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Maintenance Handbook for DG Set Aug’1999

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There are various types of power stations. Earlier railways had standby units which had coal fired
boilers and the steam coming from these boilers was used for running steam turbine or steam
engines. These were used to drive generators for electricity generation. These sets have been shut
down one by one and have been replaced by diesel engine driven generating sets (DG sets)
wherever power requirement was still existing.

The DG set is a compact and robust machine in which mechanical energy is converted into
electrical energy.


It uses diesel oil and works on diesel cycle. In this system the air is suppressed inside the
cylinder and then diesel is injected which burns itself due to high temperature of compressed air.
The diesel is injected through injector in the chamber.

This is also called four stroke diesel cycle compression ignition engine. Which consists of
four strokes, as follows :
„ Suction stroke
„ Compression stroke
„ Power stroke
„ Exhaust stroke


An alternator works on the Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. It is coupled with the
diesel engine and the kinetic energy of engine is transmitted to alternator and converted into
electrical energy through the alternators. This electrical energy is then fed to the load.


Following are the advantages of DG set :

„ It can start quickly and requires less period for warming.
„ No stand by losses.
„ Requires less manpower for running.

„ Require less maintenance.

„ Wearing out parts of DG set are replaceable.

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„ Life of DG set can be extended easily and economically.

„ DG set can be easily located near the load hence requiring less expenditure for inter
„ Sets of varying sizes and of small capacities are available.
„ Requires less space and building layout is simple.
„ Requires less water supply.
„ Automatic or remote starting of set make it possible to reduce periods of power supply
„ Fuel handling and storage is easy.
„ Uniformly high efficiency for all sizes.
„ It can be procured and installed quickly and easily.


Following are the dis-advantages of DG Set :

„ Indigenous production of crude oil from which diesel oil becomes available is about 50% of
total requirement. Extra consumption of diesel oil means additional requirements of foreign
„ Exhaust of diesel engines causes loud sound. As these sets are installed near load in inhabited
area, causes noise pollution. This can be reduced to some extent by use of efficient silencers.


Following are the other uses of DG set.
1.5.1 Accident Relief Trains
Portable sets are used on accident relief trains. These sets are used for lighting of accident sites.
Portable light fittings with stands and interconnecting cable wounded on reels are erected
wherever required alongwith these portable sets.
1.5.2 Power Cars for Mid-On-Generation
Normally axle driven generators of 3.0 KW or 4.5 KW capacity generates electricity on run and
charge batteries and supply electricity to lights and fans. In case of sectional trains with frequent
stops and long halts at stations and terminals batteries, don’t get adequately charged. For such
trains power car with 30 KVA DG sets goes with the train and supplies electricity on run and
during halts to avoid public complaint.

1.5.3 Power cars for End-On-Generation

For some trains buffet car with gadgets such as milk heater, hot water boiler, refrigerators, deep
freeze, bottle-cooler toaster etc. working on 230 V are provided. The load of such gadgets

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amounts to 25 KW. For early starting trains like Deccan Queen, there is a great demand for snacks
on run in the morning and evening as passengers do not get time at home due to its early departure
timings. Provision of DG set to meet this load and other loads of light and fans become necessary.
This provision of DG set also eliminates need to have conventional alternators driven by the axle,
lead acid batteries, heavy battery boxes and the switch gears. Reduction in the tare weight of
coaches enables attachment of extra coaches to the trains. Power used for driving axle driven
alternators becomes available for hauling the trains. For end on generation there are 2 power
cars one at each end with about 60 KVA capacity DG set. Provision of DG set eliminates the need
to charge the batteries of the train, if found discharged at the terminals, making it possible to start
the train after a short period and thus makes possible to improve turn rounds and thus improve
rake utilisation.

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Diesel Engine is divided into two major section :

„ Diesel Engine
„ Alternator


The Diesel Engine consists following main parts.

2.1.1 Piston
Piston cylinder has two jobs :
„ To compress the air.
„ To release the pressure of the gases while they are burning.
2.1.2 Cylinder Head
A cylinder head closes the top end of the cylinder. It makes a confined space for compress air and
the gases.

2.1.3 Valves/ Ports

To admit the air & to discharge the exhaust gases.

2.1.4 Connecting Rod

To transmit force in either direction between the piston and the crank on the crankshaft.

2.1.5 Main Bearing

Support the crank shaft and permit it to rotate

2.1.6 Supporting Structure

It holds the cylinder, crankshaft and main bearing in firm relation to each other. This structure is
made up of two parts, the frame and the bed plate.
2.1.7 Fuel Injection Pump

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It forces the oil into cylinder and fuel injection nozzle breaks up the oil into fine spray.
2.1.8 Crankshaft
To operate the fuel injection pump and the valve.
2.1.9 Fly Wheel
To store the surplus energy of the power stroke & to return that energy when the piston is being
pushed upward on the compression stroke.
2.1.10 Blower
To force air in to cylinder.

2.1.11 Miscellaneous Parts

Miscellaneous parts such as piping to supply air and remove exhaust gases, lubrication system etc.


The alternator has following main parts.

2.2.1 Rotor
Rotor are of two types :

„ Salient pole type

„ Smooth cylinder type
2.2.2 Stator
The stator is equipped with seal type bearing & it requires no lubrication. Stator is insulated on
one side with paper or varnish and housed in a frame.
2.2.3 Exciter
The Exciter is generally a DC shunt motor or compound generator whose voltage is 250 V. In
small alternator, the Exciter is mounted on the same shaft of the alternator.

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The DG set uses high speed diesel oil as a fuel. This fuel is injected into the combustion chamber.
Following points should be taken care of in fuel injection :

„ The injection in the beginning and end should be with high pressure & not with low pressure.
„ As per the load requirement the injection should be at the right time, rate & quantity.
„ The fuel injection should be complete molecular form & it should be spread uniformly in the
ignition chamber.

3.1 Types of Fuel Injection

In the compression ignition engine the fuel injection is of the following types.

„ Air blast injection.

„ Air less or solid injection - This is further divided in two types.
„ Individual pump system.
„ Common Rail system.

3.1.1 Air Blast Injection

Now a days this method is not used earlier this was used

in stationary engine & ship engines. In

this the air is
compressed at high pressure & the
fuel is injected in the cylinder
afterwards. For compressing the air
the multistage compressor is
required in this system.

The fuel burns due to high

temperature of air which takes
place due to high pressure. This is
run by the Figure 3.1 compression engine which consumes 10% of its power. Thus
system is complex & difficult.

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3.1.2 Air Less Injection

In this method fuel is directly injected into ignition chamber at high pressure. This burns due to
the heat of compression. In this method one fuel pump is required to give pressure of 300 kg/cm2.

This method can be further divided into two types. Individual pump system

In this system cylinder or multi cylinder engine will have high pressure pump & metering unit for
each cylinder. This is a complex & costly system of fuel injection.

Figure 3.2

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In this arrangement a common fuel is pumped by a multi cylinder pump and the pressure is
controlled in this system by the relief valve. The common rail supply fix quantity of fuel to each
cylinder. The fuel in this is spread in better way. For high out put this system is more useful in

Figure 3.3

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The following procedures are adopted for starting diesel generator set.

„ Manual.
„ Through battery using.

„ Push button
„ Self start.


Normally small DG set are started using handle in the groove which is inside the diesel engine
shaft. Initially the handle is rotated manually and when the firing in the engine starts the handle is
pulled out. The handle is so designed that it can rotate the engine shaft in only one direction. After
the start the handle becomes free & it can be extracted outwards.

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4.2.1 Using Push Button

This arrangement is used in big diesel generator set, in this method engine is not required to be
started by using a handle rather this can be done by pressing a push button.

After pressing the button the battery is connected to the generator which moves the engine shaft
resulting in the start of the engine. Through this method DG set can be started comfortably as per
the requirement. This arrangement can also be provided in small DG sets. This requires least
physical efforts to start DG set. Precaution should be taken to avoid to press of push button
continuously for long duration say 1 min. or more.

4.2.2 Self Starting System

This method is adopted where the supply from the generator is regularly required In this method
the arrangement is such that as soon as the AC supply fails the battery is connected to the DG
generator automatically & the engine shaft is rotated to start the DG set. This circuit is connected
through the relay. In this method the DG set starts working after the power supply failure in
minimum time.

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5.1.1 Engine

„ Check previous day’s log book and take corrective action as required.
„ Before starting the engine, check drain water and sediment from fuel tank and fuel water
separator through drain cock.
„ Check fuel, oil, water and exhaust leaks and correct if leaking.

„ Check radiator water and fill radiator with chromate concentration 3500 ppm treated water and
radiator cap must be tightened properly to avoid aeration and overheating of the coolant.
„ Check air cleaner oil level and top up with clean engine oil, if required.
„ Check air line connections for leaks and correct if necessary.
„ Drain condensed from air receiver tank at beginning of each shift and then close the drain cock
„ Start the engine and note the oil pressure both at idling i.e. 15 psi (1.09 Kg/cm2) minimum,
and rated speed 50-70 psi (3.63 to 5.08 Kg/cm2) minimum. In case in change of oil pressure,
then stop the engine and check through trouble shooting techniques the cause and correct if
„ Engine oil should be checked at least 20 minutes after stopping the engine and top up if
„ Record oil pressure. Fill fuel tank if required.

5.1.2 Electrical System Batteries
„ Clean the batteries with dry cloth.
„ Tight the connections if required. Switch Gear

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„ Check automatic starting switch for its proper functioning.

„ Check any abnormality if visualised.

„ Check phase indications and working of panel meters. Alternator

„ Check any abnormality, if visualised.

„ Check the air-in and out restrictions.


In addition to Daily schedule, carry out the following checking :

5.2.1 Engine

„ Check the Lubrication oil level in engine and governor and top up if necessary.
„ Check coolant oil for it’s proper functioning.
„ Check the constant heater functioning.
„ Check the anti-freeze and concentration of coolant, if any.
„ Check the condition of belt for it’s proper tension.
„ Check the condition of pre-cleaner dust fan.
„ Check the condition of air cleaner restrictions.
„ Check the oil bath filter and level of oil bath.
„ Check the vibration and tightness of the bolts.

5.2.2 Batteries

„ Check the level of electrolyte and top up if necessary.

„ Check specific gravity of electrolyte, it should be 1200 and measure the battery voltage.
„ Check tightness of connections for any over heating and abnormality.
„ Check condition of body.
„ Check charging current and charging system, floating current should be 1 Amp.
„ Check condition of intercell connections for any overheating and abnormality.

5.2.3 Switch Gear and Alternator

Same as Daily schedule.

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In addition to Daily and Weekly schedules, following checks should be carried out :-

5.3.1 Engine

„ Check the lubricating system as given in weekly schedule.

„ Check the condition of aneroid oil.
„ Drain the fuel, sediments and water and clean the tank.
„ Clean the filters.
„ Check the condition of magnesium plate assembly.
„ Check the radiator air restrictions for any leaks.
„ Check the condition of crank case breather.
„ Change the air filters of air cleaner elements.
„ Check the condition of breather and change if required.
„ Check the condition of exhaust manifolds.
„ Check the condition of turbo charger cap screw.

5.3.2 Batteries

Same as weekly schedule.

5.3.3 Switch Gear

„ Check visually all the panel instruments.

„ Check tightness of connections and tighten if required.
5.3.4 Alternator

„ Check condition of electrical connections and tighten if required.

„ Check visually the windings for any overheating.


In addition to Daily, Weekly and Monthly schedules, following checks should be carried out :

5.4.1 Engine

„ Change engine oil.

„ Change Lubricating oil for filter element and check for metal particles and oil

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„ Clean oil bath air cleaner tray screen with the help of clean solvent.
„ Clean main fuel tank breather by using clean solvent.
„ Check the coolant pH value, if it is below (8.5 to 10.5) normal range then chromate
concentration should be 3500 ppm.

„ Check the magnesium plate for pitting or being eaten. In case of 50% area is lost, change it.
„ Change water filter element.
„ Change fuel filter element washer and `O’ rings on mounting bolt and clean shell fuel filter.
„ Check and adjust the belts. In case of change of new belts, which will stretch within one hour
of use and must be re-adjusted keeping tension of belts within permissible limits.
„ Check all air cleaner connections for cracks, chafing etc. & tighten all air intake
„ Check the throttle linkage.
„ Remove and clean air compressor delivery hose.
„ Change crank case breather element.

5.4.2 Battery

Same as monthly schedule.

5.4.3 Switch Gear

„ Check condition of switches/circuit breakers for it’s proper operation.

„ Check condition of contacts. In case of burn out, replace the contacts.

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5.4.4 Alternator
„ Visually examine the terminal box, junction box and insulator etc, and clean them by using dry
and clean cloth.
„ Check condition of cooling fan.


The following checks should be carried out in addition to routine checks :
5.5.1 Engine
„ Check water pump and drive.
„ Check mounting bolt and bearing end play.
„ Clean air cleaner after removing complete assembly.
„ Clean and tighten all electrical connections.
„ Clean entire engine with the help of high pressure air and soap water mixture. Take care for
protecting electrical system during cleaning.
„ Tighten all mountings bolts and nuts and avoid over-tightening which may result in distortion
or damage.
„ Clean radiator by blowing air through the radiator core in opposite direction to the normal
flow of the air.
„ Check air compressor including shaft end clearances.
„ Adjust injector and valves, it must be carried out with engine hot.
„ Check condition of thermostat, change if required.

5.5.2 Batteries/Switch Gear/Alternator

Same as six monthly schedule.
The following checks should be carried out in addition to routine checks :-
5.6.1 Engine
„ Check the exhaust and inlet manifold nuts and cap screws.
„ Check the crank shaft float.
„ Clean injector inlet screens.
„ Clean and calibrate injector and fuel pump.
„ Replace fuel pump filter screen and magnet.

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„ Steam clean engine, instruction at Sl. No. 5 of yearly check schedule may also be followed in
absence of steam.
„ Check vibration dampers and replace it if necessary.

5.6.2 Battery

Same as six monthly schedule.

5.6.3 Switch Gear

„ Check condition of insulation of all the wires.

„ Check the wires and cables properly.

5.6.4 Alternator

„ Check the insulation resistance of the windings.


In addition to Daily, Weekly, Half yearly, Yearly and two yearly schedules and when the engine
operating conditions deteriorate in performance, it can be ascertained by the following symptoms :
a. Heavy smoke
b. Loss of power
c. High oil/water temperature
d. Loss of lubricant, oil pressure
e. Unusual noise and vibrations.

„ The above checks are for inspection of wear or assembly deterioration of parts and assemblies,
which should be restored to only after trouble shooting in addition to routine maintenance
checks, which may eliminate the engine performance problems and being the engine back to
it’s normal conditions.
„ It is essential that the above checks be strictly followed in order to prevent dismantling of the
engine, whose performance can be simply corrected by trouble shooting and routine
maintenance checks.

5.7.1 Electrical

In addition to all the routine maintenance schedules, following checks shall be done :
„ Check the capacity of battery as per relevant IS and if the capacity is less then 80 %, replace
the batteries.

5.7.2 Switch Gear

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„ Check insulation resistance values.

„ Check condition of insulation of all the wiring system.

5.7.3 Alternator

Same as two yearly schedule.


After getting inspection and approval of the competent authority, following steps for overhauling
should be taken up:
„ Change all the filters.
„ Check capacity & condition of the battery and change if required.

„ Overhaul the alternator.

„ Circuit breaker should be overhauled followed by all the initial checks.
„ Check insulation resistance of all the cables, it should be properly dressed.


„ After the engine has “E” check i.e. after every 4 years, it should have a major inspection to
determine whether it may be operated for another service period or it should be overhauled.
Major inspection requires partial disassembly of the engine, it should be done only in a well
equipped shop.

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The following items shall be inspected during the major inspection :-

a. Main and connecting rod bearing shells.
b. Crank shaft journals.
c. Camshaft.
d. Cylinder Heads.
e. Cylinder Liners.
f. Piston and Rings.
g. Fuel Pump (calibrate).
h. Injectors (Clean and calibrated).
i. Supercharger Seals and Bearings.
j. Oil cooler (clean).
k. Turbocharger Bearing Clearances.
l. Air compressor or vacuum pump.
m. Alternator/Generator and cranking Motor.
n. Intake and Exhaust System (Clean and correct

Note: Parts which are worn beyond worn replacement limits recommended by manufacturers
should be replaced with new or rebuilt parts or units.

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6.1.1 Do’s
„ Do keep your engine clear and in adjustment.
„ Do ensure proper clearing of air cleaner & fuel filter.
„ Do connect the load only when generator voltage regulation is normal.
„ Do ensure sufficient fuel before starting.
„ Do open the door & windows for proper ventilation.
„ Do clean area of any lubricating oil spilled while priming or filling crank case.
„ Do correct the troubles while they are simple.
„ Do prevent over speeding.
„ Do guard against corrosion.
„ Do check and control operating temperature.
„ Do regulate the engine fuel.
6.1.2 Don’ts

„ Don’t start the engine without checking of engine fuel and level of lubricating oil.
„ Don’t start engine without opening fuel caps.
„ Don’t smoke in the generator room & also don’t keep inflammable goods in generator room.
„ Don’t forget to clean silencer after every three six months possibly.
„ Don’t mix water into fuel.
„ Don’t mix different grades of grease.
„ Don’t pour diesel when engine is running.


6.2.1 Do’s

„ If air restriction indicator is broken or not functioning, replace the same.

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„ Ensure both seal rings of inner and outer elements are intact.
„ Check the tightness of clamps and hoses between air cleaner housing and turbocharger.
„ Clean the outer paper elements from inside with air pressure 30 Psi and nozzle size 1/4”. Hold
nozzle at safe distance.
„ After cleaning, inspect the paper element with lamp for punctures or ruptures. Place lamp
inside the outer paper element.
„ Inspect seal below the wing nut and replace as necessary (for both elements).
„ Use genuine paper elements only.
„ Store the filters in polythene bag only. Remove element from wrapper/packing only at the time
of replacement.
„ Dust collector rubber cap to be cleaned and it should be fitted facing downwards.
„ Inspect the air cleaner and rubber hoses periodically and when it is noticed that the same are
hard, replace them.

6.2.2 Don’ts

„ Do not operate the engine with choked air cleaner as it will lead to black smoke. Never
remove safety inner element for cleaning. This is to be replaced only when it is choked.
„ Do not operate the engine without restriction indicator. Dust will enter the engine and piston
rings and liners will gets damaged.

„ Do not operate the engine with broken or mutilated seal rings.

„ Do not operate the engine with cracked hoses and loose clamps, as life of engine will be
„ Do not use air pressure more than 30 psi as excessive will ruptured or punctured paper
elements and life of the engine will be reduced.
„ Do not operate the engine with damaged seal below the wing nut as dust will enter
combustion chamber.
„ Do not use non-genuine filters on the engine, if you desire to get maximum life from the
„ Do not store without polythene bags as life of filters will be reduced due to dust accumulation
on filters.
„ If dust collector rubber cap is clogged, dust will be re-circulated and life of the engine will be

„ Do not operate the engine with hard hoses as it will develop cracks and dust will enter and will
ruin the piston rings and liners.

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6.3.1 Do’s
„ Fill the diesel tank at the end of the day’s work and before starting the engine, drain water and
sediments from water separator.
„ Primary filter to be cleaned at every 250 hours and must be replaced at 1000 hours.
„ Replace secondary fuel filter when the fuel pressure gauges is 10 psi. or below.
„ Always fit the secondary fuel filter dry. Use the priming pump to remove air & fill diesel.

6.3.2 Don’ts
„ Do not operate the engine without removing the water and sediments from water separator and
diesel tank as they will re-circulate and fuel filters will get choked early resulting in LESS
„ If you do not clean/replace the primary filter in time as necessary, engine will not take load.
„ Do not operate the engine with clogged fuel filter otherwise engine will not take load.

„ Do not fill the secondary fuel filter with diesel as it will reduce the life of the fuel system.
6.4.1 Do’s
„ Check the coolant level in the radiator and top up, if necessary.
„ Stop the leakage in time.
„ Add coolant conditioner in the coolant periodically and maintain pH value of the coolant in the
radiator between 8.5 to 10.5. Check this with pH value paper.
„ Clean the radiator & oil cooler externally if it is choked.
„ Idle the engine for 3 to 5 minutes before stopping.
„ Add coolant in the radiator when engine is cold.
„ Check the belt tension periodically.

6.4.2 Don’ts
„ Do not operate the engine with less coolant in the radiator as it will lead to overheating of
„ Do not operate the engine with leakage as it will lead to overheating of the engine.
„ Do not operate the engine without adding coolant & when pH value is lesser than 8.5, as it will
lead to corrosion & scale inside the engine block, cylinder head & radiator, resulting in

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„ Do not operate the engine.

„ Do not over race the engine and stop. Pitting will occur on liners due to “AFTERBOL”.
„ Do not add coolant in the radiator when engine is hot as it may crack cylinder head.
„ Do not operate the engine with mutilated belts or loose belts as it will lead to the problem of


6.5.1 Do’s

„ Use correct grade & correct brand of lubricating oil.

„ Maintain the oil level at FULL mark on the dipstick, when the engine is stopped.
„ Stop the leakage if any, and operate the engine.
„ Change the lubricating oil & filters.
„ Use genuine filters only.
„ While topping up the lubricating oil, the funnel and the container must be properly cleaned.
„ Always fit the lube oil filter dry.

6.5.2 Don’ts

„ Do not add more oil than FULL mark on the dipstick as it will lead to the problem of more oil
consumption and higher oil temperature.
„ Do not operate the engine with leakage as severe mechanical problems will occur.
„ Prolonged oil change periods and filter change will lead to early overhauling of the engine.
„ Do not use non-genuine filters if you desire to get maximum life from the engine.
„ Do not top up the oil with dirty funnel or container as dust will enter in the lubricating system.

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Engine fail to Dirty clogged air cleaner. Clean it

Fuel tank may be empty Refill the fuel tank

Air may be in injection pump Bleed

Pressure valve spring may be Replace if broken


There may be leakage of fuel in Check and arrest the

external and internal connection leakage.

Nozzle needle may be jammed. Clean or replace it.

Fuel filter may be jammed. Clean or replace it.

Engine starts Air cleaner may be clogged Clean it.

but stops
After some There may be no fuel. Refill the fuel.
There may be air in fuel Bleed it

Fuel line may choked Clean it.

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Fuel filter may be chalked. Clean it

Fuel pump may be faulty Replace it.

Water may be mixed with fuel. Change the fuel

Engine not Fuel tank may be empty. Refuel it.

gaining full
speed. Governor spring may be broken Replace it.

Fuel filter may be chalked or dirty Clean it.

Engine misses Air may be in fuel line. Bleed it.

during Fuel injection hauls may be Clean them

operation. chalked

Nozzle may be damaged or Replace it.


Fuel pump may be faulty. Replace it.

Water mixed with fuel Change fuel.

Engine lacks Pump may inject insufficient Readjust it.

power quantity of fuel

Nozzle may not be tight Replace with new

Air cleaner may be dirty or Clean it


Poor quality of fuel. Change it

Choked fuel line. Clean it

Dirty Choked fuel filter. Clean it

Water mixed with fuel. Change it

Dirty cooling system. Clean it

Excessive Dirty clogged air cleaner clean it

smoke at no
load. Choked fuel injection haul. clean it

Faulty fuel pump change it

Excessive Dirty clogged air cleaner clean it

smoke at full
load. Poor quality of oil Replace with proper

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grade of fuel

Nozzle damaged. Replace it

Choked fuel injector haul Clear it

Faulty fuel pump Replace it

Engine overloaded Adjust the load.

Broken/seized/burn out piston Replace them.



One or more cylinder not working Check and repair.

Engine needs overhauling Send for overhauling

Engine gives Worn out liner on piston Replace it

out blue
smoke. Wrong grade of lubricating oil Replace with proper
grade of oil.

Engine used after a long time Ensure weekly

Engine gives
out white Water mixed with fuel Change fuel
Faulty fuel pump Replace it
overheats High exhaust back pressure Release the pressure

Wrong grade of lubricating oil Use fresh oil with

proper grade.

Clogged oil passage. Clear the passage.

Faulty relief setting. Adjust it.

Loose fan belt. Adjust it

Air leakage through cowling. Repair it

Engine oil may be dirty. Change it

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Engine overloaded . Adjust the load

Broken/ worn-out piston rings Replace them.

Damaged main or connecting Replace them.


Excessive Loose fly wheel Adjust it

Battery run down Charge the battery

Excessive fuel Dirty clogged air cleaner Clean it.

consumption. Poor quality of fuel Use proper grade of


External internal fuel leakage Check it and prevent.

Faulty fuel pump Replace it

Engine overloaded Adjust the load.

Broken worn-out piston rings Replace them.

Worn-out liner and piston Replace them

Damaged main or connecting Replace them.


Injector need adjustment Adjust it

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Incorrect value of fuel timing Adjust properly.

Overheating Excessive room temperature or Machine should be

of Alternator improper ventilation installed in a good
ventilated room.

Misalignment Check alignment and


Faulty foundation Reconstruct the

foundation and
properly labour it.

Overloading of machine Check the load


Blocking of ventilation. Clean the inlet and

outlet holes.

Overheating Overloading Adjust the load.

of Armature
Internal short circuit Rewind the armature.

Maintenance Handbook for DG Set Aug’1999

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