Csec HSB June 2007 p2
Csec HSB June 2007 p2
Csec HSB June 2007 p2
2 hours
01253020/f' 2008
Human Social Biology 2008.qxd 13/10/08 12:12 Page 2
Water + ~ Glucose +
(2 marks)
(ii) One condition necessary for photo synth~sis is the presence of chlorophyll.
(1 mark)
(b) Students in a class are asked to carry out the following experiment to investigate
Attach a strip of foil to the upper and lower surfaces of a leaf of a potted
plant. as shown in Figure I.
After a few days detach th~ leaf ami test it for starch.
(i) List the steps involved in testing the leaf for the presence of starch.
(4 rnarks)
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Results: ___________________________________________________
Explanation: ___________________________________________________
(3 marks)
Total 10 marks
2. (a) 2. (a)
Complete Table 1 below by writing the correct word from the list provided in brackets.
Each word may be used once, more than once or not at all. An example has been done for
(similar, large, small, present, absent)
Cell wall
(3 marks)
(b) Students in a class are discussing plant and animal cells. Rehanna argues that the cell
wall and cell membrane are different. To assist Rehanna, you are asked to describe the
structure and function of both the cell wall and cell membrane.
Cell wall
Structure: _____________________________________________________________
Function: ______________________________________________________________
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Cell membrane
(4 marks)
(c) Complete the following paragraph by V<Titing the correct answer from lhe list provided at
the end of the paragraph.
Some cells in the human body require more energy than others. Most
TotallO marks
(1 mark)
(b) State TWO differences between a reflex action and a voluntary action?
(2 marks)
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(c) Dt:scribc the actions of the nervous system to produce EACH of the following responses.
(i) Kim injuries her leg in a vehicular accident. When the doctor hits her below the
knee w ith his rubber hammer, her knee jerks.
(4 marks)
(ii) Brian claps his hands near your face and you blink.
(3 marks)
Total 10 marks
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4. The lymphatic system act~ as a circulatory system whicll deal~ specifically with infections.
(1 mark)
(2 marks)
(b) Tonsils form part of the lymphatic system. Maya had her healthy tonsils removed.
(i) Suggt:st ONE possible effect that this may have on her health.
(1 mark)
(ii) \.rive ONE reason fur your answer in (b) (i) above.
(2 marks)
(c) The tricuspid valve is located between the right atrium and right ventricle of the heart.
A young man with a weak tricuspid valve tires ea~ily.
(1 mark)
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(ii) How does the strucntre of the tricuspid valve ass~s l the valve to function properly?
(1 mark}
(iii) Suggest how a weak tricuspid valve may cause the young man to tire easily.
(2 marks)
TotallO marks
(l mark.)
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(b) Use your knowledge of how the respiratory system works to explain why EACH of the
following person~ may have difficulty in breathing:
(4 marks)
(3 marks)
Total 10 marks
6. Organs like the skin and kidneys play an important role in homeostasis.
(1 mark)
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(b) Control of carbon dioxide in the blood is a negative tcedback mechanism. Explain how
the body controls carbon dioxide levels in the blood through this mechanism.
(2 marks)
(c) Marathon races are becoming very popular in some Caribbean countries. l)uring the
race an athlete lends to drink a lot of water.
(i) Explain how the athlete's body uses water to control body temperature.
(4 marks)
(ii) Why do the kidneys produce less urine. even though the athlete drinks more
- -- -- - - - - -- - - - -·· ·----. -- - - - - - -- -
(3 marks)
TotallO marks
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- 10-
7. (a) Figure 2 shows the reproductive tract of the human female. Identify the parts labelled X
and Y.
X: _____________________________________________________________________
Y: _____________________________________________________________________
(2 marks)
(1 mark )
(c) During a class discussion, students tell their teacher that a female cannot become pregnant
on the first occasion she has sexual intercourse. The teacher informs the students that
they are incorrect.
(i) Starting from the point o f ejaculation, outline the process of fertilization.
(5 marks)
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(ii) Write 0 ::-JE statement which will explain the teacher's claim that a female can
become pregnant on the first occasion she has sexual intercourse.
(2 mark~)
Total JO marks
8. (a) Complete RACH of the following sentences by writing the correct word from the list
provided in brackets.
(b) Anita notices that she ha~ no dimples but her sister, Sunita, has dimples.
Using D to represent the dominant gene for dimples, and d to represent the recessive
gene for no dimples, deduce the genotype for Anita and Sunita.
Genotype of Parents:
Genotype ofF,:
Genotype of Anita:
Genotype of Sunita:
(4 marks)
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(c) Would the genes detennining the presence or absence of dimples also determine the sex
(gender) of an individual? Give ONE reason tor your answer.
(3 marks)
Total 1 0 marks
9. (a) There has been an increase in the number of persons sutfering from tuberculosis, and
this, it is believed, is rcl ated to the A IDS epidemic.
(i) State TWO methods for limiting the spread of AIDS and ONE method for limiting
the spread of tuberculosis.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -······· ··-·-·--·-·
(3 marks)
(3 marks)
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(b) Your village is infested with mosquitoes. Using your knowledge of the life cycle of the
mosquito, outline to the villagers TWO methods they should usc to decrease the number
of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, and explain how these methods would reduce the mosquito
(4 marks)
Total 10 marks
10. As the human population increases, waste disposal becomes more important in maintaining a
healthy environment.
(i) Sewage
(2 marks)
(ii) Diode1,rradable
(J mark)
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(b) Many hotels are built close to the ocean and some of them have faulty sewage treatment
plants. Explain how the dumping of sewage into the ocean atlccts the oxygen coment of
the water, and the food chain.
Oxygen content:
Food chain:
(6 marks)
(c) Give ONE reason why large quantities of disinfectants should NOT be added to sewage
treatment plants.
(I mark)
Total 1 0 marks
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\Vrite your answer on the pages provided at the end of this booklet.
11. (a) List TWO factors that affect the rate of breathing. (2 mnrks)
(b) The air we breath~: in contains 20% oxygen and only 0.04% carbon dioxide. The air we
breathe out contains 16% oxygen and 4% carbon dioxide.
Explain what happens in the lungs to bring about this change in levels of oxygen and
carbon dioxide. Your answer should include:
(c) Your mother awakes one morning with a high fever, severe headaches and sore throat.
She is diagnosed as having the flu.
(iii) Advise your mother on THREE things she should do to relieve the symptoms of
the flu.
(iv) Should you drink from the same glass as your mom? Give ON E reason for your
answer. (8 marks)
Total 20 marks
12. (a) Digestion is the process whereby food is broken down into smaller substances.
a) Hydrochloric ucid
b) Pepsin
c) Renin
(ii) In whi.,;h organ of the body i~ bile produced and what is the fun<.; lion of bile in
digestion? (5 marks)
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(b) Your friend complains that she has not had a bowel movement for a few days. You
susp~cl thal she is constipated. Explain to your friend:
Total 20 marks
13. (a) Students in a class me asked to cmry out an experiment on two solutions to test for the
presenc~ of a food nutrient as shown in Figure 3. They add 2 cm of Benedict's solution
to each test tube and then boil the mixture.
(ii) Test tube 1! gives a positive result. What colour will be observed in Test tube B'/
(iii) Test lub~/1. gives a negative result. What colour will be observed in Test tube A?
(3 marks)
(b) Your middle-aged aunt, who is in excellent health, becomes concemo:J a Her hearing
about the dangers of very high or very low blood sugar levels.
Explain to her how a healthy body maintains its blood sugar levels
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(ii) State TWO symptoms of diabetes mellitus and suggest TWO ways in which the
disease may be managed, (5 marks)
Total 20 marks
14. The supply of clean drinking water to large populations is becoming increasingly difficult and
(a) (i) State TWO ways in which water could be purified at home.
(ii) State THREE ways in which agricultural and industrial activities pollute water.
(5 marks)
(b) (i) Flood waters arc usually contaminated with faec.es. Explain how contaminated
tlood waters may be dangerous to your health. Your answer should include the
causative organism and symptoms for
(ii) For EACH disease named in (b) (i) above, explain the treatment that may be
administered to an infected person. (12 marks)
(c) Large amounts of forest have been destroyed worldwide. Describe THREE ways in
which deforestation impacts on the water cycle . (3 marks)
Total 20 marks