This document provides definitions for various terms related to different fields including:
- Terms related to sound like acoustic, audiometer.
- Terms related to heights like acrophobia.
- Terms related to human body parts like anatomist, buccal.
- Terms related to sciences like cytology, etiology, jurisprudence.
- Terms related to behaviors like ergophile, aesthete, continent.
This document provides definitions for various terms related to different fields including:
- Terms related to sound like acoustic, audiometer.
- Terms related to heights like acrophobia.
- Terms related to human body parts like anatomist, buccal.
- Terms related to sciences like cytology, etiology, jurisprudence.
- Terms related to behaviors like ergophile, aesthete, continent.
This document provides definitions for various terms related to different fields including:
- Terms related to sound like acoustic, audiometer.
- Terms related to heights like acrophobia.
- Terms related to human body parts like anatomist, buccal.
- Terms related to sciences like cytology, etiology, jurisprudence.
- Terms related to behaviors like ergophile, aesthete, continent.
This document provides definitions for various terms related to different fields including:
- Terms related to sound like acoustic, audiometer.
- Terms related to heights like acrophobia.
- Terms related to human body parts like anatomist, buccal.
- Terms related to sciences like cytology, etiology, jurisprudence.
- Terms related to behaviors like ergophile, aesthete, continent.
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Cause to move faster Acceterate
Needle shaped accerose
Related to sound Acoustic A person who loves to work. Ergophile Fear of heights Acrophobia For the purpose Adhoc Love for wine Oenophile Excessive devotion adulation Living in air Aerial A lover of beauty Aesthetic To make something worse Aggravate One who thinks that everything is known through God only Agnostic Having reference to something Allusive Mountain climbing Alpinism One who learn a subject as a subject Amateur Strong and powerful women Amoyan Comparing modern person with the ancient one Anachronism Relationship Analogy One who describes the part of human body Anatomist Instruments used to measure velocity of wind Anemometer Enemy Antagonist A point as above that nearest to earth Apirigee Apothegm Instrument used to measure intensity of sound Audiometer To pronounce clearly Articulate Southern lights Aurora australis A short narrative poem Ballad A type of man’s overcoat Balmacaan
A group of girls/ a folk of quails Bevy
Animal and plant life of a region Biota An apparatus which records the fight data of a plane Black box Kidnapping for selling into slavery Black binding Of the cheek of the side of the mouth Buccal Emblem of medical profession Caduceus An instrument used for measurement of quantity of heat Calorimeter fix firmly by repetition in mind Incercate To confine or detain at a place Internment One who tells what will happen in future Seer Walking on tight rope Funambulism To be in an unpleasant situation for a long time Languish Describes habits, merits and demerits of a man by his skull Carniology Dead and putrefying flesh Carrion Deer-like cervine Vexation from humiliation Chagrin Candle maker Candlier Distribution of light and shade in a picture Chiaroscuro Fortune telling through palm reading Chiromanchy Greek muse of history Clio Grow into one Coalesce Of the same age or duration Coeval Surname or nickname Cognomen Complete with building and work Colleiny In a coma/lacking energy Comatose Pleasing in appearance Comely Device for reversing electric current Xomutator Linked together Concatenate Combustible/flammable Conflagrative Restrained in regard to passion Continent Gradual recovery from illness Convalescence Maker of casks of barrels Cooper Correct by punishing Costegate Gradual increase in ffrce Crescendo Branch of physics dealing with very low temperature Crygenies Secret writing Cryptograph Young swan cygnet Dead end Cul-de sec Cell formation Cytogenetics Dealing with cells Cytology Sudden collapse Debacle One who id sued by the plentiff Defendent One who believes in the existence of God Deist An admirer by the people Deletante Become liquid by absorbing moisture from the air Deliquisic Anything which overwhelm like a flood Deluge Remove hair from skin Depilate Remove moisture from anything Desiccate Overflowing with enthusiasm Despondent One who is detained in custody Detenu Logical argumentation Dialectical A gradual decrease in force Diminuendo Situated on bank Dorcel Situated on the abdominal side Ebullient One who studies the science related to the church Ecllicilogist Person with very generosity Eclectic A eco poem Eclogue Expressing sorrow or lamentation. Elegiac Not clerical. Elixir A lament for the dead. Elegy The ommission from a sentence of a work or words that would Ellipsis comple the construction. Divert money fraudulently to one's own use. Inducing vomiting - something that induces vomiting. Emetic Soothing to living tissue. Emollient Formal expression of high praise - eulogy. Encomuim Belief based on experience or observation. Empericism Make inroads on others property. Encroach order someone to do something Enjoin One who studies the science of the variatees of human race. Enthologist An appearance or manifestation. Epiphangi Evenness of mind or temper. Equanimity A point in space where the gravity is constant. Equigravisphere Known only a few - Reconcile. Esoteric Spend a hot or dry period in a prolonged state of torpor or Estivate dormancy. One who studies the science of character. Ethologist Study of causation. The study of the cause of disease. Etiology Speech or writing that praises - High praise - Encomium. Eulogy Soften expression. Euphimism Melodious Music Euphony Science of improving the environment. Euthenics This is a outer most zone of the atmosphere and beings Exasphere at about 40 miles above earth Science dealing with life or possibilities of life existing Exbiology beyond the earth Critical explanation or interpretation Exegesis Fit to be Exemplary Departure - Emigration (Usually of a large number of Exodus people Free from blame - Exculpate. Exonerate Slogan to derive or get out of the dragon. Exercism Those who does not agrre man as a kind Jocubinism Science of law Jurisprudence Charectarised by motion Kinetic Of the lips Labial Expressing much words in less words Laconic Low spirited Laic Arousing sexual desire Lasciuious A medicine used to losen bowels Laxative The side which towards the winds blows Leedwards Clothes seller Lenindraper Clear Lucid Figure with four equal sides Loyenge One who removes the stones from penis Lithotomist Easily bent Lithe Transparent Limpid Characterised by lust Lewd Lightness of character Levity A coastal region Littoral The earth’s magnetic belt Magnetosphere Avoiding duty through pretence of illness Malingering In most of essential parts Marrow Instrument used to determining the pressure of a glass Manometer Type of slooped roof Mansard Releasing from slavery Manumission Street disciplinarian Martinet Sweetly sounding Mellifluous Highest point/ `mid day Meridian Rebirth Metemophycosis A member of the middle class Bourgeois a pardonable offence venial Final realease from birth Deliverance One who lend money at a very high interest Usurer Send someone to his own country Repatriate A track designed for cycling. Velodrome A walk of king for meeting common people Walkabout A thin and homeless child Waif A persin who lives a wandering life A vagabond Someone who thinks himself ill Valetudinarian Study of enzymes Zymology A pole of beam used as temporary support Prop Written law as legislative body Statute a person who greatly respected for his wisdom venerable Use of name of one subject Methonymy Thousand years Millennium Marriage between of those of different races Miscegenation Adeposit of gravel and other materials carried by glaciers Moraine One who tells about morals Moralist Actor Mummer Of every concern of the world /common Mundane Sudden departure of parent type Mutant One makes a record of deaths Necrologies Talking with the dead Necromancy A cemetery Necropolis Kidney specialist Nephrologists One who studies the clouds Nepnologist Mythological figure symbolising sorrow Niobe Omission of some acts which out to have been performed Nonfeasance Favourite medicine Nostrum Methodology of finding the disease Nosology Full of criticism and mockery Satire State of anxiety or dismay causing mental confusion Consternation Military walking signal sounded in morning Reveille Sound of funeral bell Knell A sly look that is lustful Leer Own who deserted his principle Renegade Without risk of punishment Impunity Born of unmarried parents Illegitimate A false written statement to damage one’s repute Libel That which can not be pacified Implacable Existing only in name Titular A speech or writing prasing a person Panegyric A short journey for pleasure Jaunt A long wandering journey Odyssey A medley or great mixture of variety Potpourri One who gets pleasure in others pain Sadistic A traitor who can sell even his friend Judas To compensate a person for loss Lindemnify One who deals in cattle Drover A case in which sword is kept Sheath A speech at the beginning of play Prlogue A lightly constructed open booth generally used as a Kiosk newsstand Rewlationship by birth Consanguinity A person who always dissatisfied Malcontent A collecitioon of flag Bunting
One who calculate premium Actuary
Exoert in any skill or hand Artisan The part of church which is used for private prayer Chapel A person who is slow to learn Dunce Which is known by some person Esoteric One who dies without making a will Intestate An insulting remark Jibe Customs and habits of a group Mores To cause to feel no pain Numb Group of people with same job or purpose Posse A poem of fourteen line Sonnet Onw who loads and uploads ships Stevedore A long hard journey specially on foot Trek One hwo manipulate others with false documents Forgoer Place here and there Intersperse Desire to harm other Malice Fear of dead body Necrophobia Lover of poetry and art Philomuse Temple dedicated to all Gods Pantheon Platform of public speaking Rostrum Liquid waste that flows out from factory Effluents Not to be persuaded Inexorable Walk in slow and slow relaxed ways Saunter Firm fix in the mind by repeating it Inculcate A secret message written in the code Cryptogram A published collectionn of poems Epistle
One Word Substitution : F
One Word Sentence
Fanatic One who passes interest in religion. Fatalism Religion that which believes that god is everything.
Fathom Understand fully - unit of length equal to six feet.
Fealthy Sworn allegance to a lord.
Feduciary Of the relationship between a trustee and his principal.
Fetish Amulet object believed to have magic power.
Filly A young female horse. Fission Cleaving or splitting into parts.
Flotsom The thing which comes out from sea (Cannot stay in water).
Flux Continuous change - instability - fusion.
Footedpad Robber, who goes on foot. Formidable That which is heard to be resisted. Fortissimo Very loud. Funambulist A rope dancer - who walks on thread. Fungi A class of plants which have no chlorophyll. Fusion Uniting by meting together.
One Word Substitution : G
One Word Sentence
Galvanize Startle into sudden activity - to coat with zinc. A glass tube for measuring volume changes in chemical Galvanometer reactions between glasses.
Gambrel Type of roof.
Gender Male goose
Genealogist One who traces the history of the descent of families.
Genealogy Heredity, Hereditary
Geysers There are natural hot water springs.
Gnosticism A type of yoga (Gymnastics).
One Word Substitution : H
One Word Sentence
Escape of blood to the ruptures of blood vessels inside the Haemorrhage body.
Hagiology Relating to kings Hagiographic.
Hedonist One who devotes himself to pleasure.
Hiatus Gap - Missing part - Break in continuity - lacuna.
Hibernate To spend the winter in a dormant state.
Hieroglyphic Pictographic script.
Histrionics Acting - Artificial behaviour or speech done for effect.
Hodge-Podge Heterogeneous mixture - Jumble.
Holocaust A sacrifice totally concerned by fire - Devastation.
Making of true - three dimensional photographs by use of
Holography laser beams.
Homely Not beautiful - unattractive - plain.
Homologous Corresponding having same or similar relation.
Word pronounced the same as, but different in meaning
Homophone spelled the same wayhood.
Horologist One who studies the art of clock making.
Hostage Persons given to another as pledge.
Hullaba loo Clamorous noise or disturbance - Uproar.
Hybrid Anything derived from heterogeneous sources.
Hydraulics Study of water or other liquid in Motion.
Hydrographer One who knows the positions of lands and draws the maps.
Hydrography Description of oceans and lands and the oceans.
Hydrometer Instrument used for measuring the specific gravity of liquids.
Hydrophone Instrument used for recording sound under water.
Culture of plants without soil, with the help of chemical
Hydroponics solutions containing nutrients.
Hydrostatics Relating to water.
Hydrotropic Turning towards or away from moisture.
Hygrometer Instrument used for measuring humidity in air.
Hymn Song in praise of god.
Hyperbola Curve with two distinct and similar branches.
One Word Substitution : I
One Word Sentence
Iconography Teaching by pictures and models. Iconolater Worshipper of idols or images.
Igneous Of or about fire produced under intense heat.
Ill-o·mened Ill fated – Unlucky
Illicit Unlicensed – unlawful
Imago an insect in its sexually mature adult state
Impenetrable impossible to pass through or enter. Inattentive Not giving proper attention. Incarcerate imprison or confine. Incarnadine Blood red - crimson - flesh coloured - pale pink.
Incinerate Burn - Reduce to ashes.
Incognito Travelling under a name other than one's own.
Incompatible Persons who cannot work or live together in harmony. Incriminate Change with a crime or fault. Incumbent Holding of an office - obligatory. Inexplicable That which cannot be explained. Inimitable That which cannot be.
Insolation The sun's energy
Inhalation taking air into lungs - stimulus.
Insurmountable too great to be overcome.
Prohibition prevention from participation in certain sacred
Interdiction acts.
Interjection A word exclamation
Internist Medical student receiving training in a hospital.
Intractable That which cannot be controlled easily.
Invertebrate Without a backbone - without strength of characters.
Ionosphere The layer of the earth's atmosphere which contains a high
concentration of ions and free electrons.
Isobel Is a contour lines of equal rainfall.
A line on a map connecting points having the same amount of
Isohyets rainfall in a given period.
Isthmus A narrow strip of land connecting two larger land masses.