Improve Dual Axis Solar Tracker Algorithm Based On Sunrise and Sunset Position

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Improve dual axis solar tracker algorithm based on sunrise and sunset

Article · January 2015


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4 authors, including:

Syafii Ghazali Majeed Hadi

Universitas Andalas University of Fallujah


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Syafii1,*, J. Electrical Systems 11-4 (2015): 397-406
Refdinal JES
Nazir1, Regular paper Journal of
Kamshory2, Electrical
Muhammad Improve Dual Axis Solar Tracker Systems
Hadi1 Algorithm based on Sunrise and Sunset

This paper presents sensorless dual axis solar trackers based on sun position using sunrise and
sunset database. The database created from exact calculation of solar azimuth and elevation
based on Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT)system with parameters input: local date, time,
geographic location, altitude and timezone. By using linear interpolation the sun position in
direction of α and β angles for other time can be obtained during a day. The solar panel move
based on sun position in direction of α and β angles. The prototype solar tracker consists of
digital electronics circuit and mechanical construction has been functioning as expected,
especially for small-sized of solar panel. The measurement of the electrical power output of solar
power between a flat position compared to the upright position of sunlight has resulted in a
greater power. For seven hours energy captured by flat posistion was 166.4 Watthour. However
by used solar tracker increased to 225.05 Watthour. Thus the solar tracker algorithm has
increased output power of Solar Power Generation and it’s efficiency 26 %. This technique
independent from weather conditions, although cloudy, panel position remains consistent with
the maximum illumination when the weather is sunny back later. By this way, the solar panel
always absorbs maximum sunlight as well as generate maximum electricity.

Keywords: Dual axis solar tracker; Solar panel; Sunrise and sunset database; Linear interpolation.
Article history: Received 18 August 2015, Received in revised form 14 October 2015, Accepted 12 November 2015

1. Introduction

The solar radiation varies according to the orbital variations. The total solar radiation
output from the sun in all frequencies at a distance R from the sun centre [1] is equal to
4πR2 Q(R). If the radiation flux per unit area at a distance R represented by Q(R) and the
earth approximately 150x106 km away from the sun. Hence, the total solar output is about
3.8 x 1026 W. Since, the surface area of the earth is 4πr2; the amount of solar radiation per
unit area on a spherical planet becomes as 340 W/m2 [1]. Therefore the solar energy has a
large potential for future renewable energy sources.
Solar energy is one of the new and renewable energy being actively developed in
Indonesia as a tropical country. Indonesia solar energy potential is huge around an average
of 4.8 kWh / m2 / day, equivalent to 112,000 GWp, but which has been used only about 10
MWp [2]. In conventional applications of solar panels has many shortcomings, especially
on the relatively low output efficiency. There are several factors that affect the electric
power generated by solar panels, such as material type solar cells, the level of light intensity
and temperature of the working of solar panels.
The performance of solar panels is dependent upon sunlight it receives. In general, the
sun will rise from the east toward the west in seconds, minutes and hours. As well as the
sun will slight change in position from south to ward the north in monthly. Generally, solar
panels installed permanently (fixed) on the stand. For subtropical countries generally
Corresponding author: Syafii, Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Andalas University,
Padang, Indonesia, E-mail: [email protected]
Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia
Software Engineer, Neo Unite Developer CV, Kuranji, Padang, Indonesia

Copyright © JES 2015 on-line : journal/

Syafii et al: Improve Dual Axis Solar Tracker Algorithm based on Sunrise and Sunset Position

exposes the panels towards the south or to the north [3]. Meanwhile, a tropical country
installation is done tends to be flat. Installation techniques like this will cause the light of
the morning sun and afternoon are not in the right position against the direction of the sun.
As a result, the amount of electrical energy that can be raised to a little more than it should
[4]. Tracking the sun during the day in order to maximize the amount of collected energy. It
is possible to gain a significant amount of energy when mounting PV systems on trackers.
This gain depends on location, but will generally be 20-35% for a two-axis tracking system

2. Notation

The notation used throughout the paper is stated below.

TD Terrestrial dynamical
UT Universal time
Transit Transit time in hour
TZ Time zone in hour
L Longitude (degree)
EqT Time equation
Jd Julian day
βt β angle for t
Tt Long time t
βsr Sunrise time β angle.
T0 Transit long time (angle 0°)
Tsr Sunrise long time
αt α angle for t.
αsr Sunrise time α angle.
αss Sunset time α angle.
Tss sunset time long

3. Solar Tracker based on sun’s position

3.1 Solar Tracker

One of the factor that can improve the efficiency of the photovoltaic system [6] is
availability of solar tracking mechanism in the system. There are typically two types of
solat tracker designs available i.e. one and dual axis solar tracker [7]. The one axis solar
tracker consist of a horizontal-axis tracker which always oriented along East-West or
North-South direction; tilted-axis tracker which is tilted from the horizon by an angle
oriented along North-South direction; and vertical-axis tracker also known as an azimuth
sun tracker. The dual axis solar tracker consist of azimuth-elevation and tilt-roll sun
tracking systems, follow the sun in the horizontal and vertical plane.
A solar tracker is a device that orients a solar panel toward the sun. The solar tracker
techniques can be used a sun tracking algorithm or light tracing sensors. The sun tracking
algorithm independent from weather conditions, although cloudy, panel position remains
consistent with the maximum illumination when the weather is sunny back later. This paper

J. Electrical Systems (2015): 397-406

focused on sensorless dual axis solar trackers based on sun position using sunrise and

3.2 Sun’s Position Algorithm

A sun’s position algorithm used to determines the position of the sun at any given time
for a specific location. The position of the sun relative to the earth is affected by the
revolution and rotation of the earth. Therefore, the sun position depends on the time, date
and geographic location: longitude (0 to 180°) and latitude (0 to ±90°). The calculation of
the sun's position by using the equation of time on the Universal Time Coordinated system
or UTC also need altitude and timezone.
The orbital positions of the Sun are calculated using Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TD)
because it is a uniform time scale. However, world time zones and daily life are based on
Universal Time (UT) [8]. In order to convert eclipse predictions from TD to UT, the
difference between these two time scales must be known. The parameter delta-T (∆T) is the
arithmetic difference, in seconds, between the two as:
∆T = TD – UT (1)
The sunrise occurs when the upper limb of the Sun disc is visible at the horizon, towards
east, at a location whose elevation is reduced to the sea level, while the sunset occurs in the
same circumstances, but in the opposite direction, towards the western horizon [9]. Here is
the exact calculation of solar azimuth and elevation as well as sunrise and sunset position
1. Input these parameters:
1. Local date, time
2. Timezone
3. Location (Latitude and Longitude)
4. Altitude
2. Conversion of UTC time into TDT
3. Calculate the angle of declination :
D = arc sin(sin(22.439 - 0.00000036. (Jd - 2451545)) . sin(L)) (2)
4. Calculate sun transit
Transit = 12 + TZ – (L/15) - EqT (3)
The time equation can be used:
EqT = q/15 – RA (4)
RA = arc tan(cos(22.439 - 0.00000036. (Jd - 2451545)). sin(L) / cos(L)) / 15 (5)
5. Conversion transit time from UTC into TDT
6. Using the declination angle of the sun and the transit time, the sunrise and sunset
times can be obtained.

4. Methodology

Tracking of solar systems can be made in a number of different ways. The two-axis
trackers have used in this research to ensure that the solar panel absorbs maximum sunlight
to generate maximum electricity. Position of solar panel move based on sunrise and sunset
databased created from sun position website of our previous work [10,11]. The overall
procedure of dual axis solar tracker based on sunrise and sunset database shown in
flowchart Figure 1. The read geographic location, altitude, timezone process, and create

Syafii et al: Improve Dual Axis Solar Tracker Algorithm based on Sunrise and Sunset Position

database of sunrise and sunset only did one time as inisialisation during first time tracker


Read geographic location, altitude

and timezone

Create database of sunrise α, β Angles and

sunset α, β Angles

Download and save database in

Arduino Micro SD

Read current date,

and time using RTC

Trace from the database current sun’s

posisition, sunrise, sunset based on current
date and time

Calculate current α, β angles using Linear

Interpolation eq.(4) and (5)

Set servo #1 and servo #2 based on current α,

β angles

Set delay(15*60*1000) to activate solar

tracker for next 15 minute.

Counter on

Finish counting


Figure 1 Dual Axis Solar Tracker Algorithm

J. Electrical Systems (2015): 397-406

The dual axis solar tracker is based on the calculation of the sun's position given by two
important angles as shown in figure 2. They are the α angle from zenith to north or south
direction and β angle from zenith to west or east direction.The other α angle and β angle
can be calculated using interpolation equation (6) and (7).

Tt − Tsr (6)
α t = α sr + ( α ss − α sr )
Tss − Tsr
Tt − Tsr (7)
β t = β sr − β sr
T0 − Tsr

β North

(+) (-)
West East
Solar Tracker


Figure 2 The solar tracker α, β angel

Based on these pair values per day sunrise and sunset using interpolation the sun position
in α angle and β angle for other time can be obtained for one day. Then two servo motor set
the solar panel position to spherical coordinat (α, β) as shown in figure 2.

5. Results and Discussion

5.1 Result of α and β angle for one day

The Andalas University geographic location with latitude -0.9145° and longitude 100.4595°
are chosed in this research. The altitude 280 m and 7 timezone are used to create sun
posistion database. These parameters entered to the sun position simulator [11] that can be
accessed at The result for transit time is shown as
figure 3. This value used to calculate sunrise and sanset after added or subtracted with day
length. The sunrise and suset time have varied followed the transit time curve. The α and β
angle are measured base on vertical position of solar panel as 0°. The sunrise and sunset
database for α and β angle created as shown in figure 4 and firgure 5 repectively.

Syafii et al: Improve Dual Axis Solar Tracker Algorithm based on Sunrise and Sunset Position

Figure 3 Transit time for one year

Figure 4 Sunrise database for one year

Figure 5 Sunset database for one year

The α and β angle for sunrise and sunset database created are shown in figure 6 and firgure
7 repectively.

Figure 6. α Angle of Solar Tracker for sunrise and sunset

J. Electrical Systems (2015): 397-406

Figure 7 β Angle of Solar Tracker for sunrise and sunset

The α angle of sunrise near the same as α angle when sunset for daily movement.
However the β angle of sunrise more different with β angle when sunset around 180° as
shown in figure 7. Therefore the solar panel move around 180° in the west-east direction
for daily track.

5.2. Solar Tracker Prototype

The electronic circuit of solar tracker consist of Real Time Clock (RTC), Micro SD and
Arduino Mega 2560 as shown in figure 8. The circuit will read real time date and time
using RTC and compared them to date and time of sun position database to determine
latitude and longitude angle. Then these angles used as arduino input to set servo motor
directed solar panel always follow the sun position or perpendicular to the sun in order to
produce maximum energy conversion.

RTC Board
DC Power
Set servo#1
β angle

Arduino Mega

Set servo#2
α angle

Solar Tracker

Figure 8 The electronic circuit of solar tracker

Syafii et al: Improve Dual Axis Solar Tracker Algorithm based on Sunrise and Sunset Position

The solar tracker algorithm which download to arduino mega is state below:

1. Read current date and time from RTC

RTCval = RTChour*60+RTCminute;
2. to read database of sun position.
3. Compare RTC date and time with database date and time to get
sunrise, sunset time and its latitute and longitute.
4. Calculate current latitute and longitude using Linear
Interpolation eq.(4) and (5).
5. Set servo #1 based on current latitude.
6. Set servo #2 based on current longitude.
7. SD.close(file) to close database.
8. Set delay(15*60*1000) to activate solar tracker for next 15

The mechanism of electro-mechanical displacement consists of two servo motors, one for
altitude and the other for longitude displacements. The functionality of solar tracker
mechanism have tested using small solar panel 4 Wp which mechanical costruction as
shown in figure 8. The solar tracker have moved based on sun position derived from sunrise
and sunset database created from sun position website of our previous work [10,11].

5.3. Test on the 180 Wp Solar Panel

Then function of solar tracker mechanism tested using real 185 Wp solar panel. The
mechanical construction of solar panel can move in two direction which east and west
direction 180° for daily movement and ± 25° for north and south direction for six monthly
movement. The solar panel was used Sharp NU 185 A1H which maximum pawer in STC
185 Watt, 30.2 Volt. The system test on Thuesday 14 May 2015 with databased:
The meaning of these values are: sunrise time 6:12, with α angle 19.59° and β angle -
90.59° (in east direction) and sunset time 18:18, with α angle 19.71 and β angle 90.59. The
other α angle and β angle can be calculated using interpolation equation (4) and (5). The
results summerized as table 1 below:

Table 1: α and β angle for one day

Time Hour*60+minute β angle α angle
6:12 372 -90.59 19.59
8:00 480 -62.48 19.61
9:00 540 -46.86 19.62
10:00 600 -31.24 19.63
11:00 660 -15.62 19.64
12:00 720 0 19.65
13:00 780 14.46 19.66
14:00 840 28.91 19.67
15:00 900 43.37 19.68
16:00 960 57.82 19.69
17:00 1020 72.28 19.70
18.16 1096 90.59 19.71

The prototype solar tracker which consists of digital electronics circuit and mechanical
tracker construction has been functioning as expected, especially for small-sized of solar

J. Electrical Systems (2015): 397-406

panel. As for the solar panel with large size need motor with high power from DC motor
The electrical power generated by solar panel have measured for two condition of solar
panels positions mounted flat and by moving perpendicular of solar lighting. The
measurement of the electrical power output of solar power between a flat position
compared to the upright position of sunlight has resulted in a greater power. For seven
hours energy captured by flat posistion is 166.4 Watthour. However by used solar tracker
225.05 Watthour. Thus the method of solar tracker without sensor has increased output
power of Solar Power Generation (PLTS) and it’s efficiency 26 %. For the cloudy wheather
the effect of solar tracker not so significant, cause of sun light near the same for any other
direction. However by using sensorless solar tracker based on sun position have maximized
the amount of collected solar energy.

5. Conclusion

An accurate solar tracker based on sun position have been developed. Position of solar
panel move based on sunrise and sunset database created from sun position website of our
previous work. The prototype solar tracker which consists of digital electronics circuit and
mechanical construction has been functioning as expected, especially for small-sized of
solar panel. The measurement of the electrical power output of solar power between a flat
position compared to the upright position of sunlight has resulted in a greater power. For
seven hours energy captured by flat posistion is 166.4 Watthour. However by used solar
tracker increased to 225.05 Watthour. Thus the method of solar tracker without sensor has
increased output power of Solar Power Generation and it’s efficiency 26 %. For the cloudy
wheather the effect of solar tracker not to significant, cause of sun light near the same for
any other direction. However by using sensorless solar tracker based on sun position have
increased the amount of solar energy collected.


The author gratefully acknowledge the assistance rendered by Directorate General of

Higher Education Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education for the
financial support under Hibah Bersaing research grant 2015 (Contract No.


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