Dvs Summary 1
Dvs Summary 1
Dvs Summary 1
Development studies. MosesGitau4©
Lesson One
The concept of development.
Development is the process of making creating the conditions for the realization of human personality which implies a
reduction in poverty unemployment and inequality. It is the planned positive change meant to improve people’s lives and
enable them to meet their needs and aspirations as individuals groups or societies. Development must lead to society set
objectives such as:
Life sustenance- the ability to provide the basic human needs without which life would be impossible.
Self-esteem- refers to the sense of self-worth or respect. It can also be defined as identity dignity, honors and
Freedom- means liberation /emancipation from alienating material conditions of life which enslaves people to
nature social systems, other people or institutions as well as dogmatic belief.
Objectives of development
To increase availability and widen the distribution of basic life sustaining needs such as food, shelter, health care
and security.
Raise the levels of living.
To expand range of economic, political and social choice available to individuals and nations.
This is the state of deprivation of all dimensions of life including economically, spiritually and intellectually. Common
people and nations are said to be poor if:
These deprivations create a poverty trap which indicates a situation where the poor are held together by interlocking
self-reinforcing forces that sustain and perpetuate poverty. These include: Vulnerability, Powerlessness, Isolation,
Lesson Two
Theories of development
Modernization theory
Modernity- this is the social economic stage in a society characterized with the spread of scientist knowledge, the
development technology attainment of higher standards of material warfare and emergence of lawful and liberal and
democratic systems of governance.
Dependency theory
Under development in traditional societies is a product of the same process of development of capitalism that has given
rise in prosperity in rich countries and poverty in developing countries. The policy implication for dependency thinkers is:
Neo-Liberation theory
This is based on the belief that developing countries can and must rapidly develop of the basis of adopting policies of
limited government and allowing the market forces of demand and supply a free hand to allocate resources. It states
that third world countries could develop by rolling back the state from the economy and competing in an open world
economy. The proposed remedy is to encourage the private sector and liberalization at national economics. The
following proposals are recommended:
Limited government
Currency devaluation- weakening of the local currency in terms of foreign exchange makes exports cheaper.
Privatization of the public enterprises- deliberate action by the government to reduce the size of the private
sector. It can take the following forms:
Development studies. MosesGitau4©
o Denationalization- transferring public ownership of assets from the state to the private sector.
o Selling of public sector shareholdings in companies e.g. Safaricom
o Contracting out work.
Privatization enables a country not only reduce expenditure but to generate short term revenue. It also increases
Liberalization of trade- reduction of protectionists such as tariffs, exchange control quarters etc. All these programs are
referred to as Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs). It is the name given to a set of free market economic policy
reforms imposed on LDCs as a condition of relieving loans from the World Bank.
Objectives of SAPs
1. Stimulate economic development.
2. Was designed to improve a countries foreign investment climate
3. Boost foreign exchange and promoting exports.
4. Cutting down on government expenditure.
5. Break political networks in parastatals.
Benefits of SAPs
1. Import liberalization improves access imported products.
2. Free up money used in repayment of external debts.
Lesson Three
What is a strategy?
A strategy is a specific program of action for achieving the countries objectives by employing the countries resources
efficiently and economically.
The SRDP stimulated the appearance of the district development committee leading the Rural Development Fund (RDF)
The DFRD was built around the DDC and comprised of:
The DC as the chair person.
District heads of all ministerial departments.
Elected officials from the district consisting of MPs and two officials from each local Authority.
Civil society members.
Harambee strategy
Aims of Harambee strategy.
1. Promote national unity and development through collective effort.
2. Reduce regional disparities in terms of resource imbalance for development.
3. Reduction in management of poverty, ignorance and disease.
4. Improve equality of rural life and its people.
5. Encourage participation in programs that indirectly affect people’s lives.
Economic integration.
This is the action of a group of nations towards free trade. Free trade refers to where there is free flow of goods and
services in international exchange is neither restricted nor encouraged by the government.
Lesson Four
The role of Agriculture.
1. It contributes a large proportion of the GDP.
2. It facilitates full utilization of resource base.
3. As workers in agricultural sector earn more incomes, they demand for manufactured goods.
4. Boosts government revenue especially on taxation.
5. Industries depend on agricultural raw materials.
6. Increase in food production.
7. Saves on foreign exchange
8. Increased demand for other services e.g. transport and communication.
9. Contributes a significant source of saving.
10. Leads to increase in employment opportunities.
Problems of industrialization
1. Alienation- breakdown of social network and relationships.
2. Increasing insertion of market criteria to daily life.
3. Rapid urbanization with attendant poverty.
4. Increased child labor.
5. Crumbling infrastructure due to industrial concentration.
6. Uneven development.
Lesson Five
The role of the government in development.
1. Maintaining public service.
2. Influencing use of resources.
3. Determining use of incomes.
4. Shaping development institutions.
5. It formulates policies
6. Provides a framework and environment for development.
Development studies. MosesGitau4©
7. Mobilizes resources.
8. Through central and local authorities the government provides education, healthcare, water and sanitation.
Problems of MNC
1. Use of capital intensive technology that worsens employment.
2. They may worsen economy by suppressing domestic entrepreneurship.
Foreign aid
This is the assistance given to a developing country from a developed country.
Loan – Funds transferred from one economic entity to another and will be repaid with interest.
Weaknesses of NGOs.
1. Inadequate planning, organization and management.
2. Inadequate staff training
3. Inability to replicate projects and ensure sustainability.
Development studies. MosesGitau4©
4. Inability to effectively collaborate with the government at appropriate levels.
5. Lack of coordination among individuals to ensure macro level development.
Lesson Six
Reasons for measurement of development.
1. Indicate the extent of economic and social well-being of the people
2. Serve as bench mark for future planning.
3. Serve as instrument for motivating evaluation and control of ongoing development programs.
4. Facilitate spatial and temporal comparisons of development
5. Serve as criteria for international aid.
GDI measures achievements in basic human development adjusted for gender inequality. GEM examines to what extent
men and women actively participate in economics politics and decision making and command over economic resources.
To obtain a measure in gender inequality requires comparing GDI and HDI.
Lesson Seven
Scarcity of capital
The state of low capital means:
1. Poverty.
2. Imperfect maintenance of law and order
3. Political instability.
4. Unsettled monetary and banking systems.
Population factor.
A high population slows down development similarly a low population slows down development due to wastage of
1. Education
a. Lowers school enrollment as orphans increase
b. Increases child labor
c. Loss of teachers and staffs
d. Affects quality of teaching
2. Agriculture
Lesson Eight
This is the activity of influencing a group of people to strife willingly for group, community or national objectives.
Characteristics of leadership
1. It is a process of influence exercised but the leader and members of a group.
2. Leadership presupposed the existence of the group of followers
3. It is a personal quality.
4. It is a continuous process in which an executive guides and directs group members.
5. It is different from situation to situation
6. It is concerned with laying down of goals and policies.
7. It involves reconciliation of organizational goals
Theories of leadership
Trait theory
It seeks to determine the personal characteristic of a successful leader. It has the following limitations.
1. Its emphasis on personal traits does not consider the environment or situation.
Development studies. MosesGitau4©
2. It assumes leadership is an inborn quality and cannot be acquired.
3. There is no common lists of traits found in successful leaders.
4. There is no objective criteria to measure individual traits
5. It assumes personality traits are relatively stable across time.
1. It is intuitively appealing – it is built on the premise that leaders are different and their differences reside in the
traits they possess.
2. It has a century of research to back it up
3. It provides deeper understanding of how a leader relates to his traits.
4. It gives a benchmark on what to look for to be leaders.
Skills approach
It emphasizes on skills and abilities that can be learned and developed. These skills are:
1. It is a leader centered model that stresses importance of developing particular leadership skills
2. It is intuitively appealing- people can study and learn leadership skills
3. Provides an expansive view of leadership.
Behavioral theory.
Its emphasis is on actual behavior. One limitation is that a particular behavior may be effective at a particular time but
not effective at another.
Situational theory
According to this theory, leadership is affected by a situation from which the leader emerges. Task motivated leaders are
concerned with reaching a goal. Relationship motivated leaders are concerned with developing close interpersonal
This theory (also known as the contingency theory) suggest that situation scan be characterized by assessing three
factors: leader- member relations, task structure and position power.
Leader- member relations refer to the group atmosphere and degree of confidence, loyalty and attraction.
Development studies. MosesGitau4©
Task structure refers to the degree to which the requirement of a task are clear and spelt out.
1. Fails to explain fully why individuals are more effective in some situations.
2. It is cumbersome to use real world setting
3. Fails to explain what organizations would do when there is a mismatch between the leader and the situation.
Transformational leadership
A process that changes and transforms individuals.
Transactional leadership – refers to the bulk of leadership models which focuses on exchanges that occur between
leadership and followers.
1. Lacks conceptual clarity because it covers a wide range hence lacks parameters.
2. Treats leadership as a personal trait or personality disposition.
3. It has the potential to be abused.
4. It is based on qualitative data from previous leaders.
Types of leadership
Autocratic / authoritarian leader
One who centralizes on making power in himself and gives order to employees and insists that they should be obeyed.
It is of two types:
Lesson Nine
Forms of ICT
Computer, internet, intranets, satellite systems, radios.
Advantages of ICT
1. Transport
2. E-government
a. It enhances transparency.
b. Makes the government result oriented.
c. Enabling the citizens to access government services and information.
3. Education and e- learning.
a. Access to research
b. Interaction between teachers and students.
4. Health
5. Agriculture
This is the growing interdependence of countries worldwide through the increasing volume and variety of cross-border
transactions in goods and services.
Lesson Ten
Ethical dimension in Development.
Ethics is a discipline or a branch of philosophy which deals with theories of value and their application to human life. A
philosophical study of the principles that govern or should govern the conduct of people (moral agents) in society.
Ethical judgment
1. Reason – it requires that we base the ethical views and beliefs we hold on rational considerations.
2. Customs – they are based on the repositories of people’s traditions.
Ethical egoism – an individual should act so as to create greatest good for herself or himself.
Utilitarianism – we should behave so as to create greatest good for the greatest number.
Altruism – actions are moral if their primary purpose is to show concern for the best interest of others even when it runs
contrary to his or her own self interests.
Deontological theory
The only acceptable motive for moral action was a sense of duty. It is based on the moral obligations of a leader towards
his specific duty.
Development studies. MosesGitau4©
Virtue based theories
Focuses on who the leaders are as people. It is believed that virtue and moral abilities are not innate and can be
acquired and learned through practice.