Catcher in The Rye

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Book Response Form

Book Response Form

Book Title : The Catcher in The Rye
Author : J.D. Salinger
Publisher : Little, Brown and Company
Date of Publish : July 16, 1951
Page : 214 Pages
Genre : Realistic fiction, coming –of-age-fiction
Publish in : United States
I. Stages of the Story
Intensive Moment
Holden Caufield, a teenager from New York City, describes events that took
place in December 1949 from an unspecified California institution one year later.
Holden is a student in Pencey that already kicked out. He has 2 brothers and 1 sister.
The first brother is named D.B., he was a regular writer, but now he moves to
Hollywood and does prostitute. The second one is Allie and he already passed away.
The sister is Phoebe. She is pretty little kid. She is 10 years old and she is smart.
Holden father is a lawyer. In this story he is as Stradlater’s roommate.

Rising Action
Holden is flunking in his subjects, and he only pass in English. So, he is kicked out
from the Pencey. Before he goes home he went to Spencer’s house. Spencer is his
history teacher. Then, he comes back to dorm. But when he meets Stradlater there,
Stradlater tells him if he dates Jane, Holden’s neighbor, and Holden likes her anyway.
So, they fight each other and Holden decides to live in hotel for few days before go

Holden becomes increasingly manic. His brother Allie passed away from Leukemia
three years before, and it seems that Holden has unresolved guilt and complicated
grief over Allie’s passing. He spends a few days in New York, trying to find away to
belong, but ends up isolating himself more. In New York he just drunk and do that
stuff until he gets a punch.

Falling Action
After being punched by a primp named Maurice, Holden goes on date where he
expresses he just wants to run away. His date, Sally, doesn’t take it well, and Holden
starts to unravel even more. He goes home to visit Phoebe, where he tells her he wants
to be a “catcher in the rye”; metaphorically, he wants to save children from losing
their innocence.

After spending the night in Grand Central Station, Holden decides he’s going to
hitchhike out West. He leaves a not for Phoebe at her school to meet him at the
museum. She shows up with her suitcase. She’s going with him. Holden won’t let her,
and Phoebe gets upset. Phoebe and Holden go to the zoo and then a park, where
Holden buys her a ticket to ride on the carousel. As she rides around, he sits on a
bench in the falling raining and watches her, finally bursting into tears. Holden returns
to the present, revealing he is in some sort of medical institution. He is been
evaluated, and his doctors are planning on sending him back to school in September.
Holden finds that he misses a lot of people including those he called “phonies”.

II. Summary of Each Chapter

a. Chapter 1
The writer is figured out as “I” in this story. He doesn’t like to talk about his
childhood, because it is very bad. His family consists of four people, his parents,
his brother, and him. His parents are quite touchy especially his father and his
brother used to be a regular writer, but now he is a prostitute. He often moves
from one place to another place. He already moved from two different places.
That day is the day he left Pencey Prep. It is Saturday, and there is a last football
game with Saxon Hall. He watches the game over the top of Thomsen Hill. He
can see all over the field and also hear they were yelling. In that game there is a
rule that said only senior who can bring girl to watch the match. The writer just
comes back from New York with fencing team that’s why he didn’t watch the
match. The other reason is he wants to say good-bye to Mr. Spencer, his history
teacher. He is kicked out from the school because he fails in four subjects and not
applying himself at all. It is December and it is so cold, also his coat is stolen. But
suddenly he remembers what happened in October when he and his friend played
football in front of the academic building. They didn’t want to stop even it was
dark until Mr. Zambesi told them to. After face back his memory he runs to
Spencer’s house in Anthony Wayne Avenue. He stops for a while and take a
breath before continue to Spencer’s house. As he arrives there, he ring the
doorbell and Mrs. Spencer opens it for him. Then they ask about each condition
and also Mr. Spencer’s illness.

b. Chapter 2
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer are about 70s and they have their own room in that
house. Holden Caufield (name of the character “I” in the story) knocks the door
before he go in to Mr. Spencer’s room. Mr. Spencer is reading Atlantic Monthly.
He can smell hell as he enters the room. He greets Spencer and he asks about his
condition. Then, they talk about everything, about why Holden doesn’t watch the
football game, what Mr. Zambesi told to Holden, Holden’s parents and life, etc.
Spencer always nods as well they speak. Spencer is about to lecture Holden and
Holden really doesn’t like it. Holden doesn’t like everything in that room. Spencer
asks about what subjects that taken by Holden. The Writer took 5 subjects, and he
only pass in English. Spencer tells him why he fails in history. It is because
Holden doesn’t know anything about history. Then Spencer asks Holden to take
his answer-sheet. Spencer thinks that Holden take a mistake on him about the
failing. But it is not true. Spencer also asks about Holden’s difficulties at Whooton
School and Elkton Hills (his school before). But Holden doesn’t answer it because
it is too complicated. Then they talk about Holden’s future. Spencer is not sure
about Holden’s future and would like to help him. But Holden reject it even he is
not sure about his future too. Spencer is about continues their conversation, but
Holden can’t stand it anymore, so he told that he has to go to gym for his stuff.
Then Holden said good-bye, and it felt so sad.

c. Chapter 3
Holden lies about he has to go to gym for his stuff and equipment when he
leaves Spencer. When in Pencey, Holden lives in the Ossenburger Memorial Wing
of the new dorms with a senior who influential enough at Pencey. The senior often
talks about we have to talk with God in his speech. It makes Holden feed up.
Holden gets back to the dorm after visiting Spencer. The dorm is quite, because
people watch the game. He changes his clothes then read a book. The book is Out
of Africa by Isak Dinesen that he takes from library by a mistake. He reads a lot of
classical book and his favorite writer is D.B –his brother- and Ring Lardner.
Actually he already read that book but he wants to read certain part again. When
he read for about 3 pages, he hears someone showering. He is Robert Ackley, his
senior who lives next to Holden’s room. Robert scans the room. He makes sure
that there is no Stradlater in that room, because he hates Stradlater’s guts. He
comes down off shower and say “Hi” to Holden. Robert goes around and pick
Holden and Stradlater’s personal stuff randomly. Then Ackley asks about fencing.
Ackley is a type of guy who has to hear twice about one statement. Then they talk
and Holden doesn’t need to pay attention to Ackley. He continues his reading.
But, finally he gives up. He cannot read with Ackley around him. They are
fighting about Ackley who never brush his teeth when Stradlater come. Stradlater
wants to borrow Holden’s hound’s-tooth for date, but Holden doesn’t allow it
because Stradlater has board shoulder. Then, Stardlater leave the room after
greeting Ackley.

d. Chapter 4
Holden doesn’t has something to do, so he and Stradlater go to a can.
Stradlater is pretty same as Ackley. He has personal slob, but in different way.
Stradlater is more of secret slob. He thinks he is good-looking. Holden is sitting
on the washbowl while Stradlater are shaving. Stradlater asks if Holden wants to
do big favor or not. He always asks that since he thinks he is handsome. Then,
Stradlater asks Holden to help him in compositing for English, but Holden reject it
because he also fails in it. Stradlater asks him because Stradlater is very lack in
compositing, so he asks Holden to make a descriptive text for him. Holden does
tap-dancing since he gets bored, but Stradlater hoots him. Then, Stradlater asks
again about helping him. Fortunately Holden wants to do that if he has time. Then
they talk about Stradlater’s crush, but suddenly Stradlater is choked, fortunately
he can pass quickly. They talk again about Stradlater’s crush who named Jane,
and she is the girl who lives next door to Holden. After Stradlater leaving, Holden
just sit and think about Jane and Stradlater. Then, Ackley comes to shower and he
stuck around till dinner time.

e. Chapter 5
Every Saturday night the meal at Pencey is always same, steak. At Saturday
night, Holden doesn’t do anything, so he decides to go to a Gerstown to have a
hamburger or see a lousy movie with Mal Brossard, his friend on wrestling team.
Holden asks Mal’s permission to invite Ackley along them. By the way, Mal
doesn’t like Ackley so much, but fortunately he agrees to. Ackley take 5 hours to
get ready. Holden decides to open the window and play with the snow while
waiting for Ackley. Finally, they come and they get a bus to reach their
destination. They watch a movie, a comedic movie exactly after they have a
couple of hamburger and play pinball machine, but seems like Holden doesn’t
enjoy his watching even his friend laughing. It was about a quarter to nine when
they get back to the dorm. Brossard looks for game around and Holden traps
inside his room with Ackley who keep talking in monotonous voice. After a long
time Ackley goes out from the room because Holden wants to make composition
for Stradlater. Holden couldn’t think of room or house like Stradlater supposed to,
so he writes about his brother baseball mitt. His brother, Allie is 2 years younger
than him and he is already dead. He also writes Allie’s poem but he doesn’t
mention Allie’s name because he doesn’t want to everyone about his brother even
it is Stradlater. It is about 10.30 when he finishes his composition, but he doesn’t
sleep, so he looks out the window. He can hear cars go somewhere and also
Ackley snoring.

f. Chapter 6
Holden is thinking about Stradlater who get back from his date with Jane. He
worries about Jane because Stradlater is unscrupulous. He can’t remember
anything when he hears the footsteps in corridor to his room. Stradlater comes in
griping about how cold outside and he also wonder why the dorm is like morgue.
He doesn’t realize it is Saturday night. Stradlater asks about his composition
which lay on his bed. Then he reads it, and he complains to Holden because he
wrote about baseball glove and not about room or house. Not only that, he also
lectures Holden about his flunking. Then Holden approaches him and tears the
paper then throw them to the basket. Then he lay on and makes some smoke with
cigarette. Stardlater still keep silent even he doesn’t like it. Then Holden asks
about his date with Jane, why he comes late? Then Stradlater answers while
cutting toenails. Holden also asks about where they go. But Stradlater doesn’t
answer it and suggest Holden to go out if he wants to smoke. After finishing his
nails, Stradlater lay next to Holden and continue talk about the last topic. Holden
is very curious about what Stradlater and Jane do in the Ed’s car. Then, Holden
gets out of the bed. But, suddenly he falls on the floor. He is not sure but
Stradlater’s knees on his chest. Then Stradlater punches him because Holden
doesn’t want to shut up. After that, Stradlater goes out to can. Holden looks at his
face at the mirror before take shower.

g. Chapter 7
After finishing his shower, Holden comes out and he greets Ackley who lay on
bed. “What are you doing?” he says. Ackley was about sleep when Stradlater and
Holden make some noise. Then Holden turn the light on. Ackley is so surprised
when see Holden’s face, he asks why both them fight. Holden doesn’t answer it
but asks permission to sleep over Ely’s bed because he is pretty sure that Ely
won’t come back till Sunday. Ackley asks again to him why they fight but
Holden doesn’t reveal the truth. Then Holden just lay on bed thinking about Jane
without turn the light off like Ackley’s request. Holden asks Ackley about his
fascinating life but Ackley doesn’t answer it but ask Holden to turn the light off
and Holden do that. Then Ackley makes sure that Holden won’t sleepover. Few
minutes later Holden can hear Ackley snoring. He tries to not think about Jane
and Stradlater but he can’t. Then he hears Stradlater’s footsteps to their room and
he decides to wake Ackley up. Holden asks about joining monastery. He doesn’t
want to join actually, and it makes Ackley little angry. Then, he gets out of Ely’s
bed and walk through the peaceful corridor. He wants to sleep in hotel till
Wednesday, then go home. He doesn’t want to get home early because he worries
about his mother after receive Thurmer’s letter. Then, he get back to his room and
do packing. After that, he goes down and he feel he wants to cry. He shouts
“sleep well” to Morson before he goes.

h. Chapter 8
It is late enough to call taxi, Holden decides to walk to station. He likes have a
train. Usually he will buy a ham sandwich and four magazines to read. But, not for
today, suddenly there is a woman who sits next to him, and she puts her big bag at
aisle. The woman is Ernest Morrow’s mother, his classmate. Then, the woman
asks about his name and Pencey. They also talk about how bad Morrow at
adaptation. Holden likes Morrow’s mom and he also offers to smoke together till
somebody scream out to them. She looks nice when smoking and she sort of
Holden funny. She tells Holden that his nose is bleeding. Then Holden takes a
handkerchief immediately. Holden tells something good about Ernest. Then
Holden offers her to have cocktail, but they can’t go since it is late night, so the
club car already closed. She asks about true or not if Pencey’s students will get
home on Wednesday, and she hopes that Holden doesn’t call home because of
illness, and Holden lies again about it. He says he has cancer and it makes
Morrow’s mother worry. She also invites Holden to visit them at Glouster, but
Holden refuse it because he wants to go to South America with her grandma.

i. Chapter 9
After getting off the train Holden goes to phone booth. He wants to call his
brother D.B, but he can’t. He also can’t call his sister Phoebe, because it is late, so
worries if his parents who will pick up. He also wants to call Sally but he worries
too, he can call Carl Luce, his schoolmate, but he doesn’t like him so much. So, he
comes out after 20 minutes do nothing. The he catches a cab, he tells his regular
address. He completely forgets that he wants spend couple days in hotels till
vacation. He realizes it when they already passed the park, so he asks the driver to
turn around, but the driver can’t because it is one-way. When they reach Ninedieth
Street, Holden asks the driver to carry him to a hotel. After reaching the hotel, he
checks in, then, an old man guides him to his room. The hotel doesn’t have
beautiful view, but he doesn’t care. After the old man left, he looks out the
window and he sees a guy who wears women’s clothes and walk like a women.
He also sees a woman and a man squirting. The hotel is full with perverts. He is
near send a telegram to Stradlater to tell him to take the first train to New York
because he is king of hotel. He could see anything even he doesn’t want to. He
thinks he is sex maniac, sometimes he can think very crumby stuff. But, he also
thinks that he couldn’t understand sex. He has rules of sex that he made by
himself, but he always break it. He starts toying an idea, he will call whoever and
he will say that he is his/her uncle and his/her aunt is killed by car accident. But he
doesn’t in good mood, so he smokes a couple cigarettes. All of sudden he takes
out his wallet and start looking address of guy who met him at a party that go to
Princeton. Finally he finds it, it is a girl named Faith Cavendish’s address. She
lives at Stanford arms Hotel on sixty-fifth and Boardway. He calls the girl and the
girl is about angry because he calls at the late night. But she doesn’t because
Holden tells that he is Eddie Birdsell’s friend. He speaks in deep voice, so that the
girl cannot catch that he is younger. He also give his real name to her. He invites
the girl to have cocktail but she can’t because it is late. So, he says that he can go
to her place, but she rejects it again, because her roommate is sick. She offers
Holden to have it tomorrow but Holden can’t. So, he hangs up without nothing.

j. Chapter 10
It is pretty early when Holden go out of bed, then he wash up and change shirt.
He wants to call his sister, but he worries if someone who answers it is his mother
because his mother can know it is him directly. Phoebe is pretty and smart girl like
D.B. Holden is the only one who dumb in his family. Phoebe is skinny but nice
skinny. She also likes writing, but she never finishes it. She will understand what
someone talking about easily even she is 10 years old. But she is affectionate. She
is very emotional. When she was kid Holden and Allie –her brother who already
dead- often bring her to Park every Sunday, and she will listen all of Holden and
Allie’s conversation. Holden really wants to talk with Phoebe on the phone, but he
is too afraid if his parents who answer it, and they will know if he is in New York
and he was kicked out of Pencey. After changing he goes down, it is quite but he
can hear music from Lavender room, so he goes in. Inside, there are not too much
people, and they all are older than him. He starts to look at the three girls next to
him who is ugly. Then, his order is coming. Unfortunately, the writer asks the
verification about his age and it makes him pretty angry. Then, he invites three
girls next to him goes down to dance floor, and only the blonde one who accept it.
The blonde one is not ugly as the two, and Holden admits it. They dance on the
dance floor and the girl is good dancer. Holden wants to talk some topic while
dancing, but seems the girl doesn’t listen it. Holden doesn’t give up, so he keeps
talking to the girl. They talk about Miranda, a dancer, the blonde girl and her
friend who met an actor last night, and also Holden age. After dancing, they didn’t
invite him to sit with them, but he just sit in their table. The blonde one is named
Bernice, and the two are Marty and Laverne. The three keep looking around the
room hoping that the movie actor will come there. And it spends 30 minutes to get
know where they work. At one time Holden dance with the all three, Laverne isn’t
that bad, but Marty is very bad. After dancing they come to their seats. Marty tells
that she saw Gary Croper had just gone out. The three is so excited, then they
about movie actors and ignoring Holden. Marty keep saying boring things,
Laverne is witty, and Bernice is pretty quite. All of the sudden the three stand up
because they have to wake up early. Then Holden orders 2 cokes for himself, and
back to his room as soon as the three left.

k. Chapter 11
When Holden walk out to lobyy, suddenly he rembers about Jane. He rethinks
about what she and Stradlater did inside Ed’s car. He is pretty close with Jane. In
the whole summer Holden and her play tennis almost every morning, and play
golf almost every afternoon. Jane is funny and she is beautiful too. She likes
reading so much and she is also always excited when talking about something.
She in the one who is looked Allie’s baseball mit by Holden. But, his mother
doesn’t like Jane so much.
One Saturday was raining. Holden was in Jane’s home and Jane and Holden
was getting close to hug each other. Suddenly, Jane’s step father appeared, and he
asked about cigarettes, but Jane didn’t answer it. After the father went in the
house, Holden asked about what was going on? But Jane didn’t answer it and
cried. So, Holden sat on her lap and kissed all of her expect mouth. After
changing, Jane and Holden went to watch movie and they hold hands along the
It is what Holden think at the lobby. He always getting depressed every think
about Jane and Stradlater in Ed’s car, but she wouldn’t allow Stradlater to do base
to her. There aren’t too much people in lobby, so Holden decides to go to his room
and looks out the window to see the perverts’ action, but the light is out. So,
Holden catches a cab and goes to Ernie’s, the night club in Greenwich Village that
D.B used to go to before he move.

l. Chapter 12
That cab which caught by Holden is very smell. He always gets cab like that
every time he goes to somewhere at the late night. Along the journey Holden
makes conversation with the driver, his name is Horwitz. Holden starts ask about
what happen with ducks in lagoon Central Park during the winter, but the drivel
doesn’t answer it, so Holden asks again. Suddenly the driver answer it uses rising
tone and it makes Holden thinks that the guy is touchy. Then, they talk about fish
in lagoon Central Park, how they eat during winter even the lake become ice? But
the conversation goes worse, the driver uses rising tone again, so Holden ends it.
He asks the driver to join him to drink, but he refuses it. When Holden gets in
front of Ernie, he pays his cab and Horwitz gives him last words about fish before
drives his car like crazy. Ernie is crowded tonight. It is full with school jerk and
collage jerk. Ernie is playing piano and it is really hurting Holden even he doesn’t
know the song. Everybody claps for Ernie. Holden sits in the corner of room,
anybody can see him. Because he doesn’t know what to do, he listens to
conversation of people around him while waiting for his order. When the drink
comes, he asks waiter to call Ernie to join him and tell Ernie that he is D.B’s
brother. Then a girl named Lilian and a guy approach him. Lilian is D.B’s friend.
They talk for a while. Lilian asks Hilden to join in their table, but Holden says he
has to go. One fact about Holden, he always says “Glad to meet you” to someone
who he doesn’t like to meet.

m. Chapter 13
Holden walks the forty-one blocks from the nightclub back to the hotel. Along
the way, he thinks about his gloves, which were stolen at Pencey. He imagines an
elaborate confrontation with the unknown thief, but he acknowledges that he is a
coward at heart, afraid of violence and confrontation. When he reaches the
Edmont, he takes the elevator up to his room. The elevator operator offers to send
him a prostitute for five dollars, and Holden, depressed and flustered, accepts.
While waiting in his room, he again thinks about his cowardice, because he feels
that his lack of aggression has prevented him from ever sleeping with a woman.
Women, Holden believes, want a man who asserts power and control. As he
broods, the prostitute, Sunny, arrives. She is a cynical young girl with a high
voice. Holden becomes flustered, especially so when she removes her dress. She
sits on his lap and tries to seduce him, but he is extremely nervous and tells her he
is unable to have sex because he is recovering from an operation on his
“clavichord.” He finally pays her the five dollars he owes and asks her to leave.
She claims that the price is ten, but he refuses to pay her more, and she leaves in a

n. Chapter 14
After sunny goes down, Holden sits down on the chair. He is very depressed
and he starts to talk to Allie. He always do that if he gets depressed because he
really wants to meet Allie. He always says "Okay. Go home and get your bike and
meet me in front of Bobby's house. Hurry up." Cause Allie always wants to join
Bobby, her neighbor and him, but he doesn’t allow it. Holden gets undressed and
lay down then starts to pray. He fells always do that when gets depressed. He likes
Jesus, but people think he doesn’t. He doesn’t like Bible and he prefer lunatic.
Actually his parents have different religion and all of the children are atheists, so
it is why he seems doesn’t care about religion. But, he feels he can’t pray while in
bed, so he takes a couple of cigarettes. Suddenly there is someone who knocks the
door. He opens the door with fear. It is Maurice and he asks 5 bucks to Holden,
but Holden doesn’t give it because he already hands her 10 bucks. Then, a girl
named Sunny steals his 5 bucks in his wallet and Maurice punches him till he is
bleeding. Then, he lay down on the floor like he used to be with Stradlater. Then
he gets up and goes to bathroom and then gets dressed. After that, he imagines
that he goes down with guts on his hand and he knocks Maurice’s room. Maurice
opens it and yells out to Holden. Then, Holden plugs him till he is bleeding. After
finishing it, he sends picture to Jane. It is picture of him smoking with blood over
him. Then, he takes shower for about 1 hours, then goes to sleep.

o. Chapter 15
The next morning, Holden calls Sally Hayes and makes a date with her for
later that afternoon. He checks out of the hotel and leaves his bags in a locker at
Grand Central Station. He worries about losing his money and mentions that his
father frequently gets angry when Holden loses things. He also describes his
mother a bit, noting that she “hasn’t felt too healthy since my brother Allie died.”
Holden worries that the news of his expulsion will particularly distress his fragile
mother, for whom he seems to care a great deal. Holden goes to eat breakfast at a
little sandwich bar, where he meets two nuns who are moving to Manhattan to
teach in a school. Holden thinks about the superficial money-driven world of the
prep school he has just left. Then he talks to one of the nuns about Romeo and
Juliet. Despite his earlier expression of distaste for organized religion, he forces
them to take ten dollars as a charitable contribution. After they leave, although he
realizes he needs money to pay for his date with Sally, he begins to regret having
given only ten dollars. He concludes that money always makes people depressed.

p. Chapter 16
After he has breakfast in the noon and he doesn’t meet Sally till 2 o’clock, so
he starts to take long walk. He rethinks about what happened to him in 2
afternoons. He got beat and all. He walks to Broadway. He wants to buy "Little
Shirley Beans" for Phoebe. It is very hard record to find because it was recorded
20 years ago. It is Sunday and usually Phoebe hangs out to the park. Holden know
well where Phoebe mostly goes for hang out. Today is not cold as the day before,
but the sun still isn’t out. He walks behind a poor family. The father and mother
just walk and do not pay attention to their child who walks in the street instead on
the sidewalk. The little kid keep walking and humming a song. Broadway is so
crowded. It is only 12 in afternoon, but he can see millions people go to see
movie. Luckily he gets the “Little Shirley Beans” in the first store and it about five
bucks since it is hard to find. He passes the drugstore and he goes in. He comes in
to phone booth and calls Jane, but unfortunately Jane’s mother who answer it, so
he hangs up. He still has a theater ticket, so he buys a paper and buys to seats for
“I Know My Love”. He doesn’t like show actually, but Sally like it. He catches
subway to go to park. It is lousy in the park. The benches look wet when people
sit on it. He keeps walking over Mall, usually Phoebe skits there, but he doesn’t
see her. Then, he asks a little kid in Phoebe age where is Phoebe and she says
Phoebe is in museum, but it is Sunday, so she isn’t. She is polite and nice girl, and
Holden helps her to tightening her skate and also offers her a hot chocolate but she
says no. Then, he walks to the museum’s park that he used to go when he was a
kid. Phoebe goes to same school as him. Then he passes a playground and he
stops there. He sees a couple tiny kid and he approaches them, but they seem do
not like it, so he move away. He grabs a cab to Biltmore to have a date with Sally.
q. Chapter 17
At two o’clock, Holden goes to meet Sally at the Biltmore Hotel; she is late
but looks very attractive, so he immediately forgives her tardiness. They make out
in the taxi on the way to the theater. At the play, the actors annoy Holden because,
like Ernie the piano player, they are almost too good at what they do and seem full
of themselves. During intermission, Sally irritates Holden by flirting with a
pretentious boy from Andover, another prep school, but he nonetheless agrees to
take her ice-skating at “Radio City” (Radio City Music Hall is part of Rockefeller
Center, where there is an ice-skating rink) after the show. While skating, Holden
speculates that Sally only wanted to go ice-skating so she could wear a short skirt
and show off her “cute ass,” but he admits that he finds it attractive. When they
take a break and sit down indoors, Holden begins to unravel. Oscillating between
shouting and hushed tones, he rants about all the “phonies” at his prep schools and
in New York society, and talks about how alienated he feels. He becomes even
more crazy and impetuous, saying that he and Sally should run away together and
escape from society, living on their own in a cabin. When she points out that his
dreams are ridiculous, he becomes more and more agitated. The quarrel builds
until Holden calls Sally a “royal pain in the ass,” and she begins to cry. Holden
starts to apologize, but Sally is upset and angry with him, and, finally, he leaves
without her.

r. Chapter 18
After he gets off, he feels hungry, so he goes in a drugstore and buys Swiss
cheese sandwich and a malted. Then he goes in to try to call Jane again. He
couldn’t think about Jane who often dates with a bastard. Unfortunately she
doesn’t answer it. He takes out his address book, but there are only 3 names there,
Jane, Antolini, and his father office. Finally he contacts Carl Luce, his senior in
Whooton School. Carl cannot accompany him for dinner, but he can meet him for
drink at 10 o’clock at the Wicker Bar. To kill time, Holden goes to the movies at
Radio City. He comes in when the stage show is on. He sees each couple have
their hands around waist. He cannot enjoy the show, because he is in bad mood
now. The show is going to religious but he couldn’t see anything about religion,
and also he cannot enjoy since he is atheist. Holden tells about English guy named
Alec. “He lost his memory and he met with a homey girl. He helped the girl in
running her publishing business. Then, Alec wrote a book and she published it.
When they wanted to get married, Alec’s fiancée, Marcia showed up. Then she
wanted Alec to visit his mother but, didn’t want to. His mom was blind anyway.
Then he got a beaten in his head, and he got back his memory. He got married
with Marcia and his mother got her vision back”. In the next to him there is a
woman with a little kid and she is crying. Then after the movie over, he walks to
the Wicker Bar. The movie is about army anyways and Holden doesn’t like it so
much, because his brother D.B was in army for 4 years and it was very scary.
s. Chapter 19
At the Wicker Bar, located in the posh Seton Hotel, Holden thinks about Luce.
Luce is three years older than Holden and now a student at Columbia University.
At the Whooton School, Luce used to tell the younger boys about sex. Holden
says that he finds Luce amusing, even though he is effeminate and a phony. When
Luce arrives, he treats Holden coolly, and Holden pesters him with questions
about sex. Luce refuses to be drawn into the kind of sex discussion that they had
had at Whooton, and he suggests that Holden needs psychoanalysis. Holden
remembers that Luce’s father is a psychoanalyst, but Luce is evasive when Holden
asks whether Luce’s father ever analyzed his own son. Annoyed by Holden’s
juvenile comments and questions, Luce departs.

t. Chapter 20
Holden keeps sitting in that bar and waiting for Tina and Janine to come out,
but they aren’t. Then there is a girl named Valencia who sings a good song and
Holden wants to invite her to drink with him, but Valencia goes out quickly.
Holden tries to ask headwaiters to inform to her, but he doesn’t sure the
headwaiters tell her. He sits there till around 1 o’clock or so. He is drunk, and
blood starts dripping and he tries to hide it under his jacket. Then, he feels like
give Jane a buzz, so he goes out the bar and goes to phone booth. But, when he is
inside he is not in mood to give Jane a buzz, so he gives Sally a buzz. He has to
dial 20 numbers before someone answers it. It is Sally’s grandma. She says that
Sally is asleep. But, suddenly the voice changes, it is Sally’s. Holden says that he
will come to Christmas Eve, but Sally knows that he is drunk. So, he asks Holden
to go home and go to bed. Then, she hangs up. Holden stays there for a while.
Then, he comes out and goes in the men’s room. He dunks his head in to
washbowl that full of water and then he walk to the radiator and sits there. He
always shivers when he is drunk. He doesn’t have anything to do, so keep sitting
there. Then, pretty soon the guy who played piano for Valencia come and has
conversation with him. Holden asks him to send his compliment to Valencia, but
the guy doesn’t answer it, and he goes out there. Finally, he gets down off the
radiator and goes out to the hat-check room. He doesn’t feel drunk when he goes
outside. It is so cold and his teeth start chattering. He wants to catch a bus but he
doesn’t have money and he doesn’t know where he supposes to go. So, he walks
over park and he drops Phoebe’s record in to fifty pieces. Then, he goes to Central
Park and he keeps walking to find ducks. But he cannot find it, so he sits a bench
and she starts to think how if he gets pneumonia. His parents go out quite
frequently and stick a bunch of flower on Allie’s grave when the weather is nice.
He also thinks about how Phoebe’s reaction if he dead. So, he gets out the park
and walks to home, because it is not far. It is just so cold and nobody walk around.

u. Chapter 21
Holden takes the elevator up to his family’s apartment. Luckily for him, the
regular elevator operator is gone, and he is able to convince the new one, who
doesn’t recognize him, that he wants to visit the Dicksteins, who live across the
hall from the Caulfields. Holden sneaks into his family’s apartment and looks for
Phoebe, but she isn’t in her room. Holden tiptoes to D. B.’s room, because Phoebe
likes to sleep there when D. B. is in Hollywood. He finds Phoebe sleeping
peacefully, and he remarks that children, unlike adults, always look peaceful when
they are asleep. As he watches Phoebe sleep, he reads through her schoolbooks.
She has signed her name “Phoebe Weatherfield Caulfield,” even though her
middle name is Josephine. He enjoys reading the notes to friends, the curious
questions, and the random imaginative jottings she has scribbled on the pages. He
finally wakes Phoebe, and she is overjoyed to see him. Bursting with energy, she
talks feverishly about one thing after another: her school play (in which she plays
Benedict Arnold), a movie she has just seen, a movie D. B. is working on, a boy at
school who bullies her, and the fact that their parents are at a party and won’t
come home until later. But after her enthusiastic flurry of conversation, she
realizes that Holden is home two days early and must have been kicked out of
school. Over and over, she repeats that their father will “kill” him. Holden tries to
justify his behavior, but she refuses to listen and covers her head with a pillow.
Holden leaves the room to get some cigarettes.

v. Chapter 22
When Holden comes back, Phoebe covers her head over with a pillow. Then,
Holden asks her progress in writing. But she doesn’t answer it. They talk about
possibility that will be done by their father to Holden. Then, Phoebe asks why he
did that? Why does he fail in Pencey? Holden says that the school is the worst
school ever. The school is full of phonies and means guys even the teachers.
Phoebe seems like do not listen it, but she does. Then, Holden keeps telling about
Pencey. He tells about Spencer and also about Veteran’s day. The day is when
people that graduated from Pencey around 1776 come back to school with their
wives and children. Phoebe is about say something but Holden couldn’t hear it.
Phoebe says that Holden doesn’t like school and all of the stuff. But, Holden says
no. Then, Phoebe asks about what thing that he like. Holden is silent for a while
and he cannot concentrate. The things that appear in his mind are what happened
in the 2 afternoons. That is about what he can think. He saw James Castle at
breakfast. He was Holden’s friend at Elkton Hills and he was his classmate in
math. They almost never have a conversation till suddenly James borrow his
turtleneck sweater when he was brushing his tooth in the can. Then, Phoebe asks
again and Holden says it is Allie. But Phoebe is dissatisfied with the answer, so
she asks what Holden wants to be. He says he wants to be something like song “If
a body catch a body coming through the rye.” He imagines that there are little kids
who play in big field of rye, and nobody is around them. Then, he is standing on
the edge of crazy cliff and he has to catch everybody if they start to go over the
field. Then, he informs Phoebe that he wants to call his English teacher Mr.
Antolini, and he doesn’t allow Phoebe to go sleep.
w. Chapter 23
Holden makes it very snappy on the phone because he is afraid his parents will
barge him in the middle of it. He thinks he probably wakes Mr. Antolini and his
wife up. Mr. Antolini is the best teacher he ever met. He is pretty young, his old is
not much older than D.B. When Holden comes back to D.B.’s room, Phoebe turns
radio on and it is dancing music, but she doesn’t do dance. So, Holden invites her
to dance together. Phoebe is good at dance, although he just tell the basic of
dancing. They dance about four numbers then Holden turns off the radio. Phoebe
jumps back to the bed. She asks about her forehead. It is warm or not. Her friend
tells her if she thinks about hot things the forehead will be so hot. And suddenly
their mother come home, and comes in Phoebe’s room. And suddenly he turns off
the light. Holden jumps in to closet and put his cigarettes in his pocket. Their
mom is nice. She asks how Phoebe is and also tells that Holden will be home at
Wednesday. After mom goes out Holden goes out the closet and he asks Phoebe
to lend him some money. Phoebe gives him around eight dollars and it is very
much. Then he tells Phoebe that he will sleep over at Mr. Antolini. And Phoebe
asks him to sleep with her, but Holden refuse it.

x. Chapter 24
When Holden arrives at Mr. Antolini’s, Mr. Antolini and his wife have just
wrapped up a dinner party in their upscale Sutton Place apartment. Glasses and
dishes are everywhere, and Holden can tell that Mr. Antolini has been drinking.
Holden takes a seat, and the two begin talking. As Mrs. Antolini prepares coffee,
Mr. Antolini inquires about Holden’s expulsion from Pencey Prep. Holden
reveals that he disliked the rules and regulations at Pencey Prep. As an example,
he mentions his debate class in which students were penalized for digressing from
their subject. Holden argues that digressions are more interesting. Instead of
offering complete sympathy, Mr. Antolini gently challenges Holden, pointing out
that digressions are often distracting, and that sometimes it is more interesting
and appropriate to stick to the topic. Holden begins to see the weakness of his
argument and becomes uncomfortable. But Mrs. Antolini cuts the tension,
bringing coffee for Holden and Mr. Antolini before going to bed. After this
respite, Mr. Antolini resumes the discussion on a much more serious note. He
tells Holden that he is worried about him because he seems primed for a major
fall, a fall that will leave him frustrated and embittered against the rest of the
world, particularly against the sort of boys he hated at school. At this suggestion
Holden becomes defensive and argues that he actually, after a while, grows to
semi-like guys like Ackley and Stradlater. After an awkward silence, Mr. Antolini
further explains the “fall” he is envisioning, saying that it is experienced by men
who cannot deal with the environment around them. But he tells Holden that if he
applies himself in school, he will learn that many men and women have been
similarly disturbed and troubled by the human condition, and he will also learn a
great deal about his own mind. Holden seems interested in what Mr. Antolini has
to say, but he is exhausted. Finally, he is unable to suppress a yawn. Mr. Antolini
chuckles, makes up the couch, and, after some small talk about girls, lets Holden
go to sleep. Suddenly, Holden wakes up; he feels Mr. Antolini’s hand stroking his
head. Mr. Antolini claims it was nothing, but Holden believes Mr. Antolini is
making a homosexual advance and hurries out of the apartment.

y. Chapter 25
After leaving Mr. Antolini’s, Holden goes to Grand Central Station and spends the
night sleeping on a bench in the waiting room. The next day, he walks up and
down Fifth Avenue, watching the children and feeling more and more nervous and
overwhelmed. Every time he crosses a street, he feels like he will disappear, so
each time he reaches a curb, he calls to Allie, pleading with his dead brother to let
him make it to the other side. He decides to leave New York, hitchhike west, and
never go home or to school again. He imagines living as a hermit, never talking to
anybody, and marrying a deaf-mute girl. He goes to Phoebe’s school and writes
her a note telling her to meet him at the Museum of Art so he can return the
money she lent him. As he wanders around his old school, he becomes even more
depressed when he finds the words “fuck you” scrawled on the walls. While
waiting at the museum, Holden shows two young kids where the mummies are.
He leads them down the hallway to the tomb exhibit, but they get scared and run
off, leaving Holden alone in the dark, cramped passage. Holden likes it at first, but
then sees another “fuck you” written on the wall. Disgusted, he speculates that
when he dies, somebody will probably write the words “fuck you” on his
tombstone. He leaves the exhibit to wait for Phoebe. On the way to the bathroom,
he passes out, but he downplays the incident. Phoebe arrives at the museum with a
suitcase and begs Holden to take her with him. He feels dizzy and worries that he
will pass out again. He tells her that she cannot possibly go with him and feels
even closer to fainting. She gets angry, refuses to look at him, and gruffly returns
his hunting hat. Holden tells her he won’t go away and asks her to go back to
school. She angrily refuses, and he offers to take her to the zoo. They walk to the
zoo, Holden on one side of the street, Phoebe following angrily on the other. After
looking at some animals, they walk to the park, now on the same side of the street,
although still not quite together. They come to the carousel, and Holden convinces
Phoebe to ride it. He sits on a park bench, watching her go around and around.
They have reconciled, he is wearing his red hunting hat, and suddenly he feels so
happy he thinks he might cry.

z. Chapter 26
It is the finishing of the story. He could tell about what he does after he goes
home, how he gets sick, and what school he supposes to go. A lot of people keep
asking him if he is going to apply himself when he back school next September
and he thinks it is stupid question. He doesn’t know the answer yet because he
doesn’t do that yet. D.B. is not bad as them, but he keeps asking him a lot of
question too. He drives over last Saturday with English babe in this new picture
he’s writing. She is good-looking. D.B. asks him about all this stuff, but he
couldn’t think anything.

III. Unfamiliar Word and the Meaning

Part of
Vocabulary Meaning
Fence noun Wall made of wood or wire.
Splendid adjective Very Impressive and beautiful.
Suicide noun Action likely to ruin your career, position in
society, etc.
Faggy noun Something that is boring or tiring to do.
Ostracized verb Exclude somebody from a social group refuse to
meet or to talk to somebody.
Grippe noun An actual febrile contagious virus diseases
especially influenza.
Parlor noun A store business that sells a specified kind of food
or service.
Cosy adjective Warm and comfortable
Peculiar adjective Strange or unusual, especially in a way that is
unpleasant or worrying.
Rag noun Place of old torn cloth.
Shaving verb Cut hair off the face, etc with razor.
Slob noun Dirty, untidy, lazy person
Razor noun Instrument used for shaving.
Rusty adjective Showing lack of recent practice.
Creek noun Narrow stretch of river cutting into a coast or river
Nelson noun A wresting hold marked by the application of
leverage against an opponent’s arm, neck, and
Wrestling verb Struggle to deal with a problem.
Unscrupulous adjective Not honest
Linoleum noun Type of strong material with a hard shiny surface,
used for covering floors.
Griping verb Hold something tightly.
Morgue noun Building in which dead bodies are kept before a
Lonesome adjective Lonely
Stink verb Seem very bad or dishonest
Witty adjective Funny and clever
Monastery noun Building in which monks live.
Fascinating adjective Very interesting or appealing
Swell verb Become greater in size, thickness, quantity, etc.
Aisle noun A passage between sections of seats in a church,
theater, airplane, etc.
Snobbish adjective Having or showing the attitude of people who think
they are better than other people: of or relating to
people who are snobs.
Snotty adjective Rude and annoying.
Buzz noun The low, continuous sound made by a flying insect.
Phony adjective Not true, real, or genuine: intended to make
someone think something that is not true.
Trim verb To cut (something) off something: to remove
something by cutting.
Shack noun A small house or building that is not put together
Lagoon noun An area of sea water that is separated from the
ocean by a reef or sandbar.
Acquaintances noun Someone who is known but who is not a close
Incognito Adv/adjective With your true identity kept secret (as by using a
different name or a disguise)
Screwball noun A crazy person: a person who is not able to think
on clear or sensible way.
Crumby adjective Not pleasant
Baldness noun Having no hair.
Squirt verb To suddenly force (a liquid) out through a small
opening of a liquid.
Whore noun A woman who engages in sexual acts for money.
Burlesque noun A play, story, novel, etc., that makes a serious
subject seem funny or ridiculous.
Tigress noun A female tiger.
Fouled adjective Very unpleasant to taste or smell.
Putrid adjective Decayed with usually a very bad or disgusting
Hem verb To utter the sound represented by hem.
Haw verb To utter the sound represented by haw.
Rum noun An alcoholic drink that is made from sugar.
Suave adjective Behaving in a relaxed, confident, and pleasant way
in social situations.
Snubbing verb To ignore (someone) in a deliberate and insulting
Porch noun A structure attached to the entrance of building that
has a roof and that may or may not have walls.
Tomb noun A building or chamber above or below the ground
in which a dead body is kept.
Church noun A building that is used for Christian religious
Chisel noun A metal tool with a flat, sharp end that is used to
cut and shape a solid material (such as stone, wood,
or metal)
Banister noun A structure like a fence with a bar on top that is
built along the side of set of stairs.
Mobbed verb To move close to (someone) in an excited way or
to come together in a place with many other
Flesh noun The soft parts of the body of an animal or person.
Precision noun The quality of being precise: exactness or accuracy.
Crucifixes noun A model of a cross with a figure of Jesus Christ
crucified on it.
Phonies noun A person that is not honest or sincere: saying things
that are meant to deceive people.
Adhesive adjective Designed to stick to something.
Cliff noun A high, steep surface of rock, earth, or ice.
Belching verb To let out air from the stomach through the mouth
very loudly.
Snappy adjective Exciting or lively.
Barge verb To move or push in a fast, awkward, and often rude
Pulse noun The edible seeds of various crops (as peas, beans,
or lentils) of the legume family; also a plant
yielding pulse.
Feverish adjective Having a fever: suffering from a higher than
normal body temperature caused by illness.
Fanned verb To move air on or toward (someone or something)
with a fan.
Psychoanalyst noun Person who explain and treating mental and
emotional problem by having the patient talk about
dreams, feelings, memories, etc.

IV. Important or Inspiring Quotes

- Life is a game that one plays according to the rule. (Chap.1)
- The best thing, though, in that museum was that everything always stayed right
where it was. (Chap.16)
- Just because somebody’s dead, you don’t just stop liking them… (Chap.22)
- I have a feeling that you’re riding for some kind of terrible, terrible fall. (Chap.24)
- Don’t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.

V. Review
This novel is good. The story is about Holden who wants to try finds
something that he likes. I like the kind of the story. It is not about romance and it is
not usual for me since I often read romance. It is the second calssical novel that I read.
I already read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen before, so this novel is not really
difficult for me. And besides, the words that are used are trendy. But, there are some
words that I cannot find the meaning in the dictionary and also there are some word
that I think it is using crude language. Then, I also like the storyline, about how
Holden does not want to make his parents dissapointed because of his flunking. And
how he loves his sister Phoebe and all. But, I think this novel is to vulgar for high
school student to read.
For writer, as I say before in this novel there are some crude words. So, it is
better for writer to use casual or more polite word, because the readers of this novel
are not only American but also other countries. May be in American countries those
words are common, but in some countries like Asian countries or African countries or
European countries do not use it in common. So, it is better that choose diction that is
not too crude. Then, please give the rating for the reader, because it is vulgar.

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