Self Reflection - Hoang Linh Giang - s3742792

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Guide for BUSM4567 Field Trip

Objectives of the Field Study

 To have first hand experience as a visitor of Vietnamese’s tourist attraction

 To become familiar with the various aspects of the travel and leisure products and services in Vietnam.
 To examine the range of services and leisure facilities provided by the public and private sectors
 To identify and evaluate two sustainability management issues of the attraction
 To recommend solutions to mitigate negative impacts of the visitor attraction

Such an amazing night! It was quite late to post but I would never forget the moment standing on stage,
giving a speech to my beloved university, my dearest lecturers, my awesome friends and my wonderful
family about the achievement I got.


Work in group of 4-5 students to take field trip notes and answer the following questions

Part I: Introduction

 An overview of the place such as history and location of the place

 The organiser(s) looking after the place

 The role of the government/VNAT in preserving and promoting the place to both locals and tourists alike
and its impacts on the tourism and leisure development

 Any voluntary organisations that are playing their part to help promote the area, apart from the government?

Part II: The Place

 The transport services to the place

 The attractions, facilities and services available at the place

 Why do people choose to visit the place?

 Where do they come from?

 How do they come to the place

 With whom they come with

Perception of the place before the visit

Describe the images you have of Duong Nam Village before the visit
Observation and Experience during the Visit

1. Economic Aspect
- Tourism related businesses
- The range of products sold
- Type of import products sold
- Prices of good/product compare to other places in Vietnam/Hanoi.
- Type of investors in Duong Nam – local vs. foreigner
What are the key business activities in Duong Nam?
Are there many import goods in Duong Nam?

2. Environment Aspect

- Visual ambience: both natural and man-made

- Water/air/noise
- Vegetation and landscaping
- Road traffic
- Solid waste disposal/management

What is so attractive about Duong Nam in term of the environment aspects?

What are the challenges facing Duong Nam in term of the environmental aspects?

3. Socio-Cultural
- People living in the village (age, gender, religious belief)
- Living condition
- Community cohesion

What is so attractive about Duong Nam in term of the socio-cultural aspects?

What are the challenges facing Duong Nam in term of the socio-cultural aspects?

The role of the tour guide and information provided

Part III: Conclusion and Recommendation

 Comment on the “good” and “bad” aspects of the place
 Recommendations that you would like to make to enhance the place

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