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Aadhar Awaas Loan

(An Initiative Under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana)

Benefits under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana*:

EWS (Economically Weaker LIG (Low Income Group) ‐ MIG I (Middle Income MIG II (Middle Income
Sec on) ‐ Annual Household Annual Household Income Group 1) ‐ Annual Household Group 2) ‐ Annual Household
Income upto Rs. 3,00,000 between Rs. 3,00,001 to Income between Income between
Rs. 6,00,000 Rs. 6,00,001 to Rs. 12,00,000 Rs. 12,00,001 to Rs. 18,00,000

Interest subsidy will be Interest subsidy will be Interest subsidy will be Interest subsidy will be
6.5% upto Rs. 6 lakhs 6.5% upto Rs. 6 lakhs 4% upto Rs. 9 lakhs 3% upto Rs. 12 lakhs
(Loan beyond 6 lakhs will (Loan beyond 6 lakhs will (Loan beyond 9 lakhs will (Loan beyond 12 lakhs
be at non‐subsidised rate) be at non‐subsidised rate) be at non‐subsidised rate) will be at non‐subsidised rate)

Who are Eligible?**

 Beneficiary family will comprise husband, wife and unmarried children.
 The beneficiary family should not own a pucca house either in his/her name or in
the name of any member of his/her family in India.
 House constructed/acquired should be in the name of the female head of the
household.(In case of no adult female member, the house can be in the name of a
male member)
 In case of married couple, either of the spouses or both together in joint
ownership will be eligible for a single house, subject to income eligibility of the
household under the scheme.
What you have to do :
 Just contact your Aadhar representative now.

* The details given under PMAY (Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana) are indicative and not exhaustive, for more information regarding the same visit the official website: http://mhupa.gov.in
** This is a summary of the scheme for easy understanding purpose only for more information regarding the same visit the official website: http://mhupa.gov.in

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