C-05 Shri Abhishek Chandra PDF

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Presentation on

Waste Management

Abhishek Chandra
Municipal Commissioner
Agartala Municipal
 Introduction
 Current Status of MSW & Waste Generation in India
 Policy & Regulatory Framework
 Rural india model: Unakoti
 Urban model: Agartala
 62 million tonnes of MSW generated
annually in urban areas,
 more than 80% is disposed of
indiscriminately at dump yards in an
unhygienic manner.
 This waste has a potential of
 439 MW of power
 1.3 million cubic metre of biogas per
day or 72 MW of electricity from
biogas and
 5.4 million metric tonnes of compost.
 62 million tonnes annual generation
of MSW will need 3, 40,000 cubic
meter of landfill space everyday
(1240 hectare per year) if continued
to be dumped.
MSW Generation: Current Trends
As per CPCB data 2012 municipal authorities have so far only
set up
• 279 compost plants,
• 172 biomethanation plants,
• 29 RDF plants and
• 8 Waste to Energy (W to E) plants in the country

(Many of the above are not even working)

 68% of the MSW generated in the country is
collected of which, 28% is treated by the
municipal authorities. merely 19% of the total
waste generated is currently treated. The
remaining waste is disposed off at dump sites /
landfill sites untreated.

 The enormous quantity of MSW (62 million tonnes

per year), generated if successfully managed will
dramatically reduce the potential of disease
burden and enhance public benefit.

 Only 22 States/UTs have set up processing and

disposal facilities and the rest of the States/UTs
have made no effort till 2013
 India, the world’s second highest populated country of 1.21 billion
(census 2011)
 The annual rate of growth of urban population in India is 3.35%
(Census of India, 2011).
 The proportion of population living in urban areas has increased
from 17.35% in 1951 to 31.2% in 2011(Census, 2011).
 By 2020 Urban Population will be 50%
 High rate of population growth, declining opportunities in the rural
areas and shift from stagnant and low paying agriculture sector to
more paying urban occupations
 India has achieved multifaceted socio-economic progress during
last 64 years of its independence.
 However, in spite of heavy expenditure by Civic bodies,
Management of Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) continues to remain
one of the most neglected areas of urban development in India.
 Piles of garbage and wastes of all kinds littered everywhere have
become common sight in urban life.
 For most of urban local bodies in India, solid waste is a major
concern that has reached alarming proportions requiring
management initiatives on a war-footing.
Level of Urbanizations (1901-2011); Source- Various census

• It is interesting to note that for the first time since independence

absolute increase in population is more in urban areas than in rural
• Out of total increase of 181.4 million people during the last decade i.e.
2001-2011 90.4 million increase is in rural areas while 91.0 million is in
urban areas.
Accelerating Development?
• Many Indian Cities/ States are targeting
new generation development
– IT/ ITES, BioTech
– SEZs, Financial Hubs

• But - not a single designed and well

operated MSW collection/ disposal
facility in the Country
Health Effects of Open Dumping
of Waste

 The health risks associated with illegal dumping are significant for
ragpickers and residents living nearby
 Areas used for illegal dumping may be easily accessible to people,
especially children, who are vulnerable to the physical (protruding nails
or sharp edges) and chemical (harmful fluids or dust) hazards posed by
 Rodents, insects, and other vermin attracted to open dumpsites may
also pose health risks
 Dumpsites with scrap tires provide an ideal breeding ground for
mosquitoes, which can multiply 100 times faster than normal in the
warm stagnant water standing in scrap tire casings
Health Effects….
 Severe illnesses, including encephalitis and dengue fever, have been attributed
to disease-carrying mosquitoes originating from scrap tire piles.
 In addition, countless neighborhoods have evacuated and property damage
has been significant because of dumpsites that caught fire, either by
spontaneous combustion or, more commonly, by arson. Illegal dumping can
impact proper drainage of runoff, making areas more susceptible to flooding
when wastes block ravines, creeks, culverts, and drainage basins.
 In rural areas, open burning at dumpsites containing chemicals may
contaminate wells and surface water used as sources of drinking water
(Source: Illegal Dumping Prevention Guidebook. US EPA. EPA905-97-001
WASTE is Generated Daily by EVERYONE
State of our cities
Waste dumped at agricultural land
Organic Waste - Pondicherry Vegetable Market – no takers!
Waste Generation

What is Done Currently

Un-segregated waste Disposal at community bins Collection and transportation

Disposal without any treatment

 movie
Garbage Out...
• Waste generation of 0.2 to 0.45 kg/
capita/ day
• On an average, urban India generates
– 285,000,000 x 0.3 = 85,500 MT of waste in a
– a mere trifle...
Waste Generation & Disposal
Status in India…

 36 % (8 out of 22) cities generate more than

1000 TPD of waste (Ahmedabad, Delhi,
Greater Mumbai, Jaipur, Kanpur, Lucknow,
Pune and Surat)
 13.6 % (3 out of 22) cities generate waste
between 500-1000 TPD (Indore, Ludhiana and
 50 % (11 out of 22) cities generate less than
500 TPD of waste (Agartala, Asansol,
Chandigarh, Faridabad, Guwahati,
Jamshedpur, Kochi, Kozhikode, Mangalore,
Mysore and Shimla)
 Movie satyamev
 1960 – GOI through Min. of Food and
Agriculture provides loans for composting

 1960 – Min. of Health and Family Welfare

initiated National Mission on Environmental
Health and Sanitation

 1960 – Min of Urban Development through

CPHEEO prepared a draft policy paper
detailing funding issues and requirements for
Evolution contd…
 1990 – A large number of PILs relating to MSWM

 Late 1990s – increase in private role in composting

and waste treatment

 1999- Asim Burman Committee submitted report

covering wide-ranging recommendations on
institutional, financial, health and legal aspects. A
key recommendation was to enable Private Sector
Participation (PSP)

 Rationale for PSP was potential funding, cost savings,

improvement in efficiency and effectiveness in
service delivery besides access to new technologies
Municipal Solid Waste (Management and
Handling) Rules 2000
 Mandatory
for ULBs to improve their waste
management systems envisaged in the rules

 However,service levels in the sector continue to be

below par

 Severalreforms and guidelines, development of

Model Municipal Bye-laws and making available
financial assistance under various packages/
schemes including 13th Finance Commission grants
has not improved the situation
Urban Agglomerations/Towns by Class/Category : Census of
India 2001

As per 2011 census, number of towns 7935, with 468 Class I

cities of which 53 are 1,000,000 plus cities No.of
Class Population Size UAs/To

Class I 1,00,000 and above
Class II 50,000 - 99,999
Class III 20,000 - 49,999
Class IV 10,000 - 19,999
Class V 5,000 - 9,999
Class VI Less than 5,000
All classes
Composition of
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Composition of MSW in India & Regional Variation




Composition of MSW



Compostable (%)


Recyclables (%)



Inerts (%)


Metro Other Cities East India North India South India West India


 Source: Earth Engineering Centre, 2012

Devolution of 12th Finance
Commission Grants for SWM
Sl. No. Particular Amount (` in Crore)

1. Collection & Transportation equipment & Machinery 386.44

2. Compost Plants 1001.23

3. Sanitary Landfill Development 1056.88

Total 2444.55

Class IV+
204 Per Capita Investment Cost and Per Capita
113 Operations and Maintenance Cost for Municipal
Solid Waste Management in India.
Class III

City Size Class

Class II
Per Capita Investment Cost (Rs. At 2009-10 prices)
Class 1C
135 Per Capita Operation and Maintenance Cost (per
Class 1B

Class 1A
Source: MoUD, (2011)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Per Capita
Backlogs of Service Level
Benchmarks 120

Sl.No Performance Indicator Service Level Current Average 100 100 100 100 100100 100 100
. Benchmark (in Performance ( in 100 94 93 93
percent) percent) 88

Service Backlogs (Percent)

80 75

1. Complaint Redressal 80 89.1
2. Collection Efficiency 100 75.3 41 41
3. Household Coverage 100 47.7

4. MSW Recovery 100 31.7 20 13

5. User Charges Collection 90 31.4

Efficiency 0
Class 1 A Class 1 B Class 1C Class II Class III Class IV+
City Size Class
6. MSW Segregation 100 19.5

7. Scientific Disposal 100 8.0

Collection and Transportation Processing Scientific Disposal
8. Cost Recovery 100 17.3
 Source: Karthykeyan, Aziz, Chatri, and Shah (2012)
Source: MoUD, (2011)
Policy & Regulatory Framework
 74th Constitutional Amendment
 MSW (Management and Handling) Rules 2000
 Status of Implementation of MSW Rules
 National Environment Policy, 2006
 The Plastic Waste (Management and
Handling) Rules 2011
 National Urban Policy, 2011
 Frame of MSW Rules, 2013
 Recommendations – Action Plan for
 Recommendations at Central, state and
municipal levels
 Recommendations: MSMW

 Develop and implement viable models of public-private

partnerships for setting up and operating secure landfills,
incinerators, and other appropriate techniques for the
treatment and disposal of toxic and hazardous waste, both
industrial and biomedical, on payment by users, taking the
concerns of local communities into account

 2. Strengthen the capacities of local bodies for segregation,

recycling, and reuse of municipal solid wastes- recognizing
inter-alia the positive impacts it may have on the welfare of
safai-karamcharis, and setting up and operating sanitary
landfills, in particular through competitive outsourcing of
solid waste management services.

 3. Give legal recognition to, and strengthen the informal

sector systems of collection and recycling of various
materials. In particular enhance their access to institutional
finance and relevant technologies.
Central Government
 Establish an Authority or Mission on Solid Waste,
 Set up Special technical cell under the Authority that
guide states on appropriate technologies of processing
and disposal of waste in consultation with CPCB
 Allocate funds to states/ ULBs for improving MSW
systems and setting up waste treatment and disposal
 Support programmes of training and capacity building
 Central and State Governments may consider giving
Tax holidays /incentives to waste processing and
recycling industries for at least 10 years.
 Central and State Governments may promote use of
compost or energy from waste
B. State Government

All the states should have a solid waste management authority with
experts on various aspects of MSW, including contracting and financial
management. This authority may be made responsible for the following:-

i. Document the status of MSWM and, create a mechanism for

continuous update of the status.

ii. Assess the correct situation of MSW in the municipal areas in the state
and identify the gaps that need to be bridged.

iii. Prepare norms for assessing the requirement of tools, equipment,

vehicle, manpower for collection and transportation of waste and for
setting up processing and disposal facilities as per guidance outlined in
this report.
C. Municipal Level

All municipal corporations should have a MSW Management

Department and other municipal authorities should have a MSW
Management Cell and minimum technical and supervisory staff as per
the yard stick prescribed by the State MSW Authority to ensure efficient
MSW service delivery.

ii. Implement the integrated MSW management system recommended

by the Task Force which consists of four streams of waste collection for
all class of cities.

iii. Municipal authority may make serious efforts to educate the waste
generators to minimize the waste and segregate the waste at source. It
should make separate arrangements for collection, transportation of
domestic , trade , institutional and market wastes and ensure that such
waste is directly delivered at the waste processing facility meant for bio
degradable and recyclable waste.
Incentives for MSW Management
Infrastructure Financing
 Tax Exemption of Certain Bonds Issued by Local Authorities. the central
government has accorded a tax-free status to the interest on certain bonds issued by local
authorities each year.

 Tax Holiday for the Project Entity for Solid Waste

Management. The deduction equals 100 percent of such profits for 10 consecutive
assessment years in the first 20 years of the project.

 Tax Exemption for Income of Infrastructure Capital Funds and

Companies. Section 10(23G) of the Income Tax Act provides that any income of an
infrastructure capital fund or an infrastructure capital company that takes in the form of
interest, most types of dividends and long-term capital gains is not included in the calculation
of total income for tax purposes.

 Inclusion as Eligible Investments of Charitable Funds for Urban

Infrastructure: Section 11(5) (ix) of the Income Tax Act provides for inclusion as eligible
investments of charitable funds (a) any deposits with a public company or (b) any investments
in any bonds issued by such a company.

 Availability of Funds by Sale of Carbon Credits: Greenhouse gas

(GHG) emissions are causing climate change.
Existing Financial Support from
Government of India
 Support under erstwhile JnNURM and UIDSSMT
Schemes of MoUD
 13th Finance Commission Grants from Ministry
of Finance
 Grants from MNRE for Supporting W to E
 MNREGA and Nirmal Bharat Scheme Under
 TAC-Tariff Advisory Committee
 Viability Gap Funding from Ministry of Finance
 Support for Purchase of Compost from Ministry
of Agriculture
MSWM – present status
 With economic growth and increase in per capita waste
generation, current level of about 70 million tons of MSW to
reach 370 million tons by 2030 (source: McKinsey Global

 Service levels in MSWM continue to be below par

 Major gaps are in coverage of collection services, scientific

processing and disposal of the waste

 Diversion from landfill has been minimal because of compost

which is highly contaminated with heavy metals processed
from mixed MSW has almost no market.

 Most concessionaires only pay lip service to IEC or in the

involvement of community of informal workers (rag-pickers),
residents and internal stakeholders like sanitary workers and
Approach for Municipal Solid Waste
Management as per MSW Rules
at Source

Collection &


Landfilling of

• No or incomplete segregation / Informal recycling

• Composting

• RDF (at times)

• (Un) Scientific Disposal

Reasons for Weak Implementation

Lack of
Lack of
experience in
private sector

Need for
Institutional capacity
Weakness building of
elected local

Inadequate Lack of
landuse environment
planning and Weak
Implementation awareness and
enforcement weak
Technology Options
 Biomethanation for wet biodegradable wastes
 Conventional microbial- mechanized/ vermi
composting for wet biodegradable wastes
 Preparation of briquette/ pellets/ fluff as
Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) from dry high-
calorific value combustible wastes
 Incineration / Gasification / Pyrolysis for dry
high-calorific value combustible wastes
 Plastic wastes to fuel oil
 Animated movie
 Composting  Biomethanation
 Trivandrum, Vijayawada, Thane, Mumbai  Lucknow, Chennai
(3)  Vijayawada
 Kolkata, Asansol, Durgapur  Small scale plants
 Bangalore (3)
 Delhi (2), Gwalior, Bhopal  Mass burn
 Shimla, Shillong, Puri  Timarpur, New Delhi (???)
 Delhi (2); Ahmadabad  Okhla, New Delhi (2011)
 Air field Stn. (6)
 Rajkot, Kanpur  Refuse Derived Fuel
 Baroda, Mumbai, Jaipur
 Bangalore, Guntur-Vijayawada,
 Vermi-composting
 Hyderabad, Ahmadabad
 Mumbai (400 MT/d)
 Chandigarh
 Suryapet, Ramagundam
 Chalisgaon, Phaltan
 Small scale plants across the country.
Plant in

failure in
RDF Plant at
• The compost plant is running Year Collection Production
successfully since 1998 under PPP. (MT)
2007 - 08 6252 1130
• Waste supply to the compost plant
is 40 tons per day. 2006 - 07 6582 1038

• The intake capacity of the compost

2005 - 06 6309 1399
plant is 100 tons of a day. 2004 – 05 8111 752
The per capita waste generation rate is strongly correlated to the gross domestic
product (GDP) of a country

Source: US EPA, 2006; Monni et al., 2006; IPCC, 2007

 100 % collection coverage
 No open or illegal dumping
 Recycling and composting for more than 50% of MSW
 Waste to Energy more than 10%- no public opposition
 Incentives for renewable energy
 Taxes on disposal
 EPR(Extended Producer Responsibility) schemes in place for many streams
 Informal sector zero or illegal
Waste collection, recovery and disposal, with
municipal companies accounting for a share of
35% in and private companies for a share of 65%.

Segregation at Source

Waste Collection

Recyclable waste deposited at

recycling centers
Waste Treatment
Tanegashima, Japan
Capacity: 22 tons/24hr
Waste type: Municipal waste
Nishimonbetsu, Japan
Capacity: 13 tons/16hr x 2 units
Waste type: Municipal waste
To be delivered in 2012
Ito municipality, Japan
Capacity: 142 tons/24hr (71t/24hr x2)
Waste type: Municipal waste
To be delivered in 2015
Start: 1969
(Re-) Start up: 1989
Revamping boilers: 2012/2014
Site: City of Vienna
Technology: Grate firing
Fuel capacity: 85 MW
Efficiency: Upto 90 %
Steam production: 2 x 50 t / h
(32 bar, 240°C)
Average waste
throughput: Upto 780 t / d
Fuel: Municipal waste

Minimize Recovery at
landfill lowest Cost

Integrated Driving
Waste Sustainability
nt System

waste Improving
processing health and
living standards
Community Issues
 Training and Awareness
 Ownership of the waste
 Responsibility
 Bad odor
 Burning of waste
 littering
 Collection of waste
 Segregation
 Easy to Implement in Rural areas
 Rural movie

Rural model: Unakoti

Hotels/Hospital Market Yards Roads

Waste Collection Bins Primary Collection

Transfer Station Secondary Collection

Waste Treatment Facility Transportation


RDF Comp
for ost for
Sale Sale Sales
Municipal Council pays
for Equipment and
Management Costs
Collection and transport

 House to house collection by rickshaw(1p)

(9no’s) into dustbins

 Garbage autos to empty the dustbins (3p)

(5no’s) into tractor

 Tractorempties the waste in the factory

site(6p) (2no’s)
 Both nagar panchayats consist of 26 wards
and 65 bins have been placed.
 9 rickshaws are used in 2 shifts, 7 days a week.
 Road sweeping waste and special collection
in market area is done.
 5 autos are being used.
 2 tractors are being used.
 2 supervisors have been appointed to make
sure collection is done
Collection and Transport

Door to door garbage collection

and Environmentally compliant
The treatment process consists of the
following stages:
 Stage1: Waste Segregation
 Stage 2: Composting
 Stage 3: Recovery of Dry Recyclables
 Stage 4: Sanitary Landfill
 Stage 5: Biomedical waste management
Finished products
Major cost involved

Urban model: Agartala

Re-cycling Plastic
Compost Processing Machinery
RDF Processing Machinery

From sand, debris and
Construction material.
Created Training and
Awareness Campaign
Training and Awareness campaign created
for :
1. Direct Stakeholders: Workers of the
2. Indirect stakeholders: Residents of Unakoti
Increase the
Usage/Awareness by PRIs
 Involvement of 3P (Private, Public and
People) Sectors
 – Residents
 – Businesses
 – Schools
 – Grassroots organizations
 – Government agencies
 – Panchayat/NGOs/Media
Sanitary Workers at Workshops

Skit on SWM Worker’s Feed Back

Training for Drivers
Impact of Training

Before Training After Training

MSW collection and treatment methods
(key municipal services, high budget allocation, low waste collection
rate and mostly open dumping )
Country Average Average Waste treatment methods (average %)
MSW Expendit
collectio ure from
n rate municipal
(%) budget
Open Sanitar Composti Incineratio
dumping y landfill ng and n
Sri Lanka 42 20 85 10 5 0
Banglades 55 20 88 10 2 0
India 73 25 60 15 10 5
Thailand 85 37 62 35 2 1
Indonesia 60 25 58 40 2 0
PR China 71 20 48 56 12 2
Source: Compiled by the author through the country studies, 2012
Overview of Composting in MSW
Scale Small-scale Medium-scale (5-100 Larger-scale (over
(maximum 5 tonnes/day) 100 tonnes/day)
Countries Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India, China, Thailand
Bangladesh, Thailand, Thailand, Indonesia, Bangladesh (Waste
Indonesia, India Concern)
Waste inputs Most commonly , Mixed or separated Most commonly mixed
separated waste from waste from H/H, markets organic waste from
H/H, institute, street and agro-production municipal waste
sweeping collection stream
Composting methods Vermin, simple Windrow with some Windrow with heavy
windrow, box specialized machines, specialized machines,
composting aerated static pile, in- in-vessel
Labour/mechanical Labour intensive Labour intensive with Highly mechanical
inputs some mechanical inputs concentrated

Investment costs Low Medium/high High

Operation costs Low Medium/high High
Need of skilled workers Not necessarily Required trained Required trained
workers workers
Marketing of Use/ market within Required proper Required proper
composting community marketing strategy marketing strategy
Management model CBO, NGO, Municipality or PPP PPP
Cost/benefits analysis of
selected composting plants
Location Composting Average Compost Expenditure Revenue Net
method volume productio cost
(tons/day n Capital O&M Compos Recycla Other ($/ton)
(tons/day) cost cost t ($/ton) ble ($/ton)
($/ton) ($/ton) ($/ton)

Kaduwela, Sri Lanka Windrow 15 (mixed) 1.5 40 108 95 40 N/A (13)

Balangoda, Sri Lanka Windrow 20 (mixed) 1.5 25 158 80 40 N/A (63)

Matale, Sri Lanka (NGO) Box 2 (separated) 0.3 45 201 120 40 40 (46)

Surabaya, Indonesia Windrow/micro 1 (separated) 0.1 53 61 70 N/A 5 (39)

(NGO) organism
Pobsuk, Thailand (LGU) Rotary drum 1 (separated) 0.5 102 47 170 N/A N/A 21

BASA, Bangladesh Windrow 5 (mixed) 0.1 31 260 100 16 75 (100)

GRAMUS, Bangladesh Windrow 15 (mixed) 0.1 27 123 360 15 N/A 225
Nonthaburi, Thailand In-vessel 20 (mixed) 1.5 46 250 50 N/A N/A (246)
Temsi, Indonesia (NGO) Aerated 60 (mixed) 15 7 35 53 N/A 23 34
Waste Concern, Aerated 100 (market 10 83 63 85 N/A 17 (44)
Bangladesh (private) windrow waste)
Bantar Gebang, Windrow 200 (market 30 52 86 106 N/A 11 (21)
Indonesia (private) waste)
Bangkok, Thailand Rotary drum 1,000 (mixed) 300 26 42 184 N/A 21 137
Nangong, China (private) In-vessel 1,000 (mixed) 65 100 157 120 N/A 15 (122)
Makes perishable and stinky waste safe for
Avoids ground water contamination from
Controls foul-smell, pathogens, flies, rodents,
The processing technology itself is non-pollutant.
Compost is useful for improving soil health & is key
input for organic farming.
RDF can be used as alternate fuel in Boiler, Steam
turbines and furnace.
Ensures substantial relief on landfill burden and
future complications of land fill bioreactor.
What are the solution for India
Short term priorities
 Protect public health
 Improve quality of life

Medium term priorities

 Environmental degradation
 Better land use

Long term priorities

 Sustainability of our planet

Thank you

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