders, as well as permission to delete the object from
its source folder and to create it in its destination folder. An additional rule is that
you can not move an object from a shared cabinet to a personal cabinet.

fv package — File Vault Service

The file vault service (wt.fv package) is responsible for the definition and
execution of rules that define the vaulting algorithm for content items. This allows
the content service to store content items in external files as opposed to ORACLE
BLOBs to speed up the upload and download process.

6-30 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Design Overview

File Vault Model

The file folder is the equivalent of a directory on the disk drive. Folders are
logically grouped to form vaults. Each folder has a sequence number that defines
the order in which the folders within the vault will be used for storing content
items. When a folder overflows, the vault manager makes it read-only and begins
using the next available folder in the sequence. All the folders must be mounted to
all the method server hosts in order to provide access to content items stored in
them. Depending on the domain a content holder belongs to, a class and life cycle
state content item is stored in one of the vaults or in the ORACLE BLOB.

Windchill Services 6-31

The following is the class diagram for vaulting rules:

External Interface
There is no external API for customer use.

Event Processing
The service emits OVERFLOW events with the FvFolder object as a target on
folder overflow and the FvVault object as a target on vault overflow. An event is
emitted from within a transaction. Vetoing an event or throwing an exception has
no effect on the operation that caused the event to be emitted.

identity package — Identity Service

The identity service (wt.identity) provides the classes and interfaces to manage
the display identification of business objects. Display identification is the ability
to get locale-sensitive, displayable information about an object’s identity. An
object’s identity consists of its type (such as a part, document, or folder) and an
identifier (such as a part number, document name, or folder name).
This information must be shown in various clients, both java applets and HTML
pages, in a locale-sensitive manner. This package implements some standard

6-32 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

interface specifications for the characteristics of object identification for display
purposes, as well as a mechanism to construct new display identification objects
for new types of business objects as needed.
The Windchill implementations use resource bundles to manufacture the correct
LocalizableMessage for any DisplayIdentity object.

Object Model
The following figure shows the basic model to provide display identification
information about business objects. The following figure illustrates the basic
specification of identifiability and the identity factory mechanism.

Display Identification for Objects

Windchill Services 6-33

The following figure illustrates the standard identity type objects.

Standard Identity Type Objects

6-34 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The following figure illustrates delegate classes that provide identification
information objects.

Delegate Classes for Display Identification

These delegates are generally not aware of specific Windchill plug-and-play

component characteristics, allowing them to be used with a large variety of object

Windchill Services 6-35

Implementing New Display Identification Delegates
The display identification mechanism is based on delegates that are constructed
based on information in the service.properties file. The delegates are constructed
based on the model specified above, implementing the abstract methods specified.

The service.properties file

The following entry from the service.properties file specifies that the
WTDocument class should use the delegate

When implementing a delegate, the delegate must be a subclass of either the
DisplayIdentificationStandardDelegate or the
DisplayIdentificationVersionDelegate. The implementer must implement the
appropriate initialize methods as determined by the parent class. Typically, the
initialize() method itself is not overridden, but rather the initializeXXXX()
methods for the specific attributes of the identification object. Note that the
delegate objects should be written to be almost foolproof; that is, so that they can
always produce a DisplayIdentification object without throwing an exception.
From release 6.0, another option for subclassing delegates is the
DisplayIdentificationPersistableDeleagate. The initializeType() method in the
existing DisplayIdentificationPersistableDelegate has changed from initializing
the object using the introspection information, to dispatching the initialization
functionality to either "NonTypedDelegate" or "TypedDelegate" based on if the
object is "Typed" and let the proper delegate calculate the proper
"LocalizableMessage" for the object and set the object’s type to its correspondent
"LocalizableMessage". The subclass delegate should then implement the
initializeType() method by just calling its super’s initializeType() method to let
the DisplayIdentificationPersistableDelegate handle the work.

Import and Export Package

Windchill Import and Export can assist you in moving complete Windchill
content and metadata to and from Windchill sites and Windchill ProjectLink
portals by placing the data in Jar files.
Windchill Export places in Jar files on your file system all the data held in high-
level Windchill objects in the local Windchill database. Windchill Import extracts
such Jar files to the local Windchill database.
A DTD for core Windchill objects could be of interest if a problem arises in
importing an object and troubleshooting is needed. The DTD could be of interest

6-36 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

to people who wish to publish from Windchill into a different XML format.
Modifying the DTD could allow that operation.
A commented DTD for core Windchill objects is in the following location:

index package — Indexing Service

The index policy manager (wt.index package) is responsible for the definition and
execution of rules that automate index maintenance. To allow the global search of
business objects, those objects are indexed in appropriate external search engine
indices. A collection or library is a gathering of information that is indexed by a
search engine and available for searching. At any time, a business object can
belong to one or more collections. Depending on the occurrence of events, such as
whether the object has been released, the system may have to add or remove
objects from the collections. Even if the object stays with the collection, it may
have to be re-indexed to ensure that the most up to date information describing the
object is indexed.

Design Overview
The design of the index policy manager follows the same pattern as the other
administrative policies (see Access control and Notification service, also in this
chapter). The Indexable interface marks those classes whose objects may be
indexed in external collections. Every Indexable object holds a list of the
collections (IndexerSet) in which it is currently indexed. Access to this list is
possible through the static methods of the IndexerHelper class.

Indexing Model
For each type and state, it is possible to define the collections the object should be
in. This definition is called an index policy rule and is represented by the
IndexPolicyRule class. Indexing policy rules are enforced by indexing policy lists
(IndexPolicyLists class). The lists are derived from all of the rules that apply to a

Windchill Services 6-37

domain, type and state. The rules and lists contain a Selector object
(domain/type/state) and a set of indexers. When an event occurs to an Indexable
object, the indexer set in the policy list is the union of the collections for all the
applicable rules. Index policy lists are created on demand and for performance
reasons, stored persistently in the database and in a server cache. The set of
indexers in the policy list is used to update the object’s indexer set.
Besides providing methods for managing policies, the IndexPolicyManager also
listens to events and triggers collection updates. These are not performed
immediately but queued for asynchronous execution.
The following figure shows the classes that map the attributes of Windchill
business objects to the Verity collection.

Collection Attributes

The default RwareIndexDelegate indexes every attribute, every instance-based

attribute (IBA), the identity of every object reference connected with the business
object (that is, the owner), the text of content files, and the links and descriptions
of attached URLs. By extending RwareIndexDelegate and overriding the index
method, information can be indexed in a way other than the default.

6-38 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Note: Versions of Windchill prior to 5.0 used only the IndexDelegate and classes
inheriting from IndexDelegate for indexing objects. At release 5.0 the search
engine that is distributed with Windchill changed from Verity Information Server
to Excalibur RetrievalWare and there was a need to introduce the
RwareIndexDelegate class. This is so that objects can continue to be indexed to
Verity using the IndexDelegate while RetrievalWare indices are being created
using the RwareIndexDelegate class.

External Interface
The Index Policy Manager methods can be accessed through the
IndexPolicyHelper class.

Business Rules
Although the indexing mechanism can use any event posted by any service, the
implementation provided listens only to events that may cause the object’s index
entry to become out of sync with the object. This list of events ensures maximum
efficiency and ensures that index entries always remain up to date.
There is no need to create a rule that removes the object from the collections in the
event that the object is deleted. The Index Policy Manager creates an implicit rule
that does that.

Event Processing

Windchill Services 6-39

lifecycle package — Life Cycle Management Service
The life cycle service resides in the package wt.lifecycle. It provides functionality
to manage the states that information passes through, the transitions required to
move from state to state, and the behavior associated with an object while it is in a
specific information state.

6-40 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Design Overview

Life Cycle Model

Windchill Services 6-41

The life cycle service is designed to be a plug-and-play component in the
Windchill system and is intended to be used for both client and server
development. Business objects, asserted as being LifeCycleManaged in the object
model, are assigned a state at creation and can be promoted through the defined
phases of an associated life cycle. Life cycle state information is held in a state
cookie. The business object should not interact directly with the state cookie, but
instead operate on it through the life cycle service’s external interface.

External Interface
The LifeCycleManaged interface provides an abstraction of a plug-and-play
component. The intent is that, in an object model, a business object would assert
that it is LifeCycleManaged by inheriting (that is, it implements) the
LifeCycleManaged interface. With this assertion, the business object can be
transitioned to successive states as defined by a life cycle definition.
The LifeCycleHelper provides an abstraction as the API to the life cycle service.
The API’s methods can be categorized as either local or remote invocations. The
local methods are getters of information, typically from cookies that are held in
the business object. The remote methods serve as wrappers to a service that
promotes server-side functionality.
The LifeCycleServerHelper provides an abstraction of the server-side API to the
life cycle services. These methods can be invoked only from server-side
The LifeCycleService provides an abstraction that specifies and promotes server-
side functionality as a service that is remotely available for use by a client. This
interface is intended to define all the necessary server-side functionality for life
cycle management.
The LifeCycleServiceEvent provides an abstraction of a specialized keyed event
used by the life cycle service to signal other services that something has occurred.
This gives other services in a plug-and-play architecture the opportunity to act
accordingly upon these events. Validation, vetoing, and post-processing are
typical reactions to events.
The life cycle service emits the following events:
Emitted when an object’s state changes. This occurs at creation, promotion, or
demotion of an object.
Emitted when the role participants of a role are modified. This occurs when
the object is dropped or reassigned to a different life cycle.
Emitted when a life cycle is enabled.
Emitted when a life cycle is disabled.

6-42 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Emitted when a life cycle managed object is submitted to the gate.
Emitted when a life cycle managed object is promoted to the next phase.
Emitted when a reviewer or promoter votes.
Emitted when the life cycle managed object is demoted to the previous phase.
Emitted when a life cycle managed object is denied (that is, it is moved from
the gate back to the current phase).
Emitted when a life cycle managed object is dropped (that is, it is no longer
associated with a life cycle).
Emitted when a life cycle managed object is reassigned to a different life
Emitted when a life cycle role participant list is updated.
Emitted when the Set Life Cycle State action is performed.
The LifeCycleException provides an abstraction of an abnormal occurrence or
error in the usage or processing of the life cycle service. This exception can be
localized through a given resource bundle, and other exceptions can be nested
within it.

Business Rules
Life cycle actions on life cycle managed objects are authorized by role
assignments. Roles are associated to principals in the definition of a life cycle
phase and a project, and are specific to a life cycle phase. Resolvable roles and
default assignments are identified in the definition of a life cycle phase. At
runtime, these roles are resolved to principals from a project specification, if the
corresponding roles are designated in the project.
There are four standard roles. The Submitter role players have authority to submit
the object for review. The Reviewer role players have authority to enter comments
and a signature designating approve or reject. The Promoter role players have
authority to promote, demote, deny, or drop the object. The Observer role players
have the right to view the object and view reviewer comments and signatures.
Additional roles can be added by updating the role resource bundle.

Windchill Services 6-43

Event Processing
The life cycle service is an event listener. The service listens for and acts upon the
following standard Windchill events:
• When a PRE_STORE event is emitted for a life cycle managed object, the life
cycle service initializes the state cookie by assigning an initial state to the
object. The save of a life cycle is vetoed if the folder location is not a personal
cabinet or the System cabinet.
• When a POST_STORE event is emitted for a life cycle managed object, the
life cycle service associates phase information, such as role players and access
rights, to the object.
• When a CLEANUP_LINK event is emitted for a life cycle managed object,
the life cycle service completes its portion of the delete action by removing
the life cycle associated data. When emitted for a life cycle, the life cycle
service completes its portion of the delete action by removing the PhaseLink,
AdHocAclLink, and DefaultCritierion links.
• When a PRE_DELETE event is emitted for a life cycle, and the template is in
use by a life cycle managed object, the delete is prohibited. When the object
being deleted is a WfProcessTemplate or a WfProcessTemplateMaster, and
that WfTemplate is referenced by a phase or gate of the life cycle, the delete is
emitted for a life cycle managed object, the life cycle service prevents
checkin, checkout, or modification of the object, if that object is pending
promotion (that is, the object is at the gate).
The checkin of a life cycle is not allowed when that life cycle is in use. Life
cycle managed objects that are created against a working copy of the life
cycle are assumed to be test objects. The checkin is prevented to ensure that
the test objects are cleaned up.
When a life cycle is checked out, the objects and links associated with the life
cycle are copied.
Once you create a life cycle managed object that references a working copy of
a life cycle, changes to the working copy the life cycle are no longer allowed.
You must delete the life cycle managed objects that reference the working
copy of the life cycle before you can make additional changes to that working
• Life cycle managed objects are project managed objects. When the
REPROJECT event is emitted for a life cycle managed object (that is, the
object is reassigned to a new project), the life cycle service updates the data
associated with this change.
• When a POST_ROLLBACK event is emitted for any life cycle managed
object (that is, an object is rolled back to a previous iteration), the life cycle

6-44 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

service backs up the state of the object to match this old iteration. Also, the
history associated with these now obsolete iterations is also removed.
• When a POST_CHANGE_DOMAIN event is emitted, any attempt to move
the life cycle to a location other than the personal cabinet or the System
cabinet is vetoed.

locks package — Locking Service

The locking service (wt.locks package) provides functionality to place and release
in-memory and/or persistent locks on lockable objects. The persistent locks are
not to be confused with database locks; they are two separate mechanisms.

Design Overview

Locking Service Model

Windchill Services 6-45

The locking service is designed to be a plug and play component in the Windchill
system, which is by default enabled to execute.
The locking service is intended to be used for both client and server development.
Business objects, asserted as being lockable in the object model, can be locked
and unlocked through the locking service’s external interface. Once a business
object is lockable, its lock can be seized to prevent concurrent access. Once the
lock has been released, the business object is available to be locked again. A
lockable object is not required to be locked prior to modification but, if it is
locked, the lock is honored. The lock itself is a cookie that a lockable business
object aggregates. The business object should not interact directly with the lock
cookie, but instead operate on it through the locking service’s external interface.

External Interface
The Lockable interface provides an abstraction of a plug and play component. The
intent is that, in an object model, a business object would assert that it is Lockable
by inheriting (that is, it implements) the Lockable interface. With this assertion,
the business object can then be locked and unlocked.
The LockHelper provides an abstraction as the API to the locking service. The
API’s methods can be categorized as either local or remote invocations. The local
methods are getters of information, typically from cookies that are held in the
business object. The remote methods serve as wrappers to a service that promotes
server-side functionality.
The LockService provides an abstraction that specifies and promotes server-side
functionality as a service that is available remotely for use by a client. The intent
is that this interface defines all the necessary server-side functionality for locking.
The LockServiceEvent provides an abstraction of a specialized keyed event used
by the locking service to signal other services that a locking activity is about to
begin or has occurred. This gives other services the opportunity in a plug and play
architecture to act accordingly on these events. Validation, vetoing, and post-
processing are typical reactions to events.
The LockException provides an abstraction of an abnormal occurrence or error in
the usage or processing of the locking service. This exception can be localized
through a given resource bundle, and other exceptions can be nested within it. The
most common occurrence of this exception is an attempt to lock or unlock a
business object that is already locked or unlocked.

Business Rules
As specified by the locking service’s standard access control rules, when an
attempt is made to lock an object, if it is not already locked and the given principal
has modify access to the object, then it is locked. If an attempt is made to unlock
an object that is already locked and the given principal has administrative access,
or the given principal is the one who originally placed the lock and has modify
access to the object, then it is unlocked. Otherwise, an exception is thrown

6-46 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

indicating the failure. Additionally, when a lock is placed on an object by a
principal, that user or group is the only principal able to then modify the object
while it is in a locked state.

Event Processing
Event-based processing is performed on business objects asserted as being
lockable during [preparation for] database modifications and full restorations.
When a business object is [prepared for] being modified in the database, the
locking service listens to a dispatched event indicating that the modify is about to
begin and vetoes it if the business object is locked and the current session’s
principal is not the one who originally placed the lock. Otherwise, the
modification is allowed to take place. Therefore, it is valid to modify a business
object that is lockable if it is not locked. When a business object is being fully
restored from the database, the locking service listens to a dispatched event
indicating that the full restoration is beginning and restores the principal who
holds the lock in the business object’s lock cookie.

Windchill Services 6-47

notify package — Notification Service
The Notification manager (wt.notify package) performs the definition and
execution of notification. The notification can be defined through a notification
policy or an object subscription and triggered by an event.

Design Overview
The Notification policy design follows the pattern for the administrative policy.
The Notifiable interface is created so that it can be implemented by the classes for
which notification should be sent. This interface contains no method. A notifiable
object may hold an event set that is specific to the object.


A Notification Policy is composed of many rules: NotificationRule objects. Each

rule contains an antecedent: a Selector object composed of a domain, type, and
event, and a consequent: a NotificationSet object (identifying the principals to
receive the notification). Similarly, each notification list contains a selector (that
works as a locator for the list) and a rule set. The difference between lists and
rules is that lists are entirely derived from the rules by evaluating all rules that
may possibly apply to a selector (for example, a rule that refers to a more general
type also applies to derived type). Notification lists, once constructed, are stored
persistently and cached for performance reasons. The message sent as a result of a
notification policy is very simple. It basically informs the recipient that the event
that triggered the notification occurred to the object in question.

6-48 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The NotificationManager interface supports the notification functionality with
methods for managing rules as well as methods for event subscription. Besides
providing these methods for storing and retrieving lists, the
StandardNotificationManager also listens to events and triggers notifications
based on the notification policy lists. These are not performed immediately but
rather queued for asynchronous execution.
Notification can be sent to users either as a result of a notification policy or an
object subscription created by a service or application. For example, the properties
page for some objects contains a subscription menu item that allows users to
subscribe to events on the object.The following figure shows the main classes
involved in ad hoc notifications.

Ad Hoc Notification

The object subscription class supports ad hoc notification.

External Interface
The Notification Manager methods can be accessed through the
NotificationHelper class.

Business Rules
The users that are the final recipients of the messages must have an e-mail
attribute defined. Additionally, for messages generated by notification policies,
the user must have read access over the object to which the event occurred.
Although the notification policy mechanism can use any event posted by any
service, in practice the notification is limited to the events listed in the
wt.admin.adminEventResource class because these are used by the administrator

Windchill Services 6-49

client to construct rules. The events must also be listed in the notify.properties

Event Processing
No event is generated. However, this service listens to the events specified in the
notification policy rules.
The list of events for the notification service includes the following in addition to
events defined in notify.properties:

6-50 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

org package — Organization Service
The following figure shows a representation of the org package model.

Org Package

The three main classes that compose this model are the WTPrincipal, and its
derived classes, WTGroup, and WTUser. WTPrincipal objects contain a name
which must be unique among users, groups, and administrative domains.
WTGroup can contain zero or more users. Also, a user can be in no group or in
The WTUser class has fixed and queryable attributes, and name-value pair
attributes. Fixed attributes are the name (inherited from WTPrincipal),
authenticationName, and fullName. Besides these attributes, each WTUser has a
structured attribute holder for name-value pairs: the AttributeHolder (not shown

Windchill Services 6-51

in the figure). This class is modeled after JNDI’s AttributeSet and multiple values
can be associated with a given name. An attribute holder is implemented as one of
two derived classes. If the user definition comes from an LDAP server, the
LDAPAttributeHolder class is used; otherwise, the user definition is local to the
Windchill system and the StandardAttributeHolder is used.
Finally, this package hosts the WTPrincipalReference class and manages a
principal cache (not shown in the figure) through its manager (also not shown in
the figure).

ownership package — Ownership service

The ownership service resides in the package wt.ownership. It provides the
functionality to associate a principal with an object. The association is that of
ownership. When an object is owned, it can be located by using the identity of the
owner. In addition, the owner may be given special access rights to the object by
the access policy rules of the system. Note that an object can carry the capability
of being owned by a principal but may not in fact have an owner. For example, all
objects that reside in shared cabinets (see Foldering service earlier in this chapter)
are ownable, but do not have an owner.

Design Overview

Ownership Model

6-52 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

External Interface
The Ownable interface provides an abstraction of the ownership capability. The
intent is that in an object model, an object will assert that it implements the
Ownable interface, therefore allowing it to be owned.
The OwnershipHelper provides access to the API for operation on Ownable
objects. The Ownable interface can be extended to create your own business
object classes, but the Ownership package does not provide any supported API's
to directly manage those objects.
The OwnershipService defines the server-side functionality available to Ownable
objects. These operations offer complete transactions that implement the business
rules for Ownable objects.
The OwnershipServiceEvent provides the mechanism to inform other plug and
play components of the system of operations that impact Ownable objects. This
allows other services or managers to perform validation, vetoing, or other pre/post
processing related to ownership activities.

Business Rules
Ownership is typically asserted on a business object prior to being stored in the
database. For example, in the Windchill implementation, this is done for foldered
objects as part of putting the objects into folders; the owner for the folder becomes
the owner for the object. Ownership may change as an object moves from one
folder to another.ge as an object moves from one folder to another.

Event Processing
Event-based processing is performed on Ownable objects as ownership changes
take place. An event is emitted just before the ownership change takes place,
inside the transaction that makes the change, and another event is emitted just
after the change has been made to the database. These events are

project package — Project Management Service

The project service resides in the package wt.project. It provides functionality to
create projects, associate projects to business objects and resolve roles to

Windchill Services 6-53

Design Overview

Project Model

The project service is designed to be a plug-and-play component in the Windchill

system and is intended to be used for both client and server development.
Business objects, asserted as being ProjectManaged in the object model, can be
assigned a project at creation. Project information is held in a ProjectId cookie.
The business object should not interact directly with this cookie, but instead
operate on it through the project service’s external interface.

6-54 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

External Interface
The ProjectManaged interface provides an abstraction of a plug-and-play
component. The intent is that, in an object model, a business object would assert
that it is ProjectManaged by inheriting (that is, it implements) the ProjectManaged
The ProjectHelper provides an abstraction as the API to the project service. The
API’s methods can be categorized as either local or remote invocations. The local
methods are getters of information, typically from cookies that are held in the
business object. The remote methods serve as wrappers to a service that promotes
server-side functionality.
The ProjectServerHelper provides an abstraction of the server-side API to the
project services. These methods can be invoked only from server-side processing.
The ProjectService provides an abstraction that specifies and promotes server-side
functionality as a service that is remotely available for use by a client. The intent
is that this interface defines all the necessary server-side functionality for project
The ProjectException provides an abstraction of an abnormal occurrence or error
in the usage or processing of the life cycle service. This exception can be localized
through a given resource bundle, and other exceptions can be nested within it.

Event Processing
The LifeCycleService is an event listener. The service listens for and acts on four
standard Windchill events.
• When a PRE_STORE event for a ProjectManaged object is emitted, the
LifeCycleService will initialize the state cookie by assigning an initial state to
the object.
• When a PRE_DELETE or PRE_CHANGE_IDENTITY event for a
ProjectManaged object is emitted, the service prevents the deletion or name
• When a PRE_SUPERCEDE event for a ProjectManaged object is emitted, the
service manages the cookie information. The cookie information of the
superseded iteration is copied to the superseding object.
The project service emits a REPROJECT event when the project specified in a
ProjectManaged object is changed.

queue package — Background Queuing Service

The Queue service (package wt.queue) is responsible for creating, executing,
monitoring, and managing queues for processing requests.

Windchill Services 6-55

The queues created in this service store processing requests in the form of Java
method calls. The requests are stored as queue entries and are executed following
a first-in first-out (FIFO) schedule.

Queue Service Classes

Queues are named and may contain many entries. Each entry may be in one of the
following states:
Not yet executed.
Executed successfully.
Exception occurred during execution.
Operator suspended.
The main classes in this service and their relationships are shown in the figure
above. The ProcessingQueue class represents named queues created by the
applications or other services. Processing queues can be in one of two states:
active, in which requests are executed, and inactive, in which requests aren’t
executed (but new entries can be added). It supports methods to add and execute

6-56 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

entries. The QueueEntry class holds specific information about the processing
request and its execution.

External Interface
The external interface of the QueueService can be accessed through the
QueueHelper.manager object. It provides methods to retrieve queues and
associated information, set polling intervals, change queues from active to
inactive (start/stop), create and delete queues and entries, and even execute
specific queue entries.

Business Rules
The only two requirements for an arbitrary Java method to be able to be queued
are that it be public and static. Additionally, the programmer must provide a
principal (user or group) on behalf of whom the request will be executed. If the
method returns a value, the value is lost. Finally, the methods should preferably
not require operator intervention and certainly should not depend on end user

Event Processing
No events are posted by this service.

router package — Routing Service

The routing service is designed to aid in scalability for different agent services by
providing a convenient way to distribute execution of tasks to multiple Windchill
method servers. The persistent routing service uses standard Windchill queue
service and uses the scheduler service on demand.

Windchill Services 6-57

Design Overview

Router Model

The routing service is a keyed event listener which listens for RoutingEvent
objects. The association between a routerEvent and the corresponding router
object determines how the event is handled. These elements are registered in the
wt.properties file.
A router object can operate in two modes: immediate and scheduled. Immediate
mode router objects, upon catching an event they are registered to handle,
immediately create and send an execution item to the queue. Scheduled mode
router objects, upon catching an event they are registered to handle, store the data
in a to-do list. The StandardSchedulingService invokes the static method
processToDoList defined in the scheduled mode router object. This method scans
the to-do list, creates execution items, and sends them to queues.

6-58 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Resource intensive operations should use scheduled mode; non-resource intensive
applications should use immediate mode. The ultimate choice depends on the
design intent of your system as a whole.
A RoutedEvent object is a subclass of KeyedEvent. Extend this class to classify
the events and to define router actions for each of them. The wt.properties file
entries specify the method name but not its signature. All invoked methods must
be of the following form:
static void a_method( Serializable targObject, Serializable[ ] args);
The following table describes various property names.

Property Name Description

Wt.router.X, where X = 1,2…* Router name. The router names must

be sequential and in ascending order.

ROUTER_NAME.immediate = false Mode of the specified router (where

ROUTER_NAME conforms to the
router name syntax). Default is false;
that is, scheduled mode.

ROUTER_NAME.NumOfQueues = 1 Number of queues used by the

specified router. Default is 1.

ROUTER_NAME.method Default fully-specified method name

for all the events caught by the
specified router (for example,

ROUTER_NAME.event.Y, where Y = Fully-specified event class caught by

1,*** the specified router.

ROUTER_NAME.event.Y.method, Default fully-specified method name

where Y = 1.* for event Y caught by the specified

ROUTER_NAME>event.Y.class.Z, Fully-specified target-object class

where Y and Z are 1…* caught with event Y by the specified

ROUTER_NAME.event.Y.class.Z. Fully-specified method name for

method event Y and target-object class Z
caught by the specified router.

Windchill Services 6-59

The names of all the queues started by the persistent router service are defined as
The name of the router.
A sequence number that ranges from 1 to the value of the NumOfQueues
property associated with the router name.

This example shows how you can use this service by following these four steps:
1. Define an event:
Class SampleEvent extends wt.router.RoutingEvent
public SampleEvent(String evtType, Serializable eventTarget)
super(evtType, eventTarget);

2. Define a method to invoke:

Class SampleClass
. . .
static void aSampleMethod(Serializable targetObject){
//some code to save the world}

3. Emit the event:

. . .
SampleEvent se = new SampleEvent("MY_SAMPLE_EVENT",

4. Configure the router by placing the following five lines in the wt.properties
Wt.router.1 = myRouter


6-60 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

scheduler package — Scheduling Service
The scheduling service, wt.scheduler, is responsible for scheduling the execution
of resource-intensive method invocations, and keeping a history of their
outcomes. It can be used to fire off agent processes, in addition to scheduling a
method invocation.

Scheduler Model

The scheduling service manages the schedule items in the system. Schedule items
can be scheduled to run once or periodically, and can start immediately or be
deferred to start at a later time. Schedule items maintain a collection of their
histories and their method arguments. Method arguments can be any object. The
scheduler provides a higher-level interface to the wt.queue package. Schedule
items are executed with the same privileges as the user who created them.
The ScheduleHistory class provides the history of the execution instances. A
default CountedHistory object is supplied for use by agents that perform a number
of internal operations. The execScheduled method is provided so that when the

Windchill Services 6-61

execution fires off an autonomous agent, the agent can record its results to the
schedule history.
A running instance can be in the following states:
The item is scheduled and awaiting execution.
The schedule item is executing its method.
The operator has suspended the method.
The operation has run successfully.
The operation has failed.
The statuses that pertain to agent processes are as follows:
The operation has been aborted.
An error has occurred in the agent session, but the agent has decided to
An error has occurred in the agent session, but the agent process continued to
An error has occurred in the agent session and the agent has stopped

External Interface
There is no external API for customer use.

Event Processing
This service does not emit any events.

session package — Session Management Service

The Session manager (wt.session package) maintains information specific to the
user session. This includes information about the session user.

6-62 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The classes shown below are responsible for managing the session user
(SessionManager) and setting access control ON or OFF (SessionServerHelper).
The first is a remote interface and therefore accessible from the client, while the
second is a simple interface and can only be accessed in the server.

Session Queue Service Classes

External Interface
The SessionManager contains methods for setting and getting the current
principal. The SessionManagerSvr contains methods for setting/resetting.

Business Rules
Although it is possible to retrieve the current principal from the client, the same
cannot be said about setting the current principal. This is only possible if the
current principal is itself a member of the Administrators group. Another way is to
set the wt.clientAuthenticatedLogin property (in the wt.properties file) to false.
This, however, should be done only for development, as it can be a serious
security breach.

Event Processing
No events are posted or listened to by this service.

Standard Federation Service doAction() and

The Standard Federation Service-doAction() Executes one or more Info*Engine
tasks selected by a specific logical action name, and the types and physical
locations of a specific set of objects passed as parameters. sendFeedback() sends
feedback objects to the client.

Windchill Services 6-63

Design Overview
The Federation Send Feedback mechanism uses the Info*Engine Web Event
Service (WES) to enable the sending of Feedback objects to clients. The
Info*Engine WES requires a Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) product to
be installed, configured and started. More information about MOM can be found
in the Info*Engine Installation and Configuration Guide.
The MOM has to be configured to recognize the "CommandDelegateFeedback"
Event. Actually the Event name only has to be the same as the EVENT parameter
value for the "Subscribe-Event" webject in the
wt/federation/StandardFederationServicesStartup Info*Engine task and the
"Emit-Event" webject in the wt/federation/CmdDelegateFeedbackEmit
Info*Engine task. These tasks are shipped with EVENT set to
"CommandDelegateFeedback". It’s possible to change the value in these tasks to
something other than "CommandDelegateFeedback" although I don’t know that it
is necessary to advertise this.
For sendFeedback() to work, Federation has to subscribe to receive Info*Engine
WES Events, specifically the "CommandDelegateFeedback" Event. This is done
via the wt/federation/StandardFederationServicesStartup task, which can be
executed at Federation Service startup time. For this task to execute during
Federation Service startup, the following line must be added to wt.properties:

If the StandardFederationServicesStartup task is executed during Federation

Service startup and no MOM is installed/started, Federation Service startup (and
Method Service startup) continue it just means that sendFeedback() won’t work if
it is called. Also, if the Federation Verbose flag is true, the following message is
logged to the Method Server log file when the Federation Service is started:
Wed 6/13/01 20:00:53: main:
wt.federation.StandardFederationService.performStartupProcess() -
caught IEException. The nested exception is:
javax.jms.JMSException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection
refused: no further information: tcp://<server>:<port>.

The most likely cause is no Messaging Service is started. This is a non-fatal

condition. The only consequence is that Command Delegate Feedback is disabled.
The stack trace follows.
If the StandardFederationServicesStartup task is executed and the MOM isn’t
configured with the proper Event (i.e., the CommandDelegateFeedback Event),
the following message is logged and the Method Server terminates.
Tue 6/19/01 20:28:22: main: *ERROR*:
com.infoengine.exception.fatal.IEFatalServiceException: Lookup of
Administered object with uri "CommandDelegateFeedback" returned
null. Similar results will occur (i.e., something will be logged
for the error and the Method Server terminates) if the
StandardFederationServicesStartup task is executed and there are

6-64 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

other MOM configuration errors.

If sendFeedback() is called and no MOM is installed/started (regardless of

whether or not the StandardFederationServicesStartup task was executed),
sendFeedback() throws a FederationServicesException exception and, if the
Federation Verbose flag is true, the following is logged to the Method Server log
Tue 6/19/01 18:57:30: SocketThread0:
wt.federation.StandardFederationService.sendFeedback() caught
The stack trace follows.

If sendFeedback() is called without executing the

StandardFederationServicesStartup task at Federation Service startup time (and a
MOM is installed/configured/started), no Feedback message is sent to the client.
In this scenario no errors occur on the Server so there are no exceptions from
sendFeedback() and no log messages in the MethodServer log file. The only
indication that something is wrong is that the client isn’t receiving Feedback
If sendFeedback() is called without executing the
StandardFederationServicesStartup task at Federation Service startup time (and a
MOM is installed/started but not configured with the CommandDelegateFeedback
Event), sendFeedback() throws a FederationServicesException exception and, if
the Federation Verbose flag is true, the following is logged to the Method Server
log file:
Wed 6/20/01 14:15:36: SocketThread1:
wt.federation.StandardFederationService.sendFeedback() caught
The stack trace follows.

External Interface
This is a supported API. The corresponding UI in Windchill is the Delegate

Event Processing
doAction executes one or more Info*Engine tasks selected by a specific logical
action name, and the types and physical locations of a specific set of objects
passed as parameters. sendFeedback sends feedback objects to clients.

public com.infoengine.object.factory.Group
doAction(String action,
Object[][] argv)
throws WTException

Windchill Services 6-65

Executes one or more Info*Engine tasks selected by a specific logical action
name, and the types and physical locations of a specific set of objects passed as

import wt.federation.FederationHelper;
import wt.util.WTException;
import com.infoengine.object.factory.Att;
import com.infoengine.object.factory.Element;
import com.infoengine.object.factory.Group;
import com.ptc.core.util.feedback.common.FeedbackSpec;

import java.util.Enumeration;

public class DoActionExample {

public static void main (String[] args) {

Element testElement = new Element();

testElement.addAtt( new Att("obid",
[email protected]") );
testElement.addAtt( new Att("name", "ENGINE") );
testElement.addAtt( new Att("number", "2623844395") );
testElement.addAtt( new Att("CLASS", "wt.part.WTPart") );
Element[] elementArray = { new Element("arrayElement1"),
new Element("arrayElement2") };

Group group1 = new Group( "group1" );

group1.addElement( group1Elem1 );
group1.addElement( group1Elem2 );


try {
Object[][] argv = { {"testElement", testElement },
{"group1", group1},
{"elementArray", elementArray},
{"bool1", new Boolean(true)},
{"char1", new Character(a')},'
{"int1", new Integer(100)},
{"byte1", new Byte((byte) 9)},
{"double1", new Double(10000)},
{"short1", new Short((short) 99)},
{"float1", new Float(100.25)},
{"long1", new Long(4000)},
{"string1", "argv Test String"} };

// Federation Service doAction() is accessed through

// FederationHelper
Group resultGroup =
FederationHelper.doAction( "testAction", argv );

//Example calling doAction() with a FeedbackSpec object.

Object key = TdTest.class.getName();
FeedbackSpec feedbackSpec = new DefaultFeedbackSpec(key,

6-66 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Group resultGroup =
FederationHelper.doAction( "testAction", argv,
feedbackSpec );

if ( resultGroup != null ) {
System.out.println( "resultGroup:" );
showIeGroup( resultGroup );
else {
System.out.println( "resultGroup is null." );

catch ( WTException exc ) {


private static void showIeElement(Element inElement) {

Enumeration attrs = null;

Att attr = null;

if ( inElement != null ) {
System.out.println( "Element:" );
System.out.println( " Element Name: " +
inElement.getName() );

System.out.println( " Element Attributes:" );

attrs = inElement.getAtts();
while ( attrs.hasMoreElements() ) {
attr = (com.infoengine.object.factory.Att)
System.out.println( " " + attr.getName() + ": " +
attr.getValue() );

private static void showIeGroup(Group inGroup) {

if ( inGroup != null ) {
Enumeration elements = null;

System.out.println( "Group:" );

System.out.println( "Group Name: " + inGroup.getName() );

System.out.println( "Number of Elements: " +
inGroup.getElementCount() );

System.out.println( "\nGroup Elements:" );

elements = inGroup.getElements();
while ( elements.hasMoreElements() ) {
showIeElement( (Element) elements.nextElement() );

Windchill Services 6-67


public void
sendFeedback(MethodFeedback feedbackObject)
throws FederationServicesException

Sends Feedback objects to the client. Supported API: true. Parameters:

feedbackObject - Required. The feedback object to be sent to the client. Throws:
wt.federation.FederationServicesException - Supported API: true. Parameters:
action - Required. The name of the action to perform on the input object(s).
argv - Required. Variable argument list. The format is an array of arrays, each
containing a Name, Value pair. The Name is the argument name and must be a
String type. The Value is the argument value. Values can be of type:
• § com.ptc.core.meta.type.common.TypeInstance or TypeInstance[ ],
• § com.infoengine.object.factory.Element or Element[ ],
• § com.infoengine.object.factory.Group,
• § java.lang.Boolean, Byte, Character, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short, or
At least one argument name, value pair must be specified and at least one
argument value must be of type TypeInstance (or TypeInstance[ ]), Element (or
Element[ ]), or Group.
An example of three input values would look like:
Object[][] argv = { {"arg1Name", arg1Value},
{"arg2Name", arg2Value},
{"arg3Name", arg3Value} };

feedbackSpec - The feedback specification object. If there is no feedback

specification, specify null. Returns: com.infoengine.object.factory.Group
Info*Engine Group object containing one or more Elements or Type Instances.
Throws: wt.util.WTException

import wt.federation.FederationServerHelper;
import wt.federation.FederationServicesException;
import wt.feedback.StatusFeedback;

public class SendFeedbackExample {

public static void main (String[] args) {


try {
// Send the client a StatusFeedback type feedback object.
// Federation Service sendFeedback() is accessed through
// FederationServerHelper.service

6-68 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

new StatusFeedback( "Test Feedback Message" );
catch ( FederationServicesException exc ) {


vc package — Version Control Service

The version control service (wt.vc package) provides functionality to place
versioned objects under iterative change control and iterated objects under
incremental change control. Version control (VC) is typically regarded as a major
and minor numbering scheme along with a change control mechanism for
configuration management. The major number represents the iterative enterprise-
level significance of a particular version or revision, and the minor number
represents a less significant incremental work in progress change.

Windchill Services 6-69

Design Overview

Version Control Model

The VC service is designed to be a plug-and-play component in the Windchill

system, which is by default enabled to execute.
The VC service is intended to be used for both client and server development.
Business objects asserted as being Versioned in the object model can be revised,
branched, and copied to new versions through the VC service’s external interface.
Business objects asserted as being Iterated in the object model can be
incrementally changed by superseding the latest iteration, rolled back from a

6-70 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

superseding iteration to a superseded one, and rolled up from a superseded
iteration to a superseding one. Objects asserted as Iterated only can be neither
revised, branched, nor copied to new versions. With this design, version control
allows for business objects to be iterated only or versioned, which is iterated.
The generalized association between Mastered and Iterated objects stipulates that
if there is a branch, a master must exist but zero to many iterations of that master
can exist. For iterations only, one and only one branch of development exists for
an iteration. For Versioned objects, one to many branches of development can
exist. For example, revisions and manufacturing views are separate branches of
development. The branch itself is not a mechanism but an implementation detail
of version control.
Additionally, the association between the Mastered and Iterated interfaces is
significant and must be overridden between a concrete master subclass and either
a concrete or abstract iteration subclass. This association specifies that a master
contains its iterations but each iteration has a foreign key to its master by means of
an object reference, not a link. Also, the master should be auto navigated when the
iteration is retrieved from the database. This ensures that one SQL statement
fetches both the iteration and its master via a database view for each concrete
iteration subclass. See the figure below for the Windchill properties on how to
specify a foreign key, auto navigated association.

Foreign Key and Auto-Navigate Properties

A business object’s master represents a version independent concept of some

piece of information. Typically, a master is the normalized identity common to all
its versions, which through time is not subject to change. Additionally, it is often
said the master represents the interface (for example, the form, fit, and function)
for the business object. A business object’s version represents a form or variant of
the original business object.

Windchill Services 6-71

A version is a notational enterprise-level significant object where it is the focal
point for usage, and physically is the latest iteration in a branch of development.
Versions are identified by unique values within a series. A version can be
constructed as an in-lined or branched version from another version. The in-lined
versions can be thought of as being revised versions, whereas the branched
versions allow for parallel work against an object by different organizations or
people at the same time. In the reference implementation of Windchill, if a version
was identified by the letter A, then a revised version of it would be identified as B
and a branched version from it would be identified as A.A. The revising and
branching of versions has the effect of making a version tree where the revisions
add breadth and the branches add depth as shown in


A business object’s iteration holds the object’s state and business qualifications.
These qualifications are used to form configuration specifications but in general
could be used as search criteria for ad hoc queries. Each iteration represents the
working history of a version. Incremental changes in the object, represented by
successive iterations, occur as the information is developed and changed. The
latest iteration (that is, the version) represents a development branch’s current
implementation; the previous iterations are all history. Iterations are identified by
unique values within a series. Additionally, unique fully-qualified identifiers can
also identify iterations. These fully-qualified identifiers show the history of a
particular iteration as it has been changed over time. In the reference

6-72 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

implementation of Windchill, if an iteration of version B was identified by the
number 1, then a new iteration would be identified as 2. Its fully-qualified
identifier, assuming that version B was constructed from iteration 9 of version A,
would be A.9.B.2. This identifier states that the latest iteration is at 2 and iteration
1 of version B originated from iteration 9 of version A.
As shown in the figure below, version control also provides specialized
abstractions to support the handling of the notional versions.

Version Support Mechanisms

The ObjectToVersionLink provides a binary type of link between a persistable

object (role A) and a version (role B). When used in navigating from the
persistable object to its associated version, only the latest iteration is found.
Navigating from the version to its associated persistable object acts a typical
navigation, but is applicable only from the latest iteration.
The VersionToVersionLink provides a binary type of link between two versions.
Navigating between them is applicable only from the latest iteration on either
side, and results in finding the other side’s latest iteration.
The underlying mechanisms used by these two links are the VersionReference and
VersionForeignKey. The VersionReference is a kind of reference to Iterated
objects by means of the overridden key. This key is a foreign key to the latest
iteration in a branch. When the reference’s object is retrieved, but is not in
memory, a query is performed to find the version and it is subsequently returned.

Windchill Services 6-73

External Interface
The Mastered interface provides an abstraction of a plug-and-play component in
conjunction with the Iterated interface. The intent is that, in an object model, a
business object would assert that it is a master by inheriting (that is, it
implements) the Mastered interface. With this assertion, iterations can then be
identified by attributes in concrete masters (for example, name and number).

Note: Version control does not require Mastered objects to have any iterations,
but allows for many.

The Iterated interface provides an abstraction of a plug-and-play component in

conjunction with the Mastered interface. The intent is that, in an object model, a
business object would assert that it is an iteration by inheriting (that is, it
implements) the Iterated interface. With this assertion, the iterations can then be
incrementally superseded, rolled back, and rolled up.

Note: Version control requires Iterated objects to have one and only one master.
This is a design constraint in that foreign key associations that can be auto
navigated (that is, the association between a master and its iterations) are required
to have one side being of cardinality equal to one (1).

The Versioned interface provides an abstraction of a plug-and-play component

that is a kind of Iterated object. The intent is that, in an object model, a business
object would assert that it is a version by inheriting (that is, it implements) the
Versioned interface. With this assertion, the business object can then be revised,
branched, and copied to new versions.
The VersionHelper provides an abstraction as the API to the VC service. The
API’s methods can be categorized as either local or remote invocations. The local
methods are getters of information, typically from cookies that are held in the
business object. The remote methods serve as wrappers to a service that promotes
server-side functionality.
The VersionService provides an abstraction that specifies and promotes server-
side functionality as a service that is available remotely for use by a client. The
intent is that this interface defines all the necessary server-side functionality for
The VersionServiceEvent provides an abstraction of a specialized keyed event
used by the VC service to signal other services that a VC activity is about to begin
or has occurred. This gives other services the opportunity in a plug-and-play
architecture to act accordingly on these events. Validation, vetoing, and post
processing are typical reactions to events.
The VersionException provides an abstraction of an abnormal occurrence or error
in the usage or processing of the VC service. This exception can be localized
through a given resource bundle and other exceptions can be nested within it. The
most common occurrences of this exception is when an attempt is made to use a

6-74 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

business object incorrectly during a database insertion, modification, deletion, or

Business Rules
As defined by the standard VC service’s access control rules, no constraints are
placed on the access of versioned objects. Furthermore, no constraints are placed
on the access of either mastered or iterated objects.

Note: Direct manipulation or deletion of both masters and superseded iterations

is currently unsupported. All functions should be carried out on versions.

For additional information, see the section on updating a master through an

iteration in chapter 8, Developing Server Logic.

Event Processing
Event-based processing is performed on business objects asserted as being
Iterated during database storing, deletions, and full restorations.
When a business object is being stored in the database, the VC service listens to a
dispatched event indicating that the store is about to begin and stores the version’s
master, if needed.
After a successful store, the VC service listens to a dispatched event indicating
that the store has completed and signals all other interested services that a new
version exists if the stored iteration is either the first one created or is the first in a
new branch.
When a business object is being deleted from the database, the VC service listens
to a dispatched event indicating that the deletion is about to begin and vetoes the
deletion if the version is not the latest one in that branch of development.
Otherwise, it passes on vetoing the deletion.
After a successful deletion, the VC service listens to a dispatched event indicating
that the delete has completed and deletes all of the version’s iterations. If the
deleted version is the only one remaining related to a master, then it is deleted as
When a business object is being fully restored from the database, the VC service
listens to a dispatched event indicating that the full restoration is beginning and
restores the iteration cookie’s creator/modifier, predecessor and master

vc package — Baseline Service

Design Overview
The baseline is a fundamental concept of configuration management. Because
PDM business objects are versionable and subject to change, numerous

Windchill Services 6-75

configurations of a product structure will be created over time. Baselines identify
and establish the product structure configurations that are of significant interest to
the enterprise. As such, baselines represent product structure snapshots that are
created by the various organizations of an enterprise for formal as well as informal
reasons. Note that Baseline does not provide a general-purpose archiving utility
that can reconstruct the state of the system as it existed at a point in time. There
are many properties of the system that will not be recorded as part of Baseline,
such as the foldering information, life cycle state, and so on.

External Interface
The Baselineable interface provides an abstraction of a plug-and-play component.
The intent is that, in an object model, a business object would assert that it is
Baselineable by inheriting (that is, it implements) the Baselineable interface. With
this assertion, the business object can then be part of a Baseline. The Baselineable
interface extends the Iterated interface and, therefore, must play the Iteration role
in the Master-Iteration (MI) pattern.
The Baseline interface is asserted for an object that can be associated with
Baselineable items. An out-of-the-box ManagedBaseline object implements the
Baseline interface and has name, number, and description attributes. It is also
Foldered and Life Cycle managed.
The Baseline service provides an abstraction that specifies and promotes server-
side functionality as a service that is available remotely for use by a client. The
intent is that this interface defines all the necessary server-side functionality for
baseline. The BaselineHelper provides an abstraction as the API to the Baseline
The Baseline service provides basic APIs for adding and removing Baselineable
items. There are also operations for retrieving baseline information. A
convenience operation is also provided to automatically populate a Baseline by
navigating structured data. As the structure is navigated, each Baselineable item is
added to the Baseline. This navigation is customizable and an out-of-the-box
implementation is provided for navigating a part structure via the uses
The BaselineServiceEvent provides an abstraction of a specialized keyed event
used by the Baseline service to signal other services that a baseline activity is
about to begin or has occurred. This gives other services the opportunity in a plug-
and-play architecture to act accordingly on these events. Validation, vetoing, and
post-processing are typical reactions to events.

Business Rules
The following business rules apply to baseline:
• Adding or removing items from a baseline is equivalent to modifying the
Baseline object and is subject to the access control properties of the baseline.
For example, if ManagedBaseline object is used, the life cycle state InWork

6-76 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

could have access rights set so that any user can modify the object and be able
to add or remove items. The Released state could be set so that a normal user
does not have modify access rights. This would allow for the concept of a
frozen baseline. The baseline would be available for adding and removing
items until it was frozen by changing its state to Released.
• A baseline can have zero or more Baselineable objects associated with it, and
a Baselineable object can be part of zero or more baselines. However, for a
given baseline, only a single iteration of a given master can be part of that
• Once an iteration has been added to a baseline, that iteration cannot be
modified or deleted. Note that other attributes of a Baselineable object that are
not specifically related to an iteration can still be modified (for example, life
cycle state, folder, master attributes, and so on). This is the normal case for an
Iterated object that is RevisionControlled. An object can be modified only if it
is checked out.
• For operations that add multiple Baselineable objects to a baseline as a single
action (for example, automatic population), the operation is performed as a
single transaction.
• A baseline can be used in a ConfigSpec that essentially selects a single
iteration of a master item, depending on which iteration is part of the specified
baseline. For example, when navigating a product structure (such as, using the
Product Information Explorer, generating a BOM, and so on), a Baseline
ConfigSpec can be used. During search or navigation, if an item iteration is
found by the Baseline ConfigSpec, then it will be returned. Otherwise, it will
be considered baseline independent and only the master for that item will be
returned. Because it is a master, navigation will not proceed below that object.
(See the Configuration Specification section for more information.)
A baseline business object will be locked when it is edited to support
concurrent usage. This is necessary because the Baseline service is
responsible for ensuring that only a single iteration for each master is in the
baseline. Without locking, if separate clients added different iterations for the
same master, it would be possible for both iterations to be added. The
Persistence Manager row level locking API is used. The baseline is locked
within a transaction to prevent any other operations on that baseline. If some
error occurs, then all changes are rolled back and the baseline is automatically
• Whenever Baselineable items are added to or removed from a baseline, the
modification timestamp is updated on the Baseline object. The contents of a
baseline are considered business attributes of the Baseline object. Another
desired side effect of the baseline update is that access permissions are
checked on the Baseline object. If the user does not have authority to modify
the Baseline object, then the entire baseline operation fails.
• There are no restrictions on adding Baselineable items to a baseline. For
example, an item in a checked out or personal folder can be added to a

Windchill Services 6-77

baseline. However, this can lead to situations that may be confusing to a user.
When viewing a baseline, only those items that the user has access to (that is,
in shared folders) are displayed. Another example is if a checked out item is
placed in a baseline and then the undo-checkout operation is performed.
Undo-checkout deletes the working copy, which will cause the Baseline
service to throw an exception (items in a baseline cannot be modified or

Event Processing
The Baseline service is both a producer and consumer of events. Whenever an
item is added, removed, or replaced in a baseline, events are generated prior to
and after the operation. For example, adding an item generates
PRE_ADD_BASELINE and POST_ADD_BASELINE events. Developers can
use the basic event listening mechanism to perform customized actions during
baseline operations. The Baseline service listens for the pre-modify, pre-delete,
and prepare for modify events to enforce business rules for items that are part of a

vc package — Configuration Specification Service

Engineers working with iterated and versioned data do so within a context, the
same way software engineers using source control tools work in a branch. The
engineer specifies the context to the system and the system uses it to calculate the
appropriate representation. For example, a software engineer in the "Release 2"
branch would work against a different version of the file ConfigSpec.java than
would the software engineer maintaining "Release 1.0".
The wt.vc.config package provides the functionality needed to define a context
and calculate appropriate versions based on the context; however, the versioning
model must be understood before the config package can be understood. The
Windchill version control model creates versions when masters are created or
when existing versions are revised, branched, or checked out (check-out creates a
temporary working version). The checkout/checkin process causes existing
iterations to be superseded. While a version is conceptually the latest iteration,
superseded iterations are also stored as versions in the implementation model
because the version/iteration concepts have been joined at the datastore into a
single table. VC’s iterationsOf and versionsOf serve to highlight the distinction;
versionsOf returns only latest iterations. However, the conceptual version is not
always a latest iteration. A user specifying a baseline context, for example, wants
the version in the baseline, which need not equate to a latest iteration. The config
package calculates appropriate versions, without assuming that only latest
iterations are versions.

6-78 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The figure below illustrates the fundamental wt.vc.config classes and methods.

Fundamental wt.vc.config Classes and Methods

The config package encapsulates the concept of a context as the ConfigSpec

interface. The concept of calculating the appropriate representation (versions) is a
process by which a master or set of masters is converted into versions. This
process is encapsulated in the filteredIterationsOf APIs defined in the
ConfigService. The filteredIterationsOf API is composed of three phases.
The first establishes a QuerySpec based on the masters (passed as an argument)
and a ConfigSpec; the QuerySpec’s target class is Iterated or a subclass of it. The
ConfigSpec’s appendSearchCriteria is called during this phase, allowing the
ConfigSpec to add any search criteria it needs to prefilter as a part of the query.
Note that, because config does not assume that a version has to be a latest
iteration, a query that does not include a "latest = true" condition will result in
every iteration for each master to be returned.
The second phase is the query phase. The QuerySpec that was built is passed to
the PersistenceHelper’s find API (the resulting versions are, therefore, subject to
access control).
The third and final phase allows the ConfigSpec to further filter the results of the
query using an algorithm it defines in its process API if the query criteria it
appended was not sufficient to guarantee the appropriate results. The following
out-of-the-box ConfigSpecs illustrate the use of appendSearchCondition and

Basic ConfigSpecs

Windchill Services 6-79

This ConfigSpec is very similar to VC’s allVersionsOf, except that versions
not owned by the current principal are not returned. It is useful when a user
wants to see every version of a master to obtain a global sense of the evolution
of the object, or simply wants to find these versions to do comparisons. The
appendSearchCriteria API is implemented to append a "latest = true"
condition in the same manner as versions are defined by VC. The process API
removes those versions that are not owned by the current principal (that is,
checked out to another user). Note that the appendSearchCriteria API could
append conditions for ownership that would allow it to determine the valid
versions without processing, but this can be done only when the target class
itself is Ownable. Even so, a process is necessary because the target class may
not be Ownable and have children that are.
Similar to the MultipleLatestConfigSpec, this ConfigSpec takes all those
versions that would be valid in the MultipleLatesteConfigSpec and processes
them down to a single version per master. Here, the bulk of the work is done
in the process, where the latest version is determined by comparing versions
(for example, A.A is later than A and A.2 is later than A.1). Since most
contexts are intended to find one version, this ConfigSpec is often
incorporated into other ConfigSpecs.
Clients working with versioned data may use the config’s functionality to return
all versions (via the MultipleLatestConfigSpec) or to return the current principal’s
working copy, if one exists. The wt.part package makes heavy use of the
ConfigSpec in the Product Information Explorer to present a coherent picture of
parts and their structures. The following ConfigSpecs have been defined for use
by the part package.

wt.part PackageConfigSpecs

This ConfigSpec is specifically written against parts (although it would work
for any ViewManageable, Workable, and LifeCycleManaged Iterated class).

6-80 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

It combines the state a part is in and the view it may be assigned to in order to
produce a context that is based on state and view for latest iterations. If the
lifeCycleState value is assigned, the version must be in that particular state
(multiple states are not supported). If the view value is assigned, the version
must be assigned to that view (or one of its parents if no version has been
assigned to the view) or view independent. There is also a workingIncluded
that, if false, removes anything that is owned, even if it is owned by the
current principal. This ConfigSpec allows a user to state, for example, that he
works in the Engineering view and would like to see the Released product.
Note that the LatestConfigSpec is used to both append to the QuerySpec and
process to a single version per master.
This ConfigSpec (which could be used with any Baselineable Iterated class) is
the only out-of-the-box ConfigSpec to not follow VC’s definition of a version
as the latest iteration. It returns only those iterations that are assigned to the
specified baseline.
This ConfigSpec works with the effectivity package and ConfigurationItems
to return only those versions that are effective given an effective date/unit and
possibly a ConfigurationItem and View. This ConfigSpec handles the view
setting in the same manner as WTPartStandardConfigSpec.
The following figure illustrates WTPartConfigSpec.


The WTPartStandardConfigSpec, WTPartBaselineConfigSpec, and

WTPartEffectivityConfigSpec are aggregated into the WTPartConfigSpec. This
ConfigSpec establishes an active zone and simply forwards the
appendSearchCondition and process commands to the active ConfigSpec.
The preceding examples are not the only ways contexts could be established.
Other potential ways to establish a context are by project or cabinet/folder
membership. These can all be created via simple customizations by implementing
ConfigSpec and its APIs. The following illustrates the possible implementation of
a ProjectConfigSpec with a project attribute of type Project. (Note that this should

Windchill Services 6-81

serve as an example only; it has not been tested and is not supported by Windchill
as code.)

ProjectConfigSpec Example

After modeling the ProjectConfigSpec and generating its code, the

appendSearchCriteria will be implemented to add SearchConditions for the value
of the project attribute and for ownership if the target class is Ownable. Note the
use of LatestConfigSpec.
public QuerySpec appendSearchCriteria( QuerySpec querySpec )
throws WTException, QueryException {
//##begin appendSearchCriteria% [ ]36484C990290.body preserve=yes

//We want only iterations, use LatestConfigSpec’s

//to append a "latest = true" search condition.
QuerySpec qs = (new LatestConfigSpec()).appendSearchCriteria(

//Add the condition for project.

qs.appendSearchCondition(new SearchCondition(qs.getTargetClass(),
ProjectManaged.PROJECT_ID +"."+ ObjectReference.KEY,

//If the target class is Ownable, make sure it’s either owned by
// me or not owned at all (in a vault).
if (qs.getTargetClass() instanceof Ownable) {

qs.getTargetClass(), SessionHelper.manager.getPrincipal(),


qs.getTargetClass(), false));


6-82 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

return qs;
//##end appendSearchCriteria% [ ]36484C990290.body

The process API is simple, although it does require some implementation. The
target class might not have been Ownable and yet may have had Ownable
children, so ownership needs to be processed. Also, this ConfigSpec should return
a single version per master, so multiple versions will need to be processed down
to one. Fortunately, the LatestConfigSpec does all of these things, so this
implementation will simply return the result of executing its process API. The
code would look similar to the following:
public QueryResult process( QueryResult results )
throws WTException {
//##begin process% [ ]353B588501C5.body preserve=yes

//We can not simply return the results, children of the target
//class may have been Ownable, even though the target
//class was not.
//LatestConfigSpec handle this case because its process API
//for that.
return (new LatestConfigSpec()).process(results);;
//##end process% [ ]353B588501C5.body

The config package, via a ConfigSpec and the ConfigService’s

filteredIterationsOf APIs, is fundamentally capable of converting masters to
iterations. The ConfigHelper has APIs to extend its usefulness beyond simply
taking masters and returning iterations.


The mastersOf APIs allow the conversion of a QueryResult of links to masters or

Persistable[]’s in which masters can be found at a certain position. The conversion
returns a QueryResult of masters that can then be applied to filteredIterationsOf.
Similarly, iterationsOf converts to QueryResults of iterations that can then be
processed by a ConfigSpec (useful for links to iterations). If no versions for a
particular master match once it has been processed, it is possible to recover the

Windchill Services 6-83

master so it can be displayed in place of the version or versions (to indicate that no
version matched, but there is data). This can be done via the
recoverMissingMasters API. If iterations drop out as a result of being processed,
links to those iterations can be removed by calling the removeExtraLinks API.
The Product Information Explorer navigates WTPartUsageLinks from part
versions to part versions. The WTPartUsageLink (a type of IteratedUsageLink
from wt.vc.struct) is defined between a WTPart and a WTPartMaster. No link is
defined as being between WTPart and WTPart; however, the requirement for such
a link comes primarily (as is the case for the Product Information Explorer) from
display. The buildConfigResultsFromLinks API allows iteration-to-master
associations to be represented as iteration-to-iteration associations by a client. It
does this by pairing the master (on the master role) with its corresponding version
and returning a QueryResult a Persistable’s. Each element, a Persistable’s, is of
length 2 and contains the link in the 0th position and the version in the 1st
position. The client then takes the real link’s information (such as Quantity) and
simply displays the version instead of the master. The following code illustrates
the use of the ConfigSpec, ConfigService, and ConfigHelper to navigate an
IteratedUsageLink to return either the other side (versions) or the links (and
public QueryResult navigateSomeIteratedUsageLinkAlongTheUsesRole(
Iterated someIteration, boolean onlyOtherSide,
ConfigSpec someConfigSpec )
throws WTException {

//Navigate the link to its masters.

QueryResult uses = PersistenceHelper.manager.navigate(someIteration,
SomeIteratedUsageLink.USES_ROLE, SomeIteratedUsageLink.class,

//If the navigation returns links, convert those links to masters.

QueryResult usesMasters = (onlyOtherSide) - uses :
ConfigHelper.mastersOf(uses, IteratedUsageLink.USES_ROLE);

//Get the iterations for these masters. If masters are lost because
//no matching iterations were found, recover those masters for
QueryResult iterations =

//If the user wants only the other side objects, return the
//iterations. Otherwise, pair up the links with the versions
//for those links.
if (onlyOtherSide)
return iterations;
return ConfigHelper.buildConfigResultFromLinks(uses,
IteratedUsageLink.USES_ROLE, iterations);

6-84 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

vc package — Version Structuring Service
The wt.vc.struct package introduces an associative model for relating versions.
Versioned data forms links to other versioned data to further describe that data -
parts associate to other parts to form structures, indicating that a part is composed
of or built from other parts. Similarly, it is common for a document to refer to
other documentation. The struct package defines a "uses" and a "references"
concept to reflect these kinds of associations.
The following figure illustrates the uses concept.

Link Representing the Uses Concept

The uses concept is a structuring concept indicating a tight coupling. An object

that uses another object identifies that object as essential to its implementation.
For example, a part built from other parts is not complete without these part; they
are required components. The struct package encapsulates the uses concept for
use by versioned data in the IteratedUsageLink.
The following figure illustrates the references concept.

Link Representing the References Concept

The references association couples data more loosely than the uses association.
For example, the referenced data may be important to a document, but the
document can be disseminated without it. For example, a design specification that
references the requirements specification it was written for is still complete on its
own. The struct package’s IteratedReferenceLink allows versioned data to
participate in references associations.

Windchill Services 6-85

The wt.vc.struct package’s IteratedUsageLink and IteratedReferenceLink both
link Iterated data (versions) to Mastered data (masters). The fact that a master, not
an iteration (or version), is used or referenced by an implementation is an
important aspect of the links definition. They assume the versions for the master
are interchangeable and that changes that are not interchangeable result in a new
master (not a new, incompatible version). Note that the shared aggregation
modeled on the IteratedUsageLink shows its tighter coupling.

The following figure illustrates the struct package APIs.

structPackage APIs

The struct package provides navigate APIs for both the IteratedUsageLink and
IteratedReferenceLink for convenience and because of minor behavioral nuances.
The navigateUses and navigateReferences APIs behave exactly as would
PersistenceManager’s navigate, however navigateUsedBy and
navigateReferencedBy return only versions; they filter out any iteration that is not
the latest iteration. The navigateUsesToIteration and
navigateReferencesToIteration APIs navigate the links to the masters, then
resolve the masters to their appropriate versions using the passed ConfigSpec. The
masters for which there are no appropriate versions are returned to indicate that
the association exists but has no qualifying representation given the ConfigSpec.
The return value for the navigate to iterations API, a QueryResult, consists of
those versions (and possibly masters) if onlyOtherSide is true. If it is false (that is,
the links are desired as well) a QueryResult containing Persistable’s as elements is
returned. Each element is an array of length 2 with the link in the 0th position and
the version (or master) in the 1st position.

6-86 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The IteratedUsageLink and IteratedReferenceLink, while conceptually different,
have the same internal behavior. This following characteristics are shared by both
• When an Iterated object is created from an existing one (as a consequence of a
check-out, new version, or new branch), all IteratedUsageLinks and
IteratedReferenceLinks to that iteration are copied. This copy uses
PersistenceManagerSvr’s copyLink API, which allows listeners of the
COPY_LINK event to copy any links to the
IteratedUsageLink/IteratedReferenceLink that should be copied.
• To create, delete, or update IteratedUsageLinks or IteratedReferenceLinks,
the user must have permission to modify the Iterated object.
• Creating these links between an iteration and its own master is not allowed.
• A master can not be deleted if it has IteratedUsageLinks or
IteratedReferenceLinks to it.
The customization, via extension, of the IteratedUsageLink and the
IteratedReferenceLink follows the same process as does any ObjectToObjectLink.
Note that the links are protected by the iterations; if the iteration is frozen, so are
these links. For this reason, it should not be necessary to build a lot of business
knowledge into the links; the business knowledge should be put on the versions.
Also note that struct’s navigate APIs will navigate at the abstract
IteratedUsageLink/IteratedReferenceLink level. If extended and it is desired to
navigate only the new, concrete link, new APIs are required to guarantee that only
the new link is navigated.

vc package — Version Viewing Service

The views package introduces the concept of ViewManageable versions. In many
enterprises, the development of a product is such that a group may work on it to a
certain point, hand it off to another group that makes value-added changes, and so
on. While a downstream group is working against a handed-off version, the
upstream group can continue to work on it.
In a simple example, the Engineering group releases revision A of a part to the
Manufacturing group. At this point, the Manufacturing group restructures the part,
making necessary changes for production purposes while the Engineering group
begins work on revision B of the part.
The views package captures such a process. The Engineering and Manufacturing
groups are represented by Views. These views can be associated in a manner that
encapsulates the process. For example, the Manufacturing view becomes a child
of the Engineering view. Engineers can then assign their ViewManageable data
(parts in this example) to views, indicating that these objects are view-dependent
and can be identified as Engineering or Manufacturing data. Most
ViewManageable objects are assigned to the root view, because it is generally not
the responsibility of downstream views to create new data as much as to modify

Windchill Services 6-87

the data to fit requirements. However, phantom parts are parts that the
manufacturing group might create when a group of parts are actually pre-built.
The Windchill model builds view management capabilities on top of the existing
versioning capabilities. A ViewManageable version, when assigned to a view, is
qualified by the view. When a downstream group is ready to accept and add value
to the version, it branches its own version (qualified by its view). The following
example illustrates this concept.
• The Engineering group creates part 100, assigning it to the Engineering view.
The version of this part is A.
• After several iterations, part 100 is released.
• The Manufacturing group branches part 100, creating version A.A of part
100, which is assigned to the Manufacturing view.
• Meanwhile, the Engineering group revises part 100, creating version B
(which is also assigned to the Engineering view).
• The Manufacturing group releases version A.A and puts it into production.
ViewManageable versions have the following characteristics:
• The view a ViewManageable version is assigned to can not be changed once
persisted. In the preceding example, version A of part 100 can not be re-
assigned to the Manufacturing view.
• View-dependent versions can not become view-independent and view-
independent versions can not become view-dependent. The first version of a
master determines that all versions of that master are view-dependent or view-
• View-dependent versions can be branched only into downstream views.
When creating a branch for a particular view from a view-dependent version,
only those views that are downstream from the current view are valid for the
new version. The view to which the initial version was assigned is considered
the principal owner of the master; downstream views provide value-added
• Branching is used as the underlying mechanism, allowing downstream views
to make value-added alterations. Because this mechanism creates new
versions, changes made are isolated to the branched versions, allowing
concurrent development. Note that as separate versions, the view-dependent
versions have independent life cycle states and can be independently life-
cycle managed.
• The ViewQualification provides a qualifier for ViewManageable data. When
applied, it filters out all view-dependent versions not assigned to the view
specified. By default, if no view-dependent versions have been branched into
the view specified, the parent views are checked until either no views remain
or at least one version is assigned to a parent view. Setting parentSearched to
false disables the parent-searching behavior.

6-88 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Views and their associations can be created using the LoadViews application. See
the Administrator’s Guide for details. Views and view associations exhibit the
following behavior:
• Views, once created, can not be deleted, but can be renamed.
• Views can be inserted between a parent and its children at any time. However,
this is the only way to alter the structure after it has been established.
The ViewHelper and ViewService provide the functionality associated with view
management. The helper provides the client-side APIs to assign the version to a
view and get the view to which a version is assigned. The service provides APIs to
branch view-dependent versions into downstream views, and to obtain
information about the views and their associativity. When developing against this
package the following should be noted:
• The service employs caching, which the ViewReference uses. It is more
efficient to call the service APIs than to go to the database for view/view
associativity information.
• The ViewService does not emit an event when a new version is branched in a
downstream view. VersionServiceEvent’s NEW_VERSION event should be
subscribed to if you are interested in the creation of a new view-dependent
version or branch.

vc package — Work in Progress Service

The work in progress service (wt.vc.wip package) provides functionality to
perform Work In Progress (WIP) on workable objects, generally known as
checkout and checkin, or undoing of a checkout.

Windchill Services 6-89

Design Overview

Work in Progress Model

The WIP service is designed to be a plug-and-play component in the Windchill

system, which is by default enabled to execute.
The WIP service is intended to be used for both client and server development.
Business objects asserted as being Workable (Iterated, Lockable, and Ownable) in
the object model can be checked out and then either checked in or undone from
being checked out. When an object is checked in, it exists in a vault. When it is
checked out, it is outside the vault. The protection from modification that is
offered information is somewhat different when it is inside the vault versus when
it is outside the vault.
When a checkout occurs, the original object is locked, and a working copy is
made from the original and linked to it via the CheckoutLink If the Workable is
instance of Foldered then the working copy is placed in the user’s Checked Out
folder (in the default implementation). By being placed in the user’s Checked Out
folder, the user becomes the owner of the working copy with the access rights that
have been established for it. If the Workable is not foldered, the working copy is
moved to the USER domain and the user owns it. The working copy is considered
an exact duplicate of the original (that is, it has the same attributes and
associations). For example, if iteration 5 of version B is checked out, the working
copy is iteration 5 of version B.
Upon a checkin, the original object’s latest iteration is superseded with the
working copy and its identifier is incremented to the next adjacent value in the

6-90 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

series. Given the checkout example above, the checked in object would now be at
iteration 6 of version B. Mechanically, a checkin can be done from either the
original object or its working copy. The system will understand what is meant and
perform the checkin. When the checkin completes, the lock on the original object
is released and the working copy is removed from the checked out folder.
Upon an undo of a checkout, the working copy is deleted along with the link to the
original object. Additionally, whenever the checked-out original object or
working copy is deleted, the checkout is undone automatically.

External Interface
The Workable interface provides an abstraction of a plug and play component.
The intent is that, in an object model, a business object would assert that it is
Workable by inheriting (that is, to implement) the Workable interface. With this
assertion, the business object can then be checked out and checked in.
The WorkInProgressHelper provides an abstraction as the API to the WIP service.
The API’s methods can be categorized as either local or remote invocations. The
local methods are getters of information, typically from cookies that are held in
the business object. The remote methods serve as wrappers to a service that
promotes server-side functionality.
The WorkInProgressService provides an abstraction that specifies and promotes
server-side functionality as a service that is remotely available for use by a client.
The intent is that this interface defines all the necessary server-side functionality
for WIP.
The WorkInProgressServiceEvent provides an abstraction of a specialized keyed
event used by the WIP service to signal other services that a WIP activity is about
to begin or has occurred. This gives other services the opportunity in a plug-and-
play architecture to act accordingly on these events. Validation, vetoing, and post-
processing are typical reactions to events.
The WorkInProgressException provides an abstraction of an abnormal occurrence
or error in the usage or processing of the WIP service. This exception can be
localized through a given resource bundle and other exceptions can be nested
within it. The most common occurrences of this exception is when an attempt is
made to check in/out a business object but it already is checked in/out, and when
used incorrectly during a database modification, deletion, and navigation.
The WorkInProgressState provides an abstraction of the valid set of work-in-
progress states that a Workable object can exist within. The three supported states
are checked out, checked in, and working.

Business Rules
As defined by the standard WIP service’s access control rules, since a Workable
object is asserted as being Lockable, the service relies on the locking service for
applicable access control. Additionally, when an object is checked out, neither the
original checked out nor working copies can be checked out again.

Windchill Services 6-91

Event Processing
Event-based processing is performed on business objects asserted as being
workable during database storing, [preparation for] modifications, deletions, and
folder changes.
When a business object is being stored in the database, the WIP service listens to a
dispatched event indicating that the store is about to begin and initializes the state
of the object to being checked in if and only if its checkout info cookie is null.
Since a workable may also be a Foldered, the WIP service listens to a dispatched
event indicating that a store on a cabinet has successfully completed and checks if
the cabinet exists in the user domain (that is, a personal cabinet) and, if so, stores a
checkout folder in that cabinet.
When a business object is [prepared for] being modified in the database, the WIP
service listens to a dispatched event indicating that the modify is about to begin
and vetoes it if either of the following conditions are true:
• The business object is checked in and not owned by the current session’s
• The business object is checked out to enforce a strong vaulting notion.
Otherwise, the WIP service allows the modification to take place.
When a business object is being deleted in the database, the WIP service listens to
a dispatched event indicating that a deletion is about to begin and undoes a
checkout if the object is checked out or a working copy of a checked out object.

workflow package — Workflow Service

The workflow service resides in the package wt.workflow. It provides
functionality to create and manage workflow definitions, initiate and manage
process instances, and distribute work items to users and groups.
For additional information about the creation of workflow process definitions,
initiation of process instances, and participation in workflow processes, see the
Windchill Workflow Tutorial.

Design Overview
The workflow package contains the following five subpackages:
Directly responsible for the flow of control and data from an execution point
of view.
Definition of workflow objects, that is, processes, activities, and the other
objects that compose the workflow network.

6-92 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Responsible for the delivery and execution of assigned activities and work
Responsible for the execution of robot activities, that is, activities that are
executed by the system rather than assigned to a participant.
Responsible for server-side support of work list construction.

Workflow Engine Package

This package contains the classes responsible for the workflow enactment.
Workflows are represented by processes (WfProcess objects) or blocks (WfBlock
objects) that are composed of activities (WfActivity objects or WfAdhocActivity
objects). Each activity may be performed by humans (WfAssignedActivity and
WfAdhocActivity), or by applications (represented by a WfRobotActivity object).
Finally, an activity may also be a reference (represented by a
WfRequesterActivity object).

Windchill Services 6-93

Both WfProcess and WfActivity classes extend the WfExecutionObject.
WfExecutionObject is responsible mainly for object identification, state
maintenance (allowing only valid transitions), and information holding.

WorkflowEngine Package

Workflow Definer Package

The base class for the workflow template objects is the WfTemplateObject class.
It contains identification attributes and meta information about the data
manipulated by the execution object. Its subclasses — WfProcessTemplate,
WfRobotActivityTemplate, WfAssignedActivityTemplate,
WfAdhocActivityTemplate, and WfProxyTemplate — are templates (factories)
used to generate WfProcess, WfRobotActivity, WfAssignedActivity,
WfAdhocActivity, and WfProcessReference objects, respectively.
Also shown in the following figure is the relationship of WfProcessTemplate and
other template objects. A process template contains zero or more templates
(activity or process templates).
WfRequester objects have no template. They are generated dynamically when the
WfProcess is created, based on information contained in the processes involved.

6-94 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The mapping between local and global variables does not belong to the activity
definition. It is part of the relationship between a process and a step. They become
part of the activity execution object when it is instantiated. In this way, an activity
template can be reused independently of the process in which it will be used.

Workflow Definer package

Workflow Work Package

The workflow work package contains classes that are responsible for managing
the work assigned to individual users. The activity’s work may be assigned to one
or more resources. These assignees can be declared to be required or optional.
This relationship is modeled by the association between the WfAssignedActivity
and the WfAssignment class. These two classes, along with the WorkItem and
WfBallot classes, provide for parallel work item distribution and completion by
the assignees, and for decision-based event propagation based on the tallied
results of the completed work.
WfActivity inherits many attributes and behaviors from the WfExecutionObject,
including name, description, and input/output data (’context’ attribute). A
WfAssignment has a status (which is not a WfState) and is not directly associated
with a context. Instead, it inherits the context from the WfActivity to which it
belongs. A WfAssignment maintains a set of ballots (Wfballot) that captures

Windchill Services 6-95

dispositions made by assignees. These ballots can then be used to tally the votes
based on a voting policy to determine what routing events should fire when the
activity is completed. Both WfAssignedActivity and WfAssignment have a trip
counter attribute that is used to manage information generated as a result of loop

Workflow Work package

Workflow Robots Package

The workflow robots package is responsible for the execution of robot activities,
that is, activities that are executed without human intervention. The
WfInternalMethod class encapsulates a Windchill API and causes it to be invoked
when the activity start event is fired.
WfSynchRobot allows a workflow to be synchronized based on events that are
emitted by Windchill services or an arbitrary Java expression.
WfTimerActivity allows a workflow to be synchronized on time.
WfExpressionRobot allows an arbitrary Java expression to be executed by the
workflow engine.

6-96 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

WfApplicationRobot allows a parameterized command line to be executed by the
workflow engine.

Note: WfExternalMethod is not currently used.

Workflow Robots package

Workflow Worklist Package

The workflow worklist package contains classes that construct the interface for
users to view and act on their work items. The WfWorkListProcessor extends
wt.templateutil.processor.GenerateFormProcessor to create an HTML work list
page. WfWorkListProcessor looks at the wt.workflow.worklist.column.<#>
entries in the wt.properties file for the definition of work list columns.
WorkListField is an abstract class that can be extended to create new work list
WfTaskProcessor also extends wt.templateutil.processor.GenerateFormProcessor
to construct workflow task HTML pages. The user input to these pages is acted on
by TaskCompleteDelegate, an extension of wt.templateutil.processor. Form Task
Delegate. After the delegate has processed the data, it returns control to the calling
processor, which generates a response page based on the outcome of the action.
Information is shared via the HTTPState object.

Windchill Services 6-97

Similarly, the AdHocActivitiesTaskDelegate constructs subtemplates for defining
ad hoc workflow activities. This data is processed by the

External Interface
With the exception of wt.workflow.robots and wt.workflow.worklist, each
workflow subpackage has its own independent service.
The wt.workflow.engine.WfEngineHelper provides an abstraction of the API
required to instantiate and initiate workflow process instances. This service also
supports the invocation of robot activities through a specification of WfActivity.
The wt.workflow.definer.WfDefinerHelper provides an abstraction of the API
required to create and edit workflow definitions.
The wt.workflow.work.WorkflowHelper provides an abstraction of the API to the
workflow service to handle work item distribution, voting, and completion.

Business Rules
Work items are created by the workflow engine and are delivered to the user
through the work list interface and optionally via e-mail. An assigned activity may
have many assignees. Each assignee receives a work item in their work list. The
completion of an activity is based on the completion policy specified at define
time. For example, an assignment to a group may declare the policy as follows: all
members must act, a single member may act on behalf of the group, or a specific
number of group members must act. Depending on the completion policy, when
an assignee "accepts" or "completes" a work item, corresponding work items on
the work list of others are removed.
LifeCycle definition allows the integration of workflows into the specification for
each phase and gate. The life cycle service will transparently launch these
workflows when the life cycle managed object enters the phase or gate.

Engineering Factor Services

The EPM classes implement a programming model designed to perform the
following activities:
• Allow the loading of CAD models (including information about family
tables) into a Windchill database
• Relate the CAD models to parts in the enterprise
• Support the propagation of changes made to the models into the enterprise
EPM provides Windchill knower and doer classes that allow the engineer to
express the structure of a CAD model and to load the CAD files into the Windchill

6-98 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

database. EPM also provides background services that ensure data consistency in
the database.
Windchill supports the concept of a build operation, which allows a graph of
dependencies in one set of objects (called target objects) to be maintained
automatically as a by-product of changes to another set of objects (called source
objects). EPM implements a build operation specific to creating part objects from
describing CAD documents.
For more information, see the appropriate Javadoc.

Handling CAD Models

CAD models are represented in EPM by EPMDocument objects. If the CAD
model has an associated family table, each line in the family table is represented
by EPMDocument. This section describes EPMDocuments and its associated
links in more detail.EPMDocument

EPMDocument Model
An EPMDocument can represent a component or an assembly, using other
EPMDocuments as components. (This concept is described further in the section
on Handling Model Structure later in this section.)
As shown in the following model, EPMDocument implements a number of
Windchill interfaces that allow it to be used in various Windchill services:
Allows the EPMDocument to be checked in and out
Allows the EPMDocument to be stored in a baseline
Allows the EPMDocument to have content
Allows the EPMDocument to be treated as a document by the Windchill
Allows the EPMDocument to be used by the Windchill build mechanism to
maintain a part structure
Allows the EPMDocument to have EPMSupportingData. An
EPMSupportingDataHolder can hold arbitrary Java objects, each tagged with
a name and an owner application name. This allows an application to store
application-specific data with the EPMDocument without having to extend
the Windchill schema.
Allows the EPMDocument to be assigned an effectivity.

Windchill Services 6-99

Allows the EPMDocument to have generated graphic representations that can
be viewed and marked up in a view tool.

EPMDocument Model

Because the EPMDocument is RevisionControlled, a corresponding

EPMDocumentMaster exists, which also implements Windchill interfaces:
Allows the EPMDocument name to serve as a unique identifier
Provides a version independent reference to an EPMDocument.

6-100 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Storing content on EPMDocument
EPMDocument is a Windchill ContentHolder (as shown in the figure above) and,
thus can contain data files, URLs, or both. This allows the engineer to upload the
actual Pro/ENGINEER model file (for example, the .ASM file) and maintain it in
the Windchill database.
An EPMDocument can contain a number of ContentItems. This allows EPM to
store alternate representations of the CAD model (produced by the topology bus,
for example) in the same document. Content is maintained using the normal
Windchill ContentService.

Creating an EPMDocument
An EPMDocument must be created via the factory method newEPMDocument:
EPMDocument doc = EPMDocument.newEPMDocument (
<number >, <name >, <EPMAuthoringAppType authoring App >,
<EPMDocumentType docType>, <CADName>);
The number of the document must be unique within the Windchill database. The
ownerApplication is an EnumeratedType indicating the application that intends to
manage changes to the document. The concept of owner application is no 2 set via
a call to EPMContextHelper.setApplication (EPMApplicationType appType),
where EPMApplicationType is an EnumeratedType. Set the "current application"
for use by checking code. This value is cached on the client-side, but is also sent
(via the EPMContextManager) to the server-side SessionContext.
Once setApplication () has been called, all objects created will be tagged with the
specified application. For Pro/E authored CADDocuments, CADName needs to
be specified. EPM Services ensure that CADName is unique in a Windchill

Handling Family Instances

If the CAD model has an associated family table, each line in the family table is
represented by a separate EPMDocument. As shown below, relations between
these EPMDocuments are handled by two types of links viz. EPMContainedIn
and EPMVariantLink.
The EPM ContainedIn relation is an Object to Object link that associates two
EPM Documents where one holds an object that is physically contained in the
other, such as a family instance and the Pro/Engineer model that holds the family

Windchill Services 6-101

EPM Variant Link is an Iteration to Master link that denotes that an EPM
Document is a variant of another EPM Document.

6-102 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Handling Model Structure

When an EPMDocument represents an assembly, it uses other EPMDocuments
via EPMMemberLinks. It can also reference other EPMDocuments via
EPMReferenceLinks; reference links are non-structural, but are used to include
objects that provide scenery, or constraints.

Windchill Services 6-103

Both EPMMemberLinks and EPMReferenceLinks are types of
EPMDependencyLink (shown in the following figure), which is used to represent
the concept of one EPMDocument depending on another.

The EPMDependencyLink represents a relation between two EPMDocuments.

EPMStructureService can be used to read the EPMDependencyLinks between
EPMDocuments. A number of interfaces similar to the following are available:

6-104 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

public QueryResult navigateUses( EPMDocument document,
QuerySpec querySpec )
throws WTException;

The EPMMemberLink represents the use of one model by another. It includes
data such as quantity and positioning, as shown in the following figure.

The EPMReferenceLink represents reference to an object by a model. While an
EPMMemberLink can use only another EPMDocument, any Iterated object can
be referred to (for example, a specification in Microsoft Word). The relationship
between an EPMDocument containing a drawing and the EPMDocument
containing the model is represented using an EPMReferenceLink. The direction
of this link should be such that the drawing describes the model. The model never
describes the drawing.

The Relationship Between CAD Models and WTParts

Please note that the Build Model will change in future releases. To prepare for this
change, many of the classes and methods from the build package have been

Windchill Services 6-105

deprecated. These classes and methods will be replaced. Please refer to the
javadoc to see the deprecated classes and methods. Windchill defines a build
process, which is used to publish usage links and attributes (see the following

(from build)

<<Interface>> <<Abstract>> <<Abstract>>

EPMObject EPMBuildRule VersionToVersionLink
(f rom e pm) uniqueID : long (from vc)

WTPart +buildTarget +buildSource EPMDocument

(from part) (from epm)
n n

Build Model

You cannot associate an EPMBuildRule to an EPMDocument that has an

effectivity assigned to it. To create an EPMBuildRule, you must first have created
the WTPart and EPMDocument that you intend to relate. In addition, the WTPart,
but not the EPMDocument, must be either checked out or in your personal folder.
Currently, only one subtype of EPMBuildRule is implemented —
EPMBuildLinksRule. This rule allows for the publication of usage links to the
part structure (see the following figure).

6-106 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

uniqueID : long

checkA ttributes()
getBuildSourc e()
setBuildSourc e()



WTPart +buildTarget +buildSource EPMDocument

(from part) (from epm)
n n

Build Rule

To create the rule, you must use the factory method defined on the class:
EPMBuildLinksRule rule = EPMBuildLinksRule.newEPMBuildLinksRule (
<document >, <part);
Once this has been done, you can use the Windchill build process to publish the
document structure to the part structure. This can be done in either of two ways:
• By building the EPMDocument:
BuildHelper.service.buildTarget (<document >,<config spec >);
• By building the WTPart:
BuildHelper.service.buildTargetsForSource (<part >,<config spec >);
If you are building a vaulted WTPart, the build process creates a new iteration of
the WTPart. If the WTPart is either checked out or in your personal folder, no new
iteration is created; instead, the usage links on the latest iteration are changed to
reflect the results of the build.

Windchill Services 6-107

6-108 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide
Persistence Management

Topic Page
Persistence Manager............................................................................................7-2
Query .................................................................................................................7-12
Transaction ........................................................................................................7-16

The PersistenceManager is an interface for database access. To use the
PersistenceManager, a class must implement the wt.fc.Persistable interface. By
implementing Persistable, the classes have the necessary code generated to read
and write data to and from the database and display its identity. Applications
should access the PersistenceManager through a convenience class named
Operations that fetch objects from the database perform access control checks on
each object returned in the result set. These operations post POST_FIND or
POST_NAVIGATE events upon successful completion. These query operations
use wt.query.QuerySpec to define the classes of objects to select from the
database. QuerySpec uses the wt.query.SearchCondition class to define search
criteria. That is, in the SELECT statement that is generated, the QuerySpec
defines which columns to select and which tables to select from, and
SearchCondition defines the WHERE clause. The fetch operations return
The operations that delete, modify, and store a Persistable object all perform
access control checks before continuing with the operation. These operations
return the Persistable object with updated persistence information (see
wt.fc.PersistInfo). These operations also post a PRE_DELETE, PRE_MODIFY,
or PRE_STORE event before executing the database operation, and a
POST_DELETE, POST_MODIFY, or POST_STORE event after the operation
has completed successfully. Applications can listen for these events and perform
some related action in the same transaction.
wt.pom.Transaction controls transaction blocks. Transaction blocks are used to
group persistence operations so changes are committed only if all database
operations in the block were successful. Transaction.rollback() returns the data in
the database to the original state, but it is the application’s responsibility to refresh
objects in memory. This class should be used only by methods executing on the
server, not the client.
Details on the individual public operations are given in the following sections.
Support for large result sets and long running queries is provided via the paging
mechanism. Much like a web search, paging allows the user to execute a query
and view results in pages via fetch requests. Result pages are defined in terms of
an offset and range. A paging session corresponding to a specify query is
available for paging fetch requests for a limited amount of time. This is due to the
limited system resources that must be used to implement the paging session.
Therefore, the user must be prepared to handle exceptions caused by a paging
session timeout.

Persistence Manager
The PersistenceManager is the base business manager that other managers use to
handle persistence. For programming convenience, a helper class has been
implemented to facilitate client (and server) usage of the PersistenceManager
methods. The name of the class is PersistenceHelper. The sections that follow

7-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

show the method declarations of the methods in the PersistenceManager class and
briefly describe what they do.

Persistence Manager

Persistence Management 7-3

A factory method is responsible for constructing an initialized business object in
memory that the client can manipulate. The store method ensures that the state of
the business object is valid and makes it persistent in a database so it can be used
by the rest of the enterprise. The store method has the following declaration:
// Store the given object in the database
public Persistable store(Persistable wto)
throws WTException;

The store method performs the following operations:

• Dispatches a PersistenceManagerEvent.PRE_STORE event.
• Ensures that this Persistable object is not yet persistent.
• Ensures that attributes are valid (by invoking checkAttribute).
• Uses Access Control to determine if the user is allowed to create this business
• Inserts the Persistable object into the database and, in so doing, assigns an
ObjectIdentifier and sets the createTimestamp and modifyTimestamp.
• Dispatches a PersistenceManagerEvent.POST_STORE
• Returns the Persistable object to the caller.
The general pattern for constructing a persistent business object is as follows:
1. Invoke the factory method to get a new business object.
2. Set the attribute values of the new object.
3. Invoke the store method to make the object persistent.
Customer c = Customer.newCustomer("Acme");
c = (Customer)PersistenceHelper.manager.store(c);

Note: Customer.newCustomer("Acme") calls initialize("Acme"), whereas

Customer c = new Customer() does not. Always construct business objects with
the factory method created by system generation.

Also, note that setting the local variable to the return value is important in
programming the client because the underlying RMI makes copies of the objects
referenced by the arguments of the method. This means that objects passed as
arguments by the client in the create method are not changed by the operations
that occur on the method server.

7-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The modify method has the following declaration:
// Modify the given object in the database
public Persistable modify(Persistable wto)
throws WTException;

// Modify only the specified structured attribute in the given

// object in the database
public Persistable modify( Persistable obj, String attrName,
ObjectMappable objAttr )
throws WTException;

The modify method performs the following operations:

• Dispatches a PersistenceManagerEvent.PRE_MODIFY.
• Ensures that attributes are valid (by invoking checkAttribute).
• Ensures that this Persistable object is already persistent.
• Uses Access Control to determine if the user is allowed to modify this
business object.
• Updates this Persistable object in the database, ensuring that the object has not
gone stale (that is, someone else has already modified this object in the
database). Note that any attributes derived from values that exist in other
tables are not updated in the database.
• Sets new values in the persistent information attributes, such as update count
and modify timestamp.
• Dispatches a PersistenceManagerEvent.POST_MODIFY.
• Returns the Persistable object to the caller.
aCustomer = (Customer)PersistenceHelper.manager.modify(aCustomer);

Note: Setting the local variable to the return value is important in programming
the client because the underlying RMI makes copies of the objects referenced by
the arguments of the method. This means that objects passed as arguments by the
client in the modify method are not changed by the operations that occur on the
method server.

The save method has the following declaration:
// Save the given object in the database
public Persistable save(Persistable wto)
throws WTException;

Persistence Management 7-5

The save method performs the following operations:
• Invokes the store method if the object is not yet persistent.
• Invokes the modify method if the object is already persistent.
Customer c = newCustomer("Acme");
// save = store
c = (Customer)PersistenceHelper.manager.save(c);
. .
c = (Customer)PersistenceHelper.manager.save(c);
//save = modify

Note: Setting the local variable to the return value is important in programming
the client because the underlying RMI makes copies of the objects referenced by
the arguments of the method. This means that objects passed as arguments by the
client in the save method are not changed by the operations that occur on the
method server.

The delete method has the following declaration:
// Delete the given object from the database
public Persistable delete(Persistable wto)
throws WTException;

The delete method performs the following operations:

• Dispatches a PersistenceManagerEvent.PRE_DELETE event.
• Ensures the object is already persistent.
• Ensures the user is allowed to delete the object.
• Deletes the object from the database, ensuring the object has not gone stale
(that is, someone else has already modified this object in the database) and
flagging the PersistInfo as deleted.
• Deletes all the links in which the object is a participant.
• Dispatches a PersistenceManagerEvent.POST_DELETE event.
• Returns the non-persistent object to the caller.
aCustomer =

7-6 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Note: Setting the local variable to the return value is important in programming
the client because the underlying RMI makes copies of the objects referenced by
the arguments of the method. This means that objects passed as arguments by the
client in the delete method are not changed by the operations that occur on the
method server.

The refresh method ensures that neither the client nor the server has a stale
business object. The refresh method has the following declaration:
// Refreshes the given object
public Persistable refresh(Persistable wto)
throws WTException;

// Retrieves a Persistable object from the database given its object

// identifier. Object references of the target object are not refreshed.

public Persistable refresh( ObjectIdentifier objId )

throws WTException, ObjectNoLongerExistsException;

// Retrieves the given Persistable object from the database to restore

// its state.
// fullRefresh should be set to true if the object references for the
// target object should be refreshed as well.
public Persistable refresh( Persistable obj, boolean fullRefresh )
throws WTException, ObjectNoLongerExistsException;

The refresh method performs the following operations:

• Dispatches a PersistenceManagerEvent.PRE_REFRESH event.
• Ensures the object is already persistent.
• Retrieves the state for the object from the database. All persistent attributes
are retrieved, including values from autonavigated relationships.
• Ensures the user is allowed to see the object, given its state.
• Dispatches a PersistenceManagerEvent.POST_REFRESH event.
• Returns the object to the caller.
aCustomer =

Note: Setting the local variable to the return value is important in programming
the client because the underlying RMI makes copies of the objects referenced by
the arguments of the method. This means that objects passed as arguments by the
client in the refresh method are not changed by the operations that occur on the
method server.

Client code typically provides mechanisms that let you decide when business
information should be refreshed. Server code should refresh the business object
before performing any significant operation on that object. There is, however, one

Persistence Management 7-7

important exception to this rule: do not refresh the target object of an event in a
service event listener and then subsequently update or modify the object. Because
the refresh method actually returns a new object, the update count of the event’s
target object will not be incremented when the update operation is called. Then,
when any subsequent listeners are notified of the event and try to update it, they
will get an ObjectIsStaleException because the update count of the in-memory
object differs from that in the database.
The following example illustrates this point:
new ServiceEventListenerAdapter(this.getConceptualClassname()) {
public void notifyVetoableEvent(Object event)
throws WTException {
PersistenceManagerEvent pmEvent =
Persistable target = pmEvent.getTarget();

// target now points to a new object, not the original one

// obtained from the event
target = PersistenceHelper.manager.refresh(target)

// modify target in some way...

// the update count of target is incremented when modify is

// called, causing the target object of the event to look
// stale if another
// listener were to attempt a modify.

The find method has the following declaration:
// Queries for Persistable objects given a search criteria
public static QueryResult find(StatementSpec ss)
throws WTException;

// Retrieves any and all link objects that exist between two Persistable
// objects given their object identifiers. The method validates the
// resulting set of link objects retrieved from the database before
// returning them to the invoking method.

public QueryResult find( Class targetLinkClass, ObjectIdentifier

obj1Oid, String obj1Role, ObjectIdentifier obj2Oid )
throws WTException, InvalidRoleException;

// Retrieves any and all link objects that exist between two given
// Persistable objects. The method validates the resulting set of
// link objects retrieved from the database before returning them
// to the invoking method.

7-8 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

public QueryResult find( Class targetLinkClass, Persistable obj1,
String obj1Role, Persistable obj2 )
throws WTException;

The find method performs the following operations:

• Queries the database for objects given the search criteria stored in the query
specification (described later in this chapter in the section on utility classes).
The target classes of the query specification and all of the associated
subclasses are searched.
• Removes from the result set any objects the user is not allowed to view.
• Dispatches a PersistenceManagerEvent.POST_FIND event.
• Returns the filtered result set to the caller.
QuerySpec criteria = new QuerySpec(helpdesk.Product.class");
QueryResult results = PersistenceHelper.manager.find(criteria);
Product p;
while (results.hasMoreElements()) {
p = (Product) (results.nextElement());
// do something with Product p

In this example, the find method used an empty query specification, QuerySpec,
to retrieve all products. The target of the QuerySpec can be an abstract class,
allowing the query to span multiple subclasses. The find method returns its results
in a QueryResult object that acts like an enumeration.

There are four navigate methods:
public QueryResult navigate(Persistable obj, String
role, Class linkClass) throws WTException

public QueryResult navigate(Persistable obj, String

role, QuerySpec criteria) throws WTException

public QueryResult navigate(Persistable obj, String

role,Class linkClass, boolean onlyOtherSide) throws WTException

public QueryResult navigate(Persistable obj, String

role, QuerySpec criteria, boolean onlyOtherSide) throws WTException

The first two methods have the same result as the last two with onlyOtherSide set
to True. When onlyOtherSide is true, the QueryResult contains the other side
objects rather than the links. When onlyOtherSide is false, the fully populated
links are returned.
The navigate method performs the following operations:
• Searches for objects of which the target object is a member, given the
specified role and QuerySpec.

Persistence Management 7-9

• Retrieves the related objects given the resulting set.
• Removes from the result set any objects the user is not allowed to view.
• Dispatches a PersistenceManagerEvent.POST_NAVIGATE event.
• Returns the filtered result set to the caller.
c = cust;

/* This QuerySpec constructor allows for a target and a link class. */

QuerySpec lqs = new QuerySpec(helpdesk.Product.class,

lqs.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(
"AmazingApplets"), new int[] { 0 });


lqs.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(

/* This will return ProductRegistrations. */

results =
lqs, false);

/* This will return Products. */

results =
PersistenceHelper.manager.navigate(c,ProductRegistration.PRODUCT_ROLE, lqs);

/* this will return all Products registered for this customer. */

results =
/* this will return all objects where the role is product for this customer. */
results =

The getLob method has the following declaration:
public InputStream getLob( LobLocator lob )
throws WTException;

Given the lob locator, the getLob method returns the lob as an InputStream.

7-10 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Get Next Sequence
The getNextSequence method has the following declaration:
public String getNextSequence( String sequenceName )
throws WTException;

Given the name of the sequence as input, the getNextSequence method returns the
next value.
String sequenceNum =

Note: You must create the sequence before using this. For example:


Prepare for Modification

The prepareForModification method refreshes the given object and then checks
whether the user has access control rights to modify it.
The prepareForModification method has the following declaration:
public Persistable prepareForModification( Persistable obj )
throws ModificationNotAllowedException,
NotAuthorizedException, WTException;

The method throws the ModificationNotAllowedException if the user is not

allowed to modify the business object but is allowed to view it. Invoke the
getNonModifiableObject method on the ModificationNotAllowedException to
get a refreshed copy of the object if viewing is desired.
The method throws the NotAuthorizedException if the user is allowed to neither
modify nor view the given object.
The prepareForModification method performs the following operations:
• Retrieves a fresh copy of the object from the database.
• Checks the object for MODIFY permission.
• Posts a PersistenceManagerEvent.PREPARE_FOR_MODIFICATION event.
• Returns the object.
• If MODIFY permission was not allowed, READ permission is checked and a
ModificationNotAllowedException is thrown with the readable object.

Persistence Management 7-11

Prepare for View
The prepareForView method refreshes the given object and then checks whether
the user has access control rights to view it.
The prepareForView method has the following declaration:
public Persistable prepareForView( Persistable obj )
throws ObjectNoLongerExistsException,
NotAuthorizedException, WTException;

The method throws the NotAuthorizedException if the user is not allowed to view
the given object.
The prepareForView method performs the following operations:
• Retrieves a fresh copy of the object from the database.
• Checks the object for READ permission.
• Posts a PersistenceManagerEvent.PREPARE_FOR_VIEW event.
• Returns the object.

Note: The prepareForView() method should be called only on objects that

actually exist in persistent storage. Otherwise, when retrieving a fresh copy of the
object, an error may occur or an invalid object may be returned.

The search method queries for a persistent object using the vector of
AttributeSearchSpecifications for the criterion. If any pre-query processing of the
data is required, it performs that processing.
The search method has the following declaration:
public QueryResult search( Class classname, Vector searchSpecVector )
throws WTException;

The search method performs the following operations:

• Creates a QuerySpec for the given class.
• Creates a SearchCondition from each AttributeSearchSpecification in the
searchSpecVector and appends each to the QuerySpec.
• Executes a find using this QuerySpec and returns the result.

The wt.query package contains the following classes for creating queries which
retrieve objects from the database.
When used with the find operation, QuerySpec can perform both single and
multiple class queries. The following sections discuss how to perform single class

7-12 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

queries using QuerySpec, SearchCondition, and QueryResult. The last section
describes how all three are used in multiple class queries.
The information in this section is sufficient for most database queries. If you
require more advanced SQL queries, see appendix C, Advanced Query

QuerySpec is used as an argument on the find and navigate operations to define
the classes of objects to retrieve. The SearchCondition object (described later in
this section) defines the criteria on those classes.

QuerySpec in a Find Operation

You can specify a single class on the constructor for the find operation as follows:
QuerySpec(Class targetClass);
The following example retrieves all Customers from the database.
QuerySpec qs = new
QueryResult qr = PersistenceHelper.manager.find(qs);
Since this is usually not the desired result, search conditions are used to limit the
number of objects returned. For example, to add a search condition to the
QuerySpec, use the following form:
QuerySpec.appendWhere(WhereExpression where, int[] classIndices)
The classIndices parameter is used to apply the search condition to the appropriate
classes in the QuerySpec. The classes referenced from the SearchCondition must
match the QuerySpec classes at the specified index.

QuerySpec in a Navigate Operation

For the navigate operation, you must specify both the targetClass and linkClass on
the constructor as follows:
QuerySpec(Class targetClass, Class linkClass);
The targetClass is the class of the "other side role" in the navigate.
SearchConditions can be appended based on either the target or the link.
QuerySpec qs = new QuerySpec( wt.part.WTPartMaster.class,

CompositeWhereExpression where =
new CompositeWhereExpression(LogicalOperator.AND);


Persistence Management 7-13

new AttributeRange(beginTime,endTime)));
qs.appendWhere(where, new int[] {0, 1});

The number of objects retrieved by a QuerySpec is limited by criteria defined with
SearchCondition. The most common format of a SearchCondition constructor is
as follows:
SearchCondition(Class targetClass, String attributeName, String operation,
Object value)
The targetClass can be a concrete class, abstract class, or interface. When
appended to a QuerySpec, the SearchCondition is responsible for creating a
WHERE clause on the query.
The attributeName can be any attribute of the target class that maps to a column in
the table being queried. In the case of a target class that has AutoNavigate
associations to other classes, any attributes that map to columns in the base class
or associated class can be used. Not all attribute types can be used in a search
condition, for example, attributes stored in BLOB columns. To verify which
attributes can be used, inspect the InfoReport for the target class, looking at the
attribute’s PropertyDescriptor to ensure that its QUERY_NAME property is not
SearchCondition has constructors for each of the java primitives and their
corresponding classes, plus Enumerated and AttributeRange. AttributeRange is
used as an argument to a SearchCondition constructor to create range conditions
in the WHERE clause (for example, myInt BETWEEN 1 AND 50).
SearchCondition also defines constants to use for the operation argument on the
constructors, such as EQUAL and GREATER_THAN.

The QueryResult object is the standard container returned from all Persistence
queries and navigations. QueryResult implements the standard
java.util.Enumeration plus the added abilities to determine the number of objects
in the QueryResult and reset the QueryResult to process it again.
Example: (using the QuerySpec created in the previous section):
QueryResult qr =

The QueryResult in this example will contain WTPartUsageLinks with both the
WTPartMaster and WTPart roles populated because onlyOtherSide is false. If
onlyOtherSide had been true, QueryResult would contain WTPartMaster objects.

7-14 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The SearchConditions narrow the search to only those WTPartMasters with the
name of "XYZ" who had usage links created between a specified beginTime and

Multiple Class Queries

QuerySpec also supports multiple class queries when used with the find operation.
Any number of classes can be added to the QuerySpec and objects of those classes
will be returned from the database. The following two methods can be used for
adding classes:
addClassList(Class targetClass, boolean isSelectable)
appendClassList(Class targetClass, boolean isSelectable)
The difference between the two is that appendClassList() always adds a new class
to the QuerySpec. If the method addClassList() is used and the specified class is
already in the QuerySpec, the index of the existing class is returned. The index
returned when adding (or appending) a class is used when appending a search
condition for that class.
When using multiple class queries, all of the classes usually should be joined to
avoid redundant results. Use the following constructor for SearchCondition to join
two classes:
SearchCondition(Class targetClass, String targetAttribute, Class linkClass,
String linkAttribute)
When appending this type of SearchCondition to a QuerySpec, both class indexes
must specify classes in the QuerySpec.
When multiple classes are in the QuerySpec, the elements in the QueryResult will
no longer be Persistable objects. If the full object is selected (via the isSelectable
argument, then the QueryResult elements will be an array of wt.fc.Persistable
objects (that is, Persistable[]). The array is needed because more than one class
can be returned. The exact type of the element will be Persistable[]. If any
attributes of the class are selected, then the QueryResult elements will be an array
of java.lang.Object objects (that is Object[]).
When adding (or appending) a class, the boolean parameter isSelectable specifies
whether objects of that class will be returned in the QueryResult. The
QueryResult Persistable array will have the same order as the classes in the
QuerySpec. However, classes that are not Selectable will not appear in the
QueryResult. For example, if the QuerySpec contains the classes W, X, Y, and Z
with X and Z selectable, the QueryResult Persistable array will contain X and Z.
All of the classes in a multiple class query are subject to Access Control
regardless of whether objects of that class are returned in the QueryResult.

Persistence Management 7-15

QuerySpec qs = new QuerySpec();

// Append the classes

int partIndex = qs.appendClassList(wt.part.WTPart.class,


int viewIndex = qs.appendClassList(wt.vc.views.View.class,


// Join the WTPart class to the View class via the View
object ID and

// the WTPart Foreign Key

SearchCondition sc = new SearchCondition(

wt.part.WTPart.class, wt.part.WTPart.VIEW + "." +

wt.vc.views.ViewReference.KEY + "." +


wt.vc.views.View.class, WTAttributeNameIfc.ID_NAME);

qs.appendWhere(sc, new int[] { partIndex, viewIndex });

QueryResult result = PersistenceHelper.manager.find(qs);


Persistable[] persistableArray = (Persistable[])


wt.part.WTPart part = (wt.part.WTPart)


wt.vc.views.View view = (wt.vc.views.View)


Transaction objects provide a mechanism that supports the standard concept of a
database transaction. It has the following methods:

7-16 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

After a transaction is started, all subsequent database inserts, deletes, and
updates are part of that transaction.
Commits the pending database operations to the database.
Discards the pending database operations.
The pattern for a method that can throw WTException is as follows:
Transaction trx=new Transaction();
try {
<your code here>
finally {
if (trx!=null)

If you create a transaction in which to perform some activities but never reach
your commit statement, be sure you mark the current transaction for rollback.
Someone else may accidentally ground out an exception and later try to commit
your partially completed work. The rollback call in a finally block, marks any
enclosing transaction so partial results cannot be accidentally committed later. If
code following notices a problem and calls rollback, the database is safe but, if
your code is the deepest transaction, it is your responsibility to call rollback if you
do not get to your commit call. Because you may not know for certain if your code
is the deepest transaction at the time an exception is thrown, you should always do

The basic idea behind paging is the concept of a "snapshot" query. When a paging
session is opened, a "snapshot" is taken of the results. These results can then be
fetched in pages over multiple calls. When all desired fetches are complete, the
paging session should be closed. This cleans up any data associated with the
paging session to free system resources. These system resources are significant so
a timeout property exists. If the timeout limit is reached, then the paging session is
automatically closed. Any further fetch requests would result in an exception.
Another configurable property is the paging limit (there is a system wide value
and this value can also be overridden when opening a paging session). Because of
the system resource required, a limit can be set such that if the result set size of the
"snapshot" query is less than this value, then all of the results are returned
immediately and no paging session is established. Note also that the results of the
initial "snapshot" query are access controlled. Only data that the user can access
(i.e. data that the user has read permission for) will be stored for subsequent page

Persistence Management 7-17

requests. In addition, the total count of the size of the result set will also be
returned when the paging session is opened.
This "snapshot" behavior is important to understand in terms of how the
underlying query results can change. Consider a paging session that is established
and a total paging size of 50 is available for fetch requests. The first 25 objects are
returned and displayed to the user. The set of data can be modified by other user
operations. For example, another user could delete an object in the second set of
25 objects. Now when a fetch request is made for objects 25 through 50, the object
that was deleted will not be available. The paging results will still contain 25
elements. However, for the object that was deleted, a null value would be returned
in the paging results. Another situation can occur for updates. Consider a paging
session that is established for a query that returns data where a numeric attribute
of an object is less than some value. Between the time that the paging session was
opened and a subsequent fetch request, an object from the results could have been
modified and the numeric attribute changed such that it no longer meets the
original query’s criteria. Yet, it would still be part of the paging session results
because it did meet the criteria at the time that the paging session was established.
This is another reason for the timeout limit on paging sessions.
The definition of the "snapshot" query uses the same query constructs as normal
queries. Both QuerySpec and CompoundQuerySpec objects can be specified. The
classes or column expressions that are selected will be returned in the fetch
requests. Criteria and sorting will be applied when executing the "snapshot"
query. The sorting (if any is specified) will be maintained on fetch requests. When
specifying a sort on a QuerySpec that will be paged, each ColumnExpression
must have a unique column alias. This should be specified using the
ColumnExpression.setColumnAlias() method. The actual fetch requests return a
PagingQueryResult, which is a sub-class of QueryResult. The PagingQueryResult
has additional paging attributes such as the paging session ID (used for
subsequent fetch requests) and the total paging size.
The Paging APIs are specified as static methods in the wt.fc.PagingSessionHelper
class (see Javadocs for full details). There are several types of APIs that are
available for opening a paging session, fetching from a paging session, and
closing a paging session. The following example shows how these methods can be
used to perform an interactive paging session for an arbitrary query passed to the
method as an argument. The method consists of a while loop that prompts the user
for an offset and range for a fetch request (or to end the paging session). The first
time through the loop the paging results are null so the paging session is opened.
The paging session ID and total paging count values are then stored in local
variables. The paging session ID will be used to execute fetch requests and
eventually close the paging session. If the paging session has already been
opened, then a fetch is made using the offset and range. The paging results are
then displayed along with the offset, range, and total count. The last piece of code
in the loop checks the paging session ID to ensure that a paging session has been
established. If the query returned no results or the paging limit was not reached,
then no paging session would exist. This entire loop is enclosed in a try/finally

7-18 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

block to ensure that the paging session is always closed (if one has been
public void executePaging(QuerySpec a_querySpec)
throws WTException, WTPropertyVetoException
long pagingSessionId = 0;

PagingQueryResult pagingResults = null;
int offset = 0;
int range = 0;
int totalCount = 0;
boolean done = false;

// Prompt user for offset and range
offset = ..;
range = ..;
done = ..;

if(pagingResults == null)
// Open Paging Session
pagingResults = PagingSessionHelper.openPagingSession(
offset, range, a_querySpec);
pagingSessionId = pagingResults.getSessionId();
totalCount = pagingResults.getTotalSize();

pagingResults = PagingSessionHelper.fetchPagingSession(
offset, range, pagingSessionId);

// Display QueryResult items

System.out.println("Displaying " + offset + " to " +
(offset + range) + " of " + totalCount);

if(pagingSessionId <= 0)
// No paging session was established
if(pagingSessionId > 0)

Persistence Management 7-19


7-20 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Developing Server Logic

Topic Page
Service Management ...........................................................................................8-2
Service Event Management.................................................................................8-3
Implementing Business Data Types ....................................................................8-7
Lightweight Services.........................................................................................8-17
Updating a Master Through an Iteration ...........................................................8-22

Developing server logic is primarily a task of designing and implementing
business data types and services. To develop these kinds of abstractions, you must
understand applicable Windchill design patterns, service and event management
in general, and guidelines used in detailed design and implementation.
A business data type can be characterized as an important piece of information
known in the business domain. This information consists of data and/or state once
it exists and is recognized in the system. A business service can be characterized
as a set of one or more functions that carry out business-specific processing. The
purpose of these kinds of abstractions is to separate the entity objects from control
objects. Once they are separated, developmental impacts and risks, typically
caused by evolving requirements and behavior, are reduced. That is, data and
behavior changes are less likely to directly affect each other given sound
abstraction and encapsulation.
In addition to the information presented here, see also Appendix B, Windchill
Design Patterns. This Appendix describes design patterns that represent
Windchill’s current best practices regarding development of server logic.
The Windchill Customizer’s Guide also includes descriptions of how to use and
customize Windchill services used in server development.

Service Management
The development of the standard, reusable Windchill services caused the need for
a general mechanism to manage the behavior of and interaction between these
services. This service management mechanism specifies a protocol for startup,
shutdown, and communication between Windchill services.

Automatic Service Startup

The wt.properties configuration file includes entries that specify which services
should be started automatically when the server is launched. In addition, each
entry specifies a pairing between the service interface and which implementation
of the service should be constructed. That is, if other implementations are supplied
in addition to the standard implementation of the service, one of the other
implementations can be declared to execute in these entries. On the other hand,
multiple service interfaces can also be implemented by a single class. For
example, the PersistenceManager and PersistenceManagerSvr are both
implemented by StandardPersistenceManager. The following is an example of
several entries for the standard Windchill services:
# Application Services
wt.services.service.1 = wt.session.SessionManager/
wt.services.service.2 = wt.queue.QueueService/
wt.services.service.3 = wt.fc.PersistenceManager/
wt.services.service.4 = wt.fc.PersistenceManagerSvr/

8-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The number indicates the startup order of the service. If a service depends on
other services, those services must be started first.
There are entries that are termed either a service or a manager. During the initial
stages of Windchill development, the use of the terms manager versus service was
unclear. It has been agreed that service represents the more general concept and
manager represents those services that are characterized more as managing groups
of objects. Currently the terms manager and service appear interchangeably.

Service Startup and Shutdown

In order for services to be managed, they must implement the
wt.services.Manager interface. This interface specifies methods for starting and
stopping services.
A reference implementation of wt.services.Manager, named
wt.services.StandardManager, provides most of the base functionality required for
service management. If a new type of service does not require any special startup
or shutdown processing, it can extend the base class wt.services.StandardManager
without overriding any of its methods.
Two methods in class wt.services.StandardManager are intended to be overridden
to specialize startup and shutdown processing. These methods are
performStartupProcess and performShutdownProcess. Examples of startup
processing include subscribing to service events and establishing queues for use in
background processing. For further information, see Service Event Subscription
later in this chapter.

Service Management
ManagerService is a manager which is used to startup and provide access to a pre-
defined list of managers. This list includes different managers for services
mentioned in Chapter 6, Windchill Services.
In addition to managing managers, the ManagerService provides a synchronous
event dispatch service. It could dispatch a vetoable or non-vetoable event to all
listeners for the event key. The listener may or may not object to the event. It
performs a synchronous "in thread/transaction" notification of each event listener
for the event branch identified by the event key. It calls the notifyEvent operation
on each subscriber

Service Event Management

One means of interservice communication is by direct peer-to-peer cooperation
and collaboration. No special mechanisms are required to support this kind of
communication because it is already defined as explicit invocations.
However, with a plug-and-play architecture, services become more independent
and unaware of other services. To facilitate interservice communication between

Developing Server Logic 8-3

these autonomous services, general mechanisms are needed to convey information
between these services and to manage unordered synchronous communications.
Each service is responsible for specifying service events that can be emitted when
significant events that may be of interest to other services occur within the
service. Also, each service must establish listeners to other

Service Event Registration

Services can register their events with the wt.services.StandardManager when
they are started. Registering service events at startup time makes the events
known to processes, such as access control. The following example illustrates
how events are registered in an overridden wt.services.StandardManager’s
registerEvents method for the version control service:
public void registerEvents( ManagerService manager ) {
VersionServiceEvent.NEW_VERSION ),
VersionServiceEvent.NEW_VERSION );
VersionServiceEvent.PRE_SUPERSEDED ),
VersionServiceEvent.PRE_SUPERSEDED );
VersionServiceEvent.POST_SUPERSEDED ),
VersionServiceEvent.POST_SUPERSEDED );
VersionServiceEvent.PRE_ROLLBACK ),
VersionServiceEvent.PRE_ROLLBACK );
VersionServiceEvent. POST_ROLLBACK),
VersionServiceEvent. POST_ROLLBACK);
VersionServiceEvent. PRE_ROLLUP),
VersionServiceEvent. PRE_ROLLUP);
VersionServiceEvent. POST_ROLLUP),
VersionServiceEvent. POST_ROLLUP);

8-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Note: A more implicit means of registering events is by not doing so in the
registerEvents method, but by allowing the event to be registered when it is first
emitted. Once this occurs, all listeners subscribing to this event will be notified.

Service Event Subscription

In order for services to be notified of events occurring within the system, they
must subscribe to each particular service event of interest. To do this, you must
invoke the wt.services.ManagerService.addEventListener method with a listener
and key identifying the event of interest.
The listener specified during subscription must implement the
wt.events.KeyedEventListener interface. It defines the notifyEvent and
notifyVetoableEvent methods. The wt.services.ServiceEventListenerAdapter
class is provided as a utility whereby a listener can extend it and override only the
methods that are required for notification. The notifyEvent is a general method
that can be used in all subscription cases. The notifyVetoableEvent method is
more specialized; its intended use is to provide a means of vetoing an event via an
Typically event listeners are implemented using either anonymous or named
instances of inner classes. This allows the outer class to be designed without
implementing the wt.events.KeyedEventListener interface. This keeps the outer
class pure in that its type directly reflects its purpose without having to implement
a listener interface. The following is an example of how to override the
performStartupProcess method and define and add a listener for a specific event:
protected void performStartupProcess()
throws ManagerException {

// At a request prior to a modification, if the target is a

// lockable object then
// validate if a modify on the object would be accepted. If
// not then veto it.

new ServiceEventListenerAdapter(
this.getConceptualClassname() ) {
public void notifyVetoableEvent( Object event )
throws WTException

PersistenceManagerEvent pmEvent =
Persistable target = pmEvent.getTarget();

if (target instanceof Lockable)

validateLock( (Lockable)target);
PersistenceManagerEvent.PREPARE_FOR_MODIFICATION ));

protected void validateLock( Lockable object )

throws WTException, LockException {

Developing Server Logic 8-5

if (object.getLock() != null) {

if (object.getLock().isSeized()) {

if (!object.getLock().getLocker().getObjectId().equals(
(Object) PersistenceHelper.getObjectIdentifier(
SessionHelper.manager.getPrincipal() )))

throw new LockException( RESOURCE, "5", null );


Service Event Notification

When a service’s listeners have been subscribed, a list of them and others for a
particular event is maintained by the ManagerService. This list is traversed in an
unordered fashion and each listener is executed one after the other using
synchronous Java method invocations. Listener notification methods execute in
the same thread and database transaction as the event emitter. This means that
database operations performed by a listener in response to a notification call are
included in the transaction of the event emitter. The following is an example that
shows the dispatching of an event like
protected void dispatchVetoableEvent( String eventType,
Persistable obj )
throws WTException {
PersistenceManagerEvent event =
new PersistenceManagerEvent( this, eventType, obj );
getManagerService().dispatchVetoableEvent( event,
event.getEventKey() );

Service Event Exception Handling

When a listener vetoes an event, it does so by throwing an exception. When an
exception is thrown, each listener that has already been notified of this event can
handle this exception by either passing the exception through, catching and re-
throwing it to clean up, or by implementing a "finally" clause to clean up.
As discussed earlier, event notification is dispatched within the same thread and
transaction frame as the event emitter. This means that an event emitter must roll
back any database updates that it has made if there has been a veto by another
listener. The following example illustrates this guideline. If the POST_STORE
event is vetoed, control is transferred to the "finally" clause, where the transaction
will be rolled back because the line that set the transaction to null was never
public Persistable store(Persistable obj) throws WTException {
dispatchVetoableEvent( PersistenceManagerEvent.PRE_STORE,

8-6 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

obj );
Transaction trx = new Transaction();

try {
dispatchVetoableEvent( PersistenceManagerEvent.POST_STORE,
obj );
trx = null;

finally {
if ( trx != null )

return obj;

Service Event Conventions

The meaning of any particular service event is up to the designer of the event.
Events should include all the information required by event listeners for follow-on
processing. The wt.events package includes a base event class,
wt.events.KeyedEvent, which can be extended to create new event types.
A common event design pattern includes pre- and post-events. Pre-events are used
to indicate to listeners that an event is about to begin. They are typically intended
to give listeners the opportunity to validate and possibly veto the event. Post-
events are used to notify listeners that an event has finished. They are most useful
when a service needs to perform some kind of post-processing as a result of the
event. Not all events have to be either pre- or post-events. A singular definition of
an event can be used to indicate some special occurrence, which may or may not
have happened.

Implementing Business Data Types

A business data type can be characterized as an entity object (that is, a knower)
that deals basically with abstracting some crisp and clearly definable piece of
information in the problem domain. Therefore, business data types are primarily
defined by data, not behavior, as in control objects (that is, doers). Because most
of the specification of a business data type is by its attributes, implementation of
this business information typically focuses on the classes’ attributes.
In addition, because business data types are entity objects and are typically
lightweight compared to control objects, they efficiently transport information
between an application and the server in the three-tier (client, server, and
database) architecture.

Developing Server Logic 8-7

Initializing Business Attributes
Initialization of business data type attributes is done by implicitly code generated
"initialize" methods. No constructors are generated for modeled business data
types. Instead, factories are created for each modeled constructor and, within the
factory, an instance is made. Then the initialize method with a signature that
matches the factory is invoked.
These initialize methods are empty at the first code generation and must be hand-
implemented because the code generator currently cannot make any assumptions
on what attributes should or should not be initialized. By default, once these
methods are implemented, their code is preserved for subsequent use. To mimic
Java constructor chaining, each initialize method should always invoke its parent
initialize method before doing anything else.

Business Attribute Accessors

Attributes are always generated as private fields with two accessors: a getter and
setter method, like JavaBean properties. The getter is generated as a no-arg
method that returns the value of the attribute.
The setter is generated as a single-arg method which sets the attribute to the value
of the arg. Depending on whether the attribute is constrained, the setter is
generated with or without a wt.util.WTPropertyVetoException throws clause.
This exception extends java.beans.PropertyVetoException and allows for a
customized message. The following example shows the property for constraining
an attribute, and a getter and setter for an attribute named "note".

Constraining an Attribute

8-8 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

public String getNote() {
//##begin getNote% [ ]348C64E401C5g.body preserve=no
return note;
//##end getNote% [ ]348C64E401C5g.body

protected void setNote( String a_Note )

throws WTPropertyVetoException {
//##begin setNote% [ ]348C64E401C5s.body preserve=no

noteValidate( a_Note ); // throws exception if not valid

note = a_Note;
//##end setNote% [ ]348C64E401C5s.body

Note that the body of the methods are flagged as "preserve=no." This instructs the
code generator to overwrite the code within a method. Getters and setters can be
preserved by setting this flag to "yes", but in general this is not recommended. On
the other hand, the code generator can be instructed to not generate a getter and
setter for an attribute with the "GenerateAccessors" property on the Windchill tab
set to "False."

Overriding Accessor Methods

Typically, overridden accessors do the following:
• Attribute validation (as shown in the example)
• Lazy attribute initialization
• Computed attribute access
The following is an example of overriding accessor methods.
public void setStatus(int status)
throws PropertyVetoException {
// Set the status to the closed-code only if
// closure comments were provided.
if (status == CLOSE_CODE) {
if ((getClosureComments() == null) ||
(getClosureComments().equals("")) {
throw new PropertyVetoException();

Validating Business Attributes

Validating business data type attributes is handled at two distinct levels. The
simplest and completely code-generated level is implemented as a validation
method for a constrained attribute that is invoked by its setter. The mechanism
used to veto the setting of an attribute is a wt.util.WTPropertyVetoException

Developing Server Logic 8-9

capable of being thrown from the setter. If an attribute is not constrained, the
setter is generated without the capability of an exception being thrown.
The properties for specifying limits on a String or numeric attribute are
LowerLimit and UpperLimit. In both cases, the value supplied is treated as a
literal or constant. This means that the validation method is code generated with
"if" statements that use Java less than or greater than operators to test against the
specified value in the LowerLimit or UpperLimit property, respectively. The
following examples illustrate the use of these two properties and the validation
code that is generated automatically:

Validation Example

private void noteValidate( String a_Note )

throws WTPropertyVetoException {

if ( a_Note != null &amp;&amp; a_Note.length() > MAX ) { // upper limit check

Object[] args = { "note", "MAX_LENGTH" };
throw new WTPropertyVetoException( "wt.fc.fcResource",
wt.fc.fcResource.UPPER_LIMIT, args,
new java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent( this, "note", note, a_Note ) );

if ( a_Note != null &amp;&amp; a_Note.length() < MIN ) { // lower limit check

Object[] args = { "note", "MIN_LENGTH" };
throw new WTPropertyVetoException( "wt.fc.fcResource",
wt.fc.fcResource.LOWER_LIMIT, args,
new java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent( this, "note", note, a_Note ) );

8-10 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The other more general level of validating one or more attributes is to override
and implement the "checkAttributes" method inherited from wt.fc.WTObject.
This method is invoked before the object is stored in the database initially and
every time it is modified. In this case the exception thrown is
wt.fc.InvalidAttributeException, not wt.util.WTPropertyVetoException.

Implementing the checkAttribute Method

The checkAttributes method shown in the following example is an alternative to
the setStatus method shown in the example in Overriding Accessor Methods
earlier in this section. It ensures that closure comments are provided if the status is
to be set to 2.
The checkAttributes method is called by the PersistenceManager to ensure the
state of the object is correct before storing it in the database.
The following is an example of implementing the checkAttribute method.
// Example checkAttributes method
public void checkAttributes() throws
InvalidAttributeException {

// Ensure that closure comments are provided if the

// status is set to the closed-code.
if (getStatus() == CLOSE_CODE) {
if ((getClosureComments() == null) ||
(getClosureComments().equals("")) {
throw new InvalidAttributeException ();

Business Attribute Aggregation

Structured attributes (that is, non-first-class) at all levels of associations are placed
in the same database table as the first-class object that stores the structure
attributes. The aggregated attributes must be object mappable and, regardless of
cardinality, will always exist in the database table as a flat structure. The flatness
of the tables is due to the fact that the database tier in the three-tier architecture is
assumed to be a relational database, not an object-oriented database.
However, if the top-level structured attribute’s cardinality is 0..1 or 0..* and it is
not flagged as being required, it can be nullified in the database. Care must be
taken if this top-level structured attribute aggregates any other structured attribute
because the nested structured attributes will not be nullified.

Developing Server Logic 8-11

Business Attribute Persistence
A business attribute is persisted as a column in a first-class object’s database table
if it is flagged as being "Persistent" as shown in

Persistent Attribute

Otherwise, it is treated as an in-memory attribute only and is not mapped to a

column in the database table.

Business Attribute Derivation

Derived attributes are strictly generated as getters and setters without any such
named field for the modeled derived attribute. Typically, the purpose of modeling
a derived attribute is to make it act as a computed value when accessed. One side
effect of derived attributes is they are neither serializable nor externalizable. They
could be an implementation detail in the body of a class, but Windchill’s
generated externalization methods will not recognize the attribute as existing.
That is, the externalization methods to read and write an object’s data are
generated based on what is known in the object model, not the implementation.
If an object with a derived attribute is either being transmitted across-the-wire, or
is being stored/retrieved externally, the derived attribute within it is non-existent.
Any assumption made in implementation where a derived attribute is required for
processing after the object has been serialized or externalized may produce
erroneous results unless the accessor is called to re-derive the attribute.

8-12 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Implementing Business Services
A business service can be characterized as a set of abstractions — based on the
business service design pattern — that collectively provide essential behavior and
processing for a problem domain. For further information on the business service
design pattern, see Appendix B, Windchill Design Patterns. The main kinds of
classes in a business service act as control objects (that is, doers) that carry out
processing on business objects. Additionally, cookies are maintained by the
business service that hold state and key information on a per object basis.
Cookie classes are aggregated to interfaces that are managed by business services.
For example, PersistInfo is a cookie class that is aggregated to the Persistable
interface. Any class that implements Persistable will also aggregate PersistInfo,
and the PersistenceManager business service will manage the attributes of
PersistInfo such as createStamp and modifyStamp.

Initializing Business Services

Business services are designed to execute as singletons in the server only. When
the server is launched, the wt.properties file is read to determine what services are
to be started automatically. These specified services are constructed and statically
initialized, service events are registered, and the services are then started. The
ordering specified by wt.services.service entries in the wt.properties file controls
the order in which services are started.
If administrative access is required on service startup, it is necessary to create a
new SessionContext and set the current user to the Administrator. It is equally
important to reset the session context at the end of a service’s startup processing.
To guarantee that a session context is always reset, it should be done in a "finally"
protected void performStartupProcess()
throws ManagerException {

SessionContext previous = SessionContext.newContext();

// create new SessionContext
try {
// do startup processing such as registering
// event listeners

try {
SessionHelper.manager.setAdministrator(); //
catch (UserNotFoundException wex) {
System.err.println ("Administrator user
doesn’t exist (OK if installation)");

// do startup processing that requires

// administrative permissions such as
// creating a queue
catch (WTException wex) {

Developing Server Logic 8-13

throw new ManagerException (this,
"Failed to initialize service.");

finally {
// restore initial SessionContext

Business Service Operations

Business service operations can be invoked either locally or remotely. Only
remote invocations are made by a client. Local invocations can be either from a
client or server.
The business service’s Helper abstraction contains only methods that can be
invoked locally. These methods are generally used for the accessing of the
service’s cookie information. Other types of methods that aid in processing may
also be implemented in a Helper. The Service abstraction contains methods that
can be invoked locally on the server and invoked remotely from the client if the
Service is stereotyped as being a "RemoteInterface." With this stereotyping and
aggregation of the "service" in the helper, all public methods are available for use.
The business service should ensure that all externally available operations are
exposed either through the Helper or Service class. All other operations should
only be available internally with the possible exception of methods on utility
classes that are used by other services.
Often business service operations executing on the server must perform database
actions. To maintain database integrity, service independence, and loose coupling
between other services, database changes should be protected by the use of
transaction blocks. The following section of sample code serves as a guideline on
how to implement transaction blocks:
public Persistable store( Persistable obj )
throws WTException {
//##begin store% [ ]3458AD98008C.body preserve=yes

Transaction trx = new Transaction();

try {
dispatchVetoableEvent( PersistenceManagerEvent.PRE_STORE,
obj );
dispatchVetoableEvent( PersistenceManagerEvent.POST_STORE,
obj );
trx = null;
finally {

8-14 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

if (trx != null)

return obj;
//##end store% [ ]3458AD98008C.body

Vetoing Business Service Events

When a business service is notified of an event occurring within the system, it has
the option of vetoing the event. This is done by subscribing as a listener and
implementing the notifyVetoableEvent method. The listener must process the
event’s data and determine if a veto is applicable. If so, the listener throws an
appropriate exception. Otherwise, the listener does whatever processing is
required and allows the event to continue.

Business Service Rules

If applicable, a business service should implement rules to enforce consistent and
correct functionality of its operations. The two basic forms of business rules are
access control and problem domain integrity.
Access control establishes who can act upon what and in what manner. The
enforcement of access control in a business service is explicitly implemented. In
the locking service, for example, when an object is requested to be locked, the
service guarantees that the principal attempting to place the lock has modify
access to the object such that the lock for it can be persisted in the database as
shown below:
public Lockable lock( Lockable object, WTPrincipalReference locker,
String note )
throws WTException, LockException, WTPropertyVetoException,
PersistenceException {
//##begin lock% [ ]342A8DDB0271.body preserve=yes
Transaction trx = new Transaction();

// Check if the object is not currently locked and the locker

// has modify
// access rights then dispatch a vetoable event to signal
// listeners that
// a lock is about to commense. If no listener vetos the lock
// (i.e., no
// exception was thrown) then go ahead and set the object’s
// lock state
// (i.e., cookie).

if (!object.getLock().isSeized()) {

if (AccessControlHelper.manager.hasAccess( locker.getPrincipal(),
object, WTPermission.MODIFY )) {
dispatchVetoableEvent( LockServiceEvent.PRE_LOCK, object );
object.getLock().seize( locker, note );

Developing Server Logic 8-15

// Now update the object without changing the objects
// modify date.
// The modify date is left as is since all that is
// being updated
// is the cookie information, not the object.

try {
PersistenceServerHelper.manager.update( (Persistable)
trx = null;
finally {

if (trx != null)

dispatchVetoableEvent( LockServiceEvent.POST_LOCK, object );


return object;
//##end lock% [ ]342A8DDB0271.body

Enforcement of problem domain integrity is somewhat different than access

control. Maintaining correct problem domain behavior within the business service
should always be a goal, but in particular there may be some special requirements
that must be satisfied. As in version control, for example, when an object is
checked in, it is then once again available to be checked out. However, if the
object is already checked out, it can not be checked out again unless some sharing
and merging rules are in place.

Business Service Communication

Business services can communicate with one another either directly through
synchronous Java invocations or by events. Direct peer-to-peer communication to
another service is how access control is implemented in all of Windchill’s
services. This is the most rudimentary means of communication.
Event-based communication is a more sophisticated means of communicating
between services. Services can register their events and subscribe listeners to
another service’s events when they are started. When a service event is emitted,
all subscribed listeners are notified of the occurrence of the event. The event
notification and responses are synchronous. Therefore, it is equivalent to method
invocations to the services, except that services which cause events do not know
which other services will be notified. If one of the notified services vetoes the
event, the other services not yet notified are not informed.

8-16 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Lightweight Services
Lightweight services reside in the application layer between the client and the
business service layer. Lightweight services are light because they do not start
automatically and dispatch events. Consequently, lightweight services are not
specified in the wt.properties file with wt.services entries.
Lightweight service methods should be designed to do the following:
• Reduce the number of round trips between the client and the server.
• Provide task-specific and higher-level functionality than business service
• Ensure client transactional integrity.
Lightweight services can dispatch events but should not listen for them. If a
service is not started automatically, it will not be able to hear events that it is
supposed to listen for until it is started.
Lightweight services are an effective means to ensure client transactional
integrity. Several client-server operations can be grouped into a single,
lightweight service method call that will carry out these operations on the server
in a single transaction.
Lightweight services can be implemented in the following two ways:
• Through a modeled class that extends wt.services.StandardManager
• Through a non-modeled, inner class that implements
The following subsections describe both implementations.

The Modeling Implementation

Lightweight services are modeled like business services in that they are defined
by a remote interface and have an implementation class that extends
StandardManager. The remote interface enables the service to run in the method
server and be invoked by remote clients (for example, applets). The mapping
between the service interface and implementation class is accomplished with a
naming convention. The implementation class for a lightweight service must have
the same name as the interface with "Standard" at the beginning of the name.
To use a lightweight service, create an instance of the generated Forwarder class
and call the service’s methods through the Forwarder. This is similar to a business
service where a static attribute on the Helper class is initialized with an instance of
the Forwarder class. In both cases, the mechanism for invoking service operations
is identical.

Developing Server Logic 8-17

The following is an example of a lightweight service named CommentLogger.
This model can be found in WTDesigner.mdl in the wt.services.test package.

CommentLogger Service Example

In this example, the CommentLogger interface defines a lightweight service that

will log a message to the server log file. This service could be useful for applet
clients that want to include a message in the server log. Without such a service, all
System.out.println calls will send their output to the browser’s Java console
window instead of the server log file. StandardCommentLogger implements this
service by extending wt.services.StandardManager and the CommentLogger
interface. Note that the name must be StandardCommentLogger in order for the
ManagerService to find the implementation class for the CommentLogger service.
Since CommentLogger has a stereotype of RemoteInterface, a Forwarder class
named CommentLoggerFwd is automatically generated. It is this class that is used
to invoke the CommentLogger service methods:
CommentLoggerFwd logger = new CommentLoggerFwd();

logger.log("a message");

The Inner Class Implementation

The second way of implementing a lightweight service is through a non-modeled,
inner class that implements wt.method.RemoteAccess. An example of an inner
class implementation follows. The objectives are to invoke a complex server-side
activity, collecting information of interest to the client, while minimizing the
number of classes loaded by the client. These techniques improve performance for
the client because loading classes can be slow and expensive.
In this example, note the type of the inner class. To avoid IllegalAccess violations,
the forwarder must be declared as a "public static class". Using this declaration,
the MethodServer is able to instantiate and invoke methods on the inner class.
Note also the technique for invocation of the desired server method. To avoid
loading classes specified as part of the action to be carried out in the
MethodServer, we specify the target inner class and method of interest as Strings.
Any reference to the class itself will cause it and all the classes it needs to be
loaded into the client VM, which is not desirable.
package wt.appfwd;

8-18 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Vector;

import wt.util.WTContext;
import wt.method.RemoteMethodServer;
import wt.method.RemoteAccess;

import wt.fc.QueryResult;
import wt.fc.PersistenceHelper;
import wt.fc.PersistenceManager;
import wt.part.WTPart;
import wt.part.WTPartMaster;
import wt.query.QuerySpec;
import wt.query.SearchCondition;

public class AppLightFwd extends Applet {

// Class name of our inner class that runs in the server

private static final String SERVER_CLASS =
AppLightFwd.class.getName() + "$Server";

private Button action;

private RunnerEventListener rel;
private Label partNames;
private TextField text;
private Label queryCount;
private TextField countVal;
private TextArea feedback;

public void init() {

action = new Button ("Get Parts");
rel = new RunnerEventListener();
partNames = new Label( " with names like ... " );
text = new TextField("", 25);
queryCount = new Label( "Number of parts to return" );
countVal = new TextField( "5", 4);
feedback = new TextArea("",10, 40);

public void start() {


Developing Server Logic 8-19

public void stop() {

public void destroy() {


// Applet event listener

class RunnerEventListener implements ActionListener {

public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) {

Object o = event.getSource();
if (o == action) {
String name = text.getText();
String count = countVal.getText();
if (!name.equals(""))
text.setText("must enter a part name search key" );

// Food for thought:

// here we should disable appropriate GUI components and
// spin off a seperate thread to do the actual work so
// we don’t hang the AWT-Thread ( the GUI thread )

public void doSomeWork(String name, String count) {

Vector results = null;
String like = "% [ ]"+name.toUpperCase()+"% [ ]";

Integer cnt = null;
try {
cnt = new Integer(count);
catch (Exception e) {
// some parse exception, just get default count
try {
cnt = new Integer(5); // this will work
} catch (Exception e2){}

// construct arguments for call

Class [] argTypes = { String.class, Integer.TYPE };
Object [] args = { like, cnt };

// Run to server and do some work there.

// Build Server inner class name as a string so we don’t
// load the class here.
results = (Vector) RemoteMethodServer.getDefault().invoke(
"doSomeWork", SERVER_CLASS, null, argTypes, args);

8-20 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

// display results in text area
for (int i=0;i results.size(); i++) {
PartMasterInfo pmi
= (PartMasterInfo)results.elementAt(i);
feedback.append("> "+pmi.getName()+"
# "+pmi.getNumber()+’\n’);
catch (RemoteException e)
// Put localized Exceptions
// into a Dialog popup
catch (InvocationTargetException e)
// Localize in a dialog

// "Public" static inner class.

// Yes 2 public classes in the same file, this is the
// only exception

public static class Server implements RemoteAccess {

public static Vector doSomeWork (String name, int count)

int i=0;
Vector parts = new Vector(count);
WTPartMaster wtpm;

try {
// Use feedback mechanism to send progress updates
// to the user
// and of course be sure to Localize it
QuerySpec queryspec = new QuerySpec(WTPartMaster.class);
new SearchCondition(WTPartMaster.class,
name) );
QueryResult queryresult =
// create a vector of PartMasterInfo object to return
// to the client
while (queryresult.hasMoreElements()) {
wtpm = (WTPartMaster)queryresult.nextElement();
parts.addElement(new PartMasterInfo(wtpm.getName(),
if (++i >= count)

Developing Server Logic 8-21

catch (Exception e) {
// Localize
parts.addElement(new PartMasterInfo(e.toString(),"-1"));
return parts;

// simple support (inner) class which contains

// the information we are interested in returning to the
// client for display purposes

public static class PartMasterInfo implements Serializable {

String name;
String partNumber;

public PartMasterInfo( String name, String number ) {

this.name = name;
partNumber = number;

public String getName() { return name; }

public String getNumber() { return partNumber; }

Updating a Master Through an Iteration

The master-iteration design pattern (described in Appendix B, Windchill Design
Patterns) specifies that the Mastered and Iterated classes work together closely. A
class that implements Mastered (henceforth called the master) contains all the
version-independent information, whereas the Iterated class (henceforth called the
iteration) contains the incremental change that an object undergoes. When
applying the master-iteration pattern, it is important to consider whether the
master and iteration will be treated as a single logical object or as two distinct
objects. Specifically, should a client need to know that a document is actually
composed of an iteration and a master-
The Windchill reference implementations WTPart and WTDocument define the
master attributes on the iteration as derived attributes, thus hiding the existence of
the master from clients. For both WTPart and WTDocument, the only attributes
on the master are number and name. In addition to being master attributes, they
are also identifying attributes. This means that they can be modified only by using
the IdentityService after the object has been persisted.
The Windchill reference implementation does not have an example of a master
class with non-identifying attributes. Currently, there is no support for
automatically persisting a master if its non-identifying attributes are updated using
derived attributes on the iteration. That is, the attribute could be modified by

8-22 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

calling its setter on the iteration, but the client would have to persist the master to
save the changes.
The following is a discussion of different ways master attributes can be exposed
on the iteration and how changes to master attributes through the iteration can be

Read-only and Queryable Master Attributes on the Iteration

It is quite easy and often desirable to view and/or query attributes from the
iteration and master together. This capability is supported at the database level by
an auto-navigate feature. That is, when an iteration is retrieved from the database,
the association between Iterated and Mastered is auto-navigated to retrieve the
corresponding master in a single query.
To take advantage of auto-navigate, perform the following actions:
1. Add derived attributes on the iteration for each master attribute that you want
to be viewed and/or queried along with the iteration. The "DerivedFrom"
model property must be as follows:
master> attribute_name
For example, part number is modeled on WTPart with the following:
DerivedFrom = master>number

2. To make derived attributes read-only, set their WriteAccess to something

other than Public.

Updating Master Attributes via the Iteration

The goal of this action is to be able to automatically update the master if any of its
attributes have been modified via derived attributes on the iteration. The
advantage is that clients have to deal directly with only one object, the iteration.
The recommended approach at a high level is to add a boolean "dirty" flag to the
iteration class which is set to true if any of the setter methods that update master
attributes are invoked. Next, implement a special save method that clients will use
to save the iteration instead of using PersistenceHelper.manager.save(Persistable
obj). This method is implemented in a lightweight service class so that it runs on
the server in the context of a transaction. It is implemented to check if the dirty
flag is true; if so, it will save the master as well as the iteration.

Updating the Master and Iteration Separately

Updating the master and iteration separately may be appropriate depending on the
business rules. For example, for parts that go through a design review life cycle,
modifying a master attribute would affect all versions, some of which are in a
"released" state that implies they should not be modified. Changing a master
attribute is significant because it violates the basic business rule that released parts
should not change. For this reason, the master class could have a more restrictive

Developing Server Logic 8-23

set of access rules, and any changes to it would be against the master object
directly, not derived attributes on the iteration.
If this approach is taken, the client must update and persist masters and iterations
separately. There may still be derived master attributes on the iteration to facilitate
querying and/or read-only access of master attributes via the iteration. However,
these attributes would not be set via the iteration.

The Identifying Attributes

The identifying attributes that are part of the master are not updated by calling
setter methods, but rather by using IdentityService.changeIdentity. The client
must know about the master in order to pass the master to the IdentityService.
That is, the iteration can not be passed to the IdentityService. When the
IdentityService changes the identity, it re-persists the modified master; thus, the
client does not have to directly use the PersistenceManager to modify the master.
Master identifying attributes can only be set via the iteration before the object is
persisted. When the first iteration is saved, the master is automatically created and
saved as well. If you want to expose identifying attributes on the iteration,
perform the following steps:
1. Add a derived attribute on the iteration for the master identifying attribute by
setting the model property "Derived" to the following:
master> attribute_name
2. Set the attribute model property "Changeable" to "ViaOtherMeans" on the
master. This allows the attribute to be set only until the object is persisted.
After it is persisted, the IdentityService is the only way to change the value.
3. Add a protected setIdentificationObject method to the master which directly
sets the identifying attributes on the master from the IdentificationObject
After the master is persisted, the identifying attributes can be changed only by the
IdentityService, which invokes the setIdentificationObject method on the master
via the IdentificationObject.setToObject method.
For additional information, see the section on Implementing Identified Objects in
the Windchill Customizer’s Guide.

Overriding Accessors for Master Attributes Derived on the Iteration

Code generation is not yet capable of determining which subtype of Mastered,
such as WTPartMaster, is applicable in order to invoke the accessor methods
specific to a concrete Mastered class. This means that the accessors must be
implemented by hand. Following is an example for WTPart:
public String getName() {
/##begin getName% [ ]364F678B0148g.body preserve=yes
try { return ((WTPartMaster) getMaster()).getName(); }
catch (NullPointerException npe) { return null; }

8-24 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

/##end getName% [ ]364F678B0148g.body

public void setName( String a_Name )

throws WTPropertyVetoException {
//##begin setName% [ ]364F678B0148s.body preserve=yes
((WTPartMaster) getMaster()).setName( a_Name );
/##end setName% [ ]364F678B0148s.body

Developing Server Logic 8-25

8-26 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide
System Generation

When you have finished modeling, the next step is system generation. Using
Windchill extensions to Rose’s original functionality, Windchill generation tools
generate Java code, Info files containing class metadata used by the runtime
environment, and database DDL from the models you create. This chapter
describes how to use the system generation tool and how the classes you model in
UML (in Rose) correspond to the code that is generated.

Topic Page
Overview of System Generation .........................................................................9-2
How Rose UML Maps to Java Classes ...............................................................9-2
Implicit Persistable Associations Stored with Foreign ID References..............9-19
Extending the EnumeratedType class ...............................................................9-33
How Rose UML Maps to Info Objects .............................................................9-35
How Rose UML Maps to Database Schema .....................................................9-37
How Rose UML Maps to Localizable Resource Info Files ..............................9-40
Header ...............................................................................................................9-41
Resource Entry Format......................................................................................9-41
Using the Windchill System Generation Tool ..................................................9-43
Using Windchill System Generation in a Build Environment ..........................9-47

Overview of System Generation
The figure below shows the system generation process.

System Generation

Using the models in the Rational Rose repository, the Windchill export tool
produces mData files. The system generation tools then use the mData files to
produce Java code, Info files (metadata used by the runtime environment), and
database schema. mData files have a non-proprietary file format so that, in the
future, different modeling tools can be used without rewriting portions of the
system generation tool.
The following sections describe how the Rose UML is mapped to each of the
types of output (Java code, Info files, and database schema). The final section of
this chapter describes how to run the system generation tool.

How Rose UML Maps to Java Classes

You control aspects of system generation by specifying values within Rose for the
following model elements:
• Classes
• Operations
• Attributes
• Associations and their roles
• Generalize relationships
• Dependency relationships
The following sections, which describe how each of these elements are mapped to
Java, also include the specifications you must set for each kind of element to

9-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

ensure the correct code is generated. Within the Rose dialogs where you set these
values, there are other tabs and fields. Any tabs or fields not described in this
manual are either ignored by the system generation tools or have preferred default
The figure below shows a sample specification dialog in Rose. To access this
dialog, double click on an item in a diagram; or select a diagram item, then select
Open Specification from the right click pop-up menu. Rose displays a
specification that corresponds to the item you selected. The documentation for
code generated items is placed in the generated source code in the format of
Javadoc style comments.

Rose Specification Dialog

Mapping Modeled Classes to Java

Classes modeled in Rose will be generated as Java classes or interfaces. An
interface will be generated when the class is modeled with the Interface

System Generation 9-3

The figure below shows a class modeled in Rose that is mapped to Java.

Model of a Class

Copyright Statement
Rose provides for a default copyright, and also for a copyright to be specified for a
particular package. This copyright statement is generated into the Java source
code for each class.

Package Statement
The package statement corresponds to the Rose UML package that owns the class.
For example,
// Example of a generated package statement
package example;

Import Statements
Java import statements are generated based on references made to other classes
through the following model elements:
• Class and Interfaces inherited by the class.
• Dependencies modeled for the class.
• Non-Persistable Association types.
• Attribute types declared by the class.
• Argument type s specified by the methods of the class.
• Return value types specified by the methods of the class.
• Exceptions thrown by the methods of the class.
For example,
// Examples of a generated import statements
import example.MyAddress;
import example.MySize;
import java.lang.String;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.util.Vector;
import wt.fc.Item;

9-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

import wt.pds.PersistentRetrieveIfc;
import wt.pds.PersistentStoreIfc;
import wt.pom.DatastoreException;
import wt.util.WTException;
import wt.util.WTPropertyVetoException;

//##begin user.imports preserve=yes

//##end user.imports

The generated import statements depend on input from the

classRegistry.properties file (discussed later in this chapter) that contains a list of
classes and their associated packages.
The user.imports section is provided as a safe place for the developer to enter
additional imports to support the implementation of the class. This section is
preserved during subsequent generations of the class.

Class Documentation
Any documentation that is entered in Rose will be generated into the class in the
form of Javadoc style comments. For example,
//##begin MyItem% [ ]34F19D1A00B3.doc preserve=no
* An example class to demonstrate system generation
* @version 1.0
//##end MyItem% [ ]34F19D1A00B3.doc

Class Declaration
A class is declared as modeled and will extend and implement all of the classes
that were modeled as having a generalization relationship. If a class is modeled to
extend a class that was not modeled as Extendable, via the Windchill
SupportedAPI property, the generator will not allow it to be generated until that
modeled generalization is removed.The class can be modeled as concrete,
abstract, or as an interface. For example,
// Example of a class declaration
public class MyItem extends Item implements Externalizable{

// Example of an abstract class declaration

public abstract class Item extends WTObject {

// Example of an interface declaration

public interface Persistable extends ObjectMappable {

Class Body
Some constants are generated into the body of each class. The following are
examples of generated class constants:
// Constants used by the class
private static final String RESOURCE =

System Generation 9-5

private static final String CLASSNAME =

The RESOURCE constant identifies the resource bundle the class is to use for
localizable messages.
The CLASSNAME constant provides an easily accessible, programmatic
reference to the name of the class.
The rest of the class body contains the generated results of elements modeled as
features of the class and as relationships between classes. These include
operations, attributes, associations, and generalizations. The details of these will
be covered in subsequent sections.

Rose Class Specification

On the General tab, set the following values:
• Name specifies the name of the corresponding Java class.
• Stereotype:
– For a class, leave blank.
– For a final class, select Final.
– For an abstract class, select Abstract.
– For an interface, select Interface.
– For a remote interface, select RemoteInterface (see explanation which
• Export Control should be set to Public or Implementation. Implementation
classes are visible only to other classes within the same package.
• Documentation specifies a description for the element. The documentation
will be generated into the Java code, as Javadoc style comments.
• Type is ignored by the code generator.
On the Windchill tab, set the following values:

Note: Some specification dialogs provide multiple property sets. Every

specification provides a "default" set. The class specification also provides
"EnumeratedType" and "System" sets, The EnumeratedType set contains the
properties that apply to an EnumeratedType class. The System set contains the
properties that apply to non business domain class. Property sets may provide
different default values for the same property.

• SupportedAPI should be set to communicate to users the degree to which the

class will be supported.
– <Default> to ignore the Supported API concept.

9-6 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

– Private if the class will not be supported at all.
– Public if use of the class is supported.
– Extendable if extension of the class is supported.
– Deprecated if the class is obsolete and support is being phased out. (This
setting is superceded by the Deprecated property.)
• Deprecated should be set when the element is obsolete.
– <Default> indicates the class is not deprecated, unless, for backward
compatibility, SupportedAPI is set to Deprecated.
– deprecated if the class is obsolete and support is being phased out.

• Java Properties
– Generate should be set to False if the system generation tools should
ignore this modeled class.
– CodeGenerationName specifies the name of the class that will be
generated. Leave it blank to have the generated name be the same as the
name of the modeled class.
– Serializable indicates if the generated class will implement the
Serializable or Externalizable interface. Default evaluates to
Externalizable, if possible; otherwise, Serializable. Externalizable
(basic), can be used to generate simple Externalization support that does
not include support for reading old versions.For a class that will have
instances serialized into BLOB columns in the database, set the property
to Evolvable. (For further information, see appendix D, Evolvable
Classes.) To have the class implement neither interface, set the property
to None.
– PrimitiveType indicates which primitive value-type a class can be
decomposed into.
– StaticInitBeforeFields indicates whether the static initializer will be
placed before the field declarations.
– GenAttributeLabels indicates whether label constants will be generated
for the modeled attributes and roles of the class. If True, they will be
generated. If Default, they will be generated for classes that implement
ObjectMappable and for interfaces.
– ExplicitOrder (EnumeratedType set only) indicates whether the modeled
EnumeratedType options will be explicitly order in the resource info
(rbInfo) file. By default, a locale specific, alphabetical order will be
determined at run-time.
• Oracle Properties

System Generation 9-7

– TableName is the database table name to use for the class.
– TableSpaceName is the tablespace to use for storage option of the table.
– TableSize indicates if the relative size required for the objects that will be
stored (the actual storage values are mapped from the size via property
file settings).
– IndexTableSpaceName is the tablespace to use for the storage option of
the indices of the table.
– CompositeIndexN indicates the columns for composite index on the
– CompositeUniqueN indicates the columns for composite unique index
on the table.
• UI Properties
– StandardIcon is the file name of the standard icon for the class.
– OpenIcon is the file name of the open icon for the class.
– Localizable indicates if the class will have a localizable display name
stored in the resource bundle for the package.
• The rest of the dialog is ignored by the code generator.

Mapping Operations to Java

The figure below shows an operation modeled in Rose that is mapped to a method
in Java.

Model of Operations

The following code is generated for this example.

public class MyItem extends Item implements Serializable {
//##begin operation1% [ ]34F19DCB01D0.doc preserve=no
* The example operation.
* @param arg1 The Date argument
* @return StringThe String return value
//##end operation1% [ ]34F19DCB01D0.doc

public String operation1( Date arg1 ) {

//##begin operation1% [ ]34F19DCB01D0.body preserve=yes

9-8 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

return null;
//##end operation1% [ ]34F19DCB01D0.body

Operations modeled in Rose are mapped as Java methods of the generated class.
For operations that are not modeled as abstract, stubs are created in the generated
class where you add your own code. All documentation, keywords, parameters,
and return types that are modeled in Rose are generated into Java classes.
Information about operations that you can specify in Rose is detailed below.
The begin and end markers that are generated into editable files denote the
sections that you can edit. These sections are preserved as is during subsequent
generations of the files.
Some sections are marked with preserve=no. This is true for all Javadoc comment
sections and some code sections, where some implementation is generated into an
editable file. The "no" value for preserve indicates that the section is a generated
default, which you may choose to edit. If you do edit any of these sections, you
must change the preserve value from "no" to "yes"; otherwise, it will not be
If MyItem were an interface, only the operation declaration would be generated
into MyItem, because a Java interface can contain no implementation. To the
degree possible, the implementation aspects of interface operations will be
generated into concrete subclasses. See the Implementing Interfaces section for

Rose Operation Specification

On the General tab, set the following values:
• Name specifies the name of the resulting Java method.
• Return class specifies the type of the method’s return value.
• Export control should be set to Public, Protected, or Implementation. Public
methods are external API to the class. Protected methods are customization
points that extending classes can choose to override. Private methods need not
be part of the business model. Developers can implement them in their classes
as needed.
• Documentation specifies a description for the element. The documentation
will be generated into the Java code, as Javadoc style comments.
On the Detail tab, set the following values:
• Argument Name specifies the name of an argument in the method.
• Argument Type specifies the argument type.
• Exceptions specifies the exceptions thrown by the method.
• The rest of the dialog is ignored by the code generator.

System Generation 9-9

On the Windchill tab, set the following values:
• SupportedAPI should be set to communicate to users the degree to which the
operation will be supported.
– Private if the operation will not be supported at all.
– Public if use of the operation is supported.
– Deprecated if the operation is obsolete and support is being phased out.
(This setting is superceded by the Deprecated property.)
• Deprecated should be set when the element is obsolete.
– <Default> indicates the operation is not deprecated, unless, for backward
compatibility, SupportedAPI is set to Deprecated.
– deprecated if the operation is obsolete and support is being phased out.
• Java Properties
– Abstract should be set to True to make the resulting method abstract.
– Static should be set to True to make the resulting method static.
– Final should be set to True to make the resulting method final.
– Native should be set to True to make the resulting method a native
– Synchronized should be set to True to make the resulting method a
synchronized method.
– RemoteInvocation should be set to True to make the resulting method
executable only at the server. This setting is not needed for classes that
implement a RemoteInterface.

Mapping Attributes to Java

Attribute Implementation
The external Java representation of a class attribute modeled in Rose consists of a
getter operation, a setter operation, and an identifying label. The export visibility
of the getter and setter operations is based on the export visibility of the modeled
attribute in Rose.
The internal Java implementation of the class attribute is always a private field.
This field is accessed strictly through getter and setter operations. Encapsulating
the attribute as a private field provides several benefits:
• The class controls the integrity of the attribute by monitoring changes to the

9-10 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

• The class can support subscribe/notify functionality that allows listeners to
monitor the state of the attribute.
• Access through getter and setter operations provides the opportunity to
synchronize access to the attribute.
The following model shows the class MyItem, with attributes a1, a2, and a3,
which extends the class Item.

Model of Attributes

Attribute Label Constants

String field constants are generated as attribute labels so you can use them in APIs
that require an attribute name, such as queries. Thus, the Java compiler can detect
typographical errors.
// Examples of attribute name constants
public static final String A1 = "a1";
public static final String A2 = "a2";
public static final String A3 = "a3";

Field Declarations
All attributes modeled in Rose are implemented as private fields of the Java class.
For example,
// Examples of attribute declarations
private String a1;
private Date a2;
private Xyz a3;

The accessor methods to these attributes are public or protected, depending on the
export control as defined in the model. Examples of accessor methods follow.

Accessor Methods
Public and protected accessor methods are generated in the Java class. For

System Generation 9-11

// Example of a "getter" method
public String getA1() {
return a1;
// Example of a "setter" method
public void setA1( String theA1 )
throws WTPropertyVetoException {
a1 = theA1;

Accessor methods are code-generated from the attributes modeled on the business
class in the Rose model. They need not be modeled on classes in the UML model.
These accessor methods follow the Java beans naming convention. Attributes that
were modeled as public get public accessor methods. Attributes that were
modeled as protected get protected accessor methods.
The system generation tool generates accessors that enforce attribute validation
based on attribute properties specified in the model.
If the constrain property (a Rose specification) is set to true for an attribute
modeled in Rose, the setter method is declared to throw a
wt.util.WTPropertyVetoException, which is derived from
java.beans.PropertyVetoException. This exception is thrown if the setter method
has determined that a value being set in the attribute is invalid. Developers can
change the default accessor methods by writing code in the preserve region.
Validation code will be generated if the attribute is modeled with a lower or upper
bound, as unchangeable, or as a required attribute. Each of these properties
appear, in Rose, on the Windchill tab for the attribute. Validation code will also be
generated if the attribute is modeled with a constrained type. That is, the attribute
is redefining an attribute, in the hierarchy, to be of a sub-type of the original
definition. If a validation method is generated, the setter code will invoke it. If
validation were generated for the "a1" attribute, the method would be
If MyItem were an interface, only the accessor declarations and the label constant
would be generated into MyItem, because a Java interface can contain no
implementation. To the degree possible, the implementation aspects of interface
attributes will be generated into concrete subclasses. See the Implementing
Interfaces section for details.

Rose Attribute Specification

On the General tab, set the following values:
• Name specifies the names of the generated attribute.
• Type specifies the attribute’s class.
• Initial value specifies the initial value for the attribute.
• Export control should be set to Public, Protected, or Implementation. If
you want private methods, declare them in your source code.

9-12 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

• Documentation specifies a description for the element. The documentation
will be generated into the Java code, as Javadoc style comments.
On the Detail tab, set the following values:
• Static should be selected if the attribute is to be generated as a static field.
• Derived should be selected if the generated private field is not desired. Also
see the DerivedFrom property below.
• The rest of the dialog is ignored by the code generator.
On the Windchill tab, set the following values:
In addition to the default property set, attributes have two predefined sets. First,
named "constant", which can be used for constant attributes. Second, named
"constantEnumeratedType", which can be used for constant attributes on
EnumeratedTypes. While these property sets can be used to quickly set the
Windchill properties for these constant attributes, the Static property still needs to
be selected on the detail tab.
• Abstract should be set to True if the implementation of a field for the
attribute will be deferred to a subclass. Accessor methods generated for this
attribute will be abstract.
• DerivedFrom should be specified if this attribute is derived from another
modeled element. The value will specify a traversal path to the source. For
example, homeAddress.city indicates that this class has a non-first-class
aggregation named homeAddress which contains an attribute named city. To
specify that an attribute’s derivation traversal goes through an
ObjectReference, a different delimiter is used. For example,
homeAddress>city indicates that this class has an opposite-side role on a
first-class association named homeAddress which contains an attribute named
• StringCase should be set to LowerCase to force the value to lowercase. It
should be set to UpperCase to force the value to uppercase. The enforcement
of this constraint will be generated into the setter method for the attribute.
• LowerLimit constrains the valid values for the type. For String types, it
specifies the minimum length of the String. For numeric types, it specifies the
minimum value of the attribute. Date and Time types are not currently
supported by this property. The constraint is enforced in the validation that is
generated for the setter.
• UpperLimit constrains the valid values for the type. For String types, it
specifies the maximum length of the String. For numeric types, it specifies the
maximum value of the attribute. Date and Time types are not currently
supported by this property. The constraint is enforced in the validation that is
generated for the setter.

System Generation 9-13

• Required should be set to True if the database will not allow a null value in
the column that persists the attribute’s value, and the setter validation will not
allow the attribute’s value to be set to null.
• Changeable should be set to Frozen if the value cannot be changed once it
has been persisted. It should be set to ViaOtherMeans if the normal setter
method is not allowed to change the value once it has been persisted. (For
example, ViaOtherMeans is used for those attributes that are part of the
identity of the class which must be changed through the identity service.)
• WriteAccess should be set if the access of the setter should be different than
that of the getter that will be generated.
• SupportedAPI should be set to communicate to users the degree to which the
attribute will be supported.
– <Default> to ignore the Supported API concept.
– Private if the attribute will not be supported at all.
– Public if use of the attribute is supported.
– Deprecated if the attribute is obsolete and support is being phased out.
(This setting is superceded by the Deprecated property.)
– Deprecated should be set when the element is obsolete.
– <Default> indicates the attribute is not deprecated, unless, for backward
compatibility, SupportedAPI is set to Deprecated.
– deprecated if the attribute is obsolete and support is being phased out.

• Java Properties
– Final should be set to True if the resulting field should be final.
– Transient should be set to True if the resulting field should be transient.
– Volatile should be set to True if the resulting field should be volatile.
– Persistent should be set to True if the field that holds the value will be
persisted to the database.
– GenerateAccessors should be set to False if no accessors are to be
– Constrain should be set to True if the resulting setter method should
declare that it throws a WTPropertyVetoException.
– GetExceptions specifies exceptions that will be declared as thrown by
the generated getter.
– SetExceptions specifies exceptions that will be declared as thrown by the
generated setter.

9-14 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

– BeforeStaticInitializer should be set to True if field declaration should
be placed prior to the static initializer.
• Oracle Properties
– ColumnType indicates the database column mapping.
– Index indicates if an index should be created for this attribute.
– Unique indicates if only unique values are allowed for this attribute
(enforced at the database level).
– Updateable indicates if the attributes column will be updated after the
initial insert.
– ColumnName specifies the table column name for this attribute.

System Generation 9-15

• UI Properties
– Localizable indicates if the attribute will have a localizable display name
stored in the resource bundle for the package.
– Display (constantEnumeratedType set only) specifies the localizable
display name for the attribute, if the attribute is a constant for an
– DefaultValue (constantEnumeratedType set only) should be set to True if
the attribute is the default option for the EnumeratedType. Only one
attribute can be set to True.
– The rest of the dialog is ignored by the code generator.
A constant attribute is one that is specified as static and final.

Mapping Associations to Java

Non-Persistable Associations
The following model shows associations with non-persistable objects
(MyAddress and NameValue).

Associations between Non-Persistable Objects

The following code is generated from this example:

public class MyItem extends Item {
private String a1;
private Date a2;
private Xyz a3;
private MyAddress work;
private Vector list; // contains a set of NameValue objects
// This class also contains the constants and the accessor
// methods for a1, a2, a3, work and list.

9-16 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The implementation of a non-persistable association is the same as the
implementation of a modeled attribute. That is, it will be implemented with a
private field, a constant label, and accessor methods.
If classes modeled in Rose extend the class Item, these classes are automatically
both ObjectMappable and Persistable. But in this example, an object called
MyAddress is modeled that is a composite aggregation. This means that the
instance MyAddress never exists on its own. It exists only as a part of another
instance. In this case, the code generator creates a field in MyItem using the name
of the composite aggregation, that is, the name of the navigable role on the
association (in this example, work). Note that although modeling it as a composite
aggregation communicates the ownership, the role must be navigable to
accomplish the generated implementation.
If the association’s cardinality is greater than one, the attribute is represented as a
Java Vector. For example, the class NameValue is also a composite aggregation
and it contains multiple name and value strings. Because the total number that
could occur is not known during system generation, the code generator creates a
Vector field with the name of the composite aggregation (in this example, list). In
this example, the field is a list of names and values.
The generated class also contains public accessor methods for all the attributes.
Note also that if the role’s cardinality is optional, but the class being aggregated
contains required elements, the aggregated class will be treated as required. The
system generator must enforce this coordination of required attributes because of
the way the PDS (Persistent Data Service) enforces required attributes. The PDS
accomplishes the enforcement through the NOT NULL column feature of SQL
databases. Because a column within the structure will be generated as NOT
NULL, the structure as a whole cannot be nullable.
If MyItem were an interface, only the accessor declarations, and the label constant
would be generated into MyItem, because a Java interface can contain no
implementation. To the degree possible, the implementation aspects of interface
associations will be generated into concrete subclasses. See the Implementing
Interfaces section for details.

System Generation 9-17

Implicit Persistable Associations
The following model shows an association between persistable objects where the
association has no attributes.

An Association with No Attributes between Persistable Objects

The following code is generated from this example:
public final class LinkA extends ObjectToObjectLink
implements Externalizable {

// role name constants

public static final String MY_ITEM_ROLE = "theMyItem";
public static final String YOURS_ROLE = "theYours";
public MyItem getMyItem() { // getter

return (MyItem)getRoleAObject();

public void setMyItem( MyItem theMyItem ) // setter

throws WTPropertyVetoException {

setRoleAObject( theMyItem );
// two-arg factory for link classes
public static LinkA newLinkA( MyItem theMyItem,
Yours theYours )
throws WTException {

LinkA instance = new LinkA();

instance.initialize( theMyItem, theYours );
return instance;

In this case, the code generator creates persistable Java classes that extend the
ObjectToObjectLink class and are capable of maintaining a persistent association.
Code-generated accessor methods return the role A and role B objects of the link.
This means that the developer need not be concerned with which object is the role
A object and which is the role B object.
Code-generated factory methods for Link classes take at least two arguments: the
role A object and the role B object. The factory methods are a result of the Link

9-18 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

interface extending the NetFactor interface. A full explanation of factory methods
is included in the section on Implementing the NetFactor Interface.

Implicit Persistable Associations Stored with Foreign ID

The following model shows an association between persistable objects where the
association has no attributes.

A Persistable Association Stored with a Foreign ID Reference

The link class is generated for LinkC, just as it was for LinkA, in the preceding
example. In addition, the following code is generated in the class that plays the
role opposite the role that has a cardinality of one.
public class OneMore implements Persistable, Externalizable {

public static final String A1 = "myItem>a1";

public static final String MY_ITEM_REFERENCE =

private ObjectReference myItemReference;

public String getA1() {

try { return getMyItem().getA1(); }
catch (NullPointerException npe) { return null; }

public void setA1( String a_A1 )

throws WTPropertyVetoException {
getMyItem().setA1( a_A1 );

public MyItem getMyItem() {

if ( myItemReference == null )
return null;
return (MyItem)myItemReference.getObject();

public ObjectReference getMyItemReference() {

return myItemReference;

System Generation 9-19

public void setMyItemReference( ObjectReference
a_MyItemReference )
throws WTPropertyVetoException {
myItemReferenceValidate( a_MyItemReference );
// throws exception if not valid
myItemReference = a_MyItemReference;

In this case, since the association is persisted via a foreign id in the table for
OneMore rather than in a separate link table, the OneMore class will hold a
reference to myItem and will get myItemReference accessors generated. In
addition to the getter and setter that are generated for the reference, a convenience
getter is generated for the myItem object.
Although these additional accessors are created for developer convenience, the
LinkC class that is generated for the association can be operated on in the same
manner as a link class that is stored in a separate link table. This provides a
common API for manipulating links, regardless of how the database storage is
The example also had a derived attribute modeled for the OneMore class. The
DerivedFrom property for the attribute was defined as myItem>a1, which caused
the A1 label constant and accessors to be generated for the a1derived attribute. (If
this were a non-persistable association, the syntax for the derived attribute source
would be myItem.a1.)
Care should be taken in using this feature with persistable associations since
allowing the generation and use of a derived setter will cause a state change in a
different persistable object (myItem) which may not be obvious to the developer
who is using your class (OneMore). The generation of the setter can be turned off
while retaining the generation of the getter by setting the attribute’s WriteAccess
property to Private.

Explicit Persistable Associations

The following model shows an association between persistable objects where the
association has attributes.

An Association with Attributes between Persistable Objects

9-20 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The following code is generated from this example:
public class LinkB extends ObjectToObjectLink implements
Externalizable {
. . .
/* everything that the implicit link has, plus normal
class generation for attributes, operations, etc. */

If an association has attributes associated with it, the code generator creates a Java
class that has all of the attributes for the association and the accessor. The name of
the generated Java class is the name of the attributing class.
The generated Java class extends the ObjectToObjectLink class if the attributing
class does not extend another class in the model. If the attributing class extends
another class in the model, the Java class extends that class. (The class being
extended must be a subclass of Link.)

Rose Association Specification

For the tabs that specify role information, there is a Role A tab and a Role B tab.
Both work essentially the same with the only differences being whether role A or
role B is referred to.
On the General tab, set the following values:
• Name specifies the name association that is the name of the resulting Link
class. If blank, it defaults to a role A/role B concatenation.
• Role A specifies the role A name. If blank, it defaults to the name of the role
A class (in this case, the class name is prefixed with "the" to avoid a naming
conflict). The popup menu for associations provides an alternative means for
specifying role A.
• Role B specifies the role B name. If blank, it defaults to the name of the role B
class (in this case, the class name is prefixed with "the" to avoid a naming
conflict). The popup menu for associations provides an alternative means for
specifying role B.
• The rest of the dialog is ignored by the code generator.
On the Detail tab, set the following value:
• Derived should be set to True to indicate that the implementation of the
association will be derived, as determined by the developer.
• The rest of the dialog is ignored by the code generator.
On the Windchill tab, set the following values:
• SupportedAPI should be set to communicate to users the degree to which the
association class will be supported.
– Private if the association class will not be supported at all.

System Generation 9-21

– Public if use of the class is supported.
– Extendable if extension of the class is supported.
– Deprecated if the class is obsolete and support is being phased out. (This
setting is superceded by the Deprecated property.)
• Deprecated should be set when the element is obsolete.
– <Default> indicates the class is not deprecated, unless, for backward
compatibility, SupportedAPI is set to Deprecated.
– -deprecated if the class is obsolete and support is being phased out.
• Java Properties
– Generate should be set to False if the system generation tools should not
generate a Java class for this modeled association.
• Oracle Properties
– Storage indicates if the association will be stored in a link table or as a
foreign id reference in the table for one of the role classes. Default
evaluates to ForeignKey if there is a role with single cardinality and the
class opposite that role resides in the same package as the association;
otherwise, evaluates to LinkTable.
• The rest of the dialog is ignored by the code generator.
On the Role <A/B> General tab, set the following values:
• Role specifies the name of the role. (See Role A (or B) description for
General tab above.)
• Export control should be set to Public, Protected, or Implementation. If
you want private attributes, declare them in your source code.
• Documentation specifies a description for the element. The documentation
will be generated into the Java code, as Javadoc style comments.
On the Role <A/B> Detail tab, set the following values:
• Role specifies the name of the role. (See Role A (or B) description for
General tab above.)
• Cardinality specifies the cardinality of the role. The popup menu for
associations provides an alternative means for specifying cardinality.
• Navigable should be selected if the role B (or role A) object should get a
method for accessing the role A (or role B) object. The popup menu for
associations provides an alternative means for specifying navigability.
Navigable is ignored for Persistable associations.

9-22 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

• Aggregate should be selected if the association is an aggregate. The popup
menu for associations provides an alternative means for specifying
• By value should be selected if the aggregate is a composite aggregation. The
popup menu for associations provides an alternative means for specifying
composite aggregation.
• The rest of the dialog is ignored by the code generator.
On the Windchill<A/B> tab, set the following values (ignored for Persistable
• Abstract should be set to True if the implementation of a field for the role
will be deferred to a subclass. Access methods generated for this role will be
• StringCase should be set to LowerCase to force the value to lowercase. It
should be set to UpperCase to force the value to uppercase. The enforcement
of this constraint will be generated into the setter method for the attribute.
• LowerLimit constrains the valid values for the type. For String types, it
specifies the minimum length of the String. For numeric types, it specifies the
minimum value of the role. Date and Time types are not currently supported
by this property. The constraint is enforced in the validation that is generated
for the setter.
• UpperLimit constrains the valid values for the type. For String types, it
specifies the maximum length of the String. For numeric types, it specifies the
maximum value of the role. Date and Time types are not currently supported
by this property. The constraint is enforced in the validation that is generated
for the setter.
• Changeable should be set to Frozen if the value cannot be changed once it
has been persisted. It should be set to ViaOtherMeans if the normal setter
method is not allowed to change the value once it has been persisted.
• WriteAccess should be set if the access of the setter should be different than
that of the getter that will be generated.
• Dependency should be set to True if the opposite-side role class is dependent
on this role.
• SupportedAPI should be set to communicate to users the degree to which the
role will be supported.
– Private if the role will not be supported at all.
– Public if use of the role is supported.
– Deprecated if the role is obsolete and support is being phased out. (This
setting is superceded by the Deprecated property.)
• Deprecated should be set when the element is obsolete.

System Generation 9-23

– <Default> indicates the role is not deprecated, unless, for backward
compatibility, SupportedAPI is set to Deprecated.
– deprecated if the role is obsolete and support is being phased out.
• Java Properties
– Final should be set to True if the resulting field should be final.
– Transient should be set to True if the resulting field should be transient.
– Volatile should be set to True if the resulting field should be volatile.
– Constrain should be set to True if the resulting setter method should
declare that it throws a WTPropertyVetoException.
– ReferenceType specifies the class of ObjectReference that will be used
for first-class associations that are stored as with a ForeignKey and
thereby make use of a held ObjectReference. By default, the generic
ObjectReference will be used.
– AutoNavigate should be set to True if the object playing this role should
be automatically retrieved (instantiated) from the database whenever the
object on the other side is retrieved. Update operations are not impacted
by this property. This feature is dependent on the association being
implemented as a ForeignKeyLink.
– Persistent should be set to True if the field that holds the value will be
persisted to the database.
– GetExceptions specifies exceptions that will be declared as thrown by
the generated getter.
– SetExceptions specifies exceptions that will be declared as thrown by the
generated setter.
– ContainerClass specifies that class of container to use for roles of
unbounded multiplicity (cardinality). Default container is Vector.
– InitialValue specifies the value to which the field will be initialized upon
– DelegatedInterface specifies that the object playing the role is a delegate
that supplies an implementation for the specified interface. All the
methods necessary to fulfill (implement) the interface will be generated as
methods that forward to the role object.
– BeforeStaticInitializer should be set to True if field declaration should
be placed prior to the static initializer.
• UI Properties
– Localizable indicates if the role will have a localizable display name
stored in the resource bundle for the package.

9-24 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

• The rest of the dialog is ignored by the code generator.

System Generation 9-25

Implementing Interfaces
In Rose, an interface is modeled as a class that has the stereotype <<Interface>>.

Model of Implementing an Interface

In this example, MyItem, which is concrete, is said to implement the interface

named Timelineable, which aggregates Timeline. The following code is generated
for this example.
public class MyItem extends Item implements Timelineable,
Externalizable {

private Timeline timeline;

public Timeline getTimeline() {

return timeline;

public void setTimeline( Timeline a_Timeline )

throws WTPropertyVetoException {
timelineValidate( a_Timeline );
// may throw exception if not valid
timeline = a_Timeline;

private void timelineValidate( Timeline a_Timeline )

throws WTPropertyVetoException {
if ( a_Timeline == null ) {
// required attribute check
Object[] args = { new wt.introspection.PropertyDisplayName(
CLASSNAME, "timeline" ) };
throw new WTPropertyVetoException( "wt.fc.fcResource",
wt.fc.fcResource.REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE, args,
new java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent( this, "timeline",
timeline, a_Timeline ) );
// The constant label is generated into the
// Timelineable interface

9-26 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

In general, system generation causes the following actions:
• Classes in the model that extend an interface cause an implements clause to be
created on the class declaration of the generated class.
• Stubs for the operations of the interface are created in the generated class if
the inheriting class is concrete. This is where you insert your implementation
code. (This applies even for protected methods modeled on an interface,
which will not appear on the generated interface since an interface can have
only public features.)
• Non-constant attributes modeled on the interface cause private fields to be
created on the generated classes that implement the interface, along with
generated accessor methods.
• Associations with non-persistable classes are handled similar to modeled
attributes, where the API is generated on the interface and the implementation
is generated into the concrete subclasses.

Implementing the NetFactor Interface

The vast majority of business classes provided with Windchill applications and
foundation components implement the NetFactor interface, either directly or
indirectly. Implementing this interface, in fact, indicates that a class is a business
class participating in the Windchill architecture.

Factory operations
To give flexibility to the system architecture, Windchill uses a factory design
pattern for the construction of Java objects. A constructor signature is one where
the operation name matches the name of the class and has no return type. Object
constructors are modeled in Rose but are not generated directly in Java code.
Instead of constructors, Windchill generates factory operations that are used to
construct objects.
Using factory operations instead of constructors provides the opportunity to vary
the class of the returned object. When constructors are used to create an object, the
class of the returned object must match exactly the class requested. However,
when factories are used, the class of the returned object will be polymorphically
compatible with the requested class but need not match the requested class
exactly. This allows the return of objects whose class may vary depending on the
When a constructor is specified in a Rose model, two operations are generated in
the Java code: a public factory operation and a protected initialization operation.
The factory operation is called directly by the application to create a Java
instance. The factory method calls the initialize operation to put the instance into
an initial state.

System Generation 9-27

Note that for optimization reasons, an initialize method is generated only when
one having the same signature is not provided by a superclass. You can manually
supply an override initialize method if you wish.
If the modeled class (directly or indirectly) inherits from NetFactor, this is a cue to
the code generator to generate factory and initialize methods in the Java class. The
following modeled class has a constructor that takes an argument of a string.

Factory Operation for an Item

The following code is generated for this example (documentation omitted).

public class MyItem extends Item {
public static MyItem newMyItem( String arg1 )
throws WTException {
//##begin newMyItem% [ ]34F1E6BF02D9f.body preserve=no

MyItem instance = new MyItem();

instance.initialize( arg1 );
return instance;
//##end newMyItem% [ ]34F1E6BF02D9f.body

protected void initialize( String arg1 )

throws WTException {
//##begin initialize% [ ]34F1E6BF02D9.body preserve=yes

//##end initialize% [ ]34F1E6BF02D9.body


A factory method instantiates and initializes business objects. It invokes the

constructor of the implementation class and then invokes an initialize method with
the same parameters as the factory method.
The code generator also generates the correct method stubs so you can implement
the initialize method. This method is responsible for setting the initial state of a
new object.
Factory methods have the form:
public static <class> new <class> (args)
throws WTException
The factory method has the same name as the class in the Rose model plus the
prefix "new" (for example, newMyItem).

9-28 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

If no constructor is modeled for a class, the generator assumes a default, no-arg
constructor. For link classes, the default factory method includes a reference to the
two objects being related by the link. For details on link class generation, see the
Persistable Associations section.

Conceptual class name accessor

Every class that inherits from NetFactor implements a getConceptualClassname
instance method:
public String getConceptualClassname() {

This method returns the fully-qualified conceptual class name of the object.
Because the instantiated object may really be an instance of some other
implementation class, getConceptualClassname is a useful method to find the
business class in an object.
You should not use object.getClass().getName() to determine the class name for
software objects in the Windchill system because it may not return the name of the
conceptual class.

Info object accessor

Every class that inherits from NetFactor has an info object generated for it. The
code generator therefore ensures that each NetFactor instance supports the
getClassInfo method. This method is generated into the top class in each
hierarchy. For example:
public ClassInfo getClassInfo()
throws WTIntrospectionException {
return WTIntrospector.
getClassInfo( getConceptualClassname() );

This method returns the ClassInfo instance that contains the metadata from the
installed model.

Implementing the ObjectMappable interface

The database methods readExternal and writeExternal are code-generated for any
class that was modeled to implement the ObjectMappable interface. The
readExternal method reads the object’s state from the database. The writeExternal
method writes the object’s state to the database.
The class defers to its superclasses to read (or write) the state for the persistent
attributes that those classes declared. The class defers to its structured attribute
classes, such as Address, to read (or write) the state for the persistent attributes
that those classes declared with the readObject and writeObject methods.
Because the class defers the reading of some of the fields from the database to its
superclass, the types of structured attributes are hard-coded into the super class.

System Generation 9-29

The exception to this rule of hard-coded types is for ObjectReferences that are
generated for roles of Persistable associations. The Persistent Data Service (PDS)
does a runtime look-up in the introspection information to see if the
ReferenceType for the role was redefined at a lower level in the class hierarchy. If
so, the PDS uses that type. But even if the type is redefined, its persistent structure
must be compatible with the type that was used by the super class, because the
column definitions defined by a super class cannot be changed by a subclass.
The PersistentRetrieveIfc argument for readExternal contains the state for the
object being read. The PersistentStoreIfc argument for writeExternal receives the
state of the object being written.
Examples of the readExternal and writeExternal methods follow:
// Example of a database writeExternal method
public void writeExternal( PersistentStoreIfc output )
throws SQLException, DatastoreException {
super.writeExternal( output );
output.setString( "a1", a1 );
output.setDate( "a2", a2 );
output.setObject( "a3", a3 );
output.writeObject( "work", work,
wt.tools.generation.example.MyAddress.class, true );
output.setObject( "list", list );
output.setString( "size", size == null - null :
size.toString() );
output.writeObject( "timeline", timeline,
wt.tools.generation.example.Timeline.class, true );

// Example of a database readExternal method

public void readExternal( PersistentRetrieveIfc input )
throws SQLException, DatastoreException {
super.readExternal( input );

a1 = input.getString( "a1" );
a2 = input.getDate( "a2" );
a3 = (Xyz)input.getObject( "a3" );
work = (wt.tools.generation.example.MyAddress)input.readObject(
"work", work,
wt.tools.generation.example.MyAddress.class, true );
list = (Vector)input.getObject( "list" );
size = MySize.toMySize( input.getString( "size" ) );
timeline = (wt.tools.generation.example.Timeline)
input.readObject("timeline", timeline,
wt.tools.generation.example.Timeline.class, true );

Implementing the Externalizable interface

A core feature of Java is the capability of streaming objects. This feature is used
for purposes such as saving objects into jar files or passing Java objects by value
on RMI calls. There are two ways to support externalization: by using the tagging
interface Serializable or by using the interface Externalizable. When possible,
Windchill classes implement the more efficient Externalizable interface.

9-30 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Sometimes it is not convenient to implement Externalizable and the less efficient
Serializable is used instead.
A class is generated to implement Externalizable, by default, if it meets the
criteria for Externalization. The criteria are as follows:
• Must have a public, no-argument constructor.
• Any parent class must be Externalizable.
A property in Rose allows you to override the default determination. This
property, named Serializable, is in the Java Properties on the Windchill tab for the
class. With this property, you can force the class to Serializable, Externalizable, or
The Evolvable option has been added to this property to better manage which
classes can be serialized into BLOB columns in the database. This option was
added in conjunction with a change to the generated Externalization stream
format. Because of this change to the stream format, much externalization code is
generated to maintain backward compatibility. In a future release, only the
readExternal and writeExternal methods will be generated for classes that
implement Externalizable but not Evolvable. Until the backward compatibility is
removed, new classes can be forced to generate simplified externalization code by
selecting the "Externalizable (basic)" option. The evolvable aspects of
externalization will not be shown below. For details on when to use Evolvable and
how to manage Evolvable classes, see appendix D, Evolvable Classes.

The serialVersionUID constant

The serialVersionUID is used to determine compatibility of classes when reading
them from an input stream. The mechanisms that perform the serialization and
externalization compute a serialVersionUID value at runtime when a class has not
explicitly defined the value to something other than zero.
When the code generator is generating externalization for a class, it sets the
serialVersionUID to 1 since compatibility is managed in the externalization
methods (as shown in the following section). This value must remain unchanged
to enable the hooks for reading old versions to be used.
The following is an example of defining the value for the constant:
static final long serialVersionUID = 1;

Externalization methods
In the generated externalization methods, all non-transient, non-static fields that
were modeled will be handled. The externalization is generated in a manner that
provides a hook (readOldVersion) for reading in previous versions of the class,
which have been externalized. Code generation detects when the externalizable
signature of a class changes, and changes its internal version UID accordingly.

System Generation 9-31

You have the ability to take control of the externalization code, but it is not highly
recommended because it requires careful management of the externalizable
signature of the class.
Examples of the externalization methods follow:
// Example of a writeExternal method
public void writeExternal( ObjectOutput output )
throws IOException {
//##begin writeExternal% [ ]writeExternal.body preserve=no


super.writeExternal( output );

output.writeObject( a1 );
output.writeObject( a2 );
output.writeObject( a3 );
output.writeObject( list );
output.writeObject( (size == null - null :
size.getStringValue()) );
output.writeObject( timeline );
output.writeObject( work );
//##end writeExternal% [ ]writeExternal.body

// Example of a readExternal method

protected boolean readVersion( MyItem thisObject,
ObjectInput input,
long readSerialVersionUID, boolean passThrough,
boolean superDone )
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
//##begin readVersion% [ ]readVersion.body preserve=no

boolean success = true;

if ( readSerialVersionUID == EXTERNALIZATION_VERSION_UID ) {
if ( !superDone )
super.readExternal( input );

a1 = (String)input.readObject();
a2 = (Date)input.readObject();
a3 = (Xyz)input.readObject();
list = (Vector)input.readObject();
String size_string_value = (String)input.readObject();
try { size = (MySize)wt.fc.EnumeratedType.toEnumeratedType(
size_string_value ); }
// in case old format
catch( wt.util.WTInvalidParameterException e ) {
size = MySize.toMySize( size_string_value );
timeline = (Timeline)input.readObject();
work = (MyAddress)input.readObject();
success = readOldVersion( input, readSerialVersionUID,
passThrough, superDone );

9-32 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

return success;
//##end readVersion% [ ]readVersion.body

Extending the EnumeratedType class

The EnumeratedType class is a wrapper for a string whose valid values are
constrained to a defined set. A type, or class, can be created to define a specific set
of values by extending the EnumeratedType class.
The following model provides an example of creating an enumerated type.
MySize also shows the modeling of constants that reference certain values of the
set’s valid values.

Extending EnumeratedTypes

An example of the generated enumerated type follows:

public class MySize extends EnumeratedType {
// define the name of the resource bundle
private static final String CLASS_RESOURCE = MySizeRB;
// initialization of programmatic constants
public static final MySize SMALL = toMySize( "sm" );
public static final MySize MEDIUM = toMySize( "med" );
public static final MySize LARGE = toMySize( "lrg" );
// Obtain a MySize value from an internal value
public static MySize toMySize( String a_value )
// Obtain the default MySize "value"
public static MySize getMySizeDefault()
// Obtain the set of valid MySize "values"
public static MySize[] getMySizeSet()
// Obtain the set of valid MySize "values" (polymorphic)
public EnumeratedType[] getValueSet()

There should be no need for a developer to change any of the implementation of a

generated enumerated type, but they are generated with preserve markers to allow
for developer enhancements, if the need should arise. Note that the Windchill tab
on Rose specification dialogs for classes and attributes provides property set

System Generation 9-33

sheets specific to EnumeratedType usage. These properties are detailed in the
model elements sections above.
For more information on working with enumerated types, see the Windchill
Customizer’s Guide appendix, Enumerated Types.

Stereotyping an interface as remote

When you model a service, you model interfaces and remote interfaces (see the
chapter on developing server logic for more information). The
<<RemoteInterface>> stereotype causes the code generator to generate a
forwarder class that clients can use to invoke the method on the server. A
forwarder class has the same name as the remote interface in the Rose model plus
the suffix "Fwd" (for example, TimelineServiceFwd).
The following is a model of a business service, stereotyped as a RemoteInterface.

Business Service Model

The following is an example of a generated remote forwarder:

public class TimelineServiceFwd implements
TimelineService, Serializable {
// constant that enables the object to know where it is
static final boolean SERVER =
// identifies what type of service to forward to
public Class getTypeClass() {
return example.TimelineService.class;
public void begin( Date beginDate ) throws WTException {
// invoke the service
else {
// remote call to the server

9-34 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

public void end( Date endDate ) throws WTException

Services contain the complete business logic and are expected to run only on the
method server, but forwarders go back and forth between the server and the client.
From the client, they invoke the business service methods running on the server.
At runtime, the forwarder binds to a service which is determined by the
registration of services that is done in the wt.properties file.
The forwarder classes are completely generated and provide no preserve markers
for developer editing.

How Rose UML Maps to Info Objects

Introspection is part of the Java Beans specification. It is a standard method for
providing metadata information about an object, such as its attributes and the
methods it supports. Windchill extends that concept with Info objects.
Info objects contain class information from the Rose UML model that is needed
by the runtime system. One Info object is generated for each modeled class that
implements NetFactor, each modeled EnumeratedType subclass, and for each
modeled interface. The system generation tool creates Info objects by capturing a
subset of the class information stored in the Rose repository as serialized resource
files that are read by the runtime system.
Info objects contain information for the following elements:
• Classes and interfaces
– Descendents (that is, a list of subclasses, which allows you to determine
what classes are inherited from a specific class)
– Link membership
– Property descriptors for attributes
– Column descriptors containing attribute mapping information
– Database table, package, and other parameters
• Links (When you have a link, you can also create a link between objects that
are subtypes of the role A and role B objects. Therefore, you need to know
which are valid and how many there can be.)
– Role A and role B names
– Valid role A and role B classes
– Role A and role B cardinality
• Attributes of classes
– Standard JavaBeans PropertyDescriptor with extended information

System Generation 9-35

– Derived flag
– Persistent flag
– Updateable flag
– Query name (name of its column descriptor)
– StringCase (if a String type is forced to either uppercase or lowercase)
– Required flag
– Upper limit
– Method that returns set of valid values
– ConstrainedType (if type overridden in subclass)
– DefinedAs (class and attribute name as originally modeled)
– ModeledPersistentType (modeled column type)
For a complete description of the introspection information that is provided, see
the Javadoc for the wt.introspection package.
Windchill provides a utility to print the content of a serialized Info object. You
can run the utility as follows:
InfoReport <fully.qualified.classname>
The resulting report is in a file named <qualified.classname >.out, which is
located in the directory specified by the wt.temp property in wt.properties.
To print the info contents for each class of an entire package, you can run the
utility as follows:
InfoReport <fully.qualified.*>
Windchill also provides a utility that will verify the environment as it relates to
introspection information. That is, it will verify the existence and ability to load
all classes and serialized info objects that are referenced in the registry files. The
utility simply writes its output to the console, with reported problems being
preceded by three asterisks (***).
To verify the entire registry (the complete environment), enter the following
executeTool wt.introspection.VerifyEnvironment registry
To verify a single package, enter the following command:
executeTool wt.introspection.VerifyEnvironment <fully.qualified.*>

9-36 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

How Rose UML Maps to Database Schema
Table 8-1 shows how common Java types map to the JDBC specification standard
SQL types and Oracle SQL types.

Java Type SQL Type Oracle SQL Type

java.lang.Integer(int) INTEGER NUMBER

java.lang.Long (long) BIGINT NUMBER

java.lang.Short (short) SMALLINT NUMBER

java.lang.Byte (byte) TINYINT NUMBER

java.lang..Float (float) REAL NUMBER

java.lang.Double (double) DOUBLE NUMBER

java.lang.Boolean (boolean) BIT NUMBER

java.lang.Char (char) CHAR CHAR

java.lang.String VARCHAR VARCHAR

java.math.BigDecimal NUMERIC NUMBER

java.sql.Date DATE DATE

java.sql.Time TIME DATE

java.sql.Timestamp TIMESTAMP DATE

java.sql.Blob BLOB BLOB

wt.fc.LobLocator BLOB BLOB

WTTypes.SMALLBLOB Not applicable VARCHAR (encoded)

WTTypes.INLINEBLOB Not applicable VARCHAR (encoded, if fits)

BLOB (if size exceeds limit of

VARCHAR column)


System Generation 9-37

Java to SQL Mapping

Each persistable class maps to a database table. Each persistent attribute in the
class is mapped to a column name in the table. Structured attributes, like the
Address class shown earlier, are decomposed into their simple attributes.
Attributes are stored as lobs when no SQL-supported mapping is found, or if the
cardinality is greater than one (because SQL cannot allocate space for an
indefinite number of columns and rows).
Tables contain all the attributes they inherit from classes above them. Because a
class must be persistable to be in the database, all tables contain the persistInfo
attributes, including the object identifier.
The figure below shows a representation (not the actual columns) of the table that
is generated for the modeled class.

Mapping a Model to the Database

MyItem is persistable because it extends Item, which extends WTObject, which

implements the Persistable interface. Therefore, a table is created in the database
for the objects in MyItem.
The first element shown in the table, Attributes of superclasses, represents the
persistent attributes (from persistInfo) that MyItem inherits from its superclasses.
Each of the attributes would be mapped to a separate column in the actual table.
One of those columns would be the object identifier.
Attribute a1 is a String, so column A1 is a VARCHAR. Attribute a2 is a Date
(actually a java.sql.Date), so column A2 is a DATE. Attribute a3 has no SQL
mapping support but is serializable so the value for a3 is stored in column A3 as a

9-38 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

MyItem has a one-to-one composite aggregation relationship with Address, so the
attributes of the Address class are mapped to the MyItem table. Windchill uses a
naming algorithm to map attributes of an embedded structured attribute to Oracle
table column names. To list the mapping, use the InfoReport utility mentioned in
the section on how Rose UML maps to Info objects, earlier in this chapter.
MyItem has a one-to-many composite aggregation relationship with NameValue,
so NameValue is stored as a BLOB.
By default, the class name is mapped to the table name. You can specify a
different name with the Rose specification table name property, for example, if
the name is a duplication of another name or a reserved word in Oracle (such as
Some additional properties can be specified to influence Oracle storage options.
By default, all Windchill tables and indexes are created in the Windchill user’s
default tablespace. A tablespace is a logical collection of tables and indexes. Data
for the table can be stored elsewhere by specifying a TableSpaceName. If an
IndexTableSpaceName is specified, it is used to store the indexes for the table.
The TableSize (TINY, SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, or HUGE) is used together
with the associated properties in wt.tools.properties to specify storage parameters
for Oracle.
The default storage mechanism for BLOB attributes is to store them in their own
tablespace. The name of the tablespace is a configurable property in the
tools.properties file. The default name is BLOBS. For further information, see the
section on creating large objects in the Windchill Customizer’s Guide.
Each attribute of the table also has properties which can be specified for the DDL
generation, such as whether to allow NULLS or whether to index the attribute. If
more complex indexing is required, then the Rose Class specification Windchill
index properties should be used. There are several index entries available for
specifying composite indices. Composite unique indices are also supported. See
the Rose Windchill Help documentation for more information. Typically indices
are generated into the associated table creation script. However, a new utility,
IndexGenerator, is also available that generates scripts containing only indices.
For complex DDL statements associated with a class that cannot be handled by
the SQL generation support, the user additions script feature is available. It is
recommended that this feature only be used if absolutely necessary. When the
Rose modeling DDL generation features are used, this information can also be
used by the upgrade tools to ensure that the DDL is migrated properly. Every
generated sql script contains a line at the end to execute the statements in an
associated sql file. If the <tablename>_UserAdditions script is located in the same
directory as the table script, then this line is not commented out of the script that
creates the table.
For a many-to-one aggregation implemented via a foreign key, the autoNavigate
property can be used. When the autoNavigate property is set to true, the runtime
query APIs treat the columns on the base table along with the columns of the

System Generation 9-39

aggregated table in much the same was as a database view. The two tables are
implicitly joined via the foreign key.
There are two types of sequence data types available. For simple sequences, you
can make the attribute type Long and select SEQUENCE from the WT_Oracle tab
for the column type. This causes the DDL generation to create a sequence (if it
does not already exist) named _seq, and increment the Oracle sequence value to
set the value of the attribute when the object is inserted into the database.
If you prefer to assign the sequence number at a later time, you can use
PersistenceManager.getNextSequence() to obtain the next available sequence
number for the named sequence. That interface returns a String, so you would
either model the attribute as a String or convert it to whatever you need. You must
ensure that the sequence is created using either the Oracle CREATE SEQUENCE
command or the stored procedure provided by Windchill:
exec wtpk.createSequence(MySequence',1,1)'

For further information, see getNextSequence in chapter 6, Persistence

All the database scripts necessary for a given java package are generated to an
associated subdirectory of the database generation directory. In addition, "make"
scripts are generated for the entire package. The "Make_<package name>" script
calls all the scripts for creating tables. The "make" scripts will also call the
associated make scripts in any nested packages.

How Rose UML Maps to Localizable Resource Info Files

Since Windchill is localized to run in a variety of locale specific languages,
default display names are generated into localizable resource info (.rbInfo) files,
for each model element name that might need to appear on a user interface.
Language translators can then create localized versions of these files, so that
modeled elements can be displayed in a locale specific language.
The Localizable property is available on the Windchill tab of the Package, Class,
Attribute and Association Role specifications in Rose. The purpose of this
property is to limit the entries in the resource info files to those that need to be
The Class Localizable property is an enumerated type, and has three possible
values: <Default>, True and False. The default value is <Default>, which implies
that the code generator will inspect the Package level value to determine the value
at the Class level. The Class will be considered Localizable by the localizable
display generator under the following circumstances:
• The Class Localizable property is explicitly set to True
• The Class Localizable property is set to <Default>, and the Class implements
ObjectMappable and the Package level value is True

9-40 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The Localizable property for Attributes and Roles is also an enumerated type, and
thus has possible values: <Default>, True and False. The default value is
<Default>, which implies that the code generator will inspect the Class level value
to determine the value at this level. These elements will be considered Localizable
by the localizable display generator under either of the following circumstances:
• The element’s Localizable property is explicitly set to True
• The element’s Localizable property is set to <Default>, and its containing
Class is considered Localizable.
• If the resource info file contains an entry for a particular model element, the
generator will not overwrite it, but it can remove it if the modeled element no
longer exists, or if it is no longer considered localizable. The removal of
elements is controlled by the wt.generation.cleanupDisplayNames property in
tools.properties. For more information on creating localizations, see the
Internationalization and Localization.
The generated resource info files should only be edited by the owner of the
package. The resource info tool set provides a means of customization, where the
customers of the package can define customizations in a separate file. For more
information on customizing localizable resource entries, see the Customizing
Modeled Elements chapter of the Windchill Customizer’s Guide.
The name of the file is "ModelRB.rbInfo", with the simple package name
prepended, for example, partModelRB.rbInfo. The following sections describe the
generated resource info files.

Each resource info file contains the following lines that define certain file level

Resource Entry Format

# Entry Format (values equal to default value are not included)

System Generation 9-41

The <key>.value is the only key that is required to have a value defined. This one,
along with the two Display values, and the two Description values are the only
ones that are localizable. The <key>.constant value is unused for these metadata
display name entries, but is used for other types of resource info files.

Resource Entry Contents

Below are examples of the default entries that are generated.
WTPart.partType.value=Part Type
The first entry is the display name for the WTPart class, and the second is the
display name for partType attribute of the WTPart class. These values will only be
generated once, so that the package owner can override the default values, if
desired. For example, the value for the partType attribute could be changed as
In addition, any of the keys referred to, in the format section above, could be
added for an element. For example, the following information could be added for
the partType attribute.
WTPart.partType.fullDisplay=Part Type
WTPart.partType.longDescription=Classification of parts according to
predefined types.

Building Runtime Resources

Windchill provides a utility to build the runtime resource, for the .rbInfo files. To
build the runtime resources into the codebase for a particular modelRB file:
ResourceBuild <absolute_directory>
e.g. ResourceBuild %wt_home%\src\wt\part
To build the runtime resource into the codebase for all the resource info files for a
particular directory:
ResourceBuild <directory\relative\to\src>
e.g. ResourceBuild wt\part

9-42 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The resulting resource file is named <name> RB.ser, which is a serialized instance
of SerializedResourceBundle. For example, src\wt\part\partModelRB.rbInfo will
build to codebase\wt\part\partModelRB.RB.ser.
To print the contents of the serialized resource bundle, you can run the following
java wt.util.resource.ResourceBundleUtil <fully.qualified.name [<locale>]
e.g. java wt.util.resource.ResourceBundleUtil wt.part.partModelRB en_GB
output goes to: $(wt.temp)part.partModelRB_en_GB.lst

Using the Windchill System Generation Tool

When you are ready to generate code, the packages being generated must be
loaded in the model. Any model dependencies will automatically be loaded as a
result of generating. Therefore, it is not necessary to load the entire model, or even
to manually load dependent packages. Also, ensure that your WT_WORK Rose
Edit Path variable specifies the correct location for the generated mData (model
data) files.
To use the Windchill System Generation Tool from Rose, select the classes and
packages for which you would like to generate code. Go to the Tools menu, select
the Windchill menu item, and then select the System Generation option. A popup
window allows you to select the desired system generation options. WT
Introspector Support creates the Info objects. Database Support creates the DDL
scripts for the database. Localizable Displays updates the resource info (rbInfo)
files for the generated packages.

System Generation Dialog

As mentioned in the overview at the beginning of this chapter, the system

generator creates mData files which, in turn, are used to create Java code, Info
files, SQL files and Resource Info files. The system generator also updates the
classRegistry, descendentRegistry and associationRegistry, properties files.

System Generation 9-43

Registry Files
The classRegistry, descendentRegistry, and associationRegistry files are located
in the directory specified by the wt.generation.bin.dir entry in wt.tools.properties.
The classRegistry file contains all the information the code generator needs to
create import statements for the generated Java classes. When classRegistry is
initialized, it goes through all the directories in your CLASSPATH variable and
makes an entry for every class it finds. The classRegistry must be deleted and
regenerated if you change your CLASSPATH to include new packages that
contain classes for which the code generator will need to generate imports.
As the number of CLASSPATH packages increases, the potential for conflicts
increases. These conflicts are best resolved by explicitly modeling package level
dependencies in Rose. The generator will then use this information to resolve any
ambiguities that occur due to having multiple classRegistry entries for a particular
class name.
The descendentRegistry file contains genealogy information about which classes
extend the classes above them. It is required to support subclass queries. The
associationRegistry contains information about Persistable associations.
Classes that are renamed or removed from a package will be automatically
removed from the registries upon a regeneration of that package. A complete
package can be removed from the registries (uninstalled), by using the
modelUnInstall script.

Generating mData Files

An mData file is an ASCII file in non-proprietary format that contains all the
information the Windchill system generation tool needs. It is an intermediate file
format that allows for support of other model specification tools in the future.
The mData files contain all of the information about the models. The export tool
creates one mData file for each package in Rose and puts them in the WT_WORK
The mData files have a directory structure that maps to the package structure
inside Rose. For example, because there is an fc package in Rose, there is a
corresponding fc directory in the WT_WORK directory. In that fc directory is one
mData with the name of the package (for example, fc.mData).
Using mData files, the system generator creates Java classes and Info files. Java
classes are source code that is generated into the source tree directory. Info files,
because they are serialized resource files, are generated into the directory where
Java classes are located.

Generating Java Code

As described earlier in this chapter, one Java class is generated for each modeled
class. In addition, classes modeled as remote interfaces (such as

9-44 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

TimelineService.java) will have forward classes generated for the service (such as
All the generated Java classes are put into directories, specified by the
wt.generation.source.dir entry in wt.tools.properties, which follow the package
structure. All the classes generated for a particular package are placed in the
corresponding directory.

Generating Info Files

Info files contain all the metadata needed by the run time system. They are
generated from the corresponding mData files, one Info file for every interface,
and one for each class that implements NetFactor. Info files are put into
directories, specified by the wt.generation.bin entry in wt.tools.properties, using a
directory structure that follows the package structure. The generated file name is
the same as the class name plus the suffix ClassInfo.ser (such as

Generating SQL Files

SQL files contain directives for generating Oracle tables for persistable classes.
On the System Generation window, you can choose Database Support and the
system generator creates the SQL files for you. If you do not choose that option,
the system generator creates the information necessary for you to generate the
SQL files yourself. Input always comes from the corresponding Info files.
A utility is provided which allows you to generate SQL yourself. For each
persistent class from your model, enter the following command:
JavaGen "<your package .your classname>"F F True
Or, to generate the SQL for an entire package, enter the following command:
JavaGen "<your package >.*" F F true
When specifying your class, include the fully qualified name of the class, which
includes the parent package names.
If you want to change the default storage parameters in the tools.properties file
and recreate all the SQL, Windchill DDL can be regenerated for all modeled and
registered classes by entering the following command:
JavaGen registry F F true
DDL is generated into the sql subdirectory named by the wt.generation.sql.dir
property you specified in the wt.tools.properties file. File names are of the form
create_ <tablename >.sql.
Regardless of how you generated the SQL files, you must create the Oracle tables
using SQLPLUS. Ensure that your SQLPATH environment variable is correct or,
in the command you enter next, specify the full path to the SQL file. Use the
following command:

System Generation 9-45

sqlplus <user/password >serviceName > @create_ <your table name >
If you have classes and tables, it is useful to create a single SQLPLUS script that
can execute each @create script. (The create_ddl_wt.sql script is an example.)
The following SQL sample shows the directives for creating the MyItem table:
exec WTPK.dropTable(MyItem')'
set echo on
REM Creating table MyItem for example.MyItem
set echo off
a1 VARCHAR2(200),
a2 DATE,
a3 BLOB,
classnameA2domainRef VARCHAR2(60),
idA2domainRef NUMBER,
size VARCHAR2(200) NOT NULL,
createStampA2 DATE,
modifyStampA2 DATE,
classnameA2A2 VARCHAR2(60),
updateCountA2 NUMBER,
updateStampA2 DATE,
effectiveDatetimeline DATE,
terminationDatetimeline DATE,
cityA5 VARCHAR2(200),
stateA5 VARCHAR2(200),
streetA5 VARCHAR2(200),
LOB ( list ) STORE AS
COMMENT ON TABLE MyItem IS ’Table MyItem created for
example.MyItem on 17-Jun-98 at 9:09:31 AM'

The first line, which executes the dropTable procedure of the WTPK package,
drops the MyItem table if it already exists. The next line is an informational
message that is displayed within SQL*Plus as the table is being created. Then the
table is created, with a primary key constraint on the object identifier. The storage
clause indicates that an initial extent of size 20K will be allocated by Oracle. This
corresponds to a SMALL size table. The last two lines insert a comment into
Oracle’s data dictionary to document when and why the table was created.
These comments can be viewed using SQL*Plus by entering the following

9-46 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

select comments from user_tab_comments where table_name = MYITEM';'

Using Windchill System Generation in a Build Environment

Using the Windchill System Generation tools in an integrated build environment
requires an understanding of the dependencies that need to be managed. The
following table shows the input and output relationships between the various
artifacts of system generation.

Process Input(s) Outputs

Export Model Data Rose model (.mdl and/or .cat) mData file

Populate Model Registries mData files for all dependent modelRegistry.properties

packages –
descendentRegistry.properties 1
associationRegistry.properties 1

Populate Class Registry tools.properties – classRegistry.properties

tools.properties –

Generate Java Source classRegistry.properties .java files

– modelRegistry.properties
modelRegistry.properties descendentRegistry.properties
registered mData files associationRegistry.properties

mData file for target package

Generate Info Objects modelRegistry.properties .ClassInfo.ser files

registered mData files . modelRegistry.properties
mData file for target package descendentRegistry.propertiesN

Generate SQL Scripts .ClassInfo.ser files for target .sql files

package and dependents

Generate Resource Info .mData file for target package .rbInfo files

Build Resource Bundles .rbInfo files for target package .RB.ser files

1. Accumulated during generation, but used to define the modeled relationships for the installed runtime application.

Management of the mData File

An mData (model data) file is generated from the Rose .mdl and/or .cat file by
using the Windchill Generation option on the Tools menu in Rose. If the mData

System Generation 9-47

will be used to generate code in an integrated build environment, the mData file
must be kept synchronized with the cat file. This is best accomplished by always
checking in and checking out the two files in tandem, and ensuring that the
generated mData reflects the saved version of the cat file.

Build Sequence
The following table describes the steps and commands used in a build sequence.

Step Description Command

1 Create classRegistry, based on search path and RegistryGen

pattern defined in tools.properties.1

2 Register all models that will be integrated ModelInstall "<package>.*"

3 Generate Java source code, info objects, SQL JavaGen "<package>.*"

and resource bundle files scripts for target

4 Build the resource bundles for target directory. ResourceBuild"<dir\sub>"

5 Compile Java source code. javac ...

1. The system generation tool will create a classRegistry if one does not exist.
2. Remember to update database table structures after generating SQL scripts that have structural changes.

Command Line Utilities

Creates a class registry from scratch, using the following two properties from
tools.properties, to determine what to include in the registry:
– wt.classRegistry.search.path
– wt.classRegistry.search.pattern
Updates the model registries with all the modeled packages specified by
Arg1. Arg1 can be either of the following:
Registers the single package specified.
Registers the package for each mData found recursively under the
<package> directory.

9-48 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Removes the modeled packages specified by Arg1 from the model registries.
Arg1 can be either of the following:
Removes the single package specified.
Removes the package for each mData found recursively under the
<package> directory.
Generates the outputs specified by the arguments for the classes/packages
specified by Arg1. Arg1 can be any of the following:
Generates outputs for the single class specified.
Generates outputs for the single package specified.
Generates outputs for each mData found recursively under the
<package> directory.
Generates outputs for all registered packages.
The following additional arguments can be specified:
Specifies if Java Source will be generated.
Specifies if Introspector Info Objects will be generated.
Specifies if SQL scripts will be generated.
Specifies if Model Check will be performed.
Values for arguments not passed will be obtained from tools.properties.
Specifies if Display Names will be generated into resource info files.

System Generation 9-49

Builds the runtime resource bundles for the packages/directories specified by
Arg1. Arg1 can be any of the following:
Builds resource bundle for the single resource info.
Builds resource bundles for each resource info found under in the
directory. ( “<absolute dir\sub>”is an absolute directory.)
The following additional arguments can be specified:
Specifies if locale specific files will be built. (wt.locale.set in
wt.properties define valid locales)
Reports the contents of info objects to a text file for classes/packages
specified by Arg1. Arg1 can be any of the following:
Reports for the single class specified.
Reports for the single package specified.
Reports for all registered packages.
Verifies the existence and ability to load all classes and serialized info objects
that are referenced in the registry files. Arg1 can be any of the following:
executeTool wt.introspection.VerifyEnvironment "<package>.<Class>"
Verifies the single class specified.
executeTool wt.introspection.VerifyEnvironment "<package>.*"
Verifies the single package specified.
executeTool wt.introspection.VerifyEnvironment registry
Verifies all registered packages.

9-50 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Generates index creation (and drop) DDL to a standalone SQL script. The
utility supports both a single package and all indices for all modeled
executeApp wt.tools.generation.sql.OracleIndexGenerator "*" "create file
name" "drop file name"
Generates index creation DDL for all modeled packages to the specified
files. Files names must be absolute. The "*" parameter must be specified
in quotes.
executeApp wt.tools.generation.sql.OracleIndexGenerator
“<package>.*" "create file name" " drop file name"
Generates index creation DDL for the package to the specified files. If a
file path is not absolute, then it is treated as path relative to the
wt.generation.sql.dir directory.

System Generation 9-51

9-52 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide
Developing Client Logic

The process used to design Windchill applications is described in appendix E,

GUI Design Process. You are not required to follow this process to write your
own applications. It is included as an example and to give some background as to
how Windchill applications, especially the GUI components, were designed.
Likewise, the client programming model described in this section is included to
show you how Windchill applications were developed.
In addition to the information presented in this chapter, see also the Windchill
Customizer’s Guide for descriptions of how to use and customize many of the
Windchill components used in client development.

Topic Page
The Client Programming Model........................................................................10-2
Presentation Logic.............................................................................................10-3
Integrated Development Environments (IDEs).................................................10-3
Task Logic.........................................................................................................10-3
Windchill Java Beans ........................................................................................10-6
HTTPUploadDownload Panel Bean ...............................................................10-58
Clipboard Support ...........................................................................................10-62
Programming Outside the Sandbox Using security.jar ...................................10-63
Preferences ......................................................................................................10-72
Online Help .....................................................................................................10-69
Using Batch Containers...................................................................................10-74
The Rbinfo File Format...................................................................................10-86

The Client Programming Model
In the programming model we use, the client application is divided into two
components: the presentation logic for the client applet and the task logic for the
client model. The presentation logic implements the look and feel (that is, the user
interface) of the application. The task logic implements the client model and
interacts with the business logic of the application in the server.

The Client Programming Model

Separating the presentation and the task logic provides several benefits:
• Independence
Changes made to one of the components need not have a corresponding effect
on the other component. If the logic needed to implement a task is changed,
changing the model has no effect on the presentation. For example, suppose a
change is made so the results of a database query are returned as an array of
objects rather than a QueryResult. Because this change is contained in the
implementation of the task logic, the presentation can be reused without
modification. Similarly, changes made to the user interface of a client
application do not affect the implementation of the task logic.
• Reuse
Multiple implementations of the presentation can be used with the same
implementation of the model. For example, suppose a developer wants to
create a user interface to support users with a keyboard but not a mouse. By
partitioning the client application, the developer need only create another user
interface to support keyboard input. The same model can be used for both
• Extensibility
The model can be extended to support evolving business logic.

10-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Presentation Logic
The presentation is the portion of the client application that implements its look
and feel and provides the mechanism through which the end user interacts with
the application. As a result of your GUI design process (the process used at
Windchill is described in Appendix E, GUI Design Process), you should have
identified how the application should look as well as some degree of how the user
interacts with the application.
When considering the layout of your application, consider how the application
will respond to resizing the window. Many visual development environments
provide a default layout that makes creating user interfaces very straightforward.
However, these default layouts often result in user interfaces in which the
locations of the various widgets are hard-coded. Consequently, these user
interfaces do not adjust appropriately when the window is resized.
Similarly, consider layout when you create applications that must be
internationalized. The layout must support the changes that result from changing
the locale of the application (for example, labels can become significantly longer,
text could use fonts that are larger, and so on).
Another issue you must be conscious of is that of programming with threads.
Event-handlers, which are invoked in response to the end user interacting with the
application, are often run in a separate thread, allowing the end user to continue
interacting with the application while the process is going on (printing, for

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

Windchill applications are developed using an Integrated Development
Environment (IDE). If you want to customize portions of our GUI, or if you are
creating your own GUI, you are free to use whatever IDE you choose.

Task Logic
The task logic implements the model. The model represents how the objects in the
application domain interact with each other to perform tasks, completely
independent of how the application looks or how the end user interacts with the
application. The objects and tasks are expected to have been identified as the
result of a design process (for example, the design process used to develop
Windchill applications is described in appendix E, GUI Design Process).
Implementing the task logic that has been defined involves three activities:
• Communicating with the method server and the database.
• Identifying and supporting the data to be cached on the client.
• Providing an API (that is, a set of methods) that can be used by the
presentation portion of the application to retrieve information.

Developing Client Logic 10-3

Essentially, tasks can be built with any of the following:
• Invoking methods on the server manager objects that result in communication
with the server and ultimately the database.
• Client-side validation.
• Interactions between business objects (business processing logic).
The following example shows how you can use a task scenario (a typical result
from a design process) to decide how to create the task logic.
• An incident report is created by a particular customer and applies to a
particular product. When a customer fills out an incident report, there are
certain pieces of information that the customer is required to provide. When
the customer has finished filling in the details of the incident report, the
incident report is saved in a persistent data store.
The first sentence implies that the task will involve interactions between
Incident Report, Customer, and Product business objects.
• The second sentence implies that the task will involve client-side validation of
certain pieces of data.
• The third sentence implies that the task will involve communication with the
method server, which will ultimately result in the incident report being saved
in the database.
Following are some code examples of task logic.

Interacting with Business Objects

The following example shows interaction with business objects. In this example,
interaction with the product object is required to determine if the product name,
version, and release level correspond to an existing product.
public String createIncidentReport( String product_name,
String product_version,
String product_release, IncidentReport inc_report )
throws InvalidAttributeException, WTException {
String track_number = new String("");
if( inc_report == null ) {
throw new WTException( null, RESOURCE, "nullIncReport", null);
if( product_name == null ) {
throw new WTException( null, RESOURCE, "nullProductName", null);
int i = 0;
boolean found = false;
Product current_product = null;
while( ( i < products.size() ) &&
( !found ) ) {
current_product = (Product) products.elementAt(i);

10-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

if( ( current_product.getName().equals( product_name ) ) &&
(current_product.getVersionLevel().equals(product_version) )
( current_product.getReleaseLevel().equals(
product_release ) ) ) {
found = true;

} // End of ’while’ Loop

Client-Side Validation
The following example shows client-side validation. In this example, validation is
performed to ensure that the user has completed both the incident summary and
the incident detail. If the incident summary or incident detail is null or an empty
string, an InvalidAttributeException is thrown.
while( ( i < products.size() ) &&
( !found ) ) {
current_product = (Product) products.elementAt(i);

if( ( current_product.getName().equals( product_name ) ) &&

( current_product.getVersionLevel().equals( product_version ) ) &&
( current_product.getReleaseLevel().equals( product_release ) ) ) {
found = true;


} // End of while'Loop'
if( !found ) {
Object params[] = { curCustomer.getCompanyName(),
product_name, product_version, product_release };
throw new WTException( null, RESOURCE, "productNotFound", params );

if( ( inc_report.getIncidentSummary().equals("") ) &&

( inc_report.getIncidentDetail().equals("") ) ) {
throw new InvalidAttributeException( null, RESOURCE,
"nullIncSummaryAndDetails", null);

Invoking Server Methods

The following example shows how server methods are invoked. In this example,
the submitIncidentReport method is invoked on the HelpdeskMgr on the server
manager. Initially, checking is done to ensure the fields are filled in correctly.
Then the method is invoked on the server to create an incident report using the
customer and product parameters that are passed. The HelpdeskMgr creates the
necessary links between these business objects and handles the saving of this
information in the database.
if( ( inc_report.getIncidentSummary().equals("") ) &&
( inc_report.getIncidentDetail().equals("") ) ) {

Developing Client Logic 10-5

throw new InvalidAttributeException( null, RESOURCE,
"nullIncSummaryAndDetails", null);

} else if( inc_report.getIncidentSummary().equals("") ) {

throw new InvalidAttributeException( null, RESOURCE,
"nullIncSummary", null);

} else if( inc_report.getIncidentDetail().equals("") ) {

throw new InvalidAttributeException( null, RESOURCE,
"nullIncDetails", null);

try {
current_product );
incidentReports.addElement( inc_report );

} catch (WTException wte) {

throw new WTException( wte, RESOURCE, "submitIncReportFailed",
null );

track_number = inc_report.getTrackingNumber();

return track_number;

Windchill Java Beans

This section describes some of the Java bean components that have been
developed for use with Windchill clients and how to use them. Examples or
screen shots use Visual Cafe as an example of a supported IDE, but Windchill
supports any Java IDE customers chooses to use.

Importing Windchill Beans to Visual Cafe

The Windchill beans are packaged in a jar file, wtbeans.jar, in your Windchill\lib
directory. To use the beans within the Visual Cafe environment, you must first
add the wtbeans.jar file to the Visual Cafe Component Library. To do this,
perform the following steps:
1. On the Tools menu, select Environment Options > Internal VM.
2. Add your Windchill\codebase directory to the SC.INI CLASSPATH.
3. Click OK to close the Environment Options dialog box and a message stating
the changes will go into effect the next time you start Visual Cafe appears.
Exit and then restart Visual Cafe.
4. On the File menu, select Add Component to Library. When the Add
Component to Library dialog box appears, navigate to the Windchill\lib
directory and select wtbeans.jar.
5. After loading the wtbeans.jar file, Visual Cafe should display the message:
Successfully added ’n’ component(s) from wtbeans.jar to the Component

10-6 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

You can verify that the Windchill beans have been added to your component
library by viewing the contents of the library (select the Component Library
option in the View menu in Visual Cafe). You should see a folder named wtbeans.
Once the wtbeans folder is in your component library, you can open it, and drag
and drop the individual beans onto the GUI you are creating.

Package Dependencies
The Windchill beans are dependent on the following packages which must be
installed before using the beans:
• JDK 1.1.5 or higher
• symantec.itools.awt
• Windchill/codebase

WTContentHolder Bean
The WTContentHolder bean (wt.clients.contentholder.WTContentHolder)
provides support for manipulating the content of objects that implement the
wt.content.ContentHolder interface. WTContentHolder is useful for creating user
interfaces to create, view, and update such content-holding objects. This bean
provides support for the following manipulations on a ContentHolder object:
• Adding content files.
• Adding URLs.
• Removing content files.
• Removing URLs.
• Updating the attributes of a file.
• Replacing an existing content file with a new content file.
• Updating the properties of a URL.
• Viewing the properties of a file.
• Viewing the properties of a URL.
• Downloading the file contents.
• Opening a URL.

Developing Client Logic 10-7

Currently, only a few properties of the WTContentHolder can be configured at
design time. From the Visual Café Property List, in the figure below, you can see
the mode of the WTContentHolder.

Property List

The WTContentHolder bean supports the following modes:

Create: supports adding and removing files and URLs, getting files and
URLs, and viewing the properties of files and URLs.
Update: supports adding and removing files and URLs, updating files and
URLs, getting files and URLs, and viewing the properties of files and URLs.
View: supports getting files and URLs, and viewing the properties of files and
Building the GUI is complete. What remains, then, is tying in the
WTContentHolder to the task logic of updating a Report. To be able to manipulate
files and URLs with the WTContentHolder, the WTContentHolder must be
initialized with an object that implements the ContentHolder interface. Further,
this ContentHolder object must be persistent.

10-8 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

public class UpdateReportFrame extends java.awt.Frame {


public void setReport( Report report ) {

if( report != null ) {
this.report = report;

try {
myWTContentHolder.setContentHolder( report );
} catch (WTPropertyVetoException wtpve) {


} // End class ’UpdateReportFrame’

Notice that after invoking setReport, both the UpdateReportFrame and the
WTContentHolder used within this frame have a reference to the ContentHolder
object. The UpdateReportFrame has a reference in its local variable — report —
and the WTContentHolder bean has a reference which is set in the call to
setContentHolder(report). With both the frame and the bean having different
references to the same ContentHolder object, the programmer of the frame must
take care to ensure that both references remain current. For example, if a content
change is made using the WTContentHolder, and the ContentHolder is updated,
the copy of the ContentHolder maintained by the UpdateReportFrame has become
out of date.
The WTContentHolder bean provides an API that helps guard against references
to the same object getting out of sync. In addition to having an API that directly
manipulates a ContentHolder object, the WTContentHolder also has an API that
manipulates a ContentHolder via a wt.clients.util.ReferenceHolder. By
manipulating a ReferenceHolder, both the UpdateReportFrame and the contained
WTContentHolder manipulate the same ContentHolder object:
public class UpdateReportFrame extends java.awt.Frame {


public void setReport( Report report ) {

if( report != null ) {
this.reportHandle = new ReportHandle( report );

try {
reportHandle );
} catch (WTPropertyVetoException wtpve) {


Developing Client Logic 10-9

class ReportHandle implements ReferenceHolder {
Report report = null;

public ReportHandle( Report report ) {

this.report = report;

public Object getObject() {

return report;

public void setObject( Object obj ) {

report = obj;

} // End of inner class ’ReportHandle’

} // End class ’UpdateReportFrame’

Essentially, these are the only two actions needed to use the WTContentHolder
bean: adding the WTContentHolder to the parenting GUI screen, and initializing
the WTContentHolder with an appropriate ContentHolder object.
The WTContentHolder provides additional methods for enhancing the interaction
between the WTContentHolder and the container in which it exists. For example,
while the WTContentHolder bean provides a Save button which, when invoked,
causes all content changes to be saved, the WTContentHolder also provides a
method to programmatically save any content changes. Consider the Report
example. If the user clicks on the Cancel button in the UpdateReportFrame, and
changes to the content have been made that have not yet been saved, you may
want to prompt the user to save these changes:
public class UpdateReportFrame extends java.awt.Frame {


void cancelButton_Action(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event) {

// Check for unsaved content changes

if( myWTContentHolder.isDirty() ) {

if( promptUserToSaveChanges() ) {
try {
} catch (PropertyVetoException pve) {

} catch (WTException wte) {


setVisible( false );


} // End class ’UpdateReportFrame’

10-10 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

For more details on using WTContentHolder, see the javadoc for the
wt.clients.beans.contentholder package.

WTExplorer Bean
The WTExplorer bean is an "Explorer" type browser for displaying items and
The WTExplorer is a composite object which contains a tree view, a list view,
several status bars, and a splitter panel. Users can select nodes in the tree view and
display information about the node in the list view. Tree nodes can be expanded to
show structures.
Nodes can be created and added to the tree with objects which implement the
wt.clients.beans.explorer.Explorable interface. A sample adapter class,
wt.clients.beans.explorer.WTBusinessObject, is provided which implements the
Explorable interface and can be easily subclassed. The WTExplorer invokes the
getUses() method on the contained object to display its children in the tree view. It
invokes the getContents() method on the object to display its contents in the list

The WTExplorer bean has a large number of attributes and methods. Methods are
provided to perform the following functions:
• Setting the foreground and background colors.
• Setting the preferred fonts.
• Adding, deleting, and refreshing nodes in the tree.
• Clearing the WTExplorer of all objects.
• Setting the column headings for the list view.
• Setting the methods to invoke on the contained objects.
• Setting the column alignments and sizes.
• Controlling caching of detail information for a node.
• Setting the text displayed in the status bars.
For more details on using WTExplorer, see the javadoc.

Sample Code
The following code sample shows an instance of the WTExplorer bean being
created and added to a component. The instance of the WTExplorer is initialized
with the specified font and color preferences, the desired column headings, the
methods to invoke on the contained objects, and the desired toolbar buttons.

Developing Client Logic 10-11

The container is added as a listener for WTExplorer events so it is notified when
the user selects nodes in the tree or clicks on a toolbar button. When the container
receives an event from the WTExplorer, it invokes an appropriate method to act
on the selected object in the WTExplorer.
import wt.clients.beans.explORER.WTExplorer;
import wt.clients.beans.explorer.WTExplorerEvent;
import wt.clients.beans.explorer.WTExplorerListener;
import wt.clients.beans.explorer.WTNode;
import wt.clients.beans.explorer.Explorable;

public class PartExplorer extends Container implements

// instance variable for the WTExplorer
protected wt.clients.beans.explorer.WTExplorer myExplorer;

// Create a default PartExplorer

public PartExplorer()

GridBagLayout gridBagLayout;
gridBagLayout = new GridBagLayout();
myExplorer = new wt.clients.beans.explorer.WTExplorer();

// Set the column headings in the list view.

try {
java.lang.String[] tempString = new java.lang.String[8];
tempString[0] = new java.lang.String("Number");
tempString[1] = new java.lang.String("Name");
tempString[2] = new java.lang.String("Version");
tempString[3] = new java.lang.String("View");
tempString[4] = new java.lang.String("Qty");
tempString[5] = new java.lang.String("Units");
tempString[6] = new java.lang.String("Type");
tempString[7] = new java.lang.String("State");
catch(java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) { }

// Set the fonts to use in the Explorer

myExplorer.setTreeFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog",
try {
myExplorer.setListHeadingFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog",
catch(java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) { }

// Set the column alignment in the list view.

try {
java.lang.String[] tempString = new java.lang.String[8];
tempString[0] = new java.lang.String("Left");

10-12 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

tempString[1] = new java.lang.String("Left");
tempString[2] = new java.lang.String("Left");
tempString[3] = new java.lang.String("Left");
tempString[4] = new java.lang.String("Right");
tempString[5] = new java.lang.String("Left");
tempString[6] = new java.lang.String("Left");
tempString[7] = new java.lang.String("Left");
catch(java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) { }

// Set the methods to invoke for each column.

try {
java.lang.String[] tempString = new java.lang.String[8];
tempString[0] = new java.lang.String("getNumber");
tempString[1] = new java.lang.String("getName");
tempString[2] = new java.lang.String("getVersion");
tempString[3] = new java.lang.String("getViewName");
tempString[4] = new java.lang.String("getQuantity");
tempString[5] = new java.lang.String("getUnitName");
tempString[6] = new java.lang.String("getType");
tempString[7] = new java.lang.String("getState");
catch(java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) { }
myExplorer.setRootNodeText("Product Structure");

// Set the icons for the toolbar

java.lang.String[] tempString = new java.lang.String[20];
tempString[0] = new java.lang.String("new");
tempString[1] = new java.lang.String("update");
tempString[2] = new java.lang.String("view");
tempString[3] = new java.lang.String("delete");
tempString[4] = new java.lang.String("Spacer");
tempString[5] = new java.lang.String("revise");
tempString[6] = new java.lang.String("syscfig");
tempString[7] = new java.lang.String("Spacer");
tempString[8] = new java.lang.String("refresh");
tempString[9] = new java.lang.String("clear");
tempString[10] = new java.lang.String("Spacer");
tempString[11] = new java.lang.String("localsearch");
tempString[12] = new java.lang.String("enterprisesearch");
tempString[13] = new java.lang.String("Spacer");
tempString[14] = new java.lang.String("wexplr");
tempString[15] = new java.lang.String("Spacer");
tempString[16] = new java.lang.String("help");
tempString[17] = new java.lang.String("Spacer");
tempString[18] = new java.lang.String("Spacer");
tempString[19] = new java.lang.String("Spacer");


// Set the column sizes for the list view.

try {
java.lang.String[] tempString = new java.lang.String[8];
tempString[0] = new java.lang.String("90");

Developing Client Logic 10-13

tempString[1] = new java.lang.String("150");
tempString[2] = new java.lang.String("50");
tempString[3] = new java.lang.String("40");
tempString[4] = new java.lang.String("40");
tempString[5] = new java.lang.String("40");
tempString[6] = new java.lang.String("60");
tempString[7] = new java.lang.String("60");
catch(java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) { }

// Set some more properties for the explorer.

try {
myExplorer.setTreeStatusBarText("All Parts");
catch(java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) { }
try {
myExplorer.setListCellFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog",
catch(java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) { }
try {
myExplorer.setListFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog",
catch(java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) { }

// Add the explorer instance to the container.


// —- Callbacks
// add as listener to refresh service


* Handle events from the WTExplorer.
* @param e the WTExplorerEvent

public void explorerEvent(WTExplorerEvent e)

if( e.getType().equals(WTExplorerEvent.COMMAND ) )
else if( e.getType().equals( WTExplorerEvent.OPEN ) )
handleDoubleClickEvent( e );

10-14 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide


* Handle double-click events from the WTExplorer. The
* "view" task for the selectedobject will be launched.
* @param e the WTExplorerEvent

protected void handleDoubleClickEvent( WTExplorerEvent e )


* Process the command from the WTExplorer. The WTExplorer
* will send commands when the user selects a toolbar
* button. The command will equals the name of the
* image on the toolbar button.
* @param e the WTExplorerEvent

protected void processCommand( WTExplorerEvent e)


if ( e.getCommand().equals("update") )
else if ( e.getCommand().equals("view") )

* Process the "Edit" command.

public void processEditCommand()

Object selected_obj = getSelectedObject();
if (selected_obj != null )
if ( isUpdateAllowed((Part)selected_obj))

Developing Client Logic 10-15

TaskDelegate delegate =
selected_obj );
if( delegate != null )
delegate.setParentApplet( getApplet() );
delegate.setParentFrame( getParentFrame() );
delegate.setObject( selected_obj );
catch (TaskDelegateException tde)
catch (WTException wte)
System.out.println("Could not instantiate Task
Delegate for " + selected_obj);

* Process the "View" command.

public void processViewCommand()

Object selected_obj = getSelectedObject();

if (selected_obj != null )
TaskDelegate delegate =
selected_obj );
if( delegate != null )
delegate.setParentApplet( getApplet() );
delegate.setParentFrame( getParentFrame() );
delegate.setObject( selected_obj );
System.out.println("Could not instantiate Task
Delegate for " + selected_obj);

10-16 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

catch (TaskDelegateException tde)
catch (WTException wte)

* Get the object currently selected in the explorer.
* If a list object is selected, use that object.
* Otherwise use the selected tree node.
* @return the selected object or null if no object is
* selected

protected Object getSelectedObject()

Explorable busobj = null;
Object obj = null;
WTNode node = null;

// If a list object is selected, use that object.

// Otherwise, use the selected tree node.

busobj = myExplorer.getSelectedDetail();
if (busobj == null)
node = myExplorer.getSelectedNode();
if ( node != null)
busobj = node.getObj();

if (busobj == null )
return null;
return busobj.getObject();

public static void main(String[] args)

Frame f = new Frame("PartExplorer test");

PartExplorer exp = new PartExplorer();

f.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

Developing Client Logic 10-17


PartAttributesPanel Bean

PartAttributesPanel is a Java Bean component for manipulating
wt.clients.prodmgmt.PartItem objects. It is used in the Create, Update, and View
Part windows in the Product Information Manager client, and can be used by
developers who are customizing the Product Information Management
applications. The source code for the bean is contained in the
wt.clients.prodmgmt.PartAttributesPanel.java file.
The PartAttributesPanel bean contains properties to specify the class of the object
being manipulated and the attributes to be displayed. A label, maximum length,
and edit/view can be specified for each attribute.
The PartAttributesPanel bean dynamically constructs a user interface based on the
contained class and the specified information about the attributes. Boolean
attributes are represented as check boxes, enumerated types as choice lists, and
string and integer values are shown in text fields. The bean uses a grid-bag layout
to display the attributes in a tabular format. Labels will be displayed to the left of
each attribute. The layout has two attributes on each row. The labels have a grid
width of 1 and attribute elements normally have a grid width of 3 (TextAreas and
other large components will have a larger area). The attributes will be displayed in
the order they were specified in the attributes property for the bean.
After you modify values using the constructed user interface, the program can
invoke a method on the instance of the PartAttributesPanel bean to transfer the
modified values to the contained object.

The PartAttributesPanel bean contains methods to specify the following items:
• The class name of the object being manipulated.
• The attributes to display.
• The labels for each attribute.
• Whether an attribute is editable or view only.
• The maximum length for each attribute. (This property is currently used only
to determine if a string should be displayed in a TextArea instead of a
TextField element.)
• Where to position separators (horizontal lines) on the form.
• Where to position blank spaces on the form.

10-18 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

For more details on using the PartAttributesPanel bean, see the Javadoc for the
wt.clients.prodmgmt package.
Many properties of the PartAttributesPanel bean can be configured at
development time. The following figure shows the Property List displayed in
Visual Cafe for the PartAttributesPanel.

Property List for PartAttributesPanel

Initially, only a blank panel is displayed in the Visual Cafe environment. To

construct the user interface, the bean must have valid values for the following
The fully qualified class name of the object (such as,
An array of String values specifying the attributes to display (such as, Name,
Number, and so on).

Developing Client Logic 10-19

An array of String values specifying the labels for the attributes (such as,
Name:, Number:, and so on).
An array of String values specifying whether an attribute is view only (false)
or editable (true).
The number of values specified for the Attributes, Labels, and Edits properties
must be the same for each property. If you specify four Attributes, you must also
specify four Labels and four Edits.
Once the preceding properties for the bean have been specified, the panel should
display a form with the specified attributes in the Visual Cafe environment. The
following figure shows what should appear in the form designer:

Form Designer

Sample Code
The following code demonstrates a possible use of this class:
Frame f = new Frame("AttributesPanel test");
PartAttributesPanel attributeBean = new PartAttributesPanel();
f.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
// Set the class name of the object to be manipulated
// Set the attributes to display in the panel
java.lang.String[] tempString = new java.lang.String[4];
tempString[0] = new java.lang.String("Number");
tempString[1] = new java.lang.String("Name");
tempString[2] = new java.lang.String("Source");
tempString[3] = new java.lang.String("Type");
// Set the labels for the attributes
java.lang.String[] tempString = new java.lang.String[4];
tempString[0] = new java.lang.String("Number:");
tempString[1] = new java.lang.String("Name:");
tempString[2] = new java.lang.String("Source:");
tempString[3] = new java.lang.String("Type:");

10-20 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

// Make all the attributes editable
java.lang.String[] tempString = new java.lang.String[4];
tempString[0] = "true";
tempString[1] = "true";
tempString[2] = "true";
tempString[3] = "true";
catch ( WTPropertyVetoException wte)
// Add the Bean to the panel

WTQuery Bean
WTQuery provides a tool that allows you to include in your application the ability
to search for objects in the local Windchill database. WTQuery is comprised of an
optional title, a Tab panel containing an input area for search criteria, three
required buttons, three optional buttons, a check box indicating whether to append
to or replace the search results, and a list area for displaying search results.
The search results list area presents the results of the database query. The user can
clear this area by pressing the Clear button. A check box is available to the user
that determines whether to clear the list area between invocations of pressing the
Find button. By default, the list area allows multiple objects to be selected. To
restrict the list area to allow only single selection, use the setMultipleMode()
method. To obtain the list of selected objects, use either the getSelectedDetails()
or getSelectedDetail() method, depending on whether multiple or single selection
mode is in use.
The buttons are displayed in two columns. The required column contains the Find,
Stop, and Clear buttons. The optional column contains the OK, Close, and Help
buttons. By default, you get all six buttons. The functionality for the required
buttons and the Help button is handled by WTQuery (described later in this
section). The calling application can register a listener to be notified when the OK
or Close buttons are pressed. To register a listener, create a WTQueryListener
object and call the addListener() method using the WTQueryListener object as
When creating a WTQuery object, you can specify a search filter string that is
passed to the method server when performing the database query. The search filter
is used to restrict the query. For more information about the possible values for
the search filter string, see the javadoc for wt.query.SearchTask.

Developing Client Logic 10-21

A WTQuery object provides the ability to search for objects of a specified class. A
WTSchema object is used to configure what attributes and classes are available to
WTQuery. When calling WTQuery, you must specify a WTSchema object.
A WTSchema object stores the class name and attributes used by a WTQuery
object. You must create this object with a properly formatted string that contains a
fully qualified class name as well as attributes that will be displayed in the Tab
panel and results list area of the WTQuery object.
The format of the string used to create a WTSchema object is broken up into
records. A one-character code followed by a colon begins each record; a semi-
colon and space combination are used as a separator between records. The one-
character codes are C, G, A and D:
Specifies a fully qualified class name to query on. This must be the first
record in the format string.
Specifies text for the search criteria tabs. All attributes that follow will be
grouped on that tab until the next G record.
Specifies an attribute used in both the search criteria Tab panel and the results
list area. Attributes are displayed in the order they appear in the string.
Specifies an attribute used in only the results list area.
The following string is an example:
"C:wt.doc.WTDocument; G:Search Criteria; A:name;
D:versionIdentity; G:More Search Criteria; A:description;"

This string designates wt.doc.WTDocument as the class that will be queried. The
tab panel will contain two tabs labeled Search Criteria and More Search Criteria.
The Search Criteria tab will contain an input field for name. The More Search
Criteria tab will contain an input field for description. The results list area will be
set up with columns for name, versionIdentity, and description.
The following example shows how to add WTQuery to a panel:
Panel queryPanel;

try {
WTQuery myQuery = new WTQuery("My Query Panel",
SearchTask.ALL_VERSIONS, false);

myQuery.setSchema(new WTSchema("C:wt.doc.WTDocument; G:Search

Criteria; A:name; D:versionIdentifier; G:More Search
Criteria; A:description;"));
this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
this.add("Center", myQuery);
myQuery.addListener(new WTQueryListener() {

10-22 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

public void queryEvent(WTQueryEvent e) {
if (e.getType().equals(WTQueryEvent.STATUS)) {
String s = e.getStatus();
System.out.println("Status change: " + s);
} catch (Exception e) {}

WTChooser bean
WTChooser is a subclass of WTQuery. WTChooser provides a tool that allows
you to include in your application the ability to search for objects in the local
Windchill database.
The WTChooser bean is not currently included in the wtbeans.jar file but the API
for incorporating WTChooser into an application is available.
WTChooser is comprised of an optional title, a tab panel containing an input area
for search criteria, six buttons, a check box indicating whether to append to or
replace the search results, and a list area for displaying search results.
The WTChooser object provides the ability to search for objects of a specified
class. The ChooserOptions class is distributed as source code and is used to
configure the attributes and classes available to WTChooser.
The ChooserOptions object consists of strings that associate a fully-qualified class
name with attributes to be used for restricting the query and attributes to be
displayed in the results list area. When calling WTChooser, you must specify a
fully-qualified class name that is defined appropriately in the ChooserOptions
The format string is broken up into records. A one-character code followed by a
colon begins each record; a semi-colon and space combination are used as a
separator between records. The one-character codes are C, G, A and D:
Specifies a fully-qualified class name to query on. This must be the first
record in the format string.
Specifies text for the search criteria tabs. All attributes that follow will be
grouped on that tab until the next G record.
Specifies an attribute used in both the search criteria Tab panel and the results
list area. Attributes are displayed in the order they appear in the string.
Specifies an attribute used in only the results list area.
The search results list area presents the results of the database query. The user can
clear this area by pressing the Clear button. A check box is available to the user
that determines whether to clear the list area between invocations of pressing the

Developing Client Logic 10-23

Find button. By default, the list area allows multiple objects to be selected. To
restrict the list area to allow only a single selection, use the setMultipleMode()
method. To obtain the list of selected objects, use either the getSelectedDetails()
or getSelectedDetail() method, depending on whether multiple or single selection
mode is in use.
The buttons are displayed in two columns. One column contains the Find, Stop,
and Clear buttons. The other contains the OK, Close, and Help buttons. For the
most part, the functionality for these buttons is handled by WTChooser. The
calling application can register a listener to be notified when the OK or Close
buttons are pressed. To register a listener, create a WTQueryListener object and
call the addListener() method using the WTQueryListener object as input.
The WTChooser panel can either be embedded in an existing frame or you can
instruct WTChooser to create a dialog window. If a dialog window is used, you
must specify a java.awt.Component as the parent. The dialog will be centered
over the parent.
The following example shows how to create a WTChooser in a dialog:
Frame frame = getParentFrame();

WTChooser chooser = new WTChooser("wt.part.WTPartMaster",

"Find Part", frame);

chooser.addListener ( new WTQueryListener() {

public void queryEvent(WTQueryEvent e)
if (e.getType().equals(WTQueryEvent.COMMAND ))
if (e.getCommand().equals(WTQuery.OkCMD) )

EnumeratedChoice Bean

The EnumeratedChoice bean is a simple extension of the java.awt.Choice class. It
allows you to specify a subclass of wt.fc.EnumeratedType. The display values of
the specified EnumeratedType subclass are used to populate the list of selectable

The EnumeratedChoice bean contains methods to perform the following
• Specify the class name of the EnumeratedType object being manipulated.
• Set the selected EnumeratedType value in the list.
• Get the selected EnumeratedType value from the list.
• Allow the display of an empty (blank) choice.

10-24 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

For more details on using the EnumeratedChoice bean, see the Javadoc for the
wt.clients.util package.
Many properties of the EnumeratedChoice bean can be configured at development
time. The following figure shows the Property List displayed in Visual Cafe for
the EnumeratedChoice bean.

Property List for EnumeratedChoice Bean

Initially, only an empty Choice will be displayed in the Visual Cafe environment.
To populate the list of possible values, the bean must have valid values for the
following property:
The fully qualified class name of the subclass of wt.fc.EnumeratedType (such
as, wt.part.Source).

Developing Client Logic 10-25

Once the preceding property for the bean has been specified, the panel should
display a form with the specified attributes in the Visual Cafe environment. The
following figure shows what should appear in the form designer for an
EnumeratedChoice with the EnumeratedTypeClassName initialized to

Form Designer for EnumeratedChoice Bean

Sample Code
The following code demonstrates a possible use of this class:
static public void main(String args[])
if (args.length == 0 )
System.out.println("supply enumeration class");
String classname = args[0];
class DriverFrame extends java.awt.Frame
EnumeratedChoice choice = null;
public DriverFrame(String title)
addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent event)
dispose(); // free the system resources
System.exit(0); // close the application
setLayout(new java.awt.BorderLayout());
choice = new EnumeratedChoice();
add(choice, "Center");

choice.addItemListener( new java.awt.event.ItemListener() {

public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie)
EnumeratedType value = choice.getSelectedEnumeratedType();
System.out.println("Selected value is now " + value);
public void setClass(String name)

10-26 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

try {
catch(PropertyVetoException pve)
DriverFrame df;
df = new DriverFrame("EnumeratedChoice Test");

Life Cycle Beans

Three Windchill beans are supplied for manipulating LifeCycleManaged objects:
LifeCyclePanel, ProjectPanel, and LifeCycleInfo. Each bean has a create and
view mode.
The create mode of LifeCyclePanel is comprised of a life cycle label, choice box,
and browse button for finding and selecting a life cycle template. The view mode
of LifeCyclePanel consists of a life cycle label, current life cycle template name,
life cycle state label, and current life cycle state value.
The create mode of ProjectPanel is comprised of a project label, choice box, and
browse button for finding and selecting a project. The view mode of ProjectPanel
consists of a project label and the current project value.
LifeCycleInfo combines LifeCyclePanel and ProjectPanel into one bean. The
create mode is comprised of a life cycle label, choice box, and browse button for
finding and selecting a life cycle template, and a project label, choice box, and
browse button for finding and selecting a project. The view mode of
LifeCycleInfo consists of a life cycle label, current life cycle template name, life
cycle state label, and current life cycle state value, project label, and current
project value.
You can use the LifeCycleInfo panel to view an existing life cycle template and
project associated with a LifeCycleManaged object or to assign a life cycle
template and a project to a LifeCycleManaged object. In create mode, the
LifeCycleInfo object will populate a choice menu of candidate life cycle
templates and a choice menu of candidate projects for the user to select from. The
template candidates are selected based on the type of object being created. The
project candidates are projects residing in the same domain as the object is being
created in, plus any projects defined in the system domain.
If an existing LifeCycleManaged object has been set in the LifeCycleInfo object,
the values from the LifeCycleManaged object for both the life cycle template and
project are included in the appropriate choice menus and selected as the current

Developing Client Logic 10-27

menu item. The user can browse the system to select other templates or projects if
The LifeCycleInfo panel could be used as shown in the following example:
import wt.clients.lifecycle.beans.LifeCycleInfo
. // Create a dialog or frame for adding a lifecycle info panel

// Create the LifeCycleInfo object and add to the dialog

LifeCycleInfo myLifeCycleInfo = new LifeCycleInfo();
myDialog.add( myLifeCycleInfo );

// Set the mode to create

lifeCycleInfo1.setMode( LifeCycleInfo.CREATE_MODE );

// Set the class of the object being created

lifeCycleInfo1.setClass( wt.doc.WTDocument.class );

. //create a LifeCycleManaged object
//myObject is the lifecycle managed object being created
myLifeCycleInfo.assign( myObject );
// Optionally at this point you could switch to view mode
myLifeCycleInfo.setMode( LifeCycleInfo.VIEW_MODE );

For more information, see the javadoc in

wt.clients.beans.lifecycle.LifeCycleInfo, and

Spinner bean
The Spinner bean (wt.clients.prodmgmt.Spinner) is a subclass of the
symantec.itools.awt.util.spinner.Spinner class. It adds a new method,
addKeyListener(), to enable listeners to detect if users have modified the value in
the text field associated with the spinner. It also adds a new property,
CurrentDoubleValue, to allow the spinner to handle double values instead of
integer values.
For more information, see the javadoc in the symantec.itools.awt.util.spinner and
the wt.clients.prodmgmt packages.

WTMultiList bean
The WTMultiList bean (wt.clients.util.WTMultiList) is a subclass of the
symantec.itools.awt.MultiList class. It overrides several methods to improve the
display appearance of the bean on UNIX clients.
WTMultiList can also be configured to display attributes of modeled Windchill
business objects, such as Parts, Documents, and so on in a multicolumn list. When
taking advantage of this feature of WTMultiList, it is necessary to specify the

10-28 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

class and attributes that will be used by the display methods. A
wt.clients.beans.query.WTSchema object is used to specify the class and
attributes used by WTMultiList for displaying Windchill business objects. The
attributes defined by the WTSchema object are used to obtain the column
headings and values for the cells within a column. Methods that allow
adding/obtaining modeled Windchill business objects are included in this class.
An icon representing the object associated with a particular row is always
displayed in the first column.
An example of using the WTMultiList to display modeled Windchill business
objects is presenting the results of a database search to the user. After performing
the database search, the objects obtained can be added to a WTMultiList object
for selection by the user. WTMultiList can be configured in single-select or
multiselect mode.
The user cannot type or edit a selection in a WTMultiList. The user can resize a
column at run time by dragging the column boundary to a new position.
The following code demonstrates creating a WTMultiList in a frame.
Frame f = new Frame();
WTMultiList multi_list = new WTMultiList();

// Create a schema to display Name, Version and Description of

// objects with class wt.doc.WTDocument
WTSchema schema = new WTSchema("C:wt.doc.WTDocument; D:name;
D:versionIdentifier; D:description;");

// Add objects .....

For more information, see the javadoc in the symantec.itools.awt and the
wt.clients.util packages.

AssociationsPanel bean

The AssociationsPanel bean (wt.clients.beans.AssociationsPanel) has a dev time
component and a runtime component. At dev time, you can drag this component
from the component library in Visual Café and drop it onto a container. The
properties can also be edited by using Visual Café’s Property Editor. At runtime,
this class retrieves the links of the object and displays them in a multilist.
The bean has an Edit and View mode. In edit mode, the user can add new
relationships, remove existing relationships, and update existing relationships by
editing the attributes on the link. In view mode, the user can view the relationships
and view the attributes on the link. The bean keeps track of the create, update, and
removes operations, and is able to persist the changes when save() is invoked.

Developing Client Logic 10-29

This bean contains a WTMultiList that displays the results of a navigate, add, or
remove. The user can select a row in the multilist and press a button to view that
object or remove that object. The user can press the Add button to search for a
new object to create a link to. Also, when the user selects a row, the attributes on
the link of that row are displayed in an AttributesForm. If the AttributesForm is
editable, the user can edit the attributes on the link in those fields.

The AssociationsPanel bean contains methods to specify the following items at
dev time:
• objectClassName - The class name of the object being manipulated.
• role - The string representing the Role to navigate.
• otherSideClassName - The class name of the OtherSideObject (a Persistable)
for viewing and displaying the attributes.
• otherSideAttributes - The attributes of the otherSideObject to be displayed in
the multilist.
• otherSideSchema - The developer can use a GUI at dev time to set the
otherSideClassName and the otherSideAttributes.
• labels - The labels for the columns of the multilist.
• multiListLinkAttributes - The attributes of the link to be displayed in the
• linkClassName - The class name of the BinaryLink for creating new links.
• linkAttributes - The attributes of the link to be set in the AttributesForm bean
below the multilist.
• linkSchema - The developer can use a GUI at dev time to set the linkClass
name and the linkAttributes.
• mode - Edit or View. Edit will have Add and Remove buttons and the
attributes form is editable.
• chooserOptions - Must be a valid key in the
wt.clients.beans.query.ChooserOptions resource bundle. The string value
associated with the key sets the list of class names that the user can search for
upon pressing the Add button.
• relativeColumnWidths - Sets the relative widths of the columns in the
The AssociationsPanel bean contains the following methods to be used at runtime:
• setObject(Persistable myObect) - Sets the object to be manipulated.
• addHelpListener(helpListener) - Adds a listener to the bean’s help system.

10-30 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

• setEnabled(boolean myBoolean) - Sets all fields to editable or not editable.
• save(Persistable myObject) - Saves the new links for that object, deletes the
removed links, and updates the links that have been modified by the user.
• getHelpContext() - Returns the HelpContext currently being used.
Following is an example of how to use the bean.
associationsPanel1 = new wt.clients.beans.AssociationsPanel();
try {
java.lang.String[] tempString = new java.lang.String[5];
tempString[0] = display("nameColumn");
tempString[1] = display("numberColumn");
tempString[2] = display(ChangeMgmtRB.TITLE_COLUMN);
tempString[3] = display(ChangeMgmtRB.PART_TYPE_COLUMN);
tempString[4] = display(ChangeMgmtRB.SOURCE_COLUMN);
catch(java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) { }
try {
catch(wt.util.WTPropertyVetoException e) { }
try {
catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) { }
java.lang.String[] tempString = new java.lang.String[5];
tempString[0] = new java.lang.String("name");
tempString[1] = new java.lang.String("number");
tempString[2] = new java.lang.String("title");
tempString[3] = new java.lang.String("partType");
tempString[4] = new java.lang.String("source");
try {
catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) { }
try {
java.lang.String[] tempString = new java.lang.String[1];
tempString[0] = new java.lang.String("description");
catch(wt.util.WTPropertyVetoException e) { }
associationsPanel1.setBackground(new Color(12632256));

Developing Client Logic 10-31

gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 0;
gbc.weightx = 1.0;
gbc.weighty = 1.0;
gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
gbc.insets = new Insets(0,0,0,0);
associationsPanel1, gbc);

Using the AssociationsPanel usually requires adding new entries in the

wt.clients.beans.query.ChooserOptions resource bundle. The chooserOptions
property on the AssociationsPanel must be a valid key in the
wt.clients.beans.query.ChooserOptions resource bundle. The string value
associated with the key sets the list of class names that the user can search for
upon pressing the Add button.
The following wt.clients.beans.query.ChooserOptions resource bundle shows the
entries — highlighted in bold — that were added for use by the AssociationsPanel
for the preceding example:
public class ChooserOptions extends ListResourceBundle{
public static final String CHANGEABLE_SEARCH_LIST = "1";

public Object getContents()[][] {

return contents;

static final Object[][]contents = {

{"UsrSCM", "C:wt.org.WTUser; G:Search Criteria; A:name;
A:fullName; " +
{"CRSCM", "C:wt.change2.WTChangeRequest2; G:Search Criteria;
A:number; " +
"A:name; A:requestType; A:productPriority; " +
"G:More Search Criteria; A:lifeCycleState;
A:projectId; " +
"A:cabinet; A:modifyTimestamp; A:description"},

{"COSCM", "C:wt.change2.WTChangeOrder2; G:Search Criteria;

A:number; " +
"A:name; A:orderType; A:customerNeedDate; " +
"G:More Search Criteria; A:lifeCycleState;
A:projectId; " +
"A:cabinet; A:modifyTimestamp; A:description"},

{"CASCM", "C:wt.change2.WTChangeActivity2;
G:Search Criteria; " +
"A:number; A:name; A:lifeCycleState; A:projectId;
G:More Search Criteria; " +
"A:cabinet; A:modifyTimestamp; A:description"},

10-32 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

{"DocSCM", "C:wt.doc.WTDocument; G:Search Criteria;
A:number; " +
"A:name; A:docType; A:versionIdentifier;
A:lifeCycleState; A:projectId;
G:More Search Criteria; " +
"A:cabinet; A:format; A:modifyTimestamp; "},

{"DocMasterSCM", "C:wt.doc.WTDocumentMaster;
G:Search Criteria; " +
"A:name; A:number;"},

{"CabSCM", "C:wt.folder.CabinetReference;
G:Search Criteria; A:name"},

{"PartSCM", "C:wt.part.WTPart; G:Search Criteria; A:number;

A:name; A:view; " +
"A:versionIdentifier; A:partType; A:source;
G:More Search Criteria; " +
"A:lifeCycleState; A:projectId; A:cabinet;
A:modifyTimestamp; "},

{"PartMasterSCM", "C:wt.part.WTPartMaster;
G:Search Criteria; " +
"A:name; A:number"},

{"ConfigItemSCM", "C:wt.effectivity.ConfigurationItem;
G:Search Criteria; " +
"A:name; A:effectivityType; A:lifeCycleName;
A:lifeCycleState; G:More Search Criteria; " +
"A:lifeCycleAtGate; " +
"A:modifyTimestamp; A:createTimestamp; A:description"},

{"BaselineSCM", "C:wt.vc.baseline.ManagedBaseline;
G:Search Criteria; " +
"A:number; A:name; A:lifeCycleState; A:projectId;
G:More Search Criteria; " +
"A:cabinet; A:modifyTimestamp; A:description"},


EffectivityPanel Bean

The EffectivityPanel bean (wt.clients.beans.EffectivityPanel) is used to create,
update, or view effectivity for an EffectivityManageable object. It has dev time
and runtime usage. At dev time, you can drag and drop the bean from the
Component Library in Visual Cafe onto a frame, applet, or panel. Properties, such
as background and mode, can be set at dev time. At run time, the user can view the
effectivity for the effectivity manageable object, or set/update the effectivity.

Developing Client Logic 10-33

The EffectivityPanel bean contains methods to specify the following items at dev
• mode - The mode for the bean; either Edit or View.
• background - The color of the background.
• foreground - The color of the foreground.
• font - The font.
The EffectivityPanel bean contains the following methods to be used at run time:
• addHelpListener(helpListener) - Adds a listener to the bean’s help system.
• setObject(EffectivityManageable myObject) - Sets the object whose
effectivity is to be viewed or modified.
• isDirty() - Tests whether the user has modified any of the fields.
• save() - Saves the created/modified Effectivity object for the
EffectivityManageable object.
Following is an example of how to use the EffectivityPanel.
effectivityPanel1 = new wt.clients.beans.EffectivityPanel();
try {
catch(java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) { }
effectivityPanel1.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 11));
effectivityPanel1.setForeground(new Color(0));
effectivityPanel1.setBackground(new Color(12632256));
gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 0;
gbc.gridwidth = 2;
gbc.weightx = 1.0;
gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST;
gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
gbc.insets = new Insets(0,0,0,0);
effectivityPanel1, gbc);
if (effectivityPanel1.isDirty()) {

10-34 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

FolderPanel Bean

The FolderPanel bean provides support for objects that implement the
wt.folder.FolderEntry interface. This bean supports assigning the folder of a new
object, changing the folder of an existing object, and viewing the folder of an
existing object.
When not in view-only mode, the FolderPanel bean contains a label, a text field
for entering the location of a folder, and a "Browse..." button that launches the
WTFolderBrowserDialog to allow the user to browse for a folder.

FolderPanel Bean Not in View-Only Mode

When in view-only mode, the FolderPanel bean contains a label and text that
displays the location.

FolderPanel Bean in View-Only Mode

The FolderPanel bean has APIs that support the following actions:
• Setting the mode as view-only.
• Setting the list of cabinets from which the user can choose a folder.
• Restricting the list of cabinets from which the user can choose a folder to the
user’s personal cabinet.
• Restricting the list of cabinets and folders from which the user can choose to
those for which the user has a given permission.
• Assigning the folder of a foldered object.
• Changing the folder of a foldered object.
• Viewing the folder location of a foldered object.
For a complete list of the FolderPanel APIs, see the javadoc.

Developing Client Logic 10-35

Sample Code
The following example illustrates using the FolderPanel bean in a GUI Frame to
create a document.
import wt.clients.beans.FolderPanel;
public class CreateDocumentFrame extends java.awt.Frame implements
java.beans.PropertyChangeListener {

// Default constructor for CreateDocumentFrame

public CreateDocumentFrame() {


// Code generated by Symantec Visual Cafe when FolderPanel is

// dragged
// onto Form Designer and configured using Property Editor.
// This
// FolderPanel is configured to only allow the user to choose
// from
// folders in his/her personal cabinet.

folderPanel1 = new wt.clients.beans.FolderPanel();

gridBagLayout = new GridBagLayout();
folderPanel1.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 11));
folderPanel1.setForeground(new Color(0));
folderPanel1.setBackground(new Color(12632256));
gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
gbc.gridy = 4;
gbc.gridwidth = 4;
gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST;
gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
gbc.insets = new Insets(0,26,0,20);
((GridBagLayout)getLayout()).setConstraints(folderPanel1, gbc);


// Instantiate a new WTDocument and assign it to a

// Folder.
public WTDocument createDocument() throws WTException {

doc = WTDocument.newWTDocument( numberTextField.getText(),

getDocumentType() );


folderPanel1.setFolderedObject( new_doc );
new_doc = (WTDocument)folderPanel1.assignFolder();
return new_doc;

10-36 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

// Initialize the help system used to display online help
// and status messages. Subscribe as listener to help messages
// broadcast by FolderPanel
public void initializeHelp() {

if( helpContext == null ) {



folderPanel1.addHelpListener( this );

// Once the document is created and saved, transition into

// update mode. The location can no longer be changed in
// update mode.
private void setUpdateMode() {
folderPanel1.setViewOnly( true );

AttributesForm Bean

The AttributesForm is a Java bean component for manipulating modeled
Windchill objects that implement the wt.fc.Persistable interface.
The AttributesForm bean contains properties to specify the class of the object
being manipulated and the attributes to be displayed. Alternatively, the schema
property of the bean can be set. The schema property specifies both the object
class name and the list of attributes to display for the class. Windchill
introspection mechanisms are then used to obtain information about each
attribute, including the display name, the maximum length, and whether the
attribute is required or updateable.
Setting the schema property in the Visual Café environment at design time
launches a custom property editor that allows browsing a list of all possible
Windchill modeled classes that implement the wt.fc.Persistable interface. The
developer can graphically select the class name and the attributes to display in the
The AttributesForm dynamically constructs a user interface based on the
contained class and the specified information about the attributes. Boolean
attributes are represented as checkboxes; Enumerated types are represented as
choice lists; strings are shown in text fields or text areas; and integer and decimal
values are shown in Spinners. The bean uses a grid-bag layout to display the
attributes in a tabular format. Labels will be displayed to the left of each attribute.
The layout has two attributes on each row. The labels have a grid width of 1;
attribute elements normally have a grid width of 3 (TextAreas and other large
components will have a larger area). The attributes will be displayed in the order
they were specified in the attributes property for the bean.

Developing Client Logic 10-37

After a user modifies values using the constructed user interface, the program can
invoke a method on the instance of the AttributesForm bean to transfer the
modified values to the contained object.
The AttributesForm depends on a Factory mechanism to construct the
components for each data type. See the wt.clients.beans.selectors package for
details. The following data types for attributes are currently supported:
• int
• short
• long
• boolean
• Integer
• Double
• Float
• String
• java.sql.Timestamp
• java.sql.Date
• java.util.Date
• wt.fc.EnumeratedType
• wt.vc.views.ViewReference
• wt.project.ProjectReference
• wt.lifecycle.LifeCycleState
• wt.folder.FolderingInfo
• wt.org.WTPrincipalReference
• wt.part.Quantity

The AttributesForm bean contains methods to specify the following items:
• The class name of the object being manipulated.
• The attributes to display.
• The labels for each attribute.
• Whether an attribute is editable or view only.
• Where to position separators (horizontal lines) on the form.

10-38 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

• Where to position blank spaces on the form.
For more details on using the AttributesForm, see the Javadoc for the
wt.clients.beans.AttributesForm class.

Package Dependencies
The bean is dependent on base classes from the Windchill packages. Ensure that
c:\ptc\Windchill\codebase is specified in the classpath for Visual Café.

Visual Manipulation
Many properties of the AttributesForm can be configured at development time.
See the following diagram for the Property List displayed in Visual Café for the


Initially, only a blank panel will be displayed in the Visual Cafe environment. To
construct the user interface, the bean must have valid values for the following
• ObjectClassName - the fully qualified class name of the object (such as,
• Attributes - an array of String values specifying the attributes to display (such
as, name, number, and so on).

Developing Client Logic 10-39

By default, the AttributesForm will use Windchill introspection mechanisms to
determine the correct display values to use for the labels for each attribute.
Required attributes will be displayed with labels containing a preceding asterisk
(*). The label values can be overridden by explicitly setting the Labels property
with an array of String values specifying the labels for each attribute (such as,
Name:, Number:, and so on).
By default, the AttributesForm shows all attributes as view only. This can be
changed by setting either the Mode property or the Edits property of the bean.
If the Mode is set to CREATE_MODE, the bean will display editable components
for all attributes that have a valid public setter.
If the Mode is set to UPDATE_MODE, the bean will display editable components
for all attributes that have a valid public setter and for which the attribute is
updateable (the attribute can be modified after the object is persisted). If the
attribute has a public setter but is modeled to be not updateable, a noneditable
component is displayed for the attribute. To model an attribute as nonupdateable,
the attribute should have its Windchill Changeable property set to
If the Mode is set to VIEW_MODE, the bean will display non-editable
components for all attributes.
The Edits property provides more explicit control to individually specify if each
attribute is editable or not. It consists of an array of String values specifying
whether an attribute is view only ("false"), or editable ("true").
If the Attributes, Labels, and Edits properties all have values, the number of
values specified must be the same for each property. For example, if four
Attributes are specified, four Labels and four Edits must also be specified.

10-40 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Once the preceding properties for the bean have been specified, the panel should
display a form with the specified attributes in the Visual Cafe. The following
diagram shows what should appear in the form designer:

Form Designer for AttributesForm

Clicking on the schema property in Visual Café will launch a custom property
editor to allow the developer to visually select the class of the object and the
attributes of the class to display in the form:

Custom Property Editor

The Schema Editor is meant to be used as an alternative to explicitly setting the

ObjectClassName and the Attributes properties of the bean. In general, to

Developing Client Logic 10-41

initialize the AttributesForm bean, use either the Schema Editor or set the
ObjectClassName and the Attributes properties; do not use both methods to
initialize the same bean instance.
The Schema Editor displays a Class Explorer which shows all the Windchill
classes and interfaces that implement the wt.fc.Persistable interface. Selecting a
class in the treeview on the left-hand side of the Schema Editor will show the
attributes for the class in the listview in the middle of the Schema Editor.
Selecting attributes by clicking on the listview causes the attributes to appear in
the list of selected attributes in the right-hand side of the Schema Editor. Multiple
attributes can be selected by using Shift-click or Control-click. Once the selected
attributes are shown in the list on the right-hand side, they can be reordered using
the toolbar buttons at the top of the Schema Editor. The button labeled "<<"
moves an attribute to the beginning of the list. The button labeled "<" moves an
attribute up one position in the list. The button labeled ">>" moves an attribute to
the end of the list. The button labeled ">" moves an attribute down one position in
the list.

Sample Code
The following code demonstrates a possible use of this class:
final Frame f = new Frame("AttributesPanel test");
AttributesForm attributeBean = new AttributesForm();
f.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
f.addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent event)
f.dispose(); // free the system resources
System.exit(0); // close the application
java.lang.String[] tempString = new java.lang.String[5];
tempString[0] = new java.lang.String("number");
tempString[1] = new java.lang.String("name");
tempString[2] = new java.lang.String("view");
tempString[3] = new java.lang.String("partType");
tempString[4] = new java.lang.String("projectId");

java.lang.String[] tempString = new java.lang.String[5];
tempString[0] = "true";
tempString[1] = "true";
tempString[2] = "true";
tempString[3] = "true";
tempString[4] = "true";

10-42 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

catch ( WTPropertyVetoException wte)

wt.part.WTPart part = wt.part.WTPart.newWTPart("airplane", "747");
wt.vc.views.View view = wt.vc.views.ViewHelper.service.getView(
wt.vc.views.ViewHelper.assignToView(part, view);
catch (wt.util.WTException wte)

ViewChoice Bean

The ViewChoice bean is a simple extension of the java.awt.Choice class. It allows
specifying an instance of wt.vc.views.View. The display values of the available
Views in the Windchill database are used to populate the list of selectable values.

The ViewChoice bean contains methods to perform the following operations:
• Set the selected View value in the list.
• Get the selected View value from the list.
• Allow the display of an empty (blank) choice.
For more details on using the ViewChoice bean, see the Javadoc for the
wt.clients.beans package.

Package Dependencies
The bean is dependent upon base classes from the Windchill packages. Ensure
that c:\ptc\Windchill\codebase is specified in the classpath for Visual Café.

Developing Client Logic 10-43

Visual Manipulation
Several properties of the ViewChoice bean can be configured at development
time. See the following diagram for the Property List for the ViewChoice bean
displayed in Visual Café.


At design time, the Choice will show with a single possible value, "View" in the
Visual Cafe development environment. At runtime, the choice will be populate

10-44 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

with the actual values for all the Views stored in the database. The following
diagram shows what should appear in the form designer for a ViewChoice:

Form Designer for ViewChoice

Sample Code
The following code demonstrates a possible use of this class:
static public void main(String args[])
class DriverFrame extends java.awt.Frame
ViewChoice choice = null;
public DriverFrame(String title)
addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent event)
dispose(); // free the system resources
System.exit(0); // close the application
setLayout(new java.awt.BorderLayout());
choice = new ViewChoice();
add(choice, "Center");

choice.addItemListener( new java.awt.event.ItemListener() {

public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie)
View value = choice.getSelectedView();
String viewname;
if ( value == null)

Developing Client Logic 10-45

viewname = " none selected";
viewname = value.getName();
System.out.println("Selected value is now " + viewname);

DriverFrame df;
df = new DriverFrame("ViewChoice Test");

PrincipalSelectionPanel Bean

The PrincipalSelectionPanel bean allows the user to select a WTPrincipal
(WTUser or WTGroup) by either entering the name of a WTPrincipal directly or
by browsing lists of the available WTGroups or WTUsers. The bean can also
simply display a WTPrincipal. This bean contains a label, a text field, and a
browse button when used for selecting a principal. When the browse button is
clicked, a dialog box opens that allows the user to browse a list or lists for a
desired principal.
The bean has a selection mode (DISPLAY_SELECTION_MODE) and a view-
only mode (DISPLAY_VIEW_ONLY_MODE). In selection mode, the user is
allowed to select a WTPrincipal either by directly entering the name or by
browsing for it. The following figure shows the PrincipalSelectionPanel bean in
selection mode.

PrincipalSelectionPanel Bean in Selection Mode

10-46 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

In view-only mode, the WTPrincipal is simply displayed. The following figure
shows the PrincipalSelectionPanel bean in view-only mode.

PrincipalSelectionPanel Bean in View-only Mode

The bean has a visible label mode (LABEL_VISIBLE_MODE) and an invisible

label mode (LABEL_INVISIBLE_MODE). In visible label mode, the label for
the principal is displayed. In invisible label mode, the label is not displayed.
The bean has three principal modes: user mode (USER_MODE), group mode
(GROUP_MODE), and principal mode (PRINCIPAL_MODE). In user mode,
only a WTPrincipal of type WTUser can be selected. In group mode, only a
WTPrincipal of type WTGroup can be selected. In principal mode, either a
WTUser or a WTGroup can be selected.

The PrincipalSelectionPanel bean contains methods to specify the following items
at dev time:
• displayMode - Allows the user to set the display mode for the panel
• labelMode - Allows the user to toggle between whether the principal label is
• principalMode - Allows the user to set the principal selection mode for the
• browseButtonLabel - The label displayed for the browse button. A localized
label is supplied in the resource bundle; changing the browseButtonLabel in
the Property List will override the label from the resource bundle.
• principalLabel - The label displayed for the principal. A localized label is
supplied in the resource bundle; changing the principalLabel in the Property
List will override the label from the resource bundle.
The PrincipalSelectionPanel bean contains the following methods to be used at
• getSelectedParticipant() - Returns the selected WTPrincipal object.

Developing Client Logic 10-47

• addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) - Adds a
PropertyChangeListener to the panel to receive a PropertyChangeEvent when
a principal is selected.
• removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) - Removes the
specified PropertyChangeListener.
• setEnabled(boolean b) - Enables or disables both the browse button and the
text field based on the value of b.
• addHelpListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Adds a listener to the bean’s help
• removeHelpListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Removes a listener from the
bean’s help system.
• getHelpContext() - Returns the HelpContext currently being used.

10-48 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Sample Code
Following is an example using the PrincipalSelectionPanel bean:
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;

import wt.clients.beans.PrincipalSelectionPanel;
import wt.help.*;
import wt.org.WTPrincipal;

import symantec.itools.awt.StatusBar;

public class PSPTestFrame extends Frame

public PSPTestFrame()
// This code is automatically generated by Visual Cafe
// when you add
// components to the visual environment. It instantiates
// and initializes
// the components. To modify the code, only use code syntax
// that matches
// what Visual Cafe can generate, or Visual Cafe may be unable
// to back
// parse your Java file into its visual environment.
GridBagLayout gridBagLayout;
gridBagLayout = new GridBagLayout();
setBackground(new Color(12632256));
psp = new wt.clients.beans.PrincipalSelectionPanel();
psp.setBackground(new Color(12632256));
GridBagConstraints gbc;
gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 0;
gbc.weightx = 1.0;
gbc.weighty = 1.0;
gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
gbc.insets = new Insets(0,0,0,2);
((GridBagLayout)getLayout()).setConstraints(psp, gbc);
testButton = new java.awt.Button();
testButton.setLabel("Test Button");
testButton.setBackground(new Color(12632256));
gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 1;
gbc.weightx = 1.0;
gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
gbc.insets = new Insets(0,0,5,7);
((GridBagLayout)getLayout()).setConstraints(testButton, gbc);

Developing Client Logic 10-49

statusBar = new symantec.itools.awt.StatusBar();
try {
catch(java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) { }
gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 2;
gbc.weightx = 1.0;
gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
gbc.insets = new Insets(0,0,0,0);
((GridBagLayout)getLayout()).setConstraints(statusBar, gbc);
setTitle("PSP Test Frame");


SymWindow aSymWindow = new SymWindow();
SymAction lSymAction = new SymAction();

psp.setBrowseButtonLabel("Custom Browse...");
psp.setPrincipalLabel("Custom Principal:");

HelpListener helpListener = new HelpListener();


public PSPTestFrame(String title)


public void setVisible(boolean b)

setLocation(50, 50);


static public void main(String args[])

(new PSPTestFrame()).setVisible(true);

10-50 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

public void addNotify()
Dimension d = getSize();


if (fComponentsAdjusted)

setSize(insets().left + insets().right + d.width,

insets().top + insets().bottom + d.height);
Component components[] = getComponents();
for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++)
Point p = components[i].getLocation();
p.translate(insets().left, insets().top);
fComponentsAdjusted = true;

boolean fComponentsAdjusted = false;

wt.clients.beans.PrincipalSelectionPanel psp;
java.awt.Button testButton;
symantec.itools.awt.StatusBar statusBar;


class SymWindow extends java.awt.event.WindowAdapter

public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent event)
Object object = event.getSource();
if (object == PSPTestFrame.this)

void Frame1_WindowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent event)

dispose(); // free the system resources
System.exit(0); // close the application

class HelpListener implements PropertyChangeListener

public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent pce)
if (pce.getPropertyName().equals

Developing Client Logic 10-51


catch (Exception e)

catch (Exception e) {}

class SymAction implements java.awt.event.ActionListener

public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event)
Object object = event.getSource();
if (object == testButton)

void testButton_ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event)

WTPrincipal test = psp.getSelectedParticipant();

PrincipalSelectionBrowser Bean

The PrincipalSelectionBrowser bean allows the user to select a WTPrincipal
(WTUser or WTGroup), an Actor, or a Role. This is done by selecting one of the
tabs on the left (Groups, Users, Actors, or Roles) and then selecting the desired
participants from the list displayed on the selected tab. This bean contains a tab
panel containing lists of the available participants, an Add button, an Add All
button, a Remove button, a Remove All button, and a list to display all the
selected participants.
The bean has a multiple selection flag. If the multiple selection flag is set to true,
the user can select multiple participants, and the buttons and selected participants

10-52 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

list are displayed. The following figure shows the PrincipalSelectionBrowser bean
in multiple selection mode.

PrincipalSelectionBrowser Bean in Multiple Selection Mode

If the multiple selection flag is set to false, the user can select only a single
participant and only the tabs are displayed. The following figure shows the
PrincipalSelectionBrowser bean in single selection mode.

PrincipalSelectionBrowser Bean in Single Selection Mode

The bean allows each of the four tabs to be made invisible. For example, if you
want to allow the user to browse for only users, then the groups, actors, and roles
tabs could be made invisible and only the users tab would be displayed.

Developing Client Logic 10-53

The PrincipalSelectionBrowser bean contains methods to specify the following
items at development time:
• multipleSelection - Allows the user to set whether multiple participants can be
selected. If the flag is set to true, multiple participants can be selected; if the
flag is set to false, only a single participant can be selected.
• Visibility flags - The following flags can be set to control the visibility of
tabs: groupSelectionTabVisible, userSelectionTabVisible,
actorSelectionTabVisible, and roleSelectionTabVisible. If a flag is set to true,
its corresponding tab is displayed; if it is set to false, the tab is not displayed.
• deletedPrincipalsVisible - Allows the user to set whether deleted principals
are displayed for selection. If the flag is set to true, deleted principals are
displayed and can be selected; if the flag is set to false, only active principals
are displayed for selection.
The PrincipalSelectionBrowser bean contains the following methods to be used at
• getSelectedParticipants() - Returns a vector containing the selected
• addHelpListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Adds a listener to the bean’s help
• removeHelpListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Removes a listener from the
bean’s help system.
• getHelpContext() - Returns the HelpContext currently being used.

Sample Code
Following is a small example using the PrincipalSelectionBrowser bean:
// java imports

import java.awt.*;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.util.Vector;

// wt imports

import wt.clients.beans.PrincipalSelectionBrowser;
import wt.help.*;

10-54 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

// symantec imports

import symantec.itools.awt.StatusBar;

public class PSBTestFrame extends Frame

public PSBTestFrame()
// This code is automatically generated by Visual Cafe
// when you add
// components to the visual environment. It
// instantiates and initializes
// the components. To modify the code, only use code
// syntax that matches
// what Visual Cafe can generate, or Visual Cafe may
// be unable to back
// parse your Java file into its visual environment.
GridBagLayout gridBagLayout;
gridBagLayout = new GridBagLayout();
setBackground(new Color(12632256));
psb = new wt.clients.beans.PrincipalSelectionBrowser();
psb.setBackground(new Color(12632256));
GridBagConstraints gbc;
gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 0;
gbc.weightx = 1.0;
gbc.weighty = 1.0;
gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
gbc.insets = new Insets(0,0,0,0);
((GridBagLayout)getLayout()).setConstraints(psb, gbc);
TestButton = new java.awt.Button();
TestButton.setLabel("Test Button");
TestButton.setBackground(new Color(12632256));
gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 1;
gbc.weightx = 1.0;
gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
gbc.insets = new Insets(0,0,0,10);
statusBar = new symantec.itools.awt.StatusBar();
try {

Developing Client Logic 10-55

catch(java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) { }
gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 2;
gbc.weightx = 1.0;
gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
gbc.insets = new Insets(0,2,0,2);
setTitle("PSB Test Frame");


HelpListener helpListener = new HelpListener();



SymWindow aSymWindow = new SymWindow();
SymAction lSymAction = new SymAction();
public PSBTestFrame(String title)
public void setVisible(boolean b)
setLocation(50, 50);

static public void main(String args[])

(new PSBTestFrame()).setVisible(true);

public void addNotify()

Dimension d = getSize();


10-56 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

if (fComponentsAdjusted)

setSize(insets().left + insets().right + d.width,

insets().top + insets().bottom + d.height);
Component components[] = getComponents();
for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++)
Point p = components[i].getLocation();
p.translate(insets().left, insets().top);
fComponentsAdjusted = true;

boolean fComponentsAdjusted = false;

wt.clients.beans.PrincipalSelectionBrowser psb;
java.awt.Button TestButton;
symantec.itools.awt.StatusBar statusBar;


class SymWindow extends java.awt.event.WindowAdapter

public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent event)
Object object = event.getSource();
if (object == PSBTestFrame.this)

void Frame1_WindowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent event)

dispose(); // free the system resources
System.exit(0); // close the application

class HelpListener implements PropertyChangeListener

public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent pce)
if (pce.getPropertyName().equals

catch (Exception e)

Developing Client Logic 10-57


catch (Exception e) {}

class SymAction implements java.awt.event.ActionListener

public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent
Object object = event.getSource();
if (object == TestButton)

void TestButton_ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent
Vector v = new Vector();

v = psb.getSelectedParticipants();

HTTPUploadDownload Panel Bean

The HTTPUploadDownloadPanel bean is used to specify the primary content of a
FormatContentHolder object, such as a WTDocument. It allows the user to select
whether the primary content is a file or a URL, enter the file path or URL, and
remove an existing primary content entry. When the save() method is called, the
primary content’s file path or URL will be persisted, and if the primary content is
a file then that file will be uploaded. If the file already uploaded is identical to the
file in the local file path, a message will be displayed telling the user that the file
wasn’t uploaded because it hadn’t changed.
When Primary File is selected in the drop down menu, the user can hit the Browse
button to launch a FileLocator dialog to browse for the file path.

Primary File

10-58 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

When Primary URL is selected in the dropdown menu, the Browse button is
disabled and the user directly types the URL into the text field.

Primary URL
To remove a primary content item, the user can either click the Remove Primary
button or delete the contents of the text field. The Remove Primary button will
become disabled and the text field will display a localized message of "No

No Primary

For situations where only files are valid as primary content, the
ChooseFileOrURL dropdown can be hidden.
There is also a Get button which is typically hidden when this bean is used in the
Windchill client. If displayed, the Get button is disabled when Primary File is
selected and enabled when Primary URL is selected. Clicking the Get button will
launch a browser window displaying the URL.

The HTTPUploadDownloadPanel bean contains methods to get/set the following
• The FormatContentHolder object being manipulated
• The target type (File or URL), target path, default filename (used by
FileLocator), mode, and hostURL values (get/setTarget, get/setTargetType,
get/setDefaultFilename, get/setMode, get/setHostURL).
• Whether or not the applet containing the bean is embedded in an HTML page
which controls the applet via Javascript (is/setEmbeddedApplet).
• Whether or not the Get button, ChooseFileOrURL menu, and/or Remove
Primary button are visible (is/setGetButtonVisible,
setChooseFileOrURLVisible, is/setRemovable).
Once the bean is displayed, there are also methods available to:
• See whether the file path entered is valid on the local system (isValidTarget).
• Determine whether the file on the local system is identical to the file in the
database (checksumsMatch).

Developing Client Logic 10-59

• Check whether the panel values are different than the persisted values
• Persist the target information, including uploading if a primary file (save).

Sample Ccode
See wt.clients.doc.CreateDocumentFrame for use of this class in the Java client.
The following code demonstrates a possible use of this class within an applet
embedded in an HTML page. Initializing the HTTPUploadDownloadPanel:
* Upload mode indicator
public static final int UPLOAD = HTTPUploadDownloadPanel.UPLOAD;

* Download mode indicator.
public static final int DOWNLOAD = HTTPUploadDownloadPanel.DOWNLOAD;

public void init()


... other applet initializing code ...

hTTPUploadDownloadPanel1 =
new wt.clients.util.http.HTTPUploadDownloadPanel();
hTTPUploadDownloadPanel1.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 11));

// Note: elsewhere in this class is a two-argument getParameter method which uses

// the second argument as a default value if there is no parameter value for the
// key given as first argument.

// set panel color from parameter, otherwise default to grey

hTTPUploadDownloadPanel1.setBackground(new Color(Integer.parseInt
( "bgcolor", "12632256"))));

// hide getButton

// Initialize the panel.

hTTPUploadDownloadPanel1.init( this );

// Initialize from parameters.

if ( getParameter( "debug", "FALSE" ).equalsIgnoreCase( "TRUE" ) ) {
hTTPUploadDownloadPanel1.setDebugOption( true );
hTTPUploadDownloadPanel1.setDebug( true );

( getParameter( "removable", "false" ).equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
hTTPUploadDownloadPanel1.setHostURL ( getParameter( "hosturl", "" ));
hTTPUploadDownloadPanel1.setTargetType( getParameter( "type", "FILE" ));

10-60 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

hTTPUploadDownloadPanel1.setTarget( getParameter( "target", "" ));

// Note: elsewhere in the class, UPLOAD

if ( getParameter( "mode", "UPLOAD" ).equalsIgnoreCase( "UPLOAD" ) )
hTTPUploadDownloadPanel1.setMode( UPLOAD );
hTTPUploadDownloadPanel1.setMode( DOWNLOAD );

( getParameter( "defaultfile", "*.*" ) );

... other applet initializing code ...

Committing the save - be sure to check isDirty() before calling save():

private String saveContents() {
String error_msg = "";

try {
if ( ( hTTPUploadDownloadPanel1 != null ) &&
( hTTPUploadDownloadPanel1.isDirty() ) ) {
if (!hTTPUploadDownloadPanel1.save()) {
Object[] params ={getDocumentIdentity(getDocument()
error_msg = WTMessage.getLocalizedMessage( RESOURCES,

... other applet logic dealing with the status of the save ...

} catch ( WTException e ) {
String identity = "";
LocalizableMessage message_id = getDocument().getDisplayIdentity();

if( message_id != null ) {

} else {
identity = getDocument().getName();

Object[] params = { identity,

e.getLocalizedMessage(getContext().getLocale()) };
error_msg = WTMessage.getLocalizedMessage( RESOURCES,
DocRB.CONTENT_SAVE_FAILED, params,getContext().getLocale());
} // catch

return error_msg;
} // end saveContents()

When the bean is in an applet, embedded in an HTML page,

setEmbeddedApplet(true) causes the pop-up Java message dialogs (such as error
messages) to be disabled, in order to avoid potential browser-hanging problems.
These error messages (like error_msg in the above example) should be displayed
by other means, such as an HTML page response header.

Developing Client Logic 10-61

Clipboard Support
Windchill clipboard support provides cut, copy, and paste functionality for
Windchill applications. It is located in the wt.clients.util package and modeled
after the classes in the awt.datatransfer package.
To gain access to a clipboard, use the wt.clients.util.WTClipboard.getClipboard()
method. This is a static method that returns an instance of
awt.datatransfer.Clipboard. All Windchill applets/applications loaded from the
same codebase have access to a common clipboard. The Clipboard class contains
setContents and getContents methods to set and get information to and from the
Clipboard. The objects that are placed on the clipboard must implement the
java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable interface.
A wt.clients.WTObjectSelection class implements both the Transferable interface
and ClipboardOwner interface. This class has two constructors that allow either a
WTObject or an array of WTObject as input. The type of data being transferred is
represented by the java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor class. A flavor named
WT_OBJECT_ARRAY_FLAVOR has been created for Windchill objects; it is
currently being statically stored in the WTClipboard class. The
WTObjectSelection provides access to Windchill data in three different flavors
(formats): WTClipboard.WT_OBJECT_ARRAY_FLAVOR,
DataFlavor.stringFlavor and DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor. The two standard data
flavors provide a Windchill object in the form of a URL to the properties page for
the object. If the array of WTObjects being maintained in the clipboard is greater
than 1, the URLs for each object are concatenated into one string separated by a

Copying a WTObject to the Windchill Clipboard

The following example shows how to copy a WTObject to the Windchill
Clipboard clipboard = WTClipboard.getClipboard();
WTObjectSelection clipboard_contents = new
// Clipboard.setContents requires a Transferable and
ClipboardOwner object.
// For convenience the WTObjetSelection implements both
clipboard.setContents(clipboard_contents, clipboard_contents);

Retrieving a WTObject From the Windchill Clipboard

The following example shows how to retrieve a WTObject from the Windchill
Clipboard clipboard = WTClipbaord.getClipboard();
Transferable clipboard_contents = clipboard.getContents();
WTObject wt_object_array[];
// Check to see if the windchill object array flavor is supported.
// An array will be returned.

10-62 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

if (clipboard_contents.isDataFlavorSupported
wt_object_array = clipboard_contents.getTransferData

Accessing the System Clipboard

To enable clipboard support in Netscape, you must enable principal support. This
can be done using the prefwrangler.html page from within the Netscape Browser
and enabling the "signed.applets.codebase principal support" option. The
prefwrangler.html file can be found in wt/src/clients/prefwrangler directory. Once
the option has been enabled. when Windchill tries to access the system clipboard,
the user is presented with a Java Security window requesting access to the system
To enable clipboard support in Internet Explorer, you must modify the Internet
Options security tab. You must add the Windchill Web site to the Trusted sites
zone and make the following selections: Trusted sites zone > Custom > settings >
java permissions, custom > JavaCustom Settings... > Permissions Given to
Unsigned Content > edit Permissions > In RunUnsigned Content, select enable.
If you gain access to the system clipboard, the copy/paste works as follows. When
an object is set in the Windchill clipboard, a string representation of the object is
set in the system clipboard and Windchill "owns" the System clipboard at this
point. If Windchill loses ownership of the system clipboard (due to an outside
application setting contents in the system clipboard) and a paste occurs within the
Windchill application, the contents from the system clipboard will be available to
the Windchill application, rather than any contents that may have been stored in
the Windchill clipboard. The fact that Windchill objects are being stored in a
separate clipboard from the system clipboard is masked.

Programming Outside the Sandbox Using security.jar

Browsers restrict untrusted applet code by making it run within a sandbox. This
practice separates the applet code from the rest of the system and denies access to
privileged operations such as file access, network access, and system properties.
For an applet to achieve access outside the sandbox, code invoking these sensitive
operations must be signed, enabled, and granted by the user. This process has not
been standardized among browsers, and obtaining a code-signing certificate is
costly and time-consuming. To help applet programmers obtain access to
operations outside the sandbox, without having to sign their individual code, the
security.jar package has been developed. This package contains wrappers for
commonly requested operations and handles all the browser and security issues.
The security.jar package (and security.cab for Internet Explorer) is a package of
classes that is signed with Parametric Technology Corporation’s code-signing
certificates. After a user is granted access outside the sandbox to the PTC

Developing Client Logic 10-63

certificate (see the following figure), the browser will trust code from this

PTC Certification Dialog Box

Because any applet code could potentially use this package to gain access to
privileged operations, another layer of security is maintained by the security
package. This allows the user to grant or deny usage of security.jar by codebase
(see the following figure). For example, code from www.widgets.com/windchill
may be granted by the user; an new applet from www.rogueapplets.com would
prompt the user to either grant or deny privileges to the given operation.

Applet Permission Dialog Box

To load the security package, the applet tag must specify the location of the signed
code. Netscape loads signed classes specified in the ARCHIVE tag while Internet
Explorer loads signed classes specified by the CABINETS parameter. The
following tag will load the security package for either browser:
<applet code="mypkg/myapplet.class"
codebase="/windchill" archive="wt/security/security.jar">

10-64 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

<param name="cabinets" value="wt/security/security.cab">

The following tag can also be used with the bootstrap loader:
<applet code="wt/boot/BootstrapApplet.class"
codebase="/windchill" archive="wt/security/security.jar">
<param name="cabinets" value="wt/security/security.cab">
<param name="boot_jar" value="wt.jar">
<param name="boot_class" value="mypkg.myapplet">

When the security package has been loaded, the applet may use the Access classes
to perform operations outside the sandbox. Currently, the security.jar package
provides FileAccess, NetAccess, PropAccess and RuntimeAccess. The basic
template for using these operations is as follows:
File input = new File(FILENAME);
FileAccess fa = FileAccess.getFileAccess();
FileInputStream fis = fa.getFileInputStream(input);
. . .

The following example shows a way to create a frame and populate lists within it.
This example uses threading to process database events in parallel rather than
sequentially and, thus, populates the frame more quickly. Three threads are
started: one to get user attributes, one to get group membership, and one to get all
available groups. When all three threads complete, the frame is activated.
private static final int ALL_GROUPS = 3;
private static final int MY_GROUPS = 2;
private static final int ATTRIBUTES = 1;

class ActionThread implements java.lang.Runnable {

int action;

ActionThread(int action) {
this.action = action;

public void run() {

try {
switch (action) {

Developing Client Logic 10-65

catch (Exception e) {

private String thread_msg = "";

private boolean thread_status = true;
private int threads_needed = 0;
private int threads_complete = 0;

/** ...threadStatus
* threadStatus is used for tracking when all the threads
* used to create & populate the user frame have completed.
* When each thread is run, it calls threadStatus to report
* its completion status and any error message it captured.
* When all the threads have completed, if no errors occurred
* the frame is activated. If something failed a msgbox shows
* the captured err message, then the frame is destroyed.

private void threadStatus(boolean my_status, String ErrMsg) {

threads_complete = threads_complete + 1;
thread_status = thread_status & my_status;

if (!my_status)
//Save any error information
thread_msg = thread_msg + ErrMsg + " ";

if (threads_complete == threads_needed) {

if (thread_status) {
else {
//all threads are complete but someone failed
DiaMessage m = new DiaMessage(this,
thread_msg = "Action failed. The following error
occurred: " + thread_msg;
} //end if (threads_complete)

public synchronized void show() {

move(50, 50);

//deactivate stuff

threads_needed = 3;
setTitle("Update User");

10-66 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

//Get user attributes in a new thread
ActionThread a = new ActionThread(ATTRIBUTES);
Thread t2 = new Thread(a);

//Get user group membership in a new thread

ActionThread b = new ActionThread(MY_GROUPS);
Thread t3 = new Thread(b);

//Get all available groups in a new thread

ActionThread g = new ActionThread(ALL_GROUPS);
Thread t1 = new Thread(g);

Refreshing Client Data

The following example shows how to refresh client data. It uses the following
classes from the wt.clients.util package:
• RefreshEvent
• RefreshListener
• RefreshService
Assume the application in this example contains a browser that displays
documents and the browser should be refreshed when new documents are created.
New documents are created in a separate Create Document dialog box, so the
main browser does not know when new documents are created; it must be told. To
do this, the Create Document dialog dispatches a Refresh Event after creating a
document. The main browser window registers (in the source for the main
browser) as a listener to Refresh Events.

Registering as a Listener for the Event

Windows interested in receiving RefreshEvents must register with the
RefreshService as a Listener:
// class DocBrowserFrame
RefreshListener aResfreshListener;
// In the DocBrowserFrame()'constructor,thefollowingcodeis'
// added to register the DocBrowserFrame as a listener to RefreshEvents.
// DocBrowserFrame is registered by using inner classes (SymRefresh()).

RefreshService refresh_serv = RefreshService.getRefreshService();

RefreshListener aRefreshListener = new SymRefresh();
refresh_serv.addRefreshListener( aRefreshLIstener);

Listening for the Event

When a window hears an interesting event, it can update its own display:
// Inner class, 'SymRefresh',definition:'

Developing Client Logic 10-67

class SymRefresh implements RefreshListener {
public void refreshObject( RefreshEvent evt ) {
Object obj = evt.getSource();
int action = evt.getAction();

switch ( action ) {
case RefreshEvent.CREATE:

if( obj instanceof Document ) {

refreshDetailTable( (Document)obj );

case RefreshEvent.UPDATE:

case RefreshEvent.DELETE:


Broadcasting the Event

When an object is created, updated, or deleted, an event is broadcast. When
CreateDocumentDialog is invoked, and a new document is created,
CreateDocumentDialog will broadcast a RefreshEvent to all RefreshListeners:
// In CreateDocumentDialog

// In method, ’createDocument’

if( object != null ) {
RefreshEvent evt = new RefreshEvent( object,
RefreshEvent.CREATE );
RefreshService.getRefreshService().dispatchRefresh( evt );

Broadcasting of RefreshEvents is actually being done in a separate thread, so the

code is as follows:
// In ’createDocument’

if( newDocument != null ) {

RefreshThread refresh = new RefreshThread();
refresh.setObject( newDocument );
WTThread wt_refresh = new WTThread( refresh );

10-68 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

where the definition of the inner class, RefreshThread, is:
class RefreshThread implements Runnable {
Object object;

public void run() {

if( object != null ) {
RefreshEvent evt = new RefreshEvent( object,
RefreshEvent.CREATE );
RefreshService.getRefreshService().dispatchRefresh( evt );

public void setObject(Object obj) {

object = obj;

Unregistering as a Listener to Events

When a window is closing or an application is exiting, any listeners to the
RefreshService should be removed. If listeners do not unsubscribe with the
RefreshService, the RefreshService will maintain a reference to the listener,
potentially preventing garbage collection from occurring. In the
docBrowserFrame example, the following code must be called prior to closing the
RefreshService refresh_serv = RefreshService.getRefreshService();

Online Help
Windchill provides help classes that allow you to register an application with the
online help system and create keys that are associated with the online help that is
to be displayed. The following example links frames to help classes to provide
online help for those frames. For example, under the comment line:
//Add help topics

the line:

associates the key "UserAdmin" with the Users button. The resource bundle at the
end of the example, AdminHelpResources, links the key with the help that should
be displayed for that button.
//These packages are needed for online Help
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
import wt.help.*;
//End of online help imports

Developing Client Logic 10-69

private HelpSystem helpSystem;
private HelpContext helpContext;

public void addNotify() {

<Automatically-generated code was removed at this point to

improve readability.>

//Set up Online Help

try {
//Create the HelpContext.
helpContext = new NFHelpContext(this, helpSystem, "UserAdmin");

//Add help topics

helpContext.addComponentHelp(txtCriteria, "Criteria");
helpContext.addComponentHelp(btnSearch, "Search");
helpContext.addComponentHelp(lstUsers, "UserList");
helpContext.addComponentHelp(btnCreate, "Create");
helpContext.addComponentHelp(btnAddUsertoGroup, "AddToGroup");
helpContext.addComponentHelp(btnUpdate, "Update");
helpContext.addComponentHelp(btnView, "View");
helpContext.addComponentHelp(btnDelete, "Delete");
helpContext.addComponentHelp(btnClose, "Close");

//Setup the status bar to display the tool description.

new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
if (event.getPropertyName().equals
try {
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Failure setting StatusText
while initializing Help listener: " + e);
} //if HelpContext.Tool_Description
} //propertyChange()
} //new PropertyChangeListener()
); //helpContext.addPropertyChangeListener(...)
} //try
catch (Exception e) {
("Failure initializing context sensitive help: " + e);


10-70 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide



package wt.clients.administrator;

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class AdminHelpResources extends java.util.
public Object getContents()[][]

return contents;

static final Object [][] contents = {

//Localize this
//——-Administrator Defaults——-
{"Contents/Administrator", "contents.html"},
{"Help/Administrator", "BethHelp.html"},
{"Tip/Administrator//UserAdmin", "Administer user accounts"},
{"Tip/Administrator//GroupAdmin", "Administer user groups"},
{"Tip/Administrator//DomainAdmin", "Administer domains"},
{"Tip/Administrator//NotifyAdmin", "Define notification policy"},
{"Tip/Administrator//AccessAdmin", "Define access control policy"},
{"Tip/Administrator//IndexAdmin", "Define indexing policy"},

//——-User Administration——-
{"Contents/Administrator/UserAdmin", "contents.html"},
{"Help/Administrator/UserAdmin", "FAQ.html"},
{"Desc/Administrator/UserAdmin", "User Admin default"},

{"Desc/Administrator/UserAdmin/Criteria", "Specify search criteria;

press F9 for more information"},
{"Desc/Administrator/UserAdmin/Search", "Initiate search"},
{"Desc/Administrator/UserAdmin/UserList", "Use Search to populate
list of user accounts; click on entry to select it"},
{"Desc/Administrator/UserAdmin/Create", "Create a new user
{"Desc/Administrator/UserAdmin/AddToGroup", "Update group
membership for selected user"},
{"Desc/Administrator/UserAdmin/Update", "Change attributes for
selected user"},
{"Desc/Administrator/UserAdmin/View", "Examine attributes for
selected user"},
{"Desc/Administrator/UserAdmin/Delete", "Delete selected user
{"Desc/Administrator/UserAdmin/Close", "Close this window"},

Developing Client Logic 10-71

The Preferences Framework is based on the principal that a unique preference
consists of the following attributes:
• Parent Node (or root node if at the top of the hierarchy)
• Preference Node (usually associated as a group of similar preferences)
• Preference Key
Together these attributes form a unique key structure of parent/node/key. This
unique key structure will be referred to as the fully qualified preference key. To
separate individual user and group preferences for the same fully qualified
preference key, a context is applied to the preference.
The context consists of the following elements:
• Macro — a constant defining the type of context (see below)
• (optionally) Descriptor — text defining the name of the context.
These elements are placed together with a ’:’ to form the Preference Context.'
The fully qualified preference key when placed together with a context will
form a unique row in the database table, allowing users, and other divisions to
have individual preferences.

Preference Macros
The wt.prefs.WTPreferences class defines the following types of Preference
Context Macros:
• USER_CONTEXT - the context for individual users.
• DEFAULT_CONTEXT - the context for the system default (shipping) values.
• CONTAINER_CONTEXT - a context used in the container hierarchy.
• CONTAINER_POLICY_CONTEXT - a container context that is enforced as
a policy.
• DIVISION_CONTEXT - the context used for any scopes defined in addition
to the default, container, and user scopes.
• DIVISION_POLICY_CONTEXT - a division context that is enforced as a

Setting the Hierarchy

The delegates.properties value wt.prefs.delegates.DelegateOrder controls the
hierarchy in which delegates are called. For each level in the hierarchy there
should be an entry in this property. The customized entries should appear as
DIVISION_CONTEXT. For example, in the out-of-the-box hierarchy, there is a

10-72 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

division scope called Windchill Enterprise, and the out-of-the-box
wt.prefs.delegates.DelegateOrder property value is:
In this value, there is no DIVISION_POLICY_CONTEXT defined since
at the same level in the preference hierarchy. Similarly, the
CONTAINER_POLICY_CONTEXT need not be included. Entries are designated
differently only when storing and retrieving preferences internally. For more
details on correctly naming delegates, see the delegates.properties file.
If wt.prefs.delegates.DelegateOrder has been removed from the
delegates.properties file, Windchill uses the following:
$DEFAULT,$CONTAINER,$USERSetting Preferences
Edit the file Windchill/loadFiles/preferences.txt. This file is used to put the system
values into the database. Note that you don’t put quotes around the strings unless
you actually want quotes persisted as part of the preference.
PrefEntry~keyName~default value~fullyQualifiedNodePath


Getting Preferences
By first navigating the preferences tree to the proper node, then setting the context
for that particular user, then getting the value for that key.
// returns an instance of the top node in the Windchill preference
Preferences root = WTPreferences.root();
// returns the preference node at that path
Preferences myPrefs = root.node( "/wt/content" );
(PreferenceHelper.createContextMask() );
// get( ), gets the value for that
// preference key
String prefValue = myPrefs.get( "fileOperationType", "SAVE" );

Clearing a Preference
There is a big difference between "clear" and "remove". Assuming there are no
division-level defaults or policies, if you "clear" a user preference by setting the
value to be the empty string "", then the value returned will be ""; but if you
"remove" the user-level preference, then the value returned would be system
default value. In most cases you will want to remove the user-level preference and
not clear it, giving the user the upper hierarchal preference as their default.

Developing Client Logic 10-73

Preferences root = WTPreferences.root();
Preferences myPrefs = root.node( "/wt/content" );
String prevValue = myPrefs.remove("fileOperationType");

The Preference Registry

The registry is a way to take a cryptic name like a preference and provide a
localized series of data about it. This registry is in the form of rbInfo files. Anyone
adding preferences to the system will have the option of adding this localized
information to the Preference Registry. For more information, see the Windchill
Customizer’s Guide.

Adding a preference to the preference registry

To add a Preference to the Preference Registry, you need to edit the file
/Windchill/src/wt/prefs/registry/prefRegistry.rbInfo and for the Preference you
want to add, add at least:

The format is as follows:

/node-name/key-name% [ ]tag.value=

Where /node-name is the name of the node (for example /wt/workflow), /key-
name is the name of the key under the node (SortOrder) and % [ ]tag is one of the
tags mentioned above (% [ ]DISPLAY_NAME).

Using Batch Containers

The batch container package resides in the package wt.container.batch. It provides
the ability for a client application to gather a group of create, modify, and delete
assertions and submit them to a service method for processing in one transaction.

Design Overview
The batch container package is generic and does not require the target objects to
be of any particular class. Within Windchill applications, batch containers are
generally used to batch groups of Persistable objects for server-side processing.
The batch container package provides no default server-side capability. The
developer must implement the service required for their particular purpose. The

10-74 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

batch container package consists of two primary types of objects:
BatchContainers and TransactionContainers.
A BatchContainer is a collection that represents the result of a series of object
creation, modification and deletion assertions.
TransactionContainers are used to link one or more BatchContainers that are
being used in a single update transaction. TransactionContainers keep a time-
ordered record of BatchContainer changes by recording each BatchContainer
change as an Assertion.
When processing the assertions carried by a TransactionContainer, the server-side
service may encounter an error and refuse the requested changes. When this
occurs, the service returns a TransactionResult which is accessible by the
application through the TransactionContainer.

Batch Container Model

External Interface
In addition to the types already mentioned, the container.batch package includes
the following types.
The RoleBatchContainer interface is a special purpose BatchContainer used to
accumulate associative assertions. In addition to the functionality provided by
type BatchContainer, the RoleBatchContainer carries information about the

Developing Client Logic 10-75

association role being manipulated. This role information includes the association
name and the role name.
The BatchContainerFactoryIfc specifies a type that manufactures
BatchContainers and TransactionContainers.
The Assertion class is the abstract base class for assertions.
There are three specializations of the Assertion class: AddAssertion,
RemoveAssertion and ReplaceAssertion. These classes represent assertions for
adding, removing and modifying target objects.

The URLFactory
The URLFactory is a utility class provided to generate relative HREFs and
support the Windchill Single-Point-Of-Contact (SPOC) environment. The
URLFactory has been designed to take in a web-resource at a particular state in
the Windchill system (from a certain request, host etc.) and generate an
appropriate String HREF or URL object corresponding to that resource.
The URLFactory is meant to replace the functionality provided by the
GatewayURL class. The GatewayURL class has several drawbacks including no
support for relative HREFs, as all values returned are in the form of an URL
which must be constructed and there is no support for remapping resources. As
well, in complex SPOC configurations the hostname of the Windchill server may
not be the hostname of the machine which sends the final page to the client, and
thus currently links generated through firewalls can only work if IP masquerading
and other techniques are used to fool the servers into redirecting the request
The URLFactory is an instance based toolkit which may be used in either, java
code directly, JSP Pages or HTML templates. For Java code directly, there are
two constructors defined as can be seen in the javadoc. The most commonly
utilized one will be:
URLFactory aURLFactory = new URLFactory( );

This will utilize the current server’s codebase and properties for HREF

Using the URLFactory with HTML

HTML Templates are not going to be using the URLFactory externally.
Internally, the GatewayURL class will be re-written to utilize URLFactory,
however this will not support relative links, but will support remapping of
resources from one location to another. For highly stressed areas of Windchill
such as local search result pages, these may be moved to utilize URLFactory code
via Template processing eventually.

10-76 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Using the URLFactory with JSP
See the following section, URLFactory in the JSP Environment for details on how
to setup a JSP page to utilize the URLFactory.

Utilizing Windchill Gateways and Servlets with the URLFactory

In order to utilize the gateways and servlets with URLFactory a Helper class
needs to be written like the wt.httpgw.GatewayServletHelper class. These helper
classes will provide a series of methods to build properly formed links through the
gateway or servlet. For example, using the GatewayServletHelper class a call to
buildAuthenticatedHREF( ) will return a HREF utilizing the URLFactory with a
call similar to the one below (for jsp)

If writing a helper class, the GatewayServletHelper provides a good basis for

developing further helper classes. Helper classes should not be extended but
implemented on a package or servlet specific level and if possible should be
declared final for jit compilation and optimization.

Utilizing relative links in the URLFactory

URLFactory is simply a processor for taking a resource from an arbitrary location
located under the codebase and determining if several techniques such as relative
links may be utilized for the desired resource. Relative links will automatically be
returned if the RequestURI is set, and the desired resource can be resolved into a
relative link (for example an external link to another site will always be returned
as an external link).

Setting the URLFactory to Output Fully Qualified HREFs

In order to generate fully qualified HREFs, the easiest method is to set the request
URI to null. For example,
URLFactory aFactory = new URLFactory( );
aFactory.setRequestURI( null );
String aHREF =

Would return the HREF to be


Writing a Mapping File

A mapping file is basically a flat-text property file. Empty lines, or lines starting
with a # are ignored. The mapping filename for Windchill is urlmap.properties
and should be located in the Windchill codebase. The URLFactory is smart
enough to find it and utilize it automatically. However, currently a method server
restart is necessary if you edit the contents of the file. This is being addressed

Developing Client Logic 10-77

before R6.0 is released. The mappings should be key/value pairs and following
the mapping schemes defined below.

Valid Mapping Schemes

There are many different mapping schemes and formats that may be used.
However, to show all the values in this document would be too long. Please see
the Javadoc for wt.httpgw.URLFactory mappings. Following are three common
mappings that may be used, however altogether there are over twenty such
# Will map the folder wt/clients to a folder on newhost.com,
in the Windchill6 codebase

# Will map the wt/clients folder to another folder


# will map the resource index.html to the same

protocol on a
new host and codebase

Mapping a Particular File Type

Currently there is no functionality in the mapping scheme to map a particular file
type to an alternate location/hostname. In future releases of Windchill this may be
addressed if there is a need for this capability.

Mapping Components of Core Windchill

For Windchill Development, the mapping scheme should NOT be used to map
any components of the core Windchill. This capability has been added to support
multiple customer requirements, and should not be utilized as a way to make
classes/documents of Windchill re-direct to other classes/documents. The
mapping file may be used during development to remap to a new prototype or
program, however proper HREFs should be implemented in any relevant files
before the program is placed into production. There is a performance decrease
using the URLFactory, and it should only be used to support customizations.

Capturing Errors From the URLFactory

Currently the only exceptions thrown by the URLFactory are at URLFactory
instantiation. A WTException will be thrown by URLFactory if there is a problem
reading the urlmap.properties file at construction.

Character Encoding in the URLFactory

Character encoding in the URLFactory will be handled internally by the
URLFactory All HREFs and URLs will be properly encoded before being
returned to the calling program. As well, any passed in parameters are assumed to

10-78 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

be in their decoded form and stored in the appropriate HashMap. Please see the
methods parseFormData or parseQueryString in the javadoc.

URLFactory in the JSP Environment

There are several discrete steps required to utilize the URLFactory in the JSP
1. Create the WTContextBean if not created.
2. Create a URLFactory Bean to be used for a given scope.
Setup the reference point for all HREFs (from a request, Base Tags, or fully
3. Create HREFs.

Creating an URLFactory
All Windchill Java client Server Pages or Servlets should set the context by using
the WTContextBean using the code below:
<% [ ] /*** The WTContextBean is a JavaBean for use in
Java Server
Pages or Servlets that wish to use Windchill Java client
or server
APIs ***/ % [ ]> <jsp:useBean id="wtcontext"
class="wt.httpgw.WTContextBean" scope="request"
<jsp:setProperty name="wtcontext" property="request"
value="<% [ ]=request% [ ]>"/> </jsp:useBean>

Next, an URLFactory instance may be created for the current codebase by using
the useBean JSP command and setting the scope of the URLFactory (in this case
for the request, which supports JSP include commands).
<% [ ] /*** The URLFactory is a JavaBean for use in the
generation of HREFs used in Windchill HTML clients ***/ % [ ]>
<jsp:useBean id="url_factory" class="wt.httpgw.URLFactory"
scope="request" />

If a remote codebase needs to be accessed (note the request from the server) an
URLFactory object can be instantiated by first creating the bean as above, and
then recreating the URLFactory pointing it to the new codebase. (NOTE: The
codebase ends with a ’/’ marking it as a directory.)
<% [ ] /*** The URLFactory is a JavaBean for use in the
generation of HREFs used in Windchill HTML clients ***/ % [ ]>
<jsp:useBean id="url_factory" class="wt.httpgw.URLFactory"
scope="request" > <% [ ] url_factory = new wt.httpgw.URLFactory
( SomeURLToRemoteWindchill );
% [ ]> </jsp:useBean>

Developing Client Logic 10-79

Setting the JSP Reference Point
The URLFactory needs to be informed of the current location, or way in which
HREFs are to be generated. This can be done using four methods;
1. Setting the context to the current request (Recommended)
2. Setting the BaseTag in the page so that all HREFs are relative to the BaseTag
3. Forcing all HREFs to be fully qualified

Current Request Context

This is the recommended approach for developers. What needs to be done is to set
the RequestURI of the URLFactory to be the request URI that was sent to the
WEBServer. This will properly support reverse proxy configurations and
firewalls. To configure URLFactory for this, utilize the setRequestURL method.
<% [ ]
% [ ]>

Setting a BaseTag
This configuration has the advantage of allowing a user to reload a page after it
has been persisted (say to a local file system) and still have all the links work
properly. If the base is to be the Windchill Codebase then a call to
setRequestURItoBase() will suffice.
<BASE HREF="<% [ ]= url_factory.setRequestURItoBase() % [ ]>">

However in many situations, you may wish to set the base tag relative to some
point in the Windchill codebase. An example is you want to generate a search
page and have all the links be relative to some starting position. In this case, a
little more is involved. If you can obtain the current request context (i.e., you are
developing either a jsp or servlet page) then first you should set the request
information using the setRequestURL() method described above.

Setting the BaseTag Within JSP pages and Servlets

<% [ ]
// First set the request URI to be relative to the
request (thus maintaining
// the protocol, port and host information.
request.getRequestURI() );
// Next set the request URI to be null
(ie. to the Windchill codebase)
// Now set the request URI to be relative
to the resource you desire.

10-80 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

// Now the Base tag can be set to this resource
% [ ]> <BASE HREF="<% [
()% [ ]>">

Setting the BaseTag Within a Non-JSP Page or Servlet (i.e, Java code)
We will not have access to the request object in Java code that is not a servlet.
Therefore we have to set the RequestURI to be relative to initially the Windchill
codebase based on the configured host, protocol and port information and then set
the requestURI to desired resource.
// Set the request URI to the Windchill codebase.
// Now set the request URI to the desired resource.
// Now we can obtain the string for the Base Tag
String baseTag = url_factory.getFullyQualifiedRequestURI();

Forcing all HREFs to be Fully-Qualified

If there is a need to force fully qualified HREFs (such as the current
configuration) this can be accomplished using the following;
<% [ ] url_factory.setRequestURI( (java.lang.String)null ); % [

Generating Links on the Page

There are five types of HREFs used in the Windchill Environment.
1. Standard resources located under the codebase.
2. Access to a Windchill Servlet via a Gateway (for example Authenticated
3. Access to an external source
4. Forcing a fully qualified link with a URLFactory that has a non-null request
5. Creating a link from the request.getRequestURI() String

Standard Resources Under the Codebase

In order to generate links on the page, simply calling getHREF(resource) from
URLFactory will create relative HREF Strings for the desired resource base on the
RequestURI that was set earlier. The resources are all designated relative to the
Windchill Codebase. For example, to obtain a link for Login.html located in
wt/clients/login, the following line could be used:
<A HREF="<% [ ]= url_factory.getHREF( "wt/clients/login/Login.
) % [ ]>"> Link to Login.html </A>

Developing Client Logic 10-81

Depending on the Request Context setup above, the correct HREF String will be
returned and inserted into the output page at compile time.

Access Through a Servlet

In order to generate links via a Windchill Servlet the appropriate ServletHelper
class should be referenced. At initial unveiling, a ServletHelper is available for the
Anonymous/Authenticated Gateways and helpers for the UIServlet and System
Administrator will follow in builds after Build R6.0SYS_v0.15. Please see the
javadoc for GatewayServletHelper for the proper method API.
<A HREF="<% [ ]= wt.httpgw.GatewayServletHelper.
buildAnonymousHREF( url_factory,
"wt.httpgw.HTTPServer", "echo", (java.lang.String)null )
% [ ]>">Windchill Echo</A>

Access to an External Source

To generate a link to an external source, simply make a call to getHREF as in
example 1, except explicitly define the HREF to the resource you want. Whenever
possible calls for external HREFs should be made through URLFactory to take
advantage of possible future features.
<A HREF="<% [ ]= url_factory.getHREF( "http://www.ptc.com" )
% [ ]>"> Link to PTC’s

Forcing a Fully Qualified Link With a URLFactory that has a Non-null Request URI
A small caveat has been discovered with usage of the URLFactory. If the
developer wants to create a link that opens a file in a new window (such as
through the Javascript.open( ) method) the string must be fully qualified.
However, the rest of the links on the page may be relative. How can this be
achieved- The usage of the getHREF( ) methods that include the boolean switch
will do this by optionally setting the URLFactory into fully-
<A HREF="<% [ ]= url_factory.getHREF( "wt/clients/login/Login.html"
, true ) % [ ]>">Fully Qualified Link</A>

Creating a Link From the Request.getRequestURI() String

This only applies to servlets and JSP Pages. The request object has a method
getRequestURI( ) which returns the path to the web resource (usually starting
after the hostname/port onward). This String includes a leading ’/’ which by
definition in the URLFactory would redefine the resource and not create a relative
link. However, there is a chance to create a relative link if the getRequestURI( )
path and the Windchill codebase are common. This is where usage of the
determineResource( ) method may be used.

10-82 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

<A HREF="<% [ ]= url_factory.getHREF(
url_factory.determineResource(request.getRequestURI()))% [ ]>"
> Resource Link</A>

Internationalizing JSP Pages in Windchill

With the introduction of JSP and new browser technology, it is no longer
necessary to use separate encodings for each language. Instead, a single encoding:
UTF-8 can be utilized. All JSP Pages in the Windchill environment should be
written to utilize UTF-8 as their character set. This will allow a single JSP Page to
be deployed for any language variant. (Previous versions implemented separate
language versions for all HTML templates.)

International Encoding on JSP Pages

There are two steps that are needed to develop pages properly using UTF-8.
1. To set the content type of the current page that is being processed within the
JSP Parser. The JSP page directive needs to be called with the content type
being set.
<% [ ]@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"% [ ]>

2. Set the response content type. This will set the encoding of the HTML page
returned to the client. It should be set near the start of the JSP page (after Bean
declarations). In order to do this the following needs to be added:
<% [ ] response.setContentType( "text/html; charset=UTF-8" ); %
[ ]>

Note: The response content type method must be called before any call to
request.getParameter() is made.

Decoding UTF-8 Encoded Text

If you set the encoding as explained above, the text your code receives will be
encoded using the UTF-8 encoding. However, the Java String class uses 16-bit
integers to represent Unicode characters. You need to do the conversion from
UTF-8 to Java String in your code.


Note: To find out more about the EncodingConverter class, please refer to the
Windchill Javadoc.

The EncodingConverter class (in the wt.httpgw package) contains a series of

decode() methods that may be used to efficiently decode text that has been
encoded in UTF-8 format. This must be called on ALL text that is read from
parameters that were submitted from a FORM element. There are two ways to
decode text:

Developing Client Logic 10-83

The first method is to use the decode() methods of wt.httpgw.EncodingConverter
to efficiently decode text that has been encoded in UTF-8 format. This must be
called for every text entry that was submitted from a FORM element, or any
parameters that contain encoded text. This methodology supports both request
query strings and FORM data. For example:
// Create an instance of the encoding converter for the page
EncodingConverter encoder = new EncodingConverter
// Using the EncodingConverter with the default
encoding (UTF-8 )
String tag = encoder.decode( request.getParameter
("tag") );
// Using the EncodingConverter with a specific
String tag = encoder.decode( request.getParameter
("tag"), "UTF-8");

The second method that can be to used is the parseQueryString() method of the
URLFactory() class. Usage of the parseQueryString() method takes an encoded
query string and decodes it. The result is placed into a HashMap. The HashMap
values may then be queried using the HashMap ’get’ method. This method will
only work with Request Parameters and not form elements. For example:
// Use the URLFactory to parse the Query String
java.util.HashMap query_map =

request.getQueryString() );
// Retrieve the (already decoded) string
from the hash map
String tag = query_map.get("tag");

Deprecation of WTURLEncoder
As of Windchill release 6.0 WTURLEncoder SHOULD NOT be used for text
encoding or decoding. This class may be removed post-R 6.0.

Encoding of Forms
By default POST submitted forms are submitted using the encoding application/x-
www-form-urlencoded. The methods provided above for decoding the text will
allow these form’s data to be written properly.
All HREFs and URLs should be generated using the URLFactory class. The
URLFactory provides methods to automatically encode any non-ASCII characters
in the query string, if a HashMap containing the parameters is provided to the
URLFactory. If a string is being passed in for a query string that has been created
within your code, you must encode it first, with a call to

10-84 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Note: See the URLFactory javadoc for details.

Interfacing JSP Pages and Templates

Currently, since the template files are written with language specific encodings,
you can not submit a form from a JSP page to a Template file for processing. It is
planned for Windchill R6.0 to move some of the Template Processing to JSP
format or UTF-8 encoding, however developers working with Windchill R6.0 are
advised to assume this may not be available. Please check the current situation
with the appropriate client development group.

Sample JSP Page

Below is a sample JSP Page that illustrates how to utilize the URLFactory, and
proper UTF-8 encoding with a HTML form. If the file is saved into your
Windchill codebase directory as sample.jsp, you can execute this sample. To see
the power of this sample try to paste different languages into the text field and
then click the button.
<% [ ] /*** WTContest bean for Windchill Client ***/ % [ ]>
<jsp:useBean id="wtcontext" class="wt.httpgw.WTContextBean" scope="request">
<jsp:setProperty name="wtcontext" property="request" value="<% [ ]=request% [ ]>"/>
<jsp:useBean id="url_factory" class="wt.httpgw.URLFactory" scope="request" >
<% [ ] // Set the URLFactory to the current page request
url_factory.setRequestURL(request.getScheme(), request.getHeader("HOST"),
% [ ]>
<% [ ]@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" % [ ]>

<% [ ]
// Set the content type for the response
response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");
// Get the current locale for the browser that is supported by Windchill
// This to used with WTMessage.getLocalizedMessage(RESOURCE,"tagname",locale)
java.util.Locale locale = wt.httpgw.LanguagePreference.getLocale(
request.getHeader("Accept-Language") );
% [ ]>


<h1>Sample Form</H1>
<% [ ]
String text = request.getParameter("sample_text");
if ( text != null )
% [ ]>

Here was the text that was submitted: <i>

<% [ ]= url_factory.decode(text) % [ ]> </I>
<BR><% [ ]= new String(text.getBytes("ISO8859_1"),"UTF-8")% [ ]>
<% [ ] } % [ ]>

Developing Client Logic 10-85

ACTION="<% [ ]=url_factory.getHREF("sample.jsp",request.
() ) % [ ]>" >
<% [ ]
if ( request.getParameter("sample_text") != null )
% [ ]>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="sample_text"
VALUE="<% [ ]= url_factory.decode( text) % [ ]>">
<% [ ] }
else {
% [ ]>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="sample_text" >
<% [ ] } % [ ]>
<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="button" VALUE="click here">

Localizable text on JSP pages

Any displayed text should be obtained from ResourceBundles or RbInfo files that
are language specific as defined by the Internationalization/Localization
techniques located here. IMPORTANT: you must not hard-code localizable text
directly on the JSP page! This would ruin the whole concept of having language-
independent JSP pages. Whenever text needs to be displayed on a JSP page, it
should be pulled in during runtime from an RbInfo file.

The Rbinfo File Format

Resource info (or rbInfo for short) files are resource files used to store localizable
strings of Java programs. The primary purpose of the rbInfo files is to provide an
easier and more manageable way to handle localizable strings than resource
bundles. RbInfo files offer a number of advantages over resource bundles:
• Resource bundle files are Java source files, so that a single misplaced curly
bracket, missing double quote or extra comma will cause a syntax error and
break the compile and integration process. RbInfo files have much simpler
format, it is easier to localize and more difficult to introduce syntax errors.
• Because of the simpler format of the rbInfo files, it is easier to handle them
with localization tools; perform change tracking, change propagation and so
• It is more difficult to abuse the rbInfo file format and introduce ’tricky’
resource types. Java resource bundles can hold any type of objects, but rbInfo
files can handle strings only. (This may appear to be a limitation, but it is not.
It makes localization easier.)
RbInfo files are converted to compiled Java class files in the integration process,
so that the same naming convention rules apply to rbInfos as resource bundles.

10-86 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

(Localized versions are kept in separate files; there is one resource file per
language, the name of the locale is appended to the name of the localized files.)
The format of the rbInfo files is PTC-specific. It was designed primarily for
Windchill 6.0, but can be used in other Java-based products as well. The
migration from resource bundles to rbInfo files is seamless; there is no need to
change the source code. Old resource bundles can be converted to rbInfo format
using a relatively straightforward process. To find out more about the migration,
refer to the Windchill Upgrade and Migration Guide.

Developing Client Logic 10-87

10-88 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide
Internationalization and

Internationalization is the process of designing and developing an application that

can be easily adapted to the cultural and language differences of locales other than
the one in which the application was developed. Localization is the process of
adapting an application to fit the culture and language of a specific locale.
All Windchill applications are fully internationalized and ready to be localized.
Windchill applications are delivered with a default locale of US English (en_US).
This chapter describes how to localize text visible to the user by using resource
bundles. For additional information on localizing HTML templates, see the
Windchill Customizer’s Guide.

Topic Page
Background .......................................................................................................11-2
The Windchill Approach ...................................................................................11-2
Localizing Text Visible to the User ..................................................................11-4

Changing an application for use in another country or culture is often thought of
as merely translating the language that appears in the user interface. There are
many other aspects, however, that you should consider when developing a global
• How will you identify the preferred language and geographic location of the
You may want to design into the application (or underlying product
architecture) the ability to determine the locale and present the appropriate
version from a collection of different localized versions.
• What data used within your application is sensitive to locale-
Consider the use of decimals within numbers, currency symbols, date formats,
address styles, and system of measurement.
• How should data be formatted-
Consider the order in which text and numbers are read by different audiences.
Languages that display numbers from left to right and text from right to left
affect the layout of menu bars and text entry fields. The grammar of a
language may dictate different placement of variables in error messages.
• Collation of sortable lists
Consider how different alphabets affect the collation sequence and how
collation of typical list elements is done in the locales of potential users of
your application.
• Non-Roman alphabets
Your application must be able to accommodate different fonts and different
sizes of fonts. This again can affect the layout of menu bars and text entry
• What are the cultural sensitivities toward graphics and use of color-
When designing icons or other graphics, and deciding on background and
other colors, consider whether they may be objectionable in another culture
Both client and server developers need to be aware of these factors. You must be
able to localize not only the GUI, but also feedback messages and exceptions that
might be displayed to the user.

The Windchill Approach

Rather than try to keep all these preceding factors in mind and accommodate them
individually as you develop an application, the best approach is to isolate any
language- or locale-dependent code from the language-independent code (that is,
the application’s executable code). Windchill is designed to allow you to do this.

11-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Windchill takes advantage of many Java features that support international
• Locale class
Each locale-sensitive object maintains its own locale-specific information.
The initial default for locale is specified in the system but users can specify a
preference in the Web browser.
• Resource bundles
In a resource bundle, you define pairs of keys and values, where the values are
strings and other language-dependent objects for a specific locale. Within
code, you use the key to indicate where the corresponding string or object
should be inserted. For example, Windchill uses resource bundles in its online
help and to identify button names, field names, and other elements of graphic
user interfaces. The default or preferred locale specifies which resource
bundle to use and, therefore, determines which strings and objects to display.
(An example is shown later in this chapter.)
Windchill uses a structured properties file format to manage much of the
localizable text. Unlike the java.util.PropertyResourceBundle properties files,
these resource info files are not used at runtime. They are more like
java.util.ListResourceBundle java files, where they are used to manage the
information, and runtime resource bundles are built from them. These
resource info files have a .rbInfo file extension. This format is required for
managing the localizable information for EnumeratedTypes and display
names for metadata, since these localizable resources are updated by
generation tools. The resource info format can be used for storing other
localizable text, but it is not mandatory.
• Unicode
This is a 16-bit international character-encoding standard. A character
encoding is a numeric representation of alphanumeric and special text
characters. A multi-byte encoding is necessary to represent characters such as
those used in Asian countries. The intent of Unicode is to be able to represent
all written languages in the world today.
• Localized text manipulation
The Java classes java.io.inputStreamReader and java.io.OutputStreamWriter
provide the mechanism to convert standard character encodings to Unicode
and back, thus enabling the translation of characters to and from platform and
locale-dependent encoding.
• Handling local customs
The java.text package provides classes that convert dates and numbers to a
format that conforms to the local conventions. This package also handles
sorting of strings.

Internationalization and Localization 11-3

– java.text.NumberFormat. formats numbers, monetary amounts, and
– java.text.DateFormat contains the names of the months in the language of
the locale and formats the data according to the local convention. This
class is used with the TimeZone and Calendar classes of the java.util
package. TimeZone tells DateFormat the time zone in which the date
should be interpreted and Calendar separates the date into days, weeks,
months, and years. All Windchill dates are stored by the server in the
database based on a conversion to Greenwich Mean Time.
To display Timestamps in the correct Timezone, the application
programmer should use wt.util.WTContext to set the Timezone in the
DateFormat as follows:
DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(
System.out.println("The current time is: " +
df.format(new Timestamp(current_time_millis)));

– java.text.Collator can compare, sort, and search strings in a locale-

dependent way.

Localizing Text Visible to the User

Windchill provides internationalized applications with US English (en_US) as the
default locale. We recommend that you provide a localized resource bundle for
every other locale that you support.
Resource bundles are used to hold information, generally text, that you may want
to modify based on your locale. A resource bundle is a hash table of key/value
pairs, where the values are specific to the locale. Every package should have a
resource bundle. The Windchill naming convention is as follows:
<your package name >.<pkg>Resource.class
Implementation classes have a generated constant, RESOURCE, to identify their
fully qualified resource bundle class.
Resource bundles are loaded at runtime based on the system setting or user-
specified preference for locale. To load the resource bundle, a Java program calls
java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle, specifying the base name of the desired
ResourceBundle. For example, the algorithm to find a ResourceBundle named
fc.fcResource is as follows:
1. Search for a class with the name fc.fcResource_language_country_variant.
2. Search for a class with the name fc.fcResource_language_country.
3. Search for a class with the name fc.fcResource_language.

11-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

4. Search for a class with the name fc.fcResource.
All Windchill resource bundles are provided for the default locale en_US.
Because these resource bundles are specified by the base name, they have no
Because IDEs, such as Visual Café, generate code to handle graphical
components and interactions, do not put references to resource bundles in sections
that have been generated. If you make any changes and regenerate the code, those
references will be lost. Instead, create a localize method that overrides the hard-
coded label with the appropriate label from a resource bundle and put it outside
the generated code area. (Visual Café, for example, indicates generated code with
markers. Code you put outside those markers is retained across regenerations.)
The following example shows how to make visible text locale dependent. For
example, within the localize method, the line:
lblUser.setText(RB.getString("lblUser") + ":");

associates the label defined internally as lblUser with the string found in the
resource bundle that corresponds to the lblUser key; that is,

The string "User" is then displayed in this label.

static ResourceBundle RB;

public void addNotify() {







private void localize() {


lblUser.setText(RB.getString("lblUser") + ":");

Internationalization and Localization 11-5

try {
//MultiList column headings
java.lang.String[] tempString = new java.lang.
tempString[0] = RB.getString("Full Name");
tempString[1] = RB.getString("UserID");
tempString[2] = RB.getString("Web Server ID");
tempString[3] = RB.getString("E-Mail");
catch (PropertyVetoException e) {}

(If using rbInfo files, See Resource Info section below.)

package wt.clients.administrator;

import java.util.ListResourceBundle;

public class LabelsRB extends java.util.ListResourceBundle


public Object getContents()[][] {

return contents;

static final Object[][]contents = {

{"lblAllGroups","All Groups"},
{"lblAuthorization","*Web Server ID"},
{"lblBelongs","Groups User Belongs to"},
{"lblFullName","Full Name"},
{"lblGroupName","Group Name"},
{"lblUserName","User Name"},

11-6 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

//Button Labels
{"btnAddAll","Add All>>"},
{"btnAddRemove","Add/Remove Members"},
{"btnAddUsertoGroup","Add User to Group"},
{"btnGenerate","Generate Now"},
{"btnNewGroup","New Group..."},
{"btnNewUser","New User..."},

To create a different localization for this resource bundle, for example, French,
you would create a new class in the wt.clients.administrator package called
LabelsRB_fr. This class would contain the same label keys, such as
"lblAdministrative" but its value would be "administratif" rather than
"Administrative". All the other values would likewise be changed to their French
counterparts. You would compile the new class; then the Java runtime would be
able to find a French resource bundle for the Administrator client.
An example of resource bundles being used in online help is given in the
preceding chapter on developing client logic.

Resource Info (.rbInfo) Files

Resource Info files are an alternative to storing localizable text in
ListResourceBundle source code files. They are structured properties files that
facilitate easy manipulation by automated tools.

General Resource Info File Usage Rules

• A line beginning with ’#’ is considered a freeform comment.
• Each file must contain a header line that categorizes the file.
• Only String values are supported.
• Since values are assumed to be Strings, they should not be in quotes.
• Each entry must exist on a single line, and the following escaped characters
are supported: \\, \n, \r, \t, \f, \".
• Key cannot contain ’=’, since it is the key/value separator.

Internationalization and Localization 11-7

• Key cannot contain "#", since it is a comment character, but the character is
allowed in the value.
Localizable text is considered to be in one four categories for the purpose of
resource info file usage.

Resource Type Source File Run-Time File

Message Text *RB.rbInfo *RB.class

*Resource.rbInfo *Resource.class

Modeled Metadata ModelRB.rbInfo ModelRB.RB.ser

(Display Names)

EnumertaedType Options <EnumType>RB.rbInfo <EnumType>RB.RB.ser


Message Text
The Message Text category most commonly contains error messages and labels
for user interface actions, but is the general category for any localizable text that
does not fall into one of the other categories. The Message Text files are
completely user maintained, while the maintenance of the entries in the other
three categories is automated via various generation tools. Since this category is
not maintained by automated tools, and since the resulting run-time bundle is the
same ListResourceBundle subclass that it would be if the information were stored
in a ListResourceBundle source code file, the use of .rbInfo file format is optional
for Message Text.

Note: The following sections describe the resource info files for Message Text.

Message Text Resource Info Header

Each resource info file contains the following lines that define certain file level



The first line classifies the resource info and should never be changed. The values
of the second to lines can be changed by the owner of the package, if the file can
be customized, and/or the file is deprecated.

11-8 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Message Text Resource Entry Format
The following keys define the structure of a Message Text rbInfo file.

Key Description

<key>.value The localizable text that will be displayed.


<key>.constant A string that will be used to generate a constant

field into the runtime resource bundle, which can
be used by code that does resource lookups.

<key>.comment A comment describing the entry. (optional)

<key>.argComment <n> A comment for each substitution argument of the

value string. (optional)

Message Text Resource Entry Examples


lblAdministrative.comment=administrative ui label

lblAllGroups.value=All Groups

//Button Labels
btnAddAll.value=Add All>>

//MultiList column headings

Created On.value=Created On

Building Runtime Resource Bundles for Resource Info Files

Since the information is not stored in Java source code files, a tool other than the
Java compiler is needed to build the runtime resource bundles. This tool can be
executed by using the ResourceBuild script. For more information, see the
Command Line Utilities section of the System Generation chapter of the
Windchill Application Developer’s Guide.

Internationalization and Localization 11-9

Generated Resource Info Files
The two categories of Resource Info files that are generated are discussed in detail
in other areas.

Resource Type Documented

Modeled Metadata (Display Names) Windchill Application Developer’s

Guide — System Generation chapter

EnumeratedType Options Definition Windchill Customizer’s Guide —

EnumeratedType Appendix A

11-10 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Import Export Framework

The Import Export Chapter describes the IX Framework and explains how to
customize and use it for various solutions.

Topic Page
Overview ...........................................................................................................12-2
How to Write an IX Application .......................................................................12-2
Exporter Class ...................................................................................................12-4
Using the Exporter to Export Objects ...............................................................12-7
How Import Works............................................................................................12-8
Importer class ..................................................................................................12-11
Use Importer to import object from XML files...............................................12-13
Writing Export Handlers for the Export Process.............................................12-16
How to write Exp/Imp Handlers .....................................................................12-16
DTD Files ........................................................................................................12-18
How to Write Handlers for the Import Process...............................................12-21
How to Write a Class (Element) Import Handler............................................12-22
Navigating Through an Object’s Structure with ObjectSet Application.........12-28
List of Existing Generators and Filters............................................................12-33
Examples .........................................................................................................12-33
Simple Export Handler Code: .........................................................................12-39

The basic unit of job for the framework is importing or exporting a single object.
The framework understands the transactional nature of import and encapsulates a
session of individual imports into one database transaction.

How to Write an IX Application

The export starts with Export application. The code of the application that invokes
export should look as follows:
ExportHandler appHandler = new ExportHandler ();
Exporter exporter = IxbHelper.newExporter(handle,

Iterator iter = objectSet.iterator();

while (iter.hasNext()) {
Persistable ob = (Persistable)iter.next();
appHandler.cleanUp ();

Create an Application Export Handler 'appHandler'. This is an instance of a class

either implementing ApplicationExportHandler interface or extending the abstract
class ApplicationExportHandlerTemplate. In the export application in
StandardIXBService, the appHandler extends ApplicationExportHandlerForJar, a
subclass of ApplicationExportHandlerTemplate

12-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The job of the 'appHandler' is:
• To create a file to store exported objects (e.g. a JAR file).
• To store logs to be sent back to the client (optional).
• To clean up temporary files and do other clean-up jobs (advised, but
To create, the following methods must be implemented in 'appHandler':
• storeLogMessage(...) methods are used to send logs back to clients.
It is up to the developer how to implement the mechanism to send the logs
back. If you do not want to send any log messages, make your Export Handler
extend ApplicationExportHandlerTemplate. This class has the
default storeLogMessage() (empty method).
• It is optional to have clean up and other concluding tasks here, and these jobs
must be called explicitly after exporter.finalizeExport().
The Application Export Handler may also contain methods to perform tasks of
transforming the output if the application needs to modify the exported XML. For
example, PDXExportHandler has methods for XSL transformation to PDX
format. These methods must be called explicitly after
The existing implementations of the Application Export Handler are:
• WCXMLExportHandler extends ApplicationExportHandlerTemplate.
This is a public class designed for creating export jar file on server. (It is
mostly a copy of the inner class ExportHandler in StandardIXBService.). This
handler will be removed in 7.0, since now we have
• PDXExportHandler extends ApplicationExportHandlerTemplate. This
class performs specific tasks connected with export to PDX format. This
includes creating additional XML attributes/elements and XSL transformation
to PDX format.
Create an instance of the Exporter class, and use it to export objects by calling
exporter.doExport(obj), where obj runs through all WT objects
collected for export.
After this, call exporter.finalizeExport(), perform any additional tasks
(for example, transformation to another format), call methods of appHandler to
clean up after the export process, send log messages to client.
The methods doExport(…), doExportImpl(…) and the inner class ExportHandler
in StandardIXBService are examples of one export application. Please see the
details in the section, "Example of an Export Application" later in this chapter.

Import Export Framework 12-3

Exporter Class
The details of the exporter class are as follows:
public class Exporter extends ExpImporter{…};

Exporter (ApplicationExportHandler _applicationExportHandler,
String targetDTD,
IxbElement localMappingRules,
File policyRuleFile) throws WTException {
super ("export", localMappingRules);

// -- init expActionTuner --
applicationExportHandler = _applicationExportHandler;
dtd = targetDTD;
// -- init expActionTuner --
expActionTuner = new ExportActionTuner (policyRuleFile);

An explanation of the arguments follows:

_applicationExportHandler - an instance of any class that either
implements the interface ApplicationExportHandler,extends the
abstract class ApplicationExportHandlerTemplate or extends the
abstract class ApplicationExportHandlerForJar.
The class ApplicationExportHandlerForJar extends the class
ApplicationExportHandlerTemplate. The class
ApplicationExportHandlerForJar provides methods for storing XML
and content files in export jar file. It handles both ApplicationData content and
content residing in local file system.
_applicationExportHandler has a job of creating a Jar file (or any other
way of storing) of the resulting collection of XML pieces (exported objects). It
must implement two methods:
storeContent (ApplicationDataob);

storeDocument (IxbElement elem);

targetDTD: string that specifies what DTD must be used for export process.
The IX framework will find appropriate handlers for objects and Document Type
Definition for objects based on this DTD string. Currently, there are two DTD
strings that are used in Windchill 6.2.2:
standard.dtd: DTD for Windchill 6.0
standard62.dtd: DTD for Windchill 6.2

12-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Generally the intent was to be able to export objects in any DTD. As you will see
below the class export handlers are resolved using the DTD identifier.
The string targetDTD is also written to the XML file of exported objects, so the
import process could know what DTD should be used to import objects. (This
feature is available only from Windchill R6.2.2 and beyond).

localMapppingRules: XML file or XSL file that is used to override,

change or exclude certain attributes objects when the export process takes

The following XML rule file overrides the Team Template attribute, and no
matter what team an object belonged to when it was exported, its team template
attribute will be “Change Team” in the “/System” domain.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<newValue>Change Team (/System)</newValue>

The XSL rule file tests if the exported object has the name of “part_c”, it will
override the Team Template attribute and version information, and tests if the
exported object has the name of “PART_B”, it will override the Team Template
If you don’t want to override anything, just pass “null” for the argument
policyRuleFile: XSL file that is used to override, change or exclude
certain attributes objects when the export process takes place.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
<xsl:template match="WTPart">
<xsl:when test="name='part_c'">
<teamIdentity>Default (/System)</teamIdentity>

Import Export Framework 12-5

<xsl:when test="number='PART_B'">
<teamIdentity>Default (/System)</teamIdentity>

For example the policy rule file specifies that check out exported WTPart objects
in the database after exporting them. If an exported WTDocument object has the
number of “TESTDOC-1”, check it out after exporting it. With all other exported
WTDocuments, lock them in the database after exporting them.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform
<xsl:template match='*'>
<xsl:apply-templates select='WTPart'/>
<xsl:apply-templates select='WTDocument'/>

<xsl:template match='WTPart'>

<xsl:template match='WTDocument'>
<xsl:when test="number='TESTDOC-1'">


If you don’t want to override anything, just pass “null” for the argument

An instance of the Exporter must be created via the factory method

newExporter() of the class IxbHelper. For example:
Exporter exporter = IxbHelper.newExporter (

12-6 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Using the Exporter to Export Objects
After you create an instance of the class Exporter, for example exporter, you
can use it to export top-level objects. The call to export the object ‘obj’ would be
This is actually making a call to the method doExport (Object obj,
String targetDTD, String targetElem) in the class Exporter.
In this method, the real Export handler for the object obj will be created.

Note: A list of available export handlers is created based on XML files in the
folder <WC_home>\registry\ixb\handlers. If you pass a wrong DTD in the
constructor of Exporter (a DTD that is not available in the system), you will not
get the handler, so you cannot export the object.Please refer to the part “How to
write Export Handler” for information how to add entry for an Export handler to
XML files.

If you have more than one object, you have to pass them to the exporter one by
one. Let’s assume that those objects are in a set called res, then you can export
them like this:
Iterator iter = res.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Persistable obj = (Persistable)iter.next();

After you export all objects, you must call


You can call clean-up methods of appHandler (if there are any). Now the export is

Note: A sample file with comments is distributed along with installation


Import Export Framework 12-7

How Import Works
To import objects from XML files in a jar file, import application must do the
1. Create a tool to read the imported jar file and extract the list of XML files that
are contained in the jar file. Please see the doImportImp(…) method in the
StandardIXBService and the class IXBJarReader for an implementation
2. Prepare the String ruleFileName to be passed into an instance of the class
Importer. The String ruleFileName can be obtained from an IxbStreamer,
from the user, assigned the value null or obtained from somewhere else,
depending on the structure of the import application.
3. Process policyFile (if it is not null) to create an XSL StreamSource that
contains the import policy.
4. Create an Application Import Handler appHandler. This is an instance of
any class that either implements the interface
ApplicationImportHandler or extends the abstract class

5. Create an instance of the class Importer (importer).

6. Get the list of XML files in the jar file.
7. Create IxbDocuments from those XML files.
8. With each IxbDocument, do the following:
– If there is an action name passed to the application and the policyFile is
null, apply the action name into the IxbDocument. If the policyFile is not
null, apply action name and action information in the policyFile into the
– Feed them to the importer one by one by calling the import process:
• importer.doImport(IxbDocument Doc);
• importer.finalizeImport();
9. Clean up (if needed).
10. Send log messages to client.

The methods doImport(...), doImportImpl(...) and the inner class

ImportHandler in the StandardIXBService are an example of one import
application. Please see the details in the part “Example of an Import Application”.

12-8 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

From Windchill 6.2.6, versioned objects can be imported in any of 10 different
manners decided by action name and action information that are written to the
IxbDocument fileXML of each importing object. Developers who write import
applications must know about action names and their meanings to apply them
correctly, but object handlers don’t have to worry about the Actor classes. A list
of all available action names can be found in the file Windchill\src\wt\ixb\
All of the actions are different from each other in 3 crucial methods:
previewObject, createObject and storeObject. In the class
ExpImpForVersionedObject, based on action name and action information
that are passed into the IxbDocument fileXML, appropriate actor will be created
and this actor’s methods will be called to serve the purpose of previewing,
creating and storing versioned objects.

Here is the list by actor names for information.

1. PickExistingObject: Find if an object with the same ufid or same (name,
number, version, iteration) with the object in XML file exists in database. If
such an object exists, do nothing. Otherwise, import the object in XML file.
2. NewIteration: Import object in XML file as the next available iteration in
the database.
– For example: If there is no version/iteration in the database for the object
which is in the XML file, the imported object will get the version /
iteration specified in the XML file. If the latest version / iteration of the
object in the database is B.2, the imported object will be B.3.
3. NewVersion:Import objects from the XML file as the next available version
in the database.
– For example: If there is no version / iteration in the database for the object
which is in the XML file, the imported object will get the version /
iteration specified in the XML file. If the latest version / iteration of the
object in the database is B.2, the imported object will be C.1.
4. CheckOut: Find any version/iteration of the object in the XML file (Check
the existence of the master object in the database). If there is no version of the
object in the XML file, throw an error. Otherwise, find an instance of the
object in the database that has the same version (iteration can be different) as
the object in the XML file. If such an object exists, check out the latest
iteration of the object in the database, update it with information from the
XML file. I agree Otherwise, throw an error. No, we don’t check it in

5. ImportNonVersionedAttr: Find an object with the same ufid or

same (name, number, version, iteration) with the object in the XML
file. If such an object exists, update it with information from the XML
file. Otherwise, throw an error.

Import Export Framework 12-9

6. UpdateInPlace: Find an object with the same ufid or same (name,
number, version, iteration) with the object in XML file exists in
database. If such an object exists AND it is checked out, update it with
information from the XML file. Otherwise, throw an error.
7. UnlockAndIterate: Find an object in the database with the same ufid or
same (name, number, version, iteration) as the object in the XML file. If such
an object exists AND it is locked, unlock and iterate it, then update it with
information from the XML file. Otherwise, throw an error.
8. CreateNewObject: Create a brand new object with new name, new number,
new version, new iteration provided in Import Policy file. Other information
will be extracted from the XML file. This functionality cannot be used alone,

Note: This option cannot work without a policy file to specify the new object

The format of new information that must be provided in ImportPolicy file is:
<xsl:when test="criteria='value'">
<newName>New Name</newName>
<newNumber>New Number</newNumber>
<newVersion>New Version</newVersion>
<newIteration>New Iteration</newIteration>
<action>Some other action</action>

Note: <actionInfo> must always exist.

• Criteria can be any valid attribute of the object in XML file.

• Between <xsl:choose>, there can be many <xsl: when test ....> with different
criteria and different action names.
• Only CreateNewObject and SubstituteObject can have action params,
and there are only four action params <newName>, <newNumber>,
<newVersion>, <newIteration>, all of them must be provided.

9. SubstituteObject: Substitute the object in the XML file for an object in

the database that has the name, number, version, and iteration provided in the
ImportPolicy file. If such an object doesn't exist, throw an exception. Format
of tag and params for this case is exactly the same with CreateNewObject,
but the <action> is SubstituteObject.

12-10 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

10. Ignore: Do not import the object in the XML file. This action doesn't require
any actor.

Importer class
Definition: public class Importer extends ExpImporter
Importer (ApplicationImportHandler _applicationImportHandler,
String _dtd,

String _ruleFileName,

Boolean _overrideConflicts,

Boolean _validate

) throws WTException

Parameters explanation:
• applicationImportHandler: an instance of a class that either
implements the interface ApplicationImportHandler or extends the
abstract class ApplicationImportHandlerTemplate
• applicationImportHandler has a job of extracting from the Jar file
that stores XML, and its class must implement 2 methods:

getContentAsInputStream (String contentId);

getContentAsApplicationData (String contentId);
The later method may always return null to indicate that the file does not
exist in Windchill DB.

Note: Please see the inner class ImportHandler of the class

StandardIXBService for an example of implementation of an
application import handler.

• targetDTD: string that specifies what DTD must be used for import
process. The IX framework will find appropriate handlers for objects and
Document Type Definition for objects based on this DTD string if the
imported file does not specify any. Currently, there are two DTD strings that
are used in Windchill 6.2.2:
standard.dtd: DTD for Windchill 6.0

standard62.dtd: DTD for Windchill 6.2

• ruleFileName: From windchill 6.2.6, mapping rule file can be XML file
(like in previous versions) or XSL file, so this parameter is String. The
constructor that uses IxbElement _localMappingRules is deprecated. In the

Import Export Framework 12-11

case you do not have mapping rule file and want to put it to null, please do not
put the “null” value directly in the constructor, because it will cause one
ambiguous reference error. Instead of doing that, you should use a string,
assign null value to it, and pass it as ruleFileName. Mapping rule file is used
to change, override or exclude certain attributes objects when the import
process takes place.
For example, the rule file overrides the Team Template attribute, and no matter
what team an object belonged to when it was exported, its team template attribute
is replaced by “Change” in the “/System” Domain on import.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<newValue>Change Team (/System)</newValue>

An example for XSL mapping rule file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
<xsl:template match="WTPart">
<xsl:when test="name='part_c'">
<teamIdentity>Default (/System)</teamIdentity>
<xsl:when test="number='PART_B'">
<teamIdentity>Default (/System)</teamIdentity>



12-12 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

This XSL file says that whenever the import process meet a WTPart named
part_c, then change its team identity template to Default (/System), change its
folder part to /Design, and change its version to B.2, whenever the import process
meet a WTPart with the number PART_B, then change its team identity template
to Default (/System), change its folder part to /Design
If you don’t want to override anything, just pass “null” for the argument

• _overrideConflicts: boolean value specifies whether the import process

should override “overridable” conflicts.
• _validate: boolean value specifies whether the import process should
validate the XML file of the imported object against the DTD.
An instance of the class Importer must be created via the method
newImporter() of the class IxbHelper. For example:
Importer importer = IxbHelper.newImporter(

Use Importer to import object from XML files

After you create an instance of the class Importer (importer) you can use it to
import objects from XML files. If you have more than one XML files to import,
you have to give IxbDocument-s that created from XML files to the importer one
by one.
As mentioned above, the Import Application server must call two methods to do
the import:
importer.doImport(IxbDocument doc);


doImport (doc)
This method doesn’t really import the object, but inserts the XML document that
represents the object in to a list to be imported later. After all XML documents
representing all the imported objects are inserted in the import list, the real import
process starts with the call to finalizeImport().
• finalizeImport(): The import process is actually performed in this
method. It will call to:
doImport_CheckConflicts() - check conflicts for imported objects.

Import Export Framework 12-13

doImport_doRealImport () - do the real import for the list of objects
by calling importElement (IxbElement doc) for each XML
document representing each object in the list.
In the method importElement(…) the import handler for a particular type of the
object is created by calling getImportHandler(tag, dtdFromXML).
The method getImportHandler(…) finds the appropriate handler for the
imported object as follows.
1. Try to get an import handler by using the DTD string in the <dtd> tag of the
XML file of the imported object.
2. If the handler is null, try again using current DTD in the importer. This
current DTD is calculated using version of the current Windchill. For
Windchill R6.0 it is standard.dtd. For Windchill R6.2 it is

After getting the handler for the element, the importElement(…) calls the
following methods:
handler.importElement(…) to do the import task.

handler.outputLog(…) to send log to user.

For Windchill 6.2.6, all handlers for non-versioned objects (for example links,
ReportTemplate ... ) extend the class ClassExporterImporterTemplate, and
all handlers for versioned objects (for example Parts, Documents,
EPMDocuments ...) extend the class ExpImpForVersionedObject.

Note: Handlers for non-versioned objects act like the previous versions.

If the real handler doesn’t implement the method importElement(…), then the
call invokes the default method importElement(…) of the class
ClassExporterImporterTemplate. In this class, the importElement(…)
method calls to
findAmongExistingObjects (fileXML, importer);
If it finds that the object in the XML file currently exists in the database, it will not
import the object. Otherwise, it will call the following methods:
createObject (fileXML, importer);

importObjectAttributes (ob, fileXML, importer);

storeObject (ob, fileXML, importer);

importObjectAttributesAfterStore (ob, fileXML, importer);

Some of these methods should be implemented in the handler, and it is how and
when the real handler comes to do its job.

Note: Handlers for versioned objects act different.

12-14 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

If the real handler doesn’t implement the method importElement(…), then
the call invokes the default method importElement(…) of the class
ExpImpForVersionedObject. In this class, despite the object in the XML
file exists in the database or not, the importElement(…) method always calls

createObject (fileXML, importer);

importObjectAttributes (ob, fileXML,
storeObject (ob, fileXML, importer);
importObjectAttributesAfterStore (ob,
fileXML, importer);

Then, the Import Application can do a clean-up, and send messages to the client.
The import process is finished.

Import Export Framework 12-15

How to write Exp/Imp Handlers

Writing Export Handlers for the Export Process

To create an export handler for a class, one needs to know three things:
1. How to use XML files that contain handlers information.
2. How to update DTD files that contain information about objects that will be
3. How to write a handler.

XML files that contain handlers information

These XML files reside in the folder Windchill\codebase\registry\ixb\handlers.
The whole folder is processed as the root element of XML tags, and the contents
of XML files in this folder are processed as child elements. So, the XML files in
this folder are not well formed, and they have contents similar to the following:
[class name of the object that will be exported with full path
[String DTD, specifies where DTD for the class is stored]
[class name of the handler that is used to export the object]

For example:

12-16 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

All handlers with the <dtd> tag “standard.dtd” are handlers for export object in
R6.0. All handlers with the <dtd> tag “standard62.dtd” are handlers for export
object in R6.2.
For example, to be able to export data in R6.0 legacy format, we have tags:

For R6.2 we have tags:


So we know that the class

wt.ixb.handlers.forclasses.ExpImpForWTPart60 is handler for
export of the class wt.part.WTPart in R6.0 legacy format, and the class
wt.ixb.handlers.forclasses.ExpImpForWTPart is a handler for
exporting the class wt.part.WTPart in R6.2 format.
It is possible that one handler can be used for export in both R6.0 and R6.2. For
example, in Windchill\src\wt\ixb\registry\ixb\handlers\
core.xml, there are tags:


and in Windchill\src\wt\ixb\registry\ixb\handlers\
core62.xml, there are tags:

Import Export Framework 12-17

Thus we know that the handler
wt.ixb.handlers.forclasses.ExpImpForWTPartUsageLink will be
used for export of the class wt.part.WTPartUsageLink in both R6.0 and R6.2.
The class IxbHandlersManager contains all necessary methods to manipulate

DTD Files
For backward compatible support, in the folder Windchill\src\wt\ixb\registry\ixb\
dtds, there are 2 folders:
standard.dtd contains DTD files for Windchill 6.0

standard62.dtd contains DTD files for Windchill


In each folders there is a file named coreobjects.dtd that is the DTD file for
all objects that will be exported/imported. For example, in the file
coreobjects.dtd in the folder standard.dtd, we can see the definition
for EPMDocument in R6.0:

<!ELEMENT EPMDocument (
(ownerApplication , authoringApplication, description?) ,
(number, name ) , epmDocType , genericFamilyInstance? ,
(extentsValid , EPMBoxExtents)? ,
folderPath , versionInfo? , lifecycleInfo? , projectIdentity ,
contentItem*, iba* ) >

In the file coreobjects.dtd in the folder standard62.dtd, we can see

the definition for EPMDocument in R6.2:
<!ELEMENT EPMDocument (
(ownerApplication , authoringApplication, description?) ,
(number, name ,docType, docSubType, CADName) ,
(extentsValid , EPMBoxExtents)? ,
folderPath , versionInfo? , lifecycleInfo? , teamIdentity ,
contentItem*, iba* ) >

12-18 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

How to Write a Class Export Handler
a. Create a Class that extends ClassExporterImporterTemplate
b. Implement exportAttributes(Object obj, Exporter exp)
method, which retrieves the data from the object and adds it to the XML
DOM Document. The following is an example of this method for the
object of “MyClass”:
public void exportAttributes (Object object, Exporter exporter)
throws WTException {
try {

MyClass ob = (MyClass)object;
// export the local id
ExpImpForLocalIdAttr.class, ob, fileXML, exporter);
// export other attributes that are specific to
// MyObject; e.g. name, number
ExpImpForMyObjectAttr.class, ob, fileXML, exporter);
// export version information
ExpImpForVersionAttr.class, ob, fileXML, exporter);
// export content
ExpImpForContentAttr.class, ob, fileXML, exporter);

catch (Exception e) {
LogHelper.devExc ( e,
"exportAttributes: could not export

c. Add an entry in the handlers XML file (<WC_home>\registry\ixb\

handlers\core.xml or core62.xml) that specifies the class being
exported (com.mycompany.MyObject), the XML DTD for core
Windchill objects (standard.dtd or standard62.dtd), and the
handler for the class
(wt.ixb.handlers.forclasses.ExpImpForMyObject). An
example entry follows:


Import Export Framework 12-19


How to Write an Attribute Export Handler

If there is an attribute that is required to be exported the same way for different
classes or if you simply decide to handle it is a separate handler, you can create an
attribute handler. The steps to follow are:
a. Create a Java class extending AttrExporterImporterTemplate.
b. Implement exportAttribute(Object ob,IxbElement fileXML,
Exporter exporter) method, which retrieves the attribute data from
the object and adds it to the XML DOM Document. The following is an
example of this method for the object “MyObject”. This method gets the
part type and the part source of the object.
c. public void exportAttribute (
Object obj,
IxbElement fileXML,
Exporter exporter) throws WTException{
try {
MyClass ob = (MyClass) obj;
LocalizableMessage localMessage1 = ob.getDisplayType();
Locale locale1 = new Locale("English", "US");
String dispType = localMessage1.getLocalizedMessage(locale1);
fileXML.addValue(IxbHndHelper.XML_ATTR_PARTTYPE, dispType);
IxbHndHelper.XML_ATTR_SOURCE,ob.getSource ().toString() );
catch (Exception e){
LogHelper.devExc (e,
"Exception in ExpImpForLTPartAttr, ob=<"+obj+">");

After adding this, the export handler for class may call this method to have the
part attribute exported.

12-20 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

How to Write Handlers for the Import Process
To create import handlers for a class, there are two things to know:
1. XML files that contain handlers information.
2. How to write a handler.

XML files that contain handlers information

These XML files are in the folder Windchill\codebase\registry\ixb\
The whole folder is processed as the root element of XML tags, and the contents
of XML files in this folder are processed as child elements. So the XML files in
this folder are not well formed, and their contents are similar to the following:

[class name of the object that will be imported without full
path name ]
[String DTD, specifies where DTD for the class is stored]
[class name of the handler that is used to import the object]

For example:

All handlers with the <dtd> tag “standard.dtd” are handlers for import
object in R6.0. All handlers with the <dtd> tag “standard62.dtd” are
handlers for import object in R6.2.
For example, to import parts from XML that came from R6.0, we have tags:

For R6.2 format we have tags:


Import Export Framework 12-21


So we know that the class

wt.ixb.handlers.forclasses.ExpImpForWTPart60 is handler for import
of the class wt.part.WTPart that comes in R6.0 format, and the class
wt.ixb.handlers.forclasses.ExpImpForWTPart is handler for import of
the class wt.part.WTPart in R6.2.
It is possible that one handler can be used for import in both R6.0 and R6.2
formatted data. For example, in Windchill\codebase\registry\ixb\
handlers\core.xml, there are the following tags:


In Windchill\codebase\registry\ixb\handlers\core62.xml, there
are the following tags:

We know that the handler

wt.ixb.handlers.forclasses.ExpImpForWTPartUsageLink will be
used for import of the class wt.part.WTPartUsageLink in both R6.0 and R6.2
The class IxbHandlersManager contains all methods to manipulate handlers.

How to Write a Class (Element) Import Handler

Import handlers for classes can be divided in to two types:
• Import handlers for versioned objects.
• Import handlers for non-versioned objects.

12-22 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Handler for Non-Versioned Object
a. Create a Java class that extends ClassExporterImporterTemplate
b. Implement method:
public Object createObject (IxbElement fileXML, Importer importer)
c. Override the following methods if necessary:
public Object importObjectAttributes (Object ob,
IxbElement fileXML,
Importer importer);

public Object storeObject (Object object,

IxbElement fileXML,
Importer importer);

public Object importObjectAttributesAfterStore(Object object,

IxbElement fileXML,
Importer importer);

public Object findAmongExistingObjects (IxbElement fileXML,

Importer importer);

Import handlers for non-versioned objects are quite straightforward, and any of
the following classes can be referred as example:

Note: An object is imported by the following sequence: createObject(),

importObjectAttributes(), storeObject(),

createObject(): if the object doesn’t exist in database (is not found by

findAmongExistingObjects), it will be created, and all the Ufid attribute of the
object is imported.
importObjectAttributes(): import all attributes of the object
storeObject(): the method storeObject() will call to

importObjectAttributesAfterStore() iimports all attributes that must be

imported after the object is stored.
d. Add an entry to the handlers registry file (<WC_home>\registry\ixb\
handlers\core.xml or core62.xml). The entry specifies the class
being imported (MyObject), XML DTD for core Windchill objects
(standard.dtd or standard62.dtd), and the handler for the class

Import Export Framework 12-23

com.ptc.mypackage.ExpImpForMyObject. An example entry

</ elementImporter >
</ elementImporter >

Handler for Versioned Object

a. Create a Java class that extends ExpImpVersionedObject
b. Implement the following methods:
• public Mastered getMaster (IxbElement fileXML):
returns the Object Master if there is any version of the importing
object in the database, otherwise returns null.
• public Versioned createNewObject (IxbElement
fileXML,Importer importer): create a new object with
information from the XML file.
From Windchill 6.2.6, import handlers for versioned objects don’t have to
implement the method public Object createObject(…) anymore. It is
implemented in the class ExpImpForVersionedObject.
c. Override the following methods if necessary:
public Object importObjectAttributes (Object ob,
IxbElement fileXML,
Importer importer);

public Object importObjectAttributesAfterStore(Object object,

IxbElement fileXML,
Importer importer);

public Object findAmongExistingObjects (IxbElement fileXML,

Importer importer);

For Windchill 6.2.6, import handlers for versioned objects don’t have to
implement the method public Object storeObject (…) anymore. It is
implemented in the class ExpImpForVersionedObject.

12-24 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Note: An object is imported by the following sequence: createObject(),
importObjectAttributes(), storeObject(),

createObject(): From version 6.2.6, this method is implemented in the class

ExpImpForVersionedObject. The creation of objects will be delegated to
Actor classes, depends on the actor name in the XML file (The actor name is
writen into the XML file by import application). Particular object handlers don’t
have to worry about createObject() and Actor.
importObjectAttributes(): import all attributes of the object that can be
imported before the object is stored.
storeObject():From version 6.2.6, this method is implemented in the class
ExpImpForVersionedObject. The store of objects will be delegated to Actor
classes, depends on the actor name in the XML file (The actor name is writen into
the XML file by import application). Particular object handlers don’t have to
worry about storeObject() and Actor.
importObjectAttributesAfterStore():import all attributes of the object
that must be imported after the object is stored.

ExpImpForWTPart, ExpImpForDocument, ExpImpForEPMDocument are

examples of import handlers for versioned objects.

d. Add an entry to the handlers registry file (<WC_home>\registry\ixb\

handlers\core.xml or core62.xml). The entry specifies the class
being imported (MyObject), XML DTD for core Windchill objects
(standard.dtd or standard62.dtd), and the handler for the class
com.ptc.mypackage.ExpImpForMyObject. An example entry
</ elementImporter >
</ elementImporter >

Import Export Framework 12-25

How to Write an Attribute Import Handler
If there is an attribute that is required to be imported the same way for different
classes or if you simply decide to handle it is a separate handler, you can create an
attribute handler. The steps to follow are:
a. Create a Java class that extends AttrExporterImporterTemplate.
b. Override the following methods if needed:
prepareForCheckConflicts(Importer importer): prepares for conflict
checking. It is likely never be implemented by a particular handler.
checkConflictForAttribute(Object existingOb,
IxbElement fileXML,
Importer importer) :
This method does the conflict checking for particular attribute, so if the imported
attribute can potentially have conflicts with an attribute that exists in the database,
this method must be overridden.
importAttribute (Object object,

IxbElement fileXML,

Importer importer):

Retrieves the attribute data from the XML DOM Document and set it to the
imported object. This method must be overridden to suit particular attribute.

12-26 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Here is an example for importAttribute() for the attribute MyAttr to the
object MyObject:
public Object importAttribute (Object object,
IxbElement fileXML,
Importer importer)
throws WTException{
String myAttr;
myAttr = fileXML.getValue(IxbHndHelper.XML_ATTR_MYATTR);
// XML_ATTR_MYATTR tag must be defined in IxbHndHelper
catch (Exception exc){
// The paragraph bellows allows the import process continue,
// even when the import of MyAttr fails. If the programmer
// wants the import process to stop when the import of
// MyAttr fails, please assign ob=null and throw exception
"Exception when getting MyAttr in importAttribute");
System.out.println("MyAttr attribute is not imported");
return object;

MyObject ob = (MyObject) object;

try {
MyObjectHelper.service.setMyAttr(ob, myAttr);
catch (Exception e) {
if (! importer.
overrideConflicts) {
ob = null;
throw e;
// override the conflict by doing something here…
return ob;

Import Export Framework 12-27

Navigating Through an Object’s Structure with ObjectSet

When an object is given to the export process, ObjectSet application will do the
job of navigating through the object’s structure and collecting all its related
objects. For example, when one WTPart is given to the export process, the
ObjectSet application will navigate through the product structure to see all parts
that are used by it, all “referenced” documents and the “described-by” document.
The definition of the navigation is taken from a set of XML files known as
navigation rule files. (Don’t confuse with the mapping rule files that are used to
override/change/exclude object’s attributes in Export and Import processes).
Additionally the application uses Java classes known as generators and filters to
collect a set of objects that will be exported when simple navigation is not enough
and some programming logic needs to be applied. The navigation rule files reside
in the folder Windchill\codebase\registry\ixb\

There are two types of navigating rules: Generator and Filter.

• Generators are rules that are used by application to traverse through the
object’s structure and get all of its objects to be exported, such as “uses”,
“described by”, “reference”, etc.
• Filters are rules that will be applied to objects to be exported to exclude
certain objects from the export process. For example, with “Filter By Time”,
we can choose to export objects that modified during a specified period; with
“Filter By Object Number”, we can choose not to export objects with specific

Combining these Generators and Filters together, the application that wants to
export object will be able to create a set of objects that will be exported based on
given top-level object.

Available GeneratorIds are defined in XML files in the folder Windchill\

codebase\registry\ixb\object_set_handlers with the tag
<setGenerator>. A list of these Generator Ids can be obtained by calling to
IXBHelper.service.getAllAvaiableGenerators(). The call returns all
available Generators in the system.
IXBHelper.service.getGeneratorList() returns a list of Generators that
will be displayed to the GUI for user selection. This helps to hide Generators that
you don’t want the end-user to see. To hide such Generators, the XML files of
these Generators, should have the <display> tag set to false.

12-28 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

For example: a paragraph of XML file for WTPart:
(From “<Windchill>\codebase\registry\ixb\object_set_handlers\

<id>: Generator Id

<handler>: Navigator – Java class that helps navigating through the object
structure. In the example, to navigate through WTPart structure.
<dialogClassName> : Java class of the dialog that must be called from the GUI
to search the top-level object of this class in database (in this example, to search

<localizedName> and its sub tags are for internationalization purpose. The
string resource for displaying the Generator to the GUI will be defined in the
.rbInfo file specified by localizedName/localizedString/class and its
key in the .rbInfo file is localizedName/localizedString/key.

If you don’t want this GeneratorId to be displayed to the GUI, but only to be used
programmatically in your application, add the tag <display> like this:


Import Export Framework 12-29


Available Filter Id-s are defined in XML files in the folder Windchill\
codebase\registry\ixb\object_set_handlers with the tag
<setFilter>. A list of these Filter Ids can be obtained by calling to
IXBHelper.service.getAllAvaiableFilters(). It returns all
available Filters in the system.
IXBHelper.service.getFilterList() returns a list of Filters that will
be displayed to the GUI for user selection. This function help to hide filters which
you don’t want the end user to see. To hide such Filters, set the value of the
<display> tag to false in the XML files of these Filters.
If the tag <display> is not specified, or set to true, the generator will be
included in the result of the method
ObjectSetHelper.getListOfObjectSetGenerators() and it will
be displayed in the GUI. If the tag <display> is false, the generator will not be
included in the result of the method
ObjectSetHelper.getListOfObjectSetGenerators(), and it will
not be displayed to the GUI. To get all generators in the system, please use the
method ObjectSetHelper.getAllAvaiableGenerators().
All the methods get…Generators and get…Filters return Vectors that
contain an element list of the type IXBHandlerDescription. Use getId()
of those elements to get lists of Generators or Filters that are passed as arguments
generatorIds and filterIds for the method doExport() in the

Object Navigation
The mechanism is an XML-rule-driven “navigator” of Windchill objects. Given a
seed (top level) object the mechanism uses specified rules to navigate from object
to object. The navigation can be performed through a DB link, a foreign key, or a
specified method. Here is an example of rule definition of WTPart. The seed is a
Folder object.
(From “<Windchill>\codebase\registry\ixb\object_set_handlers\



12-30 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide



The example above shows both possible types of navigation: From WTPart it
instructs to navigate to the wt.part.WTPartDescribeLink by a navigate
method and from there using method getDescribedBy to get the WTDocument
that the WTPart is described by. Then, non-trivial semantic steps can be made.
After collecting, the objects can be filtered out by a set of defined filters. The filter
definition is stored in the same object set registry. Here is an example of a
date/time filter:
(File: “<Windchill>\codebase\registry\ixb\object_set_handlers\


Import Export Framework 12-31

Adding New Navigators and Filters
Most of methods that manage generators and filters are implemented in the class

The hierarchy of Navigator classes:

The hierarchy of Filter classes:

12-32 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

List of Existing Generators and Filters
This appendix provides help for GUI developer who will be using IX Object
Collection mechanism by calling
generatorParams, filterIds, filterParams);


Part With all Children

genId[0] = “productStructureNavigator”;
genParams[ 0] = “wt.part.WTPart:6789”;
WTHashSet objects = (WTHashSet) ObjectSetHelper.
new String [0 ],
new String [0 ]);

All Objects in the Cabinet and Folder (Including Subfolders)

genId[0] = genId[ 1] = “folderContent”;

genParams[ 0] = “wt.folder.Cabinet:1865”;
genParams[ 1] = “wt.folder.Subfolder:5674”;
WTHashSet objects = (WTHashSet) ObjectSetHelper.
new String [0 ],
new String [0 ]);

Note: Warning, if there are no filters, you can pass new String[0] for
filterIds and filterParams (Don’t pass null, an exception is thrown)

To get String constants for GUI, see Windchill\codebase\wt\ixb\


Import Export Framework 12-33

Generators list
String id Description Localized name – Parameters as
En (for GUI) String

folderContent Collects all objects in Cabinet and Folder <class name: oid>,
a given like:
234 or
productStructureNavi Collects all children Product Structure <class name: oid>,
gator of a given Part (built with active like:
Config Spec)
(e.g. Parts, which it wt.part.WTPart:1234
uses and Documents for the top-level
which describe it) object. This object
must be instance of
productStructureNavi Collects all children CAD Document <class name: oid>,
gatorEPM of a given CAD Structure (built with like:
Document active config spec)
nt:1234 for the top-
level object. This
object must be
instance of
Collects all children Product Structure <class name:oid>,
of a given Part with CAD documents like:
including related (built with active
gatorWithEPM wt.part.WTPart:1234
CAD Documents Config Spec)
for the top-level
object. This object
must be instance of

singleDocument Takes only given Document <class name: oid>,

document like:

Note: actually <class_name:oid> is object local id

12-34 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Filters list
Localized name - Parameters as
String id Description En (for GUI) String

filterByTime Filters out objects Filter based on <timeFrom#timeTo>,

with modification modification time where timeFrom and
time before/after the timeTo = “null” or
given interval Timestamp.toString()

Examples about Exp/Imp Application:

Export Application
The current Windchill Export OOTB GUI and the StandardIXBService is an
Export Application.
The OOTB Windchill Export GUI is Export Application (client) that calls export
process in StandardIXBService (Export Application (server)) via

There are two ways to use it:

With GUI:
IXBExpImpStatus status = IXBHelper.service.doExport(
boolean previewOnly,
String[ ] generatorIds,
String[ ] generatorParams,
String[ ] filterIds,
String[ ] filterParams,
IXBStreamer ruleFile,
String guiId,
boolean detailedLog);

Without GUI:
IXBExpImpStatus status = IXBHelper.service.doExport(
boolean previewOnly,
String[ ] generatorIds,
String[ ] generatorParams,
String[ ] filterIds,
String[ ] filterParams,
IXBStreamer ruleFile,
boolean detailedLog,
String stDtd);

IXBHelper is a class in wt.ixb.clientAccess.

Import Export Framework 12-35

It calls methods doExport(…) of the class StandardIXBService to do export
IXBExpImpStatus is a class in wt.ixb.clientsAccess containing
information about the Exp/Imp process and is used to pass Exp/Imp status
between the server and client.
generatorIds – see definition above.

generatorParams is an array of Object Ids of top-level objects that will be

exported. From the current Exp GUI, those objects will be chosen by using
NavigatorSearchDialog. After the selection is done, this dialog will return a
list of IXBSelectedNavInfo with Navigator Id and Generator Id, and seed
object as an objectId. Given an object obj, we can get the Object Id by using

filterIds - see definition above

filterParams is an array of objects attributes to set the objects to be excluded

from export process, or to be included in export process, depends on the type of
ruleFile is the rule file for export process. This file is provided to Exporter to
create a tuner for export process.
guiId is the id of the GUI from which the export process is called. See the
method recordGuiIdInContext() of the class
wt.clients.ixb.util.ExpImpServerRequest for an example how to
create the GUIid.
detailLog indicates whether the status message should be in details or not.

stDtd specifies which version of the Exp/Imp handlers will be used. This is
used to support backward compatible. If stDtd is null or empty (“”), the
STRING_DTD will be calculated based on the current Windchill.

When the method IXBHelper.service.doExport(…) is called, it will call to

the method doExportImpl(…) in the StandardIXBService.

This method:
• Creates a general export handler ExportHandler handler. This is an inner
class of StandardIXBService.
Gets a list of objects that will be exported by calling

12-36 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

• Creates an instance of Exporter, the class that does the export.
• Depending on isPreview (true/false) the exporter will do a preview or
real export by calling methods of Exporter class mention in the section
Exporter class of this document.

• Calls clean-up methods of the ExportHandler handler.

Import Application
The current Windchill Import GUI and StandardIXBService are the
Import Application. The current Windchill Import OOTB GUI is Import
Application client that calls import process in StandardIXBService
(Import Application server) via IXBHelper.

There are two ways to use it:

With GUI:
IXBExpImpStatus status = IXBHelper.service.doImport(
IXBStreamer ruleFile,
IXBStreamer dataFile,
boolean overrideConflicts,
String guiId,
boolean isPreview,
boolean detailedLog,
String creatorName);

Without GUI:
IXBExpImpStatus status = IXBHelper.service.doImport(
IXBStreamer ruleFile,
IXBStreamer dataFile,
boolean overrideConflicts,
boolean isPreview,
boolean detailedLog,
String creatorName,
String stDtd);

IXBHelper is a class in wt.ixb.clientAccess.

It calls methods doImport(…) of the class StandardIXBService to do the

import process.
IXBExpImpStatus is a class in wt.ixb.clientsAccess containing
information about Exp/Imp process and used to pass Exp/Imp status between
server and client.
ruleFile is the rule file for export process. This file is provided to Importer to
create a tuner for import process.
dataFile is the jar file that contains XML files of objects that will be imported.

Import Export Framework 12-37

overrideConflicts specifies whether overridable conflicts must be
overridden or not.
isPreview specifies whether the process should do real import, or check
conflicts and display what objects will be imported.
guiId is the id of the GUI from which the export process is called. See the
method recordGuiIdInContext() of the class
wt.clients.ixb.util.ExpImpServerRequest for an example how to
create the GUIid.
detailLog indicates whether the status message should be in details or not.

creatorName specifies how top-level imported objects (for example

EPMDocument, WTDocument, WTPart) are created.

stDtd specifies which version of Exp/Imp handlers will be used. This is used to
support backward compatible. If stDtd is null or empty (“”), the STRING_DTD
will be calculated based on version of current Windchill system.
When the method IXBHelper.service.doImport(…) is called, it will call to
the method doImportImpl(…) in StandardIXBService.

This method:
• Puts creator name in WTContext to be used by import handler.
• Creates a general import handler ImportHandler handler.
• Gets a list of XML files from the Jar file to be imported by calling
jar.getFileNamesByExtension ("xml");

• Creates an instance of Importer, the class that does the import job.
• Depending on isPreview (true/false), the method doImportImpl(…)
calls the appropriate methods of Importer to do a preview or the real import:
• importer.doImport(stream);
• importer.doPreview(stream);
• The others (importer.doImport(fn, tag) and
importer.doPreview(fn,tag)) are for optimization, and they depend on
how XML files are named. This feature is just for a particular Exp/Imp
Application (wt.clients.ixb and StandardIXBService).
• Sends log messages back to client.

12-38 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Simple Export Handler Code:
import java.io.File;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileInputStream;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Iterator;

import wt.pom.Transaction;
import wt.content.ApplicationData;
import wt.content.ContentItem;
import wt.content.Streamed;

import wt.ixb.publicforapps.ApplicationExportHandlerTemplate;

import wt.ixb.publicforhandlers.IxbElement;
import wt.ixb.publicforapps.Exporter;
import wt.ixb.publicforapps.IxbHelper;

import wt.ixb.objectset.ObjectSetHelper;

import wt.util.WTException;
import wt.util.WTMessage;

import wt.ixb.clientAccess.IXBJarWriter;

import wt.fc.Persistable;

public class SimpleApplicationExportHandler extends


private File targetDir = null;

private PrintStream log = null;

private IXBJarWriter jw = null;

private File resJar = null;
private int fileNum = 0; //counter for exported content files
private HashSet contentFileNames = new HashSet(); //to handle
content files with the same name

public static final String NAME_IS_TAG = "TAG";

public final static String CONTENT_SUBDIR = "CONTENTS";

public SimpleApplicationExportHandler(File tmp_storeDir,

PrintStream a_log)
throws WTException{
if (!tmp_storeDir.exists()){

Import Export Framework 12-39

targetDir = tmp_storeDir;
log = a_log;

public String storeContent (ApplicationData ob)

throws WTException{
String fileName = ob.getFileName();
String storeName = null;
storeName = this.computeUniqueFileName(fileName);
Streamed sd = (Streamed)ob.getStreamData().getObject();
InputStream is = sd.retrieveStream();

jw.addEntry(is, storeName);
catch (IOException ioe){
throw new WTException(ioe);
return storeName;
public void storeDocument (IxbElement elem)
throws WTException{
try {
String tag = elem.getTag();
String fn = NAME_IS_TAG+"-"+tag+"-"+(fileNum++)+".xml";
File file = new File(targetDir,fn);
FileOutputStream stream= new FileOutputStream (file);
elem.store(stream, IxbHelper.STANDARD_DTD);

catch (IOException ioe){
throw new WTException(ioe);

public void storeLogMessage(String resourceBundle, String

messageKey, Object[] textInserts)
throws WTException{
WTMessage m = new WTMessage(resourceBundle, messageKey,
String s = m.getLocalizedMessage();
public void storeLogMessage(String resourceBundle, String
messageKey, Object[] textInserts, int importanceLevel)
throws WTException{
storeLogMessage (resourceBundle, messageKey, textInserts);

public void exportObjectContent (Object obj, Exporter exporter,

ContentItem item, String exportFileName)
throws WTException {
if (item instanceof ApplicationData) {
ApplicationData ad = (ApplicationData) item;

12-40 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Streamed streamedIntfc = (Streamed)
InputStream is = streamedIntfc.retrieveStream();
jw.addEntry(is, exportFileName);
catch (IOException ioe){
throw new WTException(ioe);
private String computeUniqueFileName (String fn) throws
IOException {
//compute file name in jar (should be unique)
if (contentFileNames.contains(fn)) {
// if simple content's name already has been used then
look for
// name in form name-123.ext
// As a result will have names like: design.doc,
design-23.doc, design-57.doc, ...
int i = fn.lastIndexOf('.');
String fn_n = ( i>0 ? fn.substring(0, i) : fn);
String fn_t = ( i>0 ? fn.substring(i+1) : "" );
while (true) {
fn = (i>0 ?
fn_n + '-' + (fileNum++) + '.' + fn_t :
fn_n + '-' + (fileNum++)
if (!contentFileNames.contains(fn)) break;
String fnInJar = CONTENT_SUBDIR + "/" + fn;
return fnInJar;

public File doExport( String[] generatorIds, String[]

String[] filterIds, String[] filterParams,
File ruleFile, File policyFile,
String actionName, String stDtd, File
throws WTException{

//init jar file

resJar = resultingJar;
jw = new IXBJarWriter(resultingJar);
catch (IOException ioe){
throw new WTException(ioe);

//adopt incoming rule file

IxbElement clientSettingsElement = null;
if (ruleFile!=null) {

Import Export Framework 12-41

InputStream clientSettingsStream = new
clientSettingsElement =
IxbHelper.newIxbDocument(clientSettingsStream, false);
catch(IOException ioe){
throw new WTException(ioe);

//create exporter
Exporter exporter = null;
if ( policyFile==null ) { // policy rule is null; export
action is expected ...
exporter = IxbHelper.newExporter (this,
IxbHelper.STANDARD_DTD, clientSettingsElement, null, actionName );
exporter = IxbHelper.newExporter (this,
IxbHelper.STANDARD_DTD, clientSettingsElement, policyFile, null );

//gen set of items to export

Set res =
(generatorIds, generatorParams, filterIds, filterParams);

Iterator iter = res.iterator();

Transaction trx = new Transaction();

try {
if ( !(actionName != null &&
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Persistable ob = (Persistable)iter.next();

if ( !(actionName != null &&
trx = null;
finally {
if (trx != null) {
if ( !(actionName != null &&

12-42 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

trx = null;
catch(IOException ioe){
throw new WTException (ioe);

return resJar;


Simple Import Handler Code:

import java.io.File;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileInputStream;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Iterator;

import wt.pom.Transaction;

import wt.content.ApplicationData;
import wt.content.ContentItem;
import wt.content.Streamed;

import wt.ixb.publicforapps.ApplicationImportHandlerTemplate;

import wt.ixb.publicforhandlers.IxbElement;
import wt.ixb.publicforhandlers.IxbHndHelper;
import wt.ixb.publicforapps.IxbDocument;
import wt.ixb.publicforapps.Importer;
import wt.ixb.publicforapps.IxbHelper;

import wt.ixb.objectset.ObjectSetHelper;

import wt.ixb.actor.actions.IxbActionsHelper;

import wt.util.WTException;
import wt.util.WTMessage;

import wt.ixb.clientAccess.IXBJarReader;

import wt.fc.Persistable;

import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;

Import Export Framework 12-43

public class SimpleApplicationImportHandler extends

private IXBJarReader jr = null;

private PrintStream log = null;

public SimpleApplicationImportHandler(PrintStream a_log){

log = a_log;

public InputStream getContentAsInputStream (String contentId)
throws WTException {
return jr.getStreamByName (contentId);
catch(IOException ioe){
throw new WTException(ioe);
public void storeLogMessage(String resourceBundle, String
messageKey, Object[] textInserts)
throws WTException{
WTMessage m = new WTMessage(resourceBundle, messageKey,
public void doImport( File ruleFile, File dataFile, boolean
String actorName, File policyFile)
throws WTException{
jr = new IXBJarReader(dataFile);
catch(IOException ioe){
throw new WTException (ioe);
//prepare rule file
String ruleFileName = (ruleFile!=null)?
ruleFile.getAbsolutePath(): null;

//prepare policy file

StreamSource xslPolicyFile = null;
if (policyFile!=null) {
xslPolicyFile = new
Boolean overrideConflicts = new Boolean (_overrideConflicts);

Importer importer = IxbHelper.newImporter(this,


overrideConflicts, null /*validate*/);

String [] fns = jr.getNonContentFileNamesByExtension ("xml");

12-44 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

boolean validate =
IxbHndHelper.getIxbProperty("import.parser.validate", false);

for (int i=0; i<fns.length; i++) {

String fn = fns[i];
InputStream stream = null;
stream = jr.getStreamByName (fns[i]);
catch (IOException ioe){
throw new WTException (ioe);
IxbDocument doc = IxbHelper.newIxbDocument(stream,

//if policyFile == null, apply actorName to XML Document

before pass it to importer
if (policyFile == null){
IxbElement rootElem = doc.getRootElement();
//XML_ACTION_KEY = "actionInfo/action"
IxbElement actionElement =
if (actionElement == null){
else {
rootElem.removeChildElement( actionElement);
else { //apply policy file
doc =
//set elem ready for import

//perform actual import


Import Export Framework 12-45

12-46 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide
Xconfmanager Utility

This chapter contains information about the xconfmanager utility.

Topic Page
About the xconfmanager Utility........................................................................13-2
About the Windchill Command ........................................................................13-5

About the xconfmanager Utility
The xconfmanager is a command line utility that you can run to add, remove, or
modify properties in any Windchill property file. With one exception, the
following files are managed by Windchill Information Modeler and should not be
edited manually or edited with the xconfmanager:
• associationRegistry.properties
• classRegistry.properties
• descendentRegistry.properties
• modelRegistry.properties
The xconfmanager utility saves your changes in the site.xconf file and provides an
option to generate updated property files using the updates in the site.xconf file.
The site.xconf file contains the changes made to Windchill property files starting
with the installation and continuing with each use of the xconfmanager utility or
the System Configurator. The xconfmanager utility is located in the
<Windchill>/bin directory.
This chapter describes only the information and instructions necessary to modify
specific Windchill properties. A full description of the xconfmanger utility and
management of the Windchill property files is documented in the Windchill
System Administrator’s Guide in the Administering Runtime Services chapter.
Anyone with write access to the XCONF and property files under the Windchill
installation directory can successfully run the xconfmanager utility. The
xconfigmanger is executed from the command line from within a windchill shell
See About the windchill Command chapter for more information about the
windchill shell.
The syntax of xconfmanager command is as follows:
xconfmanager {-FhuwvV} {-r <product_root>} {-s <property_pair>
{-t <property_file>}} {--reset <property_names>}
{--undefine <property_names>} {-d <property_names>} {-p}

For the purposes of modifying Windchill properties, you will primarily use the set
(s), targeFile (t), and propagate (p) parameters.
• set is used to define the property and new property value. See the Formatting
Property Value Guidelines section (below) for information about formatting
the <property_pair) value.
• targetFile is used to specify the directory location of the property file. If the
file name or path contains spaces, you must enclose the <property_file> value
in double quotes (" "). It is recommended to use a fully-qualified file name to
ensure an accurate reference to the file is made.
• propagate is used to propagate the changes made to the XCONF files into the
property file being modified in order to keep the XCONF and the property
files in synch with one another.

13-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

• help is used to view the help for xconfmanager.
Some examples are as follows:
• xconfmanager is run from the windchill shell. To open a windchill shell, at a
command prompt, execute the following command:
windchill shell

• To display xconfmanager help, execute the following command from the

windchill shell:
xconfmanager -h

• To display the current settings for a property, execute the following command
from the windchill shell:
xconfmanager -d <property_names>

• To change a property value, execute the following command from the

windchill shell:
xconfmanager -s <property_pair>=<property_value>
-t <property_file> -p

It is recommended to use the fully-qualified name of the property file to

ensure an accurate reference to the file is made.

Formatting Property Value Guidelines

The property values you set must conform with the specification for
java.util.Properties. The following guidelines will help ensure that you set
properties correctly:
Use forward slashes (/) in file paths so that the platform designation is not an
To specify a property whose value contains characters that might be interpreted by
your shell, escape them using the appropriate technique for the shell you are
For example, on a Windows system you can include spaces in a value by
enclosing the argument with doubles quotes. For example, use the following:
-s "wt.inf.container.SiteOrganization.name=ACME Corporation"

On a UNIX system, you can use doubles quotes or you can escape the space
character with a backslash. For example, use the following:
-s wt.inf.container.SiteOrganization.name=ACME\ Corporation"

On UNIX, dollar signs are usually interpreted by shells as variable prefixes. To set
a property value that has a dollar symbol in it, use single quotes around the
argument so that it is not interpreted by the shell or use backslash to escape the
dollar symbols. For example, use either of the following:

Xconfmanager Utility 13-3

-s 'wt.homepage.jsp=$(wt.server.codebase)/wtcore/jsp/wt/portal/

-s wt.homepage.jsp=

Other than escaping arguments so that the command line shell does not
misinterpret them, the values should not need to be escaped any further to be
compatible with XML or property file syntaxes. The xconfmanager escapes
property names and values automatically if necessary.

13-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

About the Windchill Command
PTC has provided a command, windchill, to invoke Windchill actions. For
example, the command can be used to stop and start Windchill, check the status of
the Windchill server, and create a new shell and set the environment variables. It
can also be used as a Java wrapper. In that regard, it can accept a Class file as an
argument, just like Java, and execute it without a predefined environment
(Windchill classes in CLASSPATH, Java in PATH, and so on).
The windchill command should be used to execute any server-side Windchill Java
code. This will insure that the environment that the command is executed in is
properly setup. The environment that actions are executed within, including the
windchill shell action, is defined by the wt.env properties in the wt.properties file.
For example, the wt.env.CLASSPATH property will set the CLASSPATH
environment variable for the action that is being invoked.
The windchill command is a Perl script that has also been compiled into a
Windows binary executable. For UNIX systems, Perl 5.0 or greater must be
installed. The windchill script assumes that Perl is installed in the standard install
location of /usr/bin/perl. If Perl is not installed at this location, you can either
create a symbolic link (recommended method) to the Perl install location or edit
the windchill script to reference the Perl install location. To modify the windchill
script, edit the <Windchill>/bin/windchill file. Locate the #! entry (for example,
#!/usr/bin/perl -w) and change the Perl directory to the location where Perl is
The windchill command is located in the <Windchill>\ bin directory. If you
receive a command not found message when you execute the windchill command,
add the <Windchill>\bin directory to your PATH environment variable. The
syntax of the windchill command is:
windchill [args] action

You can display the help for the windchill command by executing windchill with
the -h argument or with no argument.
The following tables list some of the arguments and actions applicable to the
windchill command. To see a complete list of the arguments, use the report
generated from the help (argument).

Xconfmanager Utility 13-5

windchill Arguments:

Arguments (optional) Description

- h, --help Displays help and exits.

-v, --[no]verbose Explains what is being done when a com-

mand is executed.
Default is noverbose.

-w, --wthome=DIR Sets the Windchill home directory.

Default is the parent directory containing
the windchill script.

--java=JAVA_EXE The Java executable.

Default is the wt.java.cmd variable value
specified in the $WT_HOME/code-
base/wt.properties file.

-cp, --classpath=PATH Java classpath.

Default is the wt.java.classpath variable
value specified in the $WT_HOME/code-
base/wt.properties file.

--javaargs=JAVAARGS Java command line arguments.

windchill Actions

Action Description

shell Sets up a Windchill environment in a new

instance of the currently running shell.

start Starts the Windchill server.

stop Stops the Windchill server.

status Retrieves the status of the Windchill serv-


version Displays the Windchill install version.

13-6 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Action Description

properties Displays the properties as seen by Wind-

<resource>[,...][?key[&key2]...] chill for the given resource with substitu-
tion, etc. executed. It can be limited to a
given set of keys.
For example:
windchill properties wt.properties — lists
all wt.properties
windchill properties wt.proper-
ties?wt.server.codebase — lists server
windchill properties wt.proper-
ties?wt.env.* — lists all the environment
variables use by windchill shell
windchill properties — with no arguments
generates the help report

CLASS [CLASS_ARGS] Run a Windchill class with optional class

arguments. For example:
windchill wt.load.Developer -UAOps

About the windchill shell

The windchill shell brings up a new command shell, from the parent shell that is
setup for the Windchill environment. This includes setting all environment
variables defined in wt.env property in the wt.properties file.
To execute the windchill shell, at the command prompt enter the following
windchill shell

When you are finished using the windchill shell, you can exit the shell and return
to the parent shell.
PTC recommends running all server-side Windchill applications, tools, and
utilities from the windchill shell. Also, you can use the windchill shell to set up
your development environment to use javac or Java directly.

Xconfmanager Utility 13-7

13-8 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide
Windchill User Authentication

In order for Windchill method servers to enforce access control at an application

level, they must be able to securely and reliably determine the identity of a calling
client. Recognizing that the mechanics behind user authentication may need to be
customized for different environments, Windchill’s user authentication
framework is designed with extensibility and replacement in mind. The
framework itself and the reference implementation based on HTTP authentication
are described separately in this appendix. If you are interested in implementing
new authentication techniques, you should read about the framework (described
next). If you are interested only in understanding the out-of-the-box
authentication handler based on HTTP authentication, you can go to the reference
implementation section.

Topic Page
User Authentication Framework ........................................................................A-2
Reference Implementation (HTTP authentication) ............................................A-5
Null Authentication ............................................................................................A-7

User Authentication Framework
The primary goal of the authentication framework is to allow each client-to-server
RMI call to be reliably, securely, and efficiently associated with an authenticated
user name by the server. A secondary goal is to be simple and extensible so that a
number of implementations are possible, including the reference implementation
described later in this appendix. To achieve these goals, the framework consists of
three key interfaces that partition responsibilities as follows:
• Endorsing individual RMI calls (the wt.method.MethodAuthenticator
• Securely and reliably determining user name (the
wt.auth.AuthenticationHandler interface).
• Validating endorsed calls, associating them to a user name (the
wt.auth.Authenticator interface).
Each of these interfaces is described below. The wt.method package contains the
Windchill method server application main class, and it owns the basic client-to-
server calling mechanism. The wt.auth package builds on the basic framework
provided by the wt.method package to add more authentication specific support

The Windchill method servers provide a dynamic method invocation interface
that is accessed through a non remote class called
wt.method.RemoteMethodServer. This class exposes an invoke method but
encapsulates the details of accessing a remote method server. It hides the actual
RMI operations in order to add network failure recovery and authentication
support. The invocation target and all the call arguments are passed in an
argument container class called wt.method.MethodArgs. This argument container
contains a field for arbitrary authentication information.
The basic method invocation framework does nothing with this field. Instead, it
allows for an arbitrary server-supplied object (a wt.method.MethodAuthenticator)
to endorse outgoing calls. This object can set the extra field or wrapper the entire
wt.method.MethodArgs object such that deserialization on the server-side actually
initializes the extra field. The requirement is simply that when argument
deserialization is complete, a server-side authenticator object can use the
credentials in this extra field to reliably determine the caller’s user name.
The client receives a wt.method.MethodAuthenticator object inside a special
Throwable, wt.method.AuthenticationException, sent from the server when
authentication is required. The client automatically handles this exception by
initializing the received wt.method.MethodAuthenticator and using it to endorse a
retry of the failed call. Once installed, it continues to endorse all calls from that
The wt.method.MethodAuthenticator interface consists of the following methods:

A-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

public MethodArgs newMethodArgs ()
Creates a new wt.method.MethodArgs object or a subclass used by this
authenticator. The server calling mechanism delegates construction of the
argument-containing object to the installed authenticator object so that it can
optionally instantiate a special extension of wt.method.MethodArgs that
performs encryption or message digest computation and signing during
serialization. In these cases, the endorse method called prior to serialization
just guarantees that the argument container is of the desired type.
public boolean init ()
Initializes a newly received authenticator. IT can return false or throw a
runtime exception to prevent the installation of this authenticator and
subsequent retry of the failed method invocation.
public MethodArgs endorse (MethodArgs args)
Endorses the current message in some arbitrary way. This can be as simple as
setting the auth field of the object, or replacing the passed object with a
subclass that performs encryption or message digest computation and signing
during serialization. A newly installed authenticator was not given a chance to
construct the original argument container; this gives it a chance to guarantee
that it is of the right class or to construct a replacement.
public boolean failure (MethodArgs args, AuthenticationException e)
Called to report failure of an endorsed call due to a
wt.method.AuthenticationException. The previous argument container and
the received exception are passed in. The method should return true if the
existing authenticator object should be deinstalled, possibly to be replaced by
a new one contained in the exception object. If it returns false, the current
authenticator will remain installed and given another change to endorse the
This simple interface does not assume much about how client-to-server calls will
be secured, but allows for many interesting implementations that can be
dynamically loaded from the server as authenticator objects are thrown back from
the server.

The method server does not hard-code what authentication scheme will be used to
securely and reliably determine user names. Instead, the wt.auth package supports
a configuration property, wt.auth.handlers, that specifies a list of classes that
implement an authentication handler interface, wt.auth.AuthenticationHandler.
The class wt.auth.Authentication is responsible for making the client’s
authenticated user name available for the higher-level application layers to take
advantage of. It has a static method called getUserName that is used to access the
authenticated user name for the current thread. If the client call being processed
by the current thread did not pass any authentication information, it asks the first

Windchill User Authentication A-3

wt.auth.AuthenticationHandler in the configured list to construct a bootstrapping
wt.method.MethodAuthenticator object and sends it back to the client inside a
wt.method.AuthenticationException as described earlier.
It is called a bootstrapping authenticator because it is usually responsible only for
performing some kind of secure user login that can reliably identify the
authenticated user name and communicate that to the method server. Once this
initial login processing is performed, it is likely to be replaced by an authenticator
that simply associates each client call to that authenticated user name.
The wt.auth.AuthenticationHandler interface consists of the following methods:
public MethodAuthenticator getBootstrapAuthenticator ()
Gets an initial wt.method.MethodAuthenticator object capable of reliably
identifying the user. If this handler is not appropriate for the current client
host (available via wt.method.MethodContext), this method should return null
to give another handler in the handler list a chance.
public MethodAuthenticator getBootstrapAuthenticator (String session_id)
Gets a new wt.method.MethodAuthenticator object capable of reliably re-
identifying the user of an existing session. This is used to implement re-
authentication to change the user name associated with an existing session.
The session ID should be available later when replacing the bootstrapping
authenticator. If this handler is not appropriate for the current client host
(available via wt.method.MethodContext), this method should return null to
give another handler in the handler list a chance.
public MethodAuthenticator bootstrap (MethodAuthenticator authenticator)
Initialization method called from remote bootstrapping authenticator’s init
method. It can be used to convert the bootstrapping authenticator into a real
one, usually by calling the wt.auth.Authentication class which delegates to a
wt.auth.Authenticator class (described later in this section). If the passed
authenticator is invalid, it throws a wt.method.AuthenticationException to
allow another handler in the handler list a chance to perform authentication.
This method should return null if the passed authenticator is not an instance
used by this handler implementation.

In order to keep the initial (bootstrap) login authentication separate from
subsequent per-call authentication, a third interface, wt.auth.Authenticator, and
another configurable property, wt.auth.authenticator, are used to validate
endorsed calls. This allows several login techniques to share the same per-call
endorsement technique and allow them to be developed independently.
When a bootstrapping authenticator has determined the authenticated user name
of a client, the bootstrapping authenticator can be replaced by one returned by the
wt.auth.Authentication class’s newMethodAuthenticator method. This method

A-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

will delegate to the configured authenticator class to construct a new
wt.method.MethodAuthenticator for the given authenticated user name.
When application code later asks the wt.auth.Authentication class’s getUserName
method to identify the client’s authenticated user name, it will again delegate to
the configured authenticator to associate the call’s endorsement with the
authenticated user name that was determined by the bootstrapping authenticator.
The wt.auth.Authenticator interface consists of the following methods:
public MethodAuthenticator newMethodAuthenticator (String user)
Returns a new wt.method.MethodAuthenticator object that will associate the
given authenticated user name to endorsed method calls.
public MethodAuthenticator newMethodAuthenticator (String user, String
Returns a new wt.method.MethodAuthenticator object that will associate the
given authenticated user name to endorsed method calls for an existing
session. This is to support re-authentication for an existing session initiated by
the reauthenticateUser method. The session ID will be a string originally
created by this class in the reauthenticateUser method.
public String getUserName (Object auth)
Uses the passed authentication information (usually added to the method calls
by the previously returned wt.method.MethodAuthenticator object) to
determine the authenticated user name.
public Object setUserName (String user)
Returns an object that, when passed to getUserName will cause it to return the
given user name. This is used within the server to associate non-RMI method
invocation contexts (such as, HTTP or CORBA-based services) with an
authenticated user name.
public void reauthenticateUser (Object auth)
Uses the passed authentication information to initiate re-authentication for the
identified session. For session-based authenticators, this method can prime
the current session for re-authentication and throw back a new bootstrapping
authenticator. It can pass an arbitrary session ID string to the bootstrapping
authenticator which will eventually return to the newMethodAuthenticator
method so this class can associate the new authentication to the existing

Reference Implementation (HTTP authentication)

The framework described in the preceding section shows that Windchill user
authentication is open to customization to meet site or application needs. This
section describes what is available out-of-the-box. The Windchill base product

Windchill User Authentication A-5

contains a set of classes that work within the preceding framework to perform user
authentication based on HTTP Authentication.
Windchill applications are intended to be Web-based, and the Web infrastructure
already has standards to support user authentication between browsers and Web
servers. Applications deployed on the Web should be able to leverage the existing
user authentication infrastructure provided by browsers and Web servers,
allowing it to be shared across multiple Web-based applications, as well as other
resources accessed via the same Web servers.
Outsourcing user authentication to an interaction between the browser and Web
server allows sites more flexibility in administering user authentication because
they are no longer limited to solutions provided directly by Windchill. For
example, one site might deploy Windchill using Netscape Enterprise server in
conjunction with a central enterprise Certificate Server and Directory Server that
manages users. Such a configuration can support enterprise-wide, digital
certificate-based user authentication shared by all Web applications, not just
Another site might choose to use Microsoft’s Internet Information Server
combined with Windows NT Domain controllers to let users running Internet
Explorer authenticate transparently using NT Challenge/Response authentication.
Such a site achieves single sign-on support for their NT users using the same
Windchill software as the Netscape site.
The Windchill user authentication framework is used to accomplish user
authentication while allowing the actual HTTP authentication to be carried out
between the browser and Web server by implementing objects that satisfy the
interfaces expected by the Windchill framework as described next:
• wt.httpgw.HTTPAuthentication implements wt.auth.AuthenticationHandler
First, a concrete wt.auth.AuthenticationHandler class is provided as part of
the wt.httpgw package. This package contains the HTTP gateway into
Windchill method servers. One of the gateway URLs is required to be for
authenticated access only. This allows Windchill to use the REMOTE_USER
value passed by the Web server as an authenticated user name.
When asked to create a bootstrapping authenticator object, the
wt.httpgw.HTTPAuthentication class constructs and returns a new
wt.httpgw.HTTPLogin object.
• wt.httpgw.HTTPLogin implements wt.method.MethodAuthenticator
The wt.httpgw.HTTPLogin object’s init method opens a URL connection to
the authenticated Windchill HTTP Gateway URL. Specifically, it attempts to
invoke a login method in the wt.httpgw.HTTPAuthentication class. Because
the authenticated Windchill Gateway is subject to access control by the Web
server, the call is not received by the Windchill method server until after the
client browser and the Web server carry out HTTP authentication.

A-6 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

When it finds itself outside of a Web browser, such as a stand-alone Java
application, the wt.httpgw.HTTPLogin class is limited in its ability to carry
out vendor specific authentication schemes (such as, NT
Challenge/Response). It does, however, support HTTP 1.0 Basic and HTTP
1.1 Digest authentication using its own login dialog to prompt for a user name
and password.
Once authenticated by the Web server, the login method is reached and is
responsible for returning a new wt.method.MethodAuthenticator in the body
of the HTTP reply that can be used to authenticate RMI-based calls to the
server. It returns the configured wt.auth.Authenticator class, which defaults to
• wt.session.SessionAuthenticator implements wt.auth.Authenticator
The wt.session package is responsible for maintaining session-based state
about clients. The wt.session.SessionAuthenticator class uses this server-
maintained session state to associate unique session IDs with authenticated
user names. It returns instances of wt.session.SimpleSessionAuthenticator to
the client.
• wt.session.SimpleSessionAuthenticator implements
The wt.session.SimpleSessionAuthenticator uses a unique session ID to
endorse each call.

Null Authentication
The wt.auth.NullAuthentication class, another authentication handler provided in
the Windchill base product class allows standalone applications running on the
same host as the Windchill method server to authenticate using their user.name
Java system property. It can be used to allow standalone administrative
applications, such as install/load tools, to execute even if the built-in
authentication schemes supported by the wt.httpgw.HTTPLogin class are not
sufficient for the local Web server environment.
It checks against the client’s IP address to determine if it is a local client. If so, it
sends a wt.auth.NullLogin object to the client which accesses the user.name Java
system property. It will not access the Java system properties if a security
manager is in effect. In other words, it does not try to authenticate browser-based
clients, even if they are running on the local host. It is intended only to
authenticate stand-alone administrative applications.

Windchill User Authentication A-7

A-8 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide
Windchill Design Patterns

This section describes design patterns that represent Windchill’s current best
practices regarding development of server logic, most notably the design pattern
on how to develop business services. These patterns have emerged during the
development of the Windchill services and should be used as standards and
guidelines when developing new server logic.

Topic Page
The Object Reference Design Pattern ................................................................ B-2
The Business Service Design Pattern................................................................. B-3
The Master-iteration Design Pattern .................................................................. B-6

The Object Reference Design Pattern
One of the most basic design patterns is the object reference design pattern.

Object Reference Pattern

This pattern essentially encapsulates details concerning persistable objects and
their unique database query key. The pattern asserts that an object is a derived
attribute aggregated by reference and is not persisted. The object’s unique
database query key is aggregated by value, is persisted, and is write-protected
against the attempt of any other package class to set its value.
In cases where database performance and storage are issues, object references
persist only their object identifiers, and can be used in place of actual objects and
acted upon via their identifiers. However, when the actual object is required, it can
be gotten from the object reference which may or may not be currently holding the
object. If the object reference does not hold the object and the object is asked for,
the object is refreshed via its query key from the database.

B-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The Business Service Design Pattern
The most prevalent design pattern referenced to build Windchill services is the
business service design pattern (figures B-2, B-3, and B-4).

Business Service Interface

Business Service Classification

Windchill Design Patterns B-3

Business Service Information

This pattern has the following major kinds of abstractions:

• Type
• Cookie
• Helper
• Service
• ServiceEvent
• ServiceException
The Type abstraction provides an interface for means to type an object as being of
a particular kind. This interface is what the service expects to deal with in terms of
input and output, other than additional information. An object that does not
specify it is of a certain type cannot statically be used by the service and thus is
rejected at compile-time. In general, a Type is a kind of persistable object.
The Cookie abstraction provides a class that is used to specify the information to
be associated with and stored as a part of the typed object. When an object asserts
itself as being a Type, the Cookie and its attributes, including all nested attributes,
are code generated into the object along with applicable accessors. If a Cookie’s
cardinality is 0..1, the Cookie and all its nested attributes can be stored as null if
none of the Cookie’s attributes are required. If any of the simple, or structured,
attributes of the Cookie are constrained to be non-null in the database, the Cookie
is forced to be non-null.
The Helper abstraction provides a class representing the service’s external
interface from which all visible functionality can be invoked. The helper is
intended to specify only static methods and attributes which any other class can
access without having to create any instances. The static methods are typically
Cookie accessors. The static attribute is a remote reference to the service’s server-

B-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

side functionality by means of initializing the "service" attribute as shown in the
following example.

Initializing the Service Attribute

Notice the property in bold type named "InitialValue" and its value, "new
ServiceFwd()." This property setting directs the code generator to make an
initializer for the "service" instance to what is specified as the value. The service
name appended with "Fwd" is the name of the class generated for a class
stereotype as being a "RemoteInterface."
The Service abstraction provides an interface that specifies the main functionality
of the service itself, which may or may not be invoked remotely if the interface is
stereotyped as a "RemoteInterface." Otherwise, the service’s interface will be
available only locally in the server. This interface must be adhered to and
implemented for the service to function properly. Additionally, a standard
implementation of the service’s methods exists. This standard implementation is a
singleton executing on the server and is the default for all Windchill services.
The ServiceEvent abstraction provides a common definition of an event that can
be emitted from the service and cause another service to be notified of the event.
This event specifies one or more kinds of occurrences that are used to generate
keys for listeners. Because these specific kinds of occurrences are extremely
simple in nature, only one event per service that defines all occurrences is
The ServiceException abstraction provides a common definition of an exceptional
condition that may occur as a result of abnormal behavior in the service. This

Windchill Design Patterns B-5

exception, along with the service’s resource bundle, can be used exclusively to
throw any and all kinds of errors. However, it may be appropriate, but not
necessary, to specialize this exception for more explicit and applicable errors.

The Master-iteration Design Pattern

The design pattern that you must adhere to for all versioned data is the master-
iteration design pattern.

Master-Iteration Pattern

This pattern typically establishes two objects that work in concert with one
another. Without one, the other should not exist and is certainly invalid. At the
root are the basic abstractions:
• Mastered
• Iterated
The Mastered interface provides an abstraction of a plug-and-play component in
conjunction with the Iterated interface. The intent is that, in a business model, an
object would assert that it is a master by inheriting the Mastered interface. With
this assertion, the business object can then be mastered through the version
control service’s API. The business object must assert itself as being a kind of
mastered object in order for its instance to be iterated.

B-6 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The Iterated interface provides an abstraction of a plug-and-play component in
conjunction with the Mastered interface. The intent is that, in a business model, an
object would assert that it is an iteration (instance) by inheriting the Iterated
interface. With this assertion, the business object can then be incrementally
superseded, rolled back, and rolled up through the version control service’s API,
provided it has a master. The business object must assert itself as being a kind of
Iterated object in order for it to be incrementally changed.
The next level of master-iteration pairs defines abstract entities that start pulling
together (that is, assert) all applicable capabilities from a general [virtual]
enterprise perspective. The level below starts becoming more concrete where the
EnterpriseItemMaster is concrete but the EnterpriseItem is not. It is at this level
where the association between master and iteration is overridden with the exact
named roles. However, it should be noted that cardinality of the iterations within a
master can be specialized to be further constrained. Also, this association again
specifies itself as a foreign key and the master can be auto-navigated from the
iteration. Thus, when an iteration is fetched from the database, its master is
fetched as well in one SQL statement via a database view.
Note that the iteration at this level need not be concrete for an association of this
kind with the foreign key, and auto-navigation on the concrete class can have the
other side as an abstract class.
At the very bottom, all of the concrete specializations of the EnterpriseItem exist.
All of these specializations inherit the foreign key, auto-navigate association from
EnterpriseItem. And thus, each is generated with a specific database view such
that three database views are generated for EnterpriseItem1, EnterpriseItem2, and

Windchill Design Patterns B-7

B-8 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide
Advanced Query Capabilities

This appendix describes advanced query capabilities supported in the wt.query

package. These capabilities support advanced SQL queries and you are assumed
to be familiar with the functionality and behavior of advanced SQL statements.

The QuerySpec contains the following attributes and APIs for building complex
query expressions.

Descendant Query Attribute

By default, when a query contains a class, all concrete, persistable subclasses (that
is, all classes that have an associated table in the database) are queried. Use the
boolean descendant query attribute to control this behavior. When this attribute is
false, only the specified class in the query is queried in the database. Note that an
exception is thrown if the class is not concrete and persistable. Use this feature
only when it is necessary to perform a query against a single table.

Single Column Expression in SELECT Clause

When a class is selected in the query result set, every column of that class is
included in the SELECT clause so that a full object can be built and returned in
the QueryResult. In some cases, only single columns are needed in a result set.
When possible, single columns should be used since this is much more efficient
and offers better performance. The following API supports single column
expressions in the SELECT clause:
appendSelect(ColumnExpression a_column, int[] a_fromIndices, boolean
The fromIndices parameter is used to associate the column expression to classes
in the query, if applicable. In general, a ColumnExpression may be associated

with zero or more classes in the From clause. See the following table to determine
the size of the a_fromIndices array based on the type of ColumnExpression. For
example, a single ClassAttribute would require one from index. A SQLFunction
with two ClassAttribute arguments and a ConstantExpression argument would
require two from indices. If no fromIndices are required, a null value can be
passed as the argument. The selectOnly parameter controls whether the column
expression should be returned as a result object. If true, the column expression is
included only in the select and is not returned as a result.
The ColumnExpression parameter specifies the query column to append to the
select clause. The following are concrete ColumnExpression implementations:

Column Expression Description Required From Indices

ClassAttribute This class represents a class attribute 1

that can be used in a SQL statement.
Introspection information is used to
determine the associated table and

SQLFunction This class represents a SQL function 0 or more. This number is

within a SQL statement. based on the sum of the
required from indices of all

ConstantExpression This class represents a constant in a 0

SQL statement.

KeywordExpression This class represents an expression that 0

evaluates to a SQL keyword that can be
used in a SQL statement.

TableColumn This class represents a table column that 0

can be used in a SQL statement. The
exact table and column name specified
are used directly in the SQL statement.

The following example builds a query for part numbers:

QuerySpec qs = new QuerySpec();
int classIndex = qs.appendClassList(wt.part.WTPart.class, false);
ClassAttribute ca = new ClassAttribute(
wt.part.WTPartclass, wt.part.WTPart.NUMBER);
qs.appendSelect(ca, new int[] { classIndex }, false);

Note that when the WTPart class is appended to the query, the selectable
parameter is false. The full object is not returned; only the number column is
Results are still returned in the QueryResult object. Each element of the
QueryResult corresponds to a row and is an Object array (that is, Object[]). In this
example, the number column is at index 0 for each element. The actual Java type

C-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

for each result is based on the table column and the JDBC SQL-to-Java type
The behavior of queries for parent classes (that is, classes that have one or more
persistable, concrete subclasses) is to execute SQL for each table. When only
ColumnExpressions are included in the SELECT clause, all of these SQL
statements are implicitly executed as a single UNION statement instead of
multiple separate database queries.
Queries that include only column expressions still have Access Control applied.
Internally, columns are added to the query to retrieve information needed for
Access Control. When queries containing only columns are used as sub-selects as
part of an ObjectReference query (described later in this appendix), then the
Access Control columns are not added. This behavior is important to understand
when using aggregate SQL functions. When these are used, the SELECT clause
must contain only expressions with aggregate SQL functions (or the expression
must be included in the GROUP BY clause. If Access Control is applied to such a
statement, then it will result in invalid SQL.

Table Expression in FROM Clause

When a class is added to a query, the generated SQL includes the associated table
for the class in the FROM clause of the query. It is also possible to append a
TableExpression to the FROM clause as shown below:
appendFrom( TableExpression a_tableExpression )
The following are concrete TableExpression implementations:

ClassTableExpression This class represents a class specification of a

table that can be used in a SQL FROM clause.
Introspection information is used to determine the
associated table.

ClassViewExpression This class represents a "view" of a class table that

can be used in a SQL FROM clause. All
descendent classes are part of this view (however,
no additional sub-class columns are included).
This class is useful for queries involving outer
joins or group by because all sub-classes are
treated as a single "table".

SubSelectExpression This class represents a subselect that can be used

in a SQL statement. The subselect is specified via
a StatementSpec attribute.

ExternalTableExpression This class represents a table that can be used in a

SQL FROM clause. The exact table name
specified is used directly in the SQL statement.

Advanced Query Capabilities C-3

The following example builds a query against a non-modeled table named dual:
QuerySpec qs = new QuerySpec();
int fromIndex = qs.appendFrom(new
TableColumn dummyColumn = new TableColumn("dual", "dummy");
SQLFunction currentDate = SQLFunction.new
qs.appendSelect(dummyColumn, new int[] { fromIndex }, false);
qs.appendSelect(currentDate, null, false);

Expression in WHERE Clause

The most common type of WHERE clause expression is a SearchCondition.
However, other expressions can also be used. The following APIs support
expressions in the WHERE clause:
appendWhere(WhereExpression a_expression, int[] a_fromIndicies)
appendWhere(WhereExpression a_expression, TableExpression[]
a_tableExpressions, String[] a_aliases)
The following are concrete WhereExpression implementations:

SearchCondition This class represents a search

condition on a query. When appended
to a QuerySpec, the values will be
used in the SQL WHERE clause.

ExistsExpression This class represents an EXISTS

expression in a WHERE clause. A
StatementSpec instance is used for the

CompositeWhereExpression This class represents a number of

WHERE expressions connected using
a logical operator (i.e. AND/OR).

NegatedExpression This class represents a negation of an

expression in a WHERE clause. This
class contains an aggregated
WhereExpression that is preceded
with a NOT when this expression is

The fromIndices parameter is used to associate the WHERE expression operands

with tables in the FROM clause. Similar to the appendSelect() method, the
fromIndices array is based on the types of WhereExpression and
ColumnExpressions used in those WhereExpressions. For example, a
SearchCondition with a ClassAttribute and a ConstantExpression would require a

C-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

single from index. A CompositeWhereExpression containing three
SearchConditions would require fromIndices array with size equal to the sum of
the size needed for each SearchCondition.
The following example demonstrates the proper usage of the fromIndices. This
code queries for parts and their associated alternate parts. A composite where
expression is used with several criteria: the second through fourth characters of
the associated part numbers are equivalent, the part name begins with "E", or the
alternate part name begins with "E". This first section of code sets up the classes
in the query, the select items, and the joins between the classes.
QuerySpec qs = new QuerySpec();
int partIndex = qs.appendClassList(wt.part.WTPartMaster.class, false);
int alternatePartIndex = qs.appendClassList(wt.part.WTPartMaster.class, false);
int linkIndex = qs.appendClassList(wt.part.WTPartAlternateLink.class, false);

// Define the attributes in the query

ClassAttribute partName =
new ClassAttribute(wt.part.WTPartMaster.class, wt.part.WTPartMaster.NAME);
ClassAttribute alternatePartName =
new ClassAttribute(wt.part.WTPartMaster.class, wt.part.WTPartMaster.NAME);
ClassAttribute partNumber =
new ClassAttribute(wt.part.WTPartMaster.class, wt.part.WTPartMaster.NUMBER);
ClassAttribute alternatePartNumber =
new ClassAttribute(wt.part.WTPartMaster.class, wt.part.WTPartMaster.NUMBER);

// Define constants used in the criteria

ConstantExpression subStringStart = new ConstantExpression(new Long(2));
ConstantExpression subStringEnd = new ConstantExpression(new Long(4));
ConstantExpression wildcardExpression = new ConstantExpression("E% [ ]");

// Add items to the select and join the classes

qs.appendSelect(partName, new int[] { 0 }, false);
qs.appendSelect(alternatePartName, new int[] { 1 }, false);
qs.appendJoin(linkIndex, wt.part.WTPartAlternateLink.ALTERNATES_ROLE, partIndex);
qs.appendJoin(linkIndex, wt.part.WTPartAlternateLink.ALTERNATE_FOR_ROLE,

In this next section, the criteria are constructed and appended to the query. Note
that the first SearchCondition uses two ClassAttribute instances. The
corresponding indices must be added to the fromIndices array that is used in the
appendWhere. Likewise, the second SearchCondition references the part class and
the third SearchCondition references the alternate part class. Therefore, four
fromIndices are required and each array element must correspond to the
appropriate SearchCondition.
CompositeWhereExpression orExpression =
new CompositeWhereExpression(LogicalOperator.OR);
orExpression.append(new SearchCondition(
partNumber, subStringStart, subStringEnd),
alternatePartNumber, subStringStart, subStringEnd)));

Advanced Query Capabilities C-5

orExpression.append(new SearchCondition(
partName, SearchCondition.LIKE, wildcardExpression));
orExpression.append(new SearchCondition(
alternatePartName, SearchCondition.LIKE, wildcardExpression));

qs.appendWhere(orExpression, new int[] {

partIndex, alternatePartIndex, partIndex, alternatePartIndex });

The last API explicitly specifies table expressions and aliases for the WHERE
expression operands. This API is used for correlated subselects. When using
subselects, it is common to use correlated columns (that is, a join between a
column in the outer select and a column in the subselect). This is supported using
the appendWhere() API in which TableExpressions and aliases are passed
explicitly. For WhereExpressions that do not involve a subselect, the
TableExpressions and aliases are derived implicitly using the QuerySpec FROM
clause and the specified indices.
The following example builds a query using an EXISTS clause and a correlated
subselect. The query will return all PartMasters for which an alternate PartMaster
does not exist. An alternate is represented by the WTPartAlternateLink class,
which is a many-to-many association between PartMasters. The role A of the
WTPartAlternateLink class specifies the current PartMaster and the role B
specifies the alternate PartMaster. Following is the SQL for this query:
FROM WTPartMaster A0
FROM WTPartAlternateLink B0
WHERE (A0.ida2a2 = B0.ida3a5)))

The following code constructs the query specification. The outer select will return
PartMaster objects.
QuerySpec select = new QuerySpec();
int partIndex = select.appendClassList(wt.part.WTPartMaster.class,

The following code constructs the subselect. The alias prefix is changed to avoid
conflicts with the outer select.
QuerySpec subSelect = new QuerySpec();
int altIndex =

subSelect.appendSelect(new ClassAttribute(

wt.part.WTPartAlternateLink.class, WTAttributeNameIfc.ID_NAME),

new int[] { altIndex }, true);

The following code explicitly sets up the TableExpressions and aliases, which are
passed as arrays. The join will be from the outer select to the subselect so the outer

C-6 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

select values are placed in the arrays at index 0 and the subselect values are placed
in the array at index 1. The arrays are then used to append the SearchCondition.
TableExpression[] tables = new TableExpression[2];
String[] aliases = new String[2];
tables[0] = select.getFromClause().getTableExpressionAt(partIndex);
aliases[0] = select.getFromClause().getAliasAt(partIndex);
tables[1] = subSelect.getFromClause().getTableExpressionAt(altIndex);
aliases[1] = subSelect.getFromClause().getAliasAt(altIndex);

SearchCondition correlatedJoin = new SearchCondition(

wt.part.WTPartMaster.class, WTAttributeNameIfc.ID_NAME,
subSelect.appendWhere(correlatedJoin, tables, aliases);

Finally, the negated EXISTS clause is appended to the outer select.

select.appendWhere(new NegatedExpression(new
ExistsExpression(subSelect)), null);

Bind Parameters
Bind parameters are a database/JDBC feature to take advantage of database
statement preparsing and optimization. Bind parameters are a mechanism for
replacing constants in a SQL statement with replacement parameters at execution
time. For example, the following WHERE clause expression uses the constant
WTPartMaster.name = ’Engine’
This expression can be replaced with the following in the static SQL:
WTPartMaster.name = ?
and the value ’Engine’ can be bound to the parameter ? at execution time.
On a subsequent execution, a new value, such as Cylinder, can be bound to that
same parameter. If these two statements had used the constant value directly in the
static SQL, each statement would have been parsed, optimized, and precompiled
separately. When bind parameters are used, a single static SQL statement can be
reused multiple times.
This bind parameter feature is implicitly supported when using the QuerySpec,
SearchCondition, and other query classes. However, the bind parameters can also
be explicitly accessed using the following APIs:
getBindParameterAt(int a_index)
setBindParameterAt(Object a_value, int a_index)

Query Limit
A QuerySpec attribute, "queryLimit", can be used to limit the results returned
from a query. As the database results are processed, a count is kept for each item

Advanced Query Capabilities C-7

in the result set. This count includes items filtered out due to Access Control. If
the limit is reached, then a PartialResultException will be thrown. This exception
will contain a QueryResult with the items that have been processed. This could be
used in a situation where a client may choose to display these results after issuing
a message that a query limit was reached.

A SearchCondition represents a SQL WHERE clause expression of the following
<left side operand> <operator> <right side operand>
The following are examples:
MyTable.Column1 = 5
MyTable.Column2 LIKE "E%"
MyTable.Column3 = JoinTable.Column1

Operands can also be more complex, such as SQL functions or subselects.

SearchCondition can use arbitrary RelationalExpression operands. The operands
can be specified using the SearchCondition constructor or setter methods. The
following are concrete ColumnExpression implementations:

ClassAttribute This class represents a class attribute that can be

used in a SQL statement. Introspection
information is used to determine the associated
table and column.

SQLFunction This class represents a SQL function within a

SQL statement.

SubSelectExpression This class represents a subselect that can be used

in a SQL statement. The subselect is specified via
a StatementSpec attribute.

ConstantExpression This class represents a constant in a SQL


KeywordExpression This class represents an expression that evaluates

to a SQL keyword that can be used in a SQL

RangeExpression This class represents a range in a SQL WHERE


DateExpression This class represents a date constant in a SQL

statement. This subclass of ConstantExpression is
necessary to provide the special handling for date

C-8 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

ArrayExpression This class represents an array of constants in a
SQL IN clause.

TableColumn This class represents a table column that can be

used in a SQL statement. The exact table and
column name specified are used directly in the
SQL statement.

The following example builds a complex query to determine the WTPartMaster

object with the oldest modify timestamp after a specified date cutoff. Following is
the SQL for this query:
FROM WTPartMaster A0
WHERE (A0.modifyStampA2 IN (SELECT MIN(B0.modifyStampA2)
FROM WTPartMaster B0
WHERE B0.modifyStampA2 > ’cutoff’) )

The following code constructs the query specification:

Class targetClass = wt.part.WTPartMaster.class;
QuerySpec subSelect = new QuerySpec();
int subIndex = subSelect.appendClassList(targetClass, false);
int[] fromIndicies = { subIndex };
ClassAttribute subModifyStamp =
new ClassAttribute(targetClass,WTAttributeNameIfc.MODIFY_STAMP_NAME);
SQLFunction minFunction = SQLFunction.new SQLFunction(SQLFunction.
MINIMUM, subModifyStamp);
subSelect.appendSelect(minFunction, fromIndicies, false);
subSelect.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(subModifyStamp,
SearchCondition.GREATER_THAN, DateExpression.newExpression(cutoff)),

QuerySpec select = new QuerySpec();

int index = select.appendClassList(targetClass, true);
select.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(modifyStamp,SearchCondition.IN,
new SubSelectExpression(subSelect)), new int[] { index });

Compound Query
A compound query is a SQL statement that combines more than one component
query into a single SQL statement via a set operator. Set operators include
UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, and MINUS. A compound query is
composed by specifying a set operator and adding component queries. The
component queries are StatementSpec objects so nesting of compound queries is
also supported.

Note: The current version of the Oracle JDBC driver contains a bug that prohibits
using parentheses around component statements in a nested compound query. The
setting of the wt.pom.allowCompoundParentheses property in the db.properties
file controls whether parentheses are used. By default, this setting is false to avoid

Advanced Query Capabilities C-9

the Oracle JDBC driver bug. This workaround could lead to unexpected results if
the set operator precedence is significant.

The following example builds a compound query to return a specific PartMaster

number and the numbers of all of its alternates. Note that only numbers are
selected, not full objects. This is necessary because, if all subclasses are
considered, the compound query statement must include all subclass tables. These
subclass tables may contain additional columns that would make the select list for
each statement incompatible with other component statements. SQL requires that
each component query in a compound statement must have the same number and
corresponding type in the select list. Following is the SQL for this query:
SELECT A0.number
FROM WTPartMaster A0
WHERE (A0.name = ‘ENGINE')
SELECT A2.number
FROM WTPartMaster A0,WTPartAlternateLink A1,WTPartMaster A2
WHERE (A0.name = ‘ENGINE') AND
(A0.idA2A2 = A1.idA3A5) AND (A2.idA2A2 = A1.idA3B5)

The following code constructs the query specification. The first select constructed
is for PartMasters with the name ENGINE.
QuerySpec partSelect = new QuerySpec();
int partIndex = partSelect.appendClassList(wt.part.WTPartMaster.class, false);
partSelect.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(wt.part.WTPartMaster.class,
WTPartMaster.NAME, SearchCondition.EQUAL, "ENGINE"), new int[]
{ partIndex });

The next select is constructed for returning PartMaster alternates. An alternate is

represented by the WTPartAlternateLink class, which is a many-to-many
association between PartMasters. A join must be specified across this association
from the original part to its alternates.
QuerySpec altSelect = new QuerySpec();
partIndex = altSelect.appendClassList(wt.part.WTPartMaster.class,
int altIndex = altSelect.appendClassList(W
int altPartIndex =

altSelect.appendSelect(new ClassAttribute(
wt.part.WTPartMaster.class, wt.part.WTPartMaster.NUMBER),
new int[] { altPartIndex }, false);

WTPartMaster.NAME, SearchCondition.EQUAL, "ENGINE"), new int[]
{ partIndex });

C-10 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide


Finally, the compound statement is constructed using the two previous queries
and the UNION set operator.
CompoundQuerySpec compound = new CompoundQuerySpec();

Access Control Consideration

The use of some advanced SQL APIs can bypass Access Control. These situations
are detected and an AdvancedQueryAccessException will be thrown. The
following advanced query uses will cause this exception:
• Sub-selects (wt.query.SubSelectExpression)
• MINUS or INTERSECT Compound Statements
• External Tables (wt.query.ExternalTableExpression)
• Aggregate Functions (wt.query.SQLFunction)
• ROWNUM keyword (wt.query.KeywordExpression)
This is done to ensure that Access Control is not bypassed unknowingly. In some
cases, the use of these advanced SQL features that bypass Access Control is
legitimate. For these cases, the advanced checking can be disabled at runtime.
Query specification classes support an "advancedQueryEnabled" attribute that can
only be set from server side code. If applicable, the attribute should be set to true
on the query instance that is passed to the PersistenceManager query/find API to
allow these queries to be executed without throwing an exception.
// Use advanced APIs to build query.
// Disable checking of advance features

Advanced Query Capabilities C-11

// Execute query with access control
The find() method executes the statement with access control. Therefore, Access
Control related columns may be implicitly added to the select. For some
advanced features, such as aggregate functions, INTERSECT, and MINUS, the
addition of these columns can affect the expected results or cause a SQL
exception. In these cases, to successfully execute the query, the server side, non-
access controlled query() method should be used.

Queries can be used to sort the result data at the database level. However, in
general, database sorting should only be applied to paging queries and queries that
involve only ColumnExpressions. Other types of queries may be implemented as
several separate SQL statements so the sorting is only applied to the individual
statements and not the complete query. Any ColumnExpression can be used as a
sort column. The OrderBy item is used to pass the ColumnExpression to the
StatementSpec. The OrderBy also indicates the sort order (ascending or
descending) and optionally a Locale. If a Locale is specified, then any character
based attributes are sorted with respect to that Locale using the database language
support. For Oracle, this is the National Language Support (NLS) (see Oracle
documentation for more information). Java Locale values are mapped to Oracle
NLS linguistic sort names via dbservice.properties entries.
Sorting is supported for standard and compound queries via QuerySpec and
CompoundQuerySpec methods.
QuerySpec.appendOrderBy(OrderBy a_orderBy, int[] a_fromIndicies)

CompoundQuerySpec.appendOrderBy(OrderBy a_orderBy)

The QuerySpec method validates the ColumnExpression contained in the

OrderBy against the QuerySpec’s FROM clause. The CompoundQuerySpec
method does not validate. Note that neither method handles appending the
ColumnExpression to the SELECT clause of the statement. This still must be
done via the appendSelect() method. In both cases, it is recommended that a
column alias be set for each ColumnExpression that is contained in an OrderBy.
Depending on the type of query and the number of subclasses involved, the actual
SQL statements may not be valid if a column alias is not used. Note that the
column alias must not be a SQL reserved word (e.g., "number").
The following example builds a compound query using sorting. The names of
parts and documents are returned sorted by name. Following is the SQL for this
SELECT A0.bname sortName
SELECT A0.bname sortName

C-12 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

FROM WTDocument A0

The following code constructs the query specification. The first component query
is for Parts. Note the setting of the column alias.
String sortName = "sortName";

QuerySpec partQuery = new QuerySpec();

int classIndex = partQuery.appendClassList(wt.part.WTPart.class,
ClassAttribute partName = new ClassAttribute(wt.part.WTPart.class,
partQuery.appendSelect(partName, new int[] { classIndex }, false);

This next section constructs the Document portion of the query. The same column
alias is used.

QuerySpec docQuery = new QuerySpec();

classIndex = docQuery.appendClassList(wt.doc.WTDocument.class,
ClassAttribute docName =
new ClassAttribute(wt.doc.WTDocument.class,
docQuery.appendSelect(docName, new int[] { classIndex }, false);

Finally, the compound query is constructed using these two component queries.
The OrderBy is appended to the overall query. The default locale is used to sort
the names with respect to the user’s language.
CompoundQuerySpec query = new CompoundQuerySpec();
query.appendOrderBy(new OrderBy(partName, true


Join Support
Query joins are used for associating data contained in separate tables. Joins can be
accomplished by using the PersistenceManager navigate methods or through
adhoc WhereExpressions. The QuerySpec class also provides explicit support for
appending a join to a query using link classes and roles defined in the Rose model.
This offers the flexibility of the QuerySpec along with the simplicity of specifying
query joins using model information. The following QuerySpec methods can be
appendJoin(int a_linkIndex, String a_role, Persistable a_source)
appendJoin(int a_linkIndex, String a_role, int a_targetIndex)

The following example builds a query that joins together the SubFolder and Part
classes via the FolderMembership link. The query returns all folders and all of the

Advanced Query Capabilities C-13

associated parts that are contained in the folder. The following code constructs the
query specification. The first section adds the classes and the attributes that should
be returned. The final two lines of code join together the classes using the
modeled roles for the FolderMembership link class.
QuerySpec query = new QuerySpec();

int folderIndex = query.appendClassList(wt.folder.SubFolder.class, false);

int linkIndex = query.appendClassList(wt.folder.FolderMembership.class, false);
int partIndex = query.appendClassList(wt.part.WTPart.class, false);
query.appendSelect(new ClassAttribute(wt.folder.SubFolder.class,
new int[] { folderIndex } , false);
query.appendSelect(new ClassAttribute(wt.part.WTPart.class, wt.part.WTPart.NAME),
new int[] { partIndex }, false);
query.appendJoin(linkIndex, wt.folder.FolderMembership.FOLDER_ROLE, folderIndex);
query.appendJoin(linkIndex, wt.folder.FolderMembership.MEMBER_ROLE, partIndex);

C-14 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Evolvable Classes

Topic Page
Background Information ....................................................................................D-2
General Externalization Guidelines....................................................................D-3
Hand-coded Externalization Guidelines.............................................................D-3
Migration Guidelines for Classes with Hand-coded Externalization.................D-4
Examples of Generated Externalization Code for Evolvable Classes................D-4

Externalizable classes that implement the Evolvable interface are the Windchill
classes that can be serialized into BLOB columns in the database. As the
persistent structure of these classes changes, action may be required to maintain
compatibility with previous versions that have been serialized into the database.
During the migration period (that is, at Windchill Release 4.0), all Externalizable
classes have the methods necessary to manage class compatibility but, in the
future, only Evolvable classes will have these features. Any modeled class that is
intended to support being serialized into a BLOB database column must
implement the Evolvable interface. Once Evolvable is implemented, the owner of
the class must manage its compatibility from version to version.
The Persistent Data Service (PDS) will report any classes being serialized into the
database that implement the NetFactor interface and not the Evolvable interface.
This allows third party classes, such as Vectors, Hashtables, and so on, to be
serialized into the database. This also allows modeled classes that do not
implement NetFactor to be serialized into the database; however, we do not
recommend this practice because it leaves the class exposed to serious data
migration problems.
The best way to specify that a modeled class will implement the Evolvable
interface is to set the Serializable property for the class to Evolvable. This
property is on the Windchill tab of the class specification in Rose.

Background Information
As of Release 4.0, the generated externalization code reads and writes a data
stream according to the following order, with field values for each class ordered
1. BottomClass.ID
2. MiddleClass.ID
3. TopClass.ID
4. TopClass field value1
5. TopClass field value2
6. TopClass field value...N
7. MiddleClass field value1
8. MiddleClass field value2
9. MiddleClass field value...N
10. BottomClass field value1
11. BottomClass field value2
12. BottomClass field value...N

D-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

To maintain externalization compatibility of a class from version to version, it is
most important to understand the resulting stream layout for each version of a
class. When the persistent signature of a class is being changed significantly, it
may be helpful to map out the stream format for each version, in order to
understand clearly what is necessary to read a previous version of the stream.
Beyond the fundamental understanding of the stream format, points in the
following sections provide guidance concerning when and what kind of manual
intervention is necessary to maintain compatibility.

General Externalization Guidelines

The following are general externalization guidelines:
• Inserting a parent into the hierarchy is handled automatically.
• Removing a parent from the hierarchy requires implementation of
– The old ID and fields must be read (removed) from the stream.
• Changing the persistent signature of a class requires implementation of
– Adding or removing fields.
– Changing the name or type of a field.

Hand-coded Externalization Guidelines

The following are guidelines for hand-coded externalization:
• Use the version ID that is generated as the
EXTERNALIZATION_VERSION_UID constant. This allows subclasses to
use it for their own comparisons.
• If you want to control the EXTERNALIZATION_VERSION_UID, you must
model it and specify its initial value in the model. A modeled attribute
supersedes the one provided by the code generator.
– To calculate this version UID, the code generator uses the name of the
parent class, and the names and types of all the non-transient, persistent
– It is prudent to manually control this value if the hand-coded
externalization is not related to the signature, or footprint, of the non-
transient, persistent fields of the class. (This occurrence should be rare.)
• Do not model a serialVersionUID attribute with a value other than 1 as this
disallows the ability to read old versions of the class.

Evolvable Classes D-3

Migration Guidelines for Classes with Hand-coded
The following are guidelines for the migration of classes with hand-coded
• First, check whether the code generated into the readVersion method looks
the same as the code that is preserved in readExternal. If so, you should turn
off preservation and just let it all be generated.
• If the class had modeled a serialVersionUID attribute, remove it from the
• Set the Serializable property on the Windchill tab of the class specification in
Rose to Evolvable.
• If the class already implemented readOldVersion, multiple old versions will
now need to be supported.
• If the class is not final, the following guidelines apply:
– If the class was using something other than the generated version ID
number, you must change the read/write to use the
In addition, OLD_FORMAT_VERSION_UID should be ignored because
it is incorrect for your class. To read in instances externalized in the old
format, reference the version UID that was actually used.
You must also add support for the old ID to readOldVersion().
– You must move code from readExternal() to readVersion(), and set
preserve=no for readExternal().

Examples of Generated Externalization Code for Evolvable

This section contains examples of generated externalization code for evolvable

Example of Generated Constants

static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
public static final long EXTERNALIZATION_VERSION_UID = 4445336297727427925L;
protected static final long OLD_FORMAT_VERSION_UID = 2252240915753719640L

// OLD_FORMAT_VERSION_UID is only valid for R4 instances of the class

Example of a writeExternal Method

public void writeExternal( ObjectOutput output )
throws IOException {

D-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

//##begin writeExternal% [ ]writeExternal.body preserve=no


super.writeExternal( output );

output.writeObject( a1 );
output.writeObject( a2 );
output.writeObject( a3 );
output.writeObject( list );
output.writeObject((size==null - null:size.getStringValue()) );
output.writeObject( timeline );
output.writeObject( work );

//##end writeExternal% [ ]writeExternal.body

Example of a readVersion Method

protected boolean readVersion( MyItem thisObject, ObjectInput input,

long readSerialVersionUID, boolean passThrough, boolean superDone )

throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

//##begin readVersion% [ ]readVersion.body preserve=no

boolean success = true;

// current version UID


if ( !superDone ) // if not doing backward compatibility

super.readExternal( input ); // handle super class

a1 = (String)input.readObject();
a2 = (Date)input.readObject();
a3 = (Xyz)input.readObject();
list = (Vector)input.readObject();
String size_string_value = (String)input.readObject();

try { size = (MySize)wt.fc.EnumeratedType.toEnumeratedType(

size_string_value ); }

// in case it was old format

catch( wt.util.WTInvalidParameterException e ) {
size = MySize.toMySize( size_string_value );
timeline = (Timeline)input.readObject();
work = (MyAddress)input.readObject();
success = readOldVersion( input, readSerialVersionUID, passThrough,
superDone );

return success;

//##end readVersion% [ ]readVersion.body

Evolvable Classes D-5

Example of a readOldVersion Method
This method is generated virtually the same as readVersion to support backward
compatibility with the previous stream format. To support backward compatibility
for multiple releases, the method should include a conditional block for each old
version that is being supported. Each condition should check for the version UID
that was used in that version of the class, and the block that reads the fields should
be the same set of read calls that the were used for that version. The generated
OLD_FORMAT_VERSION_UID constant is only valid for R4 instances of the
class. Fields that no longer exist can be read and discarded (not assigned). Fields
that didn't exist for the version can be initialized in the manner necessary to put
the object into a valid state.
private boolean readOldVersion( ObjectInput input,
long readSerialVersionUID, boolean passThrough, boolean superDone )
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

//##begin readOldVersion% [ ]readOldVersion.body preserve=no

boolean success = true;

// handle previous version

if ( readSerialVersionUID == OLD_FORMAT_VERSION_UID ) {
a1 = (String)input.readObject();
a2 = (Date)input.readObject();
a3 = (Xyz)input.readObject();
list = (Vector)input.readObject();
String size_string_value = (String)input.readObject();

try { size = (MySize)wt.fc.EnumeratedType.toEnumeratedType(

size_string_value ); }

// in case it was old format

catch( wt.util.WTInvalidParameterException e ) {
size = MySize.toMySize( size_string_value );

timeline = (Timeline)input.readObject();
work = (MyAddress)input.readObject();

else if ( !superDone ) {
success = super.readVersion( this, input,
readSerialVersionUID, false, false ); // reformatted stream-

if ( success &amp;&amp; !passThrough &amp;&amp; // forced pass through to skip me

// I have been inserted into hierarchy
// try mine again
readVersion( this, input, input.readLong(), false, true );
throw new java.io.InvalidClassException( CLASSNAME,
"Local class not compatible:"
+ " stream classdesc externalizationVersionUID=
" + readSerialVersionUID
+ " local class externalizationVersionUID=

D-6 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

return success;

//##end readOldVersion% [ ]readOldVersion.body

Evolvable Classes D-7

D-8 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide
GUI Design Process

This appendix describes the GUI design process used to create the user interface
of Windchill applications. Although you are not required to follow this process to
create applications with Windchill, we recommend that you use some formal
design method. Even if you have already started design, you can use this process
to validate your work.

Topic Page
Overview of the Design Process ........................................................................ E-2
Gather User Requirements ................................................................................. E-4
Analyze Tasks .................................................................................................... E-6
Design the GUI................................................................................................. E-13

Overview of the Design Process
There are three major phases in the design process, each of which contains
specialized tasks that are described in more detail later in this appendix.

Phase 1: Gather User Requirements

• Define user profiles
• Define user requirements
During this phase, you determine who the users of the system are and what they
need in order to perform their work. As you progress, continually validate your
decisions by using this information about your users.

Phase 2: Analyze Tasks

• Define use cases
• Model task structure and sequences
• Develop task scenarios
• Develop storyboards
During this phase, you define user tasks at a high level and prioritize them. Do not
think about design at this point. If design issues arise naturally, record them and
go back to the high-level activities.

Phase 3: Design the GUI

• Model task objects
• Design the GUI
• Prototype the GUI
• Evaluate the GUI
The last three steps of this phase (designing, prototyping, and evaluating the GUI)
are iterative steps and are typically repeated at least twice.

E-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The following figure illustrates the process.

Overview of the GUI Design Process

The first steps in the GUI design process are to define the users and their
requirements. Profiles of the users and their requirements are used as input when
modeling user tasks and GUI objects. They are also used during the GUI
evaluation step to validate the prototype.
Task structure models and task object models can be used as input to each other.
Task structure models are used to identify objects within the tasks, and the
resulting objects can be used to validate the task structure models. Both are then
used as input to the GUI design step.
A highly desirable input to the GUI design is a UI style guide, which also
addresses internationalization concerns. Use (or develop) your own corporate
style guide, use one already written for the platform for which you are designing,
or use one of the many available commercially.
The last phase, actual development of the GUI, is an iterative process of designing
the GUI, developing a prototype, evaluating the prototype, and then redesigning

GUI Design Process E-3

based on the evaluation. These steps overlap in that they are sometimes done in
parallel and may merge with each other.

Gather User Requirements

Define User Profiles

A user profile describes a type of user, for example, an administrator. An
application can have more than one type of user. For example, in a document
management application, you could have an administrator of documents, an
author of documents, and a reader of documents. Each would use the application
differently, have different characteristics (with some overlap possible, of course),
and, therefore, have a different user profile.
A typical user profile should include the following information:
• Name of the user class (type)
• The breadth or depth of product knowledge
• Tasks performed by the user
• User’s experience and skills in the task domain
• User’s experience and skills with Windchill
• Frequency of the user’s use of the system
• Other applications used by the user
• Relevant internationalization issues
The process to define user profiles is as follows:
1. To determine who will use the system, talk with users and domain experts.
Ask the following questions:
– Who are the end users of the system-
– What characteristics and knowledge do these users have-
– What is their pattern of use-
– What is their work environment-
– What is their hardware environment-
– What other applications do they interact with-
2. Group the users into types based on their patterns of use and other relevant
3. Write user profiles including the information given earlier in the section.
4. Determine what percentage of the total user base each type of user represents.

E-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

As an example, assume a Help Desk has two types of users: customers and
product support analysts. Following is a typical user profile of customers:
• Registered users of Windchill products.
• Are using the system to report product defects, make a product-related
inquiry, retrieve information about new or upcoming product releases, or
obtain marketing and sales information.
• Have a wide range of expertise with Windchill products, from first-time users
to infrequent users to "power" users.
• Have a wide range of expertise with computer applications in general, from
novice to expert. (It would be even more helpful to explicitly define novice
and expert at this point.)
• Are experiencing varying levels of frustration, from not frustrated to
extremely frustrated.
A GUI designer might look at the fourth bullet, for example, and start to think of
designing a very simple GUI for novice users while building in shortcuts and
other accelerators for expert users.

Define User Requirements

User requirements are often developed in parallel with system requirements, but
they are not the same. User requirements are written from the perspective of how
users get their work done. They do not address how the system will operate in
order to support that work.
However, when you define user requirements early in the process, they can be
used very effectively as input for defining system requirements.
The process to define user requirements is as follows:
1. Define the requirements for each type of user in your user profiles. To
determine these requirements, talk with users and domain experts. Whenever
possible, speak with the actual users to understand their needs and
2. Clarify and expand the list of requirements. Continually validate and re-
validate the list with users and domain experts as you add and further refine
the requirements.
3. Categorize the list of requirements according to types of users (if more than
4. Prioritize the list considering the following questions:
– Which requirements are critical to success-
– What requirements will increase usability-
– Which requirements are achievable for this release or a future release-

GUI Design Process E-5

– Are the target levels correct-
– What are the minimum requirements-
The following tables show a subset of the user requirements for the customer user
For incident reports

Requirement Priority

Report an incident via the Web High

View attributes of an incident report High

Query incident reports Medium

Report an incident via e-mail Low

For product information

Requirement Priority

Make inquiry about product customer is registered for Medium

Make inquiry about any existing product Medium

Download answers to local file system Low

To create user requirements, first list the requirements with no organization or

priority assigned. Validate them with typical users of the system. Remember that
user requirements can be included for usability as well as functionality.
Next organize the requirements loosely in terms of function. In this example, a
number of requirements are related only to incident reports, with a smaller
number related only to obtaining product information.
Finally, prioritize the requirements within each category.

Analyze Tasks
A task is a human activity that achieves a specific goal. Examples of tasks are:
creating a document, finding a file, generating a bill of materials, or updating user
Modeling user tasks starts with very simple, brief descriptions of individual tasks
and evolves to detailed descriptions of how the user interacts with the system.
Modeling tasks involves the following steps:

E-6 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

• Define use cases
• Model task structure and sequence
• Develop task scenarios
• Develop storyboards

Define Use Cases

A use case is a short, often one-sentence description of a discrete user task.
The process to define a use case is as follows:
1. To identify use cases, use as input the user requirements defined earlier. If
you do a complete set of use cases, every user requirement should be
accounted for. They need not map one-to-one, however. A use case can
incorporate more than one user requirement.
2. Categorize use cases by user type. Within the set of use cases for each user
type, you can categorize further by the type of task.
3. Prioritize use cases to determine which ones to expand into task models and
scenarios. To prioritize, consider the following factors:
– What are the priorities of the contributing user requirements
– What is the breadth of the use case- Does it encompass more than one
user requirement
– How frequently will the task described by this use case be performed-
How critical is it to users’ work-
4. Validate the completeness of your set of use cases by going back to user
Again, this example shows a subset of the use cases for the customer user type.

GUI Design Process E-7

Use Case Priority


Log on to Help Desk via Web High

Incident Reports

Create an incident report via the Web High

Download copy of incident report Medium

Print incident report Low

Product Information

Make inquiry about a product Medium

Print answers Low

Every user requirement previously defined should be accounted for in the use
cases (although this slide is a subset and may not show every entry actually in the
use cases).
User requirements, however, do not have to map to use cases one-to-one. For
example, the two user requirements shown earlier:
• Make inquiry about product user is registered for.
• Make inquiry about any existing product.

Model Task Structure and Sequence

A task structure model is an abstract model of the structure of a task that shows
the subtasks a person performs to achieve the task’s goal. For example, updating a
report consists of the subtasks of retrieving, modifying, and then saving the report.
The task structure model also shows the sequence of the subtasks performed by
the user and the system’s response to those actions.
A task structure model helps provide an understanding of what the user is trying to
achieve (the goal), what the user actually does to achieve that goal (the subtasks),
and the environment in which the user works (the task context). Task structure
models are where you begin to identify contingencies, such as alternative actions
and error handling. They also help identify task objects in the design phase.
Keep user actions and system responses in the task structure model at a high level.
For example, you might say the system "presents action choices" rather than the
system "presents a menu of allowable actions". Do not start making
implementation decisions at this point or let potential implementation problems

E-8 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

influence your model. If issues come up, you can note them for future discussion,
but continue identifying high-level activities.
The process for modeling a task structure is as follows:
1. Determine which use cases are critical and should be carried forward in 4 to 8
task structure models.
2. Analyze each task into a sequence of subtasks, each with a well-defined
endpoint. Determine whether there are any dependencies among the subtasks.
3. Develop the task diagram. Decompose subtasks only to the level of logical
actions on objects in the system (for example, find a document or create a
user). Do not model details of the user interface.
4. Enrich the task structure model by considering contingencies. For example,
what happens if the user makes an error- What happens if information is
missing- Are there alternative actions- Does the task ever vary-
5. Validate the task structure model by getting feedback from users or domain
experts other than those who provided the input. Observe task scenarios being
performed and ensure that they map onto the task structure model. Consider
the following questions:
– Is the set of task models complete- That is, have all significant user
activities been modeled-
– Do users consider the models realistic representations of their tasks-
– Do the models account for errors, alternative actions, task variants, and
other contingencies-

GUI Design Process E-9

You can model tasks in several different ways. The following figure shows an
interaction sequence model.

Task Model as an Interaction Sequence Model

The goals of this activity are to capture:

• Operations associated with a task, including user-initiated actions and system
• The sequence of operations
• Points where exceptions and contingencies are likely to occur.

Develop Task Scenarios

A task scenario starts with a use case and expands it to create a real-world
example, complete with named users and values for objects with which they want

E-10 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

to interact. As a very simple example, a use case of "Create a file" could become a
scenario of "Pat wants to create a file named data1."
The purpose of task scenarios is to describe the situation or context for a task,
including the business context, the current state of the system, and values for any
user input. They also describe how a user performs the task in this scenario in
terms of a sequence of user actions. In this sense, a task scenario represents an
abstract interaction design: specific in terms of the interactions but abstract in
terms of the actual user interface. It defines how the user interacts with objects in
the system without referring to the design of the user interface.
You use information about the frequency of actions to identify how and how often
users need to navigate from one interface element to another, from one screen to
another, or from one application to another. You can use information about the
sequence of actions as input to design decisions about the order of a set of screens,
or even the layout of a set of controls, where the layout is affected by the sequence
of actions.
The process to develop task scenarios is as follows:
1. Choose which task structure models to develop as scenarios. Typically you
develop 4 to 8 scenarios. Choose those that have the highest priority,
represent the greatest breadth of user requirements, and are the most critical
and frequently used.
2. Make the task structure models more complete and realistic by adding dummy
data, such as user names and specific values.
3. Include interaction sequences; that is, add user actions and system responses.
4. Account for contingencies, such as incomplete information or an error by the
This process may seem similar to modeling task structure but includes specific
values and real-world situations. If, in the interest of time, only one can be done,
task scenarios are usually preferable.
The following is an example of a task scenario for creating an incident report.
Audrey Carmen is a senior software developer in the software development
group at Acme, Inc. After repeated attempts, she was still having trouble with
the new release of their debugger, ProgramPerfector 4.0, v2. She had run her
code through ProgramPerfector five times, and it still had bugs. She decided
to file an incident report. Although some developers in Audrey’s organization
run ProgramPerfector on Solaris, Audrey and her team run it on Windows
Audrey logs into the Help Desk, creates an incident report, enters all required
information, and submits the report. She notes the tracking number so she can
follow the status of her report.
As demonstrated in this example, a task scenario preserves the business context of
earlier steps and adds specific values for attributes. For example, the user in this

GUI Design Process E-11

scenario has a name (Audrey Carmen), and she has encountered a problem that
will be submitted via an incident report.

Develop Storyboards
A storyboard is based on one or more task scenarios. It is a sequence of images,
usually drawn by hand on paper, that show interactions with the system and a
sequence of screens. For example, the first image may be the action "log on" and
the next image could be a screen labeled "Initial logon screen".
The sequence of screens conveys information about structure, functionality, and
navigation. This information can be used in developing prototypes and validating
user requirements.
Typically a storyboard is done in two columns with the images in the first column
and explanatory text in the second column. The following figure is an example of

E-12 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

a typical storyboard. Note that it is a simple, handwritten document. The
explanatory text is taken directly from task scenarios.

Storyboard Example

Design the GUI

Model Task Objects

Task objects represent objects with which the user will interact while performing
a task. They form the basis of the user’s mental model. That is, they represent how
users conceptualize the objects in the system. They may or may not map directly
to actual objects in the system.

GUI Design Process E-13

A task object model models the business objects that users perceive when they
interact through the GUI. Task object modeling helps ensure that the system
behavior is understandable and intuitive to the user.
You can use the task structure models developed earlier as input to identify task
objects, and then use the task objects to validate the task structure models.
The process to design a GUI is as follows:
1. Assess whether you need a separate user model for every user profile. For
example, in a manufacturing environment, design engineers may be
concerned with part structures while suppliers might perceive the system to be
inventory. Both models can be represented in the UI.
2. Identify objects from discussions with users, the task structure models and
scenarios created earlier, and the data model (if available). Discuss the
following questions:
– What is created or changed by this task-
– What objects are used or referred to in performing this task-
– Do users need to see and interact with the object to perform their tasks or
should it be invisible to users-
– Does the object group related information in a way that helps the user
perform a specific task-
3. List the potential task objects. Analyze the relationships among the objects,
and diagram the objects and relationships.
4. Define attributes for each of the task objects identified by determining what
information the user can know about the object.
5. Define actions performed by the task objects.
6. Create a matrix mapping objects to the possible actions that can be performed
on them.
7. Check for dynamic behavior by asking the following questions:
– Can the actions be invalid depending on the prior state of the object-
– Are there any constraints on the sequence in which the actions can occur-
8. Validate the task object model using methods similar to those used in
validating the task structure model.

E-14 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

The following figure is an example of a typical task object model. Again, it is a
simple, handwritten document.

Task Object Model

The objects described in the model must be represented on the screen. Creating a
task object model helps you create objects that map directly to user tasks.
Creating a task object model is also an important step in streamlining the user
interface. Following the model will result in an interface that contains every
object needed to accomplish user tasks-and nothing more.

Design the GUI

In designing the initial GUI, consider the following questions:
• What views of objects are required for tasks-
• How should these views be represented in windows-
• What layout should be used- (This refers to layout guidelines such as the
position of a company logo; it is not as fine-grained as designing the layout
you would use in an IDE.)
• How does the user interact with objects-

GUI Design Process E-15

• How does the user navigate through the windows-
• What controls are needed-
• How do the controls behave-
• What terminology should be used (for example, "update" or "modify")-
A style guide is very useful at this point. If you have a corporate style guide, use it
or consider developing one. Otherwise, use one of those written for the platform
on which you are designing.
Results of this step are window designs (including specification of interactive
behavior) and window navigation design.

Prototype the GUI

The prototype is not intended to represent the final design of the GUI but is one of
many iterations in its design and development.
We recommend that you start with low fidelity prototyping on paper as shown in
the following figure.

Low Fidelity Prototype

E-16 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Users feel much more comfortable suggesting changes if they do not feel you
have to change code, and you can mimic sequences in the system much more
easily. Show your prototype to users as often as possible without trying to make it
perfect. This allows you to go through many iterations and make constant
improvements and adjustments before creating real screens and including some
functionality in a high fidelity prototype.
During prototyping, consider the following questions:
• How can the user perform the task scenarios using the GUI-
• What problems does the user encounter-
• Are additional views of objects required-
• Should the windows be restructured to support tasks better-
• Does the navigation between windows support tasks-
• How can the user’s actions be simplified and streamlined-
• What improvements does the user suggest-

GUI Design Process E-17

The following figure shows the high fidelity prototype that might result from this
iterative process.

High Fidelity Prototype

Evaluate the GUI

The best way to evaluate your GUI is to have one or more typical end users (as
defined in your user profiles) attempt to use the prototype to perform task
scenarios while designers observe.
The GUI should satisfy all the user requirements defined earlier and adequately
support all tasks that were identified and modeled.
In evaluating the GUI, consider the following questions
• How usable is the GUI by the end users, in terms of user requirements
previously specified-

E-18 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

• What usability problems did users encounter-
• Does the GUI provide adequate support to all types of users performing their
full range of tasks-
Following evaluation, use the results as input back into the GUI design and
prototype steps.
Use the following guidelines when designing a GUI:
• Does the GUI provide adequate support to all types of users performing their
full range of tasks-
• Provide frequent task closure. That is, provide feedback that a task has been
completed, for example in a status bar or popup message.
• Design for recognition rather than recall. Actions and objects that can be
understood intuitively are preferable to those that must be learned.
• Support recovery from errors by using the following methods:
– Prevent users from making errors.
– Allow users to undo operations when possible.
– Allow users to cancel operations when possible.
– Provide error messages that tell the user what went wrong and how to
• Support exploration by using the following methods:
– Make the user feel sufficiently safe (that is, from catastrophic failures)
and confident to explore.
– Provide recognizable objects and actions that correspond to the user’s
mental model of the task, or are similar to objects and actions in other
applications the user uses.

GUI Design Process E-19

E-20 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

A Simple business class, 5-2

WTObject, 3-10
Access control ClassInfo.ser files
Client-side, 10-64 Location, 1-10
Property, 1-9 Location of, 1-5
Access control package, 6-4 CLASSPATH environment variable, 1-7
Accessor methods Client
Overriding, 8-9 Assigning life cycle template, 10-27
AssociationsPanel bean, 10-29 Assigning project, 10-27
AttributesForm bean, 10-37 Batch containers, 10-73
Authentication, A-1 Client-side validation, 10-5
Clipboard support, 10-61
B Development, 10-1
IDEs, 10-3
Background queuing package, 6-50 Invoking server methods, 10-5
Batch containers, 10-73 Online help, 10-68
Batch scripts, 1-2 Refreshing data, 10-66
Bean Threading, 10-64
see Java beans Client development
bin directory, 1-2 GUI design process, E-1
Business classes Clipboard support, 10-61
Revision controlled business class, 5-6 Code
Business data types Sharing, 1-6
Implementing, 8-7 Code generation
Business objects Files, 1-6
Modeling, 3-1 See system generation
Business services tools.properties file, 1-10
Implementing, 8-12 codebase directory
Details of, 1-4
C Location, 1-2
Configuration specification package, 6-73
cat files, 1-6 Content handling package, 6-8
For sharing code, 1-6 Content replication package, 6-14
checkAttribute method, 8-10 Control units, 1-6
Class files, 1-4
Class path environment variable, 1-7
Document, 5-10 Database
Folder resident business class, 5-4 Access set by properties, 1-10
Windchill Foundation classes, 3-10 db.properties.file, 1-10
Item, 3-10 Default table size, 1-10
Link, 3-11 Properties file, 1-2
Managed business class, 5-5 Property file
Part, 5-13 See db.properties file

db directory, 1-2 Executable class files, 1-4
db.properties file
Database access properties, 1-10 F
General description, 1-8
wt.pom.dbPassword property, 1-11 Federation package, 6-21
wt.pom.dbUser property, 1-11 Folder resident business class, 5-4
wt.pom.serviceName property, 1-11 Foldering package, 6-24
Debug tracing, 1-9 FolderPanel bean, 10-35
debug.properties file Windchill Foundation classes
General description, 1-8 Definitions, 3-10
Development environment
Directory structure, 1-2 G
Environment variables, 1-7
Files, 1-2, 1-5 GUI
Property files, 1-8 Design process, E-1
Source code control, 1-6
Directory H
bin, 1-2
codebase HTML files
Details of, 1-4 Location of, 1-5
Location, 1-2 HTTP authentication, A-5
codebase/wt, 1-5 HTTPUploadDownloadPanel bean, 10-57
db, 1-2
docs, 1-2 I
loadFiles, 1-2
logs, 1-2 IDEs, 10-3
RoseExtensions, 1-2, 1-7 Indexing package, 6-34
search, 1-2 Integrated development environment
src See IDEs
Details of, 1-5 Internationalization, 11-1
Location, 1-2 Item class, 3-10
src/wt, 1-6
Structure after installation, 1-2 J
Doc package, 5-10
docs directory, 1-2 Java beans
Document class, 5-10 AssociationsPanel, 10-29
Document package, 5-10 AttributesForm, 10-37
Domain administration package, 6-7 EffectivityPanel, 10-33
EnumeratedChoice, 10-24
FolderPanel, 10-35
E HTTPUploadDownloadPanel bean, 10-57
EffectivityPanel bean, 10-33 PartAttributesPanel, 10-18
Enterprise package, 5-2 PrincipalSelectionBrowser, 10-51
EnumeratedChoice bean, 10-24 PrincipalSelectionPanel, 10-46
Environment variables Spinner, 10-28
Class path, 1-7 ViewChoice, 10-43
Rational Rose virtual path map, 1-7 WTChooser, 10-23
SQL path, 1-7 WTContentHolder, 10-7
Events WTExplorer, 10-11
Managing, 8-3 WTMultiList, 10-28
Examples WTQuery, 10-21
Development process, 2-1 java.rmi.server.hostname property, 1-9

Index-2 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

Life cycle Packages
Assigning template, 10-27 Access control, 6-4
Beans, 10-27 Background queuing, 6-50
Life cycle management package, 6-36 Batch container, 10-73
Link class, 3-11 Configuration specification, 6-73
loadFiles directory, 1-2 Content handling, 6-8
Loading Content replication, 6-14
Initial data, 1-2 Control units, 1-6
Localization, 11-1 Doc, 5-10
Location of required files, 1-5 Document, 5-10
Localizing Domain administration, 6-7
Text, 11-4 Enterprise, 5-2
Locking package, 6-41 Federation service, 6-21
Logging Foldering service, 6-24
Default location for trace logs, 1-2 Indexing, 6-34
Enable/disable logging, 1-9 Life cycle management, 6-36
Trace messages Location of, 1-5
From method server, 1-9 Locking service, 6-41
From server manager, 1-9 Notification, 6-43
logs directory, 1-2 Organization, 6-46
Overview, 6-2
M Ownership, 6-47
Part, 5-13
Managed business class, 5-5 Query, 7-12
Manuals Session management, 6-57
Location, 1-2 Version control, 6-64
mData files, 1-6 Work in progress, 6-84
Location, 1-10 Workflow, 6-87
mdl files, 1-6 Part class, 5-13
Method server Part package, 5-13
Logging trace messages, 1-9 PartAttributesPanel bean, 10-18
Model files, 1-6 PATH environment variable, 1-7
Modeling Path environment variable, 1-7
Business objects, 3-1 Persistence
Management, 7-1
N Manager, 7-2
Query, 7-12
Notification package, 6-43 Presentation logic, 10-3
Null authentication, A-7 PrincipalSelectionBrowser bean, 10-51
PrincipalSelectionPanel bean, 10-46
O Project
Assigning, 10-27
Online help, 10-68 Property files
Oracle password property, 1-11 db.properties file, 1-8
Oracle service name property, 1-11 debug.properties file, 1-8
Oracle user name property, 1-11 Editing, 1-8
Organization package, 6-46 service.properties file, 1-8
Ownership package, 6-47 System Configurator, 1-8
tools.properties file, 1-8
wt.properties file, 1-8

Q Notification, 6-43
Organization, 6-46
QueryResult, 7-15 Overview, 6-1
QuerySpec, 7-13 Ownership, 6-47
Query, 7-12
R Session management, 6-57
Version control, 6-64
Rational Rose, 3-2 Work in progress, 6-84
Virtual path map, 1-7 Workflow, 6-87
Windchill extensions, 1-2, 1-7 Session management package, 6-57
WT_EXTENSIONS entry, 1-7 Sharing code, 1-6
WT_STD_PACKAGES entry, 1-7 Signed authentication, A-7
WT_WORK entry, 1-7, 1-10 Simple business class, 5-2
RB.java files Source code management, 1-6
Location of, 1-5 Source files, 1-2, 1-5, 1-6
Refreshing client data, 10-66 Spinner bean, 10-28
Resource bundles SQL path environment variable, 1-7
Localizing, 11-4 SQL scripts, 1-2
Location of, 1-5 Location, 1-10
Online help, 10-68 SQLPATH environment variable, 1-7
Revision control, 5-6 src directory, 1-2
Revision controlled business class, 5-6 Details of, 1-5
Rose model components, 1-6 System generation
RoseExtensions directory, 1-2, 1-7 Overview, 9-1
Runtime environment Using, 9-41
Files, 1-2, 1-4
Task logic, 10-3
search directory, 1-2 Threading, 10-64
SearchCondition, 7-14 tools.properties file
Server logic General description, 1-8
Overview of developing, 8-1 Use by code generator, 1-10
Server manager wt.classRegistry.search.path property, 1-10
Logging trace messages, 1-9 wt.classRegistry.search.pattern property, 1-10
service.properties file wt.generation.bin.dir property, 1-10
General description, 1-8 wt.generation.source.dir property, 1-10
Services wt.generation.sql.dir property, 1-10
Access control, 6-4 wt.generation.sql.xxxTablesSize property, 1-10
Background queuing, 6-50 ToolsSetup.bat, 1-2
Batch containers, 10-73 Trace logs
Configuration specification, 6-73 Default location, 1-2
Content handling, 6-8 Trace messages
Content replication, 6-14 Logging
Domain administration, 6-7 From method server, 1-9
Event management, 8-3 From server manager, 1-9
Federation, 6-21 Training materials
Foldering, 6-24 Location, 1-2
Indexing, 6-34 Transactions, 7-16
Life cycle management, 6-36
Locking, 6-41
Managing, 8-2

Index-4 Windchill Application Developer’s Guide

U wt.logs.enabled property, 1-9
wt.manager.verboseClient entry, 1-9
User authentication, A-1 wt.manager.verboseServer entry, 1-9
wt.method.verboseClient entry, 1-9
V wt.method.verboseServer entry, 1-9
wt.pom.properties property, 1-10
Validation wt.server.codebase entry, 1-9
Client-side, 10-5 wt.server.codebase property, 1-9
Verity Search, 1-2 WT_EXTENSIONS entry, 1-7
Version control WT_STD_PACKAGES entry, 1-7
Structuring, 6-80 WT_WORK entry, 1-7, 1-10
Viewing, 6-82 WTChooser bean, 10-23
Version control package, 6-64 WTContentHolder bean, 10-7
ViewChoice bean, 10-43 WTExplorer bean, 10-11
Virtual path map WTMultiList bean, 10-28
Rational Rose WTObject class, 3-10
Purpose, 1-7 WTQuery bean, 10-21
WT_EXTENSIONS entry, 1-7
WT_STD_PACKAGES entry, 1-7
WT_WORK entry, 1-7, 1-10

Windchill extensions, 1-2
Work in progress package, 6-84
Workflow package, 6-87
wt directory
See also Packages
wt.access.enforce property, 1-9
wt.classRegistry.search.path property, 1-10
wt.classRegistry.search.pattern property, 1-10
wt.generation.bin.dir property, 1-10
wt.generation.source.dir property, 1-10
wt.generation.sql.dir property, 1-10
wt.generation.sql.xxxtablesSize property, 1-10
wt.home property, 1-8
wt.logs.enabled property, 1-9
wt.manager.verboseClient property, 1-9
wt.manager.verboseServer property, 1-9
wt.method.verboseClient property, 1-9
wt.method.verboseServer property, 1-9
wt.pom.dbPassword property, 1-11
wt.pom.dbUser property, 1-11
wt.pom.properties property, 1-10
wt.pom.serviceName property, 1-11
wt.properties file
Double back slashes in path names, 1-8
Format of path names, 1-8
General description, 1-8
java.rmi.server.hostname property, 1-9
wt.access.enforce property, 1-9
wt.home property, 1-8


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