Talent Management
Talent Management
Talent Management
Employee skills are various talents that people get from time to time.
These talents are usually tuned in work through constant repetition of tasks
and projects. Employee skills often depend on someone's job description or
ranking. For example, more experienced managers will likely have better
leadership skills than hourly workers. In addition, high-level executives will
usually develop better problem solving skills than lower ranking employees.
Skills can be classified into several components, but the ability of the
organization stands out among managers who want to see whether workers are
able to clearly prioritize their goals, assign tasks correctly and manage time
and effort efficiently.
Capacity building could have been a term with a vague meaning if it had little
to do with the development of talent. Managers in both public and private sectors
of Mauritian companies can think of capacity building by considering the critical
mass of employees with the intention of developing talent in the firm. A large
number of well-trained public and private employees in the country would mean
that capacity is being created. For instance, providing training in the Information
and Communications Technology area could mean that employees or the
population at large benefiting from such training has created some capacity. This
term was also important in the past during the early years of industrialisation of
the Mauritian economy where the shortage of skilled employees impacted the
development of the textile sector and needed the development of capacity in that
What is the link between motivation and talent? From an initial point of view,
employees who are encouraged to perform better, sense that their needs are being
fulfilled and satisfied, will be those who will be motivated, hence overcoming
their frustration. The term frustration could be important here because employees
do mention or simply talk among themselves that their frustration is so high that
they are unwilling to do better or simply expect their lives within the organisation
to move on smoothly until retirement.
This assumption is a fallacy because employees will have to be motivated. It is
not merely saying that managers must press on employees to work harder, attain
that extra mile or simply overburden themselves with work. By the way, there
have been recent amendments in Mauritius where the Human Resource
Development Council has ushered that working more does not really mean
working better. So here, the motivation concept gets in the area of talent
The effort for management to get the potential manager in the bandwagon or on
saddle is known as onboarding. There might be some connotation with succession
planning where the firm is likely to bring a new manager in the future to serve its
needs. Workers might come from the inside but equally they might be new talents
that are either recruited or headhunted by the existing firm. Onboarding as the
term explains speaks literally of bringing the new manger “on board” and offering
him the chance to learn about the firm, its culture, work environment, workforce,
objectives or expectations. Expectations are unfortunately high for companies and
there is the risk that employees who have been onboarded might not necessarily fit
in the organisation context and end up as high fliers.
To practise Onboarding, the company prepares the new employee to fit into his
company’s culture, beginning with a thorough review of his own assessment from
the hiring process. The company will use the assessment to create an executive
summary, called a communications manual, to share with teammates and
supervisors in facilitated sessions. Next comes employee orientation. The
orientation process should be meaningful and thorough.
Upaya manajemen untuk mendapatkan manajer potensial dalam kereta musik atau
pelana dikenal sebagai onboarding. Mungkin ada beberapa konotasi dengan
perencanaan suksesi di mana perusahaan kemungkinan akan membawa manajer
baru di masa depan untuk melayani kebutuhannya. Pekerja mungkin datang dari
dalam tetapi sama-sama mereka mungkin bakat baru yang direkrut atau dikuasai
oleh perusahaan yang ada. Orientasi sebagai istilah menjelaskan berbicara secara
harfiah membawa palungan baru "di papan" dan menawarkan kepadanya
kesempatan untuk belajar tentang perusahaan, budaya, lingkungan kerja, tenaga
kerja, tujuan atau harapan. Ekspektasi sayangnya tinggi untuk perusahaan dan ada
risiko bahwa karyawan yang telah dikontrak mungkin belum tentu cocok dalam
konteks organisasi dan berakhir sebagai penerbang tinggi.
The issue of performance management was covered with certain linkages with
reward. This book considers reward management a little separately because
reward is itself an important concept that can be linked to talent. It means on the
one hand that good performance leads to rewards and on the other hand, rewards
have to be valued. This is a view from the classical Vroom and Lawler
Expectancy theory.
Many organisations have talent programmes and all have reward schemes, but so
many fail to get the best from either. Talent management is too often aimed at a
small group of people in the organisation: those believed to have high potential, to
be future leaders, or of particular worth. Organisations need to align the reward
systems with the talent messages. Effective talent management must start with a
focus on the future. The goals and strategies must be expressed as a vision for the
organisation that matches its values and becomes a shared understanding. Reward
practices must be aligned with these talent management aims of building effective
line management, encouraging people to constantly learn and develop, and uphold
organisational values. Reward programmes should support the talent management
programmes and reflect the vision and values established without getting in the
These areas address mostly employees who are working since a long time in the
company and whose talent has to be retained. The central idea here is to retain
talent and expect employees to find out something new and different that they
could pursue in their firm up to the end of their career. Besides, these retention
techniques directly address talent management because they offer new
opportunities for the workers to further their talents.
Deployment is an important aspect of talent management, and job rotation and job
enrichment are vital aspects of experiential learning in becoming a leader. Failure
to deploy talent effectively, both in respect to the individual and the organisation,
can lead to employee engagement and commitment problems later on. Effective
talent deployment involves matching the task and work requirements to the
available talent, so that eventually the organization will always have the right
people doing the right tasks at the right time. Job rotation helps HR managers
determine who can be replaced by whom and create a suitable and beneficial fit.
All retention strategies must be built around a compelling, distinctive and exciting
employee value proposition. These strategies may be diversified into three distinct
domains, i.e. cultural, transformational and transactional. Transformational
strategies that impact retention are mentoring, coaching, counselling, competency
and performance development programmes, retraining, re-skilling, redeployment
and job rotation, challenging assignments, job enrichment and above all,
promoting and propagating a knowledge-building and knowledge-sharing culture.
Bidang-bidang ini sebagian besar ditujukan kepada karyawan yang bekerja sejak
lama di perusahaan dan yang bakatnya harus dipertahankan. Gagasan utama di sini
adalah untuk mempertahankan bakat dan mengharapkan karyawan untuk
menemukan sesuatu yang baru dan berbeda yang dapat mereka kejar dalam
perusahaan mereka hingga akhir karir mereka. Selain itu, teknik retensi ini secara
langsung membahas manajemen bakat karena mereka menawarkan peluang baru
bagi para pekerja untuk meningkatkan bakat mereka.
Penyebaran adalah aspek penting dari manajemen bakat, dan rotasi pekerjaan dan
pengayaan pekerjaan adalah aspek penting dari pengalaman belajar dalam menjadi
seorang pemimpin. Kegagalan untuk menyebarkan bakat secara efektif, baik
dalam hal individu maupun organisasi, dapat menyebabkan keterlibatan karyawan
dan masalah komitmen di kemudian hari. Penerapan bakat yang efektif melibatkan
pencocokan tugas dan persyaratan kerja dengan bakat yang tersedia, sehingga
pada akhirnya organisasi akan selalu memiliki orang yang tepat melakukan tugas
yang tepat pada waktu yang tepat. Rotasi pekerjaan membantu manajer SDM
menentukan siapa yang dapat digantikan oleh siapa dan menciptakan kecocokan
yang cocok dan bermanfaat.
Semua strategi retensi harus dibangun di sekitar proposisi nilai karyawan yang
menarik, khas, dan menarik. Strategi-strategi ini dapat didiversifikasi menjadi tiga
domain yang berbeda, yaitu budaya, transformasional dan transaksional. Strategi
transformasional yang memengaruhi retensi adalah mentoring, pembinaan,
konseling, kompetensi dan program pengembangan kinerja, pelatihan ulang, re-
skilling, redeployment dan rotasi pekerjaan, tugas yang menantang, pengayaan
pekerjaan dan di atas semua, mempromosikan dan menyebarkan budaya
membangun pengetahuan dan pengetahuan-berbagi.
Talent Management in the developing world explores how the policies, systems
and procedures that have been successful within national boundaries are
inadequate to meet the value propositions of completely different and diverse
people working in different countries, cultures, legal and socio-economic
environments. Aligning talent management with globalisation must begin with a
change in the paradigm of organisational leaders. As a result of increasing
globalisation, talents are now spread over business units and departments in
different locations and countries.
Many leaders argue that the effective management of diversity can lead to
improved talent management as it is easier to attract and retain talent able to
benefit businesses. There must be useful strategies organisations can adopt to
ensure the success and added value of their diversity programmes, from creating
an effective diversity statement and understanding the barriers to inclusion, to
identifying best practices and strategies to improve diversity and ensure
Keragaman harus dirajut melalui semua kegiatan dan strategi manajemen bakat
sehingga organisasi dapat memperoleh manfaat dari mengakses dan
mengembangkan bakat dari kolam seluas mungkin. Keanekaragaman adalah
komponen yang sangat penting dari manajemen bakat. Ini membantu untuk
menyediakan modal intelektual dan budaya seluas mungkin melalui upaya
manajemen untuk merekrut sekumpulan karyawan yang paling beragam.
In 1997, McKinsey & Co. coined the term “War for Talent” after a yearlong study
which concluded that the most important corporate resource over the next two
decades would be talent. The study concluded that the demand for smart,
technologically savvy and globally astute businesspeople would outstrip the
supply. The search for the best and brightest was predicted to become an ongoing
battle and not only would organisations need to become better equipped to recruit
skilled talent; they had also be challenged to be able to retain them.
Talent has emerged as a key source of competitive advantage, and the imminent
shortage of skilled businesspeople remains acute. Senior leadership needs to
communicate the importance of talent management as an organisational priority,
and must be actively involved in the process. People who perform well in their
current roles can fail miserably if they are promoted beyond their level of
competence. To engage and retain desirable talent, staff need to feel they are
making a valued contribution that the organisation recognises and rewards.
Finally, to be effective and respected, HR needs to be able to measure and
evaluate the results of the investment in talent management. To gain competitive
advantage, the demand for human capital drives talent management. Talent
management strategies focus on five primary areas: attracting, selecting, engaging,
developing and retaining employees.
Pada tahun 1997, McKinsey & Co. menciptakan istilah "War for Talent" setelah
studi selama setahun yang menyimpulkan bahwa sumber daya perusahaan yang
paling penting selama dua dekade berikutnya adalah bakat. Studi ini
menyimpulkan bahwa permintaan pebisnis cerdas, cerdas secara teknologi, dan
global cerdas akan melampaui pasokan. Pencarian yang terbaik dan tercerdas
diprediksi akan menjadi pertempuran yang berkelanjutan dan tidak hanya
organisasi yang perlu menjadi lebih siap untuk merekrut talenta trampil; mereka
juga ditantang untuk dapat mempertahankannya.
Bakat telah muncul sebagai sumber utama keunggulan kompetitif, dan kekurangan
para pebisnis yang ahli akan tetap akut. Kepemimpinan senior perlu
mengkomunikasikan pentingnya manajemen bakat sebagai prioritas organisasi,
dan harus terlibat aktif dalam proses. Orang-orang yang berkinerja baik dalam
peran mereka saat ini dapat gagal total jika mereka dipromosikan melampaui
tingkat kompetensi mereka. Untuk melibatkan dan mempertahankan bakat yang
diinginkan, staf perlu merasa bahwa mereka memberikan kontribusi yang dihargai
yang diakui dan dihargai oleh organisasi. Akhirnya, agar efektif dan dihormati,
SDM harus mampu mengukur dan mengevaluasi hasil investasi dalam manajemen
bakat. Untuk mendapatkan keunggulan kompetitif, permintaan untuk modal
manusia mendorong manajemen bakat. Strategi manajemen bakat fokus pada lima
bidang utama: menarik, memilih, melibatkan, mengembangkan dan
mempertahankan karyawan.