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Principles of Prosthodontic Management of

Sleep Apnea Syndrome
Dr. Aparna S Barabde
Prof. & PG Teacher
Dept. of Prosthetic Dentistry
V.Y.W.S. Dental College & Hospital, Amravati, India
Dr. Barabde Dental Clinic, Badnera Road Rajkamal Sq
Amravati, India 444 602

Dr. Mradul Gupta

PG Student
Dept. of Prosthetic Dentistry
V.Y.W.S. Dental College & Hospital

Dr. R.U.Thombare
Dept of Prosthetic Dentistry
V.Y.W.S. Dental College & Hospital
Abstract: Dr. Shailesh M Barabde
Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder of airflow at the nose and mouth during sleep. It is a MBBS, MD
potentially hazardous condition and appropriate treatment should be strongly advised to all OSA patients. P.D.M.Medical College
Dentist are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of detection and management of obstructive sleep
apnea. Mandibular repositioning appliance plays an important role in management of OSA. This articles Dr. B.R.Thombare
reviews etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and various treatment options with special reference to oral BDS,MDS
Senior Lecture
appliances how snoring can be controlled prosthodontically by different modalities of scientifically defensible Dept. of Prosthetic Dentistry
Key words: Dental implications, obstructive sleep apnea, AHI, oral appliances approaches. V.Y.W.S. Dental College & Hospital
Amravati, India.

Introduction: problem, as the aim of the prosthodontic

W e spend one third of our lives

asleep and the quality of that sleep
has a real impact on our quality of
life.The understanding of the complex link
between healthy sleep and brain and body
specialty is to
restore, rehabilitate and maintain oral and
stomatognathic health and function, and this
disorder seems to affect the harmony of the oral-
stomatognathic region and challenges the
function is relatively new.1 Sleep apnea is a general health of the individual.7
potentially life-threatening sleep disorder The purpose of this article is to review the
characterized by repeated pauses in breathing anatomic features and etiologic factors of upper
during sleep. The term sleep apnea is derived airway sleep disorders and medical and dental
from the Greek etymology meaning ‘without treatment options.
breath’. Breathing Epidemiology:
pauses can last anywhere from several seconds to Fig. 1: Upper airway space of patient with It is a major medical problem affecting 4% of
minutes, and happen as often as 30 times or more normal anatomy, with unrestricted passage of air the total elderly population. The prevalence
per hour. Ongoing disrupted breathing causes an through upper airway ( Courtesy : Ivanhoe JR, increases dramatically with the increasing age.5
imbalance between the carbon dioxide and Treatment of It has been reported that 10% of men and 5% of
oxygen levels in the bloodstream, as not enough upper airway sleep disorder patients with dental women in the 30-40 year age-group are habitual
carbon dioxide is exiting and not enough oxygen devices, Quintessence 2000:215-31) snorers; prevalence of snoring increases with
is entering the body. 2 age, reaching at least 20% for men and 15% for
Sleep apnea is probably the most prevalent of women in the 50-60 year age-group. Day time
all the sleep disorders and is classi? ed as central, sleepiness is reported by at least 5% of men and
obstructive, or mixed; it may be mild, moderate, 8% of women in the general population. The
or severe. In central sleep apnea (CSA) there is a prevalence of OSAS is around 4% for men and
diminution of oxygen entry into the lungs due to 2% for women in the age-group of 30-60 years.6
the respiratory (chest) muscles failing to act as a Obese and overweight individuals have much
result of a central nervous system disorder. OSA, higher chance of snoring or having obstructive
the most prevalent of all the apneas, is a sleep apnea.2
disturbance in normal sleep patterns and when Etiology and pathogenesis:
combined with excessive day time sleepiness is OSA is characterized by a collapsing of the
termed obstructive sleep apnea syndrome Fig. 2: Upper airway space of snoring patient tongue back out the pharynx during sleep.
(OSAS).3 demonstrates partial closure of airway space Typically, this is because of large tongue, small
Snoring is a common disorder caused by between tongue and posterior wall of pharynx air pathway or abnormal throat anatomy. This
narrowing of the airway producing turbulence of and simulated vibration of uvula ( Courtesy : blockage restricts breathing, lowering the
the inspired or the expired air, causing the palate Ivanhoe JR, Treatment of upper airway sleep concentration of oxygen in the blood until
and other soft structures of the air lumen to disorder patients with dental devices, receptors in carotid sinus are altered to higher
flutter. Light intermittent snoring is ubiquitous in Quintessence 2000:215-31) CO2 levels in the body causing the patient to
adult men and most women and although it could It is evident from the uniqueness, high wake up and normal breathing is restored.
be a nuisance, it is not medically significant. On prevalence and multisystem involvement that the When a patient falls asleep in the supine
the other hand habitual snoring (continuous, upper airway resistance syndrome cries for position, the muscle relaxation causes the base of
every night) usually indicates the onset of OSA attention from the scienti? c sorority. the tongue to approach the posterior wall of the
particularly in overweight men and requires Prosthodontists are more concerned with the pharynx. With the consequent reduced air ? ow,
medical attention.4 management and resolution of this menacing

16 Heal Talk // July-August 2015 // Vol 07 // Issue 06

Barabde, et al.: Principles Of Prosthodontic Management of Sleep Apnea Syndrome
the patient the patient must increase the speed of obstruction.7 Disorder Association as an appropriate treatment
the air? ow to maintain the required oxygen modality for OSA patient.
supply to the lungs. This increase in air? ow Mechanism of oral appliances:
velocity causes vibration of soft tissues, which Oral appliances function by repositioning the
produces snoring.3 tongue and mandible forward and downwards to
The anatomical defects that contribute to the reduce airway collapse.The upper airway is
obstruction are adenotonsillar hypertrophy, divided in three regions:Velopharynx(hard palate
retrognathia and macroglossia. Obesity to tip of uvula),Oropharynx(tip of uvula to tip of
frequently contributes to decrease in size of upper epiglottis) and hypopharynx (tip of epiglottis to
airway by increasing fat deposition or Fig 3:Mallampati Score vocal cords).The velopharynx is the most
compressing the pharynx by superficial fat mass Lateral cephalometric radiographs reveal the common site of primary pharyngeal collapse in
in the tongue.2 diversion of airway column, position of hyoid OSA.The oral appliances has a lateral wall
Clinical feature: bone and craniofacial skeleton for any widening effect on the velopharyngeal and
Sleep apnea is a chronic health problem and is maxillomandibular deficiencies. 9 Fibro-optic oropharyngeal space.1
also a progressive condition which means it can nasopharygoscopy to examine three-dimensional Types of oral appliances:
potentially structure of the airway revealing any anatomic Broadly classified as Mandibular Repositioning
worsen overtime. The signs and symptoms of site of obstruction.2 a p p l i a n c e s ( M R A ) , To n g u e r e t a i n i n g
OSA are as follows: Management of patient with OSA: devices(TRD), and soft palatal lifters.
Characteristic sign and symptoms of OSA: 1 OSA should be treated as a chronic disease MRA are further classified as custom made and
requiring long term, multidisciplinary prefabricated appliances.
management.There are medical,dental Some of the prefabricated oral appliances are as
behavioural and surgical treatment options. follows:1,11
Options for treatment:1
1. Conservative approach: Positive airway
Pharmacologic treatment
Behavioural modification: Weight loss,
Alteration in sleeping position
Oral appliance therapy
2 Surgical invasive
approach:Genioglossus and tongue
Maxillomandibular advancement
Diagnosis: Laser assisted uvuloplasty (LAUP)
The diagnosis of OSA syndrome typically is Tracheostomy
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) Fig 5:Aveo-TSD
formed by a comprehensive sleep history,
presence of PAP is highly efficacious in terms of reduction of
characteristic clinical feature , together with the AHI and producing positive outcome,there has
objective demonstration of Sleep disorder.1 It is been significant criticism with regards to its
not solely based on the above parameters but also expense, and local side effect at the nose or
requires demonstration of abnormal respiratory face,or discomfort due to the mask. Oral
events with polysomnography(PSG) which is a appliances has emerged as an alternative to CPAP
gold standard. Some of widely used .
questionnaire are the Berlin Questionnaire,
Epworth Questionnaire and STOP-Bang
questionnaire. Fig 6:TAP (Thornton Adjustable Positioner)
The PSG yields AHI (Apnea Hypopnea
index) that is apnea, hypopnea events divided by
total sleep
time in hours,which is use to determine The
severity of OSA.1,2
Grading of OSA: 1

Fig 7:Silent nite

Fig 4:Continuous positive airway pressure

The multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) is used to Oral appliance therapy:
establish how rapidly the patients falls asleep to Oral appliances find their greatest success
distinguish it from narcoleps when utilized for simple snoring, upper airway
The mallampati score (grade 1-4). There are 4 resistance syndrome and mild-to-moderate
'grades', and the higher the grade, the smaller the obstructive sleep apnea. A large literature review
air passage, which is another indicator of sleep by Lowe showed that, as group’s oral appliances
disordered breathing, can be used as a predictor of were effective in mild-to-moderate OSA with Fig 8:EMA
sleep apnea particularly in cases where an 75% compliance rate.10 Oral appliance therapy
enlarged tongue seems to be the cause for airway has been accepted by the American Sleep It is found that there is superior treatment

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Barabde, et al.: Principles Of Prosthodontic Management of Sleep Apnea Syndrome

response with custom made appliances over aperture guard and soft palate lift appliance and a
prefabricated appliances.1,2,3 The custom made conventional mandibular advancement
appliances includes: appliance. He concluded that nasopharyngeal
aperture guard appliances was the best among the
For dentulous patients: Maxillary and five types of appliances.7
mandibular vacuum-formed splints
Heat polymerized and latched 2-part splint
Twin block appliance
Herbst appliances Fig 12:1. Cephalogram of edentulous state
For edentulous patients: Maxillary and 2. With acceptable VD
mandibular vacuum-formed splints. 3. With increased VD
Dentures with and without increased vertical Suresh Nayar, Jeremy Knox 5 given a simple
dimension Loss or absence of teeth produces technique for fabrication of mandibular
prominent anatomical changes that may advancement appliance for edentulous patient
influence upper airway size and function, such as without increase of vertical dimension
loss of the vertical dimension of occlusion which is simple and easy to use.
resulting into reduction of height of the lower Fig 16: 1.Uvula lift appliance
face and mandibular rotation. Rehabilitation of
edentulous patients with complete dentures is an
integral part of prosthodontic treatment. A
denture not only provides esthetics and improves
the phonetics but also restores the desired
function of mastication and also provides
adequate support to orofacial structures by Fig 13:Mandibular advancement appliance for
restoring altered vertical dimension of face. edentulous patient 5
Besides, it also improves OSA/hypopnea.9
The Cephalometric Evaluation of the Effect
of Complete Dentures on Retropharyngeal Space
and Its Effect on Spirometric Values in Altered 2.Velopharynx and Uvula lift appliance
Vertical Dimension using occlusal jig and
concluded that there was marked increase in the
values more than the values observed in same
subjects wearing complete dentures with
acceptable vertical dimension of occlusion.9

Fig 14:Twin Block appliance

3.Nasopharyngeal aperture guard appliance

Fig 9:Occlusal jig

4.Soft palate lift appliance

Fig 15:Herbst appliance
Advantages of oral appliances: 12
Lack of noise
Fig 10:Occlusal surface registered with putty Simplicity
Reversible treatment modality
Smaller and more portable than PAP
No need for power source
Comfortable: fits inside mouth
Lower cost

Soft Palate Lift Appliances:

Those that lift the soft palate are rarely used
because of gag, discomfort and success of laser
and radiofrequency soft palate procedures. A 5.Mandibular advancement and tongue
recent study be Venket R et al describes the use, positioning appliance
four new prosthodontic appliances for managing Discussion:
sleep apnea namely uvula lift appliance, uvula The indication for use of MRA is to treat
Fig 11:Increased vertical dimension using jig and velopharynx lift appliances, nasopharyngeal snoring. MRA is effective in a substantial number

18 Heal Talk // July-August 2015 // Vol 07 // Issue 06

Barabde, et al.: Principles Of Prosthodontic Management of Sleep Apnea Syndrome
of patient with mild to moderate OSA and to a commoncondition but a large number of of Complete Dentures on
much lesser degree in those with severe OSA. A patients remain undiagnosed. In spite of Retropharyngeal Space and Its Effect on
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