Teacher Education Graduates-Trace Study

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International Conference on Law, Business, Education and Corporate Social Responsibility (LBECSR-17) Sept.

21-22, 2017 Cebu (Philippines)

Teacher Education Graduates: A Tracer Study

Bernadette C. Almejas1, Josephine C. Marasigan2, Tirso A. Morante3, Edgar Julius A. Lim4,
Rowena A. Catuday5

progress. Likewise, Brown and Hesketh (2004) defined

Abstract—This study utilized the descriptive method of employability as the relative chances of getting and maintain
research. The respondents of the study were the 650 graduates of different kinds of employment.
the Teacher Education programs from SY 2007-2012. Results of Considering the vast and rapidly increasing number of
the study revealed the following: (1) On demographic students attending higher education, it is timely to look into the
characteristics of the 650 respondents, 455 0r 70.0 percent fell on
the age range of 21-30 years old, 351 or 54.00 percent are females, appraisal by the College of Education where they attained their
485 or 74.62 percent of the teacher education graduates are still bachelor’s degree. Teacher education program being the hub of
single, 466 or 71.69 percent have their salary as the source of the teacher training is the pace setter for the whole educational
family income; (2) On the occupational profile, 266 or 34.77 enterprise. Its effectiveness and success should be the great
percent have a monthly family income of Php 16,000.00 to concern not only of the College of Education but also of the
20,999.00, 309 or 47.54 percent are employed in public schools, entire educational system. Inefficiency in the teacher education
359 occupy the position of a teacher, and 510 or 78.46 percent are
permanent; (3) As to the adequacy of program elements, the programs (TEP) affect education at all levels. Hence, all those
course got the highest overall mean of 4.31 which means very interested in educational programs have at stake seeing that
adequate. Physical facilities obtained the lowest overall mean of they are fully efficient and effective in their operations.
3.25 which means moderately adequate; and (4) The faculty of the Moreover, the fact that our society is changing at an equally
College of Education is adequately provided by the university accelerated pace, institutions of higher education should
except for the physical facilities which is moderately adequate, undertake follow-up studies of the teacher education programs
which means that facilities should be given priority attention by
the administration.
in order to deal with the future development of these programs.
A. Theoretical Framework of the Study
Keywords—current academic rank, demographic
characteristics, teacher education, tracer study
This study leaned basically on the theory of Morell
(1989), which stated that a basic premise of any treatment on
I. INTRODUCTION program in the human service field is that some beneficial
effects of the treatment will stay with the client for some
Every year colleges and universities all over the country turn
reasonable length of time after the treatment has ended. If one is
over to society a graduate ready to go out into the world. But
to have an accurate picture of the value of a program, it is
how are they prepared to face life? Is diploma enough to
important to develop an accurate estimate of the rate of
guarantee that they will find a stable job? (Corpuz, 2000)
attenuation phenomenon. If enough of the beneficial effects last
Employability according to Dumlao (2006) is the capacity
for a long period of time, a program or treatment would be
to meet the minimum requirement for a special kind of work or
considered worthwhile.
position of employment. The occupational opportunities and
The most important use of evaluation involved the study
of how the effects of a given program changes over time, for
nature of the job obtained after graduation can very well speak
numerous factors are constantly influencing the life of any
of the employability of graduates. The effectiveness can be
individual and it is most unlikely that these factors will leave a
judged according to the success or failure of the graduates to
person exactly as he or she was at the time when the treatment
make use of their acquired skills and training for economic
or program was terminated (Morell, 1989).
Bernadette C. Almejas is the Research and Extension Coordinator of the
Suarez (1994) asserted that the importance of follow-up
College of Education of Eastern Samar State University Main Campus, evaluation lies in its ability to assess a program’s effect within
Borongan City, Eastern Samar, Philippines the context of a person’s continuing life experiences.
Josephine C. Marasigan is the Director of the University Pedagogical Furthermore, follow-up evaluators can help assess the complex
Enhancement Center of Eastern Samar State University Main Campus,
relationship which exists between treatments to a person’s life
Borongan City, Eastern Samar, Philippines.
Tirso A. Morante is the former Dean of the College of Education, Eastern experiences. Therefore, it is strongly felt that analysis of the
Samar State University, Borongan City, Eastern Samar, Philippines. responses from the students who have received their bachelor’s
Edgar Julius A. Lim is the BSED Program Head of the College of Education, degree at ESSU Main Campus would be of particular
Eastern Samar State University, Borongan City, Eastern Samar, Philippines.
significance in evaluating the teacher education program of the
Rowena A. Catuday is the Practice Teachers Supervisor of the College of
Education, Eastern Samar State University, Borongan City, Eastern Samar, said university.

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International Conference on Law, Business, Education and Corporate Social Responsibility (LBECSR-17) Sept. 21-22, 2017 Cebu (Philippines)

B. Statement of the Problem adequacy of program elements and physical facilities.

This study was an evaluation of the teacher education Questionnaire was used to gather the data to answer the
graduates of Eastern Samar State University Main Campus questions formulated in the study and this was conducted from
from 2007 to 2012 (5 years) as input to appropriate intervention November, 2013 to October, 2015.
scheme. E. Definition of Terms
Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:
The following terms were defined for clear and easy
1. What is the demographic characteristics of the teacher
understanding of the study.
education graduates of ESSU Main Campus in terms of:
Age of Graduates. This refers to the chronological number
1.1 Age;
of years the graduate has lived on earth as of last birthday.
1.2 Gender;
Current Academic Rank. This is the present academic
1.3 Civil status; and
position attained by the respondents in the institution where
1.4 Source of income?
he/she is working.
2. What is the occupational profile of the respondents in
Curriculum. This refers to the program of studies that a
terms of:
student follow in a school to achieve a particular end (Revelen,
2.1 Nature of employment;
1983). It includes specially the whole body of course required
2.2 Present monthly income;
for a degree outlined at ESSU Main Campus teacher education
2.3 Employment sector currently connected;
2.4 Current position/Designation/Academic rank; and
Demographic Characteristics. This is the information
2.5 Current employment status?
about the personal profile or characteristics of the respondents
3. How adequate are the program elements and physical
which includes the following: age, gender, civil status, source
facilities of the teacher education program as perceived by the
of income, number of dependents, and highest educational
4. What are the problems encountered by the respondents in
Evaluation. This is the assessment of the worth and/or a
the pursuit of bachelor’s degree?
determination of merit phenomena as an outcome of the
C. Significance of the Study institutional endeavor, the instructional programs used in
This study would be beneficial to the following : educational efforts and goals to which educational efforts are
College of Education. Results of this study will provide addressed (Popham, 1989). In this study it refers to the planned
objective data and concrete evidence of the worth and quality efforts of the researcher to gather the needed information
of its teacher education programs, its effectiveness, adequacy through a questionnaire to be sent to the teacher education
and relevance to the graduates, personal, professional graduates of ESSU Main Campus from 2007 to 2013.
development and growth, socio-economic productivity and Monthly Income. This refers to the combined income of
satisfaction. respondents and all working children if any, in supporting the
University Administration. Findings of this study will needs of the family of the teacher education graduates.
provide insights on the adequacy and effectiveness of their Permanent status. This refers to the type of employment of
teacher education programs, thereby providing them with the respondents wherein his/her work is continues and would
sound bases for the formulation and implementation of better last from 5 to 10 years up to the time he/she retires with
policies and appropriation to effect better quality teacher corresponding benefits and privileges.
education. Physical facilities. These refer to the physical structures
Instructors/Professors. Results of this study will enable provided of the teacher education program such as building,
instructors/professors to deduce commendations that could be rooms, equipment, laboratory apparatuses, machines such as
favorably and seriously considered by the institution authorities computers, overhead projector, typewriters, paper cutter,
in curriculum planning. Further, they will be provided with machine duplicator, electric fans, television set, and the like
knowledge on the achievement of the graduates which may in that are utilized by teacher education students.
turn improve their services in the teacher education program. Program Elements. These refer to the part or the individual
Researchers. Results of this study will help the researchers component of the teacher education program which include the
of the College of Education undertake similar researches in characteristics of the faculty members, and the courses offered.
their own so that adequate research on the teacher education Services. These refer to the system or arrangement that
programs will be conducted. supplies public needs or something done to help or benefit
another (Webster’s, 1985). In this study it refers to the services
D. Scope of the Delimitation of the Study extended by the College of Education to the respondents while
This study was an evaluation of graduates of the College they are studying their bachelor’s degree.
of Education of ESSU Main Campus from March 2007 to Temporary status. This refers to the type of employment
March 2013 and limited only to the graduates of the teacher of the respondents at the time of the study, wherein it is just for
education program. This study delved into demographic a short period of time only such as for a year, or two years.
characteristics of the graduates, their occupational profile, the

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II. METHOD Eastern Samar. The respondents mailed the questionnaire to the
This study utilized the descriptive-correlational method of researchers.
research where researcher-structured questionnaire was used to The researchers likewise asked from relatives the mobile
gather primary data needed. According to Sanchez (1998), phone numbers of the graduates and called the respondents for
descriptive research describes and interprets what is. It is pertinent data about the study which were specified in the
concerned with conditions and relationships that existed; questionnaire.
practices that prevailed; beliefs, processes that are going on; E. Data Analysis
effects that are being felt; or trends that are developing. Mean and percentage were computed for the demographic
A. Research Locale and other primary data obtained. To test the two null
The study was conducted in Eastern Samar where most of the hypotheses, the Cramer’s V Correlation Coefficient was
graduates are located and in its nearby municipalities and computed. The level of significance was set at .05 level for
provinces, where other graduates are residing. This included rejecting and accepting the null hypothesis.
Tacloban City, Catbalogan Samar and other neighboring
provinces and/or towns in Region VIII and Metro Manila. III. RESULTS
The succeeding tables present the demographic
B. Respondents of the Study
characteristic of teacher education graduates of ESSU main
The respondents of the study were the 650 graduates of the campus, which were indicated by their age, gender, civil status,
teacher education programs of the university from 2007- 2012. and sources of income.
C. Research Instrument
The instrument used in the study was a modified FROM SY 2007 TO 2013
questionnaire patterned from previous researchers who Age Frequency Percent
conducted similar studies. The questionnaire contained six 41 to 50 years old 1 0.15
parts which are as follows: Part I dealt on the demographic 31 to 40 years old 194 29.85
characteristics of the respondents (Pabelonia, 2008); Part II 21 to 30 years old 455 70.00
solicited information from the respondents occupational profile Total 650 100.0
(Divino, et. al, 2011); Part III solicited information on the
adequacy of program elements and physical facilities of the Age. Table 1 presents the data on the distribution of age of
teacher education program (Pabelonia 2008). teacher education graduates. Of the 650 respondents, 455 or
70.0 percent fell on the age range of 21-30 years old, 194 or
Validation of Instrument 29.85 percent were on the age range 31-40 years old, 1 or 15.0
A try out was conducted at the Teacher Education percent was on the age range 41 to 50 years old.
Department of Eastern Samar State University Salcedo It can be inferred from the findings that most of the teacher
Campus, Salcedo, Eastern Samar to ensure the validity of the education graduates were literally at their fairly young
instrument. The researchers personally administered the dry adulthood stage and the normal age for students who just
run of the research instrument to selected faculty members who graduated from college education.
just graduated their bachelor’s degree. This was done in order
to improve some items, which may be difficult to understand on CAMPUS, FROM SY 2007 TO 2013
the part of the respondents and to delete items which do not Gender Frequency Percent
provide the needed data of the study. Male 299 46.00
D. Data Gathering Procedure Female 351 54.00
Total 650 100.0
Before administering the questionnaire, the researchers
requested permission from the University President and the Gender. As Reflected in Table 2, of the 650 respondents, 351
Dean of College of Education to conduct the study. After or 54.00 percent were females and 299 or 46.00 percent were
getting the list of graduates of the teacher education program males. This means that those teacher education graduates were
from 2007 to 2012, the researchers reproduced copies of the dominated by females.
questionnaire and personally administered the questionnaire to
collect data from the respondents during the months of TABLE III CIVIL STATUS OF TEACHER EDUCATION GRADUATES OF ESSU MAIN
November 2013 to October 2015. A period of two years was CAMPUS, FROM SY 2007 TO 2013
devoted for this purpose. Civil Status Frequency Percent
The researchers visited each respondent to personally Single 485 74.62
distribute the questionnaire. Later in the day, it was collected. Married 160 24.61
However, there were cases that the questionnaires were not Widowed 5 0.77
returned on that day due to one reason or another, a follow-up Total 650 100.0
visit was made to collect said instrument. Also a prepaid return Civil Status. Table 3 shows the civil status of teacher
envelope was provided for the completed questionnaire of education graduates. It can be gleaned from the table that 485
those who are in Metro Manila and neighboring provinces of or 74.62 percent of the teacher education graduates are still

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International Conference on Law, Business, Education and Corporate Social Responsibility (LBECSR-17) Sept. 21-22, 2017 Cebu (Philippines)

single, 160 or 24.61 percent are already married, and 5 or 0.77 and 9 or 1.39 percent were employed in non-government
percent are widowed/widower. The data presented indicated agencies or organizations.
that most of the teacher education graduates are still single. This result means that mostly the teacher education
graduates are employed as teachers in public schools. This
TABLE IV. SOURCES OF FAMILY INCOME OF TEACHER EDUCATION GRADUATES implies that graduates of the College of Education are applying
what they learned in their college education.
Sources of Family Income Frequency Percent
Bonus/Allowance/ ESSU MAIN CAMPUS, FROM SY 2007 TO 2013
Business 159 24.46
Others (Commission) 25 3.85
Sector Frequency Percent
Total 650 100.0 Public Schools 309 47.54
Private Schools 86 13.23
Sources of Family Income. As reflected in Table 4, of the Government Agency 97 14.92
650 teacher education graduates who were respondents of the Non-Government Agency 9 1.39
study, 466 or 71.69 percent were having Self-employed 149 22.92
salary/wage/honorarium/bonus/allowance as their source of Total 650 100.0
family income, 159 or 24.46 percent were receiving income
from their business, and 25 or 3.85 percent were receiving Current Position. Reflected in Table 7 is the current position
commissions as their source of family income. of the teacher education graduates. It shows that of the 650
respondents, 359 were occupying the position of a teacher, 145
A. Occupational Profile or 22.30 percent were already occupying the position of a first
This study also looked into the occupational profile of the level manager, 135 or 20.77 percent were occupying the
teacher education graduates of ESSU from school years 2007 to ordinary utility position, 4 or 0.62 percent were already Master
2013. Occupational profile was indicated by the monthly Teachers or Head Teachers, and 2 or 0.31 percent were
family income, employment sector currently connected, current occupying the Instructor position.
position/designation/academic rank, and current employment
status. ESSU MAIN CAMPUS, FROM SY 2007 TO 2013
Current Position Frequency Percent
Instructor 2 0.31
Teacher 359 55.23
Monthly Family Income Frequency Percent
Master/Head Teacher 4 0.62
Php26,000 to 30,999 18 2.77
Ordinary Utility 135 20.77
Php21,000 to 25,999 105 16.15
Middle Level Manager 5 0.77
Php16,000 to 20,999 226 34.77
First Level Manager 145 22.30
Php11,000 to 15,999 45 6.92
Total 650 100.0
Php6,000 to 10,999 163 25.08
Php5,999 and below 93 14.31 Employment Status. As shown in Table 8 is the employment
Total 650 100.0 status of the teacher education graduates. Of the 650 graduates,
510 or 78.46 percent were already occupying a permanent
Monthly Family Income. As reflected in Table 5, 226 or status of employment, while 140 or 21.54 percent were still in
34.77 of the teacher education graduates were having a their temporary status of employment.
monthly family income of Php 16,000.00 to 20,999.00, 163 or
25.08 percent were having an income of Php 6,000.00 to Php TABLE VIII. EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF TEACHER EDUCATION GRADUATES OF
10,999.00, 105 or 16.15 percent were having an income of ESSU MAIN CAMPUS, FROM SY 2007 TO 2013
Php21,000.00 to Php25,999.00, 93 or 14.31 percent were Employment Status Frequency Percent
having Php5,000.00 and below, 45 or 6.92 percent were having Permanent 510 78.46
an income of Php11,000.00 to 15,999.00 and 18 or 2.77 percent Temporary 140 21.54
were having Php26,000.00 to Php 30,999.00. Total 650 100.0
These results mean that the teacher education graduates were
receiving the basic salary of teachers as their monthly family B. Adequacy of Program Elements
income. These income levels are little bit higher than the Another objective of the study is to determine the adequacy
poverty line or higher than the income level of people in of program elements of the College of Education of ESSU main
Eastern Samar. Hence, graduating from the teacher education campus. This was indicated in terms of faculty, course and
course helped them earn an income to support the needs of their physical facilities.
families. Faculty. As reflected in Table 9, the students rated the item
Employment Sector. Table 6 presents the employment sector “Teachers utilize varied teaching techniques and strategies”
of the teacher education graduates. It shows that of the 650 with the highest mean value of 4.42, which means “Very
respondents, 309 or 47.54 percent were employed in public Adequate”, and the item “Teachers utilize varied instructional
schools, 149 or 22.92 were self-employed, 97 or 14.23 percent materials” got the lowest mean score of 3.96, which means
were employed in other government agencies aside from public “Adequate”.
schools, 86 or 13.23 percent were employed in private schools,

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TABLE IX: ADEQUACY OF PROGRAM ELEMENTS OF THE COLLEGE OF The highest mean rating of 4.16 was on the item “Chairs”,
which means “Very Adequate”, and the item “Fax machine”
Items Mean Interpretation
1.Teachers utilize varied teaching 4.42 Very
got the lowest mean rating of 2.40 which mean “Inadequate”.
techniques and strategies. Adequate Results revealed that the provision of the physical facilities
2.Teachers are competent and 4.38 Very
of the College of Education is moderately adequate. Most of the
possess excellent teaching abilities. Adequate moderately adequate provision of facilities are typewriter,
3.Teachers utilize varied 3.96 Adequate
overhead projector, LCD, machine duplicator, risograph, water
instructional materials.
dispenser, Xerox machine, and telephones. While the fax
machine and the internet are inadequately provided.
4.Teachers had developed interest 4.10 Adequate
in the student and are available for
student advising. EDUCATION OF ESSU MAIN CAMPUS SY 2007 TO 2013
5.Teachers are accommodating with 4.04 Adequate Items Mean Interpretation
excellent advising ability of the thesis. 1.Computer 3.68 Adequate
Overall Mean 4.18 Adequate 2.Typewriter 2.94 Moderately Adequate
3.Overhead Projector 3.62 More than Adequate
The overall mean rating obtained was 4.18 which means 4.LCD 3.32 Moderately Adequate
adequate in the qualitative description. This means that the 5.Machine Duplicator 2.96 Moderately Adequate
6.Electric Fans 3.62 Adequate
faculty of the College of Education is adequately provided by
7.Risograph 2.84 Moderately Adequate
the university. Emphasis are oftentimes teachers are observed 8.Tables 4.08 Adequate
by the graduates to be competent, possess excellent teaching 9.Chairs 4.16 Adequate
abilities, utilize varied teaching techniques and strategies, and 10.Water Dispenser 3.18 Moderately Adequate
are available for student advising. This implies that having an 11.Xerox Machine 3.12 Moderately Adequate
active concern for the students, these graduates were able to 12.Cabinets 3.46 Adequate
develop knowledge and skills about education. This is an 13.Telephone 2.82 Moderately Adequate
avenue for them to develop skills of teaching which they can 14.Internet 2.48 Inadequate
use as excellent teachers in the DepEd in the future. 15.Fax machine 2.40 Inadequate
Overall Mean 3.25 Moderately Adequate
Course. Table 10 shows the data on the adequacy of program
elements of the College of Education. It shows that item “The
contribution of the total program and areas of specialization to Table 12 presents the summary of the results on adequacy
your professional profession” got the highest mean rating of of program elements of the College of Education of ESSU. It
4.46, which means “Very Adequate” while the item “The depth showed that based on the ratings of the respondents, course got
of course” got the lowest mean score of 4.18, which means the highest overall mean of 4.31, which means very adequate.
“Adequate”. Physical facilities obtained the lowest overall mean of
The overall mean rating computed was 4.31 which means 3.25,which means moderately adequate. The grand mean
very adequate in the qualitative description. Results revealed computed computed was 3.91, which means adequate. This
that the course taken by the teacher education graduates means that the course was adequately provided by the College
provided them very adequate knowledge, skills and abilities in of Education of ESSU, while physical facilities were not. This
developing them as specialized professional teachers. means that physical facilities need to be given priority attention
by the administration.
Items Mean Interpretation Indicators Overall Mean Interpretation
1.The variety of subject covered 4.40 Very Adequate 1. Faculty 4.18 Adequate
2.The depth of course 4.18 Adequate 2. Course 4.31 Very Adequate
3.The way courses were presented 4.22 Very Adequate 3. Physical Facilities 3.25 Moderately
4.The contribution of the total 4.46 Very Adequate Adequate
program and areas of specialization Grand Mean 3.91 Adequate
to your professional profession
5.The contribution of courses to 4.28 Very Adequate
C. Problems Encountered by Teacher Education
personnel & social well being
Overall Mean 4.31 Very Adequate
This study likewise determined the problems encountered by
teacher education graduates in their pursuit in bachelor’s
Physical Facilities. Table 11 reflects that the physical facilities degree.
of the College of Education was moderately adequate As shown in Table 13, there were five items identified by the
considering that the overall mean score computed was 3.25. respondents as their problems. First was the item “Ambiguous

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International Conference on Law, Business, Education and Corporate Social Responsibility (LBECSR-17) Sept. 21-22, 2017 Cebu (Philippines)

types of periodical examinations” 594 or 91.38 percent IV. CONCLUSION

answered yes; second, 589 or 90.62 percent answered yes on
the item “Lack of laboratory facilities for experiment”; third, Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions
583 or 89.69 percent answered yes on item “Lack of materials are drawn: (1) A greater number of the teacher education
for laboratory experiment”; fourth, 321 or 49.38 percent graduates were literally at their fairly young adulthood stage,
answered yes on the item “Lack of instructional facilities and were dominated by females, still single, and were having
materials”; and fifth, 320 or 49.23 percent answered yeas on the salary/wage/honorarium/bonus/allowance as their source of
item “Too many written academic requirements”. family income; (2) The teacher education graduates were
receiving the basic salary of teachers as their monthly family
TABLE XIII. PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED BY TEACHER EDUCATION income. Thus, graduating from the teacher education course
STUDENTS IN THE PURSUIT OF BACHELOR’S DEGREE AT ESSU MAIN CAMPUS helped them earn an income to support the needs of their
Items Yes No
f % f %
families. They are employed as teachers in public schools,
1.Unsystematic instructional 42 6.46 608 93.54 occupying the position of a teacher, and were already
methods occupying a permanent status; (3) The faculty of the College
2.Lack of specific academic 35 5.38 615 94.62 of Education is adequately provided by the university, course
preparation for periodical taken by them provided very adequate knowledge, skills and
examinations abilities in developing them as specialized professional
3.Lack of enthusiasm among 38 5.85 612 94.15
teachers, and the physical facilities of the College of Education
faculty members is provided moderately adequate, which means that facilities
4.Unapproachable faculty 39 6.00 611 94.00 should be given priority attention by the administration; and
members (4) Ambiguous types of periodical examinations, lack of
laboratory facilities and materials for experiment, lack of
5. Obsolete library materials 81 12.46 569 87.54
and facilities
instructional facilities and materials and too many written
academic requirements are problems encountered by the
6.Lack of laboratory facilities 589 90.62 61 9.38 teacher education graduates.
for experiment
7.Lack of materials for 583 89.69 67 10.31 REFERENCES
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