8.4 Transformer 09

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Sek Men Sains Muzaffar Syah


What is a
A transformer is an electrical device which increases or
decreases an alternating voltage based on the principle of
electromagnetic induction.

structure of
a simple

 The coil connected to the input voltage is called the primary coil.
The coil connected to the output voltage is called the secondary
 The purpose of the common iron core is to provide a magnetic field
linkage in the secondary coil.

 A transformer works on the principle of electromagnetic induction.

 When a.c voltage, Vp, is applied to the primary coil of transformer,
Describe an alternating current flows through the coil.
the  The soft-iron core is magnetized. The magnet produced varies in
operating magnitude and direction.
principle of  This causes a changing magnetic flux to pass through the
a simple secondary coil. As a result ,an induced e.m.f across the secondary
transformer coil is produced.
 An alternating e.m.f is induced across it to produce an a.c voltage,
Vs in the secondary coil and a.c current flows through the second
 The frequency of the secondary voltage Vs is the same as that of the
primary voltage, Vp.
 The magnitude of the secondary voltage, Vs, depends on the ratio of
the number of turns of the primary and secondary coils.

Why does  A current is induced in the secondary coil only when there is a
the changing magnetic flux due to a changing primary current.
transformer (changes direction and magnitude)
not work  A d.c. power supply gives a constant current in the primary circuit
with a d.c  A constant direct current whose magnitude and direction is
power constant does not create a changing magnetic flux in the secondary
supply? coil. Therefore electromagnetic induction does not take place.

Sek Men Sains Muzaffar Syah

 According to Faraday’s law:

State the
Voltage  number of turns in coils
number of
turns in V  kN
coils with
voltage in a k
transformer N
(Vp, Np, Vs
Vp Vs
 
and Ns)

Np Ns
Vp = input (primary) voltage
Vs = output (secondary) voltage
Np = number of turns in the primary coils
Ns = number of turns in the secondary coils

Step-up transformer
If Ns is greater than Np, then Vs is greater than Vp
and Step-down transformer
contrast a If Ns is lower than Np, then Vs is lower than Vp
transformer Step-up transformer Step-down transformer
and a step-

Ns > Np Ns < Np
Vs > Vp Vs < Vp

Activity 1 : To understand a step-up and a step-down transformer

Materials Two C-shaped iron cores with clip, insulated wire, two light bulbs, low
voltage power supply.
Procedure Step-up transformer
 A 10 turns of copper wire are
wound on a soft iron C-core.
The wire is connected to the 1
V terminals of a low voltage
power supply.
 A 25 turns of copper wire are
wound on another soft-iron C-

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 The two cores are attached together by a C-clip.

 The two bulbs are connected to the circuit.
 The power is turned on. The brightness of the bulb are observed.
Step-down transformer
 The apparatus set-up is changed so that the 25 turns copper wire
becomes the primary coil and the 10 turns copper wire is the
secondary coil.
 The power supply is turned on. The brightness of the bulb are

Observation Step-up transformer

Types of circuit Primary circuit Secondary
Number of turns

Brightness of bulb

Step-down transformer
Types of circuit Primary circuit Secondary
Number of turns

Brightness of bulb

1. What is the relationship between the brightness of the bulb and the voltage
across it?


2. State the condition for a transformer to step up an input voltage.


3. State the condition for a transformer to step down an input voltage.




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What is the
between  In an ideal transformer, there is no energy loss during the process
output of transforming the voltage.
power and
input power [Power supplied to = [Power used in the
of an ideal the primary coil] secondary coil]
Input power = Output power
VpIp = VsIs

Describe the  In a real transformer, some energy is lost in the transformer

energy loses in a especially in the form of heat.
transformer  The output power is less than the input power.
 Therefore the efficiency of the transformer is less than 100%.

Efficiency of a  Efficiency = output power X 100%

transformer Input power

Causes of energy loss in transformers Ways to improve the efficiency of a

Resistance of the coils Use thick copper wires to make the coils
 all coils will have resistance The resistance will reduce as the wire is
 heat is produced when current flows thicker.
through them

Eddy currents in the core Use

 the changing magnetic field will also laminated
induces current in the iron core cores to
 this induced current is called eddy reduce eddy
current currents
 cause heat to be produced in the iron

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Magnetization and demagnetization of

the core Use cores made from soft-iron as soft-iron
 the alternating current flowing core can be easily magnetized and
through the transformer continually demagnetized.
magnetizes and demagnetizes the
 work has to be done to change the
magnitude and direction of the
magnetic field in the core which
contributes to energy loss

Leakage of magnetic field Wind the secondary coil on top of the

 electrical energy is lost when a primary coil
fraction of the magnetic field
produced by the primary coil does
not link with the secondary coil.

Activity 2 : Solve problems involving transformers

1. A transformer is required to step down the

mains voltage of 240 V provide a 12 V supply
for an electric toy. If the primary coil is
wound with 1 000 turns of wire, calculate the
number of turns required for the secondary

2. A step up transformer has 10 000 turns on its

secondary coil and 100 turns on its primary
coil. An alternating current of 5.0 A flows in
the primary coil when it is connected to a 12 V
a.c supply. Calculate:
(a) the input power to the transformer
(b) the e.m.f induced across the secondary
(c) What is the maximum current that could
flow in a circuit connected to the
secondary coil if the transformer is 100%

Questions 3 – 5 are from text books pg 102

Sek Men Sains Muzaffar Syah

3. A step-up transformer has a primary coil with

50 turns. It steps-up the mains voltage of 240
V a.c to 12 000 V a.c.
(a) How many turns must there be in the
secondary coil?
(b) When the current in the secondary coil is
0.2 A, what is the current in the primary
coil, assuming the transformer is 100%

4. A transformer has 2 000 turns in its primary

coil and is used to operate a “12 V, 24 W”
lamp from the 240 V a.c. mains.

(a) Assuming that there is no power

loss in the transformer, find
(i) the number of turns in the secondary
(ii) the current in the secondary coil
(iii) the input power.
(b) What would be the input power if the
transformer is 95% efficient?

5. A toy train requires a low voltage to operate.

The primary coil of its transformer has 600
turns, and the secondary coil has 50 turns.
The primary coil of its transformer has 600
turn, and the secondary coil has 50 turns.
The primary coil is connected to the 240 V a.c
mains. Assuming that the transformer is
100% efficient and the train requires a power
of 20 W, find
(a) the voltage required to operate the toy
(b) The current in the primary coil
(c) The current in the secondary coil

6. A ’multi-tap’ transformer has a primary coil of

500 turns. JK, KL and MN at secondary coil
has 30, 15 and 5 turns respectively. If the
primary voltage is 200 V a.c, what is the
secondary voltage at:
(a) JK, (b) KL, (c) LM, (d) KM

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5. Diagram below shows a transformer
1. The diagram shows a circuit containing connected to a cathode ray oscilloscope
an ideal transformer. (CRO).

Which statement is correct about the

brightness of bulb P and bulb Q? (2003)
A Bulb P is brighter than bulb Q Which of the following wave traces is
B Bulb P and bulb Q have the same correct when the extra coil is on the core
brightness and connected in series with the
C Bulb Q is brighter than bulb P secondary coil? (2007)

2. A laminated iron core is used in a

transformer because it can reduces…..
A the eddy current
B the hysterisis loss
C the resistance of the coil
D the leakage of magnetic flux

3. Why is the core of a transformer made of

soft -iron?
A Soft-iron is cheaper than copper
B Soft-iron is a good electrical
conductor 6 The diagram shows multi-tap
C Soft-iron makes a good permanent transformer.
D Soft-iron is easily magnetized and

4. The diagram shows the structure of an

ideal transformer.

Which pair of terminals would you

connect to produce an output voltage of
What is the potential difference across 18 V?
the bulb? (2005) A JK
A. 7 V B JL
B. 24 V C KL
C. 30 V D KM
D. 60 V
E. 160 V

Sek Men Sains Muzaffar Syah

7. Diagram 25 shows a simple transformer. SPM 2007 paper 2 A7

The bulb lights up at normal brightness. 9. Diagram 7 shows a simple transformer.

What happens if the a.c. input is replaced (a) (i) Name the type of the transformer.
by a 3 V battery? (2008)
A. The bulb does not light up _____________________________
B. The brightness of the bulb remains
unchanged (ii) State why soft iron is used as the
C. The brightness of the bulb increases transformer core.
D. The bulb blows

8. Diagram below shows two coils P and Q, (b) The number of turns on the primary
being wound on a U-shaped soft iron. coil in Diagram 7 is 1000. Calculate
Coil P is connected to a 12 V alternating the number of turns on the
voltage supply. Coil Q is connected to secondary coil.
an a.c. voltmeter.

(c) The transformer in Diagram 7 is used

to switch on an electrical appliances.
The current in the primary coil is 0.1
A and the efficiency is 75 %.
(a) Calculate the output power of the
(a) The voltmeter shows that there is a
voltage across the terminals of coil
Q. Explain why this happens.

(b) An electrical appliance which
________________________________ needs 20 W of power is
connected to the transformer
________________________________ output. Suggest a modification to
the transformer that enables the
________________________________ appliance to function correctly.

________________________________ _____________________________

(b) Name a physics concept which cause

this effect.


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(d) A student connects a television (iii) State the physics concept which
which uses direct current to the explains how the component in
output of the transformer in Diagram box X works.
7. When the television is switched on,
it does not function. ……………………………………….
(i) Why the television does not [1 mark]
(b) The efficiency of the component in
_____________________________ box X is 80%. Calculate the input
current when the output power is 65
(ii) An electrical component is W.
connected to the output of the
transformer so that the television

_____________________________ [2 marks]

[2 m]

SPM 2008 paper 2 A4

10. Diagram 4.1 shows a computer battery
charger connected to a 240 Va.c. power (c) Box Y contains four identified
supply. The battery charger contains box components to change a.c to d.c. On
X and box Y. Diagram 4.2, draw the electronic
components in the coloured circles

(a) The function of the component in box

X is to lower the voltage from 240 V
a.c to 20 V a.c.

(i) Name the component in box X.

[2 marks]
[1 mark]

(ii) Explain why a.c and not d.c is

supplied in Diagram 4.1.



[1 mark]

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SPM 2004 Section C 12.b

11. Diagram below shows a circuit
consisting of a transformer, an ammeter
and two light bulbs. The ammeter
reading is 0.5 A and both bulbs light up
with normal brightness.

(a) What is the output voltage of the


(b) Calculate the efficiency of the



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