Heroic Wine Logo Heroicwines
Heroic Wine Logo Heroicwines
Heroic Wine Logo Heroicwines
Heroic Wine Logo
Heroic Wines aims to be the Fair trade of Wines. The wines that fall under the category of
Heroic Wines are something more than a product. They are indeed quite the opposite. They
are produced in ways that not only are environmentally and socially sustainable but they act
has caretakers of the land, the biodiversity heritage and the region and the communities
involved in its production.
Heroic Wines is
a) a labelling , to allow for the consumer to easily differentiate from the wine bottles on
b) at a later stage, a wine club
The HW Logo
We are looking for a logo that is simple and clean. We have a preference for round logos. On top
of being used on a website, as a signature and maybe stationary, it is very important that the
logo can (eventually) be also convertible into a stamp to be used on wine bottles.
These are some logos, that we like.
While this is the basic inspiration, we are looking for something a bit different, as we feel this
image is already quite used, specially in the northern european markets, where w will be starting
our business.
Feelings to convey
Buy an experience not a product
Put your Money where your Mouth Is
Be the change you want to see in the world
Colours and fonts
While most of the examples of logos we like are black and white , we would be open to the use of
other colours. As said before it is important that the logo can be convertible to a stamp that
should be well visible once used on a wine bottle.
Who is your target market?
wellness population maybe?