EpsonEmbeddedManualForPaperCut MF PDF
EpsonEmbeddedManualForPaperCut MF PDF
EpsonEmbeddedManualForPaperCut MF PDF
1 Overview .................................................................................................................................. 3
2 Installation Requirements ........................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Requirements .................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Epson Device Compatibility ............................................................................................... 4
3 Installation and Setup .............................................................................................................. 5
3.1 Prerequisite Device Configuration .................................................................................... 5
3.1.1 Updating to the Epson Open Platform Firmware ...................................................... 5
3.1.2 Activate the Epson Open Platform ............................................................................ 5
3.2 Mandatory Device Configuration ...................................................................................... 6
3.2.1 Setup for the Epson devices ...................................................................................... 6
3.2.2 Install Epson OPS for PaperCut .................................................................................. 6
3.2.3 PaperCut Settings ...................................................................................................... 7
3.2.4 Verify the successful installation and configuration .................................................. 7
3.3 Card Reader Support ......................................................................................................... 7
3.3.1 Connect Card Reader for user authentication........................................................... 7
3.4 Automatic Log out ............................................................................................................. 8
3.5 Additional Network Security (optional) ............................................................................ 8
3.6 High Security Settings (optional) ....................................................................................... 9
4 Upgrading to a newer version ................................................................................................ 10
5 Post-install testing .................................................................................................................. 11
5.1 Test Preparation .............................................................................................................. 11
5.2 Scenario 1: Standard copying .......................................................................................... 12
5.3 Scenario 2: Copying with account selection.................................................................... 12
5.4 Scenario 3: Print release.................................................................................................. 13
5.5 Scenario 4: Scanning and faxing ...................................................................................... 14
6 Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 16
6.1 Device Function ............................................................................................................... 16
6.2 Authentication Methods ................................................................................................. 16
6.3 Usage of panel keys for ID number and PIN or card PIN ................................................. 17
6.4 Shared account selection ................................................................................................ 17
7 Advanced Configuration......................................................................................................... 18
7.1 Config Editor .................................................................................................................... 18
This manual covers the Epson embedded MFD setup. For general PaperCut MF documentation please
refer to the PaperCut product documentation PaperCut MF manual.
1 Overview
This manual provides an overview of the installation, configuration and operation of Epson’s embedded
Multi-Function Device (MFD) software solution for PaperCut MF. Epson’s MFDs are intelligent – they have
touch screens and support applications that provide sophisticated user workflows. The goal of this
solution is to leverage the capabilities of Epson devices with PaperCut MF to provide walk-up MFD users
with the same set of rich application features provided in the print control area. To make this possible,
you need to use “Epson Open Platform Solution for PaperCut” (“Epson OPS for PaperCut” from here on)
provided by Seiko Epson Corp.
These include:
• Secure access to device functions via Card Swipe, Username plus Password, etc.
• End user authentication including integration with single sign-on environments
• Monitoring and control of photocopying, scanning, faxing and on-device printing from device storage
and USB drives to support quotas, charging, allocation and logging
• Allocation of all job types to accounts/departments/cost-centers/projects
• Account invoice and comment options are supported
• Release print jobs from a hold/release queue, also known as Secure & Find Me Printing
• Group based access control: Limit access to color copying or to the device as a whole to selected user
• Releasing print jobs from a hold/release queue (secure printing)
The embedded solution is developed by Seiko Epson Corp. in conjunction with PaperCut. This ensures
that the MFD interface is consistent with PaperCut's other embedded solutions, meaning users only have
to learn one system.
2 Installation Requirements
This section covers the installation of the embedded application for compatible Epson MFDs. The
embedded application will enable MFD access control, secure printing and “Find-Me” printing, and allow
logging and control copying, scanning and faxing. For information on just tracking network printing see
the PaperCut MF user manual.
2.1 Requirements
Before installing the embedded application into the Epson device, ensure that basic monitoring of
network printing has been setup and tested for this device. The device would show up in the printer list in
the PaperCut admin web interface and have a few print jobs in its print history.
After that, ensure that the following points are checked off before getting started:
PaperCut is installed and running on your network. Please see the ‘Introduction -> Quick Start
Guide’ section of the PaperCut user manual for assistance.
Ensure that your Epson device is supported. Check “2.2 Epson Device Compatibility”.
Ensure that the Epson device is connected to the network.
Have available the network name or IP address of the Epson device.
Have available the password for administrator access to the device’s web interface (called “Web
Config”) if device password has been set.
It is recommended that the device be configured with a static IP address.
Verify that firewalls or other network restrictions do not prevent the PaperCut server’s access to
port 11260(https) and 11261(http). Also do not prevent the solution software access to the
PaperCut server on ports 9191 and 9192.
Access to download the following tools.
Firmware Updater for your device
Epson OPS for PaperCut for your operating system in which PaperCut MF is installed
Profile of security configuration
Hardware Setup Guide
Administrator’s Guide
Card Reader Support List
If the device is compatible, you will see the following label on the carton box and on the MFD near the
serial number.
Epson makes all attempts to keep the product compatibility information in this manual current.
NOTE: Do not turn the Epson device off during the firmware update. The firmware update takes about 15
minutes. When the update is complete, the Epson device restarts automatically.
You can find the serial number on the Epson device’s Guarantee Form, on the label on the rear or
side of the product, or on the device’s web interface.
You can acquire individual keys by using the printer's serial number, or acquire in bulk by using a text
When acquiring a product key that has already been issued by entering a serial number, the same
product key is issued.
NOTE: The other parameters such as “Access Token” and “Notification URL” are filled in after finishing
procedure "3.2.3 PaperCut Settings".
For Windows/Mac:
Double-click the installation software.
For Linux:
Run “Terminal”, and then enter the following command. Where “X” is the software version you are
sudo rpm -U EpsonOpenPlatformSolutionForPaperCut-X.X.X-X.i586.rpm (32bit)
sudo rpm -U EpsonOpenPlatformSolutionForPaperCut-X.X.X-X.x86_64.rpm (64bit)
sudo dpkg -i EpsonOpenPlatformSolutionForPaperCut_X.X.X-X_i386.deb (32bit)
sudo dpkg -i EpsonOpenPlatformSolutionForPaperCut_X.X.X-X_amd64.deb (64bit)
1. Press the Home button on the Epson device’s control panel. “Fail to Initialize Device” is displayed.
If the Login screen is displayed at this point, setting has completed (When you do not set the
administrator’s password on the Epson device).
2. Log in to the PaperCut administration interface using a web browser
http://<papercut-mf-IP>: 9191/admin .
3. Navigate to the “Devices” tab.
4. Select the device name and navigate to “Advanced Config”.
5. Enter the same password as Epson device’s web interface on “Value” of “
6. Press the Home button on the Epson device’s control panel.
You should now proceed to configure page costs, the authentication methods you will allow and other
settings relating to the device.
NOTE: When using the PaperCut server, the part of the button function is changed. See “Functions of
button update”.
Make sure you connect the authentication device to the service port on the back of the Epson
device. It will not work if it is connected to a different USB port.
For the WF-6590 series, see “About NFC tags for the WF-6590 series” before connecting.
2. Connect the USB cable for the authentication device to the Epson device.
5 Post-install testing
After completing installation and basic configuration it is recommended to perform some testing of the
common usage scenarios. This important for two reasons:
1. To ensure that the embedded application is working as expected.
2. To familiarize yourself with the features and functionality of PaperCut and the embedded
This section outlines four test scenarios that are applicable for most organizations. Please complete all
the test scenarios relevant for your site.
4. Verify that this user is set to “Automatically charge to personal account” in the “Account
selection” options.
To configure ‘testuseradvanced’:
1. In PaperCut MF, select the “Users” tab
2. Select the ‘testuseradvanced’ user.
3. Change the “Account Selection” option to “Standard account selection popup” and enable all the
account selection options.
Back in the PaperCut MF application verify that the MFD activity was recorded and the user’s account
1. Log into PaperCut MF.
2. Select the device from the “Devices” tab.
3. Select the “Job Log” tab. This will list all recent copying activity on the MFD. The copying just
performed as the test user should be listed. Verify the details of the copy job that was just
4. Click on the user’s name in the user column to view the user’s account details
5. Select the “Job Log” tab to display all print/copy activity for the user.
6. Select the “Transaction History” tab and verify that the cost of the photocopying was deducted
from the user’s account.
At the MFD:
1. The MFD should be displaying a screen to prompt the user to login. Follow the prompts to login.
2. When prompted, enter the username, ‘testuseradvanced’, and the password in the login fields.
3. You will now be presented with the Account Selection page:
You may select your account from a list, by search or by an account code/PIN. From the list, select
the “Test Account 1” created earlier.
4. At this point the MFD will be enabled for usage. Follow the onscreen instructions and perform
some test copying. i.e. press the “Copy” key on the device and perform a copy as normal.
5. Once completed copying press “Logout” button.
NOTE: The account selection workflow can vary according to the user options selected. For example a
user configured to see the Advanced Account Selection popup may see an additional dialog asking for
comment and invoice information. At the device level, you may also configure whether you wish to see
the Account Summary screen or not.
Back in the PaperCut MF application verify that the MFD activity was recorded and the user’s account
1. Log into PaperCut MF
2. Select the device from the “Devices” tab
3. Select the “Job Log” tab. This will list all recent copying activity on the MFD. The copying just
performed as the test user should be listed.
4. Verify the details of the job (i.e. that the job was charged to the selected account).
5. In the log details, click on the “Charged To” account name to view the account’s details.
6. Selecting the “Job Log” tab will display all print/copy activity for the account, and will show the
test photocopying that was performed.
Skip this scenario if hold/release queues will not be used at your site.
4. Press OK/Apply to save the changes. All printing to this queue will now be held until released by
a user.
At the device:
1. Log into the device as “testusersimple” as described above.
2. Upon successful login you will be presented with the Held Print Jobs page:
3. Select “Print All” to release all jobs. The jobs will begin to print to the destination printer. (The
“Print All” button will not appear if there are no jobs to print)
4. Once completed press the “Logout” button on the device keypad.
At the MFD, log in and scan a few documents and send a few faxes. At the end, make sure to press the
“Logout” button on the device’s keypad.
In the PaperCut administration interface verify that the scan and fax activities were recorded and the
user’s account was deducted. This can be done as follows:
1. Log in to the PaperCut MF administration interface.
2. Select the device from the “Devices” tab.
3. Select the “Job Log” tab. This will list all recent activity on the MFD, including copying, scanning
and faxing. The jobs just performed as the test user should be listed. Verify the details of the
jobs that were just performed.
4. Click on the user’s name in the user column to view the user’s account details.
5. Select the “Job log” tab to display all activity for the user.
6. Select the “Transaction History” tab and verify that the cost of the scans and faxes was deducted
from the user’s account.
6 Configuration
After completing the Installation section and registering the device with PaperCut MF, it will have been
configured with reasonable default settings that are suitable for most environments. This section covers
how to change those default settings. All the following settings are available via the device’s ‘Summary’
tab in the PaperCut MF administration interface.
Track & control copying The device will track walk-up off-the-glass copying.
Track & control scanning The device will track scanning such as scan-to-email or scan-to-file.
Track & control faxing The device will track the sending of faxes.
Enable release station The device will act as a print release station.
Not all authentication methods are supported on all devices. A grayed-out option indicates that the
option is not supported on this device.
Each authentication method is discussed in the following table.
Username and password The user may use their domain/network username and password to log into
the device.
Identity number The user may log in with their identity number. Identity numbers are
convenient when usernames are long or cumbersome to enter. For
example, rather than entering a username like ‘john.smith.001’, it may be
more convenient to enter an employee ID of ‘1234’. See the PaperCut user
manual for information about user identity numbers, including importing
identity numbers from an external source.
Identity number -> When a user logs in with their identity number, they must also provide their
Require PIN associated PIN. This provides additional security for identity number logins.
Identity number -> You can mask your identity number when a user logs in.
Mask identity number
Swipe card The user may log in by swiping a card (e.g. magnetic stripe, smart card,
RFID). See the PaperCut user manual for information about user card
numbers, including importing card numbers from an external source.
See “Card Reader Support List” for a list of supported card readers.
Swipe card -> Require PIN When a user logs in by swiping a card, they must also provide their
associated PIN. This provides additional security for swipe card logins.
Swipe card -> Enable self- Users can swipe cards previously not used or registered at the device with
association with existing PaperCut and will be prompted for their username and password. The swipe
user accounts card can then be used at subsequent logins.
Anonymous (No login Specifies that this device should always automatically log in as the specified
required) user. This option overrides all other authentication methods
6.3 Usage of panel keys for ID number and PIN or card PIN
When logging in with an ID number, and optionally a PIN, the keys 0 – 9 on the device panel may be used
in place of the on-screen keyboard provided ID number and PIN are numeric. Panel keys may be used for
PIN entry after a card swipe, too.
7 Advanced Configuration
7.1 Config Editor
The common configuration options for a device in PaperCut MF are available on the device’s “Summary”
tab, and are discussed in more detail in the Configuration section. This section covers the more advanced
or less common configuration options, which are available via the “Advanced Config” tab in the device
details screen. Device name would be a serial number.
ext- If you set “Y”, the “Code” and “Search Account” are displayed separately when you select an account on the Epson device's control
- searchaccount panel.
Add the currency display on the personal account balance.
- symbol-side Display the currency on the left : LEFT
Display the currency on the right: RIGHT
Do not display the currency: N/A or set another value
ext- This is set automatically when the device has been registered correctly. This parameter must be the same as “Access Token” on the device's
token web interface “Epson Open Platform Settings” > “Authentication
System” > “Basic”.
If a connection error occurs, check if the access tokens between them
are the same.
ext- When you set the password on Epson device’s web interface, the parameter of this config must be the same as it.
ext- If you set “Y”, Account Confirmation screen will be displayed after entering the code.
confirmation-by- If you set “N”, Account Confirmation screen will not be displayed and
search-code go to home menu directly.
Default is “Y”.
This config. is applied only when you select the “Code” or
“Code/Search Account” on Select Account screen.
When you want to change the other accounts than above, set “Show
account confirmation” from “Devices” > “Summary” > “Device
Options” on the PaperCut server.
NOTE: Many card readers are configurable - the number format can be changed at the hardware level via
utility or configuration tools. PaperCut MF’s software-level converters are there to support card readers
that don’t offer this level of configuration, or where a global software-level conversion is a better
choice. For example it may be quicker to do the conversion in PaperCut MF rather than manually
reprogram 100+ readers!
Like regex’s, the convertors may be defined on either a global (all devices) or a per-device basis.
Standard Converters
Convertor Description
dec2hex Convert a decimal encoded card number to hexadecimal format. This will convert
“2490285352” to “946EBD28”.
ascii-enc Unpack an ASCII encoded card number string. E.g. given the number
“3934364542443238”, the ASCII code “39” is converted to 9, “34” -> 4, “45” -> E,
with the entire number resulting in “946EBD28”.
It is possible to chain or pipeline converters by delimiting with a pipe (|). For example, ascii-enc|hex2dec
will first unpack the encoded ASCII number then convert it to a decimal.
Tip: Not sure which converter to use? Often trial and error is a good approach. After presenting a card,
the number will appear in an application logger message with conversions applied (assuming the card is
unknown to the system). Try different converters and inspect the resulting numbers in the application
function convert(cardNumber) {
return cardNumber.substring(3,10).toLowerCase();
3. Enter a converter in the form: javascript:custom/card.js
Tip: Check the file [install-path]/server/log/server.log when testing. Any scripting errors will be displayed
as warning messages in the log.
Tip: A Javascript script may also be included in the pipeline. For example
If both a regular expression and a converter are defined, the regular expression is applied
first. This means a regular expression can be used to clean up the input (e.g. remove checksum
or delimiters) before passing to a converter.
In some special situations, a custom JavaScript implementation may not be enough. For example,
there may be a requirement to use a 3rd party system to decrypt the number. PaperCut MF
includes an advanced plugin architecture that the PaperCut Software development team uses to
implement these advanced converters. Please contact your ASC or PaperCut support to discuss
development options and costs.
Images must be saved as PNG files with the filename “TopBar.png” and should be 480 X 46 pixels wide.
This image should be saved on the PaperCut application server in the PaperCut application directory
under the subdirectory “Epson Open Platform Solutions for PaperCut” > “static” > “img” > “typeX”. Create
the subdirectory if necessary. Epson OPS for PaperCut calls the image from the server to display it on the
device’s screen.
Verify the correct layout on the device’s screen after producing the image.
Make sure to verify the custom header logo appears correctly on the device.
NOTE: Some devices do not support PNG images with an alpha channel (transparency). This is a common
cause of the custom image not displaying in the header. Use an image editing program to remove
the alpha channel.
8 Uninstalling
To uninstall Epson OPS for PaperCut, perform the following on the primary server computer.
Depending on your OS version, terms may differ slightly.
Log in as a system administrator.
If a password is required, enter the administrator password.
For Windows:
Open “Control Panel”, and then uninstall from “Uninstall a program”
For Mac:
Run “Terminal”, and then enter the following command.
For Linux:
Run “Terminal”, and then enter the following command.
9 Known Limitations
This section lists known limitations with the Example implementation.
9.1 Zero-stop
Ideally, PaperCut can control exactly how many pages a user can copy, and always prevent the user from
overdrawing their account. Epson devices offer the ability to limit page counts, but copying does not
necessarily stop immediately when those limits are reached. This delay means that users may overrun
their account below zero, by one or more pages.
I have thousands of accounts representing my clients. Will the system handle this?
Yes. We have designed the system to handle thousands of Shared Accounts. Users with many accounts
will also be presented with some “power options” to help them find accounts including keywords based
Check if the device name on the PaperCut server is the same as the serial number on the Epson
You can find the serial number on the Epson device’s Guarantee Form, on the label on the rear or
side of the product, or on the device’s web interface. If it is different, change the device name from
“Devices” > “Rename this device” on the PaperCut server.
Check the device’s web interface to confirm if Epson OPS for PaperCut has been installed correctly.
Select “Epson Open Platform Settings” > “Authentication System” > “Basic” and check the following.
“Web Page URL Before Login” is entered correctly.
“Access Token” is entered. This parameter should be the same as “”
on the PaperCut Server.
“Notification URL” is entered correctly.
“Certificate Validation on Browser” is disabled.
“Quota Management” is enabled.
Check that “User Name” and “Password” are entered as shown below.
4. Reboot Epson OPS for PaperCut to enable logging of Epson OPS for PaperCut as shown below. The
way differ according to your OS.
For Windows:
1. To stop Epson OPS for PaperCut, run “Command Prompt”, and then enter the following
command. Enter the true path in “XXXXX” depending on your environment.
C:\XXXXX\Epson Open Platform Solution for PaperCut\Epson Open Platform Solution for
PaperCut\EpsonOpenPlatformSolutionForPaperCutBoot.bat kill
2. To restart Epson OPS for PaperCut after stopping it, run “Command Prompt”, and then enter the
following command.
C:\XXXXX\Epson Open Platform Solution for PaperCut\Epson Open Platform Solution for
For Mac:
To restart Epson OPS for PaperCut, run “Terminal”, and then enter the following command.
For Linux:
To restart Epson OPS for PaperCut, run “Terminal”, and then enter the following command.
sudo ./etc/init.d/ EpsonOpenPlatformSolutionForPaperCut restart
Logging for Epson OPS for PaperCut is enabled. You can now acquire logs.
NOTE: Logs are permanently collected after enabling logging. The maximum size of the log file is 10 MB.
Up to 8 latest files are archived.
To stop collecting logs, restore the “application.yml” to its original settings, and then restart
Epson OPS for PaperCut as described in step 4.
1. Navigate to “Access Control Settings” > “User Settings”, and then click “Add” for number 2.
Navigate to the input page.
2. Enter the “User Name” and “Password”, select “Copy” in the enable/disable functions check
box. If you want to allow other functions, select the appropriate check box.
3. Click “Apply”.
NOTE: The configuration profile for emergencies performs the following settings.
• Disables IPsec/IP filtering settings
• Enables PC-FAX transmission functions
• Unlocks Wi-Fi Direct panel operations
• Enables network scanner (AirPrint) functions
• Enables WSD functions
Error menu
When the MFD cannot display the web page that is sent from the PaperCut server, an error is displayed
on the control panel.
Press the Home button to redisplay the web page.
When an HTTP communication error and other network errors occur at the same time, the HTTP
communication error is given higher priority.
ec-1 Connection Refused The remote server refused the connection. • Make sure that the addresses are correct.
See “The embedded application shows
“Access denied to this device?”” in this
• Make sure that Epson OPS for PaperCut
is running correctly.
• Check the server firewall settings for the
server on which Epson OPS for PaperCut
is installed, such as Port 11260 to be used
in the Epson OPS for PaperCut (https)
/ 11261 (http) is permitted.
ec-2 Remote Host Closed The remote server closed the • Make sure that Epson OPS for
connection before a reply could be PaperCut is running correctly.
processed and completed.
ec-3 Host Not Found The remote host name is invalid. • Make sure that the addresses are correct.
See “The embedded application shows
“Access denied to this device.”” in this
• Make sure that the MFD is connected to
the network.
• Make sure that the DNS for the MFD
settings are correct.
ec-4 Timeout The connection to the remote server • Make sure that the addresses are correct.
was lost due to a timeout. See “The embedded application shows
“Access denied to this device.”” in this
• Make sure that Epson OPS for PaperCut
is running correctly.
• Check the server firewall settings for the
server on which Epson OPS for PaperCut
is installed, such as Port 11260 to be used
in the Epson OPS for PaperCut (https)
/ 11261 (http) is permitted.
ec-5 Operation Canceled The connection to the remote server • Make sure that Epson OPS for
was disconnected and the operation has PaperCut is running correctly.
been canceled.
ec-6 SSL Handshake Failed The SSL/TLS handshake failed, and a • Make sure that the addresses are correct.
coded channel could not be See “The embedded application shows
established. “Access denied to this device.”” in this
ec-201 Content Access Denied Access to remote content has been denied. • Make sure that the addresses are correct.
(This is the equivalent to a 401 HTTP See “The embedded application shows
communication error.) “Access denied to this device.”” in this
• Make sure the server settings that are
installed on Epson OPS for PaperCut are
ec-203 Content Not Found Remote content was not found on the • Make sure that the addresses are correct.
server. See “The embedded application shows
(This is the equivalent to a 404 HTTP “Access denied to this device.”” in this
communication error.)
• Make sure the server settings that are
installed on Epson OPS for PaperCut are
ec-204 Authentication Required The remote server authentication needed • Make sure that the addresses are correct.
to provide content did not accept the See “The embedded application shows
credentials submitted. “Access denied to this device.”” in this
• Make sure that Epson OPS for PaperCut is
running correctly.
• Make sure the server settings that are
installed on Epson OPS for PaperCut are
ec-99 Unknown Network An unknown network error has been • Check that the current IP and the IP of
detected. the MFD that was registered to the
PaperCut server are identical.
• Check the network status.
ec-299 Unknown Content An unknown remote content error has • Make sure that the addresses are correct.
been detected. See “The embedded application shows
“Access denied to this device.”” in this
• Make sure that Epson OPS for PaperCut is
running correctly.
• Make sure the server settings that are
installed on Epson OPS for PaperCut are
ec-399 Protocol Failure An error in the network protocol has • Make sure that the addresses are correct.
occurred. See “The embedded application shows
“Access denied to this device.”” in this
• Make sure that Epson OPS for PaperCut is
running correctly.
ec-999 Browser Timeout The browser determined that a timeout • Make sure that Epson OPS for PaperCut is
has occurred after a specified amount of running correctly.
time (30 seconds). • Make sure that the MFD is connected to
the network.
• Check the server firewall settings for the
server on which Epson OPS for PaperCut
is installed, such as Port 11260 to be used
in the Epson OPS for PaperCut (https)
/ 11261 (http) is permitted.
<Certificate error>
When an error related to electronic certificate signing occurs, a “Certification Error”, an explanation, and
an error code are displayed.
NOTE: For details on importing certificates into an MFD, see the Epson manual “Administrator’s Guide”.
Get from “2.1 Requirements”.
ec-1 Unable To Get Issuer Cannot acquire the issuer certificate. Make sure that the correct certificate has
Certificate been imported to the MFD.
ec-2 Unable To Decrypt Cannot decrypt the signature for the Make sure that the correct certificate has
Certificate Signature certificate. been imported to the MFD.
ec-3 Unable To Decode Issuer Cannot decode the public key for the Make sure that the correct certificate has
Public Key issuer. been imported to the MFD.
ec-5 Certificate Not Yet Valid The certificate is not valid yet. • Check that the “Date and Time” settings
are correct for the MFD.
• Check the expiration date of the
certificate for Epson OPS for
• Make sure that the correct certificate has
been imported to the MFD.
ec-6 Certificate Expired The certificate has expired. • Check that the “Date and Time” settings
are correct for the MFD.
• Check the expiration date of the
certificate for Epson OPS for
• Make sure that the correct certificate has
been imported to the MFD.
ec-7 Invalid Not Before Field The notBefore field in the certificate is in • Make sure that the correct certificate has
an invalid format. been imported to the MFD.
• Make sure that the certificate for
Epson OPS for PaperCut is correct.
ec-8 Invalid Not After Field The notAfter field in the certificate is in an • Make sure that the correct certificate has
invalid format. been imported to the MFD.
• Make sure that the certificate for
Epson OPS for PaperCut is correct.
ec-12 Unable To Verify First Cannot verify the first certificate. • Make sure that the correct certificate has
Certificate been imported to the MFD.
• Make sure that the certificate for
Epson OPS for PaperCut is correct.
ec-13 Certificate Revoked The certificate has been revoked. • Make sure that the correct certificate has
been imported to the MFD.
• Make sure that the certificate for
Epson OPS for PaperCut is correct.
ec-14 Invalid CA Certificate The CA certificate is invalid. • Make sure that the correct certificate has
been imported to the MFD.
• Make sure that the certificate for
Epson OPS for PaperCut is correct.
ec-15 Path Length Exceeded The maximum hierarchy for the length of • Make sure that the correct certificate has
the certificate chain has been exceeded. been imported to the MFD.
• Make sure that the certificate for
Epson OPS for PaperCut is correct.
ec-16 Invalid Purpose Cannot use the certificate for the • Make sure that the correct certificate has
specified purpose. been imported to the MFD.
• Make sure that the certificate for
Epson OPS for PaperCut is correct.
ec-17 Certificate Untrusted The certificate is not trusted. • Make sure that the correct certificate has
been imported to the MFD.
• Make sure that the certificate for
Epson OPS for PaperCut is correct.
ec-18 Certificate Rejected The certificate has been rejected. • Make sure that the correct certificate has
been imported to the MFD.
• Make sure that the certificate for
Epson OPS for PaperCut is correct.
ec-19 Subject Issuer Mismatch The subject name does not match the • Make sure that the correct certificate has
current issuer name for the certificate. been imported to the MFD.
• Make sure that the certificate for
Epson OPS for PaperCut is correct.
ec-20 Authority Issuer Serial The serial number for the certification • Make sure that the correct certificate has
Number Mismatch authority does not match. been imported to the MFD.
• Make sure that the certificate for
Epson OPS for PaperCut is correct.
ec-21 No Peer Certificate The certificate is not valid. • Make sure that the correct certificate has
been imported to the MFD.
• Make sure that the certificate for
Epson OPS for PaperCut is correct.
ec-22 Host Name Mismatch The host names do not match. • Make sure that the correct certificate has
been imported to the MFD.
• Make sure that the certificate for
Epson OPS for PaperCut is correct.
11 Appendix
11.1 Additional Network Security options
By using the Epson device's security features, you can prohibit the use of Epson device that does not pass
through the PaperCut server. If this is not set, it can lead to unauthorized use of the Epson devices
because it is possible to print and scan by connecting the computer to the Epson devices directly, and fax
and copy by using the control panel. See the manual for the Epson device for more details on the security
NOTE: Level 1 locks the control panel and prohibits setting changes by setting an administrator password.
A profile is not used.
NOTE: If you have already set an administrator password, skip steps 2 and 3.
1. On a computer, open your web browser, and then open the Epson device’s web interface by entering
2. From the advanced settings menu, select “Administrator Settings” > “Change Administrator
3. Enter "Current Password", "New Password", and "Confirm New Password", and then click "OK".
4. Click "System Settings" > "Control Panel".
5. Set “Panel Lock” to “ON”, and then click “OK”.
1. From the Epson device’s web interface in the advanced menu, select “Export and Import Setting
Values” > “Import”.
2. Specify the profile of security configuration that you acquired, and then click “Next”.
3. Select “All” in the category that you want to import, and then click “Next”.
4. Click “OK”.
When you want to prohibit printing from a client computer and allow scanning and faxing
Location: “Network Security Settings” > “IPsec/IP Filtering” > “Basic”
Set the IPsec rules for the Level 6 Set the following in “Group Policy 2”.
client computer to allow “Access Control”: “IPsec”
vacant individual policies by “Local Address (Printer)”: IP address of the printer
importing a Level 6 setting “Remote Address (Host)”: IP address of the
profile. authentication server
“Method of Choosing Port”: “Service Name”
“Service Name”: Check the “Network Scan”
“Authentication Method”: “Pre-Shared Key”
“Pre-Shared Key”: Any
“Security Protocol”: “ESP”
When you permit Document Capture Pro and Document Capture Pro Server
Location: “Network Security Settings” > “IPsec/IP Filtering” > “Basic”
If you are using the Document Capture Pro Server, we recommend installing on the same computer as the
PaperCut server, since setting changes are not required.
“Network Settings” > “Available Enable the Wi-Fi Direct Switch between enable/disable Wi-Fi
Services” > “Wi-Fi Direct” > “Enable Function Direct settings from the panel.
Wi-Fi Direct function” The default setting for MFD is enabled (not
Disabled (prohibited) in setting profiles
with Level 2 or higher security.
When using the PaperCut, the part of the button function is changed as follows.
Returns to the previous menu on the Returns to the previous menu on the standard
authentication system server. panel.
Displays the status information menu. Displays the [Status Menu]. You can check the
(Job confirmation) Epson device's status and job history.
When two authentication software applications Pauses the current job and allows you to interrupt
are installed, they are both changed. another job.