MX3D Bridge

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MX3D Bridge

MX3D is a startup company enstablished 2011. in Amsterdam led by CEO Gijs van der Velden. It
is a spinout company originating from the renowned Joris Laarman Lab. Specialized for
developing groundbreaking robotic additive manufacturing technology with constant strive to
innovate by creating new strategies and software solutions to print a large variety of metal
alloys in virtually any size and shape. Their close collaboration with global industrial partners
(Autodesk, ARUP , Lenovo ,Cambridge Universiry, etc) and their engineers and software experts
made Robotic 3D Metal Printing available to industry.

The company is know for their desire to inovete and explore new approaches which can be seen

(MX3D metal) (MX3D rasin)

MX3D Resin is a method of additive manufacturing. It uses inovative extrusion technology and
super fast curing rasin developed my MX3D team and IAAC, which enabled them to pass the
gravity “barrier” during printing procces. Aim of this reasearch was to ensure flexibility in
creating organic forms by making 3D curves instead of 2D layers.

MX3D Metal is an affordable multiple axis 3D printing tool. It operates by combining industrial
robotic arm, welding machine and developed software to control the mentioned combination.
All tasks are executed by MX3D robot that can print with metals, such as steel, stainless steel,
aluminium, bronze or copper without the need for support-structures. By adding small amounts
of molten metal at a time gives the posibility to print in free form, literarly trought air. This kind
of approach resulted in developing softwares, parameters and printing strategies for different
printing stages that required different settings(vertical ,horisontal, spiral lines, puls time,
orientation, etc..).
The first MX3D piece was a 2 x 4 x 1.5-meter sculpture designed by Joris Laarman, the Dragon
Bench. This proved that it was now possible to 3D print metals on a scale previously unthinkable.

Promissing results , mentioned technologies and creative techniques gave birth to endless
possibilites which eventualy led to idea of large scale functional implementation and creation of
worldy known project MX3D BRIDGE.

MX3D is 3D printing a fully functional stainless steel bridge which will be positioned at one of the
oldest and most famous canals in the center of Amsterdam, the Oudezijds Achterburgwal.
Designed by Joris Laarman Lab, the bridge serves as a metaphor, connecting ancient Amsterdam
to a new era of possibilities.
Eventualy , project offers ulitamate proof that large, beautiful, functional, intelegently designed
structures can be printed in any shape metals.
In the construction process company used variety of techniques and softwares such as:
-Standard Robot + , combined with Standard Welding Machine +
-Speed: 1-3 KG per hour per nozzle
-MX3D’s proprietary custom developed software controling the entire procces

The bridge is 12 meters long and 6 meters wide. The frame of the bridge consists of 8mm thick
tubes. In the handrail, which is part of the construction, two 3 mm plates regularly connect,
creating a strong ‘waffle’ structure. As the two bridge heads are not perfectly aligned, the bridge
curls towards the other side in an S-shape. The force lines created by this shape dominate the
structure, both structurally and visually. Organic form of the bridge derives from structural
examination, site requirements and many factors that will be discussed during project time-line.

The idea and the project were first initiated at the year of 2015 and ever since went through
several phases , trials and errors which gave an incredible insights and knowledge about what it
takes to complete projects this innovative and ambitious.

project time-line
JUNE 2015 – project announcement and colaboration with one the first big partners Autodesk,
- location proposal
- definition of project goals and showcase

DECEMBER 2015 – location set

- new partners supporting project (Plymovent and Oerlikon , ArcelorMittal, ABB
Robotics, Lenovo and Air Liquide)
- location scan and 3d model designed by Leap3D

MAY 2016 - finalised the design

- the initial design concept was focused on a very pure application of topological
optimization; this particular technique was based on Joris Laarman Lab’s
pioneering Bone Furniture collection.
- The software is programmed to reduce the required material to a minimum
when generating the most efficient shape for a specific task – just as a bone will
optimize itself in nature
NOVEMBER 2016 - comlexity of the bridge need to be reduced due to structural requirements
and canal properties.
- ARUP joins team and the company discusS a sheet-construction approach rather
than the previously-attempted one centred around volume optimization. The
benefits of the sheet concept were that it works primarily with compression
forces using stress analysis software to generate force lines through the object.
- A highly detailed 3D scan demonstrated that the bridge heads are not entirely
parallel. As a result of this newfound information, the bridge is designed in an
asymmetrical shape, in-plan. This increases the dynamic shape and allows to
show that used technology is not bound by traditional, symmetrical forms. By
making the entire bridge design parametric, the design adapts automatically
with every design iteration; wich made design changes possible even after
printing starts.
FEBRUARY 2017 - The final design is finished

AUGUST 2017 - After a challenging 18 month-long process of engineering, designing,

re-e ngineering, re-designing, discovering the world behind permits,
safety measures, canal wall renovation, re-designing, programming,
fundraising, test printing, re-designing and re-programming, the actual
printing of the bridge has finally started.
- The first tests with the robot printing in-situ(on site) are being conducted


- The team from The Alan Turing Institute is responsible for designing and
installing a sensor network on the bridge. These sensors will collect structural
measurements such as strain, displacement and vibration, and will measure
environmental factors such as air quality and temperature, enabling engineers
to measure the bridge’s health in real time and monitor how it changes over its
lifespan. This data will also allows to “teach” the bridge to understand what is
happening on it, how many people are crossing it and how quickly.
- The data from the sensors will be input into a ‘digital twin’ of the bridge, a living
computer model that will reflect the physical bridge with growing accuracy in
real time as the data comes in. The performance and behaviour of the physical
bridge can be tested against its digital twin, which will provide valuable insights
to inform designs for future 3D printed metallic structures. It will also enable the
current 3D bridge to be modified to suit any required changes in use, ensuring it
is safe for pedestrians under all conditions.
Examining the MX3D project both through its life span and technologies requirements we can
conclude that we are at the very beginning of understanding and exploring the possibilities of
digital fabricated structures. Being the very first project that has the functional,urban and social
aspect in real world, makes it enormously valuable proof that 3D printing technologies can be
and will be part of architectural design both in micro and macro architecture. It is inevitable that
the mindset, drive and results behind this project will and is reshaping the way architecture is
evolving and progressing.

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