Technical Papers Electrochemical Science and Technology
Technical Papers Electrochemical Science and Technology
Technical Papers Electrochemical Science and Technology
T. J. Harris
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
A parametric model predicting the performance of a solid polymer electrolyte, proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel
cell has been developed using a combination of mechanistic and empirical modeling techniques. This paper details the
mechanistic model development. Mass transport properties are considered in the mechanistic development via Stefan-
Maxwell equations. Thermodynamic equilibrium potentials are defined using the Nernst equation. Activation overvoltages
are defined via a Tafel equation, and internal resistances are defined via the Nernst-Planck equation, leading to a definition
of ohmic overvoltage via an Ohm's law equation. The mechanistic model cannot adequately model fuel cell performance,
since several simplifying approximations have been used in order to facilitate model development. Additionally, certain
properties likely to be observed in operational fuel cells, such as thermal gradients, have not been considered. Nonetheless,
the insights gained from the mechanistic assessment of fuel cell processes were found to give the resulting empirical model
a firmer theoretical basis than many of the models presently available in the literature. Correlation of the empirical model
to actual experimental data was very good.
A model mapping overvoltage in a proton exchange Stage 1 is discussed in this paper, stages 2 and 3 are dis-
membrane (PEM) fuel cell as a function of val~ious con- cussed elsewhere ~ and in the following paper. 9
tributing variables would be of great utility to researchers
and operators. Two common modeling approaches are: (i)
Physical Properties, Assumptions,
theoretically based mechanistic approaches and (it) empir- and Approximations
ically based analysis. Although, many mechanistic models The fuel cell for which the present model is proposed, and
can be found in the literature, ~-4they generally require the with which data for the empirical analysis were gathered,
knowledge of parameters which are not readily available, is a single ceil of the MkIV design produced by Ballard
such as, transfer coefficients, humidity levels, membrane, Power Systems Inc. of North Vancouver, BC. The cell con-
electrode, and active catalyst layer thicknesses. Empirical sists of a sandwich of Du Pont's Nation 117TMmembrane
m o d e l s y on the other hand, are generally accurate over a between two carbon fiber paper electrodes. The faces of the
small operating range. They fail to reflect the actual pro- electrodes contacting the membrane are impregnated with
cesses involved in fuel cell operation and thus are not ap- platinum catalyst and Teflon. The geometric surface area of
plicable over a broad range of conditions. An approach the cell is 50.56 cm 2. At the time of experimentation, the
combining both mechanistic and empirical modeling tech- cell had already logged in excess of 500 h of operation (non-
niques has the potential to couple both mechanistic valid- continuous), and some performance deterioration had been
ity and the inherent simplicity of the empirical approach. observed in that time (output voltage reduction of approxi-
The goal of the present work was to couple a mechanistic mately 0.1 V at 400 ASF for a fuel cell system operating at
evaluation of fuel cell processes with the application of 70~ using 30 psig H2 and 30 psig 02). Over the course of
empirical linear regression modeling techniques, in order experimentation (approximateIy 75 h), however, no further
to develop a performance model for a F E M fuel cell. A deterioration was observed, and experimental replicability
three-stage approach was followed. Initially,mechanistic was achieved. Further details on the MkIV cell can be
modeling techniques were employed to determine the char- found in various Ballard publications.~~
The envisaged electrode structure comprises two regions;
acteristic dependencies of fuel cell operation. This yielded
a porous, partially hydrophobic, carbon fiber-paper back-
simple algebraic expressions defining the thermodynamic
ing layer, and a very thin, hydrophobic layer of platinum
equilibrium potential, as well as overvoltages due to acti-
catalyst and Teflon binder lying between the electrode and
vation, ohmic resistance, and mass transport. In the second
the membrane. Of this second layer, only the uppermost
stage, numerical parametric equations for each of the
catalyst agglomerates (5 nm < radius < 50 nm) are believed
voltage loss terms were determined from experimental
to directly contact the membrane phaseJ '2 It is assumed
data. These equations reflected the form of the algebraic
that the walls of the macropores between carbon fibers are
expressions developed in stage I. The third stage involved
coated with hydrophobic Teflon, while the walls of the mi-
the statistical analysis of the resulting parametric model. cropores within carbon fibers will not be Teflon-coated.
* Electrochemical Society Active Member. The wet-proofed macropores provide a path for gas flow in
J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 142, No. 1, January 1995 9 The Electrochemical Society, Inc.
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J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 142, No. 1, January 1995 9 The Electrochemical Society, Inc.
the cathode, while the micropores provide a path by which fore assumed in all mathematical calculations as a first
liquid product water can exit to the flow channels. A simi- approximation.
lar approach to water and gas transport in the electrode has
been suggested previously by Verbrugge and Bernardi2 Development of the Mechanistic Model
The hydrophobic nature of the Teflon binder is expected Determination o f m a s s t r a n s p o r t e f f e c t s . - - B e f o r e ther-
to cause the product water to bead. This will repel the re- modynamic and kinetic equations can be developed, the
suiting liquid microdroplets out of the catalyst layer and effective concentrations of hydrogen and oxygen at the cat-
into the nonhydrophobic micropores of the carbon fiber- alyst surfaces must be determined. Three distinct mass
paper backing, through which they will flow to the gas flow transport interfaces exist in both electrodes: (I) between
channels. Here they will be entrained in the gas flow and the gas flow channels and the porous electrodes, (II) be-
removed from the fuel cell. While the Teflon is expected to tween the gas phase in the electrodes and any water film
be very effective in removing product water from the which may cover the catalyst sites, and (III) between the
catalyst layer, the agglomerate theory of Ridge e t al. 2 sug- w at er film and the catalyst surface. To define effective re-
gests that a microfilm of w a t e r wilt still coat the catalyst actant partial pressures or concentrations at each of these
particles. interfaces, a mass transport analysis is required.
Considering the proposed physical characteristics, the reactant
L E f f e c t i v e p r e s s u r e s in t h e f l o w c h a n n e l s . - - T h e
expected transport processes at the cathode are: (i) diffu- partial pressures in the inlet flow channels will vary with
sion of oxygen (in a mixture of 02, H2Ovap, and possibly N~) both the humidification level of the inlet streams, and the
through the wet-proofed pores of the porous backing layer, consumption rates of oxygen and hydrogen. The partial
(it) diffusion of dissolved oxygen through a water film in pressure of water vapor in the flow channels can be defined
the catalyst layer, and (iii) capillary and surface tension by the saturation vapor pressure at the fuel cell operating
induced flow of water microdroplets through nonwet- temperature
proofed pores in the carbon fiber backing layer. It is as- -- sat
PH2o.cathoao - PH~O [1a]
sumed that the nonwetproofed pores are closed to gas flow
at all current densities, such that the effective porosity of PHuO.anode= 0.5 - PH2os't [lb]
the cathode (in terms of gas flow) is constant. The assump-
tion of a constant effective porosity has been employed in The partial pressures of oxygen and hydrogen in the hu-
all of the mechanistic models reviewed thus far. ~-4 midified inlet gas streams can be determined from the dry
gas compositions and the water partial pressure
The anode and cathode gases are saturated with water
vapor in a humidifier, prior to entry into the flow channels hum (P - (PH20,~node)~d~y [2a]
o f the cell. Water from a heated reservoir is circulated PH2,inlet -- p •H2,inlet
dx~o,v~ = 0 [10]
dz dz - P - b-~2o,o2
Therefore the gas-phase flux of water normal to the Substitution and rearrangement of this equation yields
cathode face can be set to zero
d(xo2) R- T. I
-- eft dz [21]
NH~O,~= 0 [11] (1-Xo2) 4.F.P.DH2o,o2
As nitrogen is inert and cannot be removed from the diffu- Integration of this expression from the flow channel to the
sion channel, the net nitrogen gas-phase flux normal to the catalyst surface, again taking the product PDi~ as a con-
cathode face is also zero stant, gives
(1 - - X o ~interface
NN~,~ = 0 [12] R" T:I. Q
in (I -Xo2 oh~e~ - ~ [22]
)J 4 . F 9 P . DH20,O2
The one-dimensional Stefan-Maxwell equation for the ni-
trogen component, as derived from Eq. 7, can be simplified Since xo2 + X~2o = 1
using assumptions in Eq. 11 to 12 to give
i~te~f. . . . halo1 [ R . T . I . ed ]
XH2O =X~2o 9exp [4 .~w. .P. . ". DH2o,o2J~ [23]
d x ~ _ RTes (xN2No2,g) [13]
dz PDN~,o~
As the partial pressure of w at er vapor in the cathode is
The gas-phase flux of oxygen can be related to current fixed at the saturation level, the partial pressure of oxygen
density by at the interface is
I p~zterface= (1 in te rfa c e ( Ph~b
No~,~- 4F [14] - XH~O ) ' i~t~fa~e [24]
\X.~o /
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4 J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 142, No. 1, January 1995 9 The Electrochemical Society, Inc.
.... [ 1
The Thermodynamic Equilibrium Potential
PH2 - {(1.653 I)~ oh~ T h e o v e r a l l r e a c t i o n i n a h y d r o g e n / o x y g e n fuel cell c a n
exp \ T1.334 ] "XH~o b e w r i t t e n as 18
Activation Overvoltage nearest to the cathode, with constant full hydration, will
In the solid polymer fuel cell models found in the litera- have the lowest concentration of protons, while the mem-
brane region nearest to the anode will have the highest.
ture to date, the kinetics of hydrogen oxidation on plat-
Given the assumption of constant water concentration at
inum have been considered to be very rapidJ -~ The TafeI
the membrane/cathode interface, the proton concentration
slope [slope of overvoltage vs. log(i) plot] for the reaction at
in Eq. 43 will be constant, as will the terms k ~ A, n, F, R,
standard state (298.15 K, 1 atm) on p l a t i n u m catalysts is
AFt, and cq. The only remaining variables are the concen-
approximately 0.03 V/decade, ~ and its exchange current
tration of oxygen at the reaction sites, the current, and the
density is approximately 50 ASFP As a result, activation
overvoltages remain low even at high currents. The cathode temperature. Grouping constants, Eq. 43 can be expressed
in parametric form as
reaction, by contrast, is rather slow with a standard state
exchange current density in the range of i0 -~ ASF and a
~cto~thodi~: ~I + ~2T+ ~3Tln (c~2) + B4TIn (i) [46]
Tafel slope in excess of 0.07 V/decade) ~ Thus the activation
overvoltage at 298.15 K and a current density of I00 ASF where the constant parametric coefficients are
would be 0.009 V for hydrogen oxidation and more than
0.35 V for oxygen reduction. Consequently, the voltage B~ = (-AFD
drop due to activation can be predominantly attributed to cqnF [47a]
the cathode reaction.
When mass transfer effects are negligible, reaction kinet-
ics can be described by the Butler-Volmer equation ~ R in [nFAk~247 ~ *r r [47b]
i = i0 [ e - ~ n F ~ / R T - - e (1 =)nFB,'RT] [39] R
~ =~:~(1 - ~o) [47c]
Considering the general electrode process
aA + he- ~- bB [40] ~4 = e~onF [47d]
The exchange current io can be expressed as I~ The activation overvoltage of the hydrogen oxidation re-
action has been defined as z8
io=nFAk~ [exp [ - A F ~ ) (CA*)~c~-~)(CB~)~(~ [41] RT
~qactanod~c= ~ F In ( ~ ) [48]
where n is the number of electrons involved per mole of As the rate controlling step at the anode is likely to be
electrolyzed component in the rate controlling step, a and b chemisorption of hydrogen, Berger ~8 suggests that the ex-
represent the appropriate reaction orders of the rate con- change current can be defined as
trolling step with respect to the reactant and product, A is
the cross-sectional surface area over which the reaction is to, ~odir = 4FAk o
occurring, k ~ is the intrinsic rate constant, and AF~ is the
standard free energy of activation for the reaction.
For large values of ~], the second exponential in Eq. 39 is
negligible, yielding the Tafel expression
where AFe~ is the standard state free energy of activation
for chemisorption and AF~ is the standard state free energy
2.3. R T . io
9lact = --~- log ~ [42] of chemisorption from the gas stateY Thus the activation
overvoltage at the anode can be defined as
Given the relatively high overvoltage of the cathode reac-
tion, its kinetics can be described in this manner. Thus the ~{ln[4FAkOexp/-(AF~-O-5AFc)~(c,,
cathodic activation overpotential can be expressed as
...... 9 ~= \ -RT ) ~
exp \ ~ ) j - ln(i)p [50]
~(]act cathodic
= R T [ln ( n F A k ~
(~cn F L
Ohmic Resistance Losses of hydration across the membrane. Thus it is not possible to
Ohmic polarization is expected to result from resistance separate the various phenomena of water transport in the
to proton transfer in the solid polymer membrane and re- membrane so as to make an informed assessment of how
sistance to electron transfer in the graphite collector plates the three proton transport processes interact. Instead, it is
and the electrodes. Resistance to electron transfer is ex- simply observed that the water content and distribution in
pected to be approximately constant over the operating the membrane will be in some way dependent upon the
range (328 K -< T -< 358 K), and the resultant voltage loss operating current and temperature. (Diffusivities and wa-
can be determined using an Ohm's law equation of the form ter partial pressures vary with temperature, while proton
fluxes, and therefore water fluxes, will vary with the cur-
electronic " R electronic
~ohmic -- - i [53] rent). Equation 60 would thus indicate that the internal
w h e r e R eiectr~ is the resistance to electron transfer. resistance of the fuel cell will also be in some way depen-
dent upon the current and the temperature.
Resistance to p r o t o n t r a n s f e r t h r o u g h the m e m b r a n e
In the absence of an explicit mechanistic model, linear
c a n n o t be considered to be constant. The f l u x of protons
regression techniques are used to determine a best fit para-
t h r o u g h the m e m b r a n e n o r m a l to the electrode faces can be
metric model for the internal resistance. A model consider-
described using the N e r n s t - P l a n c k e q u a t i o n
ing the main, interaction, and quadratic effects of current
and temperature would have the form
Ni = - z i f T Dici OcP
c~z - Di OCi+
az civ [541
R i~ternal = ~i + y2T + ~3i + %Ti + ~sT 2 + ~5i 2 [61]
where q~ represents the electrical potential. The relation-
ship between the flux of mobile ions and the current den- 0.46 /
sity can be defined as I'
I = F ~ z~N~ [55] //
i .,p, 0,42 //
S u b s t i t u t i n g this e q u a l i t y into Eq. 54 and rearranging, one o
obtains P~
| /
--~Z -- K --K \ ~ i i~ + 7 - - ZiCi V [56] >
t- /
O /
w h e r e K is the m e m b r a n e conductivity, d e f i n e d as .o
F2 "0 0.34 7"
K = ~ T DH+CH+ [57] P
y- /
transport and can be defined via an Ohm's law relation
total electronic protons ~ internal E
~qoh~io= ~Qohmlc + ~Qohmic = -i 9 [59]
where ~internal is the total internal resistance of the fuel cell. ,'T
Assuming that the current normal to the cathode face is LU 5O
uniform in the membrane, and using Eq. 58 and 59, one
Rinten~a 1 Relect" RT fl ~n, dz t-
= + F~ DH, CH§ o 4~ /
R T (e= dc~+ , R T (~=vdz ._o i
-- 9 ~ a z + [60] "0
Fi Jo CE+dZ ~ Jo P
The diffusivity a n d c o n c e n t r a t i o n of protons, as well as 42
the c o n v e c t i v e p r o t o n velocity, will all be d e p e n d e n t u p o n "0
the w a t e r content and d i s t r i b u t i o n in the m e m b r a n e . While o i
Ri~tr = 0.01605 - 3.5 9 10-5T + 8.0 9 10-~i [63]
0.85 When coupled with Eq. 37 defining the thermodynamic
equilibrium potential, these p a r a m e t r i c models very accu-
~> rately defined fuel cell performance over the experimental
o range (328 K -< T -< 358 K, 0.6 atm abs. -< p ~ -< 3.1 atm
abs, 30 A S F -< I <- 450 ASF) as shown by the very good
,,= agreement between experimental and model-generated
/ data displayed in Fig. 1 through 6. Figures 1 to 3 show
o_ 0.75 ,"
p a r i t y plots of experimental data v s . model predictions for
"o activation overvoltage, fuel cell resistance, and total out-
o put voltage. Figures 4 to 6 plot the predicted and experi-
mentally determined response in output voltage for various
independent changes in the operating current, tempera-
ture, and oxygen p a r t i a l pressure.
0.65 , , Conclusions
The very good agreement between the empirical model
ExperimentaJ Data Value (Volts) and the experimental data indicates the value of develop-
ing a mechanistic basis for empirical modeling exercises.
Fig. 3. Parity plot for total output voltage of experimental data as This approach is of considerable benefit in expanding the
a function of model predictions for the Ballard Mark IV solid polymer
applicability and validity of the empirical model produced.
fuel cell.
In spite of the assumptions and approximations employed
in the mechanistic approach, the predictions of the model
seem to reflect the actual trends found in the experimental
- - Model Prediction 0 Experimental Data
1.1 1.2-
Model at 328K ......... Modal at 343K - - - - Modal at 358K
[] Data at 328K • Data at 343K 9 Data at 358K
1 1
g o.9
~- 0.9
0 160 ' 260 360 460
0"50 160 260 ' 360 ' 460 ' s o o Current Density (ASF)
Current Density (ASF) Fig. 5. Predicted and experimental response in output voltage as a
function of temperature for the Ballard Mark IV solid polymer fuel
Fig. 4. Predicted and experimental response in output voltage as a cell.
function of operating current for the Ballard Mark IV solid polymer
fuel cell.
-- Model (21% 02) .......... Model (46% 02) -- Model (100% 02)
Da'~a at 21% 0 2 9 Data at 46% 0 2 X Data at 100% 02'
where the ~/ values represent constant parametric coeffi-
cients. Equation 61 shows the most expansive form which 1.2
a second-order p a r a m e t r i c model would take if the resis-
tance m a p p e d linearly with current and temperature. Such
a relationship will not necessarily apply, however, and it is
possible that the relationship to either of these variables
might be logarithmic, exponential, or otherwise.
>-- 0.8-
Empirical Application of the Model
If all of the parameters in Eq. 37, 51, 52, 59, and 61 were 0 ...............
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