8.4 Transformer 09
8.4 Transformer 09
8.4 Transformer 09
What is a
A transformer is an electrical device which increases or
decreases an alternating voltage based on the principle of
electromagnetic induction.
structure of
a simple
The coil connected to the input voltage is called the primary coil.
The coil connected to the output voltage is called the secondary
The purpose of the common iron core is to provide a magnetic field
linkage in the secondary coil.
Why does A current is induced in the secondary coil only when there is a
the changing magnetic flux due to a changing primary current.
transformer (changes direction and magnitude)
not work A d.c. power supply gives a constant current in the primary circuit
with a d.c A constant direct current whose magnitude and direction is
power constant does not create a changing magnetic flux in the secondary
supply? coil. Therefore electromagnetic induction does not take place.
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Np Ns
Vp = input (primary) voltage
Vs = output (secondary) voltage
Np = number of turns in the primary coils
Ns = number of turns in the secondary coils
Step-up transformer
If Ns is greater than Np, then Vs is greater than Vp
and Step-down transformer
contrast a If Ns is lower than Np, then Vs is lower than Vp
transformer Step-up transformer Step-down transformer
and a step-
Ns > Np Ns < Np
Vs > Vp Vs < Vp
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Brightness of bulb
Step-down transformer
Types of circuit Primary circuit Secondary
Number of turns
Brightness of bulb
1. What is the relationship between the brightness of the bulb and the voltage
across it?
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What is the
between In an ideal transformer, there is no energy loss during the process
output of transforming the voltage.
power and
input power [Power supplied to = [Power used in the
of an ideal the primary coil] secondary coil]
Input power = Output power
VpIp = VsIs
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Sek Men Sains Muzaffar Syah
Sek Men Sains Muzaffar Syah
5. Diagram below shows a transformer
1. The diagram shows a circuit containing connected to a cathode ray oscilloscope
an ideal transformer. (CRO).
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What happens if the a.c. input is replaced (a) (i) Name the type of the transformer.
by a 3 V battery? (2008)
A. The bulb does not light up _____________________________
B. The brightness of the bulb remains
unchanged (ii) State why soft iron is used as the
C. The brightness of the bulb increases transformer core.
D. The bulb blows
8. Diagram below shows two coils P and Q, (b) The number of turns on the primary
being wound on a U-shaped soft iron. coil in Diagram 7 is 1000. Calculate
Coil P is connected to a 12 V alternating the number of turns on the
voltage supply. Coil Q is connected to secondary coil.
an a.c. voltmeter.
(b) An electrical appliance which
________________________________ needs 20 W of power is
connected to the transformer
________________________________ output. Suggest a modification to
the transformer that enables the
________________________________ appliance to function correctly.
________________________________ _____________________________
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(d) A student connects a television (iii) State the physics concept which
which uses direct current to the explains how the component in
output of the transformer in Diagram box X works.
7. When the television is switched on,
it does not function. ……………………………………….
(i) Why the television does not [1 mark]
(b) The efficiency of the component in
_____________________________ box X is 80%. Calculate the input
current when the output power is 65
(ii) An electrical component is W.
connected to the output of the
transformer so that the television
_____________________________ [2 marks]
[2 m]
[2 marks]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
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